Apple Pie
- 4 years ago
- 27
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He groaned again but she didn’t seem to notice, just kept prattling on and on about how excited she was for this opportunity. He held up his middle finger but she cheerfully continued her one-sided conversation.
‘Sharon, for the love of God, shut up!’ he finally said.
‘Fine,’ she huffed and pouted. ‘They said you were a real meanie pie. I’ll just read then.’
With that, she pulled out her Braille book and quietly read to herself. He signaled to the flight attendant and bought another scotch on the rocks for himself. He looked down at the napkin and smiled to himself, the flight attendant had written her phone number on it. He carefully folded up the napkin and put in in his shirt bucket.
Gary Weaver was used to this type of attention. At six foot four and two hundred and six pounds, he was a big man. In college he’d played football and even played two pre-season games with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers before getting cut from the roster. His face was square, his eyes a deep brown and his hair a naturally curly brown. When he smiled, which were seldom, his teeth were straight, even and white.
Getting cut from the NFL was fine, though, he knew the life expectancy of a Defensive Tackle wasn’t the greatest. He moved back to Louisiana and immediately secured a job with the Louisiana Department of Rehabilitation Services. That had been his major field of studies in college, Special Education.
When he signed on with LDRS, everyone was fawning over wheelchair bound clients, he picked up the Visually Impaired/Blind client load.
With the same efficient and matter of fact mannerism that he had pounded the Offensive line, he pounded his client load. Many of his clients found themselves cut altogether, others found that they were expected to apply themselves and succeed, he fully expected the Visually Impaired and Blind to be able to compete for jobs in the General Population. Why else would they provide education, training, adaptive technologies?
To the client that was used to simply showing up and receiving a stipend for attending school and getting free ‘toys’ and computers from their previous counselor, Gary Weaver was a real shock. He had received several ‘Hate’ letters, threatening phone calls, and quite a few threats of lawsuits.
Sharon Weaver, no relation, was one of his first clients. The bubbly eighteen year old had bounded into his office, parents hovering over her to make sure she didn’t hurt herself, and he had outlined his plans for the high school senior.
‘I want you to apply for the Pell Grant,’ he intoned.
‘Okay,’ she readily agreed.
‘We will provide you with the adaptive technology you will need to keep up with your sighted counterparts in the classrooms, provide readers to assist with study materials, Braille books where available, you do know how to read Braille?’ he went on.
‘Yes I do,’ she proudly declared.
Together, with many interruptions from her mother and father, Gary and Sharon outlined her curriculum and goals. He smiled sardonically at her choice of Special Education, most of these optimistic bubble headed kids believed that they would make great counselors, as they ‘understood’ the needs of the handicapped.
Five years later, she graduated at the top of her class at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and he closed her file.
As many enemies as he’d made in his client load, he was equally disliked by his fellow counselors. His lack of concern for their feelings and complete disregard for tact did not endear him to any of them.
‘Well, if you’d pull your head out of your ass, you’d have a better chance of getting transferred,’ he told a counselor that had been turned down for a post with the Baton Rouge office.
‘Look, cock sucker, having a full docket is not free reign to whine,’ he told another.
‘Get off my nuts, Florence,’ he told his supervisor after yet another complaint had been filed against him.
For all the complaints, all the dissatisfied clients, Gary Weaver were a real producer. Other LDRS offices across the state requested his assistance and he had covered the entire state, assisting other counselors with their client loads, motivating other clients to apply themselves, to succeed. One counselor had asked him the secret to his success.
‘Easy, I don’t give a flying fuck about any of these pathetic little shits,’ he said. He did not crack a smile at the shocked expression on the other counselor’s face.
Other states began to request his assistance and he traveled to Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, and Georgia. That was what he was doing on this endless flight with Sharon Weaver, intern from Hell. New York City had requested his assistance after he’d testified to Congress about Rehabilitation Services in the United States.
‘It’s not a fucking vacation, numb nuts,’ he told John, the counselor for Deaf Services.
‘It’s not a sight seeing tour, you wrinkled up douche bag,’ he snarled at Maggie. ‘Maybe if you learned how to do your fucking job, they’d ask you for your help too.’
