A Bunnie To Play With - Chapter 5 free porn video

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The crowd in the club was all made up of girls! I traipsed dizzily behind Anne, looking around with wide eyes and letting her guide me towards one of the round cocktail tables, where we hopped onto bar stools.

She saw my surprised stares and giggled. “Took you long enough to notice.”

I pouted. “Everything’s happening so fast. How is a poor little country girl like me supposed to take it in all at once?”

I made a gesture of desperation, and Anne caught my hand in the air. She pulled it to her face and gave my palm a soft kiss. “Don’t you ever change, Bunnie.”

Right at that moment, a blond woman in a black mini dress came to our table, the tell-tale huge money purse identifying her as a waitress, and smiled sweetly at us. “Anything I can bring for you two lovebirds?”

“A Gin Tonic for me please,” Anne ordered while she caressed the back of my hand with her thumb, “but please make sure it’s not too heavy, I’ve still got to drive. And a Malibu Cherry for my little pet here.”

My cheeks went up in flames and I lowered my eyes.

The waitress raised an eyebrow and put down our order on her small pad, a small grin playing over her lips. She was tall and quite good looking, with a narrow face with high cheekbones and huge, silvery-grey eyes. “I think I’ve seen you around here,” she addressed Anne, “but not your, ehm, pet. Anything symbolic about the cherry?”

My... girlfriend - I decided after a small mental discussion with myself that I could think about her in that term - let go of my hand and giggled again. “You could say that. Isn’t she just the sweetest little cherry, and I’ll not get started about cherries that have recently been plucked?”

“Recently?” Her question sounded a bit distracted. I could feel her eyes roam up and down my body. “That sounds intriguing. May I ask how recently?”

“Last night, and today.”

I bit my lip and covered my mouth, my eyes wide, unable to believe that Anne was discussing our sexual life with a stranger! Though it only happened with innuendo, the facts were quite clear, and I looked down at the table.

“Oh my. And she’s a shy one, too, really adorable.” From the corner of my eyes, I watched her step closer to my girlfriend. “I wonder if you were gentle. After all, one could easily damage a cherry if one was too rough.”

“Gentle?” Anne chuckled, looking deeply into the waitress’ eyes. “If a cherry is ripe for the picking, I rather give her a good yank before the birds can catch her. Catch it, I mean. And it doesn’t hurt to soften the cherry up a bit so it simply melts in your mouth, don’t you think?”

“Ah, I see.”

She stepped even closer to my Anne, and I thought their legs were touching. She was flirting with my girlfriend, and my girlfriend with her! A wave of jealousy took away my breath.

“I like that kind of thinking. And I’m also quite fond of picking cherries. You wouldn’t mind sharing some time?” Her hand was now softly trailing up Anne’s thigh, who even parted her legs slightly in invitation.

“I don’t share lightly,” my girlfriend replied with her eyelids half closed, “but I might make an exception for you. Do you want to have a taste?”

“Mmhm,” the waitress sighed, “that would probably make my day.”

“Go ahead.”

I didn’t have time to react, even though my mind was quite aware of what was happening. My heart beat like mad, and then soft, cool fingers lifted my chin and the woman’s face was just an inch away from mine, her eyes filled with lust, her lips pursed and slightly parted. Her perfume, sweet and lemony, filled my nose.

Yesterday had been my first kiss with a girl, and now I was already about to experience another girl’s lips on mine. The thought hadn’t completely finished when it happened. At first I pressed my lips together and tried to resist. This was crazy, so far from everything I was used to. But the lips were relentless, nibbling and pushing, and then her hand came to rest on my thigh and slowly crawled upwards.

I couldn’t hold back a moan, and she quickly seized the opportunity and her moist tongue invaded my mouth and twirled around my own. Her fingertips encountered my bare pussy lips and she pulled away for a second to whisper, “Oh my, what naughty cherry you are!” Then her mouth was back, even hungrier than before, and her other hand touched the back of my head and mashed our lips together.

Feelings tore into all directions inside me, the intensity and sensuousness of her touch warring with my inhibitions and embarrassment. Her fingers lightly stroked my pussy lips and I sighed into her open mouth, my body melting under her ministrations and almost sliding from the bar stool. She released me at that moment, leaving me with flaming cheeks and a heaving chest.

“She tastes sweet,” she purred, looking at Anne again, “and she’s so juicy. I’d love to do some plucking myself. By the way, I’m Kirsten.”

She held out her hand to Anne, who took it and pulled her close, looked deeply into her eyes and, after a few seconds, gave her a kiss of her own. The jealous beast inside my heart once more raged in frustration, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away. It looked incredibly sexy, my lover’s lips meeting Kirsten’s and both of them struggling for dominance, their hands instantly all over each other.

When they pulled apart, they were both flushed. They whispered to each other, too low for me to make out, giggling and chuckling as they did.

It’s strange, how you can feel immersed into a scene one moment and feel like a total outsider in the next. Maybe it’s just me who can switch between extremes this quickly, but that how it was right then.

