Initium NovumChapter 3 free porn video

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As the review team came off the plane, parents were spotted and nothing was holding them back. Ann and Jan hit Robert at full force. The girls were now thirteen and eleven, and still thought Robert was the reason for their living. Eleven four and five year olds came running to their mothers. They did not care if it was their birth mother, as all of Robert's wives were considered mom. The same with every other parent that was on the trip. Their kids were the most important thing to them at this moment.

The cheering was still going on and Robert was led to a raised stage and podium. It was small, so the team stood behind him on the ground. Robert started "By God it is good to be home. It seems we have been gone forever and that was too long. It appears there are many more people than when we left. Tom, I knew you liked the sea, but that ship tied to our pier is quite a yacht, is it not a little overkill". The roar of laughter was relaxing to everyone. "I have been handed a note that says the people of Antarctica are watching via a video link, and I think that is great. Sandra and Alexander Cummings, wave at your friend in the south to show we have not starved you". The Cummings waved and a shout was heard through the PA system. "I heard a rumor that Roberto had a lapse of his accounting skills and obtained several new aircraft. Wonder who we will have to pay for the purchase of those"? Once again the laughter was loud, and people realized their Monarch was one of them. "I would like to welcome the citizens of Initium Novum that have arrived from the Arctic Circle and Eastern California. I guess that is your hotel tied to our pier".

"The team is a lot smarter than when we left and we have seen a lot, however the emptiness of the world without people is a lonely place. The Review team has put together a presentation that will be presented in three days here on Initium Novum. We will set up an amphitheater for the presentation, and it will begin as soon as the day light fades enough to see the presentation. Sandra forgot to duck or something, as she was volunteered to be the presenter. No, Sandra, I will not fill in for you. After the presentation, every person eighteen years old and over will have a 3" X 5" card and will be asked to indicate your choice for an area to establish the beginning of the rebirth of the human race. The exception will be the people that were with me, they will not vote as they will have voted twice on the recommendation they are presenting to you.

I will not vote, as I will be one of the people counting the votes. Agnes, please come up here. This young lady will be the spokesperson for the group, as she has had experience counting and reporting the results for the votes taken while we were gone. I believe we have about twenty young people between the ages of eleven and seventeen. If there are more, we will use as many as possible so they have a part in the selection process.

Finally, I would like to have Selma, Penelópe, Braden, Marcy, Agnes, Angelina, Audry and Andrea to step forward. Selma and her daughter Penelópe joined us while we were in Portugal. Braden and his four sisters, along with Marcy, joined us while we were in Chile. Everyone should congratulate Braden and Marcy, as of last night I performed a very delightful duty and married them. Our legal advisor said it was OK and legal for me to do so, so I did it." The crowd cheered and gave the newlyweds a standing ovation. "Finally, as I see Ann giving me the hurry sign, the future is ours and only we can make it better than what we had a few years ago. There will be some things coming in the near future that will, I hope, bring us all closer together, and that we will be one family".

Robert stepped away from the podium as the crowds in both locations gave him a standing ovation. Many carts appeared to take the review team and their families to their homes. When Robert and his family were at their original home, Roger said that a condo had been prepared for Braden and his family, while a suite here was ready for Selma and Penelópe. Robert asked if there were rooms for Agnes, Angelina, Audry and Andrea here, as he was sure Braden and Marcy would like some alone time. Roger said no problem, and then said Braden and Marcy should eat with them as they were not in the system for food yet. It seemed as soon as Ann and Jan met the two new girls, it took seconds to get the four girls heading for the swimming pool.

Sofia headed for the kitchen to see about dinner, and was shocked that it was ready except for the steaks that needed to be cooked. Sara followed the two women into the kitchen, telling Sofia if she thought she was doing anything in the kitchen tonight she had better think again. This was her first night home and until tomorrow she was a guest. Sofia said "Fine, but just remember this is my kitchen, and beginning with breakfast tomorrow I am taking it back." Sara and Sofia began laughing as they hugged each other, glad to be back together. Sara was wondering about Selma when Sofia said that Selma had been trained in some of the best cooking schools in the world in France, Italy and Portugal. Sofia then told Sara "You should see the cookbooks she has. I saw only two, but Sarah said she has four or five large suitcases crammed with more. I cannot wait until we get to them." Selma was a bright red as she blushed at Sofia's comments, telling them she only cooked for Penelópe and her husband before he died in the sickness.

Sara was having a wine with Robert and asked him if he wanted Roger or Clem to do the steaks that night. Looking hurt, he asked her if she did not like his cooking any more. Seeing the twinkle in his eyes she told him she could hardly wait for one of his steaks.

After dinner, Braden asked where they got the fresh beef, as it was the best he ever had. Laughing, Tom Fitzgerald told him they were near the end of the meat they stocked before lockdown, and they needed to see how many Bison they needed to butcher before they got to their new home. Robert asked if the chef from Antarctica had arrived yet. Tom said she was aboard the Allure and inventorying what could be saved and what had to be dumped. Robert said he would like to meet with her the next day.

As comfortable as the bed on the A380 was, Robert thought his bed was better. The twelve of them slept like newborn babes, and woke feeling better than they had in a couple of months. Robert was trying to sneak out of bed when Carolyn looked at him, wanting to know where he was going. He told her for his run and a swim. Carolyn said she would meet him at the pool in thirty minutes. As Robert stretched, Braden appeared, asking Robert if he was going for a run and if he could tag along. Robert was glad to have a running partner and they took off. Returning to the house, Robert asked Braden if he swam and had trunks. Yes, he swam, but no trunks.

