Initium NovumChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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Annabelle had sent Robert a message that they would need the system controllers for the cargo hauler soon after the new year. The team said most of the modules had been written and were being tested independently, however when they began to integrate the modules into a master controller they would crash, especially when the propulsion system software was added. It seemed that some modules consumed so much interaction with the master controller that the master would take other systems off line. The module designers would try to make their modules more self contained and make more decisions on their own, but the information required for them to function properly was just too much for the master controller.
At one of the brain storming sessions, the master controller was the topic and no one seemed to have a solution. The one thought was some mega computer that would take up several compartments for the hardware and be a major power consumer. One of the new computer programmers fresh from university said it was too bad they had not perfected an artificial intelligence computer yet that could learn the requirements of each module and integrate the modules. If humans could read code fast enough, the input received and a decision could be made and returned to the module in nanoseconds at a minimum. In battle conditions decisions might require decisions in either picoseconds (10-12) or femtoseconds (10-15). Robert looked like he had been hit in the head with a club when there was a knock on the door that turned out to be Nancy. Her first question was what was wrong with Robert. One of the senior analysis from the original IT company said that Robert was in one of his phases when a brilliant ideas is about to surface.
Recovering, Robert asked Nancy at what speed a young AI could make decisions before becoming fully trained and developed. Nancy told him a young AI less than one hundred fifty years old could handle four to six billion inputs at a time, and a slow AI should be able to resolve any issue in one or two femtoseconds. The analysts and programmers around the table had their collective mouths open, and their brains were trying to comprehend what they had just been told. Nancy reminded them that that was slow compared to the human brain if it were fully used. Robert than began to explore the interfaces required for an AI. The interesting thing was that a bus would have to be created, that information bus that would have information dumped continually. A second information bus would have to be created that was more or less a real time bus that would be sending solutions and directives back to the attached devices. Each device would have to be assigned a priority level so that in some conditions they might not receive directives and have to make decisions without the aid of the AI. The highest three priority levels would be battle conditions, propulsion and bridge commands from the commanding officer, followed closely by life support.
Robert then asked the big question, hoping for a positive answer. Were there any young AI's aboard Nancy's ship that could be assigned to the new cargo ship and another for the deep space exploration spacecraft? Nancy said there was a very young AI, only one hundred twenty years old, that would fit well for the cargo ship. She had an offspring that had just completed the two hundred fiftieth training year at the top of the class, before being placed in an observation state. This AI had originally been slated to replace an ageing AI aboard a battle cruiser. The two AI's were to operate in parallel, with the young AI taking more responsibility as it became competent. When their world fell apart the young AI was attached to their ship in an observation position, hoping that some day a ship would be made available. In this state the AI would not age until it was placed in an operational mode. This meant that there was about twenty-five hundred years of useful life remaining for this AI.
One of the analysts asked how they would communicate with the AI, and what form it would take as the ships master controller. Nancy said that thanks to Robert, the AI would have the form of an android until the ship was ready with a permanent compartment. At that point only a few people would have access to it, and only through the ship's captain. More than likely one of the people of this group would be assigned to the spacecraft to work with the AI, with the approval of the ship's captain.
Robert thanked Nancy, telling her that the group had some major decisions to make and would be in touch with her soon. Robert told the group they should meet in his lab after lunch, and to have a big lunch as they may be working late. When Robert walked into his lab Vicky was at the capture computer, and all the people in his group had found seats. Robert went to the first white board and drew a square box and wrote AI inside. He then drew two highway looking objects projecting from each side of the box. He stood back and then erased the highway projection objects. Vicky projected an image on her screen of what looked like a person with a circle of green around it with arrows pointing to the person. Outside of that was a circle of blue with arrows pointing from the person to the circle. Looking, Robert said that is exactly what he was thinking about.
Turning to the group, he asked how many different system modules needed to report to the master controller. One of the women said there were presently eighteen hundred modules, and maybe twenty percent would require direct access to the master controller and another twenty to thirty percent would need access through their controllers. The remainder would be under the direction of sub controllers and should never need access to the master controller.
