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Some breeds of fish are able to switch gender so that male/female ratios optimal for breeding are maintained. Certain breeds of frog are also able to change gender. Imagine a reality in which humans were endowed with this capability. What would junior high school be like in such a world? The Path of Eve By Carleton Vincent Organ music blared as the processional came up the center aisle of the sanctuary. Father Riggsen led the way, holding the Sacred Tome out before him with deference. Hale Kuller and Banes Fedder followed the priest in their black cinctures, each carrying a candle in a long brass holder. The choir came behind the two acolytes, with their hymnals cradled in their hands. I watched them from under the gray hood of my Commutation robe as they passed our pew. Mom fidgeted nervously beside me. My father's eyes were fixed straight ahead. "If you want to be a man you have to act like a man," he had once told me. "You can't show weakness. When some other guy tries to bully you around, you have to stand up to him. If you act afraid, he'll just mess with you all the more." I had tried to follow my father's mandate. But Jorg Crowley had fists that looked as solid as concrete blocks. If hurled at me, they would shatter bone. I could almost hear the sound of my ribs snapping like dry twigs with the impact. I could feel my jaw crunching. How could I quell the sudden anxiety I felt when he confronted me? Seventh period had just begun. I had finished changing into my gym uniform and was plodding towards the narrow passage that led out of the locker room. Then Crowley stepped directly in front of me. I tried to step around him, but he moved so I couldn't get by. "Pyper," he said, reading the name on my gym shirt with a smirk on his face. "Pyper the Pixie?that's what I'm gonna call you?Pyper the Pixie." I heard laughter among the other boys in the class and my face grew warm. Getting a nickname was not good. Getting a nickname meant you were on the bottom of the pecking order. Last year, Den started calling Richard Trotter "Squirrel" because of his squeaky voice and buckteeth. Rich started going through the change not long afterwards. "Don't call me that," I said. But my voice came out an octave higher than normal, betraying my fear. Crowley's grin widened and there was a dark glint in his mud brown eyes. "You don't like Piper the Pixie?" he said with mock disappointment, "maybe I should call you Skin Piper. Do you like that better?" I felt my face grow even warmer. Please, Jovin," I thought as the locker room echoed with laughter once again. "Please don't let that nickname stick." "Do you play the skin pipe?" he pressed. A beam of light came down from a high window making the iron-haired priest seem to glow with an otherworldly luminance, as he stood in the pulpit. He opened The Holy Tome, knobby knuckled hands flipping to the proper page. "A reading from the Book of Provenance," he announced. "Chapter One; Verse Three." The priest waited as the sound of rustling pages filled the sanctuary. Then, when the members of the congregation had all found the proper page, he cleared his throat and read. "Among those first men created by Jovin were two great princes," he began. It was the story of Adam and Evan. I had heard it many times in Sunday school. Evan and Adam ruled in neighboring kingdoms. When they first met, they became fast friends. But soon, Evan grew envious for Adam was endowed with superior agility and strength and always bested him at games. Learning of this envy, the Archdevil Lucifer took the form of a serpent and waited for Evan in the gardens of Elsuss. "Take the fruit from this tree," the devil bade Evan. "It will give you great power, making you Adam's better." At first, Evan resisted. "Jovin has forbidden us to sup upon the fruit of this grove," he said. "Would you have me betray my master's trust?" But the demon serpent played on Evan's jealousy. "Your master is unjust," he hissed. "You have been as faithful a servant as Adam and yet he has not seen fit to bless you equally. For is not Adam stronger and faster than you? Does he not always best you when you compete?" Poisoned by these words, Evan took the fruit and tasted of it. When Jovin learned of this disobedience he was angered and quickly came to pass judgment. Evan fell to his knees, embarrassed by his rash act. "I have failed you my lord," he wailed. This show of repentance pleased Jovin and so he was lenient. He remade Evan, so that he no longer bore resemblance to Jovin himself but was instead cast in the image of the goddess Maya. "Your lands shall fall under Adam's rule, and you shall serve him as Maya serves me," Jovin declared. "This is your sentence. And if you agree to serve this sentence, giving your faithful service to Adam, he shall treat you tenderly and keep you safe from harm." And so it was as Jovin dictated. From that day forward, Evan was called Eve, and she obeyed Adam who showed her his great love. My grandmother believed that the story of Adam and Evan was literal fact, but most people did not hold to the view that the Sacred Tome should be interpreted in this way. The stories in the Tome were meant to offer us guidance on how to live our lives. They were metaphors and parables. Scientists had offered a more plausible explanation for how humans first developed the ability to switch gender. It was an adaptation that increased the likelihood of survival. They hypothesized that the ability probably first evolved among a group of primitive humans after they had became isolated on an island due to rising sea levels. They could no longer migrate during times of climate change and so evolved the ability to switch gender. Excess males became female when climactic conditions produced a plentiful supply of food. With more females a greater number of mating partners were available, and the tribe could grow large and strong. During the frequent periods of draught that plagued the region, few males changed to female. This provided the tribe with more warriors to secure food from competing tribes. If losses suffered as the result of starvation and/or warfare experienced during the lean periods were great, they could be quickly made up when conditions improved and more males changed to female. This adaptation