Living the Dream Malissa s Academy 15
- 4 years ago
- 42
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The tray was cold and hard. I could feel my flesh shrinking from the way it felt under me. A shiver stole over me and I felt my nipples growing hard. Of course, being naked as the day I was born could have something to do with the chill. I managed to recline like I was told, on my side, barely able to wait until the tray warmed at my body heat.
"You could have warmed this up," I muttered.
"Nice," the chef said acting as if he hadn't heard a word I said. He smoothed his wide palm over the curve of my sleek hip and moved my bottom leg just enough so that I had balance while straightening the top one. "You will make a beautiful centerpiece."
"Yeah," I snapped, already hating this like I knew I would. "I just live to be covered with fruit and flowers and ogled by a bunch of horny college guys."
The chef just chuckled, tapping me gently on the jaw with his fist.
For the life of me, I didn't know how I had gotten suckered into doing this, into being the centerpiece at an alumni get together at my brother's alma mater. His fraternity hosted this damn thing once a year and this year I got to be the edible centerpiece.
Well, yeah, I did know how I got here. I mean, I was the one who made the bet on the football game with him when he was home in December. I was so cockily sure my team would win and his Eagles would swan dive that I'd agreed to do what he wanted if I lost.
We didn't just lose, we floundered.
That left Denny rubbing his hands in glee and telling me about this little ritual at the Frat house. I guess those Pi Alpha Omegas had some really kinky ideas about food.
"You just have to lay there, Steph," he'd told me, a grin on his face. "The guy that caters this for us does all the rest. He's fantastic at making living centerpieces."
"You want me to climb up on a tray, have fruit and other food draped over me artistically and lie there while your frat brothers feel me up while they eat?" I had asked, with very little enthusiasm as I recall.
"It won't hurt you," he said, reminding me with a small pat on my ass that I had lost. "Besides, remember the bridal shower you made me go to?
"I knew I'd live to see the day you threw that in my face." But I couldn't help but remember that day. He'd been great, working like a dog to help me set up and then getting one of his hunky friends to come in and strip for the girls. Then he'd played cab service, making sure that everyone got home all right and finally pouring me into bed later that night. I sighed. I owed him.
"I don't have to do nothing else?"
"Nope, just lie there. No one will do anything to you that you don't want to happen."
I took the last part of that conversation as a warning and felt a shiver of dread. Now that the time was here, my stomach was a mass of butterflies and I could feel gooseflesh covering my skin.
"You look a little cold," the chef remarked, his eyes on my breasts.
I couldn't help but glance down, seeing the small brown tips grow tight. "You think?" I know I was being rude but for the life of me, I couldn't find it in me to care. "Can we just get on with this?"
"Yeah, sure," the man said, pulling down on his white jacket.
That's when I saw his name. Pierre Lefute. If he was French, then I was a guy.
"Turn your head," he ordered, and I did as he said, feeling his fingers in my hair. He pulled out the rubber band I'd used to keep my thick, sable colored hair back, slipping it into his pocket before he finger combed my hair. The waves and curls looked startlingly dark against the silver of the tray, and he arranged it the way he wanted it to look, the length just long enough to touch the edges of the tray.
"Okay, now on your side, slip your hand under your cheek. I want you to have a dreamy look, kind of like you just woke up after some very naughty dream."
I moved as he wanted, finally getting into a position that left me comfortable and didn't offend his artistic sensibilities. I had to admit though that I felt very exposed as both my butt and my pussy were out there for anyone to see. It grew worse as I felt his hands on my legs, pushing the straight one back and bending the other one so that it was toward him more. That position raised my hips just a bit more and I knew anyone standing at the bottom of the tray would get a fantastic view.
So absorbed in I in how I must look, I nearly jumped off the tray when he reached over and smoothed his hand over the thick thatch of curls that covered my sex.
"No, no this won't do at all," he said and I had a bad feeling what was going to happen next was not something I was going to enjoy. "Have you ever shaved this?" he asked, his fingers pulling gently at my pubic hair.
"No, and don't think you're going to do it either," I snapped.
"Then it must be trimmed. Don't move," he snapped back at me as he laid a towel next to my hip. I felt his fingers, heard the sound of the scissors and then felt the cool touch a blade slide over my flesh. I didn't dare move. He'd probably cut me on purpose.
He finished quickly and then I felt the touch of his fingers and a cool oily substance that he rubbed into my suddenly nude feeling skin. I didn't dare lift my head to see what he'd done and could only gasp when he spread apart the lips of my pussy and rubbed his fingers against my clit.
