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Είχαμε κανονίσει με το μωράκι μου να βρεθούμε Παρασκευή και μάλιστα με την προοπτική να κοιμόμασταν αγκαλίτσα! Το περίμενα με απίστευτη λαχτάρα, ήθελα να τον δω, να τον νιώσω, να είμαστε χαλαρά... Όντως το μωρό μου πραγματοποίησε την επιθυμία μου και μάλιστα φρόντισε να μοιραστούμε τις μοναδικές μας στιγμές σε ένα απο τα αγαπημένα μας ξενοδοχεία με θέα τον Θερμαικό!!
Απο το πρωι σπαρταρούσα απο καύλα!! Μετρούσα ένα ένα τα λεπτά ... Ήταν πέντε η ώρα όταν ξεκίνησε το όνειρό μου!! Κάθε φορά που μπαίνω στο δωμάτιο και τον αντικρίζω νομίζω ότι θα σπάσει η καρδιά μου!! Με έριξε κατευθείαν στο κρεβάτι και άρχισε να μου δίνει ζουμερά γλωσσόφιλα... τρελαίνομαι για τα γλωσσόφιλά του, χάνομαι, φεύγω απο αυτόν τον κόσμο!!! Αφού πήραμε τις απαραίτητες ανάσες και μείναμε γυμνοί ξεκίνησε το παιχνίδι της πίπας!! Μου αρέσει να ξαπλώνει στο κρεβάτι και να του γλείφω ασταμάτητα την πουτσάρα του. Να γυρίζω την γλώσσα μου γύρω απο το βελούδινο κεφαλάκι, να τον τσιμπουκώνω γρήγορα, μετά ποιο απαλά, να τον παίρνω ολόκληρο μέσα στο στόμα μου και να μου γδέρνει τον λάρυγγα, να τον νιώθω να συσπάται και να βγάζει λαχταριστά ζουμάκια... Ένα ταξίδι χαλαρώματος αλλά και προετοιμασίας για το ξέσκισμα που ακολουθεί!! "Στήσου πουτανάκι μου στα τέσσερα να σε ξεσκίσω τις τρύπες σου" μου λέει ο αντρούκλας μου και μου δίνει το σύνθημα!!

Τρελαίνομαι να του στήνομαι!! Επιασα την αγαπημένη του γωνία και γέμισα ζουμιά πρωτού καν με αγγίξει!! Μπήκε στην μουνάρα μου και την ξέσκιζε και εκεί που με ένιωθε να σπαρταράω μου ξέσκιζε τον κώλο!!! Μουνάρα ... κωλάρα... μουνάρα... κωλάρα ... ασταμάτητα και δυνατά.. και εγω να χύνω αμέτρητες φορές και να χάνομαι απο την ηδονή!!! "Χυσε πουτανάρα μου!!!" μου φώναζε και εγώ τα είχα κάνει όλα μούσκεμα! Δεν θυμάμαι καν πόσες συνεχόμενες φορές μπορεί να έχυσα...20..30...40 είχα χάσει πλέον τον λογαριασμό.. ο ένας οργασμός ακολουθούσε τον άλλο!! Και ήθελα κι άλλο και του φώναζα " Ξέσκισε με κι άλλο αντρούκλα μου" και του άνοιγα τις τρύπες μου με τα χέρια μου και καρφωνόταν βαθιά μέσα μου!! " Έλα να με πάρεις μια ωραία τσιμπουκάρα" μου λέει όσο θα σε παίζω με τον φιλαράκο μας!! Του έδωσα την κωλάρα μου και άρχισα και πάλι να τον τσιμπουκώνω ενώ ένιωθα να βυθίζεται βαθιά στον κώλο μου ο τεράστιος δονητής μας!! Ξεσκιζόμουνα η πουταναρα και γουστάριζα τρελά! Ήθελα να τον πάρω όλο μέσα μου και ας είναι όσο τρεις πουτσάρες μαζί!!! Ο κώλος έχυνε και έσταζε ζουμιά και όσο το έβλεπε ο αντρούκλας μου καυλωνε όλο και περισσότερο!! "Ξέρεις τι παίρνεις στην κωλάρα πουτανάρα μου;" μου έλεγε και εγώ του απαντούσα με έναν ακόμη οργασμό!!
Κάποια στιγμή πήρε το μαστίγιο και άρχισε να μου κοκκινίζει τα κωλομέρια! Και όσο τα ένιωθα να καίνε τόσο φούντωνε η καύλα μου! "Θα σου δίνω 40 βουρδουλιές και μετά θα σε ξεσκίζω" μου λέει! "Θα τις μετράω μια μια..." Δεν περιγράφεται η ηδονή!! Ειδικά όταν έφτανε στο 37...38...39..40 και ήξερα ότι θα με κάρφωνε με την πουτσάρα του έχυνα και μόνο που με άγγιζε!!

