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White Slavery on the Dark Continent

General Cormeau rubbed his eyes as he came to realize the growing danger. He was the head of a small United Nations mission to the central African nation of Lamumba. Recently things had become very unstable as ethnic rivalries between various local tribes began to turn violent. Tales of murder, rape and slavery made way to the capital. Now there was word of a rebel army advancing on the capital. Cormeau had overseen the evacuation of much of the foreign population and was expecting to get the...

2 months ago
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The Ultimate CrossOver

You wake up in a bed but you don't remember how you got there or where you are. You slowly get up and look around the room it seems to be a hotel room a crappy one. You only have a plain shirt and shorts on and there are no clothes around but you are decent enough to go to the front desk and find out what happened. You exit the room it is a bright sunny day where ever you are. As you get to the front desk you see no one is there. You ring the bell on the desk hoping for a response. Nothing. You...

2 years ago
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Jack Hakwens Space Ranger and Womanizer

The blue sun reflected off a lone man's visor as he sat on the top of a mountain, his mech-suit adapting to the planet as it's wearer of it enjoyed the early sun rising into the sky like a Phoenix. It was always a lovely site as he relaxed. Reminded him so much of home. "Jack? Jack, are you there?" a female voice said into the intercom in his helmet as a small screen appeared to the side. The voice belonged to Rose Maria McDowell, a fellow ranger like him and the one under his command. She was...

1 year ago
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Do You Love Me

Ah, saturday morning. You push the covers off and get out of bed. Stretching, you glance over in the mirror and admire your reflection. Medium length hair frames your fairly attractive face. As an avid jogger, you have a slightly athletic build and having just turned 18 not too long ago, your teen body is entering it's prime. You throw on some sweat pants but because it is a particularly warm morning, you decide not to wear a shirt. As you walk down the upstairs hallway, you hear your older...

2 years ago
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(Author's Note: This is a Chyoo version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching on there for Inheritance by Galloway. ) Adam let out a sigh as the last of the financial advisors left, leaving him alone in the large office. He sat back in his chair and relaxed, reflecting on the day. After arriving in the morning, he had been in constant meetings with all sorts of people, as the ownership of his great uncle's estate and investments was transferred to him. He had...

3 years ago
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Strip Monopoly

Lee, you want to play WHAT...?" I returned to the group sitting in a circle on the carpeted floor. They were six men and women, ranging in age from 18 to 32. Most of us were familiar with one another, though some had only just met tonight; and some of us were even related, either by blood, marriage, or life long familiarities that only SEEMED like family bonds. I sat the game box amongst them. "You heard me. Strip Monopoly." There were laughs, giggles, moans, and rolled eyes, as well as quick,...

1 year ago
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Birth of a sissy

I have been watching pornography since I was a child. My first experience involved a comic book. It was terribly boring but one of the panels depicted a woman getting out of a tub of hot water. Her nipples were prudently covered by a towel, but the curves of her breasts were enough to make me come. At some point, I couldn't resist but connecting the lines of her breasts with a marker and drawing her nipples. Needless to say, it was no artistic success and destroyed the attraction of the...

2 years ago
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Monicas Inner Man

Monica Williams is 21 years old. She just graduated from The College of Medical Sciences. She joins Dr. Mevil to study appendage regeneration. Dr. Mevil gasses Monica after weeks of studying her physiology. He does some "tests" on Monica. She wakes up the next morning in her bed with a pain in her groin. She touches her crotch. "Aaaahh!!!!!" She screamed. She had an 7.5 inch cock in her pants. She started to rub. Precum dripped from her cockhead. She grabbed her lotion. She stroked for a...

2 years ago
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A Fine Substitute

I had just stepped out of the shower after work when I heard my phone announce a message.  I grabbed a towel, dried off one arm, and tapped the screen.  What I saw brought a wide smile to my face.“Bored and horny.  Come over?” the message read.Natalie and I had been friends with benefits for a couple of years.  The sex was great, and it was easier than trying to play the dating game or find someone to hook up with all the time.  We both had hectic schedules between college and part-time jobs,...

1 year ago
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A Night to Remember

BEEP! BEEP! You hear the sound of the alarm clock wailing as you grudgingly open your eyes. You turn to the side and look at the time. It's just a bit past 8am. You slowly blink your eyes a couple times before you quickly realize something... YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL. You quickly get out of bed and throw on some clothes, and then look in the mirror. You live in a very ethnically diverse town. It is predominantly Oriental and Indian, although there are large white and black communities...

9 months ago
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The Courtesan 2The Monster Within

 I stood in the glass enclosure as streams of hot water caressed my shoulders. I kept thinking about that phone conversation I'd had with my husband. Sometimes when I'm stressed, a bath or hot shower brings clarity to my thoughts. Everything that happened these past few days had brought me to this critical crossroads in my life. I knew whatever I decided from this point on would profoundly determine the future of my marriage, family, and life in general. Undeniably I was attracted to Kurt, but...

1 year ago
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Mind Slaves

My name is Chris. I used to live a normal life, in other words, a boring life. I was single and lonely and a little depressed. It didn't help that I lived in the middle of nowhere, the only thing in my town was a small engineering college that I attended. I am kind of a pothead, and a real nerd, but that's normal for this school. This all changed one day when I met up with the guy who sells me weed, Dan. I walked down to his place at about 10 pm. I went in the front door(he always left it open)...

