PissieChapter 4 free porn video

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"Pissie! Telephone!" I heard Lonnie's voice yelling for me and that was strange, because little Lonnie Ebertowski hardly ever spoke above a whisper.

But she sat right next to the dormitory's telephone, doing some sort of homework there in what we called the living room, but I didn't know exactly what it was. I was busy doing my own, and I wasn't too sure exactly what that was about either. Sometimes that college stuff could be hard.

"Thanks Lonnie." I smiled at her and she blushed beneath her straight black hair, cut short so it just reached her shoulders.

"Hello?" I answered the phone, wondering who could possibly be calling me. I thought maybe it was my dad, but it wasn't.

"Is this uh, Pissie?" A girl's voice asked me.

"Uh-huh," I nodded, even though she couldn't tell.

I was mostly nodding at Lonnie anyway, looking at her big brown eyes, because they were looking at me. She was wearing a pair little reading glasses that made her look smart. They were round and black and cute like she was. Lonnie only wore them when she was doing her homework, but I thought she ought to wear them all the time.

"Hi! My name is Wendy and I'm with the Phi Kappa Sorority."


"Have you heard of us?" Wendy asked, but she didn't wait for an answer. "Of course you have. Listen um, have you thought about joining a Greek House yet?"

"No, not really..."

"Good ... I mean, good you haven't picked a different one, because we'd really like to ask you if you wanted to stop by this Friday and..."

"Friday?" I squinted and I could see Lonnie was doodling, or something. I leaned closer to see that she was drawing a heart, and actually she'd made a whole bunch of them, all different sizes, in the margins of her text book.

" ... What? Yeah, this Friday. See, rush week is coming and we have a little list of girls that we'd like to meet and..."

"I guess I can come by, sure," I shrugged.

" ... You can? Fantastic, wow ... Okay, well we're going to start about seven and..."

"Can my friends come?" I asked her, thinking it would be pretty cool if I could bring Heather and Carla, and Suzy especially, I thought she'd like being in a sorority.

"Your friends?" Wendy seemed to think that over. "Well, see this is kind of a special party, so uh ... We'd just really like it if you could come all by yourself, you know, and..."

"Uh, no that's okay," I said. "Thanks anyway."

"Wait, hold on a sec ... CLICK" I hung up on the girl.

"Bye Lonnie." I gave her a smile and she looked up at me from her book without even a hint of expression.

"Pissie! Telephone!" Lonnie was yelling again and I scratched my head.

She smiled at me this time, holding the phone and looking sort of apologetic.

"Thanks, Lonnie." I wiggled my eyebrows and she dropped her eyes a little.

She was so cute! It was like impossible not to do something every time I saw her. I thought that Lonnie was the cutest girl in the dorm, probably the whole college, even if she was the quietest one too.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Pissie?" It was another girl, a different girl.

"Uh ... Yep." I replied and I was looking at Lonnie's toes, since she was sitting in a big padded chair with her legs up, her knees pulled close to her chest and her heels on the edge of the chair.

"Hey, this is Janice, the President of the Phi Kappa Sorority and..."

"Oh, I already talked to Wendy and I can't make it on..."

"I know, I know ... Hold on ... Wendy was just a little ... confused."

"She was?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah, it happens sometimes, you know. She's blonde." Janice giggled.

"I'm blonde too," I told her and Lonnie smiled at me again, just a little one and her pretty little toes wiggled while I counted them slowly in my head. She had ten of them, every time.

"Oh." Janice stopped giggling. "Anyway, uh, you were asking about your friends, right?"

"Yeah, I want to come, but I'd like to bring my friends, you know? Cause they're my friends."

"Oh sure, friendship is important. It's one of the qualities we look for in a Phi Kappa girl."

"It is?"

"Absolutely and we'd ... uh, we'd love to meet you and your friends, Pissie."

"Oh." I smiled. "Great."

"Yeah, so Friday night, right? About seven o'clock, do you know where we are?"

"Ummm ... By the library, right?"

"Yeah, just behind it, look for the big Phi Kappa letters on the lawn."

"Okay, sure," I agreed with a nod.

I smiled back at Lonnie as she shifted a little, spreading her short legs, cause she was only like five feet tall and so small, and I could see the insides of her thighs all white and soft. All the way up to her cut-off shorts, which were loose enough so that I could even see a bit of her little white panties inside.

"Great! I can't wait to meet you ... You know, we've heard so much about you, Pissie!"

