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Είχαμε κανονίσει με το μωράκι μου να βρεθούμε Παρασκευή και μάλιστα με την προοπτική να κοιμόμασταν αγκαλίτσα! Το περίμενα με απίστευτη λαχτάρα, ήθελα να τον δω, να τον νιώσω, να είμαστε χαλαρά... Όντως το μωρό μου πραγματοποίησε την επιθυμία μου και μάλιστα φρόντισε να μοιραστούμε τις μοναδικές μας στιγμές σε ένα απο τα αγαπημένα μας ξενοδοχεία με θέα τον Θερμαικό!!
Απο το πρωι σπαρταρούσα απο καύλα!! Μετρούσα ένα ένα τα λεπτά ... Ήταν πέντε η ώρα όταν ξεκίνησε το όνειρό μου!! Κάθε φορά που μπαίνω στο δωμάτιο και τον αντικρίζω νομίζω ότι θα σπάσει η καρδιά μου!! Με έριξε κατευθείαν στο κρεβάτι και άρχισε να μου δίνει ζουμερά γλωσσόφιλα... τρελαίνομαι για τα γλωσσόφιλά του, χάνομαι, φεύγω απο αυτόν τον κόσμο!!! Αφού πήραμε τις απαραίτητες ανάσες και μείναμε γυμνοί ξεκίνησε το παιχνίδι της πίπας!! Μου αρέσει να ξαπλώνει στο κρεβάτι και να του γλείφω ασταμάτητα την πουτσάρα του. Να γυρίζω την γλώσσα μου γύρω απο το βελούδινο κεφαλάκι, να τον τσιμπουκώνω γρήγορα, μετά ποιο απαλά, να τον παίρνω ολόκληρο μέσα στο στόμα μου και να μου γδέρνει τον λάρυγγα, να τον νιώθω να συσπάται και να βγάζει λαχταριστά ζουμάκια... Ένα ταξίδι χαλαρώματος αλλά και προετοιμασίας για το ξέσκισμα που ακολουθεί!! "Στήσου πουτανάκι μου στα τέσσερα να σε ξεσκίσω τις τρύπες σου" μου λέει ο αντρούκλας μου και μου δίνει το σύνθημα!!

Τρελαίνομαι να του στήνομαι!! Επιασα την αγαπημένη του γωνία και γέμισα ζουμιά πρωτού καν με αγγίξει!! Μπήκε στην μουνάρα μου και την ξέσκιζε και εκεί που με ένιωθε να σπαρταράω μου ξέσκιζε τον κώλο!!! Μουνάρα ... κωλάρα... μουνάρα... κωλάρα ... ασταμάτητα και δυνατά.. και εγω να χύνω αμέτρητες φορές και να χάνομαι απο την ηδονή!!! "Χυσε πουτανάρα μου!!!" μου φώναζε και εγώ τα είχα κάνει όλα μούσκεμα! Δεν θυμάμαι καν πόσες συνεχόμενες φορές μπορεί να έχυσα...20..30...40 είχα χάσει πλέον τον λογαριασμό.. ο ένας οργασμός ακολουθούσε τον άλλο!! Και ήθελα κι άλλο και του φώναζα " Ξέσκισε με κι άλλο αντρούκλα μου" και του άνοιγα τις τρύπες μου με τα χέρια μου και καρφωνόταν βαθιά μέσα μου!! " Έλα να με πάρεις μια ωραία τσιμπουκάρα" μου λέει όσο θα σε παίζω με τον φιλαράκο μας!! Του έδωσα την κωλάρα μου και άρχισα και πάλι να τον τσιμπουκώνω ενώ ένιωθα να βυθίζεται βαθιά στον κώλο μου ο τεράστιος δονητής μας!! Ξεσκιζόμουνα η πουταναρα και γουστάριζα τρελά! Ήθελα να τον πάρω όλο μέσα μου και ας είναι όσο τρεις πουτσάρες μαζί!!! Ο κώλος έχυνε και έσταζε ζουμιά και όσο το έβλεπε ο αντρούκλας μου καυλωνε όλο και περισσότερο!! "Ξέρεις τι παίρνεις στην κωλάρα πουτανάρα μου;" μου έλεγε και εγώ του απαντούσα με έναν ακόμη οργασμό!!
Κάποια στιγμή πήρε το μαστίγιο και άρχισε να μου κοκκινίζει τα κωλομέρια! Και όσο τα ένιωθα να καίνε τόσο φούντωνε η καύλα μου! "Θα σου δίνω 40 βουρδουλιές και μετά θα σε ξεσκίζω" μου λέει! "Θα τις μετράω μια μια..." Δεν περιγράφεται η ηδονή!! Ειδικά όταν έφτανε στο 37...38...39..40 και ήξερα ότι θα με κάρφωνε με την πουτσάρα του έχυνα και μόνο που με άγγιζε!!

