A Correct DestinyChapter 16 free porn video

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Meghan was still pretty sick and feverish for the next feeding, but she was also in the mood for something other than Sapphic love for a change.

"I want some cock," she insisted as they took their clothes off for the post-sunset romp. "And not that friggin' fake cock either. I want a real flesh and blood cylinder that gets warm and hard, that pulses, that spits something hot and sticky out when it's done." She looked over at Ken. "Do you know anyone who might have such a thing?"

It turned out he did. He mounted his wife in the missionary position and went to work on her. The plan had been for him to spend inside of Meghan and Jo feed from him first, but it didn't quite work out that way. Enough of his virility and enthusiasm had returned that before he was even close to orgasm, Meghan started displaying the unmistakable signs of her own impending explosion.

"Well, I guess we do Meghan first tonight," Jo said with a shrug as she shifted her mouth from kissing the back of Ken's shoulders to kissing Meghan's neck near the Sweet Spot. "Let it go, Meg ... keep pounding her, Ken."

They obeyed and soon Meghan was in the throes and being fed upon. Ken then watched with envy as his semi-catatonic wife was fed first from Jo's spurting wrist. His mouth watered as he saw her swallowing the precious arterial blood.

After a brief rest, Ken got his turn. He sat on the edge of the bed and Jo sat beside him, stroking him with her talented fingers. His orgasm came and she bit down on his neck. By now he was not just used to the sting of her feeding teeth but enjoyed the pain immensely, not only because it was erotic (although it was sublimely erotic) but because it was the harbinger of his own feeding.

"Okay," Jo said, smiling as she held up her scalpel. "Are you ready?"

"Yes ... give it to me," he begged.

She cut herself open and put the wound to his lips. He drank of her greedily, sucking as much of her lifeblood as he could before the incision sealed back up. As always, when it did close up, he mourned its loss and wished for more.

"That's all you get for now," Jo told him apologetically when she finally took her wrist away from his mouth. "Now get downstairs and see Dick ... right now."

"Okay," he agreed, feeling the usual post-feeding depression, even as he felt the glorious blood warming his stomach, filling the hole in it.

Dick wanted to give Ken an immediate post-feeding exam in order to visually verify and document he was displaying self-healing properties beyond the capabilities of a normal human being. He had actually wanted to have Ken and Jo perform their sexual activity and the feedings down in his exam room so he could watch everything, but Ken had balked at this. He had lost a good portion of his modesty in the last ten nights but tearing one off on an exam room table while a four hundred year old cognate doctor watched and scratched notes on his observations was still considerably outside of his expanded comfort zone.

He did, however, make his way downstairs as quickly as possible, not even bothering to put clothing on first. Nudity, since the start of the propagation, had become pretty much the norm among the three participants, what with the sex and the blood and the vomit and the sleeping and the feeding and the frequent showering. In truth, it did not even occur to him to grab a robe as he made his journey. And, of course, he ran smack into Gertie and Julie Ann, the cognate cop currently on duty, as he cut through the kitchen. They were both fully dressed and working at the stove on what seemed to be a spaghetti sauce of some sort. They looked up as he entered, neither one of them so much as batting an eye at his state.

"Hi, Ken," Gertie greeted, giving him a grandmotherly smile. "You're looking good tonight. Much healthier."

"Uh..." Ken started, his hands automatically going down to cover his genitals, which were still wet and sticky from the recent discharge they'd experienced.

"It's good to see you up and about," said Julie Ann. "The smell of this sauce must be torture to you, huh?"

"Uh ... well ... I ... I didn't even..." He could feel his face flushing. "I mean ... yeah, it smells great."

"How's Meghan doing?" asked Gertie. "I assume she's been fed by now?"

"She's uh ... yeah, doing good," he blurted. "Still under when I ... you know ... headed down."

"Hopefully she'll get over the vomiting in a night or two," said Julie Ann. "When I went through my propagation I threw up will into night thirteen."

"I was an early bloomer," Gertie said proudly. "I didn't vomit after the eleventh night."

"Lucky you," Julie Ann said enviously. "Although not as lucky as Ken. You got to skip the whole immune response entirely, didn't you?"

"Uh ... yeah, that's what it's ... it's looking like," Ken said.

"Whoever truly blessed you," Julie Ann said.

"Yes ... yes He did," Ken agreed. "Uh ... well, I'd better get into Dick's office. Nice ... uh ... talking to you two."

"Yes, you go see Dick now," Gertie said. She walked over and kissed him gently on the cheek. She smelled of fresh garlic and basil. "And you don't have to cover yourself like that. Believe me, you don't have anything we haven't seen a hundred thousand times before."

"Well, maybe only fifty thousand for me," Julie Ann said with a chuckle.

"Uh ... right," Ken said. He forced himself to take his hands away. He walked with as much dignity as he could muster through the kitchen and into the hall that led to Dick's office.

Dick was waiting for him, his various instruments laid neatly out on a stainless steel table on wheels. "There you are," he said, his voice a bit impatient. "How long since you fed?"

"Uh ... maybe three minutes," Ken told him.

Dick frowned a little, clearly irritated, but he nodded. "No time to lose. Hop up on the table."

Ken hopped up on the table. Dick immediately reached down, grabbed Ken's testicles, lifted them up, and shoved a thermometer into his rectum. Ken winced at the intrusion but didn't comment.

"That's it," Dick said, smiling as he recorded the reading. "One hundred and two point six—and rising."

"That's how hot I am?" Ken asked. "I don't feel like I have a fever."

"Do you feel the draining sensation in your buttocks and abdomen?" Dick asked him.

