Young Bess - Part Seven free porn video

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With apologies to all devotees of Bess for the long delay, I will try to do better in the future. Shannon Q unintentionally made me feel guilty into submitting this part, after I spent months puttering around with it. I want you to know Shannon that I actually cried after I read your review of Part Six. Fans don't deserve to be kept waiting this long. It's not fair. And, no, I will never abandon this project. Thank you, Shannon. As always, YOUNG BESS is fully copyrighted and may not be reproduced anywhere, for any reason, either in whole or in part, without the express permission of the author. YOUNG BESS - PART SEVEN By Jane Howard I discovered that it isn't so easy to end one's own life, no matter how one chooses to do it. Having made the decision to starve myself into the next world, I now actually had to endure the consequences of my decision. I had not counted on the fact that I would be hungry all of the time. Hungry? I was positively ravenous! Once one has chosen to deny oneself anything, even to deny oneself those things for which one has never had much desire, the perversity of our nature begins to work its malignant magic, turning the object of our disdain into an obsession. Thus, keeping true to my pledge, I refused myself all nourishment. Although I swear that before I had embarked upon my enterprise, food had meant nothing very much to me, I developed a positive lust for it. In any of its forms: pastries, sweetmeats, stews or puddings, pottage or a simple crust of bread, all seemed equally desirable to me. I even suffered recurring dreams in which I gorged myself on a variety of dishes heaped upon a long table groaning with comestibles. So great was my appetite in these dreams that I would awake in the middle of the night with the chomping sounds I'd made in my sleep. The easy part consisted of thorough and frequent review of my appearance. A primary reason for selecting the mode of suicide I had chosen was connected to the posthumous appearance I would make to the world, and especially to John Villiers. How pale and angelic I would look after my demise! A poor little waif too pure of heart to remain on this sordid planet, plucked away to a heavenly repose before my life had scarce begun! How they would weep with regret! How John would weep as he threw himself across my coffin calling out my name in bitter regret at his folly! Driven mad by grief and longing he would stick a dirk in his heart and die with my name on his blue lips. But in order to bring this about I would have to look quite different from the way I looked now. Indeed, as I studied myself in the several mirrors in my room at Maidenhead House, I assessed myself as entirely too ample in the bosom, the hips and the rear. My lips were hopelessly sensual and my breasts were the focus of everyone's attention. While even my critical eye conceded that my waist was perfect, my thighs were positively Dutch in their fullness! I was a far cry from the ethereal creature I yearned to be, and seemed more a toy best suited for the complete fulfillment of man's basest desires. True, there were no flaws in the pink and ivory of my complexion, no freckles or dimpling of the skin, not a single blemish, and I took great comfort in that. But the real pleasure came in the picture I formed in my mind of the way in which I would come to look. After a diet of water and the small amount of bread I took to sustain myself, it could not be very long before I would be reduced to the mere wisp of other-worldly beauty that I so longed to project. Ginny the maid had become my constant companion. (I was certain that she was charged with the duty of keeping an eye on me for Philip, but she was a comfort to me nonetheless.) She told me that she knew of other maidens who, scrutinizing themselves in the looking glass, saw a false image, saw themselves as positively obese when such was not the case at all. She had heard that some had even died in a self-deluded quest for a trim figure and general delicacy that they already possessed would they but see it. This happened despite all that their families would do to try and stop them. I complained to her that I was not to be compared to such unstable girls, because my goal was entirely different from theirs. "Oh, fie on your stories, Ginny!" I exclaimed. "My situation is entirely unlike theirs! All I am seeking to do is to cut a presentable figure in society and not to look like a heifer!" I had never confided my real reason for my fasting to her because she would report it to Mrs. Pearson if I did, and who could know what would happen then? As far as Ginny knew, I was merely dieting, although I found it odd that she had brought up the subject in the first place. Ginny was a clever one. If she was probing about for my true intention, I had hopes that I could fool her into believing that I was merely a champion of my own vanity. In order to assuage the constant hunger, I took to sampling the fragrances of the many bottles of scent adorning the vanity that sat beside my bed. I assailed my senses with deep inhalations of colognes and perfumes from France, Belgium, and Italy until I was quite giddy, and lost all thought of food. I read the books that lined a shelf near the window. Ovid was my pet because there was a part in his poetry about the nymph Daphne who, like me, sought escape from the lusts and powers of men until she was all but lost, crying out, "Gape Earth, and this unhappy wretch entomb!" I loved that line and wept whenever I read it, and found that whispering it to myself when I was quite alone, encouraged me in my resolve. Eventually, through self-deprivation, and the after effects of the perfumes, I lost the ability to concentrate for any length of time and had to abandon my reading. I slept a great deal, dreaming of all manner of victuals, as I have said. When I was