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Paloma shuddered as she followed Carlito into the large shabby house. The crabby Cuban who was some relative of hers before becoming her husband, she had a hard time pinning that down, brought her into the ‘Showroom.’

“Little Butterfly, did you think I was asking for your permission? Been a while since we got together, Baby Girl. You miss that, don’tcha?”

His florid face, cherubic cheeks and very wide, expressive mouth sometimes reminded her of a clown. At the moment though, Carlito’s eyes were narrowed, an irritated flush covered him from hairline to hipbone. She felt like she was in the presence of Stephen King’s “It.” He patted the bed, really just a camp cot in an alcove off the main room. Carlito turned to face her, bare chested, his jeans unzipped.

“Sit with me, Chica.”

Paloma wanted to do almost anything else in the world. They had history. That all changed as he continued glaring at her while Carlito took out the bowl and a tiny vial. He prepared the pipe with maddening attention to detail. Paloma watched him with misty eyes.

When she moved to join him, Carlito struck serpent fast, digging his manicured nails into the waistband of her hip huggers. He leered as he tapped his elegant fingers just above her clit. Just above. The vibrations of it got her nubby growing and it peeked past the sheath, hunting attention. Paloma tried to will the butterflies in her tummy still. Carlito knew how to tease. He was much more prone to torment. The bastard knew Paloma, inside and out. He yanked her close.

“Chicaaah, don’t be shy. Put your pretty leg up here,” while pulling her close to his bony hip.

Carlito patted his thigh and swallowing revulsion, Paloma draped her leg over him. Her anxiety showed in the rapid tapping of the sandal against the sole of her foot. Paloma had lots of experience with revulsion in pursuit of her medicine. She never took her eyes off the pipe.


Four days, locked alone in Carlito’s ‘Harem’ because Paloma had refused to pull a train. All of that praying for rescue from her own twisted version of therapy. She very much enjoyed self-medicating her pain and loathing away and for the first day or so that tantalizing desire was foremost in Paloma’s thoughts.

It was late in the morning of her second day of captivity. Another shiver raced through Paloma; this one was tastier. Her nips responded in an instant and a delicious frisson trickled down her spine. She was anticipating her reward. With iron determination, Paloma faced down the degrading visions of what she was prepared to do to do to earn it. That gave her something else to think about besides her isolation.

Her palms were sweating a little and she wiped them dry in her lap. Her jeans dampened there. Not all of the moistness came from outside, either. Paloma sighed and did it some more, this time dragging her fingertips over the swelling mound between her thighs. Happy to have something else to think about besides being alone (and that was starting to crowd its way into being her biggest anxiety) Paloma stood and peeled the jeans down her legs. Her puss was beaucoup damp and the fresh air against her brought a delicious tingle with it.

In a minute the modest hip hugging panties were going to be useless, so Paloma took them off, too. There was a bamboo, sort of cagey-looking chair suspended from the ceiling that she crawled into. The chain creaked as she got situated. Paloma immediately loved this chair.

It was deep, the cushion was luxuriant as hell. Paloma sank into it, reclining as much as possible and put her foot on one of the cross-hatched bars. The other leg dangled over the edge. Her pussy opened, a dusky rose Venus Flytrap. Impatient to force her irritating and consuming thoughts aside, Paloma pushed three fingers in deep. She was wet enough that she didn’t get splinters when she did it, but there was some discomfort that she relished until her arousal caught up.

Panting, mewing when some horny nerve responded to her thrusting fingers, she lost herself in it. Not taking her fingers out of the soaked warmth, Paloma scooted around in the chair until she could put both feet up. She learned she could use them as leverage and fucked her hips up toward the fingers stabbing into sopping puss. The chair wiggled like a carnival ride, the chain groaning and squeaking. That worked nice and she did it lots more, until Paloma panted from the exertion. She let her butt melt into the soft cushion and rubbed herself, tickling her fingernails from her navel down to tap on the hiding place of her electrified clit. She slid her red-nailed fingertips into the sizzly spots. Her position put her head forward and having both hands in her lap made her arms bulge Paloma’s tits out of the neckline of the wife-beater tank top. She licked them and purred.

By early afternoon of that second captive day, Paloma’s attention was shifting. There was no contact with anyone, in any way. She could have been in an isolation tank with a kitchen. She had food, if that’s what you thought Ramen noodles and half a dozen eggs were. There was beer in the fridge, a couple of wine coolers or water to drink.

Paloma stood at the sink, tap running to get to cooler water. She rubbed a plastic glass in both hands. This isolation was new and unnerving. Paloma could not remember any time in her twenty-two years that she had ever gone two days without seeing or hearing or talking to someone. There was no TV, no radio, no music, period. Not even a damn Gameboy. Nothing but Paloma and her bug-a-boos. It sucked.

The end of a horrendous third day of seclusion was cut short by night terrors. Paloma gasped herself out of sleep with her long black hair sweaty. Like spider webs stuck to her face and neck. She scratched it away, frantic as hell. Ragged breaths, the exhaled keening of those through Paloma’s flaring nostrils, a flush that shivered through her. For long, long moments Paloma was aware of nothing but horror.

Three days. Omigod, gonna be four now! The replay of the real-life nightmare Paloma had endured, the one that had just torn her from slumber, had lasted just one day. Not even a full one.

Paloma was the fifth child of eleven born to a sugarcane growing despot and his cowed and invisible wife. Papa never left a doubt in her mind that as soon as he could be rid of yet another useless daughter, he’d take the dowry.

“Mama, no! Please, oh please don’t make me do this! I’m fourteen!”

Conchita brushed her daughter’s shoulder-length hair until it gleamed. Faint midnight blue highlights peeked through in the light. She clucked at her.

“I, too, was your age when I was betrothed to your father, Paloma. You are a woman now. Will you go to chop cane until you are as old and stooped as your mother? I think not. A girl, a woman, as pretty as you needs a man to protect her, to care for her. Besides, Child. It is our way. Now, hush and get dressed, Chica. It’s almost time to go.”

Paloma waited in the motel room. She was alone and afraid. The man who would take her to his bed was coming. A man she had never met.

Papa had even negotiated the cost of that into the purchase of his daughter. She and Mama hugged at the door until Papa let his impatience show with an angry, long blast of the pickup’s horn.

Sleep wouldn’t come and nothing on the television channels Paloma surfed made any sense to her. The hours of horrid anticipation were exhausting and terrible. She cried. That lasted until she caught sight of herself in the large mirror over a cheap looking dresser. The only thing worse to Paloma would be the retribution Papa would exact if her new husband refused her. She hurried to repair her makeup, trying hard to tame her trembling hands.

