Initium NovumChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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Authors note: in the next few chapters there will be many threads and the story will seem to jump around. Sorry about that, as the time line goes I feel it must be this way. The story would become a bunch of unconnected short stories otherwise. In a future chapter I hope the number of threads will diminish and become more sequential. G42
The ladies showed up for lunch, as Sara and Susan wanted to see Robert's condo. Susan had purchased a digital camera, and was going nuts with it as she could see the pictures as soon as they were taken. Carolyn pulled Robert aside telling him he was secure, and the threat was being taken care of as they spoke. Sara said that they had so many clothes, and even clothes for Roger, that the plane would have to make multiple trips to get them to the island. Elisa laughed, saying she could buy that much more and still could not overload the plane with weight, but volume could be an issue. With that, everyone laughed as Vicky and Malissa brought lunch out.
Vicky reminded everyone that her family would be coming to dinner tomorrow night, and she wanted everyone there. She said that Robert was to cook the steaks and Malissa had agreed to make her famous Greek salad. Sofia had sent a cake and the Irish Whiskey Sauce for the topping. Robert rolled his eyes, remembering the last one, hoping that Sofia had toned it down but somehow knowing she had not. Sara, Susan, and the pilots left for the airport to return to the island. In an hour the pilots returned to the condo and a puzzled Robert. He said the G650 was fast, but not that fast. Sarah said that was true, however the wives had made a decision, and wherever Robert was, he was not to be without a G650 to transport him to the island.
Malissa said Admiral Fitzgerald knew of a new G650 technically to be released for sale in 2012, but there were several early versions completely fitted out for the military, with every bell and whistle available. He had spoken with a retired friend that worked for Gulfstream and secured one of these for Robert. It was to land at Palo Alto airport in a couple of hours. Injerd and Elisa were taking a check flight, then it would be turned over. The main difference was that this plane would fly 800 miles per hour, just over Mach 1. This was to be Robert's personal source of air transportation. Two of the fighter pilots would take over crewing the original G650.
Two days after the completion of the pier, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) said a tropical storm was forming in the Eastern Pacific and predicted it would become a major hurricane. The strange track did not follow any conventional models, and wind speeds could reach category one in a few hours. The USS Mississippi had left Bremerton, Washington, yesterday under tow for Heller's Scrap Medal in Los Angeles. All day the people on the west coast were preparing for this hurricane to hit shore. Because the track was showing a track of Southeast, the Naval tugboat Captain tried to move farther out to sea to avoid the hurricane. The next morning the hurricane had reached category 3 status and NOAA was going crazy, because it was not following any conventional models. The tugboat Captain was in contact with Navships, wanting instructions if the weather became critical to his boat and crew. The reply was not to sacrifice the life of his crew or his boat for scrap metal. The crew decided to turn into the storm, trying to save both ships. The storm intensified, reaching category five with winds of 174 miles per hour and gusts to 189 Miles per hour. NOAA said this was one of the strongest hurricanes ever recorded, and if it reached land the destruction would be in the billions of dollars. The Governors of California and Oregon declared states of emergency, and the President marshaled troops in Nevada and Colorado to be ready to move into affected areas to assist in any way possible.
At 2:23 AM the tugboat Captain sent a message to Navships that the lines to the USS Mississippi had snapped and contact with the ship had been lost. The last position was provided, and the closing paragraph said that the towing lines seem to be down into the sea instead or back above sea level to a floating ship. The indication was that the ship took on water and sank, but the crew could and would not swear to it.
The storm continued for another twenty-four hours, as the track changed heading for the island nation of Initium Novum. Benson received the message from NOAA, and assured them that they were ready for the storm. Rodney was making his rounds of the island, and as he cleared the tunnel to the harbor he saw this beautiful ship with the number 40 on the bow. As the storm approached Initium Novum, the winds had decreased to category tropical storm and everyone was amazed that the only casualty was the USS Mississippi. The Navy spent weeks looking for the ship by sea and satellite, but no trace was ever discovered. Fortunately, since the ship had never been delivered to Mr. Heller, his deposit was returned, and he was not held accountable for the remainder of the purchase price of the ship.
So many things were happening all at once that Robert and his family were having trouble keeping up. On Monday, Vicky's family arrived for dinner. Nancy had already treated them with Robert's loyalty juice so they were receptive to what they were going to hear. Her father and brothers were men that worked outside, and it showed. The women of the family were very feminine, yet showed a healthy glow that showed they also spent a lot of time outside. Vicky's father and mother were sizing up Robert and the other women around him, wondering what was going on. Her father was a quiet man, but when he spoke all listened. The wine presented by Vicky's family was some of the best that was ever tasted by Robert and his other wives. As the evening proceeded Robert took charge, explaining what the future held and why he was so interested in Vicky's family joining them, after the fact that they were Vicky's family.
Finally Vicky's father spoke, "I am a very religious man, and believe that the world has been in trouble for many years. This revelation does not surprise me at all, and returning to out roots is a good thing. I was taught to believe everything that the Bible said, however there are parts I cannot accept. I do know that in the Old Testament many men had multiple wives and had very happy lives. With that said, Robert, I give you and your family my blessing. Now as to this other matter, we as a family would be honored to join you in the effort to save humanity."
The entire group assembled around the table were speechless, as Paul André had never said so much at one time that anyone knew of. Maria leaned over, giving her husband a kiss thanking him for his knowledge and understanding.
Antoinette, Vicky's sister, looked troubled as her lip quivered. Vicky put her arm around her asking her what her big sister's problem was. Antoinette said that she did not have anything to contribute, as she was an architect. Malissa laughed, asking how soon she could quit her present job, as there was so much work she would not see daylight for five years. Everyone laughed as Antoinette said she could go to work tomorrow, as the firm she worked for had to close because the economy was so bad that there was no work except for the two senior partners.