"You have?" I pursed my lips. "Like what?"

"Oh, you know ... Girl talk!" Janice laughed. "See you Friday!"

"Sure, okay. Bye," I said, hanging up the phone and wondering what girl talk meant exactly, but I hoped it was good. Maybe that was what Patty had been talking about, I thought.

"See ya later, Lonnie." I smiled at her.

She just looked over her book at me, sucking the end of her yellow high-lighter and moving her knees back and forth slowly, in and out like pale butterfly wings.

"Pissie! Telephone!"

"Thanks Lonnie." I stuck out my tongue a little and she looked at me, holding the phone and biting her bottom lip with a smile playing at the corners of her little mouth.


"Is this Pissie?" It was some other girl I didn't know.

"Uh-huh ... Who's this?"

"I'm Laura, the secretary for the Lambda Pi Sorority. How are you?"

"Uh ... I'm just peachy," I shrugged and Lonnie giggled at me softly.

Lonnie had her legs tucked under small round butt now, sitting kind of sideways in that huge chair with her book over knees. She looked young and old at the same time, I thought. Like an 18 year old sixth grader, that's how Lonnie seemed to me, and it made my tummy do little flip-flops.

"Wonderful! Hey, I'm calling to find out if you'd given any thought to joining a sorority yet? Rush week is coming and..."

"Sorta," I told her. "The Phi Kappa girls called me and..."

"Phi Kappa?" Laura sounded shocked. "Oh my God! Those girls are total sluts!"

"They are?" I blinked at the phone and Lonnie's doe eyes got big, even though she didn't know why. "Total sluts?"

"Yeah, like major cock sluts!"

"Major cock sluts?" I swallowed hard.

Lonnie blushed at that, looking back down quickly, and she had a black pen in her fingers. She was using it on my jeans as I stood close by her chair, but I didn't mind since they were old and faded and ripped at the knees anyway. Lonnie was drawing little hearts on me now and I could feel the pen like a soft scratching on my thigh.

"They're no good for a girl like you, Pissie!" Laura decided.

"They're not?"

"Oh no, not unless you're into getting boned by half the frats in town."

"Uhhhh..." I didn't know what to say to that. There was a big boy's college nearby, but I didn't know much about frats or whatever.

"You're not, are you?"


"Into ... You know ... Getting boned?"

"I don't think so," I said, thinking I was pretty much a lesbian and very happy to stay that way.

"Good ... Whew ... You had me worried for a minute there, Pissie!" she laughed.

"Me too." I swallowed nervously.

"We're a real sorority, Pissie. The Lambda Pi girls are a group of like-minded young women who like to like other like-minded young women ... You know what I mean?"

"Uh..." I scratched my head.

I was mostly looking at Lonnie's fingers because they were delicate and not very big at all, and she was writing her name a whole bunch of times now, all over my right thigh, on my jeans, I mean, and in between the hearts.

"And that's why we like you, Pissie."

"Oh, well ... Sure," I shrugged. "I like that too."

"Great! We're having a little get-together for our special pledges and, well, you're not a pledge yet, of course, but if you could come by and meet us..."

"Can my friends come too?"

"Friends?" Laura seemed to think about it. "Well, see the thing is we're really selective about the kind of girl we're looking for and we'd just want to meet you first, and then..."

"Uhhh..." I sighed. "Thanks, but I can't make it."

"Hold on, Pissie, maybe we can ... CLICK"

I hung up the phone and leaned close to Lonnie.

"If it rings again, I'm gonna kiss you," I whispered and she just stared at me over her glasses and smiled.

"Pissie! Telephone!"

"Thanks, Lonnie." I grinned at the girl and she was licking her lips and her little pink tongue looked like a sweet piece of taffy.

"Hello?" I sighed.

Lonnie had dropped her book in her lap, and she was stretching her arms high with a soft moan, putting her fingers together, you know. When she did that her thin white t-shirt was stretched nice and tight over her smallish breasts, and most especially her hard dark nipples, I could tell because I don't think Lonnie ever wore a bra. She had the smallest boobs of any girl at the university, I thought, and I found that really interesting.

"Hi, Pissie? This is Veronica and..."

"Hold on a second, okay?" I leaned over Lonnie as she sat there, looking up at me and I put my face close enough to hers so that my blonde hair fell into her eyes.

