Sheela aur beena
- 2 years ago
- 35
- 0
The rumble of my Mustang's engine somehow failed to wake the sleeping child in his car seat strapped to the tiny seat behind me. I had placed his child safety seat on the passenger side so I could see him out of the corner of my eye.
How he slept through that symphonic cacophony of pistons was beyond me. I would probably wake from death to enjoy it. But perhaps for a two year old the ability to fall asleep during that symphony was simply more proof beyond DNA tests and everything else that he was definitely my son.
Then I spot it. All of my senses come alive as, like the warriors of old, my reflexes prepare my body for battle. My ears separate the sound of an engine that isn't very different from mine, even as my eyes scan the traffic ahead.
I see it then, a heavily customized Camaro. I notice the nice red paint that is obviously a custom job. The body kit seems a bit garish to me, but then not everyone likes my custom grills and chin spoiler.
The driver of the Camaro has seen me and slows. He revs his engine and my heart soars. His death will be epic. His shame and disappointment are at hand. I've already seen his demise in my mind's eye as I see vectors and holes in the ebb and flow of traffic.
He has no idea how the six hundred horses under my hood, will destroy his plastic insect-like little car. The smirk on my lips widens as my foot caresses my accelerator, but then ... sanity takes over.
My mind remembers that my son is in the back. My heart's joy plummets and I actually slow to below the speed limit. I look at his black tinted windows and shake my head. He has no idea how lucky he is.
As he moves ahead in traffic, he slows as well. I can sense his disappointment in being denied the battle that never was. I feel it too, but my son's safety is far more important.
Ten minutes later, fresh from the battle that never was, I pulled into a driveway in a nice neighbor hood. The house isn't what it once was. The grass is a bit too long and needs to be edged as well. The hedge needs to be trimmed and there are a few paint chips on the wall of the house.
All of those could be explained away, with the pressure of family life. Sometimes there just isn't enough time in a week to do absolutely everything. What can't be explained away is the lack of joy coming from the house. Many of the houses on the block exude happiness or love, or safety. This one doesn't.
I turn off the engine and before the car goes silent the front door opens. A woman rushes towards the car even as I open the door. The closer she gets the more beautiful she becomes. Thick golden hair falls in waves and curls well past her shoulders. Her breasts are barely contained by the thin t-shirt she wears. Her nipped waist is still, even after giving birth, so tiny that I can get my hands around it. I know this because I've done it so many times.
She smiles as she gets to the car. "How are my boys doing?" she asks.
Even as my face frowns, I'm struck by how beautiful she is.
"He's asleep," I said, trying to keep my voice as free of emotion as possible.
"Okay that's one down," she smiles. "How are you?"
Although every fiber of my being is dying to tell her, I let the question slide. I open the passenger door and pull out the entire car seat. My son doesn't even stir.
"Well at least I can tell my mom that I saw you," she says. "When was the last time you saw her?" I just look at her as I carry my son, car seat and all towards the house.
"Jake, that was a really nice thing you did, yesterday," she says. "You work yourself to the bone all week. No one expected you to go and cut those trees down for her on Saturday and spend all day today taking junior to the zoo. You need some time to have some fun yourself too. Remember all work and no play..."
Again I didn't reply. "So Honey, I was thinking ... I could get my mom to watch her grandson this weekend ... She's dying to you know? And we could live out your greatest dream. We could fly to New Orleans for that Anne Rice Vampire Ball that you always wanted to go to. And you could dress me up any way you want."
"You don't really want to do that," I said quietly. "You'd hate it."
"Jake, you're right," she said. "But I'd do anything for you. You have to know that. And okay, Jake, maybe I have an ulterior motive, but JJ is two years old now and I'm twenty seven..."
"You're getting better at math," I said.
"Very funny Jake, but you know where I'm heading, right?" she said. "JJ needs a brother or sister and I want to have at least one more before I get too old to chase kids around and this could be a good..."
I kind of zoned out as she droned on about what she intended to do to me as soon as we got to the hotel.
I could see the whole thing playing out in my mind. I could be the headless horseman for my costume and she could be the sexiest vampire EVER. Maybe we'd win the costume contest. She did say that I could dress her anyway I wanted. As I looked at her now I could see her nipples tenting the thin material of the t-shirt.
Even then I could remember the way they got harder and stuck out farther and farther under my fingers. I remembered the way she cooed and molded herself to me. Her legs would spread almost of their own volition. And whenever I touched her she was always wet and ready for me.
Sometimes I'm sure that the reason we went wrong was my fault. Perhaps I left her alone too much. Maybe I even loved her too much, or simply trusted her too much. But for seven years everything I did was for her.
From the very first second I saw her, I fell for her ... literally. She was working in a restaurant on the campus of the college I was attending. I took one look at her and stopped what I was doing. I wanted to get closer to her so I took a step towards her and fell over the chair that I had overlooked. I also fell right in front of her and she tripped over me and dropped an entire tray full of plates and food.
She was not a happy camper. Her first action on regaining her equilibrium was to call me every name that she could think of. In my embarrassment I just got up and left the restaurant. Angry, hurt and covered with food, I went back to the house I shared with three other students. I went right into my room and showered. As usual I buried my head in my books. A couple of hours later my best friend Eric burst into my room.
"Get your head out of your ass and come downstairs," he yelled excitedly.
"For what?" I grumbled. "I need to study."
"You study too much," he laughed. "Why the hell are you always studying?"
"Duh, college, remember?" I said over the top of my book.
"See, that's why I bailed on college," she said. I had never heard her voice, but it was as beautiful as the rest of her. I looked up instantly.
