1975 - A Year To Remember free porn video

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“Morning,” Bobby grinned as he looked back and forth around the restaurant.
A waitress came to the table and Bobby ordered a coffee.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Tell me this,” he said as she left to get his coffee. “What do you like best about our Saturday night games?” He was referring to the adult board games that we and our wives had been playing every other Saturday night for a number of weeks.
“That’s easy,” I responded. “It’s getting drunk, getting naked, and messing around with the girls.”
“Right,” confirmed Bobby, “but, think about this: We waste a whole lot of time playing the game when the whole object is to get around to messing with the girls. Right? I’m proposing that we just do away with the game and go straight to the messing around with each others spouses.”
I was baffled by his line of reasoning. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Bobby.”
“Hear me out. We can fool around with our own wives anytime. The kick is doing it with someone else’s spouse, right? Look, we have already been doing a lot of messing around when we get together for our games.” Bobby said. “The whole idea of our playing the silly board games was, like you said, to drink a lot, get naked, and do some heavy petting with our own wife and with each other’s wife. Hey all we would do with this is cut out the game board and go directly to the messing around part!” He exclaimed. “Don’t you see? We just all agree to do what we’ve been doing all along, but just cut out the game, get naked, and mess around with each others spouse.”
My response was immediate. “Naw, that wouldn’t fly with the girls.” I looked at Bobby, “I’m pretty sure my Cindy wouldn’t agree to do this type of fooling around. Getting drunk, naked, and playing around under the guise of a sex game is one thing, …. But, this is altogether different. I just don’t think that it would fly with the girls. What about Ellen? You don’t think that she’d be interested, do you?”
“Oh yeah … I’ve already talked about this with her and she’s very interested.”
“Hmmmm,” I thought for a few seconds and then said, “If I actually proposed this, Cindy could really get angry with me for even suggesting it.”
“Why don’t you just explore the possibilities and see what happens,” Bobby suggested.

That night I brought up the subject as tactfully as I could. “Bobby approached me about an interesting concept this morning … He suggested that we change what happens at our Saturday night dinner parties.”
“Yeah,” Cindy answered slowly. “Like change what?”
“He said that the whole idea of our playing the silly board games is to drink a lot get naked and do some heavy petting with our own spouse and with each other’s spouse.”
“…. And how does he propose we change the game?”
“Well, he proposes that we cut out the game board and go directly to the messing around.”
“That sounds just like a man,” she said somewhat disgustedly. “All you all think about is sex! What else did he suggest?”
“Well,” I continued, “He also says that we can fool around with our own spouses anytime. The kick is doing it with someone else’s. He proposes that we mostly fool around with each other’s spouses.”
“I don’t like the sound of the whole thing. This is wife swapping,” she exclaimed. “Naw,” I countered, “it’s just what we’ve been doing for weeks. It’s just kissing, heavy petting, and just playing around … he’s not proposing anything more than what we’ve been doing.”
Cindy groaned, “Yeah, right.”
“Bobby said it just means we’d be enjoying hours of foreplay without all the problems that would be created if we ever had sex with the other’s spouse.”
“You mean like kissing and touching only?” Cindy asked. “I can’t believe you could take me messing around with another man.”
“If you were doing it without my knowledge, I wouldn’t like it a bit,” I responded, “but this way we are in the same room and I can see exactly what you are doing and you can see exactly what im doing. Also no one ever does something they don’t want to do. You know what happens when we play the games: We get good and hot and then we then run home and screw like crazy. All these things are the preparatory games for fucking each other.”
“I don’t think I could do anything more than kissing and touching with Bobby. I assume that you and Ellen would be fooling around at the same time, right?”
“That’s the idea, but since we are all together in the same room, it keeps everyone under control.”
“How far do we go? We have masturbated each other sometimes. Ellen has masturbated Bobby until he came a lot. She did that the last time we were together. I did the same to you a couple of weeks ago … and you’ve pushed your fingers in my pussy a lots, but this is different. How far are we going to go with Ellen and Bobby?”
“That’s something that we would all have to agree on before we start,” I responded. Cindy leaned back and looked directly at me.
“You and Bobby are really serious aren’t you? I don’t know. I’ll have to talk to Ellen about this.”
“Well,” I thought to myself, “at least she hadn’t rejected the idea outright.”

