Initium NovumChapter 10
- 2 years ago
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As the review team came off the plane, parents were spotted and nothing was holding them back. Ann and Jan hit Robert at full force. The girls were now thirteen and eleven, and still thought Robert was the reason for their living. Eleven four and five year olds came running to their mothers. They did not care if it was their birth mother, as all of Robert's wives were considered mom. The same with every other parent that was on the trip. Their kids were the most important thing to them at this moment.
The cheering was still going on and Robert was led to a raised stage and podium. It was small, so the team stood behind him on the ground. Robert started "By God it is good to be home. It seems we have been gone forever and that was too long. It appears there are many more people than when we left. Tom, I knew you liked the sea, but that ship tied to our pier is quite a yacht, is it not a little overkill". The roar of laughter was relaxing to everyone. "I have been handed a note that says the people of Antarctica are watching via a video link, and I think that is great. Sandra and Alexander Cummings, wave at your friend in the south to show we have not starved you". The Cummings waved and a shout was heard through the PA system. "I heard a rumor that Roberto had a lapse of his accounting skills and obtained several new aircraft. Wonder who we will have to pay for the purchase of those"? Once again the laughter was loud, and people realized their Monarch was one of them. "I would like to welcome the citizens of Initium Novum that have arrived from the Arctic Circle and Eastern California. I guess that is your hotel tied to our pier".
"The team is a lot smarter than when we left and we have seen a lot, however the emptiness of the world without people is a lonely place. The Review team has put together a presentation that will be presented in three days here on Initium Novum. We will set up an amphitheater for the presentation, and it will begin as soon as the day light fades enough to see the presentation. Sandra forgot to duck or something, as she was volunteered to be the presenter. No, Sandra, I will not fill in for you. After the presentation, every person eighteen years old and over will have a 3" X 5" card and will be asked to indicate your choice for an area to establish the beginning of the rebirth of the human race. The exception will be the people that were with me, they will not vote as they will have voted twice on the recommendation they are presenting to you.
I will not vote, as I will be one of the people counting the votes. Agnes, please come up here. This young lady will be the spokesperson for the group, as she has had experience counting and reporting the results for the votes taken while we were gone. I believe we have about twenty young people between the ages of eleven and seventeen. If there are more, we will use as many as possible so they have a part in the selection process.
Finally, I would like to have Selma, Penelópe, Braden, Marcy, Agnes, Angelina, Audry and Andrea to step forward. Selma and her daughter Penelópe joined us while we were in Portugal. Braden and his four sisters, along with Marcy, joined us while we were in Chile. Everyone should congratulate Braden and Marcy, as of last night I performed a very delightful duty and married them. Our legal advisor said it was OK and legal for me to do so, so I did it." The crowd cheered and gave the newlyweds a standing ovation. "Finally, as I see Ann giving me the hurry sign, the future is ours and only we can make it better than what we had a few years ago. There will be some things coming in the near future that will, I hope, bring us all closer together, and that we will be one family".
Robert stepped away from the podium as the crowds in both locations gave him a standing ovation. Many carts appeared to take the review team and their families to their homes. When Robert and his family were at their original home, Roger said that a condo had been prepared for Braden and his family, while a suite here was ready for Selma and Penelópe. Robert asked if there were rooms for Agnes, Angelina, Audry and Andrea here, as he was sure Braden and Marcy would like some alone time. Roger said no problem, and then said Braden and Marcy should eat with them as they were not in the system for food yet. It seemed as soon as Ann and Jan met the two new girls, it took seconds to get the four girls heading for the swimming pool.
Sofia headed for the kitchen to see about dinner, and was shocked that it was ready except for the steaks that needed to be cooked. Sara followed the two women into the kitchen, telling Sofia if she thought she was doing anything in the kitchen tonight she had better think again. This was her first night home and until tomorrow she was a guest. Sofia said "Fine, but just remember this is my kitchen, and beginning with breakfast tomorrow I am taking it back." Sara and Sofia began laughing as they hugged each other, glad to be back together. Sara was wondering about Selma when Sofia said that Selma had been trained in some of the best cooking schools in the world in France, Italy and Portugal. Sofia then told Sara "You should see the cookbooks she has. I saw only two, but Sarah said she has four or five large suitcases crammed with more. I cannot wait until we get to them." Selma was a bright red as she blushed at Sofia's comments, telling them she only cooked for Penelópe and her husband before he died in the sickness.
Sara was having a wine with Robert and asked him if he wanted Roger or Clem to do the steaks that night. Looking hurt, he asked her if she did not like his cooking any more. Seeing the twinkle in his eyes she told him she could hardly wait for one of his steaks.
After dinner, Braden asked where they got the fresh beef, as it was the best he ever had. Laughing, Tom Fitzgerald told him they were near the end of the meat they stocked before lockdown, and they needed to see how many Bison they needed to butcher before they got to their new home. Robert asked if the chef from Antarctica had arrived yet. Tom said she was aboard the Allure and inventorying what could be saved and what had to be dumped. Robert said he would like to meet with her the next day.
As comfortable as the bed on the A380 was, Robert thought his bed was better. The twelve of them slept like newborn babes, and woke feeling better than they had in a couple of months. Robert was trying to sneak out of bed when Carolyn looked at him, wanting to know where he was going. He told her for his run and a swim. Carolyn said she would meet him at the pool in thirty minutes. As Robert stretched, Braden appeared, asking Robert if he was going for a run and if he could tag along. Robert was glad to have a running partner and they took off. Returning to the house, Robert asked Braden if he swam and had trunks. Yes, he swam, but no trunks.