"It's all of the studying," she said. "It just bored me to tears." I just sat there listening to her.
"So you accidentally tripped over a chair, huh?" she asked. "Obviously you're better at studying than walking..."
"All I saw was you," I said quietly. She walked towards me and smiled.
"You're so beautiful, that nothing else registered," I continued. "I didn't see chairs or walls or floors or other people. But whether I saw them or not, they were there so I tripped over one."
She laughed then.
"Sorry, I guess you must hear that all the time right?" she nodded.
"Yep, every guy I see wants to take me out for dinner and then take me home and fuck me," she said.
"Sorry," I said. "I need a lot more than that."
"I haven't even offered you that yet," she laughed. "But just out of curiosity, what did you have in mind?"
"I want to give you everything," I said. " ... A home of our own, a family, and my heart just to start. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy, if you let me.
"Give me some money," she said. "I got fired today. They don't seem to like waitresses who are constantly spilling the food." I handed her my wallet. She reached in and took a twenty.
"Burgers okay?" she asked.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Are burgers okay for OUR dinner?" she asked.
"Sure!" I gushed, liking the sound of the word "Our."
"Be, right back ... uhm... ?" she said.
"Jacob," I smiled.
"Aubrey," she said smiling back at me.
"Shouldn't I be coming with you?" I asked. She just shook her head.
"You keep studying, Jake," she said. "You need to be smart if you're going to spend the rest of our lives taking care of me, so keep studying."
Two years later we were married and living in our first house. Two years after that, I had started my own company. We manufactured custom prosthetics and orthotics for customers ranging from world class athletes to the average Joe. We also manufactured safety equipment for athletes who wanted to train or compete with minor injuries.
My company was still small enough that everyone knew each other, but profit wise we'd already entertained several offers to buy us out. The problem was that everyone who wanted to buy the company didn't want to keep doing the charity work that we did for kids who'd been injured and couldn't afford their prosthetics.
But I loved what I did and I loved Aubrey, so cashing in and making an ass load of money wasn't really in the picture. But as they say ignorance is bliss. Her parents loved me too. We were one big happy family.
Her parents did keep bothering us about when they were going to start having grandkids to visit, but there were worse problems to have. My friend Steve's in-laws hated him. They kept offering their daughter money to divorce him.
Steve is a doctor. He's part of my team. He helps out by overseeing everything the engineers do in designing the prosthetics. He makes sure that everything is anatomically safe for our patients and also trouble shoots any problems we're having fitting the devices.
I was able to get him because he was fired from two of the three hospitals in our area. He fits in really well.
Aubrey and I were very happy. We took several vacations a year and were inseparable when I wasn't working. She was my entire world. So I wasn't surprised when she started talking about planning our first child. We both decided after several conversations that we should wait a few years until we turned thirty. That would be the perfect time of life. It would also give us a few more years to travel and enjoy each other ... I guess our timing could have been better, because Aubrey's dad passed a few years ago. His death was hard on my mother in law. It took her a while to get over him. And during that time we bonded. I felt a kindred spirit in my mother in law. Unfortunately, a short time later, I began to feel that something was out of place with Aubrey.
"Jake are you going to love me forever?" she asked me.
"And ever, and ever," I told her.
"What about after we've had your third kid and my ass is fat?" she asked.
"Even more then," I smiled.
"But why?" she asked. It made me wonder about her and about us, then.
"I've told you this millions of times," I said. "Aubrey, we both know that you're beautiful and every guy who sees you wants you. It was that way five years ago when we first met and it will probably be that way forever. But I love you, not just for what you look like, for the person that you are. I love you for the way you come in and drag me away from my computer when you think I'm working too hard. I love you for the way you run around the house in one of my shirts and those big fluffy house shoes and nothing else. I love you for the way you look when we work in the yard and you're sweaty and dirty, with your hair in a mess and all over your face. Aubrey I loved you the first time I saw you and I will until the day I die. I swear it. No matter what happens to us or how you look or how fat, you get ... I hate to go Whitney Houston on you, but Ieeeeeeeeeeaieeeeaiiiiii will always love youooooooooooooo!" I finished the last part on one knee in front of her. I know it was corny and maybe I was mugging a bit. I expected her to laugh or hit me or something.
Our eyes locked and tears came from her eyes like water from a sprinkler. The next thing I knew she was running for the bedroom and slamming the door behind her. For the rest of the day she stayed in the room and wouldn't open the door. She told me that she just needed some time.
I was sitting on the deck behind the house watching the sun go down when she slipped into the chair next to me. She inserted her hand into my hand that was the farthest away from her and wrapped my near arm around her.
"Are we okay?" I asked.
"Jake, I'm a girl," she said. "We sometimes react to things in strange ways. Jake I guess after all of this time, it finally hit me just how much you really do love me. I love you too, but this isn't one of those two cute kids in high school things is it?"
"No it's not," I said. "But what brought that on?"
"I just found out that one of the girls I grew up with is getting a divorce. Her husband ran off with his personal assistant. They were in love and married. They have kids and everything. They have all of those years and now nothing. The really crazy thing is that Dana was ready and willing to forgive him. She wanted to chalk it up to him just going a little crazy and having a fling. She wanted to welcome him back home and back into her heart and her bed and everything. The even crazier thing is that he didn't end up with his assistant. He moved on from both of them. Can you imagine it? A six foot blond with tits the size of beach balls and he just got tired of fucking her. So being pretty isn't everything. I guess I realized how lucky I am to not only have fallen in love with the one man who loves me for what's inside me, but to be married to him too."
