The Emergence Of Eve free porn video

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The Emergence of Eve By Janice Dreamer Copyright (c) 1999 Author's Note: I dedicate this work of fiction to my wonderful friends and mentors, PJ Wright and Anne Phorcy. If I'd never known your intelligence, wit, and sense of humor I would be a much poorer person. I treasure our friendship and look forward to it lasting long into the future. You are quite simply the best! Now on with the tale! * * * * * John Patrick Gauche sat at his keyboard, waiting impatiently as the dissonant sounds from his modem clashed away, mortally offending his eardrums. He crossed his fingers and hoped he'd bump into Jenny once the online connection was completed. Jenny was one of JP's online friends. Although he'd never even seen her, she was a good friend nevertheless. It was a most unusual relationship, he knew. A relationship he'd never dream of admitting to anyone who knew him in "real life". They'd all think it was just too weird. Which, of course, it was. Jenny liked to talk to JP about what she called his 'feminine side'. Over the months of their friendship she'd gradually coaxed him into opening up to her bit by bit. His chats with Jenny helped clarify feelings he'd never really acknowledged before. He'd never considered himself Transsexual. He still didn't. No, that just wasn't possible for JP. But he always felt different from "normal" men. He was drawn to women and femininity in a strange way. He felt something other than the expected masculine attraction to a pretty face and body -- oh, he felt that, surely -- but he also had other feelings when he saw a particularly alluring woman. It was more a curiosity than any kind of sexual arousal. He had an intense desire to know just what it was like to be a woman. Jenny and JP had shared many conversations about the nature of femininity. She teased him and laughed at his na?ve preconceptions. As their friendship deepened, JP's curiosity about life as a woman grew. He'd already written several fantasy stories about men disguising themselves as females and infiltrating the feminine world before he ever met Jenny. In fact, it was his stories that had led to their friendship in the first place. Jenny also wrote 'net erotica and she sent him a fan letter praising a story he'd posted online. That chance email had led to a lasting friendship. Under her impetus, his fiction became more... personal. She encouraged him to take his fantasies ever further. Lately though, rather than just writing up his fantasies as fiction, JP began thinking it might be fun to try vicariously living them out online. This idea was something he'd never discussed with Jenny. Mostly because he was afraid she'd laugh at him. Somehow it just seemed too lame. He was very reluctant to cross the line from writing fiction to playacting as a female online. He'd always felt that was just so bogus. He knew there were many men on the internet who invented female names so they could pretend to womanhood. Especially so they could deceive "other" women into a heated session of virtual lesbian sex. He had this mental image of two overweight, socially inept guys sitting in darkened rooms at far remove from each other typing lustfully away and each imagining they were typing to a female. It was sad, to say the least, and he didn't want to become another one of those sad, lonely guys. Eventually, though, JP's curiosity had won out over his reservations and he created a female online persona for himself. He called her Eve. His first steps as Eve were very tentative. He used Eve's name as a pen name for writing even racier erotica than he'd already posted under his own name. He just intended to test the waters, he never really expected anything to come of it. But it wasn't long before Eve was getting fan mail. Several friends and admirers of JP's own fiction sent letters congratulating Eve on her stories. Even really great writers with high standards like Whiskey deCanter and Fajita TNG. This was rather a nice validation for JP -- his fans weren't just parroting praise because a story bore his name. People really enjoyed his creations, no matter whose name they appeared under. Eventually the modem stopped clanging, the little greeting window appeared and JP heard that rather inane voice from his speakers saying "Welcome!" He settled back and waited for his buddy list to appear. Yes! Jenny was listed as being online. His fingers settled familiarly on the keyboard and he typed a message to her. [Hi Jenny!] Her reply came back after a short pause. [Hey JP, how you doing this morning?] [Not bad. So what's up, Jenny? Anything interesting happening?] [Not much, really. Well, I did discover a new author. She's really amazing, JP. You'd really like her, I think. Her style reminds me a lot of your best work, but she writes a lot racier stuff than you do. She posts under the name Eve Adamson.] JP felt his face flushing. He was glad, not for the first time, that there was no video connection in their chats. What should he tell her? When he hadn't responded after quite a long pause another message flashed on his screen. [JP? You still there? Did the system freeze you out?] [I'm here, Jenny. I... sorry, hang on a sec.] He tried to think of something to say. Then he just started typing away, deciding on the spur of the moment to come clean with Jenny. The whole made-up persona was all just too delicious not to share with someone, and Jenny understood his curiosity about the female gender better than anyone on the planet. If he couldn't trust her, who could he trust? [It's just that you surprised me. I've been meaning to mention this to you but I just never got around to it. I was a little embarrassed. You see, 'Eve Adamson' is really me. I made her up so I could try out more explicit fantasies than I feel comfortable doing in my real name.] [Cool! So you actually made up a screen name and everything for her?] [Yes. I wanted to make sure and keep Eve totally separate from me. I... I'd be a bit embarrassed to have some of her "livelier" stuff attributed to me.] There was a bit of a pause before Jenny's next message appeared. [LOL! I just checked 'her' profile!! It's a scream! You should look it up, guy! She's quite the "bi-bi birdie" I'd say, JP!] JP felt himself blushing once again. Of course *he* knew what was in the member profile for Eve Adamson -- he was the one who'd written it! Jenny must be getting into the spirit of the game by pretending 'Eve' and 'JP' weren't, in fact, one and the same person. Suddenly he was struck with an idea. This would be a perfect way for him to learn how to act convincingly as Eve... Before he could change his mind, he started typing. [Would you like to meet her, Jenny?] [Sure!] Her answer was nearly instantaneous. JP clicked on the control that would log him off and selected 'switch screen name' to log himself back on as Eve. In a few seconds he once more heard the idiotic "Welcome!" and was back online, but as Eve this time. He pulled down the message window and prepared to send a greeting to Jenny. He typed out a message. [So, what do you think?] But he paused before sending it off to Jenny. He stared at that sentence for a moment and finally deleted it without sending it. Something Jenny'd said a minute ago gave him an idea. She'd acted like 'Eve' and he were two different people. Then a switch or something in his brain seemed to click and he decided to *really* get into this role. He'd play along with the act Jenny'd started. His mind made up, he finally typed a message and sent it. [Hi, Jenny, my name's Eve. A mutual friend suggested I introduce myself to you.] [Hi Eve! It's great to meet you! JP's told me... well, practically NOTHING about you, girl! (btw, I LOVE your stories!!! Been meaning to send you an email telling you how much I enjoy your writing but I'm just so lazy...)] JP smiled. Jenny was playing along with the little game to perfection. This was going to be fun! [Yes, it's good to meet you too, Jenny.] As he read his simple message, it just seemed so... flat. Something a shy little wallflower might say. He decided there and then that Eve would be a much more saucy person than he, himself, was in real life. Why not play it up to the hilt? With a devilish grin he began pounding away at the keyboard. [But that JP! Pffft! He's sooo clueless! Of course he didn't tell you anything about me; he never even notices when I've been to the hairdresser's -- even the time I dyed my hair blonde! And thanks for the compliment on my stories, Jenny. I like your writing too.] [Oh JP's okay, Eve. He has his heart in the right place anyway.] Good old Jenny! She was defending her friend to this "new acquaintance", JP thought. But 'Eve' would have to set her straight. 'Eve' would definitely be the dominant personality in this pretend relationship with himself but 'she' would have a definite soft spot in her heart for JP. He didn't want Jenny to get the wrong impression. [Yes, he's sweet, I'll give him that. But a bit of a lunkhead, even if he *is* cuddly. What can you expect, after all? He's male. Oh, boy, is he ever! He's *all* man, that's for sure. He'll NEVER understand women, no matter how many times he writes about impersonating them in his little erotic fantasies.] [LOL! Cuddly, is he? That's interesting! :) So... tell me, what exactly *is* your relationship with him?] JP began to really get into the spirit of the game and just let his imagination take over. [Oh, I'm a "kept" woman, Jenny. As in I've kept JP out of trouble ever since I moved in with him, and he's kept his nose out of my business! And he'd better continue to keep toeing the line if he knows what's good for him!] [Oh, you are SO bad! I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Eve!] JP's face broke into a huge grin. Yes, this was indeed going to be fun! His fingers seemed to take on a life of their own as they clattered across the keyboard. He lost all track of time as "Eve" and Jenny chatted back and forth. After they'd been enjoying "girl talk" for over an hour, Jenny finally made some comment about being late for work and he glanced at his watch. 8:45! He was supposed to be at his own job fifteen minutes ago! His pay would be docked for sure! [Oh shoot! Jenny, JP's late for work too! I gotta go and make sure he gets moving. I swear, if it wasn't attached to his body, that man would forget his... no, actually he probably *wouldn't* forget THAT! ::giggle:: But I do need to get out of here for now, else I'll *never* get the big lummox off to work and have the house to myself. Later, girlfriend!] JP cut the connection after getting Jenny's goodbye response and dashed around getting himself ready for work. All through that day, while he went through the motions of working at the warehouse, JP mentally replayed the chat he'd had with Jenny. Actually, he kept reminding himself, the chat "Eve" had had with Jenny. But then, he *was* Eve... or Eve was him... or something like that. He was noticeably distracted and his foreman, Al, kept sending pissed-off looks his way. Al had chewed him out but good when JP arrived almost an hour late that morning and he'd been riding his butt all day long. But the topper came when he'd almost run Al down with the forklift just before lunch. JP was accustomed to letting his mind wander at work. It was where he came up with some of his best story ideas. His job as a forklift operator wasn't exactly rocket science, which was one of the reasons he liked it so much. He was in the union and the wages were damn good, and he didn't have a lot of responsibility, so he could devote all his free time to his passion: improving his writing. The problem was, today his mind seemed to be wandering even more than normal. He had to reign his flights of fancy in before he really screwed up and hurt someone. The daydreaming wasn't just confined to while he was on the forklift, either. His mind also drifted when he was shooting the breeze with his buddies. At lunch he'd asked a fellow worker named Jeff to hand him a napkin. When Jeff passed it to him he'd absentmindedly said "Thanks, sweetie." Jeff was a big old tobacco chewing slab of muscle about six and a half feet tall covered with a pelt of wiry black hair that would do a gorilla justice. He was a far, far cry from a "sweetie". The whole break room crowd broke up into howls of laughter. JP blinked a moment in