New Years Fuckin Eve
- 4 years ago
- 34
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Al had been faced with a tough decision, when Caleb became his host. Despite the fact that Caleb hadn't been aware of what he was agreeing to, when he accepted Al as a Companion, the human did become Al's host. He held Al's allegiance. That loyalty had driven the decision to hold back the information about the coming apocalypse for the human species. A single Companion, and a single unimportant human, couldn't change the fact that aliens would come with the goal of retribution. Al couldn't stop the reckoning, so he had focused on his host's survival.
Al's goal was broadened to include all humans with Companions, after the surprising development of new Companions coming into this universe. Al had been overjoyed that his species had new hope. The improbability of new Companions in this universe still amazed the alien. The Companion species had accepted the fact that they would eventually expire from the universe. It had never occurred to Al to rethink his initial position on the subject of the Companions protecting only their hosts, and not the human species as a whole.
Companions had helped their hosts advance, and excel, in the eons since the beginning of the universe. That had been accomplished on an individual basis. In societies that included many hosts and their Companions, entire species' could be advanced. However, it had never been an instantaneous process, and the road to advancement had often been rocky. Rationing information to their hosts had been necessary to protect their host's society.
Al's species learned the lessons long ago, that humans were just discovering. When a technically advanced civilization meets a primitive civilization, the primitive civilization is destroyed. The destruction isn't caused by malice, nor is it always intentional. The customs and mental mindset of the primitive society seldom survived the exposure to the advanced technology, and the society the technology had created. Advancements were carefully rationed to protect their hosts.
It had literally been billions of years, since an entire, Companion occupied species, had been faced with annihilation. The shear brute force of the Companion/host linking was not the answer. A more focused consciousness was needed to find solutions to problems at the species level.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of Companions joined, without their hosts direction. Al remembered they called it a melding. The knowledge, experience, and need of the joined Companions, created a consciousness with the sole purpose of protecting their host's species. The collective awareness took on the characteristics of a cohesive, single mind. It was able to address the species-wide issues, while protecting the individual hosts. Al hadn't taught the 'young' Companions how to meld, yet.
Caleb's discovery of the information about the proximity bomb that caused Al's ship to crash, had thoroughly trashed Al's original plans. Oddly enough, it didn't bother the alien. Al had realized that Caleb's ideas, as nebulous as they were, had a real chance of stopping the aliens long enough to save the human species. However, the exposure of the expected alien confrontation caused Al other problems. The new Companions were not happy with Al for not sharing the information about the aliens with them. Al was sure they would be even less happy when he introduced melding to them.
The arguments presented by the other Companions convinced Al that survival of humans and the Companion species were directly linked. He was troubled that he hadn't recognized a fact that was so logical. Al had simply not considered that aspect of the confrontation with the aliens.
The unrest among the Companions did point out a glaring difference between the Companions. Al viewed issues through thirteen billion years of experience. All that experience, and knowledge, were important. It also made him seem jaded in comparison to the other Companions. They were newly arrived in this universe! They were Companions to their first host! Al couldn't remember his first host. He couldn't even remember the type of species of his first host! The situation also proved that experience didn't always have the right answer.
Al knew the task of bridging that gulf of experience would be difficult. Teaching the other Companions what they needed to know to save their hosts, and the entire human race, would be difficult. The new Companions had to learn to meld into a single, thinking entity.
A melding of all Companions would accomplish several things. Sharing experience was actually the least helpful gain from the melding. Lessons learned from shared experience were less pointed than personally learning the lessons. The sharing of knowledge between all Companions was more important. It would ensure that Al wasn't the sole repository of accumulated Companion knowledge on this world. The most important aspect of the young Companions learning to meld, would be gaining the ability to solve large, complex problems, as a single intelligence.
The Companions first task, as melded intelligences, must be to search and evaluate a large group of humans. They must determine who would be viable candidates for the battle to save the human species. Furthermore, the first wave of candidates must be in family groups.
Humans were contrary, and stubborn. They didn't accept the hopelessness of situations like so many of his previous hosts would have. Al's grudging respect for the young species was brought into focus by the stark disapproval of the new Companions. They learned the truth, and his plans to meet the aliens, and they were not happy.
Al couldn't help being amused when he considered the shockwave his species would experience, when these new Companions were débuted on the universal stage. These new, rash, Companions had taken on the character of their first hosts. They were as fearless, determined, and as cunning as the young species that had brought them through the veil.