Απόλαυση... τρέλα... πάθος!!! Η ώρα είχε πάει 8 και εμείς δεν είχαμε σταματήσει ούτε λεπτό να γαμιόμαστε!! Και είχαμε πικάντικη συνέχεια! Είχαμε προσκαλέσει κάποιους νέους φίλους για να μοιραστούμε τα ερωτικά μας παιχνίδια! Ίσα ίσα προλάβαμε να φρεσκαριστούμε και να χαλαρώσουμε αγκαλιασμένοι μέχρι που ήρθαν τα παιδιά! Η πρώτη εικόνα μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ! Ένα νεαρό ζευγάρι, όμορφοι, χαλαροί, με κέφι και διάθεση! Βάλαμε τα ποτάκια μας μέχρι να γίνουν οι απαραίτητες γνωριμίες και να χαλαρώσουμε!! Είναι πολύ όμορφο να συζητάς με νέους ανθρώπους που δεν έχουν ταμπού!! Κάποια στιγμή ξαπλώσαμε όλοι στο κρεβάτι και αρχίσαμε να τσιμπουκωνόμαστε! Φοβερή αίσθηση!! Ενώ τσιμπούκωνα το μωρό μου ένιωσα τους φίλους μας να μου γλείφουν μαζί την μουνάρα, ενώ το μωρό μου χουφτωνε το στήθος μου! Η απόλυτη ηδονή!! Τρελάθηκα! Δεν είχα ξανανιώσει γυναίκα να με γλείφει και όμως μου άρεσε πολύ αυτό που ζούσα!! Έπαιζε την κλειτορίδα μου και με την γλώσσα της έγλειφε τα μουνόχειλα μου ενώ ο φίλος της την γαμούσε και εγώ τσιμπούκωνα το μωρό μου!! Τρελάθηκα!! Στηθήκαμε αντικριστά στο κρεβάτι και ενώ τα μωρά μας μας γαμούσαν εμείς γλειφόμασταν, χαιδευόμασταν, ρουφούσε η μια τις ρώγες της άλλης! Κάναμε 69 μαζί και γλειφαμε τα ζουμάκια μας... ενώ οι πουτσάρες μας ξεσκίζανε τις κωλότρυπές μας!! Πόση τρέλα μπορεί να προσφέρει το απολαυστικό σεξ!! Γαμιόμασταν χωρίς σταματημό, εγώ τσιμπούκωνα τον φίλο της, αυτή το μωρό μου, μια μας ξέσκιζε ο ένας .. μια ο άλλος ενώ εμείς συνεχίζαμε να γλειφόμαστε και να χουφτωνόμαστε!! Την ένιωθα να μου δαγκώνει τα κωλομέρια, να μου γλείφει τα μουνόχειλα, να παίζει τις ρώγες μου ενώ ταυτόχρονα γαμιότανε!! Ενα απο τα καλύτερα "πουτανάκια"!!!!! Είχα καυλώσει τρελά ... έχυνα και συνέχιζα ... και καύλωνα... και τρελαινόμουν!!! Την έστησε ο αντρούκλας μου στα 4 και την έπαιρνε δυνατα... κώλο ... μουνί... κώλο .. μουνί... εναλλάξ και την ακουγα να φωνάζει απο ηδονή και έλιωνα!!! Ήρθε ο φίλος της απο πίσω μου και με πήρε δυνατά τον κώλο και ενωνόταν οι κραυγές μας και σπαρταρούσαμε απο την απόλαυση!!
Το μωρό μου πήρε το μαστίγιο και άρχισε να μας κοκκινίζει τα κωλομέρια!! Το καυλιάρικο μωράκι γουστάριζε όπως κι εγώ τον πόνο!! Οι ώρες περνούσαν και εμείς μετρούσαμε οργασμούς!! Κάποια στιγμή που την έπαιρνε ο φίλος της έβαλα το στραπον και την παίρναμε μαζί!! Γουστάριζα να νιώθει τις τρύπες της γεμάτες και να την ακούω να φωνάζει καυλωμένη!! Είχε έρθει η στιγμή να της γνωρίσω όμως και το λατρεμένο μου φίστινγκ!!! Βύθισε το χεράκι της στην μουνάρα μου και με την καθοδήγηση του μωρού μου έβαλε και το δεύτερο χεράκι της μαζί!! Ένιωσα τρέλα!! Αρχισε να βαζει και να βγάζει τα χέρια της μέσα στο μουνί μου και αυτό έχυνε και πετούσε παντού ζουμια!! Αλλη αίσθηση ... άλλη απόλαυση!!!