2 years ago
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Some femdom with Susan

Susan was not a dom sexually. She loved fucking, and I satisfied her at least daily, if not two or three times. She loved having her pussy licked and nibbled almost as often. I loved satisfying her this way, no matter how long it took. She boasted to her friends how much I satisfied her sexually.She loved to be naked, and was usually naked at home. Her neighbours on either side were used to seeing her naked in her yard, and accepted this as being quite normal. She posed naked at the nearby art...

1 year ago
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Die Mutter meines besten Freundes

Vor ein paar Tagen war Mike, mein bester Freund, endlich volljährig geworden. Und dieses Wochenende sollte die große Party bei ihm steigen. Schon am Nachmittag waren wir in der Stadt. Weil Mike jetzt der letzte in unserer Clique war, der die Volljährigkeit erreicht hat, gingen wir in eine Peepshow, so ein Laden, wo man nen Euro in einen Automaten stecken muss und dann geht so ein Vorhang hoch und man sieht ne Nackte auf einer Drehscheibe sich räkeln. Unsere Clique, fünf Jungs die für einander...

8 months ago
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Pet Project

Doug sighed and stroked Rachel’s long dark hair as she devotedly sucked his dick. He groaned as he came and she greedily gobbled up his jism. Then she sat back on her naked ass and smiled adoringly at him. “Good girl, Rachel!” Doug praised and she quivered with delight. “Thank you Master!” she said. “But you better get dressed now,” he instructed. “It’s a big day!” “But I like to wear my collar,” she complained, toying with the red leather strap around her neck which was her only attire. “But...

2 months ago
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In Der Hhle

Das Gewitter hatte Sarah vollständig überrascht. Blitze zuckten über den Nachmittagshimmel und sie beeilte sich, irgendwo Unterschlupf zu finden. Wie Kanonenschläge folgte dem grellen Licht das Donnergrollen und die junge Frau hatte Angst um ihr nacktes Leben. Längst hatte sie den schmalen Ziegenweg verlassen, der sich inzwischen in einen Sturzbach verwandelt hatte. Hilflos hastete sie umher. Das Mädchen mit schulterlangem rotblonden Haar war nur zum Urlaub in diese karge Region gekommen. Kein...

1 month ago
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Die Geschftsfrau

Die Nachricht des Polizisten traf Renate Schallenberg wie ein Schlag: ihr Mann Engelbert sei tot. Auf dem Weg in sein Unternehmen erlitt er einen Herzanfall und war auf der Stelle tot. Der Wagen rollte aus und blieb an einem Gartenzaun hängen. Für Engelbert Schallenberg, den 45jährigen erfolgreichen Unternehmer gab es keine Hilfe mehr. Veronika Schallenberg, die Schwester des Toten und gleichberechtigte Partnerin im Unternehmen, eerfuhr vom Tod ihres Bruders in ihrem Büro. Sie zuckte leicht...

2 months ago
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Zombie Rule

People have recently been saying that soon the world will end. Their fortune has come true. The world has ended and zombies are about to take over it. People are dying in incresing numbers every day. It was only a matter of days until the virus spread over all of america. The virus shuts off the higher functions, and as such bypasses the conscious mind. All that is left is one basic scripts: Breed. In its fianl stages, it reworks the body's digestive system to a worm like state where enzymes...

2 years ago
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A happy ending

It was the second time I had seen this client. I was a little apprehensive because of my last experience with him. Not that he wasn't a gentleman or anything, but he made me think things that were not very professional… Anyway, I was running late that day, which almost never happens to me, I always arrive 30 min prior to the booked appointment to prepare the room (ie turn on the music and water feature and warm the massage table). But, of course, on that day there was construction and traffic...

11 months ago
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Her Dominant Boss

Sandra was in love with her boss.  Well, if she wasn’t in love with him, she was definitely in lust with him.  She looked across the desk at Jon Willingdon: she was his personal assistant.  They were in their daily morning meeting, where he outlined all he required of her to do for the day.  She was taking notes but was also checking him out.  He was six feet, two inches with broad shoulders, strong arms, and a narrow waist.  She knew that he worked out often, as he used the company gym.  He...

1 year ago
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Buddy fuckers

Christian and I had been fucking in the barracks for two weeks straight, and while we thought we were being discreet, it seems that someone noticed and this is the story.Sixteen hundred hours and ready to get rid of the day with a shower and some fucking, Christian and I retire to our room.  After we walk in, and the door closes behind us, and we start to undress each other.  We kiss as we help each other shed our uniforms.  I guide Chris to the bed and we fall into a passionate embrace as we...

1 year ago
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An Interesting Family Reunion

Every couple years or so, your parents “gets the itch” to host a large get together with the rest of the family. After having a house full of kids to keep them busy, they still aren’t used to having only you and your younger sister to care for – the invite includes almost everyone. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even your older sisters arrive between eight and nine in the morning, some having travelled several states, just to make it. You were assigned to greet each and every person...

11 months ago
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Final Fantasy X Themed Story

It is time, many summoners and guardians are preparing for the fight against sin himself. Sin has ravaged many people, and left thier lives ruined, now it is up to the summoners and their counterparts to stop him... One question remains...

