Initium NovumChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
Robert woke feeling better than he had in months. His wives had pointed out that he had done all that he could do with what he had. He remembered something one of his professors had told him once 'Give me the courage to change the things I can change, the serenity to accept that which I cannot change, and the wisdom to distinguish between the two'. His professor said if Robert would approach every challenge this way he would achieve more in less time than all his colleagues. Robert decided he had not used this tried and proven method since he had started this project.
Robert untangled himself from the arms and legs of his wives trying not to wake them up. He thought he had succeeded when Carolyn asked where he was going. Robert told her that he felt like a run and a swim. Carolyn said she would meet him at the pool in half an hour.
Robert and Carolyn were getting ready to start their swim when Brad and Roberto showed up, and the four of them began their warm up laps. As Robert started his power swimming everyone was with him. He kept it up for half an hour and then slowed to the cooling laps. Just as he was finishing, Ann and Jan jumped in and swam the last lap with him. These girls were growing up too fast and were taking swimming seriously
For some reason today everyone in the house was at breakfast and a few from the condos. The mood was somber yet upbeat. As they were eating, Robert said that by the end of the day he would provide a date he wanted everyone to have what they wanted in their underground homes in place. Robert suggested that people may want to remain in their condos as long as possible to enjoy life above ground. The confidence Robert displayed spread to the entire group. The women that were married to Robert could see a change in him, and knew that he had come to terms with the coming events and what he and the people around him could accomplish.
Robert was in his office writing notes of last minute things he would like to accomplish before total shutdown. Robert seemed to phase out as he was time traveling. He was in the Middle East someplace. There was an Arabic appearing lady by his side who turned out to be Nancy. Nancy suggested they use their ability to be invisible. As they passed into the tent in front of them, they found a stairway descending into the sands of the desert. As they descended deeper into the desert sands, they found labs that were producing canisters of biological germs that they were sealed to insure that they would be active for at least a month.
Robert and Nancy saw a group of men in the corner in a heated discussion. As the two moved to listen to the conversation, the disagreement was the date of the release of the germs. A small group wanted to release the germ on Veterans Day, November 11, and show the infidels who had the power in this world. The other part of the group wanted the release to be on the most Holy day of all Christendom, and the first release should be at the Vatican and then in Washington DC, London, England, Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, Moscow, Russia and Beijing, China. The remainder of the germ would be released worldwide except in the Middle East. Finally the agreement was that on Veterans Day the seven cities would be the test sites, with the designated number of canisters being released to insure that they had the coverage required. The hope was that when some one was infected they would pass it on to others that had not had direct contact with the mist in the canisters. Each canister appeared to be the size of a five gallon container. They had to insure the propellant would not harm the biological germs.
Robert and Nancy then traveled to November 11, Washington DC, and found the winds were to the South. At precisely eleven AM the aerosol bands were released and the biological germ was released into the air. At first people noticed the strange smell, but most people dismissed it as a bad smell. After the service, people headed home not knowing that they were carrying death to all they met or talked to. Since one canister was released in the area where the President, Vice President and many Senators and Representatives from Congress. Robert and Nancy monitored the city for three days when people started to die. Because of the winds, the biological germs were carried as far south as Raleigh, North Carolina. One of the hardest hit areas outside of Washington was Norfolk, Virginia. Because the Naval base was so large and so many of the military men and women were in close quarters, the germ would spread like wildfire.
Robert returned to his office to find all of his wives waiting for his return. Robert said that the shutdown date was November 11. That gave them five months to complete everything and ensure the people were in the right frame of mind.
Sarah and her team were reviewing the adults that were on the island against the list of people that had been accepted and cleared by Nancy. There were still three research scientists that had not been located. They were all in the field of developing cold fusion, and had gone on a holiday a few days before Tom Fitzgerald and Julie Wilson were to meet with them. Finally, Sarah asked Robert to see of he could travel to their labs and see if there was any way to determine their whereabouts.
