Initium NovumChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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The citizens of Campinas were planning a celebration as the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Novum Initium would be in a few months. They realized none of them would be alive if it had not been for Robert Callahan. In the meetings they decided to name the day of the founding of Novum Initium Robert Callahan Day, but they would have to keep that quiet or Robert would veto the idea. Not that Robert was such a private person he did not want to be singled out as special, even thought he had powers that very few knew about. The people still wanted to honor the man that had done so much for them. Robert was also teaching people that there was no such thing as credit, as the philosophy was that you can have it when you have the funds to pay for it. The exceptions were the citizens that were in a first home. When a young couple was married they received a choice of a condo or a single family home from the Monarch as a wedding gift. What was surprising was that of all the married couples in the colony, there had been no divorces, not that it had been all a path of roses, there had been a multitude of couples with problems however they seemed to work them out and were stronger for it.
At the university the music department was writing two new compositions, one they hoped would become the Novum Initium National Anthem. The second was a composition that each student and professor had a deep love for, as it was a tribute to their Monarch Robert Callahan. There was not a person working on the two compositions that had not had some personal interaction with Robert. Because of Robert's leadership and willingness to take time to listen to anyone's smallest problems, he was seen as not only the Monarch but a friend to all.
When this adventure began, Robert was twenty-eight years old and a pure computer geek heading a department for a large company in Palo Alto, California. That seemed so long ago and so many things had happened in the succeeding fifty-seven years: The destruction of most of the human race, then finding this location to start the re-population of earth, and facing an alien race that wanted to use humans as food. The technological advances were far greater than Robert had expected at this point in the evolution of time. The first deep space exploration would soon leave for an extended voyage of twenty-five earth years. The crew would be named in a few weeks, along with the scientific team.
Many families had followed Robert's example, and there were very few monogamous marriages and the relationships seemed to work extremely well. As for Robert, he had fourteen wives and, believe it or not, seventy-three children. Three of the children were adopted, as they were Melissa and Selma's daughters whose husbands had died before they met Robert. The three girls were Robert's girls through and through. Of all of his children, Jan Cartridge Callahan was the closest to Robert. All the older kids were married, and Robert Jr. was heading the Earth's environmental research team with special attention on what was happening with the ice in the northern hemisphere and the holes in the ozone layers. Robert thought that the holes in the layers would have closed by now, but Robbie said even though they were considerably smaller they still had a ways to go. Robby and his first wife Zetain had attended school together from grade one through their PhD's in university. Zetain had told Robby that if he was going to marry her, he better learn to read and write Chinese, both Mandarin and Cantonese. Robby took her seriously and had learned both, and surprised Li Woo and Chan Fang when he was at their home for dinner when he carried the entire nights conversation in Mandarin. Chan tried to throw Robby a curve and shifted to Cantonese, but Robby shifted without missing a syllable. Both Li and Zetain both laughed at the look on Chan's face, not knowing where to go next.
The population had grown over the years and was ahead of the original projection of five percent. According to Vicky the population was just over one hundred seventy-six thousand people, with the average age being twenty-five years old, as more and more young people were being born. The older generations would soon become a minority but there were no real concerns. What the younger generation realized was that the wealth of knowledge available to them was infinite. The future of the people of Earth was in space. The earth would always be home, but for many, a spacecraft would be home for many years, and some children born to those on the spacecraft would be in their late teens before they actually saw Earth.
The building of Earth's deep space explorer was underway at the Orbital Facility that was itself still under construction. The dry dock facility had been completed and the spacecraft construction was started. The substructure was underway, and there were from fifteen to twenty construction teams in the assembly area at all times. Annabelle had made it mandatory that every worker had a buddy at all times. Some of the crews were three people and some were five people. The crews became so familiar with each other that they knew what they were doing. The substructure was not going as fast as the construction crews wanted, but they understood they were working in an airless environment, and even a very small tear in the protective equipment would be fatal. The good news was that some new equipment had been designed so that the bucking bar and drive hammer were all one unit. This facilitated the process but did not reduce the required time to complete each joint. The one thing that was good in space was that a two man team could move a guider weighting several hundred kilograms without the aid of a crane operator. Each girder was moved into place by one of the robotic arms and tethered to some part of the substructure or the dry dock. That deemed that the team would have to retrieve and position the girders before riveting them into place. After the girders were in place and riveted, a team of welders would follow and would weld all joints that would then be x-rayed to insure a perfect weld before moving to the next joint. In the bulky suits the work was very tiring, and they allowed each team to work four or five hours per day.