Gabi couldn't believe it. It was New Year's Eve, and two days ago she wouldn't have bet on tonight being a success for anything. Now, it looked like she would have a near capacity crowd. And not just adults, either. There would be families celebrating New Year's Eve in her restaurant!
She wanted Refugio East to be successful, but her advertising efforts hadn't seemed to be effective. Gabi's goal had been to become known as a reasonably priced, high-end restaurant, that was kid friendly. It was a near impossible balance to strike; it was like finding and keeping the Holy Grail.
Gabi was excited, and afraid that she would do something to mess with this success. Flashes of memories of the last forty-eight hours were, naturally, a distraction. She was trying to keep that whole experience segregated. Gabi knew that there were a lot of issues that she would have to deal with, when she opened that locked box in her mind. Mary helped ... a lot. Gabi promised Mary that she would deal with those issues, after tonight.
Gabi looked over, and let her eyes linger on Singer's back. He was wearing a suit that fit him like a glove. She could almost see the muscles move under the material, or imagined that she could. He shifted his weight to study another customer intently.
Singer had declared himself Refugio East Head of Security for the evening. He understood that he still had a responsibility to the Senator. Singer and Flan had often split security duties to have one acting as close security, and the other maintaining a wider security envelope.
Gabi took a slow, deep breath, held it, before letting it out slowly and looking away.
"Maybe dealing with what you won't allow me to speak about won't be as traumatic as you think," Mary observed in the back of her mind.
"I said I don't want to talk about it," Gabi thought in irritation.
"Talk about what?" Mary asked, innocence dripping from her thoughts.
"Senator McGowan, it's good to see you," Caleb said, meeting Scotty at the entrance to Refugio East.
It was a public setting, and he thought that it would be disrespectful to speak to Scotty the way he did when they were alone. Scotty had explained that winning elections had more to do with perception than substance.
"It's good to see you, too," Scotty said warmly, even though they had been mentally communicating for the last half hour.
The four of them, Scotty, Caleb, Singer, and Flan, had been mentally discussing the security arrangements. Thirty-two members of Caleb's task force, both full-time and part-time, had accepted the invitation to the party. Each of them was armed, as well as most of their significant others. Other than a toast at midnight, they would not be drinking at this New Year's party. Branch was still at large, and every one of them had to be ready to respond, if he was spotted.
"You know Flan, my security guard, and this is his brother, Ryan," Scotty continued with the introductions.
"It is nice to meet you, Ryan," Caleb said, shaking the young man's hand.
Caleb liked the 'vibes' he got from Ryan. The young man was alert, focused, and intelligent.
Caleb took up the introductions, saying, "This is my step-daughter, Kim, her friend, Joyce Graham, and our ward, Cindy Stovall."
Cindy murmured something in response to a greeting, and moved behind Kim. The girl was excited about the party, and dressing up, but she was nervous about being around so many people. She saw Blake across the room, talking to his Grandmother, and mumbled excuses before hurrying to the young man.
"Flan," Caleb grinned, speaking to Ryan's older brother. "You have met Kim, but haven't formally met Joyce, her friend from A&M."
"I'm glad to meet you, Joyce," Flan said, ignoring Caleb's and Scotty's smirks. "My name is James Flannigan, but most people call me Flan."
Joyce gave him a measuring look, before smiling, and decisively saying, "I think I'll call you James."
"She doesn't want to call him Flan, because if they get married, Flannigan would be her last name, too," Al observed privately to Caleb in amusement.
"Do you go to A&M, too?" Ryan asked, turning his attention toward Kim.
"We're freshmen," Kim said, sizing him up, and liking what she saw.
"I haven't seen you around campus," Ryan mused aloud. "I'm sure I would have remembered seeing you."
"Our activities have been limited to classrooms, libraries, and Moses Hall," Kim explained, blushing slightly. "We've been pretty busy trying to get the hang of the whole college thing."
Joyce snorted, before saying, "I can't believe you said that! You're carrying extra credits and still maxing the classes," she snorted again. "I think you've got the hang of the college thing," she added dryly.
Kim shrugged before saying, "One step at a time. I've got my priorities, and right now, education is number one. Besides, I'm having fun!"
Ryan smiled at the interplay before asking, "How do you like Moses Hall? It is one of the older residence halls on campus, isn't it?"
"It's okay," Kim said with a shrug. "It is old, but it was built well, and renovations have made it as convenient as the newer halls. Which hall do you live in?"
"I'm in Wells Hall," Ryan answered.