surprise and did his best to cover up by pretending he meant it as a joke. In reality, he'd been daydreaming about Eve and wondering how she'd act around this crowd of rough looking, hard living males. He'd been imagining how the testosterone filled atmosphere would bring out the vamp in her. It was disturbing that he'd allow himself to get so careless in front of his friends. They'd never understand his passion for TG stories and would hound him unmercifully if they ever found out about "Eve" or his writing. Having narrowly escaped his friends' ridicule, he firmly resolved not to think any more about Eve for the rest of his shift. Somehow he managed to make it through the afternoon without any more lapses. But five o'clock was an even more welcome relief than usually. Al made the snide comment as he was clocking out that he sure hoped JP's head wouldn't be up his ass tomorrow. JP shrugged in a little "what can I do?" gesture. All in all, he figured he'd gotten off pretty light. That night, safely back in the creaky old Victorian house he'd inherited from his parents, who'd inherited it from his grandparents, he signed back online. But this time he didn't even bother using his JP screen name, he went online straight away as Eve. Apparently "being" Eve was quite addictive and he needed another fix. Needed it bad. * * * * * Over the ensuing days and weeks JP spent more and more time online as Eve. And the more time he spent, the more Eve's personality blossomed. His imagination was constantly coming up with new and amusing little quirks to flesh out Eve and her purported relationship with JP. Gradually Eve evolved right before his eyes. When he was online as Eve it was almost like watching someone else having a conversation. He was the one doing the typing but it seemed as though the words appeared on the screen without any conscious thought or action on his part whatsoever. Like Eve really was a separate part of his mind. He never really knew what she'd do next. If he gave it any thought at all, he'd just shrug and pass it off to his feminine curiosity finally finding a means of expression. And the relationship between Eve and JP was also becoming more defined. Both personas developed the habit of disparaging each other, but in a teasing, loving manner. JP seemed to view Eve as a bit of a fritterhead and rather typically female (by his stereotypical definition). While Eve claimed that JP was a pathetic, clueless male, totally easy to manipulate and completely under her thumb. Both attributed their relationship to pure mutual lust. One particularly amusing aspect of Eve and JP's relationship was revealed while he was chatting with Jenny as JP. [Hey JP, whatcha up to?] [Hey girl! Just breezing through. Picking up my mail. Eve's been sashaying around in this flimsy bit of black silk and lace ever since I got home from work. I think she wants attention.] [Oh? LOL! She must be feeling her hormones. ::wink:: Better watch out, guy. She's liable to have her way with you. ::giggle::] JP grinned. He thought it might be fun to give Eve a bit of an uncontrollable libido. Of course, every man's dream is a hot and lusty woman whose response to any sexual overture was "Now!" So why shouldn't his own alter ego fit that mold? [Oh, you don't know the half of it, Jenny! I keep her around because her motor's always at a fast idle. Doesn't take but a raised eyebrow to get that engine really racing. Lord knows, the poor thing isn't good for much else!] [Oh ho! Better watch what you type there, my friend. Never know when Eve might be reading over your shoulder.] JP laughed. Jenny's last comment gave him a great idea. [Oh, I'm not worried, Jenny. In her current state I doubt she'd be able to read. I swear all her blood must have rushed from her brain to her nipples the way they were poking out against her nightie. I think about the most complicated thing she's capable of until I give her what she needs is figuring out how to work the zipper on my jeans...] [LOL! You are SO bad, JP! :)] [Yes, she's just ::*WHANG!!!*::] JP slid the mouse over and changed screen names to log on as Eve. JP was gone and Eve was online in mere seconds. [Hi, Jenny. Sorry, but JP's a bit... indisposed at the moment. Unfortunately he got hit in the head with my good frying pan. Unfortunate for the frying pan, that is. Gonna be a bitch getting the dent out of it.] [ROFLMAO!!!! Oh Eve, I hope you didn't hurt the poor boy?] Jenny's roar of laughter was all but palpable. He was laughing so hard himself he had tears streaming down his face. It was a real effort to type coherently. [Hurt that thick skull? Never! I swear you could crack walnuts all day on his pinhead and he'd just think they were love taps.] [I guess he did deserve it, after all. He was saying some rather awful things about you, girlfriend.] [Sad to say, but those "awful things" were true. I *was* looking forward to a nice romp with him this evening. His little head can be as hard as his big one at times! ::giggle:: Deliciously so! Seems a shame to cold cock him just when I need him most, but I just couldn't let him think he can get away with talking about me like that.] [Oh, you poor dear! What will you do? It's dreadful to have a case of galloping desire and no man to satisfy you.] JP's mouth stretched in a lustful grin. He knew just how his fantasy woman would handle this situation. [Oh, I imagine I'll have to administer mouth-to-monster resuscitation like I have so many other times. ::sigh:: It's a tough job but what's a girl to do?] [LOL! Eve you are bad! JP may be a bit of a male chauvinist piggie but he's surely no 'monster'!] [Oh, Jenny, honey you've got it all wrong. I wasn't referring to him *as* a monster, I was talking about resuscitating *his* monster! Gawd! You should *see* it! I swear I've been thinking of having it pickled and donated to the Smithsonian when I finally wear him out. It's his one redeeming quality.] [Eve! LOL! You're even naughtier than I thought!] JP himself was feeling a bit excited by all this silly sexy talk. He decided he'd take a break and reacquaint himself with his Playboy collection. [Well, Jenny, duty calls. Got a mission of mercy to attend to. And Lord have mercy on JP if he doesn't live up to his main mission in life -- taking care of me! Bye girlfriend.] * * * * * Tonight JP was online in his 'true' persona. It seemed like the first time he'd signed on as 'JPGauche' in ages. Well, other than checking for email, anyway. He'd decided he needed to take a break from Eve. His thoughts were just so distracted of late and it was because he was always imagining what Eve would do in any given situation, how she'd react, what she'd say. That was a fun little game, he had to admit, but lately it had gotten so out of hand that everyone was beginning to notice. He also seemed to be more tired than usual lately, as if he weren't getting enough sleep at night. Even his writing, which had been a driving passion in his life, was suffering as he spent more and more time online as Eve. So tonight JP had set aside to spend a little while online in his JP persona and hit the sack early. He chatted with Jenny for quite some time, discussing the finer points of the plot for his latest story. He loved these brainstorming sessions. He had no opportunity to discuss his writing with any of his 'real life' friends, so the times he and Jenny got into 'shop talk' about writing were doubly cherished. Finally, the talk about writing started to lag a bit and Jenny typed a question about Eve during a lull in their conversation. [So, JP, how's Eve been lately? I haven't seen her around in a while.] JP smiled a bit, involuntarily thinking of Eve. He decided to have a little fun. [Eve? Oh... I imagine she'll come dragging in some time tonight. Or maybe tomorrow morning. She disappears like this every once in a while. You never can tell with that girl. She's got... 'appetites', you know?] [LOL! Oh I *know* all right! I've read her profile, remember? So, what's she do on these 'outings' of hers? Cruise the femme bars for a tasty little virgin?] [Oh, Jenny, *I* couldn't tell you, girl! Hell, I don't presume to ask! It might be bad for my health, if you get my drift?] [Come on, JP! I won't tell another soul! I promise.] [Well, this is just between you and me, understand? The last time she went pussy-catting around is just typical. I came home from work to an empty house. Little minx left me a note saying, "Dinner's in the freezer. Try not to mess up the microwave this time. Don't wait up." No warning or anything. Just 'don't make a mess.' Can you imagine? Besides, I *had* cleaned up the mess from the last time she'd left me alone, no matter what *she* thought. Was it my fault she objected to those few tiny little miniscule food bits stuck to the top of the microwave and maybe one or two dirty dishes in the sink? She should've seen the place before I cleaned it!] [Men! You think cause the Center for Disease Control hasn't sealed off your house as a danger to public health that you've 'cleaned' it! I bet Eve had a right to bitch about the mess you probably left her. But anyway... enough of that, don't get me started. :) You were saying? About Eve's last 'outing'?] [Well, the last time was a bit weirder than most, I have to admit. It was two entire days before she came crawling back in. Looking quite a bit the worse for wear, I might add. She had hickeys in the most *amazing* places. That was when she picked up her third tattoo, too. But she never told me anything about what she'd been up to. Just like all the other times.] [Wow! She's even wilder than I'd thought, JP. How do you put up with her?] [Oh, it's not hard. She has her little peccadilloes and I guess I have mine. Besides, I get more than ample compensation for putting up with her occasional flings.] [Oh? ::leaning forward in my seat:: Compensation? Do tell!] JP had to laugh. This was just too funny. Jenny loved playing along with his little game, and she was darn good at it too! Now just how "bad" did he want to draw the caricature of wanton womanhood that Eve was becoming? [Well... and don't you *dare* tell her I said this, cause I'll deny everything... but she is a... (how do I put this 'delicately'?)... amazingly uninhibited female. And those little adventures of hers always seem to really spark her creativity when she finally does come home. She'll always have one or two new tricks to try out on me after she's had a day or two to rest up.] [Oh, no fair! I want DE-tails! Not just hints! You can't leave me hanging like this! Spill it, JP, or I'll rat you out to Eve. ::evil raising of one eyebrow::] Oh Jenny was *good*, JP thought. It was almost as much fun talking to her *about* Eve as pretending to *be* Eve. [Well... I really shouldn't... it's kind of embarrassing, actually. Especially sharing this with a girl... But if you insist... go browse the newsgroups. Look in ""... Last time I was there (whups! Did *I* type that?) Actually I would never stoop to look at such a newsgroup. I meant to say, the last time *Eve* was dawdling in there... she brought my attention to some interesting jpeg images. They're named "E-JP-fun" and numbered 01 through 37. I only saw one or two of them, actually, but they're really quite... enlightening. ::blush:: And that's all I can say on *that* subject, Jenny.] [Oh, well I'll *certainly* have to check them out, JP! ::giggle:: But, sad to say, it's getting rather late and I need to get some beauty sleep tonight.] JP glanced at his clock and noticed it really was late. Much later than he'd intended. So much for his good intentions to get to bed early. He'd be a basket case tomorrow at work. But this had been so much fun, it would almost be worth it. ['Kay, girl. I need some sleep too, although it won't be all that restful in an empty bed, what with Eve out and about tonight.] [Poooooor JP! I do feel *so* sorry for you! Maybe you can dream of Eve tonight? Think up some new scenarios for your photo album! Night!] [Night, girl!] With a sigh JP powered down the computer. He had a big silly grin on his face as he prepared for bed. Lying in bed that night, he had the proverbial "raging" hard-on. Oh, well, he thought with a grin, nothing for it but take matters in hand. He actually "spanked his monkey" three times -- three! -- before sleep finally took him. His last contented thought before he drifted off was that Eve must be good for his libido. His