Age Doesnt Matter free porn video

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18 year old Tessa snapped at 52 year old Rita “I said now. Go to the spare room and take your skirt and knickers off because I am going to thrash you.”


The time had come for Tessa to give the older woman an Authority spanking, to show which of the two was in charge. The 18 year old or the 52 year old.   Tessa stood with her hands on her hips, tapping one foot, waiting for the older woman’s response.   Rita directed her comment at Janet, Tessa’s 43 year old Mother. Whilst she thought she had conditioned herself to accept the discipline of the 18 year old now the time had arrived she had second thoughts. “Please, Tessa is just 18 years old, so she shouldn’t spank me at my age.”   Janet scoffed. “Really, so what’s the difference between an 18 year old and a 43 year old spanking a 52 year old? Anyway, we have been through this haven’t we Rita!”   “Why can’t you be the only one to spank me?” Rita knew it sounded like a whine but couldn’t help it.   Janet was getting cross and Rita knew it. “You miss the point. You are 52 and going to be spanked. Does it really matter how old the spanker is? Really matter I mean?”   Rita saw the point and didn’t have an answer.   Janet continued “exactly. Anyway, I can’t force you. Do you want to go home?”   Rita said quickly “oh no, I would just prefer you to spank me if I need one.”   “That isn’t on either. If you stay, and you are most welcome to as you will soon be my mother in law anyway, then you will be grounded until you accept your punishment.”   Rita said “grounded?”   “Yes grounded, in your room.”   Rita looked at Tessa who had a wide smirk on her face. Tessa knew what her Mother was doing and was looking forward to it. The teenager really was getting quite wearisome with David’s Mother, 52 years old but so whiney. She needs a good spanking just to show her she can’t carry on that way and so was enjoying Rita’s discomfort at being treated like a disobedient child.   “My room?” Rita exploded sounding like a sulky teenager.   “Yes, your room” Janet said and calmly walked over to Rita, spun her around, and gave her a smack on her bottom, more to embarrass than hurt as it was over her skirt. It had the desired effect though.   Rita calmed down and asked “for how long then?”   Janet thought for a second then said “well we were going to all have lunch and go shopping. Now this has happened you will get your lunch brought to your room and you can eat it there. David and I will go shopping but Tessa will have to stay here and supervise you.”   “But I wanted to go shopping as well” Rita moaned.   “So accept your spanking and then you can” Janet answered matter of factly.   Rita stayed silent so Janet added sternly “then go to your room and stay there.”   Rita huffed a bit, turned, and went upstairs.   The other three had lunch in the dining room. Tessa took Rita’s upstairs to her room.   “Leave the tray outside your room when you have finished. If you need to go to the bathroom make sure you ask me first. Do not just go. Understood?”   Rita had very little time for the teenager. She strutted around as though she was in charge, but what was she, just an 18 year old who thought a lot of herself. Well it wasn’t going to wash with her, not a 52 year old. Rita glared at the 18 year old, then asked “what happens if I disobey you?”   Tessa smiled and said “easy, have you seen Mum’s cane?”   “Cane?” Rita asked quietly, almost in a hush. She wasn’t expecting that reply.   “Yes, it’s wicked. She’s used it on David. On his bare bottom. It leaves lovely straight weal’s and David in tears.”   Tessa allowed the answer to sink in before adding “and if you disobey me or Mum you can reckon on being on the receiving end as well as you will really be are in our bad books. Mum likes to use it. It turns her on in fact. I reckon I’ll like to use it as well.”   “Is that what you reckon?” Rita snapped as she took the tray and sat on the bed, looking away from Tessa as though dismissing her. Mind you she felt far less confident than she sounded. Had she under estimated the 18 year old?   Tessa gave Rita a cross look and said smartly “have it your way but like it or not you will be going across my lap and I will teach you rudeness doesn’t pay” before turning and leaving the room.   Rita started to regret her attitude towards the teenager, but she just couldn’t help it really.   A few minutes later Janet went to see Rita, before going shopping.   “I understand Tessa told you about my cane.”   “Yes Janet” Rita said, suddenly very respectful. She didn’t want to feel the cane for sure.   “You will do exactly as Tessa tells you when I am out. Exactly. Do you understand?”   Rita was silent. How could she be made to obey an 18 year old?   Janet was furious with the lack of an answer and went and sat on the bed, “Come here” she ordered. Rita stood by the 43 year old and was horrified when she lifted up her skirt so it was well above her waist.   “Hold it” Janet demanded.   Rita took hold of the skirt and gasped when Janet started to rub her thigh.   “You will obey Tessa my girl and that’s final” she almost hissed as she drew her hand back and brought it down hard on the older woman’s leg and smiled when she gasped out loud. Rita groaned when she realised Janet had drawn her hand back again and smacked her other leg just as hard.   “Do you understand Rita?”   “Yes” Rita readily agreed, anything not to be smacked again. It didn’t work.   “Right. Your choice. The cane on your bottom or my hand on your legs. Choose quickly.”   