A Different Kind Of Pain free porn video

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He was an unassuming fellow, entirely unremarkable at first glance. He was wearing a black suit, one that fit him but didn’t seem tailor made for his form. He didn’t look chic or stylish, he was just a guy in a suit. On close inspection one might see that he was a little wide in the middle, the tell-tale stomach of a middle-aged man who could stand to invest in more exercise. He was wearing worn-looking black leather harness boots, and at the moment the right one was planted on the chest of a very healthy looking young man, lying flat of his back and bleeding from a dozen or so small cuts and scratches. The boot was making a merry mess of his fashionable V-neck shirt, the well defined muscles of his torso tensing as his assailant ground the boot into his chest.

‘What’s the matter Kid?’ The man in black growled. ‘Not what you were expecting from the old guy?’

The young man tried to move, inching back and squirming. The man in black pressed his boot down harder, turning the heel in and twisting it slowly.

‘I shouldn’t have to tell you that’s a bad idea.’ The man said, expressionless. ‘You and me are going to communicate for a little while, then I’m going to decide if you get to go home. So long as you play nice.’

‘I ain’t telling you shit.’ The young man hissed. ‘And you’re about to regret this.’

He planted both of his arms flat and pushed up hard, turning his body to one side and swinging hard with his left arm. He landed a hard punch to the man’s lower right calf, giving a smile when he winced and pulled the heavy boot away from his chest. The young guy rolled to his right and stood, turning around with a dramatic spin and stopping in a fighting stance.

‘How’s that feel, old guy?’ He sneered. ‘I’m about to show you what five years of MMA feels like.’

The man in black reached down slowly, deliberately, as if he had all the time in the world at his disposal. ‘Truth be told, Kid, it didn’t hurt much, but…’ He rubbed at his calf for a moment, sliding two fingers inside his boot and then stood upright again, cocking one eyebrow then smiling broadly. The young man found this to be terribly unsettling, the man didn’t seem to be alarmed in the least. He wasn’t on guard or ready for a fight, instead he was just standing there smiling at him. He opened his right palm and looked at it, tentatively. His expression changed and he gave an audible sigh of relief. ‘If you had broken this, I’d have to cut your tongue out and eat it while you watch.’ He said, flexing his right hand and then pushing the thumb outward. A dull silver blade slowly sprang from his hand, like an angry red hornet crawling from a gourd.

The young man instinctively took a wary step back. The man in black was looking at him in a way that left him baffled, as if he was someone in a museum studying a particularly detailed piece of art. There didn’t seem to be any apprehension or fear about him, instead he was just standing there watching him with an old straight razor in his hand, like someone pondering the logic behind the eccentric chaos in Starry Night or The Scream upon seeing them for the first time.

‘It’s older than the both of us put together.’ He remarked. ‘It would be a damn shame if it got broke.’

The man’s calm was panicking his younger counterpart. The young man steeled himself, trying to regulate his breathing, so as not to let his shattered nerves get the better of him. ‘I’m in the ring.’ he thought to himself, and with that thought he had another. He remembered a lesson given to him by his boxing coach, back when he was barely a teenager. His coach was the atypical boxing patriarch, a salty and gruff Navy vet named ‘Cap’ who boxed in his youth, both in and out of the service. His sage advice always came with a sandpaper-coarse veneer of wisdom. ‘If you get ya ass backed into a co’ner you got to improvise kid, you got to be creative. If you not in the ring then the rules don’t matter fa’ shit. You gotta fight with some pride but you still gotta do what it takes to walk away with ya life.’

The memory inspired him, forcing him to think reflexively. ‘Be creative, yeah I can do that.’ He hiked his right foot up behind him and at the same time reached down and slipped the shoe off of his raised foot and threw it overhand at the man in black, all in one swift motion. As the man put his arms up and tried to dodge the ungainly projectile, the young man charged in and dropped low to the man’s left side, delivering a hard punch to his abdomen. ‘If you gotta fight dirty then don’t fuck around. Get in there and get it done.’ He heard his coach’s voice echo. ‘Put one in the kidneys if you can. Hurts like hell an’ knocks ’em down quick, too. And they gonna hurt for days with it, too. You can’t walk off a good shot to the kidneys boy. It takes time to recover from that kinda hit.’