"I knew you'd like it," he said, smirking at me. Before I could speak, he leaned down and licked one of my hard nipples before turning away.
I didn't even have the chance to be indignant at his familiarities before two more men were standing around me. They carried huge bowls of fruit and Pierre held a large green wrapped package of flowers.
"Do not move," he ordered.
White daisies were coiled into my hair, strawberries and grapes were scattered around my body. Apples were sliced, formed into shapes and laid against my skin. Peaches and pears were also cut into shapes and glued to my skin using some kind of sugary syrup. Leafy greens were fanned out under the fruit that was on the tray, making me feel like some kind of sacrifice, like a turkey at Thanksgiving.
An apple was cored and sliced, the rings glued to each of my breasts so that my nipples showed through the holes in the centers. Strawberries, matched as perfectly in size as Pierre could make them, were glued over the holes. I felt as if I were wearing some kinky new kind of bikini. But at least I was now covered some what.
More of the syrup was ladled over me, running in trails down my skin, leaving it to shine and making me shiver. One of the other men made curving lines of blueberries over my hip and down my stomach. The other took slices of kiwi and dotted my legs with them. Then he picked up a paintbrush and dipped it into the liquid, running it around my eyes and across my cheeks. A mask was formed, using raspberries and black berries.
I felt the brush on other parts of my body, but what ever they were using to "paint" me was warm and slightly thick. "What's that?" I couldn't help ask.
"Melted chocolate," Pierre answered, showing me the small palate he held that had small tubs of different colored chocolate. He swirled designs around the fruit, drawing an ivy vine that bloomed with chocolate flowers.
It took them less than half an hour to create their "living centerpiece" while I lay there, feeling less than human. Finally, Pierre stepped forward once more. In his hand was a huge white flower. It looked like a daisy but it was the biggest one I'd ever seen.
"The piece de resistance," he exclaimed. I felt his fingers once more, parting the lips of my sex, the thick stem of the flower sliding between. He stepped back to examine his work, coming back to fidget with the flower, which rubbed against my clit each time he moved it.
"Are you done yet?" I growled, hating the fact that this whole thing had gotten me turned on. I still had hours to lie on this tray while the alumni plucked the fruit off of my body. The thought made me even hotter. Was I a closet exhibitionist? Could that be why I was enjoying this so?
"Yes, impatient one. We are finished. Now don't move, you'll spoil the effect." He stepped back and I saw a flash of white light.
"Wait a minute, no one said anything about pictures."
"Don't move!" Pierre snarled, reaching out and putting back the fruit that had fallen off of me. He took another picture and then moved around the long table, getting shots from every angle.
"Voila," he smirked when he was finished. He waved at his assistants and then lifted the tray, moving me to a long cart. "Have fun, girlie."
"Have fun?" I couldn't believe I'd heard him right. I was sticky and covered in fruit and chocolate with a flower stem rubbing against my clit and driving me crazy. This was supposed to be fun? I was going to kill Denny if I ever made it out of here.
Swinging doors parted and I was wheeled into a huge room full of tables. The air conditioning was going full blast and I could feel my nipples tighten even more. I was going to end up with pneumonia, I just knew it. Ending up in the hospital with pneumonia would be a perfect way to get even with Denny. He'd never live down the guilt of being the cause of my death. At least when he helped me, all that happened was someone puked in his car and I even cleaned that up.
Someone touched my hip in one of the few places that wasn't covered with fruit, chocolate or flowers and I glanced up.
"You'll do fine." It was one of Pierre's assistants, and as I blinked up at him, I couldn't help but think how cute he was.
"Thanks, I think," I felt the blush that heated my cheeks and hoped the fruit covered it.
He reached out, straightening one of the lock of my hair that had slipped forward. "I'm Jess," he said.
"Stephanie," I replied. "I'd shake hands but..." One of my hands was painted with chocolate flowers, the other was covered with blueberries and cherries.
"We don't want Pierre on our cases," he said, glancing back over his shoulder. "The man's a lunatic but he does know what he's doing when it comes to this stuff. You look amazing."
"Really?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound as self conscious as I felt.
"Really," he replied. "After this is over, if you want, I can show you the pictures we took."
"I don't know, I kind of thought I'd rather forget this entire experience."
"If you didn't want to do it, then why are you here?" Jess played with some of the pieces of fruit, acting like he was still working as we talked.
