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Rebel in the SouthChapter 62 The Final Chapter

The siege seemed to go on forever, much louder and more prolonged on the south side of the York than at Gloucester Point. It got so you could actually sleep while the deep-throated hammering went on and on. Those of us in Captain Foster's company had two weeks of rest for all practical purposes as we waited on the Bay side of the Point, the French side, near a small inlet, taking pot shot at targets of opportunity and hoping that Lord Cornwallis would try to make a run for it. Mostly we were...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 71 A Favor

One of the best things about war, and there are not many, is that bodies, human bodies, do not count for much. Death is a constant. So when this woman and her daughter, both very good lays and both good cooks as well, urged me to kill their husband and father, I did not see it as a serious problem. I surely owed them something for the pleasure they had given me repeatedly. "He's a lout," the woman said as we lay entwined, hoping for a second wind. "A drunken lout." "Um," I...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 73 Cassandra

The captain asked me to do another little chore for him in the early spring of that busy year, (ed: it must be 1778 but this is from the journal labeled 1777) about the time they were packing up to move the whole army south and east a bit to keep an eye on the Brits. I always worried when he smiled at me and asked for a favor. It seemed that a local woman, from a family of some note, wished to be transported to New York by way of Philadelphia in order to marry an up-and-coming naval officer,...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 74 Silent

The last ambush we staged in that area got a little out of hand. It was just George and me although I do not remember why. We saw this bunch at a farmhouse late one afternoon, found a good spot, loaded both rifles and muskets, fixed up a hiding place and waited. In an hour or so, here they came, and we counted in the long shadows. "Seven," George said. "Thought it was eight," I said. "You sure?" He nodded. ""You ready?" I nodded. Our horses were in the hiding spot, and we had...

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RebelChapter 10 Laura

While I was trying to find my way back to the disorganized army, I stopped at the first smithy I came to and had him sharpen my big blade. He admired the thing and put a good edge on it. We talked and then walked to the tavern for a pint and a pasty. I was still spending British coins so I stood him a drink and asked directions, hoping to soon catch up with what was left of my scattered Maryland company, the remnants of the debacle on Long Island. Somebody must have overheard us because as...

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RebelChapter 11 Parttime Spy

Madam Von R-- was a rich and very helpful patriot during all five years of the generally-welcomed British occupation of New York City. I knew her only briefly at the beginning of her service to the country and then later was assigned to serve her as a general dogsbody for almost a year - a very pleasant and instructive year. She was a bright, diminutive woman with a stately air and a will of iron. She wore fine, dark clothes of the previous generation and tall, powered wigs that were her...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 77 Carpentry

Then I took a job with a farmer who said he needed some carpentry done. I knew which end of a hammer and a saw to hold onto so I told him I was his man, especially after I saw his wife and daughter, a pair of downright stunners who were casual about their dress. The farmer was well into his sixties, perhaps seventy, but his wife was closer to twenty and his daughter was about the same, maybe a year or two older. They certainly could have worn each other's clothes. To me it looked like an...

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RebelChapter 12 Giving Advice

There was another Madame Von R-- story that I recollect from around that time, the early period of the Revolution, but it does me no credit. It's merit is that it is short, and I'm not sure why I even include it in this journal, but since I have the notes. "You've met my nephew," the charming lady said to me. "Of course," I said, not knowing her nephew from the king. "He's got some woman problems. I told him I knew a man that might be able to help. You," she said, tapping me on...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 78 Two Brave Women

I next found employ with a poor, old, decrepit widow lady of perhaps thirty-five summers. She was a strong and upright woman with wide hips and a proud prow, not beautiful I suppose, but damn nice looking, strong as any man her size and very hot-blooded. She had a firm chin and a will to match. She put me to work on the dirtiest and most tiresome tasks on her large, hillside farm. I mucked out, shoveled manure, mended roofs, dug out the privy and shingled walls before she decided that I was...

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RebelChapter 13 The Bride

The girl was as lovely as any I had seen in a long time, but she looked scared and unhappy. She sat at a corner table with two British officers when I entered the tavern. I had seen the carriage outside and wondered whom it had brought. The driver and what I supposed was a guard or footman, neither in uniform, sat at another table. Since the tavern sat in the area between what Washington controlled, mainly the hills, and what was Howe's and the German's, the flatlands and coast, it was...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 79 An Experienced Virgin

The girl was obviously very unhappy. She looked impossibly young and vulnerable. She also had an incredible and desirable body. She sat in the corner of a reasonably fashionable tavern, hemmed in by a pair of young macaronis who seemed to be pestering her to do something she did not want to do. They were whispering at both her ears and pawing her beneath the table as far as I could tell. I had been watching this playlet for a time, admiring the rise and fall of her round breasts and the...

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RebelChapter 14 Emily

"We need medical supplies, need them right now," Lt. Foster told me. "You must have run into a doctor somewhere along the line, go get us what you can. Take a wagon and bring it back filled." "Yes sir," I said, wondering how to start this assignment and then deciding that Joanna might be the key. Of course, if he had asked me for cannon balls or barrels of goat cheese, I might have made the same decision. My body sought Joanna so I got my stuff together, hitched my mare on the back of...

