Snatched! free porn video

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Snatched! by vessica b Doctor Hillerman peers through the peephole of the hotel room door. On the other side stands a busty blond. Long, straight hair and ice blue eyes. Major cleavage, small waist, and flaring hips. She's wearing a very short dress that seems painted on. Dark hose, stiletto heels, and a small purse complete her ensemble. She looks bored. The doctor is excited. They sent over the perfect girl. He has a thing for large-breasted blonds. Being middle-aged, less than attractive, and socially inept, he meets his needs by doing business with, shall we say, an 'escort agency'. ***** In the room across the hall, Suit #1 turns away from the peephole. "The hooker just showed. His usual type. Looks like we've got an hour to kill." Suit #2 is on the couch. He glances over his newspaper, "I hate these baby-sitting jobs. Following a damn egg-head around all day. Making sure he doesn't talk to the wrong people." He tosses the paper aside and stands, "I'm hungry. Let's see what room service has for sandwiches." ***** He lets her in, locking the door after. She heads for the bathroom, talking over her shoulder, "Give me a minute to get ready, Sugar. Why don't you get undressed?" Doctor Hillerman strips in record time and lays back on the bed. It's been three long months since he's been with a woman. She emerges from the bathroom wearing just her stockings. Wasting no time, she crawls between his legs, wets her lips with her tongue, and slides them down over his cock. He comes on the third stroke. She smiles up at him, "Been a while, has it? Don't worry, honey. Happens all the time. I know just how to fix this." And she does. Taking him in her mouth again, she works her magic. Within minutes, he is ready to go. This time she straddles his hips and traps his manhood between their bodies. Her warm, wet pussy presses against the front of his cock. Holding his gaze, she slides forward, then backward. Slowly. Again and again. He moans in pleasure, until he can stand it no longer. "Please. Take me. I need to be inside you." She tilts her pelvis and pushes. His head eases between her lips. He gasps. She waits, then slowly pushes down, engulfing him. He can't contain himself, "Ooooh ... that feels sooo good." She works him expertly, bobbing, twisting, clenching, pausing. Over and over, changing the rhythm, always stopping when he's on the brink. After several minutes of teasing, she goes all out, bringing him to an explosive release. The doctor is red-faced and panting. She quickly gets on all fours and urges him behind her. He moves into position, only to realize that last mind-blowing orgasm has left him quite soft. "No problem, Sugar. Why don't you try fisting me? I love being so full, and I'll make sure it's good for you, too." She arches her back and spreads her legs. Her lips are swollen and open, and she's well lubricated from their prior exertions. He pushes two fingers inside her. They go in easily. He tries three, then four. She feels so warm and snug. Slowly, his entire hand sinks between her lips, up to the wrist. The sensation is indescribable. He can almost feel her pussy gently sucking on him. She purrs, "That feels sooooo good, Sugar. Don't stop now." He pushes carefully, expecting to run out of room. Inch by inch, his arm glides between her slick lips, until he's in up to his elbow. The doctor is astounded. The erotic sucking is real. He cannot believe how good it feels. She moans, urging him on, "More. Please. Don't stop." Unsure how to proceed, he tries his other hand. Amazingly, it slips past her lips. With her encouragement, he continues. Soon both arms are elbow-deep, and he can see an open space between them. In this position, his eyes are millimeters from the gap. He stares directly into the void. Dark. Warm. So inviting. She gently rocks her body and moans, "Deeper. Deeper. I need you inside me." He doesn't understand how she's doing this, but spreads his elbows wide. Her lips stretch further, enlarging the opening between his arms. She pushes back against him, and gasps as his head squeezes through the opening. He can feel her tight, wet lips pass slickly over him. Startled, he opens his mouth to cry out, and finds he can still breathe. His arms, head, and shoulders are completely inside her! He should be scared, but instead feels warm and safe. Strange. He can't see, but he can hear her clearly. She cries out, "Deeper! Fill me up!" She's rocking harder. The gentle pulsing of her vagina grows into something more insistent. Her lips tighten about his shoulders. Swiftly the constriction moves up through her body like a wave, creating a strong suction. He feels himself being drawn inside her. Another wave, stronger than the first. Inch by inch, he slides in further. The tempo increases. Wave after wave ripples the length of her body. It feels sooooo good, like she is trying to swallow him whole. With each wave, more of him slips inside. He suddenly realizes half his body is engulfed, and he's still sliding into her. Alarmed, he tries to pull back. Her body swallows again. He feels his hands and arms squeezing into slippery tubes. The constrictions continue to squeeze him forward. He struggles, kicking. Another wave. Then another. And another. Her lips are now a warm, tight band around his waist. Panic seizes him. The suction is stronger than he is. The convulsions become faster, more powerful. He feels his head pop into something as his hips are relentlessly pulled inside her. Fuzzy colors. They coalesce into lines. Suddenly he can see. He's on all fours, facing a pillow. He hears a throaty chuckle, "Let's give you something more interesting to look at." He feels himself roll over and lay on his back, his head propped on that same pillow. Panic seizes him as he realizes he had no control over that movement. The chuckle comes again, "That's right, Sugar. From this point on, you're just along for the ride." 