Robert found a set of trunks for Braden and they headed for the pool. Carolyn, Brad and Roberto were already there ready for a swim. The five hit the water with Robert and Brad in the #1 and #2 lanes. They started with warm up laps, then Robert started to power swim. Twenty-five minutes later Robert started the cool down laps, and was surprised that everyone was still with him. He saw Ann and Jan standing at the edge of the pool and knew what was coming. Robert slowed down and Ann landed on his back. Brad had slowed and came behind Robert, and Jan was on his back in a flash. The two girls had grown a lot over the years, so the two men completed only two laps before rolling over. As they reached the steps they grabbed the girls and threw them into the middle of the pool. It was good to be home.

As normal, Malissa came and told the swimmers breakfast was on the way and to shower off and come eat. Breakfast was great, there were eggs, bacon, potatoes and fresh bisques. Brad, Braden and Robert cleaned their plates twice and were looking for more, when Sarah and Amy told them enough, as they would spoil their lunch. That got a laugh from everyone. Robert asked Braden how long he had been swimming. Braden said he had been competing in triathlons for several years, and missed the swimming component most of all. Marcy said "Do not let him kid you, he had won the last five competitions in his age group that he had entered. Fortunately, his strong suit was running and cycling, even though he was a good swimmer."

Robert met with all of his advisors and included Sandra Cummings as the Antarctica representative. The first topic on the agenda was an inventory of food at all locations. Tom had a book and consulted it, to say on the island except for meat they had about four months supply of most things. Some of them like to have items which were in the warehouses on the mainland, but no one was complaining yet. As for the mainland warehouses, those in the far North were mostly empty, and if that was not recovered it would be no great loss. Those on the west coast were about half full, and a lot of the items should be saved. The warehouses in the Asian areas had not been touched, also those in Europe were untouched. They had a five to eight year supply of the things they had during lockdown.

"Julie, what is the power situation?" Robert asked. She said that the generators should be taken off line within six months for major overhaul. Looking at Tom, Malissa and Julie, he asked what it would take to arm the Mississippi, and how long. Tom looked worried, but said eighteen months to two years. However, Robert would be better off looking at one of the operating CGNs that were in operation at the time of the germ release, and to leave the Mississippi here as a generating station.

"Sandra, any issues on Antarctica?" She said "The staff were ready to leave as soon as possible, as they had been on station much too long, and some were beginning to have some physiological problems better known as cabin fever. I would say that within three months they need to be elsewhere."

Turning again to Tom, he asked if there was any frozen meat in any of the warehouses on any of the mainlands. Leafing through another book, Tom said there was a warehouse in Borrow, Alaska that was all meat. bison, beef, pork, turkey and chicken, a total of fifty tons. However if they wanted any of it, they needed to get the TK17 on the way straight away.

Brad had been gone, but got a quick update from the staff and said the only thing that was really happening was about eighty women were due to deliver in the next thirty days. As for medical supplies, there were some items that Tom was bringing in the next few days.

Robert then said he wanted a committee with at least three people living on the cruise ship now, the officers that will operate the ship, the chef and any other necessary people, and especially someone that understood cargo. And he wanted to begin meeting that afternoon.

"Sandra, I would like a list of people that should be off Antarctica, and provide it to Dr. Amy. We need to find a way to move them so no one knows why they are being moved, other than they are needed to prepare for the move to our new home. If there is a doctor you can trust down there, consult with him with a ninety day window for everyone to be on the ship.

"Tomorrow the review team and some of the IT people will be tied up getting ready for the presentation. I want a G650 on the ground in Antarctica with ballots before the presentation, and on the way back with any teenagers to insure all ballots arrive, and they will be on the counting committee.

"One last thing, let's think about a departure date from here, and the sooner the better. Let's make it happen."

Lunch was hot roast bison sandwiches with mashed potatoes and gravy. Robert and Tom were relaxing on the veranda when Tom brought up the subject of the Captain of the cruise ship. Tom said he had been away from sea command too long, and suggested that Lenora be appointed as the Captain. She had brought the ship from Seattle to here, and had the least amount of downtime from sea command. All Robert said was make it happen.

Soon people started arriving, asking where the ship committee was meeting. Robert had Ann and Jan show them the big dining room. There were about thirty people around the table when Robert walked in. The first thing Robert asked was, where the chef for this joy ride was. That brought a chuckle from the group. A woman stood, saying "I, Bonnie, am the hash slinger and a damn good one, and don't you forget it." For the people staying on the ship they applauded and cheered. Robert said that he liked her already, and how much staff would she need to feed six thousand people for the maximum of forty-five days. She asked sit down or buffet. Thinking, Robert asked which is easier to keep the hot food hot and the cold food cold. Bonnie said that there were ten eating areas and they could seat about three thousand at a sitting. The buffet would be better, as it would cut staff by about seventy percent. Of the people already on the ship, she had about half of the staff she would need. What she really needed were cleanup people. Since this was not a luxury cruise, people would have to take their dirty dishes to the carts provided, and clean the tables they ate at. For those who are VIP's, they would ... Robert said to stop. There would be no VIPs. Everyone would eat at the appointed times or do without. If possible they should make snacks available for the smaller kids. Bonnie said there were spaces available where that could happen.

Robert then said "The Captain for this joyride will be US Naval Captain Lenora Fitzgerald. She will have complete command, even over me. Lenora, since you have already been at sea with the ship, tell us what we need to know."

"As with any ship, this ship is a mechanical machine" she began "the engines are practically new, as they had only been in service eighteen months before they were shut down. When I went to Seattle I took some help with me in the form of the available Warrant Officers that brought up the Mississippi. We trained a good crew of people to operate all the below decks equipment. We will still need people to help staff the engine rooms. The bridge will require a different set of skills. Sheila Fitzgerald, Malissa Callahan and Colin Osborn will be Officers of the Deck/Watch. They are all experienced and can instruct as required. I am leaving the galley to Bonnie, as all I want is my meals. The fuel tanks were full when we left Seattle with 333,333 barrels, or 1,400,000, gallons of fuel oil. We will have to stop in LA or Panama to top off the fuel tanks, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. We have the cargo which will be the responsibility of CWO5 Little." Early Little said that he had a lot to learn before he could comment.