not sleeping or reading I bathed. The girls of Maidenhead House seemed to bathe frequently. So no one thought it odd that I requested to bathe several times a day. Ginny was more than happy to oblige my apparent obsession with cleanliness. She would help to fill and empty the tub, and gaily pour water over my shoulders and breasts whenever I requested her to do so. Ginny loved to take the softest of cloths and gently lave my legs and arms. She hummed happily as she expended a great deal of time massaging my breasts. This practice of massage, she claimed, released nervous tension and pacified the mind. I found it to have quite the opposite effect in that it inflamed my imagination with all sorts of fantasies, and sent my emotions into a state of high excitement. I implored her to find other tasks with which to occupy herself, but my requests were all in vain. For while she would do it for a little while, inevitably she would turn her attention back to my bosom with even greater dedication than before. She was quite wearing me out. On one such occasion, Ginny was attending to my breasts and particularly the pinkest parts of them, with such exceptional alacrity that I was fairly swooning and I begged her to desist. "You must stop your ministrations at once, Ginny!" I cried. "I am so distracted that I can barely recall my name! If you must be so dedicated to my ablutions, then I pray you, take the cloth and wash my back instead!" In this she complied, and I had peace for a few minutes while Ginny stood behind me and applied her cloth to my back and shoulders in a most soothing manner. I leaned backwards to encourage more massage to the area around my neck. I had awoke that morning with a mild discomfort in it, and I knew that Ginny's gifted hands would soon set it right. "My neck please, Ginny," I murmured. So excellent was her touch that within moments, the discomfort in my neck was so much relieved that I was inclined to close my eyes, let my head fall back further and thoroughly relax myself. The water was of such a perfect temperature and Ginny so able in her task that I might very likely have gone into a dream were it not for one disturbing element in the mix. As I reclined my head, I encountered a sensation that felt rather like a thumb was being pressed against my scalp. However, both of Ginny's thumbs were engaged in the application of gentle pressure to an area just below my ears, and this thumb-like object was intermittently pushing against the top of the back of my head. What could it be? I turned my face to see. And what I saw was the outline of a protuberance of some kind extending from beneath her skirts. "Ginny?" "Yes?" she replied. "What is the cause of the bulge that I see in your skirts?" I asked. Ginny's cheeks, already high in color (which I had noticed during my bath times before, but had ascribe to be the result of the combination of the warmth of the room, and the energy she was expending in her exertions) turned even rosier. She spluttered an explanation. "Oh, this? Oh, that is easily explained...," she began. I did not want to hear her explanations. Instead, I turned myself fully around in the tub and lifted her hem. It took but a second. She was not expecting me to do anything so bold, and so, stunned, she took no action to prevent it. I stared. The organ that stared back at me through its single eye, was something I had myself once owned, although I had never viewed it from the same perspective as I did now. I screamed and leapt from the tub to cover myself with my dressing gown. "Oh, dear heaven! Am I to be deceived by everyone and everything around me?" I pleaded, looking skyward as I fastened the sash of my gown. Ginny said a flood of words to me, but I did not listen. "Get out!" I commanded, pointing to the door in an attempt to maintain some level of dignity and control. "I will do no such thing," replied Ginny. "You will not?" I exclaimed in utter disbelief. Ginny stared me up and down, and I realized that the wetness of my skin underneath the gown had turned it quite translucent and that my charms were nearly as visible to her now as they had been before I clothed myself. I trembled in frustration and embarrassment. Then Ginny made an accusation to me that took me quite by surprise. "I may be no woman, but neither are you," said Ginny. I was thoroughly taken aback at her words. Indeed, it was true that I was no more a woman that she was, even if I looked and felt like one, but how had she penetrated my deception? Suddenly on the defensive, I collected myself. Innocently, and in a much calmer voice, I asked her what she meant by her statement. As she responded to me, I began to see a much different Ginny from the one I thought I had known. "You are but a lass. Hardly more than a child! You know nothing of the goings on around here, or what is being planned for you," she replied. "You would do well to hold your tongue and hear me out before you go expelling me from your chamber." I nodded my agreement. "'Miss Haughty Bess!' Lad or lass I may be, I hardly know what I am myself at times, but I am the only friend you have in this house, so stifle that indignation, be still and listen and you will be the wiser for it," she continued and then she explained in lurid detail all that was to befall me at Maidenhead House. "The first thing you must know," Ginny informed me, "is that Maidenhead House is a brothel catering to only the best quality men and women and their diverse tastes." "A brothel?" I exclaimed. "You know very little of what goes on in this world," Ginny told me with bitterness in her voice. "There are things..." Here she stopped, as if she was afraid that her own emotions would overcome her. But no, she took a breath and then proceeded. "There are men who love women. This you understand, I think. But there are also men who love men, and women who love women, and men and women who love both." Such thoughts had never