1 year ago
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RebelChapter 15 June

"Papa don' want you to plow today," June said, swinging her hips from side to side and cocking her lovely head, eyes shining. "He says it's too damn'd wet." Her long hair hung loosely, falling nearly to her tiny waist and her big boobies bounced beneath her thin bodice, unbuttoned as usual with stay strings dangling. I came and put my hand on her raised hip, bent and enjoyed a sweet kiss and the flick of her tongue tip. I pinched her nipple gently. "He wants you - stop that - to...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 81 Experienced

The luscious young woman was seated between two fops well back in the corner of a smoky tavern. I had watched them for a while and decided that she was in some trouble. The light was dim but the lantern above them showed the tops of her high, firm breasts which lay in a gown so low cut as to be nearly without bodice. I sat down by a macaroni wearing an embroidered waistcoat over his bulging belly. "Miss," I said, "May I be of service?" "If you please," she said sweetly, pulling up her...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 82 Short Fight

I was not looking for a fight, but I found one. It was late in the day when I came to the roadside tavern, a small place as they go. I took care of my horse, used the privy and once inside found a circle of men in one corner, spectators to some sort of event. I got a beer and joined them, elbowing a few aside to see what was going on. Rape was what was going on. A big man with his white britches hanging loose at his knees along with his black galluses was buggering a good-sized young woman...

1 year ago
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RebelChapter 18 The Ferry

I don't even recall the name of the stream, but it was wide and usually shallow with a rocky bottom. When we got there, however, the water was high and a large. old ferry was plying the flood. Our job was to hold the ford, now a ferry, until the whole army, what was left of it, had scampered, cross in several places. Then we could cross and join them, so we were told. As our forlorn troops ambled by in ones and twos, in knots and platoons, the wounded moaning in farm wagons or helping...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 83 Plowing

Lt. Foster ordered me and another man to look into stories about a farmer who was selling to the Brits but refusing to let us Continentals buy foodstuffs and fodder. Downright unpatriotic, so we were told as we were sent on our way with orders to change his mind. Ewell Freeman was the man I was with, and he was in charge, an acting corporal I believe, a tall and gangly Scot from western Virginia, a dead shot with a rifle. What we found, after a long day's ride, was a large and obviously...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 84 Indentured Girl

I had lost sight of the wagon Corporal Freeman was driving when the girl came running out of the woods like a pack of demons was chasing her. She scrambled up to the driver's seat, grabbed my arm and cried, "Don' let him take me back." I clucked at the horses and shook the reins a bit, enjoying the feel of her soft, young body against mine. She wore a gaping dress of some coarse material, ragged at the hem and flapping about her bulbous chest, al its buttons missing. "What's going...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 85 Philomela

I had another excursion, but I am not sure whether it was before or after the bloody business with the Indians. I know it was in the fall; I can remember the coldness on my bare skin and the trees turning color. A young woman of some means had come to camp to marry a Continental officer only to find that the man had died of dysentery or the black fever or some such thing. She was in turns distraught and angry, and it somehow became our company's task to see to her care while she was in camp...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 86 A Change of Heart

The woman beneath me sighed and smiled, wiggling her ample hips and patting my sweating back. "That was fine," she sighed, "monstrous fine. Now you'd best get back to your chores." She lay spread across the quilts of her big, high bed with its carved headboard, knees raised, her dark hair fan-like beneath her. "Really," she moaned as I continued, snorting with passionate effort, sure I could come again with another score of thrusts, "the mister will be back directly and the cook's...

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RebelChapter 21 Lizzie James

When I got back, somebody sewed up the cuts above my right eye and at the corner of my mouth, and my lieutenant took pity on me and assigned me an easy job for a change. “All you gotta do,” he said, giving me a hard eye, “is take this here box, it’s full a’reports of some kind, down to meet the stage to Philadelphia, down at Smedleyville.” I nodded and mentally assessed my finances, hoping to spend some on good beer and bad women when I got the chance. “Y’see that carriage?” the lieutenant...

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RebelChapter 22 Margaret

"Come in here," the scruffy inn-keeper urged with a wink. "Got somethin' I think you'll like." I followed him to a small back room under a slanting shed roof, and then on a filthy bed lay a slim, young woman, bare as the day she was born, one hand and the opposite foot tied to the bedstead and a gag in her mouth. She had a fine, strong body and dark brown hair. Her eyes pleaded, and she covered her privates with her free hand. My cock trembled to be among those fingers, beneath those...

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Rebel SpyChapter 2 The Poor Old Widow

"Now," said the madam, with a small smile, "I want you to go visit this woman, the poor dear, she's had such a hard time, and do what you can for her. She is a widow of this war. I just found out last week." "Yes'm," I said, knuckling my forehead. "And bathe first, shave and get one the girls to cut your hair so you won't look so bearlike." "Yes'm," I said with a nod. "And put on some clean linen for goodness sakes." "Yes'm." "And polish your boots." I fled, did as...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 88 The Recruiters

Carolina was, at first, a pleasurable memory test. I always liked tavern wenches, found most humorous and dependable people as well as hard working and generous. So when this little barmaid plopped down my beer and hopped into my lap, I was not very surprised and welcomed her wet kiss and squirming body. "Let's do it," she whispered as my hand slipped under her skirt. I gulped some beer, picked her up and trotted upstairs, never one to let an opportunity slip by. I was out of my boots and...