Now that he was past the embarrassment of talking to Gertie and Julie Ann, he was able to concentrate on what his body was feeling. Yes, there was a definite draining sensation in those areas. "I do," he told Dick. "It's not as intense as it was last night, but it's there."

"That is your body utilizing raw minerals and chemicals from your fat storage areas and your liver to replace damaged parts," Dick said. "That sensation coupled with the rise in temperature without other febrile response is strongly indicative of a cognate body under construction."

"So ... so that means I'm really becoming cognate?" Ken asked.

"I can't say with one hundred percent certainty just yet," Dick said. "But having you report the healing sensation combined with what happened to your teeth and your tattoo last night makes me about ninety percent sure."

"Those are pretty good odds," Ken said.

"Uh huh," Dick agreed, "And what's happening to your tattoo right now makes me ninety-nine point nine percent sure."

"Right now?" Ken said. He looked at his upper left arm and gave a little gasp of surprise. His tattoo had faded considerably after the last feeding, but now, it was fading right before his eyes. All of the color and shading was gone from it. It looked like a dim sketch penciled in haste with a dull piece of graphite. And then the lines themselves began to break up and grow fainter.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Dick said. "Watching the cognate regenerative powers at work?"

Ken was too dumbfounded to speak. He could now no longer even tell what the tattoo had been. The faded lines had broken up so much the picture they'd formed now lacked any sort of definition. He continued to stare and within a minute the last remnants of the ink were gone completely, leaving his arm completely bare. It was like the tattoo had never been there. He couldn't help but mourn its loss.

"Try not to give it too much thought," Dick advised. "It is nothing but a remnant of a life that is now over. Think of it as a sign that your new life is beginning."

Ken nodded and forced himself to look away from his arm. He put his eyes back on Dick. "I can still feel the draining," he said. "And I feel this weird tingling sensation."

"Where do you feel it?" Dick asked.

"Everywhere," he said. "It's all over my body. It's kind of a cross between warmth and that pins and needles sensation you get when your hand or your leg has fallen asleep."

"Is it strong or weak?"

"Weak I suppose," Ken said. "I only notice it when I'm not paying attention to something else."

Dick smiled and nodded his head. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear," he said. "There is no doubt remaining in my mind that you're on your way to becoming cognate. That tingling warmth you are feeling is your body repairing itself to optimum efficiency."

"Repairing itself?"

"Right," Dick said. "Repair is the first major step toward the transformation of a human body into a cognate. You are utilizing Josephine's blood proteins and your own stored raw materials to put your body back into prime shape. All of your arteries, veins, muscles, tendons, bones, nerves, and internal organs are being repaired of all the inherent damage your forty-two years of life have put upon them. You are being transformed first into an ideal human specimen. Once that is done, the virus will begin to mutate your actual DNA and turn all of those newly repaired human parts into cognate parts."

"My internal organs," Ken said slowly. "Does that mean my ... my cancer... ?"

"Is probably either completely gone by now, or, at the very least, has been reduced down to little more than benign lumps that will soon be absorbed and utilized for their proteins."

Ken at first couldn't even credit what Dick was telling him. There really was no emotional precedent on how to feel in such a situation. His cancer was gone? Gone as in... gone? No longer a threat? The malignant growths on his liver and pancreas, those collections of rogue cells that had dominated his thoughts these last four months, that had been poised to kill him in a horrible, painful manner ... they were just gone?

"Kind of makes all the vomiting worthwhile, doesn't it?" Dick asked. "My rather well-educated guess is that the burning you told me about—that burning you experienced after your pre-sunrise feeding yesterday, just before you fell asleep for eleven hours—was the healing mechanism repairing your liver and pancreas. Your body would have identified those as the most pressing concerns and dedicated every ounce of available energy and material to repairing them first."

"That sensation was right over my right upper abdomen," Ken said.

"Exactly," Dick said. "While you were lying there basking in self-doubt and worry, your body was dissolving those tumors and rebuilding your organs. It's no wonder you passed out and stayed down until the next feeding. It's no wonder you were so thirsty when you woke up. You were in the process of undergoing a miracle."

Ken shook his head, still trying to grasp this with his mind. "I keep waiting for you to say 'but' or 'as long as' or 'pending further tests' or something like that," he said.

"Well ... there are a few of those, I'm afraid," Dick said.

"There are?" Ken said, feeling a little worm of dread return.

"Life is like that," Dick said. "Especially the life of a cognate-to-be in mid-propagation. Let's start with the 'but' first, shall we? Your cancer is probably healed, but ... it would come back within a month if you did not finish the propagation—even if Josephine didn't have to eliminate you to protect the Subterfuge. As we told you during the Disquisition, it's an all or nothing deal. Going this far in the propagation and then stopping would not serve to heal you, it would only buy you a month or two."

"So the propagation can still fail?" Ken asked.

"Right," Dick said. "It must be carried out according to the schedule until your cognate teeth appear and you lose the urge for Josephine's blood and start craving the blood of others. Until that point, the propagation can still fail and will still fail if you do not continue to be fed upon during orgasm and to feed from your parent twice per night. That is the 'as long as'. Your cancer will be healed and will not return as long as you continue with the propagation."

"I understand," Ken said. "And 'pending further tests'?"

"Right," said Dick. "I am completely sure of my diagnosis of you, but pending further tests—which I will start to perform now—I cannot be officially completely sure, if you get my meaning. So ... why don't we get started?"

"Why don't we?" Ken agreed, actually glad to be poked and prodded for once since it was likely to yield good news.