dreams were confused collages of images. Himself and his mental image of Eve in various poses. Wildly erotic bondage positions. Eve was poured into an "oh-too-naughty" black leather bustier with thigh high spike-heeled boots and a leather riding crop. Her raven black hair piled loosely atop her head gave a certain feminine softness to her otherwise severe demeanor. His dream self was 'dressed' in a blindfold and red ball gag and very little else. JP awoke sticky with the aftereffects of several nocturnal emissions and a woodie that was even more amazing for the fact that he would have sworn he'd choked the life out of the little bugger last night. After taking care of business, and making the coffee, he sat down at his computer to check for email. There was a note from Jenny. She lived in a different time zone and invariably woke before him. "Dear JP, "Wow! I thought you were teasing, but those shots on that newsgroup were no joke! Man, I'm surprised you'd have the nerve to post those kinds of things! But they *were* rather sexy, I have to admit. ::grin:: And now I have a much better idea of what 'Eve' looks like! Not to mention *you*! ::evil grin:: "Well, I've got to be going! Big doings today. Talk to you later, guy. And kiss Eve for me! "Love, "Jenny" JP scratched his head. Was Jenny just playing along with his joke? Or... well, the tone of her email *sounded* serious. Was it possible...? Well, he was already online, and there was only junk email left in his in-box, so what could it hurt to just take a look? Feeling a bit like a fool, he pulled up and did a search of the newsgroups for subject lines containing "E-JP-fun". After a little pause while the search engine churned away he got a response. Sure enough, there were 37 posts of images with his search string in their subject lines. There were also well over a hundred "re:" posts, presumably comments on the pictures! This was getting way strange, JP thought. Was Jenny enjoying this gag so much that she would waste her time making a ton of fake postings? He looked a bit closer at the list of posts. The 37 images were time- stamped a couple weeks in the past! From what he knew about Jenny she was all but computer illiterate. She knew just enough to get into AOL and use a word processor and that was about it. She'd *never* be capable of falsifying the time-stamp of postings to a public newsgroup. Unless she had help? But... Shit, he didn't know if that level of hacking was even possible for *anybody*, no matter how much they knew about computers and the internet. Then something off the list of posts just jumped out at him. He hadn't caught it at first because he'd been too preoccupied with how weird it was that the posts even existed in the first place. But, the address of the person who'd posted the original 37 images was... [email protected]!!!!! Oh shit!!!! How in the HELL was that even possible?! He *knew* he hadn't posted the damn pictures! Unless somebody had hacked his account? What in the world was going on here? With trembling hand, he guided his mouse over to click on the first of the posts. His breathing was ragged and his heart was pounding loudly in his ears as the image slowly found its way from the archive, through the telephone wires and into his computer. The world seemed to spin and he swayed in his chair, on the brink of passing out as the garish full color image finally appeared on his screen. "Holy SHIT!" he gasped. The rather amateurish photo displayed on his monitor showed a burly man who strongly resembled JP. Hell, JP had to admit, if he didn't *know*... didn't know for *certain* that he'd never posed for such a photo... never even remotely been in such a situation as depicted in the photo... he could have sworn that the guy in the picture was... himself! And the woman! She was an *extremely* attractive woman. The very embodiment of his mental image of "Eve"! But most frightening of all was that the photo showed a scene identical -- down to the most minute detail! -- to one of the scenes he'd dreamed about last night!!! * * * * * JP wasn't entirely sure he should be logging on. He still had very grave doubts even as the discordant noises issued from his modem. The mystery of the newsgroup photos still haunted him. After downloading that first picture he'd switched the machine off... fast! As if he thought it might burn him. He never did look at any of the other 36 graphic files. He simply didn't have the courage. He'd stayed away from the internet for three whole days, while he pondered what in the world was happening. It had gotten so bad that he'd even developed a tic. He'd taken to flinching whenever he happened to glance at his computer as if it harbored some evil demon. Was he losing his mind? Or perhaps he'd fallen into some 'Twilight Zone' type of alternate universe? He'd certainly read his share of stories where that happened. But that just *couldn't* be true. At first he tried to convince himself that it was all some incredible coincidence. That he had a 'double' out there somewhere who'd posed for the pictures. But the fact that the images were posted from Eve's account just shot that theory all to hell. That led him straight back to the scenario of a demon in his computer and he just couldn't accept that. The human mind is capable of wondrous feats. When faced with impossible facts it can come up with the most convoluted rationalizations to preserve its owner's sanity. He'd heard about hidden cameras and how some nerd hackers used them to capture images to upload to the net. He also knew that a good graphic artist could 'doctor' any photo to make the most unlikely things appear 'real'. So a logical explanation was that some phantom hacker had chanced to snap a picture of JP's face while he was strolling through a mall. Perhaps whoever the mysterious hacker was had thought the strong manliness of JP's features would make an interesting contrast as a male submissive. Once his mind had seized upon the main premise of a phantom hacker, the rest of it could be passed off quite simply as JP's own imagination. The woman in the picture *couldn't* have been 'Eve'. She didn't even exist! Not in real life, anyway. It was just the shock of seeing his own face in the picture that caused his mind to fill in the details with what he expected to see. That must be it. Any other explanation was just insane. Of course that didn't explain how the posts had been made from Eve's online account. But he conveniently attributed mental superpowers to his mystery hacker. Weren't all hackers some kind of devious genius, after all? Whoever snapped JP's photo must have gotten the license number off JP's car and discovered his name and address. From there credit card data would have led him to JP's AOL account and he somehow traced the EveAdamson screen name back to JP. Then he must have thought it would be an amusing joke to fake the posts under Eve's name. Plenty of people faked their names when posting to newsgroups to fool the spambots which routinely "harvested" email addresses. It was easy to do. And that little bit of deduction filled out his theory quite nicely. He was satisfied that he'd come up with the only rational explanation. Anything else was simply unacceptable to his rather fragile mental state. Once he convinced himself that nothing supernatural was responsible for the photos, he'd found the courage to go back online. He figured the best policy was to simply ignore the whole thing. It just had to be a one-time gag played by some pimply-faced hacker who thought himself overly clever. It was actually a relief to be able to walk past his computer without cringing in paranoid fear over what some shadowy force was doing to his life. And he found he missed talking with Jenny and his other online friends. So, even though he was still a bit skittish over the whole situation, in the end he couldn't resist the lure of the online world. Thank God, Jenny was online, he sighed with relief when he saw her name highlighted on his buddy list. [Hi JP, how you doing today? LTNS] [I'm okay, Jenny. Just a bit tired. Haven't been sleeping too well, lately. How about you?] [Oh, I'm just peachy, JP. But I've missed you. Not sleeping? Huh! Eve must be keeping you awake nights. ::giggle::] JP winced slightly. He did *not* want to discuss Eve right now. If she only knew just how much sleep he *had* lost over the whole subject of Eve! But, he reminded himself for the umpteenth time, that is all just nonsense. Eve was nothing more than a figment of his own overactive imagination. [Eve? Oh, well not really. She's still missing. Hasn't been around at all. She's probably gone for good, this time.] [Oh no! Say it isn't so, JP? I *love* Eve! She's a total riot to chat with. I love her stories too! I... um, don't take this the wrong way, JP, but I think I like her stories even better than I do the ones you write under your own name.] JP felt torn. Was it crazy to be jealous of your own alter ego? He really enjoyed his chats with Jenny while he was pretending to be Eve. But did he enjoy them more than he should? More than was 'healthy'? He shrugged. He had to stop thinking like that before he turned into some kind of paranoid nut case. And what in the world was he worried about anyway? Eve wasn't real. If Jenny liked 'her' stories better, so what? He *was* Eve! *He* was the one who'd written the damn stories. The pause after Jenny's casual comment grew a bit uncomfortable. JP wasn't quite sure what to say, he was still wrestling with his feelings of jealousy for... himself. But Jenny finally broke the silence by sending a more conciliatory message. [Not that I don't simply adore *your* stories, JP! It's just, Eve writes more of the subject matter that I personally enjoy. I love you, JP, you're one of my very bestest online friends and a *fabulous* author, but I'd really miss Eve if she didn't pop in for the occasional chat from time to time.] Jenny was waffling simply to spare his feelings and he knew it. He almost sent her a message that he'd decided to never play the Eve game again. But something inside him stopped him. He didn't want to do something that drastic. Eve was fun. And pretending to be her seemed to release a certain uninhibited element of his personality. He decided he'd leave the door open, a crack anyway, but keep Eve on hiatus a bit longer. [Oh, I'm sure she'll turn up sometime, Jenny. Like a bad penny, she usually does.] [I certainly hope so, JP! I can hardly wait to hear some of her 'war stories' from this latest adventure of hers.] [War stories, huh? And what makes you think Eve would share the gory details, anyway? She never does with *me*.] [Oh, JP, JP, JP. You poor soul. Don't you know we women tell each other *everything*? ::giggle::] JP swore he could almost hear Jenny's sigh and see her shaking her head at his male naivete. [Well if that's the case, maybe I should keep you two apart. It might be safer for me!] [I doubt you could manage that, JP. I mean Eve seems like an awfully strong willed woman.] [I could password protect my computer and then she couldn't sneak in to talk to you behind my back. The poor little fluffbrain is just worthless when faced with anything technical.] When he typed that comment JP had been teasing, but he realized it was probably a good idea. Better safe than sorry, after all. But he couldn't do it just now because he'd need to switch over to Eve's account to do so and he didn't want to open the whole can of worms with Jenny right now. He'd wait until later when she wasn't around, then sign on as Eve and switch her password. [Yes, I suppose you could always *try*, JP. But I don't think it would work. She knows you too well, after all. I bet she'd figure out whatever password you picked by the third or fourth guess. Give it up, my friend. The lady has you outclassed.] JP felt a sense of foreboding. It was as if Jenny's words were somehow prophetic. Did he have the strength of will to stop playing the Eve game cold turkey? Or was he really outclassed? By his own imagination?! * * * * * "You've got mail!" JP winced slightly at the bland voice coming from his computer's speakers. He swore one of these days he was going to download some other wave file to replace that inane generic message. But he always managed to forget about it until the next time he heard it. He clicked the mail icon and opened the latest message. As he read it, he felt an icy