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CONFESSION Sept 4th 2003, Received a call from an old school girlfriend,she had split from an unfaithful partner & was looking for a stop overto sort her life out.

She had not called me for around 3 years, but we were very close as schoolfriends, and had some mutual friends in adult life. Feeling apprehensive ofher staying with me, I still agreed she could come. But how would I hide thelife I lead.

The dungeon below my home & the frequent phone calls I received & thelavish style I live in, without any real work as such to supply me with theluxury I surround myself in. This is the story of Sharon & her introductionto the Dome/sub life style she will fall into As she gets pulled in to my world.

Fri 5th September I arranged to pick Sharon up from the train station inNottingham, It was a cool afternoon the train was late as usual, and the peoplearound me were a mixture of business men in suits & student types. A smilelit my face up as I saw a client of mine waiting for his train, dressed ina smart grey suit with black briefcase in hand. I couldn't help myself butI had to walk past him, letting him see who I was. I knew he would notice meas I was dressed in red clothes, surrounded by plain suited guys or dowdy dressedfemales. His expression was a picture in its self as his eyes met mine. Thenthe horror as he realized I might meet his work colleagues as they returnedfrom the nearby cafe with tea. I deliberately dropped my handbag in front ofhim, he couldn't get it fast enough, and it almost hit the back of hand. Ismirked as he handed it to me, and whispered to him, you would have sufferedgreatly at our next date, if you had not picked that up Richard. Suddenly theannouncement of Sharon's train came echoing across the speaker at last, I wouldn'thave to hang around this dreary station any longer. Watching the passengersleave the train like a herd of sheep in the stuffy suits, baggy clothes onstudents & awful boring colors on the few women getting off.

At last I see Sharon struggling with a large case getting from the far carriageas I walk down to her I look at Richard again, shuffling nervously as his colleaguestry to make conversation to him, I then glance at Sharon indicating I wanthis help, without actually speaking to him. Suddenly I find Richard offeringhis services as luggage handler to Sharon.

We greet each other with a hug and small kiss, as Richard asks if he mayhelp with her case to the entrance. Watching him shuffle along the platformas we gossip about what's been happening to her over the recent months, itwas amusing as his friends seemed surprised such a well paid manager from theircompany would lower himself to a porter for us. Little did they know aboutour relationship & his very submissive desires to be dressed in femaleclothes, while being sexually & physically used like a slave for my ownpurposes. Reaching my BMW Z3 convertible, the blood red color standing outfrom the usual black, silver, & blue cars. I opened the boot & letRichard load the case in, not even thanking him for his assistance as he lookedpitifully for a rewarding smile or recognition for his service's I just brushedpast him & opened the door for Sharon. Come on let's get away from thisfilthy place, get you settled in at mine. Later we will visit a wine bar fordrinks & a light meal ok?

The drive to mine was only 30 minutes. I let Sharon struggle with the casefrom car to bedroom. Walking behind her I couldn't help but notice the finelegs she had, and the glimpse of stocking tops. I hadn't really looked at herfrom a sexual view before, shaking my head to bring my thoughts back to reality.

Watching her lift the case to the bed, & unpack her clothes, I couldn'thelp but notice the sexy outfits & underwear she owns. Sharon have youalways worn these while you were with your guy?{I asked}. Well yes he liked to have me dress up for sex,{she shyly replied}. Finally after chatting as she put her things away, I showed her the shower,bathroom, & where the towels are kept, Telling her go freshen up, I'llpour us a drink while you do. Returning down stairs to the kitchen, findinga bottle of chardonnay from the cooler & 2 glasses, I relax with some music{shakira}.

Taking the bottle & glasses to the lounge, placing them all on the oldoak coffee table. Letting myself just drop to the large leather couch. WHATA DAY. Almost a full glass of wine later. I wonder what's keeping Sharon. Walkingback to her room, without thinking and just walking straight in. catching hersemi-naked, almost embarrassed I apologise to her immediately. Shocked at thefeeling of arousal I suddenly feel rush over my skin, as I look her over, thepert breasts fine pale skin with clear complexion couldn't help but noticehow well she had looked after herself physically. Feeling an urge to hold herclose to me & make her pleasure me was almost instinctive of my Dominatrixattitude but this was a friend, I had to try to control the urges within me.Sharon was here for support & help of a friend, not as a client for submissionto a Dominatrix.