Kirsten gave Anne a peck on the lips and was off, and I was alone with my girlfriend again - as alone as you can be in a club filled with people - and my brain tried to catch up with events.

“That was fun!” She really meant it, and the lightness in her voice helped me put a bit of perspective to everything. “She looks good, doesn’t she?”

I nodded, hesitantly. “She does, Mistress Summers.”

She froze for a moment, but then she grinned and her face seemed to glow. Too late I realized my slip-up. “I - uh - oh…”

That drew a giggle from her. “Don’t worry,” she assured me, “nobody has heard that with the music blaring like that. I think it’s cute.” She bit her lip and tilted her head, getting that mischievous look I knew so well, and that suddenly made my knees weak. She was about to say something, but she took her time. “You know, it would probably be nice if you kept that up tonight.”

“You mean - ugh,” I started to feel a bit dizzy. Granted, there would hardly be anyone around who knew me, but there was a difference between calling her my Mistress in the privacy of our flat and doing so in the middle of a crowded club. But her eyes were so hopeful, and something fluttered quite pleasantly in my chest at the thought. “Of course, if that is what you like, Mistress Summers.”

A hand reached around me from behind and placed a glass on the table, and a soft voice whispered into my ear, “How kinky!”

All color drained from my face, but then I realized that it had to be Kirsten, and that Anne had probably timed things so she would overhear me. Nevertheless, it worked as intended, and I felt a kind of exposure that no clothes could cover up.

“There you are,” she put down the Gin Tonic in front of Anne, “Gin Tonic, not too strong, and a nice sweet Malibu Cherry.”

“Thanks,” Anne chimed, and with a look at me added, “don’t you think you should thank the nice lady too, both for getting you your drink and that nice kiss, bunny-ears?”

There it was, my catchword, for the first time. And by the way she had put emphasis on the “nice lady” she didn’t imply just a mumbled “Thank you.”

I took a deep breath and tried not to look into Kirsten’s eyes. “Thank you for bringing me my drink, Ma’am, and thank you very much for the sweet kiss you gave me.”

Something flickered in her eyes, something dark, almost intimidating, but exciting. Yet, a moment later she grinned widely. “You’re welcome, little cherry. I’m sure you’ll find the opportunity to express your gratitude.”

Her line left me wondering, but I had little time to worry about it, because she was off again and Anne told me to take a sip and tell her how the drink tasted.

The sweetness that hit me when I took a sip through the straw almost made my taste buds cringe. “Yuck!” I exclaimed. “My teeth are going to stick together!” The aftertaste wasn’t unpleasant, though.

“Come on, drink up,” Anne urged, “I want to party!”

“Please, give me some time, you know what booze does to me. It’ll go straight into my brain!”

“But that’s the thought behind it, you could do with a little loosening up.”

Looking over and seeing that Anne had already finished her drink in one go, I gave a resigned sigh and sucked on the straw. The alcohol did hit my brain immediately, and I felt that sweet rush of lightness settle over me like a blanket, the moment I put down the glass. Yeah, I know I’m a lightweight, give me a glass of sparkling wine and I’ll be babbling nonsense in a minute.

“Come on, let’s dance!” I was pulled from the bar stool and onto the dance floor without being asked for my opinion. I didn’t consider myself much of a dancer, and when Anne had been able to drag me into a club before, I had always tried my best to keep on the sidelines and rather watch others.

Anne was all hyped up and immediately began wiggling and turning to the rhythm, which was quite fast paced and groovy, and she pulled me with her, spinning me around. I felt rather clumsy as I tried to mimic her movements and follow her directions, but when my body heated up, I soon forgot all about my reservations and started to enjoy it. The blinking of the lights made it hard to keep my bearings, and I felt a bit like floating in glittering colors. We were twirling and laughing and spinning each other around, immersed in a sea of people.

In a lucid moment, I became aware that all the spinning probably showed off a lot more of my legs than decent. Perhaps it was the knowledge that there were only females around, perhaps Anne had unlocked something in me that didn’t care about decency, but I didn’t experience the embarrassment I should have and, a week before, would have.

The music changed to a slow R&B number and Anne pulled me backwards to her, wrapped her arms around me and started to sway her hips. I followed her movement, feeling her pelvis rub pleasantly against my bum and her breasts brush teasingly against my back. She rested her chin on my shoulder, and I forgot all about the people around us, revelling in the closeness of her embrace.

A punkish girl danced up to us. She looked barely over eighteen and had the most outrageous haircut I had ever seen, shorn bald on the left side but long on top and the right side, her hair dyed fiery red with bright, yellow highlights and white tips. Her body, sans her arms, was sheathed in a skin-tight wrap of bright yellow, shiny latex. A kind of catsuit, I realized. Her feet were stuck in incredibly high platform boots in the same color, and all the buttons and seams were done in dark red. It looked like some kind of crazy space uniform. Her bare arms were covered with tattoos, too fine to make out anything in the dizzying lights. But the most glaring thing about her were her nipples and pussy lips, plainly recognizable under the thin layer of rubbery material.

