Debt To Be Paid free porn video

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Debt to Pay
When I was a young person, I learned the true cost of falling into debt with the wrong people. At the time, I worked for my father and we weren’t best of friends. I wanted to show him that I was capable of looking after myself but soon after moving into my new flat, I fell into debt. It was only £500, next to nothing nowadays but a lot in the 1980s. At the shop where my father placed me, I worked with Brian, a jovial, eloquent man, aged in his 60s. Brian had a ‘past’ and was the butt of jokes among his fellow employees, particularly my father, who ridiculed him constantly. Brian had been imprisoned in the 1960s for a homosexual act at a time when homosexuality was outlawed. After his release, Brian found a way back into employment but his past never left him.
I liked Brian. He always seemed kind and caring to me. One day he detected that I was in a sombre mood and in the storeroom, below street level, he caught up with me just as I headed off for lunch. I confessed to him that a debt was hanging over me but out of pride, I wouldn’t ask dad to help me out. Brian suggested a few alternatives but none seemed feasible so flippantly, he said that I could always be a rent boy. I laughed, though in those days I didn’t know what that was.
Several weeks later, I had missed payments and bailiffs were threatened. I knew that my father would destroy me if this leaked out. My mood grew evermore darker. Brian approached me again and this time I told him that my plight was dire. He suggested that for a payment of interest of 10% per month, he could pay off the loan and I pay him when I could. I snapped his hand off even though I realised I was still living beyond my means and really, moving back home was the only option. After several months, I had to face up to Brian and tell him that I could not afford payments of any kind. By now, the debt was over £600.
Brian suggested extra work but the time was one of austerity and I was lucky even to have a fulltime job let alone a secondary one. Brian said to leave the problem with him and he would work on a solution. I was desperate and he detected this but I was confident that Brian always sorted my problems. Several days later, he returned to me and said that he had exhausted every option and none seemed suitable. He said that he would have to tell my father, who would make deductions from my wages every week. This caused me a bigger problem because not only would father be indebted to Brian, someone he loathed, but that my cost of living would simply get less affordable after deductions. ‘There is one thing I have in mind,’ suggested Brian, ‘but it is not something you will entertain.’
Anything, I foolishly replied. Brian advised that every Sunday afternoon, he and two friends, Malcolm and Steven, held a party at his flat. He was blunt and said that the other two, although married, enjoyed ‘swinging to the other side,’ as he put it. In other words, it was a gay sex party. Brian played it down, stating that they only had a few drinks, watched a video, read a few dirty mags etc. and that I would be the host, serving drinks and running to and from the shops. I rejected the offer out of hand. The next morning, Brian was on the phone to my father and I heard him say that he had a delicate matter to discuss concerning me. I was furious but when I confronted Brian, he said that I had two choices. Take the offer of being a host or accept my father’s wrath. I had no alternative and accepted the job. The following day, Saturday, my Father came to the shop and mocked Brian for his queerness. He did it in front of other staff and they all laughed. Brian looked at me and his expression was enough for my smile to disappear. As I went to leave that night, Brian told me the time of the party and reassured me that there was nothing untoward.
When I got to Brian’s flat, I was surprised how modern and comfortable it was. Tables and chairs were laid out in front of the TV and underneath was a video recorder and selection of gay porn tapes. Brian closed the blinds and the room slipped into near darkness. Somehow, I preferred it this way. He reeled off my list of tasks: serve nibbles to his friends, make beverages, serve beer and spirits, wash the dishes. Ok, I thought, not too difficult.
Just before the two friends arrived, I had filled the bowls with crisps and nuts and set the video. Beers were at the ready. Brian then drew me into his bedroom. He pointed to a pair of see through black briefs. I will never forget how horrified I felt when I saw them. He advised that it was a requirement to wear these and only these, during the party. Despite my pleas, Brian insisted. So I complied. I recall looking in the mirror at my young fit body, clad only in these skimpy briefs. The doorbell rang and Brian entered. He just about pushed me into the lounge where his two friends were standing.