Feeling a flush of color rush over me, watching her dress, the lacy blackunderwear with stockings of fine fishnet. Followed by black suit of jacket & skirt{no blouse}black stiletto high heels. Finding myself compliment her on her clothes & hersmartness. Not daring to tell her she looked even better naked to my eyes & desiresof sexual Dominant fantasy. Pulling myself away, I walk down the stairs towait for her, still feeling the rush of arousal at her nakedness across mysensitive clit as I touch myself. Quickly returning my thoughts to the nightahead, the places that may suit her needs & not my own. Hoping I don'tmeet any clients that will give my profession away. But also maybe not caringSharon finds out too, an opportunity to discuss my life here now as a Mistress & Dominatrix.

Hearing her footsteps come down the stairs, the clatter of stiletto heelson the wooden floors, oh the damage to flesh I could do with those{comes across my mind}thinking about the steel tips of her heels & the pleasures I've had wearingsimilar as I've walked across bare backs of both female & male subs. Theheel fucking forcefully, of the females, and the ass ripping of sub males.Finding my mind wander to work again, just as Sharon nudges me, asking whatI'm day dreaming about, oh the even we will share together tonight was my quickreply. Not daring to tell her of my secretive lust for her sexual submissivenessto me.

Our taxi arrived on time; we sat in the back having short chats of the pastmixed with intense giggling of the funny times from school. Unable to takemy eyes from the pert breasts that often became exposed in her sat position,the thigh's as her short skirt rode up the smooth silky skin. Feeling anotherwave of arousal creep across my mind, and we have not had barely a drink yet.What will happen as the night continues, will she notice the powerful lustin my eyes or can I control the urges of making a dominant pass at her, onlytime will tell.

Pulling up outside the first wine bar in Hockley area of Nottingham so manypeople drinking it's a blaze of color as their bright but smart clothes lightthe streets under the lamps. We almost fall giggling like silly school girlsinto the first bar, ordering a bottle of chardonnay & two glasses. We findourselves in a dimly lit corner talking of guy's we have dated, there failuresas lovers & lack of experience as sexual partners, hearing her talk ofher ex guy was the most surprising thing, hearing his lack of interest in hersatisfaction, caring only for his own five minutes of lust until he was finished,seemed cruel compared to my treatment of sub's.

Almost blurting out my own sexual preferences of being a bi-female and findingother females more sexual arousing & erotic than most guy's. Soon we findthe bottle empty, suggesting another bar we totter out in our heels to thestreet, finding myself bump into Richard again after our earlier slight meetingat the railway station.

Sharon enquired at seeing him earlier, asking if I new him as he begged forgivenessfor bumping me in the doorway, the scowl I gave him and speaking his name,made it obvious we were acquainted to Sharon. Quickly passing him off as anex-work colleague we moved on. Walking into the best bar of the area, a regularpick up point for the more well off people, also a place I've met potentialclients for first meetings prior to control over their desires. Finding a twotall bar stools while Sharon gets the next bottle of wine, I find myself fightingoff unwanted advances of a well suited but drunk young man, drooling and leeringat my low cut top almost unable or not wanting to see the anger of his unwantedadvances in my eyes.

Eventually he gets the point, with the tip of my heel accidentally catchinghis shin sharply{smirking}. Sharon appears with our second bottle of wine, we continue our girly chats,I find myself trying to bring the topic of fem2fem sex up or the Dominancesome females can have over other's. Asking her if she's ever tried being withanother female before other than the usual kisses we do or toilet sharing inbusy bars. Her reply was NO but she said she found herself admiring other femalesoften, but never pursued the idea of a sexual encounter with one.

My sudden admission of bisexuality didn't seem to shock her, as much as itdid me admitting it. But as I admitted the more powerful side to my natureas Dominatrix she became interested in knowing more. I smiled, it would bea pleasure to show you, and more detailed than describing it too but you wouldneed to trust me 100%, that is no pleasure more than a female Dominatrix cando, there is more to pleasure sexually, and it's the limits of pain too thatstimulate arousal in my work.

