Anaximander s Fragment
- 4 years ago
- 55
- 0
(Fragment One)
By C
Part I
It was a fine spring day at McGregor's Agricorp. In one of the many forestpreserves that bordered Mr. McGregor's vast holdings, a McGregor employee steppedquietly out from behind a tree. She was perhaps the most unusual person everto work for Agricorp: a cat/human hybrid. She looked like a girl for the mostpart, except that she had pointed ears, big yellow cat's eyes, and a cat'swhiskers. Her body was covered by a light orange down with black stripes. Moreover,she had a tail, downed and striped as well, that snaked out behind her. Also,her fingers were clawed; and if and when she opened her mouth, you'd see acat's fangs. Otherwise, quite human. She wore a diaphanous pink min-sari, extendingonly to her waist, a red mini-skirt, and red knee-length boots.
Over each shoulder, she had slung one of the bunnies she had just caught:bottoms up, legs before, heads behind. These were Mythican bunnies, of course:quite human in form, except for their long ears, whiskery noses, and fluffywhite tails. The tails stood straight up, as normally happens when the tenderflesh beneath them has been wounded. Dressed only in white long-sleeved chemisesand white high heels, these were two members of an all-girl bunny species.Their wrists were bound behind them with rope–a probably unnecessaryprecaution; they were quite out of it, from loss of blood.
Catgirl (for that had been her name as long as anyone knew) had used herusual stratagem to capture these two. She'd leave a heap of lettuce, carrots,parsley and what not in a clearing. Food and sex are the two most importantthings in a bunny's life, so an abundance of one naturally prompts thoughtsof the other. But Catgirl took no chances: she always laced her bait with apowerful Acme-patented aphrodisiac. No bunny had ever resisted it; none hadever wanted to. The wily huntress would then hide behind a nearby tree. Ifonly one bunny appeared and took the bait, Catgirl would let her go; ninety-ninetimes out of a hundred, she'd bring back a friend within minutes. Today, nowaiting had been necessary: an especially pretty couple walked hand in handinto the clearing.
When they saw the pile of provender, they gave out little cries of delightand descended on it. They ate, and ate, and ate, all thought of danger banishedfrom their food-crazed little brains. When at last they had stuffed themselvesbeyond the possibility of any further stuffing, they lay down side by sideand began to fondle each other's pussies. This went on for about a minute.Then they shifted position: now each could thrust her tongue into the other'stight little bunny twat, and they proceeded to do so. Soon they were thrashingand kicking and whimpering as the pressure built. Finally they groaned, loudlyand with abandon, as girl-semen jetted from their tongues. Just then, Catgirlfell on them. She threw herself across their bodies and savagely bit at theirgroins, again and again. Her victims screamed and frantically struggled, butit was hopeless. Soon, capture orgasms were wracking their bodies: their cuntsspurted blood, once, twice, a third time. At last, they lost consciousness.Catgirl tied their wrists behind them, put one over each shoulder, and setout for Field 67.
Field 67 lay fallow this season. Catgirl and Mr. McGregor had agreed she'dbring her prey here. Once a week, he'd come out for an inspection, and payher a bounty for each bagged bunny. When she stepped into the field, the firstthing she noticed, as always, was the sweet, almost over-powering fragranceof bunny pussy. Not surprising at all: one hundred dead bunnies were linedup in rows of ten on the field, their cunts as moist as ever. Bunnies stayedfresh a really long time, and none of these had been killed more than a weekbefore.
As she entered the field, her two charges began to come to. Moaning, theylooked around them for a while. Then the noise really got started.
"No! No! Oh dear God, no! Don't, oh please God, don't!" they wailed..
"Shush," said Catgirl. "You're already dead. You just have a little morekicking to do."
"Oh please, please, please, we're newlyweds!" one of the girls cried. "Havea heart, please!"
"Newlyweds? Lots of girlfriends, fiancees, and newlyweds here. Welcome tothe bridal suite!"
"Oh no, no, no, no! Oh dear God no! Have mercy, please, no!" and so on.
Catgirl sighed, and then yawned. Could this be the high water mark of hercareer: bagging brainless bunnies? These were 101 and 102, so she started anew row. Down they went, right next to each other. "No! No! Oh God, God, no!" Catgirlnoticed (was it for the first time?) that both had green eyes and yellow hair.The eyes were wide with terror.