Απόλαυση... τρέλα... πάθος!!! Η ώρα είχε πάει 8 και εμείς δεν είχαμε σταματήσει ούτε λεπτό να γαμιόμαστε!! Και είχαμε πικάντικη συνέχεια! Είχαμε προσκαλέσει κάποιους νέους φίλους για να μοιραστούμε τα ερωτικά μας παιχνίδια! Ίσα ίσα προλάβαμε να φρεσκαριστούμε και να χαλαρώσουμε αγκαλιασμένοι μέχρι που ήρθαν τα παιδιά! Η πρώτη εικόνα μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ! Ένα νεαρό ζευγάρι, όμορφοι, χαλαροί, με κέφι και διάθεση! Βάλαμε τα ποτάκια μας μέχρι να γίνουν οι απαραίτητες γνωριμίες και να χαλαρώσουμε!! Είναι πολύ όμορφο να συζητάς με νέους ανθρώπους που δεν έχουν ταμπού!! Κάποια στιγμή ξαπλώσαμε όλοι στο κρεβάτι και αρχίσαμε να τσιμπουκωνόμαστε! Φοβερή αίσθηση!! Ενώ τσιμπούκωνα το μωρό μου ένιωσα τους φίλους μας να μου γλείφουν μαζί την μουνάρα, ενώ το μωρό μου χουφτωνε το στήθος μου! Η απόλυτη ηδονή!! Τρελάθηκα! Δεν είχα ξανανιώσει γυναίκα να με γλείφει και όμως μου άρεσε πολύ αυτό που ζούσα!! Έπαιζε την κλειτορίδα μου και με την γλώσσα της έγλειφε τα μουνόχειλα μου ενώ ο φίλος της την γαμούσε και εγώ τσιμπούκωνα το μωρό μου!! Τρελάθηκα!! Στηθήκαμε αντικριστά στο κρεβάτι και ενώ τα μωρά μας μας γαμούσαν εμείς γλειφόμασταν, χαιδευόμασταν, ρουφούσε η μια τις ρώγες της άλλης! Κάναμε 69 μαζί και γλειφαμε τα ζουμάκια μας... ενώ οι πουτσάρες μας ξεσκίζανε τις κωλότρυπές μας!! Πόση τρέλα μπορεί να προσφέρει το απολαυστικό σεξ!! Γαμιόμασταν χωρίς σταματημό, εγώ τσιμπούκωνα τον φίλο της, αυτή το μωρό μου, μια μας ξέσκιζε ο ένας .. μια ο άλλος ενώ εμείς συνεχίζαμε να γλειφόμαστε και να χουφτωνόμαστε!! Την ένιωθα να μου δαγκώνει τα κωλομέρια, να μου γλείφει τα μουνόχειλα, να παίζει τις ρώγες μου ενώ ταυτόχρονα γαμιότανε!! Ενα απο τα καλύτερα "πουτανάκια"!!!!! Είχα καυλώσει τρελά ... έχυνα και συνέχιζα ... και καύλωνα... και τρελαινόμουν!!! Την έστησε ο αντρούκλας μου στα 4 και την έπαιρνε δυνατα... κώλο ... μουνί... κώλο .. μουνί... εναλλάξ και την ακουγα να φωνάζει απο ηδονή και έλιωνα!!! Ήρθε ο φίλος της απο πίσω μου και με πήρε δυνατά τον κώλο και ενωνόταν οι κραυγές μας και σπαρταρούσαμε απο την απόλαυση!!
Το μωρό μου πήρε το μαστίγιο και άρχισε να μας κοκκινίζει τα κωλομέρια!! Το καυλιάρικο μωράκι γουστάριζε όπως κι εγώ τον πόνο!! Οι ώρες περνούσαν και εμείς μετρούσαμε οργασμούς!! Κάποια στιγμή που την έπαιρνε ο φίλος της έβαλα το στραπον και την παίρναμε μαζί!! Γουστάριζα να νιώθει τις τρύπες της γεμάτες και να την ακούω να φωνάζει καυλωμένη!! Είχε έρθει η στιγμή να της γνωρίσω όμως και το λατρεμένο μου φίστινγκ!!! Βύθισε το χεράκι της στην μουνάρα μου και με την καθοδήγηση του μωρού μου έβαλε και το δεύτερο χεράκι της μαζί!! Ένιωσα τρέλα!! Αρχισε να βαζει και να βγάζει τα χέρια της μέσα στο μουνί μου και αυτό έχυνε και πετούσε παντού ζουμια!! Αλλη αίσθηση ... άλλη απόλαυση!!!