Rita sobbed and said “hand.”   Janet smiled, glared at her, pulled her hand back, said “six on each leg then” and as Rita groaned so the first smack hit home, then the rest without any let up. Rita was gasping and sobbing by the end and even when Janet had finished she stood there holding her skirt close to her, eyes scrunched closed.   “Good girl Rita” Janet said, as she got up and stood behind the older woman, pulled the older woman’s knickers down so her bottom was bare, put the palm of her hand on her left bottom cheek, said “remember” before smacking her hard on her left bottom cheek and harder on her right bottom cheek. “OK?” she asked.   “Yes Janet” came the wet reply.   “Give me a hug then.”   Janet turned and threw her arms around the 43 year olds neck who ran her hands around the older woman’s waist placing one hand on her bottom. She gave her bottom a couple of light smacks and said “Tessa is in charge” before kissing her cheek, turning and walking out of the room.   Rita thought how she so would so prefer it if Janet disciplined her. She was so firm in her approach and Rita found it easy to do as Janet told her. Not so with Tessa, but it was Tessa who was left in charge of her now.   Janet and David went shopping and Tessa sat in the lounge watching the TV, having it loud enough so she knew Rita will be able to hear it. There were no books or other form of entertainment in Rita’s bedroom so she will be bored soon enough.   At 2 O’ clock Rita asked to go to the bathroom. Tessa escorted her to the bathroom and waited outside before escorting her back to the bedroom and closing the door. At 3 O’clock she asked the same and again at 5 O’clock. When on the third occasion they got back to the bedroom Tessa announced “right, time for your bath as its lights out at 6 O’clock for you Rita.”   “6 O’clock? You are joking.”   Tessa didn’t argue. She just walked in to her Mother’s bedroom and a few seconds later came back out holding the cane. She swished it a couple of times and Tessa asked “anything else you want to say?”   Rita looked wide eyed at the cane, then at Tessa and just shook her head, looking at the floor.   Tessa asked “do you want to accept the spanking instead?”   Rita looked at Tessa, was almost ready to say yes, but shook her head again.   “OK, then let’s go to the bathroom.”   Rita walked in front of Tessa and led the way to the bathroom. She tried to close the door behind her but Tessa blocked her and walked in to the bathroom. Rita was about to say something but Tessa snapped “I have to supervise you, and supervise you I will. Now run the bath and get undressed.”   Rita stalled but Tessa snapped “don’t forget that cane.”   Rita started to undress. She glanced at Tessa and felt an element of respect. Only 18 years old but she certainly handled herself well. Still well in charge of the situation. Rita had to admit to herself she hardly expected to find herself getting undressed knowing the 18 year old would be watching her wash herself. Maybe it was the waspish voice, or the stern manner, but she was actually starting to like the girl. She didn’t show it of course as she undressed.   Tessa smiled to herself. The cane threat was really working. The old girl was falling in line and she reckoned she might even get to spank her tonight. Either way she thought Rita was less defiant now than before. Maybe it was being alone all that time and she had thought it through? Maybe she was just getting tired of objecting and realised she would have to accept the spanking. Either way Tessa felt she was getting closer.   Tessa filled the bath and turned around to find Rita standing behind her, naked but waiting obediently.   “OK Rita, in to the bath” she ordered, thinking that Rita looked a bit fitter than she had expected.   “Smacked legs I see” Tessa said, thinking how she would like to smack the older woman’s legs herself right now.   “Janet” Rita said.   “She does find smacking legs so rewarding.”   Rita sat down but the water was clear and Tessa looked at Rita from head to toe, realising Rita was feeling embarrassed but kept looking anyway.   “Ok Rita, I’ll wash you now” Tessa said, knowing she was perhaps pushing her luck but thought it worthwhile testing the older woman. To her enjoyment Rita blushed but nodded. Tessa picked up the soap and soaked her hands.   Rita was surprised at the statement but having eyed the 18 year old, and with her new found respect, she decided to go with the flow so to speak. A few seconds later and Tessa was washing the older woman’s face, followed by her arms from her fingers to under her armpits. Tessa asked Rita to lift one leg and she washed right up to the top of her thigh, followed by the other leg.   Both women knew the remaining areas were much more personal. Tessa had decided she quite enjoyed herself and whilst originally she thought the 52 year old was too old for her, she was now having second thoughts.   “I’ll do your front now” Tessa said as she soaped her hands and carefully washed every inch of each of Rita’s soft breasts. Still no objection Tessa noticed.   Rita waited for the next instruction to come. “Kneel Rita so I can wash your bottom” she said, knowing she was going to wash rather more than her bottom.   Rita knelt as again Tessa soaped her hands and washed first Rita’s bottom whilst at the same time washing Rita’s stomach and working her way down to between her legs and she tenderly massaged Rita’s pussy and again the 52 year old just accepted the 18 year olds touch.   