SynergyChapter 6 free porn video

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Melody knocked on her sister's door but the only answer was a muffled, "Go away! Leave me the fuck alone!" Disregarding her sister's order she opened the door and marched in with Marlin following close behind.

"I told you to leave me the fuck alone!" Malinda screamed and twisted on the bed until she was facing the wall away from them.

"No, we will not, Malinda," Melody stated firmly as she stood up straight looking down at her sister. "We ― I ― want to know how long you have known you had this power and what you have been doing with it."

"It doesn't matter!" Malinda shrieked. "They deserved it! Every God damned fucking one of them!"

"Who deserved it, Malinda?" Melody asked softly.

"The men! The men! Every one of those raping, selfish, merciless bastards!" her sister cried.

"Who hurt you, Malinda?" Marlin knelt beside the bed and put one hand gently on her shoulder. She jerked away from him but he continued reaching until he grasped her again and pulled her over on her back. "Who hurt you so badly you hate all men so deeply?"

"Hates men? How can you say that, Marlin?" Melody gasped. "My God she screws everything on two legs and probably some without legs if they gave her a chance! From what I can see she loves every fucking man on the face of the earth!"

"She didn't love them, Mel," Marlin shook his head as he looked up at her. "She didn't even like them. She didn't make love with any of them; she used them for sex. More than that she drew them in, punished them by having sex with them and then cast them aside. And I doubt if she did it kindly, when she did.

"How many lives did you damage, Malinda?" he asked turning back to the woman on the bed who was now just staring at him blankly. "How many families did you break up trying to satisfy your thirst for revenge? How many chased you and gave until they had nothing more to give and were left with nothing when you casually tossed them away?"

"They deserved it," Malinda whispered. "They all deserved it."

"Who hurt you so bad, Malinda?" Marlin asked again. "Who did this and when?"

"It wasn't Mandy," Melody said shakily from behind him.

"What?" Marlin looked back over his shoulder.

"It wasn't Mandy," Melody stood there white as a sheet staring down at her sister. "It was Maggie, our sister."

Marlin quickly stood up and gathered his love in his arms. "Tell me about it," he commanded softly.

"I was only nine," Melody started listlessly. "Mandy was twelve and Maggie fourteen. She was raped and our niece Tess was the result."

"Did they catch the bastard?" Marlin asked. "Did they know who did it?"

"Oh, we know who did it all right," she laughed humorlessly. "Maggie had no problem picking him out, that's for sure. Dominic Prandle. The Prandles are the largest land owners in the shire. They own just about everything that's worth owning and they sure as hell owned the Shire-rief. He didn't do a God damned thing about it. Just hung his head and refused to look at us when Maggie reported it."

"Was that Tom Binder?" Marlin asked.

"Yep, the same one," she nodded.

"Damn, I liked that old fart," he hissed.

"Nobody around here stands up to the Prandles," Melody shook her head. "They can do pretty much whatever they want."

"Bullshit," he muttered as he released her. Turning around he started pacing back and forth in the room, muttering to himself. Every once in a while he would stop, stare at nothing, scratch his chin and resume pacing. Melody watched him for a moment and then sat down on the edge of the bed and looked down at her sister.

"You have been a very bad girl," she said.

"They deserved it!" Malinda protested defensively.

"Some, maybe," Melody partially agreed. "But certainly not all those men deserved what you did to them. Marlin was right, wasn't he? You preyed on them. Setting them up. Sucking them in with your power and then crushing them. Didn't you?"

"You don't know what its like," Malinda responded vehemently. "Having them stare at you night after night. Having them want to do nothing but paw you, rut on you like you were some animal, just some piece of meat to satisfy their lust! Their eyes never leave you: your tits, your ass or legs. Their hands grabbing, fondling ... It's disgusting!"