We continued drinking through the evening, with Sharon consuming a littlemore than myself, we chatted about my work & the pathetic men who drunkenlytried to chat us up unsuccessfully. Last orders were called and we got a taxihome to mine, Sharon asked if she could see the room where I used my clients,unlocking the heavy oak door to the cellar, flicking the switch to light thestairs down, she followed giggling nervously behind me.

Her face was a picture as she looked amazed at the racks of whips, canes,crops, butt spankers, paddles act. Then she looked around the corner to seethe rack I stretched my sub's out on, the chains hanging from ceiling, andthe body frame for strapping a person over for assorted reasons of abuse includingstrap on fucking of both males & females.

I could see her flush red as she asked me to describe the use of each item,I found myself aroused at her innocent knowledge and lack of experiences, thinkingto myself should I ask her to try or just make her try some. The Dominatrixwithin me wins, telling her to bend over the frame, lifting her black skirtup over her hips, exposing the fishnets and panties she's wearing. Selectinga riding crop from the choice nearby, Sharon seems stunned into submissionby my powerful dominance over her drunken body. Seeing her thigh tremble asthe cold feel of my crop strokes her bare flesh on her upper thigh, above thestocking tops, the first blow catching her pale skin hard but not as hard asI would of liked, her body jolted as the shock sunk through the drunkenness,Her yelp of pain echoed slightly around the room, pressing myself hard to herass as I silenced her pain with a ball gag, letting my crop stroke up the innerthigh, then over the black panties along her crease of cant lips, her sighof pleasure signaling the pleasure I could & would give her.

Cuffing her wrists to bar sides, then ankles to base leaving her bent overand spread out, vulnerable to my use as a sexual sub. Sliding a large huntingknife down the side of the panties, feeling her shudder slightly to the coldsteel of blade against her skin, cutting through the lace panties easily, findingmyself press them close to my nose inhaling in her sweet fem scent. Throwingthem to floor, with thoughts of dominant sex in my mind.

Selecting a large strap-on from the wide choice available, 10inch black latextoy, with an additional 5 inch inner latex cock. Lubricating the 5 inch toybefore slipping it within my own smooth shaved but pierced tight cant, bucklingit around my waist tightly, posing in the nearby mirror at the fearful sightI make with strap-on attached. Using minimal lubrication on the other 10 inchesI move close to Sharon's ass cheeks, seeing her look round at my closenessand the cold unfeeling strap-on pressing against her sex.

Feeling the internal cock stimulate the magic of my G-spot within me, makingme eager to forcefully use her pussy with strap-on, to feel her submissionto my power and sexual dominance. Parting the peachy swollen lips of her pussygradually with the tip as I slide up and down it, then pressing harder andharder into her, hearing her gasp loudly as she is unable to scream at itsforceful penetration of her sex.

Looking down at its thick shaft vanishing easily into the wetness of herpussy, until it bottoms out at full depth, knowing what she can take, I beginto pump slowly. Pushing her whole body forwards to the cold frame she is cuffedto, watching her lips fold out with each withdrawal from her cunt. Seeing theshaft glisten with a mixture of lube & fem juice, looking at the sweettight rosebud ass I think to myself that double penetration will add to herown stimulation.

Teasing a small short butt plug in circles around her rim, using the juicesof her own cant as lube, watching the rim sink in as I press refusing to acceptthe plug, her cheeks clenching trying to stop me. Holding her hair wrappedaround my fingers I lean in and whisper{relax or it will be painful Sharon}in her ear.

Again pushing harder until I see the ass rim stretch painfully around thetip of plug, watching it pass the widest point then greedily taking it in fullyuntil it almost locks in her ass. I begin a slow pump back into her pussy withstrap-on, Feeling the tightness of double penetration along its shaft. Holdingher shoulders tightly, as I begin to speed up my strap fucking of her cant,feeling her body tense with each thrust in. Suddenly her body arches back likea startled cat, her orgasm explodes in a fine spray of fem cum on my thigh & strap-on.

Hearing her struggle to breathe heavy as the ball gag restricts her air flow,feeling my own sex flexing on the shaft inside of me. Slipping out of her nowwet dripping lips, moving to her front, pulling her face up to meet my gaze,her eyes speak volumes as she recovers from the intensity of her orgasm.