Lenora then turned to a man Robert did not know nor had seen before that day. "Igor Babikov, we have talked and you will be the Chief Engineering Officer. I guess when you tell me it is time to go we will be ready to go. The only thing I ask for is no surprises." With that Lenora turned it over to Robert.

"Tomorrow everyone will hear from the review team and a ballot will be submitted. Within two days from now we will hopefully know where we will be heading. Lenora, I will provide you with two names, and I would like you to plot courses with a stop at Antarctica, taking the least amount of time. Bonnie, please start your list of food stores for a thirty day cruise and six thousand people. Tom will advise if he has any warehouses where we can resupply along the way. Other than that, everyone should plan on a worst case scenario of thirty days aboard ship. People, have a good evening and enjoy Initium Novum, as our days here are numbered."

The sun rose on presentation day with much anticipation to hear the report of the review team. After breakfast Ed Cunningham asked Robert if they could start the presentation at three PM, as it would be ten AM the next morning at Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. Robert asked about the light on the viewing screen. Ed said they would use the underground theater for the first half of the presentation, then take a break and complete the presentation outside. Robert said to make it happen.

The review team arrived at Robert's home at ten AM. He told everyone to relax, as everything was perfect and ready. The people at Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station had been notified and would be ready for a ten AM start. Sandra looked nervous, as she had never made a presentation before six thousand people.

Two of the Embraers landed at noon carrying thirty men, women and children. The newest child was three weeks old. These planes brought Ralph Edwards and his family from Eastern California.

At three PM sharp, Ed Cunningham gave Robert the go sign. "Ladies and Gentlemen, citizens of Initium Novum. We are gathered to hear the Search and Review Team's report and recommendation for an area we can start the rebuilding of the human race. I know the presentation will be rather long, but I hope interesting. Midway through the presentation we will take a break for refreshments and whatever else may be required. I would like to present the moderator and spokesperson for today, Sandra Cummings from Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, even she has been globe trotting for the past couple of months." Sandra just stuck her tongue out at him, which got a laugh from the crowd.

As Sandra started she said "You know I was not the only one globe trotting, our illustrious Monarch was on the same itinerary I was on. Even though there was a lot of hard work, Robert saw we made sure to have time to relax and recharge our batteries. There were some major disappointments as you will see later. With that all said, let's get started".

Sandra started with Porto Portugal, laying out the advantages and disadvantages. They were mixed in such a manner that one was not left with the impression it was good or bad. There were well over a hundred pictures to emphasize every facet of the report. By the time she had finished with the Portugal portion of the report it was five thirty and people needed a break. Sandra said that she would resume at six thirty.

Robert had arranged for sandwiches, cold drinks and coffee. The conversation was about what they had heard, with Robert hearing both pro and con comments on the location. Robert knew what his preferences were, but he would not voice them one way or the other, ever. He figured that if the votes were between 48 to 52 percent they would have to look for a different location. Sarah had joined him, asking if he was thinking about the vote. He admitted he was and was concerned about a close split vote. Sarah said he may have to make an executive decision in the final analysis. Robert looked at her with an "I hope not" look.

Sandra started again with a short video of the earthquake at Santiago, Chile. Then she told the citizens about their departure from Chile, and even though it was a beautiful area they felt that it was totally uninhabitable and was removed from consideration.

With that, Sandra moved on to Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Once again she detailed the good and bad supported with pictures. She explained every facet they had considered and why they made it a positive or a negative point.

Sandra said, "The unanimous recommendation of the Search and Review Team is that the citizens of Initium Novum would locate in Campinas, Brazil. There was a poll taken at the close of each review for the area we were leaving. On the plane returning home, Robert took the first poll as to a relocation area. The vote was unanimous. That was not good enough for Robert. Yesterday he took another poll and received the same results."

Finally she asked the other eight people on the team to join her. Then she asked Selma Cruz to join them, as she was an Electrical Engineer and was better qualified to answer questions in that area. Looking at her watch, she said she would allow thirty minutes for questions, unless there was reason to extend. For twenty minutes there were questions. Then quiet. Sandra said if they were through she would turn it over to Sarah Callahan.

Sarah said, "Now it is time for the citizens of Initium Novum to speak. You all received a ballot and they are all white. There are four things you can write on your ballot. They are Portugal, Chile, Brazil or none." Sarah said "Here on Initium Novum there are twenty ballot boxes" and she indicated their location. "At Amundsen-Scott there were also twenty boxes," and she had the delegate indicate their location. She asked that the ballots not be folded as it would take longer to complete the count. "A G650 should be there now to fly the delegate and the two teenagers that are on the count committee. The delegate from Amundsen-Scott and Robert will be the only two adults with the count team as advisors. The ballot boxes will be available for the next three hours. There are five thousand one hundred sixty citizens that are eligible to vote, and all should vote. As soon as the G650 returns here the count team will begin their work".

Robert was trying to figure out when the ship could leave Initium Novum and begin the journey to their new home. Robert would like to keep the island as a retreat for the family, but he did not know how long there would fuel available for the aircraft.

As he was going over this thought train, eleven wives joined him. He could readily see there was something on their mind, and he was not sure he wanted to know what it was. Sarah said there was going to be a wedding ceremony within a week, and he had better move it to insure his new bride would accept him. Robert asked if they had been talking out of school, as the only person he might be interested in was Selma Cruz and he was sure she did not care for him. Malissa laughed, as she said that Selma had been talking to her and was trying to figure out how to get Robert's attention. Robert knew Penelópe was just like Jan a few years ago, as she always wanted to sit on Robert's lap to eat.