occurred to me, and I could not understand how such things could be, or, purely as a matter of simple mechanics, how those of the same gender could fit their parts together. Perhaps they merely kissed, or embraced? But I had no time to pursue my speculations because Ginny was already continuing her lecture on the subject of sexual diversity. "There are also those men who love other men, but only if they appear to be women!" She added. "How entertaining! It is like theater!" I exclaimed, deciding to play the scene out as one as though I took such things lightly. "In some ways it is, I suppose," she agreed, after taking a moment to answer me, during which she looked very thoughtful. At last she smiled, having been rather grim to this point, but then she turned serious again. "And now, as for you and your fate..." She stopped herself yet again and stared at me. In all innocence, I had been so riveted by what Ginny was saying, that I was unaware that my gown had quite come undone. It was my fault, the sash being likely to fail unless it were to be tied ever so tightly, and in my hurry, I had had no time to properly secure it. Thus, following the path of her eye, I saw that I was exposed once again, my impertinent breasts were parting the sides of my gown and revealing much of what was below them, all the way down to my toes. It was very plain to me that remaining exposed in that fashion would likely encourage her to be generous with the information I needed. And so I pretended to be oblivious to the fact that I was on exhibition. "Do go on, Ginny!" I implored, fluttering my eyelashes ingenuously and smiling at her as brightly as I could. Underneath my coquetry all that I felt was the cold steel of fear. "It is this last group, those who favor the attentions of a boy in girl's clothing, that I am here to serve," said Ginny. "Of course, Mrs. Pearson being the skinflint that she is, has commanded that I make myself useful in other ways. I do the laundry, of which there is aplenty, and I see to the needs of our occasional guests, such as yourself." I nodded my understanding and wished she would continue. "Waiting on the guests is a duty which I do not mind as much as the insufferable heat from boiling wash water, or the stink that comes from applying the hot iron to bedlinens recently purified of the stains left on them by the exertions of our many patrons!" "You need not be so descriptive," I complained. "But do go on. What is to happen to me?" "Oh, they will be coming for you in a very short time," she warned. "Who will?" "Lord Philip and his friends, of course. They have grown tired of waiting for their answer from your father, and they want to entertain themselves at your expense." "Am I to fear the worst?" I asked. "What else but that and more," replied Ginny. With a strange glint in her eye she added, "After that you won't be any better than I am." I did not ask her if John Villiers was among Philip's friends who wished to ravish me. It hardly mattered anymore. Thoughts of suicide left my head, and were immediately replaced with thoughts of escape. "Will you help me to get away from here, Ginny?" I asked. Her reaction took me by surprise. "I will and gladly, if you will be my love!" she gushed. Approaching me so eagerly that I stumbled backwards and drew my gown around me, Ginny said, "There is something about you, Bess. Something I cannot explain in any ordinary way." "Perhaps you could sing it," I suggested rather stupidly, still retreating in the face of her intense ardor, until my back was to the wall and Ginny's lips were exploring mine with such passion that I could say nothing more. It was not unpleasant. The kissing, I mean. As for the rest of it, I will confess that I was not ready for such intimacies. During Ginny's assault, I learned a few things about my body and how it responds to the stimulation of expert hands, but my greatest desire, the desire for intimacy with the true object of my love and affection, remained loyal to itself, and caused me to forebear. That my concentration was divided was soon apparent to her and she broke off her attentions and looked at me with wondering eyes. At last she said, "Usually I am only attracted to boys, not girls. My fascination with you is a mystery to me...." Here her words trailed off. But the look of puzzlement on her face cleared away as soon as she said, "I know what we'll do! We'll disguise you as a boy, and fly away from here!" Indeed. Before Ginny dashed out of the room she admonished that I should ready myself for her return. I had scarce enough time to gather my few belongings in a little silk scarf and tie it tight by the ends so that it formed a small bag before Ginny reappeared carrying a pair of boots, pantaloons, a shirt and a coarse jacket. "Put these on and be quick about it," she snapped, making it quite clear that she was all business now, and the business was my escape. The stakes were high, and I'm sure that she was thinking that her life would be forfeit if we failed. It was evident to me at once that she had stolen the clothes all at random, for while the boots fit well enough, I was barely able to close the pantaloons around my waist and the shirt could not contain my bosom at all. As I struggled with the buttons, Ginny busied herself tearing the bed linens into strips and knotting them together. Spying my predicament with the shirt, she muttered a very bad word indeed, one I cannot repeat, and came to my aid. She pulled the shirt off my shoulders and told me to raise my arms above my head. Then she wrapped me tight around the chest area with some of the linen so that I could scarcely breath. "Try the shirt now," she ordered. It worked. And the jacket was so full, that it presented no problem. However, the looking glass told me that I presented a very odd figure to the world, because my clothes were so mismatched. I related my concerns to Ginny. I'm afraid I whined a bit in doing so. With