Η ώρα είχε πάει τρεις και εμείς γεμάτοι απο ηδονή χαλαρώναμε στο κρεβάτι!! Είναι πολύ όμορφο να νιώθεις το σώμα σου ικανοποιημένο και την ψυχή σου ανάλαφρη!! Ήταν ένα απο τα ωραιότερα βράδια και η παρέα μας αποδείχθηκε συναρπαστική! Όμοια με την δική μας τρέλα! Γύρω στις 3.30 αποφασίσαμε να χωρίσουμε με την υπόσχεση να επαναλάβουμε κάτι εξίσου όμορφο!!
Η βραδιά μου όμως με το μωράκι μου δεν είχε τελειώσει!! Χαλαρώσαμε λίγο κάνοντας όμορφα παιχνιδάκια ... χαδάκια... φιλάκια... αγκαλίτσες και αφού κάναμε μπανάκι χώθηκα στην τεράστια αγκαλιά του!! Είναι η αγαπημένη μου στιγμή όταν κοιμόμαστε μαζί!! Μου αρέσει να νιώθω την ανάσα του, να ακούω τους χτύπους της καρδιάς του, να μυρίζω το άρωμα του.. ενώ έρχεται σιγά σιγά ο ύπνος να με ξεκουράσει!! Μου αρέσει να ξυπνάω το βράδυ και να τον νιώθω δίπλα μου, να τον αγγίζω και να λέω... δεν ονειρεύομαι , τον έχω κοντά μου!! Πόσο γεμίζει η ψυχή απο κάποιες μικρές αλλά τόσο σημαντικές στιγμές!! Ξυπνήσαμε το πρωί σχετικά ξεκούραστοι και έτοιμοι για δράση!! Αρκούσε μόνο να αγγίξω την πουτσάρα του στημένη σαν κοντάρι για να ενεργοποιηθει η καύλα μου!! Ετσι όπως ήταν φρεσκοξυπνημένος έσκυψα και άρχισα να τον τσιμπουκώνω και να παίζω την καυλάρα του!!! Τον ένιωθα να σκληραίνει ακόμη περισσότερο και να συσπάται! Ήταν έτοιμος να χύσει!! Τον έβαλα όλο μέσα στο στόμα μου και τον έπαιζα τρελά μέχρι που ένιωσα τα καυτά του χύσια να γεμίζουν το στόμα μου! Τα 'εγλειψα και τα κατάπια όλα μέχρι την τελευταία σταγονίτσα ενώ το μωρό μου γεματο καυλα μου έλεγε... πω πω τι απόλαυση ήταν αυτή!!! Μου αρέσει να του χαρίζω ηδονή.. μου αρέσει να τον ταξιδεύω! Δεν σταμάτησα να τον γλείφω! Και μάλιστα έκανα το παιχνίδι μου ποιο πικάντικο! Ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του... την πουτσάρα του... στριφογύριζα την γλωσσιτσα μου στην τρυπούλα του και γευόμουν τα ζουμάκια του!!
Έπρεπε να φάμε κάτι για να πάρουμε δυνάμεις!! Το μωρό μου παρήγγειλε πρωινό στο δωμάτιο! Καθε φορά που το ζω αυτό νομίζω οτι ονειρευομαι!! Να καθόμαστε αντικριστά, να απολαμβάνουμε τον καφέ μας και το πρωινό μας, να αγναντευουμε την θάλασσα, να κουβεντιάζομαι χαλαρά!! Νιώθω ότι γίνομαι η ξεχωριστή του πριγκιπισσούλα και αυτό με μαγεύει! Ούτε καταλάβαμε πότε βρεθήκαμε και πάλι στο κρεβάτι!! Είχε έρθει η στιγμή για το αποχαιρετιστήριο!!! Ξεσκιστήκαμε για ακόμη ένα μισάωρο και πραγματικά αν δεν είχε πάει η ώρα μια δεν υπήρχε περίπτωση να σταματήσουμε! Είναι αστείρευτη η καυλα μας, είναι ατελείωτο το πάθος μας, η φαντασία μας, η τρέλα μας....
Την ίδια στιγμή που χωρίζουμε σκεφτόμαστε πότε θα ξανασυναντηθούμε! Και αρχίζουμε να μετράμε αντίστροφα τον χρόνο....