After dinner and the cleanup, everyone was on the patio when Robert asked how many of their guests needed to return home tonight. The André's looked at each other, and Paul said all the grandkids were looked after until they returned home tomorrow. Robert said that on the next floor down was available space for all of them.
Robert then looked at Vicky, telling her Malissa, Antoinette and Audry Danielson needed work space, as the area Malissa was now using was taking up a lot of room in their living space.
Antoinette stood and said that if Victoria could be called Vicky she was now Toni. Maria laughed, telling her daughter it took her long enough for her to realize that she was really a Toni. Maria said that she hoped parents never saddled their children with such ancient names, even though they were very pretty. Toni said she loved her name Marie Antoinette, and since her mother was a history teacher and loved 16 and 17 hundreds in history, her daughters could be named for two famous Queens.
Everyone was gathering for breakfast when they noticed Robert and Carolyn were not there. Maria asked if they had already left for work. Sarah chuckled, telling them that Carolyn and Robert were exercising, but really Carolyn was trying to beat Robert in the pool by a full lap. Maddy said that today Carolyn was starting to slow down, as her pregnancy was taking a lot more energy than she counted on. In a few weeks the competitiveness would end for a while.
As the André families were preparing to depart, Paul asked Robert when they could visit the island to see what types of crops they could grow. Robert told them that any time they wanted to go to just call Vicky and she would arrange transportation.
After everyone left, Robert got Sarah, Injerd, and Elisa together to see what they should purchase to handle a larger group. Robert said that he preferred the Embraer ERJ145 XR. He said that it was built for fifty passengers, but he wanted the interior changed from 16 rows of 3 across to 12 rows of 2 across and to use business class seats. Seats in row 1 & 2 were to be changed for a business class seat facing the back, and a bed for a child up to two years old. Injerd asked if he knew what that would cost him. Robert said they should go to Utah, as there was rumor that three of the planes were there, the last he knew. If they could be retrofitted quickly he would buy all three at a maximum price of $80 million, with the retrofit included. Robert also told the pilots to ensure the planes had the latest electronics available, no exceptions. The three ladies looked at each other, asking who was purchasing these planes. Robert said the Monarch of Initium Novum, giving Sarah the information she would need to transfer the funds from the bank in Jersey.
The three wives had researched the aircraft to find the condition, hours on the airframe, and hours on the engines. In their research they found that a Embraer 175 was a better deal. They found two that had the interior stripped out and new interiors ordered, when the client was arrested for tax evasion, insider trading, and fraud. They found that the two planes were almost new, and the electronics had just been updated. The best news was that both planes could be purchased with the seating requirements Robert wanted, and four beds for infants could be provided. The other good news was that the 175 was faster than the 145 XR. The final news was the rub, that the broker wanted $70 million each. Sarah asked for a package price for the two with their boss' requirements. He said $130 Million when Sarah said $1oo Million. The Broker was scratching his head and came back with $115 Million. Sarah asked him to hold on a minute, and she went outside. She called Robert explaining the deal, telling him all the positives and finally the price they were at now. Robert said that he probably had a lien on the planes and unless there were loans on the planes he was making a killing at $100 Million. Sarah returned and said that her boss said $100 Million was as high as he would go. So the women started to gather their papers and putting them in their briefcases.
The broker saw a deal slipping through his fingers, as he only had about $10 million into the planes and the maximum he would have to fork out for the interiors was $5 million. Along with the legal fees he had he could make about $20 Million. He looked at the card Sarah left him and reached for his telephone. When Sarah answered he asked her to come back a moment. As the two talked, he admitted he got the planes for the lien he had, plus what he had to pay the government as confiscated property from illegal gains. He said $100 Million was a steal, and he was willing to take 80 million if they would consider a cargo plane he had and could not unload. Sarah said deal, and she would let him know about the cargo plane in a week. The plane was a Boeing 1992 B-737-300 QC. The asking price was $7.7 Million, but he would take $7 million even.
The first Embraer 175 would be ready in two weeks, and the second in a month. When they saw Robert he was happy with their efforts, and was stunned with the cargo plane. He thought he would have to pay one to two hundred million for a good cargo jet. Sarah said to wait for a week and maybe they could get a better deal.
Robert got a call from Tom Fitzgerald telling him that the President wanted his decision by Friday. Robert told him to tell the president that he was tired and it was time to hang up the anchor. Tom called back the next morning to tell him the president was furious, and said that as soon as he could identify his replacement he could retire. Tom was to meet with the committee to recommend a replacement, and it had to be a four star Admiral. Patrick Roughneck was his recommendation, as he had several years as Chief of Naval Operations. He had been a Cruiser and Carrier Captain. His first assignment as an Admiral was as Fleet Admiral Asia. Tom left the committee room and was told they wanted him back tomorrow morning.
When Tom returned the next morning, the Admiral chairing the committee asked Tom when he wanted them to release the results of their selection. Tom was honest with them, saying that the President wanted to appoint him as CJCS. Tom said he was tired, and told the president that when he declined his offer of the CJCS position. The President was very angry, and for the good of the Navy they should release their findings as soon as they were ready. The chairman, a friend of Tom's, said that they had been meeting for over a month, as he knew that Tom wanted to retire, and Lenora Carter had just retired since she would never make Admiral. Tom asked the chairman who they had selected as his replacement, and was told that Patrick Roughneck would take his place.
The recommendation was released the next morning, and four star Admiral Tom Fitzgerald officially submitted his retirement papers to Bupers. At times the Bureau of Naval Personnel can move quickly if it is in the best interest of the Navy. Admiral Patrick Roughneck had been friends with Tom Fitzgerald since their Naval Academy days, when Tom was in his third year and Patrick was a Plebe. As the two talked before Tom met with the selection committee, they had agreed when the decision was made the appointment confirmed as CNO, Patrick would move Tom's papers through Bupers quickly so as to get Tom from in front of the President. So it was.