an oath even more vulgar than the first one, she replied that no one in the street would give a farthing how I looked, most people only being concerned with how they themselves looked. But she conceded that I very much needed a hat to conceal my long golden locks, and a bit of dirt applied to hide my pretty face. Those were her words, not mine. "Blast and damn," cried Ginny in exasperation. "There were no hats about the place to steal!" Silence reigned as we both considered the problem. "We could cut my hair," I suggested at last, feeling myself growing pale at the thought. "Never!" Ginny swore. More silence. During the second silence we heard the sound of boots treading up the stairs. "Hide behind the door," Ginny whispered. "And take that foot stool with you. If anyone should enter, strike them over the head with it as hard as you can!" Praying with all my heart that the door would never open, I did as I was told. But wise providence had other plans for me. Despite my willing it otherwise, the door opened. What happened after came about so quickly that I cannot guess but that it took only a few seconds of time to play out, far less time than it will take to describe it. As the door opened, creaking slightly on its hinges someone entered. Who it was, I could not yet tell, although I could see Ginny standing boldly in front of the door with a broad smile on her face. I raised the foot stool as high over my head as ever I could, fairly bending over backwards in anticipation of the blow. "Good evening, Mr. Louis!" Ginny cried with an astounding warmth and enthusiasm in her voice, as if he were a close friend who had returned to see her after being away for a very long time. I struck! To be completely honest, I had my eyes closed when I did it, but I struck him hard as I could. The blow glanced off the side of his head and stunned him, but the odious Louis did not fall. He only wobbled. Had not Ginny been a real boy, all would have been lost. I'm sure Louis would have recovered himself in a moment, and begun stabbing at us with that terrible knife he always carried. But true to her male sex, Ginny, seeing that I had failed, proceeded to put her fist in his face with such conviction that his eyes rolled up in his head and he went face down on the carpet. Because Louis was such a slender man, the sound of his fall was not nearly loud enough to alarm anyone else who might be in the house. "Here's a hat for you, then!" cried Ginny, flinging his hat at me. "Violence makes me ill," I said, leaning against the wall, and making no effort to retrieve the hat. What I had said was perfectly true. I felt faint. "There's no time for that nonsense," cautioned Ginny. "Help me move this blackguard over to the bed...." On her specific instructions, we laid Louis face down on the bed. Ginny then pulled his breeches down and, taking a small container out of her apron pocket began to apply a sort of ointment very liberally to a specific area on his nether parts. "What were you doing?" I asked in complete bewilderment when she was done. "There is always the chance," explained Ginny, as she washed her hands in a basin of water on the night stand, "there is always the chance that some arse fancier might come in here and have a go with someone looking as ready for it as he does. In fact, I'll make sure of it." "But that is horrible!" I protested, although, na?ve as I was I still didn't fully understand what Ginny was saying. "Bess! Can you think of anyone who deserves a good reaming more than him?" Ginny asked. "You mean that another man would put his--?" "Yes." "But it couldn't possibly fit!" "You have much to learn, girl. But for now, it's you out the window!" "What about you?" I asked. "I don't need to do it. You're a fugitive and I'm a servant. I can walk out of this house without anyone taking note of it at all. Besides which, I've promised myself that I'd find our lonely Mr. Louis here a dedicated sodomite to enjoy himself with. I'm quite sure I saw one in the parlor when I went down before, to look for the clothes you're wearing, and I intend to invite him up on my way out. All the better reason for you to leave, lest you risk getting the same as Mr. Louis does." "Ginny, how could you?" I exclaimed, aghast at her insensitivity. "It's an easy enough thing to do, Bess. I've already tied the linens off for you, and you'll be safe as houses. Hold on to the top knot with your hands and the one below it with your feet. Slide from one knot to the other. Six knots down, you'll be in the street where I'll be waiting to take you away from here." With that she was gone. I fretted and paced, deferring what I had to do for as long as I could. The sound of yet another set of footsteps on the stairs left me with no other alternative but to screw my courage to the sticking place and be done with it. 'Safe as houses,' is what she said. Did I believe her? Yes, I did. I must. I had no choice. A sodomite was even now mounting the stairs and I had no time to lose. It wasn't so difficult as I had imagined. It was just as Ginny had said. I moved, slow as a turtle I will admit, from one knot to the other until I had counted five. On descending to the sixth knot, I expected to feel solid ground under my feet, but instead, I dropped into a pair of waiting arms. "What have we here?" exclaimed the man who held me cradled in his arms like I was his own precious child. I knew immediately who he was. "Dear God in heaven! Is there no one to rescue me from this hell I am in?" I screamed. I was more desperate, more despairing than I'd ever been before in my life. There was no hope. The devil reigned here. As proof the darkened empty streets echoed with my pathetic plea, but no answer came, no reassurance, no promise of help, nothing. Slowly, cruel Philip carried me back into Mrs. Pearson's evil house to meet my fate at last and I was powerless to stop him, and there was no one to save me. All was lost.

