A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 04
- 4 years ago
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A Day In Gotham – 6 — Batgirl’s Torment (Catwoman’s lesson, even more revenge, a confused Robin)
(Follows episode 5 — Batgirl’s Turmoil : this is part 2 of the same story)
(Author’s Note,
Once again, an apology for having to split this story. This is part 2 of the tale started in 5 — Batgirl’s Turmoil, so anyone reading from scratch might want to start there. If not, I’ve added a very brief summary below which might help with some of the context.)
Chapter 10 — Catwoman’s Moment
Chapter 11 — A Friend Joins In
Chapter 12 — The Torment Continues
Chapter 13 – A Surprise for Catgirl
Chapter 14 — Unexpected Relief
Chapter 15 — A Kind of Escape
Chapter 16 — Unfinished Business
Chapter 17 — A Long, Hot Soak
Chapter 18 — Complications Arise
The story so far,
Bruce Wayne’s old flame Zatanna is back in town to perform her Magician Show at the Gotham Charity Luncheon. Bruce invites her to stay at Wayne Mansion for a few days and she agrees. Batman is ecstatic when passions are rekindled, Batgirl less so.
She meets Zatanna as Barbara Gordon at a dinner arranged by Bruce, the two women instinctively disliking each other.
Barbara takes solace briefly with Robin, confusing his feelings no end before next day having a hot morning session with her girlfriend Detective Susan Reid, who brings along a couple of presents. Firstly a giant pink double dildo that they decide to leave for later and secondly a clit stimulating ‘butterfly’ that she persuades Batgirl to wear for the Charity Luncheon.
Batman can’t attend for some unknown reason. Robin acts as ‘escort’.
Catwoman also arranges to meet an old-flame, and plans an unpleasant surprise for Batgirl.
Catgirl is sent off to keep an eye on Batman. In the process she ‘deals’ with some young thugs.
Batgirl and Robin are invited on-stage with Zatanna and ‘disappear’- only to turn up later at Catwoman’s lair. Robin’s tied to an A-Frame in one room and invited to ‘listen-in’ while Catwoman deals with Batgirl next door — oh dear…
Chapter 10 — Catwoman’s Moment
Catwoman was in her lair, pretty much on her own, just the two ‘guests’.
She’d given the Kittens and most of her other staff the rest of the day off because she had plans. Plans which involved a limited number of participants, plans which involved a large slice of revenge!
She was humming merrily to herself as she left Robin struggling, alone and tied onto an A-frame in the small side room. He was a cocky little devil she conceded as her tight, black suited figure headed down the corridor to the next door, but he didn’t really interest her at the moment. Behind the door was her current prey, and the culmination of a good deal of work. She smiled viciously. She’d been planning this moment for many weeks after Batgirl had inflicted an erotic torture on her younger companion, Catgirl, and was determined to enjoy every second of it!
She opened the door quietly, and slipped silently in. It was a much bigger room than Robin’s and almost bare of furniture except for a massive, metal framed bed in the middle of the room linked to a small bedside table. Harsh, bright lights were shining down from the ceiling directly onto the bed, setting the rest of the room in shady darkness.
Directly in the middle of the bright illumination lay the purple suited figure of Batgirl, gloved hands cuffed together and attached to the metal head-frame by a six inch, silver metal chain. Her shock of red hair was splayed about her purple head cowl as her arms were drawn together above her head, pulling the clinging purple suit tightly across her firm bosoms. The white sheet that she was sprawled on was twisted chaotically about, testimony to the struggles that Batgirl had made to get free — unsuccessfully.
Batgirl had eventually given up the hopeless struggle of trying to free her hands, and was resting under the bright lights, conserving her strength. She knew that she was probably in Catwoman’s lair. It was her Kittens after all that had subdued Robin and herself at the theatre before gassing them. When she came round she was tied to the bed, alone under the harsh white lights, and wondering where Robin was.
‘Bloody Zatanna!!’ she’d cursed to herself. The famous female magician was the one that had delivered them into Catwoman’s hands! Bruce Wayne’s house guest would you believe! Batgirl had shaken her head in exasperation as she recalled the raven haired beauty at last night’s dinner. Every atom in her body had risen in an instinctive loathing as soon as she’d seen her, but she hadn’t expected anything like this.
The only good thing about her situation so far was that the infernal clitoral butterfly had behaved itself since she’d come-to. Her lover, Detective Susan Reid had attached it to her sensitive pussy earlier in the day for a bit of fun after a sensual bout of love-making, and it had been going off at irregular intervals ever since, driving her wild! Just as Susan had intended, but just what she didn’t need if she had to contend with Catwoman!
Her best hope seemed to be that it was Catgirl who’d captured her. They were similar ages, early twenties she’d guessed. They weren’t exactly bosom buddies, but Catgirl’s interest in her seemed to be in inflicting devious erotic situations on her. Not always comfortable, but infinitely preferable to Catwoman’s tastes. She’d peered into the darkness surrounding her a few times, hoping to catch a glimpse of the black and pink suited figure, hoping that she was just tantalising her again.