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RebelChapter 23 The Young Earl

"He claims," the glowing girl said when we paused to drink some wine and rest our tired genitals and aching backs, "to be some sort of a lord or earl or something." "Does he now?" I asked, bending to kiss her large, white breast with its upright thrust of a nipple in a pink circle. She was a young one, but she loved to swive. I wondered where the good Madam had found her since she was pure alley cat in bed despite her regal bearing in the drawing room. Dressed to kill, her chin held...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 89 The Tavern

I think this bloody tale, as well as several others, is out of place, but it's on top of the pile, so here it is. Men who operated ferries or manned the gates at well-established fords or tollroads were good sources of information, and in my work I cultivated their friendship and rewarded their cooperation as best I could. One of them, a German named Claus Schmidt, had not only a large ferry that could carry a stage and its team but a sound ford during low water and a very successful tavern...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 90 Freedom Dues

Foster sent us, me and George, out to do some requisitioning. Our orders were to get something for the men to eat, anything, but especially corn and flour. "Do it legally if you can," our officer said with a smile as he gave us a sheaf of quartermaster forms, "but get us some grub." We took two tired riding horses and a wagon and mule, both old as dirt, and we started scouring the countryside. It did not take us long to figure out that a lot of men had been out doing the same thing before...

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RebelChapter 25 Captain Susan

"Somewhere in those hills," Lt. Foster said, jabbing at the crude map, "in one of these thin valleys most likely, there's a company of militia. George, you go find them and see if you can persuade them to come in and join up with us. Might make up for some of the recent desertions." He turned to me with a sneer. "And, sirrah, if you are not too busy with the girls, would you please go find the irregulars in this area, just a small bunch we're told, and see if you can bring them in."...

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Rebel SpyChapter 5 Mrs McIver

"This is Mrs. McIver," said the old madam as she presented me to the tall woman at her side. "She needs protection for a while and you are to serve as her driver since that scoundrel fled with some of her silver shortly after her husband disappeared." That confused me, but I took the young woman's hand briefly and smiled into her dark eyes, admiring her fine body and the violet cameo that hung at the cleft of her high breasts. She had a tiny waist, well-boned in I was sure, flaring hips...

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RebelChapter 26 Trudy The General s Wife

As a spy, I guess inept would be the best word for me. My lieutenant sent me into the city with a wagon load of corn and a few shillings, to see what I could find out about British plans for the spring. I was told to stay away from Mrs. Von R- for some reason. I did not have any trouble getting a good price for the corn or the wagon and mule, but I sure did have trouble finding out what Howe was up to. In fact, what I did find out made me think that Howe really did not care much for the...

2 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 6 Constance

"I've rented you out," the Madam said with a smile. "You and my best carriage with the team of grays." I waited, knowing it would all become reasonably clear when she felt like it. "My good friend, Mrs. T--. is going to a ball or some such thing and plans to wear her jewels. And wait until you see them! She needs a guard and since you know how to drive, you are most qualified. Take a pistol." I nodded and returned her smile. "There's more isn't there?" "Yes, all the enemy's...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 92 She s Loyal

"You really must meet my poor sister," sighed the woman lying beneath me, thoroughly impaled on my striving manhood but, having climaxed a half dozen times, losing interest in our endeavors. "Poor sister," I managed, holding her hips and rotating my own, hoping to reach my own peak once more, knowing I would fail but still enjoying the attempt. She was bung hole tight, canal deep and very slick. "Oh yes," she said impassively, gritting her teeth and arching her back, "they think her...

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RebelChapter 27 The Major s Daughter

"I'm cold," she said, dragging her heavy skirt to my bed roll, "make room." She climbed in beside me, a small warm body, and pulled her expensive, make-do blanket across both of us. She squirmed nearer, getting her knees behind mine. "You're nice and warm. I thought you'd be." She smelled good; I knew I did not. "You know better than this," I whispered. "You can't sleep with me. Your father would skin me." "I won't tell him," she whispered back, shrugging her shoulders,...

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RebelChapter 28 The Redoubt

"We need powder," said Lt. Foster, sitting astride a stool in his tent while one of the camp followers slept on his cot, curled like a cat. "Powder and shot, or lead at least. You and George go do a little scoutin'. Find us a poorly guarded supply somewhere nearby. Want'cha back here in five days. And no whoring, jus' do the job." He stood and unbuttoned his waistband. "What'cha waitin' for?" he yelled, turning the blanket back from the dozing woman who was as bare as the day she...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 93 Merciless

She was a very beautiful young woman, perhaps twenty; extremely well dressed in quite expensive clothes and they had been tailored to her lush body. She held herself regally, chin high, back straight, ready for anything. Unfortunately she and her companion, a young officer from Connecticut, had not been ready for a couple of road agents. They chased the young couple and their pair of fine horses for several miles before a lucky shot from one of them killed the man and sent the light rig...

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Rebel SpyChapter 8 Young Beth and the Canadians

The third time I had contact with the lovely and lustful Constance T, a week or so later, it was in the same capacity, driver and body guard. She and the girl, Mary Beth, appeared ready to travel when I arrived and both greeted me with brotherly kisses. I helped them up into the carriage and got their boxes stowed, and we were off for a long ride in the country, taking the randy girl to another relative to piece out her penance for having lain with her brother. We stopped for a meal and to...