Robert found a set of trunks for Braden and they headed for the pool. Carolyn, Brad and Roberto were already there ready for a swim. The five hit the water with Robert and Brad in the #1 and #2 lanes. They started with warm up laps, then Robert started to power swim. Twenty-five minutes later Robert started the cool down laps, and was surprised that everyone was still with him. He saw Ann and Jan standing at the edge of the pool and knew what was coming. Robert slowed down and Ann landed on his back. Brad had slowed and came behind Robert, and Jan was on his back in a flash. The two girls had grown a lot over the years, so the two men completed only two laps before rolling over. As they reached the steps they grabbed the girls and threw them into the middle of the pool. It was good to be home.
As normal, Malissa came and told the swimmers breakfast was on the way and to shower off and come eat. Breakfast was great, there were eggs, bacon, potatoes and fresh bisques. Brad, Braden and Robert cleaned their plates twice and were looking for more, when Sarah and Amy told them enough, as they would spoil their lunch. That got a laugh from everyone. Robert asked Braden how long he had been swimming. Braden said he had been competing in triathlons for several years, and missed the swimming component most of all. Marcy said "Do not let him kid you, he had won the last five competitions in his age group that he had entered. Fortunately, his strong suit was running and cycling, even though he was a good swimmer."
Robert met with all of his advisors and included Sandra Cummings as the Antarctica representative. The first topic on the agenda was an inventory of food at all locations. Tom had a book and consulted it, to say on the island except for meat they had about four months supply of most things. Some of them like to have items which were in the warehouses on the mainland, but no one was complaining yet. As for the mainland warehouses, those in the far North were mostly empty, and if that was not recovered it would be no great loss. Those on the west coast were about half full, and a lot of the items should be saved. The warehouses in the Asian areas had not been touched, also those in Europe were untouched. They had a five to eight year supply of the things they had during lockdown.
"Julie, what is the power situation?" Robert asked. She said that the generators should be taken off line within six months for major overhaul. Looking at Tom, Malissa and Julie, he asked what it would take to arm the Mississippi, and how long. Tom looked worried, but said eighteen months to two years. However, Robert would be better off looking at one of the operating CGNs that were in operation at the time of the germ release, and to leave the Mississippi here as a generating station.
"Sandra, any issues on Antarctica?" She said "The staff were ready to leave as soon as possible, as they had been on station much too long, and some were beginning to have some physiological problems better known as cabin fever. I would say that within three months they need to be elsewhere."
Turning again to Tom, he asked if there was any frozen meat in any of the warehouses on any of the mainlands. Leafing through another book, Tom said there was a warehouse in Borrow, Alaska that was all meat. bison, beef, pork, turkey and chicken, a total of fifty tons. However if they wanted any of it, they needed to get the TK17 on the way straight away.
Brad had been gone, but got a quick update from the staff and said the only thing that was really happening was about eighty women were due to deliver in the next thirty days. As for medical supplies, there were some items that Tom was bringing in the next few days.
Robert then said he wanted a committee with at least three people living on the cruise ship now, the officers that will operate the ship, the chef and any other necessary people, and especially someone that understood cargo. And he wanted to begin meeting that afternoon.
"Sandra, I would like a list of people that should be off Antarctica, and provide it to Dr. Amy. We need to find a way to move them so no one knows why they are being moved, other than they are needed to prepare for the move to our new home. If there is a doctor you can trust down there, consult with him with a ninety day window for everyone to be on the ship.
"Tomorrow the review team and some of the IT people will be tied up getting ready for the presentation. I want a G650 on the ground in Antarctica with ballots before the presentation, and on the way back with any teenagers to insure all ballots arrive, and they will be on the counting committee.
"One last thing, let's think about a departure date from here, and the sooner the better. Let's make it happen."
Lunch was hot roast bison sandwiches with mashed potatoes and gravy. Robert and Tom were relaxing on the veranda when Tom brought up the subject of the Captain of the cruise ship. Tom said he had been away from sea command too long, and suggested that Lenora be appointed as the Captain. She had brought the ship from Seattle to here, and had the least amount of downtime from sea command. All Robert said was make it happen.
Soon people started arriving, asking where the ship committee was meeting. Robert had Ann and Jan show them the big dining room. There were about thirty people around the table when Robert walked in. The first thing Robert asked was, where the chef for this joy ride was. That brought a chuckle from the group. A woman stood, saying "I, Bonnie, am the hash slinger and a damn good one, and don't you forget it." For the people staying on the ship they applauded and cheered. Robert said that he liked her already, and how much staff would she need to feed six thousand people for the maximum of forty-five days. She asked sit down or buffet. Thinking, Robert asked which is easier to keep the hot food hot and the cold food cold. Bonnie said that there were ten eating areas and they could seat about three thousand at a sitting. The buffet would be better, as it would cut staff by about seventy percent. Of the people already on the ship, she had about half of the staff she would need. What she really needed were cleanup people. Since this was not a luxury cruise, people would have to take their dirty dishes to the carts provided, and clean the tables they ate at. For those who are VIP's, they would ... Robert said to stop. There would be no VIPs. Everyone would eat at the appointed times or do without. If possible they should make snacks available for the smaller kids. Bonnie said there were spaces available where that could happen.
Robert then said "The Captain for this joyride will be US Naval Captain Lenora Fitzgerald. She will have complete command, even over me. Lenora, since you have already been at sea with the ship, tell us what we need to know."
"As with any ship, this ship is a mechanical machine" she began "the engines are practically new, as they had only been in service eighteen months before they were shut down. When I went to Seattle I took some help with me in the form of the available Warrant Officers that brought up the Mississippi. We trained a good crew of people to operate all the below decks equipment. We will still need people to help staff the engine rooms. The bridge will require a different set of skills. Sheila Fitzgerald, Malissa Callahan and Colin Osborn will be Officers of the Deck/Watch. They are all experienced and can instruct as required. I am leaving the galley to Bonnie, as all I want is my meals. The fuel tanks were full when we left Seattle with 333,333 barrels, or 1,400,000, gallons of fuel oil. We will have to stop in LA or Panama to top off the fuel tanks, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. We have the cargo which will be the responsibility of CWO5 Little." Early Little said that he had a lot to learn before he could comment.