No such luck!
Catwoman had approach silently almost to the side of the bed before Batgirl’s head twisted round as she became aware of her.
‘Nice of you to drop in Bat-Bitch!’ she hissed evily, ‘I’ve been wanting to have a chat with you for a while now.’
As she sat on the bedside she continued in a neutral conversational tone, ‘You see, I can’t really have you molesting my staff without …………..,’ she was cut off as she twisted suddenly to catch hold of the purple boot that Batgirl had launched at Catwoman’s head.
‘My, my Bat-Bitch, you’re really just so predictable!’ she exclaimed as she twisted her body round to sit across the top of Batgirl’s legs, pinning her down. She grasped the top of the boot that she’d just captured and yanked it off, ‘I think that we’ll just lose these shall we, just in case you get tempted to misbehave again!’ The second boot immediately followed its partner over the edge of the bed.
Now Catwoman’s black suited figure suddenly twisted again and to Batgirl’s consternation she was suddenly sat astride her hips and leaning menacingly forward towards Batgirl’s face. At any other time, she might have admired her assailant’s fantastic figure. The skin tight black suit clung to every curve and left little to the imagination, but Batgirl’s attention was elsewhere. There was a clicking sound as Catwoman triggered the release of steely looking claws from the ends of her right hand fingers, one of which she placed threateningly under an apprehensive Batgirl’s chin.
Batgirl squirmed away but couldn’t escape the cold, steely feel of the sharpened digit.
‘Now, as I was saying Bat-Bitch,’ breathed Catwoman, ‘Catgirl is a dear friend and colleague, and I’m not going to have you abuse her and get away with it, so I’ve arranged for you to suffer a little today……….. well, maybe more than a little actually! I’ve got a friend coming over soon and we’ve got some very uncomfortable plans for you!’
Batgirl had realised immediately that Catwoman was referring to the ‘butterfly’ treatment that she’d handed out to Catgirl at their last encounter. Having sampled the relentless butterfly herself during the day, she was beginning to have some sympathy for Catgirl’s ordeal.
It didn’t alter the fact that she’d only been getting her own back for some of the erotic treatment that Catgirl had inflicted on her beforehand but somehow Batgirl didn’t expect Catwoman’s sympathy. More to the point, Batgirl was wondering, who would the ‘friend’ turn out to be? There was one small chance.
‘You mean Catgirl’s here too?’ she tried looking around Catwoman into the darkness, hoping that Catwoman’s younger accomplice would be around. With a bit of luck, she’d restrain her mistress’s wilder instincts!
‘No,’ said Catwoman with the malicious grin spreading wider across her face, ‘I’ve sent her off on an errand. My friend is much more in tune with my ideas of discipline and ………. errrrrr punishment! You’ll get on well I’m sure — not!’
Right in the middle of Catwoman’s threats, the infernal butterfly had kicked off again and as Batgirl strove hard to suppress the sudden sweet activity between her legs her face grimaced. Catwoman beamed, pleased to see Batgirl in discomfort, even if she misinterpreted the reason.
‘It’s good that you feel some remorse Batgirl, because it will be better for you if you co-operate in this afternoon’s events. I was going to mention that I’d got Robin strung up next door, and although he’s bit uncomfortable, it could be worse …….. if you get my drift. But I feel sure that you’ll get the idea …… won’t you?’ she added menacingly.
Batgirl was still recovering from the butterfly attack, but was savvy enough to know when she’d been outmanoeuvred. ‘No,’ she whispered dejectedly, ‘co-operation it is.’
‘Good!’ smiled Catwoman, ‘Now, we might as well prepare. You’re way overdressed for what I’ve got in mind!’
With that, she placed her clawed fingers near Batgirl’s shoulder and pressed gently into the purple suit. ‘Better stay still Batgirl, I wouldn’t want to draw blood just yet,’ she laughed nastily.
‘You won’t make any impression on my suit Catwoman,’ replied Batgirl with returning spirit, ‘Batman paid for the best, it’s strong stuff!’
Catwoman raised her eyebrows and simply drew her clawed fingers slowly and diagonally downwards, up and over one of Batgirl’s purple covered breasts. Batgirl was mortified to see four strips of pale skin appearing behind the claws as they easily cut through the bright purple material. Her misery was compounded when a pale pink nipple sprang out into the bright light through one of the tears. Catwoman was really laughing now, and capture the nipple briefly between her thumb and forefinger, giving it a playful tweak that made Batgirl suck in air again.
‘Ah!’ exclaimed Catwoman in triumph after her laughing fit died away, ‘looks like you’ll need to get Bruce to pay for a new tailor!’
Batgirl was silently cursing Batman again when she suddenly realised that Catowman had referred to Batman by his real name. She evidently knew more about them than Batgirl had expected, but her distraction was short lived as Catwoman instructed her to lie still again, and after the last demonstration, Batgirl just held her breath and hoped that Catwoman was as good as she’d said!
