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Kevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin.

Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she'd waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he'd be bunking up with his younger brothers.

"Meet us in the hall as soon as you drop off your suitcase," his mother instructed as she grabbed the handle of her bag. "This is the last time I'll have all my babies together, and I'm not missing a minute of it."

"Okay, Mom," Kevin responded, managing to avoid rolling his eyes until she'd turned her back to head toward the elevator.

The several days allotted to Disneyworld probably weren't going to be all that bad. Going to the beach was a completely different story, but he figured that he'd get through it.

A group of girls exited the elevator as he approached. They were all dressed in clothes that showed off plenty of leg, midriff, and cleavage - every inch perfectly tanned. His mother made a disapproving sound after they'd passed.

Glancing back over his shoulder at four hot butts in tight shorts, Kevin had to heartily disagree.

Lying in bed that night, Kevin groaned and covered his eyes with the crook of his arm. The trip to the beach had been absolutely torturous.

There, a woman lying on her stomach with her top untied, the bare sides of her breasts impossible to ignore. A few feet away, another girl soaked up the sun, her pussy lips outlined in her skimpy bikini bottom. Out in the water, girls in soaked bikinis with hard nipples poking at the cloth were everywhere.

All the while, he was saddled with his parents and brothers.

Should have jerked off in the shower, he thought as he lay frustrated and half hard on the bed, unable to sleep. He briefly considered the box of tissues on the nightstand next to the bed, but it was just too weird.

Giving up, he turned on the light and flipped back the covers to swing his legs out of the bed. The clock turned over to one in the morning as he glanced at it. He muttered, "Fuck," knowing that his mother would rouse him early for day one at the Magic Kingdom.

When he grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini fridge, it sparked a memory. One of the machines in the concession area had some over-the-counter medicine packets in it.

Maybe there's some sleeping pills, he thought with some hope, and picked up his clothes from where he'd tossed them on the floor. Out in the hall, he turned the corner toward the machines and slowed.

"Damn," he muttered under his breath.

Her dark blonde hair was shot through with lighter highlights, not quite reaching her shoulders. She was short, perhaps tall enough to come up to his chest, and curvy in all the right places. It was the way she walked that hypnotized him, though.

There was just something about the way she held her hands, swinging easily at her sides, and the subtle sway of her hips that screamed sexy. For some reason, he thought that it looked natural, as though that was just the way her body moved, instead of a practiced strut designed to attract attention.

He followed, thinking, This isn't fucking helping, but unable to take his eyes off her. She turned into the same glass-enclosed room that was his destination, the motion of reaching into her pocket just as seductive as her walk. He got a look at her face, which was just as good looking as the rest of her, and guessed that she was probably in her thirties.

Got MILF? He silently quipped, hoping to drown the arousal in humor a bit.

It didn't really help.

Neither did walking in just as she bent to retrieve her bottle of water from the soda machine. Her butt looked incredible, and her legs were smooth - shapely - somehow looking far longer than her height would account for. Walking past to the machine with the medicine, he stole a glance at her as she stood. She was wearing a white top, her bra peeking out from behind the straps holding it up. She had large breasts, the globes stretching her top and providing an eye-catching display of cleavage. He tore his eyes away rather reluctantly to pull out his wallet.

"Hello," she said pleasantly as she opened her water and he fed a bill into the machine. Her voice was deep and sultry, almost giving him shivers.

He responded, "Hey," and nodded, doing his best to look casual while punching in the numbers for the little packet of sleeping pills.

"Can't sleep, huh?"

"Yeah, and I have to be up early in the morning." He bent down and retrieved his pills.

"Know how that goes. Well, good luck."


She turned after a finger-waggling wave and started back down the hall, that same unbelievably sexy walk making his cock throb.

The sleeping pills never got opened, but the tissue box was a little lighter when he drifted off to sleep.

The line inched forward.

Thankfully, the day wasn't overly hot, so the long waits in line to get on the rides wasn't too unbearable. Knowing that his parents couldn't see him any longer, Kevin flipped the bird to his younger brothers, who had run ahead to get a place quite a bit ahead of him in line. They returned the salute, and then moved forward again.

As luck would have it, somewhere between him and his brothers, the train for Thunder Mountain filled up, which was perfectly fine with Kevin. It meant that he had a few minutes worth of escape from the family.

"Well, hello again."

Kevin recognized the voice and turned around to see the woman from the night before, back a few people behind him in line. "Hey," he greeted her, thinking that she looked even hotter out in the sunlight.

"I thought that I recognized you, but I wasn't sure until you turned just now." She tapped the man standing in front of her and asked, "Do you mind if I sneak up there?"

He shrugged and let her past, as did the other couple of people between them. When she was standing next to him, she asked, "Get some sleep?"

Kevin prayed he wasn't blushing as he thought about what had put him to sleep - masturbating with fantasies about her dancing through his head. "Yeah."

She cast her eyes downward for a moment and brought her fingers to the bridge of her nose. "I just realized that we don't even know each other's names." She laid a hand on her chest, just above the cleavage that was drawing his eyes like a magnet. "Felicia."

"Kevin," he responded, and then moved forward when she nodded to indicate that the line was moving.

"I've always loved that name. So, where are you from?"


Her mouth dropped open and she made a surprised little sound. "Me too. Well, close enough. I'm about fifteen minutes from U.I.C."

Kevin chuckled. "I'm going there in the fall."

"Well, what a small world."

Letting out a groan, Kevin said, "Don't remind me. I still can't get that song out of my head."

Felicia laughed, the sound deep and rich - inherently sexy. "I wasn't even thinking about that. Were those friends of yours?"

"My brothers," he reluctantly admitted.

"Ah, family vacation, huh? Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm here by myself. How depressing is that?"