Robert said that all the sub controllers should have backup, and if all else fails, the master controller should be able to temporarily take over until repairs could be completed. The group was taking notes and you could see some design thoughts starting to flow. The new design engineer that had originally suggested the AI concept was on his third page of sketches, and Robert asked him to show everyone what he was thinking. Robert recognized Braden Silverstone, the young man they had brought into the community from Santiago, Chile. Braden began drawing showing a bus design, and then made changes. The changes he was making were new to everyone in the room except Marcy. The two had been working on the data bus since university and a class they had with Roger Callahan. When he finished, he turned to the group and began explaining the bus and the projected throughput. If the estimates were correct, this bus would be six to ten times faster than any data bus available today.
There was clapping from the rear of the room as Roger Callahan stepped next to Braden, telling him that he and Marcy were the only two in the class that even remotely began to understand the theory he had been trying to explain. Ed Cunningham and a couple of hardware designers had been watching as Braden explained the bus and its capabilities. The question was the hardware design and material required to build it. Marcy handed Ed a document with the material requirements and schematic layout. Turning to Roger, Ed said that this would put the new computer into the ten to twelve Pflops range and reduce the physical size. Roger just smiled and nodded his head.
Robert said this was all well and good in theory, but how long would it take to make a working bus that could be used for their application. Braden said that the prototype was already working in Marcy's lab, and a full scale bus could be ready in a maximum of sixty days as soon as the materials could be acquired. Ed said he recognized all materials except one item. Marcy said they had acquired the material from Nancy, and would have to request the amount needed from her if it was available. The two hardware designers and two designers from Robert's group asked Braden and Marcy if they could join them in completing the full buses for the two ships, it was agreed. Roger said this was great but they still had to develop the interface to the AI to complete the system.
Annabelle's propulsion team was developing two different propulsion systems. The first was the antimatter system that they had tested for thrust and the longevity required to launch to High Earth Orbit (HEO). The second propulsion system was the helium3 fuelled system. Both systems were up and running in prototype configurations, with much larger systems being built. The next major hurdle was to test the propulsion systems at full power for an extended period of time. The prototypes had been operating at full power for just over three months. The fuel quantity that had been initially used to start the test was checked on a monthly basis. The quantity was checked by weight in milligrams, and the amount of fuel used on either prototype was less than one thousandth of a milligram. Because the prototypes were about the size that would power a train locomotive and the load was set to be equal to a hundred cars with maximum weight in each car, the fuel consumption was lower than expectations. It was decided to triple the load for the next three months to see if the fuel consumption changed much.
Two propulsion engines for the cargo carrier were being built using both types of fuel. Since the propulsion engines were in the rear of the ship, the ability to change the entire engine module was engineered into the design. If things worked as designed, the propulsion module could be replaced in a day. The cargo carrier was designed very differently than the Deep Space Exploration Ship, as it was expected to launch and land in the Earth's atmosphere. This would require a tremendous amount of thrust to break out of the gravitational pull to reach HEO heights and then place the load at the proper speed to be geosynchronous with Campinas. The landing would be just as power consuming to slow the cargo carrier down enough to enter the Earth's atmosphere without burning to a crisp.
A downsized unmanned spacecraft was designed with the helium3 propulsion engine used, as that fuel was easier to obtain than antimatter, for atmospheric exit and entry test. Everyone was excited as the little craft rolled down the runway for takeoff. Because it was an unmanned craft, the flight technicians from the RQ-04 group were asked to be the land based pilots. There were so many volunteers that a bag of white marbles with three black marbles was used to pick the pilots, and then between the selected pilots they would decide the shifts.
On the day of the test, the entire research staff was at the airport to see the lift-off of their first spacecraft. Annabelle and her crew checked and rechecked the craft and ensured the propulsion plant was operating at low power. They then turned the spacecraft over to the pilots. The unmanned test spacecraft was much bigger than the RQ-04 they were used to flying. The on duty pilot sat at his console and taxied to the end of the runway. The brakes were set and the engine was pushed to full power. Annabelle, Martha and Alice watched the propulsion system read outs and saw all was good and the system was at ninety-eight percent. The pilot looked at the three ladies and was given the 'go for launch' nod. The craft sped down the runway and lifted off in text book fashion. The plan was to fly East at the Equator two times around the earth to build up speed, then head straight for HEO upper edges. That would mean that a speed of ten or twelve kilometres per second, or about Mach thirty-four, would be needed to reach escape velocity. As the spacecraft was coming around for the second time and reached forty-five degrees west latitude, the pilot noted that the craft was at mach thirty-one, or ten and a half kilometres per second. He pulled the stick back to point the nose to space. If all went as planned they would reach an altitude of forty thousand kilometres in just over an hour, travelling at thirty-seven thousand kilometres per hour. The flight so far was performing as expected. Finally the instruments indicated they had reached the geostationary area of the HEO at the forty thousand mile altitude.