Robert went to the cold fusion labs at MIT and found a man and two women were collecting the results on some just completed test. The man, Doctor Atkins, asked the women if all preparations were complete and was assured that they were. Robert was concerned that the three were defecting to an unfriendly country when he heard one of the women say that she had picked the rings today, and she had found a Rabbi in Israel that would marry them. Bob Atkins complained that the Catholic Priest and Protestant Ministers were so close minded, that they did not even follow the teachings of the Bible. Robert looked into the minds of the two women and gathered the necessary travel information to find they were on Catalina Island off the California coast.
Robert and Saran flew to Catalina and were taken to the house where the three were staying. When Robert introduced himself, he asked if they had trouble sleeping the past few nights. The three confirmed that was true and did not understand how the earth could lose the human race. Robert explained the coming event of November 11 and December 25. Then Robert explained what the people of Initium Novum had established, and the plan to survive. Sarah asked if they had been married in Israel and were told no, they could not go through with a Jewish wedding when they were Catholic. Sarah said the spiritual leader of Initium Novum was a Catholic Priest that could not be celibate and had left the church. Al had two wives and Robert had eleven wives.
Bob Atkins asked what was the procedure to apply for citizenship, and how long would it take as both of the women with him were pregnant and he did not want his children born out of wedlock. Robert asked if he could get them legally married today, how long would it take to gather their research data on cold fusion and come to the island. Bob said with a good computer about two hours as he had most of the information on two memory stick in his briefcase.
In just minutes they were heading for the airport, Initium Novum and a wedding.
Robert decided that the personnel aboard the ISS needed the information on the dates of the biological germ dispersal, so that they could make a decision for their return to earth. The scheduled rotation flight to the ISS was in September, when the Russians had a major malfunction on their launch pad. The estimated time of repair was sixty-four days. None of the astronauts aboard ISS seemed too concerned. Robert met with Mary Bright Morning to talk with her husband to see if they had a spare radio that could be tuned to a frequency that NASA or the Russian Space Agency would not monitor.
Mary's audio time with her husband was scheduled and the short discussion was completed. The ISS orbited the earth seventeen times every twenty-four earth hours. The best window of communications was when the ISS was over the Eastern Pacific at the northernmost point of its orbit. A radio frequency was provided by the communications specialist, and the window would be for twenty minutes, the first occurring at eight fifteen the next day.
Mary and Robert were in the Security Center at the appointed time when the call from the ISS began. Robert had provided Mary the information for the dispersal of the biological germs, and asked when the astronauts thought the best time for their departure from the space station would be. Their consensus was that after the first release, the space agencies would inform them of what was happening and suggest that the ISS be shutdown and they use the escape pod to return to earth. They would suggest that control systems be placed in the remote operating position, so that earth could adjust the orbit as required.
Robert suggested that when they left the ISS, as they entered the earth's atmosphere there would be a malfunction and the escape pod would explode and they would be lost. The astronauts thought this would be perfect. They asked what coordinates they wanted the pod to touch down. The information was provided and they were informed that a Russian submarine would pick them up. The last item was a five minute audio session which would be set up with each of their wives over the next few sessions, to help the mental health of both parties.
Robert was concerned about the people on Antarctica and their families. Nancy said that she had already considered that, and their families would appear at the stations just before the first release of the biological germ. At each location, the senior manager's wife would have the information of their sudden appearance and all would have had the dreams of the world without humanity. They would also have information that on January 1, radio contact would be made with another group that had survived for resupply of food etc...
Robert met with Tom Fitzgerald to determine the amount of supplies that may be required for the people on Antarctica. Tom said that he had overestimated on everything, and had stored supplies for fifteen years instead of ten. If they could crew the TK17, there should be no problem supplying the people of Antarctica.
Dr. Amy asked to see Brad and Robert, as she was beginning to see some signs of stress in the Initium Novum citizens. She felt that it was time for an assembly, concluded by a big party with lots of music and dancing. Robert needed to address the people and reassure them that the underground time would be as short as possible, and if possible there would be outside time when ever possible.
Vicky, through her distribution channel, invited everyone to a party on the south beach. Each family was to bring a side dish, and Robert would supply baked potatoes and steaks. There would be music and dancing and Robert would be saying a few words.
