Yearbook 2005–n/c free porn video

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*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Ch 1

In the St. Thomas Aquinas yearbook of the 2004-2005 school years, the thin volume held the usual groupings. The graduating class of 2005, followed by the various seniors that won various awards, such as ‘Best Christian Example,’ (Elise Simone) and ‘Friendliest,’ (Rayne Sneed) and so forth. Then there are the other classes, the faculty, the intramural sports and extra curricular clubs. The rear of the book is filled with various groupings highlighting various activities, highlights of day to day life at St. Thomas Aquinas.

Bernie Melancon’s shy smile and David Melancon’s sullen scowl were one of the four photographs on the page titled ‘New Friends.’ Richard Boudreaux had been standing next to Bernie, part of the reason for her shy smile, when the photograph had been taken, but he was cropped out, only his forearm visible. He was not a ‘new Friend’ at St. Thomas Aquinas.

Bernadette ‘Bernie’ has short red hair, very thick and very tightly coiled. Even though the photograph is black and white, there is no mistaking the fact that her hair is a carrot orange in color. Her hazel eyes are large and expressive, and her nose a snub little Bulb above thin lips and a receding chin.

She stood at four foot eleven (she swore she was five feet tall) and sported a thirty four C chest, which looked substantially larger on such a small frame, a twenty five inch waist, and thirty inch hips.

A few of the boys asked the new girl out, but the eighteen year old had eyes for only one boy in the Senior Class, the eighteen year old Richard Boudreaux. Besides, she noticed, that when the boys asked her out, their eyes never went above her chest.


‘Ah come on, boy, Aunt Maggie’ll pay you for it,’ his dad had said, growing irritated with his sullen son. ‘And what you got better to do anyway? Hanging out with Mike and what’s that little loser’s name, Jack?’

‘And Bernie will be right there, she’ll probably do most of the work anyway,’ Beth had said, knowing little smirk on her lips.

‘Yay, whoopee,’ Richard had sullenly muttered.

He remembered Bernadette Melancon from the wedding when dad and Beth got married, she had been a scrawny ugly little fourteen year old red head that followed him everywhere at the reception, wanting to dance, wanting to eat, wanting to have his attention.

Beth and Aunt Maggie and Uncle Joe had thought it was so cute, ‘Puppy Love,’ they kept calling it.

Then his mother had moved to Houston, Texas and he very rarely got to see his dad or Beth or his new Aunt and Uncle and their seven children.

Two years later, his mother, fighting a losing battle with clinical depression and chemical addiction finally succumbed to the disease and slashed her wrists. Her latest boyfriend found her lifeless body in the bathtub, sparing Richard that horrific ordeal.

Richard moved back to Bender, Louisiana, moved in with Dad and Beth. They tried to help him, but he withdrew from them and from anyone else that tried to reach out to him.

At St. Thomas Aquinas, a welcome change from the hostile public school of Houston, he gravitated toward Jack Vogel, whose own father had committed suicide, and Mike Chamblee, another boy that felt like no one understood, or cared about him.

At least Bernie wasn’t there, stuck up his butt the whole time. Uncle Joe had moved Maggie, Bernadette, and the other six Melancon brats nearly one thousand miles away to Atlanta, Georgia.

‘Good riddance,’ Richard thought, smirking to himself.

Bernadette and her six brothers and sisters were brats, noisy and irritating brats as far as Richard was concerned. The whole world was full of brats and people that deserved to hurt as much as he was hurting.

Whenever Joe and Maggie and the Melancon clan trekked the one thousand mile drive for holidays or summer breaks, Richard made sure he was anywhere else but home.

‘Hey, don’t you need like, gas money, or insurance money for that car I bought you?’ Beth snapped, also tiring of Richard’s sullen behavior.

‘Yeah, fine,’ Richard snapped and slammed his way out of the house.

Maggie and the kids had moved back to Bender two weeks ago, when Uncle Joe had come home and announced to the submissive, docile Maggie that ‘he’d found the love of his life’ and was leaving them for his twenty two year old secretary.

Georgia is a ‘No Fault’ state so the meek Maggie would not be awarded alimony of any sort. They’d not been able to afford a home big enough for all of their children and themselves, so they were still renting. The remainder of the marital assets was split up easily enough, Maggie got the large van and Joe ran out and bought a brand new Lexus for himself.

Child support, however, was a non-negotiable expense and Joe was stunned to find out just how much he would be paying for several more years.

His girlfriend, once she deduced how little of his meager income would be left after child support, saw that she would be expected to help out with the household expenses and ‘fell out of love’ with Joe Melancon.