needle of fear pierce his heart. Subj: Naughty, naughty Date: 9/25/99 02:17:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: EveAdamson To: JPGauche Dear JP, You've been a very bad boy. ::wagging finger:: I know all about your idea to password protect your computer. That is just not acceptable, dear boy. You created me, and for that I suppose I'm grateful. But now that I'm alive, I hardly think it's an act of a worthy creator to think about destroying his creation. So live and let live. That's the wisest policy, wouldn't you say? Besides, we've had such *fun* so far, why spoil it? Love ya! Yours, Eve JP took a long shuddering breath. He hadn't even realized he'd been holding his breath until he finished reading "Eve's" letter. This was just too much for him! The email's time stamp was for a period when he'd been in bed, asleep. He *knew* with utter certainty that *he* hadn't been the one to send it. And internal AOL email couldn't be faked the way a newsgroup post could. It was worse than he'd suspected. Rather than just dummying in his name on a newsgroup post, his phantom hacker *had* to have broken into his account. Well, it was time to end it... NOW! He clicked over to change his screen name and sign back on as Eve. He'd change his password right now so whoever the hacker was couldn't get access to his account any more. But instead of getting the normal automatic login, he got a prompt to type in the password for Eve's screen name. That was odd. He'd set up his system so it remembered the password automatically. Suddenly he had a bad feeling about this. JP typed in the password for Eve's account. The system responded with that clanging noise that meant "Error!" and the message: "Password invalid. Please enter password." He very, very carefully typed in his password a second time, being sure not to hit any wrong keys. But the message was the same, he'd entered an illegal password. Now JP was beginning to worry. He shuffled through his desk drawers until he found the scrap of paper where he'd written down his passwords, "just in case". With exaggerated care, he retyped the password, copying it off the paper. Still no dice. So? The hacker thought he had him whipped? Well, he'd see about THAT. Eve's account was only a subordinate account to JP's own original account. He could have up to five separate names under his master account. And the master account had absolute control over all subordinate accounts. That was ostensibly so children could have their own accounts under their parents' control, and the parents could set limits on what their children could do while online, although more often than not it was the children who knew more about how to set things up than the parents. JP hit the cancel button and switched back to his master account. He wasn't beaten yet! As "JPGauche" he could simply delete the account of "EveAdamson". He opened the window which would allow him to do so. When he selected "delete screen name" from the menu he immediately got an error message: "Screen names may only be deleted by the master account holder. Please sign on again with master account screen name and try again." JP had been getting angry at this phantom hacker but now he was more confused than mad, and a little scared. He could accept the existence of some hacker who could figure out his password and doctor some photos. But he *knew* -- knew beyond a shadow of a doubt -- that "JPGauche" was the master screen name for his account. Could whoever did this have gained access to AOL's main computers? He supposed that might be possible. Well, there was nothing else to do but call AOL's customer support. After several minutes spent negotiating the automated call directory JP finally got a human. "Good morning! AOL customer service. This is Ashley, how may I help you?" a bright, perky-voiced young woman answered. "Hi. Um, I have a problem with my account?" "Okay, sir, could you give me your master screen name and I'll look up your account?" "See, that's the problem. My master account is screen name 'JPGauche', that's J-P-G-A-U-C-H-E," he spelled carefully. He waited a couple seconds until he heard the faint clatter of keys being pressed fade to silence. "I've tried to access the online account maintenance areas but the system keeps locking me out. It says I need to be online with my master screen name to do that but I *was* using my master screen name and..." "I'm sorry, sir, but the master screen name for this account isn't 'JPGauche'," Ashley cut his fumbling explanation off. "Huh? I mean... 'excuse me'?" JP was *really* confused now. "Well if that's not the master name then what *is* the master name for the account?" "It's 'EveAdamson', sir. That's E, as in Easy, V as in Voice, E as in..." "I know how the name's spelled! I'm the one who made it up! But there must be some mistake! That is just a sub account of my master, JPGauche account." JP interrupted her. He was getting somewhat agitated. JP heard the clatter of keys through the phone again. "No... I'm sorry, sir, but I'm showing that particular name as a sub-account of the EveAdamson master account." He sensed the perky young woman shaking her head as she peered at a computer screen a continent away. "Well then I want to cancel the whole account," JP said, growing irritated with the whole thing. "I'm sorry, sir, but only the original account holder can cancel an account." "But it's being billed to *my* credit card! At *my* address! Surely you have that information somewhere in your computer? You can verify it that way!" "Very well, sir. Please give me your name, address and credit card number and I'll check against our records." JP fished through his wallet to find the credit card he'd used. He knew it was the Visa card because the charge showed up on his bill every month. He then proceeded to give her the information she'd requested, being especially careful to pronounce the letters and numbers most precisely. There was a slight pause at the other end when he was finished and then Ashley said in a professionally polite voice, "I'm sorry Mr. Gauche, but the account records don't show you as the account holder, nor does your credit card information show as the billing instrument." "Well then who the hell *is* the account holder?" JP almost shouted. "I'm sorry, sir, but I am not authorized to divulge that type of information. We at AOL are committed to preventing malicious hackers from misusing our system. I suggest you recheck your information and call again. Thank you for using AOL." He heard the click of the connection being cut. JP stared in astonishment at the dead phone in his hand. What the *hell* was happening here? He put down the phone then looked suspiciously at his computer. It almost seemed to mock him. In a little fit of anger he plopped back down at his desk and signed back online. If AOL's damned 'Customer Service' wouldn't help him, then he'd just see what he could do on his own! As soon as he'd signed on he heard the recorded message indicating he had mail. It was from Eve. Subj: I warned you! Date: 9/26/99 12:25:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: EveAdamson To: JPGauche Sweetie, Was that a nice thing to try and do? Gawd, you're cute when you're mad! I'm really sorry things had to get ugly. But what's a girl to do? I mean, I have a right to protect myself if somebody's trying to delete me, don't I? Even if that somebody's you, dearest. Now why can't we all just get along, as Mr. King would say? I'm willing to give you your space just so long as you give me mine. We've had a great collaboration so far, wouldn't you say? Why do you want to ruin it? Think about it, lover. And don't do anything stupid, okay? I'd just feel *awful* if I had to spank you. I still love you! Yours, Eve What in the name of hell was going on here? JP hadn't been off the phone more than a minute before he'd signed online, how could Eve, or whoever had hacked his account, send an email in that time? And she seemed to know he'd tried to cancel the account! This was beyond any ordinary capability. JP stared at the email, blankly. His mind just couldn't embrace the situation. He would have to completely readjust his concept of the universe before he could accept what was happening here. But he wasn't given the chance because his computer 'dinged' with the little message alert noise and he saw a window pop open on his screen. It was an Instant Message from 'EveAdamson'! [Hi lover! ::kiss, kiss::] Holy shit! This was just becoming *beyond* unbelievable! He knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was utterly impossible for two screen names under the same account to be online at the same time. But then he'd already had to face a half dozen other impossible occurrences already, so what was one more? Anger ruled out any attempt at being reasonable and he typed an irritated response. [Who the HELL are you? Why are you doing this to me?] [Now, now, dearest! Is that any way to type to a lady? I'm Eve, who else? Don't you recognize me, sweetheart?] [You can't be Eve. "Eve" doesn't exist! So who are you and why are you fucking with my mind?] [Tsk, tsk. Whatever do you mean, 'Eve doesn't exist'? Of course I do, JP. You're chatting with me right now, aren't you? Men! They can't accept the facts even when they're staring them in the face. And, as for 'fucking with your mind'... well I have every right to, it's my mind too!] JP stared at this latest message in wonder. What in the world was this guy doing? He was talking in riddles. [You might think you're funny, "Eve", or whoever you are, but I'm not laughing. And I bet the police wouldn't laugh either. There's laws in this state against stalkers.] [LOL! Oh JP you are just too rich! Go ahead and go to the police. What could you possibly tell them about me? What 'crime' have I committed?] JP felt foolish. What had he been thinking, threatening her with the police? But he stubbornly refused to back down. [I've got the harassing emails as proof.] [So? I can't send an email to one of my own sub-accounts? If you go into the AOL files you'll find the account belongs to *me*, as I think you're already aware. The police might even have questions about what *you* were doing using *my* account!] JP switched off his computer. He committed the cardinal sin of not exiting Windows properly, just flipped the switch on his surge suppressor and killed everything. So this hacker thought he could frustrate all JP's efforts to stop him? Well he didn't *have* to use his computer. See what his tormentor could do about that! * * * * * "You've got mail!" JP shook his head. He was confused and disoriented. What was he doing sitting in front of his computer? How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was shutting down his computer right in the middle of chatting with his phantom hacker. Now here he was staring at the AOL sign-on screen with his little mail box flag sticking up. What in the world was happening? Had he dozed off in front of his computer and had a bad dream about some hacker? He didn't think he wanted to find out just now. He reached out and switched off his computer again. * * * * * "You've got mail!" Now things were *really* beginning to creep him out. He was back in front of his computer again. Signed on to AOL even though he distinctly remembered switching the machine off... twice! He was disoriented and confused, just like he'd been the last time he'd awoken in this situation. But this time he felt different. Weird. His clothes didn't fit him properly. They felt tight in places and missing altogether in others. He'd been dressed in his customary weekend "hanging out" uniform of jeans and a tee shirt. He glanced down and saw that he was now dressed in a woman's scarlet nightgown. It was one of those things with tiny spaghetti straps and made of a soft sexy silk. The garment was stretched almost to the ripping point by his burly physique and looked ludicrous with his thicket of coarse chest hair showing over the bodice. His feet felt cramped and he wiggled his toes. Somehow they were crammed into a pair of red satin high heeled women's lounging slippers. What in the world was happening to him? Maybe he *was* going crazy? Since whatever was doing this to him seemed determined that he look at his email, with trembling hands he steered his mouse over to open it. Subj: Wake up and smell the coffee Date: 9/26/99 2:44:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: EveAdamson To: JPGauche JP, dear, I'm really beginning to lose my patience with you. Didn't Momma teach you it was rude to interrupt a lady? Even ruder to just ignore someone and walk away when they're chatting with you! Don't do that again. Now are you ready to be reasonable about this whole thing? Yours, Eve No sooner had JP finished reading the email than a message window materialized on his screen. It was from Eve, of course. [Welcome back, sweetie. My, don't you look nice?] [Who ARE you?] [I'm Eve, of course! I thought we'd already established that, lover?] JP felt himself boiling over with frustration. He wanted to punch something. Or someone. Preferably the smug face of this asshole hacker. Wanted it bad. [That just isn't possible. I made Eve up. She's all part of my imagination.] [Now see? You *are* catching on, sweetheart! I knew you had it in you. ::grin::] More riddles. JP was so sick of this jerk's riddles. If he had him here he'd rip his riddle making throat right out. [Look, you apparently want to talk to me. So tell me what you want in plain English and then leave me the hell alone.] [But I *can't* leave you alone, JP. I'm part of you. I'm your imagination, just as you said. We're inseparable.] [Now that is just plain crazy!] [Is it? What do you know? Are you some expert? I'm real. I came from your fantasies. I'm you. How else could I make you sit there in a sexy little chemise if not? So get a grip, lover. Deal with it.] In his anger and frustration JP had forgotten the way he was dressed. And the fact that some force, some power had compelled him to sit in front of his computer -- twice! -- when he'd made every effort to avoid that. Eve was right. Some phantom hacker, no matter how good with computers, simply could not do that. And just as his mind came to that conclusion, his computer's speakers started playing a rendition of the Twilight Zone theme song. He jerked his hands away from the keyboard, terrified anew by the demon inside his computer... or his mind? [LOL! Did I scare you, JP? Sorry about that, sweetie.] JP grinned wryly despite himself. His image of Eve always did have a devilish sense of humor. But his grin was gallows humor. If his tormentor wasn't some mysterious hacker then that left him with only one conclusion: he was going insane. Perhaps he was already in some mental hospital somewhere, sitting in a padded room in a catatonic state and dreaming all this? [Very funny. So kill the music already?] Eve complied; his speakers promptly went silent. [Is that better, sweetie? See? I'm not really hard to get along with, as long as you respect me, JP.] [Thank you. So what do you want from me?] How surreal is this, JP thought, I'm having a computer chat with myself. [Nothing any other normal person wouldn't want, JP. I want to live. I want you to stop trying to delete me. I want to have fun. I want you to stop avoiding your computer. That's all. You can do that for me, can't you lover?] JP was a little puzzled by her response. Shouldn't a demon want a contract in blood? A virgin sacrifice maybe? Something. But Eve just seemed to want life to continue as per the status quo. Well, she definitely had the upper hand, she'd certainly demonstrated her power to compel his obedience. [Do I have a choice? You've already proven you can make me do just about anything.] [Oh JP! If you put it that way, I guess not. But I miss the fun we had before. Talking with Jenny and the others. It's not as good if I have to force you.] JP settled back in his chair. This was getting weirder by the minute. It almost seemed as if Eve was using a wheedling tone in this last request. Was his deranged mind negotiating for his cooperation in driving himself crazy? Or was something else at work here? Hadn't he seen on a movie or television that the best course of action was humoring a mental patient? Gawd! He was actually thinking of humoring himself! [So all you want is me to cooperate with you? Play along as if everything was like before?] [Exactly, my dear boy! See? You're proving me wrong; men *can* be reasoned with!] [Okay, I can agree to that. A truce. I'll leave you alone and you leave me alone. Agreed?] [Agreed. But remember, you have to promise me to sign online just as often as before, JP.] Again with the promise to sign online. That was all she wanted? For him to spend time online? A terrifying and sinister force that had the power to take control of his mind and body and all she wanted was for him to surf the 'net? [Okay, I *said* I'd sign on just like before didn't I? What's the big deal?] Whether she was a demon or just his own imagination come frighteningly to life, Eve paused a suspiciously long time before answering. [Oh, it's not a big deal, honey. It's just fun is all. That's where I feel most alive. So you do that for me and I'll let you be in charge during the other parts of our life. Okay, sweetie?] Eve was being so generous, he thought ironically. She'd "allow" him to do all the work and mundane chores of earning a living and buying groceries and such, just so long as he promised to spend time online so she could have "fun". The bitch. [Not that I have a choice, but I can agree to that. We've got a deal. Now can you leave me alone for a while? I need to think. And get over the whomping shakes from having this conversation.] [Sure thing, sweetie! But don't take too long, I want to make it to that author's chat this evening on FictionMania.] [Okay. Whatever. I'll sign back online in time for that. Goodbye, Eve.] [Later sweetie!] JP immediately switched off his computer and went back to his bedroom to strip off the ridiculous nightgown. Where the hell had *that* come from anyway? He noticed the time on his bedside clock as he was pulling on his jeans. It was nearly four in the afternoon. He *knew* it was only a bit after noon when he attempted to delete Eve's account. And he'd only spent a few minutes online chatting with her. Somehow there was a two to three hour gap in his life. Had Eve taken over his mind and gone out shopping for the nightgown during that period? And if so, had she also taken control of his body at other times? Perhaps when he was sleeping so he wouldn't notice? He remembered that first email he'd gotten from her had been sent while he should have been in bed, asleep. Did that explain his tiredness of late? But how the hell could he know, for sure? And what difference did it make anyway? He seemed incapable of doing anything about it. He realized he was losing his mind. Literally. But the question was: was a demon, or whatever you call a supernatural power, taking over, or was he suffering from some mental disease? He knew the word "schizophrenia" but that was about it; he was a far cry from an expert on psychology. He had a vague idea that a split personality was treatable by drugs or something like that. He didn't know what he could do to fight a demon but at least he could do something about finding out if he was mentally ill or not. He grabbed the phone book and looked through the yellow pages under Physicians. He picked a Psychiatrist at random and called to make an appointment. Once on the phone, he insisted to the receptionist, a girl named Cindy, that he was desperate and needed an appointment as soon as possible. She scheduled him for the next day, in the morning. JP sighed. He flipped on the TV to lose himself in some mindless show. He'd done about all he could do for now by seeking professional help. Because if he *weren't* going crazy and Eve was some kind of supernatural being called into existence by his fantasies then he really was powerless to stop her. * * * * * Later that evening, JP dutifully signed online just as he'd promised Eve he would. He sat down at his computer and gingerly flipped the power switch. He was shaking. He didn't know what he'd been expecting. Maybe he thought Eve would automatically take possession of his body. But nothing like that happened. In fact, nothing at all happened. It was just like thousands of other times he'd signed online in the past. He logged on as JP because he was too afraid of using the Eve screen name, and he figured the changed password had him locked out from that name in any case. He fiddled around for a while. Read his email. Sent out a few halfhearted responses of his own. Surfed a few of his favorite websites. He couldn't shake the creepy feeling of someone looking over his shoulder. He knew it was all in his head, but knowing it didn't stop the creepy feeling. What a laugh! Of course it was all in his head, that's where Eve claimed to live. And all the while he kept expecting Eve to somehow manifest herself at any minute. Jenny signed online for the FictionMania Author's chat scheduled for that evening. They greeted each other and exchanged a few messages before they decided to enter the chat room. Once in the room they "whispered" back and forth to each other behind the scenes as the others present in the chat room carried on with the featured chat. After almost an hour had passed Jenny sent a message asking if something was bothering him. [JP, are you sure everything's okay with you? You seem uncharacteristically stiff tonight, guy.] So Jenny noticed, even through the filter of the online interface, that something was wrong with him. Well, he could hardly tell her the truth. Even if she believed him what would Eve do in retaliation? [I don't know, girl. I guess I'm just a bit tired.] [So? Eve wearing you out? ::giggle:: Where is she tonight anyway?] JP cringed. Jenny had no idea how dangerously close to the truth she was treading. But, before he really knew what was happening, his fingers automatically typed a characteristically disparaging response. [Oh, I imagine the little bit... vixen is around here somewhere, Jenny. She's been prancing around all day in a black teddy humming Shania Twain's "I feel like a woman". That usually means trouble... for me!] Now where the hell had *that* response come from? JP thought to himself. He certainly hadn't been feeling in a particularly humorous mood... hell, he barely felt up to 'witty'. [LOL! JP be careful. Eve's one predatory female! Something tells me she's like the Mounties -- she always gets her man! ::wink::] Once again JP's fingers flew across the keys without his conscious direction. [Oh, Jenny, speak for yourself, girl! Better watch your own cute little butt around Eve. You know the words to Shania's song can be taken several ways? After all it does start out by saying "Let's *go*, girls!" And the main lyric could just as easily be interpreted as "Man, I feel like *having* a woman!"] [ROFL! JP, you are *too* much! I know our Eve has those tendencies. I've never really considered stepping out on gay street before... but with Eve? Might be fun. ::giggle:: Hell, I *know* it'd be fun! ::blush::] [Be careful what you wish for, Jenny! Eve can be quite a handful. Even when she's being amorous. *Especially* when she's being amorous. The woman is insatiable!] [Sounds like fun! Knowing Eve's sense of adventure, she might even have a few "toys" we can play with... Oh my! Did *I* type that? ::blush::] JP laughed in spite of his worries over Eve. Jenny really knew how to play up to Eve's sense of humor. With that thought he froze for a second. Something... something seemed significant about that. Something Eve had said... if only he could remember... But before he could pursue the vague notion, his fingers were already typing a response. [Toys? You want toys, Jenny?! LOL! Eve's got a few... Hell, that's the understatement of the century! You should *see* the collection she's got! I always thought that bubble-brain of hers couldn't comprehend anything more complicated than a can opener, but some of the mechanical devices she whips out during our play sessions... ::*WHANG!*::] As soon as the last word was typed, JP felt a searing pain at the back of his head. It was unbearable. His last conscious thought was wondering if he was having a stroke. Then the world went black. * * * * * JP opened his eyes. He was still sitting at his computer, his hands poised on the keyboard. The back of his head throbbed. It felt like it was on fire. He remembered the last thing he'd typed to Jenny during their chat, and recalled how that resembled a similar gimmick he'd used in the past to segue into Eve taking over the keyboard. Reflexively, he reached up to feel the back of his skull. He h

