Wizard School indian porn

3 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 3

They must have decided to show me some mercy, because they weren't in there that long. My chin bounced off the floor a couple of times when they came out wrapped in towels and headed for their rooms to get dressed. Maybe letting them go first wasn't such a bad idea, after all. Breakfast was great but I remembered last night, and didn't stuff myself. I was pleased to see that oatmeal wasn't on the menu. I had some biscuits and gravy, along with some fruit. I also had my first cup of...

3 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 4

Ann put on a show with the targets. I guess she was still mad. Denise and I did better than yesterday. It felt a lot more natural after a while. I even got to visit with Diablo some, but didn't get to ride him. He appreciated the apple, though. We got our things ready to take for the trip to the line cabin before we went to bed. That way, we could make sure we got an early start. I wish I had known how early that would be. The girls woke me up by yanking the cover off. I was wearing...

4 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 5

Even a 'city boy' like me knows what a rattlesnake sounds like. It was behind Ann, under a rocky overhang. When I saw it begin to strike, I automatically palmed my gun, and fired. I guess I had been paying attention during those lessons. I led it just a hair, and practically blew its head off. Before Ann could react to the sound, the danger had passed. Ann just looked at the snake, and then at me, as I replaced the spent shell. She waited until I holstered the gun and put the brass in my...

2 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 6

We got an early start, and Diablo was as happy to be going as I was. When he saw me with the saddle, he snorted, and I heard; "It's about time! I'm tired of standing around doing nothing." He was coming through loud and clear. Once I got over the shock, I promised to ride him more often. The girls looked at me like I was nuts, until I told them what Goldie and Dancer (Ann's horse), said. They were in complete agreement with Diablo. Denise didn't bat an eye, but Ann was still trying to...

1 year ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 7

The coach showed up before lunchtime the next day. He had another guy with him, who turned out to be his son. He would be a senior this year, and was the starting halfback. His name was Tim, and we talked for a bit, while our dads set things up. We worked out for two hours, before everybody was satisfied. I guess I made the team, because coach Nelson said we might win a few games this year. It was harder than yesterday, so I didn't know. Tim had been running patterns, and he was a lot...

2 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 8

That night, Denise and Ann seemed to start believing me about the cave. When I got dressed that morning, I was a mass of bruises. When I got undressed, they were all gone. I even made up for the previous evening. I had been too sore to do anything but hold them. As we did the chores Sunday, we tried to come up with an answer. Why did the place only affect me? It had no effect on them, whatsoever. What exactly did it do? Was there a correlation between my size, and that place? More...

1 year ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 9

"I've got two conditions, myself. First, Bernie has to agree to be my date for homecoming. Second, she can't be my girlfriend unless I get to kiss her. It just wouldn't be right." Bernie looked at me, then looked at the girls. Both of them winked at her, and she huffed "If I must", before launching herself at me. Bernie was a bit larger than even Denise. She must have stood at least five foot-eleven. I don't know how much she weighed, but it knocked the wind out of me when we...

4 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 10

The dance started off great, and got better. As we walked in the door of the gym, I saw a lot of heads turn towards us. I think they were all looking at Bernie. I wasn't the only one who had no idea how fantastic the body she was hiding had been. There were very few girls there that could hope to compete with her beauty. The way she was glued to my side left no doubt who my date was. Denise and Ann were drawing their share of attention, too. All three of them noticed, and there was a lot of...

1 year ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 11

It was Denise who made the connection. "The cave!", she gasped, "It has to have something to do with the cave! I don't know how, but it's the only thing that makes sense! Strange things happen when we go there. Paul can heal himself, and even Bernie can feel something strange there. Ann and I can't, but the two of you can." "I think you're right", Bernie agreed, "and Paul isn't the only one that can use whatever it is about that place to do things". She blushed when Ann asked...

4 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 12

"She's not with me, Frank", I explained as he opened the door. "Bernie's at my house. I needed to talk to you alone." "Nothin' bad, I hope? Y'all ain't in no trouble, are you?" "That remains to be seen", I said with a smile full of trepidation. "I just need to ask you a question. I know it might seem a bit sudden, but I want to ask you for permission to marry your daughter." When he managed to close his mouth enough to talk, he began to answer. At least he was calm. "I...

1 year ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 13

Practice was pretty strange. We worked on two separate offenses. Coach explained that the pro set should work pretty well against Trail City, but Whitehorse would be prepared for it. Since they were so much bigger than us, he wanted to try something else. The Wishbone was his choice. It was a different option offense than we were used to. In it, Tim would switch from halfback, to fullback. The two other freshmen, Jake and Fred, would be the halfbacks. It looked interesting, but put a lot of...

2 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 14

We might have had trouble digesting all of this, but Ann was despondent. Now, everyone but her had potential for power. She felt like the proverbial 'third wheel'. Wise Bird was of great help in this, as well. "Many people have potential for achieving power", he explained, "in varying degrees. Very few ever realize it, and as a result, never miss it. There are ways to test for this, and unlock the gift. It takes a certain talent to do this. and it is not one that I possess. Steven told...