Lenora then turned to a man Robert did not know nor had seen before that day. "Igor Babikov, we have talked and you will be the Chief Engineering Officer. I guess when you tell me it is time to go we will be ready to go. The only thing I ask for is no surprises." With that Lenora turned it over to Robert.
"Tomorrow everyone will hear from the review team and a ballot will be submitted. Within two days from now we will hopefully know where we will be heading. Lenora, I will provide you with two names, and I would like you to plot courses with a stop at Antarctica, taking the least amount of time. Bonnie, please start your list of food stores for a thirty day cruise and six thousand people. Tom will advise if he has any warehouses where we can resupply along the way. Other than that, everyone should plan on a worst case scenario of thirty days aboard ship. People, have a good evening and enjoy Initium Novum, as our days here are numbered."
The sun rose on presentation day with much anticipation to hear the report of the review team. After breakfast Ed Cunningham asked Robert if they could start the presentation at three PM, as it would be ten AM the next morning at Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. Robert asked about the light on the viewing screen. Ed said they would use the underground theater for the first half of the presentation, then take a break and complete the presentation outside. Robert said to make it happen.
The review team arrived at Robert's home at ten AM. He told everyone to relax, as everything was perfect and ready. The people at Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station had been notified and would be ready for a ten AM start. Sandra looked nervous, as she had never made a presentation before six thousand people.
Two of the Embraers landed at noon carrying thirty men, women and children. The newest child was three weeks old. These planes brought Ralph Edwards and his family from Eastern California.At three PM sharp, Ed Cunningham gave Robert the go sign. "Ladies and Gentlemen, citizens of Initium Novum. We are gathered to hear the Search and Review Team's report and recommendation for an area we can start the rebuilding of the human race. I know the presentation will be rather long, but I hope interesting. Midway through the presentation we will take a break for refreshments and whatever else may be required. I would like to present the moderator and spokesperson for today, Sandra Cummings from Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, even she has been globe trotting for the past couple of months." Sandra just stuck her tongue out at him, which got a laugh from the crowd.
As Sandra started she said "You know I was not the only one globe trotting, our illustrious Monarch was on the same itinerary I was on. Even though there was a lot of hard work, Robert saw we made sure to have time to relax and recharge our batteries. There were some major disappointments as you will see later. With that all said, let's get started".
Sandra started with Porto Portugal, laying out the advantages and disadvantages. They were mixed in such a manner that one was not left with the impression it was good or bad. There were well over a hundred pictures to emphasize every facet of the report. By the time she had finished with the Portugal portion of the report it was five thirty and people needed a break. Sandra said that she would resume at six thirty.
Robert had arranged for sandwiches, cold drinks and coffee. The conversation was about what they had heard, with Robert hearing both pro and con comments on the location. Robert knew what his preferences were, but he would not voice them one way or the other, ever. He figured that if the votes were between 48 to 52 percent they would have to look for a different location. Sarah had joined him, asking if he was thinking about the vote. He admitted he was and was concerned about a close split vote. Sarah said he may have to make an executive decision in the final analysis. Robert looked at her with an "I hope not" look.
Sandra started again with a short video of the earthquake at Santiago, Chile. Then she told the citizens about their departure from Chile, and even though it was a beautiful area they felt that it was totally uninhabitable and was removed from consideration.
With that, Sandra moved on to Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Once again she detailed the good and bad supported with pictures. She explained every facet they had considered and why they made it a positive or a negative point.
Sandra said, "The unanimous recommendation of the Search and Review Team is that the citizens of Initium Novum would locate in Campinas, Brazil. There was a poll taken at the close of each review for the area we were leaving. On the plane returning home, Robert took the first poll as to a relocation area. The vote was unanimous. That was not good enough for Robert. Yesterday he took another poll and received the same results."
Finally she asked the other eight people on the team to join her. Then she asked Selma Cruz to join them, as she was an Electrical Engineer and was better qualified to answer questions in that area. Looking at her watch, she said she would allow thirty minutes for questions, unless there was reason to extend. For twenty minutes there were questions. Then quiet. Sandra said if they were through she would turn it over to Sarah Callahan.
Sarah said, "Now it is time for the citizens of Initium Novum to speak. You all received a ballot and they are all white. There are four things you can write on your ballot. They are Portugal, Chile, Brazil or none." Sarah said "Here on Initium Novum there are twenty ballot boxes" and she indicated their location. "At Amundsen-Scott there were also twenty boxes," and she had the delegate indicate their location. She asked that the ballots not be folded as it would take longer to complete the count. "A G650 should be there now to fly the delegate and the two teenagers that are on the count committee. The delegate from Amundsen-Scott and Robert will be the only two adults with the count team as advisors. The ballot boxes will be available for the next three hours. There are five thousand one hundred sixty citizens that are eligible to vote, and all should vote. As soon as the G650 returns here the count team will begin their work".
Robert was trying to figure out when the ship could leave Initium Novum and begin the journey to their new home. Robert would like to keep the island as a retreat for the family, but he did not know how long there would fuel available for the aircraft.As he was going over this thought train, eleven wives joined him. He could readily see there was something on their mind, and he was not sure he wanted to know what it was. Sarah said there was going to be a wedding ceremony within a week, and he had better move it to insure his new bride would accept him. Robert asked if they had been talking out of school, as the only person he might be interested in was Selma Cruz and he was sure she did not care for him. Malissa laughed, as she said that Selma had been talking to her and was trying to figure out how to get Robert's attention. Robert knew Penelópe was just like Jan a few years ago, as she always wanted to sit on Robert's lap to eat.