“Howdy Anne,” she shouted over the throbbing music, “who’s this pretty flower in your arms staring at my pussy? I don’t think I’ve seen her around you before.”

“That’s Bunnie, my roommate,” Anne shouted back, never stopping our wiggling dance, “and my new pet.”

Thank god my skin was already hot from the dancing, so nobody would recognize the blush in my face.

“She’s a cutie! You going to play with her too?”

“Not today, but I might. I’ll give you a call if I do!”

“That would be great!”

Suddenly, the yellow-red girl’s body was pressing against mine, and I stiffened. She was quite a bit taller than me in her heels, so her firm, round breasts were at my chin level. But she just gave Anne a quick peck on her lips and was already dancing away again.

“What do you think?” My girlfriend asked into my ear, “she’s quite the looker, isn’t she?”

“Ehm, yeah,” I had to agree, “but she seems a bit crazy, Mistress.”

That drew a chuckle from her. “Crazy isn’t enough of a word to describe her. I’ll have to bring you around to her place sometime soon, you’ll get a completely new definition of crazy then.”

“I’m not sure…”

“Oh, but I am.” She picked up her dancing in earnest again, and I followed her lead, soon again losing myself in the moment.

After a bit of time, Anne’s hands started to roam over my frontside, and at first I didn’t really think about it, just rocking and twisting with her and enjoying the sensation of fingers brushing over my breasts and stomach and stroking my thighs. My movements got more passionate, the heat between my legs steadily rising. I got daring and sneaked my arms around my girlfriend’s sides, grabbing her firm buttocks.

A small, pleasurable shudder ran through my body. I had just crossed a line and touched her back. Holding my breath, fearing for a moment that she might admonish me, I was instead rewarded with teeth nibbling on the sensitive skin between my shoulders and neck. I arched my back and melted into her touch.

“I want to make you come,” she whispered, her breath tickling my ear, “right here on the dance floor, so that everyone can watch. Do you want me to?”

For a moment I thought about declining. Then a finger trailed over my pussy lip and lit up sparks, robbing me of all conscious thought. “Yes, yes please, Mistress!” I gasped more than spoke the words.

The sparks intensified with each touch of her fingers.

“Pull up your skirt!”

My heart almost stopped. Pull up my skirt and expose my pussy, right here, in the middle of the club? But my fingers were already busy, and a second later the air brushed against my moist labia. I didn’t dare to open my eyes, surely everyone would be staring at my lewd behaviour!

But all that thoughts were swept away when greedy fingers delved into my slick folds. My hips bucked and I couldn’t hold my desires back. Two digits slid into me at once, the other hand pulling apart my labia and showing off my pink secret to the world. I moaned and gyrated my hips, eager to impale myself deeper on the fingers, to feel more of that wonderful touch inside me. Other fingers twirled both of my nipples, and I bent my head back and started to tremble. A ball of fire was building up between my legs, yearning to be released.

Other fingers? My eyes flew open. The first thing I recognized was yellow-red, right in front of me, her arm extended and her fingers pinching my left nipple through the thin fabric of my top. To her side stood Kirsten, who was fondling my other breast with one hand and nestling with something on my top, right between my breasts, with the other. She was opening the buttons!

Then cool air hit my tits! But a moment later the fingers returned, now skin on skin, and pinched and pulled. Anne’s thumbnail flicked over my clit. Together with my momentary mortification, this was all that the spark the ball of heat between my legs needed, and I exploded in gasps and moans, my skin set ablaze by a powerful climax that stripped me of all strength. My knees buckled, and it was only the three girls’ hands that held me upright, their fingers clamping roughly around the parts of my body they had been fondling, intensifying and extending the waves of pleasure as they did so.

Gasping and trembling, I hung between them, as good as naked and covered with sweat and, in the case of my thighs, something else. Daring a look around, I quickly lowered my eyes to the floor when the circle of girls that had formed around us started to clap.

“Oh my god,” I whispered, the enormity only now sinking in.

“I think ‘goddess’ would be more appropriate,” Anne giggled into my ear and almost undid my efforts to hold up my weight with my own legs by nibbling on my earlobe.

The other two girls’ fingers left my breasts, and I let myself be led from the dancefloor and into a secluded booth in the corner by my girlfriend, not caring about my bare boobies still showing, and not looking back if the two of them were following us. I plopped down on the comfy bench and sighed deeply, a mix of emotions playing havoc with my ability to think.

I was jostled to the side by yellow-red who was pulling at her latex suit. “Gosh, this thing is hot like a sauna.”

My girlfriend sat down on my other side and giggled. “Anyone could have told you that.”

“I know,” she sighed, “and it isn’t as if this is the first time I’m wearing it.”

“So stop complaining!”

“Hey, a girl needs to have something to complain about!”

“Here, ladies!” Kirsten also arrived, carrying three bottles of water and a small cola for herself.