‘Gary, Gary, I do wish you would learn a little tact,’ Florence told him.
‘Bite me,’ he said and smiled as she wrote that down in his file.
Despite all the complaints, he was the highest paid counselor in the office. He was the one that had to travel all over the state, now all over the country. As far as he was concerned, the other counselors were just sucking up a paycheck for the simple act of showing up.
Well, that was one way of getting him back, saddle him with little Miss Fucking Sunshine, the intern from Hell. He looked at her again as she read to herself. Her long blonde hair was pulled back by two hair clips, which left her small face bare. Her eyes were a horrible milky white in color, but other than that, she was quite pretty with a small nose, pale pink lips and small white teeth. She was very short, not quite five feet tall, and had absolutely no tits, waist, hips or ass. Has he not known that she was twenty-two, he would have sworn that she was just a kid.
Actually, he knew some kids that had better bodies than Ms. Sharon Weaver. Her sensible business suit and sensible shoes made her look as though she was playing ‘dress-up’ in her Mommy’s clothing. For his part, he was wearing a pullover long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. No one gives a shit what you look like on these long flights, might as well be comfortable. Plus that, if you dress nicely, panhandlers at airports try to approach you for handouts. None but the bravest approached him, though, he barreled through crowds and walked with a purpose.
‘We’ll be landing in about forty five minutes,’ the flight attendant told Sharon when Sharon asked for the hundredth time when they’d be landing.
‘And then we go to the Excelsior Hotel and…’ Sharon started telling Gary.
‘I know what our itinerary is, Sharon,’ he grumbled.
‘Meanie Pie,’ she groused at him and he rolled his eyes.
‘Just how fucking old are you?’ he barked.
‘Old enough to know that profanity is the sign of a weak mind,’ she shot back.
She had to scramble to keep up with him, the only act of kindness he’d displayed to her was he helped her locate her four suitcases at the baggage blame area.
‘What do you need four suitcases for?’ he groused as he loaded them onto a skycap’s cart.
‘We’re going to be here for at least two months, right?’ she asked. ‘Well, I’m not going to walk around New York without clothes!’
The hotel clerk was extremely apologetic but since it was Sunday there wasn’t much that could be done about it. When the New York Rehab had booked the room, they’d seen Gary and Sharon Weaver and assumed that the two were married.
‘At least give us a room with two double beds, please,’ Gary asked the clerk and they were quickly downgraded to a double occupancy room.
‘Look Sharon, we’ll get i
t straightened out tomorrow,’ he told her. ‘Plus that, I don’t plan on being here tonight.’
‘You don’t?’ she asked, worriedly. ‘But, what am I supposed to do?’
‘Hey, hey, hey, all I’ve been hearing out of you is how we’re not supposed to help y’all, we’re supposed to let y’all figure things out on your own, how y’all want to be all independent and shit, and then when I tell you, ‘Here’s your chance,’ you get all uptight and freaked out?’ he chided her and plopped his one suitcase and garment bag onto the far bed. N
‘You’re absolutely right,’ she said and set her jaw determinedly.
He wanted to laugh, when she set her jaw like that her bottom lip stuck out and she looked like a little kid. He pulled the napkin out of his pocket and got an outside extension.
‘Hey, Gail?’ he cheerfully said. ‘This is Gary Weaver, flight 1082? Got any plans for tonight? No, I don’t waste time, how about you?’
He listened for a moment, and then laughed.
‘Well, yes, there are some things that a man does want to take his time with, but I say ‘Hey, why beat around the bush, unless the bush needs it?” he laughed.
‘I’m sure I can find it,’ he said and hung up. Sharon sat at the foot of her bed, head down. Gary cheerfully grabbed a jacket from his garment bag, shrugged it on and walked to the door.
‘See you later,’ he called out.
”Bye,’ Sharon quietly said. She pulled her cell phone out of her purse and called her parents to let them know that she was in New York City, safe and sound.
Gail shared an apartment with two other flight attendants. True to his word, Gary did not waste any time. Within moments of his knocking at the door, her clothes lay on the floor and his head was between her legs. He lapped at her hairless lips and dug his tongue in as far as he could reach, but avoided any contact with her clitoris. He used one hand to massage her ample rump, the other hand was busy groping her pneumatic breasts and nipples.