Paloma saw the door open in the mirror’s reflection. Carlito came in.


“So pretty. Ayde mi, Chica. Sooo pretty.”

He had his hand around her throat, her ankles resting on his shoulders. His hips thrust into her with jarring violence. Paloma squealed under him, wriggling and straining to escape the brutal termination of her virginity. Her blood and excitement mingled and dripped a warm trail that cooled before sliding over her sensitive butthole. The shivery explosion in her tummy was not something Paloma was expecting. Before that terrifying and thrilling weekend in the motel was over Paloma had much more of her innocence ripped away.


Even after escaping Lito, abandoned more than a year later when Paloma failed to become pregnant, she was unable to separate the two conflicting keys to her sexuality. Pleasure and pain became intermingled in a decadent but delightful broth. When those degradations became her reason for being, Paloma sought relief not just in a man’s cruel and exciting grasp but in every other way her twisted imagination could invent.

Drugs were a part of that and that’s how Paloma found herself ensnared by Carlito once more. When the door of the Harem opened after dark of that fourth day, Paloma leaped for it. She didn’t care if the Gates of Hell were on the other side of it. Tears of relief spilled from her eyes. Carlito stood, scratching his bare belly, jeans unzipped. Three more guys stood behind him, leering at her.

Paloma serviced them all with panicked enthusiasm. She was getting out of this fucking room.


“So pretty. Ayde mi, Chica. Sooo pretty. I remember that. Don’t you, Cara Mia?”

Lito was laughing at Paloma as he cuffed her other wrist to the cot.


Stryker twisted his fist and she squalled under him. A throaty purr tickled his balls as he glanced over his shoulder and melded into traffic from the on ramp. He looked for the opportunity and Keepsake heeled over at his command, diving into the next lane before Stryker righted the bike and they tore past wide-eyed passengers in cages. His eyes teared in the slipstream and the smile wouldn’t quit.

A little after nine on a fuckin glorious Southern California morning, the Emerald green machine growling between Stryker’s legs begged him to release her. Not wanting CHPs in his mirror, he restrained the snarling critter. Today was definitely a no-cops kinda day.

More and more people heading for the water crowded onto the highway and Stryker found himself chugging along with them. He was frustrated some. Keepsake, more. Still, great fuckin day. Roll with it. He started to check out his fellow travelers to pass the time. The convertible Miata a lane over and a few cars ahead caught Stryker’s attention. Traffic was binding up, a wreck maybe, or a breakdown. He led the purring Harley into and out of gaps until he could close on the two cuties in the Mazda.

The driver was a chestnut-haired wonder. Busty with a tan that glowed. She wiggled her fingers at him when she saw Stryker approaching in her mirror. He putted up close and kept pace as the traffic slowed even more.

“Ooooo, I want to ride with you. I can feel it already.”

The blonde dolly kept having to push her hair out of her eyes as they flirted the time away. She squirmed in her seat and grinned. Conversation with the driver was more challenging but worth it. Unfortunately, it probably was a wreck up ahead because he could hear sirens and the cars behind them were shifting in their lanes.

More fish in the sea. Stryker rolled the throttle and slid away, hunting for an exit. There were better places to sit still. The bike agreed with a throaty surge as Stryker tweaked her. Before traffic ground to a halt, the off ramp for ‘Canoga Cliffs Overlook’ came into range. He spurred the bike into the curving exit. Right at the end of it was a Stop sign and the entrance into the pocket park. It was bigger than Stryker expected and he took his time putting through it. A few families full of squealing kids and dads wearin socks and sandals, a MILF or two, were readying picnics or playing Frisbee.

What the overlook was looking over was a small cove with a bunch of parked sailboats in it. A few of them had people doing boat stuff, some more just laying out on their decks soaking up sunshine. Stryker noticed that there were even more MILFs on boats. Who knew? He guided Keepsake into a small parking area and left her ticking and cooling to go stretch his legs. He listened to the slaps of sails, the creaks and rattles of their rigging, happy people sounds everywhere. There was a swing set that wasn’t really near the edge but as he looked closer, he thought maybe if you kicked hard enough you could lose sight of the ground. The illusion of soaring over the water drew Stryker like a magnet.

He wiggled into the fat leather seat and grabbed the chains. He had this area to himself and it suited Stryker fine. He kicked backwards and leaned into it, trying to fly. The higher he went the more into it he got. That smile was back again. He propelled the swing into the sky, almost horizontal as he imagined launching from it to cannonball into the MILF cove with a bright smile and a raucous Yeee Haaa!

Stryker almost shit himself when he felt the contact. His first thought was I just ran over a kid! He dug his heels in and turned to look. The titsy brunette and her flirty blonde buddy were grinning. Busty had slapped him on the ass.

“God dammit, girl. I thought I just killed one of these kids around here.”

They both went a little round-eyed at his tone.

“Oh, yikes.” It was a squeak. “I was just playing.” She recovered quick. “You looked like you’d be fun to play with.”

With an adorable imitation of innocence, she clasped her hands together and held them low as she made her boobs sway ‘Hello’ with a brief shimmy of her shoulders. Too early for beer yet, but the ‘titties’ part of that old quip got Stryker to pull his shades down to peer over them at the show.

“Wanna swing with me?”


He and Keepsake rode herd on the Miata in front of them as the girls took him home. They weaved their way onto surface streets and through neighborhoods until the convertible turned up a driveway. For some weird reason Stryker recognized the house as a Tudor style. Mom was a real estate lady and he probably got it from her. He never got the joke though; all of’em Stryker had ever seen had just the one door in front.

Across the street, Methuselah was watering the peonies at the head of his walkway. The old man was watching Stryker from the time the bright green motorcycle gleamed into view. The stream of water missed the plants, puddling the sidewalk. Stryker could tell a saddle tramp from a mile away. Grandad here tweaked his antennae. He gave the old fella a friendly two-fingered wave and putted up drive. He put the stand down, leaving his ride to cool in the shade of the garage.

The girls were gathering their stuff from the car when Stryker walked up to them. Just like before, it was Blondie - and she really did resemble Deborah Harry - that was the flirtiest of the pair. This time, Boobs-a-plenty was less pleased with that.

She growled something Stryker didn’t hear and his playmate answered, “Yes, Lydia,” before heading toward the front door.

As Lydia was coming around the front of it Stryker put his large mitt right between her big titties and pushed her onto the hood of the car. The house was a long way from the highway and the slower speed limits let the car cool some but she still squirmed under him at the mild discomfort.