Malcom was late 50s, quite handsome and had a beard. Steven was very overweight, wore spectacles and had a bushy moustache. When I entered, both cheered and came over to me, extending their hands. Brian introduced me and then told me to get the drinks. Oddly, I felt comfortable after a while. Brian and his friends seemed to ignore me as they chatted and snacked and drank. Then at about 2pm, the first video came on. I laugh now but it was really fuzzy and the colours were a bright hew. It was a US gay porn video where a guy was being strung up and used by another two moustached guys. I tried not to watch as I served food and drinks but could not help the odd glance. By now, all of the party had drunk a few beers and were in high spirits.
When the first video had finished, Brian took me into his bedroom and said that he would pay me £10 per week for my work and some of the guys might tip me. This wasn’t great. £10 was ok money for the time but with the debt accumulating £50 interest per month, I wouldn’t even be making the interest payments. He had a solution: sex. He said that for a hand jobs I could charge them £5 per party. Oral would be double. Nothing else was suggested. I instantly refused but Brian smiled and said, ‘Think about it’.
The following week, I attended the party and the same ritual played out though this time Brian presented me with my debt balance, £620 including monthly interest of £50! Despite my protests, he insisted that the solution was in my hands. I donned the see through briefs as before and served Brian and his friend with the snacks and drinks. Malcolm asked if I would take a break and sit between him and Steve. Brian nodded his approval. As I placed the bowl of nuts down, I felt a hand caress my arse cheeks. I sat and the touch was almost dismissed as the two guys concentrated on the porn film. I didn’t know where to look but after a while, as you do, your attention draws to the TV.
At one point, I saw Steven signal to Brian that I had a very visible erection in my briefs. Malcolm then placed his arm on the sofa back, behind my head. Occasionally, I felt his fingers touch my neck but it could have been accidental. Nevertheless, I admit to feeling slightly aroused. I then saw him glancing at me. His hand wandered down to my thigh. ‘Is that OK,’ he asked, very calmly, while looking at the TV. I did not reply, so he continued. ‘You are very pretty, you know that,’ he said and he asked me if I had a girlfriend but I did not. He seemed to inhale with great satisfaction at this. ‘We are married, me and Steven. We are not gay even though we watch this and like a bit of cock.’ I struggled to understand but somehow this comforted me.
Malcolm then placed his fingers inside the waistband of my briefs. I admit it felt good, almost ticklish. He moved his hand back and forth, constantly asking if I was OK. The hand went down and he held my balls quite tightly. I saw Steven looking intensely and Brian eager for me to relax and succumb. With that, Malcolm leaned forward and placed £10 under my waistband. ‘Don’t expect that much every week,’ he said, laughing. He then opened the fly of his trousers and out slid his reasonable sized cock. He gripped my hand and pulled it onto his erection. I don’t know how I did it but even though I felt revulsion, I started to masturbate him. The video was turned off. Both Brian and Steven watched me closely. Both threw £10 notes onto the floor at my bare feet. £30, I thought, plus the £10 host fee. That was £40 every week, so every month I would earn £160 and by the half year my debt was done.
Having rationalised my situation I continued to tug Malcom who removed his trousers fully. All the while I was pulling him I could feel Steven reassuring me. ‘Don’t worry, it doesn’t make you gay. We are both married.’ He then started stroking my arse cheeks. I turned onto my side to get more leverage and Steven, pulled my briefs down and stroked me between the cheeks. There, he left it, just as Malcom ejaculated. No sooner had he finished when Steven beckoned. His cock was small but nicely shaped, like a banana. He came very soon after I started. Brian stood over me at the time and just wanked off. As Steven started cumming, Brian did too and his sperm landed on my shoulders and chest.
I remember feeling very physically and mentally dirty but the guys allowed me to wash myself in the bathroom. To be fair they seemed very considerate, almost apologetic to me when I returned. None of them were interested in the porn anymore and took off early.
The next few weeks followed the same formulae: serve drinks, wank off the guests etc. I seemed to cruise by, earning my money and paying my debt. After three months, it almost became routine and…well a bit boring. Then Brian dropped a bombshell. I had paid £500 of debt which with interest left about £150 left and that meant one more month and I was gone. ‘The guys have been very generous but aren’t paying £10 for a hand job when they can get one for £5,’ he announced.