"Wow! High dollar!," Kim exclaimed with a grin. "That explains why we've never seen each other. Wells is at the opposite end of the campus."
"It isn't that much more expensive," Ryan defended his hall. "It is close to most of my classes. Have you declared a major yet?" he asked, wanting to change the subject.
"Not yet," Kim said with a sigh. "I don't know what I want to do. I mean, there are so many things that I'm interested in. Have you declared your major? What year are you in? You don't look any older than us!"
"I'm a sophomore, and I have declared my major for Aerospace Engineering," Ryan answered with a grin. "It's a field that will be my best chance to get into space."
"Watch out Kim," Flan warned. "My little brother is a space nut. If you let him chose a subject, he'll be talking about space until you go to sleep."
"I'm not that bad," Ryan protested.
"Nope," Flan said, shaking his head. "We're not buying that today. You know you're that bad."
"Well, maybe a little," Ryan said carefully, looking at Kim out of the corner of his eye.
"There's nothing wrong with being a space nut," Kim assured Ryan. "I wouldn't mind going into space, but I don't just want to go. I want to do something when I get there."
Ryan's eyes widened slightly. He was liking what he was hearing, and what he was seeing. This girl certainly wasn't a flighty, airhead blond.
Caleb, chuckling, said, "I placed the eight of you at the table next to ours."
"Eight?" Flan queried.
"Cindy and Blake will be sitting with you guys. I think Kim and Joyce have adopted Cindy, and Blake volunteered to be her escort for the evening."
"I was volunteered," Blake corrected, blushing a bright red, as he joined the group with Cindy on his arm.
"I didn't hear you arguing about it," Kim said with a smirk.
"That's because I was going to ask to be her escort, if I hadn't been volunteered so quickly," Blake said glumly. "I didn't want Cindy to think that I'm with her because I was told to be with her. She's a nice person, and I'm looking forward to spending the evening with her."
"Really?" Cindy asked.
Caleb shook his head with a smile at the interplay before continuing, "Singer and Gabi will have seats there, too, though Gabi will be pretty busy with the restaurant, and Singer watches over her like a mother hen. We can move the tables together later, if we want."
"Let me show you where our tables are," Caleb continued, leading them towards a door to an adjoining room.
"What did you tell those reporters?," Caleb asked Scotty, via their Companions, as they walked. "They're like rabid wolves! They even tried to interview a delivery man!"
"They do get carried away," Scotty agreed. "Don't think about running off. If I'm going to do this, you're going to be with me every step of the way. I was about to get out of this game. Now I'm going to have to put up with all the garbage again. If I have to, so do you. Don't worry, though. Most of the press are pretty good guys. But every group has its ten percent, and that ten percent in the press can be a real piece of work. The press isn't nearly as bad as some of the sharks you're going to meet in Washington, though."
"What did you tell them to get them that hyper?" Caleb asked. "They're acting like sharks in a feeding frenzy."
"I told them that my plans for retirement have been scrapped," Scotty answered. "I also told them I would explain my reasons, tonight, and that only three tables would be reserved for the press. I also promised to explain the new direction I would be taking."
"Scotty, you could sell ice cubes to Eskimos," Caleb said in admiration.
"Senator, I have you seated with our family," Caleb announced aloud, as they entered a large, open dining room. "There are some men and women that wanted to speak to you. They seem very anxious."
Reporters were sitting at three tables along one side of the room. There were eight reporters per table, and twenty-four sets of eyes focused on Scotty as he entered the room. There were twenty-two other tables set up in the room, each capable of holding eight patrons.
A small, local band was set up on the opposite side of the large room on a small stage. They had just started their first set with an old Johnny Winters song. That was appropriate, since Beaumont, Texas was home of the Winters brothers, Johnny and Edgar. Caleb could feel the driving beat, and he had to smile.
"What do you think?" Scotty asked, following Caleb into a second room. "Should we do this before or after dinner?" Scotty asked Caleb, loud enough for the reporters to hear over the music.
Caleb shrugged, before blandly asking, "Which would give us the most peaceful meal?" also loud enough for the reporters to hear. "JJ and her parents are still busy, so you could probably have your say, and take a few questions before dinner."
"Is that okay with you guys?" Scotty called to the reporters.
A chorus of "Yes, Senator," and "Sure," and a few grumbles were heard.
"Okay, but before I do, I want to know who I'm talking too," Scotty replied as he began walking around the three large tables.
Scotty knew some of the reporters, and one of them very well. Most of them were new faces, though, and he discovered why as he shook hands.
