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nic and i discovered that we were both gay and in love. we lived close to each other and he is at my house almost every day. so we have started giving each other blow jobs and sleeping naked together. his lil bro chris caught us together and he wants to join us. so one night nic and i were in my room with chris playing video games when chris asked wat it felt like to kiss a boy. nic looked at him and said come here so chris did and nic kissed him and showed him how we kissed. chris was...
Introduction: our love continuesand with his lil bro and friends this is part two about my bf nic and i …….. nic and i discovered that we were both gay and in love. we lived close to each other and he is at my house almost every day. so we have started giving each other blow jobs and sleeping naked together. his lil bro chris caught us together and he wants to join us. so one night nic and i were in my room with chris playing video games when chris asked wat it felt like to kiss a boy. nic...
The alarm slices through the peace of a Sunday morning without a trace of sympathy. I wearily lift my head from the pillow and slam my fist against the snooze button. Last night had been such a blast. I hadn’t been out with my best friend, Jess for over three months, her new boyfriend seemed to occupy all of her spare time now. Our evening had gone so well and It felt just like old times, the two of us getting drunk and causing mayhem without a care in the world. We finally rolled up back at...
Moonlight meanders....It had been a quite warm day, the sunshine beating down as they drove back from seeing Jays friend at the annual Airshow, and there night’s stay in their favourite hotel. They had decided to come back by the coast road after stopping for a bite to eat and a walk along the beach. Driving along the music added to the tranquil time of the evening , with sunset just approaching. Innuendos had been flying all day, the normal for Jay and Bert when they got together as lads...
The alarm slices through the peace of a Sunday morning without a trace of sympathy. I wearily lift my head from the pillow and slam my fist against the snooze button. Last night had been such a blast. I hadn’t been out with my best friend, Jess for over three months, her new boyfriend seemed to occupy all of her spare time now. Our evening had gone so well and It felt just like old times, the two of us getting drunk and causing mayhem without a care in the world. We finally rolled up back at my...
MasturbationYou are a Meany Author's note: This story is about the ramifications of someone doing petticoat punishment to their son. I am putting out there self-edited to see how far I have come in being able to catch my writing mistakes. Please be gentle with the criticism about the bad grammar, just point out how much help you think I need. Luke Zahn could not believe what his mother was doing. "She started it, and this is so unfair!" he said in protest to the punishment which his mom was...
Alice Zahn was a stay at home Mom, but that did not mean she did not have a job. She worked from home part time as a reservation specialist for a chain of resorts. The job met her needs. It allowed her to bring in some money while being a stay at home parent. Feeling like she contributed economically to the household and having a parent whose primary focus was the kids were important to Alice. Today was a hectic day at home and work. Instead of working her normal 4 hour shift, Alice...
Chapter 2 The next day at school was the first of many of the worst days ever of Luke's life. Even with Lori being told not to tell anyone at school, she could not wait to share. Lori betrayed her brother and told everyone right after their mom dropped them off at the bus stop. As soon as the Brat Princess closed the car door, she opened her mouth and with joy in her voice Lori said, "Luke likes wearing dresses." Lori was as carefree about the ramifications of saying those words as...
Part 3 Renee Wahla was fearless. When some of her classmates started to cry after finding out they hurt Luke she joined them. They started to cry because they were still learning to control their emotions. Renee, on the other hand, started to cry because she was not going to deny her sadness. She was in control of her emotions, but was never scared of showing them. Renee wearing her heart on her sleeve was the reason why she was Mr. Noth's favorite student. During recess Renee made...
The kitchen in the Walha's household smelled of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and ginger. The kitchen counter was a little bit of a mess. There was some flour, spices and sugar on it. Renee just finished mixing the batter and was pouring the batter in the cake pan. As she was handing the pan to her dad, the first-time baker could not be prouder of herself. Renee was going to be able to say she made the cake when she gave it to Luke. This cake was going to be a gift to Luke. This...
For people who are on banker's hours, the weekends are great for multiple reasons. The days named after Saturn and the sun are a break from their day to day routines. These days are used to relax from the stress of their life. These days are important to keep a good work/life balance. After having these two days people feel recharged and able to go back to the daily grind of their work. Lastly, after the break there is a reset. A restart to erase little disagreements which need no work...
Lori requested that both her mom and her had their lunch on the deck while Luke and her dad were at the bike park. The Brat Princess wanted the time with her mom to be somewhere just as special. The seldom used deck was venue. It was elevated and had an awning for protection from the weather. Being attached to the sunroom made the deck seem bigger than it actual size was to Lori. The deck's elevation along with their home being on a hilltop gave a great view of the Mon Valley. This...