Suddenly the debt stretched out and I was left with another three month’s work. Brian suggested that oral would get me the tenner per time. I refused but fate dealt me yet another cruel blow. I had a fire and lost my cooker and washer. Replacement cost me a further £500. Brian loaned me the money and suddenly my debt stretched to over £650. At a fiver per hand job every week, I was barely paying off the interest again. On top of this, Brian said that Malcom and Steven were getting bored and might not wish me to host them anymore.
At the next party I knew what was expected. I sat next to Malcolm and Steven on the sofa after they’d watched a few pornos. They didn’t really speak to me this time. Malcom made his usual move with an arm around the sofa and removed his penis for a tug. He seemed bored and concentrated on the film. Even randy old Steven had his arms crossed. Without saying anything, I pushed my tongue against Malcom’s cock. He shifted straight away and I felt Steven sitting upright and being attentive. Slowly I licked the cock with the tip of my tongue and then opened my mouth to encircle it without any part of my lips or mouth touching. Malcom pressed down on my neck and there you are. My mouth wrapped around his cock. I was delivering my first gay oral.
I felt Steven move behind me and pull me to the floor between Malcolm’s legs while Malcolm continued to pin my head onto his cock. He then started thrusting. Steven took a position behind me. His fingers pulled down on my briefs and I felt his thumb circle my anus. Round and around it went, sending shivers through my body. Suddenly, Malcom started bucking and thrusting. He growled loudly and I felt a thick stream of sperm shoot into my mouth and down my throat. Having finished Malcom I looked up and saw Brian wanking straight into my face. I took his cock too and sucked it. At the last minute, he withdrew and came on my face and neck. I felt his juices slide down my skin and onto my chest. By contrast, Steven was not as interested in oral. He started to kiss me. I had never ever kissed a man before. Steven rammed his tongue into my mouth. I felt his facial hair coarsely rub against me skin. I really felt sick at this, more than the oral I had just given but Steven persisted. He just wanted me to wank him off again, which I did.
Normally, the guys would let me shower but on this occasion they wanted me to remove my briefs and continue serving drinks. Every time I came into the lounge they were excited, fondled and kissed my body. It was a strange feeling to be so desired. I’d never felt that even with a woman. And I guess, I liked the adoration.
Over the next month, a similar pattern followed whereby Brian told me that wanking and oral was not satisfying Malcolm and Steven as much but thankfully, he did not suggest an alternative. One Sunday, I left Brian’s bedroom to see the usual guests and another slimy guy called Martin. All night long, Martin leered at me and he was not as courteous as the others. He was just a grunting pig. Brian called me into his bedroom. He suggested that Martin was wealthy and would pay off my debt if I offered my arse. I refused again and went about my work. This time, none of the guests appeared interested in hand relief or oral. They just drank and laughed. So, I started drinking quite heavily. After about three hours of porn, we were all pissed. Brian turned on the lights and I sat between him and Martin. Martin suggested that I sit on his knee and he waved a £10 note as reward. I accepted having removed my briefs. Martin played with me, stroking my cock and balls. I admit that I had an erection and this sent him a bit crazy. He started wanking me! After a while, he said his hand hurt so he pulled me into his lap so that I had my back to him and my arse cheeks sank onto his thighs.
Malcom and Steven came over to watch us and had a bottle of Bells whisky. They opened my mouth and poured copious quantities inside. By now, I was very relaxed. I felt Martin lift me up on the pretext that I had cramped his legs but when he lowered me, his cock was at my entrance. I resisted but Brian then grabbed my jaw and said, ‘Look at me.’ I did. He said, ‘Look, taking it in the arse is nothing compared to what you’ve done. You’ve been wanking and sucking us all off for weeks. Just relax and let it happen.’
As Brian spoke, Martin had ground his fingers into my arse, daubed with lube. He then circled my ring. I stood up but my legs were weak. Steven, who was now fully naked, held me up and I buried my head in his chest. ‘I know it’s your first time but trust me, we will be gentle and you’ll enjoy it. You will. Come on, we have seen you change. You want daddy cock now don’t you?’
I don’t know why but I started sobbing. Steven held me tightly and Brian rubbed my back as did Malcom, all the time reassuring me. Martin just said, ‘Is he ready?’ Steven nodded and slowly lowered me onto Martin’s erect cock. ‘Move around like a corkscrew,’ they said and this screwing movement helped the cock break the entrance to my hole. ‘Now squeeze out as if you’re going to shit and then release the tension. On release, Martin pushed up and Malcolm pushed me down. The cock entered by about an inch but it felt much deeper. Over and again, the same advice came until something gave and I was fully impaled.