Tessa’s face was inches from Rita’s and she turned to look straight in to her eyes and asked “are you ready for your spanking Rita because I think it’s time.”   Rita gave the slightest of nods and said “yes Tessa. I need you to discipline me.”   “Good” Tessa snapped, half smiling, and Rita reacted with a smile of her own, more pensive than Tessa’s but then again she was the one who was about to have her bottom seriously reddened.   Tessa pressed home her control by rubbing Rita’s pussy again as though washing it, and heard Rita gasp and breath in deeply, but still not object. At that moment both the 52 year old and the 18 year old knew just who controlled whom.   “Let’s get you dry “Tessa instructed.   Rita stood up and stepped out of the bath. Tessa had the towel ready’ wrapped it around Rita, and started to rub her dry, and when she tenderly rubbed between her legs Rita spread them apart as she closed her eyes and gasped.   Tessa let the towel drop to the floor and asked “ready Rita?”   “Yes Tessa” she answered, taking Rita’s arm and gently turned the 52 year old around and gave her a smart smack on her bottom.   “No need to get dressed Rita. Let’s go straight to the spare room shall we” she stated.   They both walked out of the bathroom. Just then the front door opened and Janet and David returned home.   Tessa shouted down “good timing Mum, I am about to give Rita her discipline spanking.”   “Good one” Janet shouted, then added “why not do it down here so we can watch? There’s a hairbrush in the side cabinet dear.”   “Good thinking Mum. Ok Rita, let’s go downstairs” she ordered.   “I’m naked Tessa” she said quietly, wide eyed and added “and David is there.”   “Oh come on Rita, he’s going to see you across my lap and I am sure he has seen you naked before, when he was younger anyway.”   Rita knew she couldn’t go back now so nodded and started down the stairs. Tessa was again surprised how the 52 year old was now almost totally obedient. Maybe she wasn’t such a bad old bird after all.   David blushed when he realised his Mother was naked. Janet smiled. Rita blushed also when she saw them both.   “David, sit over there with me” Janet ordered, leaving Tessa to give Rita her orders.   “OK Rita, wait there” she ordered as she went to the table and turned the spanking chair in to the room before going to the side cabinet and taking the wooden backed hairbrush from the top drawer. Tessa went back to the chair and sat down.   “Stand there Rita” the 18 year old ordered. The naked Rita stepped across smartly and stood in front of the 18 year old.   Rita looked at Tessa properly for the first time and thought how sexy she looked in her short black skirt bare legs, her white bikini top showing off her almost flat stomach. Childish but sexy, somehow strict when her dominant tone of voice is taken in to account. Definitely not someone to disobey.   “Let me remind you why you are here” Tessa snapped. “I am showing you in the most direct way possible that you are subject to my authority, my control. You will do as I say, when I say it, just as you should your own parents. Indeed, I am taking the parental role, and will discipline you as though you have been sufficiently disobedient to have earned the sternest of spankings. Any questions Rita?”   “No Tessa” the now submissive Rita answered.   “Good, then get across my lap and be quick about it” she instructed. Rita nodded and bent across the teenagers lap. Once there she felt less exposed somehow, albeit her bare bottom was staring prominently up from Tessa’s slim lap. Janet and David watched her ample breasts flop forward as Rita stretched her arms out in front of herself to steady herself on the floor.   Tessa landed her first spank immediately and drew a gasp followed by many more gasps as she methodically spanked the naked bottom lying unprotected across her knee. She pursed her lips as she was intent on ensuring this was a spanking 52 year old Rita would remember as slowly but surely Rita’s silky smooth ivory bottom turned first pink and then red and then a deeper shade of red. Unrelenting. Pitiless. Spanking harder as Rita started to squirm and moan. Scolding her at the same time, reminding her who was in charge and who had to listen to whom. Enjoying how her flat hand was causing Rita’s ample bottom to bounce around.   Rita was surprised at the sting of Tessa’s hand as she spanked her. She had only been spanked by Janet the once and assumed she would easily cope with a spanking from a slim 18 year old girl. How wrong that seemed. This confident and brash 18 year old was certainly giving her a hard time.   Rita heard Tessa berating her, about how she needs to behave properly and respect those trying to teach her good behaviour. She baulked when she heard Tessa tell her she needs to act her age. How dare she, she thought. I’m 52 years old being told to act my age by an18 year old. Really, she thought. Then the pain of the spanking took over, the constant thrashing of Tessa’s hand on her bottom was taking its toll. Rather than listen to the scolding that also continued unabated she was now squirming around on the teenager’s lap knowing she could not avoid the hand spanks but also not able to lie still. Rita realised she was learning even more respect for the teenager who was spanking her every bit as hard as Janet. Yes Tessa, I will be good she thought, I understand you are annoyed, but please don’t spank so hard. That unspoken plea went unheeded of course   The pain increased once Tessa picked up the hairbrush and started to thrash her with it, unrelenting and with the forceful threat of future spankings if she misbehaves. Rita felt the tears well up in her eyes and stream down her face. She knew she was being punished for sure.   