- 3 years ago
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It took so long to drive back to campus that Devlin wasn't sure she was going to make it in one day. She had to stop at the office, her mother's, Emma's store, and finally at Krissi's. At each place she had to recount Evan's proposal and show off her ring. Earlier, before leaving Chicago, she'd spent 20 minutes on the phone to Evan's parents. She was going to make time to fly down to the Keys and naje arrangements for the wedding. Fortunately she had a lot of the details already worked out.
When she got back to her apartment she had a call from Evan on her voicemail: "Love you, miss you, and when can you come out here? We have some things to arrange."
She called him back, getting his voicemail. "I'll have to make time after the season is over for the Athletics. Unless you come here, first."
When she got up the next morning the game of telephone-tag continued. "There's a class that Major League Baseball conducts for players wives, and you need to attend it. It's a two-day class on finances and deportment. They don't require people to take the class, but if you don't, they constantly remind you.
"I think it would be for the best if you came out here. That way we can take time to find an apartment. Plus we have some things we need to talk about."
He'd included a number to call, and reminded her that the people at MLB headquarters in New York would be expecting her call.
Devlin glanced at the time. She had 30 minutes before her first class, barely enough time to get dressed and get there. She smiled as she pulled on her clothes. This certainly wasn't like the dorms. There she could get up 10 minutes before most classes and still make it.
During her lunch break she called the MLB offices in New York. She got the royal runaround until the flunky actually listened to what she was trying to say, and then forwarded her to the right office. The man there was insistent that she drop everything and come out, until she mentioned that she was a college student. Then he was ready to make different arrangements. They finally settled on a date in January when a fresh crop of players, and players' wives, were scheduled to take the class.
She talked with the man so long that she actually got to her next class after the bell rang. The instructor shot her a look, but when she explained it after class he forgave her.
She was leaving her last class when Krissi intercepted her. "Got some time?"
"For what?"
"Dinner," Krissi said. "Nothing more."
"Are you cooking?"
"Me and cooking don't belong in the same sentence."
"I know, that's why I asked."
"How about this place I know just off campus," Krissi said. "It's right around the corner from this coffee shop, and—"
"In other words, the usual place. Sure. When?"
"Doing anything right now?"
"Well, I'm talking with you."
Krissi stuck out her tongue. "C'mon. I've got some questions for you."
The waitress seated them in a small booth against the wall. Krissi waited until they'd been served their coffee, then folded her hands on the table in front of her.
"If I'd gotten a proposal as lame as you got, I would have told him to try again. I don't know how you could have said yes to that."
"But he proposed! He asked the question. That was more important than anything else."
"There wasn't any art to it, no drama. He asked you at breakfast for crying out loud."
"Well he couldn't very well ask me at dinner, could he?"
"There are places in Chicago that are open after the game," she said. "Steve's taken me to a couple."
"And so he proposed to you over scrambled eggs and bacon." Krissi shook her head. "I'm really disappointed in you."
"So what should I have done? Told him no, you'll have to ask later?"
Krissi rolled her eyes. "Once he proposed, of course not. But with only a little effort you could have set it up properly. You needed some place romantic, and trust me, a hotel restaurant is not it."
"Again," Devlin said, "what should I have done? He caught me completely by surprise."
"You told me yesterday, but that was just a summary. Take me through what happened, step by step."
Devlin did so. "In the end," she finished, looking at her ring, "I'm engaged. No matter how he asked me, romantic setting or not, he asked me, and I said yes."
"That's the trouble with you," Krissi said. "You have this utterly practical side to you, and when you listen to it, you're all right."
"I wasn't aware that I listened to it very often."
"Oh, you do, you do," Krissi said. "It kept you in the lifestyle. Most women in this country don't differentiate between sex and love. They figure you have to have both at the same time. There are women who've finally accepted that they can have the passion without having to be in love with the guy first, and they either hop from man to man in their dating life, or get involved in the lifestyle. You figured it out at an early age."
"That was Danny."
"Whatever! Look at all of the girls our age who get hot and bothered over some guy, but don't do anything because they're 'not in love' with him, and then go home and finger themselves repeatedly."
"I didn't realize that was a problem," Devlin said coolly.
"It isn't. But it means they buy a lot of books. In ascending order there's porn, there's erotica, which is porn with a storyline and better lighting, and various forms of romance novels. And that includes Chick Lit and Young Love stories. Don't knock 'em, I've been making some comfortable amounts of money from them.