I kissed her then, just like I'd promised and Lonnie just sat there, letting me do it. She didn't really respond, I mean she wasn't acting eager or anything, but she was more than willing. Her mouth opened for my tongue, and I Frenched her for a half a minute before I figured that was enough for a first kiss in the middle of the dorm commons. A couple other girls were sorta watching.

"Told ya so," I whispered and Lonnie swallowed hard, lowering her eyes sweetly and licking her lips.

"Sorry, I had to kiss a girl," I said into the phone.

"Uh ... Excuse me?"

"The girl who answered the phone? I owed her a kiss." I shrugged and mostly I was saying it because Lonnie was so cute when she blushed.

"I see ... Well, now that's exactly the sort of girl we're looking for!"

"Uh, who are you again?" I asked, but it was hard to care about that anyway because Lonnie was writing on her text book, on all the pages when it was closed, and opposite the spine, if you know what I mean.

"Veronica. I'm the President of the Lambda Pi Sorority, and I think Laura called you a little bit ago?"

"Yeah, I can't make it so..."

"Hold on ... ohhhh wait a second, Pissie ... Laura was just a little mixed up."

"She was?" I asked, tilting my head a little to see that Lonnie was writing my name on her book, in cute curling letters and big ones too, since that book was a couple inches thick easy.

"Oh yeah, definitely mixed up, uh ... We want to meet you and all of your friends," Veronica told me, speaking quickly just in case I was going to hang up on her.

"I see, well ... Okay," I giggled, but just because Lonnie was writing her name too, after mine, and she'd put a big plus sign between them.

"So Friday night we're having a little party, sort of a get together with a few girls that we think are special ... Like you."

"Uh-huh," I nodded. "What time?"

"Oh, around eight o'clock. Is that good for you? We're pretty relaxed so..."

"Sure," I nodded. "That's fine. You're by the Auditorium, right?"

"Yeah, just across the street, you can't miss us." Veronica sounded happy. "So we'll see you then right? You and your friends."

"Sure," I agreed. "Bye."

"If it rings again..." I hung up the phone slowly and caught Lonnie's eyes with mine, " ... I'm going to fuck you."

The eighteen year old freshman swallowed hard and blinked rapidly at me, and then looked around quickly like someone might have heard me and a couple girls did, I was sure; Carol was there, and Olivia too.

"Bye Lonnie." I waved my fingers at her and she licked her lips.

"Pissie! Telephone!"

I smiled to myself as I walked towards Lonnie and the telephone she was holding out in her left hand. She was closing her books; stuffing them in her little Powder Puff Girls backpack along with her pens and highlighters with her other hand.

"Hello?" I answered the phone. "Hello?"

I stared at the phone for a second before I realized I could hear a dial tone and I looked at Lonnie and she was smiling, but it wasn't a shy one this time, for the first time, and I didn't think anyone had ever seen her smile like that before. It made me quiver all over inside.

"Let's go to my room," she said.

Part 2

"I just want to watch you first," Lonnie told me, closing the door of her room behind her and leaning against it.

"Sure," I grinned. "Uhhh..."

"Take off your clothes." Lonnie's voice was quiet, just barely a whisper, but she seemed changed somehow too.

I mean, she was still barely five feet tall and all of ninety five pounds, maybe, if she had a lot of stuff in her pockets. Unbelievably cute, at least to me, I think I'd been in love with Lonnie since she'd moved in two days after I had. She didn't have breasts so much as just big brown nipples, plain as day under her tight t-shirt. Narrow hips, almost boyish and those pink shorts, they were killing me. Her legs were creamy and smooth and her tiny small feet and little pink toes ... God!

The girls I used to dream about, like in my head when I was growing up and wishing in bed at night, none of them looked like Lonnie. Not even close. None of them were as sexy as she was either and I guess maybe life is like that. The best things really are what you have and not what you think you want, so I was probably lucky that I suddenly wanted what I had. But that's pretty deep for a wanna-be blonde lesbian piss slut like me.

Changed, that's what I was talking about. Lonnie seemed different, as soon as the door was closed, or maybe even before that, when she'd said we were going to her room. She wasn't the shy girl anymore and I thought I'd be the one suggesting things and wanting to do things, you know, talking her into it. But now it was different and I liked that, and best of all, Lonnie knew it.

"Let me see you, Pissy," Lonnie repeated and I almost blushed, because the only other girl who had ever looked at me the way she was right then, had been me practicing in the mirror back in Seattle.

"Okay." I smiled and I undressed for the girl slowly, just standing in the middle of her room.

