Rachel's Debt (Chapter 2 - Second Thoughts) free porn video

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My phone rang on the nightstand beside us. Rachel surfaced, sucking in air in long, raspy breaths. “No, no, keep going. Whatever it is can wait,” I encouraged her. She squeaked out something that might’ve been “please” before quickly throating me again. She held herself down, her throat spasming against me, until my phone stopped ringing. Only then did she allow herself to come back up for air. One gasping breath and then I could feel the heat of her mouth descending on me again.

My phone rang again. I cursed the person who dared interrupt this; then thanked whatever gods looked out for perverted blackmailers who conned young teen girls into sex that, this time, she hadn’t stopped sucking me. It stopped ringing again. I must have answered it accidentally, because I heard a voice rising out of it. Feminine, but angry, she commanded, “Take it, you bitch.” Pitiful pleas erupted from the teenager and her head shook as though she was fighting an internal battle to both breathe and remain pressed firmly against my groin.

I opened my eyes, one hand scrabbling against the nightstand for my phone. The voice hadn’t issued from my cell. Rachel was kneeling on the bed near my waist. I struggled to make sense of that as my eyes traveled to the brunette in bed with me. “Oh yes, all of it, you dirty little slut,” Rachel cooed. “Just like he likes it.” She was putting her body weight into keeping the brunette buried against me, but the woman’s struggles were still enough to rise several inches up my cock before being pressed back down. Her mouth full of my member, the pair of familiar hazel eyes staring up at me said all that her voice could not. I tried to sit up in bed. Tried to push the cheerleader’s hand off the back of her head, but Rachel, with her other hand, pressed down against my chest, holding both the brunette and I immobile. I stared into those eyes as tears built up in them. I watched as the brunette retched, felt her vomit around my cock, still buried in her throat. Her eyes grew unfocused, and I could tell she was on the verge of passing out.

“Rachel, enough. Let her breathe-“

My phone rang again.

I opened my eyes, sitting up in bed. My phone was ringing; my bed was empty. I reached for my phone, trying to clear my head. 3:42 AM and my brother was calling me. “Yeah?” I knew my voice sounded edgier than it should have, but 3:42 AM is for sleeping, especially when you’re dreams involve-

“Sorry to wake you. It’s RJ.” My brother’s voice chased the clouds from my mind. My nephew’s name pushed all memories of my dream away.

“Is he alright?”

I could hear my brother choke up and all the air left the room. “He was in an accident.” Pause. Deep breath. “He was coming home from one of his game nights and…and…” Sobs overtook his words, but I was able to make out “drunk driver.”

“Oh fuck,” I screamed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK.” Those words spun through my head. Drunk. Driver. They became a cacophony, and I almost clamped my hands over my ears to drown them out. I certainly wasn’t hearing anything further that my brother had to say.

“I should’ve stopped her…Taken her keys from her…”

Another thought pierced my brain. This one, in my brother’s voice, told me that if I hadn’t been so worried about defiling that teenager and ending my “dry spell,” she wouldn’t have even been on the road at the same time as RJ. “Oh. Oh, it’s all my fault. He’s there because of me.” My brother was in some hospital waiting room right now while my nephew was in surgery, and I knew that it was all my fault. “If only I hadn’t been so selfish-“

Fortunately, I hadn’t said any of that out loud. I heard my brother’s voice, panicky and angry, “-part is, the other driver was completely okay. Walked away without a scratch on him-“

“I’m sorry,” I interrupted, “him?”

“Yeah, some guy at RJ’s school. Claire says they didn’t get along well.”

“Ohhhh,” I sighed. “Thank god.”

“What?” Confusion on the other end. Apparently, I had said that part out loud.

“I’m sorry, Matt. I…I don’t even know what I’m saying right now. I just…where are you? I want to see him.”

“We’re at Mercy General.” He seemed mollified, at least. “Listen, you should just get some rest. Doctors say the surgery should go well, and he’ll be doped up after they’re done anyways. Just…call me in the morning, okay? Or I’ll call you. Either way. Fuck, I’m rambling, aren’t I?”

“It’s okay. Listen, if anything changes, or he gets out of surgery, or you need someone to talk to, please call me. I doubt I’ll be able to sleep anyways.”

“I’m sorry, I thought you’d want to know. You know he thinks the world of you.”

“I do; you have nothing to apologize for. And you know I love him like he was my own kid.”

“I do. I’ll let you know when I hear anything more. Love you, bro.”

“Love you, too, Matt. Tell Julie, if you guys need anything, just let me know.”

“Will do.”

After he had hung up, I sent a text to my boss that I had a family emergency and wouldn’t be in until late. I couldn’t even remember what my dream had been about as I laid back down, staring at the ceiling. Several sleepless hours later, still staring at the ceiling, I couldn’t remember that I had slept at all.


Hot water sluiced down my body, but I wasn’t paying any attention. I was glad that it hadn’t been Rachel that had struck my nephew last night. Ecstatic might have been a better word. At least that meant that I wasn’t directly responsible. Still, I had used her underage drinking as leverage to extract sex from her, and then later that same night another drunk driver injures my nephew. That seemed a little too coincidental for my liking. Plus, there had been a dream, too, right? Hadn’t I also dreamed that Rachel and I were defiling yet another woman? I thought maybe there had been, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember who the other one had been. I pushed those thoughts away, shutting off the shower. I had made my decision.

