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Fragments By Emma Smith Chapter 1 Cathy We parked the car close to the place and walked the remaining few hundred yards. It's not a nice part of town and the three of us are a little uncomfortable being there. We've been here before though and we know where we're going. There's a little alleyway next to a warehouse. Half way along this passageway is a shop. It's musty place full of old things. Some of them would clean up nicely. They might fetch a good price in one of the flashy shops in the West Side of town. The creepy guy who runs this place doesn't care. It's a bit of a sideline for him. His main business is suffering. That's the reason we're nervous. Last time we came here it was to arrange some revenge on a nasty piece of work we all hate. This time we're going to have to pay. The stupid thing is we didn't ask what the price would be. I don't remember which of us found out about him or who suggested we do it. It might have been Alicia's idea. She's always keen on anything involving pain or violence. I admit I misjudged what we were getting. I thought he was some sort of heavy, who'd beat up our "friend" for us. Instead he claimed to be some sort of magician. Said he could do much more than hurt our pigeon physically. He talked of strange powers and cursed objects. He said there would be a ritual to charge the object with our dark thoughts. He also said that if it didn't work we'd owe him nothing. I don't think we believed he could do anything to help us. What the hell though. We decided to give him a chance. He said we should return in a week and that's tonight. We step over cardboard boxes and discarded bottles. I look around me nervously and clutch at my bag. I notice Alicia doing the same and smile to myself. I don't know why she's nervous though. She hates him more than any of us. She wanted to take him out herself. Before we can knock the door opens and we walk in. The atmosphere is heavy somehow. There is a faint smell of something in the air. I can't place it but it reminds me of something I dislike. The room is full of what most people would call junk. There is very little space thanks to the cluttered furniture and piles of objects. The man is waiting for us inside. He stands with his arms folded, looking us over. He has an imposing presence and he makes me nervous. "There should be four of you shouldn't there?" He said flatly. "Pauline is sick. She's in the hospital." I told him. "A pity. So untimely." He said without any feeling behind it. "She'll be out soon they say." "So it's just the three of you. The angry Alicia, the jaundiced Julie and the catty Cathy." "So you did it to Selby for us?" I asked. "Yes. As I said I would. Your enemy has suffered greatly." "And now?" Julie said. "You must pay my price." He said. "Must we?" Alicia asked. "That is the agreement." "But you didn't quite succeed did you? We wanted him ruined. Kicked out of that stupid job he cares about so much for one thing." Julie said. "I'd like to see the bastard dead." Alicia shouted. "A week of mental torment followed by a complete physical transformation. A breakdown is certain, maybe even a suicide." The man said, firmly. "Is it?" I asked. "Yes." He said firmly. "We're not convinced. We think you might be putting one over on us." "What?" the man roared. "Your stupid mirror transformed his mind as well as his body. She might be able to adjust." "Don't blame me. It was your hatred that directed the curse. Perhaps one of you doesn't hate him as much as you claimed?" I wonder about Pauline. She's the most gentle of us and I don't think she wanted to hurt him, just teach him a lesson. Perhaps she moderated our input to the curse? "Still. We had an agreement." I said. "And I did as we agreed." He replied. "So are you going to finish the job properly?" asked Alicia. "No." "Right. I've asked nicely. Now you get it." She produced a gun from her bag. I don't know where she got it. She's never carried one before as far as I know. She pointed it straight at the man. It didn't waver as she trained it on him. He stood there calmly, without moving with the gun pointing at his head. "You'll only hurt yourself. Put it down. While you can." He told her very calmly and slowly. "Fuck off. I'm not going to kill you. Just teach you some manners. How to treat paying customers." She aimed the gun lower, pointing it towards his arm. He stood there unmoving and silent. Alicia pulled the trigger. The noise of the gunshot cracked around the room and echoed. She screamed and went down on the floor, dropping the gun. "Better get that out of here." The main said quietly. "Bastard, it hurts!" screamed Alicia. Julie went to help her and pulled her sleeve back to see how bad the wound is. I looked at her and she nodded back. Then she tore off the sleeve and tied it round Alicia's arm. "That was very stupid. You will all return in two days time and I will describe my payment." We helped Alicia out of the door and back to the car. I don't quite know what happened. For a second I thought someone had shot her from out of my view. I think the creepy guy did it though. I don't know how but he made her attack rebound on her. I hope Julie can fix her up. Going to a doctor would need too many explanations. I think we're in big trouble. I have a strong feeling of it. This guy helped us get our own back on Selby but he hasn't named his price yet. I'm not sure it's going to be money he wants. Julie started to drive away and I continued to think dark thoughts. I have to go see Pauline later today and see how she's getting on. That's something else we didn't expect to happen. Chapter 2 Marianne We all have bad Mondays from time to time but the one this week turned out quite amazing. The entire town seems to be playing some sort of practical joke on me. I got to work at my normal time and parked the car. I took the short cut across the grass to the main entrance like I always do. I was going to breeze through the gate as usual but the guard insisted on seeing my pass. He asked me if I'd just started work. I tried to tell him I've worked there for ages but he saw the name on my card. He said something about knowing my brother and waved me through. I was mystified by it all. Normally I just wave the badge at him and nod sort of disdainfully as I sail past. Things got worse when I got to my office. That's when I found the rest of the joke. It must have taken them a huge amount of work to set up. Everything about my desk was wrong. The wrong things were on it. There was a nameplate saying Mike Selby where mine should be. I soon found out that they'd done it to everything. They've changed the name on my e-mail account and the telephone list among other things. My password still worked though and I logged into the computer. As I sat there I had some very odd thoughts. When I woke up yesterday I couldn't work out where all my clothes were. I had to go and buy some new work suits and everything to go with them. I could hardly find anything. That didn't make any sense and neither does this. Ten minutes later other people started to arrive and looked at me in a funny way. I ignored them. I turned back to the computer and started flicking through e-mails. Then someone came across to me and asked me where Mike is. "I'm sorry. I don't know anyone called Mike." "You're at his desk though." "His desk?" "That's right Miss?" "Oh, call me Marianne." "Can I see your pass please? I'm sorry but I don't recognise you." "Sure." I handed it over and he studied it for a second. He was about to give it back when he did a double take. "Ms. Marianne Selby?" "That's right." I said. He thought for a moment then he smiled. "So. He has a sister then? I wish he'd mentioned you before." "Who has a sister? I'm an only child." "Mike." "Mike who? I don't know the guy. Never heard of him. Now can I get back to work please?" "I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." "If these figures are late I'll be in big trouble." "Just stop typing and step into my office. We'll have a chat