The young man rebounded and stood back, feeling a fierce pride. Cap would’ve been proud of his improvisation and his speed, and his voice came to him again. ‘You can’t just whoop their ass, you gotta hurt their pride. That way if they see you again you know they’re not gonna fuck with ya. They’re gonna remember it and it don’t matter if there’s ten of ’em they’re still gonna leave you alone. They don’t wanna carry that embarrassment again. You do that and it’s a done deal man, it’s over. When you hurt a man’s pride it’s a different kinda pain, one they can’t ignore. ‘

The man in black reeled, back-stepping once, twice, then clutched his right side and gnashed his teeth. The young man charged in for a finishing shot. As he closed in the man in black suddenly dropped his upper body down low and rushed him, shoulder checking him square in the chest. His feet left the ground and he fell hard, landing on his back. His breath left him in a harsh cough. Once again the man in black was standing over him with a boot planted in his chest. He was rubbing his side and chuckling to himself.

‘That was a good one, Kid, I’ll give you that. But I’m afraid you’re tapping a dry well there. And if you’re gonna fight dirty, don’t fuck around.’

The man lifted his boot and delivered a quick kick to his head. For a brief instant he saw the block tread on the sole of the boot, just before the world went black.

Later, in the dark.

His vision slowly returned, eyes blinking uncontrollably as he regained consciousness. His head felt like it was freefalling, reeling downward in an odd dervish of grays and browns. The urge to vomit was strong, and he was too weak to resist. Waves of nausea rolled over him. He expected to heave at any moment but thankfully the dizziness and vertigo slowly began to fade. His eyesight painfully resolved itself, and he saw he was sitting at a dark table in a small room. The walls were battleship gray and there were heavy brown curtains draped on them, behind which no light could be seen. A single bare bulb hung overhead, casting a lazy yellowish-white light. A thin strand of beaded chain hung from the light fixture. He heard a ratcheting clicking sound and the light suddenly bloomed into a painful brilliant glare. He closed his eyes and looked down, wincing from the harsh light stabbing at his eyes.

A voice came from nowhere.

‘So it’s like I said. We’re going to communicate, you and me. ‘

He looked up to see the man in black sitting across from him. The shock of seeing him sitting there was secondary to the pain he felt from head to toe. His whole body was aching, a sore hurt that seemed to permeate his bones. Even trying to speak was dearly miserable, he hurt so badly. His head slumped forward, thudding onto the table with a hollow sound. He felt an alien sense of lifelessness, the sensation of vertigo still spinning in his head.

‘A bad hit to the noggin will do that to you, but you probably already know that, being a boxer.’ The man in black continued. ‘And since you look like you’re not up for much talking right now, I’ll be a nice guy and do most of the work.’

The young man tri
ed in earnest to offer up some sort of response, if only a baleful glare. He managed to lift his head and sit upright, but the effort felt so monumental that once he was sitting straight up the vertigo gripped him again and his head slumped down. As badly as he wanted to look the man in the eye, he simply could not.

As the man in black sat there watching his young captive struggle to keep his senses, he was struck with a rather hurtful memory. The young man reminded him of a cat he had for many years. She was a very unique blue tortoise shell cat, and she was with him for almost seventeen years. In her last days she fought a desperate struggle to maintain her balance and ability to move around. He had decided to have her euthanized, as the pain of watching her suffer was too much to bear. A terrible feeling of indecency and selfishness swept over him as he watched her fighting to cling to life, and he cursed himself for not doing it sooner. He wrapped her in a bath towel, crying like a child as he drove to the local veterinarian to have her put down. He had her in his lap, and not two miles into the trip he felt her kick and spasm through the thick fabric of the towel, and then her whole body suddenly went rigid. The man sat there behind the wheel of his big black Crown Vic as it idled on the shoulder of the road, clutching the dying cat to him with tears streaming down his face as he felt the last warmth and life slowly ebbing away from her. When she was gone he turned the car around and took her home to bury her.

He picked out a spot near the back end of his property where he liked to catch his breath after a long walk, resting atop a small earthen hill surrounded by old-growth oak trees. He came back to the spot weeks later and planted a rose next to her grave, with the honest intentions of keeping it pruned to cultivate the rose bush’s growth. He decided that it would me more befitting to let the rose grow wild, blooming when it saw fit to and not when he wanted. While standing there looking at the newly planted rose, he thought it would be best that he didn’t have any more pets after that.