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RebelChapter 29 The British Major s Make believe Wife

"I hear tell that regiment of foot in New Brunswick's got a new commander, a right smart one they say." I stood in front of Lt. Foster and waited. He seldom told us anything just for practice. "Feller's eager to make a reputation. That's what I heard." I shifted my weight to the other foot. "Reckon we ought to find out, maybe slow him down a might." 'Suppose," I said. "Why don't you go in an' see what's what?" he said, examining a sore on his arm. "Alone?" I...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 94 English girl

I heard about the English girl long before I saw her. She was, they said, a prize beauty and they did not lie. She had been captured along with her officer-husband and four outriders in an ambush. Negotiations were underway for trading the officer for men the Redcoats were holding. The four cavalrymen had died trying to escape, so I was told with a grin, horses being worth a lot more that British cavalrymen, and dead men ate very little. Lt. Foster detailed me to carry a white flag and...

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RebelChapter 30 Gilly

I remember telling Lieutenant Foster that I needed a woman. "Don' you always," he said, completely unconcerned as I made my report. I told him that we had brought down a half-dozen Redcoated officers and twice that many dragoons in our fortnight of scouting, and he seemed pleased but still unsympathetic to my needs. It was, of course, a slight exaggeration, but I was pretty sure I had winged one subalteran and knew I had done several Redcoats including a big sergeant. "Try to find...

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Rebel SpyChapter 10 Beautiful Etta

Madam Von. R-- took me aside, holding my arm very firmly, and pointed with her fan. "See that girl, the dark-haired one?" she said. I looked where she gestured and saw a young beauty with shining eyes laughing with a gray-wigged man who had a drink in his hand. I nodded and found it hard to take my eyes off her. She was young and succulent. My cock twitched. "You are to leave her completely alone, understand?" The little woman looked at me with her steely eyes. "She has been a marvel....

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RebelChapter 31 Capture and Pleasure

"Oh! Ahh. Oh! Ahh Oh! Ahh." The lovely girl beneath me had a regular litany consisting of a cry of seemingly-surprised pleasure with a sharp intake of breath followed by a deep sigh of even more intense joy. The first came as I drove my eager yard into her and the second as I slowly withdrew it to plunge again and again and again into her clinging heat and vibrant body, to grind against her engorged nub and nuzzle her sweaty breasts. Her legs were wrapped about me and her belly quivered...

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Rebel SpyChapter 11 Tiera

The next time the old madam sent for me was an entirely different matter. "There is in the city," she said, looking very cross, "a young woman I want you to go see, to recruit if possible. She is, I am told, second only to Mrs. Loring in the female pecking order." "A whore?" I asked, trying not to sound hopeful. She nodded. "Courtesan is the word they like." She snorted derisively. "Why, Madam? We've got good contacts now." "She evidently knows all the nabobs, the high...

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RebelChapter 33 Harvested

The three people entered the tavern from the stage with a look of disgust and disdain. Two bewigged men, one a good bit older than the other, and a blonde woman in a very fancy dress. All three, in fact, were very well dressed and surely out of place. They sat at a table after the younger man brushed off the furniture with his large kerchief. The woman looked unhappy, the men disgusted. She was a pretty girl with very pale skin and golden curls. She wore a blue silk sacque dress with an...

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RebelChapter 34 The Quartermaster s Lady

"This is far enough," the woman called, reining in her horse and tossing back her long mane of fiery hair. "Come help me down." I dismounted, held up my hands and she slipped right into them, about ten stone of her. I let her down slowly and held her to me, enjoying the feel of her as she slid down my chest and belly. Her mouth reached up to mine, and my hands cupped her firm bottom as we ground our bodies together. She had been flirting with me and the others for some time, riding out...

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RebelChapter 35 The Dolls

The Dahl girls were a remarkable trio. They came to our camp every month or six weeks with a wagon load of provisions for their militia-officer father and his staff which included one of their brothers. Then they dallied overnight and, according to rumor, each of them served as many as a half-dozen men by morning when they departed, looking as fresh and lovely as when they arrived. Their regular visits were much anticipated among the younger officers who called them the "dolls." They...

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RebelChapter 36 A Gentleman s Word

The captain's wife and daughter were snotty, stuck-up bitches; that was the consensus after they had been in camp less than a week. By the end of two weeks, that opinion had solidified and they were considered mean-spirited and demanding as well. We would be, all agreed, glad to see them gone despite their obvious and sourly admitted beauty. When Foster called me in and handed me a purse, I knew it was my turn in the barrel. He smiled "Take them two friggin' females back to the Raritan...

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Rebel SpyChapter 17 Coat Turning

"See that pretty one over there," the Madam said. "I'm not at all sure about her." I looked where she nodded and spotted the newcomer, a vision in satin and lace, svelte and luscious, her posture picture-perfect. "Why?" I asked, inwardly licking my chops. "A volunteer," she said with a growl. "No family connections to speak of. Go chat her up. Let me know what you think." My goal, of course, was to converse with the girl horizontally. I approached and was introduced, took her...

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Rebel SpyChapter 18 Solving a Problem

"I'm sending you to help a friend of mine," the old lady said looking very stern. "She has a young daughter, and you are not to touch her, you hear?" I nodded. "Her family is of divided loyalties, sadly," she said. "Something odd is going on, and I think she is in danger." The Madam, as usual, was right. The woman had a company of British infantry camped in the stubble of her cornfield and their officers ensconced in her home. Her slaves were now their servants, and she and her...