At the research Center in Campinas, a team was designing a new suit for the extra-vehicular activity (EVA) to replace the suits presently being used. The two major problems were the shields for the UV rays, and secondly keeping the pressure in the suit at one atmosphere. With the modification of the UV absorbing chemicals to insure UV C rays were blocked that problem was solved. The pressurizing of the suit while allowing flexibility was the next hurdle.
Milka Callahan, Robert and Injerd's daughter, suggested that they not use humans at all for EVA but use androids controlled by the construction workers themselves as they had the expertise for the task. Milka said that the androids would only require an interface to the human controller, and that interface could be mental not physical. The team shifted their thinking, as an android would not need pressurization, and the chemicals for UV protection could be applied as part of the manufacturing process. The prototype was built and Milka's husband, a construction project manager, was the controller. The controller was made comfortable and several sensors were placed on his head as transmitters. The connection to the android was not smooth at first, but after a while with many redesigns and tweaks the operation became acceptable. Richard Baylor, Milka's husband, felt that the controller's vision from the robot should be the same as if the controller was present. The design team went to work on the visual application.
A few weeks later Richard and Milka were on the Orbital Facility with two androids and the real trial began. Richard asked for a volunteer to be the controller for the second android. There were only two volunteers, and it was decided to use both of them to see how they worked together. As the volunteers relaxed in their chairs and the transmitters were placed in the appropriate places, a blackout mask was used to cover their eyes. The androids were activated and as the hearing and visual applications came alive there was some confusion for the volunteers. They were first told to think about looking around to see and identify everything in the room. It did not take long for the controllers to become proficient with the visual application. The next thing was to begin to walk around the room and to follow the line that began in front of them. The movement application was harder to master, and took almost two days for the controllers to become proficient. The final hurdle was the fine motor skills required to install girders and secure the rivets.
The day arrived that the androids were to try and install girders and rivet them in place. The construction teams were on their way to Campinas for the normal rotation cycle. The two construction controllers were relaxing in their chairs and began their task. They had the androids exit the airlocks, entering the warehouse that was open to space. They went to the stack of girders looking at the numbers first, and then correlated it to the location on the blue print. The girder was then hoisted near the location of its final location. The controllers then took the girder, moved it into place, and drove the rivets home. The other end was placed and the rivets driven home, then the rivets were secured with the bucky bar and drive hammer. After several girders were in place, Richard timed the next placement from the time received from the hoist to the completed securing of the rivets. The average time of the work crews for a girder installation was ninety minutes. The controllers and androids had completed the last one in seventy minutes. The time savings overall would advance the construction and completion two or three months ahead of schedule.
The next challenge was to see if the androids could accomplish the task of welding the joints that could meet the standard for a completed joint. The controllers returned the androids to the warehouse bay and begin to work with the welding equipment. It was soon seen that these controllers would never become proficient welders. The next construction crews returned and were amazed at the ability of the controllers and their androids. When one of the experienced welders saw the attempts at welding, he began to laugh and told the controllers they would never be great welders but were great iron workers. He asked to be connected to one of the androids to see if the machine had the fine motor skills to be a welder. Within a few hours with the skill of the welder and the dexterity of the android the test welds were completed. The test welds were taken to the lab and they x-rayed then cross cut to insure there no air pockets hidden that the x-ray did not pick up. The findings were exceptional, and the cleanup of the weld was significantly reduced as the android would maintain a consistent bead and account for the human movement of the welder.
The construction of the spacecraft was significantly different than that of a seagoing ship, where the keel is laid first and built upon. This spacecraft started at the core of the ship and built out. When the substructure reached the area which would become main engineering, the progress was to build around that area and come back to it later. As construction continued it appeared there were two large cylindrical vacancies in the substructure. The plan was that the propulsion system would be installed after all the decks were installed in a rough-in form and most of the outer skin was in place.