'His' head tilts, and he can see 'his' body. Her body. His legs and genitals are protruding from her vagina. Her hips are stretched impossibly wide. Her arms and torso are grossly distended. He can feel her mouth grinning, "Hmmm ... can't have your legs getting cold, now can we?" She leans forward and stretches her pussy with one hand. With the other, she bends his right leg at the knee and pulls it inside her. Massaging with both hands, she works it down inside her leg. He sees and feels everything, but has no control. Without stopping, she goes to work on his left leg. Soon both her legs are lumpy and swollen as well. Only his genitals protrude. "Oh, dear. A proper lady can't have things like that dangling, now can she?" She tucks his cock away, then stretches her lips and pulls downward. His balls plop inside. She releases her lips, they pull together, and no part of him is visible. "Hang on, Sugar. This ride is about to get a little bumpy." He's scared to death. He wants to cry out, but he has no control over her body. In his mind he pleads with her, "Why are you doing this? Please, for the love of God, let me out!" "I can't do that, hon. You've already paid for the whole hour. Besides, don't you wanna know how this ends? Now strap into your seat. We're about to hit some turbulence." There is a warm tingling all over. Over the next 20 minutes, fever, aches, cramps, and convulsions wrack her body. He feels everything. A dense, warm slime pours from every body opening. There is so much it spills from the bed onto the floor. Finally, it's over. She gets up from the messy bed and glances at the clock. Just enough time to get cleaned up. She showers quickly. Once clean and dry, she wipes the steam off the mirror and inspects herself. A gorgeous blond with big tits and pretty blue eyes stares back. She has a narrow waist and killer legs, not a hint of the brilliant Doctor Hillerman. She wiggles back into the skin-tight dress, then pulls on a fresh set of hose from her purse. Stepping into her heels, she gives her makeup one last check, and strides to the door. Letting the door lock behind her, she risks a brief sideways glance at the door across the hall. She knows who is there, and that they're watching. It's so tempting to give them a wink, but she turns her gaze down the hall towards the elevators. Putting an extra swing in her step, she gives them a good show as she walks away. ***** It's Suit #2's turn to watch. "She's leaving now. Right on time. Man, look at those hips swivel! I wonder what an hour with her would run me?" He turns from the door. "The doc usually takes about 15 minutes to shower. I'll check us out awhile." He waits for the hall to clear before leaving. Suit #1 stands looking out the balcony windows as he thinks, "The doc may be a genius, but he's never figured out we're always here, keeping him, and his research, safe." ***** Heading down to the lobby she leaves the hotel. A cab whisks her across town, where it pulls up to a building belonging to a high-tech research facility. Within minutes, she's escorted to a lab on the 4th floor. A man wearing a lab coat approaches. He gives a mock bow. "Ah, good afternoon, Barb. Always a pleasure. I trust you have Doctor Hillerman with you? She responded to his playful greeting with a small curtsey, "Good afternoon to you, Doctor Morgan. And yes, I have Doctor Hillerman." His face splits into a wide smile. "Excellent. I trust he gave you no trouble?" "The retrieval went as planned. By the time he started fighting it, he was in too deep. I contained him without incident, and left the room on schedule. His security detail never suspected a thing." She grins, "He's very upset right now. He wants out." He laughs, "And here I thought you were definitely his type. Don't tell me he doesn't appreciate your efforts as host?" He emphasizes that last word, then pauses and turns serious, "I guess we'd better get this over with. Barb, please allow Doctor Hillerman speech, but no motor control." Doctor Hillerman wastes no time, "WHAT have ..." He pauses, face contorting. "My voice! I sound like a woman!" His rage returns,"WHAT have you done to me? WHY am I in this ridiculous body? WHERE am I? And who the HELL are ..." At a nod from Doctor Morgan, the tirade chops off. "I apologize, Doctor, for having Barbara cut you off like that. I understand you are angry and confused. Perhaps it would help if I tell you a story. Barb, why don't you have a seat?" They both make themselves comfortable. "Please allow Doctor Hillerman speech, subject to good behavior. "Doctor, more than a year ago, our team made some incredible breakthroughs in the field of nano-technology. We found ourselves able to create smaller, faster, smarter nano-bots, that could network with each other. After testing some simpler constructs, we assembled Barbie here. Named, of course, after the famous doll she resembles. She was built with one purpose ... to obtain your services for our use. "What we built was a woman-shaped man trap in more ways than one. Constructed entirely of nano-bots, she has amazing abilities, some of which you've already experienced. The power to change skin, hair and eye color, able to grow or shrink, inhumanly