Agnes knocked on Robert's office door, telling him the G650 would be on the ground in a few minutes and they should meet it. The two left for the runway with the other twenty three teens to count the ballots. When the plane was on the tarmac and the door opened, two seventeen year old twin boys and one adult deplaned. Agnes could not stop looking, as the twins were over 2 meters tall and very good looking. They introduced themselves as Allen and Alex Cummings. The ballot boxes were loaded onto a cart and they left for the underground. There was a secure room in Robert's underground house where the ballots from the island was stored, and the new boxes were added to them. The door had a double lock, so one key was given to Agnes and the other to Allen. Robert suggested that they have lunch and see how tired the three were before starting the count.
At lunch Sandra and Alexander ate with the boys, catching up on everything that had happened while they were gone. The boys admitted they had missed their parents and their nightly talks. Then Allen asked about Agnes and if she had a boyfriend. Sandra told him briefly that she had joined the group in Santiago, and was a very responsible young lady. Sandra could also see the spark in Allen's eyes as he talked about Agnes.
About two PM, Agnes came to where the Cummings were sitting and asked if the boys wanted to start the count then, or wait until after they slept and begin in the morning. Allen looked at Alex and said they should get the show on the road. Robert knew there was a large round table in the room with plenty of chairs. There was a five gallon container of Sofia's cocktail and lots of water. Robert had everyone introduce themselves and take a seat. Since Agnes was the chairperson she should take over.
Agnes said that they should count the number of ballots face down and put them in stacks of fifty. If Robert and Sam Deveaux would empty the boxes on the table they would start the count. Box after box was emptied on to the table, it took almost three hours to just stack the ballots. Robert suggested that they break for dinner and resume in the morning at nine AM, as there was no need to kill themselves completing the count. As they were leaving, Sam and Robert noticed that Allen and Agnes had locked the doors, each with a key. Alex and Dominika Masorin had waited for them and the four left together.
At dinner that night Robert sat next to Selma and they talked about many things. After dinner they took a walk around Robert's favorite areas of this part of the island. When they reached the North beach they sat and talked some more. Robert asked her if she would join his family and complete the family circle. She leaned over and planted a kiss on him that answered all questions. Robert then asked her how she felt about his other eleven wives that would become her sisters. She was excited that she would be part of a big family, as she had always wanted many brothers and sisters but she was an only child. She then asked if Penelópe would be her only child.
Robert had finished his swim and was ready for breakfast when Agnes and Allen approach him, asking if the count could start as soon as breakfast was done as all the committee was anxious to get started. Robert looked at Sam and saw a big smile and a nod. Robert said as soon as breakfast was done they would start. Sofia was going by when Robert stopped her and asked if for lunch hamburgers and French fries could be made for the kids. Sofia said sure, and they would be served in the park near his house where the count was taking place.
Agnes and Allen unlocked the door and the kids found the room as they left it. They began by counting the stacks of ballots, as Agnes said there should be one hundred three stacks of fifty and one stack of ten. There were one hundred three stacks of fifty and a stack of three ballots. Agnes said to divide the ballots into groups of eight and the even numbered groups would get an extra stack of fifty ballots. The one stack of fifty ballots and the short stack were set aside. She then had the group count off to twenty-four. Numbers one and thirteen, two and fourteen, etc., would form a counting group. She would take the three stacks and the short stack for a recount of the number of ballots. She told them if her math was right there should be six groups of eight stacks and six groups of nine stacks. When they finished there were one hundred three stacks of fifty and a stack of nine. Sam admitted he did not vote because he was on the counting committee.
Agnes then had each group take their stacks and divide them into stacks of Portugal, Chile, Brazil, none of the above, and blank. She asked that they be collected in stacks of one hundred. There were boxes of elastic bands available for each stack. After the final count a paper band with the number and name on the ballot would be wrapped around each stack. A paper pad would be left with the stacks, and when the group finished their count the page would be folded over so a clean page was showing. The small group started the counting of the ballots, and in an hour the first count was completed. Agnes then asked everyone to shift three chairs and count again.
They had just finished the second count when there was a knock on the door. Agnes opened the door and Sofia said there were hamburgers, fries and milkshakes in the park for lunch, if they were interested. When the group heard this there was a stampede for the door. Agnes and Allan locked the door and followed. Robert and Sam had just sat down to eat when Ann and Jan sat on each side of Robert. Robert introduced his two daughters to Sam, and said when they first came to live with him he had to feed one of them at every meal. Ann said "Oh, Dad, you loved every bite of it". Robert had to admit he did.
After lunch the final count would be completed and a final tally compiled. Robert called the Security Center and set up a session for all areas for three PM local and ten AM Amundsen-Scott time. The final count completed, the summary written up and signed twenty-five times. At three PM Robert introduced each member of the counting committee and finally introduced Agnes as the chairperson. Robert turned the podium over to her. She welcomed everyone and said that the committee was a fun group to work with, and they were very conscientious about their duties. She said "Now, what you have been waiting for. There are five thousand one hundred sixty one citizens eligible to vote. Sarah, you forgot our Monarch is really eligible to vote." Sarah stuck her tongue out at Agnes. "There were two abstentions, our Monarch and Sam Deveaux, because they were our advisors. We counted five thousand one hundred fifty nine ballots. Blank Ballots zero; None of the above, zero; Chile, three; Portugal, five hundred ninety seven; Brazil, four thousand five hundred fifty nine. By a majority vote of 88.4% Campinas, Brazil, will be our next home. Your count committee, by a vote of twenty four to zero, voted that our home should be named Campinas Novum Initium. The reason is that Initium Novum in Latin means beginning new, we feel that the country should be named New Beginning, or Novum Initium." With that there was a roar and cheer that was loud and long.