The construction crew had been working on the project two years when it was announced that the following week the propulsion system and life support system would start to arrive, and all crews would be required for the installation of the two systems. The preparation was started with the girders needed placed on each deck that where required. The horizontal cylinder had a number of tubes that originated in main engineering and terminated at the rear bulkhead of the craft. The first system to arrive was the life support system, which was ahead and lower than the main drive system. As the system was placed on site, girders were attached to the system and then to the substructure. The weight of the system was several tons, and the supports not only considered the weight but the vibration that it would generate. The projected vibration was calculated to be almost nil, but there would still be some. There were absorbers between every contact point, and doubled in some areas. As soon as the life support system was secured the overhead girders were put in place and the rough decking installed, and a second set of girders then placed to prevent the propulsion system from dropping into the life support system.
Finally the propulsion systems were loaded. The girders were prepared and attached to the base of the system with cross bracing and additional support. As soon as all the base girders were in place and riveted, the remainder of the girders above main engineering were positioned, riveted, and welded. The tubes that went from engineering to the rear of the ship were placed and connected as specified. The substructure was completed a month ahead of schedule, and the final sheets of exterior sheet metal was installed along with several areas of transparent material.
The next item on the project chart was to initialize the life support system to allow the construction crews to work in the enclosed hull in a safe environment. First was the pressure testing of the hull. The inside pressure was raised to three hundred kg/M3, and was supposed to remain at that exact pressure for fifteen days. The first few days there was a loss of three hundred g/M3. The challenge was to find the leak and repair it. A vapor was introduced into the hull and the hope was to see the vapor escaping through the leaking seam. It took two days to get enough vapors in the hull to finally show as a slight vapor stream. The stream might not have been noticed if an android with its controller had not been watching a window and saw a puff of white vapor escape. At first the controller was not sure if it was the vapor and continued to watch, and later there was another puff of vapor. The controller reported what he saw and a human appeared with a testing device and measured the amount of air escaping. The calculations found the total loss of pressure from this leak was close to the decreased pressure loss seen earlier. The leak was repaired and the test started again. The fifteen days passed with no additional leaks.
The life support system was started and monitored for a week before the passageway from the Orbital Facility to the spacecraft was opened. When the construction crews entered the hull the magnitude of the remaining work was huge. The construction workers decided that they would work under the direction of the trade journeyman, whether it was pulling cables or laying pipes. As the journeyman began to review the building prints they knew they would need all the help they could get. The carrier began to bring reels and reels of cable and pallets of different sizes of tubing. Since there was no artificial gravity, the crews were floating from point to point doing what was necessary.
In the research center the artificial gravity system was being tested and made ready for installation in the spacecraft. Everyone knew that the gravity system could not be put into operation until the main propulsion system was on line. The propulsion engineers were preparing for the transfer of antimatter to the propulsion system and a low power start up. The first attempt was foiled when the magnetic force field power supply failed. The second attempt was successful and provided enough fuel for low power testing. The third transfer was six containers of antimatter containing fifty grams of antimatter. To fully charge the propulsion system only ten grams of antimatter was required, which would operate the system at full power at battle conditions for two years. The plan was to have five kilograms of antimatter in storage systems at the time of departure. The propulsion system had a secondary functional drive of helium 3 if the antimatter ran out. Helium 3 was also something that could be obtained from asteroids as well as planets. One of the main responsibilities of the AI aboard was to ensure that the stored antimatter was protected at all times, and to anticipate any system failures that would cause the stored material to be lost.
The main propulsion system, with two backups, was transferred to the Orbital Facility, but was so large they had to be secured to the outside of the facility. All nonessential personnel were given time in Campinas while the propulsion and antigravity were installed. Because of the planning by Annabelle and Martha, the actual transfer almost became a nonevent. The two systems were transferred by the androids to the ship and all mountings were perfectly aligned. All connections were made and those that required pressure testing were ready for power. Electrical power was in place to the main distribution boards and the bus bars to the anti-gravity system in place. The tedious part came next, and that was charging the system with antimatter. The ship's engineering department had decided they wanted to charge the system, as they felt the experience was needed for charging the system in the future. The system was finally ready to be put online, and have the ship on internal power. The ships power came online, was stable for a bit and then went down. The panic on the faces of the power engineers could be seen even in the emergency lighting. Annabelle walked over to the main console and began typing. It was not long before ship's power came back on line. She looked at the department head and said "oops". She had forgotten to remove the stabilization and shut down software they had used when testing before bringing the power plant to the ship. The crew breathed a sigh of relief when the system came online. Annabelle said that she wanted a full five days of testing the propulsion plant with at least fifty percent load before they put the artificial gravity online.
