Thricegiving free porn video

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Rachel checked her coupons and let out a sigh. At least turkey is still cheap. I’ll be eating it until New Years, though.

As if the economy wasn’t tough enough, she was still trying to recover from her divorce a year earlier. Fortunately, she hadn’t given in to her ex-husband’s near demands to quit her job. If not for that, she might very well be living in a homeless shelter instead of squeaking by to rent her modest home.

She tugged a strand of shoulder-length, dark blonde hair from beneath her purse strap and headed toward the checkout. Her lips twitched up into a slight smile as she passed a pair of stockers. She could hear them whispering about her, and could feel their eyes on her. At thirty years old, she couldn’t help but smile when two such young men found her attractive, despite her inability to have any sort of relationship since her divorce.

With Thanksgiving dinner and a week’s groceries in her basket, Rachel returned to her ten-year-old Oldsmobile for the short trip home. She had no more than pulled into the driveway when the local sheriff stopped in front of the house.

Thinking nothing of it, Rachel waved and popped the trunk of her car. As she sorted through her keys for the one to the front door, the sheriff stepped out of his car and walked in her direction. She paused in her path to the door and asked, “Can I help you, officer?”

The sheriff sighed and walked up to her, carrying a piece of paper. “Ma’am, I’m afraid that I’m here to give you all the notice I can. I have an order to evict you.”

Rachel’s keys clattered to the concrete below. “Evict me? But, my rent is paid. I’ve always paid it on time.”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am. Your landlord defaulted on his mortgage. The bank is taking possession, so you’re going to have to move. By law, I should be doing it today, but I found out that you were renting. I have enough other evictions to execute that I can give you a day or two and claim overload.”

Tears flowed down Rachel’s cheeks as the weight of the words settled on her shoulders. She shuddered as she fought down sobs, her face burning with shame as neighbors turned in her direction. “But, I don’t have enough money for a deposit. I don’t even have enough to rent a truck. How can they do this? I thought the bank had to give me notice.”

“The bank did give notice – to your landlord. I’m sorry, Ma’am, but you’re not likely to get back your deposit, either. I recognize the name on this.” He waved the document in his hand. “Your landlord has run off somewhere. You’re not the first one he’s left high and dry in town.”

Feeling faint, Rachel stumbled back against her car, no longer able to contain her sobs. Her next door neighbor, Elise, put down a pair of pruning shears and walked over, having overheard the conversation. “Oh, Rachel… I can have my son bring over his truck.”

“I… I don’t have anywhere to g-go,” she sobbed.

“Isn’t there anything you can do, Gerald?” Elise asked.

The sheriff shook his head. “There’s nothing I can do except give her a couple of days, Elise.”

More neighbors approached, all concerned for the seemingly shy young woman whom they’d come to like in the last six months since she’d moved into the neighborhood. Despite knowing this, Rachel couldn’t help but feel burning shame at having her life turned upside down in such a public manner. Everyone offered suggestions and help, but there was little anyone could do about her most critical problem – lack of money to start over again.

The sheriff left, promising to give her as much time as possible, but warned her that he couldn’t forestall the eviction for long. She managed to regain her composure enough to thank him and her neighbors for their efforts, though she was steadily slipping into a helpless melancholy.

An older gentleman from the other side of the street approached just as Rachel was about to go inside. A couple of obviously Native American descent followed him. “Here now, you should hear these two out,” he suggested.

The native man offered a friendly nod and said, “I’m Chaytan, and this is my wife, Mika. We live on Plymouth Avenue, and we might be able to help you. We’re looking for a boarder to help keep our utility costs down. Our house was once divided into two apartments. We thought to remodel it, but haven’t had the money to do it, yet.”

Rachel shrugged her shoulders and said, “I don’t have any money for a deposit.”

“We want to help,” Mika offered. “We won’t ask for a deposit.”

“How much?” Rachel asked, unconsciously twirling a lock of blonde hair over her finger as she tried to keep from getting her hopes up.

Chaytan answered, “We decided that four hundred would be enough – utilities included. That will pay all of the utility bills and let us save that money for the future.”

Tears of joy rolled down Rachel’s cheeks, as the price was less than the rent she’d paid to her unscrupulous landlord, and included utilities.

Mika offered a wide smile and suggested, “You can come see it, if you like. We are only using one room on that side of the house for storage right now.”

“It would have to be pretty bad for me not to accept with the straits I’m in,” Rachel responded with a nervous laugh as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Chaytan took his wife’s hand and said, “Come, then. Let us see if we can help each other.”


Rachel thanked her old neighbors as they left to return home, having succeeded in moving all of her things in only one day. She let out a sigh of relief, amazed at her good fortune.

Though she didn’t have quite as much room as in her old home, she had more than enough. All of the utility hookups remained from when the house had served as two apartments, which meant she could have her own kitchen and laundry room. She could easily live completely separate from her new landlords, but socializing with the couple as she moved gave her indications that she probably wouldn’t.

Mika stood in the doorway separating the two halves of the house when Rachel shut her door. “Care for some tea?”

“I’d love some. Thank you.”

Mika beckoned Rachel into the other side of the house and turned. Rachel felt a little envious of Mika’s long, dark locks, which reached nearly to her shapely bottom. Rachel tore her eyes away from that sight, not wanting Mika to see the evidence of her constantly suppressed desires. Her attraction to both sexes had awakened at almost the exact same time in her youth, though she’d never indulged her attraction to other women, and felt ashamed of the feelings.