proved highly beneficial and Homo sapiens mutatio eventually dominated the island. As more time passed, this new species of humans learned to make small boats and spread from the island to the neighboring continent, forcing their cousins, the Homo sapiens sapiens into extinction just as Homo sapiens neanderthalis had been forced into extinction ten thousand or so years earlier. The ability to switch gender was not unique to the human species. Damselfish switched gender to create ratios optimal for breeding. There was also a frog native to the jungles of the Nagani River basin that possessed this ability. Some gender switching species could change back and forth as many times as needed. Humans were not this flexible. Only males of our species changed, and it was only possible for us to change during the onset of puberty. Once a male changed, he could not change back. Status determined who was subject to a gender change. The boys who climbed to the top of the social hierarchy (the alphas) were safe. These were typically the stronger, faster, and more athletic boys?the boys who would have been the superior hunters and warriors during our evolution. Those who were smaller and weaker ended up on the bottom of the social pecking order and were more likely to change. I had not been at the bottom of the pecking order that existed among the boys at Sacred Law Middle School. I had been somewhere in the middle?the bottom middle maybe. This was good enough, though. This would have kept me safe. In our modern world, where food is never scarce, Mother Nature prefers a ratio of fifty-one percent girls to forty-nine percent boys. Currently, there was one-hundred-and-twenty-three girls and one-hundred-and-twenty- seven boys at Sacred Law. This meant that four or five boys would have to change over, depending on whether Mother Nature decided to round up or down while calculating percentages. I would not be one of those five boys as long as I maintained my spot on the hierarchy. And my spot seemed safe because Den Herraksen thought I was cool. He thought that the cartoons I drew during class were funny and even asked me to draw some for him. So I was cool. Sure, I wasn't considered cool enough for him to actually hang out with, but I was cool enough to avoid the change. But then, Crowley transferred to our school. Crowley had taken an instant dislike to me. I did not know why. Perhaps he could sense that I could be intimidated. Perhaps he could smell it on me; the way dogs seem to be able to smell fear. Crowley's dislike of me may not have mattered so much, had he not taken the alpha prime position from Den. He was bigger than Den and more athletic. He was also handsome, and the girls seemed to like him. With the social capital this gave him, he was able to knock me from my spot on the hierarchy. I was now on the very bottom of the bottom. The air of aplomb that I had managed to cultivate under Den's reign as alpha prime was now dispelled. My confidence was shattered, and I knew that I had become vulnerable to the change. The possibility of it loomed before me like a dark doorway. A dark doorway that I was being shoved towards. The thought of being forced past its threshold was horrifying, and I had to find a way to avoid it. I decided to keep a low profile. I tried my best to stay out of Crowley's way and to make myself invisible. If I saw him in the hallway between classes, I made sure his view of me was blocked by other kids. And I made sure that I got to gym class a little later?just before the tardy bell rang?when there was a crowd in the locker room, and he would be less likely to notice me. "He'll forget about me,' I thought. "He'll forget about me and move on to a new target." He didn't forget about me. On a Wednesday, during gym class, he came up behind me and pulled down my shorts just as the girls' gym class was trooping by in their gym skirts. I reached down to pull my shorts back up, but I found I couldn't. Crowley had put his foot on the waistband. My face grew warm once again, as I heard the titter of feminine laughter. Bullies were like vampires, I thought; they gained status by stealing it from someone else. "If a bully thinks that you're ready to fight him, he'll back off," my father once told me. "He doesn't really want to fight. He wants an easy target." That was what I had to do. I had to act like I was ready to fight. I had to look Crowley in the eyes and tell him to back off. My voice could not betray my fear. I had to be cool and in control. Otherwise, I would become a girl. I left my house with my book bag slung over my shoulder and slumped off down the sidewalk to the corner. Leaves were plastered down on the wet cement. My brother Phillip walked several paces ahead of me. There was springy confidence in his stride. My feet felt heavy and uncertain. There was a tightness in my chest, and my head was buzzing as I thought about the day that lay ahead of me. "Jonos, Maya, and Jovin," I prayed. "Give me the strength I need." I did not get a chance to face Crowley that day. I went from class to class taught with tension, like a rubber band wound up tight. I would snap If I wasn't able to unwind soon, but Crowley ignored me. He was apparently not in the mood for bullying. I remained wound up tightly all that evening, wondering when Crowley would confront me. The more time I had to think about it, the more chance there was that I would lose my nerve. Then, on the following day, Crowley and a couple of his buddies came to me when I was at my locker. Finally, the moment was at hand. "Hey Pixie," Crowley greeted. "What you got in there?your faerie wings? Can I see 'em?" "This is it," I told myself. "You have to do it now." I turned to face Crowley, puffing myself up as big as I could. "Don't call me that, Crowley," I said, trying to sound as cool as I could. My eyes did not waver. My voice did not crack. And, still, Crowley responded by slamming his fist into my gut. I fell to my knees, gasping with intense pain. It hurt so bad that I thought something had been ruptured inside me. I was then dragged across the hall into the boys' bathroom. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't summon any resistance, as Crowley pulled me into one of the stalls and viciously plunged my head into a toilet. I heard Crowley push down the lever. I heard the whoosh of the toilet flushing and felt water swirling around my head. "C'mon, stop that crying," my father had chided me. I was six or seven and had been hit by a clutchball. "Crying is for girls. You don't want to be a girl do you?" I tried not to cry as I sat on the bathroom floor, sputtering and coughing with toilet water dripping onto my clothes; but I felt the tears forming in my eyes. I could hear laughter echoing off the walls of the bathroom. Others had gathered around to watch my humiliation. "What's going on in here boys?" I heard someone say. The voice was sharp and authoritative. It was Brother Roby our English teacher, in his black hooded robe. He was a bald man with a toad like face and a round belly. "Pyper here just had an accident is all," I heard Crowley reply with the sound of a smirk in his voice. "Yah," agreed another boy. He was just a bit more respectful in his tone. I looked up blankly at Brother Roby, toilet water dripping off my nose. A small puddle had formed in front of me. Roby quickly sent the other boys down to the office to see the dean. There was a swagger in Crowley's step as he left. He knew he would receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist for this. This was just a case of boys being boys. No one had been hurt, at least not visibly. The damage was only to my sense of self-respect. That had been decimated, but they didn't punish people for that. The following afternoon, Crowley decided to show me that being sent to the principal's office was not going to deter him any. He shoved me in the hallway with enough force to send me sprawling. "This is for the detention I have to serve tonight," he told me. Sharp pain shot through my elbow as it hit tile. My books and papers scattered out around me. The final bell had rung and the halls were jammed with students on their way out the front doors where the busses were waiting for them. My things were tromped on and kicked down the hall. I picked myself up and pushed through the throng, trying to collect my books and papers. At first it was impossible. I was jostled about and, just as I tried to reach for something, someone would kick it away farther. Finally, after the traffic had begun to thin, I managed to get my books and most of my papers, though they now were covered with dirty footprints. I ran huffing out of the front doors just on time to see my bus pulling away. Standing up to Crowley had not worked. It had only made him more determined to push me back into the place he had assigned me. I had heard that it is not possible to pinpoint the exact moment that the change is triggered. But I was pretty sure it was triggered at that moment. As I watched the busses pull away, I felt something. There was a shift in my body, and I was vaguely aware that, suddenly, I felt different. "Will the Commutee and his parents please rise and come to the front of the sanctuary," the priest said. My parents and I stood, my mom tugging at her skirt to smooth it before stepping out of the pew. Careful not to trip over my robe, I followed her into the center aisle. My father followed me, his expression inscrutable. The three of us walked to the railing that wrapped around the dais. I stepped forward and knelt before the railing while my parents stood behind me. I could see Hale and Barnes standing on either side of the priest. There was no betrayal of the friendship they had shared with me in their countenance. Wearing cool and detached expressions, they looked forward at a point down the aisle of the sanctuary. It was just as well, I would not be able to serve as an acolyte with them anymore. Females were not allowed on the dais during religious ceremonies. The first visible signs of the change had appeared about a week after Crowley had made me miss my bus home. I was getting into my gym uniform, feeling slightly nauseous. There was a dull ache in my head, and I felt tired. As I grabbed my gym shirt to pull it on, I noticed that Col Staley was peering oddly at me. "You've got Eve's Mark!" he declared, gesturing at a faint brown stripe that ran down the length of my belly. I knew what the mark signified. I'd learned all about it in seventh grade health class. It was the first sign of the change. I looked at the brown stripe for several moments, trying to absorb the reality of its presence. When had it appeared? I had not seen it that morning. I pulled on my shirt and fled the locker room. In a way, I was relieved. Relieved that this was finally over with. The game as it had been set up was not winnable. Now, I would not be expected to play it any longer. "Do you, Bronson Pyper, vow before Jovin to walk the path of eve?" the priest asked me from the other side of the railing. This part of the ceremony was called The Interrogation. The priest held up the triangle of law to remind me that I was bound to answer truthfully. Once again he was standing in a shaft of light. The golden plating on the triangle glinted brightly. "I do," I croaked from under my hood. I didn't know if that was truth or not. I only knew that there was no other reply possible. During the first month, the changes progressed at a snail's pace. Most people weren't aware of the changes, because there was not a perceptible difference from day to day. But things picked up momentum during the sixth week. An incredible process was occurring in which the multiple systems of a complex organism were altering themselves dramatically to reflect the function of a new gender. The miraculous nature of this transformation was lost on me, however. I only grimaced, as I watched the quickening progression of the change. "Do you vow to accept Jovin's plan for you, embracing the role of dutiful daughter unto him, the father of all things?" "I do." The priest's questions went on. How many more were posed to me, I wasn't sure. My mind began to fade out. I just listened to his voice, droning on, without really hearing the words. Each time he paused and looked at me expectantly, I gave him an, "I do." The final question was directed to my parents. Father Riggsen asked them if they would vow to assist me in remaining true to all that was expected of me in my new role. They, of course, responded that they would. The priest then handed the triangle to Hale, and Hale gave him a golden gavel in