He had always loved animals and in his youth had all manner of pets. When it came to pets he was an equal opportunity kid, he would adopt just about anything that didn’t try to eat him alive or terrify his mother so bad that she simply wouldn’t allow it. He had a number of dogs over the years, and now late in life he often daydreamed about owning a Labrador. Something about their personable demeanor and intelligence appealed to him, and despite adopting a great variety of pets in his life, he’d never had one. Something about a Labrador convinced him that they had a sense of understanding about them, one that made them unique. As an adult he traveled too much, and that was his most important reason for not buying a Lab. He hated the thought of a big handsome dog like a Labrador being cooped up and alone all day, and since he wouldn’t be able to give the animal the time or attention it needed, he elected not to have one at all. A cat, however, was a different creature. Cats live with a comfortable indifference that dogs most often lack. A dog left alone all day can be a distraught and emotional creature, yet a cat will happily nap the day away without a moment of worry so long as there is food, water and a place to do their business.

Without realizing it, the man in black had drifted off into a semi-daze. Memories were vague and elusive fragments to him, like finding a random puzzle piece at the bottom of a drawer, but not quite being able to remember what image the completed puzzle would make. Many long months passed after his cat died, and he found himself living uncomfortably with her ghost, goose stepping around corners where she was want to dash between his feet. Many nights he would find himself absentmindedly reaching to the foot of the bad, expecting her to be in the customary spot by his feet. Over time it dawned on him just how many spots in his home she had made her own, and he gave her all of them without a backwards glance.

Months later he was standing in line at the customer service desk in the grocery store, waiting to buy a book of stamps. Two older ladies were standing nearby talking, one of them clearly upset. She was sniffing and fighting back tears as she spoke.

‘The no-kill shelter is full as usual and I just can’t foster her anymore.’ He heard the woman say. ‘I can’t keep her now that I’m looking after Bill since his stroke.’

She was holding a flyer, and he craned his neck to read it. All he could make out was a heavily pixilated photo of a spotted cat and the word Fiore in big block letters. He looked away quickly, knowing that if he didn’t that it would get the better of him.

‘And I won’t even think about taking her to the Humane Society, she’s a special needs girl. They won’t be able to take care of her and they’ll just kill her.’

He felt his heart sink, and for a brief moment he was possessed of an urge to just walk away and buy his stamps elsewhere. Instead, he spoke up.

‘Ma’am, not to interrupt, but I couldn’t help but overhear you…’

Hours later he arrived back home, a grocery bag full of various items in one hand and a new pet carrier in the other. He sat the carrier down in the kitchen and opened the door, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

‘She’s a special needs girl.’ The lady had told him. ‘When she was a kitten she started having trouble walking. The vet discovered she had a tumor or lesion of some sort on the left side of her brain. They had to remove it. They don’t know if it’s a result from the tumor or lesion being there the first place, or from them removing it, but now she can only walk in right-hand circles.’

The lady looked at him with a nervous apprehension as she told him, and he could tell that she was worried that he wouldn’t want the animal in such a state.

‘Her motor functions are compromised, but other than that she’s a perfectly healthy girl. She can use the litterbox just fine and she’s been fixed. She won’t make a mess in your house, I can promise you. And she can get around just fine, once she learns her way. She’s a tough little girl.’ The lady continued on. ‘I just can’t stand the thought of someone sticking a needle in her and putting her to sleep.’

‘You don’t have to worry about that, ma’am.’ He told her. ‘I’m retiring soon, and I’ll be able to spend plenty of time with her.’

The words ‘retiring soon’ echoed in his mind as if saying them meant that he had reached a milestone or made some final decision. ‘Maybe I am.’ He thought. Maybe I really can.’

After several minute passed, the cat slowly crept forward and peered out of the carrier, first her head, and then slowly her haunches emerged. When she put a foot on the tile kitchen floor, she instantly drew back. The cool tile floor was apparently an alien surface to her, and for a moment she pulled back into the carrier.

‘It’s ok Girl.’ He said, trying to soothe her.

She cautiously made her way out, and once her body was entirely out of the carrier, she turned and walked around the carrier to the right. She made a loop around and he was able to get a good look at her for the first time. She was a petite girl, maybe six to eight months old. She was spotted with big blotches of color that reminded him of a healthy Holstein cow, with random patches of tan, struck with darker brown stripes here and there throughout in spots.

‘Her name’s Fiore, with an E at the end. It means flower in Italian.’ The lady explained to him.

