Art in the Back Seat My Very First Handjob
- 3 years ago
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Introduction: This story is all about the second dirty little secret that I confessed to my live-in boyfriend, who would later become my husband. This confession turned out being my way of finally coming clean with the love of my life, and admitting to him that I really wasnt the naive, innocent young lady that I had always represented myself as being, ever since we had first met and started dating. * * * * *
The first dirty little secret that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not his real name), was a real doozie! It was about how I had lost my virginity in a very unique way, back when I was a young lady. It happened on a hot and sunny summer Sunday afternoon, when I was unexpectedly cornered in a small bathroom at a middle-aged Hispanic friends equally-small house, and then sexually molested–and ultimately raped–by her teenage son, Freddy, who was so dark-skinned that he looked more like a black guy, than a Chicano.
And I didnt try to run away from Freddy, or scream for help, or fight him in any way. Instead, I ended up cooperating with him throughout our entire sexual encounter, which lasted about 15 to 20 minutes or so. And by the time that Freddy finally left the bathroom that day, I had several strong orgasms under my belt and a sopping-wet pussy to show for it, along with a whole wad of Freddys freshly-ejaculated sperm deep inside of my totally-unprotected, previously-virgin vagina. And no. Freddy didnt get me pregnant that day–thank God!
My sharing of that extremely-intimate, long-kept secret with my better half only served to strengthen our bond, and to pull us even closer together than we already had been, up to that point in time. Ray totally accepted me and my unique sexuality. And I totally accepted him and his sexuality too.
After my confession about Freddy, Ray gradually opened up even more to me, as he eventually went on to confess several more of his own dirty little secrets to me. All I can say is that there sure were a lot of them. And the more I learned about Rays unique sexual experiences during his younger years, the more I was amazed and intrigued by his totally-open and candid sexual attitude.
Then one day, Ray and I were lying naked in bed together, talking and fondling each others genitals, as we were getting in the mood to have sex. And I decided that it was finally time for me to share my second dirty little secret with Ray.
So, as I was slowly and playfully pulling his foreskin up and down the shaft of his not-yet-erect penis, I said to him, Remember when I told you all about Freddy, and you told me that it really turned you on to find out that I had actually had another guys dick and sperm inside my pussy?
And the ensuing conversation that took place between us went something like this:
Yeah, of course I do, Ray answered me, just lying there on his back at this point, and enjoying my manipulation of his slowly-stiffening penis.
Well, would it also turn you on if you found out that youre not the first guy that I ever jacked off? I asked, waiting to see what Rays reaction would be.
Youre kidding me, right? Ray said.
No, Im not kidding. I really did jack off another guy. It happened right before I met you. So does it turn you on to know that?
Oh hell yes! God, youre just full of surprises, arent you? Ray commented.
Hey! Look whos talking, I replied defensively, and then immediately let go of Rays dick, to help make my point. How many bombshells have you dropped on me recently? I wasnt exactly expecting you to tell me that you had an on-going secret sexual relationship with another boy back in high school, you know?
No, you werent, were you? So are you trying to get even with me for that one? Ray asked.
You bet I am! I emphatically stated, meaning every word of it.
So then you actually jacked another guy off, before you ever met me? Ray asked, still not quite believing what I had just told him.
Yep, I calmly replied, nodding my head a couple of times.
Wow! Were you dating this other guy at the time?
Yes, of course I was.
Did you let this other guy play with your pussy too? Ray asked, as he was reaching across into my crotch to start fingering my crack and my clit.
Yeah. I did, I answered, realizing that I had hit on something that really turned Ray on, because his dick was now at full-attention, and I hadnt even touched it since I let go of it earlier.
You do mean your bare pussy, right? Ray immediately asked, obviously still trying to wrap his head around what I was telling him.
Yes. But he was the only other guy that ever touched or played with my bare pussy, besides you.
What about Freddy? Doesnt he count? Ray asked, catching me totally off-guard.
Of course he does, I eventually answered, after an awkward moment of silence, and then quickly added in my own defense, But that was totally different. Freddy wasnt my boyfriend. And I didnt jack him off.
Sure you did. You just didnt do it with your hands. Thats all, Ray remarked sarcastically.
Shame on you! Youre so bad! I said, and then reached across to give Ray a soft-but-quick slap on the shoulder with my open hand.
Yeah, but that just makes me more lovable, right? Ray said, with a big forced fake-looking smile on his face, and then asked me, So who was this ex-boyfriend that you jacked off? Do I know him?
I slowly nodded my head in response to Rays last question. And after hesitating for a few more awkward, silent moments in order to try to figure out the best way for me to break this latest piece of news to Ray, I said, Well, you know that I dated Art for a long time, right before I met you–
Oh my God! Arts the guy you jacked off! Ray blurted out. He seemed like real jerk to me!
Ray knew Art pretty well, because Art was a member of the same college fraternity that Ray had pledged during his first semester at the university, where we were all students together. And Art had pretty much acted as if Ray didnt even exist, whenever the two of them were in the same room together. But that was primarily because Art still had feelings for me. And he was very jealous of Ray, because I was dating him, instead of Art. By the way, Arts legal name was Arturo.
He is. And he was! I quickly agreed with Ray. But unfortunately, it took me quite a while to figure that out. And since my mother really liked Art a lot, I tried my best to get things to work out between us. I mean, Art was that light-skinned, upper class Hispanic guy that my mom had always wanted me to have as a boyfriend.