with the boss." He took me gently by the arm and marched me into his office. I sat down and waited for him to fetch my boss. This should straighten things out. A joke is a joke but it's going to get in the way of efficiency and that will never do. "Hi Ed. Can you tell these lunatics to stop kidding around?" I asked. "I'm sorry Miss but I don't know who you are." He replied. "How can you say that? Of course you know who I am. You invited me round for dinner next week. I just bought a new dress for the occasion. Why are you saying these things?" "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to get the police. This is all beyond me I'm afraid." He picked up the phone and I sat quietly waiting for them to arrive. I can't understand what's going wrong today. Chapter 3 Cathy The hospital smelled like they always do. The faint odour of antiseptic hung in the air and masked the more unpleasant smells that might well be floating around. As I walked to Pauline's room I heard various calls over the public address system. This hive of healing is very busy today. I suppose it's the same every day. Fluttering white coats passed me in the corridor as doctors hurried to their patients in response to the broadcast appeals. I was somewhat shocked when I saw her. I expected her to look worse than I remembered. She looks very weak. She only came in for more tests and she looked fine the other day. Maybe I'm imagining things. It could be the harsh white light in here making her look worse than she really is. "Hi Pauline." "Cathy. Thanks for coming to see me." "It's a pleasure. Just lie there and rest." She really does not look well. I won't mention it of course. When you're ill the last thing you want is people coming and telling you that you look awful. I hope she can rest and get better soon. "Cathy. I feel really tired. I don't know what's wrong with me." "What do the doctors say?" "They don't seem to know either. They just keep giving me more tests." "I'm sure they'll fix you up. They're very good these days." I sat and held her hand for a while. I couldn't help noticing the flowers on the bedside table and the elaborate vase they're standing in. "They're very nice." "Yes. They came with the room. They were delivered nearly as soon as I arrived." "I brought you some fruit. I'll leave it here on the table shall I?" "Thanks. I hope I'll be up to eating later." "I hope so too." We talked for a while and I could tell she was near to falling asleep. She needs her rest. I wanted to ask her if she's told anybody about our plan to get Selby but I don't think she's well enough. "Well goodbye then. I'll come back tomorrow." "Bye Cathy. It was nice to see you." I closed the door to her room behind me quietly. As I was closing the door I could have sworn I saw a faint glow from the vase. It has to be a trick of the light. I managed to get five minutes with one of the doctors. I got the impression he didn't really want to talk to me but I insisted. "Do you know what's wrong with her?" I asked him. "Frankly no. It's a mystery." "She looks much worse than when she came in." "Yes I know. We're trying our best." "She looks so weak." "Yes. We're trying to stabilise her condition but I have to admit it doesn't look good." "If she needs anything then please make sure she gets it. Oh and call me if anything changes. Please." "I'll do that. Goodbye." I gave him my card and walked out of the building into the fresh air. I don't feel very good. The doctor sounded very pessimistic about her. I could see him mentally swatting away malpractice suits. Yesterday I thought she'd be out of there soon but it doesn't look that way now. I hope she gets better. She's the one I like best among the four of us. The four conspirators. I wish we'd never started it now. Nothing's gone right for us since we did. Chapter 4 Marianne I sat in an interview room at the police station and repeated my story for the benefit of a couple of policemen and a tape recorder. I don't think the men were much more impressed than the recorder. When I'd finished my statement they sent the tape away to have it typed up and put in another tape for the interview. They asked me a lot of questions. Most of them I couldn't answer. I could tell they didn't believe me. "What's happened to Mr. Selby?" "I don't know." "Why are you in his home?" "I don't know about that. It's where I live." "Why has nobody in the building seen you before?" "I don't know." "Are you related to the missing man?" "Missing? I don't know who he is." They kept on firing questions at me. Every now and then they went into a huddle and conferred. After about an hour they decided to take a break. I had a few minutes to gather my wits again, such as they are right now. They brought the typed copy of my statement to me and I read it casually before signing it and handling it back. Then the questions started again. "How long have you known Mike Selby?" "Who?" "What were you doing in his house?" "I already told you. It's mine" "Why did you claim to know all those people this morning?" "I do know them. I've worked with them for years." After another half-hour of this they were beginning to get really exasperated. They were getting nowhere and they knew it. "What am I being charged with?" "We're working on it. It could be several things. You haven't exactly co-operated with us." "How can I? I don't know what you're talking about." "We'll let you have a think about things for a few minutes then we'll start again." During this second break a third officer came in waving a piece of paper. "It's sorted guys. I just heard from her doctor. Some foreign dude. Foreign name anyway." "What did he say?" "That she just got out," He tapped his head significantly several times. "He said she's being re habituated or something." "So she's got nothing to do with this guy disappearing?" "Her brother apparently. No. This doctor says the additional shock of that sent her back over the edge." He dumped the paper he'd been waving on the desk and left the room. "So Miss. I think it's probably best if you go back home and lie down. I must warn you that we may need to talk to you again. You should stay in town for the moment." "Yes, of course. I just feel so confused." "I'll get someone to drive you back." They returned my things to me and led me out of the room. So I'm supposed to be mad am I? Well I've got an ID card in my bag that says I'm not. I don't know this doctor either or what game he's playing. I think I'll play along with it though for a while. A ride home is definitely better than a night in the cells. Chapter 5 Cathy At the appointed time we returned to the shop in the run down district. Like before we all seemed to be in a subdued mood. I noticed Alicia carried a much smaller bag this time. I don't think she'll be trying the same trick again. I don't know about the rest of them but I couldn't help remembering our previous visit. It seems like ages ago but it was only last week. We'd been taken inside, downstairs to a little room to carry out our ritual of hate and set the curse in motion. It seemed so silly at the time. We all sat around a small table in near darkness. In the middle of the table a mirror sat, seeming to glow slightly. We'd linked hands and the man had told us to visualise the one we hated. To put our hate forward in our minds and let it flow out of us. To describe our hurts. To imagine him being brought to his doom. For fully fifteen minutes we sat there, united in our hatred and contempt. It felt slightly petty and unreal to me. It was only too clear that Alicia really did hate the most out of all of us. I could see Pauline looking unhappy for some reason. After our meeting we filed out quietly past the man. He just smiled smugly and asked us to come back. Tonight we were brought into the same room and sat around the table like the other time. "How is your friend?" He made the word sound like an insult. "She's still pretty ill. She can't be with us tonight." I told him. "So. We'll just have to make do." He mimed pulling a gun out of his pocket. He