The blonde stopped to watch this delicious development with a tiny grin that threatened to get away from her. The old dude across the street was watering the sidewalk again as his eyes went all buggy watching his neighbor get man-handled. Indecision and chivalry were all over his face but when that sexy damn Lydia lifted her legs, just as pretty as you please, he relaxed. Good day to be watering plants.

Stryker pinned the brunette against the hood and reached under the frayed hem of her faded blue jean miniskirt. His hand came away fisted into the waist band of her panties. He peeled them down her legs, piercing her with his dark hazel eyes.

“You owe me these for scarin the hell out of me, lady.”

Lydia’s breathless response was to lift her legs straight into the air. Stryker pocketed the seafoam colored thong he pulled off of them and offered Lydia his hand. She held it as she walked with him toward the house. Blondie composed herself and opened the door for them.

They all clearly heard the coot’s wife bleat, “Clyde! The damn weeds ain’t agonna pull themselfs! Quit yer gawkin.”

Beverly Hillbillies Strike Again! Stryker glanced at the guy, and he had a sheepish look on his face as he bent to his task, but he kept peeking across the street until the door closed behind them.


“We’ve got everything you could imagine to drink. Name your poison. Trini will serve us.”

Blondie - Trini - stood off to one side, hands clasped, head slightly bowed, watching silently.

“It’s beer-thirty some place. That works for me.”

When she returned with a tray holding his beer and a glass he wasn’t gonna use along with another tumbler full of something fruity lookin, Trini wore only a skimpy see-through peach tinted thong. It just barely hid her twat and it made Stryker’s mouth water. She had nice round boobs that called to mind a Seeger song., They ’...had points all their own...Way up firm and high.’ After serving Lydia she sat on her haunches beside her chair. Lydia combed the fingers of one hand through Trini’s sun-bleached hair.

“Would you like to take a shower? I’d like to watch Trini wash your back.”

“I reckon I’d like it better if she washed my front but what the hell? Where’s the bathroom?”

He killed the sweating bottle of Dos Equis and put it on the tray that she left on a table. He followed the bouncing ball, Trini’s pretty ass, down a hallway. If there was a hoop over the door, you could have a half-court basketball game in the huge bathroom. It surprised him. He watched Trini strip him out of his clothes in half a dozen different mirrors. When the silent blonde bent to untie his boots Stryker’s waking cock twitched, tapping her cheek. She turned quickly and kissed the tip of it.

Not quickly enough. The sharp sting of the crop against her flank made Trini gasp. The gratified smile was hidden, even from the mirrors, as she finished getting Stryker naked.

Lydia stood in the doorway until she was finished. Trini resumed sitting on her legs, hands clasped and resting in her lap, waiting. Lydia came into the room with them, Trini looked up at her. With the butt end of the riding crop, Lydia pried her lower lip down until her mouth opened. A low purr came from her as her patron slid it in, resting it on Trini’s glistening tongue. Lydia fastened her eyes on the girl as she pushed more of the leather-wrapped grip between pink glossed lips that closed around it.. She didn’t stop until Trini gagged and her eyes teared. The calm blonde did not try to avoid the reprimand. Her shiny eyes focused on Lydia’s fist as she fucked her mouth with the tiny whip. Lydia didn’t stop that as she turned to Stryker.

“There are rules here. My pet gets forgetful. Or maybe she’s just sassy?”

She forced the handle deep enough to make her gag again before withdrawing it completely. Trini tried to keep it in her mouth and it made a soft Pop! as it was pulled from her sucking lips.

The shower was mind-blowing. Trini lathered his hair making her cute boobs come alive as she massaged his scalp. She used a soft cloth to wash his face, stepping close enough to him that her pebbled nips tickled against his skin. He tilted his head into the shower stream to rinse as she continued down his body. Trini was looking him dead in the eye as she filled her small hands with his cock and soaped him silly. Stryker was surprised and a little embarrassed to find it enjoyable when her slim forefinger penetrated his asshole. Lydia’s canary eating cat smile was evil. Stryker had a very masculine cock, beefy and long and every fuckin inch of it was wiggling at attention.

Trini let him poke it into her hair as she washed his legs, his feet. She was about to stand and move him so she could wash his back but he still held a fistful of her hair, wrapping it around his meaty cock, jacking off with it. Both girls watched him do it. He’d see that picture over and over for years to come.

He did let her wash his back, shivered as Trini’s pointed nails scratched faint streaks down it. She left Stryker to rinse and stepped out of the shower, drying herself, tossing the damp towel into the empty tub, then stepping back into the peach thong. Trini knelt with a fresh towel, waiting for him to finish. Lydia watched him for a moment more before leaving them.

Stryker followed Trini back out to the living room. The towel was wrapped around his waist. Lydia pointed him toward the chair where she had been sitting.

“My turn to shower. Trini will see to your needs. Trini? Don’t be wasteful, Darling.”

“Of course not, Lydia.”

When her patron had gone, Trini turned to him. “That was the most delicious thing I’ve seen in months, the way you imposed on Lydia outside.” She shivered and her even white teeth gleamed. “Every now and again, I wish I had the ability or the confidence to command. One day.” There was a dreamy look in her distant gaze. “Until then, I’ll have delightful memories of today. Thank you, Sir.”

She had Stryker stand while she removed the towel and folded it into a seat cover. Trini urged him to sit again. Scooting close, the slim blonde caressed him, holding his manly cock and gliding her warm palms up and down over its length. When she pursed her lips he warned her.

“You won’t fucking spit on me, girlie. I’ll paddle your Blondie-looking ass.”

Trini laughed a musical trill. Instead of spitting, she allowed a silvery string of her saliva to drip from her lips onto the attractive cap at the tip of his dick. She massaged him with damper hands.

“Do you really think that’s a threat?” She giggled sweetly.

Trini licked him from his nuts to his knob. Her warm, tiny hands went back to work. When she teased a shiny dab of precum out of it, Trini looked over her shoulder and then turned to him, lapping it off his dick and savoring the taste before swallowing. She grinned, holding one finger against her plush lips.

“Shhhh, don’t tell.” Her sneaky smile made it look like she might be hoping Stryker did just that.

Lydia found them that way, smiling at one another, comfy. Another dark green bottle glistening with condensation was clutched in his fist. He pulled a long swallow out of it as she joined him and Trini wearing only spiky heeled pumps.

The cute blonde gasped when Lydia pulled her head back by the hair and leaned over to dip her tongue between Trini’s lips.

“Mmmm, good girl. You don’t taste salty, at all.”