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Rebel SpyChapter 19 A Girl in Trouble

And then my friend Constance T -- got me involved with a courtesan the likes of which I had never seen. She was, despite her youth, a grande dame of the Tory hierarchy or pecking order, and once Howe himself was out of the way, I was told, she would be right at the head of the overdressed, amoral and irreverent parade, replacing Mrs. Loring. Her name does not matter; she is now a grandmother and well thought of by most of her friends and all of her family. But back in the revolutionary times,...

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RebelChapter 39 Nicole

Most people seem to think that young Lafayette was the first Frenchman to come over and serve the American cause. He might have been the richest and perhaps the youngest and surely the best known, but he was not the first. I met a man called Bonnet, Bo-nay he called it, at least a year before I saw Lafayette. He went to war in style, followed by two wagons, one with his food, cook and dinner table and the other for his wife, their clothes and her maid. I had both of them. The maid was better...

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Rebel SpyChapter 20 A Pair of Beauties

Widowed Sisters "Madam," I said with a bow. "Your friend, Madam Von R -- has sent me, I assume at your request." The woman released my hand and raised an eyebrow. I introduced myself and admired her openly. She was a peach, a very high class peach, but a peach nevertheless. Tall, slim, cool, tastefully dressed and openly aroused by something or other, angry or passionate. Her face was flushed, her breathing rapid and her high breasts rose and fell rapidly raising her hardened nipples to...

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RebelChapter 40 Fire in a Barn

Again this is out of order, but all these tales take place in the months between the evacuation of New York and the remarkable triumph at Trenton. My nots, unfortunately, are a jumble, mostly undated. After White Plains, I decided to quit the army and go home. I did not get far, and after a slight detour, the army caught up with me. I was fated to be a soldier I suppose. The detour came because of all those stories of brave knights rescuing lovely damsels in distress. I wish I had never read...

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RebelChapter 41 The Princess

We called her the princess while she was with us, a kind of natural curiosity; and she was a marvel indeed. She was not just pretty, she was spectacularly beautiful, consciously sensual and incredibly arousing, and she knew it, all of it. Worse, she flaunted it. Her clothes showed it and so did her stance and her attitude. It was hard to glance her way without feeling a surge of something primitive roll through your belly and poke at your member. When she walked by a group of men you could...

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Rebel SpyChapter 21 Another Widow

"There is a woman in town," the old lady said with a tiny smile, "oh, you are going to enjoy this, a woman who has been recently widowed. She has been a fine source of information about the British navy and about Tory enterprises." I nodded waiting for the ax to fall. "I want you to go see her and do whatever she wants; comfort her." "Yes'm," I said, thinking I had better bathe and shave, assuming I was being sent to comfort some mature ladyfriend or dusty crone. Several hours...

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RebelChapter 42 Anna

The officers had commandeered a big, brick house with four chimneys and white trim as headquarters. I was doing guard duty in front of the place when these two women appeared, both well-dressed and well worth looking at. Admirable is what they were, stunners. "This is my house," the older, darker-haired woman said. "Stand aside." I did as she demanded, and she stomped up the steps followed by the younger, lighter-haired woman who was carrying a valise and who looked at me very coolly as...

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Rebel SpyChapter 22 Amelia

"Amelia," the madam said, looking quite displeased, "has become the mistress of a member of Howe's staff, a general somebody-or-other. I tried to discourage her, but she insisted it was the best way to get good information. She claimed to be an expert on the subject." I waited picturing the luscious young woman who had been through so much in her short life. "She's done that kind of work before," I said. "But someone may recognize her." "She knows that. But she changed the way...

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RebelChapter 43 Another Widow

This story is out of place and should have been entered earlier. But here it is. Every army has its camp followers, and I generally left them alone unless I was very deeply in need of female solace. Some officers' wives were also in the train that followed the army from place to place, but they usually rode in wagons and the men always left them alone while the washerwomen, trollops and sergeants' girls walked most of the time and were considered fair game. Shortly after we stopped the...

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Rebel SpyChapter 23 Annalee Annabelle

"These ladies," said the madam, handing me a note and some directions. "They say they need a driver they can trust, and I think they need a guardian since what they do is often very dangerous." She fanned herself and closed her eyes. "The things we do," she said to herself. "Get along," she said to me with a wave of her fan and a small smile, "and do be useful." The "ladies" turned out to be a mother and daughter who had been highly successful in rising within the Tory...

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RebelChapter 45 On the River

When we had nothing better to do, and the big river was nearby, we enjoyed taking pot shots at the officers on the poop decks of passing ships. We seldom hit anyone as far as I could tell, but even at 500 yards, my rifle was very accurate, and I often scattered the afterguard. It was judging the moving target that was the problem, but I enjoyed seeing men scrambling about after one of my shots. Occasionally the tars replied with a bow chaser, aiming at the smoke cloud my riffle produced, but...

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Rebel SpyChapter 24 Hard at Work

Obviously the girls did not know I could hear them. They were on the other side of the basement stairs, making an inventory of the winter larder. One musical voice said, "Whatever you do, don't let him in your bed in the morning. The night is bad enough." "I don't understand," said the other girl, "I see five of those." "Um," said the first. "Look on the next shelf. His thing, which is outrageously big anyhow, is enormous early in the day, just enormous, like a rutting...