The people's spirits were lifted in anticipation of a party and to hear from their leader. They saw Robert every day, and none to them hesitated to speak with him. Robert was not an invisible person, and one of the friendliest people on the island.
The day of the party approached, and as four PM arrived there were streams of people moving to the beach, where they found tables for vegetables, salads, desserts and to sit at. The kids hit the water having a great time. Adults were talking with each other, making new friends and meeting the people that would be their neighbors in the underground. Some women said that the garden boxes were a great idea, but every green plant they ever touched died. They were assured that they would all have green thumbs, and they would have fresh food. Several decided that they would combine efforts and each grow one thing and share with their neighbors.
Robert finally stood on one of the tables getting everyone's attention. "It will not be long until the first release of the biological germ in several major cities and the nightmare will begin. Those that survive will have a heavy responsibility on our shoulders. Today there are about thirty-five hundred people on the Continent of Antarctica, and the summer build up has just started. The astronauts will be returning to earth and coming to Initium Novum soon. Their families are already here. One of the biggest problems we face will be boredom and depression. We have tried to have enough things that will keep all of you busy while we are in lock down. Many of you have expressed an interest in higher education and some in learning a completely different profession. We will do our best to insure that this happens, and that you will have fun learning. There will be constant maintenance on the underground. As you know the utilities we have depend on our nuclear power and the water distillation plants on the ships. You may not be aware that we have created a condensation collector on top of the cliffs that will also add to our fresh water supply. Please understand that does not provide us with an unlimited supply of water."
"As for the waste water and other sewage, many environmentalists would be all over us, but we do not have the time or the space for a water treatment plant. The original owner of this island disposed of the waste by running a large pipe five miles to the West of here, which emptied deep into the ocean. I know," Robert continued, "this is not the ideal situation, but we have no choice. All of the waste will be biodegradable and be recycled into the ocean. As for solid waste, we will compact it and store it until we can dispose of it in a safe manner. I would suggest that you consider everything that you are about to dispose of, to see if it can be used again or made into something usable."
"To conclude, I will suggest that in the next month or two at the outside we will be in lock down. It will be hard on us all, and we will at first consider it an adventure. Then reality will begin to set in and we will wonder if we are going to survive. Next, some will become bored or depressed. At that point we must become a family, not a group of people trying to survive. We have the professional staff to assist everyone, but the best assistance will be for each of us to be the family that each of us needs. Watch out for each other, be aware of those in your close circle of friends, and talk to each other when anything is making you sad or unhappy. We hope that the biological germ has a short life and we will be able to have outside time after sunset and before sunrise. God bless us all, and love your neighbor," Robert concluded.
As he returned to his seat the entire group stood, applauded and cheered, as that was exactly the words they needed to hear. Dr Amy stood and gave Robert a big hug, telling him he was in tune with the people.
As the sun rose on Halloween, the island was preparing a party for the kids, and after that a dance for the adults. Robert was dressed as an 1880's sheriff, and his wives as dance hall girls. Nancy was in charge of the music, and Roger and Sara, along with Alice and Clem Addison, handled the decorations. The lawn around the condos and the house were beautifully done. The party lasted well into the night, and the next day several people would be looking for relief.
A status meeting was held on November 2 so all department heads could update Robert, and they would have the latest information for the people they interfaced with. Evania Taylor opened the meeting, telling everyone that this would be the last meeting before lock down. Any urgent updates should be taken directly to Robert, and with that she started with Tom Fitzgerald.
His report stated the purchasing and stores group were hard at work ensuring that all the supplies were on the island, and that the land based warehouses were secure and sealed. Tom stated that everything was as complete as it could be, and that the livestock were secured yet accessible if they were needed for food.
Larisa Masorina said that she had a fully trained crew for the TK17, and they would be leaving on the seventh of November for their rendezvous with the astronauts. They would be taking the wives of the astronauts with them, and arrangements for all their children had been made to stay with friends. As soon as they returned the TK17 would be connected to the electrical power grid as backup, and to share the load when necessary.