Mika had already prepared the tea, which sat steaming on a coffee table in front of the couch. The dark haired beauty remarked, “It’s nice to have some company. I don’t really fit into the social circles here.”

Rachel smiled as she sat down and revealed, “Neither do I. How long have you lived here?”

“We moved here last year when Chaytan was promoted,” Mika answered.

The two women chatted about their past for more than two hours, learning much about each other and growing more comfortable by the minute. When Mika rose to prepare dinner before her husband returned from work, Rachel offered to help.

Rachel quickly proved her capability in the kitchen, prompting Mika to mention, “I noticed you have a turkey. For Thanksgiving?”

Rachel nodded and dried the wooden spoon she’d just washed. “It’s far too much for one, but I just couldn’t break tradition. I was put in charge of the holiday meals when my mother took sick when I was thirteen. After that, it just became my place, even once Mom recovered.”

Mika smiled nervously and chuckled. “My only attempt proved a disaster. We ended up going to a Chinese restaurant that year.”

“Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?” Rachel asked.

Mika shook her head. “Both of our families are out West, and they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.”

“It sounds like we can help each other out again, then. I’ll cook Thanksgiving dinner, and the two of you can help me eat it so that I’m not still having turkey sandwiches in mid January.”

“I was hoping you might say that,” Mika said with a slightly embarrassed smile. “I can help, and maybe learn how not to have cardboard turkey hours later.”

“I wasn’t looking forward to spending Thanksgiving alone,” Rachel admitted.

“I thought you looked a little sad when you put the turkey back in the freezer. I guessed that might be it.”

Rachel started to ask a question, but thought better of it. The thought must have shown in her expression because Mika asked, “What is it?”

She answered, “It’s nothing. Way too personal.”

“We won’t know that unless you ask.”

Rachel took a deep breath and said, “Well… I just wondered about you celebrating Thanksgiving.”

Mika smiled and let out a little laugh. “Our families don’t understand it either. There are still hardships for our people, and there’s still prejudice, but Chaytan and I believe in moving forward, not looking back. It’s a wonderful celebration about family, and reflecting on the blessings of the previous year.”

Mika sighed, and then shrugged. “We lost touch with a lot of our heritage to break free of the chains of poverty, but we hope to someday support those who maintain the old customs, and do our part in our own way.”

Rachel smiled and said, “I think you understand Thanksgiving better than most people do.”

The egg timer on the counter went off, drawing a glance and an odd stare from Rachel. Mika noticed the look and asked, “Is everything okay?”

Rachel chuckled and dismissively waved a hand. “Just reminds me too much of my biological clock tick-ticking away.”

Mika’s shoulders slumped a little and she nodded her head in sad agreement.

Rachel groaned, “Oh no.” She walked over and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up something painful.”

Mika shrugged and forced a grin. “I’m coming to grips with it. Everything is just fine – except my eggs. For some reason, they just won’t develop.”

“Now I feel terrible,” Rachel said, and hung her head.

Mika took Rachel’s hand and said, “Don’t. Sounds like we can both use some support and encouragement. Maybe we can do it for each other.”

A chill raced up and down Rachel’s spine from the soft touch, bringing a little smile to her lips. The temporary dip in the mood vanished as quickly as it had arisen.

Not long after, the sound of the front door opening heralded Chaytan’s return, and he wore a wide smile when his wife and Rachel set the table with baked chicken and all the trimmings. Somehow, Rachel didn’t feel at all out of place when she joined the couple at the dinner table. In fact, it felt more strange to her to pass back through the door into her side of the house a couple of hours later.

Feeling upbeat and remarkably comfortable in her new home, Rachel quietly hummed as she showered in preparation for bed.


Rachel assisted with dinner again after work the next day, and once again shared the table with her new friends. The couple seemed even more animated this evening than the last, and Rachel found that she opened up more as well. Something about the three of them clicked, and did so perfectly.

Her mood was simply too buoyant to let her sleep when she stepped out of the shower, so she lay down on the couch to read until her eyes felt heavy. The novel was a recommendation from a colleague at work, and Rachel quickly discovered that the romance was far steamier than what she was used to.

Growing more aroused with every passing minute, she continued to read – completely defeating the reason for picking up the book in the first place. Her sex tingled and her nipples pressed against the thin cotton of her nightgown, prompting her to touch those intimate places on occasion to calm the fires building within her.

Eventually, she looked up at the clock and realized the lateness of the hour. She started in surprise and snapped the book shut with a self-depreciating chuckle, embarrassed to have let the erotic novel draw her in so completely. Just as she sat up to seek her bed, a whimpering sound caused her to cock her ear and listen.

Her cheeks burned when she realized what the sound was. She recognized the distinct quality of Mika’s voice in the whimpers of pleasure, which mingled with the creaking of the couple’s bed and Chaytan’s vocalizations. Unconsciously, Rachel’s hearing tuned in to the sounds, fanning the cooling coals of arousal that the novel had spawned within her.

The building volume and intensity of the couple’s lovemaking signaled that they were nearing a crescendo. She only snapped out of her heated trance when both Mika and Chaytan cried out in apparently simultaneous climax.

Rachel shuddered from the chilling jolt shooting through her that accompanied those cries, and almost immediately stood up. The air swirling around her as she crossed the hardwood floor to her bedroom left a chilly spot between her legs – evidence of a damp spot on her panties.