cocked his finger and pointed at Alicia, making shooting motions with his thumb. He started to laugh quietly to himself. "Look you fucker, just get on with it." She told him. She's always had a terrible temper. I wish she'd calm down and not jump headfirst into trouble. "Don't be in such a rush dear." He told her. "She's right. Just tell us what you want." I said. "To start with. I want the mirror back. One of you will get it and bring it to me." "To start with?" "That's right. I might have a few more amusing tasks for you if you don't screw this up." "How are we going to get it?" Julie asked. "That's up to you. Just do it." "What if we don't?" Alicia asked in a dangerous tone. "You will, if you know what's good for you." He got up from the table and walked around it. He laid his hand gently on each of our shoulders. When he came to me he caressed my neck. I felt sick. I wanted to be anywhere else than in a room with this strange, creepy, man. "You don't want to let me down." He told us all. When we were left our mood had worsened. We sat in the car for a while and argued about what we should do. Things got a bit heated but we couldn't see an easy way out. We decided to get the mirror back. That shouldn't be too difficult and it should be only marginally illegal. I got home to find a message from the hospital. Pauline had got worse again. The doctor sounded puzzled and worried. She just seems to be fading away and nobody knows why. Chapter 6 Marianne I woke up still feeling a bit strange. I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. I thought about going out but I decided against it and watched some TV instead. A chime from the doorbell interrupted my viewing and I found a serious looking man on the doorstep. He seemed a little ill at ease but I let him in and got him a coffee. "I telephoned earlier. This is somewhat difficult for me Ms. Selby." He began. "Yes, doctor?" "Doctor Vetrano. I spoke to you last week." "I don't remember that. "No, you probably wouldn't. The thing is I know things about you that I ought to tell you. If I do it could make things worse." "Maybe you shouldn't tell me then." I said. "If I don't tell you then you may never make sense of what's happened." "Just a minute. About last week. Why don't I remember?" "Maybe I should start from the beginning. You'll have to bear with me for a little while." "I admit I'm curious but I'll try and contain myself." I told him. "Somewhere in this town is a man with great power to do evil. I have felt him before and run across some of his work. He delights in causing pain and suffering." "Sounds like my boss." "This isn't a joke Ms Selby. He exists. In times past entire communities would band together to hunt down such a one. These days, even in my old country in Eastern Europe, it doesn't happen. No one believes anything any more. Even the old legends have lost their power." "Don't tell me this guy is a vampire." I said. "No, not that. I simply meant that modern towns and cities are ideal places for evil to hide. No one believes in it so nothing stops them. They set themselves up and poison the lives of those around them." "You sound like you know what you're talking about. I guess you must know something about these people." "I have certain powers. I know they are insufficient to defeat the one nearby. I have not even been able to locate him so far." "Doesn't sound good." "No. I am disappointed by my failure but I still strive to seek him out. If we can shine a light on him then we can beat him back, for a time." "Very interesting. But how does it relate to me?" I asked. "Well. Sometime back you must have made some enemies." "Who?" I asked. "I don't know for sure. These people wanted to hurt you anyway." "And?" "They went to see this evil one. They made a deal with him. I don't know the details but the upshot of it was that he would use his powers to attack you." "And then?" "He got to you using a cursed mirror. This is where it gets hard to explain and difficult to know whether I should?" "Doctor. People keep claiming that I've gone mad and I'm half beginning to believe it myself. I need to know." "You're sure?" He asked. "Yes." "Very well. Perhaps it is best that you should know. Last week you weren't Marianne Selby. A cursed object was delivered to you and over the course of the week it transformed you. You were Mike Selby. That's why he's disappeared." "I don't believe it." I told him. "I know it's hard to take in but it's true. By the time it finished its work you were no longer the same person physically or mentally." "I just don't believe a word of it." "Very well then. Where is Mike Selby? How do you explain the events of this morning? Why do you seem to remember things but nobody remembers you?" I thought about it for a while. I felt uneasy. There are things that I can't explain. I don't know if I want to accept an explanation like this though. "I don't know. I have a feeling that something's wrong but I don't know what it is." I said. "I'm sorry. You can see why I wasn't sure what to tell you. You have to try and accept it, deal with it." He said. "Why can't I remember anything?" "It must be a side effect of the curse. It's tried to hide itself from you so you can't easily get help." "I'm not saying I believe you. Just suppose you're right. Can you help? Could it be reversed?" He paused for a moment before speaking. "I don't think so. I have studied long and hard on this and I don't know how it can be done. I am sorry." "Did I talk to you last week?" I wondered. "Yes. I tried to help you. You weren't convinced and I didn't realise the true danger fast enough. I'm sorry." "Don't be. I'm sure you did your best. What am I saying? I'm talking like I believe all this." "It might be important that you do." He said. "What do you mean?" "I mean that they might not be finished with you yet." "How did I get in touch with you in the first place?" I asked him. "Via a friend. She said she was very worried about you but wouldn't tell me why." "Who was it?" "Her name is Pauline Simmons." "I must talk to her then, see if see knows anything else." I pulled at his sleeve urgently. He looked at me sadly. "We must talk of other things I am afraid. There will soon be another move in the game and with your help we might just be able to claim a point." Chapter 7 Cathy The three of us convened a hasty conference when the news arrived. I invited the others over to my place. We were a very subdued gathering and nobody really wanted to talk. My heart felt heavy. A shadow seemed to have fallen on us. "I don't believe it either." I said. "You're telling me. She was sitting with us all only a week ago." said Alicia. "How did it happen?" Julie asked. "The hospital rang me. She died during the night. They still don't really know why. They think it might be one of those highly resistant infections." "Picked up in hospital?" asked Alicia. "It doesn't quite add up but I don't know what else to say." I told them. Julie looked like she was about to cry. She'd known Pauline better than any of us I suppose. "No fucking way," Alicia said. "She was as strong as any of us. I can't believe it." "None of us want to believe it. We all liked her. It's hard to take in." "The funeral is on Friday. I assume we're all attending." Everyone nodded and the mood around the table became even darker. Then I tried to steer the conversation round to the little job we had agreed to do. I didn't want everyone to start thinking about the strange timing of her death. I'm still thinking about it myself and I don't like it one bit. I think that maybe the old bastard killed her but there's no way to prove it. "I say we just go in there and grab it. If the bitch squeals we knock her out good." "Alicia. You are the least subtle person I know. You'd open bottles with a baseball bat." "What do suggest then? We knock on the door and ask her for it? 