Η ώρα είχε πάει τρεις και εμείς γεμάτοι απο ηδονή χαλαρώναμε στο κρεβάτι!! Είναι πολύ όμορφο να νιώθεις το σώμα σου ικανοποιημένο και την ψυχή σου ανάλαφρη!! Ήταν ένα απο τα ωραιότερα βράδια και η παρέα μας αποδείχθηκε συναρπαστική! Όμοια με την δική μας τρέλα! Γύρω στις 3.30 αποφασίσαμε να χωρίσουμε με την υπόσχεση να επαναλάβουμε κάτι εξίσου όμορφο!!
Η βραδιά μου όμως με το μωράκι μου δεν είχε τελειώσει!! Χαλαρώσαμε λίγο κάνοντας όμορφα παιχνιδάκια ... χαδάκια... φιλάκια... αγκαλίτσες και αφού κάναμε μπανάκι χώθηκα στην τεράστια αγκαλιά του!! Είναι η αγαπημένη μου στιγμή όταν κοιμόμαστε μαζί!! Μου αρέσει να νιώθω την ανάσα του, να ακούω τους χτύπους της καρδιάς του, να μυρίζω το άρωμα του.. ενώ έρχεται σιγά σιγά ο ύπνος να με ξεκουράσει!! Μου αρέσει να ξυπνάω το βράδυ και να τον νιώθω δίπλα μου, να τον αγγίζω και να λέω... δεν ονειρεύομαι , τον έχω κοντά μου!! Πόσο γεμίζει η ψυχή απο κάποιες μικρές αλλά τόσο σημαντικές στιγμές!! Ξυπνήσαμε το πρωί σχετικά ξεκούραστοι και έτοιμοι για δράση!! Αρκούσε μόνο να αγγίξω την πουτσάρα του στημένη σαν κοντάρι για να ενεργοποιηθει η καύλα μου!! Ετσι όπως ήταν φρεσκοξυπνημένος έσκυψα και άρχισα να τον τσιμπουκώνω και να παίζω την καυλάρα του!!! Τον ένιωθα να σκληραίνει ακόμη περισσότερο και να συσπάται! Ήταν έτοιμος να χύσει!! Τον έβαλα όλο μέσα στο στόμα μου και τον έπαιζα τρελά μέχρι που ένιωσα τα καυτά του χύσια να γεμίζουν το στόμα μου! Τα 'εγλειψα και τα κατάπια όλα μέχρι την τελευταία σταγονίτσα ενώ το μωρό μου γεματο καυλα μου έλεγε... πω πω τι απόλαυση ήταν αυτή!!! Μου αρέσει να του χαρίζω ηδονή.. μου αρέσει να τον ταξιδεύω! Δεν σταμάτησα να τον γλείφω! Και μάλιστα έκανα το παιχνίδι μου ποιο πικάντικο! Ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του... την πουτσάρα του... στριφογύριζα την γλωσσιτσα μου στην τρυπούλα του και γευόμουν τα ζουμάκια του!!
Έπρεπε να φάμε κάτι για να πάρουμε δυνάμεις!! Το μωρό μου παρήγγειλε πρωινό στο δωμάτιο! Καθε φορά που το ζω αυτό νομίζω οτι ονειρευομαι!! Να καθόμαστε αντικριστά, να απολαμβάνουμε τον καφέ μας και το πρωινό μας, να αγναντευουμε την θάλασσα, να κουβεντιάζομαι χαλαρά!! Νιώθω ότι γίνομαι η ξεχωριστή του πριγκιπισσούλα και αυτό με μαγεύει! Ούτε καταλάβαμε πότε βρεθήκαμε και πάλι στο κρεβάτι!! Είχε έρθει η στιγμή για το αποχαιρετιστήριο!!! Ξεσκιστήκαμε για ακόμη ένα μισάωρο και πραγματικά αν δεν είχε πάει η ώρα μια δεν υπήρχε περίπτωση να σταματήσουμε! Είναι αστείρευτη η καυλα μας, είναι ατελείωτο το πάθος μας, η φαντασία μας, η τρέλα μας....
Την ίδια στιγμή που χωρίζουμε σκεφτόμαστε πότε θα ξανασυναντηθούμε! Και αρχίζουμε να μετράμε αντίστροφα τον χρόνο....

