The Audition free porn video

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The Agency

Julie Taylor was not normally a shy girl, nor for
that matter a timid girl in any sense of the word. At
nineteen she had lost her school-girlish outlook on
the world and those about her, as long as she was mix-
ing with her own age group.

When a perfectly normal, healthy girl as attractive
as Julie looks at an older person...well, she couldn't
help thinking that anyone over thirty is middle-aged,
and over thirty-five they must be well past it!

It was perhaps this normal attitude towards older
folk that made her just a little tremulous now as she
waited in this very luxurious, sweet-smelling apartment
of a certain gentleman of Oriental origin, whom she
knew to be well past his fifties, and in her eyes a
very old man.

Tse Ling had kept her waiting while he bathed and
changed. It had been through a small theatrical agency
that he part-owned that he had first become aware of
this pretty girl who now waited for him in his scented
living room.

Julie Taylor had taken part in many amateur
theatricals while she had been in college. When she
had taken a job as a fully trained shorthand typist
with a firm in the West End of London, she had - more
for a joke than anything else - visited the small
office of the Ling-Tan Theatrical Agency, which
happened to be close to her place of employment. If
any part-time aspiring actresses were needed, she
would be pleased to do some more acting, not that she
wanted it as a full-time occupation but more as a

She had been surprised at the utmost care the woman
in the Agency had taken in getting the full details of
the young lady calling on them, and she had been even
more surprised when a few weeks later she had a letter
from the Agency explaining that they were engaging a
few young ladies of limited experience, like herself,
at a salary that made Julie's eyes boggle, and if she
was interested she was to present herself at an address
given in the letter on Tuesday evening next at seven-

The address was also in the West End, and she had
to meet Tse Ling whom she remembered seeing for just a
very few brief moments at the Agency, after she had
been interviewed by the woman.

A small Oriental man had admitted her into this
expensively furnished apartment, and now after a few
minutes of waiting, the portly smiling Tse Ling himself
came into the room, gave her his apologies for keeping
her waiting, and bowed low. She saw he was wearing a
very ornate silken dressing robe. She thought it odd
that he should have been taking a bath at this time,
when her appointment had been arranged. She had been
on time to the dot, she was not early or late, and yet
he had not been ready for her.

He poured her a drink and started to talk about
the impending company that he was getting together.
She sipped at her drink. It was strong, rather like
a concoction of whiskey and other spirits. She did
not drink much; the drink was positively too strong
for her and she disliked it but feared it might offend
him if she at least drink a little. She tried to
continue sipping at it. She had heard that Orientals
had strange ideas about hospitality being refused, and
with the chance to get into a theatrical company at
the wage that had been mentioned, the last thing she
wanted to do was to upset this important little man.

He went through her previous experience; or rather,
her lack of experience. She knew he must have all
these details already, but he seemed to be intent on
going through every minute detail again.

She wished she had taken more time with her drink,
for now that her glass was empty he hastened to re-
fill it. By this time, however, she was beginning to
acquire a taste for it, not knowing that it contained
an oriental aphrodisiac d**g; and by the time her
second glass was empty she felt strangely relaxed and

She kept answering his questions, but instead of
sitting upright in her chair and being very attentive
to him all the time, she leaned back more comfortably,
quite aware that his slanty little eyes were looking
down at her legs, which were not being kept so primly
together as had been the case when she first sat
opposite to him.

Tse Ling was not sitting quite so demurely as be-
fore either. For his part he began to sprawl on his
chair, his change of position allowing the silken robe
to fall open at the front.

Her eyes opened wide. She could hardly believe
her senses, but the portly Oriental was really naked
beneath the robe, and not far from her wide staring
eyes was a huge glistening yellowish cock.

She knew he was watching her as she tried to avert
her eyes from his naked torso. When at last she looked
up into his beaming face, she felt embarrassed and
ashamed, but when he placed a hand under his long thick
dong, she again looked down at it. She saw him gently
lift the heavy shaft in his palm.

His voice was teasingly soft as he said, "Young
Missie likes, eh? You not feel so shy after the little
drink Tse Ling give you eh?"

She felt almost hypnotized as he drew her to her
feet, his strong hands on her wrists, pulling her to
him as he also stood up. That long thick manly shaft
was being sandwiched between his naked hairy stomach
and her pretty dress.

He put his mouth to hers...during the long kiss
that followed he insinuated his tongue well into her
mouth. She wanted to resist, to make it not quite so
easy for him, but her will power was seem-
ingly had disappeared into that empty spirit glass.

Before her lips were released from his, she was
returning the tonguing and rubbing her tongue-tip along
the edges of his thick wet gums and at the back of his

His hands were gripping her youthful behind through
her clothing, and the way he was pulling her against
his naked, hard cock and slowly worming his body from
side to side was making her experience thrills she knew
she should never allow herself with an elderly man, and
an Oriental at that...and yet she was getting pleasure
from his kissing and his touching...a lot of pleasure.

When he was sure he had excited hid young playmate,
he drew her down into the very large soft square-shaped
divan that stood in the corner of his luxurious apart-

She lay still, breathing heavily alongside him
looking up at him with big eyes, as his hands commenced
a thorough exploration of her lovely firm body.

When he briefly stopped kissing and caressing, he
gave words of encouragement to her about what a lucky
girl she would be if he decided to let her join the
small select company he was forming, how much money
she would be able to make, how much better off she
would be than with her present salary...what an
interesting wonderful life it would be...

And while he spoke and petted her, Julie became
more dreamy and light-headed, easier to handle, more
eager and happy to do anything to please this strange
little Oriental man who in some way was developing
such power over her.

It was during a long-drawn-out kiss that she felt
him finally place his right palm flat on her belly.
His long fingers began to knead her dress, causing the
material to ride upwards. His fingers increased the
pressure, the dress hem rose higher and higher, forming
a crumpled ball at her waist within his fist.