‘Why beat around the bush when you can eat around the bush?’ he said and slid a finger into her drooling pussy. She cooed and giggled as he fucked the finger in and out of her pussy, then arched her back as he finally caught her clitoris into his mouth.
‘Give me that cock,’ she demanded and he slipped his jeans off and flexed his muscles a few times for her approval. She fixed her gaze on his throbbing manhood and he smiled.
She grunted as he lay on top of her and slid his cock into her pussy, inch by inch. When he’d finally bottomed out, she groaned in ecstasy.
‘Mother fucker, you’re big,’ she gasped and he slowly, maddeningly pulled out and then quickly shoved into her again.
‘Aw, shit!’ she cried out as her orgasm rippled through her. ‘Aw, shit, aw fuck, aw shit!’
‘Uh uh!’ she protested when he tried to introduce his cock to her ample rump. ‘I don’t even let my boyfriend fuck me there!’
It was one o’clock in the morning when he pulled out of her pussy for the last time and put his jeans back on. She lay in the middle of the rumpled bed, his come dripping slowly from her pussy. Her puffy lips were widely splayed open and she groaned again.
‘Shit, I don’t think I can close my legs,’ she complained.
‘Gee, I’m sorry, maybe you shouldn’t have opened them in the first place,’ he said sarcastically and left the bedroom.
One of her roommates was watching a talk show when he walked through the living room. Neither she nor Gary said a word to each other and he walked out into the night air. He got his bearings and walked back to the hotel.
As quietly as he could, Gary let himself back into the room and lay down on the bed. Within moments, he was wide-awake, Sharon snored very loudly. He looked with wonder at her, she didn’t seem to be big enough to snore, certainly not that loud! But snore she did, and it was quite loud indeed.
He shook her lightly and that stopped her for long enough for him to fall asleep.
She was taking her sweet time in the bathroom and he had to piss horribly. He would pound on the door and she would call out that it would be just another minute. Just as he was about to either open the window and spray the hapless pedestrians nine floors down, or use the wastebasket, she opened the bathroom door and exited, dress and ready for the work day ahead.
He did not bother to close the door, just pissed noisily. He still did not shut the door while he shaved or showered, Sharon was completely blind, it did not matter to him.
She sat at the foot of her bed, which had been neatly made when he emerged from the bathroom, dressed in only a towel.
‘Who the hell makes their bed in a hotel?’ he asked as he pulled on his trousers.
‘I do,’ she said. ‘I just can’t stand to leave a room with an unmade bed.
‘That’s what they have maid service for,’ he commented and knotted his tie. ‘Want to get some breakfast before we head downtown?’
‘Sure!’ she happily said and grabbed her cane. He looked at her in amusement as she practically skipped at his side.
The hotel provided a simple buffet and they availed themselves of the eggs and bacon and cinnamon buns. Sharon insisted on carrying her own plate, but conceded to letting Gary carry her coffee and juice. They sat down and he had to look away, Sharon chewed with her mouth open. Finally he couldn’t stand it any longer.
‘Sharon, close your mouth,’ he said abruptly.
‘Oh!’ she gasped. ‘I’m so sorry! Sometimes I forget!’
She did close her mouth and he was able to relax again. He was a hard man, not used to feelings or compassion, but he did have his quirks too. He did not like slovenly people, lazy people, or dishonest people. Chewing with one’s mouth open was lazy or slovenly and he couldn’t stand it.
The office they were looking for was actually only a few blocks away and they walked to the building.
The new head of Services, Andrew Young, greeted them warmly, he was in over his head and he knew it. The counselors had been working there for years and had grown quite complacent in their jobs and their clients were used to making demands and getting whatever they wanted. Of the three thousand clients he had on his dockets, less than two hundred actually had any type of employment history at all.
‘I’m not going to play games, or pussyfoot around,’ Gary told him. ‘That’s disgraceful. That’s inexcusable. That’s pathetic.’
You’re not getting any argument from me, I agree with you wholeheartedly,’ Andrew said. ‘That’s why when I read your transcripts from the Congressional hearings, I immediately called Florence.’