"But that aside," she continued with a wave of her hand, "they reflect a real element of our culture. There's a split every girl faces: her feelings vs. what society expects of her."
"I've heard this before," Devlin said. "We have this Victorian image of 'nice girls' who are modest to a fault, and chaste. I saw it in high school. If you didn't conform, you were a loose slut. That's why I was always so quiet and low-key."
"And perfectly matched what I'm saying. Girls aren't supposed to go with guys too much older than they are, though after they turn 30 or so that's all right. Girls are supposed to be nice and chaste without a 'naughty' thought in their head, girls are..."
"Sit up straight, keep your legs together, and be nice to older women." Devlin nodded. "I've heard it all before, several times. We're not supposed to sleep with married men who are twice our age, we're not supposed to give in to our libido; a woman is always in control. I think that last causes more harm than anything else."
"Control?" Krissi wrinkled her brow. "In what way?"
"Giving in to your own lusts and fantasies surrenders a bit of control. Giving in so you can climax means you have to give up control to the animal side of your body. A girl has to learn to do that. Too many don't, or do it only partially, and so go through life frustrated as all get out."
"You're quite the philosopher tonight."
"You started it." Devlin refreshed her coffee, giving her friend a smile. "Let's forget all of this about how Evan could have asked me over a romantic dinner. A game finishes between 9 and 10 p.m., assuming they only play 9 innings. Guys have to shower and change, and do various things after a game such as ice down their throwing arms. Then there's the media. By the time they finish and leave the stadium it can be midnight or later. After that you have to find a restaurant and get there... that takes you to 1 a.m. It's no good making reservations, you have no idea when the game's going to be over. One of the wives told me she'd made reservations, and the game went 17 innings and was postponed until the next day when they reached 1:00 a.m."
"What if the player's ejected? He leaves the game early."
"He stays in the locker room until it's time for everyone to leave. Now through all of this I didn't mention the wife, who might be waiting at home, may have gone shopping with other wives on the team, or even be at the game. She's probably been up most of the day, and here it is late at night. Is she expected to get gussied up and go out on the town?" Devlin shook her head. "Not likely."
"So you're saying that doing it over breakfast was logical."
"It might not have been as romantic as you want, but it's what was available."
"Did you think he might flash it up on the scoreboard or something?"
"One of the other wives checked. Evan might have thought of it, but players don't like that sort of distraction. At that level, the difference between success and failure is very small, and breaking a player's concentration can effect the game, and who knows, maybe even the standings."
"That I find hard to believe."
"In 1995 the Seattle Mariners and the California Angels, both of whom are in the same division as Oakland, had to play a one-game playoff. If either of them had managed to have one more victory during the season, or one less, that wouldn't have happened. Both teams used their best pitcher, which meant he wasn't available for part of the first round of the playoffs.
"During a barbeuce during Spring Training, one of the coaches told a story about how a bunt in a game rolled down the third base line, hit a pebble, and bounced foul. On the next pitch the batter struck out, ending the inning. What if that pebble had been just an inch to the left, and the ball bounced fair. Or what if that pebble hadn't been there at all? See? Little things."
"Okay, you've made your point," Krissi said. "He had to do it at breakfast. What did you two do the rest of the day?"
"We did a lot of walking around holding hands."
"And sitting places and kissing I bet."
"Well..." Her voice trailed off as color rose in her cheeks. "Yeah, I think we spent a good part of the lunch hour in a lip lock."
Krissi looked down, chuckling. "You two are going to have to get a room with automatic sprinklers or something for your honeymoon," she said at last. "Otherwise you may set the room on fire."
"We'll make a point of making love in the surf," Devlin said. "You know, like in that old movie."
"From Here to Eternity?" Devlin nodded. "I'll look for clouds of steam rising along the shoreline."
"And boiled fish floating on the surface," Devlin said. "Don't forget that." She took a sip of her coffee. "Seriously, I have a lot of things to do between now and mid-December."
"I figure I'll help you with some of that," Krissi said. She reached into her purse and pulled out a handful of brochures. "I've been looking at honeymoon destinations, and unless you go to some exotic Caribbean hotel and resort, I think your best bet will be a cruise."
"A cruise? You mean one of those big ships?"