The following weekend we were scheduled to go to the Thompson’s house for dinner and games on Saturday night. Perhaps this would be a good time to identify all the participants and what brought us all together at this point in our lives. My name is Hank Davis … actually Henry Davis, but I always hated that name and became known as “Hank” from the time I was a kid. Backing up a few years to 1970, I was a recently divorced Army captain, assigned to Fort Bragg. I was working in the Directorate of Logistics shop at post headquarters doing really exciting stuff … yeah, yeah … real exciting stuff. Anyway I got into the dating scene again and eventually met Cindy Granger, a civilian nurse at Womack Army Hospital. We dated and, in due course, married in 1972. We lived in her small apartment for a while, but quickly realized that it was just too small for the two of us. After looking for a while, we found the ideal apartment in a recently built apartment complex in Fayetteville. We quickly made friends with our neighbors across the hall, Bobby and Ellen Thompson Bobby was a quiet soft-spoken teacher in a nearby high school. He was a fairly tall guy at about 6 - 1 and was of medium build, weighing about 170 pounds at that time. He and Ellen appeared to have a good solid marriage and I rarely saw them argue or have any serious disagreements about anything. They had dated all through high school and college and married as soon as Ellen graduated. Ellen was a school teacher, as well, teaching at a different high school than Bobby. In 1972 she and Cindy were the same age, 26; however, Ellen was both taller and slightly heavier than Cindy. She was about five foot, six inches and 135 pounds, give or take, and very attractive with a radiant smile, brown hair and eyes. Her breasts were properly proportioned for her size, although she had begun to broaden at the hips somewhat … a problem that would plague her later in life. My wife Cindy was about Five foot four and a slender 120 pounds. I’m biased, but I considered that she was very attractive. She had shoulder length brown hair with blond frosting and hazel eyes. I was the oldest of our group at 34 and stood 5’ 11”, weighing 165 pounds. Working in a desk job and not in a troop unit, I needed an exercise regimen to maintain my physical fitness and was in good shape. We and the Thompson’s became inseparable and did many things together: going dancing, taking in the latest movies, and doing cookouts on our patios. All that changed a few years later as the army downsized following the Vietnam War and instituted a “Reduction In Force,” better know as a “RIF.” As a non-jump qualified logistics officer with good but not spectacular officer efficiency reports, I knew my days were numbered. Predictably I was “RIFed” and offered the opportunity to seek employment in the civilian sector in the fall of 1973.
I took the tidy separation pay and immediately started looking at positions in which I could apply my experience in logistics. I was lucky to find a job in a small firm in Chapel Hill, where I’d gone to college. I was the firm’s only logistics guy and was basically responsible for all the company’s supply and transportation issues. With all the hospitals in that part of North Carolina, Cindy easily found a nice, well paying job. We used the bulk of the severance money as a down payment in a small bungalow. Cindy did take a break from work in order to have our first child, our daughter, Megan. We were a little strapped for cash on occasion, with only one income, but we got by. Then, one day in the summer of 1974, Cindy excitedly came into the house and said “You’ll never believe who I ran in to at the store!”
Chuckling at her enthusiasm, I said, “I haven’t a clue … who?”
“Bobby and Ellen,” she exclaimed. She explained that they had just moved to Chapel Hill and had bought a house less than a mile from our house. Reestablishing contacts, we once again began doing things together, eventually that led to games of strip poker and finally the silly board sex game. Well, with Bobby’s proposal, we were now preparing to start an altogether new facet of our relationship.