The team then had the pilot return the spacecraft to an altitude of two hundred fifty kilometres altitude, and finally one hundred kilometres altitude. The tricky thing was to slow the craft enough to enter the Earth's atmosphere without becoming a fire ball. The reason that the earlier spacecraft had to have heat shields was they did not have the fuel on board to slow down enough to enter the Earth's atmosphere. The goal here was to reduce the speed of their spacecraft to about Mach 2, or just below twenty-five hundred Kilometres per hour, before attempting to enter the Earth's atmosphere. If the crew compartment started to heat up they would return to a higher altitude and slow down even more. The reverse thrusters were used to slow down, and they were doing fine until the pilot overestimated the time of reverse thrust and slowed to two thousand kilometres per hour. The cabin temperature started to drop and the pilot started his decent to forty thousand feet. As they begin to enter the mesosphere, the cabin temperature started to rise and reached forty degrees Celsius when they reached the stratosphere. They also slowed to fifteen hundred kilometres per hour. The cabin air conditioning kicked in and lowered the temperature to twenty-eight degrees Celsius. The descent into the troposphere at eleven thousand and two meters appeared good so far. They maintained the fifteen hundred kilometres per hour and headed for Campinas. They had used two of the pilots, who had shown they could operate under a lot of pressure.
As the spacecraft landed, there seemed to be a warp of the wings. As it rolled to the hanger Annabelle and Marion were looking at the wings and both decided something was definitely changed since the craft had left here several hours ago. The propulsion system was removed from the craft and the engineers took it apart. They discovered that both wings were stressed and had a seven degree upward warp from the original manufacture product. They begin to look at the design and then at the manufacturing process. The second investigation was what had caused the wings to warp. The data tapes were reviewed several times when Martha realized that when the craft left the two circumnavigation laps pulling up to space, the stress indicators were pegged at maximum and the true stress would never be known for sure. Martha went to her computer and started running computer models starting with the factual data they had. The models were still within acceptable limits until they reached mach 31, and the stress indicators were still not pegged. As the craft was pulled into the vertical climb to head for space the indicators pegged.
Martha then ran the theoretical models using the information available. What she found was that the stress was six times the designed factors for stress. The wings should have ripped off the craft at that time, but the time of maximum stress was less than two minutes before the indicators were returning to normal. Martha presented her findings to the design team and made two recommendations, the first was to redesign the air frame, and the wings struts would require a lot of reinforcement. The second recommendation was to change the climbing rate of the craft to a much slower change rate. She suggested an attitude change rate be no more than five degrees per minute from horizontal to vertical flight. That would mean eighteen minutes to achieve total vertical flight. The two recommendations should make the spacecraft totally safe for human flight.
A month later, with the redesigned air frame, they were ready for the next test flight. The same three pilots were used to flight test the spacecraft. As before, the two circumnavigations were completed and the craft started its attitude change to vertical climb. The spacecraft reached forty thousand kilometres and turned to come back, reaching the thermosphere as they slowed down to two thousand kilometres per hour. The transition through the mesosphere and stratosphere to the troposphere was smooth and uneventful.
After landing, the engineers again went over every millimetre of the craft and found everything was still at manufacturing process and records specifications. There were many flights over the next few weeks, with the last ones powered with the antimatter propulsion system. The power supplied by the antimatter system was magnitudes more efficient.
