Rebel Rhyder 40 231 000
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On November 12 we reached Mount Vernon where Mrs. Washington was getting ready to travel north to join her husband for another long winter on the Hudson. Later the British came to visit while she was away. It's a fine, big house, even if a bit run down, and was built right on the river as were many of the large plantation homes in Virginia. We enjoyed a good meal, and most of Foster's company, but not the Frenchman, declined the offer of slave girls to warm their beds. Mine was a young mulatto who was mighty frisky and admired my prick shamelessly and almost endlessly. We quit ministering to it about dawn as I recall, and I slept till nearly noon.
We traveled on reasonably good roads through Fredericksburg and got to Richmond on the evening of the sixteenth. Thomas Jefferson, then the governor, managed to round up about thirty wagons for us, a lot more than we had but a lot less than we needed. He did not do as well in producing armed and equipped militiamen to join Greene's little army.
We spent about a week in that small, rude town, during which time everyone who was interested got laid at least once. Many women seemed to think that it was their patriotic duty while others saw it as a means of currying favor or pocketing gold. The widowed F-- sisters, their maiden name, took care of my needs, fully. I've searched my memory and my diaries, but I cannot recall how we met, likely at one of the many welcoming dinners or small dances. They lived together in a large house on a hill above town, both childless and youngish widows, descendants of one of those first families as they regularly informed us.
The older sister, Rebecca, was a stately and stylish woman in her mid-thirties who had already outlived two husbands and now owned scores of slaves and hundreds of acres, all being tenant farmed. I guess you would say she was "handsome" rather than beautiful, but she had a strong body and a lusty, brandy-whetted appetite. She particularly liked to do it standing before a fruitwood-framed, bevel-edged, full-length mirror, but because of the cool weather, we usually ended up on the rug near her iron stove or in her high bed under one or more of the down comforters that some down that way called mattresses. I am sure that her late husbands both died happy. It took a lot to satisfy her, but I generally found ways, given enough time, brandy, rest and red meat.
She had come to my small room the first night I was staying with them, and we found pleasure in each other almost immediately, wordlessly I believe. There was nothing shy about her demands or meager about her needs. She simply stood by my bed, smiled, let her nightdress slither down her body and puddle at her feet and then rolled in beside me.
Her younger sister, Rowena McD--, was in her late twenties, and her husband had only recently perished from dysentery, leaving her sad-eyed but quite "well fixed," as they said. She was still in her widow's "weeds" when we met and a very lovely woman she was with a fine, straight back, tiny and stay-cinched waist, yards of dark hair and high, proud breasts. She caught me coming out of her sister's room after the third or fourth time we had noisily roistered together. It was mid-afternoon, as I recall, and the hall was quite dim when she opened her door and pulled me into her sweet-smelling bedroom with its twelve-foot ceiling. I might have still been panting and sweating. I'm sure I was completely spent.
"I've been listening," she said with a smile, tossing about her mop of dark-brown curls and standing very straight, her shoulders back. It was the first time I had seen her smooth face since she generally went about heavily veiled. She had a slim nose and a full-lipped mouth. Her eyes were very direct and dark, gray-blue.
"Have you been listening? For shame," I said, admiring all the pale chest rising above her low-cut bodice after she disentangled her gray fischu and tossed it aside, inviting my eyes to enjoy themselves. Her melon-sized bubbies rose and fell in steady rhythm as we flirted. A large piece of well-cut black onyx bounced between her swelling orbs. I fingered it with interest. It was warm.
"Um. You seem to have satisfied my poor, widowed sister a time or two." She said, licking her thick lips and taking a deep breath and throwing back her shoulders to jut out toward me, her elbows well behind her, dark nipples emerging briefly.
"Yes," I said, "she appeared to be quite happy when I left her, smiling as I recall."
"Would you like to lie with me?" she asked, ducking her head and touching my shirt buttons, peeking up at me from the tops of her heavy-lashed eyes. "I've also been all alone for some time now."