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RebelChapter 46 The Marine s Bride

Our ambush had produced a light carriage, piled high with chests and boxes, and containing a British captain of Marines and his charming, young wife, all frills and ribbons, teary-eyed and wobble-chinned after a loud, rough trip to our hilly place of encampment. We had shot down their two outriders and then killed the driver when he produced a horse pistol. The big, bluff Marine sputtered and swore as we trussed him up, and all of us ogled and gawked at his lovely bride who hung to his arm...

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Rebel SpyChapter 25 Julia the Widow

"This woman I am sending you to is an old friend of mine, but she's not very old; just foolish. Her husband, her second husband, is a preacher, Anglican, Church of England, you know what I mean, the King's bunch." The Madam fluttered about, pressed a sealed note into my hands, gave me directions and shooed me on my way. "Do what you can for her," were her parting words. Julia Marshall might have been thirty-five, perhaps forty but I doubt it. She was slim and quiet. Her home, a modest...

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Rebel SpyChapter 27 Nephew

There was another Madame Von R-- story that I have recalled from around that time, but it does me no credit. "You've met my nephew," the charming old lady said to me with a flick of her ever-present fan. "Of course," I said, not knowing her nephew from the king. "He's got some woman problems. I told him I knew a man that might be able to help. You," she said, tapping me on the chest with her folded fan and smiling. "Women? I don't know anything about women," I told...

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Rebel SpyChapter 29 The Problem Solved

"This is Mrs. Lister," said the Madam, "and her daughter Amy." The girl smiled at me and made a small curtsey while I held her stately mother's hand and admired her grace and beauty. "A militia company," the old lady said, nudging me to get my attention, "has driven them from their home, a local company, New Yorkers they say, that claimed to be with the patriot cause. Call themselves Partisans they do." "I never saw such a foul bunch," the woman said while her daughter stood...

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RebelChapter 49 Rapists

When the three women came into camp, they looked terrible - ravaged, beaten, distraught, frightened, their clothes in tatters. I have seldom seen the like. The men who brought them in said they found them huddled together in the woods, incoherent and shaking. We got their story from them in bits and pieces, between bouts of tears and shaking. It was an ugly story. They had been traveling on a regular stage toward a relative's home when a group of Hessians waylaid them. The men on the stage,...

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RebelChapter 50 The Price of Bravery

I was above stairs enjoying one of the big tavern's three wenches. I believe it was Janie. In fact I never thought of them separately. They were interchangeable and all fine pieces. We were well into our second session of the afternoon, bouncing on the swaybacked bed, when there was a ruckus downstairs with cursing, doors slamming and chairs hitting the floor. I rolled out of bed despite some half-hearted protests and saw that most of the customers were leaving, a few shaking their fists at...

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Rebel SpyChapter 31 Sale

Slave auctions were not common in New Jersey, that was certain. I never heard of such, but I am told that they did occur in the port cities from time to time. The one I discovered was evidently a local institution of some sort with a list of regulars and certain protocols that everyone in the know recognized and adhered to. As an ignorant newcomer, I stood back and learned as men, women, and children of colors ranging from dusty black to chocolate cream were sold for prices ranging from ten...

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RebelChapter 51 Sisters

During one of the many lulls in the New York - Jersey campaign engendered by Howe's reluctance or inability to make up his mind, Captain Martin had a visit from his wife and her comely sister, Brigid. The captain was lieutenant Foster's commanding officer, and he volunteered himself to squire the sister about, hardly a hardship since she was so bright and pretty. I was dragooned to drive the chaise and stand guard while they picnicked and dallied in the glen from time to time. One...

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Rebel SpyChapter 32 Service as Requested

"Well," the woman said with a small smile, "Let me see this famous instrument." She sat back in her softly upholstered chair and crossed her long legs, letting her foot bounce. "Madam?" I said brightly. I had gone where I was sent and had been brought to the lady's upstairs parlor by a black maid in a starched apron. "Come now," the handsome woman said, making a wry face, "surely a big man like you isn't bashful." I sat and crossed my legs, aware of my growing tumescence. She...

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RebelChapter 52 Captured Women

On my way back to Foster's company, I ran into Gilly, sitting on the tail gate of an old wagon at the side of the road. "My, my," she said, "look who's here. Pretty as ever." Another woman appeared from the ditch at the side of the road, her dress and apron hanging open and her lush, young body ready for inspection, and well worth the effort. She pulled her clothes together and stepped up on the worn road. "Wheel's broke," she said. "I'm Annie." I took her offered hand and then...

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Rebel SpyChapter 33 Serving Faithfully

Obviously the girls did not know I could hear them. They were on the other side of the basement stairs, making an inventory of the winter larder. One musical voice said, "Whatever you do, don't let him in your bed in the morning. The night is bad enough." "I don't understand," said the other girl, "I see five of those." "Um," said the first. "look on the next shelf. His thing, which is outrageously big anyhow, is enormous early in the day, just enormous, like a rutting...

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RebelChapter 53 Silvie

The lady under discussion evidently had some very influential contacts in our army. She was a stunner, they said, who gobbled up men, whose appetites were peculiar and who was never satisfied. The colorful rumors about her grew with each telling. She had seduced Arnold in a fast-moving carriage; she had done it with Wayne standing in a hallway behind a rack of cloaks; she had even bedded Washington himself and devoured the old man's cock, one dispatch rider declared in awe, leaving the big...