She saw him looking down at the stretch of white
flesh that now was exposed above the tops of her nylon
hose, and suddenly he eased himself over her body,
straddling her thighs and lay forward so that his balls
and prick lay at the junction where her lemon-colored
nylon panties covered her blonde bush. With his
fingers he maneuvered the long thick shaft of his cock-
flesh so that it lay flat and lengthwise up from her
Vee to her belly.

She looked down at her loins, his thick cock looked
like a snake resting on top of her panties, the dull
yellowy flesh of his Oriental prick making a strange
shading contrast with the bright lemon hue of her silky

The licentious Tse Ling was lying in this style for
a purpose. He wanted his young aspiring actress to see
and realize to what depth his cock would be able to
pierce up into her if it was given the chance. He saw
from her expression that she certainly understood, that
she was trying to imagine what it would be like to have
that dong thrust up into her.

Julie had no idea before that moment, that man's
penis could be so long, or that it would be capable of
entering a woman to the extent that this long thick
dick could delve into her.

Tse Ling lay heavily on her firm young body,
pressing his mouth against her far from unwilling lips.
He pressed hard on the front of her silken body; he
knew it would be only seconds before he felt some sort
of cunt-response from the young lady.

In a very short time, Julie was feeling that urge
from within herself, she pushed her loins against him,
trying to writhe her thighs against his thighs, trying
to get pleasure by pushing her belly to and fro against
that hard long dick that was like a bar of iron sand-
wiched between their legs. She no longer thought of
the consequences of her actions, she just wanted to
satisfy her d**g induced urges.

Then he rolled off her to one side, she saw his
expression had changed. Instead of a benign sort of
kindly sympathetic expression, his face was set into a
grim smile or rather a leer. He flipped her crumpled
dress higher above her waist, his eyes seemed to be
burning deeply into her own slightly glazed eyes, as
his hands groped between her thighs.

For a moment or so, his hot hands caressed the
smooth naked flesh above her nylon-tops, and then they
moved to the bare flesh of her belly immediately above
the tight elastic waistband of her panties.

He started to unbutton the front of her dress
bodice, his eyes were still burning into hers, as if
daring her to blink an eyelid or even dare to think of
resisting his eager hands.

For the first time she realized that another
person was in the room. Silently and unseen, the little
manservant who had let her into the apartment had come
into the room, and now he was bending over her from
above her head, helping his Master to take her dress
right off over her head.

It was the little hand of the manservant that
gripped her hands and made her grope down to the heavy
testicles and prick of his master. Not that she needed
a lot of persuasion. She was like soft putty in their
hands, and the heated emotion of hump-lust within her
young hard body was making her a willing and eager
plaything for Tse Ling. After all he could do things
for her if she pleased him. The thought of his age
never crossed her mind.

She thrilled and adored the sensation she experi-
enced as she held that huge, throbbing prick in her
fingers, and drew the foreskin down in the way the
manservant had shown her.

Tse Ling had his hands under her knees now, lifting
them, making her raise her knees and at the same time
he levered her legs well apart...what a delicious fuck-
provoking sight the pretty young woman made... Those
shapely legs sheathed in the smoky nylons, the sheer
whiteness of her thighs above the darker reinforced
nylon tops, the pale lemon slither of nylon that
covered her sweet young pussy and the dark navy girdle
from which stretched the narrow suspender straps that
kept her stockings so perfectly in place and taut.
Above the top edge of the girdle where it nipped in at
her white belly skin her small but perfectly oval-
shaped breasts were just being exposed as the
manservant carefully unhooked her bra and removed it
from her knockers.

Tse Ling was pleased to see that although her
nipples were certainly not fully aroused, they were
dark crimson in color instead of the pale pink that
so many women usually were...this was the sign that
she was ready for a man.

The Chinese man knelt close to her allowing her to
retain her clasping fingers on his prick and balls,
while his manservant busied himself getting the girl's
garters unfastened and the nylons rolled down to each
trim ankle. He instructed his man to leave the girdle
on, as he liked the contrast of the navy elastic tight-
fitting girdle against her pure silky white flesh.

He also derived erotic pleasure from watching the
young girl tremble with anticipation as she fondled
his ever-growing cock and felt the hands of the man-
servant at the waistband of her panties.

She knew what she was going to happen when her
panties were taken from her, and he was happy to see
no resistance in her lovely face.

Her panties were discarded on the floor beside the
divan, she lay with knees raised and thighs well open
as both the Orientals gazed at the soft wispy "beard"
of dark blonde bush at her pussy. The aphrodisiac
d**g had done its work well. Her soft wet pinkish
cunt-lips were agape. They throbbed and appeared to
be opening and closing in with her heartbeat.

The old Oriental slid his silken robe from his
shoulders. He and his manservant knew what this lovely
young girl wanted now at this moment above everything
else. He saw her writhing and softly moaning as the
manservant continued to caress her long shapely legs
and when his long talon-like fingers combed through her
bush-hair, she almost went insane with frantic efforts
trying to lifting her belly to his hands and rotating
her pelvis and thrusting her loins from side to side,
as if already she had the hot Oriental cock plunging
into her.

Tse Ling stood close to the divan stroking his
prick, which had visibly grown erect even during the
last few moments. He watched the young white girl
writhing under the clever, if wicked, fingering of his
lecherous manservant. He knew the little man could use
his fingertips in the most fiendish way on a girl's
pratt so as to get them as aroused as was humanly
possible. Her cunt juice was so plentiful that it slop-
ped over her puffed cunt-lips and covered the little
man's fingers down to his knuckles.

The elderly Tse Ling now stooped over the writhing
figure of the young woman: he moved his face to her
belly and then moved it lower to her inviting pussy.

