Motherless Vintage
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I always sleep on my own side of the bed, even when Mike isn’t here. I never use his pillow, either.
For as far back as I can remember, Mike and I have shared the same bed. Mom pushed the bed against the corner of the room, and I sleep on the outside, so he won’t fall out of bed. She didn’t need to, because Mike never moves a muscle in bed. Sometimes, I wake up in the night and see Mike staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open and lying in the same position that he fell asleep.
I remember how strange it was to sleep alone for the first time. I wasn’t scared to sleep alone. In fact, now that Mike isn’t here, I don’t have to save him from the pile of toys that turns into a monster when Mom turns out the light. Mike knew that the monster was just a pretend game that we played, but he still acted like he was really scared.
When you get older, it’s important to have your own room, or at least your own bed. For one thing, it means that you can have a friend over to spend the night. I’ve had lots of friends sleep over since Mike went to stay at Fairview.
My mom and dad talked a lot about Fairview before they took Mike there to stay. Mike doesn’t live at Fairview, but now he stays there. Home is where you live and not where you stay. Even though Mike only lives at home on every other weekend, this is still his home.
Dad said, ‘We’re lucky that Fairview excepted him, because they have lots of doctors and nurses and they have lots of things for him to do with people like him.’
When they first took Mike to stay at Fairview, Dad said that the main reason was because Mike wasn’t getting any smaller and Mom wasn’t getting any younger. He said that it would take a huge load off my mom, who still had to take care of my little sisters. Kim and Kelly are twins and five years younger than me. My oldest sister, Jackie, is married now and can’t help my mom anymore. Terry and Cathy, my older sisters, are going through their teens. Cathy’s teens have been a little harder on everybody than Terry’s, but that’s a whole other story.
The first time Mike came home from Fairview was really hard on everybody. One of the rules for new patients is to have no visitors or phone calls for a month. They said it was to help him adjust to his new ‘environment.’ I had to look it up in the dictionary. It said that environment was ‘the circumstances, objects or conditions by which one is surrounded.’ That sounds to me like it could mean anywhere you are, like home or school or even jail.
Now, everyone keeps saying how well Mike is adjusting to his new environment. I’m not so sure about that. If last Sunday was an example of Mike’s adjustment, I don’t think it’s going well at all-not one little bit.
Practically the whole neighborhood was gathered outside our house when Mom drove up with Mike. I can’t remember ever seeing him as happy as he was when my mom and I helped him into his wheelchair. His big blue eyes were shining, his smile as broad as can be as he called everyone by name and announced that he was home. Ross and WeEtta, John and Bernice Hurt and everyone said their hellos and told him how glad they were to see him.
My dad asked him if he’d given him his allowance lately. Mike was shy and embarrassed when he told Dad that he hadn’t. Dad reached into his pocket, pulled out a handful of change and gave it to him. Of course, Mike’s little fingers don’t close enough to hold it all, so Dad told me to hold it for him, then Dad told me to take him to the store. Before we left, my dad turned to me.
‘Don’t forget, Pat, that’s Mike’s money, so make sure that he spends it, not you.’ Then, he said that he was just kidding and offered the men a beer. They were talking about his new car as I pushed Mike down the street to the liquor store.
I don’t mind pushing Mike to the store, but I hate it when we get there. He never tells me what he wants to buy, so I have to keep asking him, ‘Do you want a Snickers, Mike? You’ve got enough money to get a Snickers and a Milky Way.’ Dad always gives him enough money to buy anything he wanted, but he never seems to care about buying anything, so I always end up spending his money for him.
My dad never understood that the sixty seconds of attention that he gave him was worth more to Mike than all the nickels and dimes in the world.
The only time he would ever say anything in the store was when Doc was working. Doc was a real nice man who never got mad when kids would hold up candy and ask him, ‘How much is this?’
He was called Doc because his last name was Dockamus. Everyone liked him because he was nice to everyone, but he was especially nice to Mike. He never bought him candy like some of the other men do, he just talked to him and he always remembered Mike’s name. Nobody could remember the names of every kid who came to spend their allowance, but he always knew Mike’s.