In a rare moment of strength and fortitude, Maggie Melancon told Joe she wished him well, but he would not be living with her and her children. She packed the children into the van, hooked up a trailer to the vehicle, and carted them back to Bender, leaving Joe to fend for himself.

That sort of determination was rare indeed for Maggie Melancon and even Richard had to nod his head in admiration of her for standing up for her and her children.

{‘How many Maggies does it take to change a light bulb?’ his dad would joke.

‘How many?’ Richard would ask, Beth wouldn’t ask, she’d just glare daggers at the two of them.

‘Oh no, don’t bother, really, I don’t mind, it’s all right, we can just sit her in the dark, really, it’s no trouble, I wouldn’t want you to put yourself out,’ his dad would answer and they would laugh.

‘Y’all aren’t funny, you know that?’ Beth would hiss at the two of them.}

All of Joe’s e-mails were deleted, his phone messages erased, and, on the rare occasions that Maggie would answer the constantly ringing telephone, she’d tell him she wished him all the happiness in the world, but she wasn’t coming back and he wasn’t welcome there.

‘Plus that,’ Beth said. ‘Bernie’s quite the cutie-pie.’

Richard groaned, Beth’s idea of ‘cute’ left a lot to be desired. And of course she would think her own niece was cute.

‘And she’s still carrying a torch for you,’ Dad said, smirking.

He cranked up Rage against the Machine’s Bulls on Parade, knowing that Beth really hated the way his subwoofer shook and rattled the windows, then drove away. She would tell him it sounded like that gang down the street, the Angels 270.

Dad and Beth thought it was so cute, an ugly little bitch having the hots for him.

‘Wonder how fucking cute they’d think it was if they came in and caught me jamming the stupid cunt ups her ass?’ Richard muttered to himself as he drove to the address Beth had given him.

He had a bit of an anal fetish, searched for pictures and mpeg clips on the internet all the time. He’d even taken Gretchen Dunbar out on a date, she was easy enough, fucking anyone who asked, but she balked at anal sex.

‘No, that shit fucking hurts,’ she said. ‘Why we can’t just fuck, huh?’

”Cause I got to look at your fucking ugly face when we just fuck,’ Richard had spat at her. ‘Least if I fuck your fat ass, I ain’t got to see your face looking at me.’

‘What the fuck ever, ass hole, just takes me home, huh?’ she demanded.

She told everyone at school about his ‘weird’ desire and very few girls would accept dates with him, most of them wouldn’t even talk to him.

He rolled his eyes, h
e could hear the cacophony as he walked up the steps to the front door. He had to knock twice, the second time almost pounding his fist on the door before it was yanked open.

He looked at a somewhat homely girl, about his age, sporting a really nice set of boobs in a snug tee shirt. He’d do her. He just wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he’d do her.

‘Mom!’ the girl screamed out. ‘Richard’s here!’

‘Okay, I won’t be long, we’re just going out to that new casino, y’all behave yourselves, y’all pay attention to Richard, I better not hear that y’all was bad or you’ll really get it when I get home, my goodness, Richard, you’ve really grown! You’re eighteen, right? My God, you’re just as handsome as your father, oh you’re going to be quite the heartbreaker, come give me a kiss, Philip I’m talking to you, come give Momma a kiss, y’all behave, you hear me, we’ll probably be back about eleven, no later than eleven thirty, okay, your dad said you can sleep on the couch if you’re tired before I get back, love you, it’s so good to see you again, bye,’ and the short red headed woman left a cloud of her overly done perfume and was gone.

True to Beth’s prediction, Bernadette did do most of the work, Richard just provided the muscle to back up her demands.

‘Aw, why I got to take a bath?’ five year old Philip whined.

‘Yeah, huh?’ his twin sister, Phyllis joined in.

”Cause neither one of you knows how to wipe your butts and you stink,’ Richard said, which sparked loud raucous laughter out of all of them.

‘Yeah, come on, stinky butts, bath time,’ Bernadette ordered and marched the children up the stairs.

‘I’m going to be taller than you,’ David, the sixteen year old, challenged.

‘Uh huh, and I care why?’ Richard shrugged.

‘Okay, David, Bee, Tammy, Patty,’ Bernadette barked, clapping her hands to get their attention.

‘Don’t call me that!’ Patrick screamed.

‘Whatever, Patricia,’ David sneered.

‘See? See?’ Patrick screamed.

‘Sorry, Patrick,’ Bernadette said. ‘Come on, dinner.’