"Eeny meeny miny mo," said Catgirl, then took hold of a pair of thighs. Thevictim kicked and struggled, but her captor was too strong for her. The girl'slegs came apart, and the huntress sank her teeth into the already wounded bunnycunt. This new injury prompted a high, thin, ghostly scream. Then it was nip,and suck up the juice; nip, and suck up the juice--as the hapless lagomorphthrashed, wailed, and moaned. It wasn't long before the final orgasms werewringing out her body. Then she was done.
"Now for number two." Catgirl sank her teeth into the second girl's groin.(Doing so prompted another high, unearthly scream). Again, it was nip, nip,nip, till this victim started spouting. Her cunt cream was thicker, and hotter,than her mate's, and she shrieked with every spurt. A last hard, surge of cream;a last hard kick; and she was as dead as all the others.
"Whew," said Catgirl, and yawned again. She hoped that she'd given the twoa worthy send-off. (Mythicans believe that fays relive the day of their captureand demise over and over again in the underworld; so it's important to givethem a last day to remember.) She hoped, but it was hard to pull out all thestops these days. Her heart just wasn't in it. Surely, there was somethingmore to life than this?
"Nice work," someone said behind her, and it wasn't Mr. McGregor. Catgirlturned and realized, with an infuriating mix of irritation and embarrassment,that Coyote was standing ten feet behind her.
"Those bunnies are warded," she said. "I'd be careful if I were you."
"Oh, I know that," said Coyote, as he reached down to fondle a dead but stillinviting bunny twat. A green spark leapt up from the defunct female and touchedhis paw. He yipped and jumped six feet into the air.
"I don't tell you these things because I'm in love with the sound of my ownvoice," said Catgirl.
"I'm sure you're not," said Coyote, rolling on the ground now to put outseveral small fires on his fur.
"Now, poaching aside, is there anything else you want? If not, I suggestyou beat a swift retreat. Mr. McGregor is coming in another minute or so, andhe's not someone it pays to make angry."
Having extinguished the fires, Coyote gave his voice a tone of wounded dignityand said: "Mr. McGregor asked me to meet him here."
"Oh, he did?" Catgirl was trying to sound scornful, but something very differentwas going through her mind. Oh great. McGregor probably wants tohire him, and show me the door. That fucking figures.
"Yes he did," said Coyote, shaking his head vigorously to disperse any lingeringsmoke. "It seems he's heard of a mission (a possibly very lucrative mission)that would be ideal for my talents–and yours."
"Mine? He said that?"
"Yup. He told me he thinks you're wasting your gifts here, bringing downbrain-damaged bunnies by the bushel."
"Well duhhh," said Catgirl. "If it weren't for this goddamned sexist fantasyworld I'm stuck in, maybe I'd be putting my talents to better use."
"Why don't you go to a world that's more, uh, congenial?"
"Because I can't afford the paradigm shift. But I'm saving up for it, believeme."
"Hmm," said Coyote. "If all you need is a loan, I could certainly . . . ."
"No. No way. I'm not gonna wind up owing you anything. I know you too wellfor that. Good try, fuzz face."
"That's sort of like the pot calling the . . . ."
"Oh, just shut up. Did McGregor tell you what sort of 'mission' he was talkingabout?"
"No. He didn't know the details. He said it's not his baby; some consortiumor other out East is behind it. But he gets two finder's fees if he convincesyou and me to sign up."
"I knew there had to be something in it for him. Well, let's see what hehas to say when he arrives. It can't be much longer."
As if on cue, they heard a voice: "Hewwo, evwybody!" A small, plump, completelybald man stepped into the field. He was wearing a blue pinstripe suit. To eitherside of him were several very large, very muscular-looking associates, alsoin blue pinstripe. These gentlemen all wore black, reflecting sunglasses.
Mr. McGregor ran up, his henchmen coming silently behind him. "Catgiwl! Coyote!How's twicks?" As he said this, he pumped Coyote's injured paw. Coyote wincedvery visibly, but just said: "Fine, fine; and how are you, sir?"
"Wight as wain!" He then looked at the rows and rows of dead bunnies. "Hmmm," hesaid, "let's suwvey the damage, shaww we?" Then he began to count, very slowly.When he had reached 102, he exclaimed: "Catgiwl! Youw best week yet. I'm pwoudof you!" He then gave her a big kiss on the cheek. Turning to an associate,he said: "Pay the wady." The associate counted out the bills and handed themover.
"Now enough chit-chit," said McGregor. "I have a pwoposaw fow both of you.It seems thewe's this consowtium in New Gotham. I checked 'em out: they'weall pwominent business and powitical weadas. They got a big fay pwobwem outthewe–one they haven't had much wuck handwing so faw. They need somefiwst cwass tawent, and I'd say that means you two. The pay sounds pwetty good.Intewested?"