I remember looking up at the other guys. Martin did not really do much but made tiny thrusts. Malcom threw some money down and next thing I remember is his cock against my lips. I sucked, as I should. Steven and Brian then started lifting me up and down on Martin’s cock. He sensed the thrill and thrust up every time I was pushed down. He eventually gave in and with a roar, shot his load into my virgin ass.
Martin was very careful to pull out. The pain was unbearable but all the while, Steven reassured me and calmed me. I thought that this was it but he turned me around on the sofa and Malcom took up positon. The second cock was just as hard getting in but once inside, Malcom rode me without mercy. ‘Tell me you want daddy’s cock,’ he kept asking. Then, ‘You want me to cum?’ When I said yes, he duly did. I heard the slapping sound of his balls hitting my ass and then he thrust so hard that my head struck the wall behind the sofa. I spun over onto my back, not realising that this was the perfect position for Steven. He grabbed my legs pulled them high. He pulled my ass towards his cock and without pause, he was inside. His thrusts did not last long and then he spurted inside. Brian then wanked his load over my face, as he was always prone to do.
At the end of this last evening, when the guests had left, I recall crawling around, collecting the money from the floor. It was not enough to pay the debt but drunkenly I reminded Brian of his earlier promise.
‘I don’t know about that,’ said Brian.
‘Fuck you,’ I said. ‘I will not come back then.’
‘That won’t happen,’ said Brian, confidently and he invited me to look at the photos lined on his mantle. I had not seen them all day, so was surprised that they stood out. And then, I saw that they were of me sucking Malcolm’s cock from weeks gone by. They were grainy but it wasn’t difficult to make me out.
‘You father would die if he saw his son like this,’ Brian threatened. I begged Brian to let me go and release the debt. Moving home now seemed a better option. But no. He insisted that paid or not, I return to the party every week. The emotion was too high. I clenched my fists and wanted to strike Brian but he unexpectedly held me tightly. ‘I love you,’ he said out of the blue. ‘I always have.’ He pulled my head onto his shoulder and I felt him running his hands down my spine and over my ass cheeks. ‘I cannot just let you go. And in any event, like it or not, you are gay now.’
‘No,’ I screamed. But I knew the truth. I had wanked, sucked and now been buggered for money. I was not just gay but potentially, a rent boy. Brian held me closer and stroked me lovingly. He felt my cock rise as I surrendered to him and my fate. He started rubbing it furiously until after several minutes, cum spurt out over his hand. For several minutes, he hugged me and then Brian led me to his room. I recall laying on his bed, my head spinning from alcohol and the happenings that day. He got under the duvet and threw it over me. With my back turned, he hugged and petted me. He was tender and loving.
Brian moved his fingers to my sore arse. He had already lubed them. I pleaded that I was sore but he persisted. First one, then two and three fingers. He repeatedly opened me up and released me. I then felt the tip of his cock against my opening. It slipped in so easily that I was shocked but in this spooning position, I was really aroused. I opened my legs and Brian positioned himself between them, hauling back on my raised leg to close my anus onto his cock. He hardly thrusted, just let it sit in there. Constantly, Brian kissed and caressed my neck. I looked over my shoulder straight into his fiery eyes, filled with wild passion. He kissed me on the mouth and then he wrapped his broad arm around my neck and pulled me in. The fucking started properly now. In and out he thrust, sometimes fully removing his cock and punching it back in. The pain mixed with pleasure. Brian then whisked me onto my belly, positioned still between my legs. He pushed down and starting thrusting again, pinching the flesh around my neck to bruise me. His arm slipped under my chest and he hauled me up onto all fours.
Brian took position behind me and started to doggie me. Every thrust seemed to punch my ‘spot’ until cum started involuntarily leaking from my cock. Then the rapidity. Brian grasped my hips and performed his last thrusts, sending his spout of cum deep into my anus. We then subsided into the bed. I slept, waking up naked on Monday morning, covered in cum with Brian wanking me from behind. ‘We should move. Don’t want to be late for work,’ he said.
From that day on I was Brian’s lover. Occasionally, the parties would convene and I would perform but the nights with Brian alone were special. He filled me so full of his cum that I could fill a bucket. I also dated girls, which he did not like, and let it be known that his needs always came first. I think, I repaid my debt many times. Brian passed away in 1984. I miss him still.