That following Saturday evening began pretty much as had all the previous ones. Cindy had breast-fed Megan and she immediately began to get sleepy as she always did with a full belly. In her drowsy state we drove to the Thompson’s home and carried her inside. Soon she was drifting off to sleep in the guest bedroom. We returned to the Thompson’s living room for drinks and banter prior to the meal. After we had had dinner and a few more fortifying drinks, the four of us were sitting around the dining room table sipping on red wine. So far everyone had been hesitant to mention the matter of Bobby’s proposal and the tension in the room seemed heavy. I think we each knew that someone had to broach the subject that was clearly on everyone’s mind. “Okay,” Ellen said, introducing the subject. “Cindy and I have talked about this new arrangement and we are willing to give it a try. We were hesitant about the masturbation, but decided that we can see how it works out. We think it can be fun; however we think we need to go slow and do this in stages. If you men try to go faster than we feel is comfortable, we quit … period. Also, we must always be together in the same room and if anyone wants to stop, we all stop. Do you guys agree to that?
“Agreed,” we responded. Rising to her feet, Ellen then took my hand and led me into the den. Once there, she sat next to me on one end of the large L-shaped couch. Bobby escorted Cindy to the other end of the couch and turned off one of the table lamps. This darkened the room somewhat, leaving only the other table lamp to provide dim lighting. There was also a warm glow from the radio as fm music softly played in the background. I felt Ellen’s soft breast press into my arm when her body turned into mine. When we kissed, her eyes closed I felt her tongue lightly licking between my lips. I took this as an invitation and gently slipped mine inside her mouth. We kissed anxiously for several minutes and I certainly felt myself becoming aroused. I heard Cindy say “Slow down, Bobby.” Obviously he was trying to rush things along. I heard him sigh, trying to relax and get control of things.
This action continued for some time with both couples becoming more aroused as they French kissed and fondled. Bobby rolled on his side pressing against the back of the couch. In doing so he made room for Cindy to lie on the front portion of the couch, facing him. Following his lead, I slipped my arm around Ellen’s shoulder and neck and eased her into a lying position, as well. This time when we kissed our bodies touched through their entire length. I knew that Ellen surely felt my hard dick pressing against her as I softly rubbed her back with my free hand. The kissing was obviously heightening her passion and she murmured slightly as my fingers slipped under her blouse and unsnapped her bra. Once this was accomplished, my hand gently began squeezing her tits. I looked past Ellen to see what was happening on the other half of the L-shaped couch. Bobby and Cindy were continuing to kiss; however, I noticed that she had slipped her thigh between his legs and was rubbing it against his rigid dick.
As we continued to French kiss and rub our bodies together, I caressed Ellen’s breast and gave a nipple a gentle tweak. Meanwhile, she had found my stiff dick. Her finger tips slowly traced the outline of my cock and then grasped it through the fabric of my khakis Hmmmmm, things are progressing nicely I thought to myself. “Ahhhh,” I heard Cindy say. She had turned towards Bobby and he had slipped his hand under her knit shirt. I could see him unsnapping her bra and then squeezing first one breast and then the other. She sat up briefly and allowed Bobby to slip her shirt over her head and remove her bra. Looking in their direction I watched as she returned to slowly pressing against Bobby’s crotch with her pelvis. She was also using her free hand to caress and grasp his ass, pressing his dick firmly against her pussy. Not to be outdone by Cindy, Ellen slipped off her blouse and turned her head and upper body to join me in watching the action on the other end of the couch. We could see Cindy’s legs spreading apart as her hand appeared to reach between them to grasp the hard bulge in Bobby’s pants. “Oh Bobby, this just feels wonderful,” I heard her whisper. By now I had let my fingers slip under the waistband of Ellen’s shorts and cupped her panty covered ass. I squeezed her buttocks feeling the outline of her panties as everything seemed to grow in intensity. Suddenly Cindy broke free and said “Time out!” Ellen groaned, “Whoa.”
Cindy said “I think we all need a time out.”
“Okay, let’s all just calm down and get a glass of wine,” suggested Ellen. The girls got up and walked into the kitchen still exposing their delicious breasts. Bobby and I were a little hesitant to move too quickly and reveal our massive erections. By the time we got to the kitchen, the girls had poured glasses of wine for everyone and we were beginning to subside. There wasn’t a lot of discussion and the few words spoken didn’t elicit much response as all of us we all seemed somewhat lost in our own thoughts.
After a few minutes, Ellen again took the lead. She led me back down into the den and said, “I think it’s time for all of us to get naked. Hank, could you help me?” I quickly moved to slip off her shorts and panties and soon she was completely nude, save for the sandals that she wore. She then began her task by stripping my knit shirt and t-shirt over my head and then opened my khakis pulled the zipper down and dropped my pants to the floor. She had a little difficulty as she lifted my boxers over my quickly rising dick. Once they were stripped off, she knelt down to take off my loafers and socks. It was at this point that things began to get particularly interesting. I quickly looked down and saw Ellen lasciviously smiling up at me. We both allowed a soft moan as her fingers closed around my dick, squeezing it lightly and caressing it with her fingertips from the head to the base then back again. Her touch was delicate, but with just the right amount of pressure that was soon driving me wild. I looked down to see that she was intently staring at my dick as her fingers curled around it. She gently pushed me back, sitting me down onto our end of the L-shaped couch. She then sat next to me and her hands returned to grasp my dick. “Mmmmm, I love this,” Ellen sighed as she slowly began to stroke me and whispered, “I want to make you cum. I want to see you squirt cum everywhere. Is that okay?” During our previous contacts Ellen had masturbated me several times, but had never caused me to reach a climax. Now her hand on my dick felt incredible and her stated intentions had my mind racing. Her initial grip was amazingly light and subtle, running up and down my shaft, but then she grasped me firmly and began decisively jerking me off. I raised my hips slightly off the couch, urging her to pump me hard. This went on for several minutes as I continued my travel toward a massive orgasm. Eventually I muttered, “Ellen, I’m gonna cum.” Ellen giggled and raised her head up to lick wetly along my lips as her hand firmly gripped my dick and she increased the tempo.