She smiled at them both. Lydia held Trini’s cheek against her tummy. The tip of the girl’s pink tongue toyed with her navel piercing as Stryker watched them.

No stranger to a hard dick, Stryker could get a bone feeling the buffet of the wind between his thighs as he exercised Keepsake. So he was good and amazed now. His cock was so fuckin hard a wildcat couldn’t scratch it. He could feel his strong heartbeat in it and it felt full and frisky. These two were something.

“Alright, I’m impressed, Lydia. What’s the drill here? You one o’them Dom chicks? Ball crusher? Good fuckin luck with that.” He drained the beer and before the bottle left his lips Trini was on her way to the kitchen. She casually dragged the frosty bottle across his ball sac and up the side of his crank when she knelt again and handed it to him. Stryker’s head almost exploded.

“I like to top, that’s all. Trini allows me that, bless her horny little heart.”

Trini blew a loud raspberry against Lydia’s tummy and they both giggled like schoolgirls.

“Get over there, you.”

Lydia pointed to a spot on the thick carpeting. Trini scampered over to it on her hands and knees. Before turning all the way around, she looked over one shoulder to gauge Stryker’s reaction. She smiled because she couldn’t tell. Trini had kept him hard for a good part of the past hour. Nothing looked different now. Lydia put Trini back into her kneel and walked around the trembling cutie. She drew a long satiny belt from one of her robes through her hands, now and then draping it over Trini’s shoulder to tickle along her spine. Her hefty tits rose as her arms did when Lydia held the belt in the center and pulled the cool fabric across both of Trini’s prominent nips at the same time.

Trini closed her eyes and shivered. “Please....Oh, please, Lydia.”

Her thick chestnut fell over her face like a curtain as she leaned down to take one of Trini’s hands from her lap. Lydia was panting softly into her ear as she wound the belt around her wrist. She stood and walked around the kneeling girl, pulling the bound hand with her until she was behind Trini’s back. She leaned over her shoulder and Trini turned her head to lick the nipple by her cheek for a moment before Lydia drew her other hand behind her back. She fastened it, as well, leaving two long tails that she held in one hand.

Titsy looked at him and said, “Trini enjoys being the center of attention,” before pulling up on the belt or sash thingie making Debbie Harry squeak and bend forward at the waist as her arms were lifted behind her. She panted and was forced to look up at Stryker with her pleading blue eyes from the unnatural position. When Lydia crooked a ‘Come here’ finger at him he put the beer on the table and went to them. Stryker felt a little weird with his bobbing pecker leading the way, harder than a tween seeing his first Sears catalog underwear section.

“Sit up, Baby.”

Lydia released the reins and knelt next to Trini. She nipped Trini’s long neck between sharp, tiny teeth. When Trini’s eyes closed and she moaned, Lydia wrapped her fist around Stryker’s cock and slapped the shivering girl’s cheek with it. Her eyes opened wide at the same time as the meaty thwap sounded. Lydia shifted a little and slapped Trini’s other cheek with his cock.

“She’ll love it if you do it. I want to watch.”

Stryker watched Lydia sit back, one foot almost under her butt, other flat on the floor. She let her knee lean away and slipped a blood red nail tip through the damp and shiny folds revealed. He looked down at Trini. Her blue eyes were swimming as she used them to beg him for what she needed.

The wanton lust he saw on the girl’s face made his pecker pulse a small stream of jizz out of the head. Before it could get away, he glossed Trini’s lips even shinier with the slick and salty stuff.

She purred as she spread it around with the tip of her tongue. Trini squeaked when he slapped her with his cock. It was harder than Lydia did it and she could feel the very warm imprint of it on her face. Her eyes were wide, her sculpted brows lifted with the surprise. He did it again, hard enough to turn her chin. Trini was gushing. It got ohhh so much better when Lydia put her pussy dampened fingers into Trini’s mouth as Stryker continued to use his erection to torture her desire to fever pitch. He rubbed it against her cheek, onto her lips, sawing it across the width of her mouth. She opened her mouth slightly and used her frisky tongue on the thick muscle under it as he kept it up.

Lydia put her face near Trini’s and licked the top of Stryker’s dick while Trini’s tongue went crazy beneath it. She rolled one of the blonde’s stone hard nipples between one finger and her thumb. Lydia tugged it until Trini mewed her discomfort. She held it there until her pet looked into Lydia’s eyes with love and submission. She grabbed Stryker’s cock and was about to put it into Trini’s mouth when he reached for her and tangled his fist in her thick brown hair.

Now, it was Lydia who gasped. Trini sat up and watched the scene with amazement. Stryker wasn’t nice about it, he wasn’t patient, he just stuffed his throbbing cock to the root in the cocky bitch’s mouth. He chuckled once when she didn’t gag in the fuckin least. He ground her face against his belly before pulling her off him and pushing her onto the carpet belly down. He slid his arm under her and lifted her until her ass was in front of his straining cock. He plunged into her cunt like one of those cliff diver dudes. She screamed but thrust back into him just as hard. Stryker seized her hips and grudge-fucked the hell outta the girl.

Trini watched him wreck Lydia with adoring eyes. She kept having to hide the smile behind hands clamped to her face with feigned shock as the beast ripped wails and screams from her patron. A steady keening that grew and grew until Lydia collapsed to her belly with him still impaling her sopping puss and yelped out a convulsive orgasm. She was a trembling piece of meat, panting and crying, begging him for more of his sweet abuse.

Stryker winked at Trini. The blonde winked back with a huge smile on her face as Lydia thrashed insanely beneath him. He yanked his cock out of her strangling box and covered her back and quivering ass in long steamy strings of cum. Lydia moaned and Trini had most of one small hand tucked into her own dripping snatch. She looked at the quivering, sobbing woman on the floor and opened her mouth for Stryker.

Lydia slowly calmed but remained on her belly, her cheek pressed against the floor with her sweaty hair clinging to her face. She watched Trini clean the man. God, men were so fucking rare in her life! She felt another sizzle, a gentler orgasm as she watched Trini worship Stryker’s fearsome dick.

Stryker pulled himself out of Trini’s mouth and pecked the tip of her nose with his lips. He grinned at her and pointed at Lydia with his chin. While he was putting his clothes back on he watched the blonde wanton lap her patron clean. Cooing sweet nothings, completely absorbed in thanking her lover for still another delicious afternoon of lust and sensual mayhem. He finished the beer and let himself out. Neither of the girls noticed.