She was.
In almost a frenzy, Catwoman simply shredded the front of Batgirl’s uniform down to her utility belt leaving batgirl’s firm breasts naked in the harsh light, just a few thin strips of purple remaining to hang loosely down from around her neck. Batgirl looked down in horror, but was relieved, in fact amazed to see that her smooth skin was still intact as the sharp claws did their work. In other circumstances she might have congratulated Catwoman!
Clearly Catwoman wasn’t finished though. She quickly disposed of the bright yellow Utility Belt, yanking it off and throwing it to one side, then, with just her forefinger claw she drew a tear vertically downwards from her tummy. Batgirl’s sense of horror deepened as she realised where the finger was heading and she drew in her tummy muscles and hips so that there was as much room as possible as the finger drew the single tear over her pubic mound and down between her legs. Batgirl let out a long sigh as the danger to her most sensitive area seemed to be past, but Catwomans clawed finger had continued downward along the inside of her thigh until she’d reached the end of the suit leg, which then sprang apart, exposing one long, shapely leg. Catwoman quickly repeated the process down the other leg and had soon peeled Batgirl’s suit away from her body, leaving her modesty covered only by her black thong.
‘That’s better!’ smiled Catwoman as she captured Batgirl’s naked, squirming legs again. She looked more closely at the plain black thong. ‘Not a very exciting choice of lingerie Batgirl,’ she commented, ‘I thought you’d have more taste. Still, it’s only in the way anyway!’ With that she hooked her claws into the waistband sides, cut through the material and pulled the thin material away, revealing the bright purple butterfly nestling deeply and comfortably over Batgirl’s damp pussy.
Catwoman’s eyes widened and her mouth opened in surprise at the sight. Batgirl felt her cheeks going bright red.
‘Wow, Batgirl. I take it all back. You’re really a bit of a swinger after all!’
It was just inevitable, Batgirl thought in despair, as the contraption chose that moment to inflict another surge of powerful vibrations onto her clit. Her legs tautened and her face grimaced again as she fought to control the powerful, surging sensation from between her legs.
Catwoman simply hung onto her legs laughing riotously.
Chapter 11 — A friend joins in
As Batgirl’s breathing returned to normal, Catwoman suddenly had her by the neck and was fastening something at the back under her shock of red wig hair. Then, despite her struggles, two narrow little plastic tubes were being threaded either side of her face to meet at her nostrils where Catwoman clipped them in place.
‘What?’ gasped a shocked Batgirl.
‘All part of the plan Batgirl ………… you’ll see why later!’ Catwoman added nastily.
Batgirl hadn’t heard the door open, but Catwoman suddenly sat up alertly and swung around.
Batgirl followed her eyes and out of the gloom, a figure approached them. It was a woman, quite tall and well built with long, bushy blonde hair. Around her eyes she wore a silver, ballroom mask, her face was spread into a wide smile. Around her body she wore a short, shiny kimono, belted loosely at the waist and displaying a generous cleavage between the folds. As she took in the long, muscular thighs, Batgirl had a sinking feeling that she was dressed for action.
Catwoman had immediately jumped up from the bed to greet her in a long, warm embrace. They were evidently old friends, and as she guided the new arrival to the bedside Catwoman was chiding her gently for not getting there earlier.
‘I see you didn’t wait,’ the blonde laughed, as she took in Batgirl’s semi-naked appearance and shredded, torn uniform. Batgirl was a little unnerved at the hard, grey eyes that stared down at her. Then her eyes drifted down to the purple creature nestling between Batgirl’s thighs.
‘Hey, you didn’t mention that you were going to ‘butterfly’ her as well Catwoman!’
‘I know…….. amazing as it may seem she was actually wearing it when she arrived!’ responded Catwoman, ‘She’s a racier young devil than I’d thought. Shame that it doesn’t go off more often though,’ she added with a tinge of disappointment.
‘Oh I know how to fix that!’ laughed the new arrival, ‘hang onto her legs.’
Immediately her fingers were delving between Batgirls inner thighs, lifting the butterfly slightly and squirming around between it and Batgirl’s sensitive inner lips. With a little grunt of satisfaction, her fingers flicked at something under the butterfly and she withdrew them quickly so that she could ease it back into place. Batgirl had been trying hard not to let the delving fingers excite her too much, but almost immediately there was a powerful burst of vibrations
on her clit again and she squirmed hard as Catwoman held onto her and the breath was forced out of her lungs.
‘There,’ said the blonde in satisfaction, ‘she should get the treatment every few minutes now!’
Batgirl was about to make a withering response when, as predicted, there was another, even longer surge of action on her clit and she was suddenly swamped almost uncontrollably with waves of excitement. Her head thrashed from side to side as she tried to keep in control, but she’d almost gone over the edge and she knew that another burst would trigger a big climax. She was desperate not to give them that satisfaction, but her whole body was now screaming for release and she looked at them with loathing through bleary eyes as they just smiled down at her, waiting.