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A debt repaid

A week later, I was at a card game trying to make up for the hole I was in and was down $2,500 to Rocco; things were not going my way. The door opened, “You mother fucker!” I knew I was dead; Angie looked ready to kill me on the spot. Rocco talked to her a little bit, two guys grabbed me and brought me into the bathroom. I pleaded with them. Angie told me, “You have until the end of the week to get me my $7,500, you have until the end of next week to get Rocco the $2,500 and your going to...

4 years ago
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Favour More Than Repaid

My name is Kate, and I am 28 years old, with blonde curly hair reaching halfway down my back. Tall, with long shapely legs, and a well defined body.I would like to relate to you about a session that I recently indulged in last week with Paula.Paula is just slightly shorter than me with dark hair in a ponytail, and has just turned 19, with a high flying job in the city. She has a big house, and lives there all by herself, and has converted one of the rooms into a play area, and sometimes invites...

3 years ago
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A Kindness Repaid

Maryanne sat down on the sofa in shock. “Let me get this straight. You actually want me to let Todd fuck me?” Her husband, Don, nodded without a smile and said, “Yeah, I do. He is our best friend and has been doing without sex ever since Margot left him. He’s in bad shape.” “I know. I’ve seen him with his hang dog looks. But why would you want me to do this? Why doesn’t he go to a bar and pick up a slut or call up an escort agency?” Don sat...

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Lesleys ReturnChapter 6 Treachery Repaid

Tony arrived back at Jill's flat late that evening to find that Jill was in bed. She was surprised and delighted to see him. As they lay side by side in bed Frank told her what he had found and his subsequent meeting with Katie. He told Jill exactly what Katie had told him. He told Jill that he planned to consult a Solicitor to determine what his rights were over Peter. The fact that he was not his own flesh and blood did not bother Frank. As far as he was concerned Peter was still his son...

1 year ago
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Getting paid

My name Is Steve and I am a college student studying accounting. I’m 5 ft. 11 inches and well toned body {I gym a lot} but what I really had going on for me is that a 4.00 student. I never really thought much of it until a course mate came to me for help. Thus starts the beginning of a most incredible year in school. This is the story. I hope you like it. *** *** *** Linda is not just your average pretty girl. She’s stunning. Always with a smile on her face, a charming personality and a...

2 years ago
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Sues new story A Golf Bet Paid

It was a beautiful April morning in sunny central Florida, so I decided to take a break from work,and play 18 holes of golf. I went over to Disney’s Palm Golf course, and tried to get in to a foursome with some tourists. I was in luck, we started playing, and I struck up a conversation with one of the guys, his name was Craig. As we were playing, the competition between Craig and I was becoming very close. As we approached the last hole our scores were even. Throughout the day, Craig and I were...

1 year ago
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Getting paid

My name Is Steve and I am a college student studying accounting. I’m 5 ft. 11 inches and well toned body {I gym a lot} but what I really had going on for me is that a 4.00 student. I never really thought much of it until a course mate came to me for help. Thus starts the beginning of a most incredible year in school. This is the story. I hope you like it. * *** * Linda is not just your average pretty girl. She’s stunning. Always with a smile on her face, a charming personality and a...