He was a happy camper. Lydia was kind of a bitch, but Lord have mercy, she was a hot bitch. He saw Trini’s thrilled amusement as Lydia screeched again in his mind’s eye and grinned big. He felt in his pocket and found the pale green thong. Stryker thumbed his bike to life and coasted down the sloping drive. He paused at the bottom to look for idiots then let out the clutch and rolled across the street.

The ancient biker stood from his gardening and stretched his back. Stryker was a little surprised that the Hooterville Hollow voice he had heard squalling at the old guy earlier belonged to a kinda not bad real old girl. She wore cutoffs and while he had imagined fish-belly white legs laced with fat blue veins, the Missus had a fair pair o’suntanned pins on her. Her t-shirt, ‘Ladies Love Hogs’ splashed over a Harley logo on it, was filled up pretty good.

Stryker waited for the dude to cross the yard. His wife looked at the bike, looked at her old man and grinned. The damn crab was moving quicker than he did when she whispered the word ‘blowjob’ at him.

He held out his hand and the old guy shook with him. He got a startled look on his face when he felt the balled up fabric. His dentures almost fell out when the biggest smile he had had in decades creased his face. Unless he was mistaken, the panties this dude had pulled off of sexy Lydia across the street were in his paw.

Stryker grinned back. “Don’t let the ol’ lady find those, Bro. Think of’em as a keepsake.”

He let out the clutch and dialed in a fistful of fun. Keepsake leaped into the rest of a fuckin glorious Southern California day.


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My first time witha a shemale

I was holiday in Spain with my friend and his Mum when i was 17, we didnt have any problems getting served in the bars so went out every night drinking. Half way through the holiday we all went out and me and my friend ending up in a club quite the worse for wear, a girl was dancing against a pole and keeped looking at me so i look backand maintain eye contact, she danced in my direction so i danced up to her and as she started to grind against me i started feeling her tits, she turned round...

2 years ago
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Masquerade Pt 01

My heels click across the office lobby tiles as I walk briskly to the elevator. ‘Late again,’ I think to myself and sigh. I probably couldn’t be on time if my life depended on it, but fortunately, my boss doesn’t really care. I get to my office, hang up my coat behind the door, plug in my laptop and power it on. Sitting down at my desk, I pull out the keyboard drawer. There’s a plain black envelope on the keyboard with my name in silver calligraphy. I pick it up, and the weight surprises me....

2 years ago
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Weekend at GrandmasChapter 7

I can be a lot more introspective than Krys. That's one of those obvious statements like music in New Orleans, corruption in Washington DC, or the sun rising in the east. A walk through the ocean of my sister's soul would scarcely get your feet wet. Of course I don't stop thinking, which is the problem. I think I've said before that I can over think something. So the reader probably won't be too surprised that I did a lot of thinking about my entry into the swinging life, or even what...

1 year ago
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After the Rain II The Verdict

AFTER THE RAIN II: THE VERDICT: A short story by Tamsyn Eighteen months have passed since Jack Welch was freed from years of slavery and abuse; his body changed beyond all recognition. It has not been easy; nightmares, struggles with identity and gender, publicity and celebrity, and now the trial of his captors. The young woman stood on the steps of the imposing building, looking out at the sea of faces and cameras. She wanted nothing more than to disappear back inside the safety...

1 year ago
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Sex with neighbor

Hi, i am 21 years staying alone. This encounter happened with my young neighbor, older by 5 years than me. The lady was staying with her husband next to my flat. One Sunday afternoon, i found that i didn’t have any milk for tea. So i decided to borrow some milk from the neighbors. When i rang the door, the lady opened the door and was surprised to see me. I told her my difficulty and asked her for some milk. She said, ‘better have your tea here. Why go back and make tea yourself?’ i did not...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Sadie Holmes 04022019

Just take a look at Sadie Holmes. What a cheater! Literally five minutes ago she was in the produce aisle of her grocery store, where she spent over half an hour flirting with the handsome hunk of a man who’s now in her marital bed!! It started with, “look how big this cucumber is!” to “yes, that’s the bed I sleep with my husband in!” Now, for the very first time in her slutty MILF life, she’s fucking a black man! He’s got a huge dick on him, too!...

2 years ago
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My Purge pt 11

The home we bought the day after the Purge last year has been fortified and modified. The upstairs had metal 8 inches from the drywall, cubbies built into the metal against the wall, and filled with water to stop any fires that might be started against the house. A gravity fed fire suppression system, gotta love it. The floor had been torn up and drainage put into it. When we poured the new concrete we made sure to put angles into it to drain properly. Cells were placed on the wall facing...

3 years ago
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Ladkiyon Ka Kutta Part 8211 2

Hello friends pichli story mai aapne dekha ki kis tarha mai khushi,princy aur sonia ka kutta bna aur unka muut piya agar aapne pichla part nhi pda toh pehle pad li jiye. Toh without wasting time let’s start Jab mai school se bhag ke ghar aaya uske kuch din baad mujhe ek call aaya. Wo call sonia ka tha usne kaha ki hume tumse thoda kaam hai isliye isi waqt hamare ghar par aajao. Maine socha kikuch bahana bna deta hu taki mai kuch samay tak inse bacha rhu lekin usne kaha ki agar 15 min mai nhi...

2 years ago
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My First Time with Another Couple

It was about 20 years ago when I was in my mid 40's and living in Wisconsin. I was in an adult chatroom and I saw that a guy named Tony was looking for someone to take pictures of him and his wife fucking. I quickly answered since they were located about an hour and a half away from me.We chatted briefly in the chatroom then we exchanged phone numbers and talked. His wife, Jody, was 31, petite, small tits and shaved pussy. There was no mention during our telephone conversation of me joining in....

1 year ago
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The New Job

The New Job By Kelly Ann Rogers This is a story about becoming. It's also a story about learning how to love, both yourself and others. As our heroine progresses through the most tumultuous year of her life, she must deal with a variety of challenges, some ageless and others thoroughly modern. Some of theses challenges are mundane but real, others are more unusual, difficult, and intense. As she deals with each challenge, our heroine learns an important lesson, some about being...

3 years ago
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From just this side of slumberI hear her soft voice tell me that she can't sleep,and yet to me she seems so deepinside a dream of my own making.She slowly turns away and I feelthe soft, round flesh of her bottom brushagainst my slightly bent leg -- a rushof electricity every time.She pushes back further untilI feel the delicate dampness between her cheeks,and with no sound this movement speaks,and I am always ready to listen.Pulling away the sheet to expose our naked flesh,I glide my open lips...