The physical exam took almost thirty minutes. Dick then drew several vials of blood from Ken's left arm, looking at some of it under a microscope, spinning some of it in his centrifuge and then putting it into a portable diagnostic machine. While the machines were running, Ken felt an itching, burning sensation inside of his left elbow. When he looked, he saw, without much surprise, that the tiny hole made by the needle puncturing his flesh had healed up and disappeared.

"Okay," Dick said, obviously pleased, once everything was done. "I think I like what I see here."

"Yeah?" said Ken.

"Indeed. Your weight is still stable at 175—about what I would expect. Your skin color and eye color have improved remarkably. You are no longer displaying the jaundice you had only forty-eight hours ago. I do not have the ability to check your liver enzymes, but my guess is that they are normal."

"So my liver..."

"Would appear to be functioning normally," Dick said. "Your pancreas seems to be back in the game as well. Your blood sugar reading was sixty-eight milligrams per deciliter, the low end of normal and the absolute lowest it has been since I began examining you. Your urine shows no sign of ketones, although it has at every previous urinalysis. Furthermore, you report no pain and show no grimacing when the area is palpated."

"So ... I really am healing?"

"You really are healing," Dick said. "Your blood count is also consistent with this particular stage of the propagation. Red blood cells are abnormally high and many of them are damaged—the sign of cognate self-destructive properties starting to make themselves known. Your white blood cell count and your platelet count are almost non-existent—self-healing bodies have no need of white blood cells or platelets. My guess is that within a few nights I will no longer be able to analyze your blood at all as it will begin disappearing just like a proper cognate's blood should. You, my friend, are, in my official professional opinion, well on your way to the final transformation." He held out his hand. "Congratulations, Ken. We pulled you through this."

Ken shook with him and felt tears forming in his eyes. He was going to live. He was really going to live. "Thank you, Dick," he said. "I know I'm not supposed to say that, but I have to. Thank you for everything you've done and are doing."

"It's my job, youngster," Dick said, clapping him on the back. "A very enjoyable part of my job at that."

"What is?" asked Meghan, who came walking into the room holding onto Jo for support. She was dressed in her bathrobe (although Jo was still nude) and looking pale and sick. Her hair was wet from a shower and she smelled of body wash, shampoo, and recent vomit.

"Hello, Meghan," Dick said. "Hello, Josephine. I was just giving Ken some good news. By all indications he is well on his way to a successful propagation. His cancer is most likely gone, and his liver and pancreas are returning to normal function."

This put a broad smile on Meghan's sick face. "The cancer is gone?" she asked happily. "Oh, Ken ... that's wonderful!" She turned to Dick. "Are you sure?"

"The lab values and the physical exam are consistent with it," Dick assured her. "And if you'll look at his left arm, you can see that something is conspicuously absent."

Meghan looked and her eyes widened. "Your tattoo! It's completely gone!" She reached out and touched the flesh where it had been. "Did it just ... just fade away right before your eyes?"

"Right before our eyes," Ken said. "I kind of miss it, to tell the truth, but, as Dick pointed out, it's a small price to pay."

"Wow," Meghan said, continuing to rub and feel the area, still trying to comprehend it was really gone.

"Uh ... Meg, hon," Ken said, embarrassed. "You might want to stop doing that."

"What?" she asked, unsure what he was talking about ... at first. She then looked down and saw that even this innocent, asexual caress was having a definite effect on a certain part of her husband's anatomy. It was stretching out and getting ready for what it assumed would be a little more action. "Oh ... my," she said with a giggle. "I guess maybe I'd better." She took her hand away. The swelling did not go down.

Dick chuckled. "I think I'll add greatly increased sexual drive to my medical report on you as well, Ken," he said.

Ken wasn't sure if he was kidding or not. He didn't ask. He simply blushed and tried to will away the now-turgid erection. He could already tell it was going to take a lot of will.

"So ... on that note," Dick said, turning to the two ladies. "You're here for your exam?"

They were. Ken stuck around as Dick weighed them, poked and prodded them, questioned them, and drew blood from them. In the end, he declared that Jo was losing a little more weight than he really cared for but was still healthy enough and that Meghan, while still losing weight as well, seemed to be losing it at a slower rate these last three days.

"It sounds like you might stop sicking up the blood soon, Meghan," he told her. "The fact that you were able to keep it down for almost forty minutes after coming out of the amnesiac is encouraging."

"Thank God," she said with a grimace. She looked at Ken with pleasant natured sourness. "You have no idea how lucky you are that you got to escape most of this."

"Hey, I did my share of barfing too," Ken reminded her.

"But you never had to deal with the shakes and the swollen glands and the chills," she said. "You don't know misery until you've been through that."

"Jesus H. Christ," Ken said, exasperated. "You're going to hold that shit against me for the next five hundred years, aren't you? We're going to sitting on a goddamn space station orbiting a moon of Saturn in the year 2450 and you're still going to be saying 'but you didn't have to go through the immune response', aren't you?"

"Goddamn right I am," Meghan said with a laugh. "What kind of wife would I be if I didn't?"

"All right you two," Jo said, shaking her head in amusement. "Why don't you save it for the space station?" She turned to Dick. "On a more serious note, have you dug up any information on why Ken didn't experience an immune response? Or why he began to show signs of successful propagation early? It would seem those two things are related, right?"

"Right," Dick said, nodding. "And as a matter of fact, I did receive some interesting information from Ian Goodhall, one of the Propagation Council members from South Africa. It seems Ken's early symptomology and lack of immune response is not entirely unprecedented after all."

"It's not?" Ken asked. "I thought you said there was nothing in the medical files about it."