4 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 16

Cheryl met us at the door, and her folks treated us like long lost family. Both of her parents had been born in Italy, and had come to America when they were in their twenties. Cheryl and her siblings had been born in Baltimore. They had a small restaurant there, but had tired of the competition from the chain stores, and the crowded city. They'd sure be one of a kind here. We had one drive-in and a diner, that was it. The girls were anxious to try it out, and before I knew what hit me, I...

2 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 17

If the coach turned out to be as lousy as everyone seemed to think, it probably wouldn't matter whether I played or not. I thought about quitting again, but quickly dismissed the idea. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't think it would be right to abandon my teammates. Football was fun, but it wasn't an obsession. Last season, I had considered it as a possible way to get a scholarship. Now, I really didn't want to play in college. With the money our birth parents had left...

3 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 18

We caught Kelley in mid-sandwich when we got home. "I've been eating all day", she complained, "and I'm still starving! I think I've grown at least an inch though, and I had to change clothes twice. Finally, I just put this on." She was wearing one of my flannel shirts, and it looked good on her. I never filled the front of it out the way she did, that's for sure. It looked like her hips were wider, too. She looked great! She finished off her snack, and asked "Since we have all the...

3 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 19

If Whitehorse hadn't been so fired up, we might have lost the game. Last year was the first time since dad had played that they had lost to our team twice in the same year, and I guess they were determined it wouldn't happen again. They tried intimidation and trash talking, too. It seemed to worry them that all any of us did was smile at them when they did that. We didn't respond outwardly, but it pissed us off a little. It was nice of them to help us out like that. The result was that...

1 year ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 22

Coach Douglas was very receptive to Alan joining the team, especially after seeing him run. He wasn't just fast, he was deceptive. I thought our defense was good, but nobody on the team could keep him from getting open. We had guys who were faster, but nobody that could fake and change direction as well as he could. Coach promised him there would be a jersey with his name on it by the next day. He didn't promise that Alan would play on Friday, but I thought there was a good possibility he...

3 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 23

We still didn't know after we got there. It still could have been time, if it was measured even close to back home. It was a little over two hours before the town came into sight, and more than fifteen miles. It appeared to be a fair sized village, and had a marketplace going full bore. Alan looked around and said "Maybe we won't stand out as much as I thought we would. I was afraid we were going to look like giants, after meeting shorty back there." I was glad to see that, myself. Most...

3 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 24

Sleeping in the open had one drawback. The nocturnal exercise was impossible, and all Ann and I could do was talk and cuddle. It was still nice, and we got more sleep than usual. I noticed Claude and Nance talked almost as far into the night as we did. The next day was more of the same, but at a slower pace. As a result, we were able to talk with the guardsmen while we rode, and learned a little bit more about Orlinth. It seemed like a nice place, and was improving yearly. They credited much...

3 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 25

Eventually, we came to the subject of the portal, and the things we didn't know about it. "Marcus was disturbed at the time difference", Melanie explained. "He decided that he didn't like losing time in either place, as it made life difficult in both. You truly could not live in both worlds, and have any kind of life. He changed all of that shortly before he died. Now, when you pass through a portal, your body is tuned to it. When you return to earth, it will be as if you just left. If...

3 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 26

I asked him what had changed their minds, and made them believe Marcus had actually intended to die. "The preparations he made", dad sighed. "He was adamant that the spells would be created to get the first three volumes included in those trunks, complete with the latest portal spell. We wondered why he was in such a rush." "About those books", I asked, "How come they weren't in the trunk the first time I opened it? I'm sure they weren't there, but later they were." "Tricks of...

4 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 27

I think the hug-fest might have gone on a lot longer, if my stomach hadn't announced the fact that I hadn't eaten in five days. I had something to drink in there, but the cask of ale wasn't all that nourishing. I smelled a little like the stable, too. With the scraggly whiskers I was staring to sprout, I probably looked a little like that Freddie the Freeloader character Red Skelton did on his show. As I was led away from my workroom, I had another reason to feel like a jerk. The...

2 years ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 28

Jenks was put in charge of overseeing the construction related to the horse operation, and the breeding to follow. He would be answerable only to us, where it concerned his duties. When it finally dawned on him, it looked like he had discovered a buried treasure. Seldom had I seen a happier man. A few days later, everyone around me saw one even happier. I couldn't wipe the silly grin off of my face if I had tried. To make things worse, it was spread out over two weeks. Bernie was first, and...

1 year ago
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Wizard s LegacyChapter 29

After we woke and had another fantastic meal, it was time to see the town of Lothan. I'll admit to having a few reservations about the trip. In the capitol, I had been just another Duke. Here, I was the Duke. There is a huge difference in the way people first react to you, as I quickly discovered. These people knew nothing about me, and obviously, they erred on the side of caution. Our group was avoided as much as possible, without it seeming too rude of them. The town was fairly large, as...

2 years ago
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First time at school

When i first met her she was just a shy band girl and i was the football jock and track thrower. I turned her to a sexual deviant. Starting with fingering her all the time to dry humping. She had been a thrower in track the year before so i knew her and all but wasn't dating her yet. so when we started dating we took it pretty slow and didn't do much but i found out that that would change. We would send pics and have phone sex but she got caught one time so that had to stop. I still...

