Anaximander s Fragment
- 4 years ago
- 59
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(Fragment One)
By C
Part I
It was a fine spring day at McGregor's Agricorp. In one of the many forestpreserves that bordered Mr. McGregor's vast holdings, a McGregor employee steppedquietly out from behind a tree. She was perhaps the most unusual person everto work for Agricorp: a cat/human hybrid. She looked like a girl for the mostpart, except that she had pointed ears, big yellow cat's eyes, and a cat'swhiskers. Her body was covered by a light orange down with black stripes. Moreover,she had a tail, downed and striped as well, that snaked out behind her. Also,her fingers were clawed; and if and when she opened her mouth, you'd see acat's fangs. Otherwise, quite human. She wore a diaphanous pink min-sari, extendingonly to her waist, a red mini-skirt, and red knee-length boots.
Over each shoulder, she had slung one of the bunnies she had just caught:bottoms up, legs before, heads behind. These were Mythican bunnies, of course:quite human in form, except for their long ears, whiskery noses, and fluffywhite tails. The tails stood straight up, as normally happens when the tenderflesh beneath them has been wounded. Dressed only in white long-sleeved chemisesand white high heels, these were two members of an all-girl bunny species.Their wrists were bound behind them with rope–a probably unnecessaryprecaution; they were quite out of it, from loss of blood.
Catgirl (for that had been her name as long as anyone knew) had used herusual stratagem to capture these two. She'd leave a heap of lettuce, carrots,parsley and what not in a clearing. Food and sex are the two most importantthings in a bunny's life, so an abundance of one naturally prompts thoughtsof the other. But Catgirl took no chances: she always laced her bait with apowerful Acme-patented aphrodisiac. No bunny had ever resisted it; none hadever wanted to. The wily huntress would then hide behind a nearby tree. Ifonly one bunny appeared and took the bait, Catgirl would let her go; ninety-ninetimes out of a hundred, she'd bring back a friend within minutes. Today, nowaiting had been necessary: an especially pretty couple walked hand in handinto the clearing.
When they saw the pile of provender, they gave out little cries of delightand descended on it. They ate, and ate, and ate, all thought of danger banishedfrom their food-crazed little brains. When at last they had stuffed themselvesbeyond the possibility of any further stuffing, they lay down side by sideand began to fondle each other's pussies. This went on for about a minute.Then they shifted position: now each could thrust her tongue into the other'stight little bunny twat, and they proceeded to do so. Soon they were thrashingand kicking and whimpering as the pressure built. Finally they groaned, loudlyand with abandon, as girl-semen jetted from their tongues. Just then, Catgirlfell on them. She threw herself across their bodies and savagely bit at theirgroins, again and again. Her victims screamed and frantically struggled, butit was hopeless. Soon, capture orgasms were wracking their bodies: their cuntsspurted blood, once, twice, a third time. At last, they lost consciousness.Catgirl tied their wrists behind them, put one over each shoulder, and setout for Field 67.
Field 67 lay fallow this season. Catgirl and Mr. McGregor had agreed she'dbring her prey here. Once a week, he'd come out for an inspection, and payher a bounty for each bagged bunny. When she stepped into the field, the firstthing she noticed, as always, was the sweet, almost over-powering fragranceof bunny pussy. Not surprising at all: one hundred dead bunnies were linedup in rows of ten on the field, their cunts as moist as ever. Bunnies stayedfresh a really long time, and none of these had been killed more than a weekbefore.
As she entered the field, her two charges began to come to. Moaning, theylooked around them for a while. Then the noise really got started.
"No! No! Oh dear God, no! Don't, oh please God, don't!" they wailed..
"Shush," said Catgirl. "You're already dead. You just have a little morekicking to do."
"Oh please, please, please, we're newlyweds!" one of the girls cried. "Havea heart, please!"
"Newlyweds? Lots of girlfriends, fiancees, and newlyweds here. Welcome tothe bridal suite!"
"Oh no, no, no, no! Oh dear God no! Have mercy, please, no!" and so on.
Catgirl sighed, and then yawned. Could this be the high water mark of hercareer: bagging brainless bunnies? These were 101 and 102, so she started anew row. Down they went, right next to each other. "No! No! Oh God, God, no!" Catgirlnoticed (was it for the first time?) that both had green eyes and yellow hair.The eyes were wide with terror.