One time, just before Easter, Doc asked Mike if he was making Easter eggs. ‘Would you bring an egg in for me?’ he asked. Mike asked him what color he wanted and Doc said green. I knew that Doc was only kidding Mike, but when we got home, I told Mom about Doc and his green egg, so we decided to make him one. We even helped Mike write ‘To Doc’ on it. Then, we put plastic grass into a strawberry box for the egg. We took it down to the liquor store, and gave it to him.
Well, Doc was so surprised that he tried to give us some candy for free, but we told him no thanks, we’d promised to give him an egg for Easter and so we did. I’ve never seen a man so happy to receive something so simple as an Easter egg.
That was the last time we ever got to see him, because early one morning, Doc was at the liquor store by himself and a man shot him and killed him.
* * * * * * * * * *
Anyway, we spent Mike’s allowance on candy and started for home. I hated to use Mike’s money, but I used twenty cents to buy two cokes at The Pink Spot so we could spend a little time with each other. Sometimes, it’s hard to think of things to do, I think it’s because we’re bigger, now.
If he’s asked me once, he’s asked me a hundred times why The Pink Spot has arches like McDonald’s. I tell him for the hundredth time that it used to be a McDonald’s, but now it’s called The Pink Spot. ‘That’s why the arches are pink instead of gold.’
Twice a year, The Pink Spot has a new owner. They always have the same Grand Opening Special-a hamburger for only a dime. Everyone in West Fullerton comes out for the ten-cent burger. There’s always a long line, because the new owners can’t make them fast enough. But when the special ends, the burgers cost twenty-three cents again. The only people that buy them are the two ambulance drivers with the hair that looks like Elvis Presley. The owners go out of business and someone else takes over. Then, we all eat ten-cent burgers again.
The Armstrong Nursery is the last store where the parking lot ends and the big vacant lot begins. For the hundredth time, Mike asks me where they keep the babies and for the hundredth time, I tell him that it’s not that kind of nursery.
‘They don’t keep babies here, Mike, they sell plants.’
‘Like Dad’s roses?’ he always asks.
‘Yeah, Mike, just like Dad’s roses.’
Once, I took him through the nursery, so he could see that there weren’t any babies, but he still asks me every time where the babies are.
We get about halfway from the nursery to the traffic light when I stop pushing Mike’s wheelchair. I show him the spot where the weeds have been cleared and the dirt is leveled and packed down right up to the sidewalk.
‘Hey Mike, do you know what this patch of dirt is for?’
Mike just sits there with his head down. He’s waiting for me to tell him, but I decide to make him work for the answer.
‘What do they always put here at the beginning of every summer?’
Mike sits and waits for me to tell him.
‘What comes after the third of July?’
All of a sudden, he looks back at me with the kind of smile that only my brother can and says:
‘The Fourth of July?’
‘That’s right, so what do you think they’re going to put right here?’
‘A fireworks stand?’
I put my hands on his shoulders and say, ‘That’s right, a fireworks stand! They’ll have Roman candles and fountains and sparklers and pinwheels!
Mike is beaming, now. He says: Remember the time the pinwheel came off the ladder?
I laughed and said, ‘Don’t they always fly off the ladder? Either that or they don’t spin at all. Then, everyone laughs at Dad!’
‘And Pat, will they have ole Smoky Joe?’
‘Well, that depends, if it’s a Red Devil stand, they’ll have good ole Smoky Joe, for sure. But if it’s a Freedom fireworks stand, they’ll have Smoky Pete. Would you mind if we have to get ole Smoky Pete instead?’
Mike smiles and scrunches up his shoulders like he does when he hears some really good news and says:
‘I like good ole Smoky Pete, too!’
‘Me too, Mike. They both have those cigars that make everything all smoky. Mom hates both of them, doesn’t she?’
Mike giggles and I do an impression of Mom.
‘Land sakes, Jack Messick! Why did you have to light that nasty old thing? It smells horrible!’
Mike giggles as I push him all the way down to the stoplight. I don’t have to tell him to press the button to change the light to green. I always tell him that he has to hold the button down for ten seconds or it won’t work. I figure that it’s good for him, because the button isn’t easy to hold down and he can practice counting to ten. He doesn’t know that all you have to do is touch the button and the light will change in twenty seconds.