2 years ago
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Blind School

From my school days i always wanted to help the lessfortunated and the lessabled. I got my appointment as a science teacher for a blind school which was 5km far from town. Now iam 22. 5"6 tall with short blonde hair upto my shoulders. 36EE breasts and relatively a very thin waist. My tits were so huge for my frame. I use to wear oversized shirts & blouses to cover my melons. But most of the times my excess glory has triggered so many men harrass my tits and rub my tits which they meant as...

3 years ago
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After My Ex Teaching in High School

Introduction: Well, things went as planned with my ex and his promotion… Hey folks, back again, sorry but went back to Florida for a couple days. I will write of that later on but anyway, I was writing about getting a baby for my exs boss and his wife. Everything went as planned and I had a great time that I will write about later on. I ran into a couple of my ex-students the other day and we sat and talked of the great times we had when I was their teacher. The we laid around and did more than...

2 years ago
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Summer School

Oksana had always been a balance between everything, not going to far but never going far enough. Seven years at a Catholic all-girl school taught her to be a flirt, but she was generally shy by nature. A small girl at 4’11’, she was noticed for two things: her curvy figure (no white girl has an ass like she does, it had been compared to J.Lo’s) and her eyes. Every man she had ever met was spellbound by those deep green eyes, with flecks of blue and brown. Her deep brown-black hair was accented...

2 years ago
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f ed at school

I was 14 and my girlfriend (Sammy) was the same age and we had been going out together for 2 years now and we were so in love that when ever we were together we could not keep our hands off each other. I lived with Sammy because both my perents were dead and they took me in because I had no other f****y and they new how much we loved each other. One day Sammy said to me that she wanted me to wear her underwear so that she will always be near to me and she would wear my underwear, I was not sure...

3 years ago
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Home from school

Introduction: Coming home for a school break changed my life I was frustrated as hell and equally as horny. A nine-day break from school was just starting. I had worked for weeks trying to get my girlfriend to spend the time with me on a camping trip to a park on the ocean shore. Toni said that she didnt think she could keep her virginity if we went camping together for more than a night. That was my plan. We had been going together for over a month now and I had yet to be able to get into her...

3 years ago
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End Of School

Introduction: This is not my story its my girl friends it is a true story ,well as good as she can remember as she was pretty drunk It was the end of school, end of a life time, end of an era. The interim time when the little school girl was changing into the woman she wanted to be Randy and I had been playing around for months and I was deeply in love, but at the same time worried that I had fallen too hard for him. Randy was more than a few years older than me, I had just turned seventeen...

3 years ago
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Boarding School

My name is Paul Davies; I have a friend, just one friend who shares a room with me. His name is Thomas, Thomas Alverton. He is funny, bright, and intelligence seems to be his middle name, unlike me of course. I am out of place to say the least. In fact, I am not sure what I am doing here in this school.Where’s here? Dunstandale Boarding School for boys.I arrived on my sixteenth birthday and have been here six months now. My father works abroad, somewhere in Eastern Asia. He’s an engineer on the...

2 years ago
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A Boy at a Girls School

Choose a boy's name as first name Choose a girl's name as last name ................................. It is the first day of term. Your name is John. You arrive at Skyviews school. It has been a girls boarding school up to now. This is the first year that they have decided to allow boys to attend the school. This will be your home for most of the next 2 years. You know that you will be one of only a few boys surrounded by about 300 girls. This will be great! You feel a mixture of nervousness...

4 years ago
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Aleesa s new school

Aleesa Daniels walks off the bus and looks at her new school. She has one more year of high school left and she hopes she can make it count. Back at her old high school Aleesa wasn’t necessarily the most popular girl in school but everyone liked her. She was fun to gossip with, she played clarinet in band, and she kept up with all the latest shows and movies. She hopes she can make friends just as easily here. Her blonde hair, blue eyes, c-cup, and heart shaped ass helped a little too. It got...

3 years ago
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Sex School

"Jennifer, come on, we're going to go for your college interview!" your mother shouts, waking up you. You groan. Today you're going to Pengina University, a very prestigious university with top-notch education, according to your mom. You have long blonde hair, blue eyes, and stand at 5 feet 8 inches. Your DD cup breasts and large ass, as well as athletic body make you the most sought after girl of high school. You put on a mid-thigh length dress, and underneath you put on a normal tan bra and a...

3 years ago
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Dean of an All Girls School

Update: Thanks to everyone who has liked this story and the chapters in it. It is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I don't have time to continue this story the way I'd like to. If anyone would like to submit chapters or assist in the continuation of this story, please send me a private message. Thanks! You are John Martin you are the Dean of St. Rose School for Girls and have served in that role for six years. You're a tall man at 6'4" with a big but not huge stature, weighing in at 230 lbs....

1 year ago
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A boy in an all girls school

Introductions As the black railings of the front gate of Maple Park High School towered over me I felt a sense of foreboding, and the same questions ran through my head as had been worrying me for the past three weeks. The only difference now was that they were rhetorical, because there I was stepping out of the car, my place at my old school having already been taken, my friends having all but forgotten about me. I ducked away from a kiss from my mum, a smile lighting up her face as she told...