1 year ago
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Waiting for Sunset

Sunset. The sky is on fire with gold, pink and red as the sun begins it’s decent into sea. The air is warm as I watch from the balcony, sea-birds dance in the last rays of the day and I can just make out lovers spread out over the beach as they watch the daily spectacle. I’m impatient, willing for the sun to be gone and for the last rays of the day to disappear so that she can join me. I sigh deeply and lean onto the glass barrier – not long now. The minutes pass and soon the sun touches the...

2 years ago
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Conducting Interviews

You are looking for a new secretary, your previous one left as she was getting married and said she couldn't continue to keep 'helping' you with your office work. You gave her a good reference, after all she probably did some work sometimes. You have your office ready with a clear desk, reclining chair, and all the windows blinds closed. You call in the first applicant. She is a short, thin girl with rectangular glasses and a cute smile. Her mousey hair is tied back in a short ponytail. "Hi, my...

2 years ago
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Now A Man

Brrring! Brrring! Charles awoke to his alarm. He opened his eyes and looked at the clock, which also showed the date. February 14, 2009, his 18th birthday! Finally, he was a man! He ran out of his room in a hurry and nearly tripped over a box. He stooped over to examine it and saw his name, Charles Newman, written on the top with black ink permanent marker. He opened it up. "Happy Birthday Charles!" read the card. "You are now legally a man! Inside this box is a ring, a jockstrap and a book....

1 year ago
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New Mutant

It's been a nice, normal day for the small town of Wyndy Hill in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and... a high powered jet is landing?! The jet in question belonged to the X-Men, who were running in response to the detection of a new mutant. As usual, the new mutant was scared for his life and had been shunned by everyone who knew what he could do. A picture popped up on the screen of the X-jet of the new mutant. He was tall, with just a hint of...

5 months ago
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Yoga Partners Part 2 of 2

As promised, Stephanie was waiting for me just outside the common room. She gave me a conspiratorial look."Was it good for you?" she asked, winking."Yeah," I answered. "How about you?""Just what I needed," she replied with a proud smile.Other couples filtered back into the room over the next five minutes. Kayla and Stewart resumed their position at the front of the room. They began to process the activity - What had we gotten from it? How did it feel to disclose these stories to our partners?...

1 year ago
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Bildhbsche Polizistin tappt in miese Falle

Sandra, die bildhübsche 27jährige Blondine mit der Traumfigur, bei 1,80 wiegt sie 62 kg und hat endlos lange Beine, eine Wespentaille, Knackpo, eine Handvoll festen Busen und leuchtend blaue Augen, die Haare gewellt und gut schulterlang, im Dienst immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie ist erst Polizeiobermeisterin weil sie zuerst eine Ausbildung als Einzelhandelskauffrau gemacht hatte. Als die Frage kam wer bei der EM 2008 eingesetzt werden möchte und in die Schweiz und nach Österreich...

2 years ago
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Going Away Present

Tube top. Check. Miniskirt. Check. Thong. Check. You admire yourself in the mirror, turning from side to side and posing in the most provocative poses you can think of. Yeah, you think, this will definitely turn some heads. You turn forward and bring your hands up to your chest. You cup your modest 34C chest and give your breasts a soft squeeze, then let them fall back into place. Your nipples are already poking up beneath the fabric of your tube top. Anticipation for what you have planned...

1 year ago
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May Flowers

May Flowers On a warm and balmy spring evening, You and I went to the movies. I wore a turquoise halter top and a dark denim skirt. At around seven, we had a nice italian dinner and saw a horror movie. Heat seared my skin as she leaned her head down to the nape of my neck. I waited for the moment that would cause me to cry out in sheer pleasure. I didn’t have to wait long because the second your lips met my throat your sharp teeth bit my neck. A loud moan escaped my lips and I held your head...

8 months ago
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She was like the cheerleader who gang bangs the entire football team. Only she was never going to be exhausted at the end of her debauchery. This was the one and the only reason she existed. She drew her strength from their semen. Every man who landed his load on her, and grinned, thinking how messy he had made her, had given her additional years to further her sticky existence. Every last ounce of jizz that came anywhere near her was converted into life giving essence.She could change shape...

1 year ago
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Adult Animorphs

My name is William. I can’t tell you my name or where I live. What I can tell you is the truth. The Earth is being invaded. They can be your mom, dad, brother, or best friend. They didn’t replace them with some sort of clone; they’re under alien control: Yeerk control. The Yeerks are like parasitic slugs, but smarter and much worse for your health. They slither into your skull and take over your motor functions, and sensory perceptions, turning you into a Controller. They invade your memory...

2 years ago
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„Verdammt der Fernseher ist schon wieder kaputt!“ dachte ich mir schon wieder als die verdammte Klingel läutete. Draußen stand ein Typ im Blaumann: „Ihr Fernseher ist kaputt?“ fragte mich der Kerl. „Ja woher wissen sie das...“ fragte ich ihn verblüfft. „Das ist unser Job, kann ich jetzt anfangen?“ fragte er mich genervt und schob sich an mir vorbei. Nach ein paar Sekunden in denen er den Fernseher intensiv anstarrte; „Der Fernseher ist absolut in Ordnung nur ihre Fernbedienung ist Scheiße. Hier...

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Christy Fucks A Thug in Valdosta

I live in a rural part of Georgia near Valdosta, Georgia. Growing up here it was a big no no for white girls to date and definitely not have sex with black men. As I got older I decided I wanted to fuck black men and it would be my secret.One day I got off work and I was very horny, not sure why, but I was. I pulled into a grocery store parking lot and saw a black guy in long shorts, tank top shirt, holding his crotch. There was something about him. The thought of him fucking me seemed really...