Kevin smiled and chuckled while part of his brain piped up, No husband or boyfriend.

"Did you go to the Taste this year?"

That started a chat that lasted through the rest of the line about the Taste of Chicago and the lack of fireworks that year. Kevin couldn't help but smile when she got into the two seat 'train car' with him when their turn to board arrived.

The ride lurched as it went into motion.

"Here we go," she said with a wide smile, flipping her hair in a gesture that he thought just might be flirtatious.

Felicia screamed and laughed through the relatively sedate roller coaster ride, the sound so infectious that he ended up joining her. The way her breasts bounced and jiggled with the rattling motion of the ride was mesmerizing, and it was all Kevin could do not to stare at them. When the train rounded a sharp corner, immediately followed by a jolting dip, she cried out and slapped her hand onto his thigh, the momentum throwing her against him and pressing her breasts against his arm.

Kevin thought he was going to bust straight out of his shorts.

The train came to a stop long before he was ready for that ride to end. She climbed out, and he nearly went into a panic as he scooted on the seat toward the platform, because he was still rock hard. Not having any choice, he climbed off the car and walked beside her toward the exit. Thankfully, she didn't seem to take notice of his embarrassing problem.

"That was fun," she effervesced. "It's been years since I did anything like this."

"Yeah, it was pretty cool." Kevin's cell vibrated in his pocket, and he pulled it out to see a text from his mother.

"The family, huh?"

He nodded. "They're waiting over at this restaurant."

"Well, maybe we'll see each other again. Try to have fun."

"You too," he responded, and then returned her wave before watching her walk away, just as entranced by the way she moved as the night before.

He only snapped back into reality when she vanished into the crowd.

"I really need to get laid," he mumbled under his breath as he went to meet his family.

Though he kept his eyes open all day long, Kevin never caught sight of Felicia again in the park. He struck up a conversation or two with other women while standing in lines, but his mother was always nearby, turning to narrow her eyes any time the topic turned to something interesting.

In the end, he was once again restless and frustrated in his room - the clock creeping toward midnight. Finding nothing on television that he wanted to watch - save for a pay-per-view movie that he didn't dare rent because it would show up on the room charge - Kevin clicked the off button and tossed away the remote.

He'd finished the last of the soda and water in the fridge a bit earlier, and decided to head down to the machine for more. As he picked up his keycard and wallet, he daydreamed about running into Felicia at the machine again, which put a spring in his step. There was just something about the thought of getting in an older woman's pants that turned him on.

He didn't even manage to put more than one foot outside his door before he saw two girls walking down the hall. They were both dressed in tight lycra workout clothes with small towels slung over their shoulders. One of the blondes turned around when she heard his door open, and smiled. A second later, she whispered something to her friend, who also glanced back, and then they both giggled.

There certainly wasn't anything wrong with girls his own age.

Kevin went back into his room and changed into a muscle shirt, his plans changed. He still stopped for a bottle of water, but his real destination was the fitness center. He hit the elevator, running possible ways to break the ice with the two girls through his head, and psyched himself up.

The elevator doors opened and Kevin turned toward the gym, only to see the two girls walking back his way, wearing scowls. They pointedly ignored him as they passed and walked into the open elevator.

What the fuck? He thought in defeated frustration. The fates seemed to be conspiring to throw hot women at him, and then snatch them away in some sort of cruel cosmic joke. Resigning himself to the tissue box again, he turned around and pushed the button to call back the elevator.

A familiar voice drew him up short as he stepped into the elevator again.

"Kevin, wait."

Felicia walked toward him, her pace quick and her expression troubled. She was dressed much the same as the two girls who had drawn him up here, her lush curves bound in lycra, and her hair tied up in a little tail that bounced from her gait.

The elevator door started to close on him, and he slapped a hand against it to make it retreat. As soon as she was close, Felicia asked in an anxious whisper, "Are they following me?"

Kevin saw two men emerge from the fitness center as he moved to let Felicia in the elevator. "There's two guys coming out."

"Oh god. Close the door before they get here."

A quick press of the button set the doors in motion, and Kevin just saw one of the men step in front of the door before it completely closed. Felicia breathed a great sigh of relief and hugged her arms around her. "Thanks."

"You okay?"

She shrugged, her expression still clouded. "They were hitting on me, and really starting to creep me out. You don't know how good it was to see a friendly face."

Kevin paused, carefully considering what popped into his head. Affecting a bit of an angry tone and a scowl, he asked, "You want me to walk you to your room?"

"Could you? I just..." She shivered.

"No problem. Maybe you should call the desk about those two."

"Maybe. Right now, I just want to get away from them."

The elevator doors opened, and Kevin stepped out right behind her. "Which way is it?"

Felicia looked up at the lights above the second elevator and said, "Oh no." She then snapped her gaze to Kevin and asked, "Could we go to your room instead? I'm really worried about those creeps knowing which room I'm in."

The numbers above indicated that the elevator was only a few floors below. "Yeah. Sure," Kevin responded, nodding toward his room.

His heart nearly skipped a beat when Felicia slipped her arm into his and urged him along. A look back when the elevator doors opened proved that her fears were at least somewhat founded. The two men stepped out of the elevator.

Kevin ran his card through the reader - keenly aware of Felicia on his arm - and opened the door to let her in first. He scowled toward the two men milling around by the elevator, but one good look at their bulging muscles made him think twice about going any farther than that.

"You're a lifesaver," Felicia said as he shut the door, her worried expression finally fading away. She then looked around. "I thought you were with your family?"

"Got my own room. They're down the hall a ways. You can call and complain about those jerks if you want."

"I hate to do things like that. I could have just been imagining things, anyway." She rolled her eyes. "Wishful thinking."