"Actually I get that pretty much every day and I kind of like it," Melody answered with a quirky smile and looked up at Marlin pacing with fondness. "Not the piece of meat part, but Marlin can't keep his eyes off me nor his hands. It's only fair, I suppose, since I can't keep my hands off of him either."

"Just wait until he finds some new pussy to dip his dick in and drops you like a hot cinder," Malinda hissed.

"Mmm. I suppose it could happen," Melody answered thoughtfully then glanced down at her sister. "But he did a pretty good job of resisting you and you cheated."

"Yeah, well, wait until he finds someone he thinks is pretty," Malinda muttered.

"Oh, he thinks you're pretty, all right," Melody responded. "He admitted he was attracted to you. He said he didn't think he liked you very much but he was certainly attracted to you."

"He told you that?" her sister gasped.

"It doesn't do much good to lie to a truth-teller," Melody smirked. "Besides I don't think Marlin ever really lies. He's pretty good at not telling you everything but he never outright lies."

"He knows you're a witch?" Malinda gasped again.

"Sure. From the first day we met. I told him right up front but it wouldn't have mattered anyway. He knew I had some kind of Talent even if he didn't know what it was," Melody continued.

"How? That's impossible! He's just some silly little census taker!"

"Actually I believe he told you he tells everybody he's a census taker but what he does in something different." She paused thoughtfully for a moment. "Mmm, I suppose you could call that a lie but then again it would depend on how he actually says it. Anyway, he's not a census taker."

"Then what the hell is he?" Malinda demanded.

"Marlin," Melody tried to get his attention. "Marlin!"

"What?" he pulled up short breaking out of his deliberations for the moment. "What is it, dear?"

"I'm going to tell Malinda what you really are doing here," she said. "Is that all right?"

"Oh, sure. If you think we should," he nodded and then started pacing and muttering again.

"What do you mean, 'What he's really doing here?'" Malinda asked suspiciously.

"Well, he does work for the Empire," Melody started. "But as I said before he's not a census taker. In fact he's a scout for the Talent Agency..."

"No!" Malinda screamed and backed up in her bed until she was pressed against the wall. "Get him away from me!"

"What?" Marlin jumped startled out of his musings.

"I don't think you're a useless parasite anymore, darling," Melody said dryly. "Now you're more like a scary monster."

"This is better?" he asked. She shrugged.

"He's going to send me to live with those freaks and fiends!" Malinda blubbered.

"Mmm, that would certainly take care of more than one problem," he teased but relented when Melody gave him a scathing look. "But unfortunately your Talent doesn't come up to the level that would require recruitment in the Agency. However the ... er, uniqueness of your Talent might tweak their interest if they found out about it regardless of it's relative strength so I'd be careful of who found out about, it if I were you."

"So you are going to hold it over my head to get what you want, aren't you?" Malinda demanded.

"That would be a marvelous idea," he smiled brightly. "Unfortunately I doubt Melody would let me get away with it. You wouldn't would you, sweetie?"

"Not a chance, buster," Melody chuckled.

"Well, if you ever change your mind..."

"He's telling the truth?" Malinda asked her sister anxiously.

"Every word," Melody nodded. "Including that he thinks it's a 'marvelous' idea," she continued looking at him with narrowed eyes. "But if he says he won't then he won't."

"He's hasn't actually said he wouldn't," Malinda pointed out. "He just said you wouldn't let him get away with it."

"Too true, sister," Melody smirked. "I can see you're beginning to see what it takes to handle my man here. Okay, Mr. Cranson, give her your word."

"I will if you want," he agreed. "But I think you should keep it as at least an option here. Malinda seems to have the morals of a predator. Would it be all that bad to have something to keep her in check? How about if I promise not to hold her Talent over her head if she promises not to use it to prey on men anymore?"

"Mmm, another good point," Melody nodded. "Malinda, from what we've heard so far it sounds like you've been an evil bitch. If Marlin were to promise not to threaten you with exposure would you promise not to use what you have to entrap men?"

