My Confession free porn video

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On a cold February day, I went to visit a friend. I went with a letter in my hand, words I wanted her to read. What follows is that letter. The words in italics are the words I spoke to her as she read. I read my copy of the letter at the same time.

I am a dreamer. And a writer. This combination can either work, or it can be incredibly volatile. Why am I telling you this? I need to clear my mind of thoughts, and I need to do this in order to move on. Again you are asking why I am writing to you. This is why: because you are my thoughts. You are a resident of my creativity. Very often, you are my subject, my target. My obsession. And so, I am doing what I know…writing. I am writing you out of my mind. Not out of my life, for I would like to remain friends. But I am purging, spring cleaning in a manner of speaking. Please don’t hate me.

I can already see a tear in your eye. You feel betrayed, confused. Although those feelings were never my intention, I can understand that you feel that way. I warn you now, this isn’t going to get easier. I am going to get very descriptive about my feelings, my thoughts. All I can ask is that you finish reading this. Afterwards, you may do or say what you like. It won’t matter. You will be purged out of my memory banks.

The first time I met you was a very underwhelming experience. You were new in town, dating someone I didn’t know. Honestly, I never thought of you again, at least not as someone who could potentially become a friend. When I saw you around, it was sheer coincidence. I wasn’t looking for you, or trying to capture you in a picture.

What changed?

Oh, don’t get all pissy just because I was not taken aback by first impressions. You can’t have the attention and enjoy it, and in the meantime be all offended when someone is honest. Get over yourself.

Now, I was about to tell you what changed. I can’t pinpoint the exact time that I noticed you in a positive, or even sexual, manner. By the time I realized it, you had a couple kids already. It must have around the time we both got involved in the community club. I would see you every Thursday, and it was usually with your back turned to me. I will admit right here and now that I spent some time looking at your ass. I thought you were the owner of a very nice bum. Often I imagined how it would feel in my hands. I have big hands, and let’s face it, your ass is bubble shaped, round and full. It would be a perfect fit.

As time went on, and I spent those Thursday evenings watching you, I also had the opportunity to chat with you, and get to know you. I’ve discovered you have an opinionated side to you, a playful side and a serious side. We’ve run the gamut in our brief conversations. And, the funny thing is, the more I got to know you via conversation, the more of a physical presence you became. I started noticing more about your body, noticing your hands, your skin, all of it intrigued me. I will never forget the rare glimpses down your shirt, revealing a cleavage I am surprised at. You hide your form well.

I noticed you just clasped your hand to your neckline of your shirt. Is this to prevent me from looking? Rest assured, I am not trying any more. I’ve written this to remove this line of thinking from my being, in my mind, we’ve done everything a man and woman can do. I have no need to glimpse the skin on the top of your breasts. Relax, and read on.

Do you have any idea what makes a woman sexy? Yes I realize this question is extremely subjective, and we all have different opinions. Well, what I find sexy, alluring, desirable and down right hot can be summed up in one word: Natural. I thoroughly enjoy a woman whose skin has natural marks, such as freckles. I adore a shape that is expanded through childbirth and sagging from age. Finely tuned hard bodies really don’t turn me on as much. Do you realize that I just described you? Do you see yourself in the same light I do?

I can start from the top of your head, and work my way down, if only to give you pure insight as to how you are perceived. Mind you, I will be making up some of the stuff, because when it boils down to it, I have never seen you naked. I have never touched you in that way. And that’s ok. I’m a writer. I’m a dreamer. And this is my confession.

There is very little about you that I don’t find fascinating. Your hair, your eyes, your nose, I would love to run my hands through your reddish hair, all while tenderly kissing every freckle on your face. Taking pause from the freckle attention, I gently kiss your lips. I’ve often wondered what sort of kisser you are. Do you open your mouth, and use your tongue to explore the inside of my mouth, or wrestle with my tongue? Do you keep your lips pursed, and give a myriad of little pecks? Do your kisses ‘heat up’ as you get aroused? Are your eyes open or closed during a kiss? All these things I’ve thought about, and in my mind I’ve made you into a pursed lips kisser, and as your passion rises, your kisses heat up. Nibbling on your lips, sucking each one into my mouth is something I’ve dreamt of, and something I’ve imagined you enjoying.

A kiss doesn’t just stop at the mouth. No, a kiss is a mechanism to love and lavish attention with to an entire body. From head to toe, a kiss will invoke passion. I’ve written your neck and shoulders as being very sensitive, and as I kiss your neck, my hand unbuttons the top button of your shirt, and moves the fabric off your shoulders. Your bra strap is revealed. A kiss, a light flick of the tongue over your skin. I’ve never imagined you to wear black underwear, and although it is my favorite color of lingerie, you didn’t disappoint my expectation. Your bra strap reveals a greenish / turquoise strap, and I suspect it leads to a very functional bra, meant for support and comfort, not for sexiness. That’s ok. It is the color and how well it fits that I find attractive. As I kiss your sensitive skin, I can hear you breathe a little deeper. Your eyes close as I continue my journey.

I can see you continuing to read, but I see revulsion in your eyes. Or is it just shock? Would you even admit if this was turning you on? Can you tell yourself (you don’t have to tell me) that you actually enjoy this bit of attention? Do you wish it was reality? Well it’s not real, and it never will be. Now, I think I was still kissing your shoulders, and working my way down.

I must say that I am pleased you are wearing a button up shirt. It makes my journey so much easier. Two more buttons open, and I now push your shirt down your arms, revealing your breasts (still encased in your bra). Your hands are effectively immobile, trapped in the arms of your shirt. Kisses, more kisses. I am loving the front of your shoulders, risking a little bite every so often. My mouth and tongue work on your pale body, and my hands lower your bra straps down your arms. I was right about the bra. It is the same color as the straps, and is very normal. Aside from a little silk bow nestled in your cleavage, there is nothing about this bra that screams ‘sexy’. I am now tracing the edge of the bra, from strap to that little bow, and to the other strap. As the warmth of my tongue grazes the upper slope of your breasts, you inhale quickly. I call this a pleasure gasp. Your body is reacting to my tender touches.