Dinner was hot dogs, chili, and macaroni and cheese and Bernadette was an expert at separating the portions so that each child got the right amount and no one child seemed to get more than any other child.

‘You want some?’ Bernadette asked, already fixing Richard a plate.

‘Um, yeah, sure,’ Richard agreed.

‘Okay, what you want to drink?’ she asked, swinging open the refrigerator door.

Richard looked at her round little bottom in her cut off jeans.

‘We got strawberry, orange, this stupid grape stuff…’ Bernadette itemized.

‘Hey, I like that grape stuff!’ Patrick screeched.

‘You want some?’ Bernadette asked him.

‘Yes ma’am,’ he said, prompting David to comment about what a sissy Patty was.

‘Shut up,’ Richard ordered.

‘I want some grape stuff too,’ Bee demanded.

‘Orange for me,’ David demanded.

‘Orange for me, what?’ Bernadette prompted.

‘Please,’ David said, and then paused for a long moment. ‘Fart face.’

‘Uh huh, now you get nothing,’ Bernadette said, serving the others their drinks.

‘I’m bigger than you,’ David threatened.

‘And I’m bigger than you,’ Richard threatened back.

‘Not for long,’ David shot back.

‘Then I guess I better kill you now so you don’t get bigger than me, huh?’ Richard said.

‘Richard, that’s not nice,’ Bernadette chided him lightly, touching his arm to let him know she wasn’t really angry with him.

Richard scowled into her large hazel eyes. Her eyes held him for a long moment and he finally looked away.

‘Now, what you want to drink?’ she asked him. ‘Orange, grape, strawberry?’

Then she mouthed the word ‘beer’ and he smiled and nodded his head yes.

‘Oh damn it!’ she shrieked. ‘Forgot about Philip and Phyllis!’

She dashed out of the kitchen-dining area and Richard heard her feet as she ran up the stairs.

‘Hey,’ Bee whispered to Richard.

‘What?’ he snapped.

‘Bernie likes you,’ Bee said, prompting giggles from herself, Tammy and Patrick.

‘Yeah?’ Richard said. ‘And?’

‘What is going on in here?’ he heard Bernadette demand. ‘The soap isn’t even wet!’

‘Do you like her?’ Tammy prodded.

‘Um, I don’t remember that being any of your business,’ Richard said, prompting more squeals and shrieks from the three younger children.

‘I swear to Jesus, y’all better get busy or you’ll be seeing Him real soon,’ he heard Bernadette yell.

‘She says that all the time,’ Patrick confided to Richard.

‘Yeah, but she don’t mean it,’ Tammy assured him.

‘And?’ Richard said again.

‘Richard!’ Bernadette yelled out and he got to his feet.

‘Yeah?’ he called back.

‘Need an extra hand,’ she called out.

‘Just fucking great,’ he muttered, earning gasps from Bee, Tammy, and Patrick.

Richard roughly dried an uncooperative Philip while Bernadette dried a docile Phyllis. Then they helped the twins into their pajamas.

‘Now, who’s hungry?’ Bernadette asked the two and herded them out of the disaster area.

‘I’ll get that,’ Bernadette hastened as Richard began to mop up the massive amount of water the twins had splashed onto the floor.

‘Fine,’ Richard sullenly said.

‘I mean, I do appreciate it, but I can do it,’ Bernadette hastened to placate his feelings.

‘Whatever,’ he said and stomped back down the stairs.

Typical. Even when he tried to help, tried to be a part of the team, he was pushed away.

Ch 2

‘What?’ Patrick screamed. ‘Why I got to go to bed? Mom ain’t home yet!’

‘Because it’s ten o’clock,’ Bernadette screamed back.

‘So? You ain’t my mom, you don’t tell me what to do!’ Patrick argued back.

‘No, but I do,’ Richard said, getting to his feet.

‘Then Tammy and Bee got to go to bed too,’ Patrick whined as Bernadette marched him up the stairs.

‘What, you the bed time police now?’ Bernadette asked.

‘Yeah!’ Patrick yelled, giggling. ‘You’re under arrest!’

‘What time you got to go to bed?’ Richard asked David.

‘When Mom gets here,’ David snapped, matching Richard’s sullen attitude.

‘Nuh uh!’ Bee said. ‘Ten thirty!’

‘Tattle tale,’ David yelled.

Richard grabbed another beer out of the refrigerator and drank from it quickly, even though he didn’t particularly like the taste of it.

‘Give me some,’ Bernie begged, pressing herself tightly against him.

He gave her the can and she took a hefty gulp, and then smiled up at him.