"But I can't help it!" Malinda wailed. "I can't control it! If I see a man I want or just want to ... lure him in it just happens! I can't stop it."

"A Talent that can't be controlled?" Marlin mused and scratched his cheek. "I've never heard of that. My guess is you never tried before. If that's the case then we can probably help you work on that."

"You'd do that for me?" Malinda blinked. "You really think I can control it?"

"I wouldn't be surprised," he nodded. "Besides I'd be doing this for your sister's sake. I can't have you getting me excited every time I need to get undressed to take a bath or take my shirt off to cut the grass. I'd have to do something with it and Melody may not live through it," he continued completely deadpanned.

"You think pretty highly of yourself don't you Mr..." Malinda's eyes blazed.

"Mandy," Melody interrupted taking her arm. "He's teasing you," she said glancing at him trying to frown. Then she added just as dryly, "I think I'd live through it. He's the one that might have a problem."

Marlin snorted.

"How about we do this," she continued. "Marlin promises to help you control your Talent and won't threaten to turn you in to the Agency if you promise to really try to control it and not use it to entrap men any longer. Marlin... ?"

"I promise," he nodded.

"Mandy... ?"

"I'll try," Malinda answered. When Melody narrowed her eyes she quickly continued, "Okay, okay. I promise."

"Good," Melody nodded once. "Then I think you should lie here for a while and think about what you've done in the past and what you want to do in the future. A little introspection will be good for you."

"You sound more like Mother than Mother ever did," Malinda grumped. "When did you grow so old?"

"We all grow up, Mandy," Melody smiled patting her arm. "Now is my time and soon it will be yours."

"Why you..." Malinda huffed as Melody jumped up and grabbing Marlin's arm pulled him towards the door. "We'll see you when you're ready." Closing the door behind them she tugged him to a stop and leaned up against his chest.

"Lord, she's a mess," she sighed. "Do you really think you can help her control herself?"

"I think so," he stroked her hair. "If she wants to control it."

Melody sighed and looked up and him. "Do you mind? I really don't feel like doing much else but I'd like to lie down and have your arms wrapped around me."

"That sounds like another marvelous idea to me," he smiled causing her to giggle and slap him lightly on the chest. Arm in arm they strolled off to their bedroom.

They were both sitting down to dinner when Malinda peeked around the corner and then entered the kitchen looking down at the floor sheepishly. Marlin pointed to the open chair with a plate and silverware already waiting for her.

"Feeling better?" Melody asked her sister.

"A little," Malinda admitted reluctantly. "About some things anyway. Not so much about others."

"That's to be expected," Marlin nodded.

"Did you really mean what you said, about helping me control myself?" Malinda continued.

"Sure," he nodded again. "If you really want to control it I think it will be fairly easy to help you do it."

"How?" both sisters asked at the same time and then giggled.

"Well," he stared and put down his fork. "First I think you should try to project on me again. Go ahead, do it now. Don't worry. I'll try not to come across the table and attack you."

"It doesn't work that way," Malinda blushed. "I really can't just turn it off and on like a light switch."

"Okay. Let's see if we can't induce it," Marlin grinned. Reaching under the table he started tickling the inside of Melody's thigh causing her to squirm. "What's this? No panties?" he chuckled and she gasped even if he hadn't reached up far enough to actually tell. Malinda's eyes blazed and suddenly he felt a wave of almost overwhelming lust for his lover's sister sweep over him.

"Oh, yes," he gasped. "That's it."

"Malinda!" Melody exclaimed sharply.

"No, love. That's exactly what I wanted," he panted. "I just wish I'd, ah, adjusted myself before I started playing this game.

"Now, Malinda," he said looking at her. "Close your eyes. Look inside of yourself until you can feel where this is coming from. Can you feel it?" Malinda bit her lip and nodded slightly. "Okay. Now try to stop it. Imagine using your hands to squeeze it off or at least reduce it somehow." Malinda bit her lip again and the feelings started decreasing until he was feeling only minor discomfort and then it finally stopped.