Krissi nodded and spread out the brochures. "You only unpack once, and every day or two you have a new destination. All of your meals are taken care of, and..."
She went on speaking, and Devlin felt herself drawn into the idea. Dinner came and went, they went back to Krissi's apartment, and she found herself looking at all of the possibilities of spending a week—or more—on a cruise ship.
Three weeks later, in Oakland, she mentioned it to Evan.
"That sounds interesting," he said. They were sitting on the terrace of a restaurant after a whirlwind day spent looking at apartments. "I've heard a couple of guys on the team mention the idea."
Devlin hid her smile. Most girls she knew in the dorms liked an idea, but only after seeing what her friends thought about it. Evan referred everything back to what his teammates thought. Given the semi-nomadic nature of a ballplayer's life, the team was the only point of stability he had, unless he was married.
"I think so, too," she said. "I think the Princess Cruises out of Ft. Lauderdale would be perfect. Why don't I spend some more time looking into what they have."
"So soon? Or is this part of wedding planning?"
"These ships fill up pretty fast," she replied. "I checked with a travel agent, and she said the earlier you book, the better choice of cabins you get."
"That seems logical," he nodded. "What did you think of the last place we looked at?"
"The apartment was all right, but I wasn't wild about the neighborhood."
"You said that about the three we saw this morning."
"I don't want to live in the middle of town."
"We have a couple of places to look at this afternoon," he said. "They're out a bit farther. I wasn't sure if you'd like them because of that."
"We'll see what they're like."
Evan turned down the first apartment they looked at the next day. It was cramped, and sat right on a very busy street. "I didn't mind the traffic," he told her as they left. "But the streetwalkers were a bit much. The rent was pretty good, though."
"They're just a symptom," she said. "The side streets had garbage in the gutters. I think we should be living some place a little nicer."
"I was thinking of some guy hitting on you if you went out. You look pretty enough that they'd do that."
"I don't wear my skirts that short," Devlin said, "but I've got a big enough bust I'd probably get propositioned. You're right, we're better off somewhere else."
The next apartment was in a building set back in a small canyon. Several players had suggested it, and so had a couple of the wives. It was two-bedroom with a modern kitchen. The living room had a small balcony shaded by some trees. It had a gated entrance, a pool, a workout room, and, nicest of all, it came furnished.
"Good," she murmured as they stood on the balcony and took in the very limited view, "we won't have to buy furniture, at least not yet."
"I agree. Well? Shall we make a down payment?"
"You realize that we probably won't be moving in until next March. That's six months from now."
"Given everything else, that's a small price to pay. I can move over here in a couple of days, that'll help."
She weighed that. They'd certainly been disappointed with everything else they'd seen. Finally she nodded.
The rest of the afternoon was spent signing documents. Evan signed, but she read over everything carefully, just like her company had taught her. Then it was time for him to go to the ballpark, while she had to catch a flight back to Chicago.
"When will we see each other again?" she asked as they waited at the terminal.
"If we make it to the World Series, you're going to be there," he said.
"I hope you do. Otherwise... when?"
"Only one more road trip, and that's to Seattle and Los Angeles, and then we're home to close out against the Rangers. Um, Thanksgiving for sure down in the Keys, and after baseball ends, but before I fly to Puerto Rico we'll want to get together with your mother. But otherwise? Let's see what happens in the post-season."
"Fair enough. I don't have to like it, but I know we don't have much choice in these things."
"Yeah, I know."
They traded high-energy kisses before she got on the plane. When she got home she was too tired to do much of anything except collapse in bed.
She felt the cock sliding in, thick and hard, deliciously hard. And there was a lot of it. She didn't know who the guy was—did it ever matter?—but he was big, and he was taking forever.
She felt his balls on her bottom, felt their hairs mingle, felt his tummy against hers. She sighed happily. Forget everything else, school, work, friends, this was what she was meant to do. She was supposed to take a man, to join her body to his, and to take them both to the heights of passion.
He shifted his weight, stirring himself inside her, stretching her in new directions. She gasped as he withdrew and entered her again. He was so deliciously strong, and he was touching every secret place inside her.
She wasn't sure where they were. She could smell the bed clothes of the apartment she and Jeff had shared for so many weekends. She'd always wondered what had gone through his head. On Sundays they'd wake up and make sweet love before he'd go to church. Sometimes, when he'd come home after Church, they'd make love again, sweet and strong, until it was time for him to go to evening services—she always wondered why he had to go so many times—and then she'd clean up and go back to her room, alone.