They didn’t need to wait long. Batgirl’s weary body had still not recovered from the previous onslaught as the butterfly kicked off with another long burst of vibrations, and this time Batgirl was way too far gone to even try to control it as her whole body tensed, ready for the blessed relief of the impending orgasm.
That was when her nostrils were assailed by a brief burst of pungent gas. Suddenly the waves of pleasure dissipated, the desperately sought after climax fast fading away, but her body was still wracked with frustrated tension. Whatever the device around her neck was it seemed to be able to detect the onset of an orgasm and ‘suffocate’ it by a quick burst of the pungent odour. Fiendish! She gasped and opened her eyes wide to see her two opponents laughing down at her again. Catwoman leaned forward.
‘Come on Batgirl, you didn’t think we’d brought you here to enjoy yourself did you! By the time we’ve finished you’ll be absolutely begging us for that orgasm!’
Again Batgirl’s planned waspish response was cut off by the butterfly initiating yet another build up of sexual energy between her legs. It looked like being a long afternoon!
Meanwhile, Catwoman and the blonde had sat down together at the end of the bed to leave Batgirl to suffer the butterfly on her own. In between the bursts of activity on her clit that was gradually driving her wild again, Batgirl watched in amazement as Catwoman’s hands reached around the back of her neck and released the fastenings of her shiny black suit, easing it off her body and revealing an impressive semi naked form, covered only by tiny lace blue panties.
Her pert breasts stood out proudly from her body, dark nipples already hard and pointed as the blonde bent forward to capture Catwoman’s lips in a long, sultry looking kiss, hands reaching up and caressing the firm orbs, bringing a small cry from Catwoman’s lips.
This was immediately swamped by the loud cry of frustration from Batgirl as another gigantic orgasm was thwarted by the pungent gas up her nostrils. ‘How did it know!?’ thought Batgirl angrily as her frustrations rose remorselessly.
Catwoman had now untied the blonde’s kimono and pushed it over her shoulders to reveal her ample round breasts and a pair of short, creamy knickers. Soon, Batgirl was watching in awe as they were clasping each other closely, breasts pressed hard together as they kissed hungrily, hands starting to roam enthusiastically over each others’ backs and sides.
Batgirl’s attention was now divided between the regular assaults on her clit and the riveting sight of the two women making out in front of her. She was on a sexual high already and the sight of the interlocked, semi-naked forms of Catwoman and her friend were beginning to drive her over the edge again and she let out a long moan as another orgasm was stifled at birth.
Her legs were starting to quiver uncontrollably as she dragged her eyes open again, looked down between her own straining orbs to see Catwoman kneeling between her legs, upright and facing her now. The blonde’s hands were wrapped around her body, cupping Catwoman’s breasts, kneading and plucking at her nipples. Her head was nestled into Catwoman’s neck, forcing it to one side as she kissed and nibbled at her sensitive bare flesh. Batgirl could see that Catwoman’s eyes were closed under her cowl as she luxuriated in the attention from her sexy companion. Another, smaller burst of vibrations on Batgirl’s clit caused her to bite her lip, but her focus was now riveted on the sensual sight in front of her. She watched in awe as one of the hands that had been teasing Catwoman’s breast disengaged itself and began a slow, tantalising journey down across Catwoman’s tight abdomen towards the triangle of blue lace covering Catwoman’s pussy.
Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 8 – Batgirl Vexed’. I’ve had numerous comments about the ending to that particular piece, so in response, even though it’s a while since I posted that one, here’s a follow-up. I hope that you like it. As it seems with all my recent work, I’ve found it difficult to include all the content that I think that the story needs into one episode. As I also wanted to reduce the length of these pieces...
Title A Day in Gotham — 9 – Batgirl Wins 03 ((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 02’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. This is part 3 of what will be a four part story. In brief , this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard...
((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! I’ve received a number of queries about whether I was going to come up with any more Batgirl stories, and I must confess that I do enjoy writing them, so here’s a little series taking our intrepid young warrior beyond that rather traumatic ending in the last story – Batgirl Wins 04. I hope you enjoy, and please comment and/or vote. I love to hear from you… Duke )) Index :- 1. The Start of...
A Day In Gotham – 8 — Batgirl Vexed (A promise fulfilled, a catty surprise, a dangerous enemy) (Follows episode 7 — Batgirl Undone) (Authors Note — It’s taken a while to pull together, but thanks for your patience if you’re following the series. As this implies, this story follows on from my previous efforts, but it can be read as an isolated story if you wish. As usual, Batgirl is still trying hard to sort out all her complex personal relationships with friends and foe alike!) * ...
((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the second part of three covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Part 1, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a dire threat from a...
