Initium NovumChapter 7 free porn video

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Robert met with Ed Cunningham to find out the status of their data storage facilities as to how much they would lose due to the pending Ice Age. Ed said none would be lost, as all the data had been stored in two different locations, in the Northern Hemisphere and again in the Southern Hemisphere. He said that Nancy also had the data stored on the spaceship that the AIs controlled. The only way they would lose any data on the planet was if the facilities were not accessible via communication links. Ed was worried about this, so he had technical people out collecting mass storage equipment and bringing it to Campinas. There was a building in the downtown core that was perfect to become the data repository of all knowledge they had collected. Selma had designed the power system with an uninterrupted power backup, along with voltage regulation so there would be no voltage spikes that would damage the equipment.

Two technicians had designed a program to collect the data from the storage facilities in the north as long as they were operational, or until all data was backed up in Campinas. So far they had completed the backup of about forty percent of the data and were doing well so far. They had started collecting the data in the far north and worked their way south. They had tried to revisit a facility in Calgary, Canada, and found there was no communications link. They tried the fibre optics network and got as far as the city emergency management centre, but no farther. Because the data they had collected from the Calgary facility looked corrupted, it was checked against the same data in Bogotá, Colombia, and found it had been translated into another operating system. Because everything else was a Linux based operating system it had to be cleaned up, but that would happen after all data was backed up.

As Robert and Ed discussed the backup, they realized what a massive amount of data they were dealing with. Robert began to wonder if there was some of the data that would never be accessed, and maybe there was some that could be deleted. Ed adamantly objected to the thought of deleting even one byte, as it was a part of the history of the world prior to the release of the biological germ. Yes, there was data that may not be accessed in their lifetime, but the historians of the future would find a very good chronology of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The team monitoring the satellite scans were still looking for heat signatures hoping to find more survivors. The signatures were coming less frequently, and most that were found were animals. The population in Campinas was now just shy of eight thousand. Robert let it be known that he and his wives would be taking a few days holiday. The fact was that they were returning to the ancient training area, for training for his wives and additional training for Robert. Brad, Amy and Eumache would be joining them for the training. After consulting with Asteria it was decided that she and Montgomery Scott would not be taking this trip, as a conscious psionic was needed in case trouble came their way. The decision was made that Injerd and Elisa would fly them to Kapa'a, where they would depart for their training. Their children would be with their grandparents or other family members.

Robert was surprised one day when he felt someone roaming around in his mind. When he got a look he found it was his sister Susan. He asked what she was doing there and what she wanted. Susan told Robert that she had been exploring with an ability to see in people's minds, and told Robert that before he went on his training trip that he needed to give those travelling with them their full capabilities. He asked her why that was necessary, as they were not to be put into harms way at any time. Susan said that the twenty of them would become involved in a psionic war which could destroy the human race. This event would come sometime after they had passed the fortieth anniversary of the germ release. Robert told Susan to get her as well as Rod and Toni ready to travel, as they would be needed in the future. Susan said they did not have the gifts that she and Robert had. Robert said that before they landed in Kapa'a, they would have and be as proficient as she was, and by the time they returned they would be able to assist in any psionic war that came their way.

As they landed in Kapa'a, Rod and Toni were doing very well with their new powers, and were amazed that these powers were real. The group found some beach front cabins and decided to take a few relaxing days before training. The swimming was great, but they swam only after five PM. They found the restaurant had a dance floor and a DJ booth, Robert set up two hours of dance music, fast, slow, rock, waltz and everything in between. As the night wound down the families headed for bed and a final night before training.

Nancy was waiting for them after they finished breakfast. She told the group to walk with her, as it was time to begin training. As they walked down the beach it seemed that they walked through a portal and were crossing a wooden bridge that Robert recognized as the castle bridge where he did his first training. They were met by the deity that Robert had trained with. The deity had all of them sit and explained the training. Looking at Amy he said that since she was pregnant her training would be exclusively in the area of the psionic mind. Amy would learn how to read minds, find hidden areas that no one wants found, how to get behind shields and to do this in such a manner the target would never know she was there. The remainder of the group would take the physical training, and he expected everyone to see that Amy continued training as soon as her baby was born. A second person came and stood next to the deity and was introduced as Iris, handmaiden of Hera, an Olympian Queen of the Gods and God of Women and Marriage. She was also Goddess of the skies and the starry heavens. Robert asked who their trainer was, and Iris said it was Asclepius, grandson of Zeus and son of Apollo. Iris said that they had limited time to learn the skills, as Asclepius was tired and his hourglass was running low.

Over the next several days Asclepius would teach them the psionic powers of:

Apportation - Materialization, disappearance, or teleportation of an object. Aura reading - Perception of the energy fields surrounding people, places, and things. Automatic writing - Writing produced without conscious thought. Astral projection - An out-of-body experience in which an "astral body" becomes separate from the physical body. Bilocation - Being in two places at the same time. Biofield energy healing - Healing by channelling a form of energy. Clairvoyance - Perception outside the known human senses. Divination - Gaining insight into a situation via a ritual. Dowsing - Ability to locate objects. Faith healing - Diagnosing and curing disease using religious devotion. Mediumship - Communicating with spirits. Precognition, premonition, prescience, precognitive dreams and second sight - Perception of future events before they happen. Psychic surgery - Removal of diseased body tissue via an incision that heals immediately afterwards. Psychokinesis or telekinesis - Manipulation of matter, space, time or energy. Psychometry - Obtaining information about a person or object. Remote viewing - Gathering of information at a distance. Retrocognition - Perception of past events. Scrying - Use of an item to view events at a distance or in the future.

