Clementine In HellChapter 18 free porn video

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"Why have we driven out here, darling" Viola asked Rashumba innocently. Inside her heart was working overtime. Could this be it?

She had been here for a week now and Rashumba and James had treated her magnificently. Had she not known of his betrayal of Clementine, Viola would have been happy to meet James again. He had great appeal and was still great to look at. She understood very well how Clemmy had succumbed to his charms. But James was busy today and Viola and Rashumba were alone, and driving out into the wilds.

Each day she had managed to keep in touch with Fox's two men who had been ensconced in the Consulate for weeks now.

"I thought you might like to see the country, especially the more rugged districts. You wouldn't care to live in these parts would you.?"

Viola shook her head. There was little vegetation growing in this rocky waste and what there was permanently bent and windswept. This high upland plateau looked about as friendly as the surface of the moon! It was a wilderness she had seen before, though, and Viola knew this was the area where those fights had taken place.

"You'll see later, why we've come here!" said Rashumba. Her face was lit up by one of her most cruel smiles. Viola prayed that the woman was about to lead her to Clemmy!

They left the car and climbed up a small hillock, which gave them a view of a fortress like building and precious little else of any interest. The ground was rocky and Viola had to take care not to trip. Not the place to be wearing anything but good stout shoes. Her city shoes were not the thing to be wearing at all! She made it to the top and Rashumba pointed. A few miles away was a moderately high hill, maybe eight hundred feet high, the beginning of a range which ran away from them due north.

Viola noticed a rough road leading from the fort in the direction of the hill and also spotted a truck in the distance and then looked again at the fort. It would make a good prison for housing no more than at the most a couple of hundred prisoners. In a small country like this that would account for a fair proportion of the country's female prison population. All the long term prisoners might be there.

She fought hard to conceal her excitement. As the truck rumbled slowly towards them she saw that there were people in the back, clutching the sides for support as the vehicle bucked around on the rough surface. Behind it some people were following on foot and having to run quite hard to keep up. She saw motorcycles and as the procession came nearer it was obvious that these outriders were uniformed women. This MUST be a work party returning after a day's hard labour. Yes!

What Viola had suspected from a distance was confirmed as they got nearer and nearer. The women on foot were all totally naked! She wondered if they had any kind of footwear. It didn't look like it, in which case they must be getting their bare feet cut to ribbons if the stones they were running over were anything like those she had traversed to get to this viewpoint! And she could see that one of the toiling running women was a blonde. She took her first quick look at Clemmy in over four years, pretended to have a speck in her eye and bent down as if to get it out. Rashumba must NOT know she had recognised her supposedly dead lover or that she had been looking for her.

When she straightened up the party was passing into the building.

"What was that, Rashumba? And why should you bring me here to see it?"

"That is a prison, Viola and James has influence there. That particular batch of villains quarry marble and are taken to and from the quarry workings daily. The women in the truck are ordinary prisoners and reasonably well treated. Those on foot are the lowest and most violent criminals and we show them no mercy. James markets the finished marble products on behalf of the government who get a share of the profits, He's got the prison staff under his control, having persuaded the Interior Minister to give him a free hand. He makes sure the women get a rough time and the Government think he does a good job, so he's let alone to run the place. He vets all appointments and only the strictest and most brutal of women are given jobs there. You know how I like using a whip on people, Viola?"

She nodded. She remembered all too well How could she possibly forget!

"And you liked being at the receiving end, provided it wasn't too severe!" said Viola.

"I did once, but I am solely a doer these days, Viola. I administer pain to others, and I get to torment a certain prisoner at that prison from time to time, a really hard case who keeps defying the authorities. I'm afraid they don't let me use the kind of monster whip I used on you. It takes a couple of hundred lashes from that feeble bit of leather to produce the effect ten did in our little act in Montmartre. Some of those hardened felons have pretty thick hides and my favourite victim needs a good, hard hundred just to make her bleed a bit! But I've made the bitch's blood flow down her stinking body - many times! And lately, these last few months, we've been using a special whip on her. She jerks and twitches under the lash a real treat! I just wondered if you'd care to see me in action again before you go home?"

"Not today, thanks. I'm too tired, Rashumba. I've been up since six and I'm quite bushed. But give me a call in the morning and we can arrange something. I would like to see you at work, as long as it isn't me you're flogging. I'm out of practice these days - all soft and tender."