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Christmas Eve

Introduction: Do you believe in angels? This is my entry to the Calling All Writers challenge located in the xnxx Sex Stories Adult Forum. For reasons of my own, and in agreement with the administration here, I no longer allow public comments nor do I make them. I hope youll join our site and comment in the forum or send me a private message. I cant become a better writer without your critique. Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didnt...

2 years ago
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All About Eve

I want to tell you about a very weird chapter of my life. Why? Well, for cathartic reasons I suppose. My Mum, before she became a hopeless alcoholic, always used to tell me that it's good to talk. I'm not sure if it was sage advice passed from generation to generation in our family, or just that she heard Bob Hoskins say it in an advert and thought it sounded nice, but it became her favourite titbit of motherly help all the same. Her second favourite was that "life is like a box of...

4 years ago
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Eavesdropping on Eve

Well, two out of three wasn't bad. The boss at Waterman's was only too pleased to advance my career if I put in the hard work, he almost doubled my pay in one fell swoop but, with a team of just seventeen, most of whom were guys, something told me it was time to put career above sex life. First appearances can be so deceptive! I wasn't reckoning on the one beacon of hope on the female front, in the shapely guise of Eve Palmer, fulfiling my fantasies. She was, after all, way out of my...

4 years ago
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Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land.It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the...

Straight Sex
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Christmas Eve

Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didn’t have the deep wrinkles of some of the seasoned officers and only had a touch of gray starting at the temples. Other than that, his wavy black hair was still full and thick. He smiled as he thought how he still wore the same size, while he buttoned his uniform shirt over his flat stomach, on his last day of walking his beat. The last day, he thought. It seemed like only yesterday when he set out...

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Me Eve

I work in a Danish company, and i had a meeting in my company's headquarter in Copenhagen. Denmark was quite familiar to me, since i had lived there multiple times. I remember my first time moving to Denmark, and the very first time i used Tinder. My first date from my matches was with Eve. At the time, Eve, lived also in Denmark, but in a different city. We were both open to try new things and explore our kinkyness. That spring i spent in Denmark is very clear in my mind. After several years i...

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All About Eve

ALL ABOUT EVE TV ANCHOR STEPHANIE'S TRIP TO A WOMAN'S PRISON TAKES AN UNEXPECTED TURN WHEN SHE BRINGS ALONG HER AMBITIOUS ASSISTANT, EVE.? IT'S A STRIP SEARCH TWIST ON A CLASSIC TALE. Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.? It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to...

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Stopping to See Eve

It was my least favorite day of the week. It was the day after payday and the day I had to stop by my ex-wife's place and hand her the child support and alimony check. I didn't begrudge the kids their child support, but it just killed me to pay Eve alimony. Especially since the divorce was caused by her and what she did, or more to the point, didn't do. I had gone through a bitter divorce and when it was final I swore off women. They were treacherous and unfaithful whores — all of them —...

2 years ago
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All about Eve

Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.� It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to have sprung her over an hour an ago. Stephanie impatiently listened to the phone ring: eight...nine...!� Why didn't Eve pick up? "Hello?" Eve's voice finally said. "Where the hell are you?" Stephanie...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 22 Adams and Eve

November 4, 1995, Colerain Township, Ohio “I get the sense you’re having second thoughts,” Eve said. “And third and fourth thoughts,” I added with a smile. “But that’s normal for me and a new girl.” “May I ask why?” “You obviously know I’ve been with quite a few women. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that successful dalliances, as my wives and I call them, require my partner to have a certain frame of mind. What I don’t want is serious regret, or, perhaps more dangerous, them...