So then, unlike Freddy, Art had that light-skinned kind of dick that really turns you on, right?
Oh yeah, I said very softly, but not because I was answering Rays question. Instead, it was because I was automatically vocalizing in response to my own mild orgasmic sensations, thanks to Rays adept fingering of my clit and my pussy crack, which had just broken the ice for me enough to give me my very first orgasm of this particular sexual encounter.
Thats what I thought, Ray replied, without missing a beat.
Okay, okay, youre right. I admit it. Arts dick did turn me on much more than Freddys did. But not nearly as much as yours does, I added truthfully–right after I had just finished lying to Ray about Arts dick turning me on more than Freddys did.
I reached over to gently squeeze the firm-but-spongy head of Rays dick between my fingertips a few times. And then I started fondling his sexy balls. And I kept on playing with Rays balls, and he kept on playing with my pussy, while I went on to tell him my story about Art.
Anyway, Art and I were going steady, and we had dated for nearly a year. And naturally, we got more and more intimate with each other as the months went by, just like you and I did, back when we were dating.
Then one night, Art and I finally ended up masturbating each other. It happened in the back seat of his car.
Was Arts dick bigger than mine? Ray asked.
Oh, come on! Is that all you guys ever think about?
Yes. That is all we guys ever think about, Ray said, very sarcastically, and then unexpectedly added, Well, was it?
Was it what? I automatically asked back, without even thinking.
Was Arts dick bigger than mine? Ray impatiently demanded.
No, it wasnt, I honestly replied.
Well, how big was it, then?
I dont know, Ray. I didnt measure it that night. But I can tell you that Arts dick was quite a bit shorter than yours. My best guess is that it must have been about 5 inches long. Now do you feel better?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Was Arts dick circumcised? Ray asked. I only ask, because I know you prefer em that way.
Yes, it was, as…a…matter…of…fact, I replied, intentionally slowing way down, and over-emphasizing that matter of fact phrase, as I was sarcastically imitating Rays response. So what else do you wanna know, before I go on with my story? I asked, trying my best to be even more sarcastic with Ray.
Did you play with Arts balls that night?
What do you think? I smartly quipped back.
Judging from what you do to me all the time, I think you spent more time playing with Arts balls than you did playing with his dick, Ray said.
Of course I did. And since Im being totally honest with you right now, theres something else you should know. When I was touching and feeling out Arts balls for that very first time ever, it turned me on so much, that it actually made me cum, I said to Ray, ironically, just moments before hitting my next orgasmic peak, and closing my eyes for a little while, as I rode out my slightly-stronger-than-mild, second orgasm.
Thats it, babe, Ray cheered me on, Let it all out. I love it when you get nice and wet for me. And thats when I felt one of Rays fingers slide up into my slick vagina.
Once I opened my eyes back up again, and looked at Ray (which of course, let him know that my second orgasm was over with), he asked me, So how did it all happen? And I want you to tell me every juicy detail about that night with Art. And dont leave anything out. Okay?
Sure. Buy please try not to interrupt me until Im finished telling you what happened between Art and me that night. Okay?
Well, when I was dating Art, I almost always wore miniskirts and pantyhose, just like I did when I was dating you.
And Art and I always ended our dates by going somewhere secluded to make out for a while. It was always in the back seat of his car. And of course, we always did lots of French-kissing and body-groping.
Eventually, Art would work his hand up under my blouse, take my bra off and start feeling out my breasts, which really didnt do much for me in a sexual way, as you well know. But Art was definitely a breast man. And so he spent a lot of time playing with my breasts.
And as Art and I kept making out at the end of our dates, we both got more comfortable with each other, and things would go just a little bit farther each time. Eventually, we got to the point where I would just reach up under my own blouse and take off my bra for Art, once we had gotten into back seat together, and started French-kissing each other.
And of course, Art would then reach up under my blouse and start feeling out by boobs. And by this point in our relationship, Art would also lift up my blouse, so that he could lick my breasts and suck on my nipples. That always seemed to really get him excited.
Anyway, many months into our relationship, I started to realize that Art really wasnt the good, upstanding person that he pretended to be. He was actually a super-macho kind of guy, and he would get mad pretty easily, when something didnt go his way. And of course, Art and I started arguing more and more, the longer that we were together as a couple.
But I kept on making out with him at the end of our dates, because I knew that Art expected me to put out for him, in exchange for all the money that he was spending on me during our dates. And believe it or not, that was just fine with me, because Art took me out to some really nice places, and spent quite a bit of money on me. And so to me, my letting Art play with my breasts and suck on them for a little while in the back seat of a car seemed like a small price to pay for being wined and dined like that.
Then one night, just a few weeks before I met you, Art and I were making out. And while he was kissing me, he had one hand up under my blouse, playing with my breasts. And I felt him place his other hand on top of my knee.
Up until that night, Art and I had always kept our body-groping confined to each others upper bodies. But when I felt his hand massaging my thigh, just above the knee, I knew that Art was wanting for us to take things much farther that night than we ever had before.
And sure enough, I felt his hand slowly moving up my thigh, until it eventually ended up on my crotch. And then Art began gently feeling out my pussy through my sheer pantyhose. And of course, just like all the other girls I knew, I never wore panties under my pantyhose. I mean, thats why theyre called pantyhose. Right? I said, intentionally overemphasizing the word panty, in the process.