Oh my dear friend, why are there tears? Our lovemaking has just begun in my mind. I cannot stop, for I need to get through this in order for it to never happen. Please don’t cry, but rather enjoy the experience. It may be something you’ll never get to enjoy (I don’t know or care about the real life experience you get in your bedroom).

It is now my turn for a little pleasure gasp, for I have finally used my hands to touch you. Your bra is very close to falling off your breasts, but I am not ready for that. My hands cup you, holding the fabric in place. You do not have big breasts, a 32b if I had to guess. Ever so softly I massage you, and everytime I do, your chest moves into my hands. It’s as if you are wanting this manipulation. I am squeezing your breasts together, forming a deep cleavage. My mouth is right there, my tongue is feeling its way around the valley I’ve created. Light suction on the part of the breast I see is enough to make me crazy with longing.

This is the time for me to tell you that I am incredibly turned on. Yes, I am hard. My blood engorged penis is straining at my jeans, and it is taking a lot of willpower to not pull it out and masturbate. How about you? What are you feeling? No wait…please don’t answer that. I can see by your eyes that you are disturbed, but also that my dreams and my words are getting to you.

One of the many things I have wondered is what your breasts look like. I’ve worked hard (pardon the pun) to keep that mystery from being revealed, and now the time has come. I want to see your nipples and areola. Do you have big nipples or little ones? Are they brown? A pale pink to match your skin? Does your areola cover a large area, or do they have a small diameter. So much to wonder about. And now, all will be revealed. So slowly I lower the bra cup on your right breast. Since no two breasts are equal or alike, I must pay attention to each one as an individual. Oh my, another pleasure gasp for me. I can see the top of your nipple, it is a light brown, and is surrounded with very light freckles. I use my tongue to lick at them, and your reaction is intense. Your areola is immediately goosebumped, as if you got cold. But by your intake of breath, I am sure that your pleasure level just increased. You obviously have very sensitive breasts, with the nipple area being the very core of nerve endings. I am taking my time exposing your whole breast…this is something I don’t take lightly. I want to love to each one, slowly and individually. As your bra lowers, your whole nipple is exposed, and is standing out as a perky little nub. You do not have large nipples, which doesn’t surprise me. It is so erotic that your body is responding to my manipulations even though your mind may not be. Very lightly I swirl my tongue around the outer edge of your firm areola, followed by grasping the erect nipple between my teeth and ever so gently biting it. Then I kiss it, and opening my mouth wide, take your breast into my mouth. My flattened tongue is laving your nipple, teasing the most sensitive area. Your breathing is a little more ragged now.

It is time to move across your body, and pay some attention to your left breast. My hand has been cupping it since the I first touched you there, keeping the bra covering it. I want to pay attention to the details, comparing the differences between the two. A brief sojourn in your cleavage, kissing up and down your sternum. My fingers are playing and teasing with the nipple and breast that is already exposed. I reveal your left breast by removing the remaining cup with my teeth. I can smell the cloth, your smell, and so I push your bra against my nostril and inhale your scent. I am intoxicated. Letting go of the bra, I lightly circle the palm of my hand against your nipple. Immediately it jumps out, perked by the light touch. Your left side is different from the right side, but the differences are subtle. One needs to be close to them to see it. Your left areola is slightly larger, and when aroused, has fewer goosebumps. Also, there are not as many freckles on this breast. The nipple itself is slightly larger as well, and has a minute shape difference. But the reaction from my palm massage is the same on both sides. Your breathing increases in pace as my mouth forms a seal around your left breast, encompassing it in a warmth and tenderness that your right breast experienced as well. Again, a gentle nibble with your nipple between my teeth draws a gasp.

I am intrigued by the fact that the crease under your breasts is also very sensitive. I am getting the impression that your entire body is filled with erotic zones. I plant little kisses all along the bottom of your breasts as my hands are gripping your sides. My pinky fingers are running little trails along the edge of your pants, while my thumbs feel their way along your stomach.

Right now, I would like you to stop lying to yourself. Your eyes betray you. The looks you give me as you read this letter are an attempt at madness, but the reality is that they are looks of curiosity. What I wonder though (and you don’t have to answer this) is how much of this you have truly experienced. I said before I didn’t care, but in a way I do, for I may be starting to do things to you that you have never felt. I will allow you to be nervous, but you cannot stop me. You want this as much as I do. Fortunately, it is not reality. It never happened. You will probably never feel this way again, even if it is replicated in real life. For this is me and you, not you and the one you belong with. It is different. Lay back, read on, and enjoy what’s on the way.

I have always felt that a woman should not be embarrassed by a little pudginess around the middle, or by the stretch marks that invade her belly. You’ve borne 3 children now, you are allowed a little more that what you started with. And if I am perfectly honest, I love it. I could spend hours tracing patterns on your stomach with my tongue, squeezing bits of fat in my hand. Maybe there is a bit of pain involved as I do use a little bit of force, but your pain receptors increase your passion, as indicated by your slight writhing under my hands. My fingers feel around your ribcage, outlining the bones that encase your heart. A quick caress of your breasts again keeps your nipples erect. Now my littlest fingers find their way under the waistline of your jeans, rubbing up against the top of your pelvis. Again my curiosity is piqued as to what kind of panties you wear. I dwell on this as my tongue dips into your belly button, and trails a light coat of moisture down to your pants button. My hands stop their massage, and open the button, lowering your zipper at the same time. As I do this, I look at your face, wondering how you are reacting to this invasion. You don’t seem too upset right now. That might change as I continue.