"I thought you were in mourning," I said, pushing her hair back behind her black-clad shoulders, lifting her chin and looking into her dark eyes, trying to ignore her musky smell and the deep cleft in her swelling bosom which now rested against me. Our mouths almost touched before she pulled away.
"Very true, very true," she said, as her black jewel disappeared into that soft hollow, "but a man who can make my sister whimper and wail like that, well, I can mourn any time, another time." She wiggled her hips. "Tonight, let's say eleven? Quietly, very quietly or we'll cause scandal. And we can't have that."
"As you wish." I bent and kissed her gently, putting one hand on her firm bottom, and she opened her mouth and hung on my neck until we both needed to breathe and pulled our lips apart. I pushed her back toward the bed, but she stopped me with a hand on my chest and a leg between mine. She smiled and said, "Tonight."
The clock in the stairwell was still bonging out the late hour when I left my room, tapped on her door and pushed it open. The only light came from the banked fire. She met me in the middle of the room, wrapped in a soft blanket like some Indian maiden, one arm and shoulder quite bare, her hair free. I was shoeless and wearing only my hunting shirt, ready for action, my shirt tail standing out before me quite impressively.
"Don't let me cry out," she said as I held her, "I don' want my sister to hear, to suspect. She'd be jus' scandalized, I'm sure."
I slid my hand inside her blanket and found warm skin, felt it prickle under my fingers. "She's two rooms away," I said, savoring her mouth. "I think she's snoring."
"But I sometimes yelp pretty loud," she whispered, pulling me toward the high bed and exploring under my shirt tail. "Bertram always said I enjoyed it too much. My, that's certainly hard. And hot too." She stroked gently. "And how long is it? Gracious!"
"Something odd is going on over in Wessextown," the old lady said. "You've nothing useful to do. Go investigate." I gobbled down my breakfast, tended to my horse and weapons and was on my way before the sun topped the trees. Wessex was a small, tidy town with a pleasant square, a white church, two taverns, a sawmill and a respected potter. I headed for the larger tavern and had a good beer. The place was empty but it was barely noon. "Yer jus' in time for the show," the publican...
SUE-ELLEN CARTER A Southern Lady By Betty Noone My name is Robert E. Bradford, age 44, 5'6" in height and weigh 160 pounds. I live in Tascaloos, Alabama, a factory town with about 90,000 population. With my wife, Mary Lou,I own a cafe. My family have lived in the South every since my great-great-great (I don't know how many more greats to add) grandfather immigrated from Ireland about five years before the Civil War and...
The British continued to harass us, pressing us back in our retreat. My company was usually doing rear-guard duty. One day, a week or so after my enjoyment of the girl in the barn, a pleasure my aching cock still recalled early in the morning, we swooped down on the supply train of a Redcoat regiment and were deep into pillage and plunder when a bunch of dragoons appeared out of nowhere, and we had to fight for our lives and then flee, every man for himself. They ran off our horses, and I...
I reached the McB-- plantation on a bend in the James just about sunset, feeling very proud of myself since I was about halfway to Portsmouth. I had a good horse under me and had rearmed myself with the weapons I had used all during the Revoltuion, tools my hands knew well. Now if I could promote a hot meal and a warm woman for my bed, it would be an almost perfect day. Long and bloody, but almost perfect. On my way south I had given the Ranger camp a wide berth. I left my horse with a young...
The girl that sat on the pulled-down steps of the fancy carriage looked sad indeed, nearly despondent, head down and knees wide apart. She was drawing on the ground with a stick. She glanced up as I dismounted and gave me a wan smile. There was neither team nor driver in sight so the problem was obvious. She stood and my cock stirred. She was a true stunner, dressed in the height of fashion and sporting a mop of dark red hair that cascaded over her shoulders and well down her straight back,...