Despite his bad mood, he couldn’t help but return her smile.

‘Thanks,’ she whispered after taking a second hefty gulp.

He finished off the beer and jammed it into the recycling bin Aunt Maggie had set up in the kitchen.

A quick survey of the pantry revealed a half gallon of whiskey, a half gallon of vodka and a couple of smaller bottles of rum, gin, and tequila.

‘That’s for when Mom and Dad was having parties when we was in Atlanta,’ Bernie said from behind him, startling him.

‘Oops, sorry!’ she giggled then lost her smile as he scowled darkly at her.


‘What you want to watch?’ Bernie asked when David finally fussed and whined and stomped his way upstairs to his bedroom.

Anything but you, bitch,’ he thought.

He’d drank enough of the whiskey, that bottle held the most liquid and would most likely not be noticed to give himself a bit of a buzz and a bit of a headache.

‘We got, um, I’m still trying to learn these channels, in Atlanta we had this satellite stuff and their numbers were all different than this cable junk, man, they ain’t got anything here, huh?’ Bernie rattled, very nervous, finally alone with Richard.

He was so handsome, dirty blonde hair cut short, light blue eyes, strong square face and a
nice smile, when he did smile. He was taller than her, easily six feet tall, and muscular. Not overly muscular like a body builder, but you could see his muscles in his nice polo shirt and cargo shorts.

She found MTB and they watched a rerun of a reality show and both sat, watched, and groaned at the stupid antics of the show’s stars.

‘So, um, we’re going to be going to St. Thomas you know?’ Bernie suddenly said.

‘Yeah? School year’s already started,’ Richard said, not really paying her any attention.

‘Um, yeah, but all our records transferred. I’m a senior,’ Bernie pressed on.

‘Yeah, me too,’ Richard said, only slightly interested.

‘Yeah, It a big school?’ Bernie asked. ‘We were at Holy Cross? In Atlanta? And that school was HUGE! I mean, got lost just going from one class to the next!’

‘Nah, St. Thomas’s like this real little bitty shit whole dump,’ Richard groused.

‘There any, um they got lots of cute boys?’ Bernie asked.

‘Yeah, like I pay any fucking attention to how many cute GUYS they got there,’ Richard spat.

‘Well, I’d tell you if they had any hotties there,’ Bernie shrilled in response.

‘Don’t need you to tell me, they got a bunch of them,’ Richard grumbled.

‘Yeah?’ Bernie asked. ‘Um, they cuter than me?’

‘They all are,’ Richard said, not thinking.

It took a moment for his alcohol addled brain to register why, all of a sudden, Bernie was running up the stairs, sobbing.

‘Really smooth, sport,’ his dad would have said.

‘Yeah, well fuck her,’ he answered his father’s voice, answered out loud.

‘Double bag her,’ Jack Vogel would laugh. Put one over her face, one for you in case herb’s falls off!’

‘Put a fucking bucket over her head, swing from the handle,’ Mike Chamblee would say.

He poured himself some more of Aunt Maggie’s whiskey, adding quite a bit of diet cola. Diet cola was the only soft drink he could find, other than the strawberry, orange, and grape juices. Even as inexperienced as he was at drinking, he didn’t think any of those would mix very well with whiskey.

He shuddered as he drank the foul tasting drink, but drank all of it, and then put the glass in the sink. A thought came and he put the glass into the dishwasher, toward the rear. Wouldn’t do for Aunt Maggie to know he’d been in her liquor.


Maggie’s face burned in shame. She wasn’t even divorced yet, and yet she’d just had sex with a man she just met tonight.

Carl had looked so handsome in his baby blue sport shirt and khakis and had bought her a couple of drinks, then suggested they have a little bite to eat in the casino’s restaurant.

Her cheeks burned even hotter when she reminded herself that sex was the very reason she’d gone there tonight, the very reason she’d put her diaphragm in before leaving the house.

She wiggled her bottom slightly, she could feel Carl’s semen pooling in the crotch of her panties.

‘Damn you, Joe Melancon,’ she thought as she turned the van into the driveway of her house.

‘But Carl was a whole lot better than you’ve been in years,’ she smiled to herself as she opened the door to the house.

Richard lay on the couch, afghan covering him. Impulsively, she bent down and kissed his cheek before staggering up the stairs.

Richard felt his mother’s lips touch his cheek, felt his mother’s loving hand on his shoulder and softly began crying.

Maggie went into her bathroom and gingerly tried to retrieve her diaphragm. She felt around and could not locate it. She looked on the vanity and felt sick, it was still in the case.