When things quieted down Robert stepped to the podium "have you ever seen a better group of young people, I sure have not, let's show them our thanks". With that the cheers and applause was deafening. Robert continued "If I may, to confirm the count committee's vote as to the name of our new home, vote Aye if in favor." There was a roar of Aye's; "Nay if opposed", dead silence. "The name of our new home will be Campinas Novum Initium." With that there was a great cheer.
"Just a couple of cleanup items, I would like to hear from the citizens at Amundsen-Scott on how long it will take them to get to McMudro, or wherever we decide, for pick up. Now many of you will ask why not just fly them to Campinas, if we travel there together for fifteen days, we will get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere and be rested when we get there. By ship no time zones to have to adjust to. We will have several things that need to be attended to before we leave, and we will need to know how much fuel oil there is at McMudro. I have put together a group that will plan the trip, and we will keep everyone informed on a daily basis, as Ed Cunningham will set up a news site. Thank you, everyone, it truly has been a great day."
The pilots were in agreement that they should depart at six AM local time, which would be one AM Eastern time. The flight should take eight hours and they should land in Florida about nine AM. They decided to land in Orlando rather than Miami, as the runway and taxi lights were still working when they were last there. As part of the preflight check they met with John Adams to see if he had found a replacement circuit board for the faulty one they had trouble with on the flight over. He said...
Floyd and Freida met with Robert, telling him that even with the revised numbers the Ozone Layer was still letting way too much of the UV A&B rays reach Earth. If they were to wait for nature to correct the problem it could take decades. Even though the majority of the things that had caused the thinning of the Ozone Layer were no longer produced, the atmosphere was still loaded with CO2 and CFCs. The CO2 would be lowered significantly if the world temperature were lowered two to three...
The citizens of Campinas were planning a celebration as the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Novum Initium would be in a few months. They realized none of them would be alive if it had not been for Robert Callahan. In the meetings they decided to name the day of the founding of Novum Initium Robert Callahan Day, but they would have to keep that quiet or Robert would veto the idea. Not that Robert was such a private person he did not want to be singled out as special, even thought he...
As the people of Initium Novum, Antarctica, and a bunker in the mountains of Eastern California woke on November 11 to watch the Veterans Day Ceremonies there seemed to be nothing amiss. The members of Congress that attended were planning flights to return home for the Thanksgiving Day break. There were thousands of out of town visitors that attended those ceremonies, and who would return home within twenty four hours. The amount of people they would infect would be in the tens of thousands,...
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The next morning Robert went for an early morning run and covered about half the perimeter of the island. When he returned his ladies were finishing breakfast, looking sheepish as he approached them. Sarah seemed to take the lead, and asked Robert if the seven of them could spend the day at the beach as they needed to sort some things out. Robert asked if he needed to be there, and was asked not to join them as it was a girl thing. Smiling, Robert told them to have fun, but not too much fun...
Robert met with Ed Cunningham to find out the status of their data storage facilities as to how much they would lose due to the pending Ice Age. Ed said none would be lost, as all the data had been stored in two different locations, in the Northern Hemisphere and again in the Southern Hemisphere. He said that Nancy also had the data stored on the spaceship that the AIs controlled. The only way they would lose any data on the planet was if the facilities were not accessible via communication...
As Robert and his family sat at breakfast, all the small ones had either gone to school or out to play. Robert had sent mental messages to Brad's family and Susan's family to join them after breakfast. When everyone was there Robert explained that Nancy requested that they join the AI's on the spacecraft as the aliens that had destroyed their home planet were about to enter the far side of the Milky Way Galaxy looking for habitable planets with life forms they could harvest for food....
In discussions with Hebraic, the matter of how much of the technology on this spacecraft could be revealed to the people on earth arose. At first, Robert felt that none of it could be revealed, and only suggestions could be taken to Campinas. Hebraic asked some pointed questions that cleared up the issue a lot. First of all, had Robert and his team defeated those that wanted to use them as food? When that task was completed by the rules of war, who takes the spoils of the war? And finally did...
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and I had been lovers for almost a year (see my previous story, "Sisterly Experience"). I was now 14, and my breasts had grown considerably. Lynn, now 16, was every bit as beautiful as she had been when we became lovers. We still enjoyed our sex together very much, but we had discovered something else that was an incredible turn-on to us. Often, after we played around for a little while to get good and horny, we would simply masturbate together while we talked about something sexual....
He could see her wisps of her pubic hair poking out from behind her panties. Dan grew up in a strict religious family. His parents had been married since they were 19 years old, and they started having children shortly thereafter. By the time they were 28, they had two sons and a daughter. Dan is in the middle. His brother, Mark, is three years older. His sister, Mary, is three years younger. Dan is 21 years old and doesn't quite fit into the family dynamicHis family's lifestyle revolves almost...
TabooMy Dark Knight by Aimee Weston (aimee 2) There's a man in my doorway. He's outlined in the cold blue glow from a streetlight. A black, man-shaped shadow, silent. At first it seems like he must be part of a dream. I shut my eyes. I open them again. He's still there. It's no dream. This can't be happening. My heart is beating out of control, skittering down a panic path. He puts a finger to his mouth. If I could have screamed, I would have already. Now I know I better...
~~Day 6: Subaku no Gaara and Kankuro~~ Gaara sighed happily as he beheld the streets of Konoha. It didn't quite compare to home, but he was always happy to visit Konoha. "Hey, Gaara," his brother called from a short distance away. "You okay there?" "Hm... sorry, Kankuro," Gaara apologised in his usual monotone as he followed him. He and his brother had received permission to come to Konoha for a visit; Temari had chosen to remain behind (Kankuro mentioned something about a...
Sarah was breathtakingly naked sitting in a carver chair, her arms on the arms of the carver chair. Her legs wide apart, and obviously enjoying being licked to orgasm while two other people were watching. Her clenched fists were holding the end the chair’s arms as she absorbed the pleasure Jules was providing, and the pleasure she was providing to three others. Sarah and I had an understanding that she could be pleasured by another man every few weeks. As long as I watched. And I loved...