Once she closed her bedroom door, the chuckles and squeals that continued to sound from the bedroom on the other side of the house were no longer audible. Her body demanded attention, but she felt self-conscious about surrendering to that call.

Weariness finally took hold of her, and she drifted off to sleep, her body still aching.


The next morning, Rachel heard a knock on the door adjoining the two sides of the home just as she was about to leave for work. Only recently awakened and caffeinated, the image of Mika in a clinging nightgown merged directly into her memories of the sounds from the night before – and the dreams that had followed.

Mika said, “I’m glad I caught you. I forgot to add pumpkin to the list that I gave Chaytan. Do you think you could pick some up?”

“Of course,” Rachel answered, glad that her work attire hid the evidence of her rapidly stiffening nipples. “How many cans?”

“Four I suppose. I’ll either have enough to bake another pie later, or enough to save myself if I burn the first one,” Mika answered with a laugh.

“I’ll see you this afternoon, then,” Rachel said as she draped her purse over her shoulder.

Mika waved and turned, revealing that her nightgown hugged the curves of her backside just as snugly as it did her small, firm breasts.

It took Rachel most of her commute to fight down the beautiful image in her mind, and the embarrassing arousal that came with it. Little did she know that it was only a prelude of things to come.

A slow day at the office allowed her to leave earlier than expected. Even the stops at three grocery stores to locate pumpkin so close to Thanksgiving put her back in the driveway more than an hour early. The door between the two halves of the house was open, which didn’t surprise her. Mika had mentioned that she probably would do so at times to help balance the temperature, due to a shortage of vents on Rachel’s side of the house.

What Rachel saw when she peeked through the doorway with her sack of pumpkin in hand did surprise her.

Apparently engrossed in her phone call, Mika didn’t notice Rachel frozen in the doorway with a wide-eyed stare. Mika wore nothing but a sheer pair of pearly white panties and a matching bra. The dark cascade of the native woman’s hair and her light, reddish-brown skin formed an eye-catching contrast to the bright material of the undergarments. Even from across the room, Rachel could easily see the prominent points of Mika’s dark nipples, and the silhouette of her curl-adorned sex.

“I know. I’ve never had an orgasm like that,” Mika said to her husband on the other end of the phone. She then let out a purring moan and added, “I wish it could be real, instead of just a fantasy. I’m going to ravish you again tonight – you know? I already had to use my vibrator twice today.”

Rachel’s face burned from a combination of overhearing the conversation and her own reaction to it. Her thoughts raced to her own vibrator, safely secreted in the small chest of drawers next to her bed.

“I’ll see you in a couple of hours, then,” Mika said, indicating that she was about to hang up.

Rachel snapped out of her trance and quickly stepped out of the doorway, her heart racing. A minute later, she heard the distinctive, short creak that the couple’s bathroom door emitted when someone opened it. She took several deep breaths and clenched her intimate muscles, slowly squelching the shameful flame of desire within her.


Thanksgiving morning found Rachel and Mika hard at work in the kitchen. Chaytan tried to help at first, but quickly discovered that he was only in the way. His wife shooed him to the television so she could learn the mysteries of a successful Thanksgiving dinner.

Rachel, having held this task since her early teens, proceeded with effortless efficiency. She started every dish at exactly the right moment to have everything come out either piping hot or properly chilled at the same time. The boon of having two stoves, ranges, and microwaves in the house made the effort easier than ever before, providing ample opportunity for her to explain exactly what she was doing.

Chaytan found his place to help when the time arrived to set the table. Though the women had purposely scaled back most of the recipes, the table still groaned with food by the time the three of them sat down to eat and share in each other’s company.

Quite some time later, Rachel put down her spoon with a sigh and leaned back in her chair. “No pie for me just yet.”

“Me either,” Chaytan declared. “The two of you are a marvel. Everything was perfect.”

Mika positively beamed from the praise and took her husband’s hand. “Our first real Thanksgiving dinner.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Once their lips parted, Mika turned to Rachel and said, “Thank you for making it possible.”

“I couldn’t have done it without your help,” she countered. “But, you’re welcome.”

The three continued to chat for nearly an hour, and then reluctantly abandoned their chairs with groans of overstuffed protest to clean up. With everything put away and the first load of dishes in the dishwasher, Chaytan’s eyes started darting toward the clock on the wall on a regular basis.

Mika laughed. “Go – watch your precious football.” She then dropped her mock sarcastic tone and said, “You’ve earned a day to be lazy,” before giving him a kiss.

Chaytan hurried to his chair, only pausing long enough to grab a beer from the refrigerator. Mika suggested, “There’s a good movie on Lifetime,” and pulled out two wine glasses from a cupboard.

The thought of relaxing with a glass of wine was hardly unappealing, so the two women adjourned to her side of the house, bottle and glasses in hand.

The bustle of preparing the meal had kept Rachel’s mind centered, but she quickly discovered that her unwelcome – and potentially disastrous – attraction to Mika resurfaced with a vengeance as the two sat sipping wine. Mika sat with her long, shapely legs pulled up on the couch, seemingly begging for Rachel to caress them.

Rachel did her best to concentrate on the movie, and drank a little more wine than she probably should have. She discovered this upon rising to go to the bathroom and promptly losing her balance. If anything, the embarrassment of her stumble was a welcome relief from the turmoil of suppressed desire within her.