Turning down a proposal from Mr. McGregor would mean, at the very least,that she never worked again in this part of Mythica. Catgirl said: "It soundsgreat, sir."
"Count me in too . . . sir," said Coyote.
"Gweat, gweat." McGregor snapped a finger, and an associate brought overa pair of contracts. When the two hunters had read the small print, they andMcGregor signed.
"Well then," said Coyote. "When do we set out?"
"Wight now," said McGregor. "You have to get to Miwwa's Cwossing by nightfaww."
"Miller's Crossing?" Coyote queried.
"That's what I said: Miwwa's Cwossing. When you awwive, you'ww meet a thiwdhunta. He awways wowks independentwy, so I get no finda's fee fow him. Dwat.Anyway, you meet him at Miwwa's Cwossing. He'ww have instwuctions for the nextweg of the jouwney. Good wuck."
At this point, McGregor's eye was caught by an especially fetching, black-hairedbunny girl. Her eyes appeared to be clenched shut; her buckteeth were bared.Clearly her face was still twisted by the painful pleasure of her last orgasm,though that had been a week ago. "Wovewy, just wovewy," said McGregor as hebent down and slipped a finger into the dead girl's snatch. There was no magicwarding spark this time. He licked his finger and said: "I wove wabbits; Iwove 'em dead, that is! Who's gonna wid the pwace of 'em with you gone, Catgiwl?You gotta weaw tawent for it."
A few more pleasantries, and Coyote and Catgirl were on their way. Not knowingwhat to expect, they traveled light: just two backpacks.
Catgirl wasn't seeking conversation, but Coyote managed to get one startedanyway.
"Curiouser and curiouser," he said.
"How so?"
"Who would dare to be an independent agent in McGregor's territory?"
"Someone McGregor can't hurt?"
"And who would that be?"
"How the fuck would I know?"
"And why," said Coyote, pausing for emphasis, "don't we get the whole itineraryright away?"
"That's easy. They're worried about leaks. The less each of us knows, theless we can let slip."
"So what are we up against that security is so important?"
"Not to mention that three hunters are needed. I'd say this isn't your standard'slam, bam, you're de-pantied, ma'am" operation."
"Very bothersome," said Coyote.
"Well, you did sign on," said Catgirl. "Best not to complain at this pointand just try to get the job done."
"A wise woman," said Coyote.
"Oh fuck you," said Catgirl.
They were making good time, and they reached Miller's Crossing well beforesundown. They looked around, but found nobody. "Well," said Coyote, "whilewe wait, how about an early supper?"
"If you're making it . . . . " said Catgirl.
"We could make it . . . together," Coyote suggested.
"Good try, fuzzball. Just get to work, would you?"
"You don't have to be . . . ." Coyote started to say, when suddenly therewas a crash like thunder, followed by a blinding white light. The two huntersthrew themselves on the ground.
"No need to kneel!" a loud voice boomed at them. "On the other hand, if youfeel it's appropriate . . . ."
Coyote and Catgirl looked up. Before them stood . . . what? A sort of wolfish,coyoteish, foxish fellow in black jeans and a black t-shirt ("Fucked up 24/7" wasstenciled on the front of the shirt). He had dark dreadlocks, tied back witha rag–or perhaps it was another t-shirt.
"W-who are you?" said Catgirl.
"You're in awe of me, aren't you?" he said. "Oh this is so exciting! I'mThief, one of a distinguished family of . . . ."
"Immortals," Coyote said. "Crikey, they've hooked us up with an immortal."
(To be continued)
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xmoviesforyou“Kevin, please let me up. We shouldn’t be doing this, it isn’t right,” I said. But the words coming from my mouth didn’t even convince me of their sincerity. It didn’t matter whether my words were sincere or not, however – Kevin was single-minded in his goal and how he was going to reach it. Even as I was protesting, his hand was working its way under the cup of my bikini top and cupping my left breast. He held my breast and caressed it tenderly, almost lovingly. I unwittingly closed my eyes...
Alexa lay next to her husband, stroking his hair softly. He was turned away from her, neither of them wanting the other to see their face. Alexa could hardly keep the look of disappointment off of hers and Daniel's was full of frustration. Last week they'd made love with no problems, and both were sure that next week would go just the same way. But the few days a week where he really needed to perform he just couldn't manage. "Baby," Alexa said, trying to her words carefully. "This is...