Tom and Lenora stopped in Las Vegas on the way to Palo Alto and were married. When they arrived in Palo Alto they were met by Robert and his wives. Malissa was overjoyed that her father had a wife, and Lenora would have been her first choice.
Robert laid out the strategy for gathering supplies for Initium Novum, and how to get them there without a lot of attention. It was decided that supply depots would be set up in a couple of countries and transported from those depots to Initium Novum. No extraordinary amount of any item would be ordered at one time, and no two shipments shipped to the same warehouse within six months of each other. They would try to get warehouses located close to airports where underground passageways could be constructed. Then loads could be moved from the warehouse to the hangar and onto the cargo planes without a lot of notice.
Tom set up a worldwide purchasing network to obtain the supplies needed. Every Monday he would send a list of supplies to be purchased for a particular country, or free trade partner to that country, and the funds to pay previous purchases. Sometimes Tom would set up the purchasing agent with Lenora being the contact, and in some other countries the reverse was done. They had a huge board with the types of products, the amount required, and the drop dead dates for the last shipments.
Malissa had ordered a supply of lumber from Canada which consumed an entire cargo ship there was 500 million board feet of cedar. She ordered a similar amount from Latvia, Belize and Mexico. From the USA she ordered 500 million board feet of Fir and oak. Then from three South American countries she ordered 900 million board feet of hard wood. By the time she finished Malissa had over four billion board feet of lumber. The first shipments were taking up most of the third level of the underground. Nancy had caused a holograph that made the USS Mississippi disappear. That would allow for larger shipments to arrive by sea.
Sarah received a call from Daniel Babbitt requesting that someone meet with the construction crew to sort out living accommodations, and all fifteen of them felt that with the amount of work to be done they needed to start as soon as possible. Sarah had just been looking at the delivery specs for the first Embraer 175 on Monday when she asked Daniel if it was urgent, or could it wait until Saturday. Daniel said it was not urgent and a week Saturday would be fine. Sarah said that if he could have the crew and their families at the Redwood California Airport, they would fly everyone to the island for a long weekend. Daniel said he would make it happen.
Sarah was thinking it would be nice to have Nancy here to help her with accommodations for all these people. She heard a chuckle as Nancy appeared at her table. Nancy told her she answered as soon as she was called as she knew she would be wanted, now what could she do for her. Sarah explained that the main house could never house all the people that would be required to complete the build out on time. Could the Palo Alto condo building be replicated on the island not once but three times? Sarah would like to have them on the South shore beaches. Nancy said it could be done as long as she got Robert's approval.
Sarah asked Malissa, Toni, Audry and Robert to meet with her regarding Daniel's request. As soon as everyone was ready, she explained that Daniel had requested a meeting with them regarding the next phase of build out. The construction crew and their families were coming to the island a week Saturday for a four day weekend. Sarah said now the problem was there was not enough room to house that many people in the main house. She and Nancy had been discussing the problem, and thought reproducing this condo building three times would provide spaces for 180 families on the South shore beach. Audry asked how long would it take to build the buildings, and would that not take away from the main purpose of the underground build out. Nancy appeared and said that she had permission to replicate the buildings, and they would be ready by Thursday.
Robert had not said a word since this discussion started, and finally he spoke up. He said no, the condos would not be on the South shore, as that would cause the people to feel they were second class citizens, and he was not going to have that. The condos would be to the left of the main house looking toward the ocean, much the same as the main house. They were all entering into this as equal partners, and to make this work they had to feel that way. The condos would be replicated with every upgrade possible, and would be nicer than the one they were in now. The condos would be allotted by draw by the youngest member of the family. If a single person were to draw, they would select a young person from those present, preferably one between the ages of six to ten. There would be no penthouse condos, as the top floor would be used for classrooms and recreation. All agreed, as they knew that Robert had the final word.
On Thursday evening they were flying to the island, Robert and Brad were talking when Robert told Brad he was his best friend and advisor, and he wanted him and his family to live in the main house with him. Brad was choked, as he knew that he felt the same way about Robert. As they landed in the twilight they could see the three condo buildings silhouetted in the evening sky.
The next morning Sarah and Robert took everyone on the island on a tour of the center condo building. The condos were extravagant, with a balcony view of the ocean from the living room and the master bedroom. As they were completing the tour a GV was landing. A few minutes later Tom and Lenora Fitzgerald arrived, wanting to know when the condos had been built. Robert said they had been turned over yesterday and were ready to be moved into.
That evening after dinner the entire population of the island was in the great room, when Elisa's sister stood and asked if the pilots and maintenance crews could have the bottom floors of one of the buildings. If there was a requirement for them to scramble they did not want to be waiting for elevators to get to aircraft. Also for their family, would it be possible for them to have two condos, as there were seven wives and one husband. That brought a laugh, as Brad and Robert had a competition for the largest family, and with that Robert threw a pillow at Brad. Both Sara and Alice in unison said behave boys, which brought a greater laugh.
Robert stood and explained how condos would be assigned with the exception of the flight crews. He said that his family would remain in the main house as follows: The Callahan family, The Addison family, The O'Connor family, the Agostino family, The Mountbatten family, and the Fitzgerald family. Robert indicated a box about a foot deep and two foot square, and he said that there were seventy-two balls in the box with a condo number on each ball, for the other buildings there would be eighty ball in the box unless there were overriding requirements. The next day when the construction crew and their families arrived, the drawing would commence.