Slipping the ball gag off, she moans loudly, then finds me gagging her again,this time with the strap-on I've just removed from her own cunt. I begin tofuck her mouth with the fem juice soiled toy, using it as though it was a cantagain, making her cough and gag as I push too hard to her throat. Her eyesshow the shock she's feeling, her body used by another female as though shewas a whore.

Watching her clean its shaft as I hold her head by hair, just face fuckingher painfully until I am satisfied with my own arousal. Leaving it embeddedin her mouth as I unbuckle it from waist, holding the leather side of strap-on,jerking it from her mouth, and then turning it round, to use the 5 inch innercock as a hand held vibe. I begin to stroke it over her lips, pressing deepinto her mouth. Watching her eyes smile as she accepts my taste from the toy'sshaft, her lapping and slurping showing her approval for another females taste,her first time experience of another female will be a memorable one.

As I have finished with her for now, releasing her from her restrictionskiss her fully on the lips, tasting the cocktail of our juices from her mouthbefore telling her to go to my bed room…………{follow up story soon on this one}Bitchinredboots

Posted by Bitchinredboots on 09/25/2003 06:55:33.

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Jessica's Live-In Babysitter - Part 3 by CutePatti The next day was Saturday, so all three of them were home. Sam was up first since he was an early riser, but Jessie took advantage of a no school day by sleeping in and, of course, Becky kept her routine of getting up late due to her work schedule. He went into the bathroom to shower and shave as usual. He noticed there was a half-empty blister pack of small tan-colored pills laying on the vanity. He hadn't seen them before but...

2 years ago
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My College Roommate Grad School Part 2

Jeremy's beautiful smile lit up the room as we finished the tour of the rental home.  He looked more sexy in his jeans and tight t-shirt than during the morning meeting. This was my type of man.  His smooth milk chocolate toned black skin, sexy eyes, and firm body had my full attention.  Jeremy asked if I liked the place and if I had any hesitation.  The project in the basement would be finished in thirty days.  The remaining work was mostly cosmetic.  He was finishing up the new laundry room,...

Gay Male
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I,ve never considered myself a bigot as I,ve had many black friends and lovers female and the occasional male, some I,ve had sexual experiences with, most I have not. It was some years after I married British wife Sarah before I had sex with a black female and totally unplanned. In the early 1990s I was employed as night supervisor at a well known international office for a merchant bank with two security officers under my supervision. One of the officers surprisingly turned out to be twenty...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 1 Incestuous Awakening

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 1 with Mercedes Daniels The click-click of the metronome echoed through my office. I sat cross-legged on my chair, my skirt riding up enough to show the tops of the beige, thigh-high stockings I wore. I had my e-ink tablet on my lap, ready to take notes as my patient sat on the cream-colored loveseat across from me. Mercedes Daniels looked...

4 years ago
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Exploring my niece

My name is Samantha, I am in my 30’s. I am 5’7” dark hair, large breasts and a cunt that aches for pussy. I had a couple of disastrous relationships with men, they did nothing for me and I have since had some wonderful, sexually exploring, affairs with woman. I am a lesbian without a shadow of a doubt, I have learnt what women like and what I like and I am at last happy with my life.My niece Sophie is 18. My sister-in-law brought her up single handedly but due to her disastrous relationship...

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Madelines Introduction II

After Madeline's first lesson with me the week passed quickly, and I found myself thinking about her more and more. The whole event seemed odd in so many ways, like her rapid change from shy to extrovert and back again. Either way I was back again the following Monday and like last time her mum greeted me at the door. "Welcome back Alex, how was your weekend?" she greeted me. "Good thanks Mrs Walker, and you?" I replied. "Very good thanks, but please, call me Jasmine. Now Maddi is in her room...

First Time
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NRL football season gangbang

At first i did not want it but now i cant stop thinking about it and want it all the time.... This story is about one night I was in to Bali at the end of season Football trip, South Sydney Rabbitos and the Canterbury Bulldogs NRL teams were celebrating a great season and had flown to Bali to blow off some steam... Little did I know that my friend Sally would be on our one week girl’s trip at the same time. Our Husbands would not have let us go if they had of known that. We had no idea that...