This was readily agreed. Rashumba kissed Viola goodnight before dropping her off at the hotel and then went to tell James of her plans for the next day. He was happy to let Rashumba take the soon to be departed Viola to give Clementine the agony of seeing her with her former lover and seemingly back with her again. He agreed enthusiastically that this would definitely add to the prisoner's torment at a time when they were finding it hard to keep up the escalation of Clementine's misery.

Viola rang the Consulate and delivered the agreed coded message. One of Fox's men was waiting for her at breakfast. He gave her something and whispered instructions to her. Then he left. If anyone asked her what she was doing talking to him, she had her answer ready. She was a friend of the Consul and had been invited to a farewell dinner before leaving for home in a few days.

She had spent most of the night thinking of Clementine. The poor girl had almost certainly been running behind that truck all those miles to the quarry twice a day with all those other women for four years. And this was on top of being made to work hard all day in between. On the way back to the city, Rashumba had explained just how backbreaking the work was and how severe the punishments were for failures to fulfil norms. Apparently there was one prisoner who had made two escape attempts and was being punished by being given one hundred lashes every Friday, a punishment she would suffer right through the rest of her sentence. Rashumba proposed to do the honours herself tomorrow, it being Friday. Viola had feigned interest and she would be picked up about four o'clock. She knew this could be a dangerous day for her, but kept calm. After all, there was her trump card if things got nasty!

Rashumba came round earlier than expected and suggested a little tour round before going to the prison, They ended up at the quarry and an armed guard only let them approach when she recognised Rashumba. They were waved through with an outwardly friendly smile, although the guard, like all her colleagues, had grown to loathe Rashumba by now.

"Come on, darling We can watch them working for a few minutes. They will finish in an hour and go back to prison for their disgusting meal. And when I say disgusting, I mean it! I wouldn't feed that filthy muck to a pig! The nude prisoners are the hard cases. All big girls as you can see. Some of them are slicing up the marble and a couple are carrying the stuff to a truck. They all have a target to achieve day on day and woe betide a girl who falls short. We make them howl for mercy - which they DON'T get! That blonde over there is a fine specimen, don't you think? She's the one who tried to escape and gets the weekly whipping. She's pretty hard to handle and gets lots of other punishments as well, but they say she's kept clear of trouble the last week or two."

"Yes. Reminds me of Clementine, funnily enough. But that girl is bigger and stronger. She really does have some muscles, doesn't she!"

"There is a resemblance, I agree. They've got her wielding the pick axe today. The chips fly off a lot, of course and sometimes they cut her and sometimes she gets a speck in her eye and loses time getting it out. We don't allow her to wear goggles any more because she had been so naughty so often. She'll still be whipped if she doesn't do her quota, even if she thinks she has a good excuse for taking time out! These are all very bad women, you know, Viola. They deserve to be treated harshly."

"Has she committed a serious crime? How long did she get?"

"Twelve years for an offence against public decency. She's been here a year or two already. I forget her name."

Viola said no more. That was Clemmy alright! But Rashumba had no reason to think Viola knew her friend was alive. She couldn't wait to get inside that prison, although she would be relieved to get out again!

The couple followed behind the returning work party and Viola had a chance to see just what a gruelling run it must be for these tired thirsty women. Each and every one of them must be made of iron - that was all Viola could think. And her Clemmy was one of them. She felt so proud! There she was, running like the athlete she still was! She would have her own feet cut open after a few yards of this rough surface but her Clemmy could do mile after mile. It was good to have a Mistress who was so tough. After what she had endured, she would be hard as nails and her Slave would feel it! She felt her loins stirring ominously and fought to keep control.

In a few minutes no doubt she would get to see Clementine being whipped. Pity for the poor girl was giving way to desire! She desperately wanted to see Clemmy show her bravery under the lash. In a few weeks they would be back in England and Clemmy's Hell would be over, but Viola, as an ex sub wanted to see for herself just how her darling coped with all the pain.

Rashumba led Viola to a second-storey room inside the main block and took her to a window. There was a view over a large yard, on one side of which was a big iron cage, open to the elements. The naked prisoners were all inside and were eating and drinking ravenously. The feeding was animal-like in its ferocity and Clemmy was tearing the food apart and ramming it down her throat just like the others. Poor things, thought Viola. They must all be dying of thirst and hunger. Who could blame them for their poor table manners?

Then she saw Clemmy ordered out. She walked across to the prison wall to be flogged. Rashumba took three whips down from a rack and showed them to Viola. One was small but the others were much longer, heavier and wicked looking.