'Please can we have our magic mirror back?'" "Yeah. Exactly that. But with a bit of a story behind it and maybe three seconds of rational thought." I told her. "Fine. We'll try it your smart-ass way. But if doesn't work then I go in." "That's very reasonable of you." I told her. I really do wish she'd wise up a bit. You can't solve everything by beating people up and shouting. I need her to stay a little bit calmer. We all have to work together on this. Chapter 8 Marianne After my long talk with the Doctor I wasn't entirely convinced but I started to entertain the suspicion that some of what he told me might be true. I don't want to believe it all. I've decided it doesn't matter whether or not I believe the stranger aspects of the tale. I know who I am now and that's how I have to live. If there are people out there trying to get to me then I have to fight them. The rest can be sorted out later. I followed the first of his suggestions and telephoned the police. I had my "brother" officially listed as missing. That should direct some attention away from me. Thanks to my new learned friend they haven't charged me with anything. It looks like, legally at least; I'm off the hook for the moment. Eventually his insurance company will pay up and I'll be quite well set up. He'd certainly piled up a fair stack of money. I don't know what he planned to do with it but I shouldn't have to work quite as hard in future. I didn't have to wait very long to put the rest of his advice into effect. I heard the chime of someone at the door. I checked myself out in the mirror and went to open it. I saw a young woman in a severely cut business suit. Her hair was tied back and bunched up and she wore glasses. She looked the stereotypical part and if not for the Doctor I might have taken her at face value. I didn't invite her in. She fiddled with some papers she was carrying. "Ms, err Selby?" She asked. "Yes, that's me." "Ah. I'm so glad I caught you in. I'm afraid there's been a terrible mix up. I have some bad news for you." "I don't know what you mean." "I'm Catherine from the Gallery. You had a piece delivered recently." "Yes. I have it on the wall. It certainly adds to the ambience and character of the room." I said. "That's the problem. They messed things up. The item should have gone to someone else with a similar name." "Oh. How tragic. I can see how that could easily happen." Oh yeah. There must be at least five other people in the whole town with the same name. "And you see. Our client is very unhappy. Furious in fact. He wants his mirror and he's making a lot of trouble." "Oh. I wouldn't want you to go to any trouble." I said. "Yes, quite. Now would you be prepared to return it to us?" "Well I don't know. It doesn't really fit in with my decor but I have grown rather attached to it." "Oh we'll compensate you for your trouble. Shall we say a hundred?" "It looks very nice above the fireplace." I told her. "A hundred and twenty five?" "It does have so much character." "A hundred and fifty." "I suppose it would be unfair to deny your rightful client the pleasure of this wonderful thing. Just a moment and I'll fetch it." I went inside and took the mirror down. I put it in the packing I'd prepared for it. I returned to the door and handed it over. "I'm sorry. I didn't keep the original packaging." "That's not a problem. Thanks for being so helpful." She counted out the money and gave it to me. Then she started to turn away from me. "By the way. Which gallery did you say you were from?" "Ah, err, Thompsons. It's a small place. You probably won't have heard of it." "No. Sorry. I haven't. Goodbye then and be careful. You don't want seven years bad luck do you?" "Ha ha. No thank you. Goodbye now." I closed the door behind her. Whatever else you might say the Doctor is very clever. That was almost exactly what he predicted would happen. Chapter 9 Cathy Once again we sat in the darkened room. Though it's quite warm outside it always feels colder in here. I shivered involuntarily as the man looked us over. The mirror sat in the middle of the table, just unwrapped. It shone in the gloom with a faint unearthly light. I'm trying to think. Where have I seen that recently? "Very well done. A quiet job too." He picked up the mirror carefully and inspected it closely. "Not even scratched. Excellent." He gloated. My gaze wandered around the room. In this room the piles of junk were restricted to the edges of the room. I ran my eyes over the shelves and the objects sitting on them. I could see several things that looked like knives. I wonder what he does with them. My nervousness is making my mind wander a bit, trying to distract me from what might be coming next. I don't imagine any of us are going to enjoy paying the rest of his price. "Now. I'll tell you what you're going to do next." He said. I don't want to betray my nerves by standing up and walking around. My gaze flicked around the room again. It settled on a pile of books and papers for a second and then moved on. I noticed a half-burnt candle sitting on another shelf. I turned my head and saw a brief glint of light, like from the mirror. I turned back towards it. There it was. Half hidden behind some other things. I jumped up and grabbed it. "What's this?" I waved the crystal vase in the air. I'd seen it before. In a hospital room. "Put it down you fool." He told me. "You did do it didn't you?" I shouted. "It's a mistake." Said the man, angrily. Before he could continue speaking we heard a very loud crash. I got up and ran into the front room. Fragments of glass littered the floor. In the middle of them a large brick sat there, a piece of paper tied to it. I picked up the note and took it through into the back room. The man took it from me without speaking. He opened it. "It says 'Look behind the mirror'. You idiots! You've led them to my doorstep." "No fucking way. We were very careful." Alicia protested. "So how did they find me? No one can use magic against me without me detecting it. My power is supreme in this town." I picked up the mirror and turned it over. "I don't think they did use any magic." I pulled the tiny object from where it had previously been embedded in wax and passed unnoticed. A small transmitter by the looks of it. The man still looked furious. "So I am discovered. I will leave this place and set up a new base. Very inconvenient." "What about us?" "I've had my fun with you. I had more amusement planned but what the hell. I can find people like you anywhere." Alicia moved toward him with a dangerous look on her face. I made a grab for one of the knives on the shelf. "Fun? Yeah. Well let's see if you can find your nose after I knock it off." "Stupid woman. Didn't you learn last time?" He gestured and we suddenly found ourselves frozen in place. Then there was a bright red flash. When we recovered the man had disappeared. I searched but couldn't see any trace of him anywhere in the building. I noticed the lock on the door was still in place, along with the door chain. He hadn't left via that route. "He's gone." I told them. Chapter 10 Marianne The ceremony had been quite short. There were quite a few of her friends there and many tears were shed. I felt a bit like an interloper and I tried to keep a low profile. The Doctor came along with me and took my arm during the service. "He got clean away didn't he?" I asked him. "Yes my dear. I'm afraid it was only a very small victory. It's the best we could hope for. He's too strong for us to defeat, for the moment." "He's just going to do it again to other people." He looked very sad. "I imagine so. I just wanted to break his influence in this town, get him on the run for a while." "Then will you help me get him?" "I'm not sure we can, but I'll be happy to do my bit," He smiled. "Perhaps we can show the old country a thing or two?" I swore a solemn and probably unwise oath in memory of the woman who'd been my friend in a previous life. A life I didn't come away from with very much credit apparently. From what I hear I used to be a stubborn bastard. Well now I'm going to put some of that to good use. I'm going to track this guy down and then he's going to pay. For what he did to me, and to the others. I'm going to get him. I promise it. The End