I didn’t wait for the others and quickly snatched one for myself, gulping down the contents in one go. “Ouch,” I groaned when my stomach rebelled against the onslaught of cold liquid, and I started to rub it furiously, but the pain quickly vanished and I felt instantly energized. “Oh yes, that’s good!”

That drew forth some giggling around me, which went even louder at me inquiring look.

“Oh Bunnie!” Anne mock sighed, the grin never completely leaving her lips. “Ouch, that’s good! If that aren’t the famous last words of a masochist, I don’t know!”

The girls around me dissolved into laughter while I blushed and felt torn between being embarrassed and joining in. There was, after all, some rather obvious truth to it, even if only my girlfriend was aware of it.

Kirsten was the first to sober up again. “So what have you two planned for the rest of the night?”

“I’m not sure,” Anne confessed, “the evening’s going in a totally different direction than I had planned. I was only going to tease Bunnie here for a bit, but when you showed up at our table, things went off on their own. Now I’m seriously considering an upgrade.”

“Oh goodie, can I be there?” Now that she didn’t have to shout, the yellow-red girl had a nice, melodic voice that fit the impression I had of her age.

“Upgrade?” I asked at the same time, not knowing what they were talking about, but remembering that Lucy had said something along those lines when we entered.

Anne put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to her, putting a small kiss on my forehead that made me smile. “You’ll find out soon enough. What about you, Kirsten, can you come downstairs too?”

I could see excitement in the waitress’ eyes. “Normally not, but we’re over-staffed anyway tonight, the other girls will be glad if I take off early.”

“Good,” my girlfriend declared, “how about we meet up in the lounge then?”

“Okies! I can’t wait!” Yellow-red proclaimed, and Kirsten excused herself and told us it would take about ten minutes for her to finish up and get changed.

“Mistress Summers,” I asked, and tried to sound respectful. “Can you tell me at least a bit about what this upgrade is about? I mean,” I hastily added, “I don’t want to pry, but I think it’s something, uhm, sexual, but I’m a bit worried. It’s all so much.”

And it was much. Yesterday at this time I had been a normal college girl, dreaming of a handsome bloke - well, some kinky dreams mixed in, but who doesn’t have a few of those too - and letting myself get talked into a harebrained scheme to seduce said bloke. Then she had turned that scheme around on me and somehow made me her willing sex slave, given me the most intense orgasms I had ever had and exposed me to strangers on a dance floor. If that tempo kept up, I had no idea where this could end.

“Oh Bunnie!” she sighed again, studying my face for a few seconds, then she kissed me. With a deep and hungry kiss, one that made me swoon and took my breath away. Her lips were simply delicious on mine, and my tongue yielded to hers.

“I don’t want to tell you ahead of time, that would take away half the fun. But I’m quite sure you’ll like it.” Her fingers brushed my cheek. “But if you don’t, would that be a problem?”

I bit my lip. This seemed to become a regular gesture for me. “No, Mistress Summers.”

“But while we’re at it, let’s get another of your punishments out of the way, otherwise we’ll never them done tonight.”

I gasped. “Tonight? While we’re here?”

“Of course, what did you think, silly?”

“I - I didn’t…” My voice trailed off.

“I’ve brought along everything we need,” she told me with that wicked smile of hers, “why don’t you seat your pretty bum on the table in front of me?”

It wasn’t an order, so I complied, not looking around to see if anybody noticed us, and put my feet on the bench at either side of her. Meanwhile, Anne dug through her purse and pulled out four of the devilish paper clips she had used on me. She pushed them open a few times while I seated myself awkwardly in front of her.

“This way, we can get two punishments out of the way at once. Can you tell me where they will go.”

I studied the implements of my punishment with some trepidation and swallowed. She watched me intently. “My - my pussy lips,” I finally stammered, “and my nipples.”

“Right in one. You can tweak your nipples to get them hard while I put the other two on.” She lifted my skirt and pushed my legs further apart so she had better access to my sensitive spots. This time she didn’t take her time. As soon as she saw me pinch my own nipples, her fingers pulled out one of my labia and the clip snapped shut. My breath hissed and I clenched my jaw. A second later my other pussy lip got adorned as well, and I felt quite sorry for myself when the now familiar throbbing pain gripped my pussy.

“These won’t be as bad,” she soothed me when the third paperclip approach my nipple, which seemed to welcome the torturous thing, “or so I’m told.”

Still, the sensation was new, and I couldn’t hold back a small yelp when my nipple was clenched between the metal plates of the clip. The first bit of pain was sharp and seemed to cut deeply into my breast, but it quickly diminished and left just a throbbing, pulling sensation. Unless it was moved, I learned, when Anne gave it a few playful flicks with her finger to see if it would slip off. “Ow!” I complained, but only got back a wide smile.

Soon, my other nipple was adorned with its own clip. Buttoning up my top again was more than uncomfortable, and when I looked down, I could clearly see the outline of the clips through the fabric.

“Come on,” Anne urged me, “let’s get to Lucy so we’re downstairs when Kirsten finishes.”