Telepathy, extrasensory perception, and sixth sense - Transfer of thoughts or emotions, especially knowing another person's thoughts.

Transvection - Bodily levitation or flying.

The one power Asclepius would not teach was death-warning, as he felt than no one should have prior knowledge of their death. As the weeks passed they practiced each power until they were very good at each task. A few were better at some powers than others. Brad, Maddy and Marion had the biofield energy healing and psychic surgery down, and were far more advanced than the rest because of their medical training. Everyone had strong suits for one or two of the powers. Then there was Robert, of the twenty-three powers he excelled in all but a few. He purposely did not push the medical powers, the divination power, the clairvoyance power, the automatic writing power and knew nothing of the death warning power. He agreed with Asclepius that having prior knowledge of one's death could cause a person to become lax and inattentive, getting the rest of the group killed.

They had been at the training facility for three months, according to Sarah's calculations, and felt that the people in Campinas would believe they were dead. Asclepius called them together, congratulating them on their accomplishments. They were now the most powerful force on Earth and maybe in the Galaxy. There was no more that he could teach them and their training was complete. They should use their telekinesis powers to return to their time, and have a week in the sea and sand before returning to their home. He also told them that they had the ability to shield the Earth from enemy aliens for a time, but there was a race that would eventually find them and want to destroy the human race and take over the Earth. "Finally, continually reinforce your mind shields, but maintain constant contact with the members of this group. If you want to move through time or space as a group, regardless of size, join hands in this manner. Each person will take in their left hand the left hand of the person next to them. That causes half of the members to face into the circle and half of the members to face away from the circle. The members facing in will collectively move the group where ever you want to go, and the members facing out will be the defense of the group as you arrive at the new location. My advice is to always move in the apportation mode until you are sure you are safe." With that he wished them well, telling them this would be their last time together. Iris would visit them from time to time to ensure their longevity. As of now they were near immortal, and over time may achieve immortality. Then he was gone.

The group formed the circle as instructed and returned to Kapa'a and began winding down. Brad said he was very hungry and wanted a large steak and baked potatoes. He knew that that was not really possible, but to dream was great. Robert and Sarah came through the front door with bags of groceries, telling everyone they were going to prepare dinner and it would be ready in ninety minutes. Almost to the minute, Sarah said dinner was ready, and as the rest of the group sat down there were salads at each place. Robert had not appeared yet, but Sarah gave Brad several bottles of Paul André's very best Burgundy of 1990.

Vicky and Toni looked at the bottles, recognizing the vintage, knowing that this Burgundy's vintage year was the year their father had won gold medals in Canada, Australia, Europe and the United States. This particular year had put the family vineyard and winery on the global map. Vicky looked at Sarah, asking her where she had obtained this wine. Smiling, she said "Easy I went to the winery's distributer and bought a hundred cases. We have two here and ninety-eight in Campinas. The fun will be when we get back and get Paul's reaction when he opens the wine chiller and finds two bottles there." Toni started laughing hysterically until she got a hold of herself, telling everyone the last known bottle of this vintage was opened for Mother and Dad's thirtieth anniversary ten years ago. Dad will have an aneurysm; this was one of his favorite wines.

As they were eating, Sarah was very quiet and seemed sad. Robert noticed and asked her if there was a problem. "I miss the kids and the rest of the family. I do not want to stay any longer, I want to go home," Sarah said. The other women immediately echoed her feelings. Malissa said that even though they had only been gone a week in this time, they had spent three months at the training center. She wanted to go home also. Injerd said that the aircraft could be ready for travel by nine AM the next day. By female vote they would be heading home then.

They were ready to depart, and Injerd and Elisa began to taxi to the runway when Injerd asked if they should make this a very short flight and teleport to about an hour from Campinas. Elisa thought that was a great idea, wondering how draining it would be to teleport an aircraft this big. Injerd said they would find out. They leveled off at thirty-eight thousand feet and linked their minds, picking a point they thought was about an hour from Campinas. The initiation of the teleport was easy, and when they took the GPS readings they found the plane only forty minutes from the Campinas airport. They continued the flight and overflew the airport to be sure they were correct. When satisfied, they started their decent and Elisa announced that everyone should buckle up for landing at Campinas. Sarah entered the cockpit, asking the two how they had accomplished a flight of almost ten hours in under two hours. Elias said that had she not been paying attention in all the training they had just completed. Sarah hugged them both, and then buckled up in the jump seat for landing.

Injerd was talking to the communications center and requesting transportation from the airport to the Monarch's residence in twenty minutes. The person in the communications center said the Monarch was on vacation and would not return for another week, who would they like to have her contact in his place. Injerd was glad the person in the communications center was on the ball and questioned such a request. She said she would transmit the planes IFF code for verification and did. The communications center replied that transportation would be made available with a driver. Injerd said that no one was to be notified of their return, and Robert did not want a fanfare for his return. The communications center acknowledged the order and said it would comply. As they taxied to their hangar, Niklas Gustafsson was handling the wands and guided them to the appropriate parking location. Injerd, Elias and Sarah completed the post flight checklist while Robert, Brad and Rod unloaded the luggage. The three were laughing that they did not have a lot of new luggage with new dresses, as the women did not go shopping while they were on this trip. Robert said not to let them hear that, or they would be going somewhere on a shopping trip. The others agreed.