Πρίγκιπά μου γι άλλη μια φορά με έκανες να νιώσω κοντά σου ξεχωριστή!! Σε ευχαριστώ για τις μοναδικές στιγμές που μου προσφέρεις, σε ευχαριστώ που ομορφαίνεις την ζωή μου, σε ευχαριστώ που με επέλεξες σύντροφό σου σε αυτό το μαγικό ταξίδι.... Σε λατρεύω!!!

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Heathers Sissy

Heather's SissyMy husband, Bobby, is standing with his nose in the corner, quietly sobbing, as he contemplates the ill-advised temper tantrum that he threw this afternoon. His sobbing is due to a very sore bottom, for which I take credit foróalthough to be fair, my favorite wooden paddle should also take some of the credit too.I'm not sure what it was that finally sent Bobby over the edge today. It could be the fact that I arbitrarily extended his sentence of chastity for another month, or it...

3 years ago
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The Auction

Matt likes to read erotic stories and look at porn on his laptop, but that never prepared him for what happened during the summer between his junior and senior years of high school. His parents had always been involved in politics; it doesn't matter which party it was for the story; and he became active himself just like they had years ago. So, he volunteered to work in a campaign to reelect a local congresswoman. He was assigned to work on the phone banks calling former contributors and he...

2 years ago
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The LibrarianChapter 9 Dinner at Lesas Part Two

Lesa arrived home well ahead of the others. She asked Sara to listen for the doorbell as she headed upstairs to change out of her business suit. In the hope that the crowd would be delayed long enough at the pizza parlor, she took a quick shower and reapplied some light makeup. She was coming down the staircase in a sleeveless white tunic top, matching drawstring pants and straw sandals when she heard the front door open. Everyone had arrived together. Susan looked around the foyer and...