1 year ago
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Connected Television Ep1

7.00am Guantanamo Bay, Cuba One second can change anything, that’s all it took to turn the worlds most secure detention facility into living hell, and it all happened so fast, any living organism within the thick walls of the prison were dead and did not even know it. First thing they felt rush the biggest headache you could imagine, then every single nerve in your body felt like they were erupting, before you knew it all your internal organs had collapsed, trying to gasp their last breaths,...

1 year ago
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The Stocky Ginger Beast

There was a park pretty local to me, I've mentioned it in other stories when walking to the pub, it wasn't a cruising area as such but it did happen there. I'd never tried to use it for cruising as it was literally on my door step.It was a Friday night, I'd left the pub and took a short cut through the park, pretty normal thing to do but on my through the park I noticed a bloke leaning against a tree with one hand, I thought he was having a piss, I hung around for five minutes or so and watched...

2 years ago
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Die Unterschlagung

Silvia und Timo sind frisch verheiratet. Weil Silvia schon von ihren Eltern immer sehr verwöhnt wurde, verlangt sie auch in ihrer Ehe einen gewissen Luxus, und sie erwartet, daß Timo das nötige Geld verdient. Sie selber hat noch nie gearbeitet und hat es auch nicht vor. Timo kann in seinem Job aber leider dieses Geld nicht verdienen. Weil er Angst hat, Silvia sonst zu verlieren, hat er diverse Male Geld seines Arbeitgebers unterschlagen. Das Geld aus diesen Unterschlagungen hat er Silvia...

1 year ago
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Pleasing my wife

As you lay napping on the bed I walk into the bedroom and notice that you are sleeping in your bra and panties. I move onto the bed slowly as not to wake you. I start to kiss your inter thigh at your left knee and slowly start to move up your leg. I make it to your pussy and stop to kiss your panty-clad pussy lightly not to wake you. Then I move down your right leg until I get to your knee. As I move back up your leg I slowly remove your panties. You spread your legs as you stir but you do not...

8 months ago
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The Rent Problem

"You have such a beautiful girlfriend," my landlord always said.It was many years ago when I was with her. When we met she was still seventeen years old, but she was already eighteen when our relationship became more serious and we moved in together. I was six years older than her, and much more experienced than she was.She was a gothic Lolita and it fit to her, because she was very small girl. She looked like a doll. A gothic doll, to be precise. But don't get me wrong while she was short and...

1 year ago
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Learning with Lou Part 1

I wasn’t a virgin when I met Colin, the man who went on to be my husband but I might as well have been. My sex life up till then had been sparse, to say the least. At twenty-five, the number of sex partners in my life could be counted on one hand and still have room for the number of orgasms I had experienced.My mother always said I was far too picky. That might have been true but my rather chubby body hadn’t attracted a great many men for me to be picky about.Fortunately, meeting Colin changed...

1 year ago
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My Black Friend Jessie

Squeezing my lips together to keep from losing any of the fluids in my mouth I slowly pulled my mouth off of the now softening head of the big brown cock I was holding in my hands.I leaned back and smiled at the black man I had just serviced… Did I know him? It wasn’t Jesse. I wasn’t sure if I knew him.I decided it didn’t matter and swallowed loudly feeling the thick slimy wad of black cum slowly slide down my throat.I was drunk again. I always ended up on my knees when I drank too much and...

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My First Granny

my first grannieAs with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!When I was working in the building firm back in the 80’s there was a chap there that would fuck just about anything. You’d dare not bend over in front of him ‘cos...

1 year ago
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Finally have my own Strapon Lesbian

Most people define bisexual as being attracted to both male and female genders. I agree with that definition, but I have an alternate definition of that word. For me, bisexual truly means that I am both male and female at once. I feel as though I am a heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman coexisting within the same body.I don't consider myself as transgender because I don't think that word truly applies to me. In spite of my feelings about women, I've always felt comfortable within my body...

9 months ago
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Of course these days most of my sex is remembering what it used to be with my now very ill wife Sarah. In 1986 we were in our prime having been married s*******n years and my once quite inhibited spouse had now become a passionate very sexy female though she still took some effort to truly get her in the mood for a mind blowing session. We,d occasionally had threesomes involving close friends male and female so I knew my wife loved eating pussies nearly as much as sucking cocks so there wasn,t...

3 years ago
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The Back Road

The truck whined as I downshifted from fourth gear; smoothly working the clutch in time with the shifter. I listened to the engine as that summer mountain breeze came in from the window. That black, single cab Chevy pickup was the dream of any young man. Except for the other dream every young man has that just so happened to be sitting right next to me in the cab of that truck. It had only been a month since I had fallen victim to those subtle seductions placed so carefully in my life. She was...

4 months ago
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Whos The Boss

I'd received my promotion to Head Office on account of being pretty smart with the computers, and it was pretty obvious that Margaret, who shared my office wasn't that hot with them. It was also obvious she was living well beyond her means - house with a pool, kids in private school and a Porsche. Something didn't fit. It didn't take long to figure out what. For anyone who knew their way around the system her tracks were clear to see - tapping cash off the top every month from dodgy...