Finally the day came to test the artificial gravity system. The system was such that each area would have its own sensors and would have to be adjusted accordingly. There was one short passageway where the gravity system was an area unto itself. That passage way led to the entrance to the compartment where the AI would physically exist. The gravity in that passage way would be five hundred times greater than at sea level on earth, or about 11,330,000 kg/ M2. That would stop almost any living organism. Once again the construction crew was to have a rest day in the Orbital Facility while the gravity system was brought on line. The engineers that would bring the system on line belted themselves into anchored chairs to prevent injury. When the indicators registered 1.03 kg/C M2, Annabelle released her belt and tried to stand but found herself floating. When she reached for the overhead she would have fallen on her butt had she not grabbed a handhold. The group around her was initially shocked and then began to laugh as they realized that it took time for the artificial gravity system to take full effect.
Robert came strolling into the temporary command center looking at Annabelle hanging from the ceiling. He looked at her with a questioning look, not understanding the situation. As Annabelle dropped to the floor she started laughing, trying to explain that she did not understand that the artificial gravity would not activate as soon as it was turned on, and when she released her chair restraint she rose to the ceiling and then felt the gravity taking effect and she grabbed a support to keep from falling on her butt. As she told the story her face begin to turn red from her embarrassment. Everyone including Robert was laughing so hard they had to sit down to recover.
Annabelle and Robert went to the Orbital Facility where the construction office was located to review the progress and plan for the remainder of the project. The conclusion was that there was nine month's worth of work in a best case situation, but more than likely a little better than a year. Robert could see that Annabelle was pushing hard for the nine month completion, and the construction superintendents were beginning to show strain. As they talked Robert began to nudge Annabelle to the idea that the test flights should begin in about fourteen to sixteen months. As she was taking what Robert was suggesting, she wondered why he wanted to push the initial flight and launch out an additional six to nine months. One thing she knew is that Robert had a reason for pushing the departure date out, she would accept his recommendation.
A Communications Officer gave Robert a message from Robert Jr. wanting him to return to Campinas as soon as possible. There was major seismic activity in both Europe and Asia. Robert showed the message to Annabelle, who said that a cargo shuttle would be leaving as soon as he could get there.
Robert was met at the shuttle terminal and taken to the university and the school for earth sciences. Robert Jr., Drs Floyd and Freida Lycomb, and several geophysicists were studying several seismic charts that even to Robert's untrained eye looked very wild. Floyd Lycomb introduced Dr. Andrew Ward, the head of the Department of Geophysics. Robert asked Dr. Ward if his father was Michael Ward, originally from Australia. Andrew confirmed that Michael was indeed his father. Andrew then proceeded to explain the seismic reading had indicated that there had been several major events in Europe, Russia, and Southern Asia. They had satellites take pictures of the Southern Asia area where the Himalaya Mountain Range should be, and there seems to be no mountains but huge craters where the mountains had been.
Robert woke feeling better than he had in months. His wives had pointed out that he had done all that he could do with what he had. He remembered something one of his professors had told him once 'Give me the courage to change the things I can change, the serenity to accept that which I cannot change, and the wisdom to distinguish between the two'. His professor said if Robert would approach every challenge this way he would achieve more in less time than all his colleagues. Robert decided...
The pilots were in agreement that they should depart at six AM local time, which would be one AM Eastern time. The flight should take eight hours and they should land in Florida about nine AM. They decided to land in Orlando rather than Miami, as the runway and taxi lights were still working when they were last there. As part of the preflight check they met with John Adams to see if he had found a replacement circuit board for the faulty one they had trouble with on the flight over. He said...
Floyd and Freida met with Robert, telling him that even with the revised numbers the Ozone Layer was still letting way too much of the UV A&B rays reach Earth. If they were to wait for nature to correct the problem it could take decades. Even though the majority of the things that had caused the thinning of the Ozone Layer were no longer produced, the atmosphere was still loaded with CO2 and CFCs. The CO2 would be lowered significantly if the world temperature were lowered two to three...