Luke and Lori were feeling anxious when coming home from dinner with Pappi and Memaw. The twins felt uneasy for different reasons. Luke was distressed because he knew his parents were fighting. He felt like the reason was because of him. Everything his mom was saying just to get peace weighed down on him. Words have meaning and those words were taken to heart. Because she never took his side, Luke started feeling he caused whatever went wrong. If Alice would stop trying to recreate her...
Summer was the best time of the year for kids, and even with the added stress, for parents having the extra time to be with the kids was a mixed blessing. The kids having time to just be kids added to the parents' responsibilities. Not one loving parent would complain about the increased difficulty in juggling work-life balance. At the same time, they did know the extra part in their life would add strain to their daily routine. The added stress from her kids being home did not take...
Most of the time there was no other place in the world where Tom Downey would rather be than the Lincoln Park Bike Park. Going there was special because the bike park was only open weather permitting. His parents would only take him there once a month during the school year and twice in the summer. The trip to the bike park not being common, made everything about the place even more special. To Tom, the expert level BMX course was the best in the world. The bike trail must be the longest...
After the beach vacation Fred was interacting a lot more with his family. He made it a point to know exactly what was going on in his home. When the loving father and husband asked about everyone's day it was not just part of his greeting. He pried if anyone gave short answers. Also, anything out of the ordinary lead to Luke's Lord Protector to become The Inquisitor. This meddling was going to put a delay on Lori's revenge on Luke. The Brat Princess still had not forgiven nor forgotten...
Even with Lori not being able to bring up Luke's petticoat punishment or call him Luka anymore, the next four years was more of the same for Luke. His mom would fall into the same trap of doing what was easy instead of the right course of action from time to time to bring peace. Appeasing Lori came from the frustrated Mother being on autopilot, and not having empathy for all involved. She only thought of herself and Lori. Little sisters were supposed to get on the nerves of their bigger...
Sorry, but that's bullshit. Love is just as much about how you act as how you feel. When you can't be bothered to treat your kids equally and spend over ten times as much money on one kid as the other one, you are not showing that other kid love. Lori's Court Renee WalhaMeg and Al Blake Sellars Jack and Lucy Tom Downey Scott Romano Mike Patton Gina Tracy Armstrong Kristine Mandy Travers Kat Korkowsk Writer's Note: One of the most famous metaphysical questions is:...
Basking in victory made Lori being sent to her room easy to take. Even with how angry her dad was and being told she was punished, Lori was enjoying being in what her dad thought was a prison cell. To her, this was just a holding pen and her mom would grant her a partial pardon. She would be able to do anything when the warden, her dad, was not home. Lori did not know or care how long until her mom came up to see her. Being in this solitary confinement was worth getting what she...
That first day of school set the tone for the rest of the school year. Lori and her court knew not to directly mess with Luke. The cost of getting caught was too high. Mr. Noth did run a tight ship at school. He held a welcome back assembly to explain his policies on bullying and other changes. He made sure that all the teachers and personnel were on board. The verbal bullying at school became almost nonexistent. Some of the parents were upset that their children got suspended for...
The summer sun was rising as Luke stood on the cove looking towards the ocean next to his cousin Sam. Even with the bearer of the new day coming up from behind them instead of coming from the sea, the landscape was still breathtaking to Luke. The waves looked bigger, the water looked bluer, the sand was finer than the other beach Luke was at. Even with the beach being what Luke would consider paradise, this felt more like home than the other one. With how much Luke felt at one with the...
Alice was happy for her son but hated the situation after hanging up after Luke's phone call back home. Luke sounded so happy, but all the reasons for his happiness hurt. Her son loved living in California and Alice was hoping that he would be begging to come back home. Luke wanting to return would make her husband stop the fruitless house hunting they were doing. His happiness for being in with a crowd and having a nickname, was not right to the concerned Mom. Luke was Luke, he should...
Luke was standing in the domestic flights arrival area of LAX with his aunt and uncle waiting for his parents and twin sister to come down the steps. It was a little over two months since he saw them so today was a big event in Luke's life. As the moment of reuniting with his family was coming near, the teenage boy started to feel the entire gamut of basic emotions. These feelings came one by one. The joy came from being able to spend time with his dad again. Being separated from his...