Have you figured out yet where this particular part is going? I don’t want to use words like ‘cunt’ and ‘pussy’. They sound too vulgar for what I am playing through in my mind. However, you know that I am going down to your most sexual of regions. What have you allowed to happen down there in the past? Have you ever experienced oral sex to its fullest? Does the thought of it repulse you, or intrigue you? Trust me, if you relax you will experience the most intense orgasm. So please, relax. I want to please you.

Is it true that a woman’s fantasy is to have her pants removed by a man using his teeth only? I’ve never personally put much stock in that, especially if jeans fit a little tighter around the hips. I’m more likely to break a tooth than to get your pants off. So before we work together to reveal your panties, I kiss you on your beautiful mouth. And my hand, my hand works its way into the open pants, and I can feel the cotton panties you are wearing. I do not allow my fingers to go anywhere near your core, but I can feel the heat that is coming from between your thighs. I am trying, by feeling through your panties, to determine your attention to detail in the hair style. Do you believe in a full bush of pubic hair? Or do you shave and sculpt? A landing strip maybe? My personal favorite is a completely bald genital region, but that is a lot to expect. I can feel that you have some hair there, but as I trace the leg holes of your underwear, I can’t feel any stray pubes sticking out. This tells me you do some grooming. Now, I am sure I know what color your pubic hair is, probably the same color as your eyebrows. A reddish blonde is what probably will be revealed. My hands get closer, your heat rises, and your hips arch, begging me to continue.

You shuddered as you read this. Why? Are you imagining what I am, that my fingers are so close to the source of your heat? Is your anticipation rising? You want me to touch you, don’t you? But I sense that you are still a bit unsure of this. I am changing the pace now, and that will give you time to relax even more.

Still kissing you, and enjoying warmth of your mouth, I am encouraging your jeans over the crest of your hips. Hope springs as you lift your bum off the sheets, allowing me to slide your pants further down. I am surprised that you have started to touch me, to run your hands over my covered body. Yes, I am still dressed, although evidence of my desire is in the bulge of my pants. Your fingers find their way into my shirt, and you take your turn to tease my nipples. Little do you know how sensitive I am to that. As I break our kiss, I smile down at you, and say that your turn is not now. For all this is about your pleasure…not mine. And slowly I kiss my way down your body, taking a little time to tease your nipples with my mouth.

This truly is a momentous part of what we are doing. My hands and my head are at your panties. A slow gaze (but no touching) reveals function over form. Nothing sexy like a thong, or lacy boy-shorts. Just a plain pair of bikini briefs made of cotton, a matching green to the bra you wore. My hands graze the cloth that clings to your hips, while my thumbs circle their way towards the point where your thighs meet. Teasingly, my fingers dip inside the elastic band of the waist, but don’t stay in. My face is up against your mons, my lips press a gentle kiss against your panties. I can smell the musk of your desire, your passion. I am venturing into dangerous territory. We are almost to the point of no return, but I see and feel some subtle indications that you are nervous. I suspect that a man’s mouth has never been this close to your most intimate place, and it scares you. I hear you whisper my name in a questioning tone, so I stop. I move up, and kiss you, reassure you that all is ok. I tell you to relax, to close your eyes and enjoy the pleasure.

Knowing you’re nervous, I change what I am doing. I move back down, and I remove your pants, which are still stuck on your thighs. As I pull them over your feet, I begin a massage. I have decided to try relax you more, and I will use a gentle foot massage to start. My strong fingers dig into your feet, encouraging blood flow and causing your muscles to relax. Ankles and calves are next, each one receiving attention individually. I believe that each leg has nerves that trigger separate feelings, separate emotions. Your right calf triggers a deep sigh, and I can see your left nipple perk up as I manipulate the tissue. Your left calf triggers something deeper, your first vocal acknowledgement that you are enjoying this. A very soft groan escapes your lips, and my rubbing is relaxing you. I can see that your thighs have slightly parted as I am now past your knees. I am excited to find out how you will respond to me touching your thighs.

I plant tender kisses on your calves, and on your shins. I stop the massage of your lower legs, and my hands roam their way past your knees, and start the manipulating of the flesh of your thighs. Softly rubbing and squeezing, I feel the size of your upper legs. You have some thickness, a good strong leg. Again, I don’t think a woman needs to feel shame because she doesn’t have the ‘model worthy’ legs. I like fleshy, I like strong. I adore natural.

Stop reading. What I am about to do next in my mind is something that is very enjoyable for me, and I know that any woman who experiences it loves it. But, you needs to wrap your head around the aspects of the act of oral sex. Be aware of what I am imagining doing to you. Don’t be grossed out. And while we are reading this, I absolutely need to masturbate. I am so incredibly hard as I read this. Please feel free to put your hands where you want on your body at the same time I put my hands on my body. Don’t be ashamed. We can’t do this to each other, so we may as well release the pent up desire that is building. Now, start reading…once you are comfortable.

I am keeping a very close eye on your face as my hands get closer to the junction of your thighs. I am positioning your legs, bent at the knees and your feet closer to your butt. Gently I coax your legs open, and I kiss my way from knee to mid-thigh, one leg at a time. As I kiss the flesh of your inner leg, my hands have roamed towards your heat, and my eyes can spot the wet spot that has formed on your panties. I once again have your butt cheeks in my hands, but this time your underwear is the only barrier. My thumbs are running lightly along the hem of the leg holes, tracing a path from your ass to the front. I still have not touched your wetness, although I am getting close to that.