10 months ago
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my gf promotion

She is wonderful and the boss pf her own division now, my gf is so perfect i coudnt believe her when she told me how much money she will makethe first few onth were a huge deal for her and she was always edgyshe became more and more intolerant of anything she call a ''detail''i was on a friday she came back tipsy and started yelling at me, dishes not done , bed not done , dinner not ready''ok im tired of this''i was in the living room looking at her come back with a huge grin ''time to show you...

3 years ago
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philippines surprise part 2

so after we have fucked it was pretty late and we were both drunk time for bed the morning head arrived it was a beautiful day once again we get ready to go snorkeling usually my wife would wear a one piece swimsuit while going snorkeling but she walked out of the bedroom in her sexiest bikini I was not complainingwe grab our towels sunscreen and head off for the day we are going for a day trip 2 some islands wanna filipino traditional catamaran style boat we meet up with jenny and dave on the...

3 months ago
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Dancing With My Son

One night changed my life forever. I let my son make have sex with me. I felt so guilty but strong as my guilty feelings were, I could not help my weakness for making love with my own teenage son. What bothers me even more than the fact that the incident occurred, is the fact that I enjoyed it while it was happening and wanted more of the same. I got my wish and we are still continuing to carry on our affair, even as I write this.I took my f******n year old son with me to a friends wedding....

2 months ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 28

The next morning, I woke up with Linda laying on her side and curled up in front of me. And as Holly had said, my cock was resting along her ass between her cheeks. “Good morning” she whispered, and turned her head to give me a kiss.I tried to pull her face around for a deeper kiss, and she pulled back, whispering “Shhhhh.”I listened, and could hear moaning in the next room. And the bed squeaking. And soft murmuring as Holly and Keith were saying things. Slipping out of bed Linda crept to our...

2 years ago
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Manipulated By My Black Boss To Produce BBC Cuckol

Manipulated By My Black Boss To Produce BBC Cuckold Videos(An adapted and re-edited favorite inspirational story)The bad economy that started several years ago was devastating for many people, including me. I had a good, ten-year career as a market researcher with a major advertising agency but was laid off as part of their cost savings measures. I had worked my way up to be a highly paid director by that time, which made me an obvious target for being fired.I looked for work for the next...

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Asian wife 2

It was a late Friday night and The work day just wouldn't end. I finally got off and headed home to find my wife Lyn already sleeping. I was still wired from work so I started looking at some porn and my mind started to get going. I had been waiting for a month with no new action about my wife's affair with Tony. I didn't believe the affair had stopped and I was suspicious they thought maybe I knew and were hiding it better. I had to find out more details but how. The cameras were a bust so...

1 year ago
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“I fucked Becky Howard last night, and she has the smallest tits I have ever seen,” said Todd to his two friends. They laughed and went back to their hamburgers.“Was she any good?” said one of the others after putting down his food.“She was alright I guess, sucked my dick a bit but wasn’t very good at it. And she would only do the missionary position and that’s so fucking lame.”The three young men continued to discuss Becky’s body and what she had done the previous night. I sat at the table...

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A whores story

I touched my fair skinned face as I woke up, and it fealt sticky, I taste it, yup...it's cum, I sit up, my pussy a little soar, pretty naked, and there were money notes all over me and around me, bottles of alcohol, powder, pills were thrown, condoms, girls and some guys too, in fact one was right under me...I stood up slwoly and went to the bathroom, trying not to wake anybody up, though a couple of chicks were going at it in the corner next to the window. I reached the bathroom, looking at my...

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Pennys Promiscuity 1 Unfaihful Fantasies

 “Fuck me! Harder! Harder!” I hissed the words hoarsely into Peter’s ear as he hammered himself deep into my body faster and faster and the wet slapping noises from between my open thighs grew louder and louder. “Oh yes! Oh yes!” he gasped, thrusting hard and rhythmically, driving his long, slim, familiar cock over and over again into what was, after having had three kids, my rather capacious vagina. “Go on Penny! Go on; you know what to say.” After over twenty years of marriage, I did indeed...

1 year ago
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Taking it Like a Bitch

When Jonah asked if I fancied going for a walk in a secluded part of the countryside - in the pitch black, to boot - I quivered with excitement, thinking about all the possibilities he might have planned for me. Was he intending a fuck in the woods? Up against a tree with the bark scraping my back through my blouse? Or dragging me by my hair, throwing me down on the ground and forcing me to have sex? Now that idea really appealed: being forced into having sex was a special fantasy of mine....

2 years ago
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All Grown Up 2 New Week New Games

All Grown Up #2New Week, New GamesDan married Jenny, and they got a deal on her parents’ house. The house came with a history, including a secret passage, and Jenny’s younger sister, Kelly. When Jenny travelled cross-country on business, Kelly confided in Dan, telling him all about the secret cameras she had hidden in their bedroom, but her jealousy had turned to desire, and then to Dan’s seduction. Kelly wants to continue to “borrow” her sister’s husband, and it’s been over a week since Jenny...

2 years ago
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Shoe store sexperiencesAnn

It had been another reasonably quiet morning in the shoe store when my uncle declared he would be leaving me in charge for the rest of the day. In other words, like many other occasions, at noon he would be heading off to the golf club.I wasn’t sure what handicap he had, but it should have been low considering all the time he spent on the course. Truthfully, I didn’t mind holding the fort on a regular basis. He paid me well and, usually, trade was steady without any mad rushes, just a trickle...