Introduction: She came over while my wife and I were still in bed. After she got onto our bed my wife said Fuck her My wife, Janice, and I were living in an apartment and had a next door neighbor named Linda. Linda, an unmarried woman just a few years younger than Janice and also Janices best friend lived there by herself. Linda had one passion in life and that was to fuck. If you were a man with an erect cock, Linda would fuck you. The first time that I fucked Linda was about three months...
Hi readers, I m a big fan of ISS and I have been reading the stories/encounters of many, though many appeared to be their fantasies. I pen down my real life experience which happened Four months ago. Friends this is very long story so please be patient n read completely your satisfaction is guaranteed. I am now 22 years old. I just completed my BE before 2 months. My name is Sujal. I m 5.7in tall, air in complexion, slim n athletic body and a very good dancer and good looking boy. The First...
I was 22 and rachel was 18 . She'd moved into the house next door with her parents 5 years ago and i'd seen her blossom from a girl into a scorching hot young woman . Rachel had light brown hair and her eyes were a green/brown colour.She had smallish breasts and a fantastic arse , problem was she had a boyfriend !She'd been dating this guy who was also 18 for a couple of years , he was quite the looker but they constantly argued ! Our bedrooms shared the same wall and i would quite often hear...
Charger and I took the cab back to Car Row and bought a four-wheel drive, electric blue, Toyota Tundra Super Cab. We took possession and hit the highway while it was still light with no earthly idea where we were headed. How can a grown man start over so many times? At some point we needed to head back to the house in Fort Lauderdale, but the men who took care of things for me had repairs, as few as the house needed due to its construction, under control. They sent me pictures which...
We have corresponded, of course. That’s how it is done in this service. For an on-line dating service, it is standard in its operations if not in its clientele. After a lengthy three-week dance of emails, we had the first of our phone calls. The first was pleasant, lasting forty-five minutes. The next two were longer and more detailed, to the point. It was after the third one and the transmission of some computer files that she agreed to see me. She had not sent me pictures of her body. Only,...
Hi friends, I’m Shahid from Hubli Karnataka, me ek middle class family se hu, aur study ke liye 3 friends contribute karke ek 2bhk house rent pe liye the, well me bams 3rd sem me study karraha tha, ye us din ki baat hai jab ganapati ka festival tha aur mere sab friends apne gaon gaye huwe the, mere neighbour me ek recent married couples the, jo ke 2no job holders the, priyanka (name changed) husband wife 2no primary school teacher the, alag alag schools me, dikne me ek dam class aur well family...
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Based on the storyline of John T (expanded by me) at WW story line used with permission of artist. See the art at the above website, then art/erotic comics John T is down in the right side column. Princess Diana, badly injured from her trip to Everrit Island, managed to fly her jet back to Paradise Island. Dawn was breaking as her plane settled down at her landing area. A nearby Amazon on guard duty saw the plane and got word to the palace to inform Queen Hippolyta...
The SafariMy wife was going through her emails. I hear her chuckle.“This looks interesting. Come see this” my wife said.It was an email from a couple we were friends for a number of years.Bob and Karen. Never heard from them in the past 10 years. We just drifted apart and went in other directions.My wife, Cher, faced her laptop so I could see the email. Yes we still use a laptop instead of our smartphones. Just so much easier on the old eyes. It was two pictures in one. On the left side was a...
Faith let Dirk take her hand and lead her over to one of the couches. She stood like a penitent child, as he sat down on the edge of the cushion with his legs coming together to form a support for her to lie across. With her head hung and staring down at the floor, Faith shifted from one foot to the other, stealing a glance at Dirk from time to time, just as she used to at her father when she was waiting for him to spank her. "All right, Faith. Let's get it over with," Dirk said, reaching...
Extraordinary massage with widow in Hyderabad: Hi ISS.This is vkrishna with my first story, Dear all if I get good response from readers which will really encourage me to post my next on.One of the reason to post this story is that to give pleasure of Good Massage to Hyderabad aunties, Bhabhi’s and girls etc.., and if anyone need NURU massage also can contact me on ….. Hi ISS Readers: Now Story starts….. Coming to the story, few days back i got a mail requesting for a massage as soon as...