As I toweled off, I thought about the day I had ahead of me. First, I needed to call my boss and let him know that I wouldn’t be in at all today. He’d understand. I wasn’t sure if I would drop off my truck at the body shop before or after seeing my nephew. I could go after and ask my brother to pick me up, but I decided he probably needed to be with his son today. Before the hospital, then. I’d stay there as long as I needed to. As long as my family needed me to. I had to talk to him. Later, I’d call Rachel. I would make sure she understood the severity of what she had done. Her drinking had led to a minor fender bender, but it could’ve been worse. So much worse. Once I knew that I had gotten through to her, I’d tell her our deal was off. I would pay for the repairs, and no one else would have to know about our accident.


RJ was awake when I got to the hospital. It would’ve been more of a blessing if he hadn’t been. His left arm and both legs were in casts. The one around his arm extended from just beneath his shoulder all the way to his wrist. His doctor explained to me, because my brother couldn’t get the words out, that it was broken it in 3 places. Extending from the row of bandages around his chest was a long, thin cut where, hours earlier, a surgeon had repaired a deflated lung. It had been punctured by one of his 6 broken ribs. A thick, foam collar was wrapped around him, immobilizing his head. The worst of it, though, was his face. Sure, he had more grievous injuries, but to see him like that…If I hadn’t known ahead of time I was looking at my nephew RJ, I never would’ve guessed it was him.

He had a massive gash sloping from his forehead down to his right cheek. In what might’ve been the only small spot of luck, whatever had cut him had at least missed his eye, although it didn’t look like it missed him by much. His other eye was completely swollen shut. His cheeks were puffy surrounding his broken jaw. He couldn’t open his mouth yet, but if he were able to, it would open on a bloody gumline where several of his teeth had previously stood.

We sat in uncomfortable silence. RJ in his hospital bed, physically unable to speak, the rest of us in chairs drawn up around him, too emotionally drained to offer much in the way of conversation. Tears trickled down slowly from his blackened eyes. They flowed openly from our own. Nurses came and went, checking on catheters and IVs, monitoring vitals, and adjusting the flow of morphine into his beaten young body. I stayed with him as Matt and Julie went to the hospital cafeteria. By the time they returned, RJ had fallen into a merciful sleep. We exchanged tearful hugs as they took over his vigil and I headed home.

I didn’t have to wait long for a cab home. After giving the driver my address, I leaned back in my seat and dialed Rachel’s phone.

“Hello?” She hadn’t given me her number the previous night. If she had, I suspect her greeting for an unknown caller to be far less pleasant than the one I received. Perhaps she thought that, not having given me a way to contact her for future meetings, our deal would just fade into her past.

“We need to talk.”

A long pause. “Where did you get my number?” The venom in her tone was more than sufficient; she recognized my voice.

“Doesn’t matter. We need to talk.”

“Yeah, you mentioned that already.”


“I work until 9 tonight, can’t it wait? It’s been a really shitty day.”

“No. Stop by my house when you’re finished with your shift.”

I could tell she wanted to argue. Instead, she sighed loudly into the phone. “Fine.”

“See you then.” She didn’t answer, letting a dial tone serve as her reply as she hung up on me.


Headlights streamed through my front windows, illuminating my darkened living room as she pulled up my driveway. I noted the time as she knocked on my door: 9:45. As soon as I opened the door, she brushed past me and sat down on the couch. She was still wearing her work uniform: black slacks and a red polo with the logo of a local Italian restaurant. I locked the door and pulled the blinds down over the bay windows. When I turned back to her, her shirt was already off and she was reaching to unclasp her bra.

“Keep your clothes on.”

“Look, it’s been a really long, really shitty day. I’d rather we just get this over with.” Despite her protests, though, she stopped, folding her hands in her lap instead.

“Did you know him? The kid who was in that accident, did you know him? He was your age.”

She picked her shirt up off the couch, nervously fiddling with it. “Yeah, I did. It’s a shame. He’s friends with my boyfriend, we’ve hung out a couple times. Seems pretty cool.” She glanced at me, a question dying on her lips, before she slowly slipped her shirt back over her head. Redressed, she looked at me for approval.

I sat down on the opposite end of the couch, leaving the entire middle cushion between us. Resting my head on my hand, I stared in the opposite direction, trying to find the right words. Nothing came to me but to simply agree with her. “Yeah, it’s a shame.”

Silence built up between us. I didn’t want to lecture her, I had blackmailed her for sex, it wasn’t really my place to be doling out life lessons. Still, I had to say something. “I’m the last one who should be telling you how to live, but you see how dangerous drinking and driving is? He could’ve died.”

Her reaction surprised me. No sarcasm, no rudeness, no jokes. Instead, she hung her head down, a tear rolling silently across her cheek. “I saw pictures of the accident. I just-I can’t believe…I can’t believe anyone could just walk away from that.”

My brow furrowed. “Wha-What? Who are you talking about?”

She looked at me confused. I’m sure my own expression registered a fair amount of confusion as well. “Demarious. His parents had just gotten him that car when he received his football scholarship. He’s pretty shaken up about that; I’m just glad he’s not hurt. Who are you talking about?”