flexible, disease resistant, heals at a phenomenal rate from nearly any injury. And she ages much, much slower than we do. She is, as you have discovered, in TOTAL control of that beautiful body." He stops to take a sip of water. Doctor Hillerman responds, "I ... thi ... this whole story is preposterous!" He pauses, "And yet ... I cannot deny that I am here." His/her voice drops, "Or am I? I wonder ... just how much of me is really here? It's certain that very little of my original self could fit inside this ... this life-size Barbie doll of yours." "That is correct, Doctor. We needed your essence, your intelligence, your brain." "But how is this possible? If this body contains my brain, as it must, then where is hers? There can't possibly be room for two brains in here." "Barbara does not have a brain as you and I do. She employs distributed processing. Every nano-bot in her body is, in effect, part of her intelligence. If you will permit me a small joke, before she met you, Barbie was an empty-headed blond", he chuckles. "Now she has a brain in that pretty little head. Your brain, Doctor. Well, not just your brain. Your entire nervous system too. Try to think of her as your host." "But what happened to the rest of me? What have you done with my body?" Doctor Morgan tilts his head, "Your body still exists, in a fashion. At least all the material that made it up does. It's in that hotel room. That is, if maid service hasn't cleaned yet." Suddenly, Doctor Hillerman remembers waking up in that hotel room in the body of the escort with foul dark slime covering the bed and spilling over onto the floor. "That slime? That was me? WHAT did you DO?!?!" "Your 'host' simply processed and expelled what wasn't needed. Your skin, muscles, and bones were all reduced to an organic jell so it could be easily excreted. The same goes for all your major organs. While one team of nano-bots worked to remove the 'dead weight', another team was busy hooking all your nerves into her body. Otherwise you would be completely without senses. Also, you'll eventually be able to control that body, under her supervision, and intervention, if necessary. "Think of it this way, Doctor. She has a wonderful body. You have a brain we need. One becomes a vessel for the other. An elegant solution, don't you think?" "Bu ... but that means ... I'm STUCK!! I'm trapped in here! Me! THE world-renowned Doctor Hillerman! Imprisoned in this walking wet-dream of a woman's body!" "Well, yes." He grins, "I guess that will take some getting used to on your part. However, there are advantages." He ticks off points on his fingers. "You were middle-aged; now you are young. You were flabby and overweight; now you are trim, toned, and healthy. You were ug ... er ... let's say plain-looking; now you are beautiful. You were mortal; now you need not fear injury, sickness, or aging. If that isn't enough, you are the first man to truly experience what it's like to be a woman." His grin widens, "I have to say, Doctor Hillerman, I'm almost tempted to try it myself." "You trapped me! You destroyed me and you trapped me in this bimbo body! How can I possibly live like this? HOW can I WORK like this?!?!" "Oh, you will live and adapt. Barbara will see to that. And, eventually, you will begin to work with us. One thing I'm certain of is that you're not the type to give up your life's work. We've insured that you can only work with us. I see you disagree. Think on this, Doctor. As I mentioned before, Barbara has TOTAL control over that body. She can allow you various degrees of freedom, or none. She can even block off all sensory input to your brain. She can be a real bitch or she can be your best friend. Keep that in mind always. The two of you will be sharing that body for a very long time. Will it be your prison? Or will it be your ticket to a new life? The choice is yours. My advice? Make the most of it because there is no going back." ***** Suit #1 is getting worried. "The doc is taking way too long. Go up and make sure he's OK. I'll keep an eye on the entrance." Suit #2 nods and heads back into the hotel. It doesn't take long for Suit #1 and Suit #2 to realize the doctor has disappeared right under their noses, leaving a hotel room empty of everything but a huge amount of smelly slime. Their employers are not impressed. ***** Doctor Morgan rises and stretches his legs. "Doctor Hillerman, we'll speak again tomorrow after you've had some time to reflect. Barb, it's been a long day. Why don't you head on home?" After they leave, Doctor Morgan pours a coffee and strolls over to the window. The entrapment of the Doctor went better than he'd hoped. He considers the simulations his team has run, the projections they've made. Barbie and the Doctor will be spending every second of every day together, living, working, eating, sleeping, and playing in the same body. The consequences are inevitable. Given time, their two intellects, their two personalities, will slowly merge. Since the body they share is totally female, and Barbie has complete control, the result is predictable. Six months from now, maybe a little more, and there will be one complete, whole person living in that amazing, beautiful body. A gorgeous woman with the genius of Doctor Hillerman at her command. He wonders how it would feel. It's within his power to experience it. He sighs and turns from the window. To be swallowed alive, transformed beyond all recognition, melded with another personality until the two become one. A cold shiver runs down his spine. The very thought scares the hell out of him. He'll never know. FINI