"I lost a bet with my brother. He's an alumni here."
"Your brother? He's going to be here?"
Shit, I hadn't thought of that!
"Yeah, I guess that's kind of weird."
"Okay, well, I gotta get back to work," Jess said. He let his thumb run across one of the few spots of clean skin on my body, winking as he turned away.
New tingles of nervous energy fluttered in my belly. Why hadn't I realized that Denny would be here, maybe even one of the guys that would be pulling fruit off of me? God, I was going to kill him.
Minutes passed and I relaxed realizing that there wasn't much I could do besides jump up and run. I couldn't do that to Denny, I knew this dinner meant a lot to him and to do it right would up his prestige with the members. A roar of male laughter caught my attention and I moved the tiniest bit, trying to see what was going on.
I needn't have moved. Men swarmed into the room, tuxedoed and shined, they carried crystal glasses full of golden bubbles. I felt the eyes on me as I kept my position, wishing I could close my eyes and pretend I wasn't here. There were about twenty men and I could see Denny, his eyes riveted upon me as he walked in.
"Steph," he whispered as he walked by. "You look amazing."
"I feel stupid and exposed," I growled at him. "You are so going to owe me for this one, even though I lost the bet."
"Yeah, I'll pay," Denny said, a twinkle in his brown eyes. He reached over, playing with the flower that covered my sex, moving it ever so slightly. His smile grew even bigger as he heard me gasp and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Watch it buddy, or I'll tell mom," I hissed.
He laughed. "I dare you," he smirked. He bent and before my disbelieving eyes, smelled the flower he was playing with, his head so close to my body I could feel a silky brush as his hair touched me.
Shock had me speechless and he lifted his head and winked before turning to walk away.
"Gentleman, if you'll take your seats, dinner will be served and then we'll get to the highlight of the evening." Chairs were moved, the clink of silverware and china sounding loudly in my ears. Toasts were given even as waiters moved through the room keeping glasses filled, distributing expertly cooked cuisine that smelled amazing.
I felt my stomach contract and the growl and heard a laugh close by.
"I think our centerpiece missed dinner," a deep voice said.
"Well, we can't have her passing out on us due to hunger and missing the main event, can we?" another voice chimed in.
"No, where would our manners be?"
I heard the sound of a chair scraping back and then saw a wide black and white covered chest in front of my eyes. Looking up, I could see a large man, his body muscled not fat, holding a fork in front of me.
"Open up, pretty one," he said, waving a bite of rare, red meat in front of me.
"I-I..." was all I got out before he pushed the food into my mouth.
The taste exploded in my mouth, rare prime rib with a delicate mushroom sauce, and I couldn't help the moan of pleasure that escaped my lips.
I swallowed and another fork was offered, and then another. I had a group of tuxedoed men standing over me, feeding me tidbits of their own dinners. There was just something slightly decadent about being surrounded by these men, most of them well built, handsome and exuding power like it was aftershave.
Then I felt a hand upon my hip, a finger tracing through the chocolate flowers, a yum of delight as I was tasted for the first time. Another hand reached out, plucking a strawberry from the tray, his hand brushing against my ass cheek.
Someone bent over me, his tongue slipping out and trailing up my leg, licking up the sweet, syrupy liquid. Another mouth was at my throat, nibbling on skin left bare of syrup or chocolate, tasting only my own flavor.
"Having fun?" I heard Denny say and I saw him amongst those gathered around me. His eyes were bright, lustful, sending a thrill of naughtiness through me. I wondered if he would join the men who were nibbling at the strawberries covering my nipples. Would he want to do the things to me I could feel being done already?
But he just winked, turning his back and walking off. I followed him with my eyes, seeing him talk to Pierre before someone blocked my view.
The strawberry covering my right nipple was gone, a tongue slowly lapping at the taut peak. Another tongue was at the small of my back, licking up the chocolate that had pooled there. Men vied for position around the small table holding my tray and for a single instant, I wondered if this was what the missionaries had felt like while waiting for the water to boil in the huge pots in all those jungle flicks.
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Hello everyone, how are you all, this is your friend here, first of all thanks for your beautiful replies, I am glad to know that I have got so many fans, thanks to everyone, keep supporting me like this, and one of the readers has said me to write a story, so that story will be coming in the next episode. And one more thing please do not blackmail anybody who are not interested by providing the writer’s id to them. Now let me continue the story, those who do not know me, please read my...
