My Pleasure free porn video

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My Pleasure

"So.. am I the only one who can see Abe Lincoln, or is this some good shit?" Lacey spoke her wonderment aloud, not expecting an answer, as she had simply slipped from reality. Marijuana had recently become legal in her home state.

"Ya… I think you're done Lace. Abe Lincoln left hours ago." Charlotte nonchalantly commented, looking briefly at her friend through black thick rimmed rectangular glasses.

"Man, you're both cut. Pass that here." Reese holds his hand out expectantly, awaiting the draw.

"Not a chance, sundance. I exercise my right to medicate my body how I se-" Charlotte trailed off as she watchd Reese put out the joint.

"But Reeeeeese … "Lacey playfully taps his left shoulder, making him involuntarily flex his biscep.

He was a model of a man. Soft features, but a strong jaw, not protruding but there. A cute amount of scruff a donned his cheeks and neck. His hair was soft and clean, a gorgeous chestnut brown and eyes a deep green. Weighing in at 235lbs, 80 solid muscle and 6 foot even. He was Hallmark handsome and the best part was even though many have swooned over him, he never let it get to his head.

So how lucky is Lacey?


As Reese has been at her side since freshman year of college.

College.. now those were the days. Lacey found out a lot about herself in those days, many a life time ago. However, those types of things, those memories and experiences never really disappear. They are the fuel that drive desire and ignites passion.

Reese stands up abruptly, the hem of his grey jogging pants hitching on the corner of the coffee table for a brief moment, making visable the definition of his right hipbone, and turns around to the girls, who had also met in college, senior year.

Charlotte caught a glimps, her heart jumps into her throat but otherwise maintains an outward calm, though desperately trying to hide a mild blush.

"Anyone want a refill? Im headed to the kitchen". Reese begins to walk away when no one responds to his question.

Lacey looks at her bestfriend, with eyes so glazed a cop would try to eat them.

"So, what did ya think?" Lacey plays coy, thats who she is. To the wrong people that would irritate, but to her friends that was just Lacey. And to Reese, it was adorable. It wasn't hard to see through, but everyone loved her.

"Think about what? The pot is amazing, what's it called again?" Charlotte had her own version of the wild years too. At worst, she got drunk at a party once and made out with a few people of both genders. She was the more refined version of Lacey. She would keep her best friend grounded, on most occasions, like when her friend tried to tell her that mullets for women were the next IT hairstyle because she saw an article on facebook.

"C'mon Charlie, you know damn well what I mean…" Lacey was higher than cheech and chong at Cannabis cup, but she wasn't an idiot. She saw her friends reaction when she saw just a slimmer of her own man-god.

"Ya. I looked, anyone would. Big deal. " Charlotte sheepishly answered and hoped that her sincerity had come across clear enough and that her friend couldn't hear the beating of her ever increasing heart rate. Though her flush was obvious.

Reese returns to the living room with a beer in one hand and lightly grazes Lacys butt with his other.

"Hey now! We have company, act like a man, not a boy." Unbeknownst to Lacey, Reese had responded to her request with a line similiar to showing her whos a boy and whos a man. Charlotte had heard him, but wasn't sure what to say, so she just did what she always did. She blushed. And she looked down, her glasses sliding forward a third of an inch.

That was a feature Lacey always loved about her friend. Glasses suited her to a T. She could pass for a librarian. A hot one to be totally honest.

Just like her friend, Charlotte wore minimal make up, but neither of them need it. Their complexion? Near flawless, making her cute glasses the center of attention. A shame that hidden behind them were a seemingly endless ocean of blue. Her eyes were beautiful, but you'd probably never notice.

"Don't go acting innocent now, four years Into our relationship. I definitely know better." Reese chuckles as he sets down his drink onto the mohgany coffee table. A smirk comes across Laceys face as she briefy reminisces about a past life.

"And besides.." Reese continues, pulling his girlfriend into his lap.

"It's not a big deal, it's a butt. Right Charlotte? I mean, It's not like I had just ripped off your clothes and we fucked here in the living room, audience and all." It was becoming increasingly evident that the alcohol was talking, but Reese was a funny drunk.

Blushing was all Charlotte could do.

"Now look! You're making her uncomfortable. We are having a good time right? I say we go give Abe a call." Lacey always knew how to make people laugh. It really was a gift.

She also knew when to stop whenever things got too overwhelming.

Reese was right about one thing, it wasn't a big deal for Lacey. She and Reese had been trying to keep things interesting for a year or so now. And sometimes they liked the same thing but more often than not, it wasn't always mutual.