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

4 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

4 years ago
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Silly Rabbit Part Seven

Silly Rabbit part seven by Vonya Lee Gwen left shortly after helping me in with my things. "Thank you so much Sara. I mean Miss Sara! Sorry. Thank you miss for a great day." "Did you have fun with Gwen?" "Yes miss I really did." "She's a lot of fun isn't she?" "Oh yes miss she is." "Show me what you bought." 'One by one he shows me everything. It was all I could do to keep from laughing at him more than once. Panty after panty, slips, girls jeans, some other pants...

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The Games Part Seven

THE GAMES PART SEVEN By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 24 THE PRESIDENT EXAMINES THE LATEST polls and grows more angry by the second. Tonight's events have not helped the cause, not the short term goals nor the long...

2 years ago
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My Wife On The Porch Part twentyseven

Joe left us around five o’clock and Sara kissed him goodbye at the front door, she moved his hands to her ass and he looked at me. “It’s okay,” Sara said softly, “Malc is okay with you seeing and touching me.” I smiled and said, “Don’t mind me bud, I’m cool with what she wants’.” They kissed passionately again before he left and she went upstairs and dressed, she put on a cotton dress, a white bra and thong and rejoined me in the living room. “Did you have fun baby?” I asked as she kissed...

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Young Fern part seven

~ Thanksgiving weekend ~ While Tom and Adel were away on their naughty weekend, the girls and I had a big sleep-in with a pillow nest. The twins saw more than they probably should have and I spoke to Willow on the phone. *** It was getting close to when the girls would be back at school. Fern and Alice would be going on to H.S. and the twins Lilly and Lexy would be in just starting H.S. school. When we got home and had unpacked I started tea, Fern went to her place to do some washing....

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The Little Witch Comes To Town Part Seven

 Sunday AfternoonLunch was hamburgers and hotdogs from the barbecue on the back deck, with wine for the ladies and beer for the guys. Yes, I had to get dressed to go out there. It was a cold day, with only three weeks to go until Christmas.While we were eating Melanie informed us, “So, you guys are going to be gangbanging each of us girls in succession this afternoon. That means you are all going to have a lot of time on your hands while you are waiting for your turn, which will also means you...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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The Little Witch Comes To Town Part Seven

 Sunday AfternoonLunch was hamburgers and hotdogs from the barbecue on the back deck, with wine for the ladies and beer for the guys. Yes, I had to get dressed to go out there. It was a cold day, with only three weeks to go until Christmas.While we were eating Melanie informed us, “So, you guys are going to be gangbanging each of us girls in succession this afternoon. That means you are all going to have a lot of time on your hands while you are waiting for your turn, which will also means you...