IncestShe reached out as she had done the first day with one hand, one finger tracing my jaw line, she leant in and kissed the place her fingers vacated but this time she did not remove her mouth, instead running her tongue swiftly across my jaw, involuntarily I felt myself suck in my breath, one arm frozen to my side with fear the other clutching my towel around me I found myself shiver with what I must admit was excitement. She drew back to look at me her fingers tilting my chin, she could not...
"Now, I got to get something to drink. Where's my shorts?" I wondered and then I remembered that all our clothes are most likely in the living room. Shit, Kate is most likely up and you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to understand what happened if she finds those. I darted up and peeked from the door. I did not see anyone there, clock was 8 so it could be that I am the first one. I saw clothes everywhere in the room and tried to collect those all and dashed back to our room. I pulled on...
Thanks to the Hip and Knee Doctor for editing assistance. Janet and I had been married for twelve years. We had been sweethearts since we were ten years old. I was never interested in college, so I got an entry-level job at Desmond Engineering, as a draftsman right out of high school. Janet and I were married a year later and the next year we were the proud parents of twin girls: Bethany and Brittany. Things were rough for the first few years, but we watched our pennies and everything seemed...
1 This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only. It is a work of fiction from my warped mind. If you have comments about it, please send them to [email protected]. I love hearing from you. Our Story Written by 4play Part One Perhaps I should start out by telling you about myself before I tell you my story. My name is Patricia. I am a...
It’s Reena Sky’s birthday today, and Gia Derza, her step-daughter, wants to make it the best one ever! Gia sneaks into the house with a small birthday cake and a gift, excited to treat her step-mother to a very special day. When Reena comes downstairs and greets her, she insists that Gia didn’t need to give her a gift, although Gia begs to differ. Reena then opens the card with the gift and sees a very touching note reflecting on how Gia knows her father takes Reena for...
xmoviesforyouKenny looked like a bad boy with many tribal tattoos all over his arms to the wrist and on his chest a bit. They were so sexy scrolling all over his rippling muscles. He had just the kind of cock I love. It was long enough but not to long and really thick just like the rest of him. I loved his thick stocky muscular body. I should have known Kenny was an unreliable bad boy. He had one special gift that kept me coming back for more. Kenny loved to eat pussy. I mean he really loved to eat pussy...
Sexy blonde boss Venera Maxima joins two of her employees for a business meeting and instantly makes herself comfortable while hearing their ideas. She drops her pen on the floor and when Darrell offers to pick it up for her, this naughty little minx lifts up her miniskirt and shows him her panties! While they take a break, Venera uses this opportunity to toy her pussy with a glass dildo. As the day progresses, Venera gets even hornier and eventually makes her move, seducing her employees into...
xmoviesforyouWith apologies to all devotees of Bess for the long delay, I will try to do better in the future. Shannon Q unintentionally made me feel guilty into submitting this part, after I spent months puttering around with it. I want you to know Shannon that I actually cried after I read your review of Part Six. Fans don't deserve to be kept waiting this long. It's not fair. And, no, I will never abandon this project. Thank you, Shannon. As always, YOUNG BESS is fully copyrighted and may not be...
Shelly turned the corner ahead of us after we stepped off the elevator. She’s been in a hurry since we left our suites. Sherry had just told her, “We’re going to be early, and I hope your Daddy is ready for all of us.” “Daddy loves it when people show up early for an appointment. He’s going to love Jerry and you. Me too - just for the way you and I are dressed.” “I’m still not sure about me coming to see him with my shirttail out, and open all the way down. I can understand any man being...
Back when we were younger and partying like we were, some friends met us at a lake house. It was another couple, and they came to spend the day with my wife and I. They showed up having already drank a bit, and after a few hours of drinking in the sun, we were all pretty wrecked. We continued the party out on the lake drinking in a boat as the sun beat down on us. A of a sudden a rain storm came out of nowhere and the four of us where soaked through. Good thing we had all been in bathing suits....
Google will tell you that using the Interstate highways it should take just under two hours to get from Hamilton, Ohio, to Lexington, Kentucky. Dave took the back roads and made lots of stops. At three-thirty in the afternoon, he still hadn’t quite reached Lexington, and he’d been on the road since eight that morning after leaving Martin and Sasha’s home. It was Monday morning. Dave stopped beside a beautiful farm surrounded by various paddocks, each outlined with a bright white painted...