Agnes knocked on Robert's office door, telling him the G650 would be on the ground in a few minutes and they should meet it. The two left for the runway with the other twenty three teens to count the ballots. When the plane was on the tarmac and the door opened, two seventeen year old twin boys and one adult deplaned. Agnes could not stop looking, as the twins were over 2 meters tall and very good looking. They introduced themselves as Allen and Alex Cummings. The ballot boxes were loaded onto a cart and they left for the underground. There was a secure room in Robert's underground house where the ballots from the island was stored, and the new boxes were added to them. The door had a double lock, so one key was given to Agnes and the other to Allen. Robert suggested that they have lunch and see how tired the three were before starting the count.

At lunch Sandra and Alexander ate with the boys, catching up on everything that had happened while they were gone. The boys admitted they had missed their parents and their nightly talks. Then Allen asked about Agnes and if she had a boyfriend. Sandra told him briefly that she had joined the group in Santiago, and was a very responsible young lady. Sandra could also see the spark in Allen's eyes as he talked about Agnes.

About two PM, Agnes came to where the Cummings were sitting and asked if the boys wanted to start the count then, or wait until after they slept and begin in the morning. Allen looked at Alex and said they should get the show on the road. Robert knew there was a large round table in the room with plenty of chairs. There was a five gallon container of Sofia's cocktail and lots of water. Robert had everyone introduce themselves and take a seat. Since Agnes was the chairperson she should take over.

Agnes said that they should count the number of ballots face down and put them in stacks of fifty. If Robert and Sam Deveaux would empty the boxes on the table they would start the count. Box after box was emptied on to the table, it took almost three hours to just stack the ballots. Robert suggested that they break for dinner and resume in the morning at nine AM, as there was no need to kill themselves completing the count. As they were leaving, Sam and Robert noticed that Allen and Agnes had locked the doors, each with a key. Alex and Dominika Masorin had waited for them and the four left together.

At dinner that night Robert sat next to Selma and they talked about many things. After dinner they took a walk around Robert's favorite areas of this part of the island. When they reached the North beach they sat and talked some more. Robert asked her if she would join his family and complete the family circle. She leaned over and planted a kiss on him that answered all questions. Robert then asked her how she felt about his other eleven wives that would become her sisters. She was excited that she would be part of a big family, as she had always wanted many brothers and sisters but she was an only child. She then asked if Penelópe would be her only child.

Robert had finished his swim and was ready for breakfast when Agnes and Allen approach him, asking if the count could start as soon as breakfast was done as all the committee was anxious to get started. Robert looked at Sam and saw a big smile and a nod. Robert said as soon as breakfast was done they would start. Sofia was going by when Robert stopped her and asked if for lunch hamburgers and French fries could be made for the kids. Sofia said sure, and they would be served in the park near his house where the count was taking place.

Agnes and Allen unlocked the door and the kids found the room as they left it. They began by counting the stacks of ballots, as Agnes said there should be one hundred three stacks of fifty and one stack of ten. There were one hundred three stacks of fifty and a stack of three ballots. Agnes said to divide the ballots into groups of eight and the even numbered groups would get an extra stack of fifty ballots. The one stack of fifty ballots and the short stack were set aside. She then had the group count off to twenty-four. Numbers one and thirteen, two and fourteen, etc., would form a counting group. She would take the three stacks and the short stack for a recount of the number of ballots. She told them if her math was right there should be six groups of eight stacks and six groups of nine stacks. When they finished there were one hundred three stacks of fifty and a stack of nine. Sam admitted he did not vote because he was on the counting committee.

Agnes then had each group take their stacks and divide them into stacks of Portugal, Chile, Brazil, none of the above, and blank. She asked that they be collected in stacks of one hundred. There were boxes of elastic bands available for each stack. After the final count a paper band with the number and name on the ballot would be wrapped around each stack. A paper pad would be left with the stacks, and when the group finished their count the page would be folded over so a clean page was showing. The small group started the counting of the ballots, and in an hour the first count was completed. Agnes then asked everyone to shift three chairs and count again.

They had just finished the second count when there was a knock on the door. Agnes opened the door and Sofia said there were hamburgers, fries and milkshakes in the park for lunch, if they were interested. When the group heard this there was a stampede for the door. Agnes and Allan locked the door and followed. Robert and Sam had just sat down to eat when Ann and Jan sat on each side of Robert. Robert introduced his two daughters to Sam, and said when they first came to live with him he had to feed one of them at every meal. Ann said "Oh, Dad, you loved every bite of it". Robert had to admit he did.

After lunch the final count would be completed and a final tally compiled. Robert called the Security Center and set up a session for all areas for three PM local and ten AM Amundsen-Scott time. The final count completed, the summary written up and signed twenty-five times. At three PM Robert introduced each member of the counting committee and finally introduced Agnes as the chairperson. Robert turned the podium over to her. She welcomed everyone and said that the committee was a fun group to work with, and they were very conscientious about their duties. She said "Now, what you have been waiting for. There are five thousand one hundred sixty one citizens eligible to vote. Sarah, you forgot our Monarch is really eligible to vote." Sarah stuck her tongue out at Agnes. "There were two abstentions, our Monarch and Sam Deveaux, because they were our advisors. We counted five thousand one hundred fifty nine ballots. Blank Ballots zero; None of the above, zero; Chile, three; Portugal, five hundred ninety seven; Brazil, four thousand five hundred fifty nine. By a majority vote of 88.4% Campinas, Brazil, will be our next home. Your count committee, by a vote of twenty four to zero, voted that our home should be named Campinas Novum Initium. The reason is that Initium Novum in Latin means beginning new, we feel that the country should be named New Beginning, or Novum Initium." With that there was a roar and cheer that was loud and long.