“That’s what I want! I don’t want you to hold back. I want you to shoot great gobs of cum. Cum for me, Hank,” she murmured. “I want to see you cum. I want to see your hard dick shoot off for me.” Her hand began to furiously slide up and down my dick. I could feel the pressure of my cum building in my nuts until I reached orgasm. My cum began squirting out of my throbbing dick, spurting over Ellen’s hand and onto my belly.
“Arrrggghhh,” I groaned. Again and again I spurted and each time Ellen would moan as her hand ran wetly up and down my dick.
“Hank, that was great,” she breathed as she continued to stroke me. Her cum-covered hand was making wet sloppy noises as it slid up and down my shaft. “I knew you would cum a lot!” My heart throbbed in my chest as I watched her left hand move over my belly tracing her fingers through the pools of cum and then sliding back down to my dick. She sighed as she slowly smeared the cum over it. “…and you’re still so hard,” she whispered looking into my eyes. “I guess you enjoyed that … didn’t you?” I feebly smiled as I nodded my head. She grinned and squeezed my dick lightly.
“That was incredible, Ellen,” I said, my voice shaking. “Absolutely incredible. That was the best hand job that I’ve ever experienced.”
She leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I just wish that I could put it in my mouth and suck you dry!”
“Whoa,” I thought. “What if Bobby had heard that his wife would have preferred to suck my dick dry? Whew!” I just wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close as we relaxed. Now it was time to look to the other end of the couch and see how Bobby and Cindy were getting along. They had stripped naked as well and Cindy was crouched between Bobby’s legs as he stretched out on the other wing of the couch. She was using both hands on his stiff dick. Her left hand fondled his cockhead between her thumb and forefinger while her right stroked him with firm, strong strokes. Bobby groaned and closed his eyes, obviously feeling the cum building in his balls as she worked to bring him off. Cindy was moaning lightly, deep in her throat, as she concentrated on pumping his dick. I couldn’t believe how much she appeared to truly enjoy playing with Bobby’s cock. Her expert masturbation was obviously preparing him for an enormous orgasm. It was soon to come. “Ahhhhhh,” Bobby moaned as his balls suddenly tightened and sent his cum shooting up through his rigid shaft. Cindy squealed with delight as his cum sailed from his dick spraying upward onto his chest and belly. She used both hands as his hips bucked, coating her fingers with his semen. Cindy kept repeating, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” each time he shot.
“You know, Hank,” Ellen whispered, “I think that she enjoyed doing him as much as I did in doing you. I bet she’d like to suck him dry, too. Wouldn’t you like to see your pretty wife sucking Bobby’s cock and watch him fill her mouth with his cum?” She was leaning back on the couch stroking my dick and creating a strong new erection. The image of Cindy sucking Bobby’s dick and seeing him fill her mouth with his semen throbbed in my excited mind. I was brought back to the moment when Ellen whispered, “Now, how about a little action for my hungry pussy?”
I eased Ellen fully onto her back. We kissed deeply as I slowly rubbed her soft pubic hairs and my fingers probed along her slit. She began to grow impatient and eagerly pushed her pussy against my hand. Finally, I gently slid my middle finger inside her sopping wet slit. She again excitedly pushed against my hand and finger, anxious for more aggressive action on my part. I started to probe her pussy more vigorously and slid a second finger into her. She groaned softly and embraced me more tightly than before. The juices that flowed from her pussy allowed the pace of my finger-fucking to quickly increase. She gasped, “Oh that’s so good! Oh, don’t stop!” I added a third finger and pressed my thumb on her clitoris, caressing it. Her hips were thrusting against my fingers in short choppy jerks. I could tell that that the fires were raging inside of her and soon she began moaning in ecstasy, reaching her own orgasm. As she came down from her own climax, Ellen eagerly watched the unashamed sexual experiences unfolding between her husband and my wife. Bobby gently, but firmly, pushed Cindy’s thighs apart. He softly ran his fingertips through her pussy hair and around her slit before slipping them between her dripping wet pussy lips. Cindy moaned low in her throat as we watched Bobby’s finger slide deeply into her.
“Oh,” moaned Ellen, “This is going to be good!” Bobby’s fingers gently caressed Cindy, slowly moving in and out of her pussy. She began rocking against the thrust of his fingers, trying to drive them deeper into her pussy. By now Ellen had reached over and was moving her fingers up and down my shaft as we watched Cindy enjoying Bobby’s caresses. “I bet that she wished that it was Bobby’s dick sliding in and out of her,” whispered Ellen. “Wouldn’t you love to see Bobby’s dick fucking your wife’s pussy, filling it with his cum?”
Bobby had a broad smile on his face knowing that Cindy had entirely surrendered to the pleasure of the moment and his probing fingers. Her eyes were tightly closed and she began to moan louder as he continued to thrust his fingers into her with firmness and ever increasing tempo. His actions seemed to be succeeding in driving Cindy mad with lust. “Oh that feels so good! Oh don’t stop! Faster! Oh don’t stop!” she moaned. Bobby continued to force Cindy closer to orgasm with each variation in his caresses. Cindy came up off the couch in intense pleasure, clutching Bobby and urging him on. She began to shudder underneath him as he unrelentingly and furiously finger-fucked her. Almost immediately Cindy reached a crashing orgasm, screaming, “Oh Bobby! Oh Bobby!” squealing in delight. As her orgasm subsided, she turned her head away but could not control the small shudders that continued to course through her slender body as Bobby continued stroking her pussy.