That night Robert's extended family was at their home for dinner. Sofia had prepared a special dinner from one of Selma's cookbooks, and asked her to observe to ensure it would be right. The wine bottles were in covers, as Vicky and Toni wanted to see if Paul would pick up on the wine. As dinner progressed, everyone that was on the trip and Maria notice Paul kept sampling the wine. Finally, Maria had had enough and asked Paul what was going on with the wine. "I would swear that this wine was our 1990 Burgundy, if I did not know the stock had been depleted ten years ago," Paul said.

Toni took a bottle and removed the cover, handing it to her father asking if he meant this vintage. Looking at the label he was speechless, finally asking where this came from. As far as he knew there was no more in existence, and they had never been able to duplicate the grapes that created this wine. Vicky said that he would have to ask his daughter-in-law Sarah, as she was the one that had obtained it. Paul looked at Sarah, really wanting answers. Finally Sarah said that a distributor in Sonoma, California, had been the primary distribution source for Paul's winery in the nineties, and she convinced them to part with a few cases. Smiling, Paul asked about how few. Sarah said about a hundred. Shaking his head, he said there were only twelve hundred cases of that wine, and you got a hundred cases, how so? Sarah said money will buy anything.

Brad, Maddy and Marion went to the hospital to see how the clean up was progressing. They were amazed that the clean up would be completed that day. The hospital was huge, and they had decided to open only three areas and twenty-five beds for now. The ICU and CCU were combined into a single unit for efficiency. While they were there, there were two emergencies. The three discussed the new powers they had, and decided to use the technique of the day unless there was no other way. The first was a six year old boy that had been trying to parachute from the second story of his home and broke an arm and a leg. Maddy took charge and had the bones set in a short time. She put a walking cast on the leg, and a shoulder to wrist cast on the arm. That much of a cast might assist the learning curve of the boy, that jumping from a high place was not a good move. The second was more serious, as a farm hand was working on a tractor when the hoist let loose and the motor had fallen on his abdomen. There were internal injuries that took several hours to repair, and Brad was concerned that they did not have any whole blood and no blood bank as back up for major surgeries.

Brad issued a request for every person to be blood typed and DNA tests completed for medical emergencies. The response was good but not overwhelming. Brad and Robert were discussing the issue, and Robert asked if he should issue a directive to have the two procedures done. Brad thought that it was a little early for that, but maybe the medical administrative staff could get a roster of all the citizens and they could send weekly reminders to have the test done. They could try this for a few weeks to see what the response will be. Two weeks passed and the medical administration manager knocked on Brad's office door. She said that when she checked against the list provided by Vicky and Amy, almost everyone had been blood typed and samples for DNA were being tested. The exceptions were the people working on the farms. They left early in the morning and returned home hours after the lab closed. Brad said that the next day they would get a team together and visit all the farms and get the blood there. He called Paul André and asked if he could go with him and the team to the farms for gathering the blood samples the next day. Paul said that would not be a problem, and asked how many days of clothes he would need. That set Brad back, as he thought it could be done in one day. Laughing, Paul said that only if they took a helicopter could they do it in one day. Brad told Paul he would pick him up in the morning at six AM.

Brad, two lab technicians and Paul were in a helicopter by seven AM, heading for the farming area. The reason Brad went along was to insure that those working on the farms were getting the medical care they needed. Going from farm to farm the samples were taken and things were going well when the pilot said there was a medical emergency at the dairy farm. Brad asked if they knew what the problem was. The pilot was on the radio a few minutes and said one of the ladies collapsed and they could not revive her. Brad asked him to push it. Returning to his seat, Brad asked what the lab techs had with them except for the equipment for drawing the blood samples. She said standard tests for allergies, diabetes, hypoglycemia and stuff like that. As they landed at the dairy farm, a man with a white flag was waving it so that the pilot set down near the man. Brad and the lab techs left the helicopter on the run, following the man with the flag; they found the woman in an unconscious state and sweating profusely. One of the lab techs said diabetes or hypoglycemia, and took a diabetes test kit out to test the sugar level. Brad mentally entered her body and soon confirmed that she had very low blood sugar. The lab tech said her blood sugar level was at 1.6 mmoI/L (Canadian Glucose Levels 6 is normal) and they needed an injection of glucagon. The second lab tech handed Brad a hypodermic with the maximum dose of glucagon and Brad injected it directly into the vein. In a few minutes the woman began to revive and become coherent. Brad started asking simple questions such as names, marital status and names of her children. When he was satisfied with those answers, he asked her if she was a diabetic to which she answered no. Was there a history of diabetes in her family, again no. Brad said that she would have to return to Campinas with them for some tests to see why her blood sugar level was so low. The woman said her grandmother had hypoglycemia in her later years, but she was told that it could not be genetically inherited. Brad looked at her and asked who told her that, and she said it was the family doctor that had treated her grandmother, and had told her mother and she had not asked a doctor since then. Brad said that it was a genetically inherited disease, and they were going to see if that was what she had for sure. The lab techs had finished gathering all the samples and were ready to leave, and the five were heading for the helicopter when a man came and asked who would be the shift supervisor for the remainder of the shift. Paul, looking at his watch, said the day's shift was over and they should head home unless they needed to finish their day's work. The man said everything was completed, and all the milk had been transferred to the coolers, so they would head home.

