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Correction By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Chapter 1 The sound of the police siren startled Carson as he drove down home from his job at the local mall. He looked in the rearview mirror and confirmed his worst fears as he saw the lights of the police cruiser flashing behind him. The teenager wondered what he had done wrong. He had been barely driving the speed limit and he knew that he had made a complete stop at the last sign. He had just turned seventeen and the last thing he needed was a ticket. He pulled over and watched as the police officer approached the car. Carson rolled down the window and waited nervously. It was a warm summer afternoon, but the sweat he felt wasn't from the heat. The officer looked into the car as he pulled off his sunglasses. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" he asked. "No Officer, I honestly don't," replied Carson honestly. "Your left brake light is out," said the officer. "I need to see your license, registration and proof of insurance." "Just a moment," said Carson as he retrieved the documents and passed them the officer. "Um, the car is my father's so the insurance and registration is in his name." The cop took them and looked at Carson. "Are you Jack Haynes's kid?" he asked. Carson nodded. His father, Jack Haynes had been the principal of the local high school for the past ten years and was well known and respected in the community. "I thought you looked like him. Okay, I'll still need to check this. I'll be right back," said the officer. Carson nodded and waited for the officer to return. The good thing was that he wasn't speeding or anything like that, he thought. The officer returned a few minutes later and he had a big smile on his face. "First, I'll just give you a warning for the brake light," he said. "Thanks," replied Carson, who was wondering why that was so amusing. "However, I ran your license and according the Pennsylvania DMV, you're actually a girl," said the officer with a chuckle. "What?" asked Carson as he looked at his license. "Look, it says male on it." "I know, but in the DMV database, you're listed as female. Those computers have had all sorts of problems lately. Just call them and they should make the correction," said the officer. "Oh, and the next time you see your father, tell him Tim Franklin said hi. This makes up for the times I was sent to his office." "I will," said Carson. "Umm, and thanks for just giving me a warning and for the info about my license." "No problem," said Tim as he began to laugh. Carson looked at his license and shook his head in disbelief, before sticking it back in his wallet. Chapter 2 "Lori, I'm home," said Carson as he walked into the house. "How was work?" asked his sister from the kitchen. Carson walked in and sat down at the kitchen table. She was just thirteen months older than Carson and they were very close. They knew how to get under each other's skin, but they also cared deeply about each other even if they wouldn't always admit it. He told her about the ticket and what Officer Franklin had told him. Lori smiled at her brother. "Well, you do make a cute girl, even though you're taller than me," she said. Carson flipped her the bird and she laughed. He was several inches taller than her; he was slight of build and had shaggy dark brown hair. The previous Halloween, she had helped him dress up as a girl for the school's costume party where he won first prize. "I'll call the DMV tomorrow and hopefully that will fix the problem," he replied. "So have you heard from Mom and Dad?" Their parents were out of town for an education conference for the week. "Yes, they arrived in Seattle on time and were going down to the opening reception," she replied as she went back to preparing dinner. "Oh, I'm planning on barbecuing some chicken for dinner if you want some." "Sounds great," he replied. "Oh, please don't mention anything about the license thing to anyone." "Would I do that, baby sister?" she replied with a laugh. He was tempted to flip her the bird again, but decided that he would just let the issue drop. Chapter 3 The next morning, after thirty minutes on hold, Carson finally got through to someone at the DMV. He explained the problem to the woman on the line. After a few minutes the woman told him that to computer problems, in in order to correct the mistake, she would have to issue him a new license. "Do I have to go back to the DMV?" he asked. "No, I will make the changes here and you should receive it in a few days," she replied. "When you get the new license, please destroy the old one as it won't be valid." "Thanks," he replied. He was a little annoyed that he would have to get a new license, but as he had heard from his parents, you can't argue with government red tape. He told Lori about the DMV's solution. "Just be careful driving the next few days. You don't want to be thrown in jail with your gender being questioned," she kidded. "Very funny," he replied. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" "Immensely," she replied. "Oh and make sure you use the correct rest room when you're at work." "Just you wait until I get some fresh dirt on you!" he countered. "Okay, little sister," she replied. Carson shook his head in disgust. "I'm a boy and I am bigger than you," he countered. "Not according to the DMV, but you are still taller, so would you prefer baby sister?" she asked. He gave her the finger, figuring the kidding couldn't get worse. "Not very ladylike! Sorry about the jokes, this is just too good to let go of," she said. "Whatever, just as long as you don't tell anyone about this," he said. "You know me better than that. Oh, I do have some good news, Kevin came by and fixed the brake light," she said. "When I told him about the warning, he immediately went out and got a new bulb." Kevin Nelson was Lori's current boyfriend. "Um, you didn't tell him about the license problem, did you?" asked Carson. "Of course not," she replied. "There was no need to as I already posted it on my Facebook account." Carson stared at her and then saw that she was smiling back at him. "Gotcha!" she replied playfully. Chapter 4 Three days later Carson arrived home from his job. He checked the mail and was slightly surprised that there was a letter from the DMV addressed to him. "Anything good in the mail?" said Lori as she walked past him on her way to the kitchen. "Yeah, I can't believe that my new license is here so quickly," he said as he opened the envelope. "Really? That is surprising," she replied. "When I got a replacement license it took two weeks." Carson pulled out his license and when he read it, his jaw dropped. "What the fuck!" he exclaimed loudly. "What is it?" she asked as she walked out to join him. "Look at this shit!" he raged. Lori looked at the license. It took her a moment to see what had angered her brother so much. "Whoa! They listed your gender as female," she said. "So much for being efficient and correcting a simple error. They actually made it worse!" he replied angrily. "They also got your height and weight wrong," she added. "What do you mean?" he asked as he looked at the license. "You're right. It has me several inches shorter and weighing a lot less." "I guess this makes you not only my younger sister, but my little sister too," kidded Lori. "It's not funny," said Carson. "Look, we'll call the DMV and set up an appointment to fix this. There's probably another Carson Hayes and the computer just screwed things up." He just stared at the license with disgust. "Well, put it your wallet with your other one, you'll need both when we go to the DMV," said Lori. "I'll drive that way if we get pulled over there's no confusion." "Thanks," he replied. "Of course if you want to drive you could put on one of my dresses, you'd fit in one now," she added. "Stop it. I don't want to laugh about this, I want to be angry," he replied. "Okay, little sister," she said with a laugh. "This isn't funny," he said angrily. "Actually it is," she replied. "You'll agree with me someday." "No I won't," he said as he looked at his watch. "There's still time to call them." Chapter 5 "I can't believe that they're closed until Monday," he said with disgust as he hung up the phone. "Budget cuts?" she asked. "No, some sort of computer problem. They're even closing the all DMV sites to correct the problem." "Sorry," she said. "The good news is that they said they're presently correcting many mistakes that have shown up in the system," he continued. "Something about a reboot of the computer system tonight starting at midnight." "That's good to hear," replied Lori. "Maybe they'll just send you a corrected license." "Yeah, but what if someone finds out about this? I'll be the laughing stock when school starts in the fall," he said as he stared at his new license. "No one will find out. I promise not to tell anyone and by Monday everything will be fixed," she said. "You really promise not to tell anyone?" he asked. "I do. I also promise to give you grief over it but only in private," she added with a wink. "Gee, thanks," he replied. "You sure you don't want me to dress you up? I mean you're legally a girl right now," she said. "I could even style your hair." "That's okay," he replied. "Just you wait until I get some more dirt on you." "I think you gave me enough crap when I had the stomach flu after the New Year's Eve party," she said. "Stomach flu? You were drunk!" he replied with a laugh. "I can't believe you did all those tequila shots." "Ugh! Don't remind me! It was such a stupid thing to do. And I appreciate that you never told Mom and Dad the truth," she said. "I think they knew the truth," he said. "The reason they didn't ground you was that they felt you suffered enough. You were puking all night." "Thanks for reminding me about that too. Still you were cool about it and lied to protect me and I really appreciate that," she replied. "You're welcome," he said. "You know, for an older sister you're not half bad." "And neither are you ... little sister," she added. Chapter 6 It was nearly two in the morning when Lori was snapped out of a sound sleep by the sound of a scream. She jumped out bed and rushed out into the hall. She could see that the bathroom door that she shared with Carson was closed and the light was on. She walked up to the door and listened. It sounded like someone was crying. She first tried to open the door but found it was locked so she knocked. "You okay?" she asked cautiously. "Please go away," he replied softly in between sobs. She couldn't remember the last time she had heard her brother cry. He was very tough, when it came to pain. When he had broken his leg skiing two years ago, he barely complained. The fact that he was crying sent a chill up her spine as something really bad must have happened. "Okay, you're scaring me, Carson, what's wrong?" she asked. "Just leave me alone," he replied. "If you don't tell me I'm calling 911," she threatened. "Please open the door. I need to see if you're okay." There was a pause, but then she heard his footsteps come closer. "You have to promise me not to tell anyone," he begged. "Now you're really freaking me out; please open the door," she begged. "Please promise," he repeated. "Okay, I promise," she replied. She heard him let out a deep breath before unlocking the door. "Come in," he said. She opened the door and saw him sitting on the toilet. He looked up at her wiped his eyes. He was dressed in a just a t-shirt and some running shorts. "What's going on?" she asked gently as she walked closer. "I got up to go to the bathroom, and, um, something happened to me," he started to reply. Lori could barely hear her brother he was talking so softly "Are you sick?" she asked cautiously. "I don't know, no not exactly," he replied. "I, um, I have changed." "What do you mean?" she asked as she leaned against the sink. He wiped more tears from his eyes. "Carson, please tell me what you mean?" she begged. "I can't explain it. I have to show you," he said as he took off his shirt to expose his chest. Lori gasped. "Oh My God!" she exclaimed. She stared at her brother's enlarged breasts. "Are those, are those real?" she asked. "Yes. I now have breasts," he stated. "I mean, they're not big, but they're definitely breasts." He now had small but shapely breasts. His nipples were also larger and darker in color. She reached over and gently touched his breast and immediately pulled her hand back. "Shit, they're real!" she stated. He looked down and nodded. "They weren't like this when I went to bed," he said. "You saw me! You would have noticed." "We better take you to the ER," she said. "You might be having an allergic reaction or something like that." He shook his head. "I can't," he replied. "You have to! This is serious!" she said. "You have no idea," he replied softly as he began to cry again. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Carson, what else is wrong?" He stood up and slipped down his shorts to expose that he now had a vagina. "Holy shit," she gasped as she steadied herself against the sink. Her brother was standing, naked, in front of her, and he now looked like a young girl. It wasn't just the breasts and the lack of male genitalia, his whole body looked different. It was now more slender and less muscular. "I know," he replied. "What the hell is happening to me? My dick is completely gone; I checked." "Are you in any pain?" she asked as she tried to regain her composure. Carson shook his head as he wiped away some tears. He slipped on his shorts and t-shirt. "I feel fine, other than the changes," he replied. "I'm really scared. What am I going to do?" Lori stared at her bother for a moment before wrapping her arms around him. Carson did the same thing to her and began to sob heavily. "What the hell is happening to me?" he repeated. "I don't know," she said as she held tightly to him. She felt like crying too but held it back as she knew she had to be strong for her brother. "I'm sorry," he sobbed. "You have nothing to be sorry about," she replied as she tried to comfort him. "Let it out, it's okay to cry." Chapter 7 "You feel better?" she asked as she handed him a towel "A little," he replied as he dried his face. "We should still go to the ER," she said. "And what will they do?" he asked. "Boys don't just change into girls. They'll put me in freak show." "So what do you want to do?" she asked. "Wait until Mom and Dad get back on Monday," he replied. "They'll know what to do, I hope." Lori looked back at her sibling and could see the fear in his eyes. She wasn't sure what her parents could do about this, but she didn't know what else to do. "Okay," she replied. "That's only a few days." "Thanks," he replied with a sign of relief. "So now what?" asked Lori. He let out a big yawn. "I'm really tired. I guess we go back to bed and sort this out in the morning," he said. "I feel a bit relieved now that you know about this." "You actually feel like sleeping?" she asked. He nodded as he yawned again. "I feel like I'm about to fall asleep here," he said. "It's weird, but just talking to you has calmed me down." He then let out another loud yawn. Lori nodded. She didn't have any better suggestion, but she didn't want to leave him alone either. "You want to crash in my room?" she asked. "You don't mind?" he asked as he yawned again. "No, I think it would be best," she replied. "Thanks," he said. "How could this happen?" "I have no idea, but we'll call Mom and Dad in the morning and see what they think. I don't think we should wait until they get back," she said. "I'd call them now but there's nothing they can do." He nodded. "I just had the strangest thought; you don't think that this was caused by the DMV's computer problems? What if this is the correction?" he said. She stared back at him. "Yeah that's really stupid, but what else could have caused it?" he continued as he yawned. "I have no idea," she said. "Well, come on, you look like your about to fall asleep here." Carson followed her into her room and sat down on one of the twin beds. In a few moments he was fast asleep. Lori was too keyed up to sleep and for the first few minutes all she could do was stare at her brother. After a while she turned on her laptop and began to search the internet. As expected, she didn't find anything really useful. The closest thing she found that described what was happening to Carson were a couple of fiction sites that specialized in transformation stories. After an hour of fruitless searching she turned off her laptop. She was about to try and get some sleep when she looked over at Carson. She had to stifle a gasp. In just the short time she had been on the computer, he had changed some more. His hair was now well past his shoulders and was lighter in color. It was now reddish blonde, like their mom's hair color. It now flowed around his face in large curls. She also noticed that his face had changed. He now looked like a girl. His face as softer and more feminine in appearance and his lips were larger and fuller. Additionally his cheeks were larger. She had to admit that he was quickly turning into a very pretty girl. In many ways Carson now looked like a much younger version of their mother. Lori wondered if the rest of his body was changing, but she didn't want to disturb his sleep. All she could do was stare at her brother as he transformed before her eyes into a girl. Chapter 8 Carson slowly opened his eyes and saw that Lori was sitting across from him. "Did you sleep at all?" he asked groggily. Lori shook her head. "I wanted to see if you were okay," she greeted. "Um, how do you feel?" Carson could see that his sister was worried. "Okay, why do you ask?" replied Carson who immediately gasped. He coughed to clear his throat before continuing. "What the hell! Do I sound different?" Lori bit her lip as she nodded. "You sound like a teenage girl," she admitted. "Sorry, but there's no sense in lying to you." "Shit," cursed Carson. "It's not all. Carson, you better brace yourself," said Lori as she pointed at the mirror. "Your body has changed even more. I'm sorry, but there's no way to hide this." Carson paused for a minute and then sat up and looked in the mirror. He saw a buxom teenage girl staring back at him. "Shit," gasped Carson. "How can this be happening? I really look like a girl now." Carson stood up and stared in the mirror. Lori stood up next to him. She noticed that he was several inches shorter than she was. Carson didn't notice the height difference, as he was too preoccupied with the other changes. "Look at my body!" said Carson. "My tits, they're grown so big! How is this possible?" His new breasts were pressing tightly against the material of the t- shirt. He also noticed that his shorts didn't fit. They felt tight and he ran his hands down to confirm the worst. His hips and ass were now much bigger. Lori had to admit that Carson had a very nice figure to match the rest of the changes. She wanted to correct him and say that he should call them breasts, but she kept her mouth shut. Instead, she let him to take in all the changes. "My clothes don't fit," he said. "Do you mind if I take them off?" "No," replied Lori. Carson stripped off his clothes and stood naked in front of his sister. It took Carson a few minutes to absorb that the physical transformation was complete from his toes to his head. In addition to his large breasts, he had a thin waist and shapely hips and rear. While he had never been muscular, his legs and arms were now quite slender and feminine. It began to sink in that his body had become totally female. "I'm really a girl," gasped Carson. "I know it doesn't make sense, but I'm really a girl." "I know," said Lori as she took in his transformation. She decided not to tell Carson how attractive he now looked. "Do you feel different?" asked Lori. "Do you still feel like a guy?" She handed her brother a bathrobe to put on. "In what way?" asked Carson with a confused look on his face as he slipped on the robe. "I don't know. Um, okay, do you, um, like boys?" she asked. Carson turned and gave Lori a long stare. "Sorry, that was an insensitive question," said Lori. "Let me think of something else." Carson shook her head. "No, it wasn't. Holy shit I do, I do like boys!" Carson gasped. "I just thought of a guy in my class and I realize that I like him, a lot. How could this happen?" He sat down on the bed next to Lori. "I don't know. Why don't we go down and call Mom and Dad?" she suggested. "Do we have to?" he whined. "Carson, we can't keep this a secret. I hate to say this, but no one would think you're a guy. You look and sound like a girl," she replied. "There's no way we can hide this. We have to tell them and hopefully they'll have an idea what to do." "I guess that makes sense, can we eat too?" he asked. "Are you hungry?" she asked with a shocked look on her face. "Famished, I guess the change burned a lot of energy, but can I get a shower first? I feel like I need it," said Carson. "Okay," said Lori. "I'll get started on breakfast." "Thanks," replied Carson. "So what are we going to tell them?" "I have no idea," she replied. "But I'm with you no matter what happens." "Thanks," replied Carson. "I'm glad to help you, Carson," she replied. "Um, you're going to need something to wear. I doubt I have anything that will fit you, but maybe there are some items of Mom's you can wear." Carson stared back and then nodded. "You're right, I doubt anything I have will fit now," he said as he cupped his breasts. Carson then paused as he looked in the mirror. "I guess ... I guess I'm really your sister now," stated Carson. Chapter 9 Lori sat downstairs drinking a mug of coffee, as she waited for Carson to get out of the shower. She heard the water stop and she knew that Carson had finished her shower. It was obvious that Carson would need a new wardrobe. She thought about how open Carson would be to going shopping. She could measure Carson and get some things. In addition to clothes, Carson would need personal care products and makeup. The good thing was that Carson was quite attractive and had a great body and that no one would ever think that she had once been a boy. Suddenly it hit her that she was beginning to think of Carson as her sister. It wasn't just because Carson looked like a girl either. With each passing moment, she was accepting that Carson was a real girl. "I now have a sister and her name is Carson," she said aloud. It didn't sound strange as if Carson had always been a girl and that made Lori do a double-take. What was happening she wondered. She was brought back to reality as she heard Carson leaving the bathroom and walk towards his, make that her, bedroom. "Lori!" shouted Carson. "You need to get up here!" Lori got up and rushed to the stairs. "What is it?" asked Lori anxiously. "You have to see this to believe it; you wouldn't believe me if I said it!" shouted Carson from the top of the stairs. Lori ran up the stairs and found Carson standing in the hallway. Carson only had a towel wrapped around her shapely body. "What's wrong?" asked Lori. "Look," said Carson as she pointed into her bedroom. Lori tuned and let out a gasp of shock. "How did this happen?" exclaimed Lori as she looked into Carson's room. "No idea, but then again, how did this happen to me?" asked Carson entered the room. They walked into the bedroom together. Carson's room now looked like that of a teenage girl. It was even more feminine than Lori's room. Everything was different, from the furniture to the clothing in the closet. Even the walls were a different color; they had been light blue but now they were a pale shade of green. There were now floral patterned curtains around the windows. There wasn't a single sign that that a teenage boy had ever lived in the room. "What's really weird is that this all seems familiar," said Lori. "I mean, it's like it has always been this way." "I know," replied Carson. "I mean, I know this is my room and where everything is, even though it wasn't this way last night. I know where everything is, and I can even remember buying most of these outfits. I can even remember picking out the material for the curtains with Mom." Lori sat down on the bed. "This is incredible. I wonder what else has changed?" asked Lori. "I guess we can find out after I get dressed," said Carson. "Do you want me to leave?" asked Lori. Carson shrugged her shoulders. "What difference does it make? I mean I'm a girl, now, and your little sister," said Carson as she let the towel fall to the floor. "I can also use your advice on what to wear." Chapter 10 Lori watched with amazement as Carson dressed. Yes, she gave her recommendations on what to wear, but it was obvious that Carson really didn't