2 years ago
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Debra Lafave s High School

Author note- Don’t take this too seriously. I am not justifying banging underage kids. All the students are legal through the magic of chyoo. Just assumed they are senior or something. It is just a story folks. Debra Lafave was given the job as a principle at a high school her old buddies use to own. That buddy retired. The school fit right up her alley. All the faculty members are women who think the students should learn more then what in the books. They should learn things of a sexual...

2 years ago
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Sex in School

You look up at the clock, watching the agonizingly slow movement of time... Another 40 minutes until lunch. Another six months until you're out of here, finished school and out into the big wide world. No more boring lectures, no more school uniform and most of all no more condescending lectures from damn teachers! In the back of your mind Mr. Lindbrook, the geography teacher, mumbles some drivel about a river in a country that you have no interest in, your more intent on carving swear words in...

3 years ago
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Which I went to this school

The six form collage was in a block which was away from main school. It was self contained to help the 18 to 19 year old be equipped for life outside school and a flat on the top floor for on-call duty staff. Tutoring took place in main school were your office is.Although your only offer your counselling services part time now, you do seem to spend quit some time in your office, and also seemed to volunteer for on call duty at the six form block which covered night times and weekends.The social...

2 years ago
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A special day at school

I was working in a school as a volunteer worker while staying in Cebu, it was part of my education and I enjoyed every minute of it. The daily leader at the school is a sweet petite girl, around the 30 years of age, and I of course managed to fall for her completely within weeks of starting work there.A month later we were together and starting to have all kind of fun, but always a bit secret cause we didn’t want anyone to know about us.It was impossible to keep our relationship a secret though...

1 year ago
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Things learned at school

I couldn’t believe we were nearly through the second term of the school year. I think I had noticed you in my geography class from day one. You had a sparkle in your eyes that to me spelt trouble, and fun. In my many years of teaching I had come across many types of people, some I liked, some I didn’t. Some ex students still contact me from time to time, but none had drawn me into them like you have. The way you looked at me when handing in your assignments, the way you held yourself within...

1 year ago
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How I Met A Girl In School

Well this was a story which happened in school and to tell the truth I don’t remember most of the details, but I do remember all the fun parts, so don’t you worry readers. This happened when I was in the 10 standard in a school in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. But I was 18 years old during this . And as always I was the backbencher and having no interest in school studies. The teacher entered the classroom and we all entered and said “Good morning” the usual stuff. She started talking but instead of...

2 years ago
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Horny Classmate Neha Fucked At School

Hello all, this is Rahul from Kerala again.This is another story about how I came to fuck my horny classmate in my classroom. Now I’ll straight away describe her.Neha is the most beautiful girl in my classroom.Almost every boy in my classroom wished to fuck her.She has awesome assets that would make anyone go mad.She is tall,fair,has long brown hair and an hourglass shape.She almost resembles Shradha Kapoor in my point of view. Now I’ll describe myself again.I am a bit fair,tall,having an...

2 years ago
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Nursing School

Angelina Diaz had just graduated from nursing school. It had been a long and difficult road but was the fulfillment of a dream that took root in high school. Working first as a teenager as a Candy Striper and later as an aide in a nursing home, mostly cleaning up of rooms, patients, and the dirty jobs the regular nurses were loath to touch. She enjoyed working with people, especially the elderly. Of course, just having received her RN degree, the elderly to the young 21 year old nurse at that...

2 years ago
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Racquel Jackson sat at her desk, facing her two students. One leg was crossed over the other and she was swinging it idly, a high heel dangling from her foot.Peter Cavanaugh noticed. He had noticed a lot of things about Miss Jackson today, like how she wasn't wearing her long auburn hair up in her usual manner. Today it was loose and flowing. She was still dressed like a teacher, but not in her usual business suit. This outfit was less formal, the skirt shorter, her blouse was low-cut and...

3 years ago
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High School

High School by Lauren Westley I was fifteen and attending an all boys' boarding school. It was my sophomore year and I had made a few friends but none in the cool group. There was another group as well. A kind of tough group of three boys two of whom were a year older then the rest of us. Jimmy was a real troublemaker and the biggest of them. Lenny was his regular pal and David just hung around with them. "Hey Eric," Jimmy called to me, "want to join us later?" I was a...

3 years ago
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At Golden Star High school, class 12 D was having an English lesson and the teacher is Ms Taylor. Taylor is a 30 year old woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes; she also has an amazing figure that almost every girl dreamed of having. “Class open your book to page 25” Ms Taylor said.In the front row sat Cindy. Cindy was eyeing the teacher from head to toe and she couldn’t help fantasizing about the teacher. For some time now Cindy have been thinking of trying new things, like bondage, but...

2 years ago
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New school

Hi there, I am Irene, I was new in school and this guy called Josh just look at me every time he saw my like he would wanna eat me on a slice of bread. One day after josh's football practice... he walked to me when i'm reading a book. "wanna go out?" he asked. "look, i did not like u at ALL" i replied. josh walked to his friend and said " i don't understand, EVERY girls in this school like me.. even the teachers." he said to his friend, Mark. "u should trick her, that's how i do with my ex." he...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With My Favorite Teacher In School

Hello friends and my sweets hot and sexy females. I am Anuj live in Anand (Gujarat) and this is my 3rd story on ISS. This time I am going to write about my first sex story, when I lose my virginity with my school teacher whom I had crush and she is my favourite teacher. Her figure was 36-30-34 and her age is 28 while I was just got 18. Two years back when I was in 12th class. She was our class teacher I was her favourite student because I am sincere and a bright student. She teaches us Physics....