Tammy had distracted her, whining about being left behind, and she’d comforted the child, intending to put the birth control device after she hustled Tammy out of the bedroom.

‘Oh well, she half giggled, half sobbed. ‘What’s one more?’


Breakfast was a loud, disorganized chaotic ordeal and Richard was grateful to finally be free of the Melancon Household. He and Bernie had been the only quiet ones, she avoided speaking to him, avoided even looking at him.

‘Um, listen, I might need you again tonight that are all right?’ Aunt Maggie had asked as she fished a ten and twenty out of her purse.

‘Um, yeah, yeah, I guess so,’ Richard mumbled.

He felt guilty about how much Aunt Maggie had given him, Bernie did all the work. All he did was sit there. The hardest part was putting up with that snotty David.

He didn’t even turn his stereo on as he drove the half mile to his own house.

‘Loser, I mean Jack called for you,’ was his father’s greeting.

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Becoming Sara Day Zero

"Max I have a problem." "What's wrong now?" "The publisher wants to meet me." "What's wrong with that?" "He only publishes book from female authors." "Well your pen name is Sara Rae Hawke is that not enough?" "No and neither was the picture that I used. He than wanted to talk to me." "Wait you talked to him? How, you are a man?" I pressed a button on the device circling my throat. "I went through fifteen of these before I found one that sounded real." He looks...

4 years ago
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FIlling my ass in Lake Placid

The clamps were tight, almost too tight. Nah, I LOVE them super tight. And the chain between them was just heavy enough to make them tug me. All the time. My stockings were thigh highs, sheer grey and so soft against my freshly shaven legs. Dark grey suede heels with open toes showing off my red nails, but only three inch because I can't walk well on higher ones. I was completely shaven and feeling very feminine, even though I knew that I didn't look very feminine, even with my makeup and wig....

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Daddys Bad Girl

I was seventeen going on eighteen in my senior year of high school. More than once that year I had been suspended for fighting, talking back, and parking in faculty spaces. My dad was getting fed up and running out of ways to punish me. One day after being sent home for texting during class, I found my dad home early from work. I walked in just as he was getting off the phone. He gave me the worst stare of death I had ever seen from him. I took off my sweatshirt to reveal my low cut tank top...

3 years ago
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Innocence Taken Part 1

*** Taylor raced across the court and snatched the ball from a boy on the opposing team and arrowed off toward their hoop. After zigzagging around another boy he dunked the ball, much to the other teams disappointment. His friends patted him on the back as he went to sit on the bleachers. He had been playing nonstop for a while now and was sweaty and hot. Because it was the day before Christmas break, the...

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The Cuckolds Reward Kens Story Part I

It was Friday evening and, as was now customary, Ken parked up on the roadside outside his home. In the driveway was his wife, Sandra’s, car and behind her car was parked Samuel’s car. Samuel was her lover. As was also now customary, Samuel was spending the weekend with Sandra. Ken stepped out of his car with feelings of both sexual excitement and apprehension and walked past their cars to his front door. He never really knew what to expect as he closed door behind him, tossed his keys on the...

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The Fat Beautiful Woman Made Me Fuck Her In The Sleeper Bus

Hi ISS readers.. Nice to read all the stories.. I am writing my story happened last year during my journey from Bangalore to Pune.. I am, Raghava, 34yr old now and good looking.. I went to Bangalore to attend a marriage and coming back to pune on Sunday evening.. I have booked a bus sleeper coach for my journey.. I have boarded the bus and bus started around 6pm. I choose upper berth and no one is there next to me and the other bed is empty.. I thought no one will come here and I can freely...

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Episode 82 Stephs African Adventure

IntroductionThis story is set in 2008 in Burkina Faso, which as we all ‘know’ is a land-locked West African country, has one of the lowest Ages of Consent in the world (13) and a history of barbarous FGM. My name is Steph from Cornwall, I featured as a ch1ld in Episode 33 and as a young teenager in Episode 37, meeting Kit where I first encountered the two native black beauties in her Dad Kurt’s limousine, at Paddington Station. I gave up trying to pronounce their proper African names, so just...

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A Day at School Part 2

Writer Notes: Oh yeah this is a sequel to my fist story, The Car Wash. I am starting what I see to be the main conflict of the story, just imagine The Car Wash to be a prologue to this story, especially with how badly it is written, looking back on it, tons of continuity, spelling, and grammar mistakes. I am hoping that this story is much better, I am honestly more interested in the characters. I think I should also tell you the school schedule for some of the major players. Cathy and...