My hands and arms wrap around the outside of your legs, and with you opening up just a little more, I kiss a trail of kisses to your panties, and I am leaving a light coating of moisture from my tongue all along the hem. I can smell you, your aroma is desire. In what seems to be slow motion, I suck the wet spot of your panties, and I taste you. I now have the flavor of your juices in my mouth, and the passionate smell of your sexuality in my nostrils. My tongue presses the fabric against your slit. But I am losing my patience. There are too many barriers. I work my thumbs into your panties, and rub them against the coarse hair on your mons. I am at the very top of you, and I can feel the hood that covers your clitoris. Tiny vibrations take over your body, I believe your first orgasm is approaching.

Finally, I hook my fingers into the waistband of your underwear and start moving them down your legs. Your legs point straight up as I remove your covering, and immediately assume the same position as before. Again I lower my head to your genital region, and I see you. I see the result of all my manipulations, your labia majora are swollen with desire. I can see your pink inner lips pushing out, open and begging attention. Your clit also is protruding from its hood. I was right about your pubic hair, it is the same color as your eyebrows, and you obviously do some shaving. You have sculpted it into a neat square, covering your mons, and you keep it a bit on the short side. No hair is growing on your lips, I like that.

Please stop reading again. I am so happy to see that you are masturbating. This kind of reading is highly charged, and it isn’t healthy to prevent release. If you want to finish what you are doing, we can resume reading in a few minutes. I am getting close myself, and watching you is really a huge turn on. Relax, let your body accept what is happening. Enjoy the waves of pleasure. Oh, you’re reading again. Great! I will try slow down my own release.

I am so enthralled by being this close to you, I need to kiss you down there. I told you I don’t like to use the word ‘cunt’ or ‘pussy’, but I may accidently slip. I see that your hands are playing with your nipples, this is good, you will benefit from double pleasure. Now I am kissing your puffy outer lips, tonguing them, caressing them. I have one finger poised at your wet entrance, lightly touching, but not pushing. I am sucking on the meaty flesh of your labia ,you are writhing with pleasure. I know you are getting very close to an orgasm, I can feel the tremors. I encourage your release by flicking my tongue over your swollen clit, while at the same time I slowly push my finger into your very wet, very hot hole. I curl my finger, and very quickly find that magical spot inside of you. It becomes hard under my finger. I am running my tongue over your inner lips, and every so often I suck your clitoris into my mouth. You are now gasping, and emitting little squeaks as your orgasm overpowers you. Your hips are moving quite a bit, and it is hard for me to maintain contact with you.

I really need to stop reading now. I have to finish, my release is imminent. I hope you don’t mind, but as I explode, I will be looking at you. I can see your fingers working quickly…and your eyes are now closed as you come to completion. A few more strokes. Oh my. Mmmm. Cum with me, dear friend. Cum so we can finish the rest of my words. Ahh yes. Your groaning is music to my ears. Finish my darling. Finish.

I continue my ministrations, making love to your sex with my mouth and fingers. You are in a constant state of orgasm, coming down from the one just as the next crests. Your hands are now pulling my head closer to you, trying to make me get even closer. My fingers withdraw, and I use my tongue to penetrate your wetness as far as I can. My face is buried into you as far as I can go, and I am lapping up your juices. Your passion and desire is at its height, and I hear you asking me for the final piece of our love-making.

For a fraction of time, I allow myself to be separated from you. I kneel on the bed, and remove my shirt. You sit up, and run your fingers over my chest, teasing my nipples as you did before. But I back up, stand up and remove the rest of my clothes. I am standing at the foot of the bed, naked. I have never been so hard in my life. Gently I lay you back onto the bed, resting on my elbows, and I kiss you. I don’t say a word, but you reach down between us, and guide my penis to your opening. This is it.

You are weeping now, dear friend. Whatever for? In my mind I have shown you the utmost tenderness, and words have driven you over the edge of a cliff you’ve never walked along before. Was this your first time masturbating? Have you never pleasured yourself after your partner failed to finish you? Or is he so attentive that every nerve is on fire as he makes love with you. Either way, I don’t want to know. Please continue reading. My fantasy is almost done, you have heard most of my confession. Then I will be gone, and you will have been written out of my mind.

Your hips are pushing up, willing me to enter you. Both of us are holding our breath, last minute decisions (regrets?) flooding over us. Your legs wrap around my hips, pulling me in even closer. The very sensitive tip of my member parts your lips, the heat is overwhelming. I am not expecting your tunnel to be tight, for 3 children have passed through you. You are, however, so incredibly wet, and your sexual sheath is wrapping my penis like a hot glove as I slide deep into you. I am now as deep as I can go. My pelvis is against yours, my scrotum rests against you. I hold this position, and ever so gently kiss your slightly parted lips. Your tongue snakes out and starts a dance against mine. You softly start to roll your hips, so I withdraw my hardness to almost complete exit, and push back in. I gaze into your eyes as I plunge into you.

Harder, you tell me. I don’t increase tempo, but do a very slow exit and a hard push back in. As I hit bottom, you give a cute little squeak, which turns into a soft moan as yet another orgasm takes your breath away after 6 or 7 of these. Briefly I increase speed, my hips moving up and down in a blur. The pressure in my scrotum is building. As you start breathing again, I change our position. I roll us over so we are on our sides, and I am able to gently maintain a calm thrusting. My hands are all over your body, caressing your face, your nipples, grabbing your butt. I don’t want this to end.

For a few minutes, we rock slow back and forth, together. Another orgasm is building in your depths, your breathing becomes more ragged. I am getting to the point of explosion, so I roll you back onto your back. A couple quick thrusts and you are climaxing again, and this time you take me with you. Semen erupts from my penis and fills you, mixing with your love fluid. My body is reacting intensely to the spasms of my own orgasm, and as the walls of your vagina squeeze me in their own dance of bliss, I am taken over the top again and again.