"Nothing in the Western World Cognate medical files from the last three hundred years," Dick corrected. "Ian, however, worked and lived for many years in Johannesburg, which is quite close to some of the more notorious sub-Saharan Africa nations. He tells me that in both Mozambique and Zimbabwe during the early years of the AIDS crisis, there were reports of numerous propagations of late stage AIDS patients by cognate who wanted to save beloved humans from death. AIDS, as you know, is a disease that destroys the human immune system and renders it incapable of fighting off viruses, bacteria, and other malignant invaders. In many of these AIDS propagations—as Ian calls them—the humans did not display any sort of immune response and propagated about a week faster than an average human. The reasoning behind this is simple: You can't have an immune system response if you've got no immune system."

"So the virus just goes in and runs rampant through the human's body?" Ken asked.

"Exactly," Dick said. "That allows everything to happen faster because the virus is able to replicate unchecked. It's so simple I'm almost ashamed of myself for not having realized that this was going on. Of course, in my own defense, I have always been taught that propagation had to include an immune response and I guess I subconsciously assumed that it was a necessary part of the process. And I also had no reason to believe that your immune system was that compromised, Ken. You had pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to the liver. You had not undergone any sort of chemotherapy so I didn't consider your immune system much at all."

"So why was my immune system compromised?" Ken asked.

"The tumors must have spread to your lymph system as well," Dick said. "Not only had they spread there, but they'd established themselves enough to have knocked your entire immunity out, not just near the primary tumors, but everywhere. That is why you suddenly seemed to get worse just as you arrived here. You were even sicker than we'd first thought."

It was Meghan who first caught the ramifications of this. "So ... so ... if we wouldn't have started the propagation when we did..."

"Ken wouldn't have made it this far," Dick said. "If another week had gone by he would have been too sick, too weak to make it to the self-repair phase. The stress of the vomiting and the malnutrition would have killed him."

It was after the pre-sunrise feeding on the thirteenth night that Meghan first held the blood down after drinking it from Jo's wrist. She was miserably nauseous, of that there was no doubt, but she held on, her eyes tightly closed, her fists clenched, her breathing deep and regular. Forty-five post-amnesiac minutes went by and she never left the bed. Finally, she drifted off to sleep, apparently without realizing it.

"She did it," Jo said, very pleased as she looked down at her soon-to-be child with love. "She held it down. We're on the downside of this thing now, Ken. We really are."

Ken was looking pensively down at his wife. He had already been fed from and had fed. He could feel the warmth and the draining at work within him, the mild, underlying thrum that signaled an ongoing major overhaul instead of an emergency repair. He shook his head a little. "This is all really happening, right?" he asked.

Jo reached up and caressed the back of his neck gently. There was no confusion regarding what he was talking about in her eyes. "Yes," she told him. "It's really real. You're really going to be cognate in another week and a half or so. You're really going to be slinking around and feeding from the necks of humans."

"I'm really not going to age," he whispered.

"You're really not going to age," Jo assured him. "You're going to live a long, fruitful life full of eroticism and adventure and you're going to have Meghan at your side through it all."

He sighed, shaking his head a little more. "That's what keeps throwing me for a loop," he said. "A little over a month ago, I was preparing for death. I had mentally accepted that I was going to die and die soon, but now ... now I'm not. Now I'm not only going to live, but I'm not even going to age. I'm going to be perpetually young and strong and sexually active. Do you have any idea how strange that makes me feel?"

"Yes," Jo said. "I do."

"You do?"

"Maybe not to the same degree that you do, but every cognate who ever lived has had a basic understanding of the concept you're describing. Most of us didn't cut it as close as you did, that is true, but all of us went from the life of a mere mortal looking at maybe forty more years of life at the most—the last twenty-five of which would have been lived in misery and pain—to a theoretical immortal who will never get old at all and who will not have to die until he or she chooses. It's a notion that takes a while to grasp, that the human mind is simply not programmed to take seriously even when looking at the reality of it. The very illogic of it makes it seem like a dream."

"Yes!" Ken said, nodding excitedly. "I've been feeling like that a lot ever since my dental work popped out of my mouth and Dick told me the propagation was working. One part of my brain knows this is real but another part ... the biggest part, keeps insisting that this can't be real, that cognate don't exist, and that I'm probably in a drug induced stupor in some hospital bed back in Sacramento having some sort of end-of-life delusion."

"It's no delusion, Ken," Jo told him.

"How do I know that?" he asked.

Jo thought for a moment. "Well ... I can give you the closest thing available to proof if you need it."

"You can?"

She gave him an accommodating smile. "Let me see your hand," she said.

"Why?" he asked, concerned. "You're not going to chop it off, are you?"

"No, we'll save that for your own Disquisition in a hundred years or so. This will be just a little demonstration."

Hesitantly, he held out his hand to her. She took it in hers and then, with her other hand, brought up the razor knife she used to cut her wrist for feeding. Before Ken could even fully comprehend what she was doing, she drew the blade across the tip of his index finger, slicing his skin. It was a small cut, perhaps a quarter of an inch in length and only deep enough for a drop or two of blood to well up. It was little more than a paper cut, really, but, like a paper cut, it stung quite deeply.

"Ow!" Ken barked, instinctively jerking his hand from her grasp. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Did it hurt?" Jo asked him.

"Of course it hurt!" he said. "You just cut my freakin' finger!" He picked up one of the towels that were always kept handy on the propagation bed, found a clean spot, and dabbed at the blood.

"If it hurts, it's not a dream, right?" Jo asked.

He thought that over for a second, stunned by the simplicity of the argument. The pain was still there. It was sharp, intense, throbbing, and, most important, it was real. "I ... I suppose you're right," he finally said.

"And look at your finger now," she said. "Watch it. Feel it."