But the best part is crossing the street. Even though the light is green, Mike always holds out his arms like he’s the one that’s stopping the cars. It always makes me laugh, but he can’t see me and I don’t laugh out loud because I know that he takes his job very seriously. Once we reach the other side of the crosswalk, I turn him around so he can let the waiting cars go again.
* * * * * * * * * *
When we got back to the house, we could see Dad and some of the other neighborhood dads sitting around on the front porch. This is usually a good thing, because they let me sit and listen to them talk. I don’t really understand most of the stuff they talk about, but I’m not stupid. I know that they tell dirty jokes when Dad sends me into the house to bring someone another beer.
I like Ross Corey and John Hurt a lot. John Hurt is a tall man with silver hair and a red pickup truck that is exactly as old as me. He’s a plumber who’s just waiting for his retirement so he can move back to Kentucky and buy a farm. Bernice Hurt is very nice, too. She makes me laugh because she’s the only one that ever calls me ‘Patrick Gordon.’
I like Augie Clays, too. He’s a truck driver. One time, he let me and Susan Clays ride with him. It took all day and it was really neat to ride in that big sand and gravel truck clear out to the desert. We stopped at Irene’s Coffee Shop for breakfast. Irene’s was all by itself in the middle of nowhere! I liked Irene so much that Augie stopped there again on the way back. Irene’s lemon pie wasn’t as good as my mom’s, but she was so nice that I told her it was wonderful.
Dad and the men were still gathered around our front porch when I pushed Mike up the driveway. Don Waltz lives next door to the Clays.’ We don’t see him very often, but it always means trouble for me. I’m not saying that he’s not a nice person or anything. It just seems like he’s mad about something all the time. It’s bad enough that he drinks a lot more beer than the other dads, but today, he was drinking a high ball with my dad.
I don’t know why Dad offers him a high ball when he comes to our house. Everyone knows that my dad likes bourbon better than beer. I’ve never seen my dad get drunk-not ever, but I think he likes to get other people drunk.
Anyway, it’s always trouble for me. Don always has something he wants to teach me, something he thinks I really ought to knowDad always let’s him talk to me until I hear those birds fluttering inside my head and making it so I can’t see right. The thing that scared me the most was the idea that my dad was letting Don do this to me on purpose. I wondered if he knew how it feels when the bird wings (I just call it that because I can’t describe the sound) and how it makes it hard to see.)
They stop talking and say hello to Mike. Mike raises both arms up in the air, like he always does and says, ‘I’m back! I’m back from the liquor store!’
‘What did you bring me?’ Augie asks. Mike doesn’t know how to answer that kind of question, so he waits for another.
‘Did you bring us any Beer Nuts, Mike?’
‘I doubt it. I don’t think his brother likes Beer Nuts, do you, Pat?’
Before I can answer my dad, Don Waltz says to me, ‘What team are you playing on this year, Pat?’
‘Pat doesn’t play baseball anymore,’ Dad says. ‘He’d rather watch TV and eat his brother’s candy.’ He turns to me and says, ‘Make sure that Mike gets some, too.’
Then, Dad pats me on the head and tells me that he’s just tormenting me, but it makes me mad that that he would accuse me of taking Mike’s candy, even though Mike doesn’t even want it. I start to say so, but Ross crunches his beer can and says, ‘Hey Jack, how about another round?’
My Dad doesn’t even look at me when he tells me to get Ross another beer.
‘Hey Don, you look dry over there. Are you ready for another? Pat, take Don’s glass with you and bring him another high ball.’
When I come back with a beer for Ross and another drink for Don, I see that they’re all talking to Mike about the barbecue that we’re going to have.
‘Your dad says he’s cooking ribs tomorrow. Do you like ribs, Mike?’ Augie asks. Mike smiles and says yes.
‘And baked beans and potato salad?’
‘Yeah!’ Mike giggles and scrunches up his shoulders.
Just as I’m about to hand the beer to Ross and the drink to Don, Don Waltz asks Mike, ‘Mike, what time do you have to go back to…’
Don never finished his sentence, because Ross stood up and accidentally knocked the beer and the highball out of my hands. The glass broke and the beer and the bourbon flew everywhere.