“Who am I talking about? I’m talking about RJ, the kid your friend Demarious nearly killed.”

“Wait a minute, he hit RJ? I mean, not that he deserves to die or anything, but that guy is a little weird. I’d always catch him staring at my tits in chemistry. He kept coming into my work to ask me out. Eventually, my boyfriend had to go kick his ass to get him to leave me alone. Do you know him or something?”

I took several deep breaths before I was sure I would be able to respond without yelling at her or punching her. “He’s my nephew.”

“Oh.” Then, realizing what she had just told me about him, she continued, “Oooooh. Look, I’m really sorry. I didn’t know. Is he okay?”

I stood up, pacing angrily across the living room. I had called her over to forgive her debt, but now? I knew it wouldn’t help him but hearing how she and her friends had treated him, I wanted to exact some manner of revenge. To know that, not long ago, Rachel had sent her boyfriend to beat up RJ because he had the nerve to ask her out, and to know that right now, he was laying in some hospital bed, it all caused a white-hot rage to boil up inside of me.

“I shouldn’t have said those things. I really hope he’s alright. Maybe I can-“

“Take off your clothes,” I interrupted her. “You can leave your bra and panties on for now.” She undressed slowly, revealing panties that matched the lacy pink bra she was wearing, her nipples just visible over the half-cups. “Follow me.”

I led her to my bedroom and indicated for her to lie on the bed. From my closet, I retrieved my tripod and digital camera from one of the shelves. I began setting it up, aiming it at the center of the bed. “Listen, I’m still not going to have-“

“Shut up. You’re going to sit there on the bed and do exactly what I tell you. When I turn this camera on, you’re going to put on a little show for me. You’re going to stare right into this camera, put on a big fucking smile, and make yourself cum for me. Just do it like you would at home, only this time, you’re going to talk dirty to me the entire time. Got it?”

“You want me talking dirty to you, I should probably know your name, right?” She was taking this better than I had imagined. No arguments that what I was asking was too private, no protests that she doesn’t “do that.” Just acceptance. Maybe she was the exhibitionist type. Maybe, after getting her throat fucked raw the night prior, she just assumed that getting to getting to orgasm herself wasn’t all that bad.

“It’s not my real name, but how about we just use the name RJ?”

“No. No, you can’t show him this.”

“I’m not going to show him anything, but if you try telling me what I can and can’t do again, I’ll buy up ad space and play this on the big screen before the next fucking Avengers movie, understand?”

She didn’t speak, but slowly nodded her head in agreement. I waited behind the camera and waited for her to compose herself. When she did, I clicked the button, activating the video capture. Immediately, she stuck her hand down her panties, rubbing her self lightly. “Oooh, RJ. Yeah, that feels so good.”

I turned off the camera. “Stop. This isn’t going to be some 5 minute production, and it isn’t at all about your own pleasure. Have you ever seen a cam model before?” She nodded. A little surprised by that, I continued, “Good. Tonight, you’re going to be my little cam model. Pretend it’s your boyfriend watching this. Just remember it’s not his name you’re moaning when you cum.”

Similar to yesterday, flipping the camera back on also seemed to flip a switch in Rachel. When properly motivated, she was remarkably well versed in teasing men. I knew I was still forcing her into it, so likely not getting the full benefit of her charms, but I imagined that, when she was acting as a willing partner, she was quite wild in bed.

Smiling brightly into the camera, she stood up on her knees, placing her hands on top of her firm breasts. She pressed them together, jiggling them slightly before cupping each of them with a strong squeeze. “Mmm, yeah, you like my big tits, don’t you, RJ?” Her hands trailed lower, and she glanced down when they reached her panty line. Looking back into the camera, she bit her lip as she hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her underwear. She slowly pulled them down then, giggling, released them, leaving her pussy still covered. She giggled and placed the crook of one index finger in her mouth. Yes, this girl certainly had a healthy future in porn if she wanted it.

“Are you a breast girl, RJ?” she spun on her knees, her ass now facing the camera. “Or are you an ass girl?” Her left hand supporting herself against the bed, she brought her right hand down sharply against her ass cheek. She slapped herself twice more, her right ass cheek flushed red. “I bet you want to leave your handprints all over my juicy ass, don’t you?” She switched hands, her right hand holding her up while she spanked herself with her left now. “Yeah, is that what you want?” She spanked herself again, harder. “You like the sound of that?” Harder still. “Do you want to punish your bad little girl?” Times must have changed since I graduated high school. I hadn’t had much luck with women back then, but I had friends, and I heard stories, and none of those stories ever sounded anything like Rachel did now.

“Don’t worry,” she said, turning back around and cupping her breasts. “I can be a good girl for you, too. Do you like these? Uh huh, you like these tits?” She leaned forward, the camera staring down the deep ravine of her cleavage now, whispering conspiratorially into the camera. “You can tell me. It’s not a secret, I see you staring at me during class. You probably haven’t learned a thing all year in chem, have you? Always trying to get a peak down my shirt?”