need the help. Carson was also taken back by she got dressed. She even knew how to put on makeup and style her hair. "How do I look?" she asked as she stood in front of Lori. She was dressed in shorts, sandals and a floral cotton top. "Very nice! Perfect for a warm summer day," replied Lori. "You have a great sense of style." Carson nodded as she cupped her breasts. "What's the matter?" asked Lori. "I just wish these were a bit smaller," said Carson. "I mean, they're 36-DD, according to my bra size." "You'll get used to them; we all do," said Lori. Carson shrugged her shoulders. "I guess so. At least I know why girls wear bras now," she said. "It does control them nicely. I bet you never thought you'd hear me say that." Lori nodded. "I am so tempted to snap your bra straps right now, just like you did to me," she replied with a smile on her face. "You wouldn't dare!" replied Carson. "Or maybe I should just tickle you," she countered. "Please don't make me laugh," replied Carson. "I want to feel miserable." "It's good to see you smile," she said. "Thanks," replied Carson. "Well, let's go downstairs and have breakfast," said Lori as she stood up. Chapter 11 "How do you feel?" asked Lori as she refilled her mug with coffee. "Normal," said Carson. "I mean, I'm wearing a bra, panties, shorts and a top, my hair is in a ponytail, I now have pierced ears and am wearing jewelry and it all feels very normal. I'm wearing makeup and it feels normal. When I showered, I knew how to shave my legs and underarms. I knew how to clean up after using the toilet. It's like I've been a girl my whole life and it all feels normal, with one big exception: I know that I used to be a guy." "Make that two exceptions: I also remember who you were," added Lori. "Thank god for that! Otherwise I would feel as if I was going crazy," she replied. "I just wonder what will happen next." "Well you better sit down," said Lori as she looked at her phone. "Now what?" asked Carson. "Have I grown horns?" "Look," said Lori as she passed her phone over to her sister. Carson read the text message and her jaw dropped. "When did you get this?" asked Carson as she read the message. "It must have got here when we were upstairs," she replied. Carson re-read the message from their parents. "Lori, we'll be coming home early. We should be home around five tomorrow. Can you and Cari pick us up at the airport? Can't wait to see my girls! I have missed you both so much. Love Mom & Dad." "Cari?" asked Carson. Lori nodded. Carson got up and ran to get her own phone. She immediately began to scan through her messages. "Everyone is addressed to Cari," said Carson. "My address book has changed too. Most of these contacts are new and they're all from the girls in my class. There are also some from guys, popular guys, in my class." Carson let out a gasp of surprise. "I just realized that I have dated a few of them! I wonder what else has changed?" stated Carson. Lori didn't reply as she was starting towards the fridge. "What now?" asked Carson. "Look at the photos," said Lori. Carson walked over and looked at the family photos that were held to the fridge with magnets. They all showed her as a girl ranging from when she was little to current day. Carson picked up one that showed them at their cousin's wedding the previous spring. Lori had been one of the bridesmaids and now apparently so had Carson. "I can actually remember wearing that dress," said Carson as she sat back down at the kitchen table. "It was so ugly and very uncomfortable. I kept worrying that my breasts might pop out of the top. Oh My God! Did I just say that?" Lori nodded. "I know, I can actually remember the issues you had with the dress I. And you're right: they were hideous, although I didn't have the same problem as you with the top," replied Lori. "You want to look at the vacation videos?" Lori was referring to the family trip to the Jersey shore earlier that summer. "Why bother? I know that it's changed too; don't ask me how, but I know it's changed too," said Carson as she sat down. "I can even remember the bikini I was wearing and the boy that I flirted with. Damn, did I just say that?" Lori paused and nodded. "You really looked good in it too," said Lori. "I can even picture that guy you were with, and little sister, you did more than flirt with him." Carson nodded as she remembered how good it felt when he kissed her. She was suddenly aware of her nipples hardening as she thought of the boy. She had to shake her head to concentrate on the present. "This is so strange. With each passing minute, my whole life is being re-written and we're the only two that know it," said Carson. "I am remembering things about my life, my life as a girl, and the memories are so real." Lori stared back, not sure what to say. "Just promise me that you'll remember who I was," begged Carson. "I promise Cari," said Lori. "Shit, sorry about that, it just came out." Carson smirked. "No need to apologize, it's my name and I do prefer to be called that now," Cari replied. "My first name is still Carson, but I have gone by Cari since first grade. At least I have the same name, even though I don't use it. Whoa, did I just say all that? This is like an episode of the Twilight Zone." "I will help you get through this," added Lori as she hugged her sister "Thanks," replied Cari."I thnk we both needed that." Cari then closed her eyes for a moment and strange look appeared on her face. Suddenly she got up and ran upstairs. "What's wrong?" asked Lori. "I have to check on something," shouted Cari as she ran up the stairs. "I just got another wave of new memories." A few minutes she returned and was holding something behind her back. "Well?" asked Lori. "Now this is getting really weird. I'm a fucking cheerleader," said Cari as she held out a cheerleader uniform with her name embroidered on it. Lori wasn't sure how to react. "I can take being a girl. I might even get used to guys, but a cheerleader?" laughed Cari nervously. "Go Team!" "If I remember right, you're the best on the squad," said Lori. Cari sat down and rested her chin in her hands. "What's going to happen next?" asked Cari. "The memories, my new memories are arriving in waves. I can actually picture myself doing cheers and leading the crowd at the football games. I also know that I have practice this week." Lori nodded. "Anything else?" asked Lori. "Try thinking of getting dressed and getting ready for school." Cari cocked her head for a moment and then it hit her what her sister was talking about. "Whoa! I know how to do makeup and my hair," said Cari. "I also realize that I really like to be dressed up. I like to look good and put a lot of effort into it." "I know," said Lori. "You have a real reputation for being on top of the latest fashion trends. The good thing is that you're not a snob about it." "This is going from strange to bizarre," said Cari. "Why couldn't I just be a regular girl? I just realized that I was freshman class prom queen. What's next?" "Well, with your looks and body you could be a beauty queen," said Lori. "You're exaggerating," said Cari. Lori shook her head. "Face it little sister, you're beautiful," said Lori. Cari shook her head. "I mean it as a compliment, Cari," said Lori. "I'm not jealous or anything, in fact I'm sort of proud of you." "So you're the smart one now does that make me the airheaded cheerleader?" asked Cari. "No, that's not true. You're not dumb and don't try to act dumb. You're still yourself, right?" asked Lori. Cari closed her eyes and concentrated and smiled. "I still made honor roll last year, just like you did," said Cari. "See," said Lori. Cari reached over and took her sister's hands. "I don't know if I can do this. I mean I have the body and memories, but I still know who and what I was," she said. "I know and I will be there to help you, even if it's just giving you someone to talk to," said Lori. "Thanks," said Cari. "If you don't mind, I have a suggestion that might help you adjust," said Lori. "What is it?" asked Cari. "Let your new feelings and urges take hold, don't try to fight them," suggested Lori. "You mean, let the new me take over?" "You're still you, Cari. But if might help you adjust, if you let yourself explore your new feelings," she said. "What do you mean?" "Think about what you like to do, don't try and think of things you did when you were a guy; let it come out naturally," suggested Lori. "People will accept what they see. You're obviously female -- physically anyway -- so let it flow. It will help you get through this." "That might be a good idea," said Cari. "You really are the smart one." Lori laughed. "All it took was a gender change for you to finally notice," quipped Lori. "Very funny," said Cari. "So what do you want to do?" asked Lori. "I mean we have some time to kill until Mom and Dad get back. I was going suggest that we go shopping, but judging by your closet that isn't necessary. If you want to hang out here at home, that's understandable too." Cari rubbed her chin for a moment. "Okay, I know this may sound weird, but I have the strangest urge to get my hair cut and styled and my nails done," said Cari as she looked at her nails. "It's like, um, long overdue." "Really?" asked Lori. "Also do some shopping. Do you mind?" asked Cari with a smile on her face. "It would be, um, fun to hang out at the mall with you." "You mean that?" asked Lori. "Hey, you're the one you said that I should go with my feelings," said Cari. "I have to admit that I have always wanted a sister," confessed Lori. "I would love to have a sister day with you. I mean, you're right, it was my idea for you to give into your new feminine feelings, but I didn't think that you'd want to go out." "Do you think it's a good idea?" asked Cari. "Actually I do. You will have to head out eventually, and this might be fun," said Lori. "But I suggest that you change first." Cari nodded. "Okay," she replied. "You want any help?" asked Lori. Cari thought about it for a moment and then shook her head. "Let me try this first. I'll trust my new feelings as you have suggested and then you can critique me," suggested Cari. "Sounds good," said Lori as she stood up. "Well, you head up and I'll call the salon and see if they have any openings." "Okay," said Cari. She then stopped and hugged her sister. "Thanks for being so cool about all this," said Cari. "Hey, we're sisters now, we have to stick together," replied Lori. Chapter 12 Cari went up to her room and immediately undressed. She posed in front of the mirror and admired her body. She smiled at the idea that, as a boy, she would have killed to be this close to a girl with this sort of figure. She ran her hands over her breasts and down her towards her vagina but stopped short of it. She wasn't quite ready for that, she thought. She sat down at her makeup table and after a moment's hesitation she began to re-apply her makeup. It should have felt strange, but instead it was if it she had been doing it for years. She knew just the right amount to put on. The same thing happened when she styled her hair. In less than thirty minutes she was done, and she had to admit that she looked very nice. For her outfit she picked out a sun-dress and some sandals. Without thinking she picked out jewelry to accessorize her outfit. In a way she was relieved with this part of the transformation. It would have been so difficult to have the body and looks and to think she was a boy. When she went downstairs, Lori nodded approvingly. "So I did it right?" asked Cari. "Yes, very much so. You really have a good sense of style," replied Lori. "How do you feel?" Cari paused, as she contemplated Lori's question before answering. "Like I've been doing this my whole life," she replied honestly. Chapter 13 After the salon, Cari and Lori went to the mall and immediately went to the food court. After getting their lunches they picked a quiet corner to sit down and eat. "I really like your new hairstyle," said Lori. "You look good with a short style. The new color looks great too; you make a cute red head." Cari's hair had been dyed a darker shade of red. "Thanks," replied Cari. "The stylist said that it would be easy to take care of. The color was her idea too. Oh, I like the color of your nails." Lori nodded. Cari then began to laugh. "I never thought we'd be having this sort of conversation," continued Cari. "That makes two of