Annabelle had a group working on the Orbital Facility, ship build and repair facility. The main concern the group had was the size of this thing when completed. They knew they had two to three years to complete the first phase of the project, and that was the ship building and repair facility. The Orbital Facility could come later, as this area was not a hot spot for space travel. The team had begun to assemble the living quarters for those that would live part time at the facility. They had figured that there would be a requirement for a hundred workers. There were no accommodations for families, as Annabelle figured that the workers could rotate on intervals to coincide with the delivery of the cargo ship. The initial deliveries would have to leave the quarters unmanned, which would mean teams would assemble the shipment and then return. The cargo ship could carry four containers at a time, and it would take nine trips for the living spaces and warehouse and work spaces. The final containers would be the command module with power supply and life support container, which would allow the first people to remain at the Orbital Facility.
There would be thirty-six containers when the main section was completed. Twenty-four of the containers were completed and ready for delivery to orbit. That would be nine trips to deliver the complete shell of the living quarters. Most of the equipment that was stationary in the completed module would he secured to the container as it was built on Earth. As the modules were connected together there were walls and other barriers which would have to be removed that were used in shipping.
It was decided that when the final test on the cargo carrier was completed, they would begin placing the containers in orbit. Now all they had to do was get the carrier fully operational and tested. Most of the front pod construction was complete, and the major items to complete were the controls and the life support systems. The life support was ready for extended testing. The first test was for twenty-four hours and then for ten days.
The propulsion system was assembled and ready to be charged with fuel. The fuel of choice was helium3 for short flights less than one light year. The thoughts were that the propulsion module would be taken to an unpopulated area to test the system. The module was to be secured to withstand a thrust of five hundred fifty thousand foot-pounds, and the only way they felt that could be done was to use the wall of a mountain of granite. There was a quarry in the Itu area with enough open area to complete the test. There was even an open side for the exhaust to escape. Since there was no heat to be expelled, there would be no burnt forest or charred walls, just a lot of wind. The pod was delivered to the quarry and moved with a plate against the quarry wall to protect the module. They insured that the exhaust area was ninety degrees from the wall so that the module would press directly into the wall and not be skewed by the blast of the propulsion. The helium3 drive would take the cargo ship to the upper edge of the HEO, or Geosynchronous orbits area.
The helium3 engine performed better than expected, with an estimated thrust of seven hundred thousand foot-pounds of thrust. A diametric drive was all experimental, and when the throttle was advanced, the thrust was far above what was expected. A lot more testing would have to be done on this diametric drive to see how it would react in space. The propulsion module pushed a few meters into the granite and compressed the stone to an even greater hardness. The module was moved back to Campinas to the assembly area.
The next issue was the connecting superstructure between the command module and the propulsion module. The ideal was that the connecting superstructure should be collapsible. The designers looked at several methods for a collapsible superstructure, when one of the designers asked if any superstructure was required as long as they had a hard connection between the two modules. The idea was to make the containers the superstructure with a protected cable that could be retracted into the propulsion module. The idea was then shifted into locking mechanisms for both the containers and the two modules. It was decided that the control module would be the receptacle and the connecting module would be the plug-in. This would continue with each container receptacle to plug-in, to end at the propulsion module which was a plug-in. The design was solidified and the locking mechanisms were simple, similar to those used in railroad cars for over a century.
Annabelle asked for a design review of the Orbital Facility and final approval. Robert asked how much time Annabelle thought she would need for the presentation. She told Robert that the presentation would take the best part of a day and then whatever time was required for questions. Robert then asked if any of the material could be distributed prior to the presentation so that people could become familiar with the material. Annabelle thought about it and said it could, but might be more confusing without a lot of explanation, but if her speaker's notes were also distributed it might help. Annabelle gave Robert a document which she said she could reprint, telling him to review the document and if he thought it was OK she would release it to the provided list of the advisory council.
Robert began to review the document and was about ten pages into it when he realized he had no understanding of what was being discussed. He began at the first again and got about the same place when he was lost, and that was using Annabelle's speaker's notes to try and unravel the confusion. Robert called Annabelle and told her not to send the document out as he was lost early in the document, unless a person was very technical, with knowledge in that area, they would be lost. Robert said he would have Amy set the meeting for the first of next week.
At eight AM on Monday morning, Robert walked into the small auditorium to the podium and addressed the advisory council. He told those assembled they were to review the design of the Orbital Facility and approve the final design. He then introduced Annabelle as the head of all research and design, specializing in spacecraft design. He said that Annabelle was the first student to graduate with a PhD from the university headed by Michael Ward. Since she graduated, two more students have graduated with degrees as astrophysicists and were working on another project regarding deep space travel.