Πρίγκιπά μου γι άλλη μια φορά με έκανες να νιώσω κοντά σου ξεχωριστή!! Σε ευχαριστώ για τις μοναδικές στιγμές που μου προσφέρεις, σε ευχαριστώ που ομορφαίνεις την ζωή μου, σε ευχαριστώ που με επέλεξες σύντροφό σου σε αυτό το μαγικό ταξίδι.... Σε λατρεύω!!!

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Please Part 1

A nude woman, bound to a low table, blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, head bent forward, her ass lewdly jutting into space. Thin, angry, red streaks crisscrossing the offering.... The room was in deep shadow and I could make out movement against the wall but only small conical beam of light from above exposed the scene before me. “Please”, she uttered, in a pleading voice From just beyond the light, something flashed and landed on her exposed skin making the sound of something wet...

2 years ago
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Triumvirate Book 4

Triumvirate Book 4 By Paradox Wolf Springs, Wyoming, Downtown Area While it certainly wasn't the fashion district of New York City, Kitty had taken note, during the shopping trip she, Ashley, and Aiden had made to outfit Aiden with new workout clothes, that the few clothing "boutiques" that Wolf Springs had boasted decent selections. While they did feel a tiny bit dated compared to what was popular in current fashion trends, they were far from being fully out of date or...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Scarlett Alexis 8220They8217re Real and They8217re Spectacular8221

This week we’ve got a real sophisticated kinda gal on the couch. Our 22 year old applicant is cool as a cucumber and twice as kinky. Apparently getting DP’d is just another Wednesday for her, which I gotta say I find rather hot. For her to willingly find two dudes to rail her holes without filming it or getting paid? That’s a real slut. With that preface, you know it’s going to be a good one. So we welcome her in and get this show on the road. She’s very well spoken, seems to be comfortable...

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I live in a fairly wealthy family. We’re not carefree by any means, but we don’t have to worry. And i’ll admit it, people with money are strange sometimes. My father is the vice-president of a company, and we live in a really nice neighborhood. Our house is big but not lavish, but it’s more than enough for the four of us, including my sister Sara, who is two years older than me. She has long bleached hair, and a nice tanned, tight body. And back to my point about people with money, we’re a lot...

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Its Only Natural

"Your mom's so fucking hot, man!" my best friend nudged me in the ribs and whispered, intently watching her walk up the stairs. We hung out down here in the basement and she came down every once in awhile for something or other. This time it was to put a load in the wash. "I know where I'd like to put a load!" he said and I shoved him hard away from me. I couldn't argue with him though, she was pretty hot, especially for a mom. About 5'5, a couple of inches shorter than me, maybe 135...

3 years ago
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Fiona puts on a show Chapter 1

I found the role of receptionist quite easy. I had a *********** and it was just a matter of knowing who the caller wanted to speak to and flicking a switch. Not exactly rocket science. I did miss my daily romps with Goldie, the Walden’s dog but Mrs Walden did promise that there would be some “extra duties” along the way. It had been nearly two weeks when she called me into her office. “Fiona on Saturday afternoon I have arranged a task for you. Can you get away dear?” I nodded vigorously....

4 years ago
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The Divine Comedy Part 1 A new beginning

The town I grew up in was once a bustling market town strategically located at the mouth of three valleys in the South Wales coalfields. Every ounce of coal, Iron and lime mined over the past two centuries in the sounding areas had passed through this town, firstly by canal barge and then by rail, to the Welsh Capital, Cardiff, making that port the richest in the world for generations. Cardiff was the home to the world’s first million-pound business deal, and my home town held the honour of...