‘And, look, I’m not here to make friends with anyone, even you,’ Gary went on. ‘So, let’s skip the bullshit luncheon you had planned to introduce me to the staff here and just get started. How you want to do this? Alphabetically or by Seniority?’
‘Seniority,’ Andrew said and smiled. ‘You may not be here to win any friends, but you already won one in me, Mr. Weaver.’
He and Gary smiled at each other, a common understanding passing between them.
Ms. Baldwin fairly simmered in rage as the rude man and his little intern went through her office and grabbed files.
‘I thought the South was supposed to have ‘Southern Gentlemen,” she said harshly.
‘Nah, those are just little pussies that can’t get laid,’ Gary said and smiled tightly at her shocked expression.
Within two hours, Ms. Baldwin was in Andrew’s office, complaining of a severe headache as Gary pointed out wasteful charge and poor planning in file after file to her.
I’ll be right back,’ Gary told Sharon as she was trying to make sense out of the file she was listening to on her laptop.
Andrew chortled as he called the District Attorney’s office to file charges of fraud against Ms. Baldwin. Gary returned to the small office and tapped Sharon on the shoulder.
‘You can stop right there, we’re
going to Don’s office now,’ he gruffly said and she had to scramble to follow him to the next counselor’s office.
‘Look, numb nuts, y’all don’t get a fucking choice,’ Gary told the man. ‘Either hand over the files or get the fuck out of my way.’
‘Why are you such a meanie pie?’ Sharon hissed as they went through incompetent file after incompetent file.
‘Look Little Miss Fucking Sunshine,’ he growled. ‘Believe it or not, not everyone that works with the handicapped, disabled, disadvantaged, impaired, challenged, handicap able, whatever the fuck you people want to be called today, is actually looking for the best interest of their clients.’
‘Humph! she said and bent down to her task.
‘You plan on eating?’ Andrew smiled as Gary tossed another file onto the ‘Close Immediately’ stack and nodded his head yes.
‘Yeah, since y’all already paid for it,’ Gary smiled and got to his feet. Sharon closed her laptop with a sigh.
She hated to admit it, but it looked like Gary was right, Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Decker had numerous files that should have been closed out years ago, the clients either placed in gainful employment, or in workshop employment. Very few of the clients were currently in training or schooling, so why were they still open cases?
The rest of the counselors sat in barely concealed contempt of Mr. Young and whoever this large brute of a man was. They’d already heard from Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Decker just how intolerable this Mr. Weaver was and was not looking forward to their turn with him. Mr. Young had made no bones about wanting to get rid of the majority of them, but because they were state employees, that was nearly impossible. There were eight counselors in all, but Gary and Sharon would be in New York for at least two months.
‘Why were you so mean to MS. Baldwin?’ Sharon asked as they trudged back to their hotel room.
‘Because she had a shipload of clients that should have been thrown out years ago,’ Gary said.
‘But still, if she just doesn’t know any better,’ Sharon said.
‘Look, honey, I know y’all want to see nothing but the roses and ignore the thorns,’ he sighed as they waited for the light to change. ‘But she’s been with the NYDRS for thirty two years, she knows better, just doesn’t want to do anything about it.’
When they got to their hotel, Gary went to the desk to inquire about an available room and Sharon went upstairs. He was told that they did anticipate a vacancy in a few days.
‘Well, it looks like I’m stuck with your snoring for another one or two nights,’ he groused at Sharon as she was hanging up her jacket. She blushed lightly at his comment.
‘Oh!’ she said. ‘Did I snore last night? And what time did you get in? I didn’t hear you come in.’
‘No, you didn’t snore, but you were pretty busy with that chainsaw you sleep with,’ he joked. ‘I guess it was about two o’clock when I got in, why? What time did you get in?’
‘About ten, I guess,’ she said. ‘Well, if I snore tonight, just shake me until I stop, okay?’
‘Oh, you don’t want me bounding you around on your head like I did last night?’ he asked.
‘You did not!’ she laughed.
He had to admit, she was kind of cute when she smiled or laughed. She was definitely not his type, though. She was completely flat chested and he loved big big breasts, even the fake ones. She looked so much like an innocent little kid, and he preferred his women on the trashy side, the sluttier the better. That’s why most of his relationships were of the ‘one-night stand’ variety.