"These are the two we use on that bitch" said Rashumba. She handed them to two tall bare breasted guards who then left and were soon walking the short distance to where the unsecured Clementine was waiting, her hands against the wall and her back willingly offered up for her weekly flogging. Viola could hardly contain her excitement. Her feelings were the most extraordinary whirl of mutually conflicting emotions. On the one hand, the sado-masochist in her gloried in the prospect of seeing what was about to happen. On the other, she felt pity for this wretched girl, now well into her fifth year of this never ending, hopeless agony. She saw that all the other women were crowding along the side of the cage, expectantly watching the two guards walk over to the prisoner and start their work without standing on ceremony.

"I'll open the window, darling! Then you can hear Clementine being flogged! Yes - it is indeed she! I'll explain later! For now, just watch, listen and enjoy!"

Viola was ashamed that part of her was enjoying watching. She felt the old excitement and sexual high as soon as she heard the opening SWOOOSH as the first guard brought the whip down on Clementine's waiting back. "CRACK" echoed the lash as it landed on her. It seemed to echo around the walled enclosure. A red line appeared on that beloved, strong back. The guard gave her four more, timing her strokes to let Clemmy savour the pain and get every last ounce of torment from each lash.

"She's good - that guard." muttered Viola, trying to keep her hands away from her hot and moist crotch. This was damned good!

"Guess who taught her all she knew, darling!"

Vila watched in silence as thirty were delivered and Clementine's back became a uniform red. She doesn't seem to be bleeding, though, thought Viola. She must have a hide like an elephant! That whip was not the fearful implement Rashumba had been wont to use on her, but it was a wicked thing nonetheless and far heavier than that used on the other prisoners. It ought to be slicing into her, yet was hardly scratching her.

"Clementine must be well used to this, darling! She's taking it without moving a muscle! Very impressive!"

"Yes. She used to jerk about like a mad thing. But she's got used to it and so has that cursed thick hide. I shall have to think of fresh ways of getting to her! It's all on account of you, Viola! I arranged her capture. See how I love you so much that I devote my life to making her suffer!"

"The woman's mad!" thought Viola.

"It must have been hard to get her here. Maybe, you might explain some day. But let's finish watching!"

They did as Viola asked. Finally the hundred had been delivered. From where Viola was standing Clemmy's back did not look that bad after her weekly punishment. It was red enough, but there had been little blood - maybe a few beads -until the seventieth lash and then it had started to flow. Either the guards had been lenient or her hide was exceptionally tough. The guards did not look at all tender-hearted, so it must be the latter. Viola was forced to admit she had enjoyed the spectacle and it brought back memories of her kinky double act of four years ago!

Then Viola saw Clemmy tied to the wall, after taking her whipping so meekly and without the need to secure her. A guard muttered something to her and left her. It was bitterly cold out there and Viola could see Clemmy was shivering slightly. If it had been her, the cold would kill her, thought Viola! The women in the cage were all huddling close for warmth. It was a desolate scene and all Viola wanted now was to get her friend out as soon as possible! There was no romance about this place. It was squalid and evil and no decent person belonged within a mile if it.

Rashumba started to undress. When she had totally disrobed she came over to Viola and stood with her legs apart.

"Care to kneel once more - for old time's sake?"

"Whatever! You know me! Always game for a bit of nice pussy gobbling, especially yours, darling!"

And so Viola did what she had dreaded, and licked and sucked at Rashumba's juicy cunt once more. After the first contact she had to admit that it tasted as good tonight as ever and she had to be told to break it off before she wanted to. She got unsteadily to her feet. That had been positively atomic, but Clemmy tasted even better!

"Come on, darling! Let's go over to the prisoner and you'll see me give her a REAL whipping!"

"Aren't you getting dressed? It's bloody cold out there!"

"I always strip to give my beatings - you know that."

"I see. Well, you really ought to take off the shoes as well. You must remember how much I love those feet. I'll give you a quick toe job before we leave!"

"Later" But Rashumba took off her shoes all the same and the couple walked over to the wall, Rashumba picking up a fresh whip on the way out and swishing it repeatedly. Clementine did not look round. She had been ordered not to on pain of getting another hundred. Viola noticed that the women in the cage had stopped drifting away chattering about their leader's latest flogging and come back where they could get a good view. They all knew that Rashumba came over to talk to Clemmy for one reason and one reason only, and these days she never gave the girl less than four hundred! The sadistic bitches, much as they liked their chief, were agog with excitement!