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Whatever It TakesChapter 7

I stayed and watched the Saints beat the visiting Lincoln (Nebraska) Saltdogs, 5-2 behind a kid who, I thought, looked even younger and greener than I did on the mound. But he was taller than I was, and had arms that seemed to hang down to his knees. Maybe he was physically better-equipped to be a pitcher than I was. Then again, Pedro Martinez isn't exactly Goliath on the mound. It seemed to me that Sandy Koufax hadn't been a big guy, either. When I got back to the car, I found my Baseball...

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1st time with Girl Friend

Hi i am Santosh from Nepal. I have been through this site couple of months back i am sharing my true experience with my gf a year back.On that day i and my gf (sunita) had panned to go to cinema on saturday coz in Nepal saturday is public holiday we viewed hindi film Bhagam Bhag and after returning my friend who is married and stay with his wife alone invited us for dinner at his house then we drove to his house. We had a dinner together after dinner my friend said to stay at home for atleast 2...

2 years ago
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Miss Devonshire

Brilliant but lazy, that's how my teacher described me on my mid year report and she was right. In truth I rarely completed assignments but when I did I easily scored higher marks than anyone else. Truth is I don't really understand why I don't try harder, I just get bored and stop. Funny thing is almost every guy in my class gets all their assignments in and on time, well you would for Miss Devonshire, every 12 year olds wet dream, 5'10 blond hair perfect body (well what you could imagine...

4 years ago
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Lingerie Shopping

It started on Saturday afternoon I went shopping for bras & panties, I went to a local department store and looked but couldn’t find anything that fit correctly.  I decided to go to a lingerie shop in the next town over so I could be measured and fit correctly for my 38c’s. The saleswoman was helping another woman when I walked in, so I browsed around and found a few bras that looked nice.  So I went into the dressing room, while I was trying them on I heard at knock on the dressing room door. ...

4 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 35

I was woken up to a lot of weight on my leg; it hurt like hell. “Wake up Barnim.” “My fucking leg! Get the fuck off of me!” I heard feet hit the floor and someone run off amid a torrent of crying and sobbing. I rolled over and popped some aspirin from a bottle on the nightstand. Sitting up, Grandmother came stomping heavily into the room. “What the hell did you do to that little girl?” “She jumped on my leg and I responded appropriately by cussing a lot.” “You go right in there and...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 74 A Whimper Not A Bang

April 5, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “You missed cuddles this morning!” Birgit said accusingly when I walked into the house about 9:30am. “I know, Pumpkin, but I had a work emergency and had to go see Aunt Joyce and Grandpa A.” “And now we have to get ready for karate!” “I know. We’ll have some family time this afternoon. I don’t have any plans.” “Good!” I hugged her and the rest of the kids, then went to find Kara. We hugged and kissed, and went straight upstairs to get ready for...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 2 In Love Lake

LENA LETS ME FEEL HER UP DURING OUR BATH OF HOURS IN LAKE LOVE, I HOTLY HOPELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental 'prison': over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is with me, others siblings and our folks on a hot holiday at our auntie at Lake Love, Bavaria.Lena looks like me and dad: tall and very pretty. Lena and I are always closer, than the others.Lena is by three or four years younger...

1 year ago
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Ahm Easy

Wife’s Story - she likes to have a wet pussy for her husband to fuck. Ah’ve been married only two years and we didn’t date long before taking the plunge. Ah were living at home where mah stepfather were banging me every day. He just wern’t very good at making me enjoy his plunging pecker, so when mah boyfriend of a few months with such a better tool asked, Ah said “yes”. We got married at the courthouse and honeymooned at Motel 8. We went across the street to McD’s for all of our...

3 years ago
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The Way of the War After the War Part vI

I drifted peacefully down toward the ground. The few seconds after your chute opens and the instant before you have to prepare to land is the most peaceful time a person can go through. Then it gets hectic when you look down and hope there is no big stick waiting to ram itself up your ass. The instant my feet touched the ground I went on autopilot. I began doing the things necessary to make this a safe landing. And trying to look around to make sure that my...