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Hi Friends, This is Rajesh and thanks for your comments for my earlier stories. This is the sex story of how I became the new husband of my young niece and father of her baby. I am a married man of 38 years ago, with a lovely wife who had moved to the US for project works along with our son, leaving me all alone here in Bangalore. My wife’s elder sister and her hubby had died in a car crash recently and their only daughter Shanaya was staying with me as my wife had ordered me to look after...

2 years ago
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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...

2 years ago
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Fluffy SuxCox 1

I tremble with nervous excitement, butterfly's in my stomach! I could not believe that I had actually won an argument with my wife! You see I am a bit of a wimp so this victory was unusual. Still after a heated debate she had to concede to my logic. What were we arguing about? Well, she wanted a new car and admittedly we did need a new car! But she had her eyes on a brand new Mercedes soft top sports car which was way out of our league. "Honey you would have to get a second job to pay...

4 years ago
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I traveled the Amtrak line between Raleigh and Charlotte several times a week. I work in Raleigh but need to visit our Charlotte office on a regular basis. Sometimes it is necessary for me to stay overnight in Charlotte.You often see the same people traveling on Amtrak. One distinguished-looking gentleman was a regular that I had struck up a conversation with on many trips. Like me, he was a businessman traveling for business. One big difference was he was single, while I was very married. The...

First Time
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Waking up gay

You stretch and open your eyes. Sun is shining, birds are singing. What a wonderful sleep! Ever since your girlfriend left you, the bed has always felt empty, but that was phenomenal! Finally moving on from that bitch and ready to move on. You brush off your covers, letting the air hit your naked body. Sleeping naked is healthier for you; or so that one Facebook post told you, and your always ready to have some naughty fun. You look around your room, but something seems a little peculiar...

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Vidhi8217s Diary 8211 Chapter 1 8211 Hot Lesbian Experience With Roommate

Hi, this is Vike back with another story. Theh heroine of this story is a 19 year old girl named Vidhi coming from a very conservative family belonging to a small town of India. Since her childhood, she has been studying in a girls’ school. And belonging to a conservative family, she was never allowed to talk to any guy apart from her younger brother. Vidhi was a studious girl, always scoring above 90% in every exam. She completed her 12th and now she had no choice but to move outside her city...

3 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 7

The School of Architecture building is one of the primary buildings on campus. It houses many classrooms as well as work rooms where the students in advanced classes build models for projects. In the main hall of the building, they were holding the ceremony. I eased my way in while one of the heads of the school gave his speech. “ ... five and a half years ago, and tonight, we add the final piece to this epic compilation of hard work, dedication, and simple determination. This model not only...

3 years ago
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Nahati Hui Bhabhi Ke Saath Maje

Hello my friends. Ur Bablu is back with another gem of a story which is real. Its with my bhabi Reshma jo ki mere dil ki rani hai tab se jab woh dulhan banker mere ghar ayi thi. Reshma ki shadi ko 6 saal ho chuke hain aur woh mere cousin brother ki wife hai. Reshma abhi 34 saal ki hai aur ye hamari chudai ki ghatna 3 months pehle ki hai. Main apne village gaya thajo ki uttar Pradesh mein hai ,koi july ka mahina tha, mere gaon mein mere bade tauji ,unki wife ,unka beta aur unki bahu Reshma rehti...

3 years ago
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The world looks strange. It wasn't the spinning. Chris had accepted that his world now rotated to the left at various speeds. That hopefully would change soon, once modern medicine and archaic prayers did their thing, but he was nothing if not a realist. For now, the world spun. No, what was strange was the ceiling. His head tilted right. The world went left. Yes. Something was wrong with this picture. The surface had things on it. Things with writing, what looked like boxes. Chris's eyes...

4 years ago
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Summer of 76 in the Nurses Home

It is the summer of '76 in Britain. Longest heatwave on record; there's a Minister for Drought in the government who suggests we shower with a friend to save water! I am twenty-one years old and a male student nurse at a famous University Teaching Hospital in the North of England, about to take my final exams in September to qualify as a State Registered Nurse. And I'm straight; a novelty in those days. I'm fit as a fiddle, play winger on the hospital rugby team. Rugby playing, straight, male...

4 years ago
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Family TiesChapter 6

Over the next two weeks Laura came to Jody's room every night. Twice they slept together after their carnal cravings were satisfied. Once they invited Shanti for a threesome. She amazed them by telling them in graphic detail how she had seduced each of her brothers and sisters, but it was the description of her seduction by her own father which aroused both Laura and Jody to the degree that, before Shanti had finished, both Walker siblings were naked and exploring each other's...

4 years ago
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Soft sex with my innocent mom

Dear friends I am sending u my real story and it’s my first story on this site please appreciate me by sending your views and comments over it at My name is Rohan and I am from Delhi. This story goes back to eighteen years. I was only eighteen years old then. My mom Sujata was thirty seven years old and I had a sister who was married and was just twenty. My father ran away from the house may be to become a sadhu. I was just fifteen years old then. We have never heard of him till today. My mom...

1 year ago
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A collection

2003 by LePhantom He sat in the cool darkness of the restaurant. His eye wandering aimlessly over the patrons. She was wearing a dark red silk chemise. Her blonde hair framed her face perfectly. She and her companion chatted quietly but she allowed her eyes to wander the room. Their eyes met for an instant. She smiled quickly and her returned her smile by slightly raising his wine glass. Her eyes moved quickly back to her companion and then, as quickly, back to him. She...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 86 Cindirsquos Story

July 4, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “It’s not quite that simple,” I replied, keeping my voice neutral. Liv laughed softly, “Remember what I said about listening?” “Sure.” “I had an STD test and it came back clean. It’s in my pocket so I can show you.” “A necessary prerequisite, but not sufficient.” “You want to know why?” she asked, moving a smidgen closer, so her small breasts pressed into my chest. “That’s a good place to start, I think.” “Ever since I first really understood what it...