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BBC losing virginity to fat older woman

Ever since I was a young boy, I have had a condition where my dick would suddenly get hard and grow like crazy. Some days it would only happen once a day and other days it would happen up to 4 or 5 times a day. It didn’t really bother me at a young age. Sometimes my dick would get so hard that it did hurt a little bit, but it would never last for very long, so I never had to pay to much attention to it.It started getting worse when I was 14 years old. I don’t know what triggered it, but I can...

1 year ago
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Desi sister got enjoyed by Male tailor

Hey Xhamsterians, this is my first story on xhamster. I'm AMIT and this story is about my sister's sexy encounter with a male ladies tailor.My sister's name is Neha. Let me tell you about her , She is married and has a great figure.Big busty 38-C boobs and 42 (XXL) round big ass as a pure desi girl (bhabhi).She has a figure as desired by every man in their bhabis and wives. And I'm personally a great fan of her armpits, she has broad and beautiful armpits so smooth ♥ and she often exposes her...

3 years ago
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Dr Dreamy DDS

It was that time again. I really look forward to it. I love the feeling in my mouth when it’s over. My tongue can’t resist the sensation. It all starts with the dental hygienist but my dentist is the real treat. He is a sexy, young dentist with a beautiful smile (of course) who recently opened his new office in town. As I sat in the dental chair waiting for him to examine me, I mean my teeth, I began feeling naughty and my pussy tingled. It was a HOT summer day, so I wore my favorite sundress,...