Group Sex
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New life of Seven

Seven took his earphones of and turned on his tv. Only to be dissapointed by the many bullshit tv shows that are on these days. "No wonder people become more stupid every year" Seven said to himself and thought it would be better to go outside with this nice weather. It was still early on Saturday but it was getting warm already. He took of his shorts to change them for his swimwear and went downstairs. In the kitchen his twin sister Isabella (Bella) was making breakfast for herself and...

2 years ago
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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

4 years ago
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Max Dolcett Seven

Chapter One Seven waved at me, and a wintry smile passed across her pretty face. She wore nothing but a slave’s collar, shackles, and manacles. She accepted her fate and had come to terms with it. Father had let her live well past the age of thirty when she should have been butchered. My father gave her the order to remove her butt plug and get on the spit. Seven smiled at him and obediently lay down on the stone slab in the barn. “Bye, Seven! Thanks for everything!” My sister Veronica said....

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The Legacy of the Seven

This is the eighteenth story in my Legacy Universe and like the others it can be read as a stand alone. However it might help to read With a Golden Staff and Lady Knight for some background. As a heads up, I focus a little less on the TG elements of this story than I have in previous Legacy stories. This is a conscious choice which I felt was better suited to the plot and main characters situation. The Legacy of the Seven By Morpheus I quickly ran a vacuum over the rec...

3 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part seven

I woke at 7 o’clock the following morning and found that I had another erection, so I quickly worked myself off before getting up and making the coffee.I could hear talking coming from our bedroom and knew that they were all awake, I text my wife to ask if they were ready for coffee and she confirmed that they were.I knocked and was summoned in, Christy was sitting up in bed with Jason to her right and Chris on her left. It was very erotic, seeing her in bed with two black men and unlike the...

Wife Lovers
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My Wife on the Porch Part Seven

Robert spent the rest of the week at our house, moving his clothes and personal stuff over each day, and of course sleeping with and fucking my wife every night. He was still keeping his apartment but moving in with us, this still gave him and my wife a sanctuary to go to when they needed it. From my domain in the guest room I could hear the moans and groans of ecstasy coming from what used to be my bedroom each night, it was insanely erotic. Each morning I would take their morning coffee to...

1 year ago
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Nadine and Jos BlowJob Swap PART SEVEN

I was still in that hazy time between being asleep and being awake. My eyes weren’t focused yet. I wasn’t yet sure where I was. One thing I was sure of was an amazing feeling in my dick. The sensation of being sucked. I tried to sit up a bit, leaning up on my elbows. It took my eyes a moment to adjust. Then I saw them… three amazingly beautiful blondes were lying on the end of my bed, their bums right at the edge and their legs over the edge… all three girls sucking me. The first girl I watched...

Group Sex
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The Seven

'Out of control' was written on the report which now sat on the Abbot's desk.The old Abbot read the report on the seven naughty teenagers who had not alone consumed alcohol ,but had made life a misery for many of the residents of the locality.It was a lengthy report made up of numerous statements made by people who had either witnessed or experienced the bad behaviour of the teenagers. Now the Abbot had the fate of the seven naughty teenagers in his hands and once he had finished reading the...

3 years ago
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Friends Learning to Count to Seven

Chandler had been telling Monica and Rachel about the sex with Kathy the night before. It was alright, but Chandler wanted to really make her scream in pleasure. So Monica had drawn out a diagram showing the seven basic erogenous zones of a woman's body."Okay, now, most guys will hit one, two, and three and then go to seven and set up camp, " Monica began."And that's bad?" Chandler questioned."Well," Rachel replied, "if you go to Disneyland, you don't spend the whole day on the...

4 years ago
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Wellington Sevens

Three of my closest friends suggested we should go the Wellington Rugby Sevens for a girls weekend. Of course we decided to dress up in costumes as this is expected for this series. We are all around 48 years old and have quite different figures. I am what you would call a normal 48 year old with an average body that shows my age. I am happy with it and I still get stares, this is because I have large breasts, I do have to wear expensive bras to keep them in the right place. One friend is very...