It felt quite self-conscious, the shapes of the clips adorning my breasts like this, and I felt as if every pair of eyes was staring at my chest. But that was the easy part. Walking with paperclips on my pussy lips was really uncomfortable, but I now learned that wearing high heels at the same time made it even worse. The clips were rubbing against each other and pulling and pinching at my labia, making me wince with each clumsy step. The top pressed the clips flat against my boobies, which bent them downwards and pulled on my poor nipples. I had to pay attention not to move my upper body too much. In short, I was really, really uncomfortable, pulled after a merciless Anne towards the entrance.

Still, and any sane person would call me crazy, it felt erotic. I could stop this anytime, but some part of me revelled in the surrendering of power to my girlfriend.

I was relieved when we reached the counter and I could stand still. Those clips were doing a number on me, probably because my labia had already been tenderized by them today.

“Leaving already?” Lucy was sitting on a barstool and nursing a cola.

“No, I’ve changed my mind. I’ll have the upgrade.” Anne pulled her credit card from her purse and pushed it over the counter.

“Really? That’s great.” She pushed some buttons on her electronic cash register and slid the card through a slit on the side. “She’s a first-timer, so she’ll have to sign the form before I can give her the stamp.” She handed Anne back her credit card and pushed a sheet and a pen towards me.

Anne quickly snatched it away and started to scribble, shielding it with her body. I felt a bit silly. Finally, she pushed it in front of me and handed me the pen. “No need to read it,” she told me, “just sign at the bottom. I’ll give you the gist of it when we go downstairs.”

Lucy watched us with a mixture of concern and amusement on her face. “I really shouldn’t allow that, you know,” she admonished my girlfriend. “I’m to make sure that everybody reads it carefully before signing it.”

“Oh, you know me, Lucy! Bunnie here would never dream of giving you problems, would you?”

I swallowed. “Of course not,” I agreed with a meek smile, not really knowing what I was agreeing to. I signed with a flourish and pushed the sheet back to Lucy, only catching the title, 'Exemption of Liability and Declaration of Consent' in bold letters at the top. I had been right in my guesswork, but I wasn’t any closer to really knowing what was going on.

Anne stretched out her arm and was awarded with different stamp, this one with an intricate drawing of a kneeling girl. I followed her example and received the same mark.

“Have fun, you two,” Lucy waved at us while she filed away the sheet in a drawer behind her.

“We will,” Anne answered for both of us, already dragging me back through the entrance, “I’m quite sure about that.”

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Cosplay Catastrophe

The Seriously Awesome Expo (SAX) has arrived! Lights, glamor, and glory await in the convention center's halls for those who can claim it. SAX is the largest and loudest event of the year for gamers, comic book lovers, and pop culture fanatics of all kinds. You name it, they've got it! Not only does it play host to the biggest names of the industry, it sponsors the fiercest cosplay competition of the year: Cos-Clash! With the massive influx of money comes massive advances in costumes and props,...

2 years ago
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Jessica Nigri Respect the Cosplay

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the celebrities, people, places, conventions, events etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplayer & glamour model)Respect the CosplayA celebrity erotic storyBy DaxG2001...

1 year ago
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Streamate Cosplay

The essence of porn is fantasy. While real life may deny you the pleasures you seek, the theater of the mind is always ready to take your heart where it desires. You would be correct to assume that Jennifer Aniston would rather sit on a landmine than your dick, but she can’t stop you from imagining what that pussy feels like. I bet it feels like warm apple pie. Mia Khalifa would rather spend ten years in a Siberian labor camp than let you place your tongue on her clit, but I bet it tastes like...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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LiveJasmin Cosplay

Cosplay used to be a niche for nerds, virgins, and virgin nerds. These days everyone has seen and heard of cosplay, but I’m not talking about Lord of the Rings, ren fair, Star Trek pussies cosplay. I’m talking about whores barely dressed as Lola Bunny blasting away at their labia with a double-sized hippo cock dildo. You guys have fun swinging plastic swords at each other. I will be over here fucking your sister while she’s dressed like Repunzel with a pixie cut. I love the way she calls me...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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The Playhouse

We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...

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The Gift of Roleplaying

Hello all. Usually I post random poems or rants, but I would just like to take the time to post something about roleplaying. Ever had that situation come up, where you watched your character grow up from a simple youth to a full grown adult? You’ve seen him or her fight, you cried when they cried, you felt what they felt you saw them bleed and then started bleeding too. You knew him or her like the back of your hand. From the first adventure you went on to the last one, you fought your way up...