This had been a milestone evening. We all began to quietly dress as the evening concluded. Cindy picked up the baby from the spare bedroom and we prepared for the trip home. Things got somewhat uneasy at the front door as Cindy and I were leaving. The normal hug and kiss on the cheek didn’t seem quite adequate any more. It had been quite an evening yet there was much more to come in the succeeding weeks.


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The Begining and 40year late the change

Here is the short back ground before I get into what happened last weekend. That night after we turned off TV we opened the sleeper couch and laid down for the night. Shortly after we were under the covers I felt his hand slide over my side and gently touch my cock. At that point, like every 15 year old boy, it did not take more than a few seconds to get hard. He then slid his hand into my tight white undies and started to rub me. I rolled on my back and within seconds he was sucking...

3 years ago
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A Great Start to a Yearlong Trip

Well, we finally made it to Costa Rica. After the excruciating process of dealing with airport security and getting our luggage, finding a taxi, and being dropped off at the correct location, we officially made it to the hotel where we would spend the next 7 days before heading off to Australia for a year. Just out of high school and 18, going on 19, I spent a year raising money to travel the world with my boyfriend of almost 3 years. Make that… fiancé. He’s 20, almost 21, and he proposed...

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5ft6 115lbs 16yearsold unspoilt Sold Part I

A new story with a few new themes I wanted to explore. For those who know me somewhat, yes, she is a bit docile for my taste but Ill try everything once. Enjoy! By the way… I wanted to design this story in a way that I, as a writer, can get my kicks out of it too. For those who are not true sadists, like myself, youll find out that not every story is meant to please you. Part two will follow. Someday. Id like to get you all nice and anxious. Part I She sat in the garden silently gazing at...

4 years ago
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Had a sex with 18year old teen

It was fantastic game i have ever done.. and its is quikest sex i ever had.. she was at the train and im on my way to home at the train.. she was wearing all black t-shirt and skirt.. which is really short.. she looked at me all the time while traveling and i send an eye wink once she smiled.. I ask her to come near me as there were no more ppl arround. even i didn’t expect she came near me and talking nicely .. i tell her that you have a nice legs.. she just smiled and said you only like it ?...

2 years ago
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Eileen 77years old

I’ve always chatted with Eileen ever since I started delivering her milk in 1990. She was always pleasant and well turned out. I always call every other Thursday and that was the day she went out for lunch with her husband George. When I called she usually had just returned home. In the summer she would wear a blouse that would show a sneaky bit of cleavage, and a nice smell of perfume. I would always ask where they had been and what they had done. It was usually a visit to a garden centre then...

2 years ago
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20 YearsOf Infidelity Chapter Four

(((((Yet another chapter re-written.))))) Monday morning Jason was bouncing in his seat with excitement at going to the south of Spain. His excitement extended to other things as soon as his dad left for work. We hadn't had sex since Friday afternoon with Jason's dad staying home for the weekend. We watched from the living room window until my husband's car backed out of the driveway. Not wanting to wait any longer Jason stripped his shorts down and pulled me to sit on my knees as he plunked...

2 years ago
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i got a job as a janitor at a 4year college

I became a slave to Misstress Tammy in high school, for the whole school made fun and new i had a nub peepee and she made wear panties every since the 7 grade. The summer we got out she an i married, but it was wore the pants and i wore the panties and was the wife slave of her house. She fuck anybody she wanted and i would take her to them, She found the ad for a janitor and UNA and order me to go get that job for i could fine here a lot young big cocks there. and i painted on the side to kept...

3 years ago
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Happy 2013 Newyear

2012-2013! by Peter Leo. approaching the door of our suite, with key in hand, i think with a frown how late business took me and that you’ll be fast asleep. so knowing my fate, with the stealth of a cat burglar, i quietly slip the key into the lock of the knob. pushing the door open i enter soundlessly. wanting, but not wanting to wake you. i listen in hopes that you aren’t sleep. but as i make my way into the darkened room, i see your cloths strewn over a chair near the bed....