return. The priest held it up to the statue of Jovin and declared that I was now, by Jovin's sage providence, a female in the eyes of the church. I was then prompted to shed my robe. I pulled back the hood, revealing my golden brown hair, which had been allowed to grow out and now covered my ears. I then opened the robe, shrugged it off and handed it to my mother. I was wearing a white dress underneath. I had shot up an inch or so during the first phase of my change, stretching out and acquiring a willowy appearance. The dress accentuated this. The short and slightly puffed sleeves showed slender arms that were void of muscle tone. The scooping collar, made my neck look longer. The snug fitting bodice contrasted against blossoming skirts and made my torso look even more delicate. Then there was the lace on the dress. The effect of all this was that I looked fragile like an antique china plate. I did not like the way this made me feel. "I present to you, Bronwyn Pyper," the priest said to the congregation. On Monday morning, I left the house with my brother Phillip and followed him down the sidewalk to the corner where we caught our bus. I was tutored at home during my three-month transformation, as was customary. This would be the first day that my classmates would see me as a girl. My stomach was churning wildly, whether from the surges of hormones that were not yet through with me or from panic about going back to school, I could not fathom. I was wearing a long, navy blue coat to keep out the damp chill. The weatherman on the morning news had said that the fog would break by late morning and the sun would come out. It would turn into a beautiful spring day. Therefore, my mom gave me socks to wear. I would be too warm if I wore tights, she decided. I wished that coping with my first day back to school were as simple as deciding whether to wear tights or socks. The socks were bright white and my skirt was green plaid. It was the uniform that girls at Sacred Law wore?a green plaid skirt, white shirt, and green sweater. It was strange waiting at the bus stop in that uniform, feeling the damp chilly air on my legs. I didn't like the feel of the bra on me. It felt strange having straps across my back and over my shoulders, like I was in some kind of nylon harness. I supposed I would get used to all of this eventually. I supposed that no one was offering me another choice. After what seemed like an eternity of standing there at the stop, flashing yellow lights showed through the fog. A moment later, the bus emerged from the gray shroud, its breaks squealing as it came to a stop. When the door folded open, I boarded with the others. My churning stomach protested each rut in the road and pothole the bus' tires found, and they found quite a few. I caught looks from the other kids on the bus. Some were just curious. Some where amused. I wondered what Crowley would do when he saw me. This was the pinnacle of achievement in bullying?to bully a boy into changing. It was like making a three point shot in clutch ball. Or like breaking the school record in the fifty-meter dash. Surely, he would want to celebrate by subjecting me to some new form of humiliation. Maybe he'd want to pull up my skirt and get a look at my panties. Maybe he'd want to snap my bra strap. When the bus pulled into the circle drive in front of the school, I got up and filed off with the rest of the students. I walked up the steps in front of the school and pushed through heavy glass doors. Stone statues of the Archangels Fabius and Androniel stood on either side of the entranceway. I wished that they could indeed be with me. I didn't have to wait long for a confrontation with Crowley. I was at my locker, getting my books for my first class when he approached me. There was a leer on his broad face and a wicked gleam in his muddy brown eyes. He was flanked by two of his buddies. Den was nearby, too. "What a pretty little girl you make, Pyper," Crowley said sneering. He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. I just looked at him, my heart pounding. He reached down and tugged at the hem of my skirt. I pressed my hands onto it to keep him from pulling it up. "Move your hands," Crowley said, "We want to see what you got in your panties." "J?just leave me alone," I said. Crowley's buddies chortled. "Just leave me alone," Crowley mocked. By this time, a small crowd had gathered around us. There were more people present to witness my humiliation. It would be all over school that Crowley had pulled up my skirt, yanked down my panties and shown my new snatch to everyone present. Then out of the crowd, I heard a someone say, "Why don't you leave her alone, Jorg." It was Den. "Huh?" Crowley said, craning his neck to look at him. "I said: why don't you leave her alone? Or do you like picking on girls?" Crowley turned towards Den, glaring at him. Den stared back, a confident smile on his face. "The boys in this school getting too tough for you, Crowley?" he asked. Den knew that he could not lose in this situation. If Crowley clobbered him, he would be the one to lose face and not Den. Den was doing the honorable thing. He was defending a girl. Clobbering someone for defending a girl didn't make you very popular. Then again, Den had thrown down a challenge. Walking away from a challenge also resulted in a loss of face. So Crowley lost either way. Not knowing what else to do, Crowley continued to glare at Den while puffing himself up like a guvo lizard engaged in a male dominance struggle. Maybe he thought that this display would stop him from losing face. It just made him look like a bigger ass. He stalked off, and, just like that, Den was the alpha prime again. "Thanks," I told him earnestly. He responded with a nod. Then he walked on past me to his first class. Crowley never bothered me after that. He hardly said a word to me, in fact. I was pretty and came from a wealthy family, which helped me to make my way up the social ladder. Eventually, I gained greater popularity than I had ever enjoyed as a boy. Crowley, on the other hand, had lost status. After his little showdown with Den, people thought he was a bit too much of a Neanderthal. The aggressive bullying that had helped him earn status was suddenly working against him. He couldn't hope to get a girl like me to talk to him.