2 years ago
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forced at school

I was 14 and my girlfriend (Sammy) was the same age and we had been going out together for 2 years now and we were so in love that when ever we were together we could not keep our hands off each other.I lived with Sammy because both my perents were dead and they took me in because I had no other family and they new how much we loved each other.One day Sammy said to me that she wanted me to wear her underwear so that she will always be near to me and she would wear my underwear, I was not sure...

4 years ago
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Alex s first day of high school

I stood on the sidewalk waiting nervously for the bus, it was my first day of high school and I was a little scared. Sure I had a few friends who were going as well but they were all at different bus stops so here I knew no one, the other boys and girls were standing around in groups chatting while I was on my own. For my first day at school I wanted to dress nice but also not give anyone any ideas, so I had chosen; a light pink pleated skirt that wasn't too short and white sneakers. For...

4 years ago
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Sissy Factory 3 School

Note: The following journal entries are sanctioned by the overseers of the Sissy Training Academy. STA staff believes that this history might prove useful for the future training of young sissies. With that goal in mind, Sissy 16452 has been authorozed to recount her experiences as part of the graduation and release process. As always, STA welcomes any and all comments regarding this sissy's account. Your thoughts are helpful in deciding future training courses for our young...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 68 Back to School

After such a rough start the rest of the vacation went surprisingly smoothly. Miki proved to be a huge asset. She knew places to visit that we might never have thought of. There was a small feeling of loss after Liz and Cassidy were picked up. None of us knew them well, but they had been friends. Her short tale of the conditions at the pickup had definitely impressed everyone. Maurice was at times fawning on Jessica. Fortunately the young lady just laughed and then had her minions pounce on...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 13 Back to School

-- MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2006, WINTER BREAK -- I awoke early... really early. It was not yet sunrise, and all the lights were off in the room. But we were only a day or two past the full moon, and silvery beams of light peering through the cracks around the window curtains gave me enough illumination to make out the features of my bedroom. I found myself in a familiar position: spooned behind a warm female with my left arm beneath her pillow and my right arm wrapped around her body. My...

3 years ago
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Niki s Family LifeChapter 3 New class at school

Making her way across the park to meet Cyndi for lunch, Niki could feel the breeze blowing against the bottom of her short robe, and she felt a shiver of excitement for what might lay ahead. In the past, she had no real plans or designs on what Cyndi or Roach might do, but after a couple of fairly quiet days at home, the thought of something, anything, got her going. And after what had happened last Friday, both here, and at home, she was nervously excited. Coming to ‘their’ shady tree spot...

3 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 2 Monday at School

First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 50 I Don t Want to Go Back to School

Mom had asked Chrissy's mom to join us as we finished off Christmas Dinner, but she told us it had been a very long day. She wanted to spend what was left of it with her daughter. My family and I cleaned everything up before going to watch some Christmas specials. "David there were some things that happened between Christy and Marissa that I feel they were too young to do with you. Since they took the lead in them all, I must say I am very proud that you were able to think with your head...

3 years ago
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Star ChamberChapter 20 March into school

The streets of Seattle were clear of snow. There were still piles around some twenty feet tall, but the busses could run. The children of Seattle returned to school. This was the second year where the school had been disrupted. They lined up on the street. There were forty-three of them. Major Frank Taylor was in front of them as they counted cadence, “Left, left, left, left, left, left.” John and Jenny along with many others had followed their children to school. Tina and Scott were also...

3 years ago
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CollegeChapter 5 Freshman Back to School

We had been back on the road about five minutes after our coffee stop when the first snowflakes hit the windshield. Wanda, who had been slumping in her seat, completely uninterested in the surroundings, sat up and watched as snow collected on the hood of the car. It was comical to see her rotate her head to one side of the road and back to the front as if she were counting the flakes. Within another five minutes the road was getting slick, the windshield wipers were working at top speed and...

3 years ago
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Mind Control School

Hello and welcome, I've been planning this story for a few months, this story is based on a very popular trend on another site (Fiction.live) that is the Mind Control University Stories, i'm sure you probably already know what i'm talking about, but in case you don't i'll leave a link for the (as far as i know) original story, so this story is about a school where everyone has some type of mind control ability and the goal is to enslave as many students as you can without being enslaved, so a...

Mind Control
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The Omega PathChapter 4 Peanut Butter and Schooling

Crystal McKnight quietly crept out of his bedroom, tip-toed through the living room, and headed towards his kitchen. It was still dark inside the apartment, but there was enough of the bright morning light seeping through the heavy curtains for her to make her way through his man-cave. The twenty-year old girl was clad only in a large men's dress shirt that draped like a tent over her nude body. The shirt still smelled of him, and she luxuriated in the drench of his scent. Her bare legs...