Framing the narrative is the best way to have people come around to your way of thinking. That is why, word choice, members of the audience, and timing is important as to when to bring up a subject. Lori knew how to make people see things her way. This knowledge was why she aborted the counter offense on Luke as soon as she walked into her Aunt Bridget's home. Her dad was there. The plan was for Fred and Maurice to go and have a couple of beers at the local bar. This was so they would...
What gives people a sense of pride grows as a person matures and goes from being self-centered to considerate of others.The more considerate a person becomes, the bigger the circle of people becomes who increases that person's pride. How much you like them as a person is not as big of a factor if you take pride for being associated with them. Having pride in those who are close to you comes from people finding out the truth that one does not need to like a person to love them. Lori...
Adolescence is the most confusing time in a person's life. The process of going from being a child to an adult is filled with changes, the unknown, instability, intense emotional feelings, contradictions, progress, and failure along with it feeling like a never-ending process. The worst part about it is sometimes a person feels like everyone else is changing yet they are staying the same. Somehow the others were being adults yet they were in arrested development Tracy Armstrong felt...
The past is the past was one of the worst platitudes ever uttered by a fool trying to sound like a sage. Even if this overused cliche was not worn out, the advice in it was useless. People would use this saying to try to push an issue under the rug. Not treating the past with respect was just ignoring your life to move on. In fact, following those so- called words of wisdom had a high probability of damaging someone. An insightful person would know the best way to follow the path of...
The accuracy of a forecast was only good if the right factors were taken into consideration. A good forecast could be wrong when an unlikely factor was not taken into account when making the prediction. This was how the reliable forecast of good time with many laughs was wrong for Renee and Matt's visit to the Lincoln Way Bike Park. The reason for the change to miserable filled with regret was the sight of Lori walking towards them. Lori's smiling face only meant that she had...
The Summer was dwindling like the sunset on the days leading to the Winter Solstice. Luke took solace about the finish of the endless summer in the fact the school year was another new start. He was going to school but not back to his old school. The impending feeling of winter was kept away by the promise of a new day and a new start. He would have friends looking forward to seeing him at school. More importantly, he would not have a group of kids looking forward to making him...
Dan Murphy was larger than life. His presence filled up the room more than Brian Blessed's booming voice. People were naturally drawn to him. Dan being the center of attention wherever he was at was just the natural outcome of Dan being there. Some people think it was his striking blue eyes, or his physical frame also being larger than life. The truth was that Dan was an extrovert who took great interest in others. The personal stake he put into who he met, made him a man of action. Dan...
As the Zahn's guests were arriving at the cookout, in California Luke was finishing his tour of where he was planning to spend his high-school years. Greg K. saved the athletic complex as where they would end the trek around the school ground. It made sense for the best part should be the last. Even with the school being one of the top-ranked schools in California, the athletic complex was the piece de resistance. Jerry Brown High's ground crew took great pride in their work and it...
The video calls back home leading up to Luke's Christmas visit did more than preserve his connection with his family. That time together strengthened the connection. His mom, dad and sister asking to be updated about previous topics showed how much they were invested in his life. Luke hanging on their words did the same to them. These months had so much to share. There was Dirt, another new kid in town. Luke befriended him on the first day of freshman orientation. Fred and Alice's son...
Fred had many emotions after getting off the phone with Luke. There were many reasons for the father to be happy to get a call from his son. He got to talk with Luke. His son stood up for himself. Then Luke called him at work, instead of waiting until he got home to not inform him of what just occurred. Another reason for the happiness was hearing about Lori's growth as a person. His daughter stood up for and defended her brother. Yes, having your sibling's back was something which...
There were no real changes in Luke or Lori's life until the spring of their junior year. Luke was thriving in California. Good grades, good friends, and good weather helped Luke to live the good life. Luke's grades were as high as the waves he loved to ride. His being in the top 20 of his class was going to get him into Stanford. The Harvard of the West Coast was his dream school. The university had one of the best, if not the best, computer engineering programs in the world. Luke's...
Luke called back home the morning after the reunification of the Saturday Morning Bike Club. Waiting any longer to talk with his family was out of the question. The call would have come as soon as the friendship rekindled but he was sucked up in the moment. By the time the moment quit dragging him by his hand the time was already 9:00. That is way too late to call back to Pittsburgh. Being part of the Dawn Patrol meant Luke was an early riser. Instead of going to the beach at the start...
“I, Georgina, take thee, Eustace, to my wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.” The bridegroom placed a ring on Georgina’s fourth finger (digitus annularis), and then said, in a thin, weedy, voice. “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly...