1 year ago
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Golden Years

I had retired from Civil Service, and was bored to death at staying home. Nothing to do, and no purpose for anything, so I went job hunting, and found a place with a company guarding a construction site.I worked there for almost a year, and when it opened, was chosen to stay on as a guard, and to log trucks in and out. I was, by choice, given an evening (3-11 pm) post. I was having a good time, as I got to know the truckers better, and became friends with the vast majority of them.I was at a...

1 year ago
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Home for the summer

AJ was always like my best friend, actually he was one of my sister's best friends but since she had gone off to college she didn't really have much to do with anyone except her boyfriend! AJ was around a lot when I was little and all through when I was growing up but he graduated when I was only going into the 8th grade so of course he always considered me his little sister and I always considered him my big brother! It had been 2 yrs since he graduated high school and I hadn't seen him at all...

First Time
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Great day today

I love telling true stories of my sex life so this is what happened today.Helens friend, who dosent know what were up to, came round today,what a cracking pair of tits shes got, always wanted to fuck her but being one of her brides maids i didnt know what Helen would say if i said "i would LOVE to fuck Jan.They sat in the lounge and had a few drinks talking of old times and the conversation started to move towards what men they have had.I could hear the conversation in the kitchen so went...

2 years ago
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Me My Girlfriend and Her Best Friend Part One

Prologue: I was 19 years old in the summer of 1999. It was a Saturday night when my girlfriend Belinda and I went to a party at my friend Chuck?s house. It was like any of the dozens of parties at his place during that summer. At least, it started out that way. It was an unusually cold night for summer in west Texas. I remember Belinda was wearing jeans and a black sweater that clung tightly around her slim waist and b-cup breasts. Her long light brown hair hung in loose spirals down...

3 years ago
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Kelly Girl Chapter 3 Wrong Side of the Mirror

Lainie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 3 - Wrong Side of the Mirror By Wanda Cunningham Copyright 1999, by Wanda Cunningham. "Why don't we all go out for...

2 years ago
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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 12

Haley’s turn: So I’m supposed to meet Carlita at Starbucks. That’s a laugh. It’s convenient to the campus, usually filled with students, but we can usually get a little table to talk. What we talk about is the clientele, quite often. Wanna get hit on? Show up at that Starbucks and sit there with your MacBook open. If you’re with your sister or your female friend, that’s no impediment. I get there first, so I grab a table. I’ve got my computer open when I hear “There she is” in that lilt of...

3 years ago
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Chance meeting with my ex part 4

I was beginning to feel more for her than just some woman I had sex with. I wanted more from her than just a weekend of pleasure. Tonight I’d be sleeping in the hotel, because on Monday real life started again. “Would she be there to? Not just the night, but in real life.” I stop my train of thought by opening my eyes and looking at Nancy, sleeping peacefully in my arms. Her face shows no signs of the lustful abandon it had hours before. Her breathing is slow and steady, which I can not...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 84

Even though she had a lot planned for Mike that he didn’t know about, she’d fully intended to keep her end of the bargain and give him the blow-job he was promised. “Ooooo, God that feels good...” Mike moaned from up above the table. Thanks to his small size, Emma had no trouble bottoming her lips out against his furry pubic mound. The position she was in made sucking him off a bit awkward, kind of like she was using a (very short) snorkel to breathe underwater. Mike wasn’t complaining one...

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A Piece of EdenChapter 3

I’ve gotta take a little time A little time to think things over I better read between the lines In case I need it when I’m older Foreigner – “I Want to Know What Love Is” Moran woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. Her eyes opened wide and excitement washed over her. After two nightmarish months, the day she dreamed of was finally here. The scars Ayala left on her soul still hurt her, but they seemed like such distant dreams that they started to hurt less. Sharon and Ofer also helped,...

1 year ago
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Black Puma Cats ClawChapter 2 A Ton of Bricks

Over the next few days, the two women grew closer. You must understand, everyone needs hope, everyone needs sympathetic acceptance by another human being of who they are. We all yearn for those brief moments of tender compassion, those exchanges with a person who isn’t looking for what they can take from you. There is this need, to be able to tell another person our deepest secrets, our desires, and expectations. We want to give someone an unvarnished version of ourselves and to hear them say...

3 years ago
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Pranks Can Really Go Wrong And Sexual

Last time I wrote something to this site was long ago! Really long ago. So I thought to hook up its time again. Well, this is a story about one of my Indian batch mates from my college. If you people are thinking IITians are geeky spook heads, well this story is gonna change your thoughts about them. For if are reading my stories for the first time, well then I’m an Indian born guy who currently stays in London due to work and other shit. I basically write all those interesting experiences of...

2 years ago
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First dates The rock star

This story was a special request for makkavellithedon-------------“I don’t know if this will be up your street but I have tickets to a gig this weekend?”That was where it began. Just few words from a stranger on a dating app and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom, stripping off and dressing up, trying to recapture the rock chick look from my teens. The baggy t-shirts were too frumpy; the steampunk corsetry somewhere between too scary and too hipster....

1 year ago
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Travels of Nathan Woods 2

Nate Woods was happy to be at the Mediterranean Sea where the sun was hot and so were the mens speedos. He himself was perusing the selection at a local shop. He decided to go with the classic skimpy black speedo. Satisfied with his purchase, he returned to his hotel where he undressed, exposing his beautiful penis and ass of wonders and slid on his speedo. It was a tight fit as his huge, soft penis was eight inches long at his point and he had balls nearly the size of tennis balls. It created...

3 years ago
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Weekend with Daniel part 1

-------------------------------------- This is a story of fiction and fantasy. If it comes true I would be ecstatic. Thanks for reading and be positive and kind with your remarks. -------------------------------------- I decided that it had been way too long since I have been laid. The upcoming 3 day weekend I had nothing at all planned, so I decided to put an ad on a local website looking for fun and lots of sex. The ad: "I am mid 50's, 5'11" 212# dad-bod, construction worker,...

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The Binding RingsChapter 26

“Do you want me to help you with that?” “What do you mean?” Jason asked. His voice cracked on the last word and he swallowed hastily. He hoped he knew what she meant but he was honestly surprised by how bold she was being. Emma let out a nervous giggle at hearing his voice waver and wiggled her rear playfully against the bulge in his pants. Her dress was still hiked up high around her waist, and only the thin fabric of her panties stood between Jason and the bare flesh of her buttocks. He...

1 year ago
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THIS GOES AFTER SUNBATHING WITH MY SISTER.....The week went so slowly, my mind always wandering back to our day together....stroking my cock endlessly replaying each and every kiss, touch and stroke. We stuck to our agreement of not talking about it when anyone else was in the house, not touching or staring was the hardest part, the sexual tension between us was incredible, I can't believe our parents didn't sense anything. We did leave bedroom and bathroom doors open just enough it was safe....