The cat slowly approached him, her eyes big with fear and confusion. Her spots did look like a flower of sorts, a cow-spotted flower. She was a very unique and pretty cat.

‘It’s alright Girl.’ He told her. ‘Nobody’s going to stick a needle in you.’

The man in black heard a sound and he was suddenly pulled from his daze. The young man sitting across from his was struggling to free himself, and not having much luck at all. He sa
t there watching him for a few moments, waiting for him to give in and start calling for help. The young man was growing more frustrated each moment, and after several more seconds of futile floundering he finally gave up his attempt.

‘Motherfucker you’re gonna regret this.’ He hissed. ‘You can’t do this to me. You’re gonna lose your badge. This isn’t how cops are supposed to work.’

The man in black was struck for words at first, and then he realized that the young man had mistaken him for a cop. This amused him to no end.

‘Well.’ The man said, intentionally drawing his words out slowly. ‘If I had a badge, I might be concerned by that. But seeing as I don’t, you’ll forgive me if I’m not too moved.’

He reached down into his right boot and pulled his razor out, sliding it open with a practiced turn of his thumb. The young man’s eyes instantly fixed on the blade and he grew very still and quiet.

‘And this ain’t no interrogation.’ The man in black said. ‘This is more of a…’

He placed the razor against his forehead, turning the back of the blade against the skin and slowly raking it across, and then snapped it shut and reopened it with a careless grace. It was obvious that the blade was very familiar to him, like an extension of his hand or an extra finger.

‘decision making progress.’ He continued, after what felt like an eternity to the young man. ‘You see, I’m normally compensated for this kind of work, but I chose to volunteer for this little fact finding mission. So what I need from you is to answer a few questions for me, and I’m not going to ask for your cooperation. I’ll have it, one way or the ‘nother.’

His voice had taken on a rather odd quality, as if he had unintentionally started speaking in some exaggerated Southern dialect. ‘I cho’se tah volunte’ah for this litt-ul fact findin’ mission’.

The gravity of the situation took hold of the young man, and he sighed aloud in resignation.

‘Cocksucker.’ He spat quietly. ‘Ok, whatever it takes man. Whatever it takes.’

The man sat there for several moments, gathering his thoughts. He also wanted the young man to realize just how perilous his situation was.

‘So did you rape the girl or not?’ The man asked, staring into his eyes. ‘It’s just yes or no. Nothing else, or I start carving.’

Tears started to well up in the young man’s eyes. Before he spoke, the man in black already knew. At first he fumbled for words, then seemed to remember what the man in black said. ‘Yes or no, nothing else’.

‘Yes.’ He whispered, and then said it again louder. ‘Yes. I did.’

He started crying, trying his back to fight back the tears. The man in black just sat there, letting him cry.

‘So, as I understand it, after you raped her, you didn’t see fit to leave town or head for the hills. You decided to hard time her girl, right?’

The young man’s face grew red, anger instantly boiling up from his gut.

‘Wasn’t bad enough that you raped her, you had a little fun antagonizing her afterward, didn’t you?’

His anger was rising, like a steam kettle over a quick flame. He stopped crying and started breathing heavily, shaking his head to clear the tears from his face. The young man wasn’t just angry, he was ashamed, so ashamed that his pride was stabbing at him.

‘No, you’re the jock, the hotshot boxer, the wannabe pit fighter. ‘ The man in black went on. ‘Nobody was going to listen to her, or take heart to her side of the story. Your parents have attorneys on retainer, where her mom has two jobs and rents. You didn’t just rape her, you terrorized her afterward to keep her from talking. Didn’t you? You had to humiliate her, again, and intimidate her. You even tried to convince her it was her fault. You tried to make her believe it was her fault for saying no to you. Right?’

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Marys First Day of Kindergarten

“I love the way you taste.” She felt his warm lips move away from hers, the strong scent of listernine lingering for a moment, and a hand caressed her foreheard, running through her hair. When she opened her eyes, her husband’s face floated above her own, hovering like a pale ghost. “Sick, I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet,” she said. Mary yawned and rubbed her sleep-encrusted eyes. These she shifted over to the nightstand to get a figure on the time. The digital alarm clock read 5:55,...

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Kindness Ch 03

As noted in the first two chapters, people surprise us many times with unexpected kindness. Although there is plenty of evidence on nightly news that all is not well in the world and that people will rob, cheat and murder you at the drop of a hat, there are also the unseen, unreported thousands of examples where the opposite happens daily. Today, we have three stories from three different readers that I want to share. ReiDeBastos sent this one: One evening when my first wife and I were in our...