He has no idea what Nathan's mother looks like. Tyler was a tall 6ft one black man who is slightly muscular. Light brown complexion. Brown eyes. Today he was wearing a black T-shirt with blue shorts and Jordan shoes. “Hey, Nate. How come I Never Met Your Mother? If you wanted to meet her you could have just asked me. Come on man. I've known you all these years and you've never once suggested your mother. Or ever talked about her. How come? Because I get shy when people me her. What? Why?”...
It was a few days now since we had moved to Cockington and I had seen more strangers fucking in that few days than I had seen in my entire life.That afternoon I was trying to put up some shelves but I soon ran out of screws and decided to head down to the couple of small shops in the village to see if they had any.I strolled into the first shop, the little convenience store and walked the couple of isles looking for some screws after not finding any I approached the till area to ask the blonde...
David was on his way to Jeans house. He smiled to himself, he didn't like his wifes new friend she was everything he despised. Very large and obviously bossy he was undoubtedly intimidated by her. David was an obnoxious man who had controlled his wife into absolute submission taking money from her and spending on booze. Universally disliked by both men and women he was a selfish scrounger who was known as a wife beater and crook. His idea of love was treating his wife like a slave and violently...
It only took us a few moments to get ready for bed, as all we did was take our clothes off and slip under the covers once in my room. Beth had been on a slow boil for most of the afternoon, her pussy literally dripping with desire. She grabbed my cock, started sucking on it so I was hard, then fell backwards, her legs open wide. “Fuck me, fuck me good, my lover!” I had no trouble at all sliding into her, she was so wet. It literally only took her a few seconds to have her first orgasm. I...
Later that week Abby took a day off to drive over to Coolton Grange. She wanted to pick Richard’s brains a little, and felt that time with Maggie would give her some relaxation. Richard was a mine of information about many things, but what gave Abby great hope was his mention of refrigerated transport. The slaughter house in Paverton could do the transport, but at a huge cost as Abby would be using the lorry for a whole day with only a small load. Richard mentioned that he was using transport...
Am Freitag dieser seltsamen Woche lernte ich dann auch Sues neuen Freund Dave kennen. Nicht direkt, aber irgendwie schon. Die letzten zwei Tage waren in Langeweile verlaufen, denn Mom hatte im Büro wieder viel zu tun, kam spät heim und war dementsprechend müde. Manchmal fragte ich mich, ob sie wieder das Penishöschen tragen würde und dann lief ich in ihr Schlafzimmer, durchwühlte den Kleiderschrank und fand diesen Slip regelmäßig, verborgen unter einem Stapel alter Wäsche, ganz hinten im...
‘So glittery!’ Reema exclaimed as she held her fingers out in front of her. Her newly groomed nails reminded her of the fun glitter pens they used to use back in art class. The speckled turquoise paint gleamed like tiny jewels. Her hands felt extra smooth, too, and smelled so nice! As she kept admiring her ‘zany’ nail polish, Cassie pointed out that they still needed to finish working on her toes. Afterward, there was another surprise in store. She wouldn’t say anything else about it, though....
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daughter's Ultimate Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy's sex...
her name was casie she lukked good too white average thick had a booty and a tight ass pussy..she was fucking wit my neighbor one nite me and my guy drunk coming home one nite and he susposingly told me to dial her phone number but it was late in da am for a nigga to get at da next day i get call from her (off my phone) not even knwing me she invites me over to her house to her two k**s. i asked if i can smoke a doobie blunt in her house and she said yeh. so after i get done...
14 Winston Lynn faded from my life like an unfixed print exposed to direct light or as the vibrant colors of some fish dissolve into dead grayness when they are caught and pulled from the water. Her work now entailed much more travel than ever before, with trips to the west coast or New York several times each month. More and more frequently I found myself alone in our penthouse in Cambridge, resentful of what at the time I thought was her obsessive career. When she was at home, she was...
The shock of being caught had completely cured me of that unnatural desire, at least that what I thought and I concentrated on the training. Time had no real meaning, Training was not getting easier. A man who listened to the name of Richard taught me how to use a sword. I knew he was not a keeper and I was firmly convinced he was the one who had trained me before. He introduced me to the different types of swords and showed me that there was more than the widely used broadsword, even though...