As the people of Initium Novum, Antarctica, and a bunker in the mountains of Eastern California woke on November 11 to watch the Veterans Day Ceremonies there seemed to be nothing amiss. The members of Congress that attended were planning flights to return home for the Thanksgiving Day break. There were thousands of out of town visitors that attended those ceremonies, and who would return home within twenty four hours. The amount of people they would infect would be in the tens of thousands,...
Robert was sitting on his balcony planning an extended trip into the past to see if he could determine the circumstances of his family's murders, when the buzzer sounded from the lobby door. Robert answered to find Sarah there. When she came into the condo she pulled Robert into a loving kiss that also showed her commitment to him. She stated that she wanted to find a penthouse apartment with several bedrooms so she could move in with him and be at his call. She also told him that she wanted...
The next morning Robert went for an early morning run and covered about half the perimeter of the island. When he returned his ladies were finishing breakfast, looking sheepish as he approached them. Sarah seemed to take the lead, and asked Robert if the seven of them could spend the day at the beach as they needed to sort some things out. Robert asked if he needed to be there, and was asked not to join them as it was a girl thing. Smiling, Robert told them to have fun, but not too much fun...
Robert met with Ed Cunningham to find out the status of their data storage facilities as to how much they would lose due to the pending Ice Age. Ed said none would be lost, as all the data had been stored in two different locations, in the Northern Hemisphere and again in the Southern Hemisphere. He said that Nancy also had the data stored on the spaceship that the AIs controlled. The only way they would lose any data on the planet was if the facilities were not accessible via communication...
As Robert and his family sat at breakfast, all the small ones had either gone to school or out to play. Robert had sent mental messages to Brad's family and Susan's family to join them after breakfast. When everyone was there Robert explained that Nancy requested that they join the AI's on the spacecraft as the aliens that had destroyed their home planet were about to enter the far side of the Milky Way Galaxy looking for habitable planets with life forms they could harvest for food....
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Oral Sex........she was lying there beside him, quiet for now, masturbating gently, swooning, overcome with desire for him. She couldn't have him....not even a little bit.Rachel started up the game again."Julian, sweetheart, do you think you are ready for another go?"" I am going to put this thing back on and fuck you in the ass, Julian.....yes dear, right up your German ass....... Silkie is going to suck your sweet dick while we do that........I like variety........OOOooooooooohhhhhh...I want to fuck...
I kneel at your feet with your favourite, a bacon and egg sandwich and a mug of coffee.Looking directly at me you, you attache nipple clamps to me and say"i need to put my feet up""yes Sir" i say as i lower my head and get on all fours in front of you.You rest your feet on my back, with my head bowed, large tits dangling with the clamps.But every now and again you flick your horsewhip over my ass, sometimes softly, sometimes hard, sometimes you just flick your whip and enjoy watching me...
After Vani, I had given up having sexual intercourses with other females. I had restricted myself to only my wife and occasionally with my wife’s permission, some kind of non-vaginal penetrative intercourse with Vani. It therefore came as a complete surprise to me that I was seduced by one of my neighbours in Mumbai and I fell flat for her. Pranitha is her name and she is basically a Mangalorean. She is now 57 and a voluptuous woman. A housewife, whose husband works in Pune and visits her once...
We found a little village nestled up against some low mountains, or tall hills—we didn’t know which term applied better. It wasn’t much, barely more than a wide spot in the road with a one-pump gas station, a mechanic’s garage, and a tiny grocery. The girls and I found a small house on the west side of town which sat a little higher on the slope than the little community. I found a job working on the nearly antique cars and pickups that abounded in the neighborhood. My father had been a damn...
On the tip of my tongue were the words “fuck off, pervert”, not particularly lady-like but it usually has the required effect. However from the corner of my eye the frotteur looked slightly interesting if somewhat different. As usual the underground train was squashed with the ‘sardines’ that made up the commuters of the early morning rush hour. Packed so tightly that one could hardly breathe, and if one did it was air that carried so much halitosis and stale sweat that it was almost possible...
Another true sex story... I originally posted this as a blog... may be easier for others to read it here, enjoy...At a party (many years ago)I was standing by the motorbikes with a couple of friends when a girl came up to us and started to talk... nothing special just chatting... as she asked questions about the bikes eventually the request came... could she go for a ride... sure we all said... but a ride for a ride babe, the response was surprising and rather nice... she said ok but how did...
