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1 year ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 3

Alright, this wasn’t my first kiss. My first kiss, only kiss, was four years ago. Elizabeth and I had walked home together from a shitty office party our moms had dragged us to. She kissed me as I dropped her off. A quick peck on the lips. That night I told Zoe, my sister, the truth and she had been uninterested. The next day I told my friends, by that time Elizabeth had stuck her tongue in my mouth. The next day I told Xiomara and I had gotten to second base. By the end of the week Elizabeth...

2 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 5

If she hadn’t screamed, I surely would have. I pulled the covers to my chest and just stared at the Forbidden Planet poster that was over my dresser. I was in my bedroom. “Baby?” I could hear my dad at my sister’s door across the hall, “What’s wrong Zoë?” I felt cheated as I swung off my bed. I stepped on the heels of my flannel pajamas and dragged them off my legs. “You shrieked pretty badly. Can I come in?” I dug through my dresser. Most of my clothes were in blacks and blues and I...

1 year ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 6

I had wanted to wake up as angry as I had gone to bed. Angry at myself for thinking so much of a stupid dream, no matter how vivid it had been. Angry instead of feeling hurt or cheated. I almost cried over Xiomara teasing me. Yet, I was ecstatic. I felt cool fingers on the back of my neck and a warm body along my spine. It was dark. There was soft breathing and no snoring. The first of the overhead lights came on. “Good morning,” Renée yawned and a few of the girls muttered back. There was...

3 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 7

When I stepped out of bed, I felt good. I was happy. I wasn’t locked in like I had been yesterday. The girls were more tightly strung. I could see it in all of them. Renée and Connie had taken the stools with their backs to the bed. Connie’s stiff shoulders belied her graceful confidence. Renée looked lighter. She sat up straight, with perfect posture, actually everyone’s posture was good. Knees were together, not a pair were crossed. Renée gripped her stool with both hands. It framed her...

2 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 8

“Dean would you like to play?” Kia was the first to approach me after breakfast. I was feeling good. I was feeling like a tool. I hadn’t help make the food. I hadn’t help clean up. Renee and Connie turned down one bed. Xiomara and Andrea turned down the other. Suzi and Kia returned from the games locker. “Yeah, of course,” I smiled. Kia sat down on my right. Suzi took the corner to my left. Pat rushed to fill the stool across from Suzi. “I didn’t want to learn a new game right away,” Kia...

3 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 9

“Just say my boobs!” Pat snarled crossing her arms over her breasts. The room, our box, was otherwise quiet. Everyone was waiting on me or scowling at Pat. “But it wasn’t your boobs,” I shook my head, “It was your hair.” “What?” She seemed legitimately surprised. Partially offended. “Well yeah,” I could only shrug. Pat, Trishie, she was the smallest. A skinny redhead with pale skin and bright eyes. She had curves, but not like, Xiomara’s figure or Renée’s big chest. Kia was slender, with...

2 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 11

I pulled her into me before I opened my eyes. In the box again, this time knowing, certain, that I’m real. That I’m not dreaming. I reached up and set my hand on her breast. Her fingers, or someone else’s, teased the back of my hand. “He’s getting up,” Pat, still on bed number two. She had adamantly refused to join Xiomara, Kia, Marin, Suzi and myself on this bed. Even after she had jacked me off in a cold corner. I could see her lips closing on her finger as she tasted my cum. I kept that...

3 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 12

The air was cool and quiet. It gave me a moment to think. The girls were all focused on me but I was just listening. We had never heard ventilation or water pipes. I stood tall. Pat stepped back. Everyone was watching me. I walked first to Xiomara. Kia stepped closer. Pat rushed to take her place at the table. “Zoë is... What’s going on? Where’s Zoë?” Xiomara’s confidence was shot. Her lower lip was shaking. I took her hands; she almost pulled away. She rushed closer, standing with the tips...

2 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 14

My bedroom was a couple of degrees warmer than the box. It was almost stifling. I tried kicking away my comforter, pleading for a breeze to sweep in from my open window. I woke up feeling sweaty and gross. I stretched and swung my legs out of my bed. My door flung inward. Zoë rushed into my room. “What’s going on, honey?” Dad’s voice chased my sister into the room. “I, uh, I didn’t do my homework and Dean did. I gotta copy it before I go to class,” She announced and closed the door. Brazen....

3 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 15

“Oh, I hate her so much,” Kia whispered into my ear over popcorn crunches, commenting on the very pretty, very talented, very limber action heroine on the screen. I sunk a bit deeper. I didn’t even like popcorn. I had wanted peanut M&Ms but Kia had vetoed that, “Ugh, he’s not dead. Why couldn’t he have stayed dead?” I grew sick of her incessant color commentary, and I grabbed Kia’s chin and just kissed her. She seemed way more than surprised, especially as I crushed a popcorn between her...

4 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 16

My foot stung. I kicked again. The back of the cabinet clanged. I wore no shoes, there were none to wear. I was still completely barefoot after waking up that morning. I slid back and laid out on the floor. Xiomara, Connie, and Marin worried over me. Renée and Suzi fluttered back and forth from the cabinets to the table laying out breakfast. “Did that help?” worried Marin. “No,” I dragged the tears beginning in my eyes across my cheeks, “I’ll be fine.” I winced as I took my feet. Xiomara...

4 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 17

We had laid our note in the kitchen cabinet. We all stood around for nearly eight minutes before anyone moved. Xiomara grabbed my hand. I squeezed her fingers. She let me pull her in front of me. I touched her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her softly. “Awww,” Renée reacted. Xiomara pulled away. She tried to apologize with her quavering smile. “I never thought I’d be kissing you,” She told me, “Yeah, Zoë once had this big idea that we’d get married.” “I remember,” I took up her second...

3 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 18

I took Suzi to the shower some time later. It probably wasn’t the ten minutes we had joked about but it could have been. Keeping time in the box was practically impossible. We didn’t even know if we were working on twenty four hour days or not. It was always the amount of time I spent asleep each night back home. That was never exactly 11:30 pm to 8:00 am. It generally did feel like a full day from waking until bed. We had wiped each other down with the towels before we climbed out from...

4 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 19

I barely had my eyes open before Zoë had slammed my door open and skidded across my carpet. She jumped. I froze, flinching more from fear than agony, as she landed her knee on my thigh millimeters from The Once and Future King. “It’s all green!” She hissed at me. “What the--You mean outside of the box--You made it out, OK?” Mom knocked on my open door. She was still pulling on her seafoam green robe and looking more than a little pissed. “It’s 6:30! On a Saturday!” She reached for my door...

1 year ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 20

I was out of bed before my brain was awake. The girls swarmed me as I staggered and blinked. I grabbed my arm around Suzi’s shoulders; she was a perfect height to hold me vertical. The kicking of the cupboards started. “Zoë’s in there.” I muttered. Xiomara walked me forward two steps before my brain had caught up to my waking up. The energy I had taken to bed with me should’ve kept me awake all night. I was here. I was with my girls. I let go of Suzi and I dashed. “We weren’t sure if we...

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