Rodney Mountbatten stood and said he and his wife and children would like to be included in the draw. They loved everyone here, but they had been apart from family for so many years that it felt tight living so close. Turning to his mother and father he said that he loved them both more that he could express, but he hoped they understood. Benson, with a big smile on his face, said if he tried to move his daughter-in-law and grandkids from the island he would have to go alone, because they were not going anywhere until he and Sofia were dead. With that was laughter, as all could see the love between the two men.
As the sun rose Robert, Carolyn, Brad, Roberto and Roger were doing laps in the pool and had just began the cool down phase when Jan, Robert's youngest daughter, jumped on her dad's back for the last few laps. On the last lap she was hanging on for dear life, as she knew Robert would roll over just before reaching the end of the pool. As soon as the roll was completed Jan was screaming with laughter, wanting him to do it again. Robert asked Carolyn to take the growth off his back and throw it in the pool. Carolyn grabbed Jan as Robert snagged Ann, and they threw both girls in the middle of the pool. They played with the girls until Malissa came out with towels and clothes, telling the girls it was time to shower and get dressed for breakfast.
They were cleaning up the dishes from breakfast as Sofia and Benson were talking to Robert, saying how much it meant to them to have Rodney and his family close. Sofia said she may be the head cook, but none of the women would let her back into the kitchen once she sat down to eat until the kitchen was sparkling clean. Robert laughed, as he said they would eat and clean rather than cook.
They heard a different jet engine noise as the Embraer 175 landed. All the men gathered golf carts and headed for the hangar. There were sixteen families aboard, and the plane was a little overloaded as some children were sitting on parents' laps. Malcolm Rodrick led the group off the airplane as forty-five people gathered around Sarah. Sarah told them they would go to the main house and Robert would explain everything. Maddy drove up and Janell Rodrick spotted her. Janell broke away from her mother, running to Maddy yelling "Dr Maddy, Dr Maddy, I can run now, want to see?" Maddy grabbed the girl, swinging her around knowing that she had given this little girl a new wonderful life. Only Robert saw the tears in her eyes.
In the great room Sofia and the rest of the ladies had sat out coffee, milk, juice and fresh cinnamon buns. Robert cornered Injerd and Elisa, wanting to know what would have happened if the US authorities had caught them with an overloaded plane like that. The two kind of hung their heads and admitted that it was not the best thing, but all of them were so excited they could not leave any behind for a second trip. Robert looked at the two, and said do not do it again, call for another plane.
Robert introduced himself as Robert Callahan, the owner of the island that was larger than the state of Connecticut by approximately 1,300 square miles, for a total of 15,600 and change square miles. "Now the first question you may ask is, why only 500 adults when there is so much land. A few reasons are the amount of supplies we can stock, the underground area available to us, the mount of electrical power available, and the time it will take to grow food to restart the food chain. We will try to recruit people that will not only help in the start up, but also help us when we restart building the human race. When we discussed the people to populate this island, the first people that were not to be considered were troublemakers and dissidents. I know in the future as humans there will be people that will want to be the top dog, or have the most wealth. I hope that is long after we are all dead. We can only hope that we can teach future generations that peace is better than war, love is better than hate, and war is not acceptable at all".
"One of the things that had to be done in the present world as required by the UN is a Constitution, a bill of rights, and some laws. Sarah who is a lawyer, one of the few nice ones, has been working on a Constitution and almost has it completed. Fortunately the only person she has to get agreement from is me. Before that I had her draft guidelines that all people on this island will live by. The first addresses marriage. Because we will be charged with repopulating the earth, and because only women can produce children, I have insisted that polyamory relationship be embedded in both the constitution and the guidelines to live by. In my definition of a polyamory relationship, an emphasis on ethics, honesty, and transparency all around are widely regarded as the crucial defining characteristics. All parties must agree and be totally committed to the relationship or it is doomed to failure."
Robert adamantly insisted that the polyamory was not for everyone, and a monogamist relationship would never be looked down on, and ridicule of either relationship would not be tolerated.
Sarah handed out her guidelines for life on the island for people to have and to read. People were amazed that there was only one page, and not a PC law in the bunch. One lady looked them over and said that it was great, as there would very little need for lawyers. Laughing, Sarah agreed and said that she still needed two additional lawyers to get by the next five years. The same lady said "you have found a contract and real estate one if you can use me." Sarah said hired.
Once again Robert got everyone's attention telling then that there twenty floors in each building and four condos, A through D on each floor. He then detailed the method of assignment of the condos, and that the youngest member of the family would be responsible for drawing the ball, if capable. Robert then invited them to visit the condos, and in one hour they would meet here to draw for living quarters.
As the people begin to return, the excitement in their voices could be heard. Robert told Nancy to give them their choice in condos if possible. As they had all returned, Robert asked them if they could live with those accommodations. Mary Babbitt said that she may never want to leave here if she could live in that condo, which brought agreement from the wives. Robert asked who was going to draw first, and the crew looked around when Rod Jones said that their leader Mac Roderick should go first, the crew all cheered. Janell went to the box and tuck her arm in as Robert told her to stir them up real good. People could hear balls hitting the inside of the box as she looked at Robert asking if that was good enough. He told her it was perfect. She came out with a ball that had A20 on it. Reta Roderick smiled, as secretly that was the Condo she wanted.
One of the other crew members said Daniel should go next, because if it had not been for him they would not be here. Four year old Barbara Babbitt walked up stuck her arm in as far as she could and could not feel the balls. Robert picked her up, and laid her on top of the box where the full length of her arm to the armpit was in the hole. Robert suspected that Nancy was helping also. Barbara came out with a ball then ran, handing it to her mother. Mary gasps when she realized that she was next to Reta Roderick in B20.
