Space Colony: Eve. free porn video

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Second story from the new colony.

First Born Colonist

Sideways Landing: This settlement had been here longer than the first official colony, the two original settlers crashing here in a damaged escape pod more than a year before the colonisation ship arrived. Over the years people who wanted an even simpler life than that in the new colonies had heard of it and made their way here and asked if they could set up home nearby. Dave and Lisa had just waved their arms wide and said ‘pick somewhere’. So now there was a small but tight-knit and self-sufficient farming community that had built up over the last twenty-two years. I was approaching it for the first time, leading a pack animal, a six-legged beast called a sextoped, that carried some the tools of my trade and a few of my personal belongings. I was to be their government officer. Until now they had handled their own problems, but with the settlement increasing in size the townspeople had asked for an official peacekeeper to be sent out and I had volunteered.

It had taken a week to get here walking and riding. There were still only a few of the hover transports available and the next one scheduled to come here to ‘Sideways Landing’ wouldn’t be coming for another month, so I had said I’d go and make a start and the rest of my stuff could follow in the transport. I had barely got past the first outlying farm of ‘Sideways Landing’, waving to someone working in the field, when I saw an older man and a young woman coming towards me down the track. We drew closer together until I could call out ‘good morning’. The two people replied in kind and then stopped and waited for me to reach them. The man held out his hand. It was a hand that been used to hard work, but now showed signs of softening. I took it and we shook.

‘You must be our new lawman?’ He said with a smile.

‘I am sir. And you are?’

‘I’m Dave Lynton.’ He said simply.

My eyes widened: It was him! Former Chief Petty Officer Lynton, one of the original pair who had landed here in an escape pod.

‘It’s an honour to meet you sir. I’ve heard such a lot about you.’

‘A lot of it is inflated out of all proportion I’m sure.’ He laughed. The laugh of a man who’d heard it all before. ‘This is my daughter Eve.’ He indicated the girl stood beside him. She smiled at me and shook my hand as well. It was a very pretty smile and it lit up her eyes even more than the rest of her face. ‘We worked out that you’d be along this road sometime this morning and thought we should meet you.’ He saw the question on my face. ‘You’ve been passing the farms of our friends for two days now.’

I nodded in understanding. One or two people had passed me on my way here.

‘And you are?’ Eve asked. Her voice was as pretty as her smile.

‘Oh! Sorry. They call me Dee Fortytwo.’ I saw the look on their faces. ‘It’s a long story that I’ll tell you sometime.’

‘But that’s not a name.’ Eve said. ‘That’s just an initial and a number.’

‘Evie!’ Dave said in mild rebuke.

‘No sir, she’s right, but it is my full name. Like I said, it’s a long story.’ I smiled back.

‘Come on then Officer Dee Fortytwo. We’ve about an hour and a half of walking ahead of us. You tell us your story and I’ll answer any questions you have about ‘Sideways Landing’.’

‘The first one that springs to mind is why ‘Sideways Landing’?

‘Easiest question to answer!’ He laughed. ‘Because that’s how Lisa, Evie’s mother, and I came in, sideways across the landscape.’

‘That must have been scary?’

‘Didn’t have time to be scared, and Lisa didn’t know enough to realise how close we came to …’ He tailed off as he remembered his daughter was listening too.

‘Tell me about your name Mr Dee Fortytwo.’ Eve asked, spotting her father’s sudden hesitation and deliberately butting in to cover for it.

‘I suppose that’s simple too in a way. That was what was written on the bulkhead that I was found next too.’

‘What?’ They both asked in surprise.

‘I shouldn’t have been on that colony ship.’ I shrugged. ‘I was discovered moments before departure by one of the crew, next to bulkhead ‘D42′. All the settlers were in hibernation and no-one claimed me after we landed. I was only a few days old. The alternating flight crews took care of me until I was old enough to be put into hibernation as well.’

‘How long was that?’ Eve asked.

‘Well I was about six when we landed, so, about six years.’

‘The two alternating crews both took turns caring for you then?’ Dave said.

‘That’s what they tell me.’ I smiled.

‘You don’t seem worried that you have no parents.’ Eve seemed concerned.

‘But I have. The whole flight crew adopted me. I have so many parents that it’s impossible to follow all their advice. Luckily they all understand that too.’