"Eeny meeny miny mo," said Catgirl, then took hold of a pair of thighs. Thevictim kicked and struggled, but her captor was too strong for her. The girl'slegs came apart, and the huntress sank her teeth into the already wounded bunnycunt. This new injury prompted a high, thin, ghostly scream. Then it was nip,and suck up the juice; nip, and suck up the juice--as the hapless lagomorphthrashed, wailed, and moaned. It wasn't long before the final orgasms werewringing out her body. Then she was done.
"Now for number two." Catgirl sank her teeth into the second girl's groin.(Doing so prompted another high, unearthly scream). Again, it was nip, nip,nip, till this victim started spouting. Her cunt cream was thicker, and hotter,than her mate's, and she shrieked with every spurt. A last hard, surge of cream;a last hard kick; and she was as dead as all the others.
"Whew," said Catgirl, and yawned again. She hoped that she'd given the twoa worthy send-off. (Mythicans believe that fays relive the day of their captureand demise over and over again in the underworld; so it's important to givethem a last day to remember.) She hoped, but it was hard to pull out all thestops these days. Her heart just wasn't in it. Surely, there was somethingmore to life than this?
"Nice work," someone said behind her, and it wasn't Mr. McGregor. Catgirlturned and realized, with an infuriating mix of irritation and embarrassment,that Coyote was standing ten feet behind her.
"Those bunnies are warded," she said. "I'd be careful if I were you."
"Oh, I know that," said Coyote, as he reached down to fondle a dead but stillinviting bunny twat. A green spark leapt up from the defunct female and touchedhis paw. He yipped and jumped six feet into the air.
"I don't tell you these things because I'm in love with the sound of my ownvoice," said Catgirl.
"I'm sure you're not," said Coyote, rolling on the ground now to put outseveral small fires on his fur.
"Now, poaching aside, is there anything else you want? If not, I suggestyou beat a swift retreat. Mr. McGregor is coming in another minute or so, andhe's not someone it pays to make angry."
Having extinguished the fires, Coyote gave his voice a tone of wounded dignityand said: "Mr. McGregor asked me to meet him here."
"Oh, he did?" Catgirl was trying to sound scornful, but something very differentwas going through her mind. Oh great. McGregor probably wants tohire him, and show me the door. That fucking figures.
"Yes he did," said Coyote, shaking his head vigorously to disperse any lingeringsmoke. "It seems he's heard of a mission (a possibly very lucrative mission)that would be ideal for my talents–and yours."
"Mine? He said that?"
"Yup. He told me he thinks you're wasting your gifts here, bringing downbrain-damaged bunnies by the bushel."
"Well duhhh," said Catgirl. "If it weren't for this goddamned sexist fantasyworld I'm stuck in, maybe I'd be putting my talents to better use."
"Why don't you go to a world that's more, uh, congenial?"
"Because I can't afford the paradigm shift. But I'm saving up for it, believeme."
"Hmm," said Coyote. "If all you need is a loan, I could certainly . . . ."
"No. No way. I'm not gonna wind up owing you anything. I know you too wellfor that. Good try, fuzz face."
"That's sort of like the pot calling the . . . ."
"Oh, just shut up. Did McGregor tell you what sort of 'mission' he was talkingabout?"
"No. He didn't know the details. He said it's not his baby; some consortiumor other out East is behind it. But he gets two finder's fees if he convincesyou and me to sign up."
"I knew there had to be something in it for him. Well, let's see what hehas to say when he arrives. It can't be much longer."
As if on cue, they heard a voice: "Hewwo, evwybody!" A small, plump, completelybald man stepped into the field. He was wearing a blue pinstripe suit. To eitherside of him were several very large, very muscular-looking associates, alsoin blue pinstripe. These gentlemen all wore black, reflecting sunglasses.
Mr. McGregor ran up, his henchmen coming silently behind him. "Catgiwl! Coyote!How's twicks?" As he said this, he pumped Coyote's injured paw. Coyote wincedvery visibly, but just said: "Fine, fine; and how are you, sir?"