Of course, my dad started to blame me, but Ross says, ‘Jack, that was my fault. You know how I get after two beers.’ His little joke made my dad forget he was mad at me.
Then Ross says to Don, ‘Come on, I need to get that post digger from you, anyway.’
They all thanked my dad for the beers and left me to clean up the broken glass. Ross Corey put his hand on my shoulder and said to Don, ‘I’ll meet you in your garage in a minute, Don. I’ll take Pat and get him some gloves so he can pick up that glass without cutting himself.’
So I walked across the street with Ross and waited while he fished a pair of gloves out of a cupboard in his garage. As he handed them to me, he said, ‘Make sure you check those for spiders before you put them on.’
I told him thanks and start back across the street. I was just about at the end of his driveway. I gave the gloves a good shake and stared in surprise as two quarters fell out of one of the gloves and rolled into the gutter.
Ross likes to play tricks, so I turned back to look at Ross to see if he had that little smile on his face, but his garage door was closed. I looked up and saw WeEtta Corey. She was standing behind her crystal clean window. When she saw me, she smiled and waved.
WeEtta doesn’t hide behind her curtains like Bernice Hurt. She just stands there and watches everything. She always looks so happy and peaceful, looking out of her living room window, smiling and waving at anyone she sees.
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Hello guys Hope everyone doing great and enjoy my true story Sorry again guys not very good English so grammar its not theirWe all enjoy our Sunday especially now it’s NFL Playoff guys into games so am I I just buy new big screen TV and love watching games at my on place.As I woke up on Sunday late morning around 11:30 am still im in my sweet bouquet layered baby doll (nitie) making coffee and doing dishes get my coffee sit on couch watching TV my cell phone ring one of good all Spanish she...
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Hypothermiaby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.****************I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it...
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It’s another cold dreary day, the kind that begs one to stay indoors. The windows are frosted …the land is white. Its Sunday…and there is no place that one must be. ‘What to do?’ …The eternal Sunday kind of question. As we wake slowly snuggled under the blankets my eyes are drawn to the muted morning light that streams through the window. The snow is falling in those big beautiful flakes that seem to make the world that much more beautiful. The wind seems to swirl them crazily around the window...
On Saturday morning, fifty-something Trevor Neil had awoken with his own hand on his erect penis but on Sunday morning he was awaking with his nineteen-year-old neighbour Kelly Simpson's hand on his erect penis. They were in Kelly's bed having spent the night there after spending most of Saturday together.Things had happened rapidly since a barbecue the previous Sunday hosted by Kelly's parents, Fiona and Chris, at which next-door neighbour Trevor had been a guest. Despite the fact that the...
MatureIn which a routine marriage is revived by the vagrancies of the weather and the attentions of a good neighbour. That fateful Sunday started off with the same old routine. We’d been married for just three years, Michelle and I, but that was enough for us to settle into that comfortable routine. Work was routine, play was routine, life was routine. Worst of all our sex life was routine. So, following the old Sunday morning routine, I pecked my wife’s cheek and drove...
Alex I stood before the mirror and admired the view. Me, dressed. Gray suit, white shirt, blue tie, black shoes. Hair combed, my St. Andrew medal visible - I even found the cufflinks Great Aunt Claudia gave me for Christmas a couple years ago. I looked sharp. I looked good anyway, but when I dressed for it, I looked damn good. Mom tapped on my door, "Sweetheart, come on, we're going to be - oh, my!" She stopped and admired the view. "We're going all out this Sunday, aren't we?" "It...
Sunday is normally our recoup day. Andrea always has a date on Saturday night so Sundays her pussy is sore and is off limits to me and since I spend all Saturday in chastity I'm always horny. In the pasted she would take my chastity cage off and have me jerk off while she describes her date but last Sunday she had a different idea. This Sunday as always I woke before her and started coffee and got breakfast going and waited for Andrea to wake up and unlock me. She came in the kitchen wearing...
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...