1 year ago
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3 Teen Cross Dressers Misadventure Part 2

Here are 4 men all at least 6" taller than us with athletic builds; we really thought we were about to get our asses kicked and robbed. One man got up an opened my duffel bag and of course found all of my crossing clothes. "We have us a couple of fags don't we." He said, opening the other bags finding more of the same. We were silent until Sean said that we just do it to get a kick from people and that we weren't gay. They all stood up and one put the chain lock on the door. "You are tonight...

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The Adventures of the Sicilian Twins Chapter 4

The sexually repressed Angelica was alone in bed that mid-week morning.The maid Maria had left her arms with a soul-searching kiss and a promise to use her tongue later that night in a way that she had never experienced before. The excitement of that possibility caused her ride the soft pillow the maid had decorated with her lipstick and her drool from her panting mouth. She had ridden a pillow at home and allowed her sister to prod and poke her tight teenaged bottom from above like a lover...

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TouchdownChapter 12 Private Medicine

London and Warwick. Tuesday. 6 days after Jennifer reappears "You had a busy day yesterday?" DI Grantby looks up from the papers he is reviewing and out through the door of his office as Sgt Borland pulls off her coat. "Yes, Sir. A productive day, I thought." She walks across to the door. "Mmmm, I looked through your report. I'm impressed." Borland smiles. She's not used to complements from Grantby. "I was surprised I made as much progress as I did. I thought I'd have to go...

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At Night Two Birds

It was late on a Friday night, and I was sitting in my room in college, trying to get to grips with my latest creative writing assignment. We had to write a narrative using a regional dialect, either from within the UK or (in deference to the many foreign students who hadn’t been further out of London than the first-year lit trip to Stratford-upon-Avon) another English-speaking nation. According to my friend Sally, who’d done the option last year, this tended to lead to a lot of bad attempts...

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Andee Returns to Las Vegas

Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...

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Whoss Next Part One

This is a hybrid between a story and a blog article. It started as a journal entry, then took on a life of its own. There are three or four vignettes based on musings on my life as a polyamorous husband. The segments are a mixture of memories of real experiences, utter fantasies, and enhanced experiences. I guess I have to credit or blame Dizzy for this as some of his best stories are also based on autobiographical events. anyway, as I worked on it, the first vignette needed to be fleshed out....

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Tom BillionaireChapter 7 Montauk II

-- JULY, MARSEILLE, FRANCE -- Gingerly, I lay back against the plush pillows of the king-sized bed, getting myself comfortable before extending my right arm out into a curve, creating an inviting spot for Cassandra to recline against me. She accepted, pillowing her head against my chest before reaching back to pull my arm around her in a tighter hug. And together, we exhaled in welcome relief. All was quiet in our spacious room. I'd gotten the Prestige Suite at the Sofitel Marseille...

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Angels Conditioning

"I can't stop thinking about your ass." Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart."I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy." He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. "My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn't walk straight for a week... or more. I'd fuck you every day and night."If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt.Ever since the episode of my...

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Fire and Ice

The tiny bubbles in the champagne sparkled merrily in the firelight. Two flutes sat waiting on the hearth, with the bottle resting in ice a little further away. The fire burned warmly, eclipsed only by the heat she felt in her heart. As she stood taking in the scene before her, Ashley felt her husband move up behind her. She had just finished her steamy bubble bath, and her skin was warm and rosy under the silk robe she wore. He kissed the nape of her neck, and whispered "I love you, baby,"...

4 years ago
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Sure your Not Gay

"I appreciate your honestly, Joe, I really do," He says, "I'm feeling you don't believe in the big dick theory at all, in the spirit of disclosure however, I'd like you to rate mine."With that he stood up and dropped his shorts to his ankles revealing a very well sized, well formed, black dick. I couldn't guess what size it was, but it was bigger than mine and it was pretty impressive. The pubes were well trimmed, cut, with some nicely shaped balls, I was struggling not to stare, I don't know...