He did as instructed. Sure enough, within ten or fifteen seconds, the pain in the finger faded away and was replaced by the now familiar warmth of his flesh healing. While still stained with a small smear of his blood, the cut closed up and disappeared.

"If the pain was real," Jo told him, "then the healing had to be real too, right?"

He thought this one over. Logic suggested she was correct. "Yes," he said.

She took his hand again and brought the healed finger to her lips. She kissed it and then put the hand back in his lap. "It's real, Ken. Everything is real."

Two more nights went by. Meghan kept the blood down at both feedings. She was still a long way from actually craving it, but it no longer had the power to make her vomit. This meant her body was now able to use most of it for nourishment. She stopped losing weight. Her fever faded away while she slept off the post-sunset feeding on the second night and it did not return. She actually began to get some of her energy back.

Ken continued to feel the draining and the warmth. Now it seemed to be with him all the time, not just in the hour or so after feeding from Jo's wrist. Interestingly, Ken was the first one to notice that he was starting to look younger. The change was so gradual that Jo and Meghan, who saw him constantly, absorbed the change without realizing it. Even Gertie, Harold, Dick, and the various cognate cops who pulled shifts in the house failed to detect the change at first. But Ken, who had developed a dislike of scrutinizing his reflection in the mirror as a natural part of his cancer, suddenly did just that on the second morning after brushing his teeth.

"Wow," he whispered, awed by what he was seeing. The skin of his face looked tighter and smoother. The small collection of crow's feet that had sprung up in the corner of his eyes in the last five years was gone. So were the so-called wisdom lines that had been cropping up on his forehead. His lips seemed fuller, his cheeks leaner, the flesh of his chin and upper neck solid looking and muscled instead of slightly sagging. It was not a dramatic change—not yet anyway—but it looked like he'd lost maybe ten years. He didn't mention his observations to anyone. This was partially for fear of being thought vain but mostly out of curiosity. He wanted to see how long it would take before the changes became obvious to those who saw him every day.

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Do not read if controlled pain and power play offends you.“I don't think this is really the book you want me to publish, is it Lizzy? Why don't you come over this afternoon and we'll go through some ideas.”“OK Emma, around 2pm OK?” Lizzy was probably cowering on the other end of the phone. She had been writing good short stories for a couple of years but had tried her hand at erotica and frankly it looked like she had 'cut and pasted' her ideas off the net. It was all disjointed and with no...

4 years ago
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Corrections Officer

It has been the few months on the job as a corrections officer at the county jail. My assignment is the overnight shift in the women’s block. Although it is technically against the rules for inmates to be sexually active with each other to keep lover quarrels at bay, it is rarely enforced.Two that were always sexually active in the middle of the night were inmates Cece and Kay. As I would make my rounds, I would stand slightly out of view and watch them through the low light. I could hear their...

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Corrective Measures

Pia sat in silence, ashen faced and scared as her parents were hysterical. Their "guruji" sat cross-legged on the floor, muttering to himself. Her mother wailed, "How could this happen? We should've never left her alone with her friend." Her father tried to comfort her, but choking back tears, he asked the holy man, "Is there any hope? Can she be cured and rehabilitated?"Pia knew she was toast. Her mom had discovered the vibrator during a routine search of her room. She never understood why her...

2 years ago
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Knowing only what I had read about BDSM, I was intrigued enough to join several websites dedicated to the subject. Not entirely sure what I was looking for, I created a profile online listing myself as a straight 'switch', but giving few other details. I enjoyed browsing the profiles of women online, but never plucked up enough courage to open a dialog with one.Suddenly, one day he received a notification that he had a message waiting. Clicking the link, he saw that young Domme from New York...

4 years ago
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Corrective Measures

"Man, I still can't believe what a bitch my mom is. Jesus, I can drive. I can even almost buy a pack of cigarettes, but she still won't let me stay home by myself when she goes on vacation." "Relax, Bobby. So your mother likes to send her precious little baby to stay with his aunt while she goes on vacation. So what?" "Go to hell!" "Hey, don't yell at me. You're the one who has been on this topic for an hour, mama's boy." "This really isn't funny, Hank." "I don't know....

2 years ago
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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...

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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...

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Correcting Sissy

"So then, why are you wearing a bra?" "Because I am a sissy." "And why are you a sissy?" "Because you made me one." "What?" I asked unbelievingly. "I made you one?" My voice rising. "I'm sorry ma'am, that's not what I meant." The words just barely eked out as he realized his folly. "I meant that you have allowed me to realize the sissy that I am, of course," he said, blubbering, as he fell to his knees. "You know how grateful I am for that." He inched forward until his nose...

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Correcting My Stepdaughter

I became sexually aware at a young age and enjoyed sex with girls first and by the time I was a teenager I was dating boys and was willing to give blowjobs and as long as the guys wore rubbers I would allow them to fuck me. This sex story is totally FICTION! When I entered collage and got on campus there was a girl at the orientation meeting that I was attracted to. She was an attractive brunette with gray eyes and a knockout figure. I approached her and stuck out my hand, “Hi my...

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Correction Multiplied

David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference.   Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month.     David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.”   Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...

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Corrected Behaviour part 1

I thought it was my lucky night when she struck up a conversation with me. I had been cruising a few bars looking to pick up a woman for a one night stand as usual and Rachel, as she introduced herself, was certainly my type. Curvy and voluptuous with shoulder length fair hair and mischievous green eyes, I was taken with her instantly. Her curves had been poured into a tight black pencil skirt, complimented by an equally tight white blouse that accentuated her ample bosom. Her sheer tights and...