"Wight as wain!" He then looked at the rows and rows of dead bunnies. "Hmmm," hesaid, "let's suwvey the damage, shaww we?" Then he began to count, very slowly.When he had reached 102, he exclaimed: "Catgiwl! Youw best week yet. I'm pwoudof you!" He then gave her a big kiss on the cheek. Turning to an associate,he said: "Pay the wady." The associate counted out the bills and handed themover.
"Now enough chit-chit," said McGregor. "I have a pwoposaw fow both of you.It seems thewe's this consowtium in New Gotham. I checked 'em out: they'weall pwominent business and powitical weadas. They got a big fay pwobwem outthewe–one they haven't had much wuck handwing so faw. They need somefiwst cwass tawent, and I'd say that means you two. The pay sounds pwetty good.Intewested?"
Turning down a proposal from Mr. McGregor would mean, at the very least,that she never worked again in this part of Mythica. Catgirl said: "It soundsgreat, sir."
"Count me in too . . . sir," said Coyote.
"Gweat, gweat." McGregor snapped a finger, and an associate brought overa pair of contracts. When the two hunters had read the small print, they andMcGregor signed.
"Well then," said Coyote. "When do we set out?"
"Wight now," said McGregor. "You have to get to Miwwa's Cwossing by nightfaww."
"Miller's Crossing?" Coyote queried.
"That's what I said: Miwwa's Cwossing. When you awwive, you'ww meet a thiwdhunta. He awways wowks independentwy, so I get no finda's fee fow him. Dwat.Anyway, you meet him at Miwwa's Cwossing. He'ww have instwuctions for the nextweg of the jouwney. Good wuck."
At this point, McGregor's eye was caught by an especially fetching, black-hairedbunny girl. Her eyes appeared to be clenched shut; her buckteeth were bared.Clearly her face was still twisted by the painful pleasure of her last orgasm,though that had been a week ago. "Wovewy, just wovewy," said McGregor as hebent down and slipped a finger into the dead girl's snatch. There was no magicwarding spark this time. He licked his finger and said: "I wove wabbits; Iwove 'em dead, that is! Who's gonna wid the pwace of 'em with you gone, Catgiwl?You gotta weaw tawent for it."
A few more pleasantries, and Coyote and Catgirl were on their way. Not knowingwhat to expect, they traveled light: just two backpacks.
Catgirl wasn't seeking conversation, but Coyote managed to get one startedanyway.
"Curiouser and curiouser," he said.
"How so?"
"Who would dare to be an independent agent in McGregor's territory?"
"Someone McGregor can't hurt?"
"And who would that be?"
"How the fuck would I know?"
"And why," said Coyote, pausing for emphasis, "don't we get the whole itineraryright away?"
"That's easy. They're worried about leaks. The less each of us knows, theless we can let slip."
"So what are we up against that security is so important?"
"Not to mention that three hunters are needed. I'd say this isn't your standard'slam, bam, you're de-pantied, ma'am" operation."
"Very bothersome," said Coyote.
"Well, you did sign on," said Catgirl. "Best not to complain at this pointand just try to get the job done."
"A wise woman," said Coyote.
"Oh fuck you," said Catgirl.
They were making good time, and they reached Miller's Crossing well beforesundown. They looked around, but found nobody. "Well," said Coyote, "whilewe wait, how about an early supper?"
"If you're making it . . . . " said Catgirl.
"We could make it . . . together," Coyote suggested.
"Good try, fuzzball. Just get to work, would you?"
"You don't have to be . . . ." Coyote started to say, when suddenly therewas a crash like thunder, followed by a blinding white light. The two huntersthrew themselves on the ground.
"No need to kneel!" a loud voice boomed at them. "On the other hand, if youfeel it's appropriate . . . ."
Coyote and Catgirl looked up. Before them stood . . . what? A sort of wolfish,coyoteish, foxish fellow in black jeans and a black t-shirt ("Fucked up 24/7" wasstenciled on the front of the shirt). He had dark dreadlocks, tied back witha rag–or perhaps it was another t-shirt.
"W-who are you?" said Catgirl.
"You're in awe of me, aren't you?" he said. "Oh this is so exciting! I'mThief, one of a distinguished family of . . . ."
"Immortals," Coyote said. "Crikey, they've hooked us up with an immortal."