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Thunder And Lightening

Thunder And Lightening When you are camping in the woods for two weeks in just a tent, thunder and lightening take on a whole new meaning. My wife Julia and I had a pretty big tent with two rooms, each room was eight by twelve feet so there was plenty of room to spread out. At the last minute my wife invited her mother and her sister to come along with us. That meant that I had to pack more sleeping bags and take more food along. It also meant that my sex life had just taken a...

3 years ago
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Executive Solutions Chapter Four

Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - On The Run "What the fuck is the dark web?" the woman asked sipping coffee sitting across from LeBron. True to her word, the night before, the woman had lived up to her promise to give Reese something 'special' for dessert. LeBron took the hint and went for a drive after dinner and Reese and the woman rolled around on the bed for good while. Reese became sulky when LeBron returned and was told that LeBron would be staying...

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Sex With My Old Classmate

Hi this is Rahul from Delhi 5 Ft 6 Inch having 7.5 Inch penis, body average and colour fair .; I am a regular reader of ISS and it made me crazy to pen down my own story here also so i am sharing my first story with u friends so if there will be any mistake please forgive for that and also please comment on the story so that i can share other romantic sex happenings with you people. Now let us start narrating my experience in the form of a good story for u people. This is my real story and it...

4 years ago
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Rahul And Dharanya 8211 Best Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi everybody, I am Rahul, a normal looking guy, and I make friends easily by my entertaining way of talking.I work in Bangalore in a company.This incident happened a few months back.I have a friend dharanya,fair 5.5”,correct boobs,and on a whole perfect structure.We are just friends,like we talk casually about movies,books,cooking and other likes and dislikes.We rarely go out to malls.This was like a limited access friendship. Whenever she comes with me,she sit in the bike casually,neither too...

4 years ago
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Studying for an oral exam

Three days until the deadline and four thousand words to write. That's two thousand today and the rest tomorrow, then a quick re-read and edit on the last day. Although you don't want to over do it otherwise you'll never pass – so say just four hours of writing a day, then relax and watch telly for the rest – and maybe have a couple of drinks for all the hard work. Five hundred words an hour then: piece of cake! Oh yeah, and those books first... Of course, if Carman didn't spend so much time...

3 years ago
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Nicolette The Fuck Wheelbarrow

It was a Tuesday afternoon, the grade 11 class of girls all jumped into the pool; Ms. Robins watched as the girls stretched and occasionally splashed each other. “Ms. Fields, please watch the girls, make sure each girl does 20 laps, they can play some water polo after that. I’m going to the office to file a few things I’ll be back before the period is over”. “Sure thing Ms. Robins” she replied. She turned and asked the girls to line up against the wall. Ms....

2 years ago
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To all my mates who love JAV as much as I do, this subreddit is basically your heaven. Welcome to r/javdreams/, and explore all the goodies that it has to offer. There are loads of videos and gifs featuring all kinds of pornographic videos with lovely Japanese girls… and obviously, the subreddit is free, so you can explore and enjoy as much as you fucking want.Reddit.com is a free website where you have all kinds of naughty videos, images, and gifs to check out. In case you are not a fan of...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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My sister always on my mind part 2

At my age 61, you would think that my sex drive would be slowing down, but just the opposite, I was as horny as ever. Sex with my wife was ok but a little boring after all these years, and I couldn’t help but dream of my sister, as I fucked my wife. She often asked me what I was thinking about as we fucked, because she could sense that my mind was somewhere else. She pestered me to the point where I just blurted out that I was imagining fucking someone else. Although shocked and hurt, she asked...

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The Stranger in the Wood3Fiction

A Boring Wet Sunday: I awoke on Sunday morning,lying on my stomach,I slid my one hand over my buttocks,remembering the happenings with the Stranger in the Wood and my doings on my bed with the Carrot I had shaped like a Cock yesterday afternoon and yesterday evening.I was enjoying my hand feeling my Ass,then slipping my fingers between my Buns and teasing my Rosebud.My Cock was Hard and Throbbing,I was Grinding it into my mattress,I slid my other hand under my pillow,finding the Cock shaped...