"Those beasts," said Madam Von R--, "are holding a fair, as they call it, and have a girl, a very comely girl, as one of the prizes in some sort of contest." "One of our people?" I asked. "A rebel?" "Of course. Why else would I bother?" she said impatiently. "Go get her out of there." "Yes'm," I said and set out. It made for a very curious weekend. That Friday I nosed around and found that there was, indeed, a competition, open only to militiamen, no British regulars or...
"There is," said the old Madam, looking exceedingly cross, "a woman who is doing us harm, at least she is trying to do so, the foolish harridan. I want you to go see her and convince her of the wickedness of her ways." "Me?" I said. "Why not send a preacher?" "No," the Madam said with an evil smile, "you have the equipment for this task. This woman is using her body in the service of our enemies and crowing about how much more manly the Germans and English officers are compared...
First off, to get an idea of me, I work downtown and most of my wardrobe is mostly slacks, button-ups, polos, and proud of my dress shoe collection lol. So when I go out I am dressed well, and clean cut. Anyway, I managed to swing a night with a woman through the suaveness at the blackjack table. She obviously knew what she was doing and was up about $700. I sit down with a Anyway, this milf was stacked with a short black skirt on that kept riding up exposing he lingerie.. Which was a...
Southern Belle Hell! As we made our way to my Aunt Reba's place down the long desolate dirt road they called a driveway, I rolled down my window and began realizing how hot and humid the South can be. My Mom was dropping me off with her Sister for a few weeks While she tended to her Mother some 200 miles away in a Greensboro nursing home. Grandma's time was almost up but she was a fighter and had made fools of the many doctors who predicted that she only had a few months to live. Now,...
"They's been transferred," the girl said with a smile. "I ain' gonna miss 'em neither." "Who?" I asked, "who's been transferred?" "The bloody regiment," the girl said with an exasperated tone, almost ready to give up on my flabby member which was all right with me since we had been at it hard and heavy for nearly an hour. "Are they now?" I said. "Who'll be coming in?" "Don' know," she said, slapping the limp thing and rolling out of bed, giving me a good look at her...
The Sissy Mission series consists of short-short stories designed to give ideas for domme/sub play, solo "outings," or just for your reading enjoyment! The goal is to have a dozen vignettes. --CA Sissy Mission 4: Southern Belle Sissy By Cheryl Alison Mistress believes in community service. So when she dropped the ad on my desk at home, I knew that I would be a faithful community servant within a short while. The ad read: Southern Belles Needed The Ladies' Auxiliary needs...
"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Three" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy The parade had begun. "Stay in your rows, ladies!" I heard Gretchen calling from somewhere. As I stepped up across the slight grade of the parking lot, I lifted the front of my dress to avoid tripping on it, before turning left onto Main Street with the rest of the belles in my row. Then I smiled, raising one gloved arm and revealing the lovely little lavender buttons at my wrist, and...
"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter One" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy If even ONE of the girls is missing from the Southern Belle formation at the annual Heritage Day parade, the entire town will know it?every one of their colorful gowns is over five feet wide! Luckily, Lisa's boyfriend may be able to fill an empty hoopskirt for them... "You!" I heard a woman behind me exclaim. I jumped. "Me?" I asked. I turned around. I knew this woman,...
On a large Southern plantation, Lucius Buford Callaway 'just call me Bo' lived his entire life. So did his pappy, and his pappy before him and so on back several generations. Everyone knew the Callaway mansion and grounds. Bo's family was rich and have been a firm upstanding member of the local church community for many years. There are still things in town named Callaway. The Mall, a park, a wing at the church school and others. For many, many years they have been powerful and...
On a large Southern plantation, Lucius Buford Callaway 'just call me Bo' lived his entire life. So did his pappy, and his pappy before him and so on back several generations. Everyone knew the Callaway mansion and grounds. Bo's family was rich and have been a firm upstanding member of the local church community for many years. There are still things in town named Callaway. The Mall, a park, a wing at the church school and others. For many, many years they have been powerful and...