My husband didn’t check in on time for our flight, so while my he sat with my kids in one part of the airplane, I sat in another part away from my family. What’s worse is that my husband didn’t pack his bags when he was supposed to so he didn’t have time to fuck me before we left for the airport and so I had to fly horny, and the flight was trans Atlantic.On the flight I had the window seat and the twenty year old guy in the middle seat was cute so I struck up a conversation. The conversation...
CheatingMike lowered his binoculars and pushed the throttle forward to its maximum. It would be an exaggeration to say that his elderly cabin cruiser surged ahead. A large cloud of black smoke and a series of backfires belched from the exhaust, the ancient hull vibrated and slowly the revs increased.The inappropriately named “Queen of the Waves” lurched and protested as the speed built up to 15 knots.Through his binoculars Mike had seen hundreds of gannets diving into the water. He knew what that...
Anal"Oh-My-God!" "Those words came from the mouth of Doris, one of the senior cheerleaders. The words were not uttered in horror, but in surprise and, yes, with a lust. A lot of lust." "Lust?" "You see, my dear sister, I was taking a piss in what I thought was an isolated and dark little corner outside the ag shop of the high school building during a Thursday night make-up date football game. I was pissing full stream when the comment was made. The voice continued." "Tim, what are...
I actually wrote this months ago but for some reason never submitted it, I have only just realised so here it is… We eventually got up from the sofa and Brody turned to me, ‘I better go and see how Jess is doing. Thanks Mr. S, that was wonderful.’ She grabbed her clothes and left the room. My mind was in turmoil as I made my way unsteadily to my bedroom. What had just happened? Did we really fuck on the sofa? My god, what was I thinking? I climbed into bed and turned out the light but my mind...
Jake spent the next two days pondering his next move and suffering his lust. If his incomprehensible desire for Ryan was strong before, it was a nearly uncontrollable blaze now. His dreams featured her naked, wanting, that luscious body that the drying sheet had only hinted at on display for his eyes, hands and mouth. He woke up in trembling sweats the first night, a raging hard on tenting his covers. He'd lost count of the times he'd had to take himself in hand. Finally, the day had arrived...
Straight SexHello, everyone, this is Raj.Coming back with an another incident which happened a few days back with an indian sex stories dot net reader.Mail me your feedbacks at Coming back to the story,this incident happened recently with an ISS Reader,I don’t want to say as reader,rather I can use a word bubbly angel that best apts her. Her name is Ritu(name changed) and she is 22 years of age.Her stats is 36-34-38,yup she is chubby , cute and like a teddy.. After my previous story I got a mail from a...
The Farmers wife Gangbanged after the discoThis story happened back in the eighties when I was working as a tractor driver for a silage contractor.We had an early finish and it was a Friday night so I was in the pub with four other mates, we were going to a disco at a local farm about a mile and a half away. Back in them days all the young farmers clubs in the county held discos on farms in the summer and it was very popular. This farmer’s son and his wife who were in there late twenties had...
As you roll over in bed trying to get just a little more sleep, the sun slowly creeps up along the bed. It touches first your feet then your legs then your waist. Each part of your body it touches warms up. It slowly creeps higher and higher. You struggle to maintain sleep, but it is no use. You will just have to wake up. You grumble softly as you push back the covers and sit up. You may not want to wake up, but now that you are awake, you look forward to your day. You slip your feet out of bed...
My name is Johanna I am 19 and I have been sexually active for about four years now. I have been with seven or eight men and two first time I might not like it because it was the first time and if I don’t like it the second time then I probably really don’t like it. This all started when my father meet a new friend who was about 32. His name is Anthony. The first time I meet him I was instantly attracted to him. He was the true meaning of a redneck. He was rough around the edges but a great...
EroticSicilian Adventure The plane lands at last at Fontanarossa airport, Sicily. I have stared entranced out of the window at Etna, a few puffs of smoke trailing into the summer sky. What a contrast to dull grey Manchester; although it has been close to five hours since I left, it feels like a lifetime. This is not just a holiday; I am staying for a month, feeling that I need to recharge my batteries, take stock of my life before I return to find a new job. I am in limbo, having left my...
There was a rib place just off interstate 285 here in Atlanta . The uniform was a Danskin type outfit with a very short aprin/skirt over it. All the girls wore pantyhose , usally coffee colored Legs brand shear to the waist , how do I know? My wife worked there for several years. She looked very sexy in her outfit and it wasn't uncommon for some of the male customers to feel her up as she waited tables. She has had a customer openly run his hand up her inside thigh all the way to her crotch....
Three weeks and two skirmishes later, all the territory I wanted to sell to Anuk’s uncle was ours--for now. After a quick trip by sea around the peninsula to Bizerte, I saw our flag flying over the port. Sending the Abdalwadid Sultan and the treasure confiscated from Algiers and Bizerte to Rouen on another ship, Anuk and I headed for Cairo. A week later, I was definitely glad that Anuk was with me. The Mameluk troops in Alexandria were not happy to see an armed Christian soldier on a ship...
“Rest here a little bit,” Martha said, “and I’ll tell you about my Larry.” And this is the story she told: “Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jennings.” Larry passed the newly inked marriage license to the desk clerk, He barely glanced at it. “Hardly need to see this.” He gave them their key. “Welcome to San Francisco.” They had more than six years of separation to talk about, but neither could find anything to say in front of the elevator operator. Being in the room with only Larry tied Martha’s...
I love, Walmart, I do. it’s a great place to get cheap good shit, but the people….some of the most vile and crazy you’ll ever find. Its true what they say ‘God has a sense of humor, don’t believe me? Go to Walmart and just look at people…” But it had been a pretty good and uneventful day as I left. I packed my stuff up and got in. Before I took off I heard a knock on the window. I looked over and saw a young girl. She was a pretty young asian girl with back length black hair and light brown...