Suddenly Robert remembered something, and he stopped the proceedings to let everyone know that the first two floors were reserved for flight crews. If any families had aversions to heights something, could be arranged. One lady said anything above the fifth floor might be a problem for her. Robert asked her to send her youngest child up, and they would let her draw now. Her husband said that would be a problem, as their first child was still four months from being free of his mother. Everyone got a laugh from that, as the young woman said maybe Barbara Babbitt could draw for them. Hearing her name, Barbara ran to Robert holding up her hands for a lift. Robert lifted her up, telling her he needed a kiss for all the lifting. She gave him a big sloppy four year old kiss. Robert laid her on the box and, she stirred the balls a little, bringing one out. She started to hand it to Robert, but he told her to take it to the lady in the blue shorts. Barbara ran to the lady and offered her the ball saying "here, Mandy". Mandy took the ball and it had the number C4 on it. Mandy looked very happy, as she was high but not too high. Several of Mandy's friends also drew balls on the 4th and 5th floors, and that made them all happy. The last crew member, Rod Jones, walked over to Janell Roderick, asking her to pull a ball for him. Janell stirred the balls as before, and pulled one. Giving it to Rod he looked at it, giving her a hug as he told her she did a perfect job, he was in C20.
The pilots were in agreement that they should depart at six AM local time, which would be one AM Eastern time. The flight should take eight hours and they should land in Florida about nine AM. They decided to land in Orlando rather than Miami, as the runway and taxi lights were still working when they were last there. As part of the preflight check they met with John Adams to see if he had found a replacement circuit board for the faulty one they had trouble with on the flight over. He said...
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The citizens of Campinas were planning a celebration as the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Novum Initium would be in a few months. They realized none of them would be alive if it had not been for Robert Callahan. In the meetings they decided to name the day of the founding of Novum Initium Robert Callahan Day, but they would have to keep that quiet or Robert would veto the idea. Not that Robert was such a private person he did not want to be singled out as special, even thought he...
As the people of Initium Novum, Antarctica, and a bunker in the mountains of Eastern California woke on November 11 to watch the Veterans Day Ceremonies there seemed to be nothing amiss. The members of Congress that attended were planning flights to return home for the Thanksgiving Day break. There were thousands of out of town visitors that attended those ceremonies, and who would return home within twenty four hours. The amount of people they would infect would be in the tens of thousands,...
Robert was sitting on his balcony planning an extended trip into the past to see if he could determine the circumstances of his family's murders, when the buzzer sounded from the lobby door. Robert answered to find Sarah there. When she came into the condo she pulled Robert into a loving kiss that also showed her commitment to him. She stated that she wanted to find a penthouse apartment with several bedrooms so she could move in with him and be at his call. She also told him that she wanted...
The next morning Robert went for an early morning run and covered about half the perimeter of the island. When he returned his ladies were finishing breakfast, looking sheepish as he approached them. Sarah seemed to take the lead, and asked Robert if the seven of them could spend the day at the beach as they needed to sort some things out. Robert asked if he needed to be there, and was asked not to join them as it was a girl thing. Smiling, Robert told them to have fun, but not too much fun...
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As Robert and his family sat at breakfast, all the small ones had either gone to school or out to play. Robert had sent mental messages to Brad's family and Susan's family to join them after breakfast. When everyone was there Robert explained that Nancy requested that they join the AI's on the spacecraft as the aliens that had destroyed their home planet were about to enter the far side of the Milky Way Galaxy looking for habitable planets with life forms they could harvest for food....
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xmoviesforyouSally, Beckey and Shela have been friends since college. All three live in a small town in upstate New York where they went to college. Since graduating, they frequently get together for lunch and of course gossip. Sally was always the adventurous one and loved to talk about her sexual adventures. She was only 5 foot one inch tall, weighed only 105 pounds, her nose and mouth were rather small and she had short jet black hair. Sally had the sexual appetite of man, a very horney man. There was...
Mr. William Earl Wardell walked into our suite following our two buffet carts. With him was a tall, slender woman who I guessed to be at least half his age. Next to her, was a young girl who I guessed to be thirteen, at most. Next to her, was a girl I guessed to be close to Shelly’s age. Too old I decided, to be Ms. Wardell’s daughter. She looks good and she’s smiling at me. I’d love to make her smile even more, if I get a chance to give her a body to match Sherry’s. They were followed...
"I'm soo horny it's all I can do to keep from jumping you right here." Lucy stretched out her long tan legs and provocatively stared at me. As I shifted to try and hide the growing bulge in my crotch, I took a swig of beer while thinking up something witty to say. "I wouldn't mind," I said with a self- confidant air, "but I'd have to share you with Alice." Lucy's breath caught for a second. Just long enough for me to catch it before she also used the beer camouflage trick and then...
I never heard the round that day that slammed into my chest. I felt the icy pain take hold as it totally missed my vest. Slapped right down upon the rocks as I rolled up off my side. I couldn't get up off that field no matter how hard I tried. I feel the blood loss draining me, seconds before I die. The scent of cordite lingered about as I looked up in the sky. Lazy clouds dot my perception, drifting in a cobalt blue, my armor and...
Thursday, January 4, 1962 12pm The girls arrived together precisely at noon the next day. Jesse was still confused about how this shared girlfriend-boyfriend thing was supposed to work. It seemed to be full of potential problems, not the least of which might be jealousy. Would one of them feel the other was getting favoured treatment? He’d been unable to get a good night’s sleep as he pondered the possibilities. He saw only two choices: accept their decision, or call the whole thing off and...
"Caitlyn, can you get the mail?" My mom called out from the kitchen.I glanced down at myself. I was wearing black velour shorts and a white tank top with a plunging neckline. I wasn't wearing a bra and the shorts was so tight that the soft swell of my pussy mound was visible. I hesitated for just a brief moment, did not see any neighbors around, and quickly walked out into the sun.I jogged over to the mailbox, picked up our mail and was about to walk back to the house when I saw my new...