Returning to the hospital, Brad gave Paul a list of his people that needed to have blood samples taken, and told him they were not to return to the farms until the samples were taken. There were three names on the list, and two were his sons Paul Jr. and Pierre. Paul started laughing, as he told Brad to have smelling salts ready for those two, as they always passed out when getting shots or have blood drawn, and that was why they had not had it done. He would talk to their wives and they would be at the labs before it opened.

The test on the dairy supervisor found she was a truly hypoglycaemic, but did not have diabetes. All she had to do was eat more often and make sure that she always had candy, or something with a high sugar content, in case she went low. With that she was returned to her family.

Robert decided to see what was happening in the research labs, to see what progress was being made. As he arrived at the Science Research facilities, he was met by Sandra Cummings. Robert asked how she knew he was coming here and was told that was what a good PA was for, to let people know when their boss was touring. Robert told Sandra he wanted to see it all, however he was especially interested in the Atkins fuel cell and the off planet shuttle research. Sandra said they should start with some of the mundane stuff that would keep them alive until something exciting happened. The first area they visited was Floyd and Freda Lycomb's environmental lab. Floyd was quite excited, as he Frieda and Alexander Cummings had just finished the projections with the new information that the Northern Hemisphere would pass through an ice age. "The environmentally harmful gases and other substances will be greatly reduced by the snow and ice that will cover the Northern Hemisphere, and cover the areas on Earth that have the highest concentration of pollutants. The extended cold and weight of the snow and ice will change the Earth's temperature and cause many good things to happen. The main thing is the reduction of pollutants from factories, vehicles, and chemicals being dumped into the environment. We project that in forty to fifty years we could have a fully restored Ozone layer." The one thing the group emphasized was that technology would have to provide a clean exhaust engine so the world would not find itself in this situation in the future.

Next, Robert visited the computer lab where they were developing a new computer design that would not require the manufacturing processes of old, where CFC's and lead would be excluded from the process. Ed Cunningham was leading the project, and talked about bubble memory and things Robert thought were science fiction. The most powerful computer Robert had heard of was the K computer built by Fujitsu, which had a speed in 8.1 Pflops (flops is floating point operations per second so 1 Pflops = 1015), what that really means is that the computer could complete 8.1 quadrillion calculations per second; however the drawback was that it took eight hundred twenty-four cabinets to house the monster. What Ed and his team wanted to do was build a computer that would work at a speed of 10 Pflops in a single cabinet. Very ambitious in anyone's dreams. Ed said two or three of the systems would provide any spacecraft they could design in their lifetime all the computing horse power needed, with two backup systems.

As Robert moved on to the agriculture research labs, the idea was to develop a hydroponics garden for spacecraft that could support a large crew and yet use a limited space. The idea of a hydroponics garden was nothing new, as it had been done for many years, but the infrastructure was massive. On a spacecraft there was not the luxury of that type of infrastructure, nor the power to operate it. One of the major problems was the water required, and the plant food to maintain healthy fruit bearing plants. The horticulturalists were just beginning to map out the project, and a strategy to achieve that goal.

The off planet shuttle program was the next area to be visited, and it was a busy place. There were drawings and pictures all over the walls. Some of the strangest looking aircraft were hanging on the wall. The surprising thing was how many people were working on the project. It seemed that of the two people that were heading the project, one was the youngest in the group. Annabelle Danielson was barely in her twenties, graduating just a few years ago with her PhD in Astrophysics. The other person leading the group was Martha Rickenbacker. Most of the astronauts that had been on the International Space Station were also involved in the research. Annabelle explained the first vehicle they were working on was a cargo carrier that could leave from a standard runway, maybe a little longer, and reach the upper edge of the Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), or the real benefit would be to reach Geosynchronous Earth Orbits (GEO) in the High Earth Orbit (HEO) at thirty-five to forty thousand kilometres above sea level. This may have to be done in two stages, the first being an altitude of two hundred eighty kilometres above earth. The second stage would be a jump from two hundred eighty kilometres to forty thousand kilometres. The idea was to have the second stage vehicle have the capability of accepting several modules from the first stage, before transiting to the second point. The idea was to build a construction and docking station at the GEO level. The first thing was to get to reach the transfer point at the ISS.

As Annabelle and Martha were showing Robert some of the conceptual drawings on the wall, there was one that caught Robert's eye. It had what looked like the old original space capsule of the sixties and seventies. It was attached to a centre column which appeared to be one or two hundred feet long, followed by another pod which appeared to have something to do with propulsion. Annabelle said this was her version of a space semi-trailer cargo truck. The capsule at the front was for crew and some passengers. The compartment at the rear was for the propulsion system yet to be designed. The space between the two modules was for mounting twelve cargo carrying containers or modules, for building the construction and docking station.

The major hurdle was the power plant. Both Annabelle and Martha wanted to perfect the antimatter power plant. NASA had a manned spacecraft that was to be launched with a destination of Mars, expected to launch is 2030 and already had working models of the positron reactor. One of the ISS astronauts was scheduled to take a lead role in that program when he returned. They were going to Houston to get all the data available, since Ed Cunningham's team could not seem to retrieve the data over the net. Ed was sending a technician he called the locksmith along, as it was touted that he could open and access any password protected system. The future in space looked bright, as there were Particle Accelerators at the Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron here in Campinas, and a Tandem Accelerator in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There were two others, one in South Africa and one in Australia. The ability to make antimatter was available.