"You may get up Sally," moving the crosses from between her legs. Sally allowed her legs to close, grateful that the painful aching in her thighs were finished, but fearful of what would be required of her now. She knew that she would have to make him shoot his demon seed. He had talked about her taking her communion, not understanding what he meant. She laid still, her legs together. She was afraid of what would happen when she pulled her chest off the tacks. Her panties were still pulled...
Therapist, Laura feels guilty that she is deterring her patient, Joe from a relationship with his stepdaughter, given her own inappropriate relationship with Michael, an older man who had always been a father figure to her. While lamenting over her hypocrisy during a bubble bath, Michael reminds Laura that despite how wrong things had been between them, they survived it all and are very happy now. The two reflect on their first sexual encounter when Laura was just 21. The innocent and youthful...
xmoviesforyouCrossing The Line, by Sydney Black Introduction My relationship with my beautiful, feminine mother was unusual, to put it mildly. I was a gentle, slight, attractive boy, almost pretty in my own right, and I was completely in her thrall. I was in love with my mother, but she was also my idol. Kept hidden under my mattress, in a way that I naively thought went undetected, was my little treasure trove of trinkets related to her - a lipstick that she had discarded, a pair of...
Beautiful big tit wife Bunny is very excited to have her bbc lover Jax coming over for her play date from her husband. But just before he arrives Bunny sent her husband a few pics of her in her new sexy lingerie and now he wanted to see every inch of black cock buried down her throat and hot pink married pussy. Bunny asked Jax for permission to record with her phone and down Bunny dropped to her knees whipping out his huge cock hard and ready to get sucked and fuck her tight hot pussy for a...
xmoviesforyouI have never tried it but I think that I would be really good at sucking cock. Let me know what you think of my little story, people. I hope it makes the boys hard and the ladies wet and open. Club X is like no other bar I have ever known. It is nothing less than a monument to the nude male form, a self indulgent hedonistic extravaganza. From the outside, it looks like nothing at all but surface appearances can be deceptive. Tonight will be my third visit in as many weeks and each has proved...
Lacey had grown up in a time of great prejudice where the black man had less rights than he should have had and he had experienced this injustice directly in his life so when he had the opportunity to fuck a white boy he happily did it I just happened to be the fortunate white boy he fucked to recap I had just broken up with my first wife she had found someone else to love another woman as it turned out I would have been okay with a lover on the side and I was for a long while heck I even...
The holidays were over. Now it was the routine again: going to school, private tuition, homework and sleep. I was sometime too exhausted to have sex. And it was hard hearing my parents having sex in the next room while I was doing my homework. But the routine changed a bit owing to the change in my lifestyle. Being naked at home, promoted sex between us.The weekends were okay, but during the week we couldn`t have what we wanted. When tuition was over, I would get home around 6 pm. Most days I...
Leaning in toward his friend, Dan conspiratorially whispered "so what did it taste like?" Charlie gave this some thought as he chewed on a bite of PB&J. "Kind of like licking raw meat," he settled upon. "Like steak?" Dan asked, his face scrunched into a question mark. Charlie nodded. "Yeah, kinda. Like if you warmed up a steak and cut it in half then licked it. Dan rocked back, shaken. "So it tastes like beef?" "Oh, no. That's what it felt like," Charlie answered. Truthfully,...
Introduction: Two girlfriends get together for a hot bath We started with a bath tub full of warm water, but we could have just as easily started like the day before. With both of us wearing open bathrobes, me sitting on her lap, facing her, my arms around her neck, her hands inside my robe, my legs wrapped around her and the thin-backed chair that she sat on. Holding each other close, nipples to nipples, and gently kissing each others lips. Or like it did two days later, naked in my bed, warm...
Joe with my help had put the tree up earlier in December and the sitting room and the Kitchen had been made to look festive with various Christmas decorations. As soon as it was decorated we had put all the baby's presents under the tree. We knew that this Christmas all these activities would pass her by but we enjoyed ourselves buying and displaying them. We were not alone, for Joe, Isa, Margaret and Moira all added to the pile. On Christmas Eve the five adults and the four teenagers that...
I finally got a vacation, where to go? I sit down on my flight headed for Ohio, knowingonly one person there. Her name is Mary and she is an extremely attractive lady i have taken a liking to. We met online through an adult chat site and moved to emails, over the past 6 months. She doesn't know I'm coming, other than my email to her stating I would be gone for the next two weeks on vacation. Little did she know, the next call she gets from me is me getting off the plane in Cleveland. I...