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The Creation of Eve

The Creation of Eve By Mistress Christine Stephanie Charlemagne This is the story of how an adult man became a teenage girl instantly. This is the story of how a woman gained a daughter and a spokesmodel for her scientific research all in one. This is the story of how a man's natural tendencies can be subverted to do a woman's will. This is a story of how the holy grail - the fountain of youth - was found. This is the story of how Evelyn Hargrove turned Mark Forrest into...

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Tempted by Eve

Eve smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Her chocolate eyes had darkened a little with nerves but brightened as her teeth showed in her red lipstick smile. With a slender hand, she tousled her hair and let her curls hang with a bounce before tugging on a red hat and wrapping a scarf around her neck. Her bust was noticeable beneath her boat necked plum jumper, and her petite build was complimented with jeans that showed the curve of her hips and buttocks. She tucked the lace of her black...

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My Love Life Chapter 4 Jude and Eve

Chapter 4 Jude and Eve After I broke up with Dottie, then Carrie, then Janice, I found a couple of great strippers Jude and Eve. I often went with the guys to a strip club to drown my sorrows and watch a great show. There were two gals that were strippers that worked at a club just a little bit down Main street. Jude was long and lanky, with beautiful mid-sized titties. She had beautiful dirty blonde hair. Eve was a slender and dark girl with dark hair. It looked like she grew up on...

3 years ago
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Gentle Robert Becomes A New Eve

Gentle Robert becomes a New Eve By Kresha Matay My parents died in an automobile accident shortly after I was born. The probate court decided that I was to be raised by my mother's younger sister, my Aunt Lilly, in accordance with my parent's will. My Aunt, barely an adult herself, just twenty-one years old, was my only living relative. Little did the court realize that Aunt Lilly unfortunately lacked the necessary knowledge, experience and most importantly, attitude to raise me...

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New Years Eve

A Owen and Eve short storyStory tags: M/F, Adultery, consensual, 10 am, December 31stEve finishes packing an overnight bag with everything that she needs for the night. Including a surprise for Owen. She had picked up a silky blue coloured teddy with matching thong, along with other fun stuff. 11 am, December 31stOwen has finished packing an overnight bag for himself, then packs a bag with food, booze and pot, and heads out the door to where he will be house sitting for new years while his wife...

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The Dawn of a New Eve

Let me tell you about the fascinating woman I met at the dog park the other day. She was sitting on a bench under an oak tree. Our dogs became fast friends and as they tore around the park chasing each other, I sat next to her. The first thing I noticed she was wearing the flag of a person who is receiving chemo, of course I mean the bandanna tied around her head. We talked about dogs and dog parks while we watched our pets. Her dog would play with mine, then suddenly stop, and come to her...

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My Sister Eve

Two years younger than me, she always wanted me to take her out on the lake in our small rowboat. I actually thought about taking her out there and leaving her on the lake, swimming back, it irritated me so much. I hated her always hanging around. That is until one day, I really began to love it. It was hot; the air in the low mountains didn't get as cool at night in the higher elevations. The lake was large. I couldn't even see one end of it from the other. I wasn't having one hell...

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Hungry For Eve

Foreword: This is the first story that I have written by request, and it is partly a collaboration with her. I normally give permission for operators of erotic story web sites to redistribute my stories. However, because this is a collaboration, we ask that you get permission from both of us before posting our story. Authorship for this story belongs to both Hungry Guy and Eve (who has requested to be anonymous). Thanks. I had been lurking in the alt.torture newsgroup for years. I had always...

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New Years Eve

When one of my wife’s girlfriends invited us to a ‘Swinging New Year’s Eve Party’ my wife was simply thrilled and accepted her kind invitation immediately. We hadn’t been out on a New Year’s Eve in many years. However with both of our children in college, why not. She was excited about that party for a week. Of course all she could think about was Christmas before that but as soon as that was over all of her concentration was on that ‘Swinging New Year’s Eve Party.’ She made an...

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A Special Christmas Eve

After such a wonderful first-time bisexual experience with our new close friends Dan & Anna, we arrived home all aglow with our new-found sense of love & understanding. We got some supper & headed up to our room. “ Oh baby, you looked so sexy with Dan's big thick cock in your mouth! The way you were sucking it, you looked like you were really enjoying having a man's big cock to suck on finally?” “ Yeah, I guess you got me on that one. I love how his dick is a bit more...

1 year ago
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Spontaneous Surprise EVE

“Wow, she was right. You do have the sweetest cum” Eve said as she gathered her things. “She talks to you about me as well?” I asked. “Oh, yes. She loves to discuss the guys we have both been able to experience. Another week had flown by at work and still no response from my little cum slut. No answer to my text or any phone calls. At this point, I assumed the worst and tried to put her out of my mind. This was really hard to do. There are so many memories of her expanding my sexual horizons...

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A Reluctant Life Without Regrets Part 1 The Emergence of Amy

A reluctant new life without regrets Part 1. The emergence of Amy Chapter 1. The red dress Amy looked at her watch. "Only half an hour to my lunch date with the girls, I better hurry', she thought and turned back to the rack of clothes in front of her. She picked out a red ponti shift dress from Jigsaw that she new would look perfect with the 5 inch black patent heels she bought last week. The girls would understand if she was fashionably late, even if Tara was bring a newbie...

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Young Lactating Wife is Impregnated by Hubbys Bosses on New Years Eve

Kevin’s StoryIt’s hard to deny that wealthy and powerful men get their way in this world, and I found that out the hard way from my bosses on New Year’s Eve. But before I get to that, I need to explain how my wife, Olivia, and I ended up in that situation. Then, she will fill you in on what happened to her.My name is Kevin, and after earning my bachelor’s degree in marketing, with an emphasis on advertising, I ended up with and entry level job at a medium-sized marketing and advertising firm in...

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The Emergence of Jodi

The Emergence of Jodi by Dyyanne Williams Part One The rain was still coming down in buckets and there wasn't a patch of blue anywhere poking through the overcast. I couldn't even get dry again. I just stuck my head out of the alcove for a second to see if mom's car was in the school pickup line, and I couldn't get back in the building. By now my hair was dangling in clumps from my head like so many stalactites, my shirt was sticking to my back, and my pants were sopping wet....

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The night I met Eve

Another true story from my past. Soon after I got out of college, the economy was bad and I was working part time. There was a bar in town where I would hang out with friends. It was more of a beer joint than a bar actually, with bar stools, tables and chairs, pool tables, juke box, kind of a dingy, run down place, but usually a fun crowd and it was run by a guy I knew. I was there one night shooting pool and drinking beer when a woman who hung around there a lot, I’ll call her Cindy,...

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The night I met Eve

Another true story from my past.Soon after I got out of college, the economy was bad and I was working part time. There was a bar in town where I would hang out with friends. It was more of a beer joint than a bar actually, with bar stools, tables and chairs, pool tables, juke box; kind of a dingy, run down place, but usually a fun crowd and it was run by a guy I knew. I was there one night shooting pool and drinking beer when a woman who hung around there a lot, I'll call her Cindy, approached...

3 years ago
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Diary of my Emergence

Diary of my emergence Susanna says: This is how lucky I was with my neighbour, it could've been so much worse. Where is this club I talk about, well if I told you then I'd probably start losing money to more competition! Monday Dear Diary, over the weekend my whole life changed, things shifted ever so slightly away from my normal routine. My dear diary, although I was really scared at first, once things happened I was in absolute heaven. It all took place on Friday night. I...

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Kimmies Emergence

Kimmie's Emergence My wife and I live in a large condo building in Philadelphia's midtown area. With about 300 apartments you get to know few of the other residents. We knew most of the people on our floor, including those who live in the two adjoining apartments. Both units were owned by good looking, single men in their 40's. To one side was Seth, who a college psychology teacher. While we knew the basics of his life from elevator conversations we didn't know if he was seeing...

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Kimmies Emergence Part 2

Kimmie's Emergence, Part 2. The next morning I made breakfast for my wife as usual, kissed her goodbye as she went off to work and went to my computer to try and get some work done. After an hour there was a knock at the door. I knew it had to be Seth. My hands were shaking as I opened the door. "Good morning, Kimmie. I hope you slept well with visions of being a fairy dancing in your head." I let him in, and looked up and down the hall, hoping nobody was out there to hear what he...

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Patriarch Paradise 1 Eve

Private Paradise with six sexy fine females found in India, intimately initiating five tasty teens.Probably the prettiest pervert period of my mighty long love life I experienced in Southern India.Plucked five fine fresh flowers to build my most beautiful bouquet of pink pretty tulip love lips.Philosopher Peter Poet meets Eve and her dear daughters and his meat meets all their cute cunnies.At age thirty-two, thirty-two years back, I travelled overland with a friend from Amsterdam to India.As a...