The fingers of his manservant held her cunt-lips
apart, so that Tse Ling could detect at once with his
tongue, her swollen clitoris. The thrill he experi-
enced while 'milking' this white girl's clit with his
lips caused his dick to throb almost to the point of
orgasm, his balls were as heavy as lead, full of hot-
sperm for this horny white girl's belly.

Tse Ling knew they had the pretty young woman to
the stage where she would do anything to reach satis-
faction. She was a mare who needed a stallion...a
bitch who had to have a mating...

Then she was first with the startled
pain, then with the realization that she was getting
the hot cock she craved. Tse Ling had mounted her...he
was riding was that massive fleshy prick in
her cunt... Her inexperienced but fully aroused body
was being filled with the hot throbbing flesh of her
'stallion'...she was having her mating.

The extremely experienced whoremaster, Tse Ling
pushed his thick dong of pleasure into his young victim
from as many angles as the compass has points. The room
filled with the panting cries of ecstasy, the agonizing
sweet feminine cries of pain, mingled with lustful
pleasure, as the girl was given as through a fucking as
she would ever be likely to have again.

The cleverly manipulated cock of the old Oriental
was giving her the sheerest ecstasy that any girl could
wish to experience and he was starting her on the road
that would lead her eventually and in a very short time
to the adoration of cock for cock's sake. He was forc-
ing her to experience and enjoy the complete surrender
of the mind as well as the flesh to the utter bliss
that only fucking under his Oriental aphrodisiac would
provide for her...he was making her have the hump-
experience that would by its very nature force her to
want to enjoy it time and time again.

To even contemplate visiting the his private apart-
ment, the girl must have been comparatively innocent.
By the time she left that apartment she would be so
much more world-wise in many ways.

Tse Ling liked his girlie acting aspirants to be
innocent, so long as they were healthy and able to be
aroused sexually as this young girl had been aroused.
As long as they could be made horny and sexy, then he
didn't mind how innocent, how unsophisticated or how
inexperienced they were to begin with...he would shape
them as he wanted them shaped, he would map the path
he wanted them to follow...he would guide
cure them...debauch them, and then sell them.

The little manservant was keeping a careful watch
and count of the times their latest young victim was
brought to orgasm. He and his Master kept these sort
of records to improve their technique with application
of the aphrodisiac d**g in the drink. They had been
able to almost gauge the amount of the d**g to use to
make a girl reach her peak for a certain number of
times. During their experiments they had almost killed
one young woman in their efforts to d**g her enough to
make her experience twenty orgasms before passing out
from exhaustion.

They never repeated the experiment on such a scale.
They had reckoned this Julie Taylor would have about
four climaxes in her young belly. She had already had
three, her loins, thighs and Tse Ling's balls and
stomach were sopping with her cunt-juice and now as the
old Oriental quickened the tempo of his fuck to bring
his own crisis to its fulfillment, they saw and heard
the girl gasping and screaming in her lust as her
fourth orgasm of the evening was reached and passed.


A heavily breathing old Tse Ling lay alongside
her... He had drained himself and her as well, and
she wanted to do as he was doing, drift away into a
deep sleep, but it was the agitating thin wet lips of
the manservant on her mouth that was preventing her
from relaxing. He was hurting her with those thin
talon-like fingers of his clawing at her naked breasts
while he kissed her mouth.

She could feel his long cock was out from his
trouser front, and it was clear now that he too was
going to enjoy her. With Tse Ling she had neither the
strength nor the will to resist, she had wanted him to
do what he had done to with this little
servant man it was different.

She was satiated. She was revolted by the thought
of the wizened old manservant defiling her body. She
had the will to resist him, however, but not the
strength. She felt his long horrid cock thrust up into
her saturated and quite sore cunt-hole. She felt his
balls slapping against her crotch, felt him jerking
her with every thrust of his slender but strong body
and she saw that Tse Ling was lying on his side watch-
ing her being fucked by his manservant.

Julie was surprised that she was beginning to
derive pleasure from this second hump even though at
first she had tried so hard to prevent the servant
from doing it to her. He gave her pleasure in the act,
even when she tried resistance. A moment after this
realization the long thin cock of the manservant
exploded its load of hot come high up inside her. She
lay still under the scrawny old manservant, feeling
his long cock slither from her abused cunt as it shrank
into liflessness.


It was two hours later that she was sufficiently
refreshed to leave the apartment. She had been given
five hundred dollars as a payment towards her first
salary from the Ling-Tan Theatrical Agency, and was
told she would be hearing from the impresario again
in the near future, when she would be given more
details of the venture. It was, he mentioned to her
blandly, a touring company, and they had been offered
engagements abroad.

Pleased with her money, happy with the exciting
prospects before her, not quite so pleased at the
knowledge that she had a plentiful supply of Oriental
male sperm in her belly, but happy to think that Tse
Ling would not be accompanying on the tour, Julie
trotted off home to pack.


It had been a distressing afternoon. Since just
after lunch Susan and her husband Jack Bowing had been
going through the cupboards and drawers and suitcases
in a small furnished room not far from the Earl's Court
Road. They were in the room that had, until recently,
been occupied by Tina, Susan's younger sister.

When the girl had left home to come up to live in
London, Susan and Jack had asked her to live with them
in their small but comfortable semi-detached house in

But no, the headstrong s*******n-year-old had
wanted her own place, had wanted to be independent,
and now after only six weeks she had vanished. It was
the landlady who had first raised the alarm. She had
telephoned the Bowings when the youngster didn't return
to her apartment after three nights. At first she
thought the girl might be staying with friends, but by
mere chance the sharp-eyed landlady had noticed the
girl when she met her out shopping in the market. Tina
had been hurrying along, anxious not to be seen by
anyone she knew, it seemed, and she was not alone. A
slimy horrid-looking foreign man had been on with her.
The eagle eyes of the landlady had noticed that the
man had hold of the girl's arm.