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 22 Adams and Eve

November 4, 1995, Colerain Township, Ohio “I get the sense you’re having second thoughts,” Eve said. “And third and fourth thoughts,” I added with a smile. “But that’s normal for me and a new girl.” “May I ask why?” “You obviously know I’ve been with quite a few women. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that successful dalliances, as my wives and I call them, require my partner to have a certain frame of mind. What I don’t want is serious regret, or, perhaps more dangerous, them...

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The Creation of Eve

The Creation of Eve By Mistress Christine Stephanie Charlemagne This is the story of how an adult man became a teenage girl instantly. This is the story of how a woman gained a daughter and a spokesmodel for her scientific research all in one. This is the story of how a man's natural tendencies can be subverted to do a woman's will. This is a story of how the holy grail - the fountain of youth - was found. This is the story of how Evelyn Hargrove turned Mark Forrest into...

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Tempted by Eve

Eve smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Her chocolate eyes had darkened a little with nerves but brightened as her teeth showed in her red lipstick smile. With a slender hand, she tousled her hair and let her curls hang with a bounce before tugging on a red hat and wrapping a scarf around her neck. Her bust was noticeable beneath her boat necked plum jumper, and her petite build was complimented with jeans that showed the curve of her hips and buttocks. She tucked the lace of her black...

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Sociopath versus Psychopath

My name is Jefferson Anders. I’m a Sex Therapist living in the Washington D.C. Area. Anyone looking at me would see a tall, good-looking black man in his early forties. I’m a graduate of the Mount Washington Institute of Technology. Ah, my college days were fun. For years, I operated in the Boston area, in the state of Massachusetts, but I just had to come back to Washington. Boston was boring. The city totally sucked. Too many pseudo-intellectuals. Not enough real people. Few real challenges....

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My Love Life Chapter 4 Jude and Eve

Chapter 4 Jude and Eve After I broke up with Dottie, then Carrie, then Janice, I found a couple of great strippers Jude and Eve. I often went with the guys to a strip club to drown my sorrows and watch a great show. There were two gals that were strippers that worked at a club just a little bit down Main street. Jude was long and lanky, with beautiful mid-sized titties. She had beautiful dirty blonde hair. Eve was a slender and dark girl with dark hair. It looked like she grew up on...

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Gentle Robert Becomes A New Eve

Gentle Robert becomes a New Eve By Kresha Matay My parents died in an automobile accident shortly after I was born. The probate court decided that I was to be raised by my mother's younger sister, my Aunt Lilly, in accordance with my parent's will. My Aunt, barely an adult herself, just twenty-one years old, was my only living relative. Little did the court realize that Aunt Lilly unfortunately lacked the necessary knowledge, experience and most importantly, attitude to raise me...