"Nothing like that will ever happen to us," I told her and I meant it more than anything I had ever said up to that point in my life. Inside I realized that I needed to spend more time with her. I needed to spend more time on us.
"So the next afternoon, I left work early and armed with a stupidly giant bouquet of flowers, I descended on my happy home. My mission was to reassure the woman I loved that I did in fact, love her and would until the end of time.
As I tiptoed through my own house, I was in a good mood. When I didn't find her in the living room, the kitchen, or the bedroom, my mirth began to fade. I heard a yelp from the basement and figured she was probably doing the laundry. Then I remembered the article we'd read about women getting off on the dryer and I flew down the stairs as silently as I could. That was something I wanted to see badly.
I peered stealthily around the corner by the dryer and caught Aubrey with her legs widely spread and her head tilted back. Unfortunately there was someone between them. They were thrusting wildly against each other. As much as I wanted to do something, I was rooted there. Her moans had reached the state of rapid shallow breathing that preludes her climax, much as it did when she had sex with me. I knew her moves before she even did them, as if I was watching a performance of a choreographed dance that I had seen many times.
She pulled him closer to her, putting her hands behind his back. Then she wrapped those exquisite legs around his waist. I knew that would come next but I had already turned to leave. I had stayed as long as I had because I needed to see her in the act.
I needed to have the memory of what she was doing seared into my brain, so there would be no chance for us. I needed the heat of the vision to burn all of my love for her out of my heart.
It was the flowers that gave me away. They fell from my nerveless fingers and rustled against the floor even as I moved up the stairs. It didn't matter, I could hear their gasps as the sudden sound interrupted their union and they separated as if someone was still there to see them.
I don't remember getting into my car and driving away. I don't remember the last time I looked at the house we loved so much. I was in shock. There was no anger, no rage no sense of betrayal. At that point all I had was an overwhelming need to be someplace different. Perhaps it was the survival instinct of the wounded beast that drove me. That need of an injured animal to get away from danger and go somewhere safe to heal, so I could fight another day.
He wasn't even listening to me. And he had to listen. Perhaps my choice of clothing had been a mistake. But that was another thing I had to find out. I had to know if I could still turn him on. Life sucks sometimes. I had offered him his fondest wish and he had to stop and consider it. I guess it said more about me than it did him. In the time it took him to answer me, my mind wandered.
I had always been pretty. It's a curse more than a blessing. My whole life I've had to put up with being stared at and misjudged. I was always the focus of attention when all I really wanted was to be left alone. There was always some boy or many boys who wanted me even before they knew what they wanted me for.
I was always being nominated for queen of this or that, simply because of the way I looked. In high school there were boys fighting over me. All I could do was to smile and try to be friendly. I had no real interest in boys. I guess I was a late bloomer. Part of the problem was that I was just watching life pass me by. Most of my grades weren't earned. My charms apparently worked on older men as well. I had a solid B- average. Most of the male teachers gave me A's without me turning in any work. One of the female teachers did too. The other female teacher flunked me or tried to. I did as much make-up work as I could for her class and still got a D.
But I graduated from high school and into the real world. I tried college, but since I hadn't really learned anything in high school, I was seriously underprepared for it. After a year of wasting my parents' money, I gave it up.
I noticed again that life was just passing me by. At twenty years old and still as pretty as a new dawn, I had never been ... anything. I had never been kissed. I had never been fondled. I was working as a waitress and a failing at it. My boss came to me and told me that I was fired ... again. As I went to pick up my check, he had another idea.
Forty minutes later I was no longer a virgin, but I still had a job. The funny thing about it was that I felt nothing. It made me think. For most of my life it wasn't just that life had passed me by, I was disconnected. I didn't feel anything. I had no idea what love was. I also had no true hatred. Over the next couple of years, I started using what I had to get ahead. It wasn't like I became a whore or anything. But if I needed a few bucks for my rent ... I got it. If I needed new shoes or an outfit ... I got it.
I had no ambition and no long range plans. I dated a lot because I was asked a lot. Most of the guys just wanted a chance to fuck me. Some of them wanted more, but I couldn't give it to them. Even the ones I dated more than once quickly noticed that there was no connection.
And then one day, I was having the shittiest day ever. My boss had already told me that if I dropped one more tray, I was fired. I knew that I'd reached the end of the road there anyway. It had nothing to do with my lack of skill as a waitress. My boss was tired of fucking me. He was putting it to a newer waitress. She was only 19 and had an exotic look. He also told me that she really got into it. What she lacked in beauty, she made up with enthusiasm.
So as I started trying to figure out what I'd do next, I noticed a couple of guys around my age come in and sit down. I was glad they weren't sitting at one of my tables. They looked like college guys and they were terrible tippers.
The smaller one was really cute though. That was an unusual thing for me to think. I never really reacted to men's looks. I reacted more to their requests and what they could offer me.
Every time I crossed the room, I felt his eyes on me. I was used to that, but somehow, just his gaze felt warm. I crossed the room again carrying a loaded tray and trying my best to be careful. I noticed that he was staring at me open mouthed, as if I was naked or something. He even stood up as I got close to him.
Then he tripped and fell right in front of me. And since I was carrying the tray, I couldn't see him and stepped on him tripping and flinging the entire tray in the process.
I called him every name I could think of and angrily packed my gear and got ready to leave. The other of the two guys came over to me.
"For a woman as pretty as you are, you're really a bitch," he said. "That was an accident. Jacob didn't mean to trip you. This was the first time I've gotten him out of the dorm in six months. Then he takes one look at you, a fucking waitress, and he acts like you're the God damned Messiah or something..."