Julie Wilson said that the reactors on both Mississippi and the TK17 were in top shape, and could supply power for many years. The water desalination systems were operational and had been making water for several weeks. The water storage tanks that Nancy had provided would be filled to capacity in two days time, and CWO5 Eberhard said that he would be shutting the units down for normal maintenance, which would take one week. He had scheduled maintenance for the desalination units so that either the Mississippi or the TK17 units would be on line at all times.
The pilots were in agreement that they should depart at six AM local time, which would be one AM Eastern time. The flight should take eight hours and they should land in Florida about nine AM. They decided to land in Orlando rather than Miami, as the runway and taxi lights were still working when they were last there. As part of the preflight check they met with John Adams to see if he had found a replacement circuit board for the faulty one they had trouble with on the flight over. He said...
Floyd and Freida met with Robert, telling him that even with the revised numbers the Ozone Layer was still letting way too much of the UV A&B rays reach Earth. If they were to wait for nature to correct the problem it could take decades. Even though the majority of the things that had caused the thinning of the Ozone Layer were no longer produced, the atmosphere was still loaded with CO2 and CFCs. The CO2 would be lowered significantly if the world temperature were lowered two to three...
The citizens of Campinas were planning a celebration as the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Novum Initium would be in a few months. They realized none of them would be alive if it had not been for Robert Callahan. In the meetings they decided to name the day of the founding of Novum Initium Robert Callahan Day, but they would have to keep that quiet or Robert would veto the idea. Not that Robert was such a private person he did not want to be singled out as special, even thought he...
As the people of Initium Novum, Antarctica, and a bunker in the mountains of Eastern California woke on November 11 to watch the Veterans Day Ceremonies there seemed to be nothing amiss. The members of Congress that attended were planning flights to return home for the Thanksgiving Day break. There were thousands of out of town visitors that attended those ceremonies, and who would return home within twenty four hours. The amount of people they would infect would be in the tens of thousands,...
Robert was sitting on his balcony planning an extended trip into the past to see if he could determine the circumstances of his family's murders, when the buzzer sounded from the lobby door. Robert answered to find Sarah there. When she came into the condo she pulled Robert into a loving kiss that also showed her commitment to him. She stated that she wanted to find a penthouse apartment with several bedrooms so she could move in with him and be at his call. She also told him that she wanted...
The next morning Robert went for an early morning run and covered about half the perimeter of the island. When he returned his ladies were finishing breakfast, looking sheepish as he approached them. Sarah seemed to take the lead, and asked Robert if the seven of them could spend the day at the beach as they needed to sort some things out. Robert asked if he needed to be there, and was asked not to join them as it was a girl thing. Smiling, Robert told them to have fun, but not too much fun...
Robert met with Ed Cunningham to find out the status of their data storage facilities as to how much they would lose due to the pending Ice Age. Ed said none would be lost, as all the data had been stored in two different locations, in the Northern Hemisphere and again in the Southern Hemisphere. He said that Nancy also had the data stored on the spaceship that the AIs controlled. The only way they would lose any data on the planet was if the facilities were not accessible via communication...
As Robert and his family sat at breakfast, all the small ones had either gone to school or out to play. Robert had sent mental messages to Brad's family and Susan's family to join them after breakfast. When everyone was there Robert explained that Nancy requested that they join the AI's on the spacecraft as the aliens that had destroyed their home planet were about to enter the far side of the Milky Way Galaxy looking for habitable planets with life forms they could harvest for food....
In discussions with Hebraic, the matter of how much of the technology on this spacecraft could be revealed to the people on earth arose. At first, Robert felt that none of it could be revealed, and only suggestions could be taken to Campinas. Hebraic asked some pointed questions that cleared up the issue a lot. First of all, had Robert and his team defeated those that wanted to use them as food? When that task was completed by the rules of war, who takes the spoils of the war? And finally did...
Annabelle had sent Robert a message that they would need the system controllers for the cargo hauler soon after the new year. The team said most of the modules had been written and were being tested independently, however when they began to integrate the modules into a master controller they would crash, especially when the propulsion system software was added. It seemed that some modules consumed so much interaction with the master controller that the master would take other systems off...