us," replied Lori. "I know that I was a bit of a pain as your brother," said Cari. "You were more than that at times," interrupted Lori. "But then again, I knew what buttons to push to get you going." Cari smiled back. "Still we have always gotten along, and I hope now that we'll grow even closer," said Cari. "I don't think I can do this without you." "I will be with you, but don't sell yourself short. I mean, I've been watching you, since we left the house, and you've done really well. Even now, you're doing great," said Lori. "I mean, you have to be aware that there are a lot of guys checking you out?" Cari nodded. "And how do you feel about it?" asked Lori. "I kinda like it," admitted Cari with a grin. "Really?" asked Lori. "Yes, it feels nice," replied Cari. "So any new memories?" asked Lori. "Like what?" "Your personal life?" asked Lori. "I'm presently not dating anyone," replied Cari, "which is good. Right now, I have enough to get used to without a boyfriend. Maybe after I get used to all this, I will start dating again." Lori nodded. "So you're not against having a boyfriend?" Lori continued. "I've dated before; at least that's what my new memories tell me. Whoa, that's weird, the memories seem so real," said Cari. "Tony, that guy I met at the shore, he wasn't my first boyfriend." "He was good looking," admitted Lori. Cari then told her of the sensations she had experienced when she thought of kissing Tony. "That's pretty normal. So do you still have any feelings towards girls?" asked Lori. Cari glanced around first before replying. "Yes," she admitted. "Really?" asked Lori as she leaned in closer. "I even have memories of a short fling with another girl on the cheerleading team last year," admitted Lori. "We just kissed, not much else, but it felt good." "Who was it?" "Lisa Maddox," admitted Cari. "Whoa! Didn't think she was into girls," said Lori. "Since we're sharing secrets, what about you?" asked Cari. "I kissed another girl once. It didn't do anything for me," she admitted. "Who was it?" asked Cari who was now grinning. "Sarah Wilson," replied Lori, referring to a girl in her class. "Wow," replied Cari. "She's cute." Lori rolled her eyes in mock disgust. "Okay, my turn. Did you have sex as a guy?" asked Lori. "I got a hand job once last year from Chelsea Barnes," admitted Cari. "Never went beyond that. Your turn: are you a virgin?" Lori nodded. "Kevin and I have fooled around," she replied. "What do you mean by that?" asked Cari with a grin on her face. Lori looked around and leaned close. "We've done oral," said Lori. "It was pretty good." "Wow!" replied Cari. "We haven't gone any further, at least not yet," said Lori. "Are you afraid of getting pregnant?" asked Cari. "Is that what has stopped you?" Lori shook her head. "Mom helped me get birth control," replied Lori. "No way!" replied Cari. "Yeah, she's pretty cool about it too. I suspect you'll be talking to her soon, that is if you haven't already," replied Lori. Cari shook her head. "Not yet, but I seem to remember that she said that she wanted to talk to me when she got back from Seattle," replied Cari. Cari then shook her head. "What's wrong?" asked Lori. "It just hit me that I can now get pregnant," said Cari. "Talk about a real moment. It also hit me about my new body and everything else that goes with it." She opened her purse and found two tampons in a side pouch. "Damn," she exclaimed as she examined the tampons. "When was your last period?" asked Lori. Cari made a face of disgust. "We can talk about them; we are sisters, and I want to help you," said Lori. "According to my new memories it was a few weeks ago," said Cari. "That means that I'll soon get to experience it for real. "If you have questions, ask away," said Lori. "It's not as bad as you think." "You can count on that. Well, that's another thing that you never thought you'd be asking me," replied Cari. "No, I always thought I'd have to talk to you about your period," replied Lori who began to giggle. Cari was soon laughing too; to anyone else watching them, they appearing to be two teenage girls sharing a joke. "Wow, that felt so good to laugh about what has happened. I mean, I have accepted that this is permanent, I have no idea why, but I just know," said Cari. Lori nodded. "I have the same feeling," said Lori. "I will help you when you need it." "Thanks," replied Cari. "Okay next question, have you um, explored yourself yet?" asked Lori. Cari shook her head. "You should," said Lori. "It can be very nice. It will help you accept your new body." Cari's jaw dropped. "You play with yourself?" whispered Cari. "Yes. Do you think that only boys pleasured themselves? I know you did when you were a guy," said Lori. Cari giggled. "Okay you got me on that one," said Cari. "If you don't already have one, I can give you something that you can use," said Lori. "You mean, a vibrator?" asked Cari with wide eyes. Lori nodded. "Mom gave me my first one, so you probably have one too," said Lori. Cari stopped and searched her new memories. "Well?" "It's in my nightstand. I had no idea Mom was so cool," said Cari. "She's very cool and you'll find out. After all, she's not that old, I mean she was just twenty-one when I was born," said Lori. "True," said Cari. "So, you want to some shopping?" asked Lori. "Sure why not? It beats just sitting around at home." replied Cari. "I have plenty of memories of us doing this, but it will be nice to do it for real." "Cool," replied Lori. "I have one last question, how do you think this all happened?" asked Cari. "All I can think of is magic, but that doesn't make sense," replied Lori. "I know, but can you think of a better answer? I mean, I'm now a girl, I have memories and a history, and my room has changed. How else could this have happened?" Lori shook her head. "I don't know. I guess magic is the best answer, but that opens up a whole new set of questions. I mean, if you were changed by magic, who did it and why? "Maybe it was random, like the way my DMV file got messed up?" said Cari. "Who knows? I doubt that whoever did it is going to show up and apologize." Lori nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that would be too weird," she said. Chapter 14 "What's the status of the Pennsylvania DMV computer database?" asked Simone Black as she leaned forward on her antique oak desk. She was a tall, stately looking woman with long, shiny black hair. What was most striking about her were her bright emerald colored eyes. They almost appeared to glow. "Up and running; all faults have been corrected in the system," replied Magnus Redstone proudly. "I ran the diagnostic spell, and it didn't show any errors. We'll not only get full payment, but the bonus for finishing early." He was a tall muscular young man with thick curly brown hair and dark blue eyes. He appeared to be in his early twenties, but looks could be deceiving. Simone waved her right index finger slowly back and forth. "Magnus, please don't use the term spell, not even among us, it's now called a program," corrected Simone. "We use our magical gifts to fix human problems and are rewarded richly for it. They would react strongly; if they found out we were using magic." "What difference does it make? We both know what fixed the system," replied Magnus. "My dear Magnus, you're too young to remember what humans do to those with powers -- especially those suspected of being what they called demons. We made the decision over five hundred years ago to move permanently into the mainstream. We have changed our looks and lives. We cannot afford to be exposed, even by accident. What would happen if someone accidentally overheard you?" she replied. "I doubt that the head of the DMV would be pleased to know that magical spells were used to correct his database." While Simone appeared to be a woman in late twenties, she was actually over seven hundred years old. Compared to her, Magnus was just a youngster who had just turned two hundred. "Please accept my apologies. Of course, you are correct, as always," he replied as he bowed with respect. "It's just that I wish I had been alive when we were out and about without fear of being seen in our real form." Simone was the Queen of his clan and he was fortunate to work for her. He was careful to show her the proper respect of her position. "No, no you don't," she countered. "It was horrible. Never underestimate the humans, my dear boy. They may seem weak and foolish, but they can be extremely cunning and vicious when they want to be. Even with our powers, they almost exterminated our kind. They also killed many innocents who they thought were like us. They fear what they cannot understand." He stared back at her in silence. "You need to read the archives, young one. I know what you're thinking: why don't we use our powers to rule the world and enslave the humans. That was tried once and it was a total failure. We have much strength, a few weaknesses and also some vices. The council of clan elders decided that we should co-exist and use our powers to better both races. The deeds we accomplish for the humans give us the wealth to live very comfortable lives." Magnus nodded. He knew that one of the weaknesses was that they couldn't directly use their powers to benefit themselves or others of their race. To become wealthy they couldn't just conjure up a mountain of gold; it had to be earned. Today, demons occupied many careers. One of the more popular jobs involved computers and correcting their problems and errors. Demonic magic was highly compatible with computer programing and many of the top IT personnel were demons. It was even suspected that a demon invented the internet. "But why help them at all? Couldn't we could profit without advancing their kind?" he asked. She smiled at him with the sort of smile a mother uses to correct a child. "They have potential, they are young and need time to mature," she said. He nodded. "Now, were there any unforeseen side effects of the program?" asked Simone. "Minimal," he replied as he looked at his tablet. "There were just over one million corrupted files in the program and all are fixed. We have found just three cases of collateral transformation. Unfortunately, as you know, there's no way to reverse the conversions. Also, all were gender transformations." "Please tell me about the people who were changed," said Simone. "One was a thirty-one-year-old man in Scranton, another was a sixty- five-year-old man in Erie, and the third was a teenager in Bucks County, just outside Doylestown," he replied as he paged through his tablet. "And are all the transformations complete?" she asked. He paused for a moment and then shook his head. "Not exactly. The first two have no idea of their previous lives. The one in Scranton is now a school teacher in a middle school. She is single, but engaged to a lawyer. The man in Erie is now forty and is an office manager," he replied as he looked at his tablet. "What about their families?" asked Simone. Magnus paged through his tablet. "The woman is Scranton was unmarried in her male life and her family fully accepts her as a woman. The one in Erie was widowed, no children. She had been living in a retirement community. She is now married with two children in high school. None of them are aware of the changes." "And what about the teenager?" asked Simone. "It's weird. Physically she is completely female, and her memories are changing, but she is still quite aware of it -- as is her sister," replied Magnus. "Really?" asked Simone. "That is quite unusual." He nodded. "However, the rest of the people in her life are quite unaware that she used to be a male," he replied. "Her personal history has changed completely, there's no proof that she was once male, other than her memories and those of her sister. Her new female memories co-exist in her mind. She us slowly accepting what has happened, even if she doesn't know why." "Does her sister accept her too?" Magnus looked at his tablet. "From what I can see, they are closer than before," he replied. "The sister is very supportive and assisting her sibling through the transformation. In fact they are presently at a mall shopping." Simone stood up and began to pace back and forth. "We need to compensate all three," she said. "That is the law." Magnus nodded. One of the first laws he had learned was that if harm was done to humans, even by accident, then all