3 years ago
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Mrs Fletcher Me

I had almost slept 2 hours, although it felt as if I had slept for eight. I sat up and saw a new pair of shorts neatly placed on one of the chairs in the room. My dirty shorts and underwear were next to them, cleaned and pressed; a new shirt was on the second chair in the room. I could hear the television playing softly in the other room. I got up, pulled on my old but clean shorts, and looked out of the bedroom door. Ellen was sitting in one of the chairs, comfortably watching CNN...

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Hard Time Book 4Chapter 12

Mason's story was as follows: As soon as we were outside the chambers, one of my men grabbed Mary and fucked her cunt hard. She was groaning with each thrust. Terry was going nuts. She screamed, "No man may fuck my cunt, ever!" I was about to say something when one of my men whispered in my ear. With a few men holding her, one of my men was about to take her but had stopped. He looked at me. I chuckled and said, "Okay, no man will fuck your cunt. Do her ass!" My man slammed into her...

4 years ago
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Island Royale Postcript by the Editors

____________________________ Over a year ago, IN/SIGHT received this manuscript, in traditional “print” format only, by ordinary mail delivered in a plain manila envelope to our bureau offices in New York City. Except for the postmark indicating that the package had been dispatched from Helsinki, Finland, the envelope bore no other return address. Careful laboratory analysis has yielded little additional information. The Report had been typewritten in the anonymous “Times New...

1 year ago
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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 9

Jeff started his hike to the hill campus. His phone signaled a call from Chelsea. He answered it. “Hey ... How did your AMA go?” “It went well,” she replied. What sort of things did they ask?” “Mostly the usual -- when did I discover I was a trans-sexual, what is transitioning like, have I had the surgery. One asked if my boobs are real. Some tried to ask about my own sex life and Dr Wolfe cut them off and said it was off-limits.” “Do you recall anything in particular?” he asked. “One...

4 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 17 Burden

Malcolm looked at T'Pol with an incredulous stare, lost for words. Only after several moments, he found the composure to ask what was on his mind. "T'Pol, you were raped and didn't say a thing?" he asked, but T'Pol didn't answer and remained almost frozen. "Not the way you would think," Trip interrupted from behind them, coming out of the bed room, which he shared with her. It didn't take much of Malcolm's imagination to guess, why Trip was coming out of there in this very...

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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 21

I was there when Beth drove into the garage early and parked. I met her there. She was happily surprised. “X, I didn’t know you were coming. I’m so glad to see you. I need to talk and vent.” We hugged and kissed each other. She led me into the living room and we sat down together on the couch. She braced herself. “I’m going to be terminated. My boss is already gone. On his way out, he told me that I was on the same list since I came up with him. He told me it has nothing to do with...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 7 Return From The Pub

Madeleine was shivering, cold and wet, on the floor of the pump tower. She had been half drowned by her terrifying experience in the sluice and while the woman that had pulled her from the water had taken the trouble to wrap her in some old sacking, her clothes were still soaking wet and she was shivering with cold. She had been dragged over to one of the other pillars and tied against it, to stop her, as the woman had said, getting into any more trouble. Krysta had been rewarded for the...

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TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 6

"Umm… What?" Ikuno smiled but didn't lift her head off his shoulder, "I'll explain later, take me to bed." Kal started walking again, "Sounds like there's going to be a lot of that, like how you ended up overloaded with magic." Kal walked into the mouth of the cave, Ikuno snapped her fingers and a ball of light formed before them, leading the way into the darkness. Ikuno was thoughtful, "I have an idea…" "KAL! IKUNO! Are you alright!" came Perra's voice. They could tell from...

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Alexandras Story Part 2

Alexandra's Story (a spin-off from: From Knight to Dawn) by Lesley Renee Charles email address: [email protected] Queen Elizabeth summoned Christopher, Dawn's younger brother. The Queen wanted him to be the husband of the former Alexander du Lac. She knew that Christopher wanted the man responsible for raping his older sister punished. Christopher was 6'1" and was muscular. He worked as a miller and had the muscles to prove it. He entered the Queen's private...

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A threesome to remember

After a few cocktails I was relaxed in the chair as I watched Annie unbutton Jeff's shirt and kiss his chest. Her ass was right in front of me as I watched her black nylon covered legs run up to her tight skirt that just covering her full ass. She knows how much I love tight skirts and nylons and for this special night she was dressed as a full on hot slut for the night. After three years together I had always fantasized in sharing her in a threesome. The sight of her lipstick stains on his...