The holidays were a mixture of peace and chaos. We had to get numbers together and talk over the whole proposal to merge with CEN. It seemed like Rose and I were in non-stop meetings and, thankfully, Rebecca was right there with us. "Mr. Duval and Mr. Grissom will be here Wednesday afternoon. They asked that Mr. Davis and Mr. Pratt join them. Do you want the rest of your board here?" she asked us Tuesday morning. "I'd like Courtney with us," I said. "And Rhonda," Rose added....
Thanks to the knee doctor for editing assistance Terry Langford was madly in love with his wife, Jessica. He fell in love with her, the first time he saw her and his adoration of her grew everyday. She was smart, pretty, and fun to be with. She made him feel like he was a king. He would do anything for her. Terry and Jessica met a year after both of them finished college. Terry graduated from Penn State University and Jessica from Albright College. Both of Jessica's parents died in a car...
Last week after much persuasion I convinced the owner of our local swingers club to allow me back in.i was so horny and with each passing day I was getting more and more excited! The owner is a very horny man who just does it for me.when I went before he would fuck me and not seeing him for over a yr I made it my duty to have him again.babysitter arranged to stay all night and outfit bought ,with the said stockings and no panties i was set to go I came up to the club I could feel...
There were already small groups of people milling around in the parking lot of the lodge when Kenny hiked up the trail just before nine. Barb and Joshua greeted each car as it pulled up to the gate and aimed the occupants toward the spot where the appropriate counselor waited to take charge of their child. A couple of vans waited to drive the girls and their counselors around the lake to their own area. Kenny was posted at a picnic table under a huge Sitka spruce and given a clipboard with a...
John Pollard had forgotten the visit of his old flame. His life had settled into something of a routine long before she had arrived, and after her visit it was regained. He visited his children; he visited his friends, and they visited him. The parish kept him busy visiting the sick and housebound. One day a week he helped at a shelter and hostel for the homeless, or more often if they were short staffed. He had no time to wonder why Claire had decided to visit after so long. He had assumed...
I read an online erotic tale by Sir. He mentioned how he teased his woman so much that it made her dripping wet. He would grab the back of her head ramming his cock in and out of her mouth saying,"You like that you little cock sucker? Stay on your knees and service my big fucking dick you dirty little slut!""You like being a cock sucker don't you?" He asked in sheer delight."That's right play with your pussy while I ram my dick down your slutty throat," he continued as he gyrated deeper in her...
Oral SexThe woman broke down as she watched her ride disappear. Her companions rallied around her trying to give her support, but failing. There was no way I could just leave them, so I gently urged them into the coach so we could get out of town before their friends showed up with reinforcements. We could talk about who they were and who was chasing them once we were someplace safe. “Please ... Please let’s get in the RV and get out of here before whoever is chasing you figures out where you went...
September 18, 1994, Amsterdam, the Netherlands When the tour of Anne Frank House ended, Karla and I walked hand-in-hand from the building. The tour had been moving, and seeing for myself where the Frank family had hidden from the Nazis really drove home the story I’d read so many years ago. There wasn’t a park close, so we walked along Prinsengracht to a café and ordered coffee. “When I was in High School, I had a run-in with a Calvinist pastor,” I said. “I thoroughly disagreed with him and...
Big surprise: I have a lot of sex. I say that a lot here, but most of the time, I'm being humble. I fuck even more than I let on. I'm worried you fucks will give up on women altogether if you know I'm getting a blow job while I write these reviews.Pussy by the HandfulI fuck so often, in fact, that I've pretty much given up on fucking one bitch per serving. I don't have enough time in the day. I need each sexual experience to include at least three bitches.First off, it's unfair of me to ask one...
Gangbang Porn Sites“So what do you want me to make for you?” Alaina asked as they trouped back down the stairs. “You know, if you’re trying to have a serious conversation with me, wiggling your butt back and forth in yoga pants that tight isn’t helping.” She pouted over her shoulder at him as they reentered the kitchen. “It was so hard even getting them on! I haven’t worn these in a long time, and they don’t even fit right anymore.” Will gawked as she sashayed over towards the refrigerator, her hips swinging...
I am Vinod, now married for over 7 years with a lady, not beautiful but certainly having an attractive figure. 5 ft 5 inches tall, fair to very fair having statistics of 34-inch breast, 24-inch waist, and 34-inch hip. Her hairs were dense, dark brown and grown long coming below her waist. But she did not have which any lady should have for being called as beautiful. She has a stony face, no smile. The smile was very hard to come on her face. On bed also, though she was agreeable for sex every...
My parents divorced when I was three. My mother got remarried when I was six, and my little brother was born when I was eight. Being the older sister, I was often the one taking care of my brother; dressing him, feeding him, bandaging his bruises, and comforting him when he was sad. We were very close, my brother and I, and that didn't change even when we became teenagers. When I was nineteen, I moved into a dorm at college, but I still kept in touch with my brother. More than with our parents,...
IncestThey had lunch with Peter and Libby and the rapport between them and Nell was immediate. "We're all golfers so we must have game," cried Libby. "Bags Ralph for my partner!" "Not fair!" retorted Peter. "Oh!" exclaimed Nell looking crestfallen. "I was only referring to your hair," replied Peter quickly. "Oh well, in that case..." They managed a game before the wedding which reinforced the feelings Peter and Libby had for Nell. The latter had actually taken in Ralph's advice...