As we both descend from this mountain of pleasure, we kiss. A tender kiss, two lovers who have just experienced something so pure, so wrong. And thus my fantasy ends.

Yes, dear friend, it is over. There is no fairytale ending, no cigarette after the fact. I have never dreamed beyond that final culmination of pleasure, probably because I don’t want to know what happens. And now, I will take my leave. I thank you for allowing me the time to confess, and to spend time with you. If our friendship is ruined, I understand and accept that. I will always remain hopeful. Please burn the letter, it serves no purpose anymore. I have succeeded. I have written lustful thoughts of you out of my mind. Yet, I have failed, because you still are a part of my world. Please forgive me. I will never cause pain again intentionally. Goodbye dear friend.

And as I walked out the door, I heard a small voice behind me. You asked me ‘When can I see you again?’

I continued walking, and did not answer.

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I am a male in my 40’s from Minnesota, and I love to let my wife fuck other men. I do not have a very large cock, it is only about 6 1/2 inches long but a little on the thicker side. My wife loves large cock, and by this I mean at least 8 inches. I used to be the type of guy who was totally against this kind of stuff until 1 night watching a porn with my wife that was full of swingers. Ever since, the door has been open for my wife to fuck other men. We have been married for 20 years now, and...

1 year ago
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I know you asked me for discretion, and I will honor that, but I have to get this out and off my chest. I was contacted by a female who I shall leave nameless on xham, (I'll call her Pinkie). We messaged several times back and forth, and eventually I clicked the friend request button. Time passed and no friends. OK, whatever, it doesn't always have to be. Well, that night she messaged me and said that she just realized how close we lived to each other, and wouldn't it be awesome if we could...

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"Ready for your bath, dear?" Anne Pilson asked. "Yeah, I guess so," Lindy replied while still doing her homework. "Just give me another minute, okay?" "I'll go run the water," Anne replied, "take your time." Five minutes later Anne could hear her eighteen year old daughter climbing the steps to the second floor bathroom. She smiled to herself, still glad that Lindy still enjoyed the Thursday evening baths that had started when she was just a baby. "It's not to hot is it?" Lindy asked while...

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When i was 16, my friend and I went to a party, drank a lot as usual. At the end of the night, we came back to his parents house, nobody were home. We were used to sleep in the same bed because we didn’t have to make another bed. That night we went to bed and start talking shit cause we were wasted, we talked about a lot of things, talked about girls and then he asked me if I’ve ever sucked a cock. I said : nah bro, have you? He was negative too. We talked about gay things and whatever, so he...

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I glanced up at Mark as he finished wiring two leads to a small box of electronics. The other ends of the leads were connected to a cold, metal dildo, which was strapped firmly inside me. This was my punishment for last night. I shuffled slightly on the bed, the bonds allowing me very little movement, but the device stayed firmly inside me. My ankles were tied to the front corners of the bed, and my wrists were tied to a table that was fixed in place over the top of the bed. My old word...

1 year ago
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"Ready for your bath, dear?" Anne Pilson asked. "Yeah, I guess so," Lindy replied while still doing her homework. "Just give me another minute, okay?" "I'll go run the water," Anne replied, "take your time." Five minutes later Anne could hear her eighteen year old daughter climbing the steps to the second floor bathroom. She smiled to herself, still glad that Lindy still enjoyed the Thursday evening baths that had started when she was just a baby. "It's not to hot is it?" Lindy asked while...

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Be it life or death, we crave only reality. If we are really dying, let us hear the rattle in our throats and feel cold in the extremities; if we are alive, let us go about our business. Walden, Henry David Thoreau. She was asleep, he nearly so; I sat in the corner, trying and failing to concentrate on my book. There were a thousand places I would rather be than here, but she needed him, and he needed me. (In retrospect, these many years later, I think we were both fooling ourselves, he...

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Kathy Wu paused at the top of the stairs as she reached the sixth floor of the seven-story apartment house. The old tenement building had been built without the convenience of an elevator and if she had been visiting anyone other then her friend Jiang Li, she would've insisted that they meet her in the lobby. Stepping up to apartment 6B, the twenty-three year old ran one hand through her shoulder length black hair as she rang the small doorbell with the other. A long minute passed before the...

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In a story I once read, an author addressing himself to lovers of incest stories, told of the ease with which he was able to seduce his mother. He ended his letter saying that there many mothers who would gladly welcome their sons with wide-open arms and legs into their beds, if their hot and horny sons only make a pass at them. He went on to point out that many a single mother, without a lover in her life, more then not were inching for cock and would ultimately, in spite of their moral...

2 years ago
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Im 42 yrs old. divorced, and a closet gay sissy. I always have been.I cant start from the begining cuz of the u******e thing so Ill start on my 18th birthday.I went to school for half days, then work for the other half. every day I would stop at home; while my parents were at work, and jack off.but not like most boys. most boys would blow their load, wipe it up and be done. That was fine at first but I wanted to be as perverted as I could with my hour of total privacy. See back then, growing up...

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True story. —- In my defense, I can argue that his computer was so much better than mine. Well, sort of. Anyway, Id use any excuse I could find to justify my curiosity. Dad used to spend so much time at night in his computer… sometimes I woke up very late at night to drink water or use the bathroom, and Id notice the light in his bedroom. His computer light. Oh, there should be something really, really good happening over there, and I had to know what it was. But first, let me say something...

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I guess that you could say that I've been a whore...a slut...whatever you wanna call me. I love sex, I can't help it...from my first time when I was a young girl, I've craved it more and more, and I've kept it a secret from everybody...I thought that if anyone knew, then I'd get a reputation for it, you know? I didn't want guys to reject me because they knew I'd been with other guys, so I never told them, I always played the fool... My name is Alison, and this is my story.