2 years ago
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Boarding School

The sun was burning down as I hiked up the mountain to the dorm. Of course I could have taken a taxi, but I was too stingy for that. The fact that my father provided me with a lot of money did not mean that I had to throw it out of the window with both hands. I admit that I underestimated the mountain. from below, the path did not look as steep as it felt now. My legs hurt. But if I have learned one thing, then that there is no such thing as weakness here in Japan. We lived here long enough. At...

3 years ago
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Daughter s DelightsChapter 44 Cardiff Royal Grammar School

“Is this the boy? I must say he does not look Arabian,” remarked the bursar looking at a photograph of Prince Ghasaan in western dress, “perhaps he should use a British nickname?” “His British passport is in the name David Price and it is as much his name as Prince Ghasaan,” snapped Nicola, “but he will be treated as a Prince, seventh in line to a throne.” “A fairly insignificant throne,” he replied. “Well, if you don’t want him here...” her voice trailed off as the Headmaster came into...

2 years ago
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BurrChapter 58 First Week at School

Room four in company C looked to be the same size as I remembered room three being during my freshman year. But room four felt smaller. There was something different about it. At first I thought it was the peeling paint or the fact that we had eight cadets in place of the seven that had occupied room three. In addition to our bunk, we each had a locker for hanging clothes, a footlocker for our folded clothes, a desk and chair. I couldn't put my finger on it but something about room four...

3 years ago
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Acting Out Porn After School

He had recently barged into his bathroom at home, during a family reunion and had caught his 14-year-old cousin with her bikini top off. The image of her young orbs with the light pink nipples poking outwards was still fresh in his mind when he walked past Katie the Friday before. Up until recently, he had not paid much attention to her, being a neighbor across the street and a few doors down....

4 years ago
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My College Club Ch 1 High School

College for me did have its moments of binge drinking and smoking way too much weed but it was nowhere near the fun seen in any movie. Instead I found it to be the place where I learned to become the adult that I so desperately tried to avoid being. It was my first glimpse into real responsibility and the first place where I began to understand that my actions can have repercussions that will follow me until the day I die. My name is Stephen I'm 35 years old now with a wife and 3 k**s and...

3 years ago
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A most unusual school

I'm just a random kid. I'm in 11th grade and my name is David. If I had to rate my self on a scale of one to ten, with 5 being average, I would have to say 7.5. I still have yet to get a girlfriend, but have been getting good with this girl named Madison. She has medium sized boobs and a nice round ass. However, that is not the best part. She is friends with most of all the popular girls. I am hoping to use her as a way to up my status. However, it turns out that won't be needed. It...

4 years ago
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End Of School

The interim time when the little school girl was changing into the woman she wanted to be Randy and I had been playing around for months and I was deeply in love, but at the same time worried that I had fallen too hard for him. Randy was more than a few years older than me, I had just turned seventeen .He had everything the other little boys didn’t have cars , bikes , money , credit cards and a gorgeous seven and half inch cut cock that I loved….we were perfect fit together. Randy...

3 years ago
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First Day Of School

Lyrica's POVMelody and I FINALLY pulled into the high school parking lot after dropping off Harmony at her elementary school. We hadn't had any more problems this morning, since giving Melody a spanking and Harmony hearing it really seemed to change their attitudes. Melody and I walked to our first-hour class, AP CHEM. It was a two-year course and this was our second year in it, so we already know the drill. Before summer holidays started, our instructor told us that upon our return, we would...

2 years ago
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Infiltrating the girl s school

The games had already started and all seemed well. Outside, though, Astrid lurked. Since the school took advantage of the event to make some money, they sold tickets to friends, family or whomever wished to attend. The head mistress was a bit ashamed about it, but that was why all of the uniforms for the various competitions were rather skimpy. Perverts always paid the asking price, after all. Six girls from Astrid's gang had purchased tickets and had been assessing the situation all...

2 years ago
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Halloween Day School

On Halloween, no one was surprised when I went to school as one of my favorite female final fantasy characters. The guys walk to school together and to my surprise they kept sneaking in little ass spanks while we walked. They had dressed up as home made transformer characters so they acted like they were attacking my ass. I had to hide my love for it and kept telling them to “quit it” all the while trying to keep my boner from growing in the short skirt. Math first period, usually puts me to...

2 years ago
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Our daughter comes home from school

The first night home we talked about school and if she enjoyed being away from home. We had a nice supper. Her mother, Donna made her favorite meal and June said that it was far better than anything at school and that she really missed her mother's cooking but in many other ways, she was enjoying being away at school and the challenging classes she got to take. After supper, we when into the living room and talked and turned on the TV. At 10 o'clock, the girls spotted a chick flick...

2 years ago
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fucking the babe in school

*********************************** "hey H! you dropped your pencil" I blurted just as she stood up from her chair after class. she heard me and bent down to pick it. Aw god, her arse came at level with my face. i could smell her pussy from here! "thanks", she replied, smiling naughtily as if she read my mind. "hey H, its very immediate and all, but i was wondering if we could do something after school? say seven thirty?" she grinned and swept her hair into a pony tail. i tried to...