Clemmy's cry of anguish pierced Viola like a sword of ice. She wondered if she could keep control of herself. She mustn't fail now!

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Jimmy und Mandy Smith drehen sich noch einmal um und winken ihren Eltern und den zahlreichen Gästen noch einmal herzlich zu. Dann steigen sie rasch in den neuen Wagen, ein gemeinsames Hochzeitsgeschenk ihrer Eltern, und machen sich auf den Weg zum Flughafen in ihre Flitterwochen auf den Bahamas. „Wir sind sehr spät dran, Honey! Aber keine Sorge, wir schaffen das schon! Ich kenne da eine Abkürzung ...“ Die achtzehnjährige Amanda, genannt Mandy, sieht ihren frischangetrauten Ehemann verliebt von...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lisa Ann Interracial Threesome

Busty, sexy Lisa Ann’s cleavage spills from her tight dress. With her husband at work, the frisky MILF welcomes handymen Jason Brown and Nat Turnher, making dirty jokes about the size of their tools and what she needs them to work on. She’s aggressive and direct — everyone is naked in no time. Lisa gives their big black cocks worshipful blowjobs, sucking Nat while Jason eats her fur-topped pussy from behind, and fellating Jason as Nat nails her tight twat doggie-style. She...

1 year ago
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The Tale Of Astra Pt 2 Time To Go

It was several hours later when Kal awoke, still well before dawn. The shoddy traveler’s lodge wasn’t the sort of place he preferred to stay but Astra had been demanding. After she’d finished wringing him out he had been left completely worn out and rather than wending his way back to the more comfortable room he was renting for himself, he’d simply collapsed into bed next to her. She was still sleeping peacefully next to him, moonlight picking out the curves of her breasts and legs.  For a...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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A story about one families bid to conquer Boston’s EliteA Fantasy created by Ted Guy based on an idea by Julie Van.(Please read previous chapters to get maximum enjoyment).Chapter 3 - Penetration time.Michelle Jackson had been joined in the hot tub by her daughter Abbey and Stella Harris and they were casually chatting and drinking champagne. Stella Harris was still feeling sexually aroused after her very brief dalliance with Abbey and even though absorbed in conversation in her head she...

3 years ago
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Roleplay With Tinder Girlfriend

I’ve always read stories here since I was very young and putting up my own real incident with my girlfriend for everyone to read is one of my kink and almost a dream come true.I met her on tinder about a few months back. I swiped right instinctively the day I found her there, big black eyes into which you get lost looking, a cute smile that’d make you dream, somewhat curly hair and a beautiful hot body. It all started just for sex, she was frustrated with her love life and I was frustrated...

3 years ago
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Christmas Cruise

"Maybe you'll meet a girl," Dad suggested. "And then what? I'm sharing a cabin with Jill," I groaned, unconvinced. Who wanted to spend a week at sea sharing a cramped cabin with their sister? Jill and I are a year apart in age. I was her older brother. Except for our eyes, we barely pass as brother and sister. I have light brown hair; a strong chin line and I keep myself in great shape even after my football career ended during my senior year of High School. Jill's hair is constantly...

1 year ago
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Bound in Nottingham

I found the website Bound in Nottingham and after a few weeks of chatting with the administrator and proving myself I was accepted for the first play session.My Instructions were simple; I had to be t location 45 min drive from my house at 8.00am in the morning.  Was to be wearing military style camouflage jacket and pants, boots and nothing else. I arrived at the old brick building and found an envelope with my name on it. Stage two of the instructions from the administrator that I had never...

3 years ago
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But our wives are upstairs

I was sort of ambivalent about our plans that evening, but Sarah was really excited about getting together with one of her co-workers and her husband. It was to be an informal cookout and we were bringing some my wife’s world famous macaroni salad, a 12 pack of beer and some flowers. To be honest, I was already thinking about what I could say to get us out of there early if it proved to be too much of a yawner. They lived in a really nice subdivision and obviously both were making good...

1 year ago
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Indulgence and Denial

Indulgence and Denial By strangefun It was the most perfect combination: She wanted her releases granted to her immediately, and I wanted mine to be denied. She loved to tease, and I loved to be teased. She enjoyed humiliating and degrading me, and I enjoyed being humiliated and degraded by Her. She got off by watching me, horny and frustrated, trying to get off and failing miserably and I was trying to get off and failing miserably for Her enjoyment. Teasing and tormenting me was...