Lacey liked to pleasure the third party, accidentally overlooking Reese. This isn't always the case, but she often had a habit of breaking the rules.

Finally looking up from the floor, Charlotte made her way to the far wall, flicking the light off and quickly returning. There was something about the dark that she liked. It was comfort. It was privacy. She felt as though she could be so much more when she doesn't have to be seen.

Charlotte isn't always what she appears to be... not even close.

"Now, I am comfortable. " from out of the darkness a voice was heard. Not the timid familiar voice that was supposd to be sweet and innocent.

"Lace, could you help me with something please? I don't want to ask twice." Charlotte leaned into her friends ear and whispered, leaving a light almost tickle like kiss, just under her right ear. Although Charlotte couldn't see it, she damn near heard her shudder in pleasure.

Charlotte cocked an eyebrown, intriguing.

After a couple more quiet words, Lacey, in what appeared to be one practiced motion, stepped the 8 paces right to her bookshelf despite being totally in the dark, taking out a matchbook from a nearby organizing container.
Striking the match, the room illuminated. Just enough to what was going on, but still not light enough to derail Charlottes' newfound momentum.

Reese, all the while smirking, having an idea of what was happening around him, despite his now obvious intoxication. Being with someone for this long, you look for ways to keep things new and exciting. One of those things they liked to do was bring in a third party.

Both Lacey and Reese are responsible, and are in a loving and loyal relationship. Definitely not a run of the mill partnership. They express their desires, their likes and dislikes, boundaries and safety with each other at all times, to ensure fun is had and that no one gets hurt.

A personal fantasy of Laceys' is to have sex with another couple, while his big one was the equivalent to a lesbian dog pile. They both understood that sometime in their lives they may one day get such an opportunity, but for now they are still just getting their toes wet.

Reese had his head rolled back, his eyes staring absentmindedly at the ceiling when he felt a tug at the draw string if this sweats.

Looking down he smiles as he watches his beautiful girlfriend fumble with her own feelings.

"Every other time we go 'on an adventure'" though no one could clearly pick it out, Lacey still made air quotations over the words.

"It's been with a man. It's also worth noting that you are a friend and I don't know if this is such a goo-" Lacey was quieted by the sound of Reese shushing her ever so gingerly, as if she was a toddler you'd just put to bed.

"Just do as you were told." Reese Is laughing now. Hes never watched his woman squirm before, but just like everything this enticing woman ever did, it was adorable.

Charlotte takes her hand and helps her kneel down onto a throw pillow she has laid there in front of undoubtedly Laceys best catch thusfar.

In the dull candle light, which oddly set the mood (its obvious that candle has been used almost routinely ) Charlotte took Laceys soft cheek into her hand, lightly thumbing over her skin, using her other hand to brush her dark locks from her shoulder, exposing porcelain like skin that was the nape of her neck.

Pulling herself in closer, Charlotte kissed Lacey, soft at first, as if to test the water.

A noise was made from the man infront of them that both women took as encouragement as they stared at one another for a moment, a quiet giggle was heard.

Lacey takes one hand and begins to rub the bulge that was quickly appearing in Reeses sweatpants, looking up at him for a moment. Then she turns to Charlotte and grasps the back of her head, pulling her in for a proper hello.

Lacey quickly licks at her friends lips, as if knocking at the door. Charlotte complies and begins to feel a stirring within her she had never known was there.

Sucking gently on this womans bottom lip, Lacey pulls away and takes her hand off of a disappointed Reese. Not to be deterred, he quickly replaces her hand with his own, pulling himself out of this pants.

Charlotte glances up to see a perfect match of member to man god. The shaft was a good solid thickness. He was straight with a very acute bend. His head was just barely visible from this parting of his foreskin. A solid 6 inches. And at the tip there had pooled a small amount of clear liquid.

He begins to stroke, all the while his lusty eyes are locked on his beauty and her equally stunning friend.

Charlotte is interested in how he tastes, but for now she must push the thought into the back of her mind.

Lacey, all the while watching with amusement at her friends reaction to her mans cock, is getting antsy. This is going to slowly.

"Im not very patient, so …" Laceys hands become animated and she begins to undress the top half of herself until her subtle breasts are exposed.
She looks toward her friend for approval, and she recieves it.

Charlotte is drawn to her friend and begins to lap at her collar bone. Lacey gives an inaudible moan that only Charlotte could possibly have heard. The heat from her breath alone sends a chill down her spine, a pleasurable shake.