Susan and Jack had come up to town as soon as they
had the frantic telephone call from Tina's landlady.
They persuaded her not to report the matter to the
police, not yet at any rate, they wanted to keep the
disappearance of the girl from the knowledge of her
mother and father. If they could not trace her or find
her by the end of that week, then the police would have
to be informed. Until then, they would try and get a
clue as to where she might have gone.

The description the woman gave of the foreign man
with Tina gave Susan and Jack the idea that he must
have been Oriental, and when going through some of the
discarded papers and rubbish in Tina's room they found
a torn card on which had been scribbled 'The Ling-Tan
Theatrical Agency' with its address, the couple thought
they might have a lead.

Pretty young Tina had always had a hankering after
a life of glamour, a life of bright lights that show
business might have to offer a young pretty girl. If
she had gotten into the wrong type of Agency, if she
had been fool enough to fall for a lot of wild promises
that some of the vile men who lure young girls put to
them...well...this Ling-Tan Agency might be the right

Reluctant as he was to let his wife go to the
office of this Agency on her own, Jack knew this was
by far the best way of finding out what sort of
organization was run by this Ling-Tan firm. If it was
the sort of company that looked for lone girls, it
would be quite useless for a man to try to get any in-
formation from them.

The only way was for Susan to go along to the
office, just on the off chance, as it might appear, to
see if they had any suggestions for her, she would
pretend that she wanted to go on the stage. From that
point of introduction she would see which way the cat

They tried taking off her wedding ring, so that she
could make out she was a single girl without friends
in London. They wanted to make it easy for the Agency
to lure her if they were that sort of organization. If
this approach led nowhere, then plainly it was through
this Ling-Tan setup that they were going to trace the
missing Tina. If, on the other hand, they showed great
interest in Susan despite her lack of dramatic or
theatrical experience, then this might prove as likely
as not an invaluable clue that could lead them to

The wedding ring had to be put on again. It left
a deep impression on the finger when it was removed.
This might well be suspicious to an alert-eyed person.

"Better say you are a widow, dear," Jack told his
wife. "They won't be very interested in you if they
know you have a husband near at hand."

"No, darling, I just can't say that. I won't think
of anything as horrible as losing you," insisted Susan.
"I will say you are abroad on business and you won't be
back for at least a year. That will help to make a
good reason why I am alone in London and why I want to
join a theatrical group, to meet friends and fill up my
time while you're away. That sounds feasible, doesn't
it? It will make them think I'm going to be an easy
haul for them, won't it? That, is, of course, if
they're the sort of people we think they might be."


Tse Ling looked at the young woman seated on the
sofa in his private office. His Manageress had been
quite right to have this attractive young woman shown
in to his office. She was possibly the type they

She looked about twenty-two, she was married, he
noticed, but after a brief glance down at the sheet of
particulars his Manageress had provided for him about
this applicant, he saw her husband was abroad. He
would be away from her for at least another twelve

The little Oriental suppressed a smile at this.
Just the set-up he liked. A young wife, alone and
depressed, bored and lovely. No wonder she wanted to
go find new friends and if possible earn some money
for herself by part-time acting.

He scanned down the paper. Not very experienced
in acting. Strange in a way she should want to take
it up now. He looked at her more closely. She was
very attractive, very physically desirable.

"Why had she come to his Agency?" he asked her.

She explained that she had been too many others
first, but they had not been very interested, as she
did not have enough experience to suit them.

That was understandable. He put his fears to rest
on that score. They had all turned her down, eh?

It was a good thing Susan Bowing had been prepared
for the question. Jack had told her to say she had
been to other agencies. He had given her a few names to
mention if necessary.

Tse Ling was satisfied with her reply, and did not
ask for any names. He handed her a cigarette, it was a
long thin affair, and she did not like it much, but she
obliged him by slowly smoking it while he asked her
more questions. She knew he was making up his mind
about her...she did not want to offend him or appear
aloof by refusing his offer of a cigarette. It was one
of his Eastern brands, she supposed. It was sickly-
sweet but probably would not do her any harm if she
could get over the strange taste.

Tse Ling studied her through his slit-eyes,
narrowed to almost being fully closed. She was very
attractive, she had lovely high breasts, well spaced on
her lush figure, and those hips, they were perfect,
luscious and desirable to grip; she sat so that he
could see her shapely legs. Her tight-fitting skirt
just barley hid her thighs, but he knew they would be
delightful, the lower parts of her limbs curved per-
fectly to her calves and down to trim ankles.

He knew it was a body that would attract any man
...what a fool her husband must be to leave his pretty
wife alone in London! Well, she had come to the right
place to be taken care of...but perhaps not in the way
she expected.

She was lonely, the report said, she wanted to meet
friends and thought perhaps a semi-pro theatrical group
might be the answer. Tse Ling would see she met
friends, plenty of them...but her performances with
them might not come under any particular dramatic art,
as seen on the stage at least. The little Oriental
smiled to himself lost in thought...


For the fourth time, Jack Bowing got out of his
car and put another coin into the parking meter. He
had parked a couple of streets away from where the
Ling-Tan Agency had its office. Susan was to come
round there as soon as the initial interview was over.

It was running into the fourth hour since she had
kissed him good-bye and waved as she trotted up the
road. He had expected her to be about half an hour.
Surely they would only want to take brief notes at
this first introduction.

They hoped to be able to form some opinion about
the Ling-Tan Agency from this first visit perhaps,
after all, it was a legitimate organization, perhaps
Susan could not leave so easily without arousing their
suspicion, and she was given some sort of audition.

Jack got back into the car. He smiled. Funny if
after all it was a straight firm, and they were giving
Susan some sort of an audition when all she wanted to
find out was if they were the sort of firm that would
stoop to procuring young lonely girls and women.