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Hey What a way to start a new story Well I might as well introduce my self. Totally not in a up my self type of way tho. My name is Sarah Jade. I'm 19 years old. I have brown ombré hair I guess you could say with hazel eyes. All my friends call me the sexy model one and my previous boyfriends (all whom are dickheads) said that I was the girl people would want to 'fuck'. I guess I have perky breasts (34a) and a nice ass. I'm about to go to university for a degree in law. Also I love sex, very ,...
RomanceYou wake up just the same as every other day. Groggy and still half asleep. But today is different. Today is the official release day of the final Telltale's the Walking Dead game. You have been waiting for this game to be released for months and today is finally the day you can play it. You head straight over to your computer and open steam. You go straight to the store page of the game and immediately hit buy. You start the download but your internet isnt great so it takes some time but you...
Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here..”Did your brother force you?” asked the doctor.”No” she said, “I seduced him.” It was at a marriage reception that Dr. Gopika, gynaecologist in a local medical college hospital, who knew of my interest...
IncestWith the confrontation fresh in her mind and without any time for coming back down following her orgasm, Corrine was still a nervous wreck when she got back to their house. She put the 12 pack of ale in the refrigerator and started making their dinner to keep her anxiety at a tolerable level. Cory was glad that Bill seemed to just want to eat and not engage in any small talk. With dinner finished, Bill got himself a fresh beer and went to the den to watch the news. On Thursdays it wasn’t...
Well, there we are: the final chapter. You have until January 1st to read this story before I make it available to premium members only. Your comments are welcome and if you find you like this sort of thing: there’s plenty more available on my site. – RD It rained. I think it should rain, at funerals. Most people stood under black or transparent umbrellas, but I wore a Macintosh over my black suit and I just didn’t care. I needed to focus on not crying. Rain on my face might help to conceal...
I sat there, motionless, then started to cry. I hugged my knees, thinking, oh, Sasha, Sasha, what should I do? I couldn’t visualize at all how to resolve my dilemma. How could I explain it to Dylan? That he just doesn’t know how to fuck me senseless? No, that’s not right. There’s more than that. But how do I describe it? Oh, Christ, how can I make a decision about this now? I walked out on the deck and paced from one end to the other. After a while, the cool morning air relieved my funk....
Chapter 6 My voyeur husband watches me As Jim and I laid together in our bed following our wonderful love making session, Jim said, “Bunny, I want to watch him fuck you.’ (Bunny is one of Jim’s favorite pet names for me.) “I don’t know. I think that might freak Stephen out if he knew that you knew about this. Also, I can use the fact that we can’t let you find out about our little tryst as a way to keep some level of control over this wild situation,” I responded. Up till this point, I had...
We both awoke early on that Wednesday. We had arranged for Susan to arrive at 4:30pm, giving us plenty of time to get there. Susan wore a red strap cami with a black skirt below it. We decided it would be more fun to not bother with the underwear. Especially with a 3 to 4 hour car journey ahead of us. Susan looked amazing. Every time I looked over at her on the drive I wanted to pull over right there and fuck her in the back seat. We arrived in Albany over an hour before the arranged time, so...
This is the start of a story I wrote for someone - I'd be interested in your comments - Might be too dirty for some - but its just fantasy and she liked it. So.. I strip you naked and blind fold you. I let you see me for a while and you know i am fully dressed. You feel me turn you around by your arm and I sit you on a chair. I tell you to wait and you hear me going through some draws and then feel me take your wrists and handcuffs being placed on each wrist and cuffed to the back of each side...
Myra stepped out of the shower, dripping the teardrop shaped dollops onto the bath mat, and stood there feeling the cool air of the room drift around her body before reaching for the towel on the rack. The cooling effect surrounded her body as if she had immersed herself in a pool of peppermint menthol tingling her every pore. She did not want to dry herself, however, she opted to grab the towel and run it across the sensual skin of her naked body. She rubbed the towel over her body, hoping it...
Love StoriesHi naughty girls and dirty men ! I’m a twenty-one year old guy from Chennai. I’m tall slim and sexy :p girls and a woman who would love to get laid with a sensual animal ping me on This is about how I met my school teacher at the alumni party and seduced her for sex. This happened a week back and I could stop sharing it. I work as an it professional in Chennai. I had been invited to an alumni party in my school. I was not very excited about going there because though the school was a reputed...