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Parent teacher conference at the adult theater 2

All day Thursday I was thinking about the last bell. My cock was hard several times during the day and I had to spend more time at my desk than usual because I didn't want anyone to see my erection. So I just showed social studies videos all day. Finally it was 3:05. I had told Bonnie to knock three times and I would let her in. It was five minutes after the last bell when I heard the knock. I opened the door. I smiled at Bonnie and told her to come on in. I looked around and no one was...

3 years ago
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A Potential Lesbian Loves Cock Fucking Part 1

I am Shirley and I am thirty-six. I maintained my body weight all through my adult life, that is, from the age of twenty until now. I am plain looking but I have a devilishly sexy body. I am five feet seven and weighs 60 kilos, more or less. I kept my boobs, my butt, my waist, my thighs taut, and in good proportions. I love sports too much. My friends said I behaved a little bit masculine. I have a strong libido and as such I was always aggressive and adventurous in sexual matters. James, my...

4 years ago
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The Truck Ride

She asked, "Are we gonna get out of this house today baby?"Replying, he said, "We're gonna go somewhere but, we can't take the bike in this storm?"She smiled and said, "The truck will do fine."While he finished up his morning routine, she dabbed some makeup on and brushed her hair. The storm had darkened the sky completely. Low rumbles of thunder echoed as they made it to the truck. She placed the drinks she had brought in their perspective places and continued to arrange the cab. Removing...

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Tough Competition

My name is Amit and I’m from Jaipur. I’m 30 yrs old and work as an Engineer in a multinational company. This is my first story on and is completely fictional. Please feel free to share your comments at or “Have you heard anything?” Maya’s voice cracked as the words fell from her mouth. Her ebony forehead was moist with sweat, exposing her growing anxiety. “Nothing,” the other paralegal answered annoyed as he walked past her desk for his morning cup of coffee. Maya knew...

3 years ago
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Aunt Jane came to fuck

I had been married to my wife for six years. From day one, everyone went to her aunt Wilma’s house to hang out, grab a drink, play cards and in general just chill out. It was where I could go for a good game of poker, as she was 67 years old and retired. I never thought anything freaky about her because she was so cool. One night, a Friday, I was at Wilma’s and we had played cards a couple hours and we had downed a few drinks. It was about 10 p.m., the news was coming on and...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 63

Jim gave the two naked girls in the boat a last look over and then turned around to have a better look at the other girl they had caught. He smiled when he saw that she was still struggling in between his two friends. The look in her eyes told him that she was scared for what could happen to her. He walked up to her and started smiling when he stood right in front of her. Janet stopped struggling and looked back at him. She looked even more afraid now, and he wondered if she would start...

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Halloween Football Magic

Halloween Football Magic By Constance Grant (c) Copyright 1999, Manasquan, NJ 08736 [email protected] This was a very important game for me, perhaps the most important of my short career. So you can understand, I was a little on edge. It wasn't that I hadn't prepared myself for it, I had. Long hours in the weight room, and more hours using Cathy's dad's exercise machines, plus several hours of field practice six days a week. I was only a high school senior, but...

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Raineys Song Ch 06

Nearly an hour late to Jean’s party, Aidan wasn’t surprised to find that the house his friend had leased for the six months he planned on spending in Seattle was right on the water. As he drove up the stereotypical circular, gravel path leading to the house, he couldn’t help but think that Jean didn’t do anything on a small scale. A mix of modern lines with a hint of classical flair, the house was two stories with a dark exterior broken up by several floor-to-ceiling windows that reflected the...

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Stranded in the Desert

The most curious thing occurred the other day as I perused the Internet in search of some incestuous stories that were more than just straight pornography. I came across a story called Halfway to Heaven which I clicked on to see if it had any redeeming value. I quickly saw that it was the same old stuff and didn't finish it. However, at the beginning I thought somebody might have, somehow, heard about what had happened to me although neither I nor she has ever told a soul. Let me explain. The...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 120

HOSPITAL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA The HAZMAT team was on the scene. The patients along the hallway were being moved to other areas in the hospital. The assassin's body was gone. Finally Whatley thought it safe to move Hanes. The nurses, red-faced and streaming tears, maneuvered the gurney bearing Agent Hanes' 'body' out of the suite and into the hallway. The city police and the agents in the hallway came to attention and solemnly watched as the gurney was pushed toward the freight...

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Natashas wild abandonment

*** REPRISE STORY WITH EXTRA BITS***Natasha is happily married to Geoff where they have two young sons living in Hertfordshire. Geoff works as a systems analyst while Natasha works part time as an accounts assistant as most of her time is spent looking after the sons.One evening Natasha received a worrying call from her mother who was concerned about not hearing from Claire for a few days.Claire is Natasha's twin sister living down in London. Their mother had no idea that Claire worked down...

4 years ago
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A Night to Herself in London

DISCLAIMER: This is a fantasy story depicting sexual acts involving adults. The story is intended for adult readers only.-----------------------------She'd been working hard in the lead up to this night for months. It takes alot of planning and discipline to look and feel as good as she did as she began to prepare.The day had been spent exercising, fasting and hydrating. As she stepped into the shower after finally finishing cleaning herself out, she sighed deeply since now the fun could...

1 year ago
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The Stripper

His thick cock was pounding into me in time with the beat of the club song. I don’t think that he realized or planned it, but it was causing me to cum wildly, creaming his cock. “Oh fuck you dirty whore, I’m cumming now!” Rob screamed in my ear. I could barely hear him over the music even with him that close, but I could feel him explode inside my wet cunt. His cum was hot and there was a lot of it. He kept shooting and shooting, filling me up. “Fuck Becky, I love you. What a sluty whore you...

1 year ago
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Seduction From Dusk Till Dawn Day 2

I am awaken to the sound of seagulls flying overhead and the beautiful ocean waves crashing against the cliffs below the window. I look at you and smile, you look so sexy sleeping there just like a baby. I kiss your cheek and let you sleep for a little while longer. I get up, put my robe on and head to the kitchen. I look out the windows, which overlook the ocean and realize just how beautiful the view is. I open the patio door and walk outside. The house sits out on this point of land...