Naughty Hope Harper is sleeping in when her stepdad Marcus London tries to get her out of bed for school. Hope throws a giant temper tantrum when Marcus insists that she’s going to get dressed, and Marcus finally gets his point across by spanking Hope’s ass. Eventually Hope figures out how to turn the tables on her stepdad when she realizes how attracted to her he really is. Going in for a blowjob, Hope pushes Marcus’s pants down so that she can suck him off properly. While...
xmoviesforyouFor the fifth week in a row, my wife Tam went on a Friday night date with one of her black lovers, probation officer Terrell. She loves the excitement of playing a little on the wild side and he provides just that. I flew in from a week on the road at 4 pm on Friday, so I picked up our daughter from her Grandmothers and waited for Tam to arrive home. She came in at 9:15 from work, immediately gave me a deep kiss and headed for the shower. I was doing reports and waited for her to come out for...
A romance. "Hey, stud," said the girl to my left, "How about sharing some of that big old cock of yours with this empty pussy of mine?" I looked across to her at the end of another deep thrust between the sweet thighs of the mewling fuck beneath me as I pounded her well-stretched snatch into the mattress. Instinctively, the younger woman clasped me tighter to her as her long black stockinged legs wrapped themselves around my splayed thighs and pounding buttocks. I was on auto-pilot....
However, I quickly found out that Cindy had done more than that. While playing a game of "I never" one night, I found out that she had been involved in a threesome with a guy and a girl, had sex in a public bathroom, had sex with an old boyfriend in college while her roommate watched, and a few other things that I was surprised to learn. I didn't quite know how to take it all at first. Obviously I had no delusions of her being a virgin or anything and I had no problems expanding my sexual...
Unusually for me I was lost for words, My wife phoned me at work and offered me a proposition, would I be prepared to let her young friend learn the art of blow jobs on me?I asked who and why?She knows I love getting head and love to shoot my load down her throat so thought she could offer my services.She explained it was a work colleague of hers called Rosie who was 19 and had never ever sucked a guys cock. Rosie had been to her naughty knicker parties and seen me and was happy to learn from...
First Time"What's going on with you?" Mary insisted. Shelly looked perplexed. "Nothing," she answered. "Do you have a more specific question that's bothering you?" Mary sighed and rolled her eyes. "Are you going out with Adam?" she asked. "Soon, yes," Shelly said. "We have decided we would like to spend social time together." "What about those two?" Mary wondered. "We have decided to spend social time with them, too," Shelly answered with a smile. "As the past couple of hours...
Kelly watched Laura drive out of sight before she turned and entered her house. It felt a bit strange being alone for the first time after all these weeks. She let out a sigh and put on the kettle to make a cup of tea. Soon the kettle was singing as she stood leaning against the counter with a cigarette in hand, staring out over the lush back garden. The sound of the back door opening stirred her from her reverie and she smiled as she took Gloria's coffee mug from the cupboard. "Hi, G!...
I was in kitchen when she came out of her room and started helping me with breakfast. "You got up late today?" "Yes, I did. It took me until two in the morning to finish that report," she said tying her long brown hair. "You know, you're now working from home, so could've done it later." "I just wanted to get over with it. Don't forget we've to go to Auntie Sharon's house in the evening." "I won't. Please buy some new dresses." "Why? What's wrong with my clothes?" she...
Prologue Cameron and I were married for fifteen years. No children, bills paid, house nearly owned. She's thirty-eight and I'm forty now. She's still a tawny haired beauty with B-cup boobs and the plumpest ass ever to have graced the backside of a 110 pound five-foot four-inch female woman! Her olive complexion is to die for and she smells like something descended from Mt. Olympus. Our sex life was terrific through most of those years. Was, being the operative word. She eventually filed...
By [email protected] Notice: This story contains adult ideas and language. If you are not at least eighteen years old,..... LEAVE NOW! Susan was a short chubby girl who had built her window treatment business from the ground floor up. She was a tough business woman and had not had time for romance in her busy life of contractors and blind companies and mad customers, in a hurry. "So why had his voice almost flipped my sexual switch when he called," she kept asking herself as...
when they got to the top he said good girl as he put his bottles down and pushed her into her room hands on her hips he lifted her against the wall she gasped and he told her how he'd seen the way she'd looked at him over the years and watched her grow into a gorgeous young lady she blushed he pushed her hair from her face and sat on her bed he asked her to come sit next to him but pulled her to his lap as she sat she felt him hard through his shorts and her bikini she giggled nervously...