Now that the sudden flurry of activity was over, Kevin noticed that beads of sweat dampened her brow. Her skin was flushed, and he assumed that she'd actually got in a bit of a workout before the two men had interrupted her. Her nipples - which were quite large - poked provocatively at the stretchy material of her top.

Wishful thinking, indeed.

Before he got caught staring, he asked, "Do you want to sit down?" Remembering the bottle of water he still carried, he held it out to her as an afterthought.

"Thank you." She sat down on the bed, rather than the chair where he would have expected, and unscrewed the top from the bottle. After a couple of swallows, she sighed. "Oh that's good."

The sound of her voice made the words seem to mean something far different, and chills ran up Kevin's spine. Another cold tingle accompanied blood rushing between his legs.

Felicia waved her hand toward the door. "The thought of having to go back out there makes my stomach go sour. I'm going to be seeing those two around every corner for the rest of the week."

"They didn't really head this way. Maybe they saw us together and got the wrong idea. Could have chased them off."

She grinned a bit sheepishly. "That's why I grabbed your arm. Hope I didn't startle you."

Kevin shook his head. "Nah - it's cool."

Felicia wiped her brow and made a disgusted sound. "I need to get out of these clothes and have a shower."

I'd love to help. "I could go make sure that they aren't around, and then walk you down to your room."

Her lips pursing, Felicia seemed to consider it. "I'm still a little afraid to go back out there." Her eyes brightened and she asked, "Think you might do me one more favor?"

Kevin shrugged and smiled. "Yeah."

"Could you take my key and get the clothes laid out on the bed? I could take a quick shower here, if that's okay? Maybe my nerves will have settled enough to make a run for it by then."

The fight to keep the surprise and excitement out of his voice when he answered made him pause for a moment. "Yeah, I can do that."

Felicia unzipped a small pouch and moved an MP3 player out of the way to retrieve her key card, which she then held out. "Thanks so much. I'm in five-fourteen."

Kevin took the card, already daydreaming about her in the shower - his shower. "Back in a minute or two."

The halls were empty and quiet as Kevin kept his eye on the room numbers steadily descending. He swiped the card when he reached her room and entered, feeling for all the world as if he was sneaking into the girls' locker room.

Her clothes were laid out on the bed as she'd told him, but it was another outfit that drew his eye first. He recognized the shorts and top that she'd worn to the park that day, along with two articles that he hadn't been able to see. The bra was hanging over the arm of a chair, while her panties lay rumpled on the seat.

Curious, he leaned in close to the bra to look at the tag. He let out a little grunt of surprise upon seeing that the size said C-cup, thinking that they looked bigger than that.

Too bad they're not laying on the floor next to my bed, he thought as he straightened. A pale pink pair of panties lay atop the neatly folded pile on the bed. He couldn't resist running his fingers over the satiny crotch of the panties, and the sensation pushed him over the edge from half-hard to throbbing. Beneath them was what appeared to be a pair of men's boxer shorts and a t-shirt with a much faded picture of a teddy bear on it.

Kevin folded the bundle over in half with the boxers on the outside, tucked it under his elbow, and headed back toward the door. He softened his steps while passing his parent's room and his brothers'. Though there was no reason to believe that any of them were up, he wasn't taking chances.

The sound of the shower running greeted him as soon as he opened his door. His eyes widened and he immediately looked over to see Felicia's workout clothes lying on the bathroom floor.


"Yeah, it's me. Found them," he answered, quickly closing the door behind him.

Felicia peeked out from behind the curtain, her hair wet and dripping. "I couldn't wait. Just lay them on the sink."

He sat the bundle down as she'd indicated, and backed out of the room again, reluctantly pulling his eyes away from her.



She chuckled. "Close the door."

He laughed nervously. "Oh yeah. Sorry."

Felicia slipped back behind the curtain as he pulled the door closed.

"Oh my fucking god," he muttered under his breath, adjusting his throbbing erection as he walked away from the bathroom. As if she wasn't sexy enough, now she was naked and dripping, only a few feet away.

Gotta chill. She's already freaking from those guys. White Knight. Play it smooth.

He flipped on the television in hopes of a distraction, plopping down on the foot of the bed, but there was even less on now than before. Half of the channels were switching over to infomercials. It did pull him away from things just enough to soften his raging hardon and keep him from noticing the sound of the shower shutting off.

Thus, he turned with a little start of surprise when she emerged from the bathroom. All the work of turning his mind away from her vanished in an instant. Her hair was damp and her nipples stood out against the material of the t-shirt, which was stretched between her breasts in eye-catching wrinkles.

Those can't be Cs, he thought as his cock reversed course once again.

"Oh, I feel so much better," Felicia remarked as she walked over to drop her workout clothes on a chair.

She bent to pick up her shoes, and Kevin couldn't keep his eyes off her butt. Even though it was shrouded in the pleats and folds of the boxers she wore, it still looked great - as did her bare, gorgeous legs.

Felicia sat down near the head of the bed and let out a little groan. "I left my hair band in the bathroom. Could you get it for me?"

Kevin hesitated for a second, keenly aware of his hardening cock.

Paused in the act of lifting one sexy leg to put on her sock, she said, "It's okay. I can get it."

"No, I got it," he quickly countered, doing his best to keep his hips angled to hide the growing bulge in his shorts as he popped off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

By the time he returned with the hair band, Felicia had already pulled on her socks and bent to tie one of her shoes.

"Here you go," Kevin said, holding out the band while keeping his hips turned away from her still.

"Thanks," she said as she finished tying the bow. Her head moved forward just enough as she straightened to bump his outstretched hand. Kevin instinctively slid his foot backwards and withdrew his hand.

"Oops," she laughed, and then reached out for the hair band. "I can be..." Her eyebrows shot up as she trailed off and then muttered, "Oh."