(To be continued)
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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Hugo called for Helen to go to his sleepingroom after the evening meal that night. When she went in he was sitting on the bed and she stood just inside the door, dressed in her overalls, and waited for Hugo to make the first move. He treated her to a lecture about knowing her place, and not interrupting him when he was working, and not being rude to Dina, and all the other monotonous faults he thought she had. Her attention wandered and she stopped listening after a while. People always felt...
A Chapter excerpt from Nella's Memoirs Dream Images I dreamed of McAllister last night. A hot, sexy dream that I can not get out of my mind. I woke from it dripping wet between my legs and very aroused, and I could almost feel his tongue working my clit, as it had in the dream, while I used my fingers to bring myself to orgasm. My body shuddered with pleasure, and half-awake, I returned to the world of the dream. It is a strange reverie, for I am awake and yet I'm caught up in these...
It may have been the lack of sleep, but I attributed my bad mood to Wanda. When she didn't respond to my knock on her bedroom door I burst into the room. "Wake up and get ready if you're going with me," I shouted. The lump in the center of the bed made a slight movement. "Wanda, are you awake?" The lump wiggled its ass. "Be ready in thirty minutes," I said, and as I turned to leave the room the lump rolled over and Wanda's head appeared, grinning. "Don't grin at me," I...
Harriet Potter and the ring of fire pt 1Harriet Potter was just 19 just like her very best friend Hermione Parker.They were by far the naughtiest girls in Cockington , a small town in the county of Dorset. The entire town seemed to consist of naughty girls and just a few naughty boys . Harriet and Hermoine were by far the naughtiest of them all.Like all “HP’s they were very saucy indeed.The headmaster of their school was at his wits end as to what do with...
Mike Dyer knew full well that his employer was one of the most transgender friendly college campuses around - especially in the South. The hardy, rangy, shiny-headed facilities supervisor had attended more than one training regarding LGBTQ+ issues. He knew not to assume pronouns when meeting people. The thirty-seven year old native Carolinian had no issue with people based on what they chose to do. He wasn’t sure if people were born that way or not, but ultimately it didn’t matter to him. He...
A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...
To cut it short and make the sex story interesting, me – RK, 32 years old male gifted with a monster dick. Writing my life experience of sex and how I grew my urges to unleash the devil to different extents. For the versatility and spice, I have changed few aspects of the story. Feedbacks are welcomed. When I was 18, I lost my virginity with my neighbor. We are a small family of me my younger brother and parents. Our neighbors are Mr. and Mrs. Ravi (let’s name her as Akila) a north Indian...
The morning had passed quietly and quickly at the Pink Lady Boutique and that suited Alice Parks just fine. The twenty-one-year-old had spent so much time the previous week concentrating on finals that she had fallen behind on her responsibilities at the store. With classes having ended the day before, Alice was grateful for the chance to catch up. Standing high on a ladder as she put away some boxes that had been delivered earlier, Alice didn’t react when she heard the chimes that rang when...
"I don't know what to do with her, Rose," I whispered. Rose sat wedged into the chair, partially on me and partially beside me. Curled up on top of us was Danielle, asleep on my shoulder. I'd laid aside my reading for Radical Thinking and held Danielle as I continued to run my hand over her tummy. Rose petted the leg that was thrown over her. "I can see now how you tell them apart," Rose said. "Danielle is different. Of course, we can all tell her from the other two now, just by the...
How do I begin? Should I start by telling you that right this second I am extremely horny? My wife sits in the living room watching one of her boring reality TV shows. Little does she know or care about what I’m doing. I feel my cock jump ever so slightly as it sort of knows what it wants me to do. Trust me when I tell you that I’m not a bad looking guy, so it probably wouldn’t be hard to find someone to service my needs. But being married, I prefer to stay faithful to my wife (masturbation...
MasturbationFirst of all thank you for the reviews of last sex story. You can give the feedback on Any lady , teenager or any woman can contact me. I can come to any place in Delhi NCR. I am Micky from New Delhi. Age 23 athletic body and good body structure. Coming to the story. I have added my bio on many sites that I provide services to ladies who can be of any age be it 18 year or a 50 year old hottie .I got an email from a lady Ankita (name changed) who is from Delhi. She is living with her husband...