Right, Ray quickly agreed, nodding his head.
At first, I was shocked! I couldnt believe what Art was doing. This definitely wasnt the Art that I knew. During the months and months that we had made out with each other at the end of our dates together, Art had never massaged my legs before, much less placed his hand up under my miniskirt, and directly onto my crotch.
But this was a very different Art tonight. He was being much more aggressive. And I didnt try to stop him, either. As he kept feeling out my pussy, it felt really good to me. And so I spread my legs apart for him.
And while Art was French-kissing me and feeling out my pussy, he stopped just long enough to grab my hand, and pull it over into his crotch, and place it right on top of his bulge.
And I instantly knew that Art wanted me to start feeling out his hard-on. And so I did. I had never done that to a guy before, while I was out on a date. And I could feel my pussy quickly getting a lot wetter inside my pantyhose.
Well, that night, my pantyhose just happened to have a run on the inside of my left thigh. I guess I must have snagged them on something, earlier in the evening. And there was this little hole at the very top of the run, pretty close to my crotch, and–
Oh, no. He didnt! Ray blurted out, unintentionally interrupting me, like he said he wouldnt do.
Oh yes, he did! Art worked his fingers up inside of that small hole in my pantyhose. And then he stretched and tore that little hole wide-open with his fingers. Then he yanked my pantyhose crotch over to one side, so that he could get to my pussy through the large hole that he had made.
God, that really pissed me off when he did that! The funny thing is, I wasnt mad at Art for exposing my pussy. I was pissed off at him for ruining my pantyhose, which were pretty expensive, even way back then. Especially when you consider that pantyhose just didnt last that long, to begin with. And the truth is, I was already so turned-on that night, that I would have gladly pulled my pantyhose down around my ankles and let Art have total access to my pussy, if he would have just given me the chance to do so.
But my anger didnt last very long. And that was because Art quickly dug his fingers into my crack, and started feeling out my clit and my inner pussy lips. The only other guy who had ever done that to me was Freddy. And just like with Freddy, I was enjoying the hell out of what Art was doing to my pussy with his fingers, in spite of the fact that he was handling my pussy in a fairly rough manner.
Then after a few minutes, Art stopped playing with my pussy. He unbuckled his belt, undid the top button of his pants, pulled his zipper all the way down, and then pulled his pants and his tighty whities down around his thighs, so that I finally got the chance to actually see what his package looked like.
And of course, Art had a full blown hard-on. And it just looked so sexy, sticking straight up out of his lap. After exposing himself, he immediately went back to playing with my pussy.
And I knew exactly why Art had exposed his dick and balls to me like that. So I reached over and began squeezing his dick and playing with it.
And while I was playing with his dick and balls, Art was busy feeling out my pussy for the first time ever. God, all I can say is that Art and I were both super turned-on that night! I mean, how could we not be? At any rate, one thing quickly led to another. And so Art and I eventually ended up masturbating each other.
I cant believe Art didnt fuck you that night, Ray remarked.
Neither can I, to be honest with you, I said. Thats exactly what I was expecting him to do. And I certainly didnt do anything to try to stop him. All I did was spread my legs apart, and let him do whatever he wanted to do to my pussy. And as turned-on as I was that night, I know that I wouldnt have put up any real resistance to Arts advances. And so Art could have easily climbed on top of me and fucked me that night, if he had wanted to. But he didnt even try.
You sound kind of disappointed about that. Are you? I mean, were you actually wanting Art to fuck you that night?
I could lie to you and say yes. But I wont, since Im trying to come clean with you right now, and you deserve to know the real truth about me. So here it is: All the way up until the time that you and I finally began having intercourse together, I had always viewed myself as being a nice Catholic girl, and a nice girl wasnt supposed to fuck her guy until the night of her wedding. So what I was really wanting from Art that night was for him to force his intentions on me, and take me in the back seat of his car.
Wow! So then what youre really telling me right now is that you were actually wanting Art to date-rape you that night? Ray asked, incredulously.
Yes, thats exactly what I was wanting him to do. That way, I could place all the blame on him for taking things too far. And by cooperating with him while he was date-raping me, I would still be able to play the role of the nice girl who was simply trying to make the best of a bad situation.
But the truth is, ever since Freddy took my virginity that day, I was no longer the nice Catholic girl that I used to be, even though I kept pretending that I was. The real me–the sexual slut that I kept well-hidden under the surface–just wanted Art to rape the crap out of me, and get his rocks off deep inside me, just like Freddy did to me in the bathroom that Sunday afternoon.
And I didnt want Art to use a rubber, either. Because I wanted to feel his bare dick inside me. And at the time, I didnt care that I wasnt on any form of birth control. I was just feeling super-horny. Maybe I was even ovulating that night. Who knows? Pretty crazy, hungh?
Yeah, that sounds pretty crazy alright. But I know how you get, once you get turned-on enough. I mean, lets face it. You take reckless abandon to a whole new level. You just dont seem to be able to think straight, once youve got a sopping-wet pussy down between your legs. Ive seen you in-action too many times.
How about all those months when we first started living together, and I was trying like to hell to keep from fucking you during sex, because you insisted that you wanted to keep your virginity until we got married?