Straight Sex
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Chance EncounterChapter 3 A Price Must Be Paid

Paul buzzed Marge. "Marge, come in for a minute, please," Paul spoke into the speaker. Marge Bates had been Paul's secretary for over a dozen years. When Paul ascended to top management, he brought Marge with him. They were a likely pair. She was a prim-and-proper type, about the same age as Paul. Marge was quiet and correct at all times. She was tall, neither slender nor stocky. Her usual manner of dress at work was a pleated, plaid skirt with a coordinating blazer. Sometimes, she wore...

1 year ago
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The Girls ClubChapter 15 The Penalty is paid

Sarah turned to her Mother at Breakfast. A smug but determined, almost stubborn look on her face. "Mummy, I have something I have to tell you, which I am afraid that you may not like." 'Her Mother looked at her anxiously. "Is it about Tony?" She asked. "Yes. I'm leaving him. I'm going to live with my friend Anne-Marie, and Sue is going to live with Tony as his wife, instead of me." Is that right Sue?" Her Mother asked. Sue just nodded, looking embarrassed. " Yes I love...

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Bedtime Stories Goldfish

Molly had been to the zoo many times before. She loved looking at all the animals and had a blast when she could come here with her mom and dad. She always liked to point out all that she knew about the different creatures that lived in such a wonderful place. Every time she had come to the zoo would be a time that she would look forward to and then she would talk about it for days after. Here was the one place she was always excited to come to. But today was different. With so many things...

2 years ago
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Jane Part 2

It's been a while thanks to Covid 19 but Jane and I have been in constant contact by telephone over the months and I am glad to say she still wants me in her life. I saw her from a short distance without her knowledge a month of so ago and the lockdown restrictions had changed her only a little; her auburn bob had lengthened somewhat down to collar-length and she now had a small paunch. She looked totally eatable but there was a problem - Bill had died!He passed in his care home during the...

1 year ago
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Those baby blue eyes

‘Half an hour until close!..’ the bartender said aloud to the few remaining folks in the dim lit bar, his voice loud and powerful almost seeming to bounce off the walls of the quiet bar. The bartender wiped the sweat from his brow before finishing polishing his glass, the large man looked at me giving me a slight warning glare. He knew I could be trouble just by looking at me, 6’3 224lbs. My long hair giving the impression that I was some sort of bad boy looking to get into a fight with some...

2 years ago
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Nick High SchoolChapter 24

Wendy and Mika both stopped by their rooms to drop off their bags. Wendy took the time to call her parents to let them know that she was back at the dorm. She also told them that a few other kids were back early, as well. After I left them, I took my bags back up to my room. When I got everything back in place, I called Sam to see if she could bring over some pot. She told me that she and Janice would drive over. But before she hung up, she asked if I needed anything else. I told her that the...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Christie Stevens Giving That Sexy MILF Christie Stevens A Wet Pussy

Voluptuous blonde MILF Christie Stevens is looking for some cock to fuck and will do anything to get it! She loves to be a tease in her lingerie showing off her large tits and juicy ass while she dances around. She knows how to get that cock of yours rock hard! She does just that to Donnie Rock and he is ready to get his face buried in Christies wet snatch! Suck that clit and make her lust for that cock before fucking her deep. That is just what this horny MILF wants before feeling all that hot...

3 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 2 Ms Marcies Kimmies Naughty Lesson

Chapter Two: Ms. Marcie's & Kimmie's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara I clutched my harem to me as the clock struck midnight. The year ended. A new one begin. My daughters, niece, and sister were naked, smeared in my cum. I tried to love all my pregnant women before I had to repay my debt to the futa-fairy. To Leanan Sidhe. Despite the spurting futa-jizz and the gasping orgasms, dread had permeated me all day. Now a warmth billowed through me,...

2 years ago
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Working Girl 6

Working Girl 6 By Susan Brown Kindly edited by Angel O'Hare I was still sitting on the bed, half an hour later. I was in shock. I still could not believe what I said to that effing creep, Davis. I had actually batted my eyelids at him like a call girl on heat. OK, if he was a hunking male with a body to die for, a face to match and muscles in the right places, but Davis! He was the original creepy and dirty old man. Then I realised what I had just thought and I broke out into...