4 years ago
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SynergyChapter 6

Melody knocked on her sister's door but the only answer was a muffled, "Go away! Leave me the fuck alone!" Disregarding her sister's order she opened the door and marched in with Marlin following close behind. "I told you to leave me the fuck alone!" Malinda screamed and twisted on the bed until she was facing the wall away from them. "No, we will not, Malinda," Melody stated firmly as she stood up straight looking down at her sister. "We ― I ― want to know how long you have known...

3 years ago
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Indian Bhabhi Cheers Up Her Old Flame

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Raghu and Anuja were done with their anniversary celebrations. As soon as the guests left, they decided to celebrate their sexual life. It’s been years since their marriage. But still, they were able to satisfy and arouse each other to an extent. Anuja stripped herself naked and waited for her horny husband. She spread her legs wide enough for him to access her pussy. They were not going to waste time in foreplay....

3 years ago
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Christmas In The Sun Part 1

"Yes, yes that's definitely it," whispered John to himself. He placed his binoculars carefully on the wooden ledge that ran under the wide window of his bird hide and moved silently to his tripod mounted camera that was next to him. He made a few quick adjustments to shutter speed and focal length and then shot off a silent stream of shots to capture his target. He thought to himself about the times he'd tried to make jokes about 'shooting off' at the local birdwatching club, but he wasn't at...

2 years ago
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WebYoung Kenna James Judy Jolie Making The Squad

Judy Jolie is on her bed catching up with some work when her phone rings. Kenna James is on the other line and has just told Judy that she’s considering joining the cheer squad. Judy is ecstatic and tells her that that’s an awesome idea! Kenna wonders if they could possibly meet up at some point since Judy’s been in the squad for some time. Judy sets the time for tomorrow and the girls hang up the phone. The next day, Judy brings along an extra uniform for Kenna to wear while...

1 year ago
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The very phrase “Asian Leak” is going to conjure up different images depending on who you are and what you’re into. If you were reading this on another, cleaner website, you might envision a dripping faucet in a Chinese apartment building, but I bet your own personal drippiness is tied directly to your own personal hardness. Others might envision an Asian leak as a pretty Korean waitress relieving herself in a restroom, while still others will imagine free Thai DIY sex videos a la OnlyFans but...

Asian Porn Sites
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BetrayalChapter 8

Max was opening the door to the Jeep when he noticed a figure scrambling over the top of the hill, above the mine. He whirled around and pointed at the nearest guard. "Is anyone else supposed to be out there?" he demanded. "No, just us," the frightened man responded. "Shit. Saddle up boys. We've got a witness to take care of. One of you is going to earn a silver notch today." "You," he pointed to the less experienced guard, a large black man from Alabama that had recently joined...

3 years ago
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Line Of Sight

I was sneaking around late at night outside, biding my time to come to your window. I've been doing this long enough around here to know when people sleep, know who's awake at night, and have a select few favorites that I look in on depending on which night of the week it happens to be. You're my favorite and have been for a while now. I see you during the day when we all go about our daily routines like the reliable moving gears and hands of a precise clock. But at night that clock changes to...

2 years ago
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April Fooled by the Eve of May

April sat morosely in front of her salon. She was a hair-stylist and after the death of her husband had started to operate from home. It was very good for her, She could look after her baby daughter and earn for them. Now after five years her life was crumbling around her. May, her daughter, now nine has a wild streak in her and has left to stay with Grandpa a few days back. The depression has affected her business too. It was not as good as it was and she had the additional headache of...

3 years ago
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My Wife Gets It Good And Hard From an 18 Year Old

I would describe my wife as a strong-willed person who likes to take control. She has a good career in management and at times she can be stubborn in her ways. I wouldn’t say that she is particularly conservative as she can surprise you at times, but she loves to be in control at all times. I had brought up the idea of sharing her several times in the past with other men, but all I got was a lot of flak about it. She didn’t know why I wanted to see her so badly with another man, but as time...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 24

Two months after Philip had fucked Beverly there in his office, she came in one morning and gave him a very weak "good morning, Philip" greeting. Philip noticed that his secretary wasn't her normal cheerful self, and he finally asked her, "Beverly, what's the matter?" "You're not going to believe it, Philip," Beverly said in a way that clearly told him she didn't think he was going to like what she was about to tell him, "but you remember our little session here in the office a...