When things quieted down Robert stepped to the podium "have you ever seen a better group of young people, I sure have not, let's show them our thanks". With that the cheers and applause was deafening. Robert continued "If I may, to confirm the count committee's vote as to the name of our new home, vote Aye if in favor." There was a roar of Aye's; "Nay if opposed", dead silence. "The name of our new home will be Campinas Novum Initium." With that there was a great cheer.

"Just a couple of cleanup items, I would like to hear from the citizens at Amundsen-Scott on how long it will take them to get to McMudro, or wherever we decide, for pick up. Now many of you will ask why not just fly them to Campinas, if we travel there together for fifteen days, we will get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere and be rested when we get there. By ship no time zones to have to adjust to. We will have several things that need to be attended to before we leave, and we will need to know how much fuel oil there is at McMudro. I have put together a group that will plan the trip, and we will keep everyone informed on a daily basis, as Ed Cunningham will set up a news site. Thank you, everyone, it truly has been a great day."

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Initium NovumChapter 10

Annabelle had sent Robert a message that they would need the system controllers for the cargo hauler soon after the new year. The team said most of the modules had been written and were being tested independently, however when they began to integrate the modules into a master controller they would crash, especially when the propulsion system software was added. It seemed that some modules consumed so much interaction with the master controller that the master would take other systems off...

3 years ago
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THE HOLIDAY ; The last time i fucked Clare, my sons girlfriend was about two weeks ago in a hotel bedroom on the way back from buying my new car and it was more like passion, sex and lust all in one steamy, naked, sordid afternoon.Well here we are in Spain ,the whole lot of us are here for a week . My son went out to ride off road bikes for the day and dropped the wife in town to shop , leaving Clare and me alone miles from anywere in a gorgeous house with pool and sun terrace , don't forget...

4 years ago
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Mrs Lambfinger of the 9th Grade

1977... the year Skynyrd crashed, Star Wars came out, and I had an 9th grade math teacher named Mrs. Lambfinger. Horrible name, I know, and it was that much worse that her first name was Pamela and sort of rhymed (Pamela Ramyerfinger), though I only thought of her as Mrs. Lambfinger. No. Not quite true. I thought of her in many different ways. I sometimes thought of her unbuttoning her top for me, button by button, to reveal-- well, I'm not sure now how my fantasies played out, since they had...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Londyn 09202018

Filipina-mix Londyn is the kind of chick you want to bang the second you meet her. She’s super pretty, got that calm-yet-energetic vibe going on, and you just know she puts out like a freak in the sheets if you push her buttons right. Before we get to that though we find a present in the hotel lobby, talk about her sexual history (surprisingly tame for a hot girl like that), likes and dislikes, and all the other stuff we like to know a guy might want to know before we dip our sticks in to...

2 years ago
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Oh BrotherChapter 3

I suppose flying is fun. I suppose... I was amazed; that blue sky with those pretty white puffballs and the birds so effortlessly flinging themselves hither and yon ... well ... I’ll tell you about it. When Joe Pilot finally got my hands peeled away from the half-moon grab bar, he pulled on my seatbelt and said, “If you have to grab something ... grab this. Don’t touch the yoke.” So ... the half-moon grab bar is called the Yoke. Watching him, I noticed he turned the yoke ... his yoke ......

1 year ago
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The best Of times

I was just twelve when mom began to pimp me out. She was a whore and knew men would pay a lot for my naked body. The first time she brought me into her room and a naked man was there, mom was already naked and she stripped me out of my clothes. The man smiled and said "yes, she is beautiful. Lay her here beside me." Mom laid my naked body next to the man and he begn to touch me all over. Then he kissed my flat tits and licked them. He and mom spread my legs and the man ran his finger over my...

1 year ago
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A Watchful Eye

It all started on the beach. During mid summer Shawn worked part time as a lifeguard; he loved the beach and the flocks of attractive women arriving in their bikinis, catching some rays. One young lady did caught his eye only because she needed rescuing. Through his binoculars Shawn spotted that one young lady, with long blonde hair, sporting a red bikini, having trouble swimming her way back to shore.Shawn grabbed his life buoy, climbed over the railing of his assigned tower and jumped right...

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Bottoms UpChapter 3 Two Evenings Later

About two days later Suzy said something odd to me when we were sprawled on the sofa watching yet another late night film. "You'll think this is very strange, even wicked", she started, rather mysteriously, "but I've been thinking about the way Larry punished his kid. I can't get it out of my mind. You know the way you spank me when we're making love. Well, I've wondered what it would feel like to be hit with your belt. Just to let me feel what it's like. It's not that I like the...

4 years ago
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Rattling Snakes Cage Ch 06

This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * He sat watching her as he pretended to read a book he had found in the...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Mandy Meadows Cute Brunette Sex Slave

Mandy Meadows is being slaved and dominated by Mr. Pete. She does whatever you ask and is going to be spit on her face, dominated totally. She got her throat fucked hard, deep and fast and is slapped around as she looks up. Every time she is fucked she asks for more. After taking the throat invasion by big cock, the guy took turns stretching out her tight pussy and asshole. Once her holes were used and abused, she sat down to take a load of cum dumped on her face heavily covered with jizz...

3 years ago
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The Mountie

"Oh my God ... Oh my God ... Oh my God!" Trevor burst through the office door without knocking, as he usually did, bouncing from one foot to the other so rapidly he seemed to be running in place. His hands fluttered about his shoulders. "Tell me it isn't true!" "What isn't true?" Lynne replied calmly. She was the occupant of the office, and though she'd worked at this company only a few months, she was long since used to Trevor's drama. "That you just scheduled a meeting with 'The...

4 years ago
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Alias The Green Archer

ALIAS THE GREEN ARCHER (c) 2014, 2017 by Anthony Durrant Over the past few weeks, I had been amazed to see the old summer residence being torn apart and the grand Merlin Manor put in its place, having been taken apart block by block and shipped over the sea from England. I was amazed at the sight of the beautiful English home and its pleasant just across the street from my home and said to myself: "I can't think I've seen anything as beautiful as the Manor, especially at night...