When after what seemed forever the spanking stopped Rita’s crying continued unabated. Tessa kept her open palm on Rita’s bottom which was now very red indeed and warm to the touch, whilst slowly slowly Rita recovered her composure. Tessa told her to get up and a still tearful Rita stood, rubbing her bottom although knowing it didn’t rub the pain away at all, and stood in front of her teenage thrasher, waiting to be told what to do next.   “Do you now understand who is in charge Rita?”   “Yes Tessa, you are.”   “Who has authority over your behaviour?”   “You do Tessa. I will always listen to you and do what you say.”   “And if you don’t?”   “You will discipline me Tessa.”   “Exactly. Good girl.”   Tessa looked at her Mother and asked “well Mum, what did you think?”   Janet laughed and said “I don’t think Rita will question you in future darling.”   “So, what now?” Tessa asked.   Janet said “maybe you should feel between Rita’s legs. You might be surprised.”   “Really?” responded Tessa who rubbed her fingers between Rita’s legs and along her vaginal lips. She looked surprised and said “moist, wet even. So Rita you were aroused by my spanking?”   “More than I imagined I would be Tessa” she answered smiling, but looking comical with her tear stained face.   “I see, then maybe you should feel me then” she stated.   Rita felt under Tessa’s skirt.   “No, go inside my knickers Rita.”   Rita slipped her hand over the waistband of the teenager’s knickers and gasped when she felt the wetness.   “Oh” she said.   “And your nipples are so erect Tessa” Rita said.   “Shall I?” Rita asked and when Tessa nodded she felt the 18 year olds breasts through her bikini top and revelled when Tessa gasped.   “Right, Tessa” said, “I think Rita and I will be going to my bedroom Mum” she said looking at Rita and enjoying the smile she was given.   Janet said “well just so you know, David was misbehaving at the shops so he is about to get a spanking and then we will be going to my bedroom.”   David added “I thought you were going to give me a cold caning first?”   Janet smiled and said “yes darling, twelve strokes if I recall. I look forward to giving them to you.”   Tessa smiled at her Mother as she knew just how turned on she was when she gave a caning.   Tessa turned to Rita and said in a mock stern voice said “follow me” and the two of them walked out of the room.   Tessa lay on the bed facing Rita, one leg hooked over the older woman’s thighs, both caressing the other’s breasts whilst kissing each other, tongues entwined.   Rita said during a gap “it’s strange isn’t it, my son enjoying being spanked by a woman almost old enough to be his mother, and me being disciplined by a teenager, but I find the need to watch my step with you or face a trip across your lap so exciting.”   “Everyone to their own Rita. I am going to enjoy it as well. Having authority over you is so stimulating. I never thought I would want a woman older than my Mum to share my bed, but now I have parental authority over you, and I am going to enjoy being very strict with you, I can’t wait to enjoy each others body. It will be different to Mum though. She both protects and corrects David. You however will be looking after me, and I will be disciplining you, so it’s you protect me and I correct you.”   “That works for me Tessa.”   They both heard the scream together, and when they were silent they heard the swish followed by another scream.   “I guess David is struggling with the cold caning” Rita said. “I hope he’ll be OK.”   “Well, Mum will give him such a present afterwards he will be wanting another cold caning soon enough” Tessa said laughing. “Anyway, it won’t be that long before you earn the cane.”   Rita thought about that. The cane. “Really?”   “Don’t worry Rita, I’ll be kind with you and take it easy, to begin with.”   “Oh, that sounds OK then.” Rita still wasn’t sure, but one thing she did know was that if Tessa set her mind to it there was no doubt her teenage friend would use that cane on her bare butt and soon.   Tessa stroked Rita’s thigh and eased her fingers across Rita’s vagina, and it was wet.   “Thought so Rita, it’s turning you on just thinking about that cane, which is good because it is turning me on real fast.”   “Really Tessa?” Rita asked, miles away, thinking wistfully about bending over for the cane. “If that works for you” she added, feeling herself being edged towards an orgasm by the gently manipulation of her pussy by her wonderful 18 year old friend.     “I’ll tell you what works for me Rita” Tessa said with a wicked smile.   “What’s that Tessa?” Rita asked still blissfully unaware of how her strict young friend was expecting to be satisfied first.   Tessa took her fingers away from Rita’s pussy, reached across and opened the drawer of her bedside cabinet and took out a huge black strap-on. “Mum gave me this and suggested you use it on me.”   “Well, if you insist” Rita said, smiling, thinking this young lady certainly knows what she wants.   “I do, straight after you put your head between my legs and lick me to orgasm” she said sharply as she gave Rita a hard smack on her leg.   Rita yelped thinking how quickly what was nearly an orgasm had turned to a discipline smack before saying respectfully “Anything you say Tessa, anything you say.”     If you enjoyed this story read the earlier chapters, starting with ‘Protect and Correct’