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RebelChapter 54 Lizzie Violet

"She's back," George said, "an' she's lookin' f'you." "Who?" I asked. "What are you talking about." "That there James woman, the big 'un, the adjutant major's doxie, she's back." He smiled. "I'm sure you 'member her since you nearly got yersef hanged that time." Then I recalled: the carriage with the broken wheel, the three women including little Suzy who sold her non-existent cherry repeatedly, and Lizzie James, a strong and tireless lover and then the vile rapes. I...

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RebelChapter 55 The Prisoner

Evidently it was some very influential local who had contacts with the Congress in Philadelphia that brought the problems of Dr. Flannery to Gen. Washington's attention. And eventually, through the chain of command, the problems and the job came to be Lt. Foster's and then mine. The story, as we got it, was that a local Tory of some means had been dispossessed of his home and, as if that were not enough, the Redcoats or the Hessians, he was not sure which, we holding his daughter for ransom...

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RebelChapter 56 Laura Again

At first I thought that the girl might have been twelve or so, but when she shed her layers of rags and walked out into the creek, I discovered she was a full-grown woman complete with some hair between her legs, just a small and young one with a plain, honest face. I enjoyed watching her wash herself, dunking her head beneath the icy water several times and rubbing sand from the creek bottom on her arms and legs. Then she waded ashore and stood over me, dripping water on my leg from the...

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RebelChapter 58 An Officer s Mistress

Out scouting by myself for a change, I heard some horses approaching and got off the road. Several blue-unformed Hessians rode past at a good canter leading a small group of riderless horses. Once they were out of sight, I went on my way and in a few minutes came upon a big carriage, where, it seemed obvious, some of the horses had come from. At first I thought it was abandoned with some open trunks on the ground and clothes strewn about, but then I heard a scream and, as I rode around the...

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RebelChapter 60 The Quartermaster s Wife

I lay on a creekside and remembered when there were lulls, times when we had little or nothing to do except take care of our clothes and shoes, clean our weapons and rest. During one of those slack times, I knew that Lt. Foster had been busily serving the quartermaster's randy wife even before I talked her maid into my tent for a pleasant if tiring evening of give and take, suck and fuck. I gave it to her and she took again and again until she collapsed. panting and covering me with kisses....

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RebelChapter 61 The Young One

During one of our stays in a regular camp, Lieutenant Foster had comely visitors, two of them. A pretty. blonde woman of twenty-five or so, that he rogered regularly during their stay, and her willowy younger cousin, carrot-haired and freckle-faced, barely nubile from the look of her, who resisted every subalterns' overtures but did dance and flirt with a few. We regular soldiers, of course, had no chance with either of them. When the time came for us to move on, the lieutenant sent for...

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RebelChapter 63 Gold

The bunch we ambushed had some prisoners. We killed one before we figured out the people they were prodding along in front of them were civilians with their hands tied behind them. Lt. Foster yelled at us and in a running fight that went about two miles down this forest road, we managed to bring down the whole redcoat detail and salvage two of their captives. Two others died in the fight although I cannot say whose shots killed them. While some men searched the dead and picked up the...

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RebelChapter 64 Indians

"I believe you know my wife," the captain said calmly, nearly giving me a heart attack. Suzanne smiled sweetly at me, and I took her offered hand and said, "Of course, that unfortunate business." "Yes, yes," said the captain. "Well, while you've been off gallivanting, she and her sister - I believe you've also met Brigid - and a friend of theirs have been visiting the camp." I nodded and watched Suzanne lick her lips and take a breath to poke out her lovely boobs. I wondered if...

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RebelChapter 65 On the River

I was never much of a sailor although I had worked on the Bay one oyster season with an uncle of mine who lived just north of Annapolis. I learned a lot in a short time over there including a few things about girls. I was maybe fourteen or fifteen and never thought of anything but girls. Nevertheless, under my lieutenant's questioning, I had to admit that I could swim and that I knew bow from stern and a little something about sails and such. He sent me down to the river where that was a...

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RebelChapter 66 Galley Slave

I never made it to camp, at least not for a fortnight, and in fact, I was back on the water almost at once, much against my will. A Redcoat patrol gobbled me up and sent me, with my arms tied behind me and my belt and weapons as displays of my rebellious intent, down river where I was made a galley slave. Now I know that sounds odd and unbelievable, but that is what we were, galley slaves. Only it was not a galley but a barge and none of us were chattel slaves. In fact the one slave in the...

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RebelChapter 67 Lily

Once more I was waylaid and my good intentions got me no closer to my struggling and retreating company. A light carriage lay leaning precariously into a ditch, both off-side wheels well buried, perhaps burst apart, the boxes that had been atop it broken open, clothes scattered. The horses were gone and a still body lay sprawled across the driver's seat, one bloody arm dangling. Inside the ruined rig I found a small young woman in velvet traveling clothes lying under a rather corpulent and...

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RebelChapter 68 Friends

You are not going to believe this next story. I hardly believe it myself. I was headed back toward our retreating army, dodging patrols and well behind the pursuing British under Cornwallis when I came across a small settlement well hidden in a gentle valley. There were just a few wooden houses, perhaps ten, a small mill and a log meeting house. The village was filled with Quakers, a breakaway sect perhaps, who seemed to be almost self-sufficient and basically disinterested in the outside...