(Author’s Intro…. This story (Episode 2) is a ‘prequel’ to the ‘A Day In Gotham’ series that I wrote a year or so ago. In particular, it precedes ‘Batgirl’s Dilemma’ which is the first story that I wrote and technically is Episode 3 in the series. I always had it in mind to come back to Batgirl at some stage (she’s such a fun character!) and fill in some gaps, and this story attempts to set the stage for some of the later action. As it developed, it grew (as usual!), so I’ve split it into...
((Authors Note — here’s the third and final episode of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing about my favourite super-heroine. As with all such series, it’s probably best to read episodes one and two first, but if you can’t wait here’s a very, very brief summary of events so far. Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) has just started out on solo patrols. With Batman’s help she captures a dangerous criminal called Marco. Flushed with success she goes to Wayne...
A Day In Gotham – 7 — Batgirl Undone (Rejection, discipline, a stranger lights up the day) (Follows episode 6 — Batgirl’s Torment) (Author’s note — this represents a further episode in poor old Batgirl’s monumentally dysfunctional life — sorry for the delay — useful if you read the previous episodes first but not essential — hope you enjoy – comments welcome!) Contents, Chapter 1 — Keeping an Eye on Things Chapter 2 — Batgirl Prepares Chapter 3 – Robin’s Big Chance Chapter 4 – Batman’s...
Als Barbara Wilson (Alicia Silverstone) vor einem Monat nach Gotham City kam, um ihren Onkel Alfred zu besuchen, hat sie kaum davon geträumt, maskiert und in ein schwarzes Cape gekleidet gegen das Verbrechen in Gotham City zu kämpfen. Inzwischen verstärkt sie als Batgirl das Team von Batman und Robin. Doch obwohl sie sich in den Kämpfen mit Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy und Bane mehr als tapfer geschlagen hat, beschleicht sie das Gefühl, dass ihre Partner nicht mit ihr zufrieden sind und gut auf sie...
A Day In Gotham – 5 — Batgirl’s Turmoil – (Catwoman’s Revenge, excitement at Wayne Mansion) (Follows episode 4 — Batgirl’s Revenge) Author’s Note : It’s generally a bad idea to start with an apology, but here I go anyway! This should have been one story, it was always designed that way. Unfortunately, as I penned it, it just seemed to take on a life of its own and now it’s too big! My fault, poor discipline I suppose. I considered taking out the scalpel and hacking a few bits out, but I...
… It was a usual Friday night for Gotham city. All sorts of criminals were out in force due to the absence of Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin and even regular Robin. The four were off-world helping the Justice League and Titans take care of some sort of universe ending threat. Gotham wasn’t left unprotected though. At the old Gotham East Docks, a slim, feminine, hooded figure made her way up atop a tower of old containers. “Oracle. I’m in position.” Spoiler said into her...
A Day in Gotham – 3 – Batgirl’s Dilemma Chapter 1 – Good Dream, Bad Dream? She woke up with a start, instantly awake and scanning her surroundings urgently. What had happened!? Her heart was racing, but her breathing quickly returned to normal as her brain registered the air of normality in the bedroom. The early morning Gotham City sunlight was streaming through the curtains and already it felt pleasantly warm as her home city prepared itself for another baking hot mid-Summer day. She...
(Emergency Press Conference, Wayne Tower) ''Thank You all for Coming, as you all Know my name is Bruce Wayne, and this Past Year has been Trying not just for Me or for Gotham, but for every Man, Woman and Child who has Ever set foot in Gotham. I have Seen a Man I once considered my unofficial Brother Fall to the Allure of meting out Criminal Justice, I have seen this city betrayed, and in spite of it people like the Batman and his Team have shown that There are those who would Do both whatever...
Mr Stark! Yes Pepper ? Bruce Wayne Is on the Phone! I have got to go to Gotham . Bruce Needs my help. Can you handle the Mayor today! Yes! Good I have to fly out,.Call the Pilot. I do have time for you to suck my Dick before I go! Get on your Knees Pepper and Service Me! I want you to suck it hard I need a boast in my power cell! Take it deep you whore. Im thinking about what Bruce ask me to do and it don't take long and I Cum In Pepper mouth! Thank You Pepper ! Now I have to go! Four Hour...
Mr Stark! Yes Pepper ? Bruce Wayne Is on the Phone! I have got to go to Gotham . Bruce Needs my help. Can you handle the Mayor today! Yes! Good I have to fly out,.Call the Pilot. I do have time for you to suck my Dick before I go! Get on your Knees Pepper and Service Me! I want you to suck it hard I need a boast in my power cell! Take it deep you whore. Im thinking about what Bruce ask me to do and it don't take long and I Cum In Pepper mouth! Thank You Pepper ! Now I have to go! Four Hour...
The Batfamily were the united heroes of Gotham City. Bruce Wayne when he first became the Batman decided he needed help to save Gotham. He brought in Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Eventually Bruce expanded so far, he had four Robins and three Batgirls. ——————- You play as Dick Grayson, the oldest of all the Batfamily and you are assigned to a mission with the three Batgirls
((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the third and final part of this series covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Parts 1&2, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a...