It was afternoon and the sunlight was streaming through the big window and Lonnie's dorm room looked just like mine, or anyone else's. Simple furniture, a few personal things, but not too much. We'd only been there a few weeks, almost a month, and so we were only slowly making the place our own.

I took off my top and I wasn't wearing a bra either, like why would I? I was at home. My nipples were already hard and puffy, and colored pretty pink like Lonnie's toes. She was looking at them too, over the rim of her glasses still perched on her nose. I tossed my clothing aside and unbuttoned my old jeans, not feeling shy at all, or embarrassed, but only excited now because I'd been waiting for this a long time.

I stepped awkwardly this way and that, getting those pants off with a giggle and dropping them half inside-out. I peeled my panties off last, tight little bikini panties, which were the kind I liked most, just plain and white and practical. I pushed them down and kicked them off, letting Lonnie see every part of me that she wanted to. My clit was hard and pink, my pussy lips already ruddy and plump with excitement. I even had goosebumps, which was way cool.

"Do you like me?" I asked Lonnie, sucking my bottom lip. I had my hands behind my back and I was twisting a little on my hips.

"Yeah," she breathed and I could barely hear her.

"Do you um ... Need to pee?" I asked, cause maybe she did.

Maybe that was really the only reason she wanted me to come to her room. Lonnie hadn't undressed at all, so I was a little unsure of what we were doing, but it was fun anyway. It was a different sort of game, this getting naked and being watched. I liked the way it was making my heart stutter a little.

"Maybe," Lonnie smiled, just a little. "Is that all you want?"

"Uh..." I blinked at that because I wasn't sure what she meant.

"Do you just want to be a piss slut, or do you want something else?"

She was undressing now, starting with her shorts and I watched her unbutton them slowly. Lonnie let them fall down her pretty legs and her panties had little strings on each hip. Lonnie just gave them a tug, smiling at me and letting the flimsy white material fall loose between her thighs, the crotch clinging to her moist pussy momentarily and then finally letting go.

Lonnie's pussy was a beautiful nest of black hair, trimmed neatly and thin, so that I could see her sex low beneath the soft swell of her mound. I licked my lips and tried to understand what she was asking me. What did I want, really? It should have been easy to answer, but I was having a hard time with it and I worried that maybe I was disappointing this girl somehow.

"I just want to be happy." I shrugged and that at least made her smile.

"Would a girlfriend make you happy?" Lonnie asked, and she was walking towards me now, not that it was very far of course. Those dorm rooms were small.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I want one."

"Me too," she sighed. "I want you to be my girlfriend, Pissy."

"Me?" I laughed, but it was a happy, surprised one.

"I want you to be my piss slut too, would you like that?" Lonnie was close to me now, wearing just her t-shirt and I could have reached out and touched her if I'd dared.

"I ... Yeah," I nodded. "I've never had a..."


" ... Ow!" I gasped and blinked and jumped all at the same time because Lonnie had just spanked my butt. It didn't hurt at all, it just surprised me. Lonnie was full of surprises, which shouldn't have surprised me, uh ... Maybe.

"Get on your hands and knees, Pissy," Lonnie told me and her voice was soft and sweet to my ears, but something in it...

"Okay." I swallowed hard and I moved to do as Lonnie told me, watching curiously as she was opening her dresser.

"Do you know what this is?" Lonnie was holding something that looked an awful lot like a big white cock, except it had long red straps hanging from it.

"Uh ... A dildo?" I giggled and Lonnie laughed and nodded.

"A strap-on dildo." She pushed up her glasses and looked at it closely. "I got it six months ago. Mail order."

"Mail order?" I smiled.

"Yeah, my folks would have killed me if they knew I had this under my bed." Lonnie was putting it on now. "I just hid it away and late at night I'd look at it sometimes."

I was listening to her and watching as she put that fake cock on around her narrow waist. It looked huge, especially on her since Lonnie was so petite anyway. I had no idea if it was a big cock or a little one though, I mean compared to a real one. I'd never seen a real live hard one and I'd never wanted to, but seeing that cock on Lonnie was making my pussy quiver, and I rubbed my clit gently as I knelt there waiting for what I knew had to be coming.

Lonnie was going to fuck me.

"I never used it though, not even on me." Lonnie shrugged and she was pulling it a little, playing with it to make sure it was nice and firm against her pelvis.

"Why not?"

"I was saving it for my girlfriend." Lonnie smiled at me. "I never had one, but I knew I would someday."