Jack Bowing might not have settled back quite so
complacently in his car had he known the stage at
which his pretty wife's 'audition' had reached.


After the first cigarette the Chinese man had
invited her to join him in smoking what he described
as a really pleasant dreamy leaf, and had taken her
through into a small cubicle of a room at the back of
his private office, that was furnished only with a
sort of wooden bunk affair.

The moment the old Oriental settled down beside her
on the mattressed bunk, and she began to inhale the
long thin weed he had lit for her, she knew this was a
much more potently strong reefer than the one she had
forced herself to smoke in his office.

Susan inhaled deeply. She didn't know what else
to do. She appreciated the fact that she was in a
tight corner. She had already formed the opinion that
this Agency might well be the lead that would give them
a clue to Tina's where-abouts.

If the young girl had been brought to this little
smoking den with the old man just like this, well...
who was to know what was to follow.

Susan Bowing knew she would just have to wait and
find out. By the time she had sucked less than half
the long thin weed, she was experiencing a familiar
sexual ache deep inside her body. With every drag of
this sickly-sweet weed, she was literally feeling her-
self relaxing and caring less and less about her

She didn't feel like the same person, she was not
anxious and worried about her missing sister any
more...she was not in the least concerned about any-
thing...or anybody...

She was happy, that mattered, and she was drifting
on a high cloud. She was inhaling and puffing away
blissfully and was hardly aware that the slit-eyed
Oriental man with her had gently lifted her with his
hands under her armpits and settled her further back
towards the center of the bunk.

She was aware, however, that she was seated not on
a flat mattress now, but on what could be a most un-
comfortable length of wood or rubber that was shaped in
a triangle, running lengthwise from the front of her
body between her thighs and away behind her back.

She found she derived a tremendous sensual pleasure
from rubbing herself on that quite sharp edge, she
could press down and feel the edge biting up into her
pussy-crevice, her panties preventing the apparatus
from actually touching her flesh.

She knew Tse Ling was watching her, and yet she
didn't seem care, as she continued to rub herself
slowly and sensually on the length of the triangle.

When the sensation grew more intense between her
thighs, she was forgot to inhale on the weed. By this
time the little Oriental man was holding the mouthpiece
of a slender long stemmed pipe to her lips. Susan in-
haled from this new smoking affair, she felt her head
and nostrils fill with the extra sickly-sweet pungent

The old Oriental man had his hands on her hips now
and was coaxing her to bend forward slightly. She soon
discovered she bent forward she brought the
edge of the triangular ridge against that part of her
moist panties that covered her swelling clitoris. The
sensual awakening in that tiny hardening bud could not
be described...she had never experienced any sort of
sexual feeling quite so accurately before.

The Oriental man had one arm around her shoulders
and was inducing her to relax, leaning her against him.
This she was more than willing to do, provided she
could keep that pleasure-giving ridge between her
thighs, and pressed tightly to her increasingly moist
cunt. She made not the slightest protest when she felt
his hand settle down over her breast.

Oh, how good it felt to have a hand gently massag-
ing her breast through her clothing! In her three
years of married life with Jack, she had been happy in
all ways, never had she desired or looked for the
attention of any other man, never had she wanted a
another man to touch her! She liked to be admired, of
course, all women desire that.

Now, in the space of a few minutes, everything
seemed to have changed. She wanted this horrid looking
squat Oriental man to embrace her, wanted him to fondle
her breasts like this. She was relieved when at last
his hand slipped inside her blouse, the eager clever
fingers were insinuating themselves under the cup of
her bra. Her large firm breast was snuggled into the
yellowish palm of his hand, her erect scarlet nipple
was trapped between his fingers as he cupped her breast
gently needing. He agitated his palm and fingers until
her nipple was grotesquely hard and stubby, she writhed
more tightly down on that pleasure-giving ridge lying
lengthwise under her. The tingling sensation she
experienced there was the same as she got when she was
in bed with Jack, and he had spent several long minutes
arousing her, getting her ready for their fucking.

She tried to bring her thoughts back to reality.
She had found out enough about this place to be more
than suspicious of it. She should try to get away now,
get back to her waiting husband in the car... things
were getting out of hand here...she would have to make
her stand now, or it might be too late!

As if sensing her sudden brief emotion of fear, or
her intention to try and get away, Tse Ling dropped one
hand to her waist, he slid his arm around her hips and
forced her down harder, so that the ridge of the
triangular shaft drove harder along her wet twat forc-
ing her panties to form another lining for her vagina.

At the same moment he forced her to lean forward so
that the ridge played on her clitoris again. This time
her hypersensitive clitoris bud throbbed and grew in
rapid response to the sensation of the ridge against
its head.

Tse Ling smiled happily as he saw the young woman
close her eyes, throw her head back, and surrender
herself to the thrilling erotic pleasures that were
coursing through her from.

When her belly began to jerk, when her hips began
to roll slowly, when she began to gasp and writhe as if
she were already in the the process of having inter-
course, the wily sensual old Oriental knew that victory
was it was always. Once he got the female
victim on this ridged mattress in this little opium
den, he always got what he wanted.

He quickly had her blouse pulled up under her head,
her bra was unhooked, and her beautifully full white
breasts were joggled into view. His long yellow
fingers rolled her nipples, he kneaded the white flesh
of her lush breasts while she masturbated herself
lewdly and with wild abandon on that rubber ridge on
the mattress. Her d**g-induced body could do nothing


Outside her husband still waited, not with so much
patience now, but hoping that when Susan did appear she
would have something worth while to report...


Through glazed eyes Susan Bowing saw the grinning
Oriental man bring something into her line of vision,
the like of which she had never seen before. It was
like a fat banana on a curved wooden handle, but when
it was held closer to her face she could see it was a
beautifully shaped and carved imitation penis.