Porn has shown the world the complete insides and outsides of many different women that come from all kinds of backgrounds – nobody 30 and under can say that they haven’t jacked off to a cute Asian babe stripping, or a sexy ebony chick riding dick like her life depended on it. By now every race knows what every other race’s women look like clothed, undressed, and bent over on a bed while getting slammed by some guy’s meat rod. Now I don’t like to play favorites when it comes to which race...
Premium Latina Porn SitesSocial media is disrupting the way the porn industry operates. Porn studios used to have a monopoly over the adult film industry. We had chicks who wanted to fuck and fame singing with them. Porn studios were the guaranteed way for an actress to be seen by a wide audience. Simply put, if a chick wanted to make it in the porno business back in the days she had to be signed by a porn company that could distribute content featuring her to a large audience.The tides, however, are changing thanks to...
Twitter Porn AccountsLee Roy felt pressured, like he was getting pushed and crowded into a corner. It wasn't that he didn't want to got to see a moving picture show, he just didn't want to be pushed into it. Nobody ever pushed Lee Roy Jones, nobody. He kicked a dirt clod out of his path and hurried a little faster to make it to the Hot Spot. Marvin Yellow Eyes was outside waiting for him. "Hey, Marvin," Lee Roy greeted him. "Wanna get some coffee and a sweet roll or doughnut or something?" He opened the...
How Demeaning! - A Puzzle By Tar Baby Gene couldn't believe his luck. His girlfriend had finally invited him out to her apartment overlooking the Las Vegas Strip. Of course, he hadn't told her that he was carting four of his friends with him to Nevada. He booked them into cheap motel rooms so they could all go gambling together, but the temptation to bring them up to Tara's penthouse apartment was too great. As soon as Gene arrived in Las Vegas, Tara had noticed his four...
I had always wanted more children but it never worked out with my husband after our youngest daughter was born. We never discussed it but I always had the feeling he preferred not to have any more. In fact in the nine years since her birth I bet I could remember ever time he actually fucked me and filled me with his seed. It was less times than my son Brian had fucked me and filled me in the last two days. Of course I was getting ahead of myself. My cycle is quite irregular and I am not...
Only recently laws have been changed to give women the full right to say 'No' to a guy, even if he is her husband. Now, a woman's 'No' finally means 'No' in USA and in most other countries. But whether a woman can say 'Yes' to a guy for having sex is still an undecided issue even in USA. Even many so-called liberals are now advocating the Swedish model of anti-prostitution laws. This Swedish model basically treats adult women as minor children, who have no right to give consent for...
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Colonel Greenaway. I am Ivan Crossley, Senior Magistrate and deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Welcome to Taunton.” He rose from his desk and held out his hand. I had no idea I would be shaking the hand of Sir Boris Crossley’s brother, and brother-in-law of John Stafford, when I had left Coleman Hawkins in charge of seeing the regiment into their billets while I made myself known to the ‘civil authorities’ in the great hall of Taunton...
Selling the Star of David eradicated my financial problems, and even if unemployed I could now subsist quite well on half pay. Nevertheless, I made a call on John Stafford at Scotland Yard to enquire, first, if there were any prospect of employment at MI6, even in a temporary, part time position. Next, if he had any information regarding the whereabouts of my sister Becky. Finally, what results, if any, came from the search of the caves at West Wycombe. However, it was the last query on my...
The Most Wonderful Follow-Up: The True Meaning Of Christmas By Katharine Sexkitten I left the security guard clothes in the public washroom. They smelled. In fact they reeked. No doubt about it. Up until earlier this morning, I would have thought the odor was unusual, and not altogether attractive. Now I thought they smelled like heaven. They were completely covered in my own cum, more or less dried. I remember vividly making the mess. It was more cum than I'd ever...
I knew they would hit it off from the social meet, Greg had her laughing and Sally even moved close to him so he could put his hand on her leg when he got the chance as they chatted, Greg was a decent guy not pushy which l know went down well with Sally, she told me later, when she was saying good bye in the carpark their kiss was more than a simple peck on the cheek. Over the next couple of days while waiting for Greg to e-mail us with hotel details, Sally would ask every day if he had...
Then one day, in a simple moment things started to change. I was home alone and decided a swim in the pool would be perfect. I didn’t expect anyone home until much later so why wet a bathing suit. I was floating in the pool enjoying a nice homemade lemonade thinking life is so good. Then something seemed to be off. I thought I saw someone peeking at me. I popped off my float and looked around but couldn’t see anyone. Disturbed from my peace I thought I better shower and begin planning for...