"Am I your girlfriend?" I asked, just teasing myself really, cause I knew the answer.

"Yeah, Pissy." Lonnie was walking over and getting behind me. "You're my girlfriend now, nobody else's. Right?"

Same as Pissie
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At my friends playing playstation

My name is Chris, i'm 18. One day, I went over to my friend Alex's place, because his dad was out and he was feeling bored. Alex is a small guy with curly blond hair, and he loves to play playstation more than anything. So I knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Alex. He was standing there in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. "Hey man", "hey Chris" he replied, "come" he beckoned for me to come inside with him, so we went inside and I stood in the middle of his living room while he...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 2

Joanna stood at the entrance to Amanda's bedroom, staring at the neatly made bed. A pair of folded pyjamas lay atop the duvet and the sight brought forth a fresh wave of tears. She tried to recall when her daughter was last away from home. The only time that she could recollect was two years ago: an overnight stay at a special clinic that her GP had recommended. It had successfully treated a persistent bed wetting problem that had plagued her through the first few years of high school. It...

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Wait Until We Are Married Chapter 5

******************************************** Megan looked at my test paper that I’d just handed her and was very happy, “Good job dear! I told you getting tutored by Judy would help!” Over the last month I’d been ‘tutored’ a twice a week by Judy, a friend of hers who came over, tantalized me by using the words and phrases I’d need for the next test in suggestive and sexual ways, culminating in us fucking our brains out. It was fantastic and I’d mostly stopped masturbating to porn with...

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Jason I My First Orgasm

I took Jason by his hand and led him up to the second story of my house. "Hey, go wait in my room, I'll be in there in a sec." I said as I motioned to my bedroom door. Jason had been inside my room before, but this time it was different. This time we wouldn't just be sitting around watching television or playing video games, we would be having sex. The thought of that just sent butterflies to my stomach and gave me a hard on. I checked in my older brother's room to make sure he wasn't...

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CFNM Witch

*This story is based on the above picture by XenaStorm from DeviantArt. Credit for the image goes to her: https://www.deviantart.com/xenastorm/art/Halloween-witch-590838012 Jack was walking home from the gym after an amazing workout. Although most people tend to work out earlier in the day, Jack much preferred to exercise later because he loved the nighttime and the feeling of the brisk, cool air against his skin. Little did he know, he’d really be feeling that air against his skin in just a...

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Bird of PreyChapter 6

Angela was nicely aroused as she took great pleasure at ordering the new maid about the store premises. The two younger assistants also took great pleasure in chiding the maid at every opportunity; neither of the two younger girls was quite sure just why it gave their pussies such a buzz, but they found they enjoyed it more and more, particularly Melanie, to whom Gordon had been particularly strict about her timekeeping etcetera. Elaine grinned with pleasure as she saw the growing enjoyment...

4 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 4

If you have read my first three stories then you'll know I am married to a sexy wife who loves to bring home a messy pussy for me to play in. Not far from our house is a busy mall, and near the mall is all types of eatting joints. The one I like best is a BBQ rib place , we eat there often. The Waitress uniform is a Danskin type one piece with a small apron and dark tan pantyhose. It sounds slutty looking but really it isn't. Once while we where eatting there I said to my wife, you have the...

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Fun at lunch in tights

We arrange a rendez-vous for a Friday lunch time for a few drinks and lunch.You are dressed in pleated skirt, boots, black opaque tights and blouse with jacket. You look delicious. Drink flows and discussion turns to naughty experiences we've had in the past.Boldly I suggest an idea to you and I am over the moon when you agree to carry the idea out....................must be the drink, but who cares!!!!We leave the bar and pop to Anne Summers on the high street - we purchase a vibrating love...

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Chat Room Rendevous

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. This story involves the Batman family as seen on the early to mid-90s Batman, the Animated Series. Batman is Bruce Wayne, Robin is...

2 years ago
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Είχαμε κανονίσει με το μωράκι μου να βρεθούμε Παρασκευή και μάλιστα με την προοπτική να κοιμόμασταν αγκαλίτσα! Το περίμενα με απίστευτη λαχτάρα, ήθελα να τον δω, να τον νιώσω, να είμαστε χαλαρά... Όντως το μωρό μου πραγματοποίησε την επιθυμία μου και μάλιστα φρόντισε να μοιραστούμε τις μοναδικές μας στιγμές σε ένα απο τα αγαπημένα μας ξενοδοχεία με θέα τον Θερμαικό!!Απο το πρωι σπαρταρούσα απο καύλα!! Μετρούσα ένα ένα τα λεπτά ... Ήταν πέντε η ώρα όταν ξεκίνησε το όνειρό μου!! Κάθε φορά που...