"Good girl!" he grinned as her eyes popped open. "You see, you can control it. The more you do it the easier it will get. At some time you'll be about to even stop it from happening at all unless you want it to."

"That was a dirty trick," Malinda frowned but suddenly looked thoughtful. "But I was able to control it, wasn't I?"

"And how did you know I wasn't wearing panties," Melody demanded then looked over at her sister. "He never got up far enough to know for sure."

"You haven't worn panties with a dress since I've lived here," he sniggered.

"True," Melody replied and shrugged. "I'll give you that one."

"Melody, you slut!" Malinda gasped with a smirk.

"Only for him, Mandy," Melody assured her. "Besides I do so wear them. When we go into town I always have my panties on especially if I'm wearing a dress."

"Also true," Marlin agreed. "So I'll give you that one."

"You'd better," Melody laughed and reached under the table to grab his still rock-hard cock. "What's this? Is she still 'pinging' you?"

"No," he admitted sheepishly. "It just takes a little while for it to ... settle down. Of course what you're doing isn't helping and add to that the fact that what both of you are wearing would make a granite statue stand tall and proud."

"Sorry," Malinda looked ashamed. "I'll try to dress a little less provocatively from now on. This is just normally what I wear."

"Don't change on my account," Marlin shook his head. "Wear what makes you feel comfortable. While I do appreciate the view I'll try to save my lecherous looks for Melody's backside."

"Right where they belong," Melody laughed again as she released him.

"Yes, dear," he smiled at her but then turned back towards Malinda. "There is one thing I think we should talk about though. When we first met. When you, ah, found us in the living room you expressed a desire for a drink; a beer or vodka to be exact. I take it you like a drink now and then?"

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shelf and retrieved the video I was interested in. Her skirt barely hid her pronounced buttocks, and the slight smell of sexual excitement was in the air. seemingly, we were the only ones in the store at that time. "This video is hot, hot, hot," she said as she turned and bumped into me suddenly. Slightly flushed, I could tell her temperature was rising as we headed toward the checkout stand. I could hear the heavy "Swish" of her wetness as she walked toward the counter. "My husband and I...

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Teenager First Experience

It was the last day of our school and the farewell party is going on with lot of emotions…  We are about to leave which is when I saw a girl at the gate waiting on her bike.. She’s damn cute and then in no time found she was elder sister (Harini) of a junior of mine… It was the first day of my college and realized me and Harini are going to be in the same class..  I said hi to which she reluctantly smiled at me as many are already staring at her… Let me tell you all how Harini looked..  She was...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Revenge

Hello readers, this is Jack Master. Today I am writing a new kind of story. I guess you must have knowledge of wrestling. How people fight and win championship.etc. So this story is on the same theme. I hope you will enjoy it. So here I begin… Once there was a wrestling league in a city (name cannot be mentioned for any controversy). Here, type of wrestling conducted is a bit different which you must be thinking for. This club is mixed one. Where in one corner in the ring belongs to Man and...

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AssParade Ny Ny Lew Booty Perfect For Doggy

Ny Ny Lew was a hot girl with an amazing body and obviously a really big, shaky ass. She loved to show it off. Tony Rubino joined and ripped her pants so we could see all of the ass. Then he put some oil on it to make it even bigger and shiny. She took off his pants and gave him a nice blowjob. When it was time to fuck, Tony’s dick kept disappearing between Ny Ny’s buttcheeks. Almost all of Tony got sucked in. They fucked in doggy on the floor and on the sofa. Then they spooned and she was...

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NubileFilms Sharon White Don8217t Stop

Raul Costa is on a business meeting with his boss, but his girlfriend Sharon White is just so bored. She wants Raul’s attention, but he just keeps shooing her away. Eventually, Sharon decides to bring out the big guns. Climbing off the couch, she gets right into Raul’s line of sight and flaunts her delightful body. Raul is obviously interested, but he still resists the allure of his hot girlfriend. Sharon isn’t about to be thwarted. She leaves the room and returns in nothing...