"That stupid bat" shouted Harley "why does he have to go around and ruin everything". The Joker came up with a plan to poison gothams water supply, well it wasn't really a poison it was more of an aphrodisiac. Harley didn't actually know why the Joker would want to do that. When she asked him all he said was that it would make it easier to take over gotham. Harley like every time she heard one of the Joker's schemes, she just went along with it. Harley was barely able to escape from the bat,...
Harriet’s Hutch, Gotham City Center “Hay boss?” the shop clerk called to the store owner, “Is it me or has there been a run on rubber this past week?” “Rubber, leather, vegan leather, vinyl, wetlook, strap-ons, sex toys, bondage gear…” the owner said looking around the depleted stocks, “Last time I saw something like this was the week before the fetish shop I use to work at sponsored a kink convention.” “Wonder what caused it?” Maurice Wayne Arts exhibition hall, Gotham College- One week...
Your friends are eager to pillage Gotham and take what they want. You on the other hand have your eyes on me. Your wall of fame glistens as the keys to your dungeon shimmer. Each key leads to a slave compartment belonging to you and your buddies. You sigh and go through the list to conquer Gotham, too easy you mutter. The sun goes down and you take action, hopping out the window
BDSMCLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE BOY FROM GOTHAM by BobH (c) 2011 All characters herein are the property of DC Comics. This story is a sequel to the following tales, which are also available here on fictionmania: 1/ CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE BEGINNING 2/ CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY *********************** Prologue: The small, blue and red rocketcraft arced through the cold, lifeless void between the stars, its tiny infant...
Barbara watched in anticipation as the computer attempted to recover the data from the transmitter, fearful that the computer would give her some sort of error and she’d have to basically start from scratch in finding her friend and fellow vigilante, fellow Batgirl. Each minute that passed made Barbara a little bit more sick. FILE TRANSFER SUCCESFULLY “Yes!” Barabara went to work sifting through all the data immediately. More specifically, Barbara was looking for the audio logs...
Title — A Day in Gotham — 4 — Batgirl’s Revenge (Catgirl has butterflies, the Kittens get their Robin) (follows – 3 — Batgirl’s Dilemma) Contents: Chapter 1 ———- Anticipation Chapter 2 ———- Kitten Graduation Chapter 3 ———- Marks Out Of Ten Chapter 4 ———- Snaring a Robin Chapter 5 ———- Robin Gets the Blues Chapter 6 ———- Kittens Get Their Cream Chapter 7 ———- A Depression Deepens over the Commissioner’s Office Chapter 8 ———- Catgirl’s Turn Chapter 9 ———- Robin’s Reluctant Rescue ...
by the Perv Otaku The greenhouse was dark, but not completely quiet. Scratching sounds emanated from the door, cutting out a circle of glass. The glass fell free, and a gloved feminine hand with claws reached in and opened the door. Catwoman crept inside and quietly stepped through the greenhouse, looking around. "There it is," she thought. "It figures that she would swipe it from the Gotham Pet Products R&D lab before me, but I'm not about to let her keep that engineered hybrid super...
The lapping of a tongue on her face woke Selina. Unfortunately, said tongue only belonged to Missy, one of the cats she and Holly shared their compact Park Row apartment with. Who needed an alarm clock when you could be awoken like this? Selina thought, as she pushed herself up to a sitting position. Selina noted the moonlight streaming through the window with no small sense of delight. Tonight, she knew, was the night. She'd been hunting a lead on this particular score since before Christmas,...
[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...
Mind ControlThe greenhouse was dark, but not completely quiet. Scratching sounds emanated from the door, cutting out a circle of glass. The glass fell free, and a gloved feminine hand with claws reached in and opened the door. Catwoman crept inside and quietly stepped through the greenhouse, looking around. "There it is," she thought. "It figures that she would swipe it from the Gotham Pet Products R&D lab before me, but I'm not about to let her keep that engineered hybrid super catnip...
The night sky menacingly loomed over Gotham City. The police grew more on edge, the supervillains more confident. Gang violence increased dramatically along with the city’s already alarming crime rate. As chaotic as things got in the violent town, they’d be even worse off if there wasn’t a Batman around. Bruce was notified by Alfred of the signal illuminating the darkness overhead. He promptly descended into the Batcave where he began to suit up. The signal was shined so often now that a night...
Um zu erfahren wie ich auf diese Idee gekommen bin und als Leitfaden für Mitautoren bitte das "Zur Geschichte" lesen. Für die ganze Story, einschliesslich dem Lebenslauf des Handlungsträgers bitte die "Vorgeschichte" anwählen. An deren Ende geht es dann mit der eigentlichen Story weiter. "Batgirl's Vernichtung" springt gleich zur eigentlichen Story, aber es fehlen einige wesentliche Informationen für den Leser. Allerdings kürzt es den Weg ab und man ist gleich in der eigentlichen Geschichte...