I felt bad about the way I'd treated his friend. So I got him to take me to his friend so I could apologize.
From the second I saw him again, I knew. There was just something about him. I figured I'd go out with him a few times and let it fade. But then he told me about the way he felt and I melted. Nothing mattered anymore. I just wanted to be with him. It was strange because I'd had sex but it was always something the guys wanted. Sure I had orgasms and I enjoyed sex when I was in the mood for it, but this was different. It was like I was in heat or something.
From that moment on, we were together. Even in my mind it seemed kind of weird, but I had a boyfriend. I had more than that. He lived in a house he rented with a couple of other people and I just moved into his room. There were days when I followed him and waited outside of his class for him to come out. I still didn't consider what we had as love but it was as close as I had ever been. I didn't think that I would ever feel real love but I recognized that what Jake felt for me was love and I loved the fact that he loved me.
I really loved the fact that he wanted to take care of me and build a life with me. I had no ambition, no plan in life, so I was smart enough to hook up with the guy that could give me a much better life than I would ever have had on my own.
When he graduated from college with honors and a good job, I was happy. He seemed to be making all of his promises real. When he asked me to marry him, I was floored. "Hell yes!" I said. I couldn't get the words out fast enough. It wasn't like I really loved him, I still wasn't sure what love was, but we had a connection. It also meant that I wouldn't have to worry about having a job or any of that bullshit. I could have a good life and I wouldn't have to work. There was also the fact that even if it didn't last, if I could just hold on long enough, even if he divorced me, I'd do fine.
As the years went on we became more and more a couple. I saw people all around us get married and have kids and noticed from talking to friends that many of them were jealous of us. I guess if I looked at us from the outside it seemed as if we had the perfect marriage. Jake would literally do anything for me. There were times when I felt guilty because I knew that I didn't and would probably never feel the way about him that he felt about me. I just wasn't capable of that kind of emotion.
I cooked for him. I cleaned our house and made it a wonderful place to live. I had sex with him any time he wanted me to and any way he wanted me to. I was affectionate. We cuddled all the time and I kept myself attractive for him. When my dad died, Jake was there for my mom. I think that was a turning point, because I noticed then that I felt nothing about my dad passing. It let me know that emotionally, there was something wrong with me.
Over the years Jake and I had spoken several times about having kids and had decided to put it off. I started thinking about it in earnest then. But a short time after that I spoke to a friend that I'd grown up with. She was getting a divorce and was distraught. Her husband had left her for a younger woman and she wanted him back badly. I realized that the husband was probably a lot like me. He'd been cheating on my friend for years and finally got tired of the pretense. He decided that he just wanted to ne alone and single.
It upset me but I couldn't figure it out. The man was an asshole. Did that make me one too? I had, since the beginning of our relationship occasionally had sex with other men. At the time I had been having sex with a friend of his. It wasn't that Jake wasn't good in bed. It wasn't that I had any kind of feelings for the other guy either. He was just someone I called from time to time. It had started out to prevent hurting Jake.
Six months before that, I had been in the house when our lawn service came by. I watched as a really well-built guy marched around our yard cutting and spraying the grass. I wanted him. I knew that Jake would never find out about it so it wouldn't hurt him. So I did it. I went to the door and called him inside of the house. It was the first time that I'd ever brought anyone in our house for sex and it taught me two things. The first was that the guy, skinny muscular, long hair, the whole package, wasn't nearly as satisfying as Jake.
Jake is pretty good looking and a lot of the women I know like him but, I guess I hadn't really noticed him in a long time. Anyway that afternoon marked a crack in my armor. Besides the fact that the guy didn't get me off, I felt bad about it. That was a first. So I decided that maybe I should stop. Maybe whether I loved him or not I should respect him enough not to. Unfortunately it wasn't to be.
One of the men who worked for Jake and was also friendly with him was a guy named Steve. He came to me and told me that he had proof that I had cheated on Jake. To keep him from telling Jake I had to give him some of what the lawn guy got. So I did it and felt nothing. I actually felt good about it because instead of just doing it to have sex I had done it to help my marriage. In a way it worked out because the guy had a history of cheating on his wife. He'd been caught a few times. It also gave me an outlet. So instead of risking getting caught with random guys, I had someone to call when Jake wasn't available.
But things changed after talking to my friend. She wasn't like me. She really loved that asshole. And now she was facing a life alone and miserable with kids too. I wondered if that could happen to me.
Later on when Jake got home, I asked him if he really loved me. His answer stunned me. I ended up running away from him up to our bedroom. I had to get away from him. I couldn't look him in the eye. I was simply not worthy of the way he felt about me.
I realized then that he loved me far more than I had ever considered. I didn't deserve to be loved like that. Maybe it was guilt, but I decided that the best thing for him would be if I left him. I should just disappear. But then I thought about how badly that would hurt him. I started crying. I thought long and hard about how I would feel without him in my life too. I realized that having even a day without seeing that man would probably kill me. I started to understand then that when I kissed Jake, it was because I enjoyed kissing him. And when we had sex, it was because I wanted him. I didn't just want sex, I wanted Jake. It took me a while to realize it, but I love my husband.
Jake and I had sex that night. Don't get me wrong we always do. But it was like for all of the years before that night I had been holding back. That night, I gave him everything I had. It just felt so different. It was as if everything I did with every other man was a waste of my time. I had been a fool for most of my life. We fell asleep that night wrapped in each other's arms. When he kissed me goodbye the next morning, I was a changed woman. I couldn't stop smiling. I kept saying it over and over. I love my husband. I called to tell his friend that we wouldn't be getting together anymore. He talked me into one last time.