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Blackmailing Breanna Chapter 2

After Jessica had laid out the rules of their new arrangement, she handed Breanna her phone and let her go with a final warning:"Remember the rules and what I've said here and everything will go fine. Break the rules and there will be hell to pay!" Then Jessica turned and walked back the way she came and Breanna returned to her car, driving over to where Jimmy was parked waiting and wondering what was going on."What happened Breanna? I was listening to you as you walked up to the statue and...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 6

From the time they left the driveway Maria's and Elizabeth' lips rarely parted until they reached the base of the Mountain and Elizabeth had to give Janet directions. As they turned into the long driveway the headlights shone momentarily on a large sign. Maria read the words. "Dr. Elizabeth Reed", she said out loud. "Yes, I am a doctor, Kitten" The woman said. "What kind of doctor?" Maria asked, snuggling in close to Elizabeth. She liked being called Kitten. "A gynecologist!"...

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Sitters RevengeChapter 10

A few inquiries with some of the more unsavory people at Beth's university along with a bit of e-commerce on the Internet yielded a small supply of the drug, rohypnol, in a matter of days. However, before Al and Beth had a chance to plan their strategy, the call that they both had anticipated came from Bob Miller. Bob issued an order. "Beth, I think we had better continue our conversation from the other afternoon, don't you? Why don't you come over to my house... tonight. Tell your...

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Junge Damen wider Willen 2

Junge Damen wider Willen Teil 2 Alles diskutieren half nichts. Was sich unsere Mutter in den Kopf gesetzt hatte zog sie auch konsequent durch. Sie beharrte auf dem Besuch beim Fris?r und ebenso auf dem Stechen der Ohrl?cher. Doch bevor es soweit war, stand die Frage bez?glich meiner Kleidung im Raum. Wenn es nach mir gegangen w?re, h?tt eich Jeans, T-Shirt und meine Turnschuhe angezogen. Doch davon wurde ich strikt abgehalten. Sowohl f?r meine Schwester, wie auch f?r mich bestand Roc...

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The Office Ploy a True Story

David Burrows had been with the Accounting Department of CND Industries for two years. Going straight into the company from college, he had risen steadily up through the ranks due to his nice personality, strong character, hard work and ambition. The CEO of the company, Edward Avery, had his eye on David as a potential future fast-tracker to the corporate elite. Life was good for David. His love life was made complete with his capture of Katherine Andrews, 24, a co-worker in the accounting...

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Welcome traveller, choose the world you want to explore and then join the party of like minded adventurers. Embark on a journey to a new world filled with dangers and treasures at every corner. Be warned, once you enter there's no going back and be wary of every choice you make. Train and master your skills before you enter for you may not have a chance later. Author's Note : This story is similar to DnD though without the character sheets and die rolling, just a few basic skills and stats that...

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Dead Girl on Sumptner BeachChapter 5

After our bath together and a nice dry off, we settled in the Atrium. I told Tracy I wanted to look at her eyes and see if they were making any progress at starting to open. The swelling had started to go down slightly and the purple tinge had lost a couple of shades. Her eye lids were caked shut and I thought a warm damp cloth might help soften them. At least it might soothe them a little so I might be able to coax them open. I wasn't expecting miracles, just hoping for a little...

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My Neighbors Ch2

I was in our bedroom standing in front of the full length mirror. I was naked and was looking at myself. I was in my late twenties I thought I looked pretty good. I'm about 5'5” with shoulder length dark blond hair. I had put some highlights in it but I needed to get those redone. My waist is slim and my stomach still pretty flat. My hips have gotten a little wider but not too bad. My ass hasn't fallen and still looks good in jeans. My legs are and still have some tone in them from my...