Hi friends, this is Sam, 23 yrs old and I am from Ahmedabad but stay in Hyderabad as a bachelor. My height is 5’10”and my weight is 68 kgs and I love watching porn. I masturbate daily. I love incest part the most. I fantasize every girl, women that I see. I love sex. This is the real story that happened to me 1 year back. I’m the regular reader of ISS from past 3 years after reading many stories. I also decided to pen down my immense experience with my mami and friends this is my story and real...
Lady from ChicagoI had traveled to the Big City for a job and I had just boarded the subway car on my to my first full day of work. As expected at that hour of the morning there was no place to sit and only a few places for me to stand. I looked for an unoccupied strap but there were none. I joined a lady at a pole and managed to hold on as the car lurched forward.I nodded and smiled at her which of course is not done in subway cars but I am from Texas so that part of me was never going away....
Part 3 Penny sat on the couch while Mark put on his favourite porn video. He laid on the couch, and Penny brought his head to her one nipple. Mark began to suckle from the teat of his daughter. Penny loved the sensations rolling from her puffy nipple upward. She reached out and lazily stroked Mark’s cock. Mark loved the feel of the nipple in his mouth and her hand stroking him. She was stoking the fire in his groin. Linda and the two men came in from outside, Linda’s pussy looking thoroughly...
IncestThe next morning I woke feeling great after the extended rest. I was a little slower about getting up and that had benefits of its own. The coffee was already made and Taachachi sent a cup to me as soon as I found my eating rock. I sipped it and waited for food to make an appearance. When it did I vacuumed it up and then had another mug of coffee. Our surround pen was empty now and we'd need another hazing party. By my count there were twenty-eight horses still untrained. That didn't count...
Nick and I start the drive home. I decide that I would not allow him the pleasure of touching my foot on the way home. I want to tease him. I slip off my shoes. I watch his eyes. I see them travel down my legs to my toes. I wiggle them and laugh to myself. I look over and I can see he is hard and ready. I can tell he wants my foot in his lap badly. He goes back to watching the road. As we drive down the road the leaves from the tress are falling are cover the road. It is just starting to...
Preface: All characters & incidents are fictional. This story does not intend to promote any kind of sexual or social deviation and is written solely for erotic entertainment. Sexual fantasies, masturbation etc are very different from real life, and I hope every reader is working hard to build good careers and relationships. Please leave likes and comments. Thank you and enjoy :D
Danette’s headache was returning with a vengeance as she entered the narrow hall that housed the recovery rooms. She had been free of it the whole day, but she couldn’t delay doing something about Andena because the girl was still unconscious and this was having an effect on Danette’s mood. She had difficulty focusing on the fact that she was pleased with the work she had done with the android girls. They were in much better shape, and the overall condition of their additional subroutines...
When they were on their way back to their suite, Kathy had a quick whispered exchange with Marie. The girl had just nodded her head quickly, and smiled warmly. Again, as the previous night, Celeste took Ken to her bedroom while Marie accompanied Kathy. When they were in the room, Celeste wheeled the massage table in from the adjacent room and asked Ken to lie on his back after she carefully undressed him. As he lay there, he was amazed at what happened next. Rather than giving him a normal...
Primetime Line-Up By RogerGirl Sunday: "Revenge" As a child, Armando Clarke's father was betrayed and brought down for a crime he didn't commit. Young Armando vows revenge and sets forth a plan to exact vengeance on those who wronged his father. Realizing he may be recognized as Armando, he returns to the Hamptons years later having undergone a complete sex change. As Emily Thorne, he begins his plan for vengeance. Monday: "2 Broke Girls" Max is an unemployed...
After dressed again, Calvin went back down to floor three and went into his room in his apartment. Flopping onto his bed and turning on the TV to watch Comedy Central Presents, he turned on Seinfeld. Immediately he changed the channel and got to Gabriel Iglesias. Calvin got naked because he loved to sleep naked. He was walking around his apartment room bare butt and staring out the window at the NYC lights. As he was thinking to himself, “I have had a long day,” he heard the door open behind...
Drinking parties... there's more to them than just having a good time, isn't there? A party can be a tribal place, where outside rules and boundaries are thrown off in favor of whatever the partygoers dictate. Traditional authority and consequence is completely unwelcome. With the right people and emotions fueling the fervor, conspiracy to evil among multiple people - even people that are mostly strangers - can arise faster than any place outside a riot or disaster zone. A person can feel...
It was now two weeks into the term. Harry and his Gryffindor friends headed out from the common room, on their way to their second Dueling Club meeting with Professor Flitwick. There they would be seeing a number of other students, most from Slytherin, the balance made up of those former members of Dumbledore's Army who had decided to stay with Harry when he'd terminated the DA. The last meeting of the defence against the dark arts club had been most unpleasant, for Harry had faced a...
For all intents and purpose, you could say that I am a happily married man. Forty years old, married to my wife of 10 years and enjoying the luxuries of travel and finances that come to a couple who have decided not to have kids. Our marriage you could say is normal, she is a corporate lawyer and I, an independent real estate investor who works from home. She travels a lot for work, which gives me a lot of space to do my own thing and enjoy a certain amount of freedom.Much as I am comfortable...
Gay MaleI had never intended on things happening the way they did. My name is joyce and I’m a 38 year old mother of two, my daughter is 8 and my son 10. I’ve been told that I’m the spitting image of racheal ray. I’m average height and weight (not an ounce of fat, I may add) with long dark hair and a smile that makes me appear 10 years younger. Plus, in my opinion, I have bigger breasts! My looks not withstanding I don’t understand why my husband left me for a woman 10 years younger then me. I’ve...
Tracey Manning’s lithe body skipped and danced between all the naked bodies surrounding him just like some young sprite himself. In no time at all he was out in the arena’s carpark and looking for his own car. He found the vehicle and was soon heading back from the arena towards his home about ten miles away. As Tracey got closer and closer to where he lived he started smelling smoke in the air. As he pulled into his own street he realized with a sickening horror that that smoke was coming...