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Portals of Mankind

I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 115 Growing Pains

The school year wound down to an end and not a moment too soon. I was really tired all of a sudden. I finally made up my mind that I was going to tell Rhonda Saturday afternoon that if she wanted it, the paper route was hers. I still had a bunch of scrip and a bit of savings and a couple of award trips that I hadn't taken yet. I was supposed to go with a bunch of guys who had won a contest to a White Sox game in Chicago this summer and Cary told me that even if I wasn't carrying papers...

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Kindred Spirits Chapter 2

Kindred Spirits - Chapter 2 06/22/05 Stepping Out (continued from Chapter One) Mike turned the door knob and opened the front door all the way, as if to present me to the world. From my toes squished inside my kiwi colored Keds all the way up to the top of the bun in my hair, I was shaking like jelly. I could feel my heart pounding. I nervously glanced out, and everything seemed normal. The sky was a pretty azure blue. There were some puffy white clouds above the apartment...

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Buddies and Kindred Spirits The Harmonization of Two Rapists

       Buddies and Kindred Spirits        The Harmonization of Two RapistsPage 1.        I was a long way from home.        I needed to rest from my pursuit of madness and was taking a vacation break in Ithaca, a resort town in the Finger Lakes region of west New York state. It was a hot, humid summer and I wanted to recharge my batteries from all the raping and pillaging I'd initiated over the last several months. Five victims in all, including a mother and her teenaged daughter. My...

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Aches and Pains

Aches and Pains Chapter 1As the black sedan plowed its way through the streets of Duluth, it occasionally hit a hidden patch of ice and began to slide crazily until the driver was able to twist the steering wheel around sufficiently to compensate for the slide and get the car in the proper direction down the road again.  It had been snowing periodically for three days straight, and the snow drifts on the side of the road were, in some cases, over five feet high.  It was even worse as the car...

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Aches and Pains

ACHES AND PAINS Getting old is a pain in the arse - literally in the case of Paul Sedgewick. He and his wife, Mary, had, over the years, built up a very successful, small property development company. He had started out on leaving school as an "odd job man," and had gradually grown his business; first into designing patios and garden rooms, then to full- blown extensions, and finally, once he had accumulated a bit of capital, new-builds on small pockets of land he managed to find. As...

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Chocolate Kiss To Indian Bhabhi From Spain

Hi mera naam Luvesh hai main Gujarat k eek naami shehar main rehta hu (main city nahi batanna chahta ) meri umar 23 saal hai naya naya graduate hua hu. Filhaal jobless hu mere father aur mere chacha sath main ek business main hai meri bua ke ladke ki dusri marriage ki liye jo spain main rehta hai,mere cousin bhaiya Ramesh jinki age 36 years hai unki first biwi ko koi bimari nai thi leking achanak ek din unki death ho gayi. Aur uske liye meri bua ne papa aur chacha ko rishte ke liye kaha tha...

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Slutty Kindergarten teacher cheats on her husband

This is a true story about a cheating wife as told by the wife, Annie, and the husband, Todd. I have written several chapters as a personal memoir after interviewing both of them. Here is the first chapter. If you like it, I will post the other chaptersANNIE'S STORYI am a petite blond. I am, also, a kindergarten teacher with a Master's degree in Education. I am 36 years old but can pass for 20. I often get proofed at bars. I think that I am a "plain Jane" but I have been told, countless times,...

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Kindness Ch 02

Kindness — Chapter 2 In the last chapter, I asked for readers to send examples of folks who showed them unconditional kindness. As we all know, there are millions of people who work very hard on behalf of others everyday. But then there are those totally unexpected moments, some might call them ‘random acts of kindness,’ that happen. These acts show the basic goodness of people, their thoughtfulness that turns into action, and the brotherly love that is not often discussed here or anywhere. ...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 10 Incestuous Lust Kindled

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Ten: Incestuous Lust Kindled By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 4th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I leaned back in the chair watching the video of Clint's wedding to Pam Hiragawa. My eyes studied it for the dozenth time. I had several pads of notes written on what I'd observed. There had to be something useful in it. Something we could grab onto. Every day, it felt like that bastard Clint was getting...