I wanted to get it over with, so I told him to come by that afternoon while Jake was at work. He was all for it. When he came over we went straight into the laundry room in the basement. I had never had sex with him anywhere else. Even before I realized how I felt about Jake I had too much respect for him to have anyone in our bed.
As soon as he got there he was all over me there was no love in it, but there had never been any. It was just sex. The evening before I had made love with Jake. We kissed and I wanted to have him in me to express what we felt about each other. It was magic and I intended to do that again that evening. This was just sex. We just humped each other purely for physical release. The odd thing was that most of the time I didn't cum with him. But that day I was still in my happy mood thinking about what had happened the day before and my newfound love. Thinking about it got me hotter than ever before so my body reacted.
Hi Folks.Things got a bit heated in the comments last week didn't they? ... Well relax this story is another shorter one but it should be a lot less controversial. This one is just a bit longer than last week's story so it's another shorty. That actually happened because we're working on a longer, darker story that there just wasn't enough time to finish this week. So at the last minute, I just wrote this story. This one besides being shorter was written and edited in less than 24 hours...
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BisexualHey guys and gals,sorry it's been a while since I was last on, you won't believewhat's happened to me!To cut a long story short, my sister found out about me on here and saw my story of what she did to me when we was younger, needless to say, she was very pissed off with me.She confronted me about it and as I apologised to her she told me to get down on my knees and kiss her feet for forgiveness. Naturally, I did as I was told and when I got down on my knees, she kicked the shoe off her foot...
Five years ago she was a normal Dutch girl, eighteen years old and just finished her high school. She was going to be enrolled in law school after the summer holiday and to celebrate she and five girlfriends went on a party tour of the Spanish coast. They went to Mallorca, Ibiza, Blanes and finally Lloret a Mar, very popular with Dutch teenagers. Just clubbing and sunbathing on the beaches of Spain, it was a good time. They partied till the late hours and most of the nights didn’t end there....
HOW IT COULD HAVE BEEN By Miss Wendi Robertson This is a fictional account of how it could have?most likely would have?been had Jack and William met as young men of similar age. The period would be the late 1950s or early 1960s when transvestites and their admirers were still very private people. The setting is a lovely small college somewhere in America. William is age 22 and Jack is 23. William is a freshman and Jack is a...
"Randy, we're bored!" my sister Sasha whined. It was Sasha's sixteenth birthday party, and she had invited her two best friends over for the evening. Our parents had already made a commitment to visit our Aunt Karen for the weekend. It was a good six hour drive each way, and Mom had "volunteered" me to keep an eye on the three birthday celebrants. I would have rather gone hunting with a game warden, but I really had no option except to do as I was told. This being Friday, Sunday night...
"Tell you a story?""Of a bygone love. I like learning more about your former paramours, Honey.""Love?" In my bed--which had recently become our bed--I rolled over into Jacob's arms. I was barely awake, as it was early Saturday morning. "How about a former infatuation?"He adjusted himself between my thighs, comfortable in our new arrangement. "Acceptable."“It had to be a decade ago. I was twenty-seven, so you were--”“About to graduate from high school.”I placed his strong hand on my...
Love StoriesAll through my senior year of high school, I dated a girl in the junior class. Sue was 5' 4" and I am 6' 2". I was still a virgin then and so was she. We swapped sexy nudes, sexted about our desires, you know, the works. But despite numerous occasions where I would find a dark back road towards the end of a date night, unbutton her top, unsnap her bra and feel up her nice C-cup breasts and small, perky nipples, and slip a hand down her panties and make her squirm, she never did put out. Shortly...
CheatingAs he lays beside her touching her lightly and kissing her body she wonders if its real or just a dream. She has never had this much attention. Usually it was just a quick fuck and it was done. Many times she wouldnt even have an orgasm. No hand holding in public. No touching in the car. She has been deprived and he knows it. She is enjoying the attention. He runs his fingers lightly over her skin and whispers little things to her. His hands are everywhere touching everything. He tells her he...
Oral SexAll of my stories are true. I usually write them down right after they happen. However, I had a guy ask me if I could write up a story for him. I normally do not write erotic fiction, but I thought I would give it a try. This is some fiction based on what SHOULD have happen the other day. I was at a book/video store and was watching some porn in one of the booths. The place seemed to be empty except for the other side where they pay to watch a whole movie in the 'preview' section. I was not...
GayThis is the 3rd installment of the series“Memoirs of a Bisexual.” I recommend reading the first 2 chapters to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline of the story. This story is based on true events. Thanksgiving break was finally here. I was home from school for a week and I couldn’t wait to hang out with my best friend, Jeff. He had been looking forward to us hanging out, as well. He had surprised me with tickets to see the Pink Floyd laser show and 2 hits of LSD! Wow! What a...
As he lays beside her touching her lightly and kissing her body she wonders if its real or just a dream. She has never had this much attention. Usually it was just a quick fuck and it was done. Many times she wouldnt even have an orgasm. No hand holding in public. No touching in the car. She has been deprived and he knows it. She is enjoying the attention. He runs his fingers lightly over her skin and whispers little things to her. His hands are everywhere touching everything. He tells her he...
So quite a lot of my friends have expressed concern over my disappearance over the last month and a half. First of all I’d like to say that I am healthy and doing fine. Some things in my personal life kind of fell apart and I was in a pretty dark place and in dire need of cleansing my palette. So to that end I gave up all my possessions, left my job and went into submission serving a couple for a month’s time. After several interviews and applications they welcomed me into their home as a...