3 years ago
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How to suck pussy

First get her undressed, lay her on the bed and make sure that she is restring her head on a big pillow or 2 pillows or something big enough for her to see what ur doing down there without her putting any strain on her neck. run ur fingers down her body, from her neck down to her feet. now start kissing and sucking her feet, work your way up to her legs, then her thighs, ur building up the tension in her pussy and clit making u want to suck her clit hard so bad, but dont suck her pussy just...

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James Gobbles Giant Cocks

James sat on the ground and sniffled and . Garima and Nuzla and their mighty Girl Power ruled his entire world again. Once again, the girls had fully embarrassed James and put him in his place. Again, James sat in public wearing only a tiny thong panty and had given dozens of blowjobs as Garima and Nuzla laughed at him. Garima and Nuzla had made certain that James was the most embarrassed person in the history of the world. They had kept him sucking cocks non-stop, so James had sucked hundreds...

Gay Male
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Chapter 4 FemDom pt12

Baroness pushed her upper half upward, seeming in protest, but i wanted Baroness to feel every bit of my hard cock in her asshole, so i pulled her back to me as i pushed forward. Baroness briefly struggled for the words to convey her thoughts, and every time it seemed as if Baroness was about to speak, i'd give a small thrust, and Baroness would refrain from speaking. Until..."You got me white boy, turned my words against me. Normal I'd punish a bitch for such blatant disregard, and lack of...

3 years ago
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I Was a Teenage SuccubusChapter 7

Tanya was more careful after the adventure in the morning. She had to promise Shirley that she would call her later, by the weekend at the latest. Tanya realized that something had happened with Shirley and she definitely wanted to speak with her mother about it. Tanya was lost in thought on the way home and didn’t notice that William had tried to start a conversation, twice, but her one word replies killed that effort. She could still feel the bubbling desire from William, she was surprised...

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The last group fuck with my sister 9

We walked around naked, touching one another, kissing and just enjoying our bodies, with some sex to warm us up, I had set the laptop up to the tv again and got it ready for our link to Sue and the kids, the toys , poppers and strap on ready to go. I waited as long as I could, but my cock wanted Pauline's pussy and butt, so I set about opening her up for the day, I used my cock and the big vibe first up, both holes getting a good fucking, I love swapping from one to another, feeling the...

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Boy Scout Leaders

It was strange; being around all my boy scout leaders for the lasttime. These guys had practically raised me. They taught me wildernesssurvival, laughed when I did well, and yelled at me when I didn't. Thethree of them and I were in the scout hut, sitting in a circle. I was inlove with each one of them. Neil, the scoutmaster, sat to my right with his legs crossedsmiling. Neil was a short man (about 49 yrs old), but for some reason I'vealways been partial to a powerful and masculine essence...

2 years ago
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Meri Bahan Or Uski Frd 8211 Part II

Hello dosto, me ritesh Gujarat Baroda se. Mene apni do kahaniya ab tak likhi jiske muje kai reply mile. Meri Bahan or uski Frd Part 1 Mera nam Ravi hai or me punjab ka rahnewala hoon. Mere parivar me hum 4 sadasya rahte hai. Meri ma Rekha umar 42 yrs mere pitaji mandipsingh umar 45 yrs, Meribadi bahan Sakshi umar 18 yr and me Ravi umar, 20 yrs. Me kabhi bahar bhi ladkiyo ko dekhta nahi tha to ghar me buri nazar dalne ka sawal hi nahi tha hum bhai bahan ekdum miljulkar rahte the kabhi ladai bhi...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach A Boys Visit

Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit By Daphne Xu Bikini Beach and its principal characters are copyright 1998 by Elrod W. ********************** The lines at all the checkout stands were long. That was to be expected on SuperSale Day, Black Friday, the Day after Thanksgiving, and I kept fidgeting impatiently. Ahead in line was an old woman and a pretty lady who looked like she might have been a college student, or in her lower twenties. I didn't realize...

2 years ago
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Create A Wrestler Wrestling School

You type in WWW. SexWrestlingNetwork. com and enter the site. Welcome to the Sex Wrestling Network. Where you can watch old matches, watch as new wrestlers are trained by experienced coaches, or watch matches with said wrestlers as they go through tournaments and contests to get to the very top of their class before being transfer to their various leagues. The site is owned and maintain by the Linda and James Yak or better known as The Yak Yak Twins in the Oriental League where they have worked...