LITTLE LULU by Deirdre Rosamond O'Conor I. Permanent Wave "He looks so cute with his long, blond hair, Maggie." It was the next-door neighbor lady, talking to Mom in the kitchen. Jimmy was on the back porch, playing with his soldiers. Mom had not cut his hair since the awful news about Daddy not coming home again, ever, and it was now down to his shoulders. "Really, though, you ought to do something with it besides just brush it." "Such as?" said Mom. "Give the little...
I remember first getting involved with men. I remember this local toilet that used to be frequented by lots of different men who wanted more than just using the facilities. This particular incident that still lingers in my memory occurred some years back. I went to the toilet as usual to see if I could meet someone who might like to play. I went into a cubical that had glory holes in the panels and took my trousers and my favourite white Y fronts down and sat down. After some time and on the...
Namaskar, hello mera naam swapnil hain.mumbai, thane me rahta hu jo maharshtra me aata hain. meri Age 21 he and me 3rd year me kar raha hu. ISS me sabhi stories mene halaki padhi he And ye ek accha jariya he apne feeling share karne ke liye .waise bhi me ek call boy banana chahta hu (Gigolo) . so this is my 1st story on ISS .ye jo kahani hain jisme mere sharirik sambhand mere Bhabhi k sath he. to kahanni suru hoti he ab ‘ Name : Komal Age : 32 Hobbies : cooking, reading and dancing...
Mr. Smith is in his early 30th. He teaches history in Montgomery's School For Boys. It's his 2nd year and he finds the school really enjoyable place to be. Teaching can be hard though, especially in a boys school, but he loves his job so he could make it. First day of the year, he gets up and goes to work early, probably one of the first people to arrive, he went to his class room and prepared for the new year. He heard noise outside and knew students are already in the school. Mr. Smith was...
BDSMThe following is a true story about me and my father in law. many years ago we lived at my husbands parents house. we had a small baby to take care of and we kept to our side of the house, it was separated quite well, with our own living space and kitchen etc... We did have to share the laundry room though. One day while my husband was at work i was busy doing laundry. there was a door that separated their home from ours and it was kept shut. I was done with all laundry except the shirt on my...
Lynda’s 30th birthday, we found ourselves in a small beach bar next to our hotel in Antigua and whilst I was in the toilets Lynda had found herself an admirer,(which wasn’t surprising as she was only wearing a skimpy black bikini that showed off her best features, and this guy was enjoying looking at both of them). Lynda’s admirer looked like a local guy about 35 years old, he introduced himself as John, he was quite good looking, very well built, he was rather tall, about 6’4” or so, ebony...
Interracial**I dunno how I do it, but I can write about the events which occur to a couple in a story chapter and do it in two pages. Somehow, I need at least twice that for one of their love scenes. ~shrug~ So, things warm up, but there are still issues, as I’ve said before. Kayla’s been through a lot and as a result, she’s a complicated girl. In my head, I see her as having grown up at least a little sheltered, no matter what she says. I think it would affect her outlook on some things, and I think...
Wanda Catron woke up that Saturday morning thinking she was still dreaming. In her dream, her pussy was being filled by a cock, again and again and again. A confirmed lesbian, Wanda had no idea why she was having that dream. As she became more aware, she felt a weight on her body, and her legs wide apart. And to her total surprise, what felt like a cock was indeed ramming into her pussy. She flung her eyes open in fear, then relaxed. She saw her Mistress, Anne Franklin, towering over her on...
No this is not a true story, but yes this is based on real people and what we can only hope to achieve. My name is Tehmeena, and I am from Syria. I am a flight attendant with British Airways. I have black hair though I usually lighten it up to a dark brown. I keep it so that the length usually hits just below my shoulders. I’m tan and toned, roughly 5 foot 10 inches. My greatest feature is my hourglass figure, at least I think. Stepping off the plane I felt feelings of delight and awe flood...
Mums story part 1 I am Paul's mum this Is my story. It all started when my ex left me to bring up paul all on my own . I struggled to be a single parent we both became very close and did everything together and paul never went with out anything. As paul was growing up I noticed he was growing up to be a nice young man and when I used to bath him his penis would get bigger when I washed him and it turned me on knowing I made him grow . As paul got older he took a bath buy him self . I missed...
Have you ever thought about how many fucking Chinese are worldwide? I guess hundreds because these motherfuckers have been millions for years. With time and globalization, more and more Asian culture is making its way into the West.Telling us about their culture makes us more interested in their women. Girls like this one are just a piece of art of the ching-chong country.June Liu is an Asian whore who has more than 900,000 Twitter followers. She shows some hot stuff for people who love to see...
Twitter Porn AccountsAnne pulled me towards a door at the back of the club that I somehow hadn’t noticed earlier. It was big, black and lacking a handle. A woman in her forties, tall and broad shouldered, wearing a leather vest and black jeans, was leaning against the wall next to it. The short, cropped hair together with her outfit just screamed “dyke” at me, and the critical look on her face made her presence intimidating. When she spotted my girlfriend, her face softened and she smiled. “Hi Anne, introducing a...
BDSMThis is the sixth part, please read the previous parts to understand the story. I compare the woman in the story to actresses, so think of someone when you read this story. I will continue the story about sleeping with mom. In the last part, I fucked my sister (Samantha- actress) in front of mom (Vidya Balan actress), and my sister had a crazy idea seducing mom. That’s what’s going to happen. Me: Whats the plan, sis? Tell me what I should do. She told me a crazy idea, of course. After taking...
IncestKarl Baxter was an unmarried man aged forty who spent a lot of his time as attractive thirty-something Carla Baker. Throughout his twenties and early thirties, Karl had had sexual liaisons with both females and males but if he were to express a preference at that time it would have been for cock rather than cunt. At about the age of thirty-five, Karl had started to dress, from time to time, as a female although in the early weeks and months of doing it he never ventured outside. As confidence...