1 year ago
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Taking Over For Mom

Chapter 1 I guess, first, I need to tell you something about my mother. Now, all I have to do is figure where to start. So, let's see, my mom. Well, she's blond, no, not natural, good figure which probably mostly means big boobs, what would be considered a 'hot ticket' in a man's world. My mom was not shy around men. She was flirty and loved to party. My father divorced her when I was three and he came home early. Do I need to explain? Thought not. I really don't see or hear from him much...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A Special FavorChapter 3

Just then I heard a soft voice from the doorway almost whisper "Daddy please accept me as your slave" and I looked up and there stood Nora. My sister's best friend; a small 5'2" Eurasian, slender girl with olive skin, straight dark hair and small B+ breasts, I stared her pussy was hairless. I looked down at sis and before I could ask she said "this morning I talked to Nora on the telephone before you were awake. She was so excited and also frightened, I asked her over and she hid in...

2 years ago
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Our First Hug

We had only known each other for a short time, and I remember that we had gone for one of our first walks together on the cliffs. It must have been mid to late afternoon, because I remember it was still sunny outside, must have been March since our first kiss came soon after. We had a really good time sitting and talking. I remember sitting on the edge of the sandstone cliffs with you, looking out at the water and the waves. The air was warm, but not hot, and it was very quiet. We say close to...

4 years ago
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Student Se Bani Randi Or Phir Naukrani

Hi dosto mera naam alisha hai.. Ye kahani tb ki hai jb mai class 12th mai thi…Merii size 36 30 34 thi.. Ab mai 18 saal ki hu orr utni hi attractive hu..Agr aapko mere boobs ki photos dekhni hai ya phr mjse sex chat krni hai to mail kriega zarrorr. Mai phne pe chat nhi krti..Srf email pe..Intezaar rhega aapka.. :* Mje mere schl mai ladko se bht attention milta tha nd islie mai hmesha bht khush rehti thi..Ye dekte ddekte meri sex appeal bht bad gyi.. Mere tenth mai bht kam nmbr aae the orr...

1 year ago
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My Aunt Caught Me With My Teenage Cousin

Hey there, amazing readers. Thank you for all the support and love you shower on my stories. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this one too. This story is the continuation of my previous story, ““. If you haven’t read it already, please do to ensure you understand the flow of the story. To give a short intro about me: I am a 21-year-old guy with a slim body, 5’11” height and surprisingly an 8-inch cut cock with a huge pink mushroom head. About my cousin Anamika, she had a typical teenager body...

1 year ago
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Parents at work Brother at friends Only oldest son and and cousin

Warning: THIS IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL! Hello there. One evening, my parents were working late and my brother was at his friend's house. I have just arrived home. These last couple weeks were hectic because my cousin just moved in to stay with us temporarily because my aunt and uncle had a long vacation to attend outside the country. My name is Jack and I am 5'10" with black eyes and black hair, half-muscular. I work out, but my work and school schedule prevents me from getting all the workout I...

2 years ago
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Pearls for Garnet

Patti had sounded good on the phone, I thought to myself. She finally sounded happy with life and I was glad that she had found a decent guy to be with. Patti and I once had a go at things a few years back which hadn’t worked out but we still kept in touch with each other even if it was only periodically. I think we still loved each other but we just couldn’t live together as a couple. Life goes on I guess. It was ironic that with one simple phone call my life had come full circle and that I...

1 year ago
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Bus journey sex

I was sitting on the second last seat of a private bus and going back to Hyderabad (India) after staying a week in Mumbai and it was the last stop within Mumbai, a beautiful well figure, healthy and a good height girl with long hair stepped in and started searching for her seat and stop in front of my seat and sat beside me, Wow what a company I thought in mind and we both have a formal smile and said hello to each other, after a while bus started moving and I started looking @ her figure, she...