She sat back up, still rubbing her hands over her breasts. She looked to her left, then her right, then back into the camera. “Now that we’re alone, I think I can tell you my secret.” She tugged at the half-cups of her bra, pulling the fabric down but leaving her clenched hands covering her nipples. “You see, I’ve never been able to tell you, but…” She leaned forward again, speaking directly into the camera like she was whispering directly into his ear, “I liked it.” She reached her arms up and slid them through the shoulder straps of her bra, leaving it clasped around her body for now. “It makes me so wet to know you’re watching me, fantasizing about me. I can’t wait to get home and touch myself.”

Reaching behind her, she unclasped her bra, letting it slide off her and land at her feet. She pressed her breasts together again, jiggling them up and down for the camera. “I go home and imagine your hands all over me.” Pinching her nipples elicited a throaty moan from her. “Oooh, RJ. Do you think about me, too? I know you want to slide your big, hard cock up in between these, don’t you? Are you hard for me right now? Mmm, I want your cock so bad. I want to wrap my big titties around your cock. Make you cum. Ahhhhhhhhh, oh yes! Do you like that? Do you like that, RJ? Huh, do you?” Her voice continued to rise, cresting in waves of pleasure, her words bleeding together as she pleasured herself. Either she was legitimately enjoying herself, or there was an Oscar in this girl’s future.

This girl was pure sexuality. My cock swelled as she played with herself, pinching her nipples into stiff buds, all while moaning my nephew’s name. “Oooh, God, RJ, I’m so wet right now. Thinking about you has got me so wet.” Sliding her hand down to her crotch, she cooed, “You want to see? Want to see how wet you’ve got me, RJ?” She leaned back in the bed against one arm, one leg out straight, dangling off the bed, the other cocked with her knee up. The only thing between her pussy and my camera now was a thin strip of lacy pink fabric. Her panties now bore a sizable wet spot; she hadn’t been lying about being wet. She ran her hand over herself, pressing the fabric in between her folds before putting her hand to her mouth and sucking lasciviously at each finger. She moaned again as she tasted herself.

Mesmerized, I unbuckled my jeans, sliding my hand down my pants to discover that my boxers bore their own wet spot. Precum leaked through them as I wrapped my hand around my swollen shaft. Seeing me slowly stroking myself inside my pants to her seemed to excite her further. She slid the crotch of her panties to one side, revealing her dripping pussy. I moaned as I watched her shove two fingers insider herself; she screamed. Laying back down against the bed, she worked her fingers in and out of herself with wet, sucking sounds. Her other hand rose to her breast, squeezing it so that her tender flesh spilled out from between her fingers before gripping the nipple in two fingers and pulling it away from her body. Her thumb rubbed her clit in tiny little circles as she continued to fingerfuck herself.

“Ooooh, yes, yes, yes, YES, YES!” Her cries grew shriller, her breathing quickened, her body flushed. Pressing her feet down against the bed, she lifted her ass up, sliding her panties down before kicking them off. They landed on the camera, lacy pink panties covering the lens. I hadn’t even noticed until she giggled and retrieved them, holding the cotton fabric to her face and inhaling deeply of their scent. Sitting back down on the bed, she rubbed her clit harder now with one hand, her other hand pistoning in and out of her slick folds. She was now using three fingers to fuck herself, screaming at the camera.

“Yes, baby. Oh, RJ. I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum so fucking hard. Are you going to cum. Cum with me. Cum with me, RJ, I’m so close. SO CLOSE!” I slid my boxers down and was now stroking myself furiously in time with her. RJ wasn’t going to cum with her, would never even see this video, but I was going to cum with her. “Ooooh, fuck yes. Just like that. Just like that, RJ. Don’t stop. Dontstopdontstopdontstop.”

Her voice came out in short squeaks as her orgasm hit her. Her back arched, her fingers remained still, buried inside her, while her other hand continued rubbing furiously at her clit. She inhaled deeply, then again. And again. Finally, her lungs full, she released a piercing, blissful scream as her pussy gushed around her fingers. Removing them, she began squirting violently, soaking the bedspread beneath her. I was still stroking my cock as she rolled around the bed in post-orgasmic ecstasy. She turned towards me, catching me masturbating furiously through glazed eyes.

“You didn’t finish?” She sounded almost hurt by it. “Please.” Waving weakly, she beckoned me towards her. “Please, let me help. Let me finish you.” I crawled onto the bed next to her. Gripping my hips, she pulled me down on top of her, wrapping her lips around my cock. Trying to support my weight with my arms so as not to choke her, I was surprised as I felt her hands gripping my ass cheeks, pulling me down farther into her. I dropped my hips, slamming several more inches of my cock into her mouth. She gagged but still met my thrust by lifting her head to meet me, fitting the last few inches of my cock in her mouth and milking me with her throat. Fortunately for her, I didn’t last long, pulling back so that I could shoot straight into her mouth rather than drown her in my cum. She smiled up at me, opening her mouth to show me the fruits of her labor. She closed her mouth and swallowed my seed with a large gulp, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out for me to see when she was done and then sucking the tip of my penis into her mouth and cleaning it lovingly with her tongue.