There wasn't the slightest ambiguity about what she was looking at, or what had brought her up short. Her eyes were locked on his tented shorts.

Kevin quickly walked to the foot of the bed. "So, do you want to head back to your room now?" He glanced back at her to see a little flush in her cheeks and just the faintest hint of a smile, which encouraged him to keep facing the wall.

"It's okay - really," she said as she tied her other shoe. "I mean, at your age, it probably happens every time the wind blows, huh?"

Kevin couldn't manage more than a slight croaking sound, having no idea how to respond to that.

"Oh god, now I'm embarrassing you. I'm sorry." Felicia stood and picked her clothing up from the chair. "An old lady talking about your..." She gestured toward his hips. "Well..."

Completely off balance, Kevin said the first thing that popped in his head. "You're not that old."

"Please," she argued, the word full of self-effacing sarcasm. "It's nice of you to try to make me feel better, though. I think I'd better get out of here before I embarrass myself any more."

"I'll walk you down there," Kevin offered and turned toward the door.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Felicia said while reaching out to lay her hand on his arm.

"No, it's cool," he said as he looked back at her. His eyes were drawn with almost magnetic intensity to her nipples, which were pointing at him as if in accusation. He snapped his gaze away - just a little too quickly - and saw a flash of curiosity in her eyes.

"That isn't for me, is it?" When he winced slightly, she continued, "It is. Oh, now I feel even worse. I'm walking around here half naked, getting you all worked up."

Kevin shifted nervously from foot to foot, but when his eyes met hers for a second, something smoldering there caught him and held him.

"Now you're all hard and horny, and I'm just going to leave you like that. You must think I'm such a bitch."

Kevin shook his head, unable to even manage the word no.

"I'm just going to feel terrible about myself - and after you've been so nice to me." She took a step closer, a crooked grin turning up the corners of her mouth. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

No fucking way, Kevin thought, but she didn't give him a chance to actually answer.

Felicia's fingers curled around his cock through his shorts and she let out a short, high-pitched moan. "You are hard. Is that all for me?"

Kevin groaned and answered, "Yeah."

Her moan this time was deep and long as she squeezed, making him throb in her grasp. "I have a little confession to make. Those guys didn't really worry me that much, and I knew you had your own room." She released him just long enough to tug down the front of his shorts and wrap her fingers around his naked cock. "Can you forgive me?"

"Maybe," Kevin played along, tugging upward on the tail of her t-shirt.

Taking the hint, Felicia pulled off her shirt, freeing her breasts. She let the cloth drop negligently behind her and folded her arms atop her head, prominently displaying the large globes, each capped by a light brown oval and the largest nipples he'd ever seen.

"How about now?"

"A little closer."

"Then I'll just have to try harder." As she spoke, she sat down on the bed, grabbing the waistband of his shorts at the same time to pull him toward her. As soon as he was close enough, she tugged down his shorts and the boxers beneath in one smooth pull.

Kevin made a half-conscious attempt to push his shorts down the rest of the way while she stroked an incredibly soft hand up and down his twitching shaft. Felicia looked up into his eyes, biting her lower lip as she grinned, her other hand slithering beneath his shirt.

He took the hint, just as she had, and pulled off his shirt. Felicia purred, stroking him a little faster as she let her fingertips glide over his abdomen. "Oh, you're gorgeous," she said in a breathless whisper as she leaned in to kiss his stomach.

She traced kisses all over his chest and abdomen, pausing for a few moments to suck on his nipple, all the while pumping her hand over his turgid manhood. Kevin managed to drop his shorts to the floor and step out of them, still pretty much in disbelief. Felicia leaned back as he stepped on the heels of his shoes and switched hands. Her breasts jiggled from the motion, and he couldn't resist reaching down to squeeze them.

"Mmm. You like my tits?" She switched from stroking him to teasing the head of his cock with her fingertips.

"Fuck yeah," he answered as he pinched both nipples at the same time.

"Ah!" Felicia whimpered from the shock, and then threw her head back as he caressed her breasts, teasing the tips every so often. When she looked back up, her lips were slightly parted, and she licked them with the tip of her tongue. She reached up with her free hand, and he leaned down to kiss her.

Kevin was a little surprised by the hunger in her kiss. Her fingers twined tightly into his hair, and her tongue explored his mouth. The hand wrapped around his cock squeezed tight, making him throb powerfully. It was like nothing he'd ever experience before - primal and needy. When their lips parted, she gasped and pushed him back slightly. A translucent drop of pre-cum had welled up from his swollen purple tip as she squeezed him, and she leaned down to scoop it up with her tongue in a sudden movement.

Kevin shuddered and grunted as her hot tongue brushed the head of his cock. His left hand found its way to the back of her head. Felicia moaned, her tongue darting out to flick under the rim of his cock helmet. Once, twice, three times the torturous little touches made him twitch, and then her soft lips engulfed him.

"Fuck," Kevin grunted as she sucked on the head, swirling her tongue over it. She pulled back in almost a kiss after a few seconds, looked up into his eyes, and took him deeper.

Felicia moaned around him as she sucked up and down his shaft, her hand still pumping at the base. First, her lips slid slowly over a couple of inches below the head, and then she switched to a fast bob of her head that made his fingers tighten in her hair. The next suck went even farther, all the way down to her now stationary hand.

Kevin breathed hard, his gaze rapt upon her worshiping his cock - when he could keep his eyes open. He never once felt even the slightest scrape of her teeth, and her tongue was doing things he couldn't even begin to describe. No girl had ever sucked him like this, and he felt the itch of impending climax starting to build.

But she wasn't done.

The hand curled around the root of his cock moved to his balls, cupping them, and then she did the most amazing thing he'd ever seen in his life. Felicia swallowed his cock, a little croaking sound escaping her as her nose nestled in his pubic hairs.