3 years ago
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Thank You Love

Kyle and I had the best relationship a couple could ever dream of having. We hadn't been dating more than a few months, but had known each other for years, which helped speed our relationship along. We met years before when my stepdad introduced us at a football party. At that time I was seventeen, married, and pregnant. Kyle was in his late twenties, also in a relationship, and was engaged. A few years later Kyle and I found more common ground. The relationships we had been in years before...

Love Stories
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Thorn take charge of my life

I am finishing my chores when Thorn rises from the sofa:"Is the bathroom done yet?”“Yes, just finished.”“Good. I’m going to shower while you finish the kitchen and then you are to take me out dancing."That might sound good, but she knows I can’t dance and don’t even like it. Still, nothing to be done about that. I get on with my work as she gets ready. I see her flit from the bathroom to the bedroom and back again a couple of times. Obviously unable to decide what to wear, she passes in varied...

2 years ago
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Getting Married Tomorrow Chapter 3

There were a couple of people gawking, as we left the lounge. They had obviously gotten a good eyeful. As we entered the room, Ivan pushed the massage table up against the wall, and indicated to me to help him get the mattress off the bed and onto the floor, as there was no way we were all going to fit on the bed. Marcia was full on, kissing Joy again, while Ivan dropped his towel and lay back on the bed. Marcia then manoeuvre’s Joy over Ivan, spreads Joy legs and gets her to squat...

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You walk into the kitchen and stand in the middle of the floor. I look up slowly and I see a black blindfold draped over your little finger, held out to me at chest level. You are smiling slightly waiting for me to acknowledge you. It takes several seconds for me to process what I am seeing and then I look at you, I smile and nod. Your smile widens and you say, ‘Give me 25 minutes!’ and you are gone. 25 minutes, 1500 seconds, I busy myself cleaning the kitchen, I wander around picking up...

2 years ago
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Haleys CometChapter 2

By the time Haley arrived on the St Paul campus I had been there for 16 days and knew my way around quite a bit. I certainly knew every stair on the campus as coach had us run up and down each to condition our legs. I must have taken 10,000 shots in practice as the two scholarship goalies were still playing summer tune-up leagues in Canada. There were 2 other walk on goalies, but I was certain that I was the one who would be picked. My confidence with the opposite sex may have been...

3 years ago
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Teacher Gets Trained part1

My wife Mary and I were young school teachers and finally had a summer off. We had met and fell in love in college and both taught High School courses in the same school district. The first three summers we had spent getting our Master's degrees and this summer was to be free for us to play. We had bought a used pickup truck with a camper on it and were doing some traveling around the western states. We camped in national forests for free and looked for remote places where the fishing might be...

1 year ago
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Interesting Car Ride

Well this is a true story I've been meaning to write for a while now. It's the first one I've ever done so any comments, please let me know....... It was late in the evening, around 8:30pm. Bored at staying in for another for another night I decided to call my friend Mel and see if she want to go out for a drive for a while. She agreed and I picked her up from her house at around 10pm. She looked stunning! With her gorgeous figure, 36DD breasts and wearing only a small top and a skirt that came...

1 year ago
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Allison Part 1

I was putting my coat down on the bed where Helen told me to leave it when a woman entered without a coat in her hands. She stared at me and made me slightly uneasy as I let my coat drop ontop of the others of the pile. She stood leaning against the door frame, a glass of wine in her hand as I saw her eyes travel down to my legs and back up slowly to my face. I was wearing a rather tight black dress that always made me feel sensational. It stopped just above my knees, giving it a rather...

4 years ago
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James Gay Sugar Daddy Part One

James: Gay Sugar Daddy Part OneI had just moved to the big city and found myself poor, working odd jobs, and lacking a sex life. After my trip to Europe and finishing school, I had hit a 6 month dry spell. Being a cute 24 year old 5'7 bear cub with dirty blonde hair and an athletic build, I had never before had trouble getting laid, but I was getting older. I thought my wild days were behind me, but then I met James.I found a night job as a bartender at a local gay bar. I made decent tips,...