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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 31

7 pm, PST, Friday, December 27, 2 days after Christmas An Abandoned Mall, Southern California “Well, I don’t know about presents in the traditional sense, but I received many gifts this Christmas, such as the gift of demon jizz turning me into a succubus!” Sarah Michelle Gellar asserted as I fucked her harder from behind and my pointed tail sodomized Gillian Anderson. “Oh ... damn it ... fuck, yes!” Gillian cussed as she creamed herself thanks to my tail now burying itself deep inside her...

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DryDock V

(From dry-dock IV) "Well, tell us who the better kisser is. I'll go first," And before I could even process what was happening Reese leaned in, wrapped me in his arms and closed his lips over mine. I felt his hard stone like muscular arms around me and smelled beer on his breath, but more than anything I was overcome by his tongue mushing into mine as they danced around each other. I felt my eyes close and my entire body relax as he kissed me slow and deep. When he broke the kiss I was...

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Nicolette 4

Chapter OneI have been enjoying my time here in Rachel’s home. She has been such a godsend for me. Work has been trying at times, but I am learning a lot. Rachel gives me special jobs to do, and I get them done in the most proficient way. I’d like to think I’m earning my keep. She is very reassuring with her comments and praise. It’s been another long week and I am looking forward to the weekend and some much needed time off. Rachel has been hinting for awhile about letting me have Mark as my...

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Naked Girls In Other Worlds

(Cover Art by SINccubi. Check out his art here: The premise is simple: A random woman receives an anonymous invitation to visit and travel a parallel world with one big caveat: They must do so completely naked. However, there are a few ground rules. This is NOT an ENF story. While the lead may be embarrassed to be naked at first, she should let go of her shame over the course of her route, and maybe, learn to enjoy being naked. As a follow up to the previous rule,...

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Not So Good Samaritans Part 2

When he learned that Sarah had a regular coffee shop she frequented he started going there. He was working on a freelance project for a few months so he was able to work where he liked. She often stopped into the café, sometimes spending an hour or two with her laptop, also working he presumed. It was a couple of weeks before the opportunity to speak to her again finally arose. It was a rainy day and the café was busier than usual. Mike sat alone at a 4 person table when Sarah passed by...

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Fun In The Bus With A Total Random Stranger

Hi guys, I’m Raj Kumar. This is my second sex story in ISS. Thanks for all the feedback you people have given me for my first story. You can read my first one here, . So this is just my second story. Excuse me if it’s slow or boring. Do message me at for feedback. So I’m 5.8, lean guy, kind of nerdy looking with glasses and curly hair. I had just completed my engineering and started working in a software firm. This sex story is about how much fun it was on a crowded public bus in the city of...

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The Photo Shoot An Adult Story

just started to branch out from my usual 9 to 5 job. I work at a local big department store in the mall. I am the photographer in the family photo center of the store. I am the guy who shoots the k**s on there parents lap or the family portrait that no one likes to take. It's very boring. It's been getting on my nerves lately but it's a job. The only saving grace of the job, is it allows some free time when ever I need it. I just got into lightning and set up for photo shoots. It might take...

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Brians Long Walk

Brian's Long Walk Brian is a 21 year old bum. He's been living with Maria, a 22 year old care assistant for five months. He's also been sleeping with Christine, a 19 year old student. Maria has to work a sleepover in the care home one Friday and Brian seizes his chance to see Christine in the evening. Unfortunately for him, things are not quite what they seem... INFORMATION - this story deals with themes of enforced infantilism and feminisation and contains mature adult content and...

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Girlfriend Ke Saath Sex Pehli Baar

Hello frnds mera naam Rohit he . Me Odisha se hun. Ye story kuch din pehle ka he. Mene zindegi me pehle kabhi sex nehi kiya tha jo bas movie dekh ke sikha tha . Ye mera pehla story he hope you all will like this story. Agar koi Odisha ki ladhi ya bhabi ko secretely sex karna he to mujhe jarur mujhe contact karna. My email id is I am waiting for ur reply. Khas kar ke Bhubaneswar ya uske pas me. Me hab waqt ready hun sab kuch karne ko. Ye secrete hi rahega hum dono ke bich. Ye mera pehla story...