"Holy fuck," Kevin cried out as she opened her mouth wide and snapped her head back, trailing thick strands of saliva from her lips to his cock.

She sucked in a quick breath, swallowed, and then looked up to him to ask, "Like that?"

"Hell yeah," he responded, his voice deep as he tugged on the back of her head.

"Anybody ever done that before?"

"No way. That was..." He couldn't find the words.

She smiled up at him and wiggled her tongue over the head of his cock. "Better than all the girls you've been playing with?"

"Way better. Damn, you know how to suck dick."

"I love it. It turns me on." With that, she engulfed him in her hot mouth again.

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Straddling one of her lover's subordinates, Vivianna felt Nukuma Zamblia's large cock penetrate her ass and slide deep inside. She emitted a drawn-out erotic moan while Nukuma's other subordinate, standing beside the mass of heaving bodies, made full use of Vivianna's perfectly shaped mouth, stifling her erotic moan with his engorged helmet. Despite enjoying the way she was being used and loving the sensation of the powerful African cocks pulsating inside her, Vivianna felt guilty. Not only...

2 years ago
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My 2 AM Phone Call

It was about 2 AM when the phone rang. The voice on the other end simply said to get dressed. He told me exactly what to wear. Exactly. He wanted me in a black micro mini skirt, little black mesh top that barely came below my nipples, five inch platform heels, lots of junk jewelry and a bushy Vegas platinum blonde wig. He said to come to the Diamond Motel on the Gulf Freeway and then he hung up. I recognized his voice as the black man who I had met at a video store several years ago. I'd seen...

3 years ago
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The Cowboy and the College Girl Chapter 15

Chapter 1The CrossingTowing a horse trailer down a busy city street, at rush hour is not an easy task. The traffic was just crawling along. I seem to be going nowhere as the stop lights catch me one by one. I have to get out to a friends house to pick up four horses and haul them back to my farm for the spring. My friend is leaving to go out of town so I must hurry. “I wish I had gone the long way around and avoided all this traffic.” I say to myself as I impatiently drive down the busy street....

3 years ago
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Watch Me

"Watch Me." Those two simple words fell longingly from Anabel’s mouth as she gazed through the panes of her bedroom window, dripping from her pink lips with heated promise as she shivered upon the edge of her bed. The words fell from her trembling mouth devoid of sound, her body humming in nervous anticipation as her widened, hazel hued eyes obsessively zeroed in on his motionless form as he watched her from afar. He mimicked her perfectly from within the safety of his home, his spine rim rod...

3 years ago
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Worth the wait

I had a few great months looking at X Hamster daily and wanking as often as possible. Great fun chatting and had made one special friend that dressed up and sent photos. Had a good few sessions on messenger or phoned him when I worked away and had a great wanking session. I thought I would have a change and decided to not come for a few days. After a nice fuck around midnight Sunday I thought thats it will hang on now until Thursday. Thought it would be easier if I set a day. Only problem time...

3 years ago
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The Powers 2

Check out the first story: You have just gotten back from your college class and had the rest of the day off. You enter your dorm thst you shared with your girlfriend Luna. You begin to think how much has changed since highschool. For starters Luna is your girlfriend and she has changed a bit too, she now has blue hair and has tan skin since you both go to the beach a lot. You look at the small black box that you have on your desk. "I think it's time to...

2 years ago
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Tantalizing Tales in Tyria

As said, knowledge of the franchise is not required. Provided will be art of how the races appear, and it's a fantasy world with magic and all that fun stuff. It isn't like the story will go deep into lore anyhow. Refer to the writing guidelines if you want to add your own routes, and if you'd like, check out my other stories as I have quite a few, Some of which are interactive games. I don't write on the site as much as I used to, but I'll leave my donation link here just in case you have a...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Sarah Chapter 1

Sarah is a 22 year old substitute teacher with big dreams. She just graduated from college last spring and now was trying desperately to get her foot in someone’s door. Everyone has been telling her teachers were needed everywhere. What she was finding out now much to her chagrin was that that was not exactly true, at least not in this town. She had already gone through 4 interviews and received 4 rejections. We are looking for someone with a little experience. How many times has she...

2 years ago
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The Commuters

On the tip of my tongue were the words “fuck off, pervert”; not particularly lady-like but it usually has the required effect. However from the corner of my eye the frotteur looked slightly interesting if somewhat different.As usual the underground train was squashed with the 'sardines' that made up the commuters of the early morning rush hour. Packed so tightly that one could hardly breathe, and if one did it was air that carried so much halitosis and stale sweat that it was almost possible to...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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The 10 of them Chapter 7

We eat a great lunch. Just before we leave the Judge shows up. He watched as Marshall put a one hundred dollar bill on the table for the tip. The Judge curious asks, “Marshall, how in the world do you have money the throwaway like that?" Marshall laughs and then says his reply, “Dad, I said I was taking a year off from school, not from working. JJ is instructing me in how to be a stock market trader. Today was my first day. I just made a little over forty-two thousand dollars.” The Judge...

3 years ago
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Barb and Me

My love life had been hit and miss in the five years since I'd finished college and moved to my job in the Seattle area. I bounced from one relationship to another, most ending in a less than positive way. I had become very good friends with a woman twenty years older than me at work. Our off hours friendship was limited to stopping for a coffee or an occasional beer and me spilling my guts to her about my inability to make a relationship work. I had been open with her about most everything...

1 year ago
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Fuck-marry-kill is a classic childhood game that often makes its way into bar conversations. The idea behind it is that you choose who you would marry, fuck, or kill out of three candidates. Said people are usually celebs, although real humans make it into the mix also.For example, out of the three, I would marry Zoey Kravitz, fuck Rihanna, and kill Beyonce. That is a particularly tough one, but you get the point.F.M.K Race EditionI invented a fun, if racist, variant on the game where you...