‘But, hopefully, I won’t be back tonight, so you can saw wood all night long,’ he told her.
‘Oh? Where are you going?’ she asked, concerned.
‘There’s a bar a few blocks away, I’m going to check it out, see if I can get laid,’ he said and she blushed at his directness.
‘Oh,’ she said and hung her head. He hung his jacket and slacks and slipped on a pair of jeans and pulled out his cowboy boots.
‘Hey there, cowboy,’ a loud red head called out as Gary entered the bar and he smiled widely.
That was his kind of woman. Her tits were unencumbered by any bra and wobbled deliciously in her tight blouse. Her skirt was very short and her legs were very long. He sidled over to where she sat and asked point blank if she’d like a drink and maybe a little company tonight.
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The first time I had sex with a woman, and my first Cream Pie, (it happen just like this, as I remember every nasty exciting detail) I was to baby sit for a friend of my mom's, I was to watch her two c***dren for the weekend while she went to Palm Springs. I went over after school so she could get out of town early. When I got to her house she was there, and she told me she made other plans, that her k**'s were at her sister's for the weekend. She also told me...
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Friday after I get off work Andrea and I are headed to Panama City for the weekend. The plan is we will have everything loaded in the car the night before and before I get off work Andrea is going over to Tim's house to have sex. I'll pick her from his house and drive straight to Panama City. She will ride the entire trip holding Tim's seaman in her pussy so I'll be treated to a messy pie after we check into our room. At quitting time I washed up at the shop and changed into clean clothes then...
The first time I had sex with a woman, and my first Cream Pie, (it happened just like this, as I remember every nasty exciting detail) I was to baby sit for a friend of my mom's. I was to watch her two children for the weekend while she went to Palm Springs. I went over after school so she could get out of town early. When I got to her house she was there, and she told me she made other plans, that her kid's were at her sister's for the weekend. She also told me since I was expecting the...
Foreword: I first began this story on a free site I created. It was a captioned story line, so the story was woefully condensed due to it being captioned. I loved the overall story line, which is the reason for in me bringing it to a greater degree of life via this format. Join with me as we see Tammy Wallace aka Cindy Williams reflect on her past year. A year of where; hers, a fake husband that she's come to love, two beautiful little girls, one having been a friend of many years,...
It was August and for the past six weeks Pennsylvania had been in the grip of an unrelenting heat wave.My girlfriend at the time Pam and I had plans to attend a local yearly festival in a large city twenty miles from our home where home made pies were always judged the final day of the celebration.Pam had taken first prize in the judging the past three years,with the delicious variety of apples that we harvested from dwarf trees in our back yard.She had spent the morning preparing the pie crust...
My husband and I are both in our mid-20's and have been married for three years. Lately, I've noticed he likes looking at cream pie pictures and videos on adult websites. One night, we were fucking, bareback of course, and after he came, he asked me to spread my legs so he could see his cum in me. I did as asked and after he looked at it a couple seconds, he shocked me by going down on me and sucking out his own sperm! I had never seen him do that before and honestly, I was a little stunned he...
PREFACE "Why the jock strap over your jeans, Cindi?" "It's not a jock strap, Holly. It's supposed to be a codpiece. I'm making a statement." "I suppose you are. Any I idea what statement?" "That we don't have penis envy." "Penis envy?" "Here's what my psych text says. (I didn't sell it back because you see how I spilled coffee in it.) 'Freud believed that during development, girls switch the mother to the father as the love object, and also switch from...
Rosalind lay there, her back coated in a thin sheen of come, massaged into her freckled skin by his fingers and the circles of his palms. Like any moisturiser, the body warm fluid thinned and spread, and with the constant circular movement, was slowly absorbed into her skin. Hot and smooth and gone. ‘Better than Mary Arden, don’t you think?’ But the woman was too tired to respond. It had been a busy day for her, shit clients, the server crashed, nothing went right. Then, just after her...