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The Restaurant Part Seven

The Restaurant Part Seven Publishing date - - about 270 years in your future. (In the past few chapters) We have learned that The Restaurant always delivers satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment. But, those goals are just the first rung of a very tall ladder. The Restaurant always strives to go another rung higher, no matter how many rungs you have already reached. (In the past few months) Jack's whole body (except his brain and most of the nerve cells in his body) had been...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart Seven

Introduction: I made part seven like I said I would despite you rude comments and negative votes, i cant leave a story unfinished. I understand you guys didnt like the last part an dim to blame, I didnt really out an effort in writing that part. I hope you guyslike this part. And thank you for your nice comments and I love reading your private messages you guys sent me, so keep them coming. Bye It was an agonizing year and two months that she hasnt seen Jake. He was deployed and wouldnt be home...

3 years ago
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Consequences A New Life Part Seven

Thanks as always to Emily and Robyn for your support, suggestions and time. I couldn't write this without you! And to all of you who leave comments. They really do help! The more you leave the faster I write ;-) Part 7 Tim sits beside me in the car, up front, the Livingstons chat. Every now and then Mrs Livingston looks back at me. I imagine she is worried that I will have evaporated. My head is still numb, only eight hours ago I was Emma Riley. "You OK?" Tim asks. I just...

4 years ago
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Brotherly love part seven

My drive home was full of thoughts about the weekend. I couldn't get the salty taste out of my mouth. I stopped at several gas stations for coffee but the taste was with me still.I arrived home and got naked before calling my wife. She told me that as soon as I had left, Brian told her to get naked. She had been in the nude, ever since I left them at two fifteen."Wow," I giggled, "How many times have you been up to dad since I left?""Twice, I was nude when I took his lunch to him," she replied,...

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Corsets and Boots Part Seven

Corsets and Boots: Part Seven Chapter Thirteen Anticipation. "Shane Fury set his foot lightly upon the brake pedal; adroitly corrected the brief skid, and the open-topped, scarlet Alfa Romeo drifted, with headlights blazing, across the Piazzetta. A quick flick of his wrist and the great car slid to a halt, opposite the open doors of the Ristorante Florian, in the Piazza San Marco. Smoothing his wind blown chestnut hair with one hand, he vaulted lightly over the top of the car...

3 years ago
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my Dad part seven

My DadChapter SevenAfter I just looked at the bite mark and could see the blood seeping through the plaster, Ana said “That is my first time with another woman, why have I waited so long, I always fancied you and really thought you looked after your body, your skin is so soft and smooth even when we were at school, I really liked looking at other girls body’s, but it was always yours that turned my eyes, used to love seeing the water on your skin so shiny and sexy, never thought we would be...

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The Other Side of Me Part Seven

The Other Side of Me - Part Seven by Limbo's Mistress It took me longer to recover my wits than I would have preferred. I wasn't sure which was the more distressing. The fact that Charlene was cheating on Jackson with her friend's boyfriend. Or the fact that said boyfriend was none other than Danny Morris, the asshole bully from high school. "What?" I spat, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand to get the taste of Danny out of it. "What the hell?" "Is that cherry I taste?" he...

3 years ago
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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Introduction: Ron Popeil offers a new invention called The Spartan Spitter. Introducing the Spartan Spitter Story: #25 Copyright 2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughters disregarded your rules and ran out again,...

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DeAnns Submissive Weekend PART SEVEN

DeAnn's Submissive WeekendPart Seven============================================================================During the short ride down the two floors to the dungeon Junior told me,"I've never taken a woman as old as you to our play room before. I hope wewon't be disappointed?"As the elevator door opened I had my first look at their playroom and Ilooked over at Junior and told him, "I've never disappointed anyone in my lifeSir, and I don't intend to disappoint today."Junior smiled, then he...

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Young male fuck mature married counterparts in the

Young male fuck mature married counterparts in the shower in her pussy and ass: office romance began with a series of continuous orgasmsThe long, seemingly endless, travel trip consisted entirely of some training and business lunches. She was sent there in the company of four male colleagues. Three of them are married, single, and one to a very good-looking, but she would never have allowed myself to have office romance, because she is married, and a daughter. Yes, she and her husband did not...