Asian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Transformation of Mr Price ndash Chapter 4

A man travels on business to San Francisco and through the inadvertent misuse of a male enhancement cream is transformed into a woman. If you have not read previous chapters this won’t make a lot of sense.I touched the tip of my cock, which was barely a nub between the folds of skin where it had been pulled inside me as if it was shrinking out of sight. And the moment it contacted my cock I felt the flush from the night before, and I didn’t care about the side effects anymore, yes I was...

1 year ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 18 Aftermath

Jack didn’t know what to say, and for once, neither did Construct. Instead, without the power that the crystals of the Order were providing, he knew people would begin to investigate what was happening in the bungalow. He needed to leave quickly. Jack used his handkerchief to turn the doorknob to open the front door. He stepped out and walked away, using his power to make anybody around ignore him. He continued through the hotel and out to the street, tossing the passkey into a garbage can...

3 years ago
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Sonia Sharma A Dirty Whore Diwali Celebration With Nephew8217s Friend

hii guys kaise hain aap sab i hope aap sab ache sai hai or roj mujhe yani aapki personal slut sonia ko apni raato ki rani ko bahut pyar kar rahe hain or i hope ki aap sab mujhe kaafi miss bhi kar rahe honge i am sorry for that by the way mai hu na guys aap logo kai liye hi to hain ye mere teeno ched jinme mai aap logo kai bade bade cocks ko lena chahti hu uska pani peena chahti hu to guys aap taiyaar hai meri new story kai liye To guys maine bahut si stories likhi hain or aapke comments ne...

2 years ago
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Immortality Truly ExistsChapter 2

As evening approached, Lynn and Angie withdrew to separate bathrooms to prepare for what was to come. They had so many mixed feelings. They had become totally comfortable with family nudity and losing themselves in the pleasure of experiencing the other making love with their mutual lover, yet this seemed so different. They were no longer adolescents who could legitimize curiosity about same-sex love; they were middle-aged, 48 years old. They were both concerned how this might impact the...

2 years ago
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Paying For the Broken Promise

I was barely in the door. Friday evening after a week on the road. A big hug and a kiss from Lisa and then WHAM. "Okay drop your pants" she commanded. "What? What on Earth are you talking about?" I replied. Since Lisa had decided that her favorite activity in life was cock teasing, she had become rather unpredictable, but this was very strange. "Don't argue with me, just do it. I want to be sure about something." I've learned that arguing about Lisa's demands just causes me all the more...

1 year ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 4

I awoke at about 3:30, and didn't ring the front desk to collect my Keno strike. How weird would that have been? "Hello, I know I won big at a game that's nearly impossible to win big at, so send up my money right away." I don't think so. So I clicked on the TV to the sports channel, and checked my phone for messages from Io. There was an email, and when I decrypted it, I found that she'd arranged for a completely new identity, and where did I want the packages with the papers sent? I...

4 years ago
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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 12

Bea was comforted by Jenny's words of love and her promise never to desert her but she began to question her own beliefs. When her uncle had come on to her she did not understand what he was up to but she was still revolted by it. She had said nothing to her mother because her uncle was her mother's brother. She had said nothing to her father either because she felt too embarrassed. Then there had been boys at school who had tried to press their luck using superior strength. Luckily, she...

3 years ago
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Stranger in the DarkChapter 2 The Hockey Game

I didn’t know who was knocking on my bedroom door. It didn’t matter, really. They were going to be dead just as soon as I could scrape up the energy to get out of bed. You’d think after sleeping a good ten hours, I’d be ready to go. But, no. No, I was not. I had slept fitfully, tossing and turning all night. I dreamed constantly, searching for my stranger, and woke more exhausted than ever. A fist banged against my door, louder and more insistent. “Tess, if you don’t unlock this door now,...

4 years ago
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Forced to Slavery

Forced to Slavery By Heather2837 It was our honeymoon. My new bride and I were traveling to many sites in the world prior to my joining my new law firm and beginning my career. My new wife, Beth, had been my long time girl friend throughout college and when I finally graduated from law school, we took the big plunge and became engaged. She had always been the love of my life and this was just a natural continuation of our relationship. Beth was 22 years old and was a naturally...

3 years ago
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The Client

The ClientMy victim, or ‘client’ as I like to call them, today is a special case.? The King has ordered me to make his punishment the most extreme in recorded history, even though no one will ever see the record.? Only the King, his daughter, myself, and of course the client would ever know.? He’d had the audacity to rape the King's daughter, and it was my job to make sure he paid the price for such a disgusting act.? I had already begun, but only with preparations.? I had my men strap him into...

1 year ago
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A Sons Vengeance Ch2 Halfsisters Forgiveness

I shot a few hoops in the park with my friend, Marcus and Alex. Usually, Im in the lead, but this time Im dead last. Hey, is anything wrong? Marcus asks me. Normally you have a much better game than this. I know that I normally whoop your ass in Basketball, but you do seem to be off your game. Ahh, Alex obviously has some memory trouble. Trouble at home? Something like that. Well, if that bitch of a step-mother gives you any trouble, then tie her up and teach her a little lesson with your...

3 years ago
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The Library

I'm sitting at a desk in the library reading a book (around closing hour when there’s almost nobody)I’m wearing a pencil skirt cause ‘my lover’ requested that. suddenly i feel hands running up my calves.I keep reading, trying to concentrate. Which becomes harder when I feel that she hiked my skirt higher. I’m sure she can see the wet spot on my panties. Breathing becomes harder when i feel her mouth for a second on that wet spot before her finger pull down my panties. I know she has a grin on...