As we both recovered from our own powerful orgasms, I lay back on the bed next to her. She slid over, placing her head on my chest and wrapping one arm lazily around my waist. That sobered me up quickly, and I considered sliding her gently off me. With everything else I had done to her, this was far from the most offensive, but it still felt wrong. Too loving, I suppose. I knew if I allowed it to continue, I would soon succumb to my guilt over the things I had forced her to do, but…But if I allowed myself to be honest, lying here with her cuddled next to me felt pretty damn good.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she snuggled against me closer. I was just starting to doze off when she shot up in bed. “Oh my god. What are you-“ She gathered up her underwear, practically sprinting out of the room.

I followed her into the living room where she was hurriedly putting her work uniform back on. “Hey, look, I’m sor-“

“No. Don’t. Just stop. It’s late, I have to go.” I watched her as she put her shoes on, never feeling like more of a creep than I did right now. She glanced up to look at me. I couldn’t meet her eyes this time, instead pretending to straighten a painting on the wall. She snorted derisively at me as she finished tying her shoes. I stared at her as she hesitated at the front door. Not at her ass, or the swell of her breasts as she stood half turned towards me. I stared at her shoulders, slumped in defeat. She turned, leveling her gaze at me. This time, I didn’t shy away from it. Her eyes were filled with anger and…betrayal?

“I’m not your girlfriend.” I stayed rooted in place as she left, her words hanging in the air. Another door slammed, an engine turned over, and two taillights disappeared forlornly down my driveway. I had blackmailed her into blowing me, then forced her to masturbate on camera for me, but it was a hug that had crossed the line?

What the fuck was I doing?


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Debt Collection Original version

All rights reserved 2007 by Cazna Rochester & Ernest Bywater Story originally written by Cazna Rochester in 2007 with some later revisions. In late 2012 Cazna asked Ernest Bywater to revise and edit the story and transferred the copyright to him as well. July 2016 Edition Cover Art The background image is Australian banknotes ten_thousand dollars by Cimexus and used under the Creative Commons Attribution licence with it at Wikipedia. The trimming, manipulation, and adding of...

1 year ago
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Sally Settles a Debt

I screwed up. Several years ago I borrowed money from someone who turned out to be a loan shark. It was only a couple of thousand but soon the amount started multiplying rapidly. In only a matter of months I owed twice the amount I borrowed. I finally set up a meeting with him to appeal for him to be reasonable reduce the interest he was charging. It did not go well. "I'm no charity and you have to pay me back plus interest. Just like a bank," **** said. "But you aren't a bank," I protested....

Group Sex
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Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debtPart 1

Introduction: This is the first chapter of how my wife got sucked in by a mob controlled casino, and forced into being a call girl to pay off her debts. Unable to generate enough cash to satisfy the boss, they force her to bring our daughters into the act. Before I start this story, let me tell you a little bit about my family. My wifes name is Krystal, and she has a very nice body (34B-25-35). She works out at our local gym. Our sex life over the years has been quite steady, and she does a...

3 years ago
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From Debt to Pet

I awoke in the early morning, to a dorm room that wasn’t mine, a sour taste in my mouth, a pounding in my head, sore hips and a heavy, unfamiliar weight across my torso. Glancing down at my chest I noted that said weight was attached to an arm. A very large, very muscular, arm. I turned my head to the right and was met with the back of someone’s head. Close cropped dirty-blonde hair did not give me much to go on. I tried to see if there were any distinguishing marks that would give clue as to...

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Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debtPart 1

The past six month’s things have not been going very well in our household. Our sex life has been poor. Krystal seems distant, and disinterested in sex. There is a feeling that something is wrong. Nobody seems to talk with each other, we seem as strangers in our own house. I have been really busy with work the past year, our company has put in some new products, and I am the main salesman for the Midwest region. I am also a computer geek. I got some state of the art web cams, and a...

4 years ago
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Paying off his debt

One of the best and worst nights of my life has just happened. It should have been a good night. It then escalated into a terrifying ordeal and ended up sexually fantastic. Here’s the gist of what occurred.I was just out of the shower and had finished drying myself. After applying a copious amount of body moisturiser, I started on doing my hair and make up.My phone rang in the middle of me applying my mascara. I picked the phone up and Tony spoke.“Hi sexy! Are you all ready for me yet?”“I’m...

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Rachels Reward

“On behalf of my wife and myself…” It was a traditional opening gambit for a groom’s wedding speech and it caused everyone, Rachel included, to laugh and applaud. Reece could carry off even the corniest of lines with grace and charm. “I’d like to thank you all for being here to celebrate our special day,” he said, concluding the sentiment and drawing out another appreciative murmur. American and Brit guests alike were loving him, especially the female ones. His dark tuxedo was tailored to...

4 years ago
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The farmers daughter pays his debt

Within a month of loosing her mother, she was taking her place in her father's bed. Her father was a hard working man and very strict with his family. He was also a very horny man. He had fucked his wife or had her suck him off almost every night and sometimes also in the morning before she got up to make breakfast so he could go out for a hard day's work on the farm. Now it was Tabby that had to satisfy his sexual desires. Her mother had been on birth control pills so her father just...

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the Drug debt

The d**g PaymentMichelle had been partying to hard of recent months, like a fool she had gone out a few months ago with her mates. It was in one of the numerous party bars that she met up with her daughter and son in law.It was pretty obvious her daughter Kate was off her tits on the gear (Cocaine), at first Michelle was pissed off, but Daz the son in law calmed her down and moving mother away from daughter Daz convinced Shell to give it ago.Ten minutes later like daughter Kate, shell was...