And then youd get all turned-on and stuff. And before I knew it, youd be flat on your back, with your legs spread apart, and your wet pussy pulled-open for me. And it was obvious that you wanted me to rub the head of my dick against your wide-open pussy crack. And so I did. And you always loved it, when I did that. I could tell.
And as I would get closer and closer to cumming, it would take every bit of willpower that I had, to keep from sticking my dick up inside you, and finally fucking that wonderful pussy of yours.
And at the same time as I was struggling to keep from cumming all over your pussy, youd be saying things to me like, Its okay, babe. Why dont you go ahead and cum on my clit? Or you can cum in my pussy crack, if you want to.
Are you kidding me? Just hearing you talk to me like that, I could barely manage to pull my dick away in time to squirt all over your stomach. Remember? Now I ask you. Does that sound like a woman who didnt want me to fuck her?
Hey, I cant help the way that I am. I guess Im just a slave to my own pussy–just like youre a slave to your own dick, whether you want to admit it, or not. And you know how I feel about sperm. So it shouldnt surprise you that, deep down inside, that naughty, not-so-nice-girl part of me wanted to go home with a big wad of Arts sperm up inside of my pussy that night. But, like I already told you, Art didnt even try to mount me that night, much less fertilize my fuck-hole, like I was hoping for at the time.
Did he finger-fuck you at all?
No. Not really. At first, he spent all of his time diddling my clit and playing with my pussy lips.
Hey, dont forget about that sexy little piss-hole mound of yours, Ray said, as he rubbed his fingertip back and forth against that small, puffed-out, spongy mound of flesh that supports my weird-looking urethral opening. Im pretty sure he felt that out too, Ray chimed in.
Yeah, he sure did. But what Art was doing was driving me crazy! I didnt understand how on earth a guy could be feeling out the crack of my pussy for so long, and not be wanting to stick his fingers up inside me. I mean, I cant even finger my own pussy, without sticking my fingers up into my big hole.
The saddest part was that I finally had to stop kissing Art, just so that I could whisper in his ear, and tell him that I wanted him to stick his fingers up inside me.
And even once he started fingering me, you couldnt really call it finger-fucking, because he wasnt actually thrusting his fingers in and out. He was just moving them all around inside me, and feeling out my vagina–pretty much just like you were doing a few moments ago, right before you started fingering my G-spot, and trying to make me cum.
Upon hearing this, Ray abruptly pulled his finger out of my vagina.
Hey, dont stop now! It felt really good, I admitted.
Are you sure? Ray asked playfully.
Yes, Im sure, silly, I replied, and was immediately rewarded, as I felt Rays finger slide back up into my vagina, and then felt the tip of his curved finger begin massaging my G-spot once again. Im also sure that Art didnt know what a G-spot was, or that such a thing even existed. I knew that it existed, because it always made me cum real good whenever I fingered that area of my urethral tube, but I had no idea that it was called a G-spot. Heck, I didnt know that it even had a name.
So, did Art make you cum real good that night? I mean, did you end up getting his back seat pretty wet? Ray asked light-heartedly.
Oh God, yes! But that wasnt very hard to do, considering how excited I was. Now dont get me wrong. Art didnt make me squirt, or gush, or anything like that. But his fingering alone turned out to be more than enough to keep my pussy nice and wet, if you know what I mean. That, and the fact that I was playing with his sexy balls.
Hey, dont forget his sexy dick. You were playing with that too, Ray added.
Yes, of course I was.
So did you just start jacking Art off at some point, while you were playing with his dick?
No. I didnt start jacking him off, until he asked me to.
What? Ray asked, obviously confused by my answer.
Hang on a minute. Youre makin me cum, I proudly announced, right before closing my eyes. Oh yeah. Thats it. Just like that. Thats perfect, Ray! Dont stop! Whatever you do, dont stop! Oh fuck yes! Oh God yes! Ahhhhhhhhh! I screamed out as I hit my strong orgasmic peak, and then started squirting and gushing all over my lovers G-spot-fingering hand.
And while I was orgasming my butt off, Ray was cheering me on, saying things to me like Thats it, babe and Squirt it all out.
Oh, fuck yes! I cried out, after I finally came down off my orgasmic roller coaster ride. That was awesome!
God damn it, woman! Youre one wet, little bitch, arent you? Ray loudly remarked, in response to my just having squirted all over his hand, soaking the sheets down between my legs.
You got that right! And you know you love it too, you horny bastard!
Fuck yes I do! But I still wanna hear about what happened with Art. How did your date end?
Well, if youll stop fingering my G-spot for a few minutes, Ill tell you, I said.
Okay. Fair enough, Ray said, pulling his fingers out of my vagina, so that he could go right back to playing with my pussy crack and my piss-hole.
Art ended our date that night by pulling his hand away from my pussy. He just stopped kissing me, and leaned back in his seat. Then he asked me to jack him off.
And so I started squeezing his dick again. But he stopped me, and had me wrap my hand around his dick, and then pump up and down on it. Art had to coach me the whole time, because I had never jacked a guy off before. But it didnt take very long at all for me to get the hang of it. And within about a minute or so, Art warned me that I was just about to make him cum.
He quickly reached into the back pocket of his pants, pulled out a white handkerchief, and shoved it into my hand, saying to me, Here. Youre gonna need this. And just a few seconds after I took the handkerchief from Art, I heard him let out that soft cum grunt that you guys like to make, right before you start cumming.