2 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 10

The one-hour time change allowed Sean and Amanda to arrive at the airport in Tennessee only minutes after their departure from Atlanta. Sean had previously arranged for a car and driver to meet them, so within five minutes of Jeannie Sexton opening the door of the aircraft for them, they were seated in the back of the car heading out of the airport. Sean had advised their pilot to check into the Wallace hotel property adjacent to the airport, where a room was reserved for her. He would...

3 years ago
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Ashley and Todds Game Part 1

Todd was a sophomore in high school and the captain of the soccer team. He was every girls dream at their school, but was too busy to take much notice. They would fill the bleachers after school to see him practice in his short soccer shorts, and every once in a while on a hot day he would be shirtless. Todd’s older sister, Ashley was quite the opposite. She was very hot, but she was also the school slut. She was a junior, and she had already been with most of the football players and now she...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Clara Trinity Always Gives Happy Endings

A call from kinky Asian masseuse Clara Trinity couldn’t have come at a better time when Robby Apples wakes up alone, his wife already out for the day leaving him high and dry. Even more enticing was the offer of a free Nuru body-to-body contact massage, which the Filipina cutie would be giving personally after sensually oiling herself up. It’s impossible to not get rock hard, but thankfully in the skilled mouth, hands, and pussy of this Penthouse hottie there’s always sure to...

1 year ago
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Christmas Spirit ReallyChapter 3

The little incident with Lynn definitely got Aaron’s mind off the will and the bank accounts for a while. Now it seemed like all he could think about was Lynn wanting to play with his dick and that very sweet body decked out in the sexy nightie. It had him in turmoil because he knew it was wrong to be thinking the thoughts he was thinking. But like he said himself, biology is biology, and it was hardly any mystery that he got turned on. He’d just have to be damned careful around his little...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 32 Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

November 22, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure that’s OK?” Abbie asked. “I think this is one of those special occasions which allow it. Samantha showed good judgment.” “Thanks! I’ll tell Jason when he gets here this afternoon!” Samantha had offered to fly Jason and Abbie to New York for the Winston Cup Banquet so that they didn’t have to mess with commercial schedules and worry about logistics with the Hooters team. That meant Jason would arrive today as planned, rather than wait...

4 years ago
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Servicing A Need

It's a secret and I'm only telling you. But you have to promise you'll never tell anyone, ever. Okay. Well, it all started when I was sixteen. Like lots of girls, and boys, too, I guess, I did babysitting to earn extra spending money. My first job was with the Parsons, she was a friend of my mom. They paid me four dollars an hour and my first job netted me twelve dollars. I sat for them several more times and the third time, Mr. Parsons drove me home. On the way, we usually talked about how...

Oral Sex
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Love Sex With Rajkot Handsome Boy

Hi all my cute and sweet reader’s how are you .i hope u all fine and u all enjoy ur life ..kissi ko kuch to kisi ko kuch mil hi jata hoga ..jese chuth ko lund miljata hi hoga. kabhi tight to kabhi dhila hota hi hoga .par jo dil se pyar se sex kare usko to anand hi anand ata hi hoga … to raj handsome boy from rajkot 27 male .. jiski aj 7 story azir karne ja raha he baut ak hot story he ak dam piglane vali baut bor nai karta hu or story suru karta hu muje ap logo se baut kuch kahena he...

1 year ago
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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 6

I'd just stepped from the shower and was toweling my body dry when Dad hollered through the door, "It's Barbie on your cell phone. You left your phone in your purse on the entry console table again." I yelled back, "Did you answer the call?" He laughed. "Oh, of course you did, or you wouldn't know it was Barbie." I cracked the door to the bathroom to reach for the phone, and my father's eyes met mine but only briefly before they wandered down my naked body. She's gorgeous, he...

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AllGirlMassage Christie Stevens Lana Rhoades Almost Caught At The Spa

Christie Stevens is about to start a new job at a massage parlor. Eager to learn everything she can, she listens attentively to her boss. She lets Christie know that she’s had some problems with old employees in the past and that no funny business will be tolerated here. Her boss leaves as Christie prepares for her first client to arrive. Christie wants to do well and is gonna make sure she’s doing a good job, but Lana has her eyes set on Christie trying to seduce her almost...

2 years ago
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Lucian Ch 2

Lucian, Chapter Two. Why do we think in absolutes so often, like good and bad, fire and water? Why, for instance, do we insist that there only should be men and women, and call that the natural order? Isn't that just a lack of imagination? Lucian sat on a bench in the shadow of a big tree with a crown of flaming leaves - a sycamore, maybe? He loved the word, but he knew nothing about trees. It wasn't an oak, surely - there were no acorns lying around. He looked across the vast...

1 year ago
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I Have a Hobby

I have a hobby. I am a 33 year old woman with a figure 38DD - 24 - 36 with long auburn hair and long legs with a height of 5' 10". I get a lot of looks shall we say. My hobby? I am slowly reducing my husband to a slave while I constantly and secretly screw around behind his back. My chief amusement right now is to flirt with his boss, my most frequent lover, and I mean flirt outrageously when the three of us are together then get mad at my husband when he complains. I enjoy how Jim, his boss,...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Pretending Ch 08

Pretending Ch. 08 © 2009 All rights reserved Emily proved prophetic. Despite Simon's grandiose claims, John had wiped out both him and Edward in a few short hands. He was more than happy to see Emily and Connie return. Lydia came in a few moments later, and headed into the kitchen to make coffee and tea to go with their pumpkin pie. Overstuffed from dinner, there had been unanimous agreement to save the pie until it could be properly enjoyed. John pulled Emily to the sofa and refused to let...