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Not A Word

It was already late when we arrived by taxi at Club Goa, a place recommended by friends for a good night of dancing or relaxing depending on which side of the club you entered. My wife was eager for a night out for what seems like forever, a chance to let loose and enjoy ourselves after so long cooped up inside. I helped her our of the taxi, her figure hugging dress tight against her curves and showing off her small breasts and nicely rounded ass as she stood up and adjusted the black material...

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CHAPTER 2: MOM AND DAD, PART 2Dad suggested we go to bed. We would clean up the dinner tomorrow. I stepped up to him and pressed my naked body to his and kissed him on the mouth. I search his mouth with my tongue and felt his tongue react. I looked into his eyes and smiled. We turned out the lights and he led me to his and mom’s bedroom. He seemed a little tentative so I took his hand and pulled him into bed with me. I looked at him with my best little girl imitation, pouted my lower lip and...

10 months ago
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Taming your Brat Sub in the Shower

A concept: Fucking your brat in the showerYou come home to hear the shower water running, clothes tossed on the floor creating a trail from the entrance into the bathroom. You acknowledge me by calling my name but hear no answer. Not surprising as the water is running, you try again as you start getting comfortable by beginning to take your clothes off. You wait for another moment and then with still no reply, you start walking to the bathroom.The closer you get, you start to hear muffled moans...

1 year ago
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My life changed forever Part 4

The last day.My four days had come to an end, my suitcase was packed, my master had fisted me yet again with his whole arm and then fucked me all night long. I was tired, drained and sad to be going, but knew that I still had a life to go back to. I was intoxicated with this man, my master, I had surrendered myself to him, let him humiliate me in public, abused me, spat on me, pissed on and in me, shared me with his brothers and gave in so much that he was able to put his hole arm inside me. I...

8 months ago
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Sarah Wanted a Romantic Wedding Night Part 2

So my brand new fiancée Sarah wanted to lose her cherry to me Before we got married! Surprised and delighted I was certainly up for the occasion, but she burst my bubble “I bet you,ve never deflowered anyone before have you?” “No I haven,t!” I confessed. “Well My vagina still has its hymen on so when you penetrate it with your penis it,s going to be painful! Don,t get worried as it Has to be done so we can have fun from now on! First off better coat your dickie in Vaseline to make it nice and...

1 year ago
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Slave Henrys Restaurant Shaving Show

My nude restaurant opened with me as the maitre d' and slave Henry as the waiter. The guests keep their clothes on but the restaurant staff: slave Henry, myself and the kitchen staff of one Asian man and white women, are all nude and can be touched and groped by the guests. All the guests like slave Henry because he is so pleasant and has such a great, lean body. Each month, on Saturday afternoon, there is a special shaving party for slave Henry. The guests come around 2PM and...

2 years ago
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Tampon wearing 2

I returned in with the teas on a silver tray and place it on the table next to a ash tray which was rather full,I poured the milk into the cups, then picked up the tea pot and poured the tea.I asked Celia if she took sugar two please she said, do you like being a school girl her eyes looking me up and down from my face down to my white socks as she puffed on her cigarette , yes I replied as I passed her the cup of tea.Pass me the ash tray she demanded , I held it in front of her she tapped the...

1 year ago
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Step Daughter Part1

Step DaughterShe walked into the house early in the morning. It was around 1:30 and she was well beyond her curfew. I didn’t know if she was home or not. I had gone to sleep but woke up and was wide awake and couldn’t get back to sleep. I got up while Carol slept soundly. Carol is my girlfriend of several years. A petite blond, well -built and pretty. As she slept I went downstairs and watched some porn. I sat in the living room with my laptop. I wore my briefs and white tank. Deanna is...

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Porn to Cock to male Sissy slut

I can remember when it all started. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Finding porn magazines at a young age, my eyes would race over the pictures, my brian would seem to overload. Looking at the naked girls, on their knees so ready and willing to suck the guy’s cocks in the photos. They had such lust and desire in their eyes. I began to understand why. My own eyes were drawn the the pictures of cocks, hard or hanging, they they were such a turn on. My cock would throb and ache. I had to...

10 months ago
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Is it OK

Is it OK to look at men for just the pleasure of looking?Is it OK to look at a guy in a skimpy panty showing off is Bulging cock?Is it OK to look at Men on Porn Sites that like to pose in the nude?Is it OK ro watch Men jack off and shoot their Cum?Is it OK to dress up in panties while watching Gay Porn Movies?Is it OK to pose for pictures from a friend who only wants to Suck your Cock?Is it OK to stroke your cock in your backyard knowing you might get caught?Is it OK to watch Gay Porn knowing...

1 year ago
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When in Toronto Extended Version

“And that’s it! That’s it! It’s over!” the commentator babbled into their headset. “The match goes to Klutz! I can’t believe it!!”The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe.For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream – sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For...

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Hot memories of watching other men fucking my wife

Memories of the times I shared my then very attractive hot wife are tattooed in my mind, the wonderfully erotic memories like pornographic movies of those oh so hot times. Following are some details of some of the more horny things that occurred over 15 years between my wife and I with those horny men we got together with. The major turn on for me was to watch my wife fucked and used by someone else, was my obsession. Her to let her hair down and enjoy the erotic adventures with another man...