3 years ago
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The Alliance Ch 01

The teen sat on his bed finally winding down from a fun packed day of nothingness. A teens dream. The eighteen year old slowly plugged in his laptop as if he were sore although it was just exhaustion from the twenty hour days he had been pulling all spring break. He sat back up and thought for a moment as he stared out the window seeing nothing in turn from its blackness. The drizzle outside was a static rhythm and was pleasing to his ears. The teen had a deep psychological love for the rain...

3 years ago
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Save The Girl

You know how I keep saying that one of these days I’m going to do something good for one of those poor kids I see out on the street all the time? Well man, I did something and I’m regretting it. I was coming home after working third shift. I was tired, looked like shit, probably smelled like chemicals and grease. I saw this girl on the doorstep to my apartment building, bawling her little eyes out. She had short dyed-red hair, a bullring through her nose and a stud in her bottom lip. If it...

3 years ago
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Maid Service

My husband and I enjoy travel and like to get away a few times a year. Being cold in the North we like to head south in January or February. This year we went to Florida to see the sights and do the regular tour that the tourists do. We booked into the Hilton at Walt Disney World and got busy seeing and doing all the regular stuff. On the fourth day we were there, my husband had booked a round of golf, that being his passion. My passion on the other hand is shopping and I was quite delighted to...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl Lasses AttitudesChapter 3

Rory had a concern over Paris’ lack of people skills at the Yale Daily News which had finally reached a crisis. It reached a point where in mass the staff quit in protest. Logan had come to Rory’s, now in charge, in her great hour of need. Together they had managed to soothe the journalists back to work and were able to get the paper out. The interaction with Logan had its fringe benefits. It was a bonus of that offered the opportunity to save their relationship and put it back on the...

1 year ago
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The Neighbor 1

I recently moved into a really nice high rise apartment complex in New York. Rent is way too high, however my friends keep telling me I need to start enjoying life a little. I have been single for a quite a few years and I am now on my 8th vibrator. Hopefully someday they will make a vibrator that can outlast my sexual needs. I need to find a man soon though before I lose my mind with this constant sexual desire I have 24/7. It’s getting to the point where I can’t even function at work and now...

Group Sex
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ImageFap Creampie

There are few things in life as satisfying as pumping a horny slut’s pussy full of cum. It’s one of life’s simplest pleasures. It’s a primal urge dating back as long as we’ve been on this earth. Creampieing a hot bitch simply feels amazing. I know, I know, you poor sex-starved incels don’t know what it’s like except for when you get a little rowdy with your crusty Fleshlight.But I know that makes the idea of getting in there and unloading your seed even more tempting. I’ve pumped and dumped so...

Creampie Porn Sites
2 years ago
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A Hot Afternoon

Women might really like this one. :) Vanion_3000. Enjoy. If any one has any ideas or suggestions of where the story line should go after reading it, feel free to let me know. The hotter, hornier, and wilder suggestions the better. I kept this one strictly erotic and reasonably straight forward because of the girl, but I wouldn't mind changing any further chapters to something sizzling hot and dirty. ...

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Everyone Deserves a Happy Ending

This is story is sort of a sequel to "Just Another Love Story". It takes place about ten years after the events of the previous story. It may stand alone, but probably not. I think it would make a lot more sense if you read JALS first. I came very close to abandoning this story. It's taken the best part of a year to finish, and it was only because I dusted it down and reread it recently that I decided to have another go at it. I'm still not sure if it works. If you've got...

4 years ago
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Daddys LOVE of my ASS

Daddy's LOVE of my ASSI'm still a young guy and ever since I was in grade school, I knew I was a little different and I had a desire for people to touch me on the genitals or ass. I use to rub my own little hole at night and stick my own finger in myself to feel what it was like. My parents were good to me and I had a great time growing up but I had this thing for touching myself.One week, my mom had to go out of town to visit my grandmother who was ill so dad put her on an airplane to leave....

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