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Cosplay Porn Tube

CosplayPornTube! Porno has always been the realm of fantasy. Most of you neckbeard motherfuckers ain’t getting beautiful lesbians to double-team on your little nubs, and even fewer of you are bagging your step-mom with the big tits. In real life, nobody at all gets to fuck the anime sluts, comic book whores and video game bitches of your masturbatory fantasies. Well, not unless you count cosplay fantasies. That’s the shit that CosplayPornTube is all about.Sex tubes are a dime a dozen, and if...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Nicole and I got up early to drive to the Playa from Reno, the day was already getting warm at 7AM, Nicole wore a long button-down shirt, no bra and butt covering panties to be comfortable on the seat. I work my favorite kilt and an unbuttoned short sleeve shirt. Nicole drove us the first half of the way, and we shared what we were eager to do or see once in the City. Nicole had a couple of guys that were dying to see her, and I had a couple dates arranged prior. We rubbed ourselves and each...

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yo Hetero con gay en la playa

Esta historia es verídica. Me pasó este verano en las playas de cerca de Alicante (España). Os pongo en antecedentes. Soy hetero, muy hetero sin ningún interés en hombres. CAsado hace mas de 10 años, treintañero, muy deportista, ojos verdes, buen cuerpo, vamos que no tengo problemas para ligar y eso que me freno bastante.Siempre me han gustado las playas nudistas, que el sol te de en todo el cuerpo, ponerte morenito el culo (uno de mis mayores encantos). El caso es que hay varias por aquí...

4 years ago
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Cosplay Magic

Un-convention-al Magic "Wow! What a great cosplay!" I could not contain my amazement. It was not only the accuracy of the costume and the make up, how perfectly she fit the character's body shape and face, but also the fact that she had the courage (or audacity!) to cosplay that character to this convention in the first place! I felt my heart skip as she turned and glanced at me with just the perfect calculating little smile. I swore she had stepped right out of the anime. Or should I...

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The Adventures of Madames new Playmate

Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame's house. The drive to her new Domme's place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug halter...

3 years ago
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Let a Playa Play

Story about Charles who uses his good looks and charm to fuck as many women he wants. "Oooohh fuck, mmmmm." she moans with one leg on my shoulder, black panties with pink trim dangling from her foot as I vigorously attack her pussy with my tongue. With this being her last day of work, I thought I would send her off with a going away present. More like a this is what you will be missing present. As she bit her lip, she grippes the back of my head and presses my face into her wet...

1 year ago
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first time cheating and piss play witha drunk latina

First off im 27 year old male married this is my first time cheating/pissplay/latina girl/ i was at my job i work at a hotel i was just getting done its 4am there was this collage party thing they were hosting im in fire stairway and im walking down the steeps.i hear moaning and laughing i turn the corroner theres this drunk latina girl had to be no more than 20 she was about 5-8 dark hair darkeyes lightskin skinny maby 130lbs atleast c cup tits nice round ass and a thick hairy pussy...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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Playtime Stories Ch 9 Theater Play pt 1

Trust me- its long, but super hot... enjoy and comment!!!9. A good night at the theater can usual ease my naughty cravings. Of the cities I play in three have full size adult movie theaters. One city has a big screen TV theater in a large dark room and another has a mini-Cineplex of carnal delights. My favorite theater is an old classic theater with a number of personal side theaters and an arcade called The Grande (sic). It was the state of the art in about 1948. Over the years it was...

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Gaby Part 6 Cosplay

Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...

1 year ago
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Roleplay Pt 2

The heavy wet snow is just beginning to fall in Louisville when Ben walks out of the airport. He is totally exhausted from the trip and can’t wait to get home and snuggle in his warm bed. The whole area is rapidly turning white with fresh snow, and the streets are getting dangerous to travel. It takes Ben an extra 40 minutes to navigate the icy streets home. He is glad to see Todd's jeep parked in front of the house. If Todd had waited until morning to come home, the roads would probably have...

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Sexfight Roleplay Stories

Hello there, and thanks for taking a look. I am looking to roleplay out a sexfight story. I am willing to have a chat about it, if you're not into roleplay, but I am mostly looking to roleplay. If this post has been on here for a while, don't be afraid to message me. I am ALWAYS looking for a roleplay partner, and this is a general story post, so there is a lot of options for me to play with many people. Now, here is a massive list of sexfight scenarios that I've written up for us to...

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The Playmate

Hello Little Miss This is the second of my "Little Miss" stories. Poor old Nathan. Love, and stay safe KT Pel xxx The Playmate "But what on earth is it?" Nathan was positioned cross legged on the living rug, just as I had instructed. It was Christmas morning, though there was little spirit of the season in the air. "It's a doll," I replied coldly, as I warmed my hands on the mug of hot chocolate Nathan had made for me. "Yes, I can see that Tabitha. It's the same...

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Paula My Little Scottish Playmate Chapter Three

It’s been months since I've seen my Scottish playmate. I had the best time with her when I spent two weeks in Scotland. She showed me as much as she could when I was there. It was wonderful. I miss her and I’m ready to see what else we can get into. This time we've agreed to both travel. We've each been to our home countries and now want to go on holiday together. We talk endlessly where we want to go. She suggests a place called Maldives, but I never even heard of it, let alone know where it...