General Greene detached Von Steuben to head up Virginia's defenses and headed south again, looking for whatever was left of Gates' defeated army. At Hillsboro, North Carolina, where a rag-tag government sat, no one knew where Gates was, but we were told that Cornwallis had abandoned Charlotte after the fight on King's Mountain. That is where General Greene finally found General Gates, in Charlotte on December 2. Gates, disgraced as well as defeated, seemed as happy to see us as we were to...
Harold, the coffee-colored horse trader, proved to be, as reported, a good man who knew his business. I used Jeff's name, and he showed me some animals. We dickered a bit, and he sold me a mare and a decent saddle and set of capacious bags at a fair price for those days when the rebels and Tories had cleaned the countryside of horse flesh more than once. "Do me a favor while you're here," Harold said as I looked my new horse in the eye and stroked her big nose. "Certainly," I said,...
I awoke to the sound of many hooves on the nearby road. I rolled out of my blanket, found my rifle, stayed low and crawled to the roadside. Here came a redcoated officer, a captain, followed by a bunch of horses and a couple of well-mounted dragoons. I watched them pass, trying to count the horse flesh, at least a dozen, roped in pairs and threesomes. Then there was a mule-drawn farm wagon filled with barrels, kegs and a small blonde, bound and gagged, that I assumed was a girl from the...
AG-109 SOUTHERN TRAMP FOREWORD "Oh, fuck me, Brutus, FUCK ME!" Melanie Wilkerson screamed, writhing in ecstasy and raking her nails across the broad sweaty back of the brawny black stud who was humping his burly physique savagely on top of her curvaceous, lily white form. Brutus slammed his gargantuan eleven inch pecker deep into the lovely blonde girl's impossibly stretched, throbbing cuntal chasm, her legs hooked around his middle, her hips heaving in a frenzy of carnal...
An author favorite : a story I grappled with and thought I shouldn’t write but was glad I did...enjoy. There are nymphomaniacs then there is Fallon. Our lass take on four lads in a gang bang under the big bridge as the full majesty of the Aurora Australis lights up the night sky....There was a rare energy everywhere this particular night. It was in the reverberating cylinders of Jarryn’s supped up i*****lly modified car. Copiously coarse get up and go in the snide loads of crass nonsense...
Southern Belle Hell 2 Mom and I pulled in to Bridgeport New Jersey around Noon. It was so great to be back home away from those nut cases down south. No more Y'all and weird country accents to listen to. After unpacking I began checking many emails on my computer. I was way behind in responding to eveyrone because of the Hooter girl thing the past 10 days. It took me over 2 hours to respond to all my friends. Even though I told everyone I was gonna be gone for 2 weeks, they still...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Five" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy Brunch was delightful, although I nibbled at my avocado and sprouts sandwich more out of distaste rather than any manifest desire to display appropriately dainty table manners. It was such a pleasure to eat in such exquisite surroundings--the sterling silverware absolutely gleamed, and I'd never eaten off of such beautiful china. Lisa giggled and pointed to the lipstick I'd left on the rim...
On my way back to Foster's company, I ran into Gilly, sitting on the tail gate of an old wagon at the side of the road. "My, my," she said, "look who's here. Pretty as ever." Another woman appeared from the ditch at the side of the road, her dress and apron hanging open and her lush, young body ready for inspection, and well worth the effort. She pulled her clothes together and stepped up on the worn road. "Wheel's broke," she said. "I'm Annie." I took her offered hand and then...
There is a photograph, a picture taken many years ago. And it stands on the mantlepiece in our family home.The photograph is dominated by a young woman, blonde and beautiful with her hair in pigtails. And the dappled winter light plays on her smiling face as she studies the map of a European snow bound city; it is glistening snowy white in the background.I know exactly what is on her mind as I recognise the look that plays across her face. She is totally happy in her confident organiser way....