I couldn’t be bothered by guessing games just then so I retorted, “A big turd in the toilet?” Without pause she fired back, “Not since you got out of it.” I hooked the water hose up to the spigot, “What do you want?” She held out a closed fist, “Dad left some pills in the bathroom, is this what I think it is?” she opened her hand to show me what she held. A big blue pill, kind of fat in the middle with round pointy ends, “The bottle didn’t have a label but I think this is Viagra.” That...
BBW Reddit, aka r/BBW! What could be hotter than a lithe, pretty young thing with a slim body and perky little tits? How about a big fat lady with a huge ass, childbearing hips, and some of the biggest boobies you’ve ever seen in your life? BBW porn ain’t for everyone, but you know what they say: the bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin’. The 154k members of the r/BBW community at Reddit certainly seem to agree.They’ll give you shade in the summer and warmth in the winter, and these large...
Reddit NSFW ListA few days later, Ron came out of his room around 9:30 pm, all excited. “Mom, you have to come to see this. You won’t believe what’s going on over there.” I was in the middle of washing a few dishes. “I don’t believe there is much we have not seen. You go and enjoy the show if you want, but I need to finish these dishes and tidy up the living room before we go to bed.” Ron started to speak, but I interrupted him. “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of time for us to have some fun.” I winked...
I am a fan of ISS. This story is about how I got in love with ! I am 22 years old, but people get surprised when they hear my age. They say that I look only like an 18-year-old as I am slim and I have no moustache or beard. This incident happened two years ago. It was a college trip to Manali. We were 24 of us. We booked a travel package from an online site. But as we live in south India, we had to go by train. So we booked tickets for 24 people. We got on the train in the morning. It was S7...
Gay MaleCassidy shivered as Randon grabbed her hand and practically dragged her out of the museum, saying a quick goodbye to his family. Her heart rate was probably dangerously high. She wanted him, like she’d never wanted a man before. She couldn’t explain it. She felt as if she would die if she didn’t have him and soon. The feeling was somehow more than physical. It was far more powerful than the lust she’d felt before for other men. She didn’t think it was love, surely not after only a few days, but...
First it starts off with Jay and Hex spending time together for the first time since Jay came home from the military. After a day of hanging out at the lake the two decide to head back to Hex's place for jay to see where he lived since he moved out from home. Upon arriving at his new home they decide to order some pizza and watch a new movie that hex ordered on cable after they eat they continue to watch the movie. An hour into the movie everything goes black the two think the power went out...
Seduced By My Mother-in-LawKimberly and I had been dating off and on for a few years during high school and into our collage years before we decided to marry. I loved her family and had always had an eye for her mom; I had always thought she was hot.But due to her fathers bad health and we rushed the wedding plans so he could be there. It was a beautiful day and everything went great. Kim danced a slow dance with her father while I danced with her mother. I was a bit surprised when she cupped...
While Sissy was changing out of her clothes Joni was finally able to stop laughing and called out, “Still think this is funny Sissy?” “Shut up Test. Or I’ll come over there and ... aaaahhhhh.” Sissy screamed. Joni and her sisters looked towards where Sissy had been stripping and saw that Sissy had fallen down. She wasn’t moving so without thinking Joni panicked and ran over to see if her friend was okay. Mary and Susan set up a machine that scanned Sissy. Susan then stated, “Okay there’s...
The Newfie Fisherman... It was raining hard and a big puddle had formed in front of Toronto pub. An old man stood beside the puddle holding a stick with a string on the end and jiggled it up and down in the water. A curious gentleman asked what he was doing. 'Fishing, ' replied the old man. 'Poor old fool' thought the gentleman, so he invited the old man to have a drink in the pub. Feeling he should start some conversation while they were sipping their whisky, the gentleman asked, "And...
It was the day of the bhog. I was waiting for Mala aunty to get ready, so that I could take her to the pujo pandal. Aunty had some work and had gone out. She came in just as my mother was leaving for the pandal. She wanted to freshen up asked my mom to proceed for the bhog ceremony. My mother told me to wait and bring Mala aunty to the puja pandal, once she is ready. She also told me to lock up the house properly, before we leave. I agreed as I really did not have any choice in the matter. Mom...
IncestHead Mridul babu master besh khato manush, tar sashtho khub valo, mukhe gof ache. Age roj bayam korten, tai shorirta ekhono thik ache. Mathar chulgulo pray sada hoye gechhe tar. Ei school e mastari korchhen onek din holo. Sobai take khub valobashe. Kao ke kono din boka den na. Sobaike manush hotey bolen. Sobai tai bipode apode unar kachhe jai budhdhi nebar jonno.tini biye koren ni. Asoley biye korar somoy tai tar konodin hoyni. Aj school er bangla teacher pratimadevi amake ke nokol korar somoy...
I was at home after a long and tiring day at the office, wanting nothing more than to mindlessly watch some television and enjoy a good cup of steaming tea. I had just turned off the fire below my singing teakettle when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting any visitors and I wondered who it could be. I was surprised to find a nervously looking Ilse in front of me after I opened the door. I had completely forgotten about her promise of two weeks earlier. After my hot fantasies that night,...