4 years ago
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink.  Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...

2 years ago
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Rachels little secret 01

"Cousin Matt! In my house! Right now! Can we stay here? Please? Oh please, oh please!" It was that pathetic plea that had Rachel offering Mark the couch in the den. He hadn't slept over since they were little, so that was one of the few places there was for him to sleep. Sleepovers weren't really necessary when the two lived so close together, but he had been known to doze off on the couch in the living room from time to time. She received a message from Drake about the Annual...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 24 Ericas Promotion

ERICA'S PROMOTION Laura didn't really know what to do with herself once Amy had gone. She wasn't allowed to get dressed, and she couldn't watch TV. She thought about using her computer, but then remembered she would be naked and that her neighbour Ranjit could now see into her office from his backyard. The lounge room was the only room in the house screened from the outdoors, so Laura decided to sit there. At first, entirely without thinking, Laura sat on one of the regular,...

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The Debt


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Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debtPart 3

FROM THE BEGINNING I knew about the Indian casino, but not the after hours casino run by racketeers(the same ones that the movie Godfather was made about). The Indians would sell the debt markers to the racketeers, and they would encourage the person in debt to come to their casino to win back their money. I found all about this at a later date. Krystal went to the Indian casino with her girlfriends, and she got in way over her head with her gambling. It appeared that the Indians encourage...

3 years ago
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Debt and its high price parts 17

Introduction: Please note I dont condone real rape or slavery. this is parts 1-7 for those of you that want to read it all. I am currently working on part 8 ———–Part 1————- How did I get myself into this? Jerry thinks as he sits there staring at the envelope in front of him. He hasnt opened it yet, but he knows who its from. After a while he picks it up and looks at it some more, turning it over and over in his hands. It looks just like all of the others. Plain white, regular stamp, and no...

3 years ago
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Debt Sex Debt

My name is Kathy Summer and this is my story about my life after my divorce and getting into debt and then my confession to my boss Mrs Collins. (Mrs Angela Collins and her husband Geoffrey Collins)I was in deep in debt both financially and in debt emotionally to Angela and Geoff. I need to keep my job and my boss Mrs Collins knew about my problems. She invited me to her home and together with her husband Geoff. She seduced me into having sex with Geoff her husband and then also with Angela in...

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Paying off a Debt

Paying off a Debt By: Rachael Free Richard was a down to earth husband who liked to dress up with his wife now and then for some fun. He is surprised one night and transformed into a sexy slut. Trixie and Mindy find their way to happiness as they experience the seedier side of life. ....................................................................... I was preparing for a nice restful night after some pretty frisky sex when my wife, Sarah, shook me, telling me she heard...

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Rhaan Debt of Honor one

HUH! Here I am jumping ahead of the full story, wanting to start in the middle than the beginning where I should. So, let us start with two of the main figures, central to this spectacular series of sensuous events… These first two are my mother, and her friend Linda, who is a worker at the town’s great library, just like mother. Each is a contrast in their appearances. Just by looking at them, it’s dead obvious… Mom maintains a healthy, lush brown tan that sets off her fully...

1 year ago
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Damsel for Debt

Introduction: When a dishonest Norseman is unable to repay his debts, he must find other means to repay . . . Note: This is a fictional sex story based off of a character from the TV show Vikings. Please do not comment about the inaccuracy of the women, once again, it is fiction. Thanks. The land was full of violence, violent weather, violent hierarchies, and violent men. In this respect, she should not have been surprised by the way her life changed. Astrid had always known that her land was...

3 years ago
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Rachels Revenge

Rachel's Revenge "...And hurry up with that coffee, Rachel". "Yes, Mr Allcock. I closed the door, seething. That man was going to get his comeuppance one day. He treated me like a servant rather than a pretty good secretary, and he was always worse when he had meetings with other male members of staff. It was like a power thing, he could say and do as he liked, knowing I wouldn't say anything in front of his colleagues. I needed my job, and he knew it. He was just a bully. I...

4 years ago
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Birthday Debt Peak Oil Story of Sharon Fox

It was a warm evening, around 7PM. Sharon Fox was watching television with the lights off. Life was depressing. She had been jobless for six months now and had to borrow money to support herself and her 15 year old son Josh. Her son was over at someone else's house. What made her more depressed was that she was now living at the time of peak oil. Deep down she knew it just wasn't going to be bad for just her and her son, but for the entire country. She knew that many people won't have...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 18 Raping Erica

RAPING ERICA There was an email for Laura the next day, a Sunday. She read it with her tits bared for the webcam, her nipples still connected by her painful chain, the rest of her body naked. === To: Cow Udders From: You-Know-Who Your friend Michael is coming round today to check on his "investment". You have a special mission. (1) Get Michael to fuck your bitch girlfriend Erica in the cunt, unprotected, and ejaculate. (2) Erica must not consent, and you can't give her any of your...

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A Debt Paid Ch 01

This story involves some gender bending, so if you are uncomfortable with that move along, this is not your cup of tea… The following story is based on the results of a DNA reshaping nano-robotic technology designed in China for making perfect workers, soldiers and prostitutes. The mob just bought some of the prostitute nano cocktails on the black market. In short it can transform any human into a nubile sexpot, in addition to the outward body changes, there are sinister changes to the...