4 years ago
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Chelli puku 4years patu daily denganu1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston readers edi nenu rastunna and share chesukuntunna second real life experience.Nenu chpeydi everything nijam and imaginative story kadu.Thank you na last story experienece ki baga response vachindi and 1 aunty sex ki sye andi kuda and thankyou ISS for the great platform.In case evaranna na first experience miss aitey edigo e link copy chesukuni chadavandi Na peru Tarun nenu currently hyderabad lo untunna na height 6 feet fair and na sulla size 14 cms height...

4 years ago
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Tinder Helped In Newyear

The whole city was dancing on its feet when I met her. I was completely prepared to face a young diva as it was our first date after we met in tinder. I was waiting outside a pub in Vashi as new year evening was a couple entry event for that pub and I was not allowed to go in alone. Strange but we have not yet had shared our contact number. It was like a festival of cool couples who were rushing into the pub with arms around each other. She reached and the moment I saw her I was stunned. She...

2 years ago
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26 Yeard Old Boy Has Sex With 49 Yr Old Aunty 8211 Met Online

Please give your feedback on my email: You can also email me if you want pictures of my cock… I love when someone makes a comment on my cock. This is a real story that happened 2-3 weeks back. I am a 26 year old bachelor and I am working in an IT company in Noida. Once, I was broadcasting myself online on a porn site and masturbating. I got a ping from a female named Ritika. she asked my age, sex and location – I told her 26, male, delhi. she told me she is from delhi. She was liking my cock...

2 years ago
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Supprised by my Bosss 19year old son

This past weekend I was invited to a party at my Boss's home which was odd because he never throws parties so I decided to go the invite said it was a costume party so I had to find myself a costume I found a costume of a Female Devil but it was so thight that I wasnt able to wear any panties and or a Bra it came up just above my knees and had a tail on it and a heard piece with horns on it so I did my make up and went to my Boss's house when I arrived the party was underway there must have...

3 years ago
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Had a sex with 18year old teen

It was fantastic game i have ever done.. and its is quikest sex i ever had.. she was at the train and im on my way to home at the train..she was wearing all black t-shirt and skirt.. which is really short.. she looked at me all the time while traveling and i send an eye wink once she smiled..I ask her to come near me as there were no more ppl arround. even i didn't expect she came near me and talking nicely .. i tell her that you have a nice legs.. she just smiled and said you only like it ?...

3 years ago
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I Fucked a 35year old Stanger Lady

Hi this is Rajesh again, 28 male from Bangalore, India. My stories can be so responsive, I had never thought. Thank you people. I have a very fresh story which is not a real incident but my imagination. But lots of similar things are happening in Bangalore which I have read and heard around. Anyway this is about me as a door to door salesman in a company which makes a new cheap washing power and I go and sell the same as introduction of brand, ok story goes some thing like this. I have been...

2 years ago
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Sammy Lightyear and the Shota of Doom

Sammy was already awake when Aerie finally opened her eyes. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she said, affectionately tousling the Pixie's hair. Aerie yawned and then stretched, drawing her slender body into a rigid pose as she stretched her arms over her head and pointed her toes. "Ugh, still a little sore from last night. You really gave me a good pounding last night." "Yeah, sorry about that," Sammy replied, her eyes drawn along the length of Aerie's tight naked body. She licked her...

1 year ago
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The Fursecution of Sammy Lightyear

The four of them stood staring in open-mouthed shock at the huge crowd of people surrounding them. Finally Syrie turned to his sister and said, "Sis, I love ... well, no, actually right now I hate you, but in either case sometimes you are an idiot." "But I was so sure," was all Aerie could say in reply as she continued to stare at the scene around her. For her own part Sammy was babbling as she stared at the mobs of people around her. "I must be dreaming. Someone pinch me and wake me up,...

2 years ago
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Sammy Lightyear and the Pixie of Doom

"So what do you have for me, Rob?" Sammy Lightyear asked. She was currently ensconced in a comfortable overstuffed chair in front of her shipping agent's desk. She was dressed like a typical spacer chick; black leather jacket over a black tee-shirt that sported a white skull and cross bones, in her case a well worn jacket stitched with the insignia of the Imperial Fleet on both arms and over the left breast pocket and black denim shorts over tight black hose which disappeared into a pair of...

1 year ago
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Sex with Sister30years late

Note : This story is completely fictional! Two days ago,while I was staying at my older sisters house,something great happened. I was watching some porn,when she suddenly came home,and almost caught me. She was wasted,which she hardly ever did,and she had a hard time walking and talking. She asked what I had been doing,and I joked about watching a porno. She looked at my shorts,saw my 7.5inch hard on,and said to bad you don't have any hole to stick that into!I said if you weren't my sister,I'd...