If you are new to my stories; all the stories are true events in which I participated. Some details have been changed to protect the guilty. I share these stories to document my transition from a shy virgin to a Dom. BBC Bull. I was contacted by a couple on AFF. They lived in Florida and would be visiting Vegas in a few weeks. The couple lived in Florida and were in their early 30's. He was an Air force Pilot. She was a beautiful blond with one of the best bodies I had ever seen. We exchanged a...
Hi this Sameer I am from Mumbai. This dates back to the later half of 2005. My wife was pregnant and my frustration level was sky high. Over the last 3 months I had hardly got to make love to my wife as the doctor had advised her complete bed rest and no unnecessary exertion. It was pretty difficult for me to keep my mind on anything. All that I was thinking of all the time was where to find a pussy to fuck. I wasn’t really interested in going to a whorehouse or pick up some girl coz paying for...
Shelving the remaining books, Andrea scanned the rooms and smiled with pleasure that Michael was the only one still there with her. As usual, he was sitting on the audio room sofa, seemingly oblivious to anything outside of the room. Since he began visiting her small library the last few weeks, her heart would skip with anticipation each time she saw him walk through the front door. She would make excuses to work near him and watch with fascination as his face lit up with contented affection to...
As I have explained in previous posts, since having sex with men for the first time I have decided that despite having met and fucked with many men, much older guys are my favourite. After having had many sessions with peter who was 63yrs old at the time, our discussions invariably got around to what each other would like to experience if we had the chance. After hearing each others tales about our own experiences I happened to say to Peter that I had this fantasy of being fucked by two men, I...
Hey beautiful ladies. This is fuckeratitsbest, a great fan of indian sex stories dot net here to write my first sex story.Please support me and stay connected with me through This is a fictional story. Hi, this is Siddharth age 17 from Mumbai , this incident occurred to me after a week of my father’s death. I was now living along with my 39-year-old mom Sakshi and 20-year-old sister shrushti. About my mom she is 5’4 attractive woman with a fair skin tone and a 37 D boob size and a great...
Hi, ISS readers, this is Atul once again with a new story. This incident has happened about 3 years back when I was on my annual leave and went to New Delhi for my friend’s marriage. So here I go and I stayed in my friend’s house who was getting married in Northern area, they treat the bride’s friends with total respect and generosity. I was getting a real royal treatment from their family members. There were 5 days for my friend’s marriage and in the afternoon after having our lunch and we...
Once again I am gonna share another story from my past. It is a true story and if you read my other story, you will recall that I mentioned that it may not be super hot, but, it is still all true. To me, that is the best kind of story.When I was in college, I had a this italian buddy in my fraternity. His mom was smoking hot! Everyone of us would eye fuck her when she came to visit him at the frat house. Needless to say he didn't care for our eye googling and would typically keep her away from...
(Author's note - This one might be a bit niche! But with a new Baywatch film out there, I was reminded of the original TV show, and how amazingly hot Yasmine Bleeth was in it as Caroline Holden - see photo. So I thought it might be nice to combine that with a bit of erotic horror. Feel free to add chapters!) Caroline Holden had had a good day. As a Baywatch lifeguard, she often saved lives, but today she’d made a particularly good rescue. She’d pulled an attempted suicide from the water. The...
Michelle's FirstMost women fantasize about how big black men really are and what it would really feel like to have sex with one. I kind of brushed the idea of it ever happening out of my head until I moved to Georgia. I met a couple of black guys a few days after I moved there and they paid a lot of attention to me and were always teasing me about how they were going to seduce me.The first time Mark ever talked to me I started thinking about having sex with him. He had a nice body and all the...
It’s been a while since we last related one of our sexual adventures so with some free time this lazy Sunday afternoon and my awesome husband’s encouragement, not to mention several glasses of wine, I thought I would tell you all about our latest adventure. Because we’ve both been busy these past few months we haven’t had any time to indulge in our rampant sexual fantasies but both Jim and I decided it was long overdue so we went on the hunt for a new fuck buddy for me. If you have read our...
Hi I am Abhay Mittal and after various response to my previous interaction I am here with new story. I am 22 and from Delhi. I am 6 feet tall and have a 6 inch dick. Body structure is average and I love sucking and eating girls pussy. I also like to fuck the sexy bubble butts. Any women interested to have a steamy sexual affair mail me or Kik Me at mittalabby …. This story is real and occurred just few days ago. Ashima Sharma is one of my neighbor and is a horny girl, I saw her many times...