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He doesnt deserve you

I held my dress in front of me as I looked in the mirror. It was Friday evening and I had a date with my ten month boyfriend Derek. I wasn’t sure if I should wear this, I hated to flatter myself with dresses. It’s not that I was afraid, it’s just I didn’t see a need to when I wasn’t looking for someone. I hated when guys flirted with me, If only Derek felt the same way. He liked to show me off like a trophy. I’d talked to him about it before but he only said that I was meant to be exploited....

1 year ago
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THIS doesnt happen every day

‘So how’s things?’ John asked as he sat my bottle of MGD on the bar in front of me. ‘Same old same old. You know how it is John,’ was my less than enthusiastic reply. I took the first drink of my beer. It was so good to have a cold beer after the recent heat wave that had strangled the area. John nodded his head in agreement, glanced down the bar to check on his clients and then leaned over the bar, apparently wishing to tell me something that he didn’t want others to hear. ‘That may change,’...

2 years ago
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She Just Doesnt Want It Part 2

She Just Doesn’t Want It Part 2 bad_mike ©2010. All rights reserved. This is part two of a continuing story. The reader may find it helpful to read the initial story first. Chris laid there on the bed, her breathing slowly dropping back down from the training zone to the fat burning zone. Her breasts were still heaving beautifully, nipples as hard as rocks. She was the perfect picture of sensuality. Here hands remained tied to the bedpost, she was still blindfolded and a vibe was still lodged...

4 years ago
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Doesnt Really Count Does it Part 2

Introduction: The week takes some fun turns Part 2 of a 3 part series. Please read part one first, as it sets the base story for the other two. If accepted as well as part one, part two will be shortly followed by the last of the trilogy. Again, these events are virtually true, merely intensified for dramatic effect. Megan awoke grogily, stretching accross the bed, only to find herself alone. Her mind slowly waking up, she could smell a distinct mixture of bacon and maple syrup. Living off pop...

4 years ago
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Daddy Doesnt Spare The Rod

This is the first sex story I ever wrote and I posted it a little over a year ago in the forum. I was reading over it again and decided to try it on a wider audience. ___________________________________________________________________________________ When she was very little, she liked to strip off all of her clothes and run naked outside. She loved to feel the air tickle her tiny body. She loved the feel of the soft grass against her skin. Mommy saw her and told her that only naughty little...

2 years ago
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Lightning doesnt strike twice

They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but I can honestly say, “sometimes it does.” It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My wife Kara and I had just finished lunch. I was going to hit the gym and then take care of a few errands that needed to be done. Kara, knowing that I tend to lose track of time when I’m out of the house, had invited her friend Michelle over to hang out and have a drink. Michelle is a thin brunette with long hair and blue-green eyes. She’s a very natural looking girl, I...

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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 4

Introduction: Please read Parts 1, 2 & 3 Please read Parts 1 & 2 & 3 for a better understanding of this chapter. Names have been changed. __________________________________________________________________________________ When Thomas arrived, Ben was freshly woken and all three of us were cleaning up the backyard. He seemed surprised to see Tom but was welcoming, but Ashley thought it dreadful knowing that Tom would suspect her from the get-go, especially because she was still wearing her...

3 years ago
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What he doesnt know

Working late again, on a Friday even? You have to start to wonder if it’s on purpose or just piss poor time management. Oh well, you’re getting used to it, truth be known, it doesn’t even bother you that he’s not home, again. You used to pay attention to what was going on with his work. Then the interest started fading away, until one day, who knows when, either he stopped telling you what was going on or you just stopped hearing it. You can tell when his stress level is up but it’s not like...