1 year ago
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Husband Pays off Debt with his Wife Blacken

My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little...

3 years ago
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Time To Pay Off My Debt

**********Time to pay off my bill. No matter what I had to do.******** I had let a bill I let get pretty high and I was told I needed to pay. I asked for more time, but It was long over due and needed to be addressed. I asked, "but what if I don't have the money"? I was told that, "I would figure it out". "Shit"!! "I'm in trouble"!!! Later that day, I get a knock on my door. It was him and he brought back-up, just in case. I was asked to sit down on the couch. "I don't have the money I owe...

2 years ago
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More Sex and Debt

My name is Kathy Summer and this is my story about my life after my divorce and getting into debt and then my confession to my boss Mrs Collins. (Mrs Angela Collins and her husband Geoffrey Collins)I was in deep in debt both financially and in debt emotionally to Angela and Geoff. I need to keep my job and my boss Mrs Collins knew about my problems. She invited me to her home and together with her husband Geoff. She seduced me into having sex with Geoff her husband and then also with Angela in...

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A Debt To Diana

1. The Deed. The oppressive pounding of my pulse around my head was loud against her silence. It seemed that I would die for what I had done, yet what I had done was right and my determination more than matched my fear. Apart from those all too few moments with my love I had never felt so alive even when death looked certain to make my untimely acquaintance. Coldly, slowly and with deliberate hushed tones she began the rhetorical inquisition. "I can see it was you that let her go" she...

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Looming debt

Alex Young had always thought of himself as nothing short of exceptional, believing, for no reason in particular, that he was better in every regard than the average man. By his mid 20s he had always envisioned himself living in a mansion, married to some smoking hot super model or European tennis player with millions in the bank from professional gaming or perhaps investing in stoke. Instead, at 24 years old, he is living alone in a shitty apartment, unemployed and 383,042$ in debt. The debt...

Mind Control
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My Debt To Society

My Debt To Society By Katharine Sexkitten "Defendant will rise!" I stood up. My court-appointed lawyer rose with me. I didn't actually know his name. The Judge looked at me sternly, over top of the rims of his glasses. "Young man," he snarled, "this is the second time you've appeared in this court, much to my consternation." I thought, oh boy, this can't be good. "A third time will result in a sentence of considerable penalty, in a federal penitentiary. Do you...

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Rachels Revenge

Rachel’s Revenge ‘…And hurry up with that coffee, Rachel’. ‘Yes, Mr Allcock. I closed the door, seething. That man was going to get his comeuppance one day. He treated me like a servant rather than a pretty good secretary, and he was always worse when he had meetings with other male members of staff. It was like a power thing, he could say and do as he liked, knowing I wouldn’t say anything in front of his colleagues. I needed my job, and he knew it. He was just a bully. I made the...

2 years ago
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Rachels Ravishment Pt III

I’m not sure if days of the week have the ability to be sentient but I’m convinced Thursday is plotting against me. Thursday is in cahoots with its cousins, Tuesday and Wednesday, to extend every one of their minutes to an hour, their hours to days, days to weeks. By the time my digital clock ticked over to 12.00 am I could feel Thursday laughing at me, the little red dots calmly blinking the seconds at me, mocking me with the fact that it may be the day I was desperately waiting for but there...

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Repaying a debt with interest

Recently, I was contracted to install the electrics in a house being renovated by this woman. I was about half way through the installation and she came to me one day and explained she was having a few problems with some money that she was expecting. “There could be a bit of a delay in my next progress payment which was due at the end of the month. I could pay about half on time and the rest should be available by the time the next monthly payment was due. “ I had doubts about this woman a...

Straight Sex
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

I had been acquainted with Danielle through an ex girlfriend of mine for 3 years, but we were never close friends, but kept in touch and occasionally got together when she visited Los Angeles. She is extremely wealthy after inheriting over a billion dollars of family assets. Danielle is 31, dark haired and very curvy with beautiful facial features, a stunning ass and large natural breasts. Danielle is also a lesbian with multiple lovers whom she flies down to visit her or employs on her...

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Taking Lizs Pussy for a Drug Debt

I had been looking for him for a few weeks and finally caught him at his girlfriend's place one night. They ordered a pizza and the guy at the pizza place was one of my customers who knew I was looking for him and tipped me off that night in return for an ounce of weed. He called me after they ordered and told me her address. I figured I had some time to get Ed and Jimmy and get the drop on them. We rolled up to her place and staked it out. Liz lived alone in a small apartment complex...

3 years ago
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Debt and its high price part 3 A walk down memory lane

"You and I have a few things to discuss, but for now I'm tired and need my rest. I'll see you in the morning." He walked to the stairs and paused for a minute. "And Jerry," He waited till Jerry looked his way. "You should have thought about the consequences before you made that mistake." ---------- Jerry was taken to a room on the other end of Kalona's massive dungeon. Unlike Kali's room Jerry had nothing but a bare matress in a rather cramped room. His escort...