LesbianThe following story is rated G. Anyone looking for sex, gratuitous or otherwise, or violence will be sorely disappointed. Bummer, eh :)? As always, comments, criticisms, and such are quite welcome and encouraged. Flames will unceremoniously be dumped into dev ull - whatever in the hell that is :). This story is copyright (c) 1998 by me. All rights reserved, no deposit no return, and all of that. Permission is hereby granted for any free archive who might so desire to include...
A captain we met down there had two lovely daughters, and on several occasions he brought them into camp to entertain the visiting officers from the north. One was sweet and cooperative, charming and polite, but the other, the younger one, was a tease. That's what we called girls like that back home, cock teasers. She led men on, flirted and flounced, played with them, fanned them, flattered them, made them think it was available, showed it to them and then took it away, rejected them and...
The shots were from up the hill in front of me and somewhere off to the left, two of them. I kicked my horse and moved that way while a part of my mind suggested hesitation and care as well as minding my own business. The first things a saw when I broke out of the treeline was a a small farm house, a good sized knot of horses, a man holding some of them and obviously guarding the others. His back was to me and he wore a militia uniform. He was a Tory. I counted six well-groomed mounts at the...
My horse had gone lame, and I was afoot that morning, carrying my rifle, the captured muskets well hidden, when I almost walked into a Tory company camped alongside the road. One man saw me, yelled and waved as I ducked into the pine trees and ran for it, in no mood to tackle a dozen, well-armed men. They came crashing after me, hooting and hollering like it was some kind of game or cross-country hunt. I stayed low and moved as fast as I could through the dense woods, across a stream, up a...
On my way back to my duties, I stopped to visit Frances again, drawn like a bear to honey, anticipating another happy tumble in the hay, complete respite from the never-ending war. It was a terrible mistake. She rose to her toes and kissed me when I opened the door to her bedroom and found her alone, writing a letter. The room smelled like roses. It was midday, bright and sunny, and the large, high bed looked very inviting. "So how's the poor, lonely, little widow?" I asked when my mouth...
"Now," the old madam said, lifting an eyebrow, "this is a special case." "You always say that," I told her with a smile. She hit me with her fan. "This fine young woman really is especially special, you impertinent cur. Wait until you see her; you will understand. And she may be in serious trouble. I can't really tell from her note. She has been useful to us, very useful. Go quickly, do whatever she tells you." I went quickly where I was told, arrived late at night, stabled my...
Foster sent me and George right back to New York as a team. We had our separate tasks but worked several times together to achieve our ends, either for ourselves or the Continental Congress. George would sometimes rescue a damsel from my attentions or I would come upon my friend trying to rob or assault someone, drive him off and earn his or her gratitude. One of the people Foster told me to see about was a colonel of artillery who supposed knew all about forts and gun positions, numbers of...
The second time I went to visit Madam Von R--'s doctor friend, he had good news for me. A compatriot of his, another doctor, had died, he said, and had shelves filled with various medications. "I'm sure his widow has no use for the stuff," he assured me. "She's a fine woman, but I have no idea if she is politically inclined." He gave me directions and a note of introduction. It took most of the day to make the trip with my light wagon, and I was hungry and tired when I knocked at the...
In mid-August I entered Portsmouth to find the town almost deserted. I guess it was still technically in British hands because that flag flew on the docks and at the magazine, but the royal presence was much diminished. Margy sat with me drinking beer and describing the exodus of Cornwallis and his troops. "You should a'seen some of the women he took off with him. Ew, the smell," she held her nose and laughed. "So business has been kind a'slack?" "Right, an' they closed Arnold's...
Hypothermiaby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.****************I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it...
Of course, I did go on to visit Trenton, just to renew the human spirit, check up on my trusted sources and get my ashes hauled. Both Ginny and Mrs. Foster seemed happy to see me, and I them. Ivy and I saw each other, too, but kept our distance like a brace of mockingbirds in the same shrubbery. Rebecca had returned to New York and her Royal Navy husband. On my final winter-time visit to Trenton, during one of our brief periods of rest, Ginny said, "You gotta do me a favor." "Like...