Doll, using her dainty left hand, gently stroked the length of my prick and on reaching it's zenith, spied a droplet of my seed appear at the tip. I pursed my lips and waited tensely to see what would transpire. I say this because women tend to react differently to the actions of a man's prick. While almost all but the most jaded are somewhat fascinated by this wondrous instrument, they go about handling one differently. That Dolly was no stranger to a man's pride and joy was evident from...
DISCLAIMEROriginal Story credit goes to Ms Karen Kay.Characters Created by Karen Kaythe following work includes a fan edit ending to complement where she left off.we hope she comes back somtime and hope her site is re-launched. we miss you Karen Kay!!!!!********************************************************************************************************************************************************Breakfast on Sunday Ch. 01byKarenkay©Lenny stroked his cock as he watched his wife suck his...
Tanya is a stunning Scandinavian blonde. 5-7", crystal blue eyes , long legs, etc.... we met when she was 19 and I was 23 and ,like many romances, the flame starts to dim. We are both adventurous & mild exhibitionists, but we had been faithful to each other in our three year relationship..... then came Halloween 1987. Tanya worked in a well known Atlanta night club and they host an employee costume party every year. This year, we decided to go incognito and in complete disguise - she as a...
As soon as we were clear of town I picked up our pace. Unfortunately Orlanth was not the best rider, even with instruction. On top of that, Juniper was fast; I had to make sure that we didn't end up miles ahead of the kids without even trying. Orlanth's book was wrapped up and packed on an extra horse that the stable master provided me. The new horse seemed to be more of a plow horse than a riding horse. She did occasionally want to move slower than a brisk walk; otherwise she did not have...
All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...
I had just finished inside Jeannie Lanier when I heard Christy cough and I realized that she wanted to officiate the next wedding. I winked at her and gestured for her to begin. I then cleared my throat while still stroking Jeannie’s hair. “Proceed, Christy,” I told her with a slap to her ass. “Will Wayne Simpson and Stacey Weingarter please step forward. Now that Wayne has officially completed his reservist duties for the last time and is on terminal leave, it is time, wouldn’t you say,...
MAMMARY DISTRESSErik Von Schmiser M/f, M+/f, F/f, MF/f, interracial, size, BDSM, S/M, consensual, torture, nc, Extreme, Heavy, violent. This tale deals with the refined and detailed torture of women, centered almost exclusively on their breasts. Subjects/victims may be zealous, fanatical masochists, searching for the ever elusive ultimate in pain, others will be those unfortunate enough to have attracted the attention of one or more of those whose greatest pleasure in life is...
When the first thing that loads up when you're on Karmen Karma's Twitter page is a gangbang, you know it's about to be a super fap-worthy account! I'm used to seeing sluts on Twitter, but I am not used to seeing that much action soon in my review process. You usually have to scroll through a bunch of boring-ass OnlyFans promotions, and some bitches don't even show their fucking tits. Even some pornstars have betrayed their whore roots for gaming or some other irrelevant shit to porn. The only...
Twitter Porn AccountsNovember, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I picked up Connie’s bag and she followed me out of the room and up the stairs. We went into my room and I shut and locked the door behind us. I set her bag on the floor next to my dresser and then took her hand. I led her to the loveseat and we sat down. I had one serious concern that I had to discuss with her. “Connie, when you asked about stopping, I told you that I would. My concern is that if you get excited enough, you won’t stop, even if you...
- spring-it was. Rainy day. Sherrie had just come in and sat on the coach. Reading.mshe was wearing a hot blue skirt that showed the top of her pink bottom. She had plump breasts, firm. Creamy white skin. Her nipples firm were brimming from her blouse. I,m quite stunning,’ she thought. She was proud of her athletic body of110 lbs. her wet nipples showing threw the fabric, sitting quietly she read. Suddenly, a figure appreared in the shadows. It was her aunt Cassie. Who sat next to her. ‘ hi’...
ENF-CMNF blog! What could be hotter than a bunch of naked chicks? how about naked chicks in public that feel embarrassed by it? It’s sort of taboo when you think about it, but this is exactly the kind of content you’ll find on This place is all about this kind of content and you’ll be scrolling through an endless supply of it while you’re browsing the website. It operates as a free blog, so everyone can check the content out if they so, please.The beginnings and history of...