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New Years Eve

A Owen and Eve short storyStory tags: M/F, Adultery, consensual, 10 am, December 31stEve finishes packing an overnight bag with everything that she needs for the night. Including a surprise for Owen. She had picked up a silky blue coloured teddy with matching thong, along with other fun stuff. 11 am, December 31stOwen has finished packing an overnight bag for himself, then packs a bag with food, booze and pot, and heads out the door to where he will be house sitting for new years while his wife...

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The Dawn of a New Eve

Let me tell you about the fascinating woman I met at the dog park the other day. She was sitting on a bench under an oak tree. Our dogs became fast friends and as they tore around the park chasing each other, I sat next to her. The first thing I noticed she was wearing the flag of a person who is receiving chemo, of course I mean the bandanna tied around her head. We talked about dogs and dog parks while we watched our pets. Her dog would play with mine, then suddenly stop, and come to her...

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My Sister Eve

Two years younger than me, she always wanted me to take her out on the lake in our small rowboat. I actually thought about taking her out there and leaving her on the lake, swimming back, it irritated me so much. I hated her always hanging around. That is until one day, I really began to love it. It was hot; the air in the low mountains didn't get as cool at night in the higher elevations. The lake was large. I couldn't even see one end of it from the other. I wasn't having one hell...

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Hungry For Eve

Foreword: This is the first story that I have written by request, and it is partly a collaboration with her. I normally give permission for operators of erotic story web sites to redistribute my stories. However, because this is a collaboration, we ask that you get permission from both of us before posting our story. Authorship for this story belongs to both Hungry Guy and Eve (who has requested to be anonymous). Thanks. I had been lurking in the alt.torture newsgroup for years. I had always...

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New Years Eve

When one of my wife’s girlfriends invited us to a ‘Swinging New Year’s Eve Party’ my wife was simply thrilled and accepted her kind invitation immediately. We hadn’t been out on a New Year’s Eve in many years. However with both of our children in college, why not. She was excited about that party for a week. Of course all she could think about was Christmas before that but as soon as that was over all of her concentration was on that ‘Swinging New Year’s Eve Party.’ She made an...

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A Special Christmas Eve

After such a wonderful first-time bisexual experience with our new close friends Dan & Anna, we arrived home all aglow with our new-found sense of love & understanding. We got some supper & headed up to our room. “ Oh baby, you looked so sexy with Dan's big thick cock in your mouth! The way you were sucking it, you looked like you were really enjoying having a man's big cock to suck on finally?” “ Yeah, I guess you got me on that one. I love how his dick is a bit more...

1 year ago
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Spontaneous Surprise EVE

“Wow, she was right. You do have the sweetest cum” Eve said as she gathered her things. “She talks to you about me as well?” I asked. “Oh, yes. She loves to discuss the guys we have both been able to experience. Another week had flown by at work and still no response from my little cum slut. No answer to my text or any phone calls. At this point, I assumed the worst and tried to put her out of my mind. This was really hard to do. There are so many memories of her expanding my sexual horizons...

5 years ago
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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Crossroads

Introduction The start of a journey in the mind to a point of divergence where the reader will be free to chose down which path he or she wishes to continue. But there is more to it for there are two themes at work in this story. The obvious one being the story dividing into five different stories giving the reader a chance to decide how the story is to continue. The second theme has its root in ancient cultures where it is believed that a divine force/deity will led/guide a person...

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Of Paths To Take The Path Back Home

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path Back Home By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...

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Young Lactating Wife is Impregnated by Hubbys Bosses on New Years Eve

Kevin’s StoryIt’s hard to deny that wealthy and powerful men get their way in this world, and I found that out the hard way from my bosses on New Year’s Eve. But before I get to that, I need to explain how my wife, Olivia, and I ended up in that situation. Then, she will fill you in on what happened to her.My name is Kevin, and after earning my bachelor’s degree in marketing, with an emphasis on advertising, I ended up with and entry level job at a medium-sized marketing and advertising firm in...

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The night I met Eve

Another true story from my past. Soon after I got out of college, the economy was bad and I was working part time. There was a bar in town where I would hang out with friends. It was more of a beer joint than a bar actually, with bar stools, tables and chairs, pool tables, juke box, kind of a dingy, run down place, but usually a fun crowd and it was run by a guy I knew. I was there one night shooting pool and drinking beer when a woman who hung around there a lot, I’ll call her Cindy,...

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The night I met Eve

Another true story from my past.Soon after I got out of college, the economy was bad and I was working part time. There was a bar in town where I would hang out with friends. It was more of a beer joint than a bar actually, with bar stools, tables and chairs, pool tables, juke box; kind of a dingy, run down place, but usually a fun crowd and it was run by a guy I knew. I was there one night shooting pool and drinking beer when a woman who hung around there a lot, I'll call her Cindy, approached...