1 year ago
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Adoring Elizabeth IV Bringing Her Backpack to School

I knew that she would be needing her backpack tomorrow for school, but I couldn't just bring it over, so I decided that I would just have to meet her at the school somehow. She went to Forest Grove High School, which was about two miles from my home. As a supervisor on salary, I would be able to leave work, drive over, give her the backpack, and get back to work without problem. I did just that at eight o'clock. I reported to the main office and told them that I was her older brother...

1 year ago
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Night School

I hated school. I hated the idea of sitting in a stuffy classroom, listening to the drone of the instructor’s lecture on a subject I had no desire to learn. I hated it as a child, as a teenager, and as an adult as well. Right up until I met Lisa. After that my view of school changed, and sitting in a night-school classroom taking boring college classes didn’t bother me so much. You see, I never graduated high school, having dropped out in my sophmore year. I had already put in my time, I...

3 years ago
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My First Day at a Girls Boarding School

When I woke up I decided it should be time for me to go to school today. I was told it is a very special school so I decided to wear my special uniform. First of all I took a shower and trimed the hair on my body. I made special care to shave my anus man vagina. When I was done I’ve put some lotion on a small tampon and put it in my vagina for it was a day for menstruation. After that came the miniature thongs, a short black schoolgirl skirt, my bra, a white shirt, and my favourite black and...

3 years ago
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Amsterdam After High School

Introduction: Id heard about Amsterdam but NOTHING prepared me for THIS I was 18 and I had just graduated from high school. My parents wanted me to work hard over the summer and go to university in the fall. I was all in favor of going to university, in fact I had been accepted into 3 of my top 5 picks, Stanford, UCLA and Oregon State. I hadnt decided which one would be my final destination. It was the working hard for the summer that I had a problem with. Id had a job at Joess Sporting Goods...

4 years ago
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Escape the School

WELCOME Abe Bolster TO ESCAPE FROM THE SCHOOL YOU WILL NEED: 8D6 [8 six sided or standard game dice] OR An on-line Dice Roller Something to keep stats on OBJECT: The Object is for you to get from your starting point down through four floors of the school and out the front door before you are captured by one of the teachers. RULES OF COMBAT When confronting a Teacher you will run in to 1 of 3 kinds of scenarios. AUTO ESCAPE: You Escape the teacher, this is something just to scare you a...

1 year ago
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The Clarion School

First Name = Main male character's first name Last Name = His sister's first name (P.S. Please feel free to add threads of any length) First day at the Clarion School. Formerly the Clarion School for Young Women, this was the most exclusive finishing school in the East. At least, everyone who knew about it thought so. John’s sister Doe had attended it last year, and now he would be joining her. Whatever internal struggles had resulted in their decision to allow boys this year were not apparent...

4 years ago
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Summer School

It was 9.30 am on a Monday morning and the canteen was buzzing with excited chatter as the 24th annual Edinburgh Art College Summer School was about to get under way.I glanced around the room at my colleagues as we lined up against the wall, waiting for the Director to give her usual welcome address before we led our groups off to the individual studios to begin our week of classes.I glanced down at the names on my list. Twelve students, a nice number. Enough to get a good group dynamic going...

First Time
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Semi Normal High School

Hi, my name is Hugh Grant Kingston III. I'm 18. My life sucks . . . sucked and it wasn't only because of my name. I was ridiculed by students at my all-football school. If you didn't play football, you were a loser. I was obsessed with BMX Biking. I was awesome at the sport. And one day at a competition, my life changed. I was tearing up the half-pipe with superman seatgrabs and 720 inverts. I finally finished my run with an average score of 98.8. Which is very good. I was approached by Mat...

4 years ago
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Episode 142 Back to School

"Wake up Daddy".I startled awake - must have dropped off during the boring daily video call briefing sessions on Teams.On screen I could now see my teenage step-daughter, Debbie, smiling behind me, hoping that the session had finished, because she was slowly peeling out of her school uniform.Perhaps she had never seen herself topless on screen before and was enjoying squeezing her tiny breast buds to make her dark nipples harden.“Come here, baby - sit on my knee - so all my colleagues can watch...

3 years ago
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Bored at Boarding School

Cara Stevens was like any other teenage girl - horny. Just because she had a roommate, didn’t mean she didn’t watch porn on her phone’s 3G network with headphones in in the dead of night. Cara attended a premier all-girls high school in New York State, about an hour and a half away from the large city of New York. There wasn’t much around except for a coffee shop and a quaint, expensive Italian restaurant within walking distance. No students were allowed a car, but a nearby town offered a more...

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Scene Four at the Boarding School

Christmas break at the Boarding School. It was December 15th, the dorm was empty and I was alone in my room. My parents sent me away to an all-male College/Boarding School in the Northeast, USA. They suspected I was Bi or Gay and wanted me out of sight and out of their way. They informed me I would be in school until the summer break. My name is Timmy. I am eighteen years old. I am green eyed, five foot ten, one hundred forty pounds, quite skinny, very feminine looking and not well endowed with...