"I've never been with a woman before, so I'm not really sure what.. I" she trailed off when she felt a hand tracing circles on her inner thigh. Swallowing hard.

At that moment Reese and Lacey both give a nod in agreement as he stands back up onto his feet.

"M'lady. Your thrown awaits." Reese steps aside to reveal the now empty couch, his pants fall to the floor and are kicked aside. He isn't wearing underwear, but that wasn't uncommon for him.

Charlotte noticed a long time ago that he didn't wear any, just like she also noted the tempting lump that was always there. Yes, she had thought about this before. But usually, it was 2 am with Barry White in the background.

Charlotte is standing now, getting ready to sit when she feels a set of hands removing her skirt. She lifts her legs out and lets her friend toss them aside. Taking in her surroundings Charlotte sees that Reese is now knelt down beside Lacey, petting himself and kissing her neck intensely, a groan escapes her lips.

Sitting back into the chair she feels her legs being parted and a single digit ever so gently lay perfectly atop Charlottes already stiffened clitoris. Unaware to Charlotte, the heat from her core was radiating and entrancing. She was indeed moist aswell.

"This is going well, isn't it babe?" Lacey asks but doesn't wait for a response, as she slides the head of him across her tongue, tasting what had collected there.

Reese hitches his breath. Lacey always knew what he liked. In fact, she was tallent at pleasing just about everyone that this amorous couple had encountered. It came from years of… hands on.. practice.

He begins to thrust himself into her mouth, becoming impatient with the teasing. She could tell he was horny, the throbbing agsinst her uvula told her so.

She went straight for his base, on his underside. Letting saliva run off her tongue and watching it roll down his shaft. He moans loudly and a small pump of clear fluid escapes as Lacey massages his underside with her tongue. Taking her forefinger Lacey gingerly removes the precum and looks up at her friend.

"Do you trust me?" Not exactly the best time for a trust fall or something. Charlotte nods yes.

Using her pinky from her idle hand, Lacey pulls Charlottes black lace panties to one side, and massages the still warm precum onto her friends aching clit. Just the touch alone had Charlotte bucking against her hand, a real sigh of ecstasy could be heard throughout the house.

Then she started on her friend. Knowing that she wouldn't need any warm up Lacey uses the underside of her tongue to apply pressure to her erect nub. She circles a few times before placing a finger at her entrance, but would not enter her. Just that pressure in the right spot will make most women involuntarily grind against the nearest object. She could feel how ready she was.

"You taste sweet. I like it." Lacey playfully lets out.

Charlotte is having a hard time now just doing this herself. The ache is almost painful now. She needed to relieve some pressure. It was building.

"Its my turn." Was all that was said before Lacey was gently pushed to the side and standing over Charlotte now was the man of many fantasty. He removed his shirt, the last layer of clothing left on him. Charlotte couldn't take her eyes off of him, and Laceys eyes were frozen on Charlotte.

He lowered himself down onto the couch, spliting her opening with his thumb and index finger, he took a firm grip of his member and rubs his head that is now dripping with warm precum, directly onto her desperate self. She was on the brink.

He made circular motions, slow at first, to enjoy the heat from his own head and the moisture of her need. He was getting closer.

"But im hungry.." Lacey pouts.

Reese pulls himself away reluctantly and is quickly replace by Laceys waiting mouth. This time shes gently sucking on her womanhood, every brush of her tongue bringing her closer. Shes grinding against her face now, not realizing how rough she is being. Thing is, Lacey is getting increasingly arroused. And she feels her legs getting weak.

Reese watches his girlfriend lap up the liquid he left for Charlotte and he cant help himself any longer. He grasps Laceys hips and positions himself. Lacey arches in want and and waits for him. Shes been ready for a while, and is as eager to feel him as Charlotte is.

He plunged himself deep inside, and stops. Hes always loved the feeling of her inner being enveloping him. She was always tight. Tonight wasn't an exception.

He moves slow at first but quickens his pace when he feels herself tightening around him. He can hear the primal moans coming from both women and it happened.

First with Lacey. Her orgasm is always enough to send Reese over the edge. It was just so natural and raw. It's pure and the sexiest thing Reese has ever heard, and that's never changed over the years.

She let's out growls with every wave of pleasure washing over her. Every rush of heat almost unbearable, sending her muffled groans into the awaiting clitoris of this other beautiful woman. Every time she let out a moan, the vibration against herself and the sound of Lacey was just too much, as Charlotte too succumbed to the pressure.