2 months ago
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Fools Utopia Prestons New World

Preston hadn't expected this . Well , he had daydreamed about it and lusted for it , but not this soon . He was so close . His hips moved like they were one with Yolanda's mouth . Yolanda felt it , too . She inhaled deeply and gtabbed Preston's ass with both hands . Preston just let her have it . Resistance was futile . The first spurt felt like it would last forever . Yolanda sank carefully to the ground with Oreston on top of her , still flinching in her mouth . He felt Yolanda's hand on his...

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Returning soldier looking for relief

One of my best friends is in the army and has recently returned from a 4-month mission abroad. To celebrate his return he decided to throw a party for his friends. Afterwards, I decided to stay and help him clean up a bit. Things heated up a bit….-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The place was a mess. Empty cups on the floor, pieces of potato chips on the couch, bottles were...

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Latin Linda Alex Strap it On

It was a very hot August morning on a sunny Saturday. My husband was going "fishing" so I called Alex & he was going to chill (smoke drink & eat all day) at his apartment & lounge by the pool. Sounded like a plan & I grabbed my bikini & headed over. Alex had already secured a couple of lounge chairs & an umbrella. Now Alex is my gay coworker, confidant, bestie & occasional lover. He is a very well endowed feminine bottom. I had rolled some Backwood spiked blunts...

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Joes Ball Busting

I had been out shopping for a good part of the day and when I came home and didn't see Joe, I walked towards the study where I heard some noises coming from and quietly moved up to the door and peeked in. There was Joe sitting at the computer watching a video of a woman sounding a man's cock with her high heel. I could see Joe jerking off his hard cock and thought to myself he needed to be taught a lesson. I quietly moved to our bedroom and put on a pair of pointy toed ankle strapped stiletto...

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Write Lynn your fantasy story

To make a change the following story has not written by me  but has been written for me by some lovely guy who has read some of my stories and seen some of my pictures, It’s been a real turn on to receive e-mails that tell me in story format all the things they’d like to get up to with me whilst my hubby watches, I think they have done an outstanding job as they really got me turned on and wet. I hope you enjoy this one as much as me and if you fancy typing up a little something for me, then...

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Playing Beside Hubby

Shelly is quietly laying in bed playing games on her phone beside Randy, her sleeping husband. Suddenly the phone buzzed in her hand. She hadn't been expecting anyone to text her at this time of night, but when it happened she knew immediately who it was. She quickly shifted her eyes to look at Randy and reflexively put her phone down beside her, afraid that he had heard it. It appeared that Randy was still sleeping beside her as she sat propped up in their bed. He hadn't stirred, yet she...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 32

I glanced at her before returning my attention to the road.“Wow, he doesn’t waste any time, does he? How’s he going to meet with you on Monday and start shooting Tuesday when he doesn’t even have a contract offer out to Michael and Marci yet?” She shrugged. “I don’t know, he didn’t go into that much detail. I’m sure he has other models already under contract, or he may want to do some solo shots first.”“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” I looked at her again. “And you’re sure about this,...

9 months ago
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Wife Trains My Ass Pegged PT4

"Good. Then let me partially introduce myself. For your purposes, my name is only Mistress. Your wife hired me from an escort site online. With very specific requests, mainly that I had experience fucking men with a strap on." Mistress continued in a whisper.After the word strap on, she grab the base of the one still in my ass and gave it a little tug. I moaned at the sensation inside me."And while plenty of men have felt my cock in their ass, fucking a man with his wife is a first for me." she...

2 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Part 4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun, cuddling...

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Cassies First Time Is With Her Best Friend Part 2

 I wake before Pepper and quietly slip out of bed. Tiptoeing over to my dresser, I carefully open the drawer as to not make a sound. This is where all my goodies are kept. I take out my dildo, a bottle of massage oil, along with eight scarves and a blindfold. Pepper is about to have her fantasy she shared with me at a sleepover a few months ago.Watching Pepper, I tiptoe to one side of the bed and place the items on the bedside table. Quickly tying the scarves together in pairs while holding the...

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Mood Ring

Grey I’m glad my husband’s BMW6series has darkened windows in the back. I take a deep breath, ring the doorbell, hurry to the backseat and gaze at your front door. Finally it opens. You take two steps look around and shrug. I can’t breathe. I see how resilient you walk, your youthful appearance and the intensity in your eyes. My face starts glowing and I feel shivers covering my body and wavelets running through my abdomen. My sensual pearl tingles. Involuntarily, I tilt my pelvis and spread my...

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The Realistic Dildo The Warm Apple Pie

Hello, and welcome to my little story. My name was Jennie Box, a nineteen year-old still in high school. I had been in my senior year for the past couple of years as I had failed to keep my grades up to graduate. But hey, it's difficult being a teenage girl growing up, especially one who is different and weird. That's me in a nutshell.I don't socialise much, I wear make up but its hardly noticeable. I've never had a boyfriend even though I am developed up there. I'm just invisible. You know how...

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Jennys Den of Iniquity

Over the years I have worked for a number of bosses, but only one female, her name was Jenny.Jenny was a confident woman with an air of sexuality, and a nice pair of tits to go with it.When Jenny got horny, Jenny got fucked and fortunately for me, I was in the right place at the right time.Jenny owned the company, so any job that she asked me to do, I was happy to do it.One day, she told me that she had an issue with one of her electrical items at home, and would I be able to see if I could fix...