IncestSundayIt was late when we woke on Sunday. Sun flooded into the room as I pulled back the curtains.Chantel was staring at me, resting her head on her hand.“Good morning baby. Well after all that exertion, we need some R and R. I know just the place. The beach,” she enthused.We showered, and I went to put my costume on under my clothes, I always hated changing on the beach.“No panties… remember?” she stated.“But it’s a costume…” I replied.“No panties… I want access to you at all times.”I relented...
MatureThey finally go to sleep that night, holding each other as now is their habit. Both find having Abbie snuggled up against Tim’s chest and stomach, his cock just against her crack is their favorite way to sleep.Sunday sun rises and they stir from sleep. While Abbie has the question on the tip of her tongue all last night, she held back from asking it. But now, as they lie together arm in arm adjusting to the new day, she asks Tim in a small voice, “Do you have things you have to do today?”Tim...
TransThis is a very short story inspired by a Keith Urban song. It’s not an ‘Ice’ story but I hope you like it anyway. Take care and happy reading! M. ,) ******** He was the first one to wake up on Sunday morning. I felt the bed move and bounce as he got up but didn’t wake up enough to really register it. I stayed in that lovely fog of half-sleep, half-dreaming where I was spending money in a Coach store like I’d just won the lottery. I didn’t hear or feel Christian get back into bed but when he...
I sat daydreaming looking at my wife dressed in a short skirt and blackheels with sheer nude hose. Hanes silk reflections barely there! She always dressed so nice for Thanksgiving. Listening to a relative drone on about his doings I thought back to last Sunday morning. I had just come back from taking the kids to Sunday school, she was dressed and ironing her clothes for the upcoming work week. She came around the corner in a sexy black skirt and matching heels with Hanes silk reflections...
FetishIt was the week before the Super Bowl, Eagles vs. Patriots when I mentioned to my wife that I would be having a friend, Mike, over to watch the game on Sunday. He was passing thru and wanted to get caught up before getting back on the road. He would be able to watch the game then he was going to drive a few hours before stopping for the night. We hadn’t seen each other for a several years since he moved off, but we had been staying in touch. I asked my wife to set up something so that his short...
so sitting here on a slow sunday bored and thinking of a good time i had with the girl i mentioned in the previous story.she has hounded us to go out the house on a slow sunday ...bored we had gone into town for something to do! we went shopping (not my fave). after suffering being dragged round a few hours i suggested we have a cheeky drink in the pub. she agreed. late afternoon drinks are always the best. we hit up the pub having just a few drinks but this led to a few more and this more...
After designing a web site for a new and local Chinese massage therapy shop I worked out a deal with the gal that instead of her paying monthly hosting fees and maintenance she would give me a massage every Sunday morning at 10 AM. She jumped on that idea without a second thought. Later on I did a little math and she would have been better off paying me! Four massages a month is $240. The maintenance and hosting fees would have only been $55 per month. But I guess she liked the idea of using...
It all started one Sunday. The three of us sat in the living room watching the game. Myself, my roommate James, and hid buddy, Mark. James was sitting in his chair in the corner, his little personal space as he called it and I was on the couch with Mark. James got up and asked us if we wanted more beers and Mark nodded. When James left, I was caught up watching the replay of what happened in another game when I felt a hand slide down my leg. I looked at the hand and then followed it back...
Hello friends jaisa ki aap sab jante he ki ye meri doosri story he fir bhi me aapko mere bare me fir se batana chahta hu mera naam hemang he aur me Gujarat ke junagadh city me rehta hu aur mere land ki size he 6 ki Meri ye kahani abhi 1 hafte pehle ki he jab Sunday ki sham thi aur me apne group k shath houseful movie dekhne gaye the mera email id he agar koi aurat,bhabhi yaa girl mujhse contact karna chahti ho to mujhe upar diye gaye email id pe contact kare.. Me aapke jyada bor nahi karunga...
Sunday, Sunday. After the pain had slightly subsided, I began to enjoy the feeling of him taking me. We had struggled for over a month to get to this point of no return, each evening we would lay together and try. For me, the pain was always too much to bear, but mostly I was scared of letting myself be hurt. Over the weeks we had tried quite a few techniques to eventually get to this point, one was him spitting onto his fingers and slowly rubbing his it against my hole, fingering me...