2 years ago
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60 MRS BRIDGES AND THE SILVER MASTERThose of you that know me will know, that I am known at home as the Silver Master, I live near Dover in Kent, in the UK, it`s an old farm ½ mile from the village, though not a working farm it works as a place of solace for some of my patients, I being a registered consultant in sexual mental anguish.That really means I`m what is locally known as a shrink! However, the twist is that I am a sadist myself and I have a hidden dungeon that I use for my work, and...

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Treasure hunt

As i got into my car after a long day at work i had a semi, I'd had it almost the whole of the day due to the fact thers a pair of plump sluts at my work place. Both of these chunky babes wear skin tight leggings and tight polo shirts. I had spent most of the time watching their fat arses jiggling up and down, occasionally bending over to pick stuff up giving a glimpse of heaving tits. So my cock was utterly teased, as i drove home my mind wondered as i thought my sister-in-law wears pretty...

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Daddys Girls Chapter 4 Laurie

The next day at school, the rest of the Daddy’s Girls could sense something was different with Beth. She was exuberantly bouncy, but seemed stiff somehow. She had a faraway look in her eye, and more than once had to be called out to snap out of her reverie. Ordinarily, the Girls would read these signs to sense that something was wrong. However, the smile never left her face. They let it rest until lunch.They met at their normal gathering place, the large Oak tree off near the edge of the school...

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Toms DiaryChapter 23

Saturday, April 6, 2002 I awoke from sleep, looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It was a little after one. In spite of our earlier unity, Mary had moved off to one side of the bed. I rolled back to cuddle up to her, reveling in the warmth of her physical presence, the warmth of her soul in proximity to mine. I smiled to myself remembering that once Mary had worried about being a 'Thursday's.' No, I thought as I settled back into sleep, you are going to be a 'most every day' if I...

4 years ago
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Bimbo Brinkmanship

Today's the day things are finally going to change. No more feeling undesirable. No more "not now, honey, I have a headache." No more sad handjobs. No more flipping through Netflix with a half-chub, no more Fleshlight window shopping, no more running out of tissues and lotion, and DEFINITELY no more porn sites on the credit card. There's a miracle sitting right on your kitchen table, practically staring you in the eye. A substance guaranteed to make any woman more sexy, horny, and airheaded -...

3 years ago
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Long Hair Play With Sex Bomb Neighbour Kiara 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, this is Kabir, 21 years old back with another story. I am staying in Mumbi and I have a fetish for long hair. This incident happened 2 years back with my neighbour. She is 4 years elder to me and her name is Kiara. We stay in a good society in Mumbai on the second floor adjacent to each other. Kiara stayed in the town side area of Mumbai with her parents and came here just during her vacations. I had seen her earlier also during a few functions. But today she looked like a bomb. She...

2 years ago
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Shadow and LightChapter 25

The Pit, Vampire Temple, Beneath New York, 20 Minutes Later At the bottom of the pit, Max limply lay on his back and surrounded by inch deep water. Normally a fall like that would have broken every bone in his body, it should have outright killed him, but instead he was more or less intact. Aside from the water moving back and forth against him and moved his limbs with the gentle flow, other than that he was completely motionless. The only light shone down from the opening high above he was...

4 years ago
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Emperors BodyguardChapter 4 Becoming a Bodyguard

I stepped out of the shuttle’s door and nodded to the two officers that saluted me before returning it and shouldering my bag. The junior sergeant that met me only glanced up and down at me, pausing at the black leather hilt of the mono knife on my left thigh and the new Mark VI rail gun on my right thigh. He looked into my face, “That leather is not going to hide what is under it.” I shrugged, “I did not put the leather on it to hide it.” He nodded and turned to lead the way through the...

2 years ago
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Lets do it again Daddy

Chapter 1 Jared was in a great mood. After four long months of unemployment, he had finally found a job! The new job paid less than his previous salary, but at least he would be bringing in some income. Marla, his wife, had made him feel worthless since he had lost his job. She either gave him the cold shoulder or nagged at him constantly. And he can't remember the last time they made love. He was always horny as hell, and had resorted to jacking off to get some relief. Maybe when Marla...

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LuciChapter 5

"Good morning, Gary. One black coffee, one bagel, heavy cream cheese and one good morning kiss." I tried not to scowl at Nikki as she started around the desk to give me a kiss. She must have sensed that the kiss would be a bad idea, because she stopped at the corner and just looked at me. "Did I say something wrong?" she asked, looking at my expression. I was of two minds about how I was feeling towards Nikki at the moment. I know my feelings were not neutral but whether they were on...

2 years ago
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Executive Perks6

By Greg I am the director of marketing at a large fortune five hundred corporation with headquarters on the east coast. I have been steadily working my way up the corporate ladder for years and have made all the right connections along the way. Over time I have proven myself to be reliable, effective and committed. Upon reaching this level I now enjoy some of the perks of the job and I don’t just mean the keys to the executive restroom. Our business interests span the...

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Let me show you something

Let me show you something“Kate was lying outside in the back yard soaking up some sun. Her yard was private so she slipped off her top to avoid tan lines. She started to get warm and decided it was time for a break. Besides, she needed to get some groceries in the house and thought this would be a good time of day to avoid the grocery store rush. Not wanting to fuss much over herself, she slipped on a short skirt, a white blouse and some sandals. She didn’t bother putting a bra on because she...

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The BootleggerChapter 5

If I just wanted to survive, I could probably manage it on the strictly legal businesses. I decided that by thanksgiving of that fifth year. But I remembered the lessons I learned on the prison farm. Making drastic changes cause more people to end up in jail than the crimes themselves. It was really about not drawing attention to myself for any reason that I counted on to keep me out of trouble with the law. Since I had no close neighbors, most likely no one had seen me build the chicken...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 22 The Bond of Avvah

Introduction: Mark is under Sister Theodoras spell as Mary struggles to understand whats happened to her fiancee. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-two: The Bond of Avvah Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com. I was sunning myself on the beach, catching the last rays of the Miami sun. I was wearing a skimpy bikini, white with pink flowers decorating it. The sun felt great on my skin. Antsy plane should have landed in Seattle by now. It was only a matter of time...