Popular Porn Blogsnaked in front of you there a surprise under ur pillow i hope you like it". i reach under my pillow and to my surprise there were my cousin panties. i started to fantasies about my cousin remembering how i saw her taking of her clothes . the following morning the same thing happen again she was on me as i was getting naked to take a shower, this keep on going on like this for two weeks unti one day i couldnt control my self, i waited forger to get in the shower but that neve happen so i when...
Aurora Xandra – Unmik, Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch The alarm resounded through the cell, my delicate ears flinching from the piercing reverberations while the smile grew and grew on Princess Adelaide’s face. The strawberry-blonde woman shuddered on Chaun, eyes casting to the ceiling of his cell. My stomach twisted with fear and anger. She triggered an alarm. She had just alerted the entire castle to our presence. Minx and I had spent the last hour sneaking into this place. I...
"Would you die for me?" The shadowy female hitch-hiker asked me not fifteen seconds after she got into my car. I don't normally pick up hitch-hikers, even rather lovely young and attractive appearing female ones, but when I saw her walking along the side of the lonely county road, miles from anywhere, hunched over in the cold late autumn rainy drizzle, something other than my head told me to hit the brakes and stop for her. Now, just a few moments later, I was wondering if I had suddenly...
He wanted them to marry but she was doubtful. This story is entirely fictional. Tom Cassavettes was sprawled in a canvas chair reading the book list of the university course he was about to attend. The afternoon sun was hot and the air was humid enough to be stirred with a spoon when his thoughts were disturbed by a shrill voice. He followed the sound and saw a disembodied head visible over a hedge way above then with eyes squinting in the strong light finally identified the speaker. It was...
One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn't...
SeductionI'd never had thoughts of taking a lover, until the day he approached me. With his words of 'do I want to explore and go on an adventure' he was immediately irresistible to me. On the night that we arranged to first meet up to fuck I was shaking with excitement and anticipation.I nervously knocked on his front door and he welcomed me in with a knowing smile. We went straight to his bedroom and I sat on his bed as we knew what we both wanted and that we couldn't wait any longer. We’d talked...
Tyler Steel’s teen stepdaughter Fiona Frost is a straight-up dick magnet. Tyler is trying to protect her from all the strange cock being thrown her way. He asks his friend Tony Rubino to find Fiona a gentleman to take care of her. Both Tyler & Fiona are a little surprised when Tony volunteers himself. While Tyler is nervous, he approves and Fiona seems downright excited. Tony & Fiona start kissing. He starts fingering her hairy teen pussy, making her moan. She pulls out...
xmoviesforyou"Oh, fuck James, Donnie, fill up my glass," I whined, putting it out."Gwen, I know you're hurting," Donne pointed out, slanting the bottle down and pouring the wine. "I'm just saying, don't go nuts.""I'm not going nuts, I'm getting drunk, there's a huge difference, Donnie," I groaned before turning my head. "You get me right, Eric?""He kind of has a point. We're on our third bottle now, and you've drunk most of the first two," Eric reminded me, rubbing my arm.Then they both...
ThreesomesDown at the outfitting room, Kirk found Spock and McCoy already fitted with their outfits for the trip: Spock wore tight blue jeans and brown, stiletto-heeled boots, a form fitting white blouse with half sleeves that hugged his firm young breasts. McCoy wore a pair of tight black slacks, a white silk blouse and a cute little peach colored coat that tapered in emphasizing his small waist: Kirk hadn't seen either one in a day and the changes were startling as each now looked as much a...
Bill couldn't help but smile at the blunt start to the conversation. He was talking to Rhonda Kingman the forty-six-years-old actress who played the part of middle-aged teacher Diana Cresswell in 'Friends and Neighbours'. The woman wouldn't see her thirties again but nature had been kind to her, exceedingly kind. She was five foot eleven with perfectly groomed dark brown hair and a well publicised 42DD-28-38 figure that would have done any of the legendary Amazon warriors proud. And...
Mom is the sexiest woman in the world. She is a man pleasing whore, and she is made to look that way. Her pimp Bill, makes her dress like a whore, and has been fucking her along with other men of his choosing. To top it of, she is fucked rough, and made to scream so everyone can hear her. Our neighbors have always known Bill is a stripclub owner and a pimp, that added with the way mom dressed, and her loud screaming, everyone know she was a whore. Our male neighbors lusted after her, and some...