My wife and I have been married for a little over eleven years and the last four of those years she has been fucking six of my friends (with my knowledge and aproval). I don’t at this time have the luxury to go into the why’s and how’s that this arrangement came about, perhaps I will divulge that at another time, but I will say that we both love the sexual freedom she has with my friends and for now we couldn’t be happier that they fuck her on a regular basis and more often than not she...
Ich komme gerade von der Arbeit nach Hause und öffne die Türe, da steht Anna im Negligee vor mir. Kaum ist die Türe geschlossen, öffnet sie schon meine Hose und beginnt mit Küssen über meinen Schwanz zu wandern bis dieser schön hart wird. Kein Hallo, kein Küsschen, nur ein breites Lächeln und “Lass mich heute Abend dein Spielzeug sein, du darfst mich wie ein notgeiles Flittchen behandeln was du gerade erst in der Disco abgeschleppt hast”.Ich schiebe ihre Träger zur Seite, so dass ich ihre...
Ich st?berte durch den Laden, erstaunt dar?ber, was f?r ein Ramsch angeboten wurde. Gerade als ich gehen wollte, fiel mir etwas auf. Es schien ein Brettspiel zu sein, das mich stark an den Film Jumanji erinnerte. Es sah sehr alt aus, mit vielen Ornamenten. Je l?nger ich es betrachtete, desto mehr gefiel es mir. Wirklich wundersch?n. Aber der Preis! F?nfzig Euro sollte es kosten! Als Student schwimmt man nicht gerade im Geld. Ich schob es zur?ck. Ich wollte gehen, da drehte ich mich d...
This is a place, where usually authors speak shit like something about not owning digimons. If you think I own digimons, it's your fault. I don't go around saying "Hey! Guess what? I own rights to cartoon where animals talk and go around looking retarded" Anyway, I did this in two days for a contest. I hope you all like it. "Mmmmm… Kari…" Davis moaned, while rubbing his penis. He was daydreaming and fantasizing about the magnificent body of Kari. He was thinking, how he was sliding...
Back in ’07 I was fucking this chick named Diane. She was the first chick that let me blow my load inside of her. This chick in Florida wanted me to do the same thing, but I sent it down her throat instead. Anyways, I had her over at the place where I had Snaggle Tooth, and it was a nice summer eve. She came over with a 12 pack and after we finished most of them, it was post time. Sadly, she wouldn’t suck my cock in fear that i would send my load into her belly. She even threatened me and this...
It’s 8:15 Saturday morning, I’m watching Power Block on TV when I hear the garage door opening. This means my wife is home from a sl**p over. She left last night to meet Jason for an evening of dinning dancing and sex. This isn’t anything new, she goes out several times a month for over nighters. More often she entertains her male friends here at our home. When she came into the den I stood up to give her a kiss hello. She looked just as beautiful as she when she left twelve hours ago. She was...
It was Friday night and the big city blues were in full swing. Amidst the swirl of alcohol and misty tobacco I was with a few of the (motley) crew from lower south side getting totally blitzed on cheap vodka and snakebites as we sat listening to the sound of rebellion coming from the Fat Larry jukebox. Call me Joe by the way. At last count I’m 25 going on 40. Looks wise I’m tall, dark but nothing special at all. Anyway, I looked better in the shadows. In the shadows is what I do best these...
Friday evening I was setting on the deck enjoying a cold beer when I heard my wife Andrea pull into the garage. I needed another one so I went into the kitchen and met her as she came through the door. I looked at how lovely she was standing there in a mid thigh length cotton skirt. Her legs covered in nude colored pantyhose. I walked over to give her a kiss and as I did I reached under her skirt to rub her pussy through the nylon. She never wears panties if she wears pantyhose so I was rubbing...
Fridays were always " date night" for me and Andrea untill she began fucking Tim. After the second missed date due to her coming home to late from Tim's house I had to complain. She pointed out that she always came home with a pussy full of Tim's cum for me to munch on but I missed going out with her. She said that she was sorry and would fix it.That next Friday when I got home I was pleased to see Andrea's car in the driveway and she met me at the door dressed to the nines. She was wearing an...