4 years ago
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The End or the BeginningChapter 7

"May I come back this evening?" "Can you doubt it?" "I can hardly believe it ... what you've done for me." "I ... I've got a spare key ... if you want it." She pulled his head down to kiss him deeply. "Yes please ... Master." She took the key and kissed him again. "I must go now – I need to go home and change. Tonight, then. Tomorrow I have to go sailing. A cruise on Emily Jane ... teenagers with problems. I'll be away until Tuesday. We'll have to make the most of each...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 79

I slept in late on Sunday. The less time I was awake, the less time I would have to worry. My bridesmaids gathered at my house by 11:00. I had ordered in staff to do hair, nails, makeup and whatever else might be necessary to make everybody look as good as they possibly could. I psyched myself up to project the impression that everything was just fine. I even persuaded myself to believe it until I received proof to the contrary. Beautification was accompanied by a brunch buffet. I rejected...

3 years ago
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Playing PickADick

My husband Mark frequently invites his buddies over to the house for either poker or to watch the big game on our 50" TV. On those occasions, I dress up in something sheer and revealing and serve the guys their drinks and snacks. My favourite outfit is a French maid uniform which has a sheer, white lace top through which you can clearly see my tits and big, dark nipples, a very short skirt that just barely covers my pussy, and black scanty-hose which are open at the pussy and ass.As I walk...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kristy Black Mindy My Two Girlfriends

Donning sexy thongs while they stare at each other’s bodies with pure longing, Kristy Black and Mindy get ready for a good time. The girls work together to apply their makeup. That’s too much for them to resist, though. Moments later, they have locked lips in a makeout session that leaves them both sliding their hands all over one another’s lush curves. They’re still making out when Charlie Dean walks in. The girls don’t hesitate to open their arms (and mouths!) to...

2 years ago
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My Night Out

It all started with a text. She asked if I wanted to go out to the bar with her. I replied that it would be fun. We went to a couple of bars, ending in the biggest bar in town. We started to get a little tipsy. It was almost bar close, and she had that devious look on her face. Her name is Tamera. She is 5’7”, 28B cup breasts, 26 waist and a nice bubble ass. Not too big, but tight and a good sized handful. I am 6’6”, slim, and moderately built. I am not a hardcore athlete, but I could...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Rhapsody SuiteSeventeen

SATURDAY MORNING, after Pilates, I was delegated to pick up Sandra, Amy, and Kate and then ordered to drive all five girls to the mall for a beauty treatment. Yeah, I make it sound like I was really put upon, but just having those five in the car with me ... Well, the temperature was rising. The teasing kept me red in the face. When we got to the mall, Lissa sent me to her store and told me to ask for Rose. Rose would dress me. I was not to ask about prices since the purchase was going on...

3 years ago
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PromiseChapter 6 Back in the Village

MME BERTHA and Sofía and her mother and her younger brothers and sisters never missed the annual Rain Festival in their village on the coast, a full day’s journey by bus. It was a half-day at most for me by car. They’d invited me last year but I was too new in country then and not yet sure enough of Mme Bertha to accept. Sofía and her aunt and the others left on Thursday. I’d negotiated Friday off so I drove down after the morning rush cleared, although given the traffic patterns in the city...

4 years ago
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Book 8 ZaraChapter 18

Allora slipped into her room, a fresh warm mug of honey milk and a small piece of roast for Billy. She frowned as she fed the kitten "so Connor's a dragon, geee why doesn't that surprise me, he's the Captain of The Sea Dragon for The Flying Dragon fleet. Makes you wonder if all of their captains are dragons, probably, hell Billy I've seen fairy women, baby dragons, panther's, I bet that DeClan and all the people at his place are dragon's too, you should of seen the way they just...

3 years ago
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The First Time

The First Timewritten 1/1/2019"Do you think she would like a younger man like myself being intimate with her?", you ask me?I do. I think Becky would feel powerful that she could attract a younger man. Think about it. She is 52. She exercises a lot, but still has self body image issues (like most women). To be able to interest a younger man...To be able to see you focusing your attention on her alone, when there are so many other women. That would be a huge turn on for her. Not just to have your...