efforts be made to provide compensation. Of course the payment had to be done in way that the humans wouldn't suspect anything unusual. He wondered how they would pay the teen, since she had knowledge of her transformation. "All seem well adjusted. The woman in Erie is rather happy, probably because she is much younger, even though she doesn't have any memories of being older," he noted. "She also has a family." "Have the two adults each win the lottery," said Simone. "The money will make their lives easier. Hopefully they use this wealth intelligently." Magnus nodded as he took notes in his tablet. "And the teen?" he asked. "I will take her case myself. I want to study her particular situation," said Simone. "Anything else I should be aware of? "This is odd. Her mental transformation didn't occur all at once; in fact it's still occurring. The best I can compare it to is that her new memories are coming in waves," he replied. "That is also unusual," said Simone. "I do have one question, why were all the transformations male to female?" he asked. "One would think that there would be a female to male change." "All humans start off as female and then become male in the womb. The program must see this as an error." "So the transformation to female is a correction?" he asked. "Yes Magnus, that is right, and a very interesting way of looking at it. Thank you, Magnus, you may depart," she said. Magnus bowed. "As you command," he replied as he backed out of the room. Chapter 15 Simone sat at her desk reading Cari's file. As she read, she sipped a glass of 200 year-old brandy. While most of the changes were permanent, there were some things that could be modified. Cari's gender and body could not be changed, but other things could be. She sighed when she saw the photos of Cari. It was one thing to make the girl attractive, but the spell had made her quite beautiful. This would bring all sorts of attention that would make her adjustment more difficult. Simone frowned, when she saw that Cari was now a cheerleader. It was not something that was part of a normal adjustment spell and was obviously added by an older male demon. Unknown to younger demons like Magnus, many spells included special sub-spells to cover problems done to Cari and the others. Unfortunately some of the demonic programmers, usually male, interjected their own sexual preferences and fantasies. She would deal with the programmer later. Simone decided that she would focus on helping Cari adjust to her new life as a female. It would be difficult due to the type of spell that had been used, but thankfully Simone knew ways to work the spell to make changes. The cheerleading would be the first thing that she would change. She had nothing against cheerleading, but it shouldn't be inflicted upon someone -- especially when that person is dealing with a gender transformation - -, and more importantly when the person was aware of the change. As she took another sip, Simone thought of a suitable modification to the transformation spell. To be a cheerleader required athleticism and an outgoing personality, and these sorts of traits were difficult to change, so Simone decided to use them to give Cari a different set of skills. Simone then discovered something far more disturbing. Whoever had created the sub-spell had included a part that would give the girl a very high sexual drive. The good news was that, while it couldn't be permanently removed, its energy could be redirected. This would lower her sex drive to normal but give Cari more intense orgasms. Simone knew that there was a risk to the solution, but it was the best alternative. She would have to monitor this until Cari learned to control these new feelings. The unnecessary additions to the spell angered Simone, and she vowed that she would find out who did it and give them an appropriate punishment. Over all, Simone was quite proud of her solution and couldn't wait to see the results. However, she wasn't done yet with the sisters. She decided against giving them the monetary compensation that that been given the others. Instead she would give them a different sort of reimbursement for the turmoil caused by the spell. Chapter 16 Cari walked downstairs to find that Lori was already preparing breakfast. "Good morning," greeted Lori. "I'm making pancakes and bacon." "Sounds great," replied Cari. "Do you still know who I am and who I was?" "Of course," replied Lori. "You're my brother, now my sister ... make that my little sister ... no, make that my beautiful little sister!" Cari smiled back. "Then are you aware of the latest change?" asked Cari as she walked over to the fridge. Lori paused and then nodded. "Whoa, so you're not a cheerleader now!" asked Lori. "Yeah, I just realized that! Weird, I wonder why that changed?" Cari nodded, as she poured some orange juice into a glass. "I'm now convinced that someone or something is behind this. The changes keep coming in, um like in waves," replied Cari. "I mean, I'm not upset with the changes; I just wonder if they are over. I need some stability!" "I know what you mean, but I have a feeling that whoever is doing this is looking after you, giving you a good life," said Lori. "Maybe what happened was a mistake and they're trying to correct the error?" "Then why not turn me back into a guy?" asked Cari. "Maybe they can't. Maybe this is their way of helping you. I mean, I still know you and am aware of the changes," said Lori. "I don't know, but it makes as much sense as anything." Cari nodded. "That's true, I would be freaking out if I was the only one aware of what has happened," said Cari. "So what do you think of the changes?" asked Lori she checked the pancakes. "It's interesting. I mean, I liked being in the theater club last year when I was a guy, but I was just an extra. Now, I'm the star," she said. "I had the lead in both school plays last year." "And you're also a great singer and dancer, that will make Mom happy," added Lori. "You're actually very talented." Their mother had been a theater major in college but had given it up when she got married. "Well, with a body like this, I'd rather be an actress and performer than a cheerleader," said Cari. "I have to agree," said Lori. "So what can I do to help with breakfast?" asked Cari. "Whoa, now that's a change I wasn't ready for!" exclaimed Lori with a laugh. "Very funny," said Cari as she stuck out her tongue. "I actually like to cook now, not as much as you, but I like it." "Well, that wasn't very ladylike! Anyway, I'm almost done; can you set the table?" Cari nodded. "Okay," replied Cari "Don't worry, you can help me cook next time," said Lori. "Thanks," replied Cari. "So what time are we picking up Mom and Dad?" "Their flight gets in around five, so we'll have to leave before 3:30. The good thing is that the Phillies are out of town so we won't have any post game traffic." "True," replied Cari as she set the table. Lori looked over at her sister. "You worried about their reaction?" she asked. "A little," replied Cari. "No, make that a lot! I mean, we're in a totally new brand of weirdness right now." "It will be fine," she replied. "Besides, I'll be there with you. I will tell you that Mom and Dad will treat you differently. They will be more protective of you, especially Dad. You won't have as much freedom that you used to have. Just realize that is because they care about you." "Thanks," replied Cari. "I can't imagine going through this without having someone to confide in. It would be a living nightmare." "That's what sisters are for," said Lori as she set the platter of pancakes on the table. "So, have you noticed any other changes?" "Like what?" asked Cari as she helped herself to some pancakes. "You seem to know everything too." "Not everything, you still must have things that we haven't discussed. For example, do you still like girls?" asked Lori. Cari nodded. "Boys too, I guess I'm bisexual in this latest wave of changes too," said Cari. Chapter 17 "What are you doing?" asked Lori as she walked into the living room. Cari was sitting on the couch typing into her laptop. "I'm going over thing that have changed in my life and things that haven't," replied Cari. Lori sat down next to her sister. "Besides the obvious, what are talking about?" asked Lori. Cari looked up with a grin. "Well, I still like watching football and cheesesteaks," replied Cari. "What kind of cheese?" asked Lori. "Please tell me that you don't still like Cheese Whiz on your steak." "Sorry, I do," admitted Cari. "Actually, I'm not sorry, it does taste better that way!" "That's so gross! So what else?" asked Lori. "Well, the whole wardrobe and makeup thing, I really enjoy it" replied Cari. "I mean, really like looking nice, it makes me feel good. I found a whole stack of fashion magazines in my room, and I found that I like looking at them." She was dressed in a skirt and matching blouse. Her face was expertly made up and her hair was styled perfectly. "That's new," said Lori with a smile. "And a nice change." Cari nodded. "Okay, I was a bit of a slob as a guy," admitted Cari. Lori smiled back. "That's being kind, but then again most teenage guys are slobs. So what else?" asked Lori. "As I said earlier, I like cooking now. Not the way you do, but I don?t dislike it the way I used to, but I already told you that,? admitted Cari. ?Well, that?s a real plus,? said Lori. ?What else?? ?I like the same type of music, but no longer care about video games, also a plus,? continued Cari. ?I also really love acting now. Before, it was just something to do, but now it?s deeper than that. I?m very passionate about it. In fact I wouldn?t mind trying it after school.? Lori nodded. ?I?m very proud of you,? said Lori. ?Why?? asked Cari. ?I can?t image going through what you?re going through,? said Lori. ?I mean, a new gender, a new identity, a new life, it would freak me out. You?re handling it all very well.? ?I would be freaking out if it wasn?t for you. You?re the one who told me to go with the flow. I still know that I used to be a guy, but when I just trust my feelings, I am very much at ease. Of course, I?m still getting used to so many new things. I mean, I have memories of being a girl my whole life, but it?s different doing things, for real, the first time.? ?Like what?? ?Getting up and sitting down in a skirt,? replied Cari. ?When I don?t think about it I react like a girl should. Kinda like riding a bike, it?s easy when you don?t think about it.? ?Makes sense, I guess,? said Lori. ?Yeah, whoever did this to me really thought of everything, except one thing,? said Cari. ?What?s that?? ?In some ways I wish I never knew who I used to be,? admitted Cari. ?It would make things easier. But at the same time, I don?t want to forget being Carson.? Lori nodded. ?I can see your conflict,? she replied as she looked at her watch. ?Well, we?d better get going to the airport. Do you want me to drive?? Cari nodded as she saved the document and closed her computer. Chapter 18 ?They should be coming out any moment now,? said Lori. Cari nodded nervously as they stood by the baggage carousel at Philadelphia International Airport. ?Just trust your feelings,? comforted Lori. ?From what we?ve seen, we?re the only two who know what happened to you.? She reached over and took Cari?s hand into her own. She could feel that her sister was trembling slightly. ?Cari, I know you?re scared, but it will work out and I?m here for you,? comforted Lori. ?Thank you,? replied Lori. ?Damn, I can?t remember being this worried in my life, not even in my new old memories.? Lori smiled back at her sister. ?I like the way you say that; it actually makes sense to me,? she said. Cari smiled back. ?Please, please accept me,? whispered Cari to herself. ?Hey there they are,? said Lori. Cari looked over to where her sister was pointing to see her parents walking towards them. It suddenly hit her how much she now looked like her mom. ?Hi girls!? greeted her father. He then gave them each a hug and he was caught off-guard by the way Cari hugged him back so strongly. ?We were only gone a week,? he laughed. ?I know, but it?s so good to see both of you,? replied Cari as she fought back tears of joy. ?Cari, you look different,? stated her mom. You have no idea, thought Cari as her mom gave her a hug. ?I love the new hairstyle! You look great with shorter hair!? said Mom. ?I also love the new color.? ?Thanks, i