Robert's final lab to visit was one that he hoped would produce quick results. The fuel cell research for Earthbound petroleum combustion engines needed to be converted to a non polluting fuel. When Robert entered the lab he saw Bob Atkins leaning over a device that had heavy cables attached to it. In an electric motor mount was a large electric motor. Bob was adjusting the torque to change the load on the motor. Katerina entered the lab with a set of printouts for Bob's review. In a few moments Bob had Robert looking over the results with him, and explaining that the first device was a cold fusion electrical power generator. This one had been producing an average of one hundred thirty kilowatts for the past seventy-five hours continuously. The motor attached was out of a GM Volt car, and maximum draw was one hundred eleven kilowatts. They adjusted the torque converter every twelve hours, and had at one point had the equivalent of a thirty percent upward grade, or the steepest road on any mountain he knew of. The next day they would be installing this power train in the BMW that Malissa had brought them for testing. They were going to test it for a week, and then have Ann test it for a while. They would put governors on the system to limit the speed, as theoretically the motor would exceed two hundred fifty kilometres per hour.

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4 years ago
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Mind controled Janice meets Lauren

We have lived next to Janice for a few years and have become used to hearing her temper tantrums, lots of shouting though to us she has always been very polite. She is probably in her mid 50s and overweight. I noticed what I think as unusual behaviour soon after we moved into our house. I have seen her walking in the street in the nude at least five times. The first time I was placing my daughter in the car and could see her walking up the full length of the street naked thankfully I was sat...

2 years ago
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Flames of LifeChapter 09

In the four months since Gayatri started working for Ernie he’s had her visit with all of the other families working on the farms. She gets on with the other women so well she’s often over in their houses for part of the day or they’re visiting her at the manor. They get on so well they start regular morning meetings where they all go to the one house to talk while sharing cooking tricks and recipes. This has a flow-on effect to the various households with Mexican, Chinese, Indian, English,...

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NORFOLK 1953After breakfast Stella & Dawn went back to their room.Where they discussed what they were going to be doing whilst they were in Norfolk. Well I've always wanted to visit a little place, oh what was it called now? Said Stella. Pot, poter, ryme, no, that's not right, I believe you can hire a boat for a day there. It'll come to me, its not far from Great Yarmouth. Can you steer a boat then Stella? Asked Dawn. Yeah sure my brother and I hired one once, from there. Just wish I could...

4 years ago
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Waiting Room Fun Time

It's the small things that you give that make a real difference sometimes. Here I am sitting in the doctor's office, waiting for a blood test. Getting old is a bitch. Let me tell you. My name is Doug, I'm 54, and I haven't taken the best care with my health over the years. Not exactly a fat slob, but I've had better days. It's late in the day and wouldn't you know it, I'm one of the last to get in. Ain't no one in a hurry in this place. Typical for my luck. Place was crawling with folks. It's a...

3 years ago
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Water Slide Hi Jinks

Large elements of factuality in this story. I'll let you guess which is which. Hi, I'm Jeff, a single father with a 14 year old daughter named Trina; Catrina but it always got shortened. We'd been together full time since she was seven when her mum up and moved to Australia and asked me to take Trina which is what I'd been fighting for for a few years. Anyway being a single dad is pretty tough at times financially but we made it through the rough patches and I always managed a few...

4 years ago
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Hung By The Chimney

“Admit it, Aunt Gloria. You’re having the time of your life,” Teresa leaned in and whispered as a couple of young snowboarders did a double-take while passing them.“Maybe a little,” Gloria whispered back, and then let out a quiet laugh. She had been quite apprehensive when her niece had talked her into going shopping for a hot little ski outfit. She had been nervous enough to feel ill when they made their way to the slopes the first time.It didn’t help that they were on a Christmas holiday, and...

3 years ago
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The women were never anything more than merc

"I was 18 when I had my first girl working for me. I still remember her name: Karin.Pimping came easy to me because I knew everybody in the business. My stepfather was a notorious pimp in the north of Holland. He was a big guy and he used to beat me up badly. My mother was a prostitute, so I really grew up in the sex industry.Already as a young boy I was a kind of pimp. Every time I wanted an ice cream or needed new shoes, I waited until the johns came along.At first Karin had her doubts, but I...

2 years ago
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Sagging Boobs Ugly NipplesChapter 6

Sherrie rolled the window down slightly, flustered. "Nothing." she said in tiny voice. "Well no wonder! Get in the backseat, you big dummies. It worked great for us! See you at home!" They ran off, laughing at the shocked look on her face. Norma sent Sherrie a brief text saying they were leaving, and they drove home. She held his hand the whole way back. They showered as soon as they got there. He threw on an old pair of sweats, and she put on a very nice gown and robe. They were...

2 years ago
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My Milf is slutty party entertainment for many guy

I love sharing my brunette mid-thirties bbw milf with friends and strangers alike. She is a little submissive and likes it somewhat rough but when she parties she likes to let guys do anything and everything that turns them on. This usually ends up with at least one or two guys in any given party getting very rough and leaving her bruised and crying. I often stop things before some of the guys get too carried away abusing and hurting her as the fuck all of her holes, that is if they can get...