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Stepson Mattwith New Years Story

Anyway, it was the morning that Matt was supposed to come back from school for Christmas break. John was supposed to be there, but he was called away to work that morning. So, it was just me when Matt came home. I kept busy by cleaning and starting on dinner. Matt knocked on the door. I went to answer it and there he was in jeans and a black leather jacket. We said our polite "hellos" and he took off his jacket and had on a white long sleeve shirt. As he went to hang up his jacket , I...

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New Years Eve Resolutions 02

These are my reluctant New Year’s Eve Resolutions. Can’t you tell? I’m posting them late. Normally, I don’t make them because I don’t keep them and then I feel bad that I failed in my quest to better myself in the New Year. This year is different. This year, I’m motivated. This year, I’m going to do it. ‘Hey, Freddie, I heard you were making a list of New Year’s Eve Resolutions.’ ‘Yeah, that’s right, Vinnie.’ ‘Well, aren’t you are little late?’ ‘You could say that or you could say that I’m...

2 years ago
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Robins New Years

Continued from the Robin Bennett series: The Bitches Oven Ding-Dong the Bitch is Dead Saturday Arrives Robin’s Christmas Holiday ***** The girls got back to school still flying high. Nikki and Carey called Brandon and thanked him over and over, they talked for almost an hour. Robin had an idea that more went on during Christmas than either one of those two were going to tell her. Robin was on the phone with Danny for about five minutes. They were meeting in an hour at a local coffee shop....

1 year ago
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New Years Grieve

Hey Folks, it's a new year, hopefully it will be one full of joy and happiness for all of us. There are so many things to look forward to. There's a new platform out there, the first normal production run Mustang with an independent rear suspension. I love the back of the car, but the rest may just take me a little time. I'm excited about the engine choices that are going to be possible, especially in a year or two when the standard GT gets 500 horsepower. I'm also excited to have the great...

1 year ago
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New Years Eve Party

"I don't want to go," said Mitzi. "And just why not?" asked Courtney. "Because I don't have a dress for starters," said Mitzi. Mitzi Kramer and Courtney Wells had been in several dress shops looking for an evening gown for the New Year's Eve party they were invited to. Courtney was tall, slender, with long, straight, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and curves in all the right places. Mitzi was short, slightly chubby, with curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and plenty of curves. Every dress...

3 years ago
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My Yearly Physical

I work a job where a yearly physical is required. It’s a real pain in the ass. I go to the local occupational health clinic that the company contracts with. Once there I sit in the waiting room for hours until I’m taken back and ran through the drill of vitals, urine test, and eye test. After the nurse gets done with their part, I’m shown into an exam room and told to strip to just my socks.There is one of those cheapo hospital gowns for me to put on. Then I get to sit there uncomfortably until...

Oral Sex
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Stories I like New Years Eve Seduction

New Year’s Eve Seduction He couldn’t believe his luck, it was New Year’s Eve and he was going home early! What a night for his girlfriend to dump him for another guy. There was certainly no way that he could stay at that party alone. The only problem was that his parents were having their annual NYE party at their house and so to make matters worse he would be spending the night with a bunch of boring old people. Eric was a 20 year old college student who still lived in his parents’ basement...

2 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 16 New Years Eve

Al had been faced with a tough decision, when Caleb became his host. Despite the fact that Caleb hadn't been aware of what he was agreeing to, when he accepted Al as a Companion, the human did become Al's host. He held Al's allegiance. That loyalty had driven the decision to hold back the information about the coming apocalypse for the human species. A single Companion, and a single unimportant human, couldn't change the fact that aliens would come with the goal of retribution. Al...

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Yearbook 2005bw

*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Ch 1 In the 2005 yearbook of St. Thomas Aquinas, there were the usual sections, the graduating class of 2005, followed by the Junior, Sophomore, Freshmen, and Eighth Grade class pictures, both as individuals, and as a group. The faculty photographs followed that, and the intramural sports. The various clubs and groups followed the sports, and then the assorted photographs that showed the casual...

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Yearbook 2005nc

*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Ch 1 In the St. Thomas Aquinas yearbook of the 2004-2005 school years, the thin volume held the usual groupings. The graduating class of 2005, followed by the various seniors that won various awards, such as ‘Best Christian Example,’ (Elise Simone) and ‘Friendliest,’ (Rayne Sneed) and so forth. Then there are the other classes, the faculty, the intramural sports and extra curricular clubs. The rear of...

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Yearbook 2005gm

*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Ch 1 In the 2005 yearbook of St. Thomas Aquinas, in Bender Louisiana, are the usual groups of photographs. The first few pages are dedicated to the graduating seniors, Individual photographs of each senior in cap and gown, then the entire group of the seniors and Sister Andrea, the Homeroom teacher of the Seniors of St. Thomas Aquinas. The last two pages are dedicated to the seniors that won...