"Fuck me harder" she said as she grabbed my balls and pulled me in deeper inside her creamy pussy...It all started in school…There I was, sitting in class, by the door, when I saw her passed by in the hallway; 5'8", tanned, beautiful oval face, long fake blonde hair, slim figure, with a fitted pair of white pants squeezing her beautiful set of tight ass cheeks. As she walked by, I couldn't help but stare at her ass in them jeans! The swing of her hips only put me into a trance deeper and...
This is a true story of the first time I knowingly ate my first creampie.I met this girl in a bar. She started flirting with me right away. I bought her a drink an we chatted a bit. She said she had just broken up with her husband and was kinda sad. I was new in town and we talked about a few different things and had a few drinks. She was definitely a looker. She went to the bathroom an some guy came over to me to tell me what a slut she was. I guess he thought he was giving a stranger a...
It's 8:15 Saturday morning, I'm watching Power Block on TV when I hear the garage door opening. This means my wife is home from a sleep over. She left last night to meet Jason for an evening of dinning dancing and sex. This isn't anything new, she goes out several times a month for over nighters. More often she entertains her male friends here at our home.When she came into the den I stood up to give her a kiss hello. She looked just as beautiful as she when she left twelve hours ago. She was...
I lived in Sacramento California back in 2002. Having retired after twenty years in the Air force I was going to college full time. Yahoo personals was really big at the time and I had a really funny profile that lots of people really liked. One nineteen year old housewife really liked it and started chatting me up on yahoo messenger. After some time discussing innocent topics she began to get to some more interesting subjects. She wanted to know if I would ever cheat on my wife. I told her...
I can’t believe it. Here I am in our car driving home to my husband Steve. I’d just spent the last two hours at a hotel with Ridge. I had a hard week at school and I needed to unwind and he definitely made sure that I did. He fucked me so well I had two very strong orgasms. Just the kind of unwinding I needed. But that’s not what’s so hard to believe. My husband Steve knows that I fuck him and he’s fine with it. Steve used to want to always be there to watch and join but lately, due to my...
We put the k**s to bed for the night, and I grabbed a beer and wine cooler out of the refrigerator. We go in the living room and sit and watch TV as we drink, you put your feet into my lap and I rub them knowing this turns you on. I stand and that off your jeans, sitting back down I put your thighs across my lap so I can rub your soft thighs and let the back of my hand brush her pussy. I message your thighs until you start squirming, I know you are getting wet and I can smell your essence. ...
In 2005 both Julia and I started our Master degrees in Newcastle at the same time. We clicked instantly. My mates were always joking with me that I would get it on with her. However, I knew she was married and I took her flirtatious ways to be just part of the confidence that oozes from a mature sexy women. Julia was 41, 5 foot six, with a gorgeous brunette hair, nice sized boobs and a lovely shaped bubble butt bum! She used to wear brown leather boots that used to come up to just below her...
Back in '07 I was fucking this chick named Diane. She was the first chick that let me blow my load inside of her. This chick in Florida wanted me to do the same thing, but I sent it down her throat instead.Anyways, I had her over at the place where I had Snaggle Tooth, and it was a nice summer eve. She came over with a 12 pack and after we finished most of them, it was post time. Sadly, she wouldn't suck my cock in fear that i would send my load into her belly. She even threatened me and this...
This is a real life experience with my maid Kusum. I was temporarily posted in a distant location in east India. Since it was a temporary posting, my wife could not accompany me. I took up an accommodation, and started my hunt for a full time maid. A local shopkeeper referred kusum who actually was not a maid, but due to some tragedy in her family, she had to take up a job. She had studied up to class 9. When she came to me, i was surprised. Here is this girl, in her early 20’s, quite fair, 5...
Iqra had just gotten out of her dad's car when she received a text from an unknown number so she didn't open it until.She told her mom that she'll take a shower and then come down for dinner and hurriedly went to her room. She closed her room door and quickly opened up the text it was from her coach and he had sent a video she quickly played the video and it was him wanking his dick and right there in front of him was a picture of iqra's face from school pictures which he had printed and was...
I still remember when the topic of a creampie first came up.My wife, who was then my girlfriend, and I were fooling around.We had gone out to enjoy a dinner and an early movie. I knew what I wanted for dessert.She looked stunning, as usual. Julie has long black hair and hazel eyes. Her tits aren't that big but her ass is perfect.She wore a pair of tight fitting jeans with an even tighter blouse that night. Too make matters worse (actually better); she wore a pair of heels that showed off her...