You were here and then gone again. You teased me with your beautiful body and then left me hard, but this time is different. You enter the room dressed for sex. Instead of usually leaving it to my imagination as to what your sexy body looks like, this time there is no need for imagination. I enjoy seeing you in your bra, panties and stockings. All matching. You get me incredibly hard, thinking about having you dance for me as you slowly remove your bra. Then you sit down in my lap and let me...
Quickie SexDan sends her to a specialist Monday brought more changes to Rachel’s life; her class load was like any freshmen’s, heavy and long. Her first class was at nine, her last started at three in the afternoon, five days a week. She attacked each class as if her life depended on it, taking notes and reading all the material the professors suggested, she spent any free time during the day in the library studying returning at the end of the day with her arms full of books and a satisfied smile on her...
As Shadoe was walking around backstage getting ready for his debut in a mixed sex wrestling league and he picked a girl that was a southern big boobed girl and he felt like he was in big trouble but he wouldnt until he entered the to wrestle her so he did some stretches and rubbed his cock to keep it hard and ready for his opponent as the ring announcer said ladies and gentlemen coming to the ring at this time standing at 5'6" tall and weighing in at 145ibs the sex machine shadoe as he headed...
FetishPatty slowed as she neared the house. She didn't want to burst in all out of breath and have her mother wonder what she had been doing. She stopped at the front steps and smoothed out her clothes and brushed all the particles of leaves and grass from her that she could find. Then she sat down on the bottom step, pressing her legs tightly together trying to stop the maddening tingle in her unfulfilled loins. She imagined that all her mother would have to do was take one look at her face to...
Strange Magic: Babysitter By Tanto Jo Beth Broughman was a young woman who had been extraordinarily blessed by nature. She was of medium height, with long blond hair the color of wheat. She had deep, captivating blue eyes, and she seemed to be perfectly shaped, with luscious young curves in all the right places. Her breasts were huge, perfectly formed mounds that rode high on her chest with little sag, even when she wasn't wearing one of her 48EEE bras. All in all, she was absolute...
Gia’s Year -1- Here I am on January 1st, in Hawaii, naked, my hands traveling over my body. I lick my fingers clean of pussy juices. I grab a breast, squeezing it, playing with the erect nipple. Mmm, I’m horny. I have a guest arriving to my hotel room. I met him earlier today. My hand once again travels down my flat tummy as I think about one year ago today. It was January 1st, 5:30 pm when I met a man that changed my life forever. I arch my back, squeezing my...
It had been 2 month’s since Blake left to UCLA when I was just getting settled in to my dorm. I was exited to be at college with a new roommate and a new chapter in my life. The only thing I was upset over was that Blake and I had not spoken two words to each other since he left. I was in my room writing a paper for my biology class when Ryan my roommate walked in with his friend Mike. “your still working on that paper?” Ryan asked me.“I’m just about done I just need to rewrite it” I said to...
Please Wake Up, Mary By Chris Dyr Katz Alan awoke in a hospital room. His chest and arms were heavily bandaged, his jaws were wired together, and he was tied to the bed. An attractive female doctor explained that he'd had a serious accident, and he was in recovery. The doctor was friendly and comforting, except that she called him "Mary." Then the doctor calmly explained what Alan's "recovery" would involve. To his horror, Alan understood why she called him "Mary," and the good doctor...
The visit to my mother was no different from the visit of the previous day. It was depressing and pathetic and I was not feeling too sparky afterwards. I drove over to a different part of St. Pete and strolled along a shopping street filled with tourist shit. I bought Caren a tee shirt that read, "Fucked and Fucked Up. St. Pete Spring Break". I walked into an Adult store and walked out with a set of washable/biodegradable/edible Body Finger Paints. I don't know whatever possessed me to buy that...
Group SexThis is a rape fantasy involving my wife. Please feel free to have your way with her! :) Liz is a 45 year-old public relations manager, at a small college in Wisconsin. She is happily married and the mother of three daughters. She has short, curly, mousey-blonde hair, lightly highlighted. She is short and petite, about 5?2?, with small (but not too small) breasts and the most incredible blue eyes you have ever seen. She dresses professionally and somewhat conservatively, as her job requires,...