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Housewife and the Boy

Nancy was cleaning up the family cabin for her son and his friends to spend a weekend fishing. The lake was great for hiking around, and her husband said there were some big fish in there. Her husband, Hank, had asked why bother cleaning up the cabin for a bunch of k**s.Nancy was fastidious with keeping house, and couldn't bear the thought of her son and his friends sleeping there with cobwebs in the corners. It was the thought of their mothers finding out that motivated her. She had been...

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Matt and his Cougar

The affair between Matt and I was the best thing happening in my life at this moment. Having wild and hot sex with a much younger man was the highlight of my life. One day I was home on a Friday evening with nothing to do since my husband was in bed sick with a 102 fever. I made him some soup and gave him night time medicine so he could fall asleep and not wake up till the morning. My son George was getting himself ready to go out that night, me being curious and wanting to know if he would be...

Cheating Wifes
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Urlaub in der Trkei

Urlaub in der Türkei Haupt Personen: Justus - der Vater Anni - die Mutter Sophie - Tochter Sommerferien! Der Flieger landet und als die kleine Familie aus dem Flugzeug steigt ist es als würden sie gegen eine schwüle warme Wand aus Luft laufen. Keine einzige Wolke ist zu sehen am hellblauen Himmel über Antalya. Sophie die Tochter, braune lange glatte Haare die ihr fast bis zum Popo gehen auf die sie sehr stolz ist und hegt und pflegt, blaue Augen und ca. 150 groß mit kleinen Tittchen die ihre...

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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 14 Put out

Aisha came back into the basement, her eyes red from crying. Manu looked up at her from his desk. As expected, he had feared the worst. The chubby slave girl descended the last steps into Manu's realm. He was actually surprised at how brave this, formerly timid, slave girl had been today, and how strong she was showing herself to be. He looked at her; he couldn't really bring himself to ask her the question. She looked at him, her face a mask of despair. "He said you are to take mi...

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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 4 Romantic Love Making

Ridhima sat on the bed, held her face with her hands, and started sobbing. Her mouth was dry because she had narrated her long story and kept crying while doing so. Naveen, too, was sitting on the couch, listening carefully to Ridhima. An hour ago, he was shivering with anger and grief after he discovered his wife’s scars. But now he seemed calm and composed. He decided she would experience romantic love making with him.He got up, walked towards Ridhima, and gave her a glass of water. Ridhima...

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Foxy Knoxy meets the Prison Commondant

From bigbob1200 Amanda is taken to the Commmdant Prior: Foxy Knoxy Prior: Foxy Knoxy II Prior: Foxy Knoxy III Meredith’s Ordeal Begins Prior: Foxy Knoxy IV Prior: Foxy Knoxy V Prior: Foxy Knoxy VI Foxy in Prison, Fox Knoxy – Hard times in prison (Foxy Knoxy – Foreign Students Amanda and Meredith fight at their flat in a small Italian city. Amanda goes to the bar where she goes to the back room to entertain three men who are a little rough. Done with the men Amanda waits at the bar for...

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Lauras Birthday

Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An all-dialogue story. Laura's Birthday by Vickie Tern "Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday sweetheart, a very happy birthday!" "Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God! Is that you,...

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Second Chances Chapter 1 Hello my name is Toby

Did you ever look back at your youth and fantasize about redoing it a second time with all of your future knowledge and experiences? What would you do if given a second chance? Would you take the path you didn't take the first time? That's where my story starts. Or ends, depending on your point of view. Time travel gets confusing like that. Friday, April 6 2018 My name is Anthony Demarco. Friends and family call my Tony. You can call me Tony too since you're reading this. I'm...

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