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Hi friends i am regular reader of ISS. . This is my first real story happened with my cousin sister on New Year night this was my first sex experience. . So friends if i made any mistakes please forgive me. . Coming to the story… My name is Rahul from Hyderabad; age 20 studying my B.Tech in a well reputed college. . My family got settled in Hyderabad. . My sex goddess in this story was my cousin sister sorry i can’t mention her name she was my mother’s elder sister’s daughter she was 4 years...
IncestAn Invitation to a Wedding, a day of celebration should mean a day of joy and sharing, should it not? This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Mostly. The names have been changed... Copyright KLS 2008. An Invitation By Kristina.L.S. "Hey Yvonne, wait up..." I turned to see Cheryl heading my way with that wriggly almost...
I woke up as the sun was going down a bit confused as my cock had popped out of my boxers, Lisa was inside doing something. I made myself decent and did up the button before going inside, “Lisa, where are you” I shouted. A soft voice shouted back from upstairs, “just having a shower Dad, be down in a sec” so all was good. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down in front of the TV. My legs were red from where I had been in the sun and so was my chest. “Bring down the lotion please” I...
"No senora," Inez answered in a defeated tone. "Then get back to work," she ordered. Amy sat on the lounger by the pool and looked out over the rolling lawn of the estate she won in the divorce. The thirty four year old smiled, proud of the way she had manipulated the rich old man. She looked down as she shifted her bikini top, adjusting the tiny piece of yellow material on her huge fake tits. Amy looked up, intending to lay back and let the...
It was a hot Florida night, but that just made me yearn for some dick all the more. I drove up to the closest adult video store just north of where I was staying. There were a few cars in the lot just off the highway, US 19--that was a promising sign, so I paid my five bucks to go into the video booth area to see what was up. This booth set up wasn’t my favorite design, but the place almost always offered up some good cock. One problem is that the booths were all small, with seating on a...
The Waxers By: Michael Alexander [email protected] Samantha Mayfield walked briskly across the mall, the sweet scent of freshlycut grass fragrantly filling the morning air. As she passed the administrationbuilding, the clock tower rang out, bells ringing steadily. Sam threaded herway through the crowds of moving students, mostly freshman like her, who hadbeen foolish enough to schedule themselves for eight o'clock classes. "Sam! Hey Samantha! Wait up!" A voice called out to her...
This happened early 70's when I was 16 .I was in disagreement with my Mum as she wanted me to go on holiday with her and my Aunt to a holiday camp for 2 weeks in the summer holidays and spending 2weeks with mum & aunt was something I was going to avoid at all costs and which I won but was informed that mum's friend would pop in to see how I was etc .I had been to the park to have a a kick about with mates as I play football and Rugby for school and was drenched in sweat as was a hot...
I wake up and I realize that I have over slept and need to meet my new Mistress at her hotel in an hour! I met my Mistress on Lush and she came to visit and have some vacation time. She was staying for the weekend and I was to be at her beck and call all weekend. My Mistress I hot DD breasts and an ass to match. We had chatted online and even video chatted but this was our first meeting. I got up and got dressed in what she told me to come it…basketball shorts with no boxers and a t-shirt. I...
Betty was sitting at the kitchen table when Ed awoke. She had been up for a while and had taken a shower, dressed and made coffee. Ed staggered into the kitchen and grabbed a mug and poured himself a coffee. He leaned against the counter and drank the strong brew before attempting to talk to Betty. Ed poured himself a second cup of coffee and sat down at the table across from Betty. Betty watched him with an amused smile on her face, knowing that he needed at least 2 cups of coffee before he...
Emily and Jake stared at each other with wide eyes for a moment. Then, he pushed himself off of her, pulled his pants back on, and motioned for her to get up. "Here," he said, handing her the rest of their clothes. "Just go hide in my room for a minute." She nodded her head and hurried off down the hallway. After she closed the door, she put her ear up to the door to listen. After hearing Emily close the door, Jake opened the front door to see his friend, Chris. "Hey, man, what's up?" Chris...