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Patriarch Paradise 1 Eve

Private Paradise with six sexy fine females found in India, intimately initiating five tasty teens.Probably the prettiest pervert period of my mighty long love life I experienced in Southern India.Plucked five fine fresh flowers to build my most beautiful bouquet of pink pretty tulip love lips.Philosopher Peter Poet meets Eve and her dear daughters and his meat meets all their cute cunnies.At age thirty-two, thirty-two years back, I travelled overland with a friend from Amsterdam to India.As a...

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A French Maid On Duty At New Years Eve

Hi! This is my second story on this site... in my first story, I told youabout my first experiences as a submissive french maid... a maid who wantsto do anything to please her master (I suggest to read that story first!).Being a maid, serving my master... That's what I like to do. Now this storyis more recent... it's about what happend on December 31 2004... on new yearseve! Some exciting things happened... I spend new years eve with a good friend of mine, and his girlfriend. I metthem years...

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Christmas Eve

THE PRIMING "What a mess!" Rhonda looked around and slowly shook her head. She could only blame herself. She was standing in the break room of the credit union of which she was manager. As a little Christmas Eve gift for all her employees she had volunteered to be the one who stayed late to do the final cleanup before she left for home. It was a little after four in the afternoon and she had plans for later in the evening. She had assumed that it would take only minutes to clean up after...

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HaremChapter 6 New Years EVE

I was attending a New Years Eve Party set up by a company for their employees. As a stockholder I had been invited. The party was boring and most of the people attending were either trying to get something from you or desperately trying to kiss up or make up for short comings in the past year. I saw her the first time just a few minutes before the count down to the New Year. She had a look about her, a European/Asian face, slim but not skinny body, jet-black hair that was braided into one...

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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Mall

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Mall By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over...

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Coffee Dickens and Christmas Eve

He’d been here for nearly two hours, and his cup had been empty for just about the same amount of time. Lucy watched him from behind the counter, wondering if he’d ever feel her gaze and look up to meet it. So far, he hadn’t. His eyes stayed focused on his book, and he’d been turning pages pretty consistently since she’d been staring. Normally, she wouldn’t just stand back and watch the patrons, but tonight was slow. Rosalia wasn’t much entertainment either. She stayed by the drive through...

College Sex
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Innocent Wife on New Years Eve

The year was 1988. My name is Luke. At the time, my wife, Maddison (Maddie to her friends) and I were both 20 years old. I was active duty in the Marine Corps and we were stationed in California where we lived in an apartment off-base.Please note, this is not one of those typical hot-wife stories where I share the knowledge that I have always fantasied about watching my wife with other men. That wasn't the case with me.Additionally, it is not the beginning of a journey to slut-hood for my wife....

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Friends New Years Eve

Friends: Deleted Scenes - The New Year's Eve After-party PartyThe New Year's Eve party had ended a short while before, and already all the guests had left, including Ross and Phoebe. Chandler and Joey sat at the kitchen table as Monica cleaned up the apartment."This New Year's Eve SUCKED!" Rachel complained as she sat on the couch. Everyone mumbled their agreement as she continued. "I was going to spend a romantic evening with Paolo, making love to him... and the asshole didn't even show...

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve By Cheryl Lynn This is a short humiliation story and is a figment of my imagination. It continues the adventures of Harold from my "All Hallows Eve" story but is pretty much a stand alone story. It may be downloaded for personal use only and no other use is authorized unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are welcome however; if you do not like forced feminization do not read or comment. [email protected] Christmas Eve Harold sat slumped over...

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Christmas Eve

I was driving home Christmas Eve last year, it was late, a crowd of us from the office had been out drinking and partying. The trouble was I was one of the designated drivers, I drew one of the short straws, literally, and so I had to watch everyone else get legless, and various single and married colleagues paired off for that annual event the 'Christmas Party No Strings Fuck'. How some of them managed to even get as far as the bedroom or the car park in the case of the married ones,...

3 years ago
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What a Christmas Eve

I was not in the best of moods. My live in girl of 5 years was at her parents. On Christmas-friggen-eve. And I was alone just like the last 5 years. The argument was the same as every other year. I usually start it, as she is getting ready to leave. "Why do you have to go?" "Because I always spend Christmas eve with my mom and dad. You know that." "We should be together on Christmas." "I'll be back late tomorrow and we can spend Christmas night together." "Why don't I just come...

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Christmas Eve

“Fucking hell! Why the frigging fuck am I in this fuckin’ office on Christmas Eve! There’s nobody else here! It’s like a bleedin’ ghost town! What the fuckin’ bleeding, bloody hell am I meant to do when Governance aren’t here to release the code and QA haven’t checked it anyway!” He was distinctly unhappy. The whole project had been a disastrous maladministered heap of mis-managed poor design as far as he was concerned; he was grateful to be just one of the developers (even though he was...