Ever since MILF Richelle Ryan started getting serious about her fitness, she has been obsessed with helping everyone around her get in shape. She even promises to help her stepson work out during the summer. The lazy guy is not too excited to discipline his body, but Richelle is insistent. She uses her ridiculously thicc ass and perfectly perky tits to motivate the horny guy. When she bends over to do some serious stretching, her bodacious ass gets his cock rock hard. Richelle knows how to...
xmoviesforyouI highly recommend reading the earlier parts. After several hours of panicking, Sarah calmed down. Yes, she had fucked her friend. Yes, she had impregnated her friend. Yes, she had mostly likely doomed her to become a tentacle sprouting whore like herself. But.But she wouldn't be alone anymore. She'd have a friend to work through this strange situation with her. Liz would understand, at least, Sarah hoped she would. She remembered her own awakening, and the anal pounding she gave the "friend"...
Closet WhoreMy name is Nancy I'm five foot four inches tall and weight about one hundred and ten pounds thirty eight D size tits and a nice tight ass . I have been a closet whore ever since ( ken) neighbor boy asked me to suck his cock. I was three years younger than him but I was curious as hell after listening to my three sisters talk about there boyfriends and their cocks. So I asked him to show me his cock he said that I should show my pussy too. I thought it was OK so I dropped my...
Hi guys, this the second part of the story. I usually compare the woman in the story to actresses. So please browse the actress’s name while reading the story. Also, read the previous part to understand the betting game story. I fucked my aunt Trisha in the kitchen slab, and then we dressed up as nothing happened. In the afternoon, as we were eating lunch, aunty was sitting on my left side. I pinched her hip and slid my hand inside her petticoat, fingering her pussy. She started to move around,...
IncestIt was in November that Brian broke his neck and became paralyzed. He still had motion in his arms but his fine motor skills and his fingers were affected. The nerve damage to his legs was complete and he would be using a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He wondered at the time if he would ever have sex again. It was only the following summer that his questions were happily answered by two different women. The first was the personal care attendant he and his mother had hired. Chapter 1 "So...
It was nearly midnight when William and Colt entered the house. William tried to be quiet expecting everyone to be in bed, but Colt just walked in without worrying about the noise he made. At the irritated glance from William, he said, "I'm up all night and no one notices. If I tried sneaking around here all the time, I'd wake the whole house the first time I made a noise. Everyone is used to me walking around." "Oh, I guess I didn't think about that," William said uneasy about the...
Julia had spent the last days of summer at this place that had always beckoned her back to the days of her childhood before her parents had divorced. And here she was once more before school began, enjoying the crash of the waves and the feel of heated sand squishing beneath her toes. As she headed into the crashing surf once more before it became too late in the day, the sun was already starting sink towards the distant horizon at the place where the ocean seemed to suddenly break off and...
Devi “You ready, Dev?” I laughed on the medical table, my eyes closed against the rising terror in my throat. I’d had 15 piercings by that point and, amazingly, the terror of needles somehow never got easier. I kept expecting myself to get desensitized or to get used to this, but I never did. I had a phobia that made panic rise in my throat every time, made my heart race and made my palms tingle with sweat. And this was the worst piercing yet, or so I’d heard. “No! Okay, yeah. Yeah, I’m...
I despise beautiful women.Okay, maybe that is a teensy bit of an overstatement but I wanted to grab your attention and if I'd written 'I have problems developing and maintaining friendships with beautiful women' then, well, I can feel the collective yawn from here. So now that I do have your attention, perhaps you'd be happy enough to wander along this path a little further with me. I do promise that by the end there will be a beautiful woman and sexual escapades, so we do both have that to...
VoyeurPAINAL ALERT!!! Yes I can’t believe we failed to have this oh so important of a category as a search term here at ExCoGi. I say, we have had a lot of girls over the last decade and a half lose their analginity’s here, or have at least done anal for the first time on camera, wink. But I can’t remember such a hottie pushing threw her barriers with such determination and true grit, or for as long without tapping out once, as returning favorite Fiona Frost. Yes this scene was actually Fiona’s third...
xmoviesforyouFour years ago, Dev said goodbye to Nidhi at their college graduation party with a pleasant hug and an overly dramatic "I'm going to miss you!" After that, it had been surprisingly easy to fall out of each other's lives. He left India for his MBA and she found work in Bangalore. Four years later, though, he was finally returning home. When Nidhi saw him post this on Facebook, she sent him a message: Hey! Ohmygod it's been too long. I'm in town too. Let's meet up tonight? He stared at...
One fine summer I was working at a country club pool when I was 18. I gazed at all the attractive women that came through to get a tan. I wasn't from the wealthy class so I didn't get to go there before. I was a lovely pool hall with private showers, a massive hot tub and 2 separate pools for k**s and adults. Since I had gained employment there my immediate family was allowed into the pool area. Some days when Stephanie didn't have work she would stroll in and get a tan.The 5'7" frame with...
It was mid afternoon one day, and I was over at someone's house while his wife was out, getting fucked hard while wearing her panties--a fetish of his. We were in their bed, fucking wildly, rough and dirty as always and ruined the sheets and her panties. It was like any other time we hooked up, wait for his wife to leave, and go over to serve him like a good dirty fucktoy, but that's when the bedroom door opened up with his wife standing there.I was bent over getting pounded, my hair pulled, my...
Hai dosto ye mera phela experience hai aap logo ke sath apni story share karne ka, me apne bare me bata deta hu. mera naam arman hai, age 24 yrs hai, haryana ka rehne wala hu, mere hight 5′-10″ hai, or sareer me kafi healthy hu, apko to pata hai haryana ke ladke kase hote hai. baat us time ki hai jab me 12 class me padta tha or science side le rakhi thi, kafi dikat hoti thi math me to mene tution laga li apne school ki teacher ke pass, iske do reson the ek shool teacher hone ke karan who school...