Reese, in real manly fashion smiled from ear to ear as his cum exploded outward, landing squarely onto the small of his girlfriends back.

The candle then burns out.


The sun was bright the next afternoon, not a cloud to be seen.

"I hope you had a good visit. When will you be back in town?" Lacey asked her bestfriend from the doorway of her home.

"I'll be back for Christmas, and I had a great time. Thank you for having me!" Charlotte turns the key to the ignition of her Lancer.

As her best friend pulled away from her home Lacey says to herself,

"It was MY pleasure."

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Erin was still panting from her first body-quake in the strong hands of Pete.Pete untied her, while he still held her with his other arm. With a slight sliss in his whisper, as if he would be Marlon Brando, Pete told her:"Time to turn around, hot honey. And allow some colour up your front."The same procedure started all over. Pete tied her arms behind her back, as Erin leaned against the young tree with her back now. He took his time with her.Pete first made sure her nipples became little Mt....

2 years ago
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Lottery WinnerChapter 33

Wendy said, “They’re all here to gang bang my ass. You’re welcome to do me, too.” They had come inside and were all shedding clothes as she talked. All of us went out back. Wendy went over to the grassed area and got on her hands and knees. One of the guys moved behind her and pushed into her ass. She grunted. Devon was the only girl who had joined us. I sat on a chaise lounge and she moved over me and lowered her ass onto my cock. She had an easier time taking me since she was usually with...

2 years ago
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Sisterhood of Fangs

"Back in year 1476 A.D. a couple was burned alive four reason unknown to today. They suposly was kidnapping young woman. The towns people figured out they was at fault, or so history says, and set fire to their place of residence. Now you two can see them , well their remains, here at this museum for a limited time, before their shipped back to their home land in Transylvania, where their be properly , after all these years buried. This is the agreement made by the government to display the...

3 years ago
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Conversations with Greg

The girl:God it is hot! He said to himself as he rounded the turn at the end of his third mile. Checking his pulse he found it a bit higher than normal at this distance. Running at home was totally different than running down in Alabama in early September. He knew it would be different, but not this different. I'd hoped after a week I would be better acclimated. That first run was even worse, lucky it was overcast!The temperature wasn't all that much hotter, but the oppressive humidity was...

College Sex
4 years ago
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My Guilty Pleasure Spanked and Fingered

His eyes didn’t leave her body as he followed her into his bedroom. She had begged him to be her guilty pleasure, and as much as his better judgement told him not to, he had agreed. The way that she was looking at him was different than anything he had ever seen, and he was drinking it in. Her eyes were green and glossy. She was standing beside his bed as he closed the door. She hadn’t taken her eyes off of him, and as he closed the door his coy eyes met her gaze again. She started to unzip her...

3 years ago
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I Let My Mother Do My Husband

My name is Naomi and I have a unique story to tell. I’ve been married for about seven years now and our love life is fantastic. But, I have the urge to see my husband fuck someone else. We have talked about this over and over again. Yet, I don’t trust any of our friends, so my fantasy goes unfulfilled. This is where the story goes a little weird, you see my mother and I are like sisters. I confided in her about my fantasy and I was surprised by her response. She told me that she and my father...

3 years ago
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Bath Time with Daddy

Disclaimer, this story is about a Daddy Dom, not my actual father. I call my Husband "Daddy" and I am His girl, princess, baby. This has nothing to do with i****t. _________________________________________________________________________________He dug his fingers into my hips and pulled to Him. Nuzzling my neck he wraps his arms around my hips and kissed me on the forehead between the eyes. "Baby, I'm glad you are home, you look tired." I nod weakly, silently. I feel nearly crippled from...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Chithi

Hi friends, this is Safik. I’m 19 years old guy Eng. student from Trichy, Tamilnadu. This is my first story so please ignore my mistakes. I love this site and I have read lots of stories here. I really did not even dream that I too would have sex that too with my aunt. (Mom’s younger sister). About my aunt, her name is Sumaiya, her hubby is in Kuwait. Though she is very innocent, she has really a sexy figure having a great body of sizes 36dd-30-34. I always masturbate thinking of her Boobies....

2 years ago
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Sherrys Night Out

My name is Sherry. I am married and have two children. I work hard to keep my 31 year old body in good shape. I have long blond hair that stops about eight inches above my waist. My eyes are blue, I weigh 108 pounds and stand about 5'6" tall in high heels. My husband Jim asked me to tell the story of my night on the town in Las Vegas. He has already told the story of my encounter with the four black gentlemen at our hotel. What happened after that adventure, is the subject of this writing....