The next thing I knew, Arts dick started throbbing in my hand, and his sperm began squirting out all over the place. I was leaning over his lap, looking straight down at the tip of his dick, when his first two or three spurts hit me right in the face. I was caught totally by surprise!
Ill bet! Ray chimed in, and we both laughed for a moment, before I continued onward with my story.
I mean, I knew that Arts dick would throb, and that his sperm would be released in small spurts. I had learned that much from my experience in the bathroom with Freddy.
But I had no idea just how strongly a guys sperm could squirt out, and how far it could fly. What can I say? The few girls that I hung out with back in high school never talked about that kind of stuff with me.
This was also the first time that I had ever seen a guys sperm in person. I couldnt believe how thick and white and gooey it was.
After the first few spurts flew out, I tried my best to catch the rest of Arts sperm in the handkerchief. But I still got a lot of it all over my fingers and my hand.
When Art finally opened his eyes, and saw me looking at him, with all the little globs of sperm streaming down my face, he actually laughed at me and commented on how funny I looked.
God, that really pissed me off! I felt like just grabbing his dick, and yanking it right off his body. Here I had gone out of my way to jack that mother-fucker off and make him orgasm, so that he could finally get some sexual relief. And all he could do was make fun of me for it. That was the last straw, as far as I was concerned.
So I used that God damn handkerchief to clean up as much of the sperm as I could–especially the sperm on my face. And then I shoved that gooey handkerchief back into Arts hand, and I demanded that he drive me back home immediately.
On the way home, I thought about how I had left a big, wet pussy juice stain on the back seat of Arts car, and about how Art was going to have to clean it up later. And it served him right, too! What a fucking jerk that guy was!
And that ended up being our last date, because I broke up with Art the very next day. Then, about a month later, I met you. And I guess you could say the rest is history.
Hey, you also used to leave pussy juice stains on the back seat of my car, back when we were dating, you know? Does that make me a fucking jerk too? Ray asked.
No, youre not a fucking jerk. Youre just a fucker. Thats all, I said, rolling over onto my back and spreading my legs apart. I placed one hand on each side of my mound, pulled my crack wide-open and held it that way for Ray, while I was slowly and repeatedly rocking my hips back and forth, pretending to thrust away at an imaginary penis. And I said to him, So come on, fucker. Lets fuck.
Hey, you dont have to tell me twice, Ray commented, as he got between my legs and started rubbing the head of his circumcised penis up and down along my soaked pussy crack, getting the head of his dick wet, so that he could mount me in a missionary style position.
And after he had steadily humped away at my pussy for a little while, without saying one word to me the whole time, Ray finally whispered in my ear, Babe, thank you for sharing your story about Art. Its a real turn-on.
Youre welcome, I whispered back in his ear, and gave him a gentle peck on the cheek.
Im just about to cum, Ray breathily announced.
Yeah, I can tell, I whispered back in his ear. Go ahead, babe. Let it all out.
Then Ray jokingly whispered right back, Are you sure you dont want me to pull out right now, and cum all over your face?
And before I could answer him with some kind of snappy come-back, Ray quickly shoved his 6 1/2-inch-long dick deep into me–all the way up to the hilt–and then let out his soft, breathy cum grunt right in my ear. And then I felt the firm, ballooned-out head of Rays blood-engorged penis starting to pulsate deep inside me, squirting his wonderful, thick, gooey semen all over my cervix.
God, I love fucking!
And by the way, youre hearing this from a woman who is now in her 60s. And Ive got some great news for all you folks out there who are in your 20s and 30s right now. Our sexual needs and desires dont just disappear when we get older. And ironically, some aspects of our sexuality even improve with age. Youd be surprised…
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Handjob Porn SitesHandjobs are really something, aren’t they? I mean, think about it for a second. It’s not like you can get a handjob every day, right? I mean, sure, it’s not the most impressive thing ever, but it’s really something. For one, I would immediately go for a handjob over anything else if I didn’t feel like putting any effort into it. Now, some would say that blowjobs cover that, but I think that you do need to exert some effort into enjoying a blowjob, since the chick expects so much out of it....
Handjob Porn SitesI have a question for you guys. Who here is a fan of handjobs? I’m sure not that many hands went up in the air when I asked this. It’s just because people don’t think about handjobs enough, in my opinion. The very idea of a girl tugging on your cock and milking it for every drop of cum that you have is just so fucking arousing for me, and I’m sure you feel the same way. It’s just that handjobs got a bad rep because they are just the precursor to the main course, which is always some hardcore...
Handjob Porn SitesAre you trying to find the perfect free porn tube site? Well, XVideos is definitely one of the top, and for a good reason. This site has been alive for a long-ass time, and it has provided many of us with some of the hottest porn videos… covering all kinds of categories. The site has it all, so if you are in the naughty mood, you know where the fuck to go.Well, I am here to tell you all about XVideos and what it offers while focusing all my love on the handjob category. So, if you just came...
Handjob Porn is a free aggregator porn website covering an excellent selection of adult niches, including lots of handjob pornos. If you want to know more about the site in general, you are welcome to check out my review on instead. As for those who would love to learn more about the handjob selection of pornos on this website, you are more than welcome to stick around!Lots of free handjob pornosAre you ready to see some hot videos featuring hot girls rubbing hard cocks? Well, you are in...