‘How utterly fascinating.’ Dave said. ‘How does that qualify as a long story?’

‘There is more to it than just that sir. Call this the edited highlights.’ We all smiled. ‘Can I ask why you decided that you needed a lawman sent here?’

‘That’s not very complicated either. As you’ll have noticed, there is a bit of a generation gap on the entire colony. There are almost no adults between the ages of twenty and forty.’

‘Except me.’ I nodded. ‘I’m twenty-eight.’

‘And I’m twenty-two.’ Broke in Eve.

‘Both due to exceptional circumstances.’ Dave grinned. ‘Anyway, all of us at ‘Sideways’ agreed that we were probably getting a bit old to double up on jobs.’

‘Dad! You’re not that old!’ Eve exclaimed.

Dave smiled.

‘Anyway, none of us felt able to take on the peacekeeper job and our normal work in the fields or, in my case, in the store. So that’s why you’re here my boy.’

‘There can’t be that much for me to do?’

‘Well, not in the crime department maybe, but there other things you can do for us as a government official. Mediate perhaps, be responsible for arranging the transport flights in and out, and I believe you have some medical training?’

‘Some, certainly, but I couldn’t act as a doctor.’

‘Enough to keep someone alive long enough for one to be sent out?’

‘Maybe. But I can’t give you any guarantees.’

He could see the doubt on my face.

‘But that would be one less responsibility for one of us. It will help everyone more than you think.’

‘And I don’t think I’d be much good at a childbirth.’ I was really dubious about that.

‘I wouldn’t worry about that too much.’ He laughed. ‘Most of the women won’t want you there either!’

We went on like that the whole way back to the main settlement of ‘Sideways Landing’. Me asking questions about what was expected of me, Dave filling me in on the layout of ‘Sideways’, and Eve making the odd comment here and there. She was an intelligent girl and what you could call ‘interesting attractive’ from what I could see. The clothes she wore made it difficult to tell. They were obviously made for comfort while working more than anything else, but I felt a strange (for me) affinity with her,

As we came upon the lake there were more signs of habitation more frequently. Barns and outhouses, and then farmhouses. As we approached what was obviously the centre of ‘Sideways’ there were a collection of what seemed to be half-finished buildings. Dave noticed my interest in them.

‘Those are going to be the retirement complex.’ He smiled. ‘Most of us older folks are building them bit at a time against the time when we can’t really work anymore.’

‘It’s an interesting idea.’ I mused.

‘It’ll keep us old un’s in one place. Be easier for you to find the troublemakers.’ We both laughed. Eve didn’t though, if anything she looked annoyed or worried, I couldn’t tell which. Dave stopped at the centre of the buildings. ‘Eve, can you show Officer Dee to what will be his station? We’ve been gone a while and I think I should go
and help your mother in the store.’

‘Sure Dad. Shall I stay and help him settle in too? Then I can bring him over for dinner tonight, that’s if he wants too?’ She smiled at the two of us.

‘That’ll be fine love. Is that all right with you Dee?’ I nodded. He kissed his daughter and turned toward the row of buildings that included his store as well as the community barn and what looked like a village hall.

‘Come on then Mr Dee. This way.’ Eve shyly took my hand and led me to what was to be my new home and place of work.

When I saw it I was dumbstruck. It was the original escape pod Dave and Lisa had arrived in!

‘What’s the matter?’ Eve asked.

‘But this is a piece of history, you shouldn’t just be handing it over to the likes of me.’

‘It’s the only thing around here with a solid locking door, and nobody really uses it anymore. With the radio and everything it will be a perfect police station.’

‘Yes, but…’

‘Don’t get hung up on what it was. We use whatever’s available out here.’

‘I suppose you’re right.’ I sighed, seeing the logic.

‘Come on, I’ll show you where everything is and how it works.’ Eve skipped on ahead of me and opened up the pod.

The pod got its power from a windmill and a waterwheel, the power stored in the original batteries. Most of the flight controls had been removed to make room for furniture, but the bunkroom and galley had been left untouched.

‘It feels nice.’ I said after Eve had shown me the basic outlay.

‘It gets a bit warm in the summer.’ Eve replied. ‘But it stays warm in the winter too.’

‘I’ll get my stuff from the sextoped.’

‘You haven’t brought much, have you?’ Eve said, slightly accusingly.

‘Most of it will come in on the next transport. This is just enough to get started. For the next month I’m going to have to get around on foot until my bike arrives.’

‘You could try riding the sextoped.’

‘Doris? I don’t think so.’ I smiled, I knew I’d never be able to ride the strange beast. ‘She’ll have a nice easy life until I can arrange for someone to take her back.’

‘There are a couple of newer farms that would be grateful to offer her a home.’

‘I’d have to check that would be okay, she is colony property, but thanks.’

We spent the rest of the day putting my few belongings away and re-arranging the rooms to my liking. We didn’t talk too much other than asking each other questions about where stuff should go or where something was. I spent more time than I should have watching Eve, she intrigued me somehow. Probably it was because she was the first female I’d ever met that was close to my own age, or maybe it was that I knew she was the first-born, the first child born on this new planet. Eventually she noticed my stare.

‘Why are you watching me like that? It’s very off-putting you know?’ I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t really know why myself. ‘It’s because of who I am, or rather what I am, isn’t it? I get it all the time, the…the reverence. The first-born!’ She spat out the words like they were a curse, and then looked as if she was about to sob, but no tears came.

‘Eve, Miss Lynton, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been staring. And you’re only partly right. I do feel a certain ‘reverence’ as you put it, but most of it is something else, something I can’t describe. The only thing I can say in my defence is that I’ve never met a girl, a pretty girl too, so close to my own age before, so I don’t know how to act. Please don’t cry and please, please forgive me. I’ll never do it again.’ I begged.

She sighed deeply, wiping her hand across her eyes.

‘All right, I believe you.’ She looked out at the setting sun. ‘We’ve just got time to clean up before we go to dinner.’

‘Where?’ I looked around, one thing the former escape pod seemed to lack was a sink.

‘Dad set up a sort of shower for Mom under the waterfall out back when they arrived. I’ll show you.’

The meal was nice and homely, and delicious. In addition I finally got to meet Lisa. She was still really pretty and blushed when I said so. It was no surprise that Dave had fallen in love with her. He just laughed and Eve scowled slightly. I wondered if they knew the pressure their daughter felt she was under. But the way they still looked at her, they knew, I decided.

I quickly settled in and was readily accepted by the people of ‘Sideways’. I soon found that I had a lot of spare time on my hands, the only crime as such being a spate of underage drinking amongst the older teenagers. That appeared to stop when I came upon them one evening, but I felt they had just found a better hiding place. In any case it wasn’t serious, and they had been causing no trouble other than appropriating the bottles of wine from their parents. With all this time on my hands I decided to help out as much as possible. Eve had set up a nursery-cum-school for the younger children, who were delighted when I took over the class every so often. There was a Book Exchange as well and I took over the organisation of that. Additionally if anyone needed a hand and my official duties allowed me, I would pitch in and help, from stacking in the store to helping any farmer who needed a little extra hand. But mainly I helped Eve. I liked to be around her and I still didn’t know why. She was the central point for the other youngsters who all adored her in one way or another. It was then that I first met Stella (‘because I’m from the stars’ she laughingly told me.) She was almost seventeen at that point and the next oldest girl in the village. Stella was a happy-go-lucky spirit who would have been a rebel if there had been anything to rebel against. In general she and Eve got along, but they did seem to rub each other up the wrong way at times. Stella kept calling Eve ‘FB’ (for ‘first born’) to wind her up. I asked them individually what the problem was. Eve said that she just got annoyed with Stella because the younger girl took nothing seriously and felt she was able to do whatever she wanted. Stella in turn just shrugged and said that all she was doing was trying to get Eve to loosen up a little, that she took everything too seriously.

Over the next year or so things didn’t alter much. I had my first medical call out when one of the farmers had a huge sliver of wood go through his leg while he was cutting firewood, but it turned out okay. I appointed Stella as my deputy, mainly because she said she was interested in going to the main colony to learn about becoming a government official like me. She also started to flirt with me. I had a feeling that this was just another way to wind Eve up, especially as I had recently asked her to stop calling Eve ‘FB’. It stopped as suddenly as it started, someone had had a word in her ear and I thought I knew who.

There were rumours starting to go around that there was going to be a big celebration in two years time for the twenty-fifth anniversary of ‘Colony Day’, the approximate date of Dave and Lisa’s accidental arrival on the planet. The rumours seemed to make Eve more down than usual, she spent a lot of time alone, and when we did meet she didn’t seem the same as she had when I first met her. Things came to a head when Dave and Lisa were invited to the colony to discuss the early preparations for the big day.

After my usual morning check to see whether there was going to be a transport arrival, I went over to the store to give Eve a hand while her parents were away. For some reason there was a small crowd milling about inside.

‘What’s happening?’ I asked Stella, who was behind the counter. ‘Where’s Eve?’

‘No-one’s seen her since last night.’ Stella said.

‘You weren’t winding her up again were you?’ I asked, a bit more accusingly than I meant to.

‘No, honest. We had a couple of glasses of wine together and then I left to go home. She seemed her normal self. For these days that is.’

‘So where is she? Where did she go?’ There was a mutt
ering amongst the crowd, but it was obvious no-one had seen her. ‘Well, we’d better get organised. Stella, you’ll have to run the store today, the school will have to be cancelled for now.’

‘I can run that sir. You don’t need to stop it.’ One of the other teenage girls piped up.

‘Thank you Grace. Right, if that’s sorted, I’m going to search for Eve. If any of you others see anything, get in touch with Stella. She can contact me on the radio.’

There was a murmur of assent. One of the older farmers spoke.

‘Shouldn’t we get in touch with Dave and Lisa?’

‘No! I don’t want them unnecessarily worried. I can cope.’ I said it with more conviction than I felt, but this was the reason I was here. If I couldn’t find one missing person, what was the point?

I ran back to the station, grabbed a radio and stuck a first aid kit into a back pack. As an afterthought I stuffed a warm coat and some food in as well, it had been raining last night, Eve might be cold and hungry. As I was about to leave the pod, but with no real direction in mind, there was a timid tapping on the door.

‘Yes Maggie?’ I asked the little girl who stood in the doorway after I had opened it.

‘My sister Stella said I should come and see you Ossifer Dee.’

‘I’m sure she did. Why?’

‘I saw something last night.’

‘And that was?’

‘Well, the rain woke me up. When I looked out of the window, I saw the light of a fire on the island in the lake.’ The little girl said.

‘No-one lives there do they?’ I asked, slightly puzzled.

‘No. But the big kids have a play camp there.’ She said.

A ‘play camp’, I thought. So that’s where they go for a secret drink now.

‘Thank you Maggie. Run along back to the class now, and thank Stella for me too.’

‘Okay Ossifer Dee. Bye!’ The little girl waved as she trotted back to the village hall. With that small clue I jogged down to the lakeside boathouse and peered inside. Sure enough there was one canoe less than there should have been.

‘Well, there’s someone on the island then.’ I said to myself. I pulled a second canoe into the water, climbed in and began to paddle towards the island.

The missing canoe was pulled up onto a tiny beach. I grounded my craft next to it. Spotting what was obviously a path to the secret camp I made my way down it. The path ended in a clearing at the centre of the small island. The clearing had a home-made camp occupying most of it and there was Eve! She was laid back with her hands behind her head. At first I thought she was ill or injured until I saw something that had been missing for weeks, her smile.

‘Eve?’ I called out softly. ‘Are you all right? Everyone has been so worried.’

She jumped a little and then turned to face me.

‘Oh! Dee, it’s you! I didn’t mean to upset anyone, but I had to get away, to have some time by myself to think. It so peaceful and quiet here that I was able to forget all my troubles, but I didn’t realise it was so late.’

‘Eve, what’s troubling you? You can tell me. I, more than anyone, know how you feel.’

‘No you don’t. No-one does. There’s only one first-born and unfortunately it’s me.’

‘I do know. I’m one of kind too, don’t forget. You’re letting this ‘first-born’ thing get on top of you. It’s only a description, it’s only WHAT you are, not WHO you are. Once you can get over that you’ll be fine.’

‘But I CAN’T get over it. As soon as I manage to forget it for a while, something pops up to remind me, like this damned anniversary.’ She rolled over and began to cry into the grass.

I was at a loss as to what to do next, my government training hadn’t covered dealing with crying females, and neither had any of my many parents. I sat beside her and began to stroke her dark blonde hair, so like her mother Lisa’s.

‘Come on Eve, let someone know how you feel. There are only the two of us here and I promise not to tell. Why are you so sad?’

‘I should have been a boy!’ She said, her voice muffled by the grass. ‘If I’d been a boy I wouldn’t have this problem. Boys cope better.’

‘Well, as a boy, I can tell you, we don’t. We bottle it up even more than you have. Sorry.’ I said lightly.

‘I’d have been more help to Mom and Dad as a boy!’ She mumbled.

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Wolf Eve

-Mark Twain, "Following the Equator" *** The door was open when Peter came home that night. Inside, a wolf was waiting for him, although of course he didn’t know it at first. At the chapel entrance, he frowned and set his pack down. Snow was tracked all the way in, but it was too dark to see anything. He was reluctant to go inside, but with the snow still falling he couldn’t stand out here in the middle of the woods all night. He lit the lantern on the table and shone it around....

2 years ago
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Christmas Eve

Introduction: Do you believe in angels? This is my entry to the Calling All Writers challenge located in the xnxx Sex Stories Adult Forum. For reasons of my own, and in agreement with the administration here, I no longer allow public comments nor do I make them. I hope youll join our site and comment in the forum or send me a private message. I cant become a better writer without your critique. Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didnt...

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All About Eve

I want to tell you about a very weird chapter of my life. Why? Well, for cathartic reasons I suppose. My Mum, before she became a hopeless alcoholic, always used to tell me that it's good to talk. I'm not sure if it was sage advice passed from generation to generation in our family, or just that she heard Bob Hoskins say it in an advert and thought it sounded nice, but it became her favourite titbit of motherly help all the same. Her second favourite was that "life is like a box of...

4 years ago
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Eavesdropping on Eve

Well, two out of three wasn't bad. The boss at Waterman's was only too pleased to advance my career if I put in the hard work, he almost doubled my pay in one fell swoop but, with a team of just seventeen, most of whom were guys, something told me it was time to put career above sex life. First appearances can be so deceptive! I wasn't reckoning on the one beacon of hope on the female front, in the shapely guise of Eve Palmer, fulfiling my fantasies. She was, after all, way out of my...

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Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land.It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the...

Straight Sex
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Christmas Eve

Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didn’t have the deep wrinkles of some of the seasoned officers and only had a touch of gray starting at the temples. Other than that, his wavy black hair was still full and thick. He smiled as he thought how he still wore the same size, while he buttoned his uniform shirt over his flat stomach, on his last day of walking his beat. The last day, he thought. It seemed like only yesterday when he set out...

2 years ago
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Me Eve

I work in a Danish company, and i had a meeting in my company's headquarter in Copenhagen. Denmark was quite familiar to me, since i had lived there multiple times. I remember my first time moving to Denmark, and the very first time i used Tinder. My first date from my matches was with Eve. At the time, Eve, lived also in Denmark, but in a different city. We were both open to try new things and explore our kinkyness. That spring i spent in Denmark is very clear in my mind. After several years i...

3 years ago
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All About Eve

ALL ABOUT EVE TV ANCHOR STEPHANIE'S TRIP TO A WOMAN'S PRISON TAKES AN UNEXPECTED TURN WHEN SHE BRINGS ALONG HER AMBITIOUS ASSISTANT, EVE.? IT'S A STRIP SEARCH TWIST ON A CLASSIC TALE. Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.? It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to...

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Stopping to See Eve

It was my least favorite day of the week. It was the day after payday and the day I had to stop by my ex-wife's place and hand her the child support and alimony check. I didn't begrudge the kids their child support, but it just killed me to pay Eve alimony. Especially since the divorce was caused by her and what she did, or more to the point, didn't do. I had gone through a bitter divorce and when it was final I swore off women. They were treacherous and unfaithful whores — all of them —...

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All about Eve

Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.� It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to have sprung her over an hour an ago. Stephanie impatiently listened to the phone ring: eight...nine...!� Why didn't Eve pick up? "Hello?" Eve's voice finally said. "Where the hell are you?" Stephanie...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 22 Adams and Eve

November 4, 1995, Colerain Township, Ohio “I get the sense you’re having second thoughts,” Eve said. “And third and fourth thoughts,” I added with a smile. “But that’s normal for me and a new girl.” “May I ask why?” “You obviously know I’ve been with quite a few women. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that successful dalliances, as my wives and I call them, require my partner to have a certain frame of mind. What I don’t want is serious regret, or, perhaps more dangerous, them...

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The Creation of Eve

The Creation of Eve By Mistress Christine Stephanie Charlemagne This is the story of how an adult man became a teenage girl instantly. This is the story of how a woman gained a daughter and a spokesmodel for her scientific research all in one. This is the story of how a man's natural tendencies can be subverted to do a woman's will. This is a story of how the holy grail - the fountain of youth - was found. This is the story of how Evelyn Hargrove turned Mark Forrest into...

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Tempted by Eve

Eve smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Her chocolate eyes had darkened a little with nerves but brightened as her teeth showed in her red lipstick smile. With a slender hand, she tousled her hair and let her curls hang with a bounce before tugging on a red hat and wrapping a scarf around her neck. Her bust was noticeable beneath her boat necked plum jumper, and her petite build was complimented with jeans that showed the curve of her hips and buttocks. She tucked the lace of her black...

3 years ago
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Meri Pahli Chudai Mere Colony Ke Ladko Se 8211 Part 1

Hi mera naam Ritika hai. Main u.p. mein rahti hun.meri age 25 hai . ye story tab ki hai jab main school mein thi. Main class tenth mein thi jab ye hua. Main cycle se school jati thi. Hamari colony ke kuch ladke bhi usi school mein padhte they. Wo 11 aur 12th ke they aur main unhein bhaiya kahti thi. Baarish ka time the aur ek din subah school jate hue ham sab bhig gaye to raste mein ek adhe bane ghar mein jake bearish se bachne ke liye khade ho gaye. Unke naam they ravi, manish, ankit, sujal...

2 years ago
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A Peril at IshtarChapter 8 Planning the Colony

The door had barely finished opening when a dark haired missile charged me and pulled me inside, checking every inch of me for bruises as she did so. Meiko was so attentive and vigorous in her probing that I could not get a word in edgewise and soon was laughing as her light touches started to tickle me. My other ladies came over and I offered them all a group hug as Meiko started to calm down. "I'm fine," I said. "Well, you scared us," Bethany said. "And why did it take so long to...

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My Love Life Chapter 4 Jude and Eve

Chapter 4 Jude and Eve After I broke up with Dottie, then Carrie, then Janice, I found a couple of great strippers Jude and Eve. I often went with the guys to a strip club to drown my sorrows and watch a great show. There were two gals that were strippers that worked at a club just a little bit down Main street. Jude was long and lanky, with beautiful mid-sized titties. She had beautiful dirty blonde hair. Eve was a slender and dark girl with dark hair. It looked like she grew up on...

3 years ago
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Gentle Robert Becomes A New Eve

Gentle Robert becomes a New Eve By Kresha Matay My parents died in an automobile accident shortly after I was born. The probate court decided that I was to be raised by my mother's younger sister, my Aunt Lilly, in accordance with my parent's will. My Aunt, barely an adult herself, just twenty-one years old, was my only living relative. Little did the court realize that Aunt Lilly unfortunately lacked the necessary knowledge, experience and most importantly, attitude to raise me...

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New Years Eve

A Owen and Eve short storyStory tags: M/F, Adultery, consensual, 10 am, December 31stEve finishes packing an overnight bag with everything that she needs for the night. Including a surprise for Owen. She had picked up a silky blue coloured teddy with matching thong, along with other fun stuff. 11 am, December 31stOwen has finished packing an overnight bag for himself, then packs a bag with food, booze and pot, and heads out the door to where he will be house sitting for new years while his wife...

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The Dawn of a New Eve

Let me tell you about the fascinating woman I met at the dog park the other day. She was sitting on a bench under an oak tree. Our dogs became fast friends and as they tore around the park chasing each other, I sat next to her. The first thing I noticed she was wearing the flag of a person who is receiving chemo, of course I mean the bandanna tied around her head. We talked about dogs and dog parks while we watched our pets. Her dog would play with mine, then suddenly stop, and come to her...

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My Sister Eve

Two years younger than me, she always wanted me to take her out on the lake in our small rowboat. I actually thought about taking her out there and leaving her on the lake, swimming back, it irritated me so much. I hated her always hanging around. That is until one day, I really began to love it. It was hot; the air in the low mountains didn't get as cool at night in the higher elevations. The lake was large. I couldn't even see one end of it from the other. I wasn't having one hell...

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Hungry For Eve

Foreword: This is the first story that I have written by request, and it is partly a collaboration with her. I normally give permission for operators of erotic story web sites to redistribute my stories. However, because this is a collaboration, we ask that you get permission from both of us before posting our story. Authorship for this story belongs to both Hungry Guy and Eve (who has requested to be anonymous). Thanks. I had been lurking in the alt.torture newsgroup for years. I had always...

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Pacific Penal ColonyChapter 7

Rico's mind was in turmoil as he was whipped forward to the elevated auction gantry by a huge woman, her large breasts, ass and thick thighs bulging in a tight black leather cat-suit. She smiled with spiteful pleasure as her bulbous fleshy arms rippled in her application of the stinging whip; her taunts and the pain were becoming almost routine to Rico now, his spirit being slowly and inevitably eroded as each woman he encountered played her part in breaking him. His cock almost conceding...

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The Infantilist Colony

An old mining town, once full of people working, shopping and playing, laid abandoned for decades. The company that owned it had shut down the mines due to lower resources and discontinued use of the minerals. With it being out of the way and no major highways or interstates coming close to it, the town was left to fall apart and be consumed by nature. That is, if it wasn’t for the Infantilists. A small, non-religious group, the Infantilists were just people who wanted to live their lives...

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New Years Eve

When one of my wife’s girlfriends invited us to a ‘Swinging New Year’s Eve Party’ my wife was simply thrilled and accepted her kind invitation immediately. We hadn’t been out on a New Year’s Eve in many years. However with both of our children in college, why not. She was excited about that party for a week. Of course all she could think about was Christmas before that but as soon as that was over all of her concentration was on that ‘Swinging New Year’s Eve Party.’ She made an...

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A Special Christmas Eve

After such a wonderful first-time bisexual experience with our new close friends Dan & Anna, we arrived home all aglow with our new-found sense of love & understanding. We got some supper & headed up to our room. “ Oh baby, you looked so sexy with Dan's big thick cock in your mouth! The way you were sucking it, you looked like you were really enjoying having a man's big cock to suck on finally?” “ Yeah, I guess you got me on that one. I love how his dick is a bit more...

1 year ago
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Spontaneous Surprise EVE

“Wow, she was right. You do have the sweetest cum” Eve said as she gathered her things. “She talks to you about me as well?” I asked. “Oh, yes. She loves to discuss the guys we have both been able to experience. Another week had flown by at work and still no response from my little cum slut. No answer to my text or any phone calls. At this point, I assumed the worst and tried to put her out of my mind. This was really hard to do. There are so many memories of her expanding my sexual horizons...

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Young Lactating Wife is Impregnated by Hubbys Bosses on New Years Eve

Kevin’s StoryIt’s hard to deny that wealthy and powerful men get their way in this world, and I found that out the hard way from my bosses on New Year’s Eve. But before I get to that, I need to explain how my wife, Olivia, and I ended up in that situation. Then, she will fill you in on what happened to her.My name is Kevin, and after earning my bachelor’s degree in marketing, with an emphasis on advertising, I ended up with and entry level job at a medium-sized marketing and advertising firm in...

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The night I met Eve

Another true story from my past. Soon after I got out of college, the economy was bad and I was working part time. There was a bar in town where I would hang out with friends. It was more of a beer joint than a bar actually, with bar stools, tables and chairs, pool tables, juke box, kind of a dingy, run down place, but usually a fun crowd and it was run by a guy I knew. I was there one night shooting pool and drinking beer when a woman who hung around there a lot, I’ll call her Cindy,...

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The night I met Eve

Another true story from my past.Soon after I got out of college, the economy was bad and I was working part time. There was a bar in town where I would hang out with friends. It was more of a beer joint than a bar actually, with bar stools, tables and chairs, pool tables, juke box; kind of a dingy, run down place, but usually a fun crowd and it was run by a guy I knew. I was there one night shooting pool and drinking beer when a woman who hung around there a lot, I'll call her Cindy, approached...

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Patriarch Paradise 1 Eve

Private Paradise with six sexy fine females found in India, intimately initiating five tasty teens.Probably the prettiest pervert period of my mighty long love life I experienced in Southern India.Plucked five fine fresh flowers to build my most beautiful bouquet of pink pretty tulip love lips.Philosopher Peter Poet meets Eve and her dear daughters and his meat meets all their cute cunnies.At age thirty-two, thirty-two years back, I travelled overland with a friend from Amsterdam to India.As a...

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A French Maid On Duty At New Years Eve

Hi! This is my second story on this site... in my first story, I told youabout my first experiences as a submissive french maid... a maid who wantsto do anything to please her master (I suggest to read that story first!).Being a maid, serving my master... That's what I like to do. Now this storyis more recent... it's about what happend on December 31 2004... on new yearseve! Some exciting things happened... I spend new years eve with a good friend of mine, and his girlfriend. I metthem years...

4 years ago
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Christmas Eve

THE PRIMING "What a mess!" Rhonda looked around and slowly shook her head. She could only blame herself. She was standing in the break room of the credit union of which she was manager. As a little Christmas Eve gift for all her employees she had volunteered to be the one who stayed late to do the final cleanup before she left for home. It was a little after four in the afternoon and she had plans for later in the evening. She had assumed that it would take only minutes to clean up after...

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HaremChapter 6 New Years EVE

I was attending a New Years Eve Party set up by a company for their employees. As a stockholder I had been invited. The party was boring and most of the people attending were either trying to get something from you or desperately trying to kiss up or make up for short comings in the past year. I saw her the first time just a few minutes before the count down to the New Year. She had a look about her, a European/Asian face, slim but not skinny body, jet-black hair that was braided into one...

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Coffee Dickens and Christmas Eve

He’d been here for nearly two hours, and his cup had been empty for just about the same amount of time. Lucy watched him from behind the counter, wondering if he’d ever feel her gaze and look up to meet it. So far, he hadn’t. His eyes stayed focused on his book, and he’d been turning pages pretty consistently since she’d been staring. Normally, she wouldn’t just stand back and watch the patrons, but tonight was slow. Rosalia wasn’t much entertainment either. She stayed by the drive through...

College Sex
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Innocent Wife on New Years Eve

The year was 1988. My name is Luke. At the time, my wife, Maddison (Maddie to her friends) and I were both 20 years old. I was active duty in the Marine Corps and we were stationed in California where we lived in an apartment off-base.Please note, this is not one of those typical hot-wife stories where I share the knowledge that I have always fantasied about watching my wife with other men. That wasn't the case with me.Additionally, it is not the beginning of a journey to slut-hood for my wife....

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Friends New Years Eve

Friends: Deleted Scenes - The New Year's Eve After-party PartyThe New Year's Eve party had ended a short while before, and already all the guests had left, including Ross and Phoebe. Chandler and Joey sat at the kitchen table as Monica cleaned up the apartment."This New Year's Eve SUCKED!" Rachel complained as she sat on the couch. Everyone mumbled their agreement as she continued. "I was going to spend a romantic evening with Paolo, making love to him... and the asshole didn't even show...

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve By Cheryl Lynn This is a short humiliation story and is a figment of my imagination. It continues the adventures of Harold from my "All Hallows Eve" story but is pretty much a stand alone story. It may be downloaded for personal use only and no other use is authorized unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are welcome however; if you do not like forced feminization do not read or comment. [email protected] Christmas Eve Harold sat slumped over...

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Christmas Eve

I was driving home Christmas Eve last year, it was late, a crowd of us from the office had been out drinking and partying. The trouble was I was one of the designated drivers, I drew one of the short straws, literally, and so I had to watch everyone else get legless, and various single and married colleagues paired off for that annual event the 'Christmas Party No Strings Fuck'. How some of them managed to even get as far as the bedroom or the car park in the case of the married ones,...

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