4 years ago
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The Glass Elevator

On the average weekday, at rush hour, the 110 Freeway in Los Angeles averages over 20,000 cars at any given time on the 55 mile stretch. For Phillip Riley, the trip from his job in San Pedro—a small harbor town just south of Los Angeles, to his home in Pasadena took an hour and thirty-seven minutes in gridlocked traffic. Stuck in his car, Phillip would gaze at a glass elevator that rose up and down the exterior of a downtown skyscraper. He assumed the skyscraper was a corporate law firm or some...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Pay back is Hell

I guess you could say that I was one of those guys you hear about sometimes. The husband who adores his wife and believes that she would never cheat on him! Well, I was that guy. Before we were married I played the field and I had a good time too. I love to eat pussy and with a 7 inch dick I was good for a nice long run. No I was no porno star but I could last a long time before I would finally cum. Woman seemed to really enjoy that fact. I met my wife and fell deeply in love with her in just a...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Sex In Flat

This is Al from lovely state of Goa. This is my true sex experience just happened weeks back. I am an average guy with good looks and nice satisfying tool J well I had an sex experience with a woman who had come to use internet at my cousins place. She was good looking but nice ass woman. Her hubby was with her that time. They were using the computer right next to where I was using one. She came and looked at me and I looked at her to. He hubby was busy doing some work. I looked at her back...

3 years ago
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Eventualities Allison RevisedChapter 3

The circus got off to a roaring start from the moment that I walked off the plane. A fellow in a good suit, expensive shoes and a chauffeur's hat was holding a sign with my name on it, 'Mr. P. Wells', or at least most of it. He asked for my Texas Driver's License and actually examined it closely (another sure sign that he was really FBI), then he grabbed my one carry-on bag and we were soon driving off towards downtown in a large black SUV that couldn't have screamed 'Government' more...

5 years ago
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Young Widowed Mother Loves Her Two Sons

Hello all, I am a regular reader of ISS. Today I am going to narrate a story and it is 100% fictional. This story revolves around an Indian mother and her 2 sons. I am going to narrate this story from a mother’s point of view. My name is Brinda and I am from Kerala. In the year 1988, I was happily married to a person who was handsome and down to earth. He was a caring and lovable person. My parents were also happy because their only girl was married to a good person. His name was Manohar....

2 years ago
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My College Friends

During my second year at university I shared a house with three other girls. First there was Virginia, known by all as Ginny, a slim tall girl, brunette and very outward going. There was Anne, she was the sensible one of the group, very homely, she was quite short but well proportioned and with jet black hair. Lucy was the shy one, but she was the one all the boys fancied, at just under 6 feet tall, with long blonde hair and ample breasts, she could easily have been a model. And then there was...

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JulesJordan Vivian Azure Russian Super Model Goes Hardcore

Brunette stunner Vivian Azure gets tag teamed by Jules & Chris! Dressed in a seductive silky dress, Vivian soaks up the sun on the balcony before making her way down to the pool. She makes her way over to the couch and unties her top to give you a gander at her perfectly enhanced tits. Still wearing her gold high heels Vivian slides off her dress and teases you with her naked body, squeezing her nipples as she runs her hands across her tight skin. She heads inside to find Jules and Chris...

2 years ago
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Ninas Office Related Spanking

This continues the Nina series. The 38 year old has a new intern and she turns out to be a friend of Ella’s who now threatens to spank her stepmother for wrongdoing at the office as well as for misconduct at home. Nina’s bottom was really sore as she walked in to her office. Ella had given her six strokes of the cane before work. 38 year old Nina had to go to the kitchen, fully naked, knowing she was going to be given six strokes of the cane. Six strokes while naked, whilst her sweet but no...