Being seduced means being made a fool, and it happened to me more than once. You would think I would learn but I didn't. When a young lady suggested love making, my brain stopped working and other glands took control. This time it happened at a tavern in New Brunswick. I had been in town almost a week, dressed as a farm laborer and spending most of my time and some of General Washington's brass in trying to find out what the British were planning. I had not shaved for a while and probably...
And then I found the lovely Teresa, my gorgeous, gold-haired girl. I had rescued her from a dock in New York, loved her until we both were senseless, saved her from a burning shack after she had been repeatedly raped by a score of militiamen, and then sent her on to her faux diplomat-father, hoping she would mend and he would properly care for her. That was where I found her, at her father's fine, tall, brick house. (See Rebel #8) One of my contacts told me that there was a wealthy Spanish...
I was bent low when the shot burned my thigh and hit my poor horse. She stumbled, dumped me in the frigid stream, got to her feet and limped away after scrambling up the far bank. By then I had rolled over several times, failed to grasp a tree root and was in the swift-flowing main stream. I pulled off my soggy boots and thrashed about, trying not to swallow too much water and then I rammed head first into a boulder and knocked myself silly. I awoke with two people pulling on my arms and my...
"Take off your clothes, you stupid bitch," commanded the sneering officer. I was beaten and chained to a rafter so there was little I could do but watch. The major glanced at me and then returned his attention to the girl who had removed her bodice and dropped it to the floor. "Hurry up, strumpet," the officer snarled. "Haven't got all day." She stepped from her skirt gracefully, let it fall and pulled her shift over her head and tossed back her long hair. She had not worn...
The men who captured me were a mix of Scots and Germans under the command of a young Englishman with an aristocratic look and a sadistic streak. His mixed and motley company had been out stealing horses when they found me late one morning disporting myself in a barn with a young maiden who had been around the track a few times. We were so busy with our efforts to please each other that neither of us heard the horsemen approach until they were in the barnyard. The girl squealed, slithered out...
Jeff Reynolds and Harry Smith had begun work at the mine in Kolbazi on the same day. Jeff was an accounting manager and Harry worked in distribution. Both men were expatriates from England, having moved to Africa lured by the promise of salaries that were four times what they could ever expect to receive at home. In addition, they were provided with small but comfortable bungalows in a safe section of the small city. Jeff and Harry were similar in appearance and personality. Each was in...
Mrs. Snyder, Ivy and the tangle of bony arms and thin legs that were her three rambunctious sons welcomed me with a fine, late supper behind shuttered windows. I looked at Ivy in the candlelight and saw why her mother was so determined to hide her, to save her chastity if she could. She was blooming, becoming a beauty, finer boned than her lusty mother but just as lovely and almost as tall. In Felicity's large, soft bed, after we had satisfied each other to the point of mutual moaning and...
My luck held. I did not have to spend much time freezing in Morristown that long winter, and I already had a bout with smallpox which left a few holes in my hide but little more. Instead, Lieutenant Foster got made a captain, and our bunch became a ranger company, at least for a while. Mostly we were back at harassing the Redcoats and Germans as much as we could, shooting unwary officers, playing fox and hounds and making their lives miserable as possible on a regular basis. I even started...
On one early winter trip back to camp after an invigorating evening in Ginny's arms and legs, I ran into an odd situation. I heard a couple of gunshots in the distance and then discovered an expensive chaise standing at the side of the narrow road, and in it I found a very dead British lieutenant of infantry. He had been shot twice, evidently at close range. Powder burns showed around his wounds. The only other thing in the small carriage was a lady's reticule or purse. The man's pockets...