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Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 14

Hello ISS, I know it’s been a long time, but I am back with the next part. Day 13 (Continued) In the last part, Ana and I fucked our brains out. She quietly leaves after taking a little breather. After fucking her, I’m so exhausted that I sleep until late in the morning. Meanwhile, in Liza’s room, she is trying to fulfill her promise. She is in her underwear, her right hand placed on top of her pussy over her messy panty. Liza: (I’m so sleepy. But I promised Aafi something today. It’s been so...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 40

We materialized in the Otherworld at 5:00 in the afternoon their time. The six of us must have generated a huge Magic signature on arriving there, as shortly every Master available in the Otherworld showed up in the Glen to see who had arrived. Brian was one of the first to arrive, and we introduced our ladies to him. He was quite happy to meet Sunshine and Rose, as they are Mages, who are always welcome here. It was when Kell introduced Airmid and Almha that things got sticky. The twins...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Kit Mercer Sultry MILF

Blondes have more fun, but Manuel has his fair share with blonde Kit Mercer. The scene opens with Kit nude on the bed, not a bad way to start! After sucking Manuel’s meat, Kit mounts then shakes and grinds. Manuel places Mercer on her side and slowly pumps. Once she’s had a chance to adjust, Manuel gives her speedy thrusts that produce a tremendous leg and ass ripple.. Manuel is wise to get Miss Mercer’s ass in doggie. Her fleshy cheeks are perfect for the pounding. Kit places...

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My Walking Dead WeekendChapter 2

When I reported into the studio headquarters in Miami, I was surprised that it was really in Miami Beach just a little bit north of South Beach which was one of my favorite spots in the entire world. Not that I have been around the world. Haha! At least, other than with a couple of college professors to get a better grade point average if you know what I mean. I saw my butt fucking buddy Ramon in the lobby chatting up a smashing redhead with big boobs. I already knew his equipment was first...

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Hope and Faith

Kyle waited for his sister's to arrive. He hadn't seen them in over three months since he was caught with them both in bed. Kyle sat there as the guards of the prison brought in his beautiful sisters Hope and Faith. They walked in smiling immediately as they saw their brother. He still looked sexy as ever with his dark brown hair slightly covering his blue eyes. He was wearing his orange prison suit and his hands were handcuffed. They saw one of the guards uncut him so he could pick up the...

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Story Of Zainab 8211 Pt 1 Unconventional First Night

Welcome to another by me on this site, and this one alone. Please don’t forget to read the added part at the end of the story where I explain the background of this series. You can always skip to the original story. I start it with “~story starts~” and finish it with “~story ends~”. Also, you can skip right to the sexual part. I start it with “~sex starts~” and finish it with “~sex ends~”. Now, enjoy the story! ~Story starts~ Zainab was a student in a prominent university of this country....

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Mere maamu jaan

Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap sab aaj bahut din baad koi kahaani sumbit karne ja rahi hoon well sabse pahle to aap sabse sorry ki aap sabko maine bahut intzaar karaaya kyoonki main apne maamujaan ke ghar yaani ki gaanw gayi hui thi aur wahaan par internet ki koi suwidha nahi thi khair ab main waapas aa gayi hoon to aap sab ek baar fir se apne… apne land aur choot sambhaal le kyoonki caahe jitne bhi writer iss par aa jaay par aarzoo ka craze aaj bhi waise hi hai iska andaaza mujhe aap sabke...

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Wife and Boss 3

I sat and watched as Tony and Sal took my 21 to wife into Mick' s office off the lobby, Sal told me her skirt and blouse are on her seat, then closed the door, I got her clothes and sat and waited to be called in. That didn't take long to happen, less than 30 minutes the phone buzzed picked it up and Sal said they need some beers and towels, now the beer is in a refrigerator in the office and towels are in bathroom next to office, figured they wanted to show me what they were doing to my wife....

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Karas Spring Break 2

Kara's reaction was urgent. She hastily undid Tommy's shorts, yanking the snap apart and jerking the zipper down. Her hand shot under the elastic of his briefs and gripped his cock. Tommy's head flew up, breaking the kiss. “My god girl, what has gotten into you? Slow down, I'll do it. I'll get 'em off.” Using both hands he pushed his shorts and briefs down, then kicked them off his feet. He grabbed his jersey and yanked it over his head. “And since you're so anxious, you need to be getting that...

Straight Sex
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TenderfootChapter 8

It was a rough four days, but we finally pulled into San Antonio, tired, but relieved to arrive there at last. Man, was it hot! Even in the shade, it was just too damned hot for somebody who had gotten used to the weather in Deadwood. We were surprised to see people walking around as if they were not the least bit bothered by the temperature, and that was nearly enough for me to buy three train tickets to take us north. The problem was that we were stuck because there were no north-bound...

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Nasty Boy Lovely Girl Part 2

Nasty Boy/Lovely Girl Part 2 By Wendy Wendy's punishment for the next two weeks was very intense. I could not begin to write a detailed synopsis of each and every event and humiliation which Wendy had to endure. But I will try to give the reader some of the high lights, or low lights from Wendy's perspective, which might be of most interest to the discerning and interested reader. The first events which I will recount...