Handjob Porn SitesNot every hottie knows how to properly tug on our tool, and sometimes that is all we want to see. Right? Well, the best place to find proper handjob vides is probably on premium websites. But, I am well aware that some of you cheap fucks prefer free content, which is why I am here to talk about the Handjob category on you ever heard about xHamster? I mean, there is no way that you have not stumbled upon this site at least once during your dirty browsing time… is a...
Handjob Porn SitesLife is full of simple pleasures. I love going to town on an eager nympho’s pussy any day of the week, but even I, feel lazy sometimes. Now, I don’t make a lifelong habit of it like you lard balls. I don’t spend every waking hour jerking it to hentai and laying in bed munching on chicken tendies. Instead, there are days and nights where I want nothing more than to lay my head back and let some whore jerk my dick. I don’t need her to deepthroat my cock or shove it up her ass. Sometimes it’s nice...
Handjob Porn SitesHandjobs have always been the least desirable in porn. They are kind of boring if you ask most people. However, you’re just looking at them the wrong way. With their ball twiddling and cock tugging action, handjobs can be the best part of sex. Heck, sometimes they can be the ONLY part of sex you need in order to cum. This all depends on the girls you’re having a go with. If you look at many of these hot chicks in the handjob category on, I’m pretty sure that most of them can make...
Handjob Porn SitesHot Movies and masturbation go together like, well, like dirty movies and touching yourself. Since the invention of the camera, mankind has been capturing images of the beautiful, naked human female form, and then shaking their dicks at those images. One of the most popular subgenres of smut has always been masturbation, whether it’s women manually working over their clits or using those same digits to jerk off a dude. Your great grandfather probably trudged three miles through the snow to...
Premium Handjob Porn SitesWatching porn movies online is easy… you just skip through the movie to see whether it offers the juicy bits that make your dick hard, and that’s it. But, when you want to download naughty pornos, it can be challenging to find the ones that suit your taste. Mostly because in the majority of cases, we are not given enough information about the video… and not like you can skip through it until you actually download the clip.Wouldn’t it be more fun if there was a site that offered enough...
Handjob Porn SitesI’m sure you sex-starved nerds sit there and dream of what it would be like to get a handjob from someone other than yourself. You fucks probably death grip your cocks so tight that you’ve got calluses going along the palm of your hand. And there’s nothing quite like having the soft hands of a cute girl lube you up and jerk your dick for you. Sure, it’s not as wet and wild as a slut gagging on your dick or the same and pumping a babe’s eager pussy full of cum. But, hey, you can’t eat cake every...
Handjob Porn SitesImagine this scenario. Your dick gets hard, and you are in the right mindset, just ready to rub one out. You hop on the net and find the perfect porno to strut your stuff to. As you get to the best bit, your video starts buffering, your net starts bugging, and your day is ruined. I am pretty sure that we have all been there, and this is why I am introducing a website that will never let that happen.I mean, videos that are downloaded will never buffer, right? So, if you are ready to make a nice...
Handjob Porn SitesHello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. After jerking myself, I was too tired. Amy and I both fell asleep pretty quickly. But it looked like Amy couldn’t sleep. She was thinking about what just happened. This thinking...
IncestMy first Handjob.Still school days. Young horny and dating a rather pretty shy brunette girl. We were dating for a few months, having lots of fun as a young couple would have, exchanging passionate kisses, touching each other etc. It was holidays both my parents working as well as my girlfriend Amanda's parents were working. We stayed about a 45 min walk away from each other. Both being home alone, we spent quite a bit of time chatting sexually to each other over MXIT ( sure a lot of you will...
Hi friends vanakam, indru kama kathaiyil departmental storeil oru pennai paarthu pesi usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vimal, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, tshirt aninthukondu irupen athanaal pengal epozhuthum ennai paarthu sight adipaargal. Ipadi thaan oru naal en nanban udan departmental storeku sendrom appozhuthu angu oru pen aval mulaiyaal ennai urasi vitu sendraal. Avla mulai perithaaga irunthathu, aval mulaiyaal ennai idikum pozhuthe...
Reddit Handjobs, aka r/Handjobs! I know many of you guys like blowjobs way more than you enjoy handjobs, but if we were to just give handjobs a shot at fascinating us, I think that most of us would feel more than grateful that handjobs exist. I don’t believe that these wonderful things get enough attention from people. So to compensate for that and perhaps give handjobs a little bit of love, I’m going to introduce you guys to a subreddit that is all about handjobs. It’s called, well,...
Reddit NSFW ListLet's go over the title of this piece, shall we? It's how I do it. It's not about how you do it or your girlfriend or your wife or both. Not about how your Aunt Lucy did it or that girl in middle school, what was her name? Now, I consider myself a master masturbator. Every guy I have jacked-off begs for me to do it again and again. It's a sex technique that I dearly enjoy and dearly love to do. I love it all but I love seeing the cum spurt up out of his trembling cock more than...
Since the cold weather has come, s*s, hubby and I have been hanging out inside. At night we like to gather around the fire on the couch in the darkness of the winter’s evening and enjoy the its warmth on our bodies. It is so romantic cozying up in each other’s arms while sipping a nice glass of wine. One evening recently, I was curled up under hubby’s arm in front of the fireplace. We were both naked. It was so comfortable sitting there with his arm around me and my breasts pressed up against...