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fishing with dad

"do you fancy doing a spot of night fishing with me tonight?" As a 18 hot blooded male i would be out with my mates drinking looking for some young slut to fuck. " i think i'm out with the boys dad" "oh son come on we use to go fishing all the time. I found this great spot it's so quite. I will supply some beer" Its true what dad said we use to go fishing all the time but then i found beer and loose girls. "ok dad sounds fun but it's beer and vodka"Later that night my dad had taken me with all...

4 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 38

The first big test of the Liberator would be the airport, I'd decided. If it didn't clear through security there, I figured, chances were it wouldn't pass muster where I needed it to either. For the airport, though, I decided not to try either the nail or the bullet, the two pieces with metal in them. Security would be laxer where I was going. I disassembled the whole thing and stashed its components in varying places. The stock, the largest piece, went into a side pouch of the briefcase...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 6 Butterfly Fly Away

NIS Day 3 – Halloween Morning - Medway High School 6:55am, Wednesday, October, 31, 1979 “Hey, Cuda! Whatcha think?” Sammy shouted with her hands about her auburn mane as I walked into Mrs. Stenn’s art room studio. “Hot damn, Wushu! You’re the sexiest copper cop I’ve ever seen!” I replied as Mrs. Stenn was putting the finishing touches on the lowest silver dress-button over Sammy’s recently trimmed red pubic hairs. Our art teacher had covered all of Sammy’s upper body to her mid-thighs in...

5 years ago
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Hunter the Last MissionChapter 8

A Manila Street Scene: It wasn't one of the congested main thoroughfares, but it was a fairly busy local street. The wide sidewalks to either side gave access to the many shops. One could get lunch at one the several food stands, or just a snack and a soda at the Sari-Sari store. A welding shop was next to a clothing store that was by the appliance repair shop, such was the diversity of commerce. On a nearby side street the local teens were playing a game of pick-up badminton over a low...

4 years ago
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Metro Magic

"Hi honey ... yes, I'm leaving now so I won't be long. I want you to meet my new friend Kevin from work, so I invited him to have drinks with us." I'd been teasing Kevin for nearly a month about how much my beautiful wife likes to expose herself occasionally, so he was VERY anxious to meet her as soon as possible. "I don't know why, but she's anxious to meet you too, though you may have to be willing to play a little too, to give her a 'green light'." When I told him she often rode...

3 years ago
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Genmanipulation Teil 3

Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...

5 years ago
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Sis and Me Part 1

Hey! Most of you know me by now as the boy who fucked his mother, if you don’t know me then my name is David! This story, like my Mommy and Me stories, is based on real event but also is just my imagination….feel free to kik me and ask what’s real and what’s a fantasy…or just leave it a mystery It was a hot summer day, my brother, Tyler, was off at football practice, my sister, Sabrina, was in the pool with friends, my dad was in London for a business meeting, and my mom was out with friends....

3 years ago
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Total Woman Mentors 06

The Sunday morning breakfast buffet was spread along one side of the dining room as the Father-Daughter pairs moseyed in for another round of re-pairing. It was the last day of this year’s Total Woman Academy Father-Daughter Weekend. The final pairings would be made by father-daughter swapping with mutual consent. Coffee was the sought after elixir as the disheveled looking couples were showing the wear and tear of non-stop fucking throughout the weekend. Over their mugs of java, Mr. Arnold...

2 years ago
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Chargers Bengals and Clothing

Sometimes I'll tell you when a story is true. Sometimes I'll tell you when a story is fictional. Sometimes I won't tell you either way. This one really happened. Like many wagers with penalties, the rules can get confusing when reduced to writing. To try and simplify things, this story is about a wager between two woman, on an NFL football game. It is a five part clothing wager. Each quarter of the game stands alone, with the final score being the fifth part. Each woman is only wearing...