Love Stories
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I Need to Gag on Your Cock

James looked down at Marta and found the view electrifying. She was pushing herself hard against him, forcing herself to gag and choke on his cock, while simultaneously frigging her clit, and fucking her cunt with two fingers of the other hand.She was in a race. He had given her permission to cum, but she could only masturbate while she was gagging on his cock, and if he came first, she wouldn't to be allowed to cum at all.And she was desperate to cum…~~~~~Thursday evening, after the movie...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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My Old Teacher and I

I hurried down the hall. I couldn’t believe I’d almost forgotten to stop by Ms. Thorn’s class after school. My family was vacationing for the next week and my cousin had asked me to swing by and grab her work from Ms. Thorn, as she hadn’t had it ready for her earlier in the day. My cousin was a cheerleader and had to leave school earlier to cheer at a sporting event. As I walked down the hall, I thought about Ms. Thorn. She had taught me two years prior and there wasn’t a day that went by I...

3 years ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 28 Friday

"Glad you're home again, Iris," Anne said. "I'm afraid we've really got you on the run." "Oh, well, somebody's got to do it, and I do enjoy it. But I really want to spend some time with Heather and get into the design side more. I think the next week or so will settle down some. I'm really still reacting to the first craze." "I saw you on TV last week when I was in Chicago," Jim said. He and Denise had come for the meeting. "Oh, that morning show. What a bunch of macho pigs...

1 year ago
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Virgin Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hi, I am Ansh and reachable on Some of the females might already know me because I’ve had some great sex chat as well physical sex with Indian Sex Stories readers. I hail from Delhi and any female looking for adventure or fun or a wild experience can ping me on I am writing this story with permission from my partner (an ISS reader) Now, this incident took place in the month of October when a girl named Anchita pinged me. She read some of my earlier stories and pinged me for some fun over...

4 years ago
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The House at Sand PinesChapter 5 A Shift in the Wind

Lying in my bed that Sunday night, my thoughts were about Charlotte and my cautious approach toward her. I'm not typically shy, but she was so completely different from any woman I had ever known that I couldn't come to a decision on how to approach her. My short term ambition was to date her, but it seemed until very recently she was even more cautious than I was. It felt like I was getting closer to her with that kiss this afternoon. But how close? And would there be a problem with...

2 years ago
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Saving Caitlin Ch 04

SAVING CAITLIN by MaddieKim Again I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this story. I appreciate the comments and the votes. I thought if one person likes this tale then I’ll have done a good thing by submitting it. It seems more than one of you liked it, so again I say thank you to each and every one of you. Maddie Part IV Back to the cabin When she saw the car coming up the drive, Ginny bolted out of the cabin and flew into Jon’s arms the moment he was out of the car. He...

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Starting point

Years back, a little shady of the details.I was thirteen, going into new school, I could have gotten into an all boys school, but I rejected the offer, my family thought I was crazy, but who cares.Love the idea of orientation, it was just another excuse of a get-together where everybody was bored, plus it was a 3 days stay over at the school. Perfect. I just gotten out of a relationship, really, I was 11 with a girlfriend. Not those puppy love you guys hear about, I only went for this girl...

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Thom and Tabitha At Disney World

It had been a long hot day walking around Disney World. This was our third day visiting the various parks in the Disney Empire. The first day was Epcot center. All around it was a pretty good experience. For me, the best part was at the end. Tabitha had been talking all day about a ride we had to go on called “Soarin’”. It was about 2 hours before the park closed and we made our way to the line. There was about a 45 minute wait. We had used all our Fast Passes and couldn’t get one for...

4 years ago
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Me The Maid And The Sage 8211 Part I

My first story was called “Anjali the sluttish wife” I am a 38 year old women with a statistics of 42 C 38 40 with a deep valley a cute and slutty face weighing 90 kg mine was a love marriage we used to have sex 4 days a week when our sex life got a little boring we started to go for swapping threesome, even incest with my sister my brother’s wife and my brother and with strangers my husband Vinay He was a strong with a 9 inch machine which satisfied my urges, one day he had a accident and...

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Plains of Texas Prelude

My name is Elanor and this is the story of my adult trek. I started late because of the group that all wanted to go together. We lived on a ranch north and east of Fortwo. I had a brother, Herman, and a sister, Clarissa. Clarissa had a boy she liked and who waited until she was sixteen before we all left on our trek together. At the time, Herman was nineteen, I was eighteen as was Benji, Clarissa's guy and Clarissa was sixteen. Our parents started us as did most Tex parents. Mom fondled...

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Daddy Takes Baby Girl On A Trip

Baby Girl smiled and laughed. Her hair was flowing as her head rested on her Daddy's shoulder as he drove. These were the moments she loved. When she'd been good and Daddy was pleased with her. "Where are we going today, Daddy?" she asked, curiously. "You'll see, little one," he replied. A toothy grin lit up his face. She smiled widely. She loved this so much. All was right with her world. Daddy was happy and they were spending time together; she didn't care where they were went. Daddy pulled...

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TG Author Protection

TG AUTHOR PROTECTION SERVICE By Mel Huntington The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] After slipping my keys and wallet back into my pockets, I checked my watch as I slipped it back onto my wrist. 7:58 AM. I turned away from the security checkpoint and walked with several others toward a long line that ran against the south-side wall of the building. When I got there, the man in front of me made eye contact, and he spoke. "I swear, the worst thing you can...

3 years ago
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A First Fuck With My Classmates 8211 Part 1

I’m from Bhopal (M.P) m ek muscular body wala hot sa ldka huin jisko dekhk koi bhi ldki propose accept krne ko taiyaar hojae So ab m story pe aata huin meri story h jb m 12th m tha us time mjhe fuck k baare m kch ni pta tha but un dino ye hota tha ki agr aap koi mistake krte the to ldki k paas bitha diya jata h ek baat or ki mene 18 years m hi gym join krli thi to meri jb m 12th m tha to acchi khaasi body bn chucki thi Then ek din jab mjhe punishment mili ki aaj aapko do girls k beech bethna...