Meaningless By Yukiko Tsukashima I was starting to feel pretty dizzy...pretty dopey. This party seemed so wild and fun when I took those pills...that girl in the pink and white mini dress seemed so beautiful and interested in me when she smiled that luscious smile...sweetly talking me into taking them. Where was she now? I don't see her. How many drinks have I have? It couldn't have been more than two or three...I shouldn't have felt as tired and lightheaded from the...
April 8, 1988, Carol Stream, Illinois “What services are these again?” Jessica asked. “The first one is Vespers for Great and Holy Friday,” I said, repeating what Andrei had told me when I’d called to get the service times. “The second one is the Lamentations, which is Matins for tomorrow morning.” “Then why do it tonight?” Kara asked. “According to Andrei, all the services this week are celebrated ‘by anticipation’. So the Bridegroom Matins services that are done Sunday, Monday, and...
She should’t have. Brianne shouldn’t have worn that dress. Not to a business event. A slinky black slip dress with a plunging neckline and side boob? Her 34Cs just hanging out there on display? Really? A Vegas club? Sure. The frat date party it was purchased for? OK. But the Summer Intern Thank You Party? Poor choice. The second martini before dinner was probably a mistake. But her boss had gotten it for her. It would have been impolite to say, no. Politeness probably would not have been in...
TabooThere were twelve of them. All friends and out for a night of drinking and clubbing. They had gone out that Saturday afternoon and by the time they arrived at the Dew Drop Inn at eleven thirty they were all pretty drunk. Dew Drop Inn was not a classy establishment, not even close. It was a rough pub, in a rough area and the people in the bar were that bit older than these twelve rowdy, twenty something's. The reason the friends had gone there was simple: it was on the way to the club they...
Years ago I convinced my wife Andrea to become a hot wife. At first she wasn't sure I was serious even after I practically begged her so she had an affair behind my back. One of my best friends had come by to see me one night and since I wasn't home Andrea fucked him. She never told me about it until one night, I was feeling extremely horny and I started in on her about her having sex with someone else. She had me lay on the bed and after she tied my hands and feet to the bedpost she stripped...
I'll never forget the first time I heard the Navy Anthem. Anchors aweigh, my boys, anchors aweigh, Farewell to college joys... On a hot summer day that July, my Grandfather and I had attended an old farm sale. While there we saw them auctioning off an old wind-up victrola. Well, as luck would have it, it was about to be my lucky day! "Grandpa, I'm going to buy that," I said. "Son, it doesn't look like it comes with any records," he laughed, "You'll have nothing to play on...
She kissed her husband goodbye, and watched fondly and sadly as he turned to open the door. ‘Damn!’ he muttered as the icy chill blasted his exposed face. ‘Summer just can’t get here fast enough!’ Wearing only her robe and slippers, the cold air momentarily affected her much more than it affected him, but at least she would be inside all day. He had to trudge three blocks to the bus stop and wait for the bus to get through the horrendous morning traffic. She watched from a window until...
CARLY'S STORY Chpt. 6 A VERY MEANINGFUL DIALOGUE Raven woke me later that afternoon and told me the garage had been my punishment for missing the taxi. She also said Hunter told her I performed well last night, and Hunter was basically pretty happy with me. She told me to get directly into the bathroom and clean myself and to find Ruby when I was done. I showered, and then lay in the tub and soaked in lavender for a long time. Eventually, I wrapped a towel around the wet wig,...
The Meaning of Christmas By Tanto Depression (v): Waking up with the uneasy feeling that the world is out to get you- and finding out that you're right. This was the feeling that descended upon me as the leaves withered and dropped from the trees, and the corporations of the world began their annual marketing blitz. Christmas was almost on top of me, and I knew what that meant. I always became depressed around Christmas, but I could never figure out exactly why. I liked the...
But Mommy, I mean Mom!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Chris, Chrissie 18-years-old Amy & Jill 5-year-old twin sisters Miley 12-year-old sister Mom/Mommy single mom 42-years-old but looks 25 Jenny my 18-year-old girl friend All, I was transferring files from my old laptop to my knew MacBook Pro and found some stories I wrote back in 2011 and never put on line. Here is one of them. I hope you enjoy...
As we walked I told him what happened with his father. He was surprised to hear that is father was ok with me having a lover and he wanted to somehow be involved. Brian explained to me he had read something about cuckolding. Where a wife goes around having sex with others and the husband enjoys hearing about it and even watching. He said his father must enjoy being a cuckold. Brian said let’s tell him it’s me and just throw him out of your bed. I liked the idea but knew we could not be sure...