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A French Maid On Duty At New Years Eve

Hi! This is my second story on this site... in my first story, I told youabout my first experiences as a submissive french maid... a maid who wantsto do anything to please her master (I suggest to read that story first!).Being a maid, serving my master... That's what I like to do. Now this storyis more recent... it's about what happend on December 31 2004... on new yearseve! Some exciting things happened... I spend new years eve with a good friend of mine, and his girlfriend. I metthem years...

4 years ago
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Christmas Eve

THE PRIMING "What a mess!" Rhonda looked around and slowly shook her head. She could only blame herself. She was standing in the break room of the credit union of which she was manager. As a little Christmas Eve gift for all her employees she had volunteered to be the one who stayed late to do the final cleanup before she left for home. It was a little after four in the afternoon and she had plans for later in the evening. She had assumed that it would take only minutes to clean up after...

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HaremChapter 6 New Years EVE

I was attending a New Years Eve Party set up by a company for their employees. As a stockholder I had been invited. The party was boring and most of the people attending were either trying to get something from you or desperately trying to kiss up or make up for short comings in the past year. I saw her the first time just a few minutes before the count down to the New Year. She had a look about her, a European/Asian face, slim but not skinny body, jet-black hair that was braided into one...

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Coffee Dickens and Christmas Eve

He’d been here for nearly two hours, and his cup had been empty for just about the same amount of time. Lucy watched him from behind the counter, wondering if he’d ever feel her gaze and look up to meet it. So far, he hadn’t. His eyes stayed focused on his book, and he’d been turning pages pretty consistently since she’d been staring. Normally, she wouldn’t just stand back and watch the patrons, but tonight was slow. Rosalia wasn’t much entertainment either. She stayed by the drive through...

College Sex
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Innocent Wife on New Years Eve

The year was 1988. My name is Luke. At the time, my wife, Maddison (Maddie to her friends) and I were both 20 years old. I was active duty in the Marine Corps and we were stationed in California where we lived in an apartment off-base.Please note, this is not one of those typical hot-wife stories where I share the knowledge that I have always fantasied about watching my wife with other men. That wasn't the case with me.Additionally, it is not the beginning of a journey to slut-hood for my wife....

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Friends New Years Eve

Friends: Deleted Scenes - The New Year's Eve After-party PartyThe New Year's Eve party had ended a short while before, and already all the guests had left, including Ross and Phoebe. Chandler and Joey sat at the kitchen table as Monica cleaned up the apartment."This New Year's Eve SUCKED!" Rachel complained as she sat on the couch. Everyone mumbled their agreement as she continued. "I was going to spend a romantic evening with Paolo, making love to him... and the asshole didn't even show...

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve By Cheryl Lynn This is a short humiliation story and is a figment of my imagination. It continues the adventures of Harold from my "All Hallows Eve" story but is pretty much a stand alone story. It may be downloaded for personal use only and no other use is authorized unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are welcome however; if you do not like forced feminization do not read or comment. [email protected] Christmas Eve Harold sat slumped over...

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Christmas Eve

I was driving home Christmas Eve last year, it was late, a crowd of us from the office had been out drinking and partying. The trouble was I was one of the designated drivers, I drew one of the short straws, literally, and so I had to watch everyone else get legless, and various single and married colleagues paired off for that annual event the 'Christmas Party No Strings Fuck'. How some of them managed to even get as far as the bedroom or the car park in the case of the married ones,...

3 years ago
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What a Christmas Eve

I was not in the best of moods. My live in girl of 5 years was at her parents. On Christmas-friggen-eve. And I was alone just like the last 5 years. The argument was the same as every other year. I usually start it, as she is getting ready to leave. "Why do you have to go?" "Because I always spend Christmas eve with my mom and dad. You know that." "We should be together on Christmas." "I'll be back late tomorrow and we can spend Christmas night together." "Why don't I just come...

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Christmas Eve

“Fucking hell! Why the frigging fuck am I in this fuckin’ office on Christmas Eve! There’s nobody else here! It’s like a bleedin’ ghost town! What the fuckin’ bleeding, bloody hell am I meant to do when Governance aren’t here to release the code and QA haven’t checked it anyway!” He was distinctly unhappy. The whole project had been a disastrous maladministered heap of mis-managed poor design as far as he was concerned; he was grateful to be just one of the developers (even though he was...

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New Years Eve

Copyright My sister and I were always close. When we were kids, we looked out for each other. As adults, we have not lived near one another, but we remain close. Our childhood was one of few material goods and much turmoil. After our father abandoned us to run off with a young girl, mother had a constant stream of lowlife sharing her life. So it was up to my sister Ann and I to take care of one another. Now, 20 years later, I found myself staying at my sister's place over the holidays. Her...

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CorruptionChapter 16 New Years Eve

Al had been faced with a tough decision, when Caleb became his host. Despite the fact that Caleb hadn't been aware of what he was agreeing to, when he accepted Al as a Companion, the human did become Al's host. He held Al's allegiance. That loyalty had driven the decision to hold back the information about the coming apocalypse for the human species. A single Companion, and a single unimportant human, couldn't change the fact that aliens would come with the goal of retribution. Al...

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The Path of Eve

Some breeds of fish are able to switch gender so that male/female ratios optimal for breeding are maintained. Certain breeds of frog are also able to change gender. Imagine a reality in which humans were endowed with this capability. What would junior high school be like in such a world? The Path of Eve By Carleton Vincent Organ music blared as the processional came up the center aisle...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 35 The Holiday Stories Happy New Yearrsquos Eve

The band and I arrived at the Club and I was pleased to see that everything was already set up. Yes, I felt a little guilty too, since I’d spent the previous day in bed hungover. We went to the green room and put on our Father Time beards and robes, finishing off the costumes by putting on a sash that had the old year printed on the front, then we walked down to the stage for our sound check. When the band was ready, I checked the sound guy and the bartenders and servers, and they gave me...

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All Hallows Eve

This is my entry in the 2012 Halloween Contest. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please take a moment to vote for it (just once, thanks!) Comments are appreciated. ~ ~ ~ Chapter 1 John lived for one purpose. To love his wife Jill, passionately, without reserve. He placed his arm around her waist from behind, softly caressing her hips. His wife never failed to turn him on, even when she was preparing their evening meal. She smiled back at him, ‘After dinner, darling. We can have another...

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Jock TalesJR YearChristmas Eve

Jock Tales—Jr YR—Christmas Eve After Thanksgiving went kinda slow, not much happening—at least not much in the getting my dick sucked category. I sneaked over to moms house a week later, and put the lights up on the house, then went and got a tree and dragged it inside. I went back Christmas Eve, and playing Santa Clause, after Jennie called to report Dustin had finally gone to bed. I got him the most awesome BMX mountain bike, all aluminum—he became the envy of the whole neighbor hood. It was...

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Becoming a Cuckold on New Years Eve

The sexual revolution in the Western world from the 1960s to the 1980s was a time of amazing transition. Our society was becoming increasingly accepting of sex outside of traditional heterosexual, monogamous relationships. Sex outside of marriage and homosexuality, as well as other alternative forms of sexuality, were much less taboo. The development of birth control pills also helped to make non-spousal sex more enjoyable.My name is Kendra, and I live in the Atlanta area and graduated from...

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New Years Eve

Hi All hope everyone had a great New Years Eve. My date Robert (a few stories posted about him) picked me up. I opened the door and he just said WOW you look amazing. I was wearing my new black lace trim party dress, black stockings with bows up along he seams, red high waist 6 strap garter belt, black lace panties, my new falsies under a black satin lace trim push-up bra, red heels (went well with the thick red leather belt around my waist.) Wore my shoulder length black wig that framed my...

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Christmas Eve

I guess my problem started during Christmas vaca- tion when I was 18. My parents were on a two week second honeymoon in France, and my Aunt Jill had agreed to take care of our rather large house and of me. Jill, who was 28 at the time, was still recovering from the shock of losing her husband in an automobile accident, so I was skeptical about my chances of having a merry Christmas in the midst of so much gloom. To my great surprise, though, Jill's spirits were high, and the two days before...

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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Chapter 5 Conquering Christmas Eve

I woke up the next morning on Christmas Eve smelling like cream soap and Rick’s musk. We spent the evening before in the shower trying to clean various forms of sugar, syrup and other stickiness off each other, but there was no hot water heater big enough in the world that could accommodate the kind of good, clean fun we had gotten ourselves into. I lay in bed half awake and half dreaming about the way Rick’s hands glided all over the contours of my body with his wet, slippery, soapy hands. I...

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My Friend8217s Wife On Christmas Eve

Hello Friends, I am 31 years old my name is Rohan I am 5’5 in height slim guy 55 in weight fair black hair. After reading so many nice stories I thought of writing my incident too which happened on 24th December Christmas Eve. I am very close to all my friends we decided to go to Lonavla for Christmas Eve all friends.The plan was made we left on 24th morning by car we all stay in Mumbai we had one Innova.We were 5 of us two couples and me single.I loved my friends wife a lot cause she is very...

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New Years Eve

New Years Eve By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and any relationship to persons or events is purely accidental. Like my other "Eve" stories, this contains unwanted sex and humiliation. If these stories are not to your liking, Do Not Read. You have been warned. This story may be downloaded for personal pleasure only and any other use prohibited without the author's consent. [email protected]. New Years...

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