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

Let me describe myself tall handsome and good looking too that’s what my girl told me. I’m a software engineer and I started working at a company. you couldn’t get into any men’s hostel the next thing to select was a PG. Yes at least I got it. It’s fairly a 2 km away from the company. Their place which I went was so amazing. First of all that family was a nuclear one. Wife husband and 2 and half year old kid. Husband use to work in shipping industry and he used to stay at home for 6 months and...

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Catrsquos Machine is Trinarsquos Pain

Cat walked around with a big grin on her face, or rather a bigger one than usual. No one knew why, except for Cat. Beck had intervened and helped her get over her Sky Mall addiction, but she managed to find another version of Sky Mall, except this one was for adults. "Sex Mall" was that it was called and it was a sex toy catalogue and she loved it. She consistently bought several things out of there on weekly basis and now owned the top 50 female toys in the list and had even lent some out to...

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The River

Eric stopped to wipe his sweating brow with a red polka-dot handkerchief, before renewing his grip on the long pole and pushing the punt along again. He was seventy-three years old and slightly overweight. The poling was very hard work and Eric was looking forward to reaching the end of the journey. Mavis, his wife of fifty-two years, reclined in the double love seat of the boat and looked around at the countryside as they made their placid way along the gently-flowing water. She was also a...

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Savita getting Trapped

Hi this is Savita just mailing what happened to me so you can understand what happens to awomen when is taken in to a different world. I married Manohar who was small time workerin MIDC Pune and we come from a very poor family. I never used to wear bra too even aftermy wedding so my breasts are smooth and big after I had my first daughter. But that doesn’tmean I am so beautiful. I am 5.4 brownish complex and normal looking girl.The second stuff is that I too worked in a net café as my husbands...

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The Cheaters Map of Prague

That Prague's old city was never torn down to be rebuilt in concrete was perhaps the only positive legacy of communist misrule. Not that this was intentional of course. Given the chance, the party would have razed St Nicholas Cathedral and everything around it. But the sputtering economy and Moscow's greedy hands in the Czech treasury had kept most of the party's ambitions in check. Lacking the funds needed to actually tear down and replace Prague's bohemian grandeur, the party printed maps...

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InstructionsIt had been a hell of a night shift, very sick patients to look after, decisions to make, now a meeting to sit though before the end, she wanted to escape from this, go to a world to just be , just to relax. She had to take a break to eat found a quiet corner, best check my phone she thought, there was a message from him, why did she suddenly feel nervous, ' look in the bottom of your bag, I want it inside you, & I want a picture' it read.She looked round scared that someone...

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Winter FiresChapter 9

Marianne made the call to her Aunt, apologizing for getting her out of bed. Simon heard Jennifer's voice say tinnily, "No, that's okay, I was just reading," then something quieter that he didn't catch. Marianne replaced the receiver and thanked the receptionist. "What did she say?" Caroline asked. "Oh, you know. The usual — Enjoy ourselves but stay out of trouble." Simon leant close to Marianne and quietly asked, "There was something else, wasn't there?" Marianne, in turn,...

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Just For LaughsChapter 8

Nine months later, Gabrielle gave birth to an eight pound baby girl. The family on both sides were delighted. She was showing already when Chris and her flew to Chicago from Detroit for Matt's marriage to Erin. Now the Cro-Magnon brothers didn't know how to treat her now that she was in the family way. She wore maternity clothes so they were more fearful of her than anything. Gabrielle's little method of putting her legs up to her shoulders worked. Before even giving birth to her daughter,...

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Asain Flower On Her Anniversary

Just goes to show how once you've been made love to and fucked so hard you will always come back for more. My asian flower called me on Monday, and I know she had been out of town for the weekend with family, as soon as she got home she picked up the phone to tell me she was back. I know she didn't want to go on this trip with her family but had anticipated being at home by herself until I came over, but that didn't work out. I knew she would be horny as hell over the weekend, so I planted...

3 years ago
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Around noon, the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, there were two very rough looking men there. One was medium height, and seemed to have the presence of a “man in charge”; the other was a bigger, stoic man, who appeared to be a protector of some sort. I got the immediate impression that he was the shorter man’s “muscle”. Well, as you’re about the find out, my instincts turned out to be right. The ‘boss’ said he wanted to speak with my husband, so I turned to the back of the house and...

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Godless and Faithless 2 Ch 7

Axel himself had little to no marketable skills to offer. Oh, he was vastly better educated than this world’s common citizens, but it wasn’t applicable or of little use. That left the duo stuck with their cover job as bodyguards for the camp whores. There lack of use was sobering. Even worse, the clients didn’t put up much trouble as none wanted to be banned from the comfort the whores provided. Also, if anyone was banned by the prostitutes, that individual would be kicked out of the...