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Fingered onto the examination table

I called my good girlfriend Stella and she told me that she was having some troubles with her vagina; because the smallest cock inside even caused her a great pain…I joked with her, saying her problem was she loved to be used just by huge black cocks, no small white pieces…She joked back, laughing and saying that even my beloved hubby’s dick could cause her any pain…So good Stella asked me to go with her to see a new doctor that I had met before; to see if he could find out what was going...

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Beautiful People Ch 2

By Jax_Teller I was riding my Harley home after an eye opening weekend, it was close to midnight and half way home I noticed a set of head lights following me. At first I thought I was being paranoid, but after a few turns I was sure I was being followed, and they were being very careful not to be seen (like a professional would). I waited until I found the perfect place with no population and well lit stretch of road and I broke hard and turned the Harley around loosed the strap holding...

4 years ago
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The Visitor

Michelle was relaxing in the bath. Hot and full of bubbles. The bathroom black tiles were wet with steam, as well as her glass of wine sat on the side. She took a sip of the cool liquid and thought of the night ahead.She placed her glass back onto the bath shelf, then rose her right leg and allowing the bubbles to fall down back into the bath, she took her shower gel and lathered her leg. Taking her razor she gentle shaved, did the same with her left leg, and was satisfied with the smooth...

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Dad Almost Caught Me and Mom

I had just returned home from work and had taken a quick shower. I was now standing in front of my bedroom mirror, looking at my naked body. My tanned skin looked pretty good on me, I'm glad I got it. I'm 14 years old, dark brown hair and blue eyes. I get my eyes from my Mom, hair from my Dad. My uncircumcised 2 inch penis caught my eye. Hair was growing all over it. Felt... weird. I put on all my clothes and was about to clean my ears when my Mom called me. I entered my parents dark...

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My Best Friend 12 The Surprise Pt 2

The bell rang. I noticed that time had flown seeing how I did all my homework in my last class. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my stuff in it. I walked out of the classroom and headed to leave the school. I walked by where Amanda’s last class was so we could walk home together. The time had really flown by because I was so excited that Amanda could spend the night at my place without having to sneak around so she could spend the night. As I reached her last classroom, I heard her familiar voice....

Love Stories
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Backmailed for money

This is about a story of a young girl who got fucked for money by her friend. Neethu is 16 yr old sweet beautiful girl who was studying 10th class.She has a neighbor and friend called Suman who is also stying with her on the same class.They both were friends for more than 10 yrs. One day Neethu’s Mom felt sick, she took her to the doctor and came to know that her Mom is affected by severe brain tumor and it will cost 2 lakhs to cure it. Neethu belongs to poor family lost her dad is at a vey...

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the first time i fucked my wife

She had recently split with her boyfriend at the time, we had dated before, but not much more than that, I saw her alot with her boyfriend and knew I wanted her, especially as that I had previously dated her before they met.She lived not far from me and we started chatting here and there and she kept giving me signals and suggesting that things wasn't right in there relationship.Until eventually she asked me if I would like to go for a drink, I agreed, during the drink I asked if she was still...

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The House at the End of the StreetChapter 9

Heather was forced to break another "date" with Brad, much to general grumbling and griping on his part. She hated to do it, but she needed time to talk to Jason and Melinda about the house. She wanted to know more about it. Unfortunately, they could not tell her much. Not even the "wonder nerd" knew anything more. "I thought you'd give me some big hour-long explanation on how it worked," Heather said to Jason. The three of them wandered down a nature trail in the greenbelt that ran...

1 year ago
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Me and my new neighbors

I had been in my new apartment for only a week when the couple across the hall stopped by to welcome me. Bob and Diane brought a bottle of wine, which we sat down and started to drink. They had been married for a few months and seemed very nice. Bob was about 6'2" and I guessed weighed about 190-200 lbs. He was very good looking, with an athlete's body. Diane was very hot, blonde, about 5'4" and about 115 lbs. We downed the bottle fairly quickly and they invited me over to their place for...

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Neighbors Photoshoot

My Chicago two-flat: I own it and live downstairs, you live upstairs. Unfortunately, you lost your job and can't pay the rent ("You must pay the rent!" "I can't pay the rent!" "You must pay the rent!" "I can't pay the rent!" etc.). When you've had to see me for unit repairs, rent, etc., I make sure you see me looking at porn mags, you react in disgust, you want nothing to do with me. I propose a deal: if you pose for me, "artistic pinup" pictures, that will work off your rent for the month. You...

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A True Story

A True StoryAll names have been changed to protect the Innocent.Laurel was my bride of 14 years at the time of this story. The year was 1998. One night about six months after we had bought our first computer, primarily because Laurel had returned to college to earn her bachelor's degree in education. Computers had windows 98 then and it was before lap-tops were in vogue and widely in use. We started to talk about all of the cool things we had discovered on the world wide web. One of the things...

First Time
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Some Good Sex

I was entering the common shower, on the fourth floor of my dorm. I heard the water running and figured that I would not be alone in there. As I came around the corner I saw Dale soaping up his body, since his back was turned to me, I decided to watch as he worked the soap into a lather. Dale stood nearly 5'9" and weighed about 175lbs, he wasn't very muscular, but his muscles were well defined. His thigh and calve muscle glistened from the water and his back muscles rippled as he moved his...