2 years ago
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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 3

Introduction: Please read Parts 1 & 2 Please read Parts 1 & 2 for a better understanding of this chapter. Names have been changed. __________________________________________________________________________________ When I opened my eyes and looked over at the alarm clock the following morning, it was 10:57am and through the small cracks in the drawn curtains, I could see the sun was out blazing and bright. It was just another scorching summer day. But this morning, I had a smile on my face, the...

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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 7

Introduction: Please read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 for a better understanding of this chapter. Please read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 for a better understanding of this chapter. Names have been changed. ___________________________________________________________ My episode with Tom really mustve worked me out because after my shower I fell asleep on my bed, wearing only my towel, hair still wet. When I opened my eyes and looked at my phone, it was 3:24pm and I had 7 missed calls, 5 of them from...

4 years ago
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She Just Doesnt Want It

She Just Doesn’t Want It bad_mike ©2010. All rights reserved. She is beautiful. Her long, brown, curly hair cascades down to the middle of her back. Her big brown eyes draw you in whenever you gaze into them. High cheek bones accent her luscious lips and beautiful face. People say she looks like Brooke Shields. She stands over five foot six and has a sturdy, athletic body with large breasts and an ass to die for. She’s put on a few pounds in recent years but has begun to work hard to get in...

2 years ago
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He doesnt know hes gay

When I was a college freshman, I got to be friends with a guy down the hall who came from a place near my hometown. Although it was a big state school, it turned out we had one late-afternoon class together, and about the third week we started going out afterward for beers before heading back to the dorm. Dan and I didn’t have a lot in common — he had been a pretty good athlete in high school, I was more the studious type, he was religious as a kid, I never set foot in a churchl — but we...

3 years ago
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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 8

Introduction: Please read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 for a better understanding of this chapter. Please read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 for a better understanding of this chapter. Names have been changed. _______________________________________________________ You freeballin today? I smiled as Tommy playfully slapped my sleepy face. It was a lazy Sunday morning, still somewhat overcast outside, yet the mood still seemed cheerful. His face was already painted blue and yellow and he begged me...

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She Just Doesnt Want It Part 4 Chrissy Writes

After two days of bringing his wife to nearly non-stop orgasms, Steve goes to the computer and prints out the first three stories he has written about them. She has no clue what she is about to read. The following is written by Chrissy’s hands… “May I please have some more…Master?” I can’t believe I said those words. But as I continued to guide his mouth down to my wet, semen-filled lips, he knew exactly what to do. At first I thought it might be kind of a gross thing but those thoughts...

2 years ago
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What He Doesnt Know Wont Hurt Him

This was a story that I wrote a while ago on another website and it was received well so I’ve decided to share it with you as my first story on Lush. Maybe it will give you a little insight as to what I like to write and my writing style. I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading! “I thought I’d find you in here.” He spoke lowly in the quietness of the room, tapping his fingers against the doorframe and waiting for the petite blonde woman to turn from her vanity table. She peered at him in the...

3 years ago
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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 6

Introduction: Please read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 for a better understanding of this chapter. Please read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 for a better understanding of this chapter. Names have been changed. ____________________________________________________________ There was so much more I wanted to do with Ben but I kept telling myself to have patience, fearing that I would push him too much and it would ruin what I had going. I went ahead with my shower and about five minutes later, he came in and...

3 years ago
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Fuck Me My Husband Doesnt

I am a 58 yo married female and I am on the hunt for cock. My husband believes sex is for the rare occasion that he wants to have sex. I was the good and faithful wife who spent a great deal of my time being frustrated. I thought this is the way a married couple lived and why so many men were unfaithful. I was appalled to think of myself having an affair to satisfy my sexual desires. I would have continued to believe this if it hadn’t been for our friend Karla. Karla and her husband are...

1 year ago
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Until I read stories on Literotica, I had no idea how many sons had fantasies...or sometimes realities...of having sex with their Mother. I mean, it is not really a conversation one has with their buddies. Imagine this:"Dude, you know who I would really like to fuck?""Anyone who moves, I imagine.""True. But do you know who my most constant late night focus of my daily stroke-fest sessions?""Beth, the head cheerleader?""She's in the top five, no doubt.""Well, who would be number one...

1 year ago
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What Happens In The Cinema Doesnt Always Stay There

I was waiting outside the cinema for you. I was becoming worried as the movie started in 5 mins and you were already 10 minutes late. I tried calling you several times but there was no answer. I was about to ring you again when I felt big hands grab my ass and soft kisses on my neck. Those hands slowly crept around to my crotch and were slightly pressing into my clit area while I could feel the big bulge in your pants pressing into my ass. You spun me around to face you and immediately cover...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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first real home video stepmom doesnt know t

So , how to began , 20 years old i am .. my stepmom 39 bust - 117 you can imagine , its real .. i`m in weelchair you can see from far but independent no one touch me i do my own stuf bla bla . you will see anyway i have the first video!!!! like 40-50 minutes so i catch her other days with the lover on phone speaking .. and simply stayed in house when usualy i was to study .. catch her record her , and then .. haha you will see anyway by the end of the mounth its here .. no joke nothing i...