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New Years Eve

Copyright My sister and I were always close. When we were kids, we looked out for each other. As adults, we have not lived near one another, but we remain close. Our childhood was one of few material goods and much turmoil. After our father abandoned us to run off with a young girl, mother had a constant stream of lowlife sharing her life. So it was up to my sister Ann and I to take care of one another. Now, 20 years later, I found myself staying at my sister's place over the holidays. Her...

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CorruptionChapter 16 New Years Eve

Al had been faced with a tough decision, when Caleb became his host. Despite the fact that Caleb hadn't been aware of what he was agreeing to, when he accepted Al as a Companion, the human did become Al's host. He held Al's allegiance. That loyalty had driven the decision to hold back the information about the coming apocalypse for the human species. A single Companion, and a single unimportant human, couldn't change the fact that aliens would come with the goal of retribution. Al...

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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Right

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Right By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...

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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Left

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Left By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...

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Of Paths To Take The Path Ahead

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path Ahead By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over all...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 35 The Holiday Stories Happy New Yearrsquos Eve

The band and I arrived at the Club and I was pleased to see that everything was already set up. Yes, I felt a little guilty too, since I’d spent the previous day in bed hungover. We went to the green room and put on our Father Time beards and robes, finishing off the costumes by putting on a sash that had the old year printed on the front, then we walked down to the stage for our sound check. When the band was ready, I checked the sound guy and the bartenders and servers, and they gave me...

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All Hallows Eve

This is my entry in the 2012 Halloween Contest. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please take a moment to vote for it (just once, thanks!) Comments are appreciated. ~ ~ ~ Chapter 1 John lived for one purpose. To love his wife Jill, passionately, without reserve. He placed his arm around her waist from behind, softly caressing her hips. His wife never failed to turn him on, even when she was preparing their evening meal. She smiled back at him, ‘After dinner, darling. We can have another...

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Jock TalesJR YearChristmas Eve

Jock Tales—Jr YR—Christmas Eve After Thanksgiving went kinda slow, not much happening—at least not much in the getting my dick sucked category. I sneaked over to moms house a week later, and put the lights up on the house, then went and got a tree and dragged it inside. I went back Christmas Eve, and playing Santa Clause, after Jennie called to report Dustin had finally gone to bed. I got him the most awesome BMX mountain bike, all aluminum—he became the envy of the whole neighbor hood. It was...

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Becoming a Cuckold on New Years Eve

The sexual revolution in the Western world from the 1960s to the 1980s was a time of amazing transition. Our society was becoming increasingly accepting of sex outside of traditional heterosexual, monogamous relationships. Sex outside of marriage and homosexuality, as well as other alternative forms of sexuality, were much less taboo. The development of birth control pills also helped to make non-spousal sex more enjoyable.My name is Kendra, and I live in the Atlanta area and graduated from...

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New Years Eve

Hi All hope everyone had a great New Years Eve. My date Robert (a few stories posted about him) picked me up. I opened the door and he just said WOW you look amazing. I was wearing my new black lace trim party dress, black stockings with bows up along he seams, red high waist 6 strap garter belt, black lace panties, my new falsies under a black satin lace trim push-up bra, red heels (went well with the thick red leather belt around my waist.) Wore my shoulder length black wig that framed my...

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Christmas Eve

I guess my problem started during Christmas vaca- tion when I was 18. My parents were on a two week second honeymoon in France, and my Aunt Jill had agreed to take care of our rather large house and of me. Jill, who was 28 at the time, was still recovering from the shock of losing her husband in an automobile accident, so I was skeptical about my chances of having a merry Christmas in the midst of so much gloom. To my great surprise, though, Jill's spirits were high, and the two days before...

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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Chapter 5 Conquering Christmas Eve

I woke up the next morning on Christmas Eve smelling like cream soap and Rick’s musk. We spent the evening before in the shower trying to clean various forms of sugar, syrup and other stickiness off each other, but there was no hot water heater big enough in the world that could accommodate the kind of good, clean fun we had gotten ourselves into. I lay in bed half awake and half dreaming about the way Rick’s hands glided all over the contours of my body with his wet, slippery, soapy hands. I...

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My Friend8217s Wife On Christmas Eve

Hello Friends, I am 31 years old my name is Rohan I am 5’5 in height slim guy 55 in weight fair black hair. After reading so many nice stories I thought of writing my incident too which happened on 24th December Christmas Eve. I am very close to all my friends we decided to go to Lonavla for Christmas Eve all friends.The plan was made we left on 24th morning by car we all stay in Mumbai we had one Innova.We were 5 of us two couples and me single.I loved my friends wife a lot cause she is very...

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