2 years ago
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Evies Naughty Idea Roleplay Gone Wrong

Introduction: A husband and wife talk about ways to spice up their marrige Evies Naughty Idea (Roleplay Gone Wrong) by Reed James Copyright 2014 Notes: This is a sample chapter of my Roleplay Gone Wrong (Naughty Wives Series 1) novella available for sell at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/422459 or http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J88I46C. Frank wolf whistled when Evie stepped out of the bathroom. She wore a slinky negligee deep maroon with a black lace trim he hadnt seen before, a hungry...

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Playmate by shalimar I took a break from my household chores on that early May afternoon and watched Miriam, my five-year-old and her friend, Sarah, learn a clapping song from two of the older girls in the neighborhood. The older girls are very patient with my baby and her friend as they learn the actions, rhythm and words of the song, "Playmate." As I watched them it brought back memories of my own childhood, sitting and watching the girls in the neighborhood do that and other...

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Playground Playmate take 2

After a while it was time to leave. The Florida heat was pretty intense and with the clouds building up all day, it was about time for the regular afternoon monsoon. Lightning flashed high up in distant nimbus cloud columns while gathering our playthings, the other little girl being nearby and helpfully picked up also. “Thanks for hanging out with Alyssa,” I started, “you are guys really play together well. What’s your name?” “ Ronnie,” she told me as we started to walk out of the...

1 year ago
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Hottest Roleplay With My Sex Slave Wife

Hi friends, I am back with another story of me, my wife and one of our hottest roleplay. After returning from our honeymoon from the Maldives, we became more close. Every night in the bed, we used to discuss my wife’s hardcore sex session with two big black cocks and how she turned wild on the bed. My wife made fun saying that my cock was not as big as a ‘black meat’. However, my wife was changed after that incident and she used to fuck me like a slutty pornstar. After a month, one night,...

3 years ago
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Gay Roleplay Session With Ray

Hello guys, this is Rajesh. Read about my gay roleplay session with Ray, and enjoy. It’s been a week since has fucked me. We couldn’t meet each other because of our busy schedules. So, finally, we decided to meet and have fun on the weekend. We wanted to try something new this time. Ray suggested that we do a roleplay this time. The story was something like this “I am looking for a house on a sharing basis, and I come across Ray’s post that he is looking to rent his one-bedroom.” (This time,...

Gay Male
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Playa Samara

Just a quick one inspired by Playa Samara, Costa Rica. This is my effort for the Earth Day contest, and as such I hope I haven’t gone too flowery with the philosophical musings of the principal character herein, I was just trying to justify the link to Earth Day. Anyway, as usual, there may be errors, if there are, forgive me. Send feedback if the mood takes, let me know what you like — if anything — or what you didn’t like. If you do send/post feedback/comments please make ’em constructive. ...

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Tuesday morning I was up early, with the sunrise. I made a large pot coffee, left most for Nicole, and took some in my bottle, fortified with heavy cream and coffee liqueur.I pedaled my bicycle across the city to meet my trans lover Amber; I had met her in San Francisco, and introduced her to Burningman a couple years prior. Amber was now fully into the Burningman Scene.Amber’s camp was already beautifully decorated with rainbow shade structure ad a welcoming center space with a Bedouin style...

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aZiaN PLaYaChapter 4

"Come back here and fuck me!" "I just did!" I lay flat on my back, worn out for the moment. "I don't CARE about DID. Fuck me MORE! NOW!" I knew I was technically in charge. But when a woman's screaming at you like that, it's hard to say no. And Tina had been an absolute nymphomaniac for our entire relationship. At twenty-three, Tina's body was in its most perfect condition I'd ever seen. Her legs were long and lean. Her petite torso was slender and tight in all the best places,...

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Playground Tales Chapter 4 Playtime For Three

It was a funny story really. I had met one guy in a random hookup with a great cock, and talking to him afterwards, he told me about a friend of his who he played with on occasion. I wholeheartedly agreed, I had always wanted a MMF, one where both cocks were there for me. We almost did it, but I ended up having to work late, and then the timing just never lined up again...A couple of weeks later, I'm on a social networking site and start chatting to a guy. Through course of conversation, it...

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Finding Pet A Playmate

It has been a month since Master gave me His collar, claiming me as His. It has been a wonderful month filled with pleasure and love. I couldn’t have wished for anything more. That was until Master asked me to move in with Him. I was speechless. Ecstatic would be an understatement. Of course I accepted and was moved in within a week. We quickly got into a routine. I am to be in position in front of the door when Master gets home from work. The position I’m supposed to be in is me naked on my...

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Paula My Little Scottish Playmate Chapter Two

I haven’t been able to keep my Scottish playmate out of my mind since I saw her last. It’s been a few months since she came to see me. It was everything I wanted and more. Though we still talk online, and tease each other greatly, it’s not the same. I’m about to surprise her. She doesn't know I booked a ticket and have come to Scotland to see her. I’m in my hotel that I booked for just the night, and plan on showing up at her place in a few hours. We've talked about meeting again, but we...