Mika turned toward her as Rachel returned from the bathroom. “I think I may be a little tipsy, too,” she said with a laugh as she poured more wine.

When she attempted to sit the bottle back on the table, it slipped from her hand. She managed to catch it with a little yelp of alarm, but sloshed wine from her glass all over her blouse in the process. “Oh no, oh no, oh no,” she exclaimed, quickly putting down her glass and staring at the red wine stain.

Rachel knew exactly how to come to the rescue. “I found something on the internet that is a miracle on red wine stains.”

“I hope it works,” Mika lamented, “I love this blouse. I’ll be in the bathroom.”

Rachel hurried to the kitchen to fetch the dishwashing soap. The other half of the magical potion was already in the bathroom – hydrogen peroxide. She stepped into the bathroom just in time to see Mika remove her stained bra.

Caught off guard, Rachel couldn’t help but drink in the sight. Mika’s breasts were perfect teardrops, culminating in tips of chestnut brown. Thankfully, Mika was too busy laying out the garments flat to notice her stunned boarder standing in the doorway, holding her breath. Rachel continued into the bathroom, knowing that she had little choice but to face the temptation now.

Purposely keeping her eyes away from the enticing sight of Mika’s bared breasts, Rachel opened the medicine cabinet and took down the peroxide. “It’s mostly peroxide, with a touch of dishwashing soap,” she explained as she opened the bottle.

Mika watched as Rachel carefully poured the peroxide over the blouse, and then worked in the dishwashing soap with a washcloth. The stain faded as if by magic with every pass of the cloth, causing Mika to emit a sigh of relief. She picked up the peroxide and a second washcloth to work on her bra.

Oh god, Rachel thought as the woman at her side moved the washcloth in slow circles. The motion caused Mika’s breasts to jiggle hypnotically, threatening to attract Rachel’s eyes like a magnet. Try as she might, she couldn’t keep her eyes from flashing toward the beautiful sight.

“It’s like a magic potion,” Mika remarked as she glanced over to see that the stain on her blouse was almost invisible.

“It’s saved my life a couple of times since I found it,” Rachel responded as she put down the cloth.

Mika put down her cloth as well, since her blouse had soaked up most of the wine, leaving only a small, faint stain on her bra – now gone. Again, Mika sighed in relief and turned to Rachel to say, “Thank you.” She then reached out her arm, and Rachel’s heart skipped a beat when the beautiful native woman hugged her.

Rachel’s hand moved to Mika’s bare back, the feeling of soft skin beneath her fingertips sending chills racing throughout her body. Mika moved closer, wrapping her other arm around Rachel, and the blonde followed her friend’s lead. The hug lingered, so wonderful and frightening to her at the same time. She could feel the warm kiss of Mika’s breath on her neck, and an almost electric tingle where her breasts touched Mika’s smaller ones.

Mika let out a small, almost inaudible moan, and one of her hands slipped lower, to the small of Rachel’s back. Unconsciously, Rachel caressed her hands over Mika’s back, her breaths quickening. Then, she gasped and shuddered as Mika’s hand slipped even lower, gliding over her bottom.

Both women pulled back at the same time, but didn’t lose contact with the other. Their eyes met, and they knew. Mika’s liquid brown eyes and Rachel’s bright blue ones were both filled with desire.

“I…” Rachel began, but could find no more words. Her fingers continued to caress Mika’s back.

“Have you ever…?” Mika had little more luck framing her thoughts into words as she remained locked in Rachel’s eyes.

Rachel shook her head almost imperceptibly. “Have you?” She asked, her voice still soft, with a breathless quality.

“No. It always frightened me until Chaytan coaxed the fantasy from me.”

“How did he react?”

Mika shivered, her eyes fluttering closed for a second. When she opened them again, her eyes glowed with even stronger desire. “He asked what I thought about you. We’ve never had such incredible sex.”

Rachel gasped, unable to resist the reaction in light of Mika’s words and the smoldering need in the woman’s brown eyes.

One of Mika’s hands moved from Rachel’s back, directly to the blonde’s right breast. In a soft, irresistibly sensual voice, she said, “I want it to be real.”

That touch burned through Rachel’s shame, fanning her own desire into a roaring bonfire. Her hand found Mika’s breast, to caress the firm globe even as Mika did the same.

A quiet moan escaped Rachel as a smile spread across Mika’s face, and she reached for the top button of the blonde’s blouse. Her breathing heavy with excitement, Rachel worked on the buttons at the bottom, until the two met in the middle. Rachel had no more than shrugged off the blouse before Mika deftly popped the clasp on her bra.

Mika slipped first one, then the other strap from her shoulders, and the concealing cloth slid away. Mika teased the blonde’s stiff nipples with her fingertips, and then pulled her into a kiss.

“Who wants some pie?”

Though both women heard him, Chaytan’s words were lost in the passion of their embrace. Only when their lips parted did the pair turn to see him standing with a tray – and a wide-eyed expression of surprised awe.

The two women shared a laugh tinged with both amusement and embarrassment. Mika then beckoned her husband to them with a crooked finger. His eyes roved back and forth between his wife and the blonde at her side as he approached, the tray of pumpkin pie slices still balanced on his palm.

Mika cupped Rachel’s right breast in her hand when her husband reached them. “Aren’t they beautiful, Chaytan?”

“Very,” he agreed, mesmerized by the sight of his beautiful wife touching another woman.