His Companion, George (for Scotty's hero, General George Patton), was busily collecting mental signatures. He was also taking something like snapshots of the various personalities present in the reporters' cadre. George was nearly two days old, and this was the first large gathering of humans the Companion had attended.
Scotty faced the tables when he finished, and said, "This is something that I would normally do with a press release," Scotty began. "I apologize for the New Year's Eve plans that I disrupted. I felt that it was too important to wait until everyone got back to work next week. To make up for it, your dinner is on me tonight."
Scotty took a deep breath, and looked from face to face, before he said, "It has been public knowledge that I would not be seeking reelection due to retirement plans. I will still not seek reelection as a Senator, but my retirement plans have been scrapped. I will be exploring the possibility of running for the Presidency. My continued public service will be completely in the hands of American Citizens."
He held up his hand for quiet as a few questions were shouted, a look of annoyance crossing his face, and said, "I choose not to continue serving as a Senator from the State of Texas. I've been away from my home for too long. However, I have been convinced that I can better serve my State and my Country by offering my services in another role: as President. American Citizens will decide to accept my offer, or not."
He held up his hand to quiet the sudden barrage of questions, and frowning, said, "We'll wait to continue when you show a few manners."
It got quiet immediately. People at other tables were listening, and nodded their heads in approval.
Senator McGowan had been a politician for over twenty years. The Washington press corps knew better than to act uncivilized during one of his press conferences. Most of the respondents to his invitation for a New Year's Eve announcement, however, were not the first-string reporters that would normally cover a story like this. A few reporters were smiling, knowing what was coming.
"Thank you," Scotty said. " As you know, I have a reputation for being blunt. I assure you that my reputation is well earned. To demonstrate, I'm going to be blunt now. You ladies and gentlemen don't normally cover the Washington beat, so I'll give you a word for the wise. Reporters in fly-over-country are going to see a lot more of me, over the next few years. As the Washington reporters have learned, I will always answer your questions, if the answer doesn't involve classified material. If I refuse to answer, I will explain why. Above all else, I value courtesy. I give it to others, and expect the same for myself. That is the word for the wise, and please pass that along to your friends."
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It was my least favorite day of the week. It was the day after payday and the day I had to stop by my ex-wife's place and hand her the child support and alimony check. I didn't begrudge the kids their child support, but it just killed me to pay Eve alimony. Especially since the divorce was caused by her and what she did, or more to the point, didn't do. I had gone through a bitter divorce and when it was final I swore off women. They were treacherous and unfaithful whores — all of them —...
Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.� It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to have sprung her over an hour an ago. Stephanie impatiently listened to the phone ring: eight...nine...!� Why didn't Eve pick up? "Hello?" Eve's voice finally said. "Where the hell are you?" Stephanie...
BDSMOk, so here goes.It is New Year’s Eve 2014 and I’ve just been dumped by my boyfriend which now means I’m all alone. I call you but it goes straight to voice mail that’s when I remember you said you were going out with friends for the night. I leave you a tear filled message wishing you a happy new year and that you are a good friend to me. I hang up my phone and curl up on the couch crying. I fall asleep with the TV on and a half a bottle of wine drunk.A little while later I hear the door open...
She begged me to fuck her but remembering how she teased me with her mouth earlier I wanted to return the favor. After several moments of her begging I decided she had enough. New Year’s Eve. Another year has gone by. Time seems to go by so quick these days. My lady and I have had our up and downs, but we still always enjoy New Year’s Eve together. We both have few friends, so we usually just stay home together, or go to a quiet place for a drink or two. We decided this year to go...
MarriedNovember 4, 1995, Colerain Township, Ohio “I get the sense you’re having second thoughts,” Eve said. “And third and fourth thoughts,” I added with a smile. “But that’s normal for me and a new girl.” “May I ask why?” “You obviously know I’ve been with quite a few women. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that successful dalliances, as my wives and I call them, require my partner to have a certain frame of mind. What I don’t want is serious regret, or, perhaps more dangerous, them...
The Creation of Eve By Mistress Christine Stephanie Charlemagne This is the story of how an adult man became a teenage girl instantly. This is the story of how a woman gained a daughter and a spokesmodel for her scientific research all in one. This is the story of how a man's natural tendencies can be subverted to do a woman's will. This is a story of how the holy grail - the fountain of youth - was found. This is the story of how Evelyn Hargrove turned Mark Forrest into...