3 years ago
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Bizarre family

I had been dating this beautiful, sexy, sex-crazed woman for about 3 months; her name was Linda. Linda was 38 at the time, 5’7, 125 lbs, with long blond hair, blue eyes, nice sized tits, a great ass (which she loved fucked!) and a sweet, shaved pussy, with long pink lips. Linda loved to fuck, and she loved morning and noontime sex, not just waiting unlit night. She loved watching my cock go in and out of her, and loved to be on top so she could see better and be in control. It was late...

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The rape of my sisterinlaw

After hearing her say they agreed to it, the anticipation kept me horny for weeks. When the time finally came I knew it was worth it too, watching Elli get undressed and seeing fresh tits and a new pussy walking around the house naked. Playing games in the pool I got to feel her tits and rub her pussy a couple of times while swimming between her legs. Once, she backed right into me with her naked ass and it felt like she fit perfectly against me. I was starting to want her...

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Damien Skylar chapter 31

I originally posted this on my account, xxxArtemisDawnxxx, on* '...' =thoughts **...POV** = Point of View change. Chapter 3 *Part 7* "So this is how you deal with break up's Shell? Killing things?" I say mockingly as I pull my dagger out of the last of the Daemons we were tracking, brushing the blood off onto my jeans. The reason we kill Daemon's is because they consume human's souls. Innocent human souls, at least the bad Daemon's do. The good ones...

1 year ago
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Tabatha Part 2

Tabatha - Part 2 (Recall from Part 1: I opened the note. 'I know what you do when you are alone, sweetie.' the note read. Warmth rushed through my whole body. I was dizzy and hot and could have fainted. Shit, shit, shit! Who knows what I do? What do they know? Shit! Was it the UPS guy? He sure seemed to know something? Who was he? Shit! Fuck! Was it someone else? Was it a joke? Wait, maybe it wasn't for me? The note went on, 'What is in the box is just a beginning of many...

2 years ago
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Jerryrsquos World Melanie

I gave her another big glass of squash although she was already feeling pretty relaxed and noticed the lack of activity had forced my cock to droop and hang down which was again something that fascinated her and while we were having a little break from the assessment I decided to finalize the sleeping arrangements throwing out a suggestion to monitor the response, “So Mel, you can sleep in my bed and I will have the sofa, is that ok for you? I asked putting it out there, she looked up at me,...

1 year ago
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The public group sex

My body felt empty, I couldn't think and I hardly kenw what was happening. I felt her fingers run up and down my inner legs, her touch made all of my nerves tingle with pleasure. She gently started to run her fingers up to my chest and slowly started to undo my top, I didn't protest everything felt so good. In moments without me even realising I was sat with nothing on the upper part of my body. In a more harsh and assertive voice she said '' Now stand up and take everything else off'' I did as...

2 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 11 Who else is involved in this plot

Jennifer then asked them... "Have you thought of the way to get that stuff to the island without everyone, including Mr. Hartwell, finding out? Besides, Cookie is much too close to his kitchen for him not to notice the missing food. Your plan is not too bad, as far as it goes, but you did not think it through. From now on, you two do as I say. Lisa, tomorrow, you and I will be going out on errands. While you're gone, delegate Samantha as straw boss. She is to report to Pete for any...

3 years ago
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7 Kinky Sins of Heaven

You had lived a good life, one that any average person could be proud of. You had a well paying job, a loving family and both kids and grandkids to carry on your legacy. But at the moment, you don't seem to care about your legacy as you find yourself floating in a vast white space, various gray blotches intermixed in the white, giving it all a cloud like appearance. A voice booms out from behind you. "Ah, there you are. Our latest arrival." Startled, you will yourself to turn around as you see...

3 years ago
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The Breakup Part 3

The Breakup Part 3 - Just a Kiss As they drove, Jamie started to feel a bit worried, that second coat of lipstick was making his lips tingle a bit or was it just the nerves of having to pay his driver with a kiss. He had heard stories. Of women having to pay the fare with their bodies. Though it was terrible it still turned him on a bit but right now, with him in the role of the woman, he was hoping that they were just stories and more importantly he wished that Trev had never heard...

2 years ago
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The Casino

The Casino… At 9 pm he arrived, dressed in a classic tux, to find her at the casino bar. She arose from her seat as he approached and he was struck by her vision. Her makeup was light and accented her natural beauty. Her chestnut mane lay loosely, curling along the flesh of her neck. She was wearing a long black satin dress that highlighted her best features. Her shoulders were bare, with the dress sloping downward in front to expose her voluptuous cleavage. As she took a few steps to meet...

1 year ago
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Another Friday Night

I paced around the room; frustrated that Alyson was late as usual. She was supposed to have arrived thirty minutes ago. We had planned to have dinner tonight, and she swore she would be here on time. I stopped my pacing and sat down on the couch. My anger dissipated quickly, and my thoughts began to stray towards Alyson’s “better moments”, namely her acts of extreme pleasure she performed upon me. These thoughts began to get me aroused, and I could feel my nipples hardening underneath my black...

4 years ago
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My Bosss Daughter Prt 2

I woke up around 10 o'clock later that night to the sound of the phoneringing next to the bed. I had to reach over Sarah's sleeping body to getthe reciver.I sat up as Sarah's aunt told me that Mr. Duncan was involved in anaccident and died instantly and that her mother had been checked intoClearview Psychiatric Hospital. Damn! Is this k** gonna catch a break."There's going to be a reading of the will tomorrow after the wake andyou will need to be there," Madeline informed me. She went on to say...