1 year ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 41 Missing Persons

Hameez arrived in the helicopter with only half of the servants he had been left to guard. After a brief consultation with the Purser he made his way to the Princess's suite, where he knocked and entered without waiting for her to call him in. He found the Princess about to clean the prick of a steward from the ship's crew who had clearly just fucked her. The steward took one look at the tall, well-built, fit bodyguard, grabbed his clothes and fled. "Hameez, you are a spoilsport; I was...

3 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 47

Marnit was much happier on solid ground and had slept a good portion of the day. Leyota said that boded badly for the trio as far as her sleeping at night. But Jorgarn didn't mind. He was used to going on only a few hours of sleep and it gave him precious time with the baby. She awoke the trio in the middle of the night with her cries but she refused to eat. So Jorgarn collected the small bundle and the pair walked the castle until Marnit drifted off again. He found himself outside of his...

2 years ago
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Mia Seduced and Betrayed

There was more after that, of course. His words rolled on and on in a pathetic monologue about how much he hated standing me up. If only it weren't for this or that or the other thing... Bla bla bla... It was all a bunch of pathetic excuses that didn't mean shit to me. I mean, there I was, with my make up all perfect and everything and wearing a tiny back dress that was just made for being pulled off of my tight, little body! I was finally ready to fuck him senseless and he wasn't going...

2 years ago
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Second Semester Working for a LivingChapter 21

What a day; the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and its graduation day. I go from being a sophomore to a junior and Suzie graduates to being a sophomore and transfers to my school. The only sad part is that Sam graduates and goes away to college. I'm really going to miss her. Brenda has taken up with David Smith, now. Ned had helped him a lot this last semester, and his shyness is almost completely gone now. I hope Brenda is happy. I know I still love her, but that week of her...

1 year ago
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Judy Was A Jewel

Some years ago, when I was a young man, I had a small group of friends with whom I generally associated. We had the usual fun that most young people of that era had: TV, bowling, movies, et al. One of the group was Judy.Judy was a fairly typical girl, though exceptionally attractive - by any standards. Judy was slender, well-proportioned though slightly small breasted. She had yellow blonde hair, with the consistency of corn silk. A nicely-chisled jaw line led to sumptiously smooth, creamy...

3 years ago
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Couples Holiday

Each year we took an annual holiday with our friends. There were eight of us who went each year and we have done for the past seven years. We’re a very close group. Three of us have known each other from our school days and the rest were friends and partners that we have met along the way. Most of the eight now have kids but this is an adults-only holiday, for fun laughs and recuperation that is always needed.As soon as we arrived, all eight of us settled into our large four-bed villa in during...

2 years ago
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SamChapter 16A

Wednesday was a dark and dreary excuse for a spring day. When I woke up it was overcast and so dark that it looked like the middle of the night. It was one of those days that just seem to sap all the energy right out of you and make you want to stay indoors and watch TV, read, or anything else to ignore the day outside. Hiding from the weather was a luxury I didn't have. I got up and went down to feed the dog before I had my shower and got dressed. He seemed depressed by the gray sky as...

1 year ago
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Kelly Chapter 12

I had "hired" Kelly to help catalog some of my online purchases. Most are inexpensive collectibles that I planned to sell on eBay to raise revenue for my main online business. With all of the eBay and PayPal fees and lack of communication, I could barely break even financially with them.I still needed help cataloging the myriad of items. Kelly was a housewife so she had time. She's also wanted to get some items from my main business and we figured we'd trade her work for them.I keep my...

2 years ago
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Game night

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. I’m sure you have seen those commercials from Parker Brothers about keeping the family together with a game night. Well that’s what we...

1 year ago
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Meeting With A Matured Indian Sex Stories Reader

Am a married matured guy of 44. I am in a traveling job. This is my second story for a long time almost a year. When I posted my first story I got a mail from one women reader. She said she liked the story and wished it was her in reality. I am a shy guy by nature but then the need sometimes takes better of you. So we started to exchange emails wherein I asked her if she would mind being friends. She replied back saying she won’t mind but it would be just chats though can be hot but nothing...

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