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Paying Your Debt

A stupid SUV comes sliding by and spraying my car in water so bad I can't see for a second and my heart is racing by the time I see the car in front of me. I slide into the bumper and it appears neither car is damaged but I sit there as they sit there. Guess I will get out of the car. I take off my silk jacket to try to save it from the storm and reach for my umbrella behind me. It is dangerous to get out in this weather and I have second thoughts and throw the umbrella in the back seat...

4 years ago
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Leah Pays Her Debt extreme

Leah grunted with each thrust as this unknown assailant slammed his dick into her ass to the hilt each time. With her hands shackled behind her back she could not brace herself and her breasts rubbed across the hood of the car she was bent over with each thrust. Dawn was just breaking, and Leah was now thankful for the leather hood that hid her identity. She thought of her beautiful hair that was gone, again felt the pain in her nipples from the chain holding those sensitive buds tightly, and...

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Wife Pays Debt Blacken

My name is Tommy and I'm 41. My wife Christine is 42. I think it would be best if I describe us first. I'm 6'2"; short brown hair; clean shaven and in good shape minus a bit of a belly. Christine is 5'8"; long brown hair; hazel eyes; 36c; great shape even after a few pounds and two k**s. She has always need extremely shy and conservative.Well I have been taking some photography classes so that I could make change in my life. Wife was impressed with my photos even though some could be a little...

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Muslim clears husband off debt

Hafsah had noticed that Osman, her husband was acting in a peculiar manner. Although she did not feel sexually attracted to him anymore she still was worried about him. Osman would spend time looking at his phone in anguish and he would be constantly peeking out of the windows of his house. Hafsah asked Osman 'What is the matter Osman I always see you constantly worrying?' Osman responded and said 'Nothing is the matter is there not anything you can do?' Osman was frustrated by Hafsah's...

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Wifes third and fourth debt repayments

It seems ages since I submitted my last story, but we have been very busy of late. Kelly and I have our own business, and it takes us into Europe fairly regularly. We are just back from a spell in Berlin and Milan. In the present economic climate we are happy to be kept busy. It wasn't all work though. Kelly added two more gang-bangs to her extensive collection. A German four-cock session, and an Italian/Arab six-cock party on the beach! I will tell you all about them in the future, but now...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My Debt Solving

I have a problem. Like almost every girl, I love to shop. I mainly shop for shoes, skirts, bags, especially hot lingerie, but I won't bore you with the details. I'm 20 years of age and live alone in a rented flat. I'm a student and I work part time as a waitress. At work I have to wear a short black skirt, and a white shirt, which with my 34DD boobs, they really fill up the shirt making my bra noticeable when wearing one. I have long brown hair, green eyes and full rosy lips with pale,...

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Collecting the Debt

;dh;wdf;ja; Collecting the debt?? Part One Stephanie Zarich sucked in hard as she lit another cigarette. Her passenger Julie Fleming instinctively wound down the window of the Lincoln convertible and breathed in the fresh though breezy air from outside.? Sorry Hun but cant do without my ciggies?.Stephanie Zarich was now getting slightly concerned. They had been driving for miles without seeing any signs for there intended destination Hobbs, New Mexico.?Can you check the map again...

4 years ago
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Paying My Debt

Tonight the boys are coming over, it's our weekly poker game tonight, and I've been on a unlucky streak the past two weeks, so I'm looking forward to turning it around tonight. I've got to get even with them for what happened last week and the week before. The first week was horrible, no matter how good my hand was, someone always had a better one. Hell, I even thought I had a high stakes hand, until my bud Joe laid out his royal flush, I was crushed. On that hand, that key hand, I had run...

2 years ago
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Mum Helps Son Get Out of Debt

Early one Friday morning when I was sitting down having my breakfast I heard my mail come through my front door, so I got up and went to pick the post up, and there in my hand was what I had been dreading, my bank statement. I opened it up to see what I already knew, I was again over my overdraft, this time by £300, how am I ever going to get out of this bloody mess that I myself had gotten into? So here I am a single bloke of what 35, nearly 36 living in my own place, never been married,...

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Paying a Debt

Dave and Seth had been friends since high school - doing everything together, including dating and eventually marrying within weeks of each other. Dave married Anne, and Seth married Kelly. All four had attended school together. They purchased houses in the same street, and the two couples were frequent visitors at each other’s homes. Things went along beautifully for the first five years of their marriages. At the age of 25, Anne left Dave ... for another woman. Dave was devastated and...

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Gretchens Debt

Gretchen had just finished her shift when the page came in on her PDA. God if her husband had seen that! O my god and sometimes he looked at her PDA when she was in the shower. She made up her mind she'd have to say something to her gorgeous young black stud. These types of messages were dangerous. He had become very lax about the whole thing as if he wanted her husband Roger to to find out. Gretchen noticed the deeper she got in debt to him the bolder he got about contacting her whenever he...

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Rachels Debt Chapter 3 The Past and the Pain0

Re-watching her as she brought herself to a thunderous orgasm that had left my bed soaked was enough to keep my lust from boiling over. Barely. It remained simmering at a high level, no matter how many times I brought myself off watching her gorgeous pink lips wrapped around my cock, her hair pooling on my thighs as she bobbed her head up and down vigorously in my lap. Of course, my near-perpetual state of arousal made it hard to keep my fingers from dialing her number, but I was currently...

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