2 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 55

Two more days had our clear cutting finished except for the few larger trees big enough to cut for lumber. We finished up completely with the firewood and did a general cleanup of the area before tackling the larger trees for logs. George even showed off his newfound skill of skidder driving by pushing up or digging up stumps. He could usually pull them up with the winch line, push them up with the blade, or dig them completely out. I knew there'd be plenty of the larger ones he and the...

4 years ago
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Lindas Revenge

Linda's Revenge 20 April, 2001 Hi my name is Linda, this is how I got revenge some people that took advantage of me. It all started the day my girlfriend Crissie and I were invited to party on campus. One of the frat houses were going to have an end of the year bash, a real blow out. Crissie and I are seniors in high school, we're both 17. I have long sandy brown hair, brown eyes, 5'6" and measure 35B-23- 34, Crissie is 5'7", light blonde hair, blue eyes and is a...

1 year ago
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Cody and i 5

I was hoping that this year would not end or even more never to come because I knew that I would be away from everyone I cared about. I knew Cody didn't like the fact the I was leaving him to go to College with he still another year of school to go. This was the last day of high school, last surrounded with friends every day, possibly the last day I'd ever see Cody again. That thought alone just about killed me. I arrived at school like it was just another day. But, without a bookbag...

2 years ago
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I Won the Lottery but

It all started when I won the lottery. A 350-million-dollar- jackpot. After taxes, and with a lump sum payout, I had 210 million dollars. It should have been the happiest moment of my life. Instead, I curse that day, every single miserable day of my existence. The first thing out the gate, my loving wife of nearly 20 years, immediately files for divorce. Between the shyster lawyers, on both sides and her, they hit me for 125 million dollars, plus she kept the house in the suburbs. Next, my...

2 years ago
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Double or quits

our relationship was over, I was heartbroken.  My parents couldn’t stand to see me so blue.  I moped around the house for weeks, skipping out on school and hiding in my bedroom. My Dad is a wonderful guy. He and my Mom presented me with a wonderful gift two weeks ago. They gave me one all-expense-paid ticket on a Princess Cruise line that was to last a whole week.  Others from school were going on the same trip, and I hadn’t bothered to ask.  I just thought it too expensive. So,...

Straight Sex
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Troyrsquos moving away fuck

Troy’s moving away fuck, me and the neighbour boy.This happened this morning and I had to write about it while it was fresh in my head. As anyone who has read our stories know, I love big young cocks and one of our neighbours is a 23 year old boy with an 8+ inch cock that’s very thick. I’ve had sex with him more than a few times but we eventually stopped getting together because he got a regular girlfriend. I’m a 45 year old ginger turning white, fit at 5’8” and 130 lbs with firm C cups. I’m...

1 year ago
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Cum all together

Note : This story is completely fictional! "that was Billy on that bike that just paased us, Dad, and I think that was his mom on back with him. Let's follow them, and you can get to meet her, she's pretty cool!" yvonne said as she reached over and squeezed her fathers cock. "OK, but if you"re going to keep doing that, We're going to have to hurry back home so you can finish what you've started." Jack said. Billy was weaving in and out of traffic on his big Yamaha, making it difficult for them...

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Passion Wagon

I was in the US on business and had to get to my next appointment the following day. Unable to catch a flight I had to resort to the trains. I needed the overnight sleeper and managed to book a twin cabin online. I was told, however, that I had to share as this was a last minute booking and the train was full.I had shared before on such trips, but kept my exchanges light with my travelling companion, that was always male.I was late for my train, which didn’t help, and was quite hot and...

2 years ago
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Abigail Jeff are Hypnotized Ch 2

I have received several emails asking if I am a hypnotist. Yes, I am. My stories are based on facts (and fantasy) but are not actual occurrences. Everything depicted is possible. Questions or comments welcome. * * * * * Jeff was very content for about two weeks. I was finishing a sales meeting when Jeff, looking puzzled, said to me: ”Would you talk to Abigail. She has been acting strange lately and I think it has something to do with the hypnosis thing.” “How has she been acting strange?” ...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 9

There was no question in anybody's mind that Freya must continue scouring the galaxy for Wasps. Until they found otherwise, they had to assume that they were the only beings capable of halting the Wasp menace and cleaning up after them. That was the thought when the first of the unmanned spacetubs (very logically called USTs) was delivered to Freya. The USTs had the same capabilities as the regular spacetubs, except that they were flown by pilots who were located on Earth and were...

3 years ago
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Flash back

FLASH BACK By Tender Cowboy I sat at the kitchen table reading the local paper, sipping my second cup of morning coffee. The price of crude oil was up and cattle prices were down, nothing very newsworthy, I thought as I quickly scanned the obituaries. Well, my name’s not in here so I guess it’s a good day, I thought to myself with a chuckle, but one name sort of caught my eye: J.P. Forester (Smoky), 63. I recalled that name from somewhere in my mind so I continued reading. It stated he had...

1 year ago
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Lonavala Calling 8211 The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 3

People say they are happy, but are they? What is the purpose of our living? Some answer that in terms of success, some in terms of fame, some in terms of money and some like me answer in terms of happiness. But the question is that have we really found the reason to be happy? Can we sustain the happiness or is it just a momentarily pleasure? At least I don’t know the answer. But isn’t it the obvious that we should do what we like to do. I do sex! Yes, sex makes me happy. Lots and lots of sex....