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RebelChapter 69 Irish

"Since you like to travel so much," Lt. Foster said, "suppose you go back into the city there, open your ears and close your mouth, stay out of loose women's arms, and try to discover what these foul Redcoats are up to." I cooked some rations, drew more ammunition, looked to my gear and was on my way, proud to be trusted after being on the list of deserters for some time. The first night I was in the city, with my good horse carefully stabled, I ran into a very odd sort of business. As...

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RebelChapter 70 Wounded

The fight had been short and vicious, and when it was over, I lay in a ditch of muddy water with a searing wound in my left shoulder and an ankle swollen to twice it usual size. I smelled smoke and levered myself up to see that off to the east, the woods were on fire. Screams told me that wounded men were being burned alive, and the smell told me that human flesh was roasting, dead or living. I sat up, found the tampion in my pocket and shoved it into the muzzle of my filthy musket. Then I...

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RebelChapter 71 A Milling Operation

I am not sure who brought us information about the Tory miller, but whoever it was, I owe him a debt of sincere gratitude. The lieutenant detailed George and me to go out with an empty wagon and to bring it back filled with flour, no excuses acceptable. So that was what we did, at least what we set out to do, and when we followed the directions and crude map we had been given, we found the mill. It was well-built of local stone and had a overshoot wheel. We could actually hear it groaning...

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RebelChapter 72 A Young One

I am not sure whose bright idea it was, probably the captain's. He dressed himself up as a well-to-do planter and sold George and me into bondage, complete with phony contracts. George went off to work on the docks and learned some useful information before he broke and ran when they decided to send him to Barbados, and I suffered a different sort of fate as a groom at the riverside home of the Ambrose family, one of the richest bunch of Tories anywhere. I should have been able to learn...

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Rebel PrincessChapter 2

Safely hidden underneath the nondescript clothing assigned to her when she entered the remote castle, Alice was certain the only one who suspected her true identity was the blade tutor Anton and he was sort of fellow that would take a secret to the grave and never issue a whisper of a hint to a living soul. She followed her two guides to the next chamber without lifting her head. The young swordplay student never gave her a second glance because her form was completely hidden under the...

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Rebel PrincessChapter 3

Young Alice was dangerously armed now and she was eager to take revenge on the mercenary forces currently running things in the center of the realm with total lack of pity or mercy for the royal members of a society upside down ever since the demise of the Queen mother in the hours of darkness hardly one moon before. Her memory of her oral payments for her wonderful new blade brought a glow to her cheeks that caused her to look over her shoulder to see if anyone was watching her movements...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 2 Ivy

It was getting up toward midnight that moonlit evening when I finished my other Trenton chores still enjoying memories of my time with the lusty redjead, talked to all of my trusted contacts and then tapped on the Snyder's barred back door. Felicity admitted me with her finger to her smiling lips. Her boys were with their grandparents near New Brunswick, and we both hoped Ivy was sound asleep upstairs. I kissed her and held her close, pushing aside her robe and letting my hands run over the...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 3 Girls

We stopped in Philadelphia on our way south. When I say we, I mean General Greene and his entourage including Captain Foster and his skirmishers, scouts and spies, the small outfit I belonged to. While Nathanael Green tried to pump blood and traveling money out of the stony and impecunious Congress, we had pretty much free run in the big city for a few days. Philadelphia, at that time, probably had more whores than the rest of America put together and a lot of them claimed to be fresh...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 4 Virtue

The third girl from that trip southward was much more of a surprise and not such a happy one. She called to me from the doorway of a merchant's shop near the waterfront, and since few people in that town knew my name, I quickly responded. At first, I thought she was a boy, a slim, rather short boy, but she was as it turned out very much a young woman. "I'm Virtue Y--," she said. "Don't you remember me, me and my sister and our poor mother? They call me Trudy." It came back slowly...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 5 Sheila

The fourth woman from the past was Sheila McLean, the desiccated minister's luscious widow. She stepped right in front of me on the street, her head down and her hand out, "Spare a shilling, sir?" she said with a quaver. There was something familiar about her. As I dug in my purse she looked up at me with dark, bloodshot eyes, and my cock jumped in recognition. "I know you," I told her, searching my memory. "There was a fire. Who are you?" She twisted away and started to run but her...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 6 My Mistake

On November 2, a date I'm not likely to forget, the day before we were to mount up for the long trip down the coast, I spied a lovely young woman, a real heart stopper, being carried through the streets in one of those fancy sedan chairs. I wish I had not. She glanced my way and smiled before hiding behind a frilly fan. Her smile promised things I was always thinking about. She had hair the color of spun gold and as classic a profile as any I had seen depicted in images of Greek or Roman...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 7 Enlightenment

We left Philadelphia the next day, headed for Baltimore and Annapolis. Greene and Von Steuben along with their aides, rode in front while Foster and our small company of scouts trailed the wagons as a afterguard, eating dust now and then. Two of our men were always a mile ahead, out on the flanks, just in case. Greene was a great believer in scouts and spies. Captain Foster and I rode in silence for several miles, getting accustomed to the rhythm of our mounts, enjoying the fine day. When we...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 8 Gretchen

The second night on the road, we camped near a fine mansion on the upper reaches of the Delaware Bay. The servants from the home, as well as the lord and lady of the manor, came down with platters of food and gallons of drink. We lay in the shade, relaxed and told each other what a terrible thing war was. I was stuffing tobacco in my pipe when I became aware of two well-shod feet, one on each side of my extended leg. "So, you lazy good-for-nothing," the small woman with her fists on her...

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