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Away DayChapter 4 Embers Rekindled

Jackie: Driving away from the airport, I was once again feeling very guilty. Sneaking around behind my husband's back was something I had thought I would never do, let along have a groping session in an airport hallway. My good Catholic upbringing was shocked and somewhat troubled. "What has gotten into me?" I shouted as I drove onto the expressway. I saw the humor in my last comment, and smiled to myself. What had NOT gotten into me was what George had HIS heart set on getting into me!...

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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 It was on the Thursday evening that Jade and Eva went to the keep fit class in the gym. Neither of them expected to have anywhere near as much fun as at the swimming pool but the both realised that they did need the exercise. Jade chose a pink leotard and Eva a yellow one and they walked to the gym wearing dresses that were so short that their butts were only just covered and their slits weren’t. It was a male instructor, Don Little, that greeted them and he gave...

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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 05

by Vanessa Evans Part 05 As Eva was coming out of her room to get some coffee on the Friday morning she saw Jade coming out of Jason’s room. “You did say that it was okay didn’t you?” Jade asked Eva. “Of course it is Jade, was it good?” “And how.” They talked as they got the coffee and decided that they were going to a strip club that night. During the day they both did some research and when they got back they compared notes and decided to go to one that was advertising ‘amateur...

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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 04

by Vanessa Evans Part 04 There was what could well be a nice restaurant there but it was all shut up for the winter and they wandered around and found a bar that was open. They went in and saw about 8 or 9 men who all turned and looked at the strangers who had walked in. “Hi everyone, we’re not disturbing anything are we?” Eva said. “Fucking hell lady, no, come on in, park your cute little ass over here.” One of the customers said. Jason was starting to thing that going there was a...

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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 After a restful night’s sleep Eva was more settled with the changes that happened to her since she got to university, and when she went to the kitchen she didn’t even think about putting any clothes on and wasn’t really surprised to see a naked Jade there as well. Lewis was also there eating some cornflakes and wondering what the hell was going on. He hadn’t been at the party so hadn’t known that Jade had ‘come out’, and hadn’t really been expecting Eva to wander...

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Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Eva is a 20 year old girl, slim, small ‘A’ cup breasts and dirty blonde hair. When she was a little girl her parents had trouble getting her to wear clothes. Most of the time she’d struggle as they were forced on her then she’d tear them off as soon as she could. Eva finally got the message and she was quite ‘normal’ right up until she reached puberty. It was then that her desire to wear very little or even nothing resurfaced and she hung on to her old clothes for...

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Womankind According To One Man

Whatever life holds in store for me, one thing I know for sure. People who don’t keep their word aren’t worth keeping. Doesn’t matter if your relationship with them is work-related, school-related or romance of some sort. Trust me on that one. My name is Stevens, and I’m a young Black man of Haitian descent living in the Province of Ontario, Canada. I moved there from the City of Brockton, Massachusetts to attend Carleton University in the City of Ottawa, the Capital of Canada. Next year I will...

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The Kindergarden Blues

By Lubrican Buddy was a very unhappy young man. He had gotten caught driving with an open bottle and the judge hadn't been very understanding. He sentenced Buddy to community service - six months of community service. And Buddy was on his way to the court clerk's office to find out how he was going to have to spend those six months. The clerk was a dried up older woman whose name tag said "Fran". She wasn't impressed with Buddy and made no attempt to convince him...

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Gossip City Chapter 1 Revenge of the Kindhearted

In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. ‘What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?’ I...

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Kindra And The Black Client

"Why am I here, why am I here?" I whined, fingering through files. "Oh, because the witch needs some this shit for the client," I groaned before a pause. "The client wants Pepsi instead of Coke; I have to get what they want. They want a certain band to be playing on the stereo; I have to make it happen because I'm the intern. What the fuck?" I let out before closing the filing cabinet. "Crap, I don't know what I did with that form. I've already copied it twice for him, but he needs a third...

Office Sex
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EXPO Summer Part 5 The Unkindest Cut

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. After writing this, God, I hope so. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this story as long as the text is unaltered, and...

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The Unkindest Cut of All

The Unkindest Cut of All By Cal Y. Pygia Darren's cock was huge, bigger, longer, thicker, harder than it had ever been, a living testament to Lindsay's beauty. The actress was even lovelier in person than she was on film, and Darren had seen a lot of her films. In fact, he'd been in two of them himself, the leading man to her leading lady. Lying behind her, now, with his cock wedged up her gorgeous ass, he squeezed first one, and then the other, of...