2 years ago
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With Friends Like These Who Needs Enemies

You sit in a basement with three of your good friends, Katie, Kelly, and Tessa. Typically you all hang out in a larger group with more dudes, but tonight it's just the three of them. Rachael is venting about her boyfriend Nick. "It's really weird," Rachael says. "He has this fetish for nurses. He wants me to jerk him off while wearing purple latex gloves. That's weird right?"

1 year ago
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The name's Jack Wayne. I'm a private detective. It all began on asweltering Friday in June. I was sitting behind my desk thumbingthrough a paperback of "9 & 1/2 Weeks" and sipping a glass ofbourbon when my secretary stuck her head into the office."Hey, Jack." she said in an annoying tone. "Jack, put the bookdown for a minute!""What is it with you?" I growled. "You always butt in right whenI'm getting to the best page, Betty!""Excuse me for interrupting your reading hour!" she...

4 years ago
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Michelle school days

Michelle was a sweet little 16 year old being brought up by her step dad after her mother left them 10 years previously, her education was very strict going to an all girl catholic school, there were 2 male teachers at the school, Matt and Chaz. Chaz was head of history and Matt was head of sport and fitness. Matt was well fit and very good looking he was dating the Maths teacher Tracey a very nice person and well liked by all the girls, Matt was drool factor 10, all muscles and a real tight...

1 year ago
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Lucky Son Chapter 1

"Nick, are you listining?" asked his mother.  "Oh, yeah, sorry mom." He replied as he snaped out of his thoughts.  "I just asked you if you wanted to go out this weekend or just stay at home?"  This was a normal question as she is a single mother. They usually go out for dinner around twice a week. Usually someplace like applebees.  "Uh, I kinda just want to stay home this weekend." replied Nick, as he was thinking of his mother again. He has only seen his mother naked a few times....

2 years ago
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Milwaukee Cuckold and a friend

Milwaukee Cuckold and a family FriendJudy and I have had a cuckold relationship for over 20 years. One of her sisters and her best friend knew but none of our other personal acquaintances knew what sort of life we really led.She threatened to tell friends and family members all of the time but never did. I came home from work one Friday and I see the dinner table set for 3 people. Judy walked in the room then and she was wearing one of her really short skirts and her top was done for maximum...

4 years ago
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Comforting the Brothers Pt 02

Comforting the Brothers (Part 2) After my first venture out it to the real world with Sally, I knew I would have to do that again. For the next six or so months she would visit every time my shift schedule resulted in the whole weekend off. We would spend the day shopping, having lunch, getting our nails done, etc. and in the evening go out for dinner and maybe a club. I was also now shaving my legs and underarms pretty much full time. My eyebrows had gotten thinner and were more...

1 year ago
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Devina Is Caught

Devina is Caught By Devina Johns 'Oh my GOD what that hell are you doing' screamed my wife... It was I suppose a very good question, I was sitting at my pc looking at a picture of a man dressed as a women, with his hands tied behind his back while sucking another mans cock. To make matters worse I was dressed in a short blue mini skirt and white blouse, black stockings and patent black 4 in heels and to cap it all off my wife's black trench coat. Very much the slutty...

3 years ago
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His Love

Sometimes I think it’s only my love for her that brought me through. Every time we went down range, when every step could be your last, all I could think about is how I have to get back to her. And I made it. Only a couple of scars to show. On the outside that is. But it makes you appreciate what you have. I got dealt a plate full of serious. I don’t fuck with life the way I used to. She’s everything to me. I’m more in love with her than ever. And love does heal things, over time. I can tell...

1 year ago
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Making love on the beach

Michael and I have are very...let's say...involved in each other. When he's there, everyone else disappears. When he kisses me, I feel a warmth tingling through me, starting at my pussy and radiating through my entire body. I love him so much, and whenever I'm near him, all I want to do is drop to my knees and make him feel everything I feel. I love his cock, and I worship his body. Sometimes, all I have to do is bury my face in his chest hair, and I'm soaking wet. I had only been with boys...

3 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 3

Roxie sank into the bucket seat of Cal’s new Mustang. It occurred to her that it was more comfortable than any chair in her aunt’s house. The air conditioning was such a welcome relief from the summer heat. “I could sure get used to this” “You’re so nice to come pick me up, Cal,” she said aloud in her sweetest voice. “I love your new car.” “No problem,” Cal grunted. “I wasn’t busy. I don’t know why I bought this car. It’s a lot more car than what I need.” “I like it a lot,” she...

2 years ago
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My Special Lori

Her beauty is undeniable.Her eyes, nose, lips and high cheekbones were a cross between Nicole k**man, Maria Sharipova and Sigourney Weaver. Although not tall, her body was well proportioned with a shapely body, firm legs and soft supple skin. Her mouth has a quirky way of turning around certain words, which made her even more attractive when she spoke and she had a habit of licking her lips with the tip of her tongue sticking out of her mouth when she spoke. Her teeth were straight white and...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Blue Dream Tell Me I8217m Better Than My Sister8230

Blue has been on the phone for almost an hour and the topic of conversation is of course Marie. Blue and Marie may be siblings..but they do not have a warm and fuzzy family relationship. The two are soooo different and those differences show just about every time the two are around one another…and since they both live together…they see each other a lot. Not today since Marie is out…but she’s still the topic of conversation of course. That is…until someone knocks at...

2 years ago
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Sitting in Daddys Lap

She was quite tipsy from drinking, just enough to stumble in high heels, so giggling at herself, she took them off before entering the house as quietly as she could. Allie was 5'9" with long, luxurious blonde hair, wavy tonight because she had done it up for the party. She wore a red dress that barely went halfway down her thighs, and made a half-hearted attempt to contain her ample bosom, which she loved flaunting for attention. Her family said that Allie looked and sounded just like her...