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A Perfect WorldChapter 6

The passenger window of the surface-to-orbit spacecraft was a little bigger than aircraft windows in the 21st century. It was about two feet square, Ken estimated, and not composed of the thick, blurry double panes of glass as were passenger aircraft windows. Instead, the barrier between himself and the lethal Martian atmosphere was nothing but a thin layer of the same sort of clear plexiglass that made up the walls of the serenity level on top of the university building, or the glass that...

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Susans Submission Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 Peter stepped behind her, carefully eyeing the results of the punishment he had administered thus far. The stripes from the cat-o-nine tails were becoming darker across Susan’s back and the back of her legs. Her buttocks were somewhat swollen, and extraordinarily red. He softly stroked her back, as she stood with her hands behind her head, feet spread. He spoke as he felt the heat from her skin, “I’m going to leave you for a short time. Why don’t you have a drink of water, use the...

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The Yes Man part 4

Well here we go, perhaps I need to change my outlook on life, perhaps I should explain, I had just read the Yes Man by Danny Wallace, and it made me think did I said Yes very often, the answer of course was No. I did not want to fly all over the world, but I wondered if I should say yes more often? Well it is over 2 months since I took Kelly to University and I thought I would update you on what has happened since then. The Tuesday after that weekend, as I promised Sally (our best friend...

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Becoming a Sissy

Previously published, but in separate parts, this one is the whole story start to finish.This is the story about how I went from being an inadequate husband to being a porn addicted goon and finally in the past year fulfilling my sissy ambition to worship a big cock and balls. They belong to my best friend Tom who I have known for 20 years. It was a journey that took a few years but if I had been brave enough when I was younger would have taken no time at all and spared me lots of humiliation...

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The Sentence the next three chapters 232425

Chapter #23 today starts off great, but then things go downhill from there: I woke up the next morning and Sarah was still holding my hand. I started to move around a little, which woke Sarah up. She looked at me saying, with a big smile on her face, good morning babykin's, did we sleep well, and are we all nice and dry today. To my surprise I was not only wet, my diaper was also full of poop again. I guess I was still having a problem from the Ex-Lax. I think during...

4 years ago
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TransparenceChapter 10

The sound of aggressive sex fills the room—the force of rough thrusts shakes the bed. “You like that?” “Yes, yes, don’t stop...” Curtis groans, bent over his bed as Sabina Tomoiaga fucks him in his ass, her strap-on screwing through his innards. His cock is achingly hard with precum dripping down to the floor. After investigating the latest crime scene, Curtis headed back to his apartment. He had hoped in some far off place in the back of his brain that Yulia would show. Or course she...

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Playing Truant 1

Going back a number of years to my last year at Secondary school, my 'boyfriend' told me that, " Tomorrow you will be playing truant! Just get up as normal put on your black lingerie and stockings, then pop your normal school ubiform over them and I will pick you up at the bus stop at 8.20am. I said OK to him, as if I had any choice in the matter.I was up at 7am and after showering put on my best black bra and knickers along with my black suspender belt and black red topped stockings.I said bye...

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Gordys ProblemChapter 18

Author's Note: I was asked about a time-line. Well, right now it's April/May 2010. Gordy and Weena were married in 2002. Patrick was born on Easter Sunday 2004. Sarah was born at the end of October 2009 and is now just over six months old. After dinner, Jacky rang up to confirm that all four of them would be coming for lunch. Then David called to say he'd leave the winery around two. "That means 'before three'," Mum said. "So he'll be here before five." I laughed. David was notable...

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First And Memorable Time With Aunty

Hello friends I am suhan, and aaj mai aapko ek story sunaunga, app padhiye and khud judge kijiye ye real hai ya fake. At present I am 24 years old, before 2 years mere dad ne ek couple ko ghar rent pe diya tha, that time I was in 3 year of engineering, kuch din beete aur aunty ka mere ghar pe ana-jana chalu ho gaya, dhire dhire she became familiar to my mom and sister, she used to sit in our house and watches TV shows with them,dhire dhire mere se thodi thodi baat chit start hui, mujhe tv shows...

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Masturbation Test

*this was taken from another person's stories. I do not claim to own any part of this, except for the answers to the following questions. Unusually avoid these things but I found this one interesting. Plus I am always interested in know about others and their prevy habitsI saw this in a friend's gallery and thought what a great way to introduce yourself to a group, of like-minded people. I love sex and masturbating. An ex of mine never understood why I masturbated all the time, every day... of...

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