In all my years visiting professional mistresses, rather paradoxically, by far the most explosive, mind shattering episode I ever experienced and from which I never fully recovered, occurred during a visit to an absolute beginner and a absolute novice at the game. The following account is I believe an accurate record of the session as I still remember most details quite vividly, but there were some occasions where I believe I may have had moments of blackout or was not fully compos mentis for...
South American Cock TormentAndy Douglas was eighteen even though he only looked much younger. Five seven, he had a nice balance of slim waist, good shoulders and a neat, tight butt. Plenty of sport and exercise in the open air had given him a great tan and a body with good muscular definition including a modest six-pack. The sun had also bleached his shock of naturally blonde hair. Coupled with pale blue eyes and a ready smile he looked good and attractive?and he knew it.He liked girls, but...
Cock TormentChuck Adams was eighteen but still had that boyish look and slim build that made him appear at least two years younger. Five foot six with short blonde hair and a lithe tanned body toned by lots of sun and exercise. Girls liked him and he liked them?but as friends and companions only. He was just twelve when his Uncle Jake taught him first how to use his chubby little fingers to rub a man’s cock until it jerked and the little slit in that smooth domed head spurted out jets of thick...
For the past several months, Kendra and I have been chatting and sharing fantasies between one another. Even though both of us are in committed relationships, we really enjoy discussing different thoughts and scenarios. For a few months, Kendra knew when she talked about her dominant side, it always got my attention and my juices flowing. Recently, I shared a fantasy I’ve had for a while, where another woman would enjoy controlling me but it also included a taboo situation like the woman would...
VoyeurThere are certain benefits to being an executive in a big corporation. One of them became evident a few months ago. There had been a nasty turf war between a couple departments. One of them had won, resulting in the ouster of a bunch of the lower-level people who had stayed loyal to the losing department. I hadn't taken much interest in this until one day when one of the losers came rushing into my office, in tears. (I have a rep as a "nice guy," so she probably thought I could or would help...
There are certain benefits to being an executive in a big corporation. One of them became evident a few months ago. There had been a nastyturf war between a couple departments. One of them had won, resulting in the ouster of a bunch of the lower-level people who had stayed loyal to the losing department. I hadn't taken much interest in this until one day when one of the losers came rushing into my office, in tears. (I have a rep as a "nice guy," so she probably thought I could or would help her...
Josh woke up feeling uncomfortably full. His asshole was stretched to far by an inflatable butt plug. He groaned and tried to move but he was bound tight and all of the aches of yesterdays 'discipline' returned to him. Left for the night hog-tied, one of his arms had gone numb during the short amount of sleep he had managed. He had only spent a day at the Baxter’s School for Troubled Young Men but he knew there was more pain and humiliation in his future. He was still in the concrete intake...
Claire's journey into submission and tormentClaire was a simple girl, attractive and ambitious. Little could she guess on that first day at work that it would lead to pain and suffering beyond her wildest imaginings.Part one - first dayThis was it - this was the day! Finally she was going to be her own boss - a real job, her own flat and freedom at last. When Jarvis and Co had offered Claire the job she could hardly beleive it, but now here she was, getting ready for her first day. OK the...
Super Bowl Torment by lacey138 my name is allura and the following is a journal entry that i wrote almost a year ago. i am owned and have been with my Master for about 2 years now. i am required by contract to keep a detailed, written account of any activities or punishments that my Master deems significant and wishes to recall. Master will read my journal regularly and check it for spelling and grammatical errors when He is in a particularly vicious mood and is looking for reasons to punish...
Pussy’s TormentSarah sat cuffed naked to a wooden chair. Through her blindfold she sensed a light flickering on in the basement, and heard steps descending down the stairs. ?Princess?? he called out to her in a cheerful tone. ?I’m back? he said as he stroked a fresh tear from Sarah’s cheek. She was grateful that at least he appeared to be in a good mood this time, but feared what he had planned that was making him so happy.He undid the cuffs binding her ankles to the chair and lovingly began to...
HOUSE OF TORMENT PART ONE BY EDRUBERIt was the end of summer in New Jersey I was 17 years old and very unhappy with my life, because for the last two years, my parents had left the country due to my father’s work contract overseas. They left me with my aunt and uncle to avoid disturbing my school schedule however, life with them was unbearable and I decided to run away and make my own arrangements. I packed the few belongings I had, drew the 875.00 I had saved from part time job out of...
I couldn’t believe my eyes and my luck. The gorgeous college girl my wife and I had a threesome with for the first time only earlier today was laying with her head in my wife’s lap. Both were naked with a puddle of clothes nearby. I was flooded by a mix of feelings. The first was relief. When I left earlier to finish a work project, I was pretty sure Cee and Katie would use this time to establish the agreements that would shape the journey for the three of us from here. I had no idea if...