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Dr Kindermachers Girl

Dr. Kindermacher's Girl Chapter 1 - Aches and Pains The alarm clock went off at 7 am, its insistent clanging rousing Jim Young from a deep sleep. Dragging himself to the bathroom, he took a close look at himself in the mirror. He was no youngster. At 63 he was--if not over the hill yet--certainly on the downward slope. His once- toned body was flabby and wrinkled, and the energy he enjoyed in his youth had been replaced by a general ache from countless minor insults over...

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Gossip City Chapter 1 Revenge of the Kindhearted

In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. "What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?" I...

2 years ago
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Animalkind Loving Tigress 1

Author's notes: This is my second story series on this universe. I am trying to write this story direct in english, without translation, so expect some grammar issues. I am also not used to expressions in english, so the characters are quite formal to each other, even during sex. This story is planned to have four or five chapters. I already have almost three of them written. If you like the series, add a review and suggest some plot action. Maybe I can use this plot on my...

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Animalkind Loving Tigress 2

On the first story, Julie discovered that she was turning into a tigress hybrid and after some doubts, she decided to speed up the process and discovered that she was turning into a wild woman. Will she win the fight against her instincts? Thursday, 07h Robert woke up early and noticed that he was almost under Julie. She had a paw and a hind leg over him and her head was over his chest. When he moved, she woke up and looked at him. "Good morning, beautiful! Are you feeling ok...

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Animalkind Loving Tigress 3

On the last chapter, Robert learned how to live with his new wild wife. He took care of her and never gave up on bringing her back. He was successful bringing her memories back and promised her to help her go back into being human again. Her doctor, Carla, consulted her at home and was excited about developing a new treatment to help wild women when she saw how much Julie had progressed in just a few days. Monday, 06h Robert's alarm woke him up loudly that morning. He was sore...

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Animalkind Loving Tigress 4

On third chapter, after a year taking care of his wild wife and seeing her becoming less wild, all of Robert's efforts paid off when Julie's memories came back to her into full force. She also noticed some new changes arriving. Carla visited them every week and were more than a friend now. Her study on wild women gave her a Nobel Prize. She was grateful by Robert and Julie helping her that she gave them the money from the prize, acknowledging that she would have nothing if Robert gave up...

4 years ago
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Animalkind Loving Tigress 5

After being a tigress for over a year, Julie regains her human persona in the verge of new changes. As the changes are going to an end, Robert start to change in a hybrid woman too. Carla moves with them and wanted to be their little pet. Tuesday, 07h Robert awoke and kept his eyes closed. He wanted to check what happened to his body. He could tell that Julie was at his side just by her scent. He also knew that Carla was at their feet. He ran his hand through his body and felt...

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Animalkind Almost a fairy tale

I hope you enjoy reading this story as I enjoyed writing it. I think these slow changes and the changes in senses and feelings are quite sexy. I am trying to incorporate some suggestions made on the reviews to tune the stories with your liking too. Animalkind: Almost a fairy tale This story begins only two years after the first changes around the world started. The world now was starting to get used to hybrid women. Since the start of the changes, only two years after the...

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Animalkind Almost a fairy tale 2

After becoming rich creating a sales network of changed women products, Sarah and Charles were at their beach house when Sarah starts to change. She was expecting it and was eager to find out what she would become. Sarah found out that she was changing into a tiger shark hybrid. She was desperate at first but Charles talked her out of her depressive thoughts. She had some pleasant changes, like the gills that now allowed her to breathe in the water. She also had several unpleasant...

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Emancipation of Womankind

Emancipation of Womankind The emancipation of womankind began in the early twentieth century when women gained the vote, by the end of the century they were the majority of university students and were well represented in parliament. By the middle of the twenty-first century, with women firmly the majority in parliament and a woman president, the first castration laws were passed for rapist. At first these were chemical in nature, but after some cases of men reversing the process...

4 years ago
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Kindra And The Black Client

I bit down on my bottom lip and clenched my fists on my sides too. I didn't say anything for a few seconds and just tried to comprehend the proposed situation. "Summer, could you come into my office with me for a moment, please?" I heard her ask. "Sure, floozy, I'm not in the middle of something here," I muttered under my breath. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. I failed to reply to the hussy or even move, I just calmly rubbed my head again. "Sometime today,...

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