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Now if you think this is going to be a stoke story, forget it. Actually, that's not the way I write nor do most stroke stories turn me on. So, I usually avoid them and really don't have any interest in writing them. Like lots of guys, I like sexual stories. They satisfy the prurient interest that is part of most guys' psyche. Mine too. A lot of stories include coming of age scenarios, you know, little ones losing their Virginity! Well, not real little ones, you know, not pre-pubescent...

1 year ago
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It was 12 55 am, the club was buzzing with music, the RnB base made Stefania's head swim, she was looking at her best friend, who was dancing with her other friends, and she sighed inwardly, lately shes been having these thoughts about her best friend which werent exactly genuine, they were sort of fantasies which bothered Stef alot. She looked at the time, it was only 1 02, the night was still young but the thoughts were constantly in Stefs head, she decided to drink something. She had to get...

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Written and edited with the help of an ex-catholic friend. This story may stir some controversy but then why write if it tastes like vanilla. Raised in Boston to love, honor and obey his family and one-day to fulfill his spiritual calling, Tom O’Brien was the youngest of six American bred Irish children. Every Irish Catholic family dreams of the day that one of their children will be ordained into the priesthood, increasing the prospect of an eternal reward in Heaven for the parents, and...

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Her skirt was so impossibly tight he found himself fantasizing about what colour and style of lacy knickers she might be wearing beneath it (if any) as she turned to one side and bent forward. He also noted how her full but pert tits seemed to float in a pair of shapely cups beneath the brightness of her shiny blouse. He then idly speculated on what she could do with those deep red lips as her long blonde hair cascaded carelessly down over her bobbing bosom like a magical waterfall."Yesss!", he...

2 years ago
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Her skirt was so impossibly tight he found himself fantasizing about what colour and style of lacy knickers she might be wearing beneath it (if any) as she turned to one side and bent forward. He also noted how her full but pert tits seemed to float in a pair of shapely cups beneath the brightness of her shiny blouse. He then idly speculated on what she could do with those deep red lips as her long blonde hair cascaded carelessly down over her bobbing bosom like a magical waterfall. “Yesss!”,...

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After a long afternoon of delivering the sacraments to the three city hospitals, Father Antony Secco took a short detour on his way back to the rectory of St. Jude Thaddeus. It'd been several days since he heard the young musician's confession, but his words still echoed in the young priest's mind. This fantasy fulfillment agency called It's Just Sex! sounded like just what he needed. He dropped a quarter into the pay phone and punched the number he'd memorized. The voice answering was crisp,...

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After a long afternoon of delivering the sacraments to the three city hospitals, Father Antony Secco took a short detour on his way back to the rectory of St. Jude Thaddeus. It’d been several days since he heard the young musician’s confession, but his words still echoed in the young priest’s mind. This fantasy fulfillment agency called It’s Just Sex! sounded like just what he needed. He dropped a quarter into the pay phone and punched the number he’d memorized. The voice answering was crisp,...

2 years ago
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Teasing Tom Again

[This sequel spans: exhibitionist, erotic couple, anal and perhaps mature and ... surprise... ] Previously: "I'll jerk you off again, I see you're ready, but no more than that today." His dick softened, then rose up again, a cock renewed. We talked about our exploits and his wife's for the next hour, naked. We learned enough about Valerie and her preferences to anticipate that tomorrow would be even MORE fun! The next day, Tom rang us and reminded us that we were invited to use his...

2 years ago
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Shop Talk

Toby and I had one thing in common right off the bat. We both hated our jobs. He was the assistant manger of a convenience store and I was one of his cashiers. We both worked second shift along with another cashier but it was never the same person every night. Second shift was always hectic in our store. Most of the time we had to play catch up from day shift and we definitely had higher customer volumes than day shift because I had worked day shift and didn’t have to run around like a chicken...

3 years ago
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Swear To God Chapter 5

"5 o'clock, Cully, okay?"She'd called, straight-up noon. I'd just finished cleaning the house. Only the vacuuming remained."Sure, I'll be there.""Cully, Tommy is going to drop me off at the front of Skaggs then pull into the parking lot. He doesn't want to leave until you pick me up. Isn't he sweet? So, please don't look at the parking lot in search of him. He's so nervous. And don't pick me up and hold me up in the air. And no Dutch rubs. Okay, hon?""What's wrong,...

4 years ago
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The Girls Bathroom

My back hit the cold tile wall with a loud thud, sending shivers up my spine as I gasped in surprise. I caught my breath quickly and looked up to see my girlfriend, the one who had shoved into the bathroom wall."Damn, you've gotten strong, Vicky..." I commented, honestly impressed."You've trained me well," she replied strutting over to me.I rolled my eyes playfully, until I was caught completely off guard when she smashed her lips against mine. My eyes were so wide that I thought they'd pop out...

3 years ago
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Mallard HeirChapter 03

Wednesday morning Mort wakes up to find Jenny staring at him, he smiles, kisses her, and slides out of bed. Before he can stand up she’s beside him to help him limp to the toilet. They shower, get dressed, and go down for breakfast. While going down the stairs Jenny says, “I’m out of the work roster as of this morning. I’ll accept being paid to help you, but only until we’re married. After that I shouldn’t be paid.” Mort is too smart to argue about something so minor when Jenny has such...

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Maa ki baate

Hi friends. This is Rahul back wit my story. But this is a bit different. Its only about man to man sex . Means gay sex. Some instructions for new readers. This is a purely imaginary story. My story includes scat(shit), water sports and many other forms of kinky, dirty and nasty sexual acts. For the people who don’t enjoy all this, stay away. For other, you’ll be in heaven, AGAIN. Pehele mai aapne family ki thodi aur detail de deta hu. Mai is saal 1st year, B.Sc me hu aur aapne home town, Pune...