3 years ago
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The fever broke. A long night, sweating, having the heat of my body pour out, drenching me, soaking my pillows, my sheets.A long night, my body writhing in discomfort as the heat escapes and slowly the haze lifts.Awake. Drenched. Still unsteady as I stand and look in the mirror. A shower should help, but it doesn't. It only washes away the sweat. But the long night is still on my face, and I look in the mirror and see stubble. I can't shave today. I can't keep my hand steady right now. Maybe...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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I Made Him Do It

I Made Him Do It As background, I have to tell you that my husband was not a secret cross dresser. I did not come home and catch him; he was not having an affair and got punished by being turned into a sissy. He does not dream of being a woman or look forward to days when I allow him to lounge around the house in dresses. He is in fact quite straight and enjoys our sex life as much as I do. So you ask; how did it happen that once a month or so he dresses up in feminine lingerie? It...

3 years ago
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Jessicas New Toy Part 2 CLICK

“Don’t cry.”The woman Jack loved and lusted over had used his worst insecurities to crush his ego like a grape and the tears had begun to flow. He deserved it for being such a little pervert, but it still felt as though his world had turned to ash.“Don't. Cry." Jack sniffed and tried to stop “You’re pathetic. I hate you and your worse than worthless bitch clit for doing this. I know it shouldn't, but it does. We had something good. We were both having fun, even if I was being a little...

2 years ago
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The Book Walker

* I just wanted to say that this is my first CHYOA story and it may take a bit to get to the erotica, so sorry. But if you want you can DM me if you have any tips for my writing. Also if you have any questions, leave them in the comments, I will try to reply to them. I will also try my best to update often, but that may be difficult because of work and my writer's block. I'm also working on other things, so sorry if I don't Update for a bit. But enough of me talking let's get into the...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

Ted and his dad, Sam, had been planning for months to take a trip to the cabin in the mountains his dad purchased when Ted was just a little guy. Every year for 10 days to two weeks, Sam, his wife Susan, and Ted would go to the cabin and Sam would teach Ted to hunt and fish. When they weren't hunting or fishing, the three of them would canoe, kayak or anything else they could not do at home normally. The cabin had two bedrooms, an upper loft for mom and dad and a guest bedroom on the main...

2 years ago
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My Bi MMF 3some

PART 1 – This episode in my sex-life relates to an experience when I was on holiday on the island of Ibiza . I was there with a good male friend of mine when, five days into the holiday, he had to return home unexpectedly due to a family crisis. Before we became aware of the problem, we had talked about hiring a car for a week and going to two or three nude beaches. So being alone now, I decided to carry on with the plan and therefore, the morning after he left, I set out for the day. After...

3 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 24 Bethany and Hank

I called Bethany. We made an appointment for Monday after 15:00. Both lawyers were in Florida finalizing some kind of contract for an Island firm. Any calls after 15:00 are handled by a service and directed or recorded as needed. I wrote a note to Fran but she arrived from school a few minutes before Bethany arrived. Fran knew the drill. Homework, be sure to eat something healthy and call Rick if you wish. Keep the laptop ready to receive phone calls. I introduced Bethany and Fran. “Fran,...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 266 Is This Life

What the heck is it about people wanting to know if Celia or her sister were putting out. “I have no idea. Celia’s only twelve, and I don’t even think about having sex with middle school girls anymore. I’m pretty sure I probably did when I was in middle school,” I told the mother of Celia’s best friend, who so happened to be a boy. “As far as I know, the kids are treating her like a leper because she did some dumb human trick to impress some kids. She did say some boy came over to see if he...

3 years ago
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Skinny Desi Indian Housewives In USA Fucked 8211 Part 1

Hi all, myself Bala an IT engineer currently working in NJ, USA. I am a normal built person with a 6-inch long and 3-inch thick dick. Without any delay, let’s get into the story that happened recently. After submitting my last story, I was not expecting any feedback or calls for sex. One day, I got a chat request from Naina. We had a very slow interaction in the beginning. I wasn’t sure if she want to have sex with me or just writing for feedback or just a fake person pretending to be a...