Copyright © 1994 By Roxanne L. Green I grew up with Ray, but he'd gone to a private school so I didn't know him very well. That was a situation I'd recently resolved to change, but hadn't had much success. I was surprised when he invited me to a Sunday bar-b-que and football watching party. I quickly accepted his invitation. We were to gather around 10 am, for the first game. The bar-b-que would be during half-time of the early game. Then we'd all sit around and talk and snack...
Alan awoke Sunday morning and immediately decided that all he wanted to do was go back to sleep. The Plummer family didn't always go to church, at least not all of them together, but at dinner the night before Susan had mentioned that she wanted them to go this week. He hit the snooze button on his alarm clock once, and then did it again. As he lay half asleep and contemplated snoozing for a third time, Susan came in dressed in her church clothes. "Wake up, sleepyhead," she said in a...
This is going back a few years to when I was in my early 20's. Working as a steel fabricator. My day at work was drawing to an end. It had been a very long week, 55hours of hard labour complete. At 3.30, I clocked out. Turning the key in the ignition was such a relief, it was a bank holiday weekend, and I was looking forward to 3 days of much needed R&R. On the way I remembered that it was my mothers birthday, she was turning 40, and my sister had organised a surprise party for her at the...
The Fairy Godmother Returns By Morpheus I let out a long sigh took a look back towards my school as I left for the day. However, it wasn't the school itself that I was staring at, but a hot girl who was leaving at the same time... in nearly the opposite direction. Sheila Case wasn't exactly the hottest girl in school, but she was definitely within the top five. Personally however, out of all of the girls in the school she was at the very top of my list. She was the girl that I...
A Godmother and the fairy princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Mom, what are you going to be this year, for the party I mean?" "I was thinking that I would go as the fairy godmother, why?" "I can't think of anything." "I knew it would come to this! You always wait so long to decide!" "Yeah, but..." "And, since I figured you would do this, I decided to be prepared this year! I already have your costume!" "You do? That's great mom! What is it going...
A Godmother and the fairy princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Mom, what are you going to be this year, for the party I mean?" "I was thinking that I would go as the fairy godmother, why?" "I can't think of anything." "I knew it would come to this! You always wait so long to decide!" "Yeah, but..." "And, since I figured you would do this, I decided to be prepared this year! I already have your costume!" "You do? That's great mom! What is it going to be...
Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...
Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. **************** I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it did the experience...
(Note, translated from the German, original blog by tanjamami.)Again and again I had heard and read about how great Black men were in bed and that a white woman who has had a black, will never want a white man anymore. I could not quite imagine this. I felt as if I was alone in the big city eager to find out where to find a black man, with whom I can go to bed. I was eager to learn - the only thing missing was the man.One day I met a pitch-black African at a party. I had been invited by the...
Gretchen frowned at the paper panties that Lula, the waxing technician,had given her. She quickly decided that Sue’s recommendation to just skip wearing panties and go bare during her waxing was the best option. Thankfully, Lula had also given her that option without Gretchen having to ask. Following Lula’s instructions, Gretchen removed her shoes, jeans, and panties and left on her top. She sat down on the end of what looked like a massage table and draped the sheet that Lula had provided over...
Group SexIntroduction ?Brotherhood of speed? ? What in the hell did TK mean when he said that? Mike Conway was confused. He scratched his head and took a seat in the driver’s meeting room. ?Brotherhood of Speed??Mike asked himself out loud again. ?Has TK told you?? Scott Dixon asked from behind him. ?Sort of?he mentioned it?? ?Didn’t explain it though?? Mike shook his head and turned to face Scott. ?What is it?? Scott leaned in closer....
Brian wasn't next to me when I woke up Sunday morning. I could just barely hear his voice. " ... because I don't want to wake her. Because I want to be here when she wakes up. Look ... look ... Mom! Can we talk later? I won't. I promise, I won't. I'll see you there. I promise. Yes, Mom. Yeah, you too." I tried not to open my eyes visibly to see where he was but he wasn't on the side of the room I could see without moving. I heard the phone click shut and shut my eyes tightly. I heard...