4 years ago
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Appetizers MealsChapter 3

I’m a fan of music. I’m a fan of mixing up a lot of songs I like and hearing what the soundtrack to my night looks like. At the moment it looks good. My wife is naked, on her knees, working on pulling her boss’s friend’s cock out of his pants. The room is fairly dark, as I turned off the television as she removed her robe to expose her gifts to this amazing lucky man. With the lights down low I can make out the curve of her buttocks as they raise and lower in height as she works to gently...

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weekend with little sister pt 1

This is based on a true event. Little about us before I get into the story. I recently discovered that I had a little sister on my father side in one the northern districts. As an Agent for a business company I travel around the country a lot and on one of these occasions I decided to meet "my little sister" Angie. That was two years ago and from since then we have gotten along quite well. I am now 24 yrs and she is now 18. I also have a sister at home from both my parents’ side. Her name is...

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Kellys Passion Ch 7

Kelly walked along the shore, listening to sound of the waves as they crashed upon the sand. It was growing late in the afternoon and the beach was now almost completely deserted as the days revelers moved off to prepare for whatever entertainment awaited them on a Friday night during the California summer. The mournful cry of a lone seagull carried over the pulsing waves and the young woman looked up to watch the white bird as it circled gracefully overhead. It, too, felt the shadows creep...

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The Beauty Within

There were three kids in my family, and I was the middle child. You know, the one they always say is the forgotten one, although I don’t know how true that is, because I think I got on okay. I had a sister, Gail, who was just over a year older than me, and then there was a big gap between me and my little brother, Stevie, who wasn’t born until I was six. We lived in a big, old house, a few miles from town. When I say big, I mean enormous. The place had originally been a farmhouse, and had...

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Pops I think she is pregnant

How does one start with, opps I think I got her pregnant......well it turns out that I might have got my mistress pregnant. It all starts with my drought and sex, plus the wife going thru her womanhood stuff. I got bored on night at work, and tapped on my phone for apps to keep me sane. Checking out tagged.com, I came across one that caught my eye. Jenn Latino Asian and sexy as hell, and soon we met. The first time was just us talking, and that's all I was expecting from this new friendship....

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Cross dressing sissy transgender car shopping

Car Shopping I could never repay mom for what she has done for me in the way she accepted and encouraged who and what I am. Being successful in my career has allowed me to come from a small mobile home in a rundown trailer park to my current life style and affords me to do things for he. So, two Years ago on Mother’s day I wanted to do something special. I got her a brand new car. Not knowing anything at all about cars (know lots about dolls and fashion) I asked a friend (Gary) to go with me...

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Change Can be Good chapter 3

After their experimental sex earlier, which was a complete success, both girls decided to shower at the same time, using the time to explore their bodies, as well as clean. When their bodies connected in such a passionate way, certain walls that stood high between the sisters collapsed, and both were caught up in how obsessed with the other they were. Now, they knew each other’s physical selves much better, Kathleen’s years-long suppressed obsession finally liberated, and Violet breaking new...

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TangentChapter 20 Going All the Way

Tanda Havra scanned the desert ahead of them. Night would fall soon and once again they would be on the move. She was about fifty feet below the crest of a ridge, lying in a crevice in the rocks, using Tuck's glasses to watch for any movement at all out on desert floor. A few feet away Tazi slumbered peacefully, a smile on her face. This was going to be their longest night march so far, almost forty miles. They would be leaving as soon as it was full dark and would probably have to hurry...

2 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 35

Monday, March 27, 1848 Ed: Day 8 of the Boston to St Joseph trip We made over thirty miles today through relatively level country. We could see hills on either side of us, off in the distance, but none of them intruded on our route. We managed to ride close enough today to keep up a conversation. Ted is an interesting guy. He lived on a ranch all of his life, until his parents died a couple of years ago. Since then he has worked on building a railroad and he trapped one winter in...

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Destinys RoadChapter 22

The next morning, everyone was gone ... including Mrs. Bell, who’d had to go to work. I was mobile enough that I could go get something to drink or go to the bathroom, but I was still supposed to lie down most of the day. It was still a little before lunch, and I was just finishing reading Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers ... a title I found amusing since it sounded like I was reading a book owned by someone else ... when the doorbell rang. It rang twice more in the time it...

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