Mika took the tray from her husband and sat it down on the sink. A crooked grin spread across her face as she dipped her finger in the whipped cream atop one slice of pie. She brought her finger to Rachel’s lips, and the blonde sucked it clean with a little moan.

Rachel mimed Mika’s action, shuddering when the native woman’s tongue curled around her finger to lick it clean. Mika then glided her fingers down Rachel’s arm, and guided her hand toward Chaytan.

Chaytan groaned, and Rachel gasped as she felt his hardening manhood beneath his jeans. Even as she squeezed it, Mika reached for the button of her husband’s jeans. Rachel’s eyes widened as Mika unzipped her husband’s pants, revealing the length and breadth of his cock, well outlined by his boxer shorts.

That final obstacle soon vanished with a quick tug of Mika’s fingers. Rachel stroked her fingers over his cock, teasing the arrowhead-shaped tip. Mika dipped her fingers into the whipped cream again, but this time, she placed the dollop on the swollen head of her husband’s cock.

“Taste it,” she whispered to Rachel.

Rachel sank to her knees, her eyes locked on his twitching manhood. She leaned forward and her tongue snaked out to lap up the cream.

Mika’s excited moan encouraged her, and she suckled Chaytan’s tip between her lips. She stroked her lips over his shaft, the sharp tang of pre-cum mingling with the sweet cream in her mouth.

“Does it feel good?” Mika asked.

“Oh yes,” Chaytan breathed in response while caressing Rachel’s shoulders.

Rachel grew bolder with her steadily increasing arousal, taking more of Chaytan’s cock in her mouth with every stroke. Mika knelt next to her and cupped her husband’s dangling orbs in her hand, never taking her eyes off of the sight of his cock vanishing into Rachel’s eager mouth.

When Rachel released him to catch her breath and rest her aching jaw, Mika took over. Rachel watched with the same fascination as her friend took Chaytan fast and deep into her mouth. Mika’s long, dark hair rippled in waves from her efforts, which drew a long groan from her husband.

Rachel’s fingers found her aching sex beneath her panties as she watched Mika bring her husband ever closer to climax. Mika released Chaytan’s tip with a wet pop and said, “He’s close.”

“So close,” Chaytan agreed in clipped grunts.

“Do you want to taste him?”

Rachel emphatically nodded and then engulfed Chaytan’s stiff organ. He emitted a growling gasp as she sucked him hard, eager to feel him explode in her mouth.

“Come for her, Chaytan,” Mika sensually breathed as Rachel’s blonde hair whipped from the fast strokes of her mouth.

“Almost,” Chaytan groaned, and Rachel looked up to see his expression tighten. A moment later, he cried out and filled her mouth with cream.

She let out a surprised moan around him as he filled her mouth full. She continued to suck, swallowing his seed and feeling it settle warmly in her belly. All the while, Mika moaned encouragement, licking her lips.

Chaytan pushed the blonde away when he could no longer endure her mouth on him, and Mika almost immediately sought Rachel’s lips. The two women kissed, sharing his cum between them, their hands roaming over each other’s bodies.

Chaytan leaned heavily against the bathroom wall, his knees weak from his orgasm and the sight of his wife kissing Rachel, tasting his cum on her lips.

When their lips parted, Mika looked deep into Rachel’s eyes and said, “I… I want to taste you.”

Rachel sucked in a great, shuddering breath, finding it almost impossible to believe that this wasn’t a dream. She felt none of the shame that had haunted her for years, only an ache in her loins that none but Mika could assuage.

“Please,” she begged, the feeling overwhelming her.

Mika stood and took Rachel’s hand, silently instructing her to do the same. Once she regained her feet, Mika tugged on her husband’s hand and walked between the two, turning toward the bedroom. Rachel followed as though entranced, while Chaytan walked a little slower, his legs still threatening to betray him.

Mika turned when she reached the bed and dropped her skirt to the floor. Rachel could see a damp spot on her friend’s panties, and let out a gasp when the cloth slipped away to reveal the dark, curl-adorned source of that wetness.

Chaytan sat down on the bed as his wife stepped forward to pull down Rachel’s skirt. Dampness adorned the blonde’s panties as well, but they covered her no longer than Mika’s undergarments had. Rachel felt the cold kiss of the air against her hot, bare sex, causing her to shiver.

Mika slipped into the bed, and Rachel crawled in after her. The two women kissed once more, each slipping a hand between the legs of the other. Rachel whimpered into the kiss and Mika moaned as the two explored each other’s sex.

Mika guided Rachel to lie down, her cheeks flushed and her eyes aglow. Rachel parted her legs when Mika touched her knees, both excited and frightened by the new experience at the same time.

The first touch of Mika’s tongue was hesitant – feather-light. A warbling, high-pitched moan bubbled from Rachel’s lips as she watched the dark-haired woman tease her with the tip of her tongue. Even as Mika grew bolder, slipping her tongue between Rachel’s bare-shaven nether lips, Chaytan moved on the bed.

Rachel groaned as Chaytan suckled her left nipple between his lips. A fog of unbelievable pleasure enveloped her, brought on by the eager lips and tongues of the couple.

Rachel writhed and whimpered as Mika’s tongue glided and probed her wet heat. She barely noticed when Chaytan released her nipple to attain a better view of his wife lapping another woman for the first time. A hot itch steadily built in her depths, an orgasm begging for release. “Oh please, don’t stop,” she begged.