My name is Hayley. The first time I was gang-banged by a bunch of guy’s happened right after I started high school. I knew the majority of them and all I can say is that they talked me into doing it pretty easily! I ran with a wild crowd, in my younger days, that was much older then I was. Since I had no supervision and came from a very poor family, I started to rebel as soon as 7th grade hit. I immediately got such an incredible rush from doing bad things, I was instantly hooked! I started...
Group SexVan, Adriana and Lillian's Farm Late at night, Adriana, Lillian and Van were making love in their bedroom. As usual, Van had taken his time, kissing Adriana, sucking on her breasts to get more of her increasing lactation, then trailing kisses down her body to wind up at her pussy. Forgetting her earlier idea about refraining from being quiet, she bit her hand as she had been doing to lessen the sound, when yet another orgasm came crashing upon her. When the orgasm tapered off, she pulled on...
With much effort Zax concealed his killing intent from leaking out. His voice, on the other hand, did poorly and reverberate his fury. Anet trembled and lowered her shirt. She kept her back to him, shameful and sorrow for what had been done to her, the way she was marked. "Three month ago, my school, Eden Formation, held its half year Martial competition". Anet slowly recited. "At the time, everything was fine. I even registered to the general fights of the Intermediate class". "I did...
Let me tell you about my little 18 year old girl. Well, first of all she is a little slut. You probably think that is a little harsh, but when I get done with this story, some of you will be excited and some of you will be disgusted but I’m gonna tell you the way it is. First of all, like I said, she is 18 and a little brunette, about 4ft 10 and weighs about 100 lbs. She has the cutest little ass and a nice set of budding breasts. For years she has run around in those tight leather pants or a...
Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov I can't help wondering what it would be like having sex with a man. Gina and I have a stable and loving relationship. We've been together a couple of years now, and the sex is still pretty good. Otherwise we get along quite well, except for occasional arguments about money. Last night we were making love. She was on her hands and knees, and I had my cock deep in her pussy and was reaching around to rub her clit. At that very intense moment, just...
Adam was playing along with me. He was going to fulfill a fantasy of mine. Maybe this wasn’t going exactly how I had fantasized about, but still I was getting excited to do it. “Wait a minute,” I heard Adam. “What happened?” I asked, but didn’t get any response. “Adam, are you there?” I asked again. “Ma’am, your order is here,” I heard Adam after a knock on the door. I ran back to my bed, covered myself with the blanket. I caught my breath, and asked Adam to come in. Adam opened the door, and I...
MILFHumilation Awakening to having my wrists tied to the head board. Not being able to uttera word as Master had place a cock gag in her mouth for the night. A spreadbar between this girls knees keeping her fully exposed for her Masters pleasure. Master rolls over whispering in the sluts ear, morning My lil whore. Slowlycaressing his sluts nipples then begins pinching and pulling them, making hernipples hard. Suddenly Master stops and gets off the bed. As girl watches himcross the room to the...
Over 5 years ago, using a social network, I ended up meeting luisa Loirinha, short (with 1.60, around), super beautiful, sweet and cute. We talked for a long time, she became a very special person for me, a true friend, one of the few you can count on her fingers. However, our relationship was always on the internet, since we live more than 300km away and we never had opportunities to see each other in person. Until this week!In the middle of August, luisa came to talk to me saying that she...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 10, 2011) Chapter 24 - Doctors and Pop Stars and Music Videos, Oh My! I awoke late Wednesday morning, but I was thankful for the extra sleep. Waking up early and getting home late yesterday had been enough to make me glad...
Jazmin Luv is really into her stepbrother, Zach Wild, but Zach has no idea. As part of her fantasies, Jazmin sneaks into the bathroom and borrows Zach’s electric toothbrush and body massager. Retreating to her room, Jazmin plays with first the massager and then the toothbrush as she gradually removes her clothes. She’s just settling in for some full on masturbation when Zach comes in. Jazmin has enough warning to cover up, but Zach won’t leave despite her asking him to...
xmoviesforyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Photo shoot and kissogram work to follow!!!!!!!!!!!=============================================================Chapter 3Dropping my bag's of Lingerie and some sex toys onto the bed in my room. I kicked off my shoes and threw off my clothes. Picking up a towel, I headed for the shower. I ached all over. Using that strap on was fun but had my muscles aching in places I never thought I had muscles. Even the cheeks of my ass were cramping through use. The hot water streamed over...