3 years ago
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Barso Purani Pyas Bhujai 50 Year Aunty Ki

Hi foriends mai hu neel aapja dost purani 4 stories k respinse k baad kayi dino baad wapas ek nayi real story lekar aaya hu Please friends mujhe bhaut sare maila aaye kai ladies ne sex k icha jatai bat wo sirf tp kar rahi thi plz jo real ho wohi mail karre agar real pleasure chiye ho to my mail id   Ye baat 20/22 din purani hai mujhe hamesha ki tarah mail aaya aur unn k sath baat karne pr pata chala ki she is 50yr old lady who is thirsty for real sex and wanted a trust worth boy to fulfill...

3 years ago
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Quick Session With Friend8217s Wife

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends ye meri 2nd story hai.. Hope so meri 1st story blackmail sex with neighbour apko pasand ayi hogi.. Time waste na karte huwe main direct story par ata hu.. Ye baat kuch time pehle ki hai jab main aur hamare kuch dost aise hi gatherings kiya karte the kissi na kissi k ghar par.. Ek din mere dost k ghar par ham jama huwe.. Uski wife bohat zayada sexy this gori heroin jaise kissi ka b dekh k lund khara kar de but hum apni nazren sambhalte the q k thi to wo...

2 years ago
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My homeless stepdaughter Part 1

During our marriage I had been messing around with a cute little 20-year old named Chelsea. I knew she liked me since she had been with me since before I became rich. I hated living alone so I invited her to move in with me. Chelsea is a little thick, but that's how I like my women. She had curves and the most perfect set of tits. She loved fucking and sucking cock and never said no. Hell, if she was on her period she'd either suck me off or let me fuck her ass. She was also bisexual, so...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Sydney Paige Chronic Masturbator

Parker Ambrose just can’t stop. His girlfriend dumped him and he just can’t put his cock away as he repeatedly masturbates to jerk away the pain. This wouldn’t be an issue except now his stepmother Sydney Paige has to clean his cum-stained towels, socks & even her good makeup rag!? Things were getting awkward, so Sydney decided to address her stepson when she got a call from school about his little problem. Being a good stepmom, Sydney comes with solutions. She knew Parker...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 56 The Rest of The Sex Party Weekend

Mark I must remember the combination and timing of meals that I had, pills that I took, and what I drank, because I had just completed my seventh orgasm of the night deep inside Brita’s sweet pussy as we made love on my large bed. Beside us, Mike and Izzy were also having some kind of fabulous hurrah. Elsa had set up the other bed in the open space next to our large bed – basically another king-size bed. Edie and Amber were stretched out like the living dead on that bed holding hands. Up...

3 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 56

Galena woke before Regina did. With all she had on her mind, she wasn't surprised, and after a moment's reflection, called room service and ordered coffee. Carol had reassured her often enough that the family wasn't going to begrudge her any expense, so long as she didn't go completely crazy but still, after years of living just above the poverty line, she had a tendency towards frugality. She didn't want them thinking she was taking advantage of them ... but Carol had reassured her on...

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Slaves Ch5

He was new and yet to be introduced to the torture chambers. The Ha'ekthe clan were just the right ladies for such an introduction. "You're late," she told the women as they came over. The one leading gave her a haughty glare. "We got a little carried away with him. Forgot the time." Shakia snorted, looking the boy up and down. She smiled. Very lovely. Good body. Beautiful face. Looked nice and innocent. Sensitive. "Well, I can understand." She proffered a hand to receive the end...

3 years ago
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Visiting Hours

Visiting Hours By Robokun It was the first time she had smiled since the accident. The long months of medical prodding, the x-rays, the humiliating sponge baths, and the fearful, worried looks from her Husband were now seeing some hope of conclusion. The news was good. She had healed without complication, and nothing would remain of the accident except bad memories and soaring car insurance. It was good to smile.   Her life would be hers again. Soon. The Smile turned from...

First Time

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