CrossdressingLaura Weber cast a sidelong glance in the direction of the nineteenth century romance novels and saw that there was trouble brewing. From her position behind her desk in the center of the library, she could see everything, even Kenneth Wilcox's hand inching its way under the reading table toward Mary Kepler's knee. Laura knew that the youngsters who frequented the Maple Grove Public Library were only there because they were forced by their teachers' reading assignments. She knew perfectly well...
Then we entered a park, and then went to washroom. We had a nice and pleasant walk there holding and hugging each other and we left. We again kissed in the car and I loved each and every bit of that day. I was madly and truly in love with him and was ready to give myself completely to him. That night I fantasized him and felt my nipples getting red and erect by his thoughts. Oh god I loved it all. Then I had my Bro visiting Hyderabad and for a week I was totally with him, we went to relatives...
Hey guys this is part 3 of my early Sexual Experience of when I was Tw☆!ve (11+1). This is my story and it really did happen to me. I hope you enjoy.Days went by after being busted by the 8th grader Max. Matt and myself were nervous to go to school because we thought that he was going to tell on us. For a whole and a half Matt and I didn't even think about playing with each others cocks, we were to busy thinking hiw much trouble we were going to be in. After awhile Max finally decided to come...
Anal Queen Adriana Chechik is in DP Heaven with Jules & Markus! Adriana’s looking sexy as ever in her neon yellow lingerie with matching high heels as she crawls across the floor and shows off her tight body. She unzips her top and lets her tiny titties breathe while she shakes her ass to the music and tempts you with her seductive stares. Jules & Markus meet her in the kitchen and waste no time as they start exploring every crevasse of her perfect body. Jules starts by licking...
xmoviesforyouTattooed lesbians Charlotte Sartre, Megan Inky and Jureka Del Mar share an extreme lesbian threesome! The insatiable, hardcore girls show off their hot bods, stripping and groping each other. They sit side-by side on the couch, each probing her own butthole with a dildo. The ladies spread open their stretched sphincters for the camera, proudly posing immensely gaping rectums! They giggle as they drill the others’ buttholes with humongous toys, along with rimming and eating pussy. Hardcore...
xmoviesforyouBusty Babe Ava Addams shows off her magnificent mammaries in this Bra Bustin’ scene with Markus Dupree. Ava’s black lace lingerie can barely contain her bountiful bosom as she shows off her curvaceous body to the camera. She slides down her panties a little so we can observe her perfect ass in all of its glory then finally, what we’ve been waiting for, Ava takes off her bra and let’s those giant puppies breathe! Ava squeezes and shakes her huge rack in the sun before heading inside to meet her...
xmoviesforyouOn the bridge of Dóchas Sarah’s Clan watched the monitors showing Marthanóir and Fiontar preparing to move away from their formation over Ananu. Waiting for them several light minutes away were Princess Manria, freighter FLDC-2, and five Badb-2 cruisers. They were all slowly moving along their departure vector. Joyce said, “I still find this aspect of ship movements fascinating even though it plays out over a fairly long time span.” “Well there is certainly an aspect of grace in their...
Margie peeled me away from Dan and Greg and told me to go wash up and come back to the bedroom. So I did. I washed up and grabbed a pair of boxers and headed over to the bedroom as instructed. As I walked down the hall I could hear moaning coming from my destination. I walked in and found Margie riding her husband’s huge cock, reverse cowgirl style” as they were seated in a cushioned chair. She was rubbing her clit as she ground and rode his enormous cock. His cock glistened with her juices. It...
Her cunt is tighter than you expect. Again she rolls her hips and her tight hole closes down on you, crushes you, and pulls your cock so hard you have to bite your lip to fight off cumming right then and there in her tight little nineteen year old pussy. You reach up high, and swing your hand down as hard as you can against her tiny, tight little ass. The crack of your hand against her flesh echoes around the room. It sounds painful. "OH FUCK ME!" she screams out. You do just that; bury your...
Jake turned off the trail when he got back to the cabin. All was quiet, and he wondered where Sue was. As he rode the hundred yards or so back towards the shack he looked around, and by the time he pulled Blaze up in front of the cabin he still hadn't see her. Suddenly, she popped up from behind a bush on his left, holding her rifle. He hadn't even seen her or known she was there. She grinned at him, pleased at his startled expression. He waved his pole back at her - he still hadn't...
When Kate and Brad had seen the house, the cellar had been the selling point. When looking around the house they had opened a heavy door and gone down a flight of stairs into a typical looking basement, apart from the fact that just behind the stairs there was a heavy barred door and a few steps behind this door what could only be described as a jail cell. The cell was about 10 foot square, solid stonewalls on three sides and bars at the front, and the ceiling was an old heavy brick arch. Kate...
Hi to all readers I m Rachit I m great fan of ISS but I had not a single story to write you but now I have good experience of sex. This is my true story of 20 days before when I m writing my story it is 20th December 2006.this is story with my girl friend. I am from Banaras but residing in Delhi from last 6 years with family .we r 4 members in family my parents, my brother and myself. My all relatives r in Banaras. I have a woman friend I will write my story in Hindi it would give u more...
My husband loves me to show off, especially for African American teen boys. I am 44 years old, 5'10" tall 135 lbs. (measurements 35C-22-35. My husband always wants me to dress in short, short dresses or skirts and low cut tops, or tops that show my flat tummy. I love to dress this way, too, because I like the attention I receive, from just about everyone. I really love what I do to the young teen boy studs.My husband has been showing me off for, over, 9 years, now, since we started dating, in...