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Just this Once

I woke up sitting on the papasan in my dorm room, my textbook over my chest and my bottle of water spilled on the floor. My attempts to study were fruitless as my mind wandered from Greek mythology to erotica. I had a throbbing erection in my jeans from the images in my dream.I got up, stripped out of my jeans and into a pair of shorts. It was 11:35 and I knew my roommate was out for the night. I locked the door and switched off the light to go to bed. I noticed my laptop was still on.Before I...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 73

This one is compliments of billstories‎ WORDS THAT ARE DIFFICULT TO SAY WHEN DRUNK: 1. Innovative 2. Preliminary 3. Proliferation 4. Cinnamon WORDS THAT ARE VERY DIFFICULT TO SAY WHEN DRUNK: 1. Specificity 2. Anti-constitutionalistically 3. Passive-aggressive disorder 4. Transubstantiate WORDS THAT ARE DOWNRIGHT IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY WHEN DRUNK: 1. No thanks, I’m married. 2. Nope, no more booze for me! 3. Sorry, but you’re not really my type. 4. No thanks, I’m not hungry. 5. I’m not interested...

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gettysburg vacation

You might have read my previous story about my black lover visiting me while wife was away for a week.  He is a 55 year old black man, blessed with a nine inch cock, fully six inches around.  I am a 78 year old white man, a heterosexual until I met him about 17 years ago.  Since then we have met from time to time usually two or three nights until he came to visit for a week.He was unable to visit when wife was gone, so we decided to visit Harrisburg and attend the Gettysburg re-enactment,...

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The New Sexual Awakening Part 5

Trevor woke the next morning feeling invigorated. The previous days escapades had put a spring in his step, several in fact. As he descended the stairs to the kitchen below he couldn't help but whistle a jaunty tune.Good morning family! He said bursting into the kitchen.Well someone seems happy this morning! Ellen said, before taking a swig of coffee.You are correct Mother dear, I have never felt better in all my days! Trevor said with a grinso what are you gonna do today b*o? Jack asked.Why...

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The Baron And The Shepherdess

The Baron and the ShepherdessThe Baron and the Shepherdess – Part Iby The Qmoq, dedicated to maddieIn the happy years before the plague came, there lived a Baron in the North of England, a credit to his family and a man respected across the county. He was a fair man in most every sense, loved by the people, admired by the gentry, and his firm jaw line and dark, devilish eyes made him the fancy of most young ladies who had the pleasure of knowing him. Many long days would be spent taking his...

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Breaking the Ice with a little lingerie shopping

Dinner seemed to pass by in an instant. It was our first real date if I don’t consider the time I spent chatting with Kimberly for hours the prior week. It was a chance encounter in a crowded bar after work but maybe it wasn’t really a random meeting. Her sweet smelling perfume drew me near and then a glimpse of her ample cleavage peaking out from her white silk blouse compelled me to want to chat with her.Our conversation that night was light and she was shy but I sensed a smoldering woman...

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My Sons Wife

I didn’t think of her as a daughter, well, I honestly didn’t really think about her too much at all. I worked all the time and when I was at home my wife’s insatiable sex drive kept me pretty busy. Needless to say, I didn’t notice Hailee. Sometimes I need some medicated help to keep up with my wife. I’m getting a little older and to be frank – it’s not always easy getting it up. But I was ready, and my wife was wet, when she got a phone call to go to work – some emergency was happening....

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City Pussy Meets Farmerrsquos Cock

the heroin of this story is 31 years old,[/i][/b]still maintains her figure and her status are 34-30-36. She is very beautiful and looks more like the Tamil actress sneha. We make a perfect couple as she too is always in need for sex.Sumi and I had been married for 8 years and in those 8 years of sex life was just amazing, as we are very open minded couples and had a desire to try out everything possible in sex. We have tried bondage, threesome, foursome and...

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Taste Testing

There were a few weeks of organizing involved for our next adventure. Without Jacqueline knowing, she will be the centre of attention this time round. As we are packing our clothes, Jacqueline asks what I would like her to pack.  “Can you make sure you bring the maid outfit along, please?” I answer. “Of course, anything for you my love,” she replies. If she knew what I had in store for her this evening, would she have been as willing to pack the garment? We arrive at the hotel around 6 o...

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First time with my step sister

The First Night with My Step Sister Let’s start out with a little information about myself back then. I was a very popular guy in school; I was good looking, well built, I was a jock. I had my share of fun with other girls at school, some moms and now my step sister. If you like this story I will continue writing and letting you in some of my hotter encounters. My Step Sister Lori was a pretty good looking girl; she was about 5’6” with auburn red hair, cute little face with some freckles. She...

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The Neighbor

Sarah and Mark, a newlywed couple, had just settled into their new home. After spending a whole day unpacking and getting everything in order, they planned to rest during the weekend. But waking up on Saturday morning, covered in sweat, they realized that their air conditioner conked out during the night. Being the weekend, they were unable to get any air conditioning and heating companies to come out and repair it. By afternoon it was in the eighties outside and even hotter inside. Sarah and...

Group Sex
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Satisavitri Meri Mummy 8211 Part 3

Hi readers, mai Ajay aap sab logo ke liye apni kahani ka next part lekar aaya hun.1st or 2nd part me mujhe abtak koi acha response nhi mila hai.Plz meri story padhne ke bad aap jarur mail krna mujje. Ab mai story pe aata hun . Jisne kisi ne part 1,,2 nhi read ki ho to plz read kr lena tabhi ye part aap aasani se samajh skte ho. Karim uncle or meri mummy dono ek dusre ki bahon me jhum rhe the. Kabhi mummy uncle ke upar to kabhi uncle mummy ke upar. Uncle mummy ke pure sarir me apna hath ghuma...

2 years ago
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Horny journey

I was travelling in a train in II AC coach and due to off season almost the whole compartment was empty. As the Ticket collector checked my ticket I closed the curtains of my cabin and slept on my lower birth switching off the lights putting only a night lamp. In the mid night suddenly I woke up as somebody was pressing my thighs. I slowly opened my eyes and found a boy around 18 years who was sitting in the side berth when I got into the train. I did not move but observing the boy from half...

3 years ago
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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 3 Real estate

I started to look through the papers for houses that might appeal to me now that I could afford one. As I was looking through the realty section of the local newspaper I spotted a picture of a girl I went to school with, she was now a realtor. I called her and asked her if she would like to meet for breakfast the next day, my treat. Shannon was stunning when she walked into the restaurant, she still had long blonde hair and a figure models would kill for. She saw me and sauntered over and...