2 years ago
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Menage a quatre 4

“I don't get it.” my mum said as we sat around the lunch table on Saturday, finishing the last of our wine. “What don't you get, Cynthia?” “Well, you've invited my son to become a member of your menage a quatre. In my opinion, after what I've seen of him with you three last night and today, he'd be mad if he didn't accept. The four of you seem great together. But doesn't 'menage a quatre' imply some sort of exclusivity? I've been having the best sex of my life with the four of...

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Battlemage Book 7 the Sound of Sensual JusticeChapter 14

"Who are you two?" asked Rory quietly as he stared at them. "Rory we're still your friends, but we're also different people than who you know. I promise I'll answer all your questions later. I'll meet you back here in about an hour or so. "Watch over Terrance. I don't believe he'll die, but if I'm wrong come get me. But for now I need to hurry and get Ariel to our room. I'll explain why I need to do this as fast as humanly possible when I return," said Nathan quickly. Moving...

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Armitage Family LovingChapter 2

Helen had found Frank to be wearing his usual 'at home' attire, his robe. He had decided at the last moment to put a pair of underpants on but of course Helen was not to know that. At this moment they were sitting on Frank's sofa, toasting one another with Champagne. Frank slipped his right arm around her. She did not resist, if anything she leaned a little closer. "I hope that this Champagne doesn't make me squiffy," she giggled, already feeling the effects. She was feeling no pain...

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MenagerieChapter 2

I walked Shelly from her cabin down to the courtyard and found the rest of my pets already stripped out of their outfits. Not that nudity was an issue when they were just lying on the beach or frolicking in the warm ocean water. I only expected them to wear their outfits in the public areas. The outfits didn’t make any real effort to cover their bodies, but it identified them to anyone who may be visiting the island as the pets in my menagerie. It was an important distinction as we only had...

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Battlemage Book 2 Scarlet RedemptionChapter 8

Aric was sitting the table mentally going over preparations for dinner. It was his week to cook. While Brianna was coming along with her cooking, he was still far better he thought with a smile. But she was getting better, and she was better at cleaning and laundry so he had no complaints. He was glad they took turns switching on and off each week. Even though he tried to stop it, his mind kept drifting back over the last few seasons. After Brianna and Aric were settled in they traveled a...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 1 DisplacementChapter 17

Dusty slowly opens his eyes and looks around and sees he's in a very nice room and Suzan is sleeping with her head down on the bed in a chair she's pulled up to the bed. It looks like she's been watching over him. As he groggily reaches out he softly touches her head, where he then starts to slowly stroke her hair. It seemed amazingly soft to him as he did. He always wondered how women always managed to keep their hair soft like that. "So she loves me huh? I guess that's why I'm more...

1 year ago
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Battlemage Book 7 the Sound of Sensual JusticeChapter 11

"And that all happened just a little over ten seasons ago?" asked Nathan slowly. The way this young man was acting he thought it was all recently at least in the last couple of seasons. Not something decades ago. "I left the city and I've not returned. Not even to see my family," said Elliot nodding yes. "But what happened to Kathryn after you left or the man she was with? Did you ever find out? Did you even want to know?" asked Nathan. As he thought about it, he realized that he...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 5 AdvocateChapter 3

Before lunch had been served Dusty had already spoken with the King. Even though he tried hard to keep the crystal phones they created a secret from the public, the King while bragging about them, had shown his off to a few of the nobles and visiting dignitaries. That was enough to spark a huge interest in them. Suddenly it was seen as a favor to the crown to have a few people outfitted with them, and a few others tried to curry huge favors with him to get one. Dusty and his friends kept...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 5 AdvocateChapter 7

Rising early Kat was up and noticed that Seth was seated at the table with his back slightly to the rest of the room. She slowly approached but she could hear him softly talking to himself. She tried to wait but eventually she got curious. "I know Marie, but we're almost done here ... you don't think you'll go early do you? Oh, not really ... Dusty met his first ghoul yesterday ... he'll be ok, but he was out cold again ... I better run everyone will be up soon. I love you," said...