4 years ago
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A Very Odd School

Emma did not know how she got in this position. For the life of her, she could not remember what the boy said or why she agreed to follow him. It was her first day at this new school for high school dropouts and she already found herself propositioned. As she followed, the boy (whose name she didn’t even know) was massaging her ass. His fingers firmly pressing on her skirt until they reached their desired location. Emma could feel her hole twitching at the touch. “Why my ass?” She thought to...

3 years ago
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The Last Weekend before School

The Last Weekend before SchoolThis work is a fictional story, and is intended for the enjoyment of adults only. This is a sample of My New Story……Part 1 & 4. My Blog has all the other parts. But, the stories in My Blog can only be Read by those on My Friend List.If you are interested in Reading more…….sent Me a Friend Request, and I will consider adding you to my list.From Part 1:--------- Chapter 1Early Friday EveningPamie and Billy wrestling……The last weekend of Summer had Kim feeling...

1 year ago
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Making the most of a Saturday at school

School was not place to be for anyone to be on Saturday, even the principal, but that was where Donna found herself. A backlog of paperwork had forced her to spend the last three hours filling out forms and emailing information to a host of government agencies.With everything done she was making a quick trip through the school just to make sure all the doors were locked when she noticed a slight glow from the gym. There was no practice scheduled and she couldn’t hear any basketballs bouncing so...

2 years ago
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BRIDE'S SCHOOLErica and I lived together at the Novotel Resort in Surabaya for about 9 months during the mid 1990’s. Erica was a mamasan at a karaoke bar and part owner of a very low rent bordello that catered to local customers special interests.We have many adventures in sex – here’s one.____________________________________________________________________________________I closed the door behind me, getting back to the apartment a bit later from work, than usual.“Hi honey! You here somewhere?”...

4 years ago
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Great Life in School

That summer in 1975 I had discovered my Dads Porno stash. Three super 8 reels of hardcore sex. I had viewed them over and over and I knew every frame of intense pleasurable raw sex. They were made by Swedish Erotica, no sound but I knew what they was saying. Before that I had only seen some Playboys and Penthouse photos, but nothing like this. I knew I had to share it....My freshman year of High School had just started and I was coming in contact with friends I hadn’t seen since last time at...

3 years ago
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Used at School

Olivia was a young teen girl who had recently become a slave for a much older Master and he had opened her eyes to new sexual pleasure and she could not get enough. She loved being tied up and forced to cum until she could not take it anymore and she loved taking his huge 9 inch cock deep inside all her holes and she loved it when he cum's inside her.Most of their meet were always at his place or some times outside but this was all about to change. One morning when she woke up she found her...

2 years ago
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My Personal Slut At School

Hi everyone my name is anonymous and my email id is and any horny ladies or girls wanna talk just inbox me I’m relating to you a personal sex experience between me and my schoolmate, now to the story this happened when I was in 12 the standard. First, of let me describe her, she is a Muslim girl who wears hijab all the time and although she is well above age her body is small and petite. Our school campus is a 21-acre campus and is having lots of secret places. So let’s begin…. This happened 1...

4 years ago
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Lakeview High School

LAKEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL ALLI CAIN 1991 Marty was pretty much the standard high school nerd. He was smart, glasses, sqeeky voice, and funny laugh. That was before the divoce. The summer before his senior year, Marty's parents decided to split up. Since he was almost 18, he was allowd to choose which parent to stay with, and he chose his mother. He loved his mother more than his father. His mother really never worked before, but she...

2 years ago
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Whatever to School

P2 Sequel from 'Whatever'So the day after my dad started making me go naked around the house and checking up my sweet spot to see if my hymen is still intact, that night I had a problem going to sleep at all so it took me several hours that night to fall asleep...and woke up late! I woke up so late that I jumped out of bed and put on my big coat without wearing anything underneath it. Yea I'm going to school naked, not really. Because at the same time I grabbed my gym bag and stuffed in a...

1 year ago
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The Last Week of School,this is the week right after (PROM NIGHT)but before a few days before Graduation.Some was taking last minute tests,others where signing up for SUMMER SCHOOL.I on the other hand was cleaning out my locker to turn in my books. All of a sudden I felt this pinch on my ass.I turned around very quickly to find my little sister (not my real sister,no kin,no bloodline)standing there giggling like school girl.I said watch it girl dont start nothing you cant finish.she yea I want...

4 years ago
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My First Day at a Girls Boarding School

When I woke up I decided it should be time for me to go to school today. I was told it is a very special school so I decided to wear my special uniform. First of all I took a shower and trimed the hair on my body. I made special care to shave my anus man vagina. When I was done I've put some lotion on a small tampon and put it in my vagina for it was a day for menstruation.After that came the miniature thongs, a short black schoolgirl skirt, my bra, a white shirt, and my favourite black and...

2 years ago
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My Gay Experience In School

By : Kamanking Hi friends, I’m a big fan of this site, I’m a 22 years old from Chennai, though I’m not a gay, I like to expose my feminism through my body, I’m a dusty colored 5.8 ft tall fat chubby boy, I share all the asserts of all pretty girls, boys will love to see me cause of my lustrous lips, plump men’s breast, delicious big and curvy ass. I’m gonna to narrate my first gay experience during school days, I studied in a boys school, the only people for the boys to sightseeing is sexy...

Gay Male

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