Unlike warmly remembered Boston, we did not find many welcoming women out there in the swamps and hills. Nancy, Melissa and Cecelia were the satisfying exceptions, along with a few others. Much of the frozen countryside was deserted, the animals confiscated or driven off and the farmhouses and barns empty if they still stood. For some reason the Crown sent a new minister into the wilds of New Jersey. The old one had fled during the confusion after the fights at Trenton and Princeton. The new...
"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Three" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy Marching over twenty blocks in full Southern Belle regalia was a dream come true--and I would gladly have marched another forty blocks, if necessary. Still, it did feel good to get off my feet after my stint in the Heritage Day Parade, even if that meant squeezing my hoopskirts onto a bus bound (I thought) for the community center where I had left all my male belongings behind that...
"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Two" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy Clutching at my petticoats with my lavender-colored fingers, I prepared to squeeze my way through the door. Outside I could hear a continuous and entirely feminine murmur. As I stepped forward I felt Lisa's hoops pushing at my skirts from behind, and I quickly stepped forward, lest anybody see under my raised hoops and catch a glimpse of the lace and satin pantaloons that went all the way down to the top of my...
I just have to tell you a silly story about Tammy and me messing around in my room. Like totally embarrassing, right. I was lying on the floor just wearing a bra and panties, but fortunately, I put some other things on the floor as well. There was a sleeping bag, and some dress materials and my hoop skirt and stuff. I was lying on my back waiting for Tammy. She was in the bathroom, putting on her dress. I don't know why she went to the bathroom, because I love to watch her dressing. So...
Tammy awoke with her penis in my mouth. Weird way to start the morning, I'm sure. It's not like she was complaining about it. You know how you're like in that dream state half- way between awake and asleep. Well, I took advantage of that and slipped under the covers. I started pulling her panties down and she didn't fight. She lifted her bottom a little and I just pulled them all the way off. "Cute undies!" I said as I pulled them off her completely. So I just started sucking away,...
‘We are interviewing Mrs. Allison Clearborne of Boston, who is celebrating her 100th birthday today.’ the newscaster said, ‘Mrs. Clearborne could you tell us a little about what you have seen and learned over the years’ ‘ Well,’ Allison started her voice strong but soft, ‘I guess the greatest thing I have learned is that love is the one thing that a person needs to feel like they are worth something. I have also learned that even when the one you love is gone, you can still go on with their...
It was early morning. Dew was hanging off of the trees and bushes as I jogged through the hiking trail. I had just recently moved here in a small secluded town to start my new life. I was a recent college graduate and although I worked in the large city, the forty-five minute drive to work was worth the fresh air and beautiful landscape. I slowed my pace until I was walking and humming along to the music from my iPod. I wanted to enjoy the morning air. The sun’s early rays created a peaceful...
Quickie Sex"Alice there's a phone call for you!" yelled my mother from her study room downstairs. "I'll be right down," I yelled back. I was standing in front of my mirror admiring myself a skintight strapless emerald dress I had borrowed from my mother's closet. Sine I couldn't find my strapless bras, I had decided not to wear a bra at all. My hardened nipples were slightly visible, but I didn't care. I had been trying on dresses all evening. Not only because I wanted to find a dress that would impress...
VoyeurSaturday afternoon ED LOOKED AROUND THE ROOM. Five guys, all white, not surprising since they all hated everyone who wasn’t white. They were all men he’d decided he could trust. Except perhaps for Jones. He’d joined them with a recommendation from the Sons of Liberty down in Florida, but there was something about him Ed didn’t like. Ed smiled to himself as he thought about the reaction of the city’s Department of Parks and Recreation if they knew what the Southern Tradition boys were using...
I next found employ with a poor, old, decrepit widow lady of perhaps thirty-five summers. She was a strong and upright woman with wide hips and a proud prow, not beautiful I suppose, but damn nice looking, strong as any man her size and very hot-blooded. She had a firm chin and a will to match. She put me to work on the dirtiest and most tiresome tasks on her large, hillside farm. I mucked out, shoveled manure, mended roofs, dug out the privy and shingled walls before she decided that I was...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...