1 year ago
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18 Eighteen! Do you know what I love about teenagers? I keep getting older, but they stay the same age! Every time that one gets me in trouble, I just say I’m paraphrasing an old movie, but you porno fans know the truth. So does 18Eighteen, who have been banking on that same idea for nearly 30 years now. Hell, their original teens aged into MILF status years ago, but there’s always a new crop coming in. Take the 18-year-old cutie showing off her shaved twat and bleached butthole on the landing...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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The Haunting of Palmer Mansion Chapters 5 to 10

Chapter 5 “Danny, you in here?” Brittney poked her head into the library. “I’m here.” Daniel looked up from his book. He sat in an old upholstered chair. One leg dangled and swung listlessly over the chair’s floral-print arm. “Just reading.” “Man, it’s impossible to find anyone in this house.” Brittney walked into the room and sat down facing her brother. She smiled at him and brushed her long, brown hair behind her shoulders. Her modest, floral print dress almost matched the chair she...

3 years ago
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Billion Dollar Bitch

You have won backstage passes to Smackdown. You are so happy that you got to meet all the stars, but there is one in particular that you want to meet. The huge titted, big booty general manager, Stephanie McMahon. She doesn't seem to be around at this point, so you go off looking.

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I Know Where He Lives

A good mate of mine works in the building trade. This summer, his company were renovating a number of old flats in a tenement building, gutting the insides, putting in replacement windows through a contractor and sandblasting the stone exteriors.As a lawyer, I've done some legal work for him in the past, and I agreed to go round and cast an eye over some paperwork for him - as usual charging him only "mates' rates" for my services - late last month. His office is out of town, and we agreed it...

4 years ago
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Recovery of a HeroChapter 15 The Heros Gift

This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. When I woke up, I remembered the party and what we'd planned for today. Uncle Dar was going to get Ellen and Nancy signed up with my gymnastics instructor and we were going to go car shopping. Uncle Dar wanted a big van so he could take us all at once without having to call Megan for rides and such. We were also going to see if Sandra and Shelly could get into the gymnastics...

2 years ago
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The Girl Who Must Not Sing Ch 14

Chapter Fourteen ‘We needed to keep these tunnels maintained, Sire. Last winter’s melt has put far more water through here than usual. Some of the beams further along look as though they should have collapsed weeks ago. They’re more rot than wood.’ ‘The men will shore them up swiftly enough. Remember, we only need the tunnels once. A little water won’t hurt us.’ ‘It’s not the water I fear. If the girl does do anything on the surface, the repercussions might be severe enough for us to feel...

1 year ago
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A binding love

She inserted the key and unlocked the door. She entered the room tentatively, as if it was her first time. But it wasn't. She'd been here before. The furniture, the fireplace and the painting above the sofa all looked the same. The room was familiar, but the circumstances were different. Yes, it was the aura that had changed, not the room. And the man who awaited her was also familiar ... in the most intimate ways. She had spent hours kissing him, touching him, tasting him. She knew every curve...

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The Bankers Bitch

Katie Billingsley shifted in the hard, uncomfortable chair 7. The Banker?s Bitch Katie Billingsley shifted in the hard, uncomfortable chair. It had been hours since she had eaten, and she was exhausted from the sleep-deprived night. Nothing she had been through could ever have prepared herself for this torture. She was beside herself. What could have gone wrong? She asked herself this question over and over, pointlessly.?Mrs. Billingsley, the president will see you now,? the young,...

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It all started when I was sitting watching the telly when my pretty young girlfriend came down from her bath. "Want me to cut your hair?" she had asked, it needed cutting badly but with the mortgage payments and all those bill there was never enough money left over for things like hair cuts. "Yeah, that I'll be great," I said looking up and to my surprise she hadn't gotten dressed but had just pulled on some clean knickers and had a towel across her shoulders. "Dressed like that you...

2 years ago
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Seducing a Teacher

I had to go to my k**s' school and just as I was about to leave, one of the young teachers, a gorgeous Asian girl, who was wearing a pleated skirt, walked past and around a corner. She had a beautiful face, almond eyes and luscious lips in a sensuous bow-shape. Her hair was raven-coloured and long. When I had first started lusting after her she was a couple of years younger and fuller-figured, but it was clear that she had since been working out, her physique toned, and lean, but still...

4 years ago
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7 Days of Incest

This story uses both CHYOA Conditional Variables and Immersion Variables and is meant to be experienced with Game Mode ON. {if Game Mode = true}Game Mode is currently activated. Please, enjoy the story! {else}Please activate game mode by opening up the side menu on the right-hand side right below the notifications tab, selecting the score table button, and pressing Start Game! Certain pages, events, and customization options WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE!{endif} Subscribe Star:...

3 years ago
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my british slutty girlfriend msn chat history nau

Time From To Message 30/10/2012 22:48:54 Mark and Gem u know who im on msn come say hello 30/10/2012 22:49:04 Mark and Gem u know who hey 30/10/2012 22:49:09 u know who Mark and Gem hey 30/10/2012 22:49:11 Mark and Gem u know who nice 30/10/2012 22:50:14 u know Mark and Gem that u? 30/10/2012 22:50:18 Mark and Gem u know yes 30/10/2012 22:50:21 u know Mark and Gem wow 30/10/2012 22:50:27 u know Mark and Gem very cute hun 30/10/2012 22:50:30 Mark and Gem u...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 18 Driving to the limit

Chapter 18: Driving to the limit I left soon after the family meeting. We had arranged for Rory’s dad to drive us to the racetrack, since Mom and Dad were tied up with the grandparents. When I got to Rory’s, I had a surprise waiting for me. Rory was leaning against his mom’s economy car and he was holding something in his hand. “Guess what.” He yelled out as I got closer. “Yo dude, you did it didn’t you, you passed.” I called back. He had a grin from ear to ear holding up his driver’s...

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Crissie Recovers

Chapter 7 Chrissie Recovers I couldn't really move off the sofa for the next few days as the recovery from the breast implant surgery required me to sleep in a sitting position so mommy laid a sheet on the sofa and propped pillows behind me and for the next four days I just wore a satin dressing gown and kept my movement to a minimum. My new breasts ached and I was too scared to even look at them. Mother was used to me taking care of her every whim so, when the tables were turned,...

2 years ago
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Accidents happen

There are some things in life that are not planned. They just happen! My sister Donna is 4 years older than me and we have never been real tight. We were just typical siblings with an age difference. We would fight all the time over just about anything, but as we got older we managed to become friends. My sister was a wild c***d; I caught her more than once having sex with her boyfriends at our parents' house. I never said anything but she knew that I knew. There were times, and I am sure it...

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