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A Lusty Conference Trip

While you worked I went for a work out at the hotel fitness center. They only had a treadmill so after I ran I came back to the room to finish the rest of my workout. I was in the room doing squats dripping with sweat thinking about how I couldn't wait to squeeze my tight pussy around your shaft. The thought of it made me shudder and my nipples harden. You peeked in the room the moment you heard me moan a little. I just smiled and took of my clothes in front of you ready for a hot shower. You...

3 years ago
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Walking the DogChapter 16

The thunderstorm had gone by morning and patches of blue sky were doing their best to pull apart the low drape of cloud that hugged the sea. We walked along the beach again though I swear we left no footprints. Some of the magic from the previous night seemed to linger about us still. It may sound callous, but I wasn't particularly worried about Niall. Angela made me feel immortal - that protection had to include my friends. It sounds lame now but I really felt that. Of course, there was no...

4 years ago
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Matron the

Matron Had chosen her profession well she was now with a progressive and luxurious boarding school with a number of very attractive 18 year olds which she loved… taking there virignity and then fucking them, teaching them how to enjoy a real and voluptuous sexy woman…Matron was feeling especially randy today… she had just shaved her tight little pussy and it was now super smooth and desperately needed some attention…she carefully studied the patient list …perfect …room 1b… simon….As she...

3 years ago
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Three Choices

This is a short story with no sex to speak of. It is not autobiographical and obviously total fiction. As the author, I have the right for my characters to behave exactly as I want them to behave. If you disagree, write your own version of this little story and post it. You have my full permission. I awakened in a cold sweat. The nightmare that caused a strong feeling of dread, disaster and tragedy all rolled up in the worst feeling in my 32 years. I slowly pulled the covers back so as not...

2 years ago
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The Emma J Chronicles Part Four

Chapter SevenLate Monday morning; Marcus walked into the filing and stationery room to find Miko the filing clerk sat putting away some documents. This was the first time he’d seen her since he’d moved to Head Office. But he’d seen her on a few occasions when he’d visited on business and had always lusted after her pert teen body and been fascinated by her beautiful Asiatic features. If only he hadn’t revealed his lust to Emma, that was a mistake, giving her compromising information about...

2 years ago
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Immense Pleasure

The sheet is barely covering me, I’m wearing nothing but panties. I sleep soundly as you quietly enter our room. You come to me, sitting on the bed as your hand runs over my leg up to my thigh, resting softly as you caress me. Your fingers slowly run up to my panties, tugging on them. I begin to stir awake as I see you a soft smile appears on my face as you look down at me.“There you are, my sweet.”His voice was low, soft, sweet. His dark eyes glowed in the night light. Removing the sheet...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Mr Sims checks up on me

It's hard to say when I first noticed Mr. Sims in a sexual way. It might have been the time we went camping, our two families, and I saw him pissing in the forest. I remember thinking about it over and over again later on that night. Now that I'm in college I've seen my fair share of dicks, but none of them quite compared to Mr. Sims massive, uncut cock. I had just turned 19, and it was the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college. I was alone at the house for a couple days...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Small Beginings Part One

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

1 year ago
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The Apartment revised

The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, lesbian sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.The Apartment (revised)(A legal specialist performs exhibitionist lesbian acts for her client’s entertainment)Saturday evening 10pm. Driving rain lashed the dark floor-to-ceiling penthouse windows of an expensive apartment tower. A storm front had descended on downtown Boston. A...

1 year ago
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From Dildo to Cock Pt2

This is part 2 of my story. You can find the first part on my channelAfter a few days of searching and eavesdropping I finally learned the name of the guy who caught and fucked me, his name was Lucas and he seemed to work for the sales department. We crossed each other in the hallways a bunch of times for about a week, he smirked every time but I could barely look at him…I was still thinking about what happened every single day, so much that I couldn't sleep, I was still seeing his big cock...

3 years ago
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Tom Ch 05

Tom sat looking at the wedding invitation. Shona had met a divorcee businessman and they’d fallen for one another in a big way. Apparently the couple a long time and began the relationship with an interest in marriage and that had led to the inevitable. Tom had asked Marion who he’d been running with lately to accompany him but she was apologetic, saying she was actually married and her husband would arrive home at the end of new week. He called for Fiona at Briscoe Partners but she had left...

2 years ago
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Janices Italian Job Part 1

Janice was almost certain she was straight. The one and only time she had touched another girl's breasts or even kissed another girl was that summer when she was sixteen and a camp counselor, and she chalked that up to youthful exploration. Since then, in her last two years of high school, Janice had dated boys, a lot of boys. She had finally slept with one of them, then spent the next two months worrying she was pregnant.After finally getting a pregnancy test, and it was negative, she swore...

3 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 10 Wrecked

The first thing they saw upon their return from their visit to Trip's parents was Commander Reed and two security crewmen escorting a young ensign, whom Trip immediately recognized as Ensign Masaro from engineering, his hands shackled behind his back. Malcolm's scowl, already dark, grew even darker when he saw his two friends. "Commander?" T'Pol asked, puzzled by the scene. For her tactical officer and friend to find it necessary to apprehend a crew member, something bad must have...

3 years ago
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The Group Pt5

Miss Burke poured out more wine and we sipped as she talked. She asked me if I liked seeing her and Mr S sharing love and I said that I did. She said that was good because watching and being watched by other group members was an important aspect of being a member and would help me in learning the ways of love. “And I know you enjoyed drinking our love”, she said, smiling coyly, “don’t pretend you didn’t”. Even after several sips of ginger wine I could still taste the exotic cocktail of his...

1 year ago
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Dave and Sugar Ch 2

I’ve only known Dave for about a month. Every day he calls me to talk about everything from cooking to sex. His Cajun accent fuels many of my masturbation fantasies. On this particular night, I was already turned on, and excited and was about to reach for my toy when the phone rang around midnight.“Hello.”“Hi what are you doing right now?”Oh my God he has such a deep, wonderful voice. I can feel my pussy contract, already becoming wet.“Nothing yet, but I am so fucking horny, and was about to...