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Good To The Last Spurt

In about 1990 it wasn’t,t unusual for me to not see my wife Sarah or teenaged c***dren much as I had to work long hours at security to pay the bills and keep a roof over our heads. Sarah,s parent had helped us along, but with her father now gone to his reward it was on,y her mother left who lived in the granny annexe in our north London home(it WAS Sarah,s parent,s home originally). Occasionally mother in law looked after our boy and girl when my wife and I were able to spend time together or...

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A day in the life of a tranny whore

I checked into the cheap motel room (60$ a night) the night before so I could get an early start the next day. The a/c was busted but the New England weather was cooler than normal for late May. The fluorescent light over the bathroom sink was hanging loose and not working so doing my make up would be a little challenging in the morning. I went home and got a good night sleep.I arrived back at the motel around 7 am on a friday morning. I had my "getting ready to whore ritual" down to about 45...

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Erotic Rumours About Musician Regine Chassagne

For quite a long time now, there’s been some wild erotic rumours about incredibly beautiful lovely famous singer & multi-talented artist Regine Chassagne.With them saying things got vastly sinful & depraved, after a performance with her band Arcade Fire. As true goddess & total queen Regine demandingly invited 50-hand-picked Swedish guys from the audience, to meet her backstage, at Grona Lund, Stockholm. Giving them a much unexpected, but real happy surprise. As they went to a...

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First Adventure into Sissy Land

Going back a few years is when my new beginning started, like many other married men out there - I still wake up with a hard-on, and have many sexual desires the problem my wife has zero desire. Our sex life started to drift about 7 years ago, we went from having sex 3-4 times a week to once or twice, they a few times a month, then eventually nothing. Sounds familiar? I got tired of begging and being turned down, so I went to an old friend ‘porn’ and to jerking off just as I did before I got...

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Lubna Sasi 3 threesome

After watching sasi fuck of a black guy it had really turned me on. That Friday I had asked one of my cousins to come over and stay with me. I asked sasi if that was ok and she agreed. That night I had told him about what I had seen this week. At first he didn't believe me but I managed to convince him. I had told him that she had a banging body and I wanted to fuck her. At first he wasn't on board and he was slightly grossed out about the insect. But after a couple hours of watching porn the...

5 months ago
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The Gymnast

I have been coaching my granddaughter, Michele, in gymnastics for sixteen years. I have taught her every apparatus and floor routine. Michele was in diapers when we started simple rolls. She was on top of the world holding number one all around, until puberty. Her body flowered and her breasts grew to a D cup. She could not manipulate her balance. Michele floundered. Sadly, she missed qualifying for the Olympics. There is an ancient proverb, "Those who can do; those who cannot teach." We...

8 months ago
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My cuckold journey

I am a 54 year old married women from Essex. i have been happily married to my second husband for 23 years and been together for 28 years. i married my first husband when i was just eighteen, far to young. He was a lot older and quite frankly boring. i wanted to be young and enjoy myself. I used to go out once a week with a girlfriend to the local pub and i met a married guy there. we started having sex in the back of his car and he was very good at fucking,better than my husband, this became a...

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Shoplifting troubles pt 2 the big house

So some time has passed since i last wrote, I have been in a normal routine of waking up popping a xanex, shower, do "makeup", eat breakfast, blow someone, lunch, count, fuck someone, dinner and head back to the cell to sleep for the night. This has been the normal schedule except for days where I have court. On those days after breakfast I am handcuffed and shacked, frisked by some weirdo in his 40s and put in an escort van where I am handcuffed to the seat as well as the inmate next to me....

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Jenny Our Vivacious Pet Sitter

Our family decided to go on a short vacation to New Mexico. As a far as vacations go, it was a long awaited and much anticipated vacation. We are a cost conscious family, so I decided to look on line for a pet sitter for our very friendly great Pyrenees. I found an add on social media that read: “TEACHER NEEDING SOME SUMMER TIME FUN AND PAY- WILLING TO PET SET!” I texted the number and then looked up the person on social media. I was immediately struck by the profile photos of a strikingly...

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Double Life of a Slut Wife chapter 1

I was putting the finishing touches to my recently remodeled basement "man cave" when I tripped over my tool bag and fell into an old plaster wall that looked much sturdier than it actually was. I wasn’t hurt in the fall but I ended up putting a hole in the wall that was about the size of a basketball. That jagged-edged opening in the wall would change my life in a profound way. Had I had known just what it was that was about to be revealed to me it is very possible I would have hung a poster...

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Saved from the rain

It was astormy old night and I was driving home from work. The rain was teaming off the windscreen and I was out in the countryside watching the lines in the middle of the road to keep my position on the road. I was going well listening to my favourite drive home programme on the radio. I went round the next corner and a tree had fallen across the road. I had nowhere to go so I hit it. This left me in the sticks away from anywhere with a smashed car. I got out of my car and was soaked almost...

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Wifes Afternoon Passion with An Old Friend

Rita Morris was a making a shopping list when her husband Colin called for the fourth time in a week and said that he'd be coming home late from work, which was really beginning to irritate her. She'd wanted sex twice already over the last few days, but Colin had fallen asleep each time after they had dinner. Frustrated, she'd retire to her bedroom texting on her phone to late in the night until she'd fall asleep. One of those nights recently, however, she'd taken matters into her "own hands"...