Mika moaned in response and closed her lips over Rachel’s clit. Rachel cried out and grasped her breasts as the shockwave of pleasure rippled through her body. The previously soft caress of Mika’s tongue grew more ardent, sharpening her pleasure to a knife edge. She perched on the brink of climax, trapped in the moment until she thought it would drive her mad.

Her orgasm took her without warning. She wasn’t even aware that the loud scream she heard was her own until it had nearly died away and she sucked in a fast breath for another. Her body quaked as Mika rode her bucking hips, still lapping for the bittersweet flow of her juices.

Wave after wave of orgasm rocked Rachel until Mika relented, allowing the blonde to settle down from her incredible climax. When she managed to force her eyes open, Rachel saw Chaytan sharing the taste of her in a kiss.

Rachel continued to gasp and twitch as the couple then kissed her in turn. The sight of Mika teasing her folds while Chaytan sucked his wife’s nipples slowly pulled Rachel in as her orgasm settled into a warm afterglow. Mika’s dark curls called to her.

When she sat up, her eyes intent upon Mika’s sex, Mika let out a gasp and reclined on the bed. Before she could even consciously form the thought, Rachel slipped between her friend’s legs and smoothed back the manicured curls.

Her first taste of another woman nearly made her swoon. The scent and taste intoxicated her, and she had to fight against blackness at the edge of her vision for a moment. When she managed the feeling, her tongue slipped in deeper.

Despite never having done it before, Rachel’s tongue soon pushed Mika toward climax. Sje knew what made her feel good, and she did her best to emulate it as she lapped Mika’s folds. Her own sex tingled with renewed wetness, her clit throbbing in time with her heartbeat. Drunk on the fulfillment of her suppressed desires, she lapped the dark-haired woman with wild abandon.

Mika’s thighs clamped tight around Rachel’s ears as the native woman came. An even more abundant, flavorful rush of juices washed over Rachel’s tongue, driving her to lap for more. Mika trembled and lurched, crying out her pleasure to the roof above.

Excited beyond measure by the taste of Mika’s wetness and the feeling of the woman climaxing on her tongue, Rachel kept lapping. She only relented when the woman’s hips lurched away and Mika covered her quivering sex with both hands, unable to endure any more.

Rachel breathed heavily and moaned as she licked her lips and pulled Mika’s juices from her chin to her mouth. Chaytan leaned over his wife to kiss her, giving Rachel a good look at his cock, once more standing away from his body at full erection.

Though still twitching from her climax, Mika gasped when she saw her husband’s hardness as well. “Take me,” she breathed, tugging on his arms to encourage him to move atop her.

As Chaytan moved between his wife’s parted legs, Rachel acted on impulse. She grasped his stiff member and guided it to Mika’s folds, coating the tip in wetness before wriggling it between the dark-haired woman’s nether lips.

Mika let out a high-pitched groan as Chaytan penetrated her. Rachel watched him vanish inside his wife, an aching void in her own depths screaming for attention. She fought against her own needs, instead turning her fingers to Mika’s. Mika squealed with delight as Rachel’s fingers found her bud.

Her eyes intent upon Chaytan’s cock thrusting into Mika’s depths, the touch on Rachel’s foot caused her to start. She turned to look, seeing the pleasure in Mika’s face – and something more. Mika tugged on Rachel’s ankle, pulling it toward her. With a gasp, she followed the dark haired woman’s silent instructions and straddled her body.

Mika pulled Rachel’s sex to her lips and curled her arms around the back of the blonde’s legs. Somehow, she kept her fingers moving despite her own mounting pleasure, driving Mika closer to the edge. The rocking motion of Chaytan’s thrusts only added to the pleasure that Mika’s questing tongue awakened within her.

Rachel yelped as Mika’s lips released her folds, followed by a hot blast of air as the native woman squealed. Mika’s fingers dug into Rachel’s legs as she reached the point of no-return on her husband’s cock and the blonde’s flashing fingers.

“Oh! Oh! Oh yes!” Mika cried out, and then screamed into Rachel’s folds as she came. Her back arched up from the bed, pressing her breasts against Rachel’s body and the blonde’s firm globes against her. The sudden motion caused Chaytan to slip free of his wife’s depths, and he took the opportunity to quell his own approaching climax.

The ache in Rachel’s depths intensified as she stared at Chaytan’s cock, twitching only inches away from her face. A thick, creamy coating of Mika’s juices covered him, and he breathed heavily as he tried to keep his own cream from erupting.

Once Mika released her from the tight grip of her fingers, Rachel lifted a knee and moved to give the panting woman some air. She slipped two fingers deep inside her as she knelt next to her quivering friend, unable to endure her own needs any longer.

Mika’s eyes opened and she moaned upon seeing her husband drinking in both of the women before him. “Do…” She began, but a wave of orgasmic energy stole her breath for a moment. “Do you want to be inside her?”

Chaytan nodded, and Rachel let out a gasp. She let her moist fingers slide from inside her and sat back on her bottom. “Please,” she begged, needing far more than her fingers could possibly offer.

After a couple of false starts, Mika managed to move over enough to allow Rachel to lie back and part her legs. Chaytan moved forward and pressed his swollen member against her folds.

Rachel squealed as he penetrated her, his long, thick cock putting any other that had entered her to shame. She felt as though he was reaching into her belly, stretching her beyond belief. Her walls clenched around him, letting her feel every throb of his cock buried inside her.