She watched spellbound as the little man carefully
adjusted the bulbous head of the dummy prick between
her gaping wet cunt-lips.

Grasping the wooden handle firmly, he thrust the
perfect rubbery substitute-cock up into Susan's horny
hole. His eyes searched her face to see just how much
she was going to enjoy this perversion, he wanted to
have some idea just how deep into degradation he might
be able to pull this delightful white-skinned beauty.

Her expression thrilled him. Half-fear, half
excitement, she lay waiting for him to thrust more
rubber cock into her. The way her slippery dull pink
cunt-lips clutched at the prick of rubber told him
just how hungry she was for a man. He wouldn't waste
such lust on an unfeeling rubber shaft...he would fuck
this one himself!

When the old man stopped thrusting the fake-cock
in and out of her, Susan tried to reach down and clasp
the wooden handle. When she felt him withdrawing the
head of the rubber prick from her cunt-entrance, she
almost swooned with disappointment. Then her heartbeat
quickened with eager anticipation when she heard him
say, "I'm going to fuck you myself, my dear. That's
what you want, isn't it?"

Before he had thrust that teasing, tantalizing
rubber prick into her, she would have been able to
fight the terrible urge to let him do what he liked to
her. But now she was obsessed with the need to have
some sort of release.

It was so silly, she told herself, and she had her
husband to take care of her needs. Down in the car
not so far away Jack would be waiting for her, why was
she being so wickedly tempted into letting this horrid
Oriental man do to her what only her husband should do,
what she only wanted her husband to do.

Whatever resolve she was trying to build, whatever
summoning up of will power she was attempting, instant-
ly dissipated when she felt herself turned over and hot
lips kissed and caressed her naked ass-cheeks. The
Oriental man was giving her wicked little love bites
all over her ass and now his fingers were pulling her
cheeks well apart, and he was tracing that wet tongue
of his all along her ass crevice. In some weird lust-
inducing way he was tugging at her anus itself. He
seemed to be stretching the tight ring by pulling the
flesh nearby with his thumbs, and then the horrid
little man was poking and pushing his finger at the
tight entrance until it slid inside the muscles of the
ring of flesh. She found she was pushing her pussy
harder onto that raised ridge while the finger worked
to and fro in her tight female rectum.

More out of idle curiosity than any preconceived
plan, Tse Ling reached down the side of the sofa with
his free hand to where she had put her handbag. He
opened it and idly thumbed through the contents. All
the while keeping his plaything gasping for breath as
he continued to manipulate her closer and closer to
losing control.

There were several photographs in her bag, he drew
them out to look at them better...He froze, she felt
his fingers withdraw from her bottom. She looked
around and saw that he was looking at the photo of her
missing sister Tina. The one she always carried in her

The look on the Oriental man's face told her that
this was the man who knew all about Tina's sudden
disappearance...this was the track that could lead to
her being found. She drew back in fear when she saw the
look of extreme anger and cruelty in the fiendish eyes.

Tse Ling knew he had been deceived by this attrac-
tive young woman. He did not like to be taken for a
fool. He had to find out what this young woman was up
to. It would be dangerous to let her find out too much
about him and his Agency. He had to find out why she
had this photo of a young girl whom he had recently
sold to a foreign buyer for one of the exclusive
brothels in the South of France.

He dug two fingers wickedly up into Susan's
stretched and aching asshole. He was not intent on
giving her any pleasure now...only pain. He worked his
fingers into her to their knuckle.

"Who is this girl?" he snapped, holding the print
in front of her face.

She did not answer at once, and then she screamed
as his fingers began to open and twist deep inside her
hot aching bottom.

"She's...she's my...sister," she gasped. "My
husband and I are trying to find her."

"Your husband?" Tse Ling was on his guard even
more. "You said he was he was abroad."

"He's...he's not. He's waiting for me in his car
outside. Not far away..." she mumbled, hoping that
the revelation that Jack was near would make this
horrid cruel man ease up on her.

She thought she was clever, he was already taking
his fingers out of her asshole. He was afraid, perhaps
he would have to let her go now...but he was not
letting her get up, instead he was clambering on her
back....she felt not his fingers but his rigid prick
at the entrance to her asshole.

"You filthy white lying bitch," she
heard him muttering. "I'll give you something you'll
never forget, white bitch."

She suddenly felt the weight of the man's body
along her back, a dull aching pressure being applied
to her tight anus, she felt his hands fumbling between
his body and her ass, she knew what he was going to do
and knew with certainty that she could not do anything
to stop this awful **** of her body.

For several seconds she felt him probing and
shifting his position slightly on her raised backside
and then when she sensed that he had gained the right
line of direction, she tensed herself for the pain she
knew was to follow.

Susan was surprised when instead of her asshole,
she felt the old Oriental man jamb his cock deeply
into her cunt from behind. He thrust away at her wet
opening and quickly brought her d**g induced body to
the edge of orgasm.

On hands and knees the young wife trembled as she
experienced her first opium laced orgasm, as the
Oriental man thrust savagely, grunting each time he
slammed to the hilt into his lush young victims drip-
ping cunt.

Soon the old man was grunting and groaning as he
released his spurting come deeply inside of the young
wife he had d**gged. As his final spasm finished he
fell forward taking her supple young body down under


It was a pity, he told himself, that he could not
afford to take the risk of keeping her with him and
having a constant sweetly satisfying use of her lush
body. He would have to get rid of her husband, and
she would have to be sold in the same way that her
sister had departed, only much more quickly.

Tse Ling did not want to keep this white piece of
ass in his establishment a minute longer than was
necessary. He was not sure if she and her husband had
told anyone else of their suspicions of the Agency.
One more indication that he was under any sort of
suspicion and he would have to close up the Agency and
start again under a new and different guise. If indeed
he could get away with it this time, after his luck had
held on so many occasions.