3 years ago
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My Teacher Ch 4

Hi all, be sure and read, parts one, two and three. I hope you enjoy. * * * * * After Cindy and I kissed goodnight, I started home. I was so excited, when she came back from the ski trip, she was mine. That night I had taken a different way home. About half the way there, I saw a car broke down on the side of the dark, lonesome highway. Steam bellowed out from under the hood and a woman standing by the car crying. With no man in site, I knew she needed help. Even in a big city like this,...

2 years ago
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An Embarrassing Event

Erik and Ingrid were very much enjoying their holiday.They had spent countless hours visiting old ruined Abbeys,Monasteries as well as all the other tourist sites they could find. They made sure to take many photographs. However at night in the privacy of their hotel room they used their camera to taken some very naughty photographs of themselves. The day before they were due to fly home they decided to take one last drive in the countryside. They came across an old Abbey with beautiful gardens...

3 years ago
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It began in the early summer of my sixteenth year. My parents had separatedthree years previously, and my sister had moved away with my mom to the westcoast, while I stayed with my dad. I guess there was a lot of bad feelingbetween my folks, because for that three years, I didn't see either my momor Cathy at all; I got to speak with them on the phone over holidays andsuch, but that was it.Eventually, there was a thawing in the iciness that had prevailed between myparents, and a "prisoner...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Khloe Kapri The Assignment

As usual I was behind with my homework and had a huge assignment due the next day. I had no choice but to have my nerdy stepbrother Jake write it for me. He is easy; as long as I promise him something in return, he’ll do it. Well this time he asked me to let him play with my feet. I was like Whaaat? He admitted he has a foot fetish and always wanted to suck on my toes. He thinks I have a very pretty feet. Then I actually realized this is an easy way out, so I agreed. I always flake...

3 years ago
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my first gay experiance

My first time with another man was when I was only 16. I had always been shy round girls and still am. One day when I was in town I went in to the toilets and sat down in one of the cubicles and I was in there for a few minutes before I hered someone go into the next cubicle, I did not think much of it and just carried on looking through some of my school work when I looked over to the wall that seperated the 2 of us to see his 9inch cock sticking through a hole. At first I did not know what...

1 year ago
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My Landlady

Hello there well I am Rahul from Bangalore and am 25 now Let me tell you guys about my first experience in bed. Well it was with an older woman and since then I have a major thing for women older than me and they just drive me crazy with desire When I was 22 I began staying as a paying guest I had just begun a new job and was trying to save as much as I could to splurge on my partying habits. My mother had contacted an old friend (Rekha) and arranged for me to live with her until could...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Bosss wife

I don’t know when it started. Maybe at the office party, perhaps when I was leaning over his desk, perhaps I did tease him a lot, maybe it was when he breathed in my perfume and saw my cleavage as I sat next to him taking dictation. Anyway, we started flirting first of all. That led to a kiss and an occasional furtive grope. Eventually we had sex. Sometimes it was in the office, other times when he took me away on business trips. I remember one of the first times in the office when I was giving...

2 years ago
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Swing Open Swing Closed

Have you ever made a mistake so big that it just fucked up your whole life? And then looked back and said," If I could only go back to (insert date and time here) then everything would be alright? Well if you've ever done that, you know like I do, that often our lives and our happiness hinges on a single assumption, choice, decision or omission. Sometimes there are predators who help to push us through or into those terrible decisions as well. I met a predator like that and she helped me...

2 years ago
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Nafis Parties Paki Slut fucks neighbour

Nafis stood at her back spare bedroom window, which just about overlooked her neighbours garden. When she pushed her face and ample tits up against the window, she could see parts of her neighbour's deck area, where a week ago she saw a 2-day orgy take place. Her clit was still sensitive from all the rubbing she had given it while watching the events take place, she changed her dirty cum soaked panties 3 or 4 times a day as her cunt leaked in the gusset, At night, laying in her bed next to her...

2 years ago
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VisitorsChapter 3

“Kevin, can you hear me? It is me, Alpha. Don’t try and talk as you are in a hospital and are sedated. Since you can hear us we can speak to you mentally and there is no reason for us to do verbal communication. What do you remember that happened?” “The last thing I remember is jumping in front of what’s-her-name and getting hit with bullets. I saw someone shooting back at this shooter but that is all I know or saw.” “Kelly Ferguson is the name of the lady who you probably saved from an...