4 years ago
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Strange Encounter

I work as a senior engineer in a government undertaking. I decide on purchases worth several crores. Suppliers try to bribe me, but soon enough they understand I don’t take bribes and go strictly by merit. However, I made exception to only one. I had found that one Mr. Ramaratnam did a reasonably good job with his products, and that in the past he had some severe financial difficulties from which he was still struggling to come out. For some reason, I sympathized for him and started favoring...

2 years ago
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Chocolate Kisses Ch 03

copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Christmas morning, 1931 James Ewart’s home El Segundo, California Breakfast was a crowded but almost silent affair. The children had all eaten much earlier and were playing with more Christmas gifts that had magically appeared under the small but beautiful tree. Eliza knew her sister and she knew something had happened last night. She heard the door close and the sound of her sister’s crying. Yet, this morning, she was smiling at Mr....

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Sister and brother take a ride

My name is John and I'd like to tell you a story about how my sister Emily and I became intimately close during our freshman year of college. We had both just turn 18. Growing up we did everything together. We are twins after all. We went to the same schools, played in band together, did some sports together, we have always just been very close. We didn't even think about going to different colleges, we just assumed that we would go the same one together. The year was about to start and we were...

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Rosies first time part 1

As a submisive BI crossdresser, l was an anal and oral virgin. I had a FemDomme friend who l saw on a regular basis. She typically would spank me and Dominate me in the usual manner while l was dressed as Rosie. Then one day she told me she had a surprise for me... she left the room and returned wearing a strap on dildo... it was about 7" long and not real thick and she informed me I was going to become a "real" woman and learn to suck cock! She threw a pillow onto the floor and commanded me to...

4 years ago
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The true king of the hill

She left the bathroom and looked at her house, it was so empty. Hank was at work and wouldn't be back until the evening, Bobby was on school trip and wouldn't be back until the end of the weekend and Luanne was on a hot date all night. She would have the house to herself for at least a couple of hours. She sat in Hanks recliner and turned on the tv but there wasn't anything on. She sighed, she had never been this bored before. The heat continued and a bead of sweat traveled slowly down her...

2 years ago
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An 18th birthday to remember

Andy had always been a late starter...Cut his first tooth six months later than the norm, didn't even toddle til he was nearly three and was still a little awkward on his feet when he'd started out at school, let alone pre-school. When puberty hadn't hit until fairly late, the last thing he was going to do was worry about it. His mates were already chatting about their escapades - their first sexual encounters, masturbation and the fun they had with girls they'd never met before when they went...

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I wanted to share this because it was a helluva great time. After nearly 20 years I got up the nerve again to try another bi experience. The last time I had been with a man I was 21 and had only been with 2 different men, one twice and one once. An ex and I (hopefully you read that story) had played around with dildos and strap-ons but it's just not the same. I put an ad on the local m4m casual relationship area of Craigslist. I put some pics I took wit my phone on the ad and waited to see...

4 years ago
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Off the record punishment

This is a bit of a confession. Actually it’s a lot of a confession and could get me into serious trouble but I feel compelled to write this down. My name is Sally and I’m an English teacher in a private school for boys in the Oxfordshire countryside. I’m 32 years old, curvy, 5’ 8" and have long straight strawberry blond hair. I have bright green eyes and lots of freckles all over my body. My boobs are 36C and my hips are quite wide. My friends say I’m good looking and I have no difficulty in...

3 years ago
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Stories From My Youth Chapter 1 Harry and George

Harry was a force to be reckoned with. Harry wasn’t big by any stretch of the imagination but everyone who knew him saw Harry as 'ruff and gruff'. His appearance was that of a man who had spent many hours working hard in the Queensland sunshine. He was brown all over. Even his hair and eyes were brown.Harry’s loud voice dominated every conversation that he was involved in, while his more than confident manner caused most people to shrink away from him if there was ever a disagreement. Although...

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The Night Danielle Played With The Ouija Board

Danielle Howe was different than most teenagers.  She liked to dress in black and dye her hair all different funky colors.  She had several piercings and wanted to get a tattoo when she was eighteen.  She liked reading about dark and scary things.  She enjoyed talking with spirits and chanting.  Kids her age often got creeped out with what interested Danielle.She was interested with contacting spirits that had since passed.  She had heard that if you use a Ouija board, sometimes the spirits...

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Sisters Sacrifice

Emilia’s heart skipped when she saw his car pull in front of her apartment building. She immediately ran to the door, stopping in front of the mirror as she passed it. Her brown hair was tied in a ponytail as it usually was, but she adjusted it until it hung just right. She smoothed her hands across her skirt before she made her way to the door and awaited his knock. When she heard it, she opened the door with a relieved smile. “I’m so glad you made it!” she declared, wrapping her arms around...

3 years ago
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Sexy Teacher Class Se Bedroom Tak

Hello dosto mera naam tushar hai me ISS ka regular reader hu,kafi stories padne k baad mujhe laga ki mujhe b apni stories share krni chahiye,chaliye me thoda aapko apne bare me bata deta hu meri height 5’11 hai, I have athlete bodies or me dekhne me thik lagta hu ye story tab ki hai jab me punjab se btech kr rha tha,mera 3rd year chal rha tha me class ka class representative( R tha to mostly meri har teachers se achi baat thi 3rd year ka Naya session start hua tha sab bache dhire dhire aarhe...

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