1 year ago
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Busted by the Law

I've not read a story like this before. It may exist but I'm not sure. I think I've seen a captioned image for something like it. But here's my short story about... Busted By The Law "Damn! Late for work again. I cursed as I flew down the road 20 miles over the speed limit. Sure my job was back breaking and it sucked. Not to mention the boat load of village idiots I had to work with. But it kept me clothed and under a roof. That's a cop isn't it.... "Shit!" The lights and the...

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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 13 A Fascinating Discovery

When we reached Psi Serpentis we were astounded to find a water-ice bearing superplanet just outside the Goldilocks zone. Even more amazing we found an abandoned starship embedded in solid ice. It was much smaller than our great ships or even our moonlet ships. It was only a about 600 meters long and barely a quarter of that in diameter. We managed to slice it free of its entombing glacier. Once we could examine it, we found what appeared to be an emergency crank to open the hatch in the...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Angelina Diamanti Dripping Cooch In The Corner Office

Beautiful and busy MILF Angelina Diamanti has been super occupied with work recently. She has not been able to make time for her adoring husband, so she is going to meet him for a little rendez vous. But before she leaves for lunch, Angelinas boss reminds her of the lunch date they already had set up. She flashes her blue eyes at him and sucks him dry, jerking him with both hands before begging for his dick in her tight cunt. His cock gets stiff as a board as he slams her from behind, giving...

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Assassins Creed Black Flag

It was a hot Sunday in July. The year was 1716. Captain Kenway was sailing across the Carribbean, her ship's sails fully unfurled. The deck was full, ever hand singing, content, and working hard on the ship. The vessel's was the Jackdaw, a small brig. Jenny was behind the wheel, minding her own business, beside her quarter-master, Adéwalé. They had met on a Spanish fleet, where they were being held prisoner. The dramatic events of that day had forged a great friendship, and perhaps something...

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Dads Little Room Part 5

Part VBy: Q12Dad(m/m m/t mast oral voyeur inc)===========================================================================It was John's son Nick! He was in the house calling for Sam. They both stopped what they were doing, John's cock slid out of his father's mouth and Sam stopped jerking his cock.Sam said, "Wait Here, I'll go see what he wants." Sam put on his bathrobe and went out of the room. John started to put his clothes back on and listened for any voices. Sam came back a few minutes...

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Whatrsquos For Dinner

What’s For Dinner? (December2004)No healthy person, it appears, can fail to make some addition that might be called perverse to the normal sexual aim; and the universality of this finding is in itself enough to show how inappropriate it is to use the word perversion as a term of reproach. Sigmund FreudIt was nearing dinnertime and Master would be coming home shortly. She ran to get ready, quickly showered while making sure not a drop of soap touched between her legs -- it was his...

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Caught Jacking Off0

My story starts with the fact that I was on a dry streak. I had made out with a few girls at lunch but the dumb bitches weren’t willing to go farther. I hadn’t had my dick touched for a good month. So one day after school, I said screw this and decided to jack off. I was incredibly horny and immediately went to my upstairs room and grabbed my laptop. I quickly got to a porn site and clicked the first video I saw. It wasn’t a great video, but hey, it had naked chicks sucking dick and that was...

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A happy ending

It was the second time I had seen this client. I was a little apprehensive because of my last experience with him. Not that he wasn't a gentleman or anything, but he made me think things that were not very professional… Anyway, I was running late that day, which almost never happens to me, I always arrive 30 min prior to the booked appointment to prepare the room (ie turn on the music and water feature and warm the massage table). But, of course, on that day there was construction and traffic...

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A sexy little devil

My girlfriend Sally had dressed as a cute little devil for the Halloween party. Her long black hair had two little horns sticking out of it. My attention for most of the party had been on the the rest of her costume. The costume was a black one piece bathing suit and pantyhose that showed off her lithe body and legs. She had completed her sexy devil look by adding a red sash around the top of her hips and a pair of high heals. I was studying how her long hair moved over the swell of her breasts...

4 years ago
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On the Roof

I lived in Phoenix for several years after college working in a job that I wasn't especially happy with; it wasn't really the field of interest I'd majored in and the workload was heavy and unrewarding. I was single but not into the bar scene or a lot of drinking or drugs, stuff like that. So, sex was only what I provided myself. We all know what that's like, right? My place was in an apartment building of sorts that was more run like a rooming house and I did keep my eyes open for any...

3 years ago
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Coming Home Ch 03

As Tom drove down the road of the farm, he looked in his rear view mirror to see Ellen standing there on the porch. It reminded him of the first time he left her. She stood on the same steps, still waved, and it broke his heart then as it did now. This time it not only hurt, but burned inside of him like a hot fire iron scorching his insides. Yet he still left because in the reality of the day, there was the work he had to return to do. He had to finalize his divorce and free himself from a...

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Ed Kilpatricks According to the Law of Kumar

Ed Kilpatrick'sAccording to the Law of KumarBackground:As I completed the second edition of "Veiled Justice," a new idea came to light, based upon my fictitious Arabian country in the gulf (Kumar), where females are forced to veil under the laws of strictest Purdah. In this short (single I think) story, we follow Sam Jones, a lecturer at the London school of law as he travels on a working assignment to Kumar and finds himself in a relationship of a very different kind.This story was originally...