Jack Bowing was about to get out of the car and
feed the parking meter yet again when a grinning slant-
eyed man knocked on the car door.

" Mister bro-wing...wait for wife, yes?
You come with me please...wife want you...send me for
you...come quickly...please."

The singsong voice was persuasive, not commanding.
Jack knew that if Susan was sending for him something
must be wrong. He quickly walked along, with the
little Oriental at his side. He was suspicious and yet
he had to go and find out what was happening. After
all this waiting, he was pleased to have a chance to
have some action.

He was not so pleased when, as soon as he stepped
through the swing doors of the outer office of the
Agency he was grabbed by two strong yellow-skinned
little men who made up for their lack of stature by the
clever way in which they applied crucial arm-holds on

With both arms held painfully to his back, he was
escorted from the main office along a corridor towards
the rear of the premises. For a brief moment they
paused at the half open door of the room in which Tse
Ling was, and found himself hypnotized into stupefied
tautness at what he saw...

His lovely wife was on all fours like an a****l,
the b**stly little hairy yellow-fleshed old man was on
her back like a dog with a bitch. The thick penis was
buried in Susan's cunt from behind, but what made Jake
all the more horrified was the way in which his wife
was urging on the fiendish Oriental who was clamped to
her buttocks. She had reached under her open thighs
and was cradling the long drooping ball-sac of the man
in her palm.

From her contorting mouth came an obscene chant.

"Do it harder...fuck me harder...ohraaurghA...
please...harder and dig it deeper into me...ooraaugH!"

Jack realized his wife must be d**gged to be be-
having like that, and yet, even so, to see one's loving
and devoted wife pleading with a wretched disgusting
old man to do it harder to her while his thick cock was
frigging up her cunt, was enough to send any man out
of his mind.

Tse Ling grabbed her hair and jerked her face
upwards so that she was forced to look towards the
door where her husband was being held by the two men.
Tse Ling had his other hand round and under her loins,
the long fingers frigging at her until she knew she
would die if she was not given the sweet much-needed
release of her orgasm - husband or no husband watching
her, she had to get the gratification every fiber in
her d**gged body was screaming out for.

A demented Jack Bowing watched as his wife twisted
and jerked as the evil Chinese man tried to screw her
down on to those lust-provoking fingers that were
frigging her towards either madness or her much needed
orgasm. Susan was crying out the filthiest words Jack
had ever heard a anyone use. She was being milked of
her cunt-juice and at the same time the jerking prick
of the man was sending its hot wet scum deep into her

Tse Ling looked up in amazement. Just behind the
lithe Orientals who were holding the heaving, sobbing
Jack Bowing were two of the largest London policemen
he had ever seen.

Lost for words for once, Tse Ling rose up, detach-
ing himself gradually from Susan who screamed the
foulest abuse at him, at them and at everybody else...
She lay there limp and exhausted, while the Chinese men
released her husband who ran over to try to assist her,
at least to clean her up, or to bring her round to some
state of normality.

The policemen, taking in the situation, were quick
to arrest Tse Ling. They telephoned for reinforcements
and took away all the employees of the Ling-Tan Agency.
Speedily seeing the chances of promotion in their
alacrity at unmasking one of the wiliest brothel supply
rackets in the country, long sought by the English and
Continental police, the larger of the policemen care-
fully tore up the piece of paper he had in his pocket.

It would never do if anyone knew that their
suspicions had not been aroused by anything Tse Ling
had done. They had followed Jack Bowing into the
building to present him with a ticket for having fed
the meter five times and being still parked in the
same position!


It was too late for Tina, or for Julie for that
matter. They had disappeared and No one at the Ling-
Tan Agency was going to admit anything. Let us hope
that their lives wont be to burdensome, and that they
will derive some enjoyment in their situation.


~smiles~ If enjoyed, please "like" it. xx

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“Thanks for coming in. Sorry we had to do it in the studio.” “No problem, it’s great to have the chance to audition for a part.” “Sure. I know what it’s like in this town. Hard to even get noticed, huh?” “Tell me about it! My agent said this is some Greek myth thing? Perseus & Andromeda?” “Yes. Well, gods, monsters, that sort of thing. A lot of CGI, effects but needs convincing actors too.” ““Well, I’m your woman then. So, CGI – that’s why the green screen?” “Uh huh. I want to see how...

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Today Jade was going to audition for a porn video. When she got to the hotel she was brought into a room where a woman with huge tits was sitting behind a desk. She got all of Jade’s info then told her to stand and turn around slow. She looked Jade over then told he to remove her shirt then she look at Jade and said ‘Now your bra.’ She told Jade ‘Pinch and play with your nipples I need to see them hard.’ Jade pinched her nipples till they were hard for the woman. She then was told to remove her...

3 years ago
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My Femdom Audition

For a while, I am naked, alone with Jo. She oversees the setting up of a table and four chairs, towards the centre of the room. Three chairs are placed on one side of the table, close in, while the other is positioned on the opposite side, a little further away. She then tells me to get up on the table, on my knees, stretching my arms as far forward on the table as I can manage.I am then asked to bring my knees forward under my chest to the limit of my capability, and then, keeping this...

2 years ago
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My Femdom Audition

For a while, I am naked, alone with Jo. She oversees the setting up of a table and four chairs, towards the centre of the room. Three chairs are placed on one side of the table, close in, while the other is positioned on the opposite side, a little further away. She then tells me to get up on the table, on my knees, stretching my arms as far forward on the table as I can manage.I am then asked to bring my knees forward under my chest to the limit of my capability, and then, keeping this...