It was a nice crisp autumn day as I waited for the bus to pull up in the parking lot. There were two groups of kids waiting for their ride. My group was the marching band. We were all there in our scarlet and gold uniforms and those weird hats with chin straps, our instrument cases at our feet. There were six girls with skirts so short you could see the matching panties they were wearing who had batons on the ground next to them. None of us would win any fashion prizes for our outfits but we...
"... not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse." That was upstairs, where my parents and kid sister were presumably sound asleep. Downstairs, in the family room, Billy and I sat on the couch, TV volume down low, HBO flickering on the set. They were showing one of the Real Sex series, the segment of the moment a story about strip clubs and lap dancers. Since the customers, the men, were fully clothed, I focused on the women, bare breasted from time to time. They were a lot bigger than my...
I've been reading erotic stories online for a while now, and I must admit that I've come to really want to try a creampie. I love going down on my wife. I love the smell, which is sweet and tangy - even a whiff of my wife's pussy makes my cock turn rock-hard. I love it when my wife starts moaning in ecstasy as I'm driving her closer and closer to orgasm. There are times when my wife gets really turned on, and it's those times she's adventurous. Little did I know that this night was...
The tray was cold and hard. I could feel my flesh shrinking from the way it felt under me. A shiver stole over me and I felt my nipples growing hard. Of course, being naked as the day I was born could have something to do with the chill. I managed to recline like I was told, on my side, barely able to wait until the tray warmed at my body heat. "You could have warmed this up," I muttered. "Nice," the chef said acting as if he hadn't heard a word I said. He smoothed his wide palm over the...
Reddit Creampies, aka r/Creampies! If you've never used Reddit before, you might be interested in this site since it is one of the perfect ways of sharing and viewing free porn. Reddit is basically a giant online forum with the ability to create new topics and share information and photos with likeminded people. There are tons of boards on various topics and you can find people to connect or debate with on pretty much anything you can think of under the sun. This is a primo place to look for...
Reddit NSFW ListMy wife the band's groupie. By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) "What are you up to next Friday night?" I asked Sharon as she stepped out of the shower. "Nothing planned why?" "I was going to organise a rehearsal with the new band members." She wrapped her long dark hair in a towel and began towelling herself off. "Who has joined?" She asked. "Mick and Ben are still in." I said as she smiled. Mick and Ben both had had the pleasure of my wife's body before. We even...
Carolyn Sanders glanced at her 14-year-old daughter as they drove along the country road. At nearly 5'5" and with long blonde hair, Lisa was becoming a young woman--her legs were getting longer, she was already wearing an A-cup bra, her waist was getting thinner and she was always talking with her girlfriends about boys. Carolyn had been putting off the birds-and-the-bees talk because she knew it was impossible for Lisa to get pregnant until she experienced something that none of her other...
This night I was home alone, my hubby have an urgent work at the newspaper where he works keeping me alone with Mike our huge male German Shepard dog and his two puppies, Suzy our female dog died three weeks after she gave birth to those puppies and we decided not to give them away, it was a little after midnight when I decided to feed them so I left the TV on and went to the kitchen to prepare their milk dose when I discovered that my husband finished the last milk powder and did not tell me...
Brighton Pier By Belle Gordon The heavy iron door banged shut and the keys turned in the lock. I lay down on my bed and resigned myself to being locked up for the next twenty two hours. As I'd done many times previously I cursed my stupidity. Love had blinded me to the risks and dangers involved in breaking the law. I thought I had covered my tracks but I'd got careless and greedy. Inevitably I got caught. I should have foreseen what was likely to happen when I'd stolen the...
The car hummed comfortably. It did not seem to touch the road. The landscape flashed by. So did age old trees and even older houses. It drove through crumbling villages and past endless knee-high walls that were meant to protect them from a dive into the lake. The twilight had a golden touch. The sun had already sunk behind the mountains, but the sky still held on to the light. It painted a myriad of feathery clouds in a shade of apricot. Angique sat in the corner of the tan leather seat. She...