2 years ago
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Deacons Song

At first I thought it was a fly that awoke me. I tried to shoo it away but instead got a hand full of hair. I awoke with a start since I didn't remember going to bed with a cat, dog, or rat. I looked down at the head of black hair sprawled across my shoulder and tickling my nose. The hair was so damned black it was almost blue. That hair told me it was Rose. Now I do some pretty dumb things when I am half asleep. That morning I tried to look at the clock hanging on the far wall of my one room...

2 years ago
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Making Popcorn With The Gordon SistersChapter 3

With the start of a new school year all the summer's friendships had to be integrated into our school friendships. The Gordon sisters and Clara were all going to the same school as Ray and I. Shannon and I were in the same grade, Trudie and Clara were one year behind us, and Ray was a year behind them. It was good to get back to school because it was a place where I did well. I had good grades and was on friendly terms with most of the other students. The kids from our project were...

3 years ago
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Bree 2 Girlfriends First Time

The first story is actually a prequel involving my then long-term college girlfriend, Kate, (Bree 1 - Kate) which lead to Bree 2 – Girlfriend’s Big Surprise, Bree – 3 the third story with Bree being the main participant; The fourth story is the sequel: Bree 4 - Wife’s Accidental Encounter With The Donkey, followed by Bree 5 – Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains and then the sequel Bree 6 – The Awakenings, Bree 7 – Shannon’s Encounter with Jake the Donkey, Bree 8 – The Reunion (a stand alone...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Jaycee Starr Slim Redhead Wakes You Up

Enjoy the young, hot, Jaycee Starr as she wakes you up to suck your cock and slide it in her warm hole. She teases with her tongue and engulfs the cock in her throat. She rides and shakes her bubble butt in your face as her pussy slides up and down the shaft. This little slut compassionately drains your balls. Jaycee appears for you wearing purple seducing lingerie showing you her spectacular body, natural tiny tits, tight rose pussy. She wakes up you and takes your cock in her mouth to suck...

2 years ago
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Naughty Secretary

Amy was so hot. She badly wanted to unbutton her blouse the entire way, but even with a camisole underneath that would be just be inappropriate. And she definitely didn’t want to appear like a hooker in front of her intimidating boss. Mr. Cromwell was as sexy and cocksure as a porn star. Just the way he strutted (and oh, did he strut) down the hall so sure of himself and so aware of his effect on the female staff, the way his arms flexed with his sleeves rolled past his elbows when he was doing...

3 years ago
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The Dance Teacher

Hello, my name is Anna I’m a 35 year old dance teacher, I’ve been teaching dance of all types since I was 28, I used to be a professional ballerina but various injuries put paid to my career and I was forced to retire, I have no regrets I had a long career spanning over 10 years and I travelled the world performing with Some of the greatest dancers male and female.I run my own dance school and teach all ages from 5 up to 18, ballet is still a passion of mine I made some good friends and also...

3 years ago
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Slave Game

The tinkling rush of her water woke Andy up, and he opened his eyes to see his little sister in the bathroom. He had to pee as well, so he got up and went in there, standing right in front of her as he pushed his briefs down and pinched his cock to halt the stream of urine until he was ready to let it go. “What are you doing?” she whispered, looking up in alarm as he pointed it down at her groin. “Oh my goodness, what are you DOING?!” “Open your legs so I can pee between them,” he told her,...

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Jessy Pays

I can't remember when or where I signed up for the draw but that's not really important. The point is that I won the tickets. Two seats to see our favorite hockey team the Toronto Maple Leafs play the Detroit Red Wings. Now, where I live that's a pretty hot ticket. The seats were great as well, fifth row up from the boards. The only thing different was that the teams were playing in Detroit not Toronto where we usually see the Leafs. That meant a short trip to our neighbor to the south, the...

2 years ago
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My sister in law

Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me, from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We thought that you used the bathroom...

1 year ago
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Becoming Of A Sissy Part 2

Hello, indian sex stories dot net friends! This is the second installment of my incident which happened in Chennai. This incident turned me into a more sexy and slutty submissive sissy boy. Thanks for the wonderful e-mails guys for my previous story. After the first day, I was fucked couple more times (almost every day) before I came back to Chennai. After few months, my uncle visited Chennai for some business deal of his and he wanted to stay for a week this time. He came to our house and...

Gay Male

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