Chapter 1: In The Beginning There are those of us who still remember the Private Investigator of old like Phillip Marlow and Sam Spade. For those to young it's a pity for you certainly missed one of the most golden of eras when a Private Eye was tough. He gave no quarter and expected even less for himself. It's my hope for the older generation to turn back the clock a few years so they may remember those wonderful days past. As for the younger ones, I hope to bring them some of the joy we...
Mrs. Riley listened to the rain as she sat in her living room reading another of the trashy romance novels she had been addicted to since she was a girl. The house was empty, unusual for a Saturday night, and she was looking forward to a night of peace and quiet. The sudden ring of the doorbell caused her to glance up at the clock. Ten to eight, she wasn’t expecting anyone. With a small sigh she put the book aside and left poor Rachel alone for the first time with her secret love...
Walking out into the hallway, the view out the second floor window greeted me with a rainy evening sky. Great, I thought, guess I won’t even be going out in tonight. I didn’t feel like bar hopping by myself in the rain, but resolving not to just give up and head back to my room, I hit the down button thinking I’d at least give the hotel bar a shot. I could certainly use a drink or three after the mind-numbing afternoon I’d just endured. When the bell chimed and the doors parted, I walked...
The Trouble with Roommates Chapter 1 Nick was right in the middle of a firefight in an online shooter when he heard a knock on his door. His roommate Brian stuck his head in. "Hey Nick. Rent's due tomorrow, make sure you have it for me." Oh shit, Nick thought to himself. Nick was regularly late with the rent. His website design job paid fairly well and let him work from home, but there were more important things like new video games or beers with his friends that he needed that...
The crowd in the club was all made up of girls! I traipsed dizzily behind Anne, looking around with wide eyes and letting her guide me towards one of the round cocktail tables, where we hopped onto bar stools. She saw my surprised stares and giggled. “Took you long enough to notice.” I pouted. “Everything’s happening so fast. How is a poor little country girl like me supposed to take it in all at once?” I made a gesture of desperation, and Anne caught my hand in the air. She pulled it to her...
BDSMThe weekend passed slowly. Bill fixed the faucet and a few other minor problems, like oiling the hinges for squeaky doors and replacing the filters on the air conditioner. As he did these routine maintenance tasks, he realized that next week, he would be doing many of the same chores in his own home. There, he would be alone and missing her. Courtney called Ashley on Monday afternoon. "I thought I'd have more information. Here's what they decided. They want both the guy from Washington...
Chapter 05 – Robert I met my best buds, Roger and Billy, up at the bar to catch the baseball game. Strangely, I felt a bit detached from the rib poking and shit kicking that normally ensued whenever we got together and beers and shots were involved. I tried my best to keep up, but both of them knew I wasn’t up on my game. ‘Robert, dude,’ Roger said. ‘I can’t believe you missed it. That hot blonde at the corner of the bar with her friends. She’s got the hots for you and you haven’t even...
Before you begin, you must check out Parts 1 & 2:Part 1: 2: now...continue with PART 3:“No, no, no…shame on you!” teased Diana to her husband, Mark. “The rules are if you wanna fold, you have to take a shot. We all agreed to the rules before we started.”Mark nodded, poured himself a kamikaze shot of vodka, and downed it. Diana looked next to me. “Well, Joe, what’s it gonna be?...
To start a few thing about the day, it was a normal weekend day and I came home after doing my running around town and getting stuff done. I drove up to my apartment and parked on the road that I always did, after I parked I got out and started to walk to the door and I saw this person riding a bike down the road, the person past by and then I saw it was a guy and he looked kind of cute from the quick look I gor of him, he was wearing spandex and a lose t-shirt. I took a few steps back to see...
GayWeddings are just so exhausting, I have beenrunning helter skelter trying to finalise all thearrangements. Neither my phone nor myselfhave been able to catch a break all week, thepreparations have been getting the better ofme.My phone has started vibrating again, andthis time around it’s the woman of my lifecalling. I won’t say I have been in love withher from the first moment we saw, but morelike she has always been there waiting forme.It seemed like she knew we would eventuallyend up...
The Ashley Lesson My eyes slowly opened and shut several times before I realized the obnoxious sound echoing throughout the room was the alarm clock on my phone. “Uh, that’s awful,” I sighed hitting the stop button. What’s with this yellowish colored paint? Where the hell am I? Then I remembered the night before, the entire day before. The vignette of emotion, passion and ecstasy crashed together in my head and I reached down rubbing my panties against my clit just briefly. I looked...
Mystic Godfather----------------Chapter 1---------His arrival was memorable in itself but that was the night I went to myfirst high school dance. Mom tried to console me she would neverunderstand. I buried my head in my pillow so I didn't notice the flashof light or hear the opening of the closet door. The music was on tomask my tears so I didn't hear him approach.I only knew someone was in my room when I felt something bump against mybed. A man was standing there when I looked up. He had...
It had been some five years since I’d fucked Nancy, I was older and then so was she. We were talking over the fence when I asked her if she’d had anything since the last time we were together, and she replied that she hadn’t. I was feeling quite horny and she was dressed in a lemon blouse and a grey skirt, we made some more small talk.After a while it became obvious to me that she needed to be fucked again. “Where is your husband” I asked “Gone to get the caravan ready he’ll be a couple of...
421 The eyes have it What was she to do, she asked herself, a mature lady of 68 years married 30 years and she had been widowed now for 7, she had been through the grief stage, resigned herself to widowhood, believing she would never enjoy a males attention or love ever again? But did she want it, did she really want that…sex…no she had forgotten all of it since Paul had passed over…she was respected… had a good job as an office manager… had a nice city flat, over a shop which she owned and...