ThreesomesI was home alone horny, as normal, but my little things in its cage. Whilst my wife doesn’t approve of my chastity cage I wear it as often as I can, I know being a sissy cucked hubby should be caged and not allowed to play with its little thingy so I now hide the keys in her handbag and when she goes off to work for the day I lock it on. Truly locked up until I can retrieve the keys once she is home. It makes me feel extra submissive! I then got out a butt plug and pushed it in feeling it...
This is about the strange incident which began Mum's continued cuckoldry. I'd like to write and tell you the story of her first prostitution, which will be mentioned in other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery, by selling herself sexually, in the 80's. It is about a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now I've seen it, and I'd like to tell you all about it.When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own mismanagement of his business; and it...
Introduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...
The Mask shoved Batgirl's head into the steaming water of the fountain as she brought her forearm down into the small of the caped woman's back trying to force all of the air out of her ample chest. Holding Batgirl by the neck she intended to drown the woman as she delived yet another solid blow to her back and then kicked Batgirrl in the back of the knees. own Dazed by the hard blow, Batgirl landed in the fountain and then sank as The Mask pressed her own body down on Batgirl's. Her...
This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Consider this a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. Our imaginations do not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. From Eric - Ever since I read Steve's great story, "Batgirl: Who, me?", I've been obsessed with it and he, kind and gracious as always,...
INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...
(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...
This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Characters in this story are loosely based upon the Batman Adventures animated show, since in the comics Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing do not appear or work together. Consider it a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. My imagination does not...
I glanced at my watch. I noticed it was almost 4:30 in the afternoon. The underground parking garage was filled with cars, but as of now no one else was around. Most folks were still working inside the building. That was just the way I wanted it. I was leaning against the trunk of my rented car, which had the hood up. There was nothing wrong with the vehicle. It was just a good way to stake out the place. Anyone who happened to notice me would think I was just some unfortunate guy having car...
Linda’s Torment Part I (light bondage, spanking and domination/humiliation) ‘If you want to be with me, Linda, then you must learn to obey me. I told you not to just ‘drop by’ but to call before you came and, if you did not, you would be punished. You did not call first. So here, we are. What about ‘punishment’ don’t you understand?’ ‘I’m sorry Matthew. I just wanted to see you. I should have called.’ ‘You have two choices. One, get out, leave and never see me again. Or, you may submit to...
Gabriela Garcia Padilla glared at the restaurateur and spoke, “If you don’t seat my friends and me this instant, I will call my father and have this place shut down.”He looked down at the girl simultaneously angry and fearful. Under normal circumstances he would be delighted to have this gorgeous wealthy girl and her comely friends in his establishment, but the restaurant was completely full and the idea of forcing welcome guests out into the street in the middle of their meal appalled him. ...
I went downstairs and from the living room I could hear one of my step sisters shuffling her feet around the kitchen. I could tell by the sound whoever it was, was barefoot. As I approached the kitchen, I already began to visualize what pretty feet both my step sisters had. I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally turned the corner. There was holly, my younger step sister drinking a glass of orange juice by the kitchen sink. She was only wearing a pair of soft pink cotton panties and a...
THEY were the worst of enemies - but before long she would ensure they were the best of friends. On her terms. Night after night, the banging upstairs of riotous parties seldom ceased. Having just turned 50 years of age, Joyce only needed a few hours sleep these days before she began a day's work on the perfume counter at Farmers, the city's most affluent department store. But since John, a 19-year-old student, had moved into the maisonette flat above two weeks ago, she felt more and...
Kelly’s TormentChapter OneShe was still pulling at the ropes which held her down, despite trying for the past 30 minutes until her wrists were sore and red. She was conscious of the camera with its red light blinking each few seconds and tried to ignore it but felt so self conscious laying on the bed naked with her legs pulled wide apart revealing her most private parts. She was also aware that with her struggling against the ropes her ample breast shook and swayed, no doubt exactly what the...
Linda's TormentPart I (light bondage, spanking and domination/humiliation)"If you want to be with me, Linda, then you must learn to obey me. I told you not to just 'drop by' but to call before you came and, if you did not, you would be punished. You did not call first. So here, we are. What about 'punishment' don't you understand?" "I'm sorry Matthew. I just wanted to see you. I should have called.""You have two choices. One, get out, leave and never see me again. Or, you may submit to being...
BDSMMy name is Matt and this is a true story of the torment I was forced to endure at the hands of my uncle Jim. It all began when I just turned 16 and my mother died tragicly in a horrific car accident. The accident turned my life around for the worse. I started give up on everything I once cared about and it eventually resulted in my dropping out of high school. After spending a few months at a city foster home my 13 year old brother Ricky and I were sent to live with my uncle Jim. Although we...
AN AFTERNOON OF TORMENT. By SEAN DUNNE. In all my years visiting professional mistresses, rather ironically, by farthe most explosive, mind shattering episode I ever experienced and from whichI never fully recovered, occurred during a visit to an absolute beginner anda complete novice at the game. The following account is I believe an accurate record of the session as Istill remember most details quite vividly, but there were some occasions whereI believe I may have had moments of blackout or...