Since the cold weather has come, s*s, hubby and I have been hanging out inside. At night we like to gather around the fire on the couch in the darkness of the winter’s evening and enjoy the its warmth on our bodies. It is so romantic cozying up in each other’s arms while sipping a nice glass of wine.One evening recently, I was curled up under hubby’s arm in front of the fireplace. We were both naked. It was so comfortable sitting there with his arm around me and my breasts pressed up...
Ms Trisha was a bigger lady, an SSBBW. I never knew I was attracted or had the fetish I have for them until her.i dated her daughter for 2 years. Samantha was a smaller bbw big boobs42 DDDI used to always go to their house and swim and hang out. I remember her mom not being ashamed of her body around me. Matter of fact she acted like I wasn't even turned on by her. She NEVER wore a bra and almost went topless every time we went swimming. I would always just stare at her tits and her hugmungous...
Tina was a hot older women in her mid 30’s, she had huge tits and a big fat but sexy ass, she was dressed up in her naughty school outfit looking very sexy. She had gone along with her work friends to a nightclub that had a school disco event going on. Once inside everyone was dressed in school uniform, the club was packed to the max. Tina and her friends headed onto the crowded dance floor and began boogieing away to their classic old school songs. After a while a younger guy caught Tina’s...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Without answering that dumb question, what else can you fap to, hombre? I have come to learn that it's the small and simple that make life lively. With online porn being flooded with all manners of sex – wild orgies and extreme fetishes – it's the simple, intense handjobs that make you erupt exceedingly. Handjobs feature the art of stroking! Horny lusty babes can't wait to get their hands around a dick and choke it mercilessly until a hot load spews on their fingers. Watching her hand move up...
Premium Handjob Porn SitesThis is a fictional story about a man’s lust for his brother’s wife. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t...
IncestThis story is about Ajay and his first time handjob. His parents separated for some reason he doesn’t know. He’s a student and lives with his mother. Ajay is rather an innocent boy who is not crazy about sex like some of his friends. His friends grope their girlfriends in class. They cup their butt from behind the desk, slipping a hand inside the shirt, or even going extreme as slipping a hand inside their panties. Ajay does not feel interested in all this. He’s rather more focused on anime,...
Hello everyone! As you might have known from the previous story, I am Nitin, age 19 and I am from Bengaluru. I am about 5 ft 9 in and I have a pretty average body structure. This is my experience happened during a KSRTC bus ride. I had to go to Bellary from Bengaluru because I had to attend a function in my friend’s house. I would highly recommend that you guys go through my previous story in order to get a hang of what has happened so far. Continuing from where I stopped in the first part. As...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Art, part two. Ch. 01 A man struggles to make a new life after a strange happening. Mrs. Davis said, ‘Annie, is there anything I can do for you?’ I shook my head ‘no’ for the umpteenth time and went back to staring at a book I just can’t get into, and it’s by one of my favorite authors. When we arrived at London’s Heathrow Airport yesterday, Suzanne picked up the book to keep me occupied while she visited John Berger’s laboratory. Mrs. Davis keeps looking at me like I’m supposed to want her...
There was the case of the research manager of a pharmaceutical giant, let's call him Jerry. His company was about to launch a new skin cream to fight wrinkles, a product which combined the benefits of Botox with the advantage of not having any side effects. Mirella mentioned to Jerry that she had always been curious about what a specification for products like a skin cream looked like and that she was dying to see one, even if it was an old, out-of-date one, but said she'd understand if he...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
After a few years flitting from one job to i needed to find another career and decided to train to be a carer the money was poor but it was a stable job and after a few redundancies I knew I'd never be out of work. Ill be honest I didn't really fancy it at first but the hours were steady and it was secure, and when I saw the smiles I brought to some of the old people I looked after, I soon got over the hard work and initial messy and uncomfortable situations that the job brought with it....
I had just turned 21 and I was enjoying the sun at a nudist retreat that catered to adults, partially to work on my tan, but mostly to try to overcome my shyness at being nude.As I became familiar with my surroundings, I noticed that the retreat was pretty busy with a higher ratio of women to men; just then my thoughts were interrupted as a hand slapped my bare ass.I whirled around and was shocked to see Sharon, a sexy cougar that had been my neighbor next to my c***dhood home. Sharon was a...
She was my teacher (in Dutch), miss Lamme. I was 16 years and she something about 33, Shirt curly hair and damn atteractive. Always an awesome cleavage showing her to small black bra and her softly bouncing big boobs,She didn’t teach me much as my view usually was at her en that damn hot cleavage. Offcourse she knew i was always staring at her and in her blouse.Often she stood at my desk to explain stuff, bending over my desk and driving me crazy with the view in her blouse and leaving me...
One Friday morning, last winter, I was running errands while the kids were in school. It was cold out, and a light snow was falling. As I was driving to the store to do some food shopping, I noticed this guy hitchhiking on the side of the road. I normally don't stop to pick up guys thumbing, but he was young, maybe 20 or 21. I could tell that he was freezing, and, being a mom, I felt bad for him. When he got in my car, he was shaking, and his face was red from the wind. "Cold out, huh?" I...