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Suzies New Life Chapter 3

Chapter 3: San Francisco Here We Come I was sleeping soundly, dreaming of what it would be like to be Suzie fulltime, wearing nice clothes, being able to get rid of all of my boring guy clothes, being able to get my hair colored and permed without anyone saying anything, to have real breasts and to have guys check me out as just a cute girl. Gees did I say guys? Suddenly my sweet dreams were interrupted by Jennifer shaking me saying it was time to get up. I sat up and...

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Stacy the Asian pharmacistfantasy 1

Stacy opens the wraparound pharmacy gate just enough to get inside and set her keys and stuff down on the counter. She's so intent on making sure she shuts off the alarm in time, she doesn't realize her admirer's made his way inside the store and stealthily slipped past the gate...he's now inside the pharmacy, and no one knows he's there(it's too early for security to be in the store, so no one's watching the monitors). "Hey, beautiful." Stacy lets out a little gasp as she...

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My Wifes Fantasy

My Wife's Fantasy This story was inspired by a letter to an "Agony Aunt" that I read in a newspaper the other day. How did I get into this mess? It had all started innocently enough. My wife and I were laying in bed the other morning gently making love, as we do most mornings; it is a much better way to wake up than the traditional cup of tea! Anyway, before I go any further I ought to introduce myself. My name is Peter; I am 28 years old and have been married to my adorable...

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The Mortification of Millie

It was fifteen minutes from quitting time when Millie got called into Mr. Carrolton's office. In the fifteen years of working her way up through the ranks at Carrolton Manufacturing, this was the first time she had ever set foot in his office. She was very nervous, as people rarely got called into that office for good reasons. When she entered, she immediately saw Mr. Carrolton sitting behind his very large desk. Mr. Wallace, her immediate supervisor, was in a chair to her right. Millie was...

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The Mist of Time Ch 0506

CHAPTER FIVE With Tina away I had a quiet day that Thursday. I busied myself looking on the internet for any property auctions that may be coming up. These auctions usually offer re-possessed property, where the Bank or Building Society tries to recoup their outstanding debt. They put on a reserve that matches their debt so if they have a property with a debt of say three hundred thousand pounds that’s their reserve price, even though the value of the property was much higher. As long as they...

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Mia Six Months Later

I would not see Mia for another 6 months.  However, during that time she wrote me 3 letters (this was before texting) and called me on the phone a month before I would see her again.  In the letters she told me how much she enjoyed being with me during her last visit.  Even though, Mia and Tia were identical twins, I was soon finding out how much different they were sexual.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed having sex with Tia, but she was not raunchy or nasty.  Even in her letters, Mia would...

Group Sex
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Sex Studio Secrets 17 Hannie3

Hannie has fine firm big breasts and auburn hair, big bush hiding her hot slit and a feminine figureAwesomely attractive ass as her bums are tight and tasty, so ideally inviting sexy spanking some timeNext time the virgin visits me for more lessons of love, at my wishes she dresses up as a school girlNothing underneath her sexy short plated skirt in blue red and green, no bra either although C-cups!I let her strip slowly for the cameras behind my mirrors before inviting her for intimate...

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CousinChapter 11

As Lisa made the six hour drive down to the university town where she was to meet Diana, she thought about all that had happened. A week ago she had planned to stop and see her aunt and uncle for two or three days, then go camping in one of the state parks for a few days and finally meet Diana for a short trip before Diana went back to the west coast. But finding Dan, object of a hundred different fantasies over the last eight or nine years, instead of her aunt and uncle had changed...

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Hi people. This is Riya from India. I am a regular reader of stories on this site. So i decided to post my own real story. I am 20 years old, graduate, 5’10” tall, 36-22-36 figure, very light weight, very fair, medium length black hair and blue eyes. This event occured when I was on a tour to USA few months back along with my few friends. At that time I was virgin. It was monday when we reached USA. we spend the whole day taking rest after a long journey. we spent few days visiting tourist...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached

I slowly open my eyes, with a great difficulty. I almost feel as though there are weights attached to my eyelids. I’m not exactly sure where I am, or how I had even arrived here. I vaguely remember being here yesterday though, and a sense of anguish. I try lifting my head but again there seems to be a resistance even though I don’t feel anything around my head. There’s also a throbbing pain through my wrists and ankles, but I can’t seem to find the strength to look. Moments go by and a young...

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Live beach account as it happens

I am sitting here on Ågesta nude beach, just outside Stockholm, and it's just past midday on Friday July 9th.I am naked, like most, except I am recounting life around me as it goes slowly by typing on my new laptop as I see it.It is sunny but cloudy and nice to note that there are plenty of nice fat sausage looking cocks swinging around, and my lips are aching to sample one of them.My naughty niece is with me, lying completly starkers, legs apart and also adding to the attraction of the...

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A Different Kind of Prom

A Different Kind of Prom By Brian [email protected] When we were both five years old I told Brenda Anders that I loved her. She told me that she loved me too. I told her that she was pretty. She replied that I was pretty as well. I told her that I wanted to marry her. "I'm sorry," she replied, with seriousness that now seems silly in a kindergartner. "I don't want to...

4 years ago
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My Sister and I for the First Time

Introduction: Again [Intro: This is a true story featuring sex and romance between a brother and sister who are both fairly young. If this would offend you, please do not read it. This was several years ago now, but is as true as I can make it. Everyone is over 18.] I looked from my laptop up as my sister Angie came into my room. Hey Zack, whats up? she said Hey sis. I just heard from Stephanie. She has too much work to do this weekend, and she cant make it back. Our older sister was in...

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