1 year ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 5 AdvocateChapter 8

While Kat had waited that morning for the three of them to arrive quite a few men had tried to "chat her up" as they passed by her going either into the city or as they left. Even in her generally loose fitting travel garb they saw the gem that she was. Somehow she managed not only to talk to them in a friendly manner, but she also managed to get some useful information while not offending anyone or giving the impression that she was willing to go to bed with any of them. Even though she...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 5 AdvocateChapter 10

Riding into the small town, it was aptly named "Dresden's Last Chance" There wasn't much to see but a few homes and a few businesses, maybe twenty to thirty buildings in total. Of course there was also the tavern that might have a spare room or two, but it was obvious that the Inn was more there for getting a drink than anything else. The companions reached the town about mid day. Kat only wanted to stop overnight since they were so close and give the horses a break then push on. She...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 4 ResolveChapter 3

The four women entered the large city and quickly blended in with the rest of the inhabitants. Suzan was just a little unhappy Dusty wasn't with her though it had only been a little over a week since she left Dusty and headed out for the mission. Although she missed her husband, she was also really charged up to be here and was well ready to take on a new mission like this. It took them several days of travel by ship and a few more days of hard riding and just barely stopping for anything...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 13

"Everyone, you are here for a reason and it is something that has an effect on your lives both in the past and the future," began Brianna as they were all seated around the living room. As the last to arrive, once Matt and Rayne showed up it was time to get started. As they looked around at their children and their spouses, they both couldn't believe how much the boys took after their father, even down to having the same silver forelock now in their hair as well But knowing this would be...

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Sex is better messy. It’s simply a fact of life. You should be sliding around on top of eachother from the massive amounts of lube you’re using. It’s wet, sticky, and so much hotter than just fucking regularly. Plus, everyone looks better with a nice sheen of oil. You’ve seen the glistening bodies of pornstars covered in that shit. It’s fucking awesome. But, like all good fetishes, wet and messy content can be hard to come by, especially if you’re looking for that high-quality good shit....

Erotic Massage Sites
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Tagebuch einer Sekretaumlrin

Mein Name ist Monika, bin ca. 27 Jahre alt und ausgebildete Sekretärin. Dies ist meine Geschichte, wie ich von meinem Chef, von einer normalen Sekretärin, zu einem Sexspielzeug gemacht wurde. Die Geschichte beginnt vor einem Jahr, wie ich mich bei Ihm vorstellte. Ich war seit ca. neun Monaten arbeitslos, und hatte schon duzende Vorstellungsgespräche hinter mich gebracht. Und jetzt stellte ich mich bei einem Rechtsanwalt vor, dessen Stellenanzeige ich am Morgen in der Zeitung gefunden hatte. Ich...

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Tagebuch der Lust

Ich liebe es, mir Zeit für mich zu nehmen. Für mich und meine Lust und meinen Körper. Ob das zwischen alltägliche Handlungen, oder gar zu ihnen, passt oder bedeutet, dass ich am Abend eher "im Bett" bin und mir Zeit für mich nehme. Kannst du mich sehen, während ich dieses Tagebuch der Lust beginne zu schreiben? Wie ich in meinem Bett an ein großes Kissen angelehnt halb aufrecht sitze. Leise läuft im Hintergrund Musik. Solche, die nach Freiheit schmeckt und an Zeiten vor dem Internet erinnert...

4 years ago
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Magic Of Matterhorn

It was the neat deeply tanned legs that Dan Summers first noticed, standing with ten other passengers in the cable car climbing out of Zermatt up towards the Klein Matterhorn. Beyond the window, the bright midday sun lit up the green slopes dotted with blue gentian and gave a glow to the snow cladding the higher peaks.A couple below waved up at them. The tanned-legged lady turned her head to wave back. Dan glimpsed a fairly pretty face, framed by brown shoulder-length hair. Early thirties...

Love Stories
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Frontage Road Hot Loads

Frontage Road Hot LoadsWhere I live here in the desert Southwest the freeways bypassed a lot of older small towns and stops along the way. Many survive but are quiet for the most part. Vast stretches of older state highways are now just frontage roads for the freeways and serve the isolated communities along the way. Very often guys pull off the freeway and drive stretches of these older roads for a change of scenery and the thrill of driving on old Rt 66 or one of the other classic routes....

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“So what brings you here?”“It’s been a while,” Jasmine Brooks said, looking very comfortable in the armchair I usually reserved for myself.“Fifteen years,” I said. “But you’re not here to catch up on old times, are you?”“Maybe I am, in a manner of speaking.” Jasmine glanced at the newspaper on the table with its lurid headline, “KINKIER THAN FICTION. Queen of raunch-lit nailed in sex club raid.”“I know you write for a rival news outlet.”“I’m flattered that you’ve kept up with my career.”“I...

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Pageant or Prison

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Warning: Contains sexual themes with teens, but no actual intercourse (Sorry, realistically teens talk about sex!) From the authors of "Not Another TG Story." Written by Courtney Captisa and Claire...

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