MILFIt hadn’t been this bad since my first couple of weeks in high school. At least when I started high school, my sister was always nearby to help set me straight. And keep bullies away. No one crossed her. I knew my panic would pass and I’d be okay, but knowing that didn’t make it easier. I clutched Annette’s hand as I approached the classroom for my Liberal Arts Seminar. It would have been so much easier if we were in the same section. “See the bench over there?” Annette asked as she squeezed...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
“Bitch!” Kendra’s voice cut through the air echoing my own before I got to the door. “You humiliated my friend and classmate. I don’t need this class.” “Me either.” I turned at the door to see Susan standing up. “I already graduated from kindergarten. I don’t need a self-righteous nursery school teacher to humiliate me.” She picked up her books and headed toward Kendra and me. “Now see here,” Mrs. Reynolds said. “I want this class to come to order immediately. There is no reason for...
So you wanna fap away at the hottest models in town? There’s no better place to find them than at Well, you might not have heard of it yet. It’s quite a new site after all, but that doesn’t matter considering the galore of steamy videos in their catalog.Just landing at the front page is enough to get your dick throbbing. But if you have had enough of watching hours and hours of dicks pounding on creamy cunts, then it’s time to throw in a twist. How about checking out hot kicks...
Premium Handjob Porn SitesMy name is Lynette Adler. I’m 26 and I live in New York City. I’m a curator at the Guggenheim Museum of Art. I love doing what I do and all, even though it has gotten kind of boring. My home life was also boring, my husband Derek, a Xerox salesperson, and I had a very large rift in our 6-year old marriage. All that plus my overprotective, overbearing mother lives with us. My life with my mother had been volatile since my father had died. He died when I was 13. I managed to do extremely well...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
The first time that I saw Violet Gable was on a warm Saturday afternoon at the end of March, when I decided to sit in Mount Vernon Square and admire the weather, as well as the young women just out of their winter coats. Needless to say, I had no idea that she was named Violet Gable. I was fairly sure from looking at her that she was somewhere between 18 and 25 (20, I eventually found out), and that she was a student at the Art Institute since it was nearby and she was using a...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
It’s largely up to the exhibitors as to what kind of event the BFA exhibition is. Les and I wisely chose to let the women decide. As a result, the two of us stood side-by-side in the guest bath downstairs as we worked on tying our formal bowties. I had to admire the way Les had filled out and matured over the three-plus years we’d been friends. When we first met, he was a scrawny, frightened kid trying not to be noticed amidst a school conflict. We were a lot alike. I remember thinking that...
The first time that I saw Violet Gable was on a warm Saturday afternoon at the end of March, when I decided to sit in Mount Vernon Square and admire the weather, as well as the young women just out of their winter coats. Needless to say , I had no idea that she was named Violet gable. I was fairly sure from looking at her that she was somewhere between 18 and 25 (20, I eventually found out), and that she was a student at the Art Institute since it was nearby and she was using a pencil and an...
Phil sat in the waiting room with several other people. All seemed to be answering the want-ad in the student paper. 'Needed: 2 Models for Figure Drawing Class. Must be at least 18 and in good shape as classes may exceed 2 hours. Proof of age required. Payment: $50.00 per hour. Overtime for sessions over 2 hours. Classes meet Wed. and Fri., 3:00-5:00PM Apply in person at the Art Department main office Monday morning, 7:00AM. Swimwear or equivalent required.' An extra pair of C-notes a week...
This is a fictional story about sex with mother-in-law. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...
IncestFor my first story, a experience that happened in my last year at school (before Uni). I was still a virgin at the time (17). Names have been changed, but it is based on true events which happened a long time ago. I have taken some poetic license but mostly it is true.I was sitting in a darken room with about 20 other students watching a projector slide show of 20th Century art. Our teacher Mrs Ingley, I suspect, was a bit of a sex addict, because she showed lots of nude pictures and painting...
Masturbation“I’m looking forward to this little exhibition,” Lily Wells said. We were leading all the parents upstairs to our studio. Part of what we’d accomplished when our friends came over in the afternoon was to arrange our studio so that Mavis, Kendra, and I had artwork displayed. Annette and Susan had manuscripts sitting on opposite ends of the reading sofa. Morgan fired up her laptop with a sales graph for our work. I was happy to see that even some of Susan’s poetry had sold. “Ah, the scene of...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The first “dirty little secret” that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not his real name), was a real doozie! It was about how I had lost my virginity in a very unique way, back when I was a young lady. It happened on a hot and sunny summer Sunday afternoon, when I was unexpectedly cornered in a small bathroom at a middle-aged Hispanic friend’s equally-small house, and then sexually molested–and ultimately raped–by her teenage son, Freddy, who was so...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Art, part two. Ch. 03 Art meets laboratory staff charged with making him ‘normal’. It was a long night with lots of thoughts or maybe more like nightmares and I felt lousy when I finally did wake up. I could hear Suzanne in the bathroom, but for some reason I didn’t join her. I was still deep in thought when I heard her say, ‘Good, you’re awake. I’ll order us some breakfast and then I want to talk to you.’ I lay there with a sinking feeling as Suzanne called room service. When she finished...
Mavis lived in a house that was twice as big as ours in a gated community on the west side of the city. We were ten minutes later getting there than we planned and awestruck when we pulled into her big circular drive. Even in black and black, the structure seemed to have a southwestern charm that spoke of old wealth. I guess I’d never asked Mavis about her home and family. Too lost in her eyes. We were met at the door by Mavis, who threw her arms around each of us and gave us a kiss. It was...