3 years ago
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Asian GF Threesome MFM Experience

She had told me she had numerous boyfriends before me but wouldn’t give me the full details. She would only open to me about these experiences when she was full of booze and horny for a fuck. It wasn’t easy to make her tell me about this threesome as she would never admit to it once sober, I had to get her quite drunk to make her confess everything and that too while making her extremely horny with sex toys and later while fucking her. This is how it goes: This happened when she was...

1 year ago
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The Craigslist Ad

The ad on craigslist had been in the women seeking women section. It read, "looking for a gorgeous, selfish, slut who will let me camp between her legs for hours on end", Rene didn't really think of herself as selfish, but she wanted to know what exactly the woman on the other end was really offering. She considered responding immediately, but was nervous about the whole craigslist thing. She searched the rest of the ads for a little while, but kept coming back to the offer that seemed almost...

1 year ago
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Work sex

I have been working at my Job for the last four years. In my time there I have been working with many managers. Lately there has been one that I have been staring at. Her name is Gina Weiss, a dirty blond knockout with angelian jolie lips and Pam anderson size breast. She and I have been getting along mostly because I have been trying to spend time with her. Some nights we would work together late at night and I would make it a point to be as close as I could with her. I think she notices shes...

2 years ago
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The Scientific MethodChapter 7 Publish Results

An hour later, I was showered, shaved, and starving. I rang their house's doorbell wearing a blue polo shirt and tan slacks. I knew I looked like a J. Crew ad, but since I was actually a young urban professional—YUPpie—and hadn't had much of a social life to speak of for nearly a decade, it was the best I could come up with. Donna answered the door in a beautiful violet-colored sundress. She managed to look elegant, poised, and relaxed all at once. Inside, her house looked like a...

3 years ago
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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 5

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 5 - Discoveries and Revelations A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. Tommi is starting to see things differently - and not always pleasantly. [email protected] ********************************************************************** When Suzie didn't look up from her computer, Tommi Sue cleared her throat...

2 years ago
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AliceDDR - 1980Alice, eine wundersch?ne 22-j?hrige Frau, mit den Traumma?en 92 – 58 – 94 und h?ftlangem honigfarbenem Haar. Ihre gro?en, runden und vollen Br?ste wippen elastisch auf und ab, wenn sie grazil an einem vorbeischreitet. Ihre Haut ist leicht gebr?unt, ganz glatt und seidig weich. Mit ihren 1,84 m ist sie f?r eine Frau ?berdurchschnittlich gro?. Wenn man ihre Beine anschaut, kommt es einem vor, als w?rden sie nie enden, so lang sind sie. Mit ihrer Schuhgr??e 40 hat sie f?r ihre K?rpergr??e ehe...

3 years ago
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Anni Enudan Kaamam Seithaal

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Sathish, vayathu 24. Naan Chennaiyil vasikiren. Enathu amma 2 varudathirku munbu iranthu vitaargal athanaal enathu appa ooka manaivi illathathaal veru oru manaiviyai thirumanam seithu kondaar. Ivar oru kaam veri pidithavar athanal pengalai ookamal iruka mudiyaathu niraiya panam vaithu irukiraar. Ivar amma iranthu 6 maathangale aana nilaiyil ilamaiyaana oru pennai thirumanam seithu kondaar avaluku vayathu 28. Intha anniku munbe thirumanam nadanthu kanavan vivakarathu seithu...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 19

8PHE0019 word count 4262 ******** Day 19, Saturday Joi crawled into bed and nested between them with her back to Kinny. He didn't mind. He knew where he laid in this triangle. Somewhere in Outer Yatra. But he was happy there. Him and the yaks. Joi woke him with a kiss. It was six-thirty. "Your specs are buzzing," she said. She rolled back over and faced Jazz. "Um. Thanks." Kinny got up. He'd slept without a bra again. And soaked the sheets. He pulled on a pair of shorts....

3 years ago
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Lanas Fantasy

As I lie in my bed, fantasising about Aaron’s tall muscular body, a knock at the door brings me out of my reverie. I make my way to the door, in my skimpy negligee. I open the front door. Standing there, in all his masculine glory, was the man I have been fantasising about – Aaron. He says nothing but takes in the sight of me and his eyes wake up with desire. “Hi,” I murmur, slightly breathless to have this fine specimen of a man in my flat. “Come in” I gesture him inside and he glides...

2 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 26

Ryan knocked on Brody's door, bursting to tell him about the tour. Word had gotten around, and she'd gotten congratulatory calls from Annette and others, but it wasn't quite the same. She was about to knock again when he opened the door. "Hey, come on in." Brody held the door open for her. "Thanks." Ryan's excitement dropped a few notches. Brody looked and sounded far different than he had on the phone earlier. "You okay?" "Sure. What's up?" He closed the door. "I, um, I have news." "Yeah? Good...

Love Stories
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Rooming with my sister

I was in a bind. My roommate had just dropped out of school and was leaving. He had lasted only one month in college. Now I would be stuck with all that rent, which was an expense I couldn't afford. I also knew I couldn't turn to my parents for help. They were struggling to make ends meet as it was. They lived on a farm back home. Dad did the farming, but he also fixed cars and did a little welding on the side. Mom was the typical farmers wife. She cooked. She cleaned. She basically did what...

3 years ago
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Blooming Under the Rose

Blooming Under the Rose By Ricky There was a time not that long ago when the phrase "I work for Arthur Anderson" was something to be proud of. At least in Tracy's office, located in a large city that will go nameless, it still was. Tracy's boss was one of the most scrupulously honest people you will ever met, and he demanded a level of integrity from his employees that was second to none. But all that didn't matter when everything fell apart, the office was locked up and...

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Taste Testing

There were a few weeks of organizing involved for our next adventure. Without Jacqueline knowing, she will be the centre of attention this time round. As we are packing our clothes, Jacqueline asks what I would like her to pack.  “Can you make sure you bring the maid outfit along, please?” I answer. “Of course, anything for you my love,” she replies. If she knew what I had in store for her this evening, would she have been as willing to pack the garment? We arrive at the hotel around 6 o...

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Fantasy Cum True MMmMM

If you ever met me, even after you got to know me well, you would never believe for a moment that I would be involved in the story I’m about to tell let alone would you believe for a moment that I was not one of the dominate males but the lone bottom in a room with four tops. Its not that I’m some kind of macho guy, but I was an athlete through college, considered good looking and never have had a problem with women to this day. Now I’m happily married and though considered “liberal” by many, I...

Gay Male
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TeamSkeetXJamesDeen Grayson Z Grayson Z8217S Ass In Nyc

James Deen meets up with Grayson Z in the busy streets of New York. The weather seems cold as he is dressed with three layers of clothing. He has a winter coat on and under it a violet T-shirt. Another white tee is under the violet one. But the way she is dressed says otherwise. She is wearing a black off-shoulder, long-sleeved cropped top, and a pair of yellow jeans. She completes her outfit with a necklace, a pair of eyeglasses and a pair of knee-high boots. James and Grayson walk around the...

3 years ago
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Capture Games Chapter Two

Capture Games Chapter Two As the woods got dark, the captors would come back and untie their captives and send them on their way. The boy who had captured me let me go untied my wrists and told me I could untie the rest of my ropes and go now. He hadn't won that day and he said it was because Julie had managed to escape, probably with my help. I untied the rest, pulled up my jeans and found my shoes and socks not too far away before it began to get spooky in the woods. As I walked...

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Jessicas Story Part 5

Jessica's Story - Part 5 Anne was still slightly worried at times for her daughter Jessica. The fear of her being found out hung around like a shadow. But as for behaviour, there was no need to fear. Jessica was every bit a girl in the way she dressed, looked and talked. Only her nether regions could betray the truth about her. With a holiday to the seaside on the horizon, Anne found herself needing to buy some bathing suits for the girls. She was wondering if one for Jessica would...

2 years ago
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The Schoolgirls Enterprise

Introduction: Ok, this is my first story, and, despite the help of two incredibly sweet and supportive people, feel free to PM me if you find any typos, or if you think that I could improve it. Jasmine was 16. Her father died in a car crash before she was born, but she didnt care, as she hadnt known him. She was quite pretty, with red hair, muddy green eyes, and pale skin that didnt tan, but also didnt burn. Her breasts were developing quickly now, and would more or less fit into an A cup. ...

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The Adventures of Karen Our First Time Conclusion

I could feel thepressure if her thighs against my ears, and if that wasn’t proof enough, her ragged breathing and ecstatic moans told me of her orgasm. Her hands both full of my hair, she pulled me up from her moist cleft. She thrust her hips against my face, saying, “Fuck me Grey! Fuck me now!” With a smile on my face and her essence on my nose and chin, I replied, “Not until I drink my fill from your cunt!”, and returned to my task of taking her over the edge once again. With my mouth...

Straight Sex
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Deputy PorterChapter 190

We went back inside to finish our breakfast. An older man came by to leave his card on our table. "You never know," he said smiling." "Bob you are a defense lawyer, now why in the world would I need you," I asked. "You never know when the Sheriff will get a hair up his ass toward you," He said. "Well Bob, if the Sheriff gets a hard on for me, I'll give you a call." I replied. "I might make you a special price, you never know," the older man said. "Fair enough I laughed," as...

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My Indian sister got gangbanged by paying guests

Hi, I'm Rohan & this is the erotic story of watching my horny teen sister in a gangbang with 5 paying guests. We live in a nice locality of Mumbai in India. We are from a Gujarati conservative family & we Wer living with my mom & dad in a nice 2 bedroom flat. My sisters name is Kruti & she had just turned 18 and a half. I too had just turned 20 years couple of months back .Now My sis Kruti was about 5' 4 inches & had a lovely curvaceous figure. Her butt cheeks Wer well...