Eve smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Her chocolate eyes had darkened a little with nerves but brightened as her teeth showed in her red lipstick smile. With a slender hand, she tousled her hair and let her curls hang with a bounce before tugging on a red hat and wrapping a scarf around her neck. Her bust was noticeable beneath her boat necked plum jumper, and her petite build was complimented with jeans that showed the curve of her hips and buttocks. She tucked the lace of her black...
CheatingChapter 4 Jude and Eve After I broke up with Dottie, then Carrie, then Janice, I found a couple of great strippers Jude and Eve. I often went with the guys to a strip club to drown my sorrows and watch a great show. There were two gals that were strippers that worked at a club just a little bit down Main street. Jude was long and lanky, with beautiful mid-sized titties. She had beautiful dirty blonde hair. Eve was a slender and dark girl with dark hair. It looked like she grew up on...
New Years Eve By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and any relationship to persons or events is purely accidental. Like my other "Eve" stories, this contains unwanted sex and humiliation. If these stories are not to your liking, Do Not Read. You have been warned. This story may be downloaded for personal pleasure only and any other use prohibited without the author's consent. [email protected]. New Years...
The sexual revolution in the Western world from the 1960s to the 1980s was a time of amazing transition. Our society was becoming increasingly accepting of sex outside of traditional heterosexual, monogamous relationships. Sex outside of marriage and homosexuality, as well as other alternative forms of sexuality, were much less taboo. The development of birth control pills also helped to make non-spousal sex more enjoyable.My name is Kendra, and I live in the Atlanta area and graduated from...
CuckoldMy name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam. New Year's eve always makes me recall how my Dad and I became lovers. Before then, if anyone had suggested having sex with my father, I would have told him or her they were crazy. It isn't that I would have been repulsed by the idea; it just never entered my thoughts. Mom left us when I was a senior in high school. My 38-year-old Mom dumped us for her golf instructor who was six years her junior. I came home from school that day in late January...
“Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight Everybody’s feeling warm and bright It’s such a fine and natural sight Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight.” King Harvest - 1972 So there we were. It was midnight and my three wives, and I were out in the back yard at midnight wrapped in each other’s arms, dancing in the moonlight to the sound of that great 1972 song booming from the stereo on the deck. The three bellies of my three pregnant wives were rubbing against my not pregnant belly as we swayed...
We finished the evening with two couples and two black studs at my Latina friend Veronica's house. What an amazing sex filled night. This New Years eve my friend Roni (short for Veronica) asked me to come out to Chandler (suburb of Phoenix) and spend the evening with her. She said that her and another couple, Sue and Dave, were going out to Stone and Vine a popular Italian Restaurant and bar. Honestly, I wasn't feeling my best with a bit of a sour stomach but I decided to go anyway. I am so...
Following my divorce a few years ago, I hit the road over the holidays and went to three college bowl games in various cities. I ended up in Atlanta on New Year’s Eve. I refused to sit in the hotel room alone for the night. I found an Uber and headed to a local club that was having a big party. I had never been to this club but it had a great reputation around the area.I arrived to a line of people waiting to get inside. I got in line and waited thirty minutes to get in. To pass the time, I...
Straight SexTen… nine… eight… Here Jo was again, on her knees on a New Year’s Eve, awaiting the stroke of midnight with yet another cock in her mouth. Seven… six… five… Her eyes were on the next one, though… different from the 57 she’d already sucked since the party started three hours ago… a special cock, reserved for her for the stroke of midnight, all part of her New Year’s resolution. Five… four… Since she’d started her wonderful career as a professional slut on her eighteenth birthday, more than a...
Group SexMy twin nieces have kept my balls drained for a few years now, and nobody knows about it. Ever since I passed out one New Year's eve and woke up to find Deanie and Debbie jacking me off into a glass of champagne, they've enjoyed the "fruit of my loins," so to speak. I'm about ten years older than the twins and we get along well together. We have many common interests, which is why no one, including their folks, think it's strange that we spend so much time together.But it's what we do with one...
Just to give you an idea of how my young wife's mind worked. One New Years Eve, when we lived in Southern Calif , even in January it was still pretty warm, after a great meal and more Champagne than she should have drank. I had placed a sleep blindfold over her eyes and had taken her to one of the local sleazy adult motels something we did on a number of occasions, as she loved not knowing where she was or what was going to happen, in the front parking lot I had unzipped her cocktail dress...
Two years younger than me, she always wanted me to take her out on the lake in our small rowboat. I actually thought about taking her out there and leaving her on the lake, swimming back, it irritated me so much. I hated her always hanging around. That is until one day, I really began to love it. It was hot; the air in the low mountains didn't get as cool at night in the higher elevations. The lake was large. I couldn't even see one end of it from the other. I wasn't having one hell...