1 year ago
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Fuckin my sisinlaw

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Raja I am the greatest fan of this site when it was only a month old. I never try to write because I am practical man and don’t live in fantasy world and never had any kind of sexual experiment before my marriage you can say “ BECHARA” By the way I am 30 years old and former boxer, have lovely wife and two kids, living in USA since 10 years. Now desi friends want to know why I am writing when I don’t have any fantasy or any sexual life other...

3 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 31

Joan and I watched all the traffic cam footage. It took an hour to find a good shot of the plate. It was too out of focus or broken up to read, but Joan sent it to the studio techs. We wouldn’t get an answer until after my walk the next morning, so I gave up and went to bed. I was like that. I was able to switch gears back and forth seamlessly. I knew that when I awoke the next morning, I could pick up right where I left off. That’s exactly what happened at 6:45 the next morning when I...

4 years ago
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Runner and Lilah

“I gotta get out of here before it gets cold,” she said, almost to herself. He shot a look at her profile without breaking stride. He hated when she spoke like that, but he kept his mouth shut. They were surrounded by abandoned factories where the old service road was scarred by frost heaves and cracks with spindly weeds pushing through them. Lilah was three years older, but they were both too young to remember when the industrial park had been active and booming. Runner had a flash of the...

1 year ago
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Sucking off my best friend

My friend john (18 years old) invited me over to his house. It was just me, him and his brother who were in. Me and john went upstairs and left his brother craig downstairs to watch TV. John sat at his computer and asked me if i wanted to watch some porn he had downloaded. "sounds good" i said. After a few minutes of watching he asked if it was ok if he could jerk off. I was greatly excited about this- for a long time it had been a fantasy of mine to imagine him stroking his big cock. "yeah as...

2 years ago
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Hii to all readers , its raj , 28 year old guy , currently living in delhi. Lookwise i m 5 feet 11 inches , very smart and handsome , with athletic body. The experience of mine , that i m going to tell you all is all about that happened between me and my neighbor , a charming housewife and a young college going guy . I consider myself as lucky that i got chance to enjoy with a married 27 year old lady , vry beautiful and decent . Who had never got involved with any one other then his husband,...

3 years ago
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My Box pt5

I woke up to something banging on my body. ''Fuck'' I look down to see Tony getting IT IN ! It takes minutes for my hips to get in - tune w/ the beating they're getting. I finally get the swing and jump up and down on the penis that's being handed to me. I look directly in his eyes, give him that look to let him know I can play hard ball too. He rolls over and now he's on top. He grabs my throat and squeezes. He knows I like that ROUGH shit. What the hell is that feeling !?!?...

1 year ago
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One man’s Panty Deal is another man’s soiled drawer rip-off. Honestly, my dudes, the market for used panties is better than it’s ever been, so there’s no reason to settle for anything less than exactly what you want. You just need to know where to look, and you’re definitely on the right track. My whole mission here at ThePornDude is to help guide my fellow perverts to precisely the material that gets them off. Often that means pointing toward a collection of dirty movies, but I’ve got...

Buy Used Panties
2 years ago
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Roscoes CapitulationChapter 5

Tom and I reached the farm and hung back to survey the task of Roscoe's car entering the farm. He entered without fanfare and exited his car, walking to the door of an out building. We advanced to that building for reconnaissance, to see what we could determine the activities were. We found a window and looked inside to see the first assailant walked up to the bound woman and began to feel her clothed body. As he found some exposed skin, he stopped to increase his fondling of the trussed...

1 year ago
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Seduced by the Milkman

This story is in two parts concluding with Virgins no More. All characters are seventeen or over. Way back in time when I was young and naïve I would hitchhike from just north of Watford to Llanberis in North Wales.  I had done this several times usually without incident however this time it was a bitter cold rainy afternoon and nobody was stopping, by 4pm I was totally pissed off as I waited by the roundabout leading up to the M1.  I was about to give up when a tanker pulled up, I opened the...

1 year ago
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Welcome to ZZ Cartoon, a website that’s home to so much fictional (3D) cartoon hentai porn that it can keep its fans satisfied and jerking off to something new on a daily basis. There is so much XXX cartoon content on here that you could fap to something new every hour for literally years, and the content itself is pretty varied so you can switch between videos, images, and comics if you don’t wanna settle for one format for too long. This site hosts all kinds of fictional porn, from drawn...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Camping with Parents Friends

As I said, I baby sat for them fairly often. When I was 15 or so, I got dropped off at their house. Jan was still getting cleaned up while she waited for Steve to get home. Her kids were asking her tons of questions in her bedroom and her door was open. I stood in the kitchen drinking juice and for some reason,15 year old curiosity I suppose, I slowly started inching to my right. As i did this, I was able to see more and more of Jan's room through the door. Inch by inch I crept, not...

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Reality Of Casting Couch

Hi, My name is Harry, and this is a story of a girl who narrated her experience to me. The story will be narrated in her words. I didn ‘t knew there was any struggle in the Bollywood industry… i just knew i had to be one of the top actress, where money and fame were too much to handle…. Let me introduce myself to u…. My name is sanjana… i belong to Chandigarh… i am just 23 years old, and u can call me beautiful…it took only 3-4 persons to convince me that i could be an actress in Bollywood and...

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GangbangCreampie Brooke G82

Say hello to the lovely little Brooke. Boy howdy is she a cutie. Coming in a whopping 4’11 she is the epitome of a spinner. She’s a liberal arts college girl, and former cheerleader. She loves cock, cum, and gangbangs (See the first part of her interview) During her interview we learn a bit more about her. Isn’t she adorable? She has the best facial expressions and smile. She plays coy, but tells us about her dirtier side. On the walk to the car we attempt something new. We...


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