4 years ago
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Extreme measures0

We finally closed school and I can't wait to get home. There is a party at my best friend’s house. And I and my sisters are of course invited. My parents decided to have three children me, 18 year Nicole and the youngest, Alexa who is 15. Nicole does get everything she wants because she is cute; Alexa on the other hand gets almost everything she wants because she's hardworking. I also get ALMOST everything because I am dad's favorite, he won't admit it but he shows it. "Nice party...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 98 Direct From Salzburg

They had a morning practice the next day. They blew it off. They had told June and Kathy--both of whom were there with them--that they were going to. "We're going to watch downhill skiing. We'll see you at the afternoon practice!" "Guys..." Kathy started. "Hey, it's the Olympics," Sophia told them. "Screw it. We're trained, this practice isn't on the main ice, and Warren loves downhill skiing. See you!" They found a spot at the end of the hill. To their amusement, they found...

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Satisfied A Girl On The Way To Delhi

Hi friend kaise ho ho app log. I hope sabhi log thik honge. Mera name sexy boy hai, meri age abhi 28 years hai. Mai bachpan se chandigarh me raha hu or yeh desi hot sex story mere delhi visit ki he hai. Mai average body wala boys hu.. Mere lund ki size 6.5 inch hai.And mera samina bahut hai jo ladki ki bas kra deta hai. Security and dignity of the girl is important so heroin ka name kalpa (name changed) agar story pasand aye to feedback () pe den and koi bhi ladki ya married girl secret...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Lady Named Sheila

How can I describe her -- she is about 56 years old, 5'10" tall, and weighed about 135lbs. She had a very fine rack about 38C with a slim waist but a bulbous rear end. A real bubble butt. I had admired this lady for many years as I grew up and was always willing to help her in any way. She often had small things that I could do to make it easier on her around the house and garden. As I approached my 18th birthday, she called me one day and asked if I would be available to help her out in a...

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CuckoldSessions Ivy Lebelle 07142019

Ivy’s husband Indiana got caught jerking to cuckolding porn. Instead of being angry, Ivy was intrigued. She loved this new side of her husband and agreed to trying it out in real life. Some guys in her office building had given her their number a while back and Ivy was super excited to to be able to finally have a chance to hit them up. They came over that afternoon and Indiana led them straight to the action. Ivy had always wanted two men at once. She wanted to feel one at each end and get...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 44 I Thought There Were No Tests

“I’m going to spend the night with my concubines then,” Ensign Daniels said firmly. “I’ll have some scenarios to add to the simulation for tomorrow.” “I won’t,” Chaz said. “I really haven’t had a lot of responsibility in that area. I can promise to listen to the crew and help compile any reports you want to distribute after the testing.” “I’ll probably keep the report private,” I said. “But that will help. Meanwhile, let’s head out.” I got out of the chair. All three of my officers saluted...

2 years ago
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Kind Stranger

It was a late Friday night, the bar was swamped. I was doing my best trying to keep up with everyone. Tony the owner was talking on the phone. I was wishing he’d hurry up. that bimbo he married was always calling here. he’d lose the damn bar if she kept going but that was his affair I was just here to do my job (lately it seemed his also). Finally he hung up the phone. My relief was short lived ‘uh Jonna I really hate to do this but I have to run home real fast’ ‘Tony! You can’t leave me...

3 years ago
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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Naughty EmailsWe started off our emails a little too tame, maybe out of nervousness. But in one of his early emails, dated Friday Sept 19, he became bolder, and he really thrilled me. He wrote in reply to one of my fairly tame early emails to him: “Mmmmm, I'm so happy to see an email from you this morning! You brighten my morning. So many images are on my mind right now. The softness of your lips on mine whenever we kiss. The way you look into my eyes so adoringly, so lovingly, so...

Love Stories
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A Game show where 4 male contestants Compete against each other and a straight couple

Freddy was nervous as hell. His girlfriend Sue had signed them up for this stupid game show without even telling him. He still wasn’t sure why he’d agreed. Sure they could win a lot of money, and they’d each get a grand just for participating. And sure they needed the money pretty bad. Desperately actually. But they would be on national TV having sex with strangers. He didn’t know what was worse, the fact that his girlfriend would be having sex with strange men right in...

1 year ago
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My Vietnamese Doll

I had known them for several years. Her and her parents had moved in about five years ago. Unfortunately, her father became ill three years ago and was gone within 6 months. It was now her, her mom and her little brother. Mindy was a beautiful girl. Her family was Vietnamese and so she stood at only 5' tall, with a cute face with long straight black hair down to her butt and a slender body. My desire for her had been growing for the past couple of years. Her breast were now a full A...

4 years ago
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Picked up by a couple of wild hunks

In the afternoon, Marisa called me and we arranged to go out for a cup of coffee in early evening, before dinner.But both of us had forgotten that there was a football match on, so the pubs were packed with wild guys drinking and making noise.Marisa asked me if we would safe amongst a bunch of fierce angry guys; she was dressed very conservative; but I had chosen a tight miniskirt and high heels.I laughed, saying those guys would be focused just in the game…Instead of a cup of coffee, we...

4 years ago
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RelocatingChapter 5

The basketball season was over which meant Friday evenings were now open. Diane came to Don’s condo Friday at six and she couldn’t wait to talk to him on what he said when he was in her office. “I think I understand why you talked that way and can I assume I am your lady friend.” “Yes, you can assume that.” “Could you please tone it down a little as you were actually getting me excited especially when you talked about kissing my butt.” “You do know you do have a nice butt which I often...

1 year ago
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The Agony Booth

‘Hey! What’s that?’ Fred pointed up ahead. Quinn couldn’t quite see what Fred was talking about. They were walking down a row of booths at ‘The Alt Experience’ – the music festival they’d been waiting for for months. Quinn, her boyfriend Fred and a bunch of their other friends were there together. While the stage was being reset between bands, they went around the various booths with people hawking all sorts of cool swag. Quinn and her friends were college aged. Quinn herself had long black...

3 years ago
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Becoming pantywriter

Not long after I moved into my own apartment I found myself gravitating towards very ‘different’ porn sites. I used the standard sites often enough, and I always enjoyed fantasizing about the sex that I watched on the computer screen. But there were nights that I felt a different pull. I felt ambivalent about straight up porn. I decided that there were only so many ways that ordinary porn could arouse me. But at the same time, I’m aware that these…tastes…are not ‘normal.’ Yet early on when I...

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Moms Hot DaughtersChapter 6

While Sharon was in the wild throes of her suck and fuck session with Andy and Mac, Brenda w~ waiting for Ron in her room. He had to attend a meeting in the morning, but the big-cocked man had promised to drop by in the afternoon for a piece of ass. The beautiful redhead had never found such a fantastic prick in her life and she wanted as much of his cock as possible. Brenda's pussy was oozing with anticipation when the man finally knocked. Anxious to get him into her bed, she quickly...

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DickDrainers Lydia Black No Pussy Throat and Asshole Only

Lydia is a simple girl. Yeah she’s pretty AF but not stuck up at all. Lydia only needs 4 things to be happy, really. The 1st? A big fat black diq. That’s a requirement. Cuz the 2nd thing she needs to be happy is that big black dick deep in her throat. BALLS DEEP. She can take it. The 3rd? That phat BBC deep in her asshole. No pussy neccessary cuz her asshole is better. You can pound her shiihole out just like a pussy after all. It’s what she needs. And the 4th and final thing...

2 years ago
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Mom Fucked By My Teacher

Dear friends, This is my first story in iss, but I assure you all that I wont let you down. This is a time when I was studying in chennai. I was not a very intelligent student, because of which my parents were frequently called by my class teacher for discussing my studies. My class teacher’s name is aravind he teaches maths, he is in late 40’s but having a good physique with a mustache. Now, let me tell about my mom, her name is kaveri and she is housewife. She is 38 years old, and is having...

3 years ago
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Accidents Happen Part 4

After breakfast, we packed up and got ready to head to our water hole. I packed sandwiches for lunch and brought along some freeze dried dinners and the water purifier, just in case. I also packed my backpack tent and a couple of sleeping bags in my backpack. The first 15 minutes to the creek are an easy drive down a graded dirt road. After turning off the road, it’s at least 45 minutes down a very rough, deeply rutted four-wheel-drive track. The drive gave me time to think about how we...

4 years ago
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Entertaining Myself While The Wife Is Out

I’m sitting here all hard and wanting to get off. I go to the hamper and pull out my wife’s dirty panties. I love to smell her scent, when she's not around. I know that must seem strange to you, but there's nothing better than smelling rank and fragrant pussy juice on one’s panties. I go to our bedroom and I just keep her panties under my nose. I'm sniffing her delicious smell. I move my hands up and down my seven inch cock. “Oh God, her cunt smells like heaven on earth. I love her sweet...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Elsa Jean Kristen Scott Ana Foxxx Dream Pairings

When Elsa Jean catches her girlfriend Kristen Scott spying on their roommate Ana Foxxx in the shower, she runs into her bedroom distraught. Kristen apologizes till Elsa forgives her. She gives her tender kisses till the lesbians get caught up in desire for each other’s nubile bodies. Fueled by their fight, they lustily lick each other’s sweet pussies their orgasms release. Elsa scissors her legs between Kristen’s and rocks on top of her juicy pussy till she cums. Kristen sits...


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