I was counting the days until New Years Eve like a small child waits for Santa Claus, my favorite day of the year had finally arrived. Matt and I were supposed to have an unforgettable time at the party then spend the night at the hotel making love. I willed myself to be determined to have a fun evening even though Matt had dumped me the day after Christmas. The dress I had bought to wear with Matt would no longer be sufficient to create the impression I now longed to make. My best friend and I...
We were invited to a “Walk on the Wild Side,” New Year’s Eve party. It was held in Miami at the home of an up and coming member of the local “hot set.” This is not a group we normally run with — but our firm had recently landed as an account a company owned by this individual’s half brother, for some marketing of a particular product on the West Coast of Florida (where we live.) There was some initial concern that we might be “too laid...
It had been literally years since we’d gone out like this together. Between work, the kids, cub scouts, girl scouts, mowing the lawn and every other activity that consumed almost every waking moment, there was little time for just us. We finally moved this past summer slightly closer to home. A few weeks before the millennium Carol’s parents called and said they’d be coming down for New Years Eve. They even volunteered to watch the kids if we wanted to go out. At first we...
Foreword: This is the first story that I have written by request, and it is partly a collaboration with her. I normally give permission for operators of erotic story web sites to redistribute my stories. However, because this is a collaboration, we ask that you get permission from both of us before posting our story. Authorship for this story belongs to both Hungry Guy and Eve (who has requested to be anonymous). Thanks. I had been lurking in the alt.torture newsgroup for years. I had always...
David finished combing his hair and headed downstairs while Beth was still in the shower. He hadn't slept well as he kept having disturbing dreams about his wife and brother all night long. He kissed his wife good morning and noticed she looked exhausted, like she hadn't slept very well either. He went down to the kitchen and poured some coffee, Steve was sitting at the table reading the sports section of the morning paper wearing only his sweat pants. Steve's eyes were blood shot,...
After such a wonderful first-time bisexual experience with our new close friends Dan & Anna, we arrived home all aglow with our new-found sense of love & understanding. We got some supper & headed up to our room. “ Oh baby, you looked so sexy with Dan's big thick cock in your mouth! The way you were sucking it, you looked like you were really enjoying having a man's big cock to suck on finally?” “ Yeah, I guess you got me on that one. I love how his dick is a bit more...
“Wow, she was right. You do have the sweetest cum†Eve said as she gathered her things. “She talks to you about me as well?†I asked. “Oh, yes. She loves to discuss the guys we have both been able to experience. Another week had flown by at work and still no response from my little cum slut. No answer to my text or any phone calls. At this point, I assumed the worst and tried to put her out of my mind. This was really hard to do. There are so many memories of her expanding my sexual horizons...
AffairBy PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke the day after Christmas, I was pleasantly surprised to find both Jill and Dakota in bed with me. As usual, Jill had her back to me and faced away from me. Whereas Dakota had her delicate body backed into my body. She had pulled my arm over her body and she was soundly sleeping. As I laid there, I felt my manhood growing against Dakota. The growth must have disturbed Dakota’s sleep as I felt her cute little ass wiggle against me. Since...
Lawrence had planned to head straight home when his shift ended at ten, but at just before the hour he’d been called out on an emergency, and by the time he got back to the station and signed out for the night, it was well past eleven. He knew his chances of finding a taxi on a night like this were minimal. So, on New Year’s Eve, while the New Town resounded with live jazz, and hip hop and African beats, and the revellers chattered and flirted and got drunk on mulled wine and champagne en...
It's not uncommon for cops to marry each other. We work a nasty, unforgiving, thankless job with pressure from all possible sides. We try to do what's right most of the time but somebody is always coming down on us. Our suspects, obviously, don't like us and often curse us. We can live with that. Their victims, often enough, also curse us a lot. I can't count the number of times I've arrested an abusive husband for beating the shit out of his wife and then had the wife in question verbally...
Hubby and I planned on going out NY eve to a local bar to celebrate and ring in the new year. That evening before we left I took a bath, shaved my legs, under arms and pussy and trimmed it nicely into a landing strip. I played with myself a little bit in the batch tub before I did my hair and got dressed, so I was already quite horny. I dabbed a little bit of my favorite perfume on my neck, cleavage and inner thighs before putting on my red panties, black skirt and nylons, heel's and my semi...