5 years ago
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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Story: #25 Copyright ©2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughter's disregarded your rules and ran out again, you wish there was some way to spit and process them without spending a fortune, flipping...

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Mummys true passion part seven

Half an hour later mum and I arrived in our cozy hotel room. Mum had held my hand on the long way though the hotel and I had enjoyed having my sexy mother by my side. We were exhausted like hell after that day we had left behind us. So I didn’t wonder that mum let herself fall on the bed as soon as the door had fallen in its lock. I watched mum laying there in the big and soft bad in her brand new dress which already had this phenomenal mark on its front side. I let my thoughts moving around...

4 years ago
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Dolly Part Seven

WARNING this is part seven of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms Lawrence got immense enjoyment manhandling Daniel into pink tights, an overly flouncy...

2 years ago
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HOBO Chapter Seven

At the end of the following week, we had put together a proposal to present to Richard Butler, Carlos Reyes and Jeremy Land. During that entire week, there was absolutely no way you could tell Belinda and I had slept together. She did give me the occasional wink when we were alone, but nothing was said for the first week at all. I met with the three partners that Friday afternoon and presented my findings. After going back for five years and doing research on corporations this size several...

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Anomaly Seven

Anomaly Seven - "Reality Edits" By Emma Smith All characters and organisations in this story are fictitious. No reference to any real people or events is intended or should be inferred. Cast Richard / Ruth Slater Schoolchild, Norfolk David Slater Parent of Richard Rebecca Slater Parent of Richard Fred Styles Friend of Richard Jane / Jack Styles Friend of Richard Colonel Brian Jones UK Army, SSID Commander Captain Roy Blake UK Army, SSID Sergeant Tom Williams UK...

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Miss Parker Part Seven

Chapter OneThe graveyard was quiet and peaceful as Robert walk the all too familiar path to his wife’s grave. He laid the flowers he had brought and tidied up the space around the stone. When he was done, he sat on the bench in front and thought of all the years gone by without her. Even though it had been 18 years since that fateful night, he still missed her every day.“I’m sorry I’ve not been by as much lately, but with work and Gabby, I’ve been busier than normal.”Even as the words left his...

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A New Taste Part 44 The Magnificent Seven

The novelty of working from home quickly wore off. At first I dressed smartly for video meetings and the disciple of regular hours seemed to be good for me. I sat at a table in my living room with my new computer for one end and my old computer on the other. One doesn’t want online accidents.Two weeks of working from home and I was already missing my lockdown adventures with cock. I did have Hiro visit me at the weekends for a delightful overnight refuelling of my spunk tank, but during the...

4 years ago
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Girlyboy Gone Wild Part Seven

After getting Rich big and hard with my sexy outfit, I was now ready to put on a show for himWhenever men see me in my panties, they want me like a girl. It follows that whoever wears sexy little panties also likes big hard cocks to suck on and play with. My sexy French maid outfit was especially good at making me feel like a slut for a man. Since so many men had fantasized about being with a French maid, wearing the outfit makes a girl feel extra seductive and slutty.With his big hard boner...

1 year ago
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Michael Phillips Part Seven

After our return to the city, Kurt called wanting to know if I wanted to do a film based on the Chicago Rendezvous. I said yes. The next day I went to an old warehouse for the filming. In the center of the warehouse was a plywood cage about 12x12 with a trapeze coming down from the ceiling. Kurt came in and said for me to change into my crotch less leather pants. When I returned a guy with red hair and hazel eyes was standing with Kurt. This guy stood about six feet even and had on tight pants...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Seven

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart SevenWe all went up to our room and once the door wasshut Mark pulled open a drawer and took out my leash andclipped it to my collar and Keith did the same with Angel.John and Kathy looked on with, I would have to say, greatinterest. We were led over to where John & Kathy were seated on the bed and told to kneel before them.John said, " Wow, we've had fantasies but never actuallytried any bondage. So what are the rules here?"Mark said, "We practice consentual...

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Parisian Surprise Part Seven

This is the seventh and final part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus.While it can be read on its own, we feel it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been having an exceptional time in the City of Light and love. There have been new experiences, like playing the game of submission and dominance, sex in public places as well as in private, and given that it is Paris, lots of wonderful food and wine. Their week will soon be over, but the...

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