2 years ago
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Pados Wali Indian Bhabhi

Hi all iss story readers especially females.Mera ek regular sex story reader hun. Mera name raj hai mai roorkee ka rahna wala hun magar ab apni further studies ka liye dehradhun mai rahta hun cahlo ab apni story par ata hun. Mera name raj hai ar meri height 5.9 hai ar regular gym jata chalo story ki heroine ka bare mai batata hun uska name hai roshni name changed meri padosan dikhne mai mast mal jo bhi dekhta usse usko chodna ko mann karta figure 30 34 hai gand ek mast ar boobs ek gore...

4 years ago
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It Got Lost in a CrowdChapter 2

It took me a while to walk home even though I live just under a block and a half from Tim. I just couldn't walk very fast. It did hurt. Tim called me later and we talked for quite a while. He apologized for how things went and I told him that I really wasn't upset with him. I even told him that I had enjoyed having sex with him. "Oh, that means a lot to me, Chrissy. You are very special to me. And, after today, I really care even more for you than ever. You are also even more beautiful...

4 years ago
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Jewel of Lust Ch 02

*NOTE TO THE READER: STRONGLY ADVISED YOU READ PART ONE IN ADVANCE* * –You will find yourself compelled by the rite of Spring– At last, the drought broke and the heavens overflowed, and down the rain poured over a hungry soil and its withering people. For eight days the storm had refused to yield, and by the ninth the ground had taken all the drink she could and began to puddle. Puddles soon became pools, pools turned to streams, and the streams gave way to rivers which dug their beds into...

3 years ago
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First Party House Visit

When this story took place Linda and I were not new to the lifestyle. That being said we were also not what you would call hardcore swingers either. I would guess we had been involved in foursomes with maybe three different couples. Two of which were strangers that we had met through swinger publications. With both of those couples we had sex on the first date. The sex that we had with those couples was started by Linda and the male half of the other couple being the first two naked. We had...

1 year ago
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Kaam Wali Ke Bete Ko Hoor Ke Pari Banaya

Hello everyone this is vikas khanna again apke liye ek new story laya hu last story pe mujhe bhaut bhabhi or auntyo ke mail aye or mene unke saath enjoy kiya or wo bhi secret saxh main iss ne mujhe life ke asli enjoy karaya hai mere email id hai any one intrested can mail be and guaranteed for your secret delhi ncr ke ladies ,girls ,aunty so ab apko jayda bore na karte hui apni story pe ata hu ye baat kuch weeek pehle ke hai jn mere mom dad out of india gayie hui the main ghar main akela beta...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Pothead Ch 01

This was written by myself on another site under the pen name of ‘Col.Jack Harrison’. My debt to society, the sons of bitches called it. Did I borrow the pot or somehow damage my neighbors by using it? What a load of horseshit! I got my ass busted by DEA thugs, arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to LIFE in a federal prison for ‘trafficking in narcotics’. As if that stuff was for anything but my own personal use. I was just smart enough to stash it up (or dumb enough, in...

2 years ago
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This happened to me quite a while ago. We live Ona street and all the families were of a similar age. Which meant as k**s we all grew up together and everyone got on so well. It was possible back then to not have to lock your doors because everyone trusted each other.anyway there was a girl living across the road from us. I had the front bedroom of our house which looked straight into Diane’s window. As k**s we grew up together and we always walked to and from school a way she was...

3 years ago
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Coke Makes Everyone Cum

“Your name is Cocaine? You’re kidding right?” Lilly gaped with wide eyes. She’d never met a woman like this before, standing there in a skirt that barely covered her crotch, a blouse that strained to cover her pert breasts; breasts that appeared to have pierced nipples gauging by the ring shaped outline. She wore heels that pushed her up onto her tip-toes. Even in the heels the girl was several inches shorter than Lilly. “I usually go by Coke. Guess my parents had a sense of humor.” Coke...

2 years ago
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Learning Together 3Chapter 3

Kathy stirred the pot of stew that hung above the hearth fire. “It looks like it will be another fifteen minutes or so, Barbara. let’s take Carly outside for a few minutes.” She turned to Meg who was sitting on her blankets. “Meg,” Kathy pointed outside toward the river: “I’m going over there with Barbara and Carly. You’ll be able to see me. I want you to lay down and rest.” “Ok, Momma. Can I have a hug?” Kathy stooped down and hugged her. “Thank you,” Meghan said with a smile. “You’re...

1 year ago
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Sharing My Japanese Wife

Some years ago when I was a single guy in my late twenties living and working in Japan for a few years I met a twenty-two-year-old Japanese woman named Keiko who I fell in love with, and for three months we had a passionate romantic relationship, then, as planned, she left for Sydney, Australia to study English and I was to meet up with her there later in the year after I tied up loose ends. Keiko was sexually experienced but only with one man and had just come off a long-term relationship with...

4 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 13

I had retreated all the way to the cabin to provide some dressing privacy for the ladies. I was conflicted about the way we were handling this. Both of these women — in fact, all three of these women — had been the victims of a particularly insidious kind of rape, and conventional wisdom suggested that they would benefit from some sort of access to counseling. In my work, I had seen many victims of rape, both in the role of accusers for men I was defending or as defendants themselves, in...

2 years ago
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Chapter 8 Chrissie Learns to Serve

Chapter 8Chrissie Learns to ServeThe weekend was a blur as the overdose of hormones rushed through mybody. The nurse in the clinic I visit every week obviously had a big envything going on with Helen, my doctor and the woman I have devoted myselfto. Instead of my normal dose of oestrogen she took advantage of Helen'sabsence and hiked up the treatment considerably, threatening to reporther to the medical board if I ever revealed what she had done to me. Ihad no choice but to accept my fate and...

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