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Sophie My Playgirl

Sophie My PlaygirlBy: Londebaaz Chohan How it all started, I really do not remember and I do not give a fuck if anyone else knew or not. Honestly, I worried a little that Sophie shall be hurt if she knew that I was fucking her mother as well but my friend Mathew would surely do something drastic, if he found out that I was fucking his sister as well as his mother. However, it happened and it went on. Sophie always gave me that demur kind of looks that said, she wanted to suck my cock, whenever...

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Digital Playground

DigitalPlayground. That has to be one of the most creative names for a porn production company I’ve ever come across. It’s the perfect description of what a good porn site should feel like: an online place to play, a well-deserved break from all of the other bullshit in day-to-day life. After a long day at work or another fight with the wife, come to Digital Playground to let loose a little. Don’t mind if I do.DigitalPlayground.com is one of the oldest porn studios that is still active today....

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Bisexual Playground

BisexualPlayground! Are you the kind of horny dude that swings both ways? Do you enjoy both dick and pussy? Do you wish that you could meet other people who are like you? Well, if you answered yes to these questions, holy fucking shit, do I have the social network for you! Oh yeah, you know where I’m getting at!Bisexual Playground is a platform where you can discover bisexual men, women, and couples that want to get their freak on just like you do. Here, you will find all kinds of people in...

Hookup Sites
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Cosplay Butts

Reddit Cosplay Butts, aka r/CosplayButts! Are you an ass man? Do you enjoy watching cuties in cosplays? Well, how about checking out r/cosplaybutts/? I mean, this subreddit is basically those two things combined, which is pretty nice. With a name like that, I am sure that there is no need for me to formally introduce what this subreddit is all about, but then again, I am sure there are loads of you who would love to know more.So, what can you actually expect from r/cosplaybutts/? Well, you can...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Stanley Cup Playoffs

To some, the NHL playoffs are a welcome event, especially if they involve their favorite team. Me? I couldn’t give a rat's ass because — as you may have read in my earlier journal entries — I do not like sports. For my awesome husband, however… well, his favorites, the Boston Bruins are in the Stanley Cup playoffs. For me, the best thing about that is knowing that, along with other season ticket holders, he’ll be busy for four to seven nights. Actually, I planned on going to St. Louis for...

3 years ago
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Sex In The College Playground With Shruthi

Dear ISS readers, This is Rajesh () from Chennai…This is my first post in ISS so please bear my mistakes Here’s a true story of mine, somewhere in the year of 2011, when I was pursuing my engineering. Our college was located in the outskirt of Chennai, and the final year students had to do an engineering project, and to prepare the project for every little thing we had to visit Chennai around 100 Kms from our college location. So normally we used to go early morning and come back late in the...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 6 Sisters Naughty Roleplay

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sisters' Naughty Roleplay By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was...

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A Perfect Roleplay

Driving home, I thought about the ‘surprise’ my wife would have in store for me. It was my 40th birthday, so maybe an expensive gift along with the well-known ‘surprise’ cake, or some roleplay, perhaps. Then I got a tell-tale text message from the sweet wife, “Jaanu, come soon. We’ll have dinner together.” I smiled to myself. The SMS could mean that she probably ordered food and invited some friends. I parked and wiped my face with a wet tissue. Then I braced myself for ‘Happy birthday’ shouts...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 581 Midnight Call Masti 1 Roleplay Ya Hakeekat

Narrated by Shobha Hello friends, main Shobha. Pichle baar mein akeli main apni shum suhaani karne ke liye delivery boy ko apne ghar mein bulali. Fir pasta khane ke sath use bhi khayi. Matlab ki living room mein uske sath ek bar sex bhi ki. Waise banda kafi mehnati hai aur sath hi achchi chudai bhi ki meri choot ki. Par shum ke baad ab raat baaki thi. Mere dimaag mein kayi khayal aa rahe the jo ab bataungi. Sham ko delivery boy Prakash se apni choot chudwakar main sofe par...

1 year ago
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BDSM Playlist Spanish

LISTA DE PRACTICAS BDSM / Whipmaster'sPlaylist 2 Por Whipmaster [email protected] En otro lugar he expresado mi opinión personal acerca de los contratosde sumisión y de su valor más que relativo como elementos reguladoresde una relación BDSM plena y satisfactoria. A mi juicio resultan mucho más útiles e interesantes las "listasde prácticas" (en inglés, Playlist )algo que es relativamente frecuente encontrar en webs en inglés sobreBDSM y que sin embargo escaseaba en versión española....

2 years ago
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Sex In a playhouse True Story no Lie

LOL ok peeps heres a crazy story about my first sexual experience. I met this beautiful chick named Raven we were about 11-12 at the time she was older and we both went to school together we were Very good friends(too bad i cant find her anymore:( ). We would always play house inside this playhouse that was at this...

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Reddit Playboy, aka r/Playboy! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard of the magazine Playboy. It’s one of the biggest names in the adult industry, and it has existed even before porn was a thing. This magazine was the best thing a teenager in the 90s could hope to get. Blockbuster and other video renting stores never let minors rent out XXