Failed Colony free porn video

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I was sitting at a stop light behind a liquid nitrogen tanker, waiting for the light to turn. I heard the roar of an over-stressed engine. I looked into my rear-view to see what at first glance looked like a big, bright yellow El Dorado hurtling towards my rear bumper. It was going so fast that I couldn't even begin to guess its speed. I glanced back to the front of my jeep. The tanker had just begun to pull away. I had time for two words. "Oh, Fuck!"

The head-rest kept my neck from breaking but I felt both shoulders give way. I felt/heard a massive "Crunch" then felt an agonizingly cold wave splash over me. I began to scream. That's all I remember.

I woke up lying on my back. The ceiling was smooth and white. I was breathing quickly, almost in a precursor to hyperventilation. I tried to sit up but failed. I was too weak. I looked down at my hands. My arms were covered in sleek brown-black fur, as were the backs of my hands. It was about an inch long and was fairly dense. What the fuck.?

I tried to say just that. All that came out was "Wuu daa fuu?" I flopped back and relaxed, suddenly extremely tired. I heard a voice. "Integration successful. Brain wave activity has stabilized. Patterns reflect consciousness."

I heard foot steps. I turned my head to see a little fellow some three feet tall. He had two arms, two legs and a head. That's the closest he'd ever come to human. He looked like a beige egg with spindly limbs and a fat cylinder for a head. I wondered if it were an environment suit of some kind. It was partially covered in scrollwork and had a harness fastened around it.

"You are our twenty-seventh successful re-animation project. You were in storage for many centuries. The planet on which you were found has been depopulated by interstellar migration and later by ecological collapse. We believe that the time is now some sixty-thousand years past the time of your storage. Do you have any questions?"

"Yes. Two come immediately to mind. What is to become of me and my admittedly antique knowledge, and why the hell am I covered in hair?"

"Interesting. Several others first inquired as to how it was that we were speaking English, or Chinese as the case may be. We are a race experiencing an exploration phase. After performing a reasonably thorough examination of this planet we found two repositories of bodies in ultra-cold storage and several libraries in various languages. Several of us have absorbed the languages to scan the information. We have found that no one civilization has discovered everything. There are niche discoveries made by each culture. Many are little known or unknown to vast numbers of others. This caused us to be very careful in our examinations."

I asked again. "What about the fur?" "The planet is experiencing an ice age at this time. The hairy integument you have been given is part of a series of adaptations to the environment."

This alarmed me. "Am I to be dropped on the surface to exist as I can? Am I to be alone? Will I be given any supplies?"

He held up his arms. "Slowly, slowly! Once you recover from your reanimation you will be joining a group of others that have similar experiences. You cannot come with us, as your biological systems would not handle the trade-offs we have made to allow us interstellar travel. I look nothing like the shell you see before you. My true form would severely alarm you. You must stay here, on the planet that we circle."

"Our ethicists would not allow us to 'dump and run' on you. Certain long-lived supplies will be prepared and suitable locations are currently being evaluated. We have a target of two hundred breeding members to provide for a viable genetic pool."

"You comfort me in your level of preparation. You and yours have my thanks."

"You are welcome. Please sleep for now. When you rise you shall feel much better. Food, drink and company will be available at that time. You will find a tunic hanging by the door when you rise." He reached out and touched something at the foot of my bed. My lights went out as if they'd installed a light switch.

When I awoke I naturally swung my legs out of bed and tried to stand. Whoops! I had to catch my equilibrium. I sat there examining myself. My face was fairly flat, and I had a centrally-located nose, not a snout. I did have some fangs, though. "Great", I thought. "I'm a fucking Wookie." I carefully stood, ready to catch myself. I carefully walked over to the wall where I saw something between a smock and a padded gambezon hanging there. I put it on over my head. It went down to my knees.

I found a pad next to the door. I figured that the largest button would let people out in case of an emergency, so it tapped it. The door opened. A series of small lights in the floor strobed off to the left. I followed them. After a short while of walking that still made an impression on me to prove the scale of the ship, I came upon a lounge, or cafeteria. There were small groups of hairy people sitting around talking. I walked up to a group and waved to get someone's attention. "Can anyone tell my how to get some food, please?"

A tall skinny fellow said, "I guess I'm the group greeter. I'm Simon. Just walk up to that window over there." He pointed, and continued. "Press a button next to a picture that shows something you might want to eat. It takes about three minutes. It dings and a sliding door opens. When you're done take your dishes to the window with a red border and put them on the surface. That's it!"

"Hey, thanks, man. I'm Harry." I tore into a generous serving of roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans with a side of iced tea. Whatever or whoever they used for a cook was pretty good! I wandered back over to the group that I'd first approached. I stayed on the periphery but close enough to listen into their conversation. They were discussing what level of civilization that we might be stuck with. They were thinking of all the resources being tied up in forms unusable by primitive technologies. I stuck my hand up to draw a bit of attention. "After sixty thousand years hopefully some subduction, vulcanism and plate tectonics have eliminated most of man's pollution and have brought new resources to useable deposits." We had a discussion about the effects of millions versus thousands of years. We had no way of knowing.

You see, if the ecology had collapsed as the little guy had said, then the planet would have to have been re-seeded to have any sort of mammalian population in that sort of time frame. If there was any biological reseeding done, there may have been some asteroidal terra-forming done by orbital bombardment, in which case there could be one hell of a lot of nickel-iron deposits right at the surface down there. Only a survey could tell us, and hopefully they'd leave us with a geomagnetic survey before they left.

I went back to the dinner dispenser to look through all the buttons. I was pleased to find a pad of paper and a pen. I ordered them and sat down at a table to get my thoughts down on paper.

I had hopes to get us to a level of technology close to that of the 1600's, maybe with a Franklin stove invented. It wasn't too much of an anachronism. We didn't want to get trapped on the pollution express as we had done before. I had hopes that some sort of draft animal could be had to aid in plowing and transportation. A meat animal such as a chicken would be a great asset as well. Were there bees? We needed waterproofing. We needed certain grass crops for cloth. Linseed oil came from flax. Flax made wonderful cloth. Linseed oil protected wood and waterproofed cloth. Hemp was used for something like burlap, canvas and rope making.

If we had agriculture, blacksmithing and pottery we'd be well on the way to a sustainable culture. I hoped like hell that we wouldn't be trapped in a paleolithic culture.

I started at the bottom. Cordage, basket making, some sort of sharp edges and fire would give a group enough of a boost to survive, given the availability of reeds and straight, thin-stemmed woody brush or saplings. I hoped that there were more reenactors or people familiar with the technology of early-American Indians than just myself. I knew a lot of tricks, such as the design and use of a mat loom, a pit kiln for glazing pottery and the use of an Atl-Atl, or small spear thrower. With some practice I could make a net. My basket making would be laughable at best, but I had seen it done and knew the principles of weaving a split wood basket with a double-bound top lip.

Reed mats made shelters and sleeping surfaces. Look at a wickiup or an Indian row house. I hoped to god that cattails still existed. Baskets allowed people to collect and store food. An Atl-Atl allowed a hunter to take down game from further away than a spear would allow, raising humans above the level of a food source to the top of the food chain, capable of taking out large carnivores. Weighted nets would do the same thing but were much more dangerous. nets opened up an entirely new food source--fish and crustaceans. The use of a kiln gave pottery for cooking and eating as well as opening up some more forms of food storage.

Agriculture meant collecting and saving seeds between years, preparing soil for seeding, weeding the fields and harvesting the crops. It's what changed civilizations from hunter-gatherers to dwelling in one place. It tied them to their fields. While allowing higher population densities due to food access it did nasty things like killing people from sanitation issues as well.

Forges were not portable. Not really. It was easier to travel to find fuel and ore than to move a forge.

Hmm. A good site would have running water, flat fertile land for fields (say that three times fast), wood or coal for fuel, tall woody undergrowth and clay deposits where a river turned. Limestone or chalk deposits would be nice. A local plateau or badlands would be wonderful for defense. Put it all together and it sounded like it would be almost impossible to find, especially with the limitations on habitable locations enforced by the ice age. I certainly wished the crew that were scanning for sites good luck!

Some people came around to see what I was doing. Several passed around my notes. I kept writing. I noted what was necessary to construct shelters from lumber. You had to cut down the trees, saw the trees into slabs and beams (either with a pit saw or a sawmill), drill holes for pegs and hammer them in or forge spikes and nails. A large cross-cut saw, a 'slick' or timber-framer's chisel, a mallet, an auger and bits at a minimum were necessary to do post-and-beam hollow construction. Dry, aged wood was more stable. One could bake pre-cut wood in ovens called kilns, but this was fuel and manpower intensive, and the wood was much more difficult to cut afterwards. I'd hate to try sawing it with a pit saw. I supposed that walking beams set up as teeter-totters would make it easier, but no faster. Some people asked about the devices I described. I always was a decent hand at sketching, so I illustrated a mat loom, a long house and a long house frame.

Glass was a hard technology to get right and had quite exacting requirements. Though not intuitive and requiring a good adhesive, hollow glass bricks were quit efficient us of the materials for low tech. A five-sided mold with an insert made a good, durable product that allowed illumination while remaining quite difficult to break through. You couldn't see through them for shit, though. Single layered poured windows were the only early tech that I could think of that allowed for seeing.

Paints and varnishes were used for a reason. Wood absorbed water from the environment, both shortening its life span and destroying joints. Even oiling wood was better than nothing.

I knew that running DC current through salt water produced chlorine bleach. How much voltage? I didn't know. I just knew that it worked. That would give us a sanitizing agent. Copper wire and a magnet would give us a simple generator. If we had bees then we had honey. Honey was hygroscopic and made for another sanitizing agent that could be used within a wound. Hell, the Greeks used it!

Cement and concrete were known in Roman times. It took a specific type of stone to crush to make cement that was water-proof. Then cement had to be sealed to keep from wicking water. Otherwise in cold climates it would shatter from internal formation of ice crystals.

Crushed limestone and fire made lime. More fire made anhydrous, or quicklime. That was part of the equation.

Pivot jacks, what we commonly called car jacks, were much easier to make than hydraulic jacks, though less powerful and often times much more dangerous to use. Block and tackle were another force-multiplying tool employing a form of leverage. A simple snatch-block with a pulley effectively doubled your power when pulling a rope. Sleepers, rollers and a pry-bar were sufficient to move heavy objects such as stone piers, and incorporating block and tackle into such an operation made it more controllable. A dependable supply of strong rope was mandatory, as was either extremely sturdy wood or metal for the pulley blocks.

Such little bits of primitive technology had a low ecological impact yet were capable of enabling engineering on a fairly large scale--civil engineering. Smaller scale devices such as greenhouses and glass-block walls would minimize the use of sustainable resources, as would the use of Franklin stoves which, when invented, were quickly adopted because the heat produced by the flames tended less to go up the flue and more to heat the surroundings, thus the people spent less time cutting wood in the winter. The added benefit that they provided a cooking surface was icing on the cake. Similarly, the use of a smoke-house dramatically increased the efficiency of preserving and storing meat compared to using open ricks for smoking their catch.

Some of my notes caused a furor. Others caused intense conversations. One thing they did not do was generate complacency. I noted several others go to the 'cafeteria machines' to get pads and pens of their own. Two other clusters of authors appeared.

After dinner we all agreed to assemble and talk over what our brain-storming had generated. One of our hosts came to listen in and comment on sustainable resources and technology. Once we quieted down (he) began to talk.

"The planet below us is not the Earth as you knew it. I has undergone many violent transformations since its depopulation. One of you considered the re-seeding of the biosphere both with metal-bearing asteroids and with both flora and fauna imported from other worlds. That was done long ago and the ecology was left to stabilize. You shall find many unusual biota waiting for you. Yes, bees do still exist though they are a bit larger and more aggressive than you recall. A four-legged animal that resembles a cross between a horse and a zebra populates several plains. The chicken is no more, but several larger avian breeds are to be found that may be domesticated.

The poles have shifted. What was once known as Antarctica is now cut by the equator, as are India and much of Russia. There is now a large fresh-water lake breaking up the Ural mountains. The bread-basket of the world is now just North of there, in what was Siberia. The equator is cut by the ice sheets near what was once Tibet. Vulcanism has caused Franz Joseph Land to rise up out of the sea as a new continent approximately one-third that of what you remember to be Australia.

The ring of fire has undergone several climate-destroying events, several of which caused massive ash-falls, land subsidence and accretion.

There are many untapped metal, mineral and coal deposits left untouched under what was the surface of Siberia, what is now some of the most supportive property on the planet.

You will be given quite a bit of equipment and household goods to establish your colony, including several tons of rather bland tasting survival 'brownies' that should carry the colony until crops can be brought in.

Some of you have written much on utilizing nothing but sustainable, low or no pollution technology, in effect learning from the mistakes of your forebearers. We applaud those measures and hope that you can maintain your will to continue on in this direction.

We debated whether to give you several examples of anachronistic technology and have decided, for the most part, against it as they would not aid your survival in the long run.

We shall continue to monitor these group discussions to both learn what we can from you and to work with you to provide the best chance for your colony's survival." With that the little guy left the room. Most of us sat in thought, digesting the information that we had been given.

I had one final cup of tea then went back to my room for the night. However, my room wasn't mine anymore. I was directed to a four-person bunk room by the floor lights. Like I was attached to anything?

There was so much that we needed to know that would be considered common knowledge back in the day. How to construct a lime kiln, for example, or how to build a glass manufactory. Some of us had the principles down as to how to build and operate a forge, but we'd never poured liquid bronze or copper. There were supposedly encyclopedia out there that still existed when the travellers arrived. It would keep us from making so many wrong turns, keep us from wasting so many resources to have a copy of those encyclopedia with us, not only for our generation but for the generations to come. I wondered if they would build things for us from plastics that were used for re-entry wing surfaces. The Franklin stoves, for example. With high strength walls and heat conductive top surfaces they would be high efficiency stoves. Simple bimetallic fans could be used to spread the heat released by the fires, and the plastics wouldn't have the problems early fireboxes had of corrosion and rust. Mould board plows were needed to turn the heavy turf. Discs and harrows were needed to break down the soil. Sickles were needed to harvest grasses and, hopefully, flax. We desperately needed the materials to teach our children the written word. Without it we would probably regress to the neolithic stage.

I worried about how we were going to keep warm during the first few years, surviving the winters. What form of shelter could we build? I despaired of finding a solution that would not lose us several of our colony to cold and to the local predators. I'd love to find an area where shelved rock was available, such as slate or limestone that could be fractured into slabs. The best solution, of course, would be caves. Give me a couple hammers and a box of chisels. I could make almost any cave habitable unless it were flooded.

I did my part and carefully drew a buckboard wagon and a Conestoga wagon. Then I cast my memory back to draw all the pieces and parts that went to making a working blacksmith's shop. I had one hell of a time drawing that post vise. I then went on to draw a couple of block planes, chisels, saws, drills, pegs and screw vises for woodworking. I recalled seeing a steam-powered sawmill in operation. It took me several days to remember what all the controls, gears and chains did. I also drew out all the pieces of a Franklin stove, down to the ash-shaker.

Within an amazingly short period of time the magic number of two hundred people were walking around and meeting every day for dinner, conversation and supper. Soon we were pushed towards and drop date. Our hosts were anxious to leave on the next leg of their journey.

A week before leaving we were given inventories of what would be dropped with us.

Four of us were taken aside and given instruction in how to use the 'power saws'. They were highly advanced tools with power supplies that supposedly would last several hundred years. Un powered, they were thin rods attached to handles. When powered they became lances of energy that would cut through wood, stone, steel, earth and glass. Virtually anything. The rods could be adjusted from several inches long to about thirteen feet. The lance could be adjusted from about a quarter inch in diameter to nearly six inches across. The material affected didn't just disappear--it became a fine dust. I held one in my hand and thought about the metamorphic rock cliff we'd been shown next to our drop point. Instant cave, carved to order!

I was very happy to see large sacks of seed in our inventory, as well as hand tools such as hoes, rakes, sickles and wheelbarrows. I saw long rods of metal with split tips in the inventory. I immediately thought of how to build a smoke house using squared-off timbers and long holes drilled by the saws. Thread a bar through them and split the tips--instant wall or roof. I found S-hooks and chain, pots and pans, lance tips and gambrels. The Franklin stoves were listed, but fashioned from an exotic alloy that would resist any oxidation or chemical reaction. Someone had obviously thought that music was a necessary part of culture because several types of instruments were included. Several tons of salt were to be delivered in wood barrels. I wondered to myself where they got the templates for the wood barrels? They were not easy to manufacture even with the right tools. There was so much cord listed in the inventory that I was convinced that someone had slipped a decimal point.

I was very glad to see scaffolding included. We'd need it to properly dig a cave with a load-bearing ceiling and to work with timber-frame construction. Many, many five gallon containers of wood adhesive and construction adhesive were also provided. I was amazed to see that everything I'd drawn out was provided. It was too bad nobody else had been sketching. I was certain that I'd missed some very important things.

We were given foot ware and gloves, hats, waterproof ponchos, belts and various accoutrements such as spoons, forks, knives and pouches for the belts.

We were given a sonogram of the cliffs next to our drop point and herded aboard the shuttle.

As soon as the doors opened we were ushered outside. I just stood there, savoring the air. It was sweet, cool and refreshing. In comparison the air on the ship had been washed, scrubbed, ionized and neutralized until it was as uninteresting as possible. The air we breathed once on the ground was alive with possibilities, hints and suggestions. It was local morning.

We found a long row of freight containers that looked as if they'd just been dropped off the back of a fleet of railroad cars. I noted that our inventory had a row of numbers in one column. Each trailer had a number painted on one of the doors. I assumed that was our key. The other three fellows with saws got together with me to plan our next action. We looked over the map of the cliff and found our location by using landmarks and streams. Each of us started in with a finger drawing out a structure we could live with. I suggested that we tap the roof of a buried stream for accessible water that wouldn't freeze. We agreed on a central cave that we could eat, live and work together in, surrounded by smaller family caves slightly elevated from the main cave's floor. A draft hole would have to be planned for the smoke to escape, and chimney holes for the stoves would likewise have to be dug. We started working as team, digging and hauling away the rock. The sharp-edged shards were piled in a fence line some eight feet tall surrounding a fair-sized space outside the cave entrance. Within hours we had a small cave dug. We kept checking the plan as we went to make sure that we didn't do anything irrevocable. A rectangular hole above the doorway was cut out so that we could glue in six rows of glass blocks to provide a bit of natural light.

We carefully opened up the underground stream, insuring that if it flooded it had a pool to flow into, some two feet deep and quite large. It would have made a great community bath but the water was too damned cold. We erected the scaffolding to continue digging out the domed ceiling. When we were finished, a thin point was located and drilled through. That gave us a short-term smoke flue.

Others had gone out with a 'power saw' and a couple wheelbarrows to get firewood. Another team was unpacking a few stoves and kitchen gear. I carved out flat slabs of stone which we stacked to make work tables around the kitchen area. We installed four stoves. Then it seemed obvious to dig sleeping shelves where the side caves would be, so people would be a bit warmer away from the ground currents at night. I carefully sculpted slopes up to each shelf. We'd been given pallets and blankets to sleep on. They were laid out. We quickly came to understand that we'd have no light after the sun set.

We brought in several buckets to use at night, as nobody wanted to leave the cave after dark, at least before we explored a bit and reduced the neighborhood predator count. A team of us both cleaned up the walls a bit and built up a door at the cave mouth for the night. The silence was eerie.

The next morning we cut another rectangular opening in the wall near the cooking area. A wide window of glass blocks was installed twenty units long by six units tall. After a breakfast cookie I went back to digging out sleeping caves with raised shelves for both storage and sleeping on. Then I went outside to figure out how to build a door for our cave. A stone door with a side pivot would be too unwieldy to open and close by a single person. A wider door with a central pivot would work nicely. Our 'power saws' could drill the pivot hole, but they were of limited length. We built the door in three thick sections and glued them together. The door was thinner at the edges, like stretched-out diamond. Still, the edges were some three inches thick.

Our fence made a good start at enclosing all the trailers. I looked around at what had been done in just one day. It was easy to see that our strength and endurance had been enhanced. We'd no doubt pay for it in the need for more food.

I walked around with my saw, looking for some lighter-colored stone. I wanted to make benches to sit on and put a lighter colored top surface on the tables for better contrast. I went back to the cave to look at the sonogram. I found what appeared to be a belt of quartz. I assembled a team. We had our lunch cookies and headed out to find that quartz.

It didn't take long. it was pretty obvious as it was a slip surface along which the cliff had sheared long ago, leaving a plate of tough, white quartz behind. I carefully carved off one inch thick sheets, enough to make table-tops and bench-tops for all of us. We spent the rest of the afternoon carrying them back.

A team had gone hunting. They had taken Atl-Atls. Regrettably, they hadn't had any chance to practice with their weapons. After the first miss, they spent the rest of the day becoming more proficient with them. They managed to come back with four quadrupeds. The next day they planned to split up into four hunting teams with others that had not had any weapons practice.

I suggested that rather than go out as hunting parties, they go out as mapping and discovery parties, taking out every large carnivore in the area that they could. We needed to know where to plant our fields, keep our 'domesticated' animals and birds, scout out mineral and clay resources and a host of other things, those being at the top of the list. No, the great hunters had to play at being heroes. I quietly asked some of the others what would happen when our hunters had depleted the local game. Where would we go? Would we have to move to follow the herds? What the hell happened to our strategies and plans?

Well, all hell broke out that evening when the hunting teams returned. A veritable storm of criticism threatened to come down on my head. I told them "Fuck this. I didn't sign up for the whipping boy position. I'm out of here." I took a shovel, a large bag of survival cookies, a barrel of salt, a canteen of water, a handful of lance heads, a flint-and-steel kit, a 10x12' canvas tarp, a massive hank of cordage, an iron cooking pot with a lid, a wood chisel, a hammer and a rolled up pallet, all loaded onto one of the wheel-barrows. I also took one of the 'power saws' since I was one of the few that had been given instruction in its use. I already had a notebook and a couple of pens. Several objected to my "removing a critical resource from the colony". I shook my head and kept walking. It was a duplicated resource that was virtually indestructible. Politics was already rearing its ugly head.

I sat down to try to visualize the sonogram of the cliff. It didn't show enough. I found a crevice in the cliff wall that looked promising for the night. The saw dished out a little shelf for me to sleep on. Did I mention that digging with the saw tended to make dished sections of stone with razor-sharp edges? I piled a few of these shards of stone across the entrance and bundled up in the tarp for the night. I was still too close to the others to relax. If any of them egged each other into a posse there'd be a hunting party sent out for me. It couldn't help but escalate into warfare with me as the probable loser.

In the morning I looked up the crevice as a possible escape route. It seemed to climb some fifty or sixty feet up. I used the saw to carve foot-holds out on alternate walls. It was tricky climbing while wielding that damned saw at the same time. I eventually got to the top where I found a large rolling plain covered in grass and forest. I crawled back down where I fastened the barrow to a heavy cord. I lifted it up and over the edge of the plateau. I followed the shape of the land until I broke out of the rolling land and underbrush to find a broad expanse of field. A heavy forest bordered the field to my left with a large pond which I couldn't see across to my right. A wide stream flowed into the pond from a broken limestone hill A large boulder lay at the edge of the forest. It was roughly cubical, and was over forty feet on a side. It screamed, "HOUSE!" to me. It was made of a dirty-white stone that didn't seem to have the grain of limestone.

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Adventures at an Artists Colony

ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY Sisyphus Chapter One When I arrived at Hickory Run, an artists’colony in New York State, my intent was to have a two week writing retreat with no distractions so I could finish my novel. The setting was perfect, a small log cabin tucked in a grove of trees with a view of Indian Lake. Each cabin, however, had two separate apartments. For a hundred dollars more a week I could have had a cabin without an adjoining space, but, as it was, I could barely afford this...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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SiliqueChapter 3 Colony

The command modules environmental controls activated. Trat awoke hours later. The lights were dim, but there was life in the ship. Trat took some time to recover from the deep sleep and review the ships status. Everything looked, as it should. The ship had already begun to dig a way for Trat and some remote ships to leave the command module. The time had come for the colony. A small ship departed late that night to dust the small Montana town once again. This time the ship would dispense a...

1 year ago
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New at the nudist colony

Wife and I are in our mid-20's - been married for 5 years, and no kids. Sexually, we were well matched, but recently we thought something new for each of us might be interesting - but stuff like wife-swapping wasn't for us because of the risks involved in a relatively small town. After some investigation on the Internet, I hit on what looked like a good idea - an outfit in Jamaica ran what was advertised as an "adult nudist colony" - no one under 18 allowed, and a full medical exam was...

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The Human colony

LV-876 was a prime example of a lush alien world. 500 volunteers were dispatched on a colonizing mission, or at least that was they were told. In fact, the mission was a top-secret experiment set about by earth officials to test the unique effects of alien biology directly on human subjects and would be guided closely by a small research group on hand. The vessel landed itself on a rather arid stretch of land near the planets ocean, a lush forest with strange pink trees and dense vegetation sat...

3 years ago
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Dripping precum at nudist colony

spent a few days at a nudist resort. had some wild times with a few of the older ladies but my most enjoyable experience there was with the older man who ran the library of the sun club. the library is only open on Sunday and I had been waiting all week to get in there and take a look at the amazing collection of classic nudist videos they have available. As I walked in a handsome older man with glasses greeted me. He had a clean shave, good tan, cut cock and long hanging balls. We exchanged...

3 years ago
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The New Couple In My Colony

Hi, I am Rahul. I am writing my first story here. So, I hope that you will like it and let me know your feedback on it, my email ID is I am a businessman and run my consultancy firm. I used to follow a regular gym earlier and now also i am regular with my fitness activities, this helps me keep in good shape and decent looks. I am single but did maintain my share of physical pleasures time and again when ever got a chance. 3 Months ago just in front of our house a new family came from...

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Sexiest aunty in our colony

Hi there this is dedicated to all ISS lovers I too want to share my experience with you all guys and gals no one in my apartment knew that I had started my modeling when I was at the age of 14 so it was a great new experience to me. As I was browsing on the net I found this site that is known as ISS so I too felt to share my experience with you all. It all started when I was standing in my gallery just felling cool winds blowing from here and there it was a very pleasant evening and suddenly...

3 years ago
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You walked down a long hallway. With each step you wondered more and more what on earth this could be for, and why are you going so far into the aft of the ship. Finally after what seemed like over an hour of walking down a hallway you see a door. This door made of carbon fiber was black with a nice pattern and a shine. On the door was a single silver Plack that read: Doctor Goloboi New Eden Project You wondered what this could mean, or at least give you at least a slight clue of what it...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Failed IVF

I celebrated my 18th birthday over 25 years ago. For me this is a sad reality, but even worse is the fact that it has taken me this long to become an adult. This is not something that I declare proudly, it’s just an observation. It is an observation that I can make dispassionately since I can see maturation and growth, so I know what things were before. I have you, my friends here at Literotica, to thank for this progress since before joining this community I may have been over 18, the age at...

3 years ago
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Failed Season Loras Story

This story has been 'in the works' for a long time - the oldest files on my oldest surviving hard-drive say '2001'. One of those naggers that sit on the hard drive and go "nyah, nyah, can't finish me, nyah". Even tried to publish it once in 2004, but thought I had a better idea and pulled it back before final posting to the web. I didn't really have a better idea, but you never know until you try. Anyway, I've updated it a bit and am going to put it out. Permission is granted for...

1 year ago
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The 400 Year WarChapter 5 The English Colonies

-Chapters five and six will deal with the period of struggle between the American Indian Tribes and the European Settlers in the geographic confines of the thirteen original colonies during the period of their establishment beginning in the 1600s and up until the start of the French and Indian Wars in the mid-1700s. In the order of their establishment, the English settlements were: (1607) Virginia was the first colony established in the new American Colonies. It was founded by John Smith...

1 year ago
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failed threesum

now here is a fail story that seems so sexy and like every dudes dreams come true at the start. it started as us looking online for females to join us for some fun, after about 2 months of endless posting and searching we finally had a reply on one of our countless postings. it started out with hi and how are you and picture exchanges so we knew what each other looked like. after a few hours of chatting we felt safe enough to name exchange, for privacy reasons lets call her missy, a short time...

3 years ago
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And Mother Reaches The Colonies

A Piece of my Imagination Jimmy glanced around him and felt a moment’s trepidation but it was too late to go back now. Standing in front of the glowing transporter terminus the young man considered the extraction process he’d just gone through and how it had resulted in him standing on the grey steel deck of a Confederacy colony ship. The Marines had interrupted the party by announcing their intention to extract all the volunteers and their selected concubines for service in the...

3 years ago
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Failed exam

"Fuck!" you curse silently looking at the mail from your physics teacher. As he promised he sent the results of a final test, the one which will decide what grade you will receive in the final year of high school. You got (in your school they are using 1-5 scale, where 5 is the best grade) 2. So you passed...but barely. Considering your other grades you know that you needed to get at least 4 to had a chance to get into the college without entrance exam (and with a scholarship). For a moment you...

3 years ago
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Failed Male

My experiences with my first wife, Patti made me accept the truth about my dysfunctional sexuality due to my condition of micro penis.Patti and I were virgins on our wedding night. Of course we wanted to consummate our marriage so we undressed together for the first time, climbed into bed and I lay on top of her and began to try and penetrate her tight virgin cunt with my little 3 inch erection. I don't know if she was aware how tiny my peepee was - as she had no experience with mens' cocks -...

3 years ago
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Failed Relationship Number One

About the camping trip, first things first- I'm going to tell the truth. Unreliable narrators give me enough trouble anyway. I'm sure literary techniques are of inestimable value to my life, but not when it requires a two page paper on "Porphyria's Lover." I was turning it in before first period, but I was momentarily detained. That is, I accidentally walked into a locker. I like to think I'm not clumsy, and, really, I'm not. It's just, when a girl walks by that's that pretty, I tend...

4 years ago
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As you stand overlooking this new World this new chance at a future where humanity lives and prospers as a strong independent race whether it gets there by destroying any other races they might come across or forging alliances, One way or another you will Save Humanity you will bring it back strong and because of that you will be forever remembered as the greatest Human to ever live, the only one with the resolve, patience and will to do the impossible in never before explored space, the one...

4 years ago
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Failing Math class gone good

It all started at the end of my freshman year, final report cards came in. My mother has an upset look on her face, as she reads my report card. I have usually had mediocre grades, but this was worse. I had a few B's, many C's, but the grade that stood out was the F in Algebra I. This meant I had to retake algebra as a sophomore. Summer came and go, with those football practices and bullshit, and before I knew it, September came along. I walk into my 3rd period Algebra I class, I'm...

2 years ago
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Failing to Anita in bed

That night I tried to fuck my sensual wife; but I was too stressed and tired; so, I could not make Ana cum in my dick. I slipped out breathing heavily and worn out…Ana then said she was still horny, because of my poor performance in bed…She finally told me about a black girlfriend at her office that had offered her own home in case Ana would like to fuck another man.My wife was delighted with that proposal and she asked me if I would mind knowing her was being fucked by a black man…Her...

1 year ago
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Failing PE

I remember back in high school.It was a very hot after noon and we had physical education class that time. Our teacher made us play volleyball under the scorching heat. Being the k** who didn't like to run around and sweat all the time, I became the try hard player who kept pushing to catch up with my classmates. Not noticing I was loosing so much water in my body, I fainted from dehydration. The next thing I knew it was already 4 and I was in the school clinic.I tried to get up but the...

4 years ago
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D Returns

Introduction: D is always welcome! D Returns D returned again today and what a lovely day it is and how lovely it turned out . We welcomed D and had him get comfortable. He got nude and immediately shot up his cock. He had already pumped his cock up with his cock pump so it was already larger than normal so once the prostaglandin took effect, it was huge! Not much longer but very big in diameter, at least 2, and with uncircumcised foreskin it appeared even larger . Using the pump pulls more...

3 years ago
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Anish8217s Beginning The School Time Love

Hi, I am Anish, 27 years drugs and diseases free man from Mumbai. I am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net and like to read various experiences. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen. Before I start the story, I would like to tell you all that please feel free to drop in your feedback on my email (). This story is about me and my first girlfriend and how we lost our virginity. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas! I...

2 years ago
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I had turned eighteen and was pretty proud of myself to reach adulthood, except for one minor problem. I was still a virgin! I guess all the video games and other crap I grew up afraid of girls. I am not horrible ugly and I have a nice cock, eight inches and can blow a giant wad across the room with a good heavy load to follow. I just can not close the deal with a girl. I had one girl give me a hand job and I got jizz on her shirt which made her plenty pissed. I finally became so desperate I...

4 years ago
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Wandering MindsChapter 11

Sarah knocked on Seth's door and he answered with a smile. They hugged each other and gave birthday wishes. Then it was time to exchange presents. Sarah gave Seth an MP3 player. Seth gave Sarah a necklace with a jeweled heart, which made Sarah cry, and a gift certificate for Victoria's Secret. "Are you expecting me to model what I buy?" Sarah asked coyly. "Well, I certainly wouldn't object, but we're in college, and I suspect soon some strapping lad is going to catch your fancy. On...

4 years ago
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Nude Beach Adventures 2

Feeling horny I hopped in my car and drove to the better of the local nude beaches, there usually being some easy to find action for a sexy crossdresser like myself.Arriving at my usual spot to get changed and checking there was no one around I got undressed and slipped the days gurly outfit on – Pink and blue choker, bright red lipstick, sun hat, pink sunglasses, bright blue/pink bikini top with a little padding, white long sleeve cardy unbuttoned, pink hair tie as a cock ring and nothing...

4 years ago
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Always and Forever

I'm Courtney Smith. I'm 17 years old and about to graduate from a boarding school in New Jersey. I'm 3/4 black and 1/4 Indian. My hair is naturally wavy but I straighten it and its to the middle of my back. I'm 5'6 and I have 34C breast. My measurements are 34-23-38, so I guess I'm what they would call a pair shape. But its okay, because my boyfriend likes it. My boyfriend's name is Elijah Roberts, Jr. but everyone calls him EJ. We've been together for 8 months. He's 18 and about...

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The Twelve Tables Ch 04

Authors Note: Thank you to those people who sent me such lovely feedback asking for another chapter for this story. Here it is! Thank you again to Jason for running a friendly eye over my work it is much appreciated. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. ~ellie Josh had taken his time over the following day, never demanding too much or pushing her too hard. She, in turn, enjoyed cooking and tidying up their little love nest. She was high on endorphins and love as she stared out of the large glass...

3 years ago
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Coeds Wild AssChapter 3

"What time is it?" Lydia asked sleepily, rolling over on her side and staring into Tom's eyes. He had been running his fingers lightly over her shoulder, tracing the curving outlines of her upper torso while fingering her cunny with his other hand. "Looks like around six," Tom said, reaching over her head and twisting her wrist around to glance at her watch. The information made the young blonde jerk. "My God! Tina's out there and I've got the car!" "Hey, where're you going?"...

2 years ago
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Incest Is Eternal Credits To MyEX

Hello, All, This is Naveen from Vizag and I assume you have read my earlier story which shares my experience with my Cousin sister. If not please read it. Please feel free to reach me with your feedback at I assume I wrote this experience of mine in a long way but I hope you will really enjoy reading real life experiences than someone fantasies. **Ignore grammar, I did not spell check nor proofread the sex story after typing it** Just go with the flow if there were any mistakes. So making a...

1 year ago
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Cock Worshipper Part 3

While this part of my story isn’t all sexual, I didn’t feel it would be right to leave out some details, as looking back it’s all quite funny and makes me smile. I hope it will do the same for you, sirs. So the summer I was 17, the summer before my Senior year in high school, my parents were okay with going on a vacation and letting me stay by myself. You know, I honestly don’t remember where it was they went, but at the time I knew I didn’t care, so long as I got the house to...

4 years ago
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Secrets of The Tea Room Ch 16

I found Jackson in his study waiting for me, ‘Well, Dana, we’re just about finished here. There’s only two more stories I want to tell you. Then if you could put together a hard copy for me by the first of the year I’d be most grateful. Of course, we’ve all grown quite fond of you here at Tanglewood and I want you to feel free to stay here as long as it takes for you to find a new place for yourself.’ I didn’t realize how close we were to finishing the project and the thought of separating...

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Ms Yates Chapters 10 and 11

Ms. Yates A Novel By DreamWeaver Ten The editorial wasn't finished until dawn. And by then it was print- ready. She had made one phone call before she started writing to ask for permission to mention something intensely personal, and permission had been granted. The editors met her in the office before school. "They'll never let you run it," Amanda said. Shawna agreed. The boys were silent. "Are you all with me?" she asked. "Yes," Shawna said. "Of course," Amanda...

3 years ago
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Better Licking Part 1

Oral sex is fine, Chris thinks, as long as he is the one getting. He definitely does not believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive.He's always been that way, even before we were married-even when we were having raucous, no-holds-barred sex (well, obviously, almost no holds barred sex). Chris has always been up (so to speak) for any kind of sex, straight or kinky, except licking my clitoris. In fairness to him, he did sort of try it once or twice, half-heartedly and only for a few...

1 year ago
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BFFs Tia Cyrus Mandy Muse Carolina Cortez Halftime Hoes

Around the time of the big game Tia Cyrus always notices that her boyfriend barely acknowledges her existence. This year things were going to change. Tia enlisted her halftime hoes AKA best friends Mandy Muse and Carolina Cortez to finally take this sunday back for the bad bitches. The girls started by getting into their hottest team gear and huddling their asses into Tias boyfriends face. Then they each took turns sacking his cock orally. Tia?s boyfriend finally rushed each one of their...

4 years ago
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Night out with my friend Wendy

I was very nervous about tonight.I was going out for drinks and a dance with my friend WendyWe have known each other for years, and that is the problem. I know how she loves young black cock, and the place she has picked for us to go is well known for young black cocks looking for white wives to fuck.I dressed as conservative as I could without making me look like a vicars wife. It was hard to hide my large milky breasts out of site, as they look so big on my small frame.I have to wear loose...

2 years ago
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football game

Ugh! I got so drunk during the football game! We watched it at home, my bf, about ten of his male friends and me. My bf made margaritas and kept filling my glass, all his friends were flirting with me and I loved it. I had on my super short and tight cutoff jeans, which look so cute on me, my long pretty legs look so sexy in them, I was barefoot and wearing a cute tight, white, very low cut v-neck t-shirt, no bra, my long hair loose, my lips so red, smiling at all the guys and laughing at their...

4 years ago
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Office wife

Hello friends I am a ISS reader. I read many stories and now I m giving my true experience here. First I have to introduce myself. I am a male from Noida age 32 year well built body (used to go to gym)5 feet 10 inch height fun loving guy .I m running a import export firm in partnership in Noida. In my office there are around 10 person working in which of them 6 are women (because all are married).in our office everybody likes me n there was nothing to say before it happened to me around one...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Karlie Brooks Curious Stepdaughter

Busty coed Karlie Brooks gets caught taking nude selfies in the bathroom by her stepfather Jason. He decides to discipline Karlie to try to teach her a lesson, so he gets her up on her feet so he can spank her naughty ass. Eventually Karlie confesses that she just wants to learn how to please a man, and then asks Jason to help her out. Reaching out to find her stepdad already hard, Karlie knows that she has an in. She pulls his cock out to suck him off while telling him that it’s going to...

2 years ago
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Animal Lust Case HistoriesChapter 2 Animalism For Sale

People who like to believe they are not afflicted with animalism in any degree nevertheless go out of their way to pay to see others engage in it. In some bordellos all over the world "shows" are put on for a price. Here men (and a growing number of women) pay impressive sums of money to see human beings indulge in sex acts with animals. There is a certain bordello in Mexico City that caters almost exclusively to American tourists who want to watch scenes of bestiality. The price is high...

3 years ago
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It all started when I bumped into an old work colleague. She was the most beautiful blonde-haired woman, I had ever seen with a breast size of 36D and she was only twenty. She had beautiful body to go with it and a matching arse, but her best feature was her feet. Her skin was like butter and she had a rose tattoo on her foot. She had the sexiest Russian accent to go with that rocking body; it would get you hard every time she spoke. She was working in a small clothes shop, (it does not matter...

1 year ago
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Aunty Tanya

Hi….so after my 1st and only encounter with my Aunty Tanya some time ago I had longed for another encounter like that. I was constantly masturbating over her. The 1st family get together after our encounter was bit weird and I was nervous as fuck but Tanya acted like nothing which was awesome, I felt relaxed. So a few weeks had pasted and I got a package in the mail. I thought weird cause I haven’t ordered anything online recently. I took it into my room closed the door and opened it. Inside...

4 years ago
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Pine Ridge to Princess

From Pine Ridge to Princess. The afternoon sun shone brightly on the Berghoff, its snow covered peak dazzlingly white against the clear blue sky. The city was almost deserted everyone seemed glued to their TVs or lining the streets from the Palace to the Cathedral for today Prince Boris was to marry and they were to have a new princess who would one day be their queen. A glamorous young woman from the USA, Jessica May Blanchard from Pine Ridge Nebraska known to the whole world as US...

1 year ago
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LA FunChapter 18

Beep, beep, beep, beep. My phone alarm was loud enough to get me going. I was smiling as I did my bathroom stuff and began waking the women. They both wanted to cuddle more, but finally got up, dressed in workout clothing, and went to the basement gym with me. Jules asked, "Can I really go with you next week?" as we set into our pace on the treadmill. I told her, "Dan has to give me the okay, but it's a good idea to have all the ears and eyes I can get. Just do any market stuff you...

4 years ago
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Eva naked in the city 3

Restaurant customers start arriving. Aicha says to me: — You should go back behind the bar. She adds: — Don’t let customers and their wandering hands annoy you. — No, of course. She lowers her voice and adds; — Unless they give you a big tip. A hand on the buttocks for a big tip is what I already practice. I am still troubled by the fact that I am naked but surrounded by dressed people. Especially since my pussy is incredibly sensitive, I must be careful not to graze...

3 years ago
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The Girl With No NameChapter 23 The Nymph

After the celebratory dance had ended and Commander Saupeckt’s troops had the chance to rest, the militia evacuated the camp at daybreak. Danka was amazed by how completely the place had been stripped when she had the chance to see it in the light. She put on her skirt, but her squad leader ordered her to take it off and hand it to another nymph who had, up until that moment, been naked. Danka already had noticed that one of her companions had been wearing nothing but her boots, but didn’t...

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My homegirls man

I have always had an uneventful fantasy life with my female friends' men. I never cross the line and sleep with them, but I always have the lustful eyes roaming over the bodies of my homegirls' dudes. This one I am about to mention is the newest in my fanatasy file. I recently met this chic that moved around the bend from me. She finally got me to come over one night and kick back with her. Her man was supposed to kick it as well, but he remained asleep in the bedroom for a good two hours as...

2 years ago
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Home Tuition Bed Stories Part 8211 3

Hello guys sorry, got late for the story.If you are new to here please read the previous stories to have better understanding.And a big thanks to all who love my stories.Really it matters a lot. Ab tak Phir unhone manju ko video send kiya aaj ki chudai jisme vo toh thi par undono ki shakal blurred thi.Phir usse call kiya…. Next Kunal- kaisa laga video meri jaan mast hai na main soch raha tha agar ye video internet par daaldiya jaye toh bahut se log ko maza aajayega kyu kahti ho.Manju- please...

2 years ago
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Damn CowboysChapter 4

Bull number 190 came in the arena and went ballistic he tried to climb over the bars of the arena. Brad said "He is just scared folks, he is not like this in a pasture or pen. If he was he would not be here." That Bull brought only Forty two hundred. Bull number 201 was led in with only a hay twine around his neck. Bob picked up a mike and asked "Lost your lead rope and halter Jess?" Jess said "Sure have Boss." Bob asked if he had looked in his back pocket. Jess pulled out his lead and...

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