Hi all , i am a great fan of ISS which gives the people a platform to share about their sexual realistic experiences and fantasies as well. I have read nearly all of the stories over her and am a very old fan of its.But this is my first attempt to be open and accept the sexual encounters and experiences that i have had in the real life. This is one such incident that happened to me around an year and half back and this is totally a real incident without any fantasies and a true experience.This...
IncestAdmirer to Modeler On the way home I wondered why I had agreed to all of this. Part I (the past) He had a fetish, definitely concerning them, items of lingerie that is. That's how it had started anyhow. He loved to go into stores at the mall and pretend he was buying them for his wife or girlfriend, to feel the soft fabrics, and imagine how they would feel hugging his skin tightly. The internet was fine, but he liked to touch what he would be buying, and wearing. He also tried...
“Okay, I’m ready Sexy bum.” Kathy shouts from her bedroom.I stop stroking my now stiff cock and walk up the stairs. I could barely contain my excitement. I am smiling from ear to ear and my cock is just throbbing to the touch. As I get to the top of the landing I can see right into Kathy’s bedroom and there she was in all her glory. She had red stilettos on and nothing else. Kathy stood in front of the bed bent over with her sexy bum sticking out. The closer I got to her I start to see...
I am a woman in her mid-twenties and live with my partner, as lesbians, although we are both bisexual. One of our favourite pastimes is going to nudist beaches or other nudist venues.I had a day off work as a day in lieu of travelling time. It is a system that rewards early or late starts when I am required to leave or return home very early/ late to fly to my destination rather than be paid a penalty rate. I rather enjoy it as it allows me to have a day off during a working week.I had no need...
BisexualI parked up half way down the road and released my cock from my jeans. I had become rather horny on the drive to the spot, thinking about the concept of what I had discovered in recent weeks. A few tugs in the right direction and my cock now stood proud at its full 8.5 inches. I pushed my seat back to create some leg space and spread myself out so that my balls could swing free from my thighs. Cupping them with my free hand as I started to pay my cock head some attention with my finger...
"Pseudo Cindy" It was another Friday night and after my hot bubble bath I found myself once again going through my meager clothing and lingerie collection trying to decide what to wear. That's what I usually did on the weekends. It was a strange hobby to be sure, but since I wasn't bothering anyone and kept to myself I figured it wasn't anybody's business. I just wish I had more money to spend on my wardrobe. I had been living in my townhouse for nearly three...
Cora That was just by way of education or explanation...and to make you understand the next part. Seems like the head librarian wasn’t the only person in town that watches TV. Seems like the men in town didn’t have anything better to do either. Of course my boss was watching CNN or some other NEWS program and one suspects it was a slow news day and my win was filler. The men were watching Days or Turns...SOAPS! and the local transmitter affiliate broke in with Breaking News. Not everybody...
This is a real story that happened before 10 years. I was living with my parents in a remote village in Dharmapuri district in Tamil Nadu. I was the only child of my parents. I was 19 years old studying in a government college. My father had some inherited land and was doing agriculture in it. He was 47 years old. My mother was a housewife 44 years old. Even though she is in her 40s she does strenuous work. So she maintained a great figure with fair skin. Ours was a middle-class family. Our...
December, 1984 At the end of 1984 daddy came home one snowy afternoon with a strange look on his face. He got out of his fatigues and into some sweats and started helping me make dinner. Somewhere between peeling carrots for the salad and taking the roast beef out of the oven, a tension ran out of him and he sighed. "I have something tell you, pumpkin. Go ahead and sit down," he said, hefting the roast. I liked having roast beef because it meant sandwiches for the next few days, but I had...
I kept Jenny satisfied as much as physically possible. If I laid the ground work now she’d be mine for as long as I wanted. We’d sneak around between classes and fuck, skip classes and fuck, finish school and fuck. A new world had been opened to her and she wanted to experience it all. I’d been teaching her how to eat pussy and she was getting very good. She even surprised my one night by skipping my pussy and heading straight for my asshole. She’d eaten like she was starving and I’d cum hard....