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The Audition

Early Spring 1980 Just minutes before, a rare thunderstorm had graced Los Angeles. Rain had poured in torrents, leaving puddles and causing reflective glare on the streets. The click of high heels on the wet sidewalk roused the attention of the guys standing outside the pool hall. They all turned to watch as a very attractive young blonde walked by. “Hey babe, wanna taste of big daddy tonight?” Laughing loudly the guys made a spectacle of themselves as they stepped off the pool hall steps...

3 years ago
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Slutty Sarahrsquos stripper audition

Slutty Sarah is back guys - and she's getting worse."I was talking to Sarah in a cafe one day. We weren’t dating and to be honest, I didn’t admire her slutty ways, which seemed to be getting worse. I’d just come back from working in London (UK) for a month and she asked me what was the best part about being there. I told her it was in the evening, after I’d finished work, going to a strip club, well really a strip bar, near the Old Street area. I won’t give the name of the place, but anyone who...

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Today Jade was going to audition for a porn video. When she got to the hotel she was brought into a room where a woman with huge tits was sitting behind a desk. She got all of Jade's info then told her to stand and turn around slow. She looked Jade over then told he to remove her shirt then she look at Jade and said "Now your bra." She told Jade "Pinch and play with your nipples I need to see them hard." Jade pinched her nipples till they were hard for the woman. She then was told to remove her...

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Ricks Audition

?? He stood naked in front of me. A perfect specimen of a young male pig animal. Nineteen years old. His body muscular and smooth from years of high school athletics and working out at the gym. His eyes were blurry from the drugs he had taken to get his courage up for our "Male Model Photo Shoot." He was in trouble with the law and needed money and someplace to hide.? ?? ? "Can you just stand with your feet a little wider apart so your big fat dick and balls hang a little looser. Can you reach...

2 years ago
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Christina Ricchis Audition

Sloane sat at his desk and waited for Christina Ricci to enter his office. The 16 year old actress was there to audition for a role in his new movie. Sloane owned a production company in L.A. and he was making a new movie. He had put out the word that he was looking to cast the part of the younger sister in the movie and he hinted that he wanted Miss Ricci for the role. So she meeting with him to try out for the part. Christina knew that her friend Winona Ryder had the lead role in the film...

4 years ago
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Bodyshifters Universe the Audition

Carmen sneered. "Amateurs!" She muttered as she surveyed the competition. She was standing on the doorstep of a cozy, suburban middle-class house that had recently seen massive and expansive renovation to add new rooms. A sure fire clue that the competition would be fierce. "And what makes YOU so special?" snarled one of her competitors, a midnight-haired, tattooed beauty in a red string bikini. A tattoo of two lovers embracing on her taut abs seemed to move as she spoke, the inked lovers...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter Six Auditions

CHAPTER 6: Auditions Jay and I walked over to the upperclassmen men’s dorm where the auditions for life drawing were taking place. I couldn’t believe I was going to volunteer to get naked in front of girls. Jay laughed. “You’ll get used to it and learn to enjoy it. We got in line with forty other guys. They took two guys at a time inside. The first two were done in less than thirty seconds. Some guys stayed inside for up to fifteen minutes. I had no idea what the difference was. Finally it was...

3 years ago
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Superhero Auditions

You were eating your breakfast on morning when you spotted the ad in the employment section of the classifieds: __ Wanted: Superheroes The Justice Legion is holding open auditions for aspiring superheroes this Saturday morning at 9 a.m. All interested parties should bring a resume, head and body shot, and be ready to give a display of their powers and/or abilities. __ You nearly stopped eating right there to start getting ready for the auditions. You'd been waiting for a chance...

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Power Chapter Six Auditions

CHAPTER 6: Auditions Jay and I walked over to the upperclassmen men’s dorm where the auditions for life drawing were taking place. I couldn’t believe I was going to volunteer to get naked in front of girls. Jay laughed. “You’ll get used to it and learn to enjoy it. We got in line with forty other guys. They took two guys at a time inside. The first two were done in less than thirty seconds. Some guys stayed inside for up to fifteen minutes. I had no idea what the difference was. Finally it...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

2 years ago
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The Audition

You sit in a waiting room, trying to be patient but feeling anxious. You glance over at the nearby mirror again for the fourth time in five minutes, confirming your natural blonde hair is perfect. You notice your right hand shaking slightly, as it's holding a glossy 8x10 headshot and your acting resume. That page is mostly empty: a big role in a college play that convinced you that you were wasting time and money getting into debt for education, and since dropping out one small role as a...

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Gretchens Audition

The girl stood quietly in front of me. Her thigh length black satin stretch dress snugly showing of her large breasts, flat stomach and wide hips. The front zip was open three inches or so, more for comfort I thought than exposing her cleavage, which it did admirably. I looked up to her face after dragging my eyes from the exposed skin below, to her almost almond shaped face, her jaw flaring up from a strong chin, wide pouting pink lips, framing perfect white front teeth, dark brown molten...

4 years ago
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Cyndis Audition

Cyndi screamed uncontrollably as the dildo/torture device activated insideher. The machine in her cunt was a bright green phallus composed mostly ofsilicone, about two and a half inches in diameter. It was perfectly straightbut covered in bumps and ridges of uneven height. At its base was a motor thatcaused it to spin rapidly, churning away inside her pussy. This wasn't whatwas making her scream. A thin silver rod of metal was pumping in and out of her unlubricated backside.The force with which...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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The Salesman Chapter 2 The Auditions

Please leave feedback. All characters named and any actions taken are fictional. Mark looked at the four girls he had before him. All of them had previously shared his bed over the past few years and he had enjoyed being with them. Two of the girls, Ingrid and Jasmine were currently unemployed and in need of money. The other two girls, Veronica and Debbie were rather better well off and did not exactly need any extra money. Previously Mark had visited one of the largest sex shop chains in the...


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