She gasped with every withdrawal and yelped with every thrust as Chaytan settled into a rhythm. Mika moved into a comfortable position to reach the blonde’s swollen bud, adding to her ecstasy. Rachel lifted her head, enthralled by the contrast of Mika’s fingers and Chaytan’s thrusting cock against her fair skin. She could see the strain in Chaytan’s face, and knew he fought against release with every ounce of his will.

“Come for him,” Mika breathed, her fingers moving even faster.

Rachel’s head lashed back and forth on the mattress as her pleasure mounted, her breasts bouncing almost painfully from the power of his thrusts. Loud smacks accompanied the clashing of his body with hers, mingling with her cries of pleasure and his grunts of exertion.

A long, loud groan rumbled from Chaytan’s throat as he lost control. He thrust even harder, actually causing Rachel to slide across the bed a fraction of an inch with every thrust. Her orgasm claimed her in a white-hot burst just before Chaytan’s hips slammed forward a final time and he let out a growling scream.

Rachel could feel him pulsing in her tightly clenched canal, filling her full of his hot cream. His head lolled backward, and then snapped forward as he continued to flood her depths. Rachel squealed as every tiny movement of his cock inside her triggered another jolt of orgasmic electricity that raced throughout her body. He fell forward on his hands above her once he spent his seed, to gasp and lurch as her walls rhythmically contracted around him.

After what felt like a heavenly eternity to Rachel, Chaytan pulled free of her clinging depths, trailing a strand of their mingled juices from her nether lips to the tip of his softening cock. He collapsed heavily to the bed, having expended every ounce of energy in his explosion. Rachel could feel his hot cream leaking from her to the bed below, but she didn’t care in the slightest. She chuckled as Mika snuggled up next to her and moaned before saying, “I loved that. How about you?”

“Mmm hmm,” Rachel moaned, and then quivered from an aftershock.

Mika levered up on her arms and kissed her – a soft kiss that still conveyed passion and need. She then smiled down at her blonde boarder and said, “Happy Thanksgiving.”

“Mmm – very happy Thanksgiving,” Rachel agreed.

Chaytan mumbled something that sounded as though he was echoing the greeting, but his face pressed down in the mattress muffled it, prompting the two women sharing the bed with him to break out into laughter.

Rachel floated in post-orgasmic bliss between her landlords – turned friends and lovers – thinking that she couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate the holiday.


Three years later…

Mika smiled so wide that her cheeks ached, as she always did when she looked at her son. Now one year old, he somehow had her eyes despite the impossibility of such a thing.

Once Rachel’s fertilized egg had been implanted in her womb, Mika had marveled at her child growing inside her. She had an easy pregnancy, as though a reward for the years of trying, and the heartache of failure.

Mika turned away from her son and chided, “Oh no – you sit down this instant.”

“I’m fine,” Rachel protested with a pout as she stirred the noodles on the stove while supporting her heavy belly with her other arm.

“You’re due any day now,” Mika argued. “It’s my turn to take over – at least for this year.”

A sharp kick from within her womb almost caused Rachel to drop the spoon. Once the flash of discomfort passed, she smiled and her face positively glowed. “This one seems to be agreeing with you.”

“And so do I,” Chaytan said as he walked into the kitchen. He reached out to stroke Rachel’s tummy with a wide smile when he reached her.

Mika joined her husband, and then kissed both he and Rachel in turn. “Now scoot. You’re in my way.”

Rachel let Chaytan assist her steps as she waddled into the front room, her motherly glow a sign of the many blessings that the three shared – and the many blessings to come.

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A Weird OneChapter 16

As I watched the flashing red lights in my mirror I wondered what I had to look forward to. It wasn't, at least to me, natural that Andrea's husband would tell me to get out of there. He was the wronged husband and he was supposed to want to do me bodily harm and God knows that was his intent before Andrea put him down with the table lamp. Why did he tell me to get out instead of giving me up to the authorities when they showed up? Could it be that it was because he felt he could get at me...

2 years ago
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BBW Senior Loverrr

I'm walking across a dealer parking lot looking over the new cars when I spot her.She was older and she was on the heavy side. She walked with a bit of a limp thatwas probably due to the wearing her feet and knees take from carrying the extraweight.As she came toward me I see her straightening out her blouse down over her pantson one side, then switching her purse to the other arm to do her other side. Thenshe straightens her collar, all the while taking glances at me. The lady wants to...

3 years ago
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Lauras Birthday

He had her in his second period class, biology. He had noticed her like many others and admired from afar only starting to talk with her that year. Her name was Laura. It all started when he brought in a sucker to eat during that class. There was no reason behind it he just thought it would be a good idea. When he got there Laura went up to him and asked him if he had anymore and he said no but he would bring her one tomorrow. The next day she went up to him and he just tossed her one of the...

1 year ago
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Colette Kenna James Natalia Starr Kenna James 3way Fantasy Fitness Fuck with Natalia Starr and James Deen

Everybody loves Kenna! Everybody, men and women! Even my Dad a Vietnam veteran and Marine wanted an autograph! Her first shoot with a man caused a sensation world over! After all that Sexual build up and release “Kenna James ” wanted to hit the gym with BFF Natalia Starr. Kenna loved sex with James so much she wanted to share. Skin tight shorts on both girls. Well, what was James to do? What would a threesome with her stunning girlfriend with perfectly famous breasts, enticing blue...