2 years ago
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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 21 Final

Harry They hadn’t been planning to stay over, but when they’d arrived, Madam Gao had placed the other guest house at their disposal. Only problem was ... no fresh clothes. Harry was still lying in the huge circular ‘entertaining’ room, propped up on pillows this way and that. Gloria was riding his cock. Watching her butt go up and down wasn’t a bad way to spend a morning. His hand caressed the delightful Bethie’s huge swollen ass. He wasn’t looking forward to running around naked ... and...

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from sitter to tutor

hello fellow writers, readers I would like to share yet another story with you in hope's that you will enjoy and have great pleasure when reading like you have in previous ones.another situation that occurred with Shelley...yes you guessed it the same Shelley as my babysitter when i was a young boy whom later became my girlfriend but that is another totally different story.besides being a great babysitter and beautiful she is a math tutor..which was not my strong subject so she would help me...

3 years ago
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Trucker Fun

kittenI have always luved sex in cars and me driving is no exception. One of my favorite things is to put on a button up the front blouse, a very short skirt hopefully a buttoned one as well, a pair of high heels and nothing else. I never wear undies…they interfere with me playing with myself. After dressing as above, I get in my car and start down the interstate. I luv to masturbate and especially so when I am driving. I drive with my left foot on the gas, my right leg swung over on the...

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The Trap Public Show Part 1

Hi all… I am overwhelmed with the sort of response I got for my first story “The Trap – Beginning!!!”. I will not waste time describing me now, but to let you all know I look more like Amy Jackson in my stats. I did not know exactly who Kailash was. Even the profile pic on whatsapp was of a Bollywood actor. But I went in a shock for a while. However, in a while I got a ping from him that he is about to upload this video on FB tagging me and also on youtube. I wrote in no time “NO – u can’t do...

3 years ago
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Another Business Trip Part I

Hi all, As most of you know I am a bisexual male and I like to cd (crossdress). I am quite fair, 5ft10 and quite hairless all over. Am also a bit of a nudist. I love to cd and expose myself which always results in making me hard and I cumm a lot. This happened a few years ago( about the time when camera mobiles were just launched in India). I had to attend a CPL of meetings with some clients in South India. I packed my stuff and since my trip was to be almost a week long. The thought of being...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Slave to My Black NeighborChapter 7

It all happened so fast after the decision was made. Master moved into our house and Daddy Art moved into his. Master moved all his clothing into the room I used to share with Beth and now the two of them are living together like a married couple while I have moved into the spare bedroom. Beth greatly enjoyed making up my new room and it is an embarrassing nightmare of pink and lace. I now sleep in a canopy bed with pink ruffles all over the top, pink sheets and a pink comforter with a...

1 year ago
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Sorrento Pt 04

We walked back to the hotel, fuelled by giggles and wine. We had left ourselves very little time, so I had no opportunity to preen myself or change into more glamorous and sexy clothes. Comfortable underwear, jeans and a sweater had seemed a natural choice to go out given the cold and damp night air, but now they felt wholly inappropriate. Anna assured me that I was over thinking the whole thing. ‘I only care about the person inside, and I am sure the boys will see you the same way. A diamond...

2 years ago
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Want to watch

There‘s a window in my bathroom. I know you’re outside. Make yourself comfortable. Watch me release the tension of a long day. And don’t worry, I won’t mind if you rub yourself while you watch. The thought only makes me hotter. It has been a long day. Rushing to get ready to go to a job I hate. Rushing to get the kids off to school. Of course, MaryJane forgot her backpack again so I had to rush to get her to school since she missed the bus. Then hurry up and wait behind the never ending...

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Aunt got nailed by Raja

Aunt got nailed by Raja.Pari and I made plan to have Raja fuck my aunt who came from UK to site seeing.To catch up you can read our post it will get you update on our stories. After the breakfast I was in my room and aunt was also in my room. Pari went down stairI asked aunt if she can go down and bring my phone up for me. Pari took my phone.Aunt said no problem I will go and bring your phone back to you.As aunt left my room I got up and stood by the room door. I could not hear aunt...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 32 Bad News

Dear Reader, This will help you understand what is behind the bad news to follow. Rick’s dad is a senior lawyer in a large Chicago based firm. His firm is also in finance and real estate. He came to our island to become licensed to practice law here. His work was 50% Island/US law related, 30% Island local, and 20% Island/ another country. The latter via his firm’s lawyers licensed in other countries. Rick is now a sophomore in college. It’s a pity Fran and I have run out of ideas to get...

3 years ago
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3 Guys 1 Virgin part 3

As I was sucking the third guy’s dick (I did’t know his name so lets call him ‘James’.),I started to like the feeling of cock in my mouth. The soft skin thrusting between my jaws and against my tongue felt amazing, but I still needed some practice. This was only the 4th dick I’ve ever sucked and even though every guy seemed to enjoy the way I sucked them off, I felt that I could do a little better. ‘James’ kept asking me questions but I couldn’t understand what he was saying so I tuned him out....

4 years ago
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Total Domination

"start sucking bitch" i demand, shoving you down to your knees. you wrap your mouth around the strapon and begin to suck, causing it to get to get nice and lubed for your ass. i hold onto the back of your head, shoveing the strapon down your throat, slowly fucking in and out, in and out, going faster and harder with each plunge. i then ask "you like being a filthy cum slut, dont you?!" all i can hear in reply is the mumbles and grunts as i shove the strapon deeper into your waiting throat. ...

1 year ago
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BFFS Lea Lee Kenzie Madison Katie Kush Gymnasdick Training

Katie Kush, Kenzie Madison, and Lea Lee are serious when it comes to gymnastics. They have been training for months for the upcoming competition, and with all the hard work they are putting in, there is no way they will not win. Today, they film themselves by the pool as they run through their warm ups before practice. But all this hard work has the girls looking for a little bit of release. Every now and then, a little play is in order. So, when Katie sees how hot her besties look as they...

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Putting a Cuck in the place he needs to be in

One thing you can say about a good quality cuck is the lack of balls!!! Yes my hubby is that alright!Ok I guess you should know his vital sizes...4.5"About as thick as a thumbNo often erectNo ball sack to speak ofFires only water-OK he at least orgasms-useful when he has a chance to see me with a tasty BBC!What made me so horny for the world of BBC? Well I never grew up with black guys about, just little white guys like my hubby and theylied to us ladies in out country saying they were big...