Group SexStumbling into the kitchen to eat still groggy after ten hours of sleep she wiggles up on a stool, the wife looks and asks what she want to consume and she responds she wants scrambled eggs. The wife serves Mitch some eggs and broccoli and a hungry sports babe scoffs it up then relaxes gazing into space, I walk behind her and squeeze her shoulders and she leans her head back concerned why she is so tired. We discover she does not remember the previous night of torment but she is aware her pussy...
The next morning, I awake with anticipation about what will be ahead for me today. I can’t believe all that happened our first day at our home yesterday. We have gotten off to a rousing start to our new life.After our morning bath, you take me to the changing table for my first clean diaper of the day. But after you have taken my temperature and recorded it, you begin to lube my asshole good. Oh yes, you are keeping your word, and the next up plug is pressed into me. As I lay there as you...
FetishThe next few weeks went by quickly. Ebonita was brought home and after a day or two of rest was back to offering dessert to Erik and Elena. The weather turned unusually cold and rainy for almost a week and Erik and Elena, instead of jet setting to another locale, decided to stay home and let their pets entertain them. The other four pets they would use in the tournament, Rosanna, Chi Tai, Gwinevere and Luana, were jetted in from their other villas and the seven beautiful women were the...
time penis play, and decided that he was going to try it again during the day when he could watch what was going on. Although this all seemed new to him, somewhere deep inside of him he knew that it wasn't. During the day's explorations, Jimmy came upon a small stream with fresh water, something which he realized was important for his survival. After drinking his fill, he stepped into the clean cold water, and washed himself from head to toe, feeling clean for the first time. The...
A few weeks had passed since my daddy first made love to me. It had been an emotional rollercoaster. His moods had kept shifting, in the first few days he'd seemed brooding and terribly sad. There had been long talks, lots of tears from us both, but then gradually also lots of cuddles and kisses and dreamy smiles. It hadn't been easy, but after working through it all we seemed to have gotten to a good place. A comfortable atmosphere where it was still new and unfamiliar, but acceptable...
Hi dear ISS readers, I am hard fan of ISS and i have been reading all stories posted here and enjoying self pleasure.Finally i am happy that i am able to pen down my own story which happened two months ago. Let me come to the story myself Syed aged 24 working in MNC in chennai living in outskirts of chennai. I am 5.11 Height and have 6 and half inch cock which is very thick.Heroine of this story is my aunt i.e. my mom sister who is aged 26 and married very early in her 19 years itself. She...
M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter Synopsis:Is the sequel to The Academy where The Agency and Hunter Enterprises face off against the Academy in a final showdown that changes the world. ~*******************~ Synopsis:Jo Ellen is the heir of Diana Hunter: the tragic heroine who was Joe Rossi. Joe was a Mafia "wise guy". Joe was often bullied by the larger boys due to his small size. Joe soon developed a reputation as a small, tough and wiry fighter. His speed, dexterity and agility made him...
Jeanette Brennan thought "post partum depression" was a damn patronizing concept. "Post partum exhaustion" had been more like it. Her husband Bob had done what he could; but he was teaching a full schedule, and breast-feeding isn't a task that can be shared. They took to going to bed at nine p.m. so that each of them would get something like six hours of sleep during the next ten. The tide finally turned, however. Her baby -- The Kitten -- decided that it was possible to sleep without...
I woke up late that night. Someone was pounding on my door, now who could that be. I got out of bed and threw on a nightgown, and then I went to answer the door. When I opened it I was nearly flattened by the full-grown woman who flung herself against me. She was crying hysterically. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there in the doorway. Holding a complete stranger in my arms and trying to calm her down before she woke the neighbors. I got up and carried her to the couch, which was no...
LesbianThe afternoon slipped away as I cruised southwest on the Ohio River. At twelve miles per hour, you don't eat up the miles, but you have plenty of time to take in the scenery. The Monticello River Yacht is really just a houseboat, with a "V" hull, that allows it handle a strong winds, and choppy wakes better than those flat hulled houseboats that are so popular, these days. The autopilot feature is good to help you stay in the channel, but the boat has such a shallow draft, it isn't really...