4 years ago
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The Yearbook GirlChapter 3

The color shots came back from the lab two days later and went into the "special file" I kept by the bed. I somehow knew that this girl would be in a very special place in my life, and wondered how long a thing this good could last. Her next gig came two weeks after that. A company had a new line of swimwear for teens, and they wanted some pictures. The line wouldn't be on sale for another year, of course, but they needed the pictures to publicize the line for all the department store and...

2 years ago
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The Yearbook GirlChapter 5

Our love affair started that weekend, and scarcely a weekend went all that spring when we didn't fuck. By that time, Cindy had signed with a modeling agency and was getting regular work as a model, and the agency would routinely assign her shots to me, since we had such a rapport with each other. She was the ideal model. Now most models can be temperamental, obsessing about their clothes and makeup and pitching fits when everything wasn't exactly right, and making every shoot a living hell....

3 years ago
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Yearly Physical IV

Yearly Physical IV That evening, after getting back from the city, as we retired, we both got naked and laid on the bed talking. My wife reached down along side the bed and retrieved a the bag that we bought earlier this afternoon. She took out the prostate stimulator and put in batteries. Reaching into her nightstand, she got a good healthy glob of lubricant on her middle finger and leaned over toward me. “Raise and spread your legs, darling.” she said with a giggle. I...

1 year ago
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The New Years Resolution

The New Years Resolution By Stats 1982 Reflecting.....Natalie Caruso had been raped. She had been on her way home with her fianc?, John, when they ran out of gas on a lonely piece of the highway. A biker gang happened along and John stepped out of the car to see if they could help them. He didn't make three steps before they killed him. Bound and gagged she was forced into all manner of unnatural acts. Then they left her nude on the highway beside her slain boyfriend for someone to ...

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New Years BabyChapter 3

Promptly at noon on Sunday, December 30, I knocked on the door to the Hamilton's apartment near George Washington University. I was a little bit off my feed because, with the Record about to close down forever, my normal heavy workload had gradually reduced itself to virtually nothing. I had a sinking feeling about the fact that the upcoming Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary elections were going to be entirely irrelevant to me this year -- at least from a professional standpoint. The...

4 years ago
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E105 New Years Day The End Of The Diary

Dorothy and Maude spend the week with Donald and Emma. Twice more, the four women do play together. Once in the afternoon when Donald and Emma are both out, and one night when the two older women slip out in the night, as arranged, to spend the night with Karen and Julie. The morning after that night together, all are a bit groggy at breakfast.Donald and Emma want Dorothy and Maude to stay through New Year’s, but the women say no, they want to enjoy being on the train heading home on New Year’s...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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New Years Surprise

Dumped on New Year’s Eve. Brutal. Humiliating. And also… not so bad. Ben parked in the driveway of his crappy little college house, a three-bedroom hovel he shared with two miscreants who wouldn’t be invited back for their senior years if they weren’t careful. Usually he had to fight for the driveway spot, but both roomies were out-of-town for the Christmas break. Oddly, he was kinda hoping one of them would be here when he arrived. Would’ve been nice to talk to someone… He turned the car...

2 years ago
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Christmas New Years Japanese Anal Sex

Once I am ready, I will post the pictures and video of the following true events…… About six months ago I started talking to two Japanese girls, one was 32 and the other 26, these girls are cute! Anyway, the 32 yo old lives in Osaka, Japan while the other lives in Tokyo which works out if one doesn’t come through. Since I’ve already got a couple of ‘safe — STD tested’ side chicks, there was no need to rush into getting these girls into bed. After about a month I asked the two to get checked...

1 year ago
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Their New Years Eve Tradition 2020

“I’m so close,” Janet groaned. Her fingers were a blur as she reached for her peak.Brad said nothing, dancing on the edge, desperately trying not to go over it. His wife had been teasing him, starting and stopping him and herself for an hour that seemed like three. Not that he would complain. He was so turned on, he’d do anything she said; the question was, would his body obey?Her genitals were swollen, flushed, and dripping from the long session. His would be sore later, but he kept them...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 23 New Years Resolutions

December 31, 1993, Chicago, Illinois For the first time since I’d met him, I wasn’t sending anyone to Alex’s place for New Year’s Eve. It was, perhaps, a bit selfish, but this year I wanted my family and friends around me. Jorge’s death, and the entire situation with Jessica had really driven home just how important that was, not that I hadn’t believed that before. Alex had given me a bit of grief about it, but I reminded him that I’d been there the year before. Not to mention the fact that...

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