3 years ago
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My wife had left for the office but I decided to stay home that day as I was sick and tired of working and needed some time to myself. After grabbing a cup of coffee, I flipped on the TV and powered up the PC to check my morning mail. After rifling thru the usual spam and bullshit messages from friends and relatives, I decided to check some of my favorite adult websites. I like a combination of erotic stories and pictures so I had several different websites up simultaneously. I like beautiful...

2 years ago
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Wifersquos Nude Portrait 2

Wife’s Nude Portrait 2If you recall, Babs had given me a painted portrait of her nude five years ago for my birthday. She told me how she posed for my dad who is a photographer and painter. She started with various outfits and ended up nude and having sex. Then I found out that my dad was in the spare bedroom and that Babs wanted us both in bed with her.Dad was hesitant as Babs led him to our bedroom and our king size bed. She took off his shirt and shorts and then had me stand next to him. She...

2 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 13

A blast of morning sunlight danced through the window onto Roxie’s eyelids. Although she didn’t open her eyes, she was awake. It was the day after the Fourth, she remembered. She was at the Dew Drop the night before. She reached over to find Junior, but found an empty half of the bed. It was time for that nagging morning headache to start reminding her of that extra drink and cigarette that she hadn’t really wanted. She reasoned that Junior must have stolen out of the bed at five to do the...

2 years ago
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Daughter Friend Seduce Dad

Sara let those works hang for a bit before saying, "Fuck that and you know it. The boys that like me are all little dicked losers from this little fucked up Podunk town. And oh yeah, I don't have any colleges beating down my door because of my grades, I'm not exactly Dolly Parton and I won't win any beauty contests anytime soon. And hey, I get depressed too. And yeah, I smoke which most people hate but it helps me get through my depression sometimes. And you'd better rethink your...

2 years ago
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CubScout MotherChapter 4

Gary found some old rags in the garden shed back of the garage. He wiped himself as best he could, still seeing in his mind every detail of the incredible spectacle he had witnessed between his father and Wanda. It wasn't fair! His father had his mother to fuck. Why the hell did he have to fuck Wanda too? God damn it, the bastard had just committed adultery with his own sister-in-law. Didn't he know that? Wanda was his own age. He should have been the one giving it to her. He trembled at...

2 years ago
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Five Hundred Dollar A Night Lesbian Prostitute Par

It had only been as week since I became “Amy Macabe, Associate Entertainment Specialist, Cascade Club, Tucson” and I just smiled. Not a bad job for a forty-three old divorcee with no future. I had been running my own escort service that catered exclusively to wealthy older lesbian women. Soon I became the highest paid lesbian escort in Tucson, Arizona. I earned close to $9,000.00 in a good month by making love to a select group of very classy, attractive, and wealthy women, who had embraced the...

3 years ago
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Cute Hot Love And Sex

By : Kittu16 Hi all, Thanks for “N” no of mails but sorry I could reply only to whom I felt to reply and was possible to do so. Specially I Thank miss Namitha (taken permission to put her name) her long and cute mail was very sexy write in your comments at Ok coming to the topic just to introduce myself again I am from Hyderabad slim and with 8 inches and 3 width . I am fair black hair. My weakness is the boobs of girls I fantasize a lot about them. The story is about a call center girl....

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Workout with Lara

Workout with Lara by Noj © This story is contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. This is in no way connected with the subject and is entirely ficticious. Don’t use this without my permission. Now, on with the story! Angelina Jolie was getting prepared for her biggest film yet. Tomb Raider. She had been given the chance to take over as the pneumatic, energetic, pixelated babe. She knew she’d need to do a good job, and uphold the sexy reputation of Lara. She...

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Sissy Alexias 3some 2 Neighbors from Church

This fun and crazy experienced happened to me several years ago after posting ads of myself on craigslist before casual encounters went away. If you didnt ever use or maybe too young to remember but craigslist was a great way to be a discrete sissy on the side getting lots of cock. My gf at the time was going on a work trip for her family business and I was going to have our house all alone to myself for 1 week. Still remember being a giddy like a horny college girl putting my ad up about 1...

3 years ago
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Rape Gone Wrong

This will be short stories about people getting revenge (either sexually or not) on people that did them wrong in the past. Let's hear your rape-revenge stories, whether real or fantasy. The first chapter will be a fantasy I've been wanting to write for years. It will go slightly sideways to some people's tastes but I'm hoping every story does that in some way! Enjoy and feel very free to contribute!

4 years ago
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Life on the road with Jo

Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, our relationship grew and strengthened. Jo began to travel with me not only for pleasure but as a hostess when I entertained professionally. She had the ability to be the professional partner in public and an absolute slut behind closed doors. One of our early trips involved entertaining a key client. Jo selected her usual purple business suit with a shear relatively low white blouse and dark stockings. The meeting went well altho most of the time eyes...

4 years ago
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Round one good morning

Mmmmm now pretty much every man out there gets morning wood. Oh the fabulous morning wood. The best is when there is a hot lil redhead there to help with this "problem". Me personally start helping before you get up by rubbing on you're dick at first, kiss on the neck maybe a few fingures in the hair. Pull my body nice and close my titties are rubbing against you.Now work my way down give the head of youre dick a lil kiss and trace the top with my tongue ring on my way down massaging either...

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