Hey everyone. I am Diganth with the continuation of my previous part. Readers, please read the previous parts for my details and my classmate cum girlfriend Jahnavi’s details and continuation of the story. One of the main girl’s cultural dance team events had to be performed on the stage. The lead dancer was injured two hours before the main performance. Because of the last-minute injury, the lead dancer couldn’t perform. So, it was necessary to find an alternate female lead dancer within a few...
The Photo Booth part 1 Wendy was a beautiful young girl, she and her boy friend had engaged in some heavy petting, she had barely been able to remain a virgin, and was left with unsatisfied thoughts and urges. Having just graduated from high school and turning 18, she had decided to spend the day touring the Arcade at the Pike in Long Beach. It was a warm summer day and she was feeling quite sexy, so decided to wear only a thin white bikini top and a very tight pair of white...
Jill smiled weakly and waved as the school bus pulled off from the curb. Exhaustion and something else ate at her insides. She promised herself that she would take a nap when Britney and Ashley had theirs. She shook her head. This should have been easy. Old Hat. Instead it was eating her lunch, she thought. Three days. How the hell was she going to make three months, maybe more? ‘Are you sure you’re all right? Why don’t I take the babies for the day? You can rest and call the damned doctor to...
(continued...)Then a more...beyond friends, smooch! That almost had me grabbing her ponderous-ass and pushing my groin into her soft-mound under her skirt! S, let her tongue slide out from between her lips! To let me know she still found me good-looking enough. to make such an obvious move, but, I wasn't sure about how to take it! So, I left it there...for now! We sat down on the edge of bed and S went into "why" she had come over. And, the "WTF" had happened to our friendship, talks! S,...
“Is it safe?” Dey asked. A moment later, Loki managed to translate her question, which came out of her cellphone in what the locals sometimes referred to as ‘English’. The muggy heat of the uptown Georgetown was filled with the babble of dozens of human languages and dozens of alien languages and a truly preposterous number of mosquito. Despite the best efforts of mosquito tracking lasers, semi-intelligent electrical webbing, and a few pushes to genetically engineer the pests into extinction,...
Do you know what really gets my motor running? Blowjobs. Now, I am sure that that applies to most of us, and that is why I have decided to search for sites with amazing blowjob content… well, I have found it. The site’s name is pornpics, and while they have a little bit of everything, there is a nice selection of images featuring the hottest babes sucking hard cocks.The best thing about this is that this is a site with all kinds of porn images, and it is free, so if you get bored of BJ images,...
Blowjob Porn SitesIt was a Friday night at the end of spring break from school. Sarah had found a place to live in upstate New York, completed most of her school work, and was looking forward to her graduation and new job. She was relaxed, happy and horny, and had planned an evening of pleasure for the two of us. A blanket was placed on the living room floor. The toys were organized next to the big leather chair in the living room. And, Sarah had tied my wrists to the chair arms. For the next forty-five...
One more week and college would be over. I’d roomed with Jay since our first year and we’d became friends, often hanging out together. Yet, we never really mixed in the same group of friends. That I didn't understand. Another thing, even though we were close, Jay didn’t open up about his personal life, particularly his childhood. I found this secrecy a bit strange but, through the years, I’d learned that the phrase ‘best friends’ doesn't mean a lot.I accepted Jay’s privacy and got on with life....
Gay MaleHe sits in the restaurant... waiting. She was supposed to meet him here... well, it seems like hours ago, but really just 10 minutes ago. Still, he is anxious to see her again. They haven't seen each other for a few months, and this little rendezvous is the only thing they talked about for months. They decided to meet in the restaurant in the hotel rather than in the hotel room just to add to the romance - even though they booked adjoining suites.He noticed that there was a door between...
Love StoriesMera nam Veeraj hai mera email id hai agar kisi aunty ko chudwana hai tho plse contact me on this id ab me meri kahani sonata hu jo ki bahot hi alag hai jo apne kahi bhi nahi padhi hogi par ye schi kahani hai , jo ki me or mere padosi aunty ke bich ka sex hai. Meri omer 22 year hai or main MBA ki padhai karta hum era loda 7 hai. Ab me aunty ke bare main batata hu jinka nam hai Divya main unhi aunti kehke bulata hu. Jise unka nam hai vise hi unka sharer jo ki bahut hi sexy unki age hai 40 kay...
Matt sat at his new desk in the law offices of Marsden & Walker. He picked up the phone, put it down and picked it up again. He checked the number and then dialled. A receptionist answered. 'Jerry McTaggart, please.' 'Who's calling please?' 'Tell him it's an old friend.' 'One moment.' Tinny music played until Matt was put through. 'Hello?' 'Jerry. It's Matt.' 'Matt? I didn't except to hear from you after what I did.' 'It's water under the bridge, Jerry....
I parked my car in the driveway rather than pulling it into the garage. I didn't live in this house anymore. Using the garage seemed inappropriate. I got out of my car and walked up the side walk. At the front door I started to take out my key but stopped. Using my key wasn't appropriate either. Instead, I rang the door bell. I heard footsteps inside and then the front door opened. Kelly looked beautiful. It was a chilly October day. She was wearing a pink cable knit sweater and a pair of denim...
CuckoldPeriwinkle Pink By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of forced femininization fiction and all the standard disclaimers apply. This story is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. It may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use by author's permission. Comments are welcome at [email protected] Periwinkle Pink Perry Mathews had just turned eighteen and graduated high school. He was a scrawny mop haired young man with bright sapphire blue eyes. He was brought up in a...
PLANETARY AGENTS 1: The Fast Furrier Transform By Babs Yerunkle ************************************************* SUMMARY: Welcome to the world of galactic travel and super science. In this world of miracles, our hero is an fat, aging loser. (Engaging premise, isn't it?) He tries to kill himself, and apparently can't even succeed in that. Instead, he stumbles into a web of evil bad guys and sexy super spies. On the down side, he eventually gets infected with the evil serum of...