Hi friends, this incident happened in Pune which I am going to tell you has changed my life. I am Sunny an engineer, I am married having perfect body regularly goes to gym and play tennis every sat and Sunday. I am having quite good and healthy married life. I am a senior executive in a multinational co and having a very good salary so life is set, I love to travel all round the world for my company’s work and some time personally. Whenever I go out of country I used to go to spa center for...
Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-two Bruno climbed out of his friend’s pickup and almost fell, but he managed to grab hold of the truck and steady himself. ‘Bring the rest of the beer, will ya, Jimmy?’ he told his companion. He grabbed what was left of one twelve-pack and stuck it under his arm. He already had an open beer in his other hand. Jimmy’s response was a loud belch. ‘Yeah, we can’t party without it, can we?’ he replied. He swallowed what was left...
Scarlet Skies snoops in her parent’s room, looking for some money to use to go to the mall. She doesn’t find any money in a purse but DOES notice something else in there that piques her interest. Nestled within the purse is a coupon for a free massage. After some debate with herself, Scarlet decides to use the coupon since it’s only going to expire soon, anyway! A little later, Scarlet arrives at the massage parlor. She is greeted by Tiffany Watson, a cheerful masseuse who...
xmoviesforyouMy First Time2009, I was stationed in Camp Pendleton, CA at the time, just back from having been in Iraq and Kuwait for the previous 9 months. I had been looking at transsexual porn for a couple years at this point, having stumbled upon it somehow almost by accident. Still don’t know exactly how it got on my computer in the first place; probably one of the many hard drive contents exchanges that happened while deployed. Either way, moving along, when I returned, I began thinking more and more...
Bimbotraining by maidbambi I'd been lurking around a forum that was focussed on dominance and submission, D&S. That's not BDSM, which is people getting tied up and spankings and stuff. Not that I wasn't a little curious about that too, but I really wanted a more psychological dominance. I wanted a woman who wanted to serve me sexually and physically, and to want it. But more than anything I wanted a bimbo. An...
Katie was very sick. The doctors had some complicated medical term for what disease she had, but I didn't understand it. All I knew was that the disease was the reason she couldn't have children. And the disease was slowly killing her. On the bright side, there were ways of fighting it. Medicine existed that could possibly cure her, but there were no guarantees. And the medicine and treatments weren't cheap, either. We were farmers. We didn't have things like 401K's and comprehensive...
Part 8 I finished my shift, working as quickly as possible. I didn't want to be here but if I didn't keep control of my thoughts I would find myself flirting with some guy and begging for a private dance. I had to think not to slip into Roxana and god forbid, Roxy. When I found a quiet place I could even force myself back to Riley, but it was very hard. Thoughts and memories would slip in and I had to question each and every one. I found I could reach a balance between the three...
Barb the BitchMy wife, Erica, and I are doms. While both of us being doms has provided more than its share of conflicts, we both enjoy life to its fullest.This story is a little different than most stories in that it is intended to be interactive. The story is meant to be read by a female sub. At points, instructions to the reader/sub are given so that the reader/sub will appreciate the story all the more. INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN CAPITALS. If you have comments about the story or technique, you may...
Introduction: Heather was our babysitter… My First My name is David, I grew up in a pretty stable home with my sister Mary. My parents werent rich but they tried to give my sister and me many of the things the other kids had. When I was thirteen my parents went out of town for the night, to work on their marriage it turns out. They got a babysitter who was a senior in high school and a family friend to watch my sister and keep me from destroying the house. Her name was Heather and she was very...
Hi, I am Ramesh doing job in Surat and this happened with my sexy neighbour Asha and she was beautiful and sexy to the core. She had big round ass and big breasts. She had long hair which touched her round ass. It will look sexy when she walks because her hair will touch both her ass while she was walking. She was fair and had a size of 36-28-38 due to which her breasts will be a great feast to watch. Uncle is a person who will always go around India for his business purpose and will hardly...
IncestMy parents and I sat at the breakfast table. It was six o’clock in the morning, only five hours before the wedding. Neither of us spoke much. There was an uneasy stillness in the air. It was one of those “elephant in the room” moments. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know where to begin, luckily mom beat me to the punch and broke the silence. “Kait, I bought you a beautiful white dress for today and..” “We went over this before mom, the answer is still no.” I replied, not wanting to...
Group Sex