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How I Became Addicted to Cock

I was a senior in high school, I had heard that you could get a blow job at the rest stop out on the freeway, if you didn't mind the fact that it was from a homo. I had thought about it for a while and finally decided that it really didn't matter as long as no one knew about it, hell the guy sucking my cock sure wasn't gonna talk, it was 1968 and in Michigan no one was admitting they were a cocksucker. I tossed off twice through the day just thinking about it, I drove out to the rest area...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVI 7 Escape to Witch Mountain

The next thing I knew, I was lying on a bed without a stitch of clothes and sore cock. My brain felt sluggish, and I had this strange taste in my mouth, but I managed to say "fuck-n-shit-to-hell" a few times before sitting up and taking in my cell. Cell... Shit. So it wasn't a cell, but just because there weren't any bars on the windows and shit didn't make it any less of a prison. I was actually back in my room, alone. Not surprisingly, the link with Nathan was gone, and I couldn't...

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A Hidden Lesson Part Six

Laden with shopping bags, Simon and Mandy walked to her favourite coffee shop. Stepping inside, the warmth and aroma of coffee beans and gingerbread filled the air, along with the delicious smell of baked bread.Simon’s stomach grumbled as he followed Mandy to the back of the shop. Putting down the bags, he sat at the table and picked up a menu.‘I’m having gingerbread latte and a turkey and cranberry baguette,’ said Mandy. ‘They’re both absolutely gorgeous.’Simon shut the menu. ‘I’ll have the...

3 years ago
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Bang baby

There Rachel, his gorgeous mother, stood in the kitchen, holding her son Michael's cock in her hand, jerking it slowly, softly, as she taunted and teased her husband on the cell phone she held in her other hand. He had always fantasized about her fucking another, younger man, and lately they had enjoyed a variety of roleplaying scenarios. And at this moment, her husband believed this was just another fiction, his beautiful wife pretending to be with another man and acting out the rendezvous...

2 years ago
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Sex Odyssey Fucking On Her Daddy8217s Bed

Hi, I’m Sidharth. From Bhubaneswar, Odisha. This is my first story here, I’m not like a big fan but I surf ISS every now and then. The incident I’m going to narrate happened a few months back with my then new girlfriend. We were in the same batch. She was the hottest ass in the whole class. We got close in annual function drama rehearsal. We exchanged numbers and things went to WhatsApp. I found out her name is Arti. Our chit chat went on for a few months. I never asked her any questions about...

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Tutor Him! That’s my advice for all the beautiful women out there wondering about the best ways to make a man very happy. Then again, I might have somewhat of a skewed view on the whole act of tutoring thanks to the site I’ve been beating off to all morning. Now that I think of it, I’m not sure any of these eager young students learned anything about math or even finished their homework. Education is important and all, but honestly, everything I really needed to know I learned in my...

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2 years ago
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I Didnt Know

I have to be the dumbest man on Earth. My wife was in the hospital and had just given birth to brown eyed, red haired little boy. That sent off sirens in my head. The baby was very light skinned and had these cute little dimples. Yep, it turns out that there is story to tell. My wife told one and now it's time for the truth. Hi, I'm Jeff Patterson and my wife is the one and only Jen. I never thought my wife would cheat on me. I love her with all my little heart. Before we got together, Jen...

1 year ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 77

Phil and Katelyn were straightening the house when Tiffany and Hailey came back downstairs. Hailey was topless and she ran into the apartment to grab a shirt. She emerged and started in on mopping the dining room floor. They finished in plenty of time and were sitting in the drawing room well before Bob arrived. “Sorry I was a bitch,” Katelyn said when she pulled Phil aside. “It just hits home for me when I see you guys doing that. I think of how easy it would be to give in, to let go. I...

3 years ago
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Designated Driver

My name is Gabriel. I work at a small sales company. One Friday afternoon, shortly before closing, I listened to my workmates comment among them: ‘What are we going to do tonight?’ Ignacio and Emily, the hottest couple at the company, suggested: ‘Let’s go to Destiny’!’ The guys welcomed the idea, because this is a very trendy club or disco in the city. Peter, a quite cheerful young guy, responded worried: ‘But, Iggy, last week, we got in a fight there, and also, we were fined for DUI upon...

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The PresenceChapter 17

PAGE 2 After their shower, the girls sat on the bed in just panties. “I am so turned on after hearing that, I will be wet all night.” Joann said as she laid back on the bed, the other girls following suit. Karen turned off the light and they all contemplated what they had overheard. “Karen, how do you feel about ... you know ... what John said about him and you?” There was silence for a moment, and then Karen spoke. “I think ... I would like that, even if he is my brother. I have to admit,...

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A study of the Orc

These are excerpts from the books, correspondence, and notebooks of the elven scholar and sociologist Thylaea Spiritsong who is the foremost expert on the lives and culture of the Orcs. The preface of her magnum opus "A study of the Orc" gives the background needed to dive into the vast collection of written records Thylaea has produced over the years. A study of the Orc - Preface Published in the year 162 of the 4th age. Even though the orcs have lived on the plains outside our forest for much...

3 years ago
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My First Initial Partly Sexual Experience With My Sexy Chachi

Hello friends, This is Pankaj Gupta from Bhopal (M.P), I am a medical student (doing MBBS from a reputed private medical college in Bhopal). I am approx 24 years old, very good looking, smart, handsome, sexy, attractive guy. I do gym/exercise regularly so I have a good body shape with well built. My fully erected dick size is 6.5 inches and width is 3 inches. I am a great fan of ISS and I have been reading stories since 5-6 years and finally posting my story with my sexy Chachi. Any sexy female...

3 years ago
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Boy Scouts Part 2

“Peter is so awesome...” She says and sighs happily as she stares at the top of our tent. “I know. You've said it about... Twenty times now.” I say and groan, wincing at the headache. “Well you had fun too with Keenan.” She smirks and I look up at her again. “Or at least it seemed like you were having fun...” I laugh. “Don't tell anyone.” “Who would I tell?” She asks and I shrug as we hear the bell telling us to get up. “Anyways, we need to find a way to see them again.” “I...

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