2 years ago
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Altered FatesXFiles The Scam

ALTERED FATES/X-FILES: THE SCAM By Bob H. (c) 2003 FBI HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON, DC. FBI agent Fox Mulder was starting to hate working alone. Hidden away as he was in the windowless room of a back basement accessible only via a corridor lined with dusty storage racks, he often felt both unappreciated and as forgotten as many in the bureau would like the X-files themselves to be. He sometimes went days without seeing another living soul between the time he entered the J. Edgar...

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gloryhole adventure 2

it was getting dark outside, and i needed to release some pressure in my being in the right part of town, i decided to go to a porn shop/video booth. as i pull into the parking lot, theres a good number of cars. i went inside, and there were a bunch of ppl - mainly guys - in the shop. it was very quiet, so i went straight into the viewing area. i grabbed the open booth directly in the middle of the room. i locked the door, took a seat, and listened to my surroundings for a moment. i...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation The Beginning of the End

Thanks for waiting patiently here is Chapter 8! Supernatural Nation: The Beginning of the End He ran through the forest at a speed that would have awed any human who had caught sight of him, but no human saw him as he raced through the trees. Jumping over fallen trees and dodging low hanging branches he ran not daring to slow as the insane laughter of the monster followed him. All of his guards had died on the creature's blood soaked talons...

1 year ago
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Banner YearChapter 41

Early Monday morning at his workout was Cal's first chance for some deep thought. Of course, there had been idle time on Sunday, but by dint of long habit, it was while exercising that he did his best concentration. The dominant thing on his mind was what his mother had done the night before. Even before he had gone to sleep, he had decided that he was not upset by it. Oh, it had been embarrassing at first, but her words and her expression had conveyed her true feelings - love and...

3 years ago
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Champion of the Kingdom

[b]The Serpent and the Goddess[/b] by Hypnohypno[b]Chapter 1[/b]Asiara grinned to hear the clank of her body guards? armor as they marched beside her.  They had all insisted on coming to this parlay fully armed in their thick suits of metallic scales and face covering helms, but as they walked through the rapidly approaching dusk, she couldn?t help but think that it far too warm and pleasant an evening to be trapped within such restrictive armor.  Of course, on one hand, she could hardly blame...

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daddy please

Please don't be mad at me. I know how you love me and treasure me, your Lovely Lady Laura. I tried to do my best for you. I tried to make you proud of me. But I was bad, very bad. And now I do not know how I can ever face you again. I'm pregnant, Daddy. Worse, I do not know who the father is. I know you are mad. I know you hate me now. But please don't hate me. Please? Maybe if I tell you what happened maybe you won't hate me so much. Maybe you won't be so mad at me? Yes,...

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Fall lawn mowing 4

In the fall of that year, I was in 2nd grade in high school, I worked hard at school and partyed on the weekends. I was 18 years old and had no boyfriend but had slept with some guys from school. I had big tits size D and enjoyed having sex.One night I had been out, I went home a little early, about one o'clock in the morning to the townhouse I lived in with my parents. I snuck in the front door and as I came home I saw my parents walking around naked. They had gotten up from the couch. Dad...

1 year ago
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Nothin but Skin

INTRODUCTION This is the third story about Sandy and Tim. The first several stories are being written and told in chronological order. Even though each story stands on its own, you might find that reading them in order helps you better understand who they are. The earlier stories are: It Started in Drivers' Ed Class, which tells the story about how Tim and Sandy met, and I Can't See You, in which Tim "helps" Sandy get ready for a date. I hope you enjoy. SATURDAY NIGHT "What time...

2 years ago
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Video Store Fun

I need to be fucked. I need to be fucked bad. It's been two months since I broke up with Adam. He had a nice cock; long and thick. Perfect for me. I'm always in need of sex. But I promised I wouldn't fuck people I wasn't dating.I'm 5ft 4inches, with dark brown hair I keep in a messy bun. I have green eyes, and I'm a size 36D. I'm thin. I'm working at the video store in town to save up some money for new clothes. It's the summer before my last year of high school. I'm 17 and I'm excited to be...

Quickie Sex
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Dulcies DevastationChapter 6

It was clearly a good idea for Emma Pearson and Dennis Perkins to work closely together. Of course, Dennis was usually only in the church office for an hour or so each day, but most days they managed to at least 'touch base'. In doing so, they didn't realise that they were becoming close in other ways too. Dennis had changed considerably in himself and was considering talking to Dulcie about Confirmation, to become a full member of the church, rather than just a part-time employee. He was...

1 year ago
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Camping With DaddyChapter 3

Sally almost opened her mouth to object as she watched her handsome father moving off in the near-darkness with the sensuous swamp girl, but before she could, they were out of the light of the fire. God, he was leaving her alone with these rough looking and talking men. What on earth could have come over him. She sat silently by the fire, aware the men's eyes were burning hotly through her clothing. She could only hope her father stayed at least within her screaming range if anything...

3 years ago
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New Girl in Town Chapter 2

Introduction: Sam begins his journey to fame playing baseball and he realizes the benefits that come with it. If anyone has any suggestions for stories please PM me and let me know! Its been a while since Ive written and a while since Ally and I have started dating, about 3 months. Baseball season is going really well, Im 5-0 with a .98 era and our team is undefeated. To say the least its been fun, and now that our team is on the radar, more and more women are starting to notice us when we...

4 years ago
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Awesome Pussy Fucking

Awesome Pussy FuckingBy: Londebaaz ChohanI had thought about it, planned it and deliberated it many times in my mind. I wanted to make it different that day. I wanted to fuck Dorothy and I wanted to fuck her, but when she begged me, compelled me to do it. After what she did to me last week, I was not going to spare Dorothy. I wanted to show, prove to her; what this monster cock of mine can get me. Dorothy was the sister of my c***dhood friend Joseph. We practically grew together at least from...

1 year ago
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Dog island

It was a hot and muggy day that Steve, my husband, and I arrived at our friends’ house. I really looked forward to our visits with Joyce and John on their delightful private island in the bay, but the boat trip was always long and, today, it was particularly hot. Joyce, a gorgeous lady in anyone’s book, greeted us. John was off somewhere doing some chores. The welcome was reserved, almost cool, I thought, but it helped to offset the rowdy greeting we received from Jake and Fluff,...

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The Drought Breaks

It had been a long time since the bastard left me for the tart. It had been a long time, over two years, since I had felt the intimate touch of a man, but I can’t really say that I had missed it all that much. I have a life that doesn’t involve men, apart from work colleagues, and I was happier than I had been for some time. After the bastard had left me my friends commiserated with me, but I was quick to point out my relief that the worry of the previous two years was now over, it was all out...

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