2 years ago
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CarlieChapter 11

Bob’s turn: Should’ve known better. Figured that for all the sass and the last two days’ worth of teasing, that when it came to the actual act of crawling into the bed together, I’d actually get an apprehensive, if willing, new wife. Boy, was I ever wrong. As the old boy said, ‘I got attackeded.’ It was like she’s been storing up all these ideas and expectations and the ideas all worked and the expectations were exceeded. No tears. No pensiveness. Nope. Blonde, blue-eyed bundle of...

3 years ago
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A Tale of two Boilers

 A Tale of Two Boilers By Matthew Dyne I knew the new owner of Doc Wheeler’s house was shopping when my answering service called my cell. I’d noticed Billy’s and Serge’s, my competitors’, vans there last week. I parked in the driveway and walked up the path. I took a deep breath and stood tall and rang the bell. She took me by surprise. I had a hard time not looking down—I didn’t want her to know what I was thinking. I’m sure she did. I kept my eyes on hers and put out my hand. “Cliff Stone,” I...

Love Stories
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Irenecumming wdaughter the night of perversions

Continuation of the text: Irene cumming with DaughterAfter the morning shag we didn't want any more crazy things, we had lunch and slept - Chel in your bed and Irene and I in hers. Around 5pm, 6pm I wake up with a noise in the kitchen, I get up and when I arrive I see both of them cutting pieces of fruit and meat into cubes.- Hey, sleepyhead, we didn't think you'd wake up.Chel speaks with a mischievous girl smile, she looks at me from the top down, she admires me even with a crumpled face and...

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Im horny arent you

Introduction: Horny? Im always horny… You know that queasy tingle you get in your stomach whenever youre around someone you like? No? Well, it makes you go crazily nervous and not to mention horny as fuck. Well, thats how I feel anyway. Its a feeling that I cant control. At least I have an excuse for it, though, since Im a teenager and I always seem to be craving something or having random mood swings all the time. Anyway, Ive been having this queasy feeling in my stomach every time Im around...

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Black Teen Masters

My name is Ryan. I'm a 22 year old university student,5'8", 160 lbs, blonde hair and reasonably athletic(swim team member). I have a great looking girlfriend andam 100% straight with no experience in any way with anothermale. Four guys in particular - four black teens, all 18year old freshmen at my university - would soon change allthat. I arrived at their place for my usual tutoring sessionto help them in math, Kyle, Tyrone, Lee and Jackson. Nothingseemed unusual until they suddenly...

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Angels Journey Chapter 25

I wake up in darkness to find a ball gag being wedged into my mouth.. I struggle automatically at first, but I've chained myself too well. Besides it's not like I could do anything anyway. I feel it being buckled in then my ass being examined.. closely... I moan into the gag as my ass is gently probed, and my bruises examined. I groan as warm hands softly but firmly massage my ass, rubbing something into it that makes it burn and freeze... it hurts but feels good all at the same...

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Molly and Stephanie the Communication

Molly and Stephanie the Communication between to TVs who are very much into lipstick nylon stockings, high heels silky satin and lace... Would YOU like to continue the story with me? (or if you recognise yourself Steph, you know who to get back in touch with!) Molly: As I rake my long nails, painted in deep shiny cherry red nail-varnish, across and back over my nipples that are encased in my soft but tight pvc corset, I mince across the room in my oh so very high heels, walking...

1 year ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 25

As I was afraid would happen, Saturday turned out to be a blustery, gray day, with a threat of rain. Steve woke me up with a kiss, and, after quick bathroom visits, we were soon entwined in a loving embrace. The day was getting off to a marvelous start! Much later, as we were lying happily in bed, I stretched and exclaimed, "My, that was nice!" The hug and kiss that Steve gave me in response made it evident to me that he felt the same way. He got up, saying, "I'll finish in the bathroom...

2 years ago
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Fun Night With ISS Reader Part 8211 1

Dear ISS readers, I am Abinash back again. I am from Bangalore. Thank you everyone for overwhelming response to my previous stories. In this sexstory, I am going to narrate an incident which happened recently. Without wasting time I am coming to the story. You can follow me and read other stories. After reading my last story, one girl sent a hangout message. Her name is Shalini (Name changed). She lives in Bangalore. She is of 21 years of old and her height was 5.7 ft.. She is looking beautiful...

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