4 years ago
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TylerChapter 2

It wasn't bad. They had classes that would get you a high school diploma and they taught several trades. I took the classes and got my diploma from the local high school and I was learning to be a welder when my eighteenth birthday rolled around. Only one to go was the thought I gave myself as a birthday present that day. Three weeks after that birthday I passed the test for bridge certification as a welder. I had a high school diploma and a trade, but still had eleven months to go until I...

1 year ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 16 School Days

"What about us?" Megan asked. "Are we staying? I mean, school will start in a week." They were having supper, and the events of the day were weighing heavily on them. Ellen had stayed to give moral support. "Give me the address of your school. I'll send a note that your mother had a medical emergency in Europe and that your return will be delayed," Henry answered. "Mr. Jennings will go ballistic," Pat threw in. "I can already hear his rant. 'No extra tours, young ladies, just...

2 years ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 23

I was sitting at home, it was the next Saturday, trying to think of how I wanted to proceed with hiring and training two more samplers. Ellen had slacked off from her first day sales results, selling about twenty units per day for the next three days. She and I hadn't fooled around any more since that one time, although she continued bringing a change of clothing with her every day to work. She had purchased several new outfits for herself, and asked me if it would be okay to leave them in...

1 year ago
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Personal Touch

Chelby waited for the ferry on the docks of Seattle that took her across the waters to the ship yard on the far side of Puget Sound. The evening was chilly and she could tell autumn was here. The sky was clear the air crisp and the stars sparkled overhead. She leaned over the side of the ferry to gaze into the water as the ferry chopped through it, she loved the wind in her face, and the way it caused her hair to fly wildly. It had been a long time since she had taken the journeys she would...

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Gloryhole Bareback

Bareback GloryholeTrue StoryLast week I went to the nearby sex shop to suck some dicks, as usual that place is always packed with a lot of bottoms like me, so it was kind of hard to find anyone to play with. Until one dick poked through the hole, as horny as I was I wasted no time to take it in my mouth. Within seconds his white cock was hard as a rock, after a few sucking he pulled out... I was a bit disappointed but then I saw his face through the hole, "can I come over in your booth?" He...

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A Massage

I guess you could say I’m a fairly lucky girl, I have a good paying job that I love and I live in a high rise only three blocks from my job in a middle size city. As for me, I’m a five foot six inch tall red head and weigh one hundred and twenty pounds with a thirty four C chest, twenty seven years old and have not been in a relationship for almost a year, ever since I broke up with my ex boyfriend. Every day I walk past a combined massage, nails and bikini wax business that seems to be...

2 years ago
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Debbie and Marsha Dancing in Their Bikinis

Introduction: The girls let Steve tape them skiing and dancing in their bikinis and show the tape to our friends. This story is partly fiction. Debbie did have a skimpy white bikini that showed her nipples, aureoles, cunt hair and cunt when it was wet. She liked everyone looking at her when it was wet, especially when she got into the boat and brought her rope in. Debbie loved being videoed and being seen naked. About two weeks after Steve moved to town, before he had fucked her my wife,...

3 years ago
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The Accidental SpyChapter 7 Closing in for a Kill

Olga had her earphones on listening to some crap punk rock from a rising Swedish group and I was inhaling the scent of the heated Benedictine in my Espresso whilst trying to keep my eyes on two doors and the street outside the café. Fernandina's daughter Sophia was supposed to meet us here according to the message her mother left us at the hotel desk. It seemed like a safe enough place to meet despite the flustered Harold's dire warnings of Russian interests in my affairs. It was early...

2 years ago
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My Goddess makes my dream cum true

I’d been allowed another Worship Session with my Goddess. The last two sessions had been the highlight of my life, but the best was yet to cum. Worshipping Her is my life, and I still can't believe I've been so lucky as to find a Goddess so beautiful who lets me worship Her. And let me worship her in person too. I made it clear in every worship sheet, story, poem, worship video for Her that what I longed for most was for Her to deliberately make me do it in my pants openly in front of Her. In...

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