2 years ago
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RebecaChapter 1

The following characters appear in the first chapter of the story: Robert King’s Marshal, 6’-8” tall, 275 pounds, 29 years old, flaming red hair and beard, green eyes, freckles mostly not visible Rebeca Slave girl, 5’-7” tall, 120 pounds, 34C-21-32, 17 years old, orange/red hair, green eyes, freckles, very cute Albert Farmer, 6’-0” tall, 190 pounds, 38 years old, brown hair and eyes broad shoulders Wesley Journeyman Physician, 5’-10” tall, 150 pounds, 26 years old, blond hair, blue...

1 year ago
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Adult Emporium

Has anyone ever taken their girlfriend/wife to an adult bookstore? About four years ago back in my male slut days; I posted once about what I did at that Adult Emporium on I-20 in Kennedale. Alice responded by telling me how much of a male dog slut I was. She really derided and insulted me. I emailed her back that she was right that all the things that she said were true, that I was, in fact, a sex-dog-whore. It turned her on and she kept asking for details.Finally, Alice said, "I want to watch...

1 year ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 24 Deaths in the Family

When it was six in the morning in Silver Orb, Nevada, it was nine in Pensacola, Florida. Hank in Pensacola was going over the latest spreadsheets from Operation Goldfish Bowl and the intersection points with the investigation on the recent senator assassinations when his virtual desk signaled an incoming priority call from Nancy in Silver Orb. "What's the bad news?" Hank said when Nancy's face appeared on the wall opposite the desk. "It's Charles and his wife," Nancy choked up, put...

3 years ago
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Distorted Swamp Doll Ch 02

Buck was in the middle of meditating when he heard the door bell ring. ‘Who could that be?’ He muttered to himself and with a groan, his dark brown eyes opened. Buck Dimple was the older brother of Fawnie. He was 32 years old and stood at about 6’2 with an incredibly muscular and defined physique. His complexion was similar to that of his sister’s. They also shared the same round dark brown eyes though his other facial features were more prominent. He kept his hair in a low cut fade style...

2 years ago
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IngridChapter 4

The mainsail was down and draped over the boom. The Genoa was furled around its stay at the bow. The engine was running on idle in forward as he searched for the right depth on the sounder. He pulled the gear lever back to neutral and let the boat coast toward shore. They were a hundred meters or so from the pebbles on the beach. The sounder reading flicked between five and six fathoms and he pulled the gear lever briefly into reverse to bring the boat to a stop. He walked forward and took...

2 years ago
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Barn fuck

Sometimes I just wake up and know that I have to dress as slutty as possible, find a chat room, find someone near me and arrange a meeting with them.i love those days...Recently, I woke up, already stroking my shaved body with a thick, hard cock and half raised on all fours. I was so horny, I was shivering uncontrollably and thinking of nothing but being a fuckdoll for the first available cock I could find.After coffee, I flipped on the Internet for my favourite chat room to see if a regular...

2 years ago
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My 18 Year Old Jessica A True Story Part 3

We went back to our routine of chit chatting at work. I found myself always wondering what she was wearing underneath and subsequently visualize her shaved tight pussy. I'd get a hint of a thong or a glimpse of a silky bra, but mostly Jessica would talk to me about normal stuff like TV shows and pissed off clients. Either way I had to concentrate very hard on losing my erection when lunch was over or I'd have been in for a very embarrassing walk down the hall. It had been about two weeks...

4 years ago
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SpaceChapter 7

I followed the leads to a small box. This was not big enough to store all this information that could be gathered. The search went on until I found a small basement room near the furnace. It had seven large, and I guess, powerful computers. They were stacked full of CD drives or perhaps they were DVD. Pictures of fucking took up a lot of room if they were done in high quality. That meant a lot of disks. I was getting a sore ass by the time I found a safe cemented into the floor in the room...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 18

Ed walked in with his designer coffee just a little before 9 AM that next morning. "That was quite a load of toys you brought in yesterday. I should have stayed to take inventory," he suggested. "Not toys, Ed, those are tools. Blevins warned me that if I got Lucas killed, the cops would not be happy." "They still hold the nurse against you?" "Not the cops so much, but those nurses do, and the cops hold the nurses against them. So to keep peace, they say snarky things about...

1 year ago
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Licking my way to satisfaction

‘Do you trust me?..’ I whispered softly to you as I slide the blindfold over your sapphire blue eyes. I loved gazing into them but had to tear my stare away so that they could disappear under the cloth. My heart was racing now with anticipation and excitement. It had only been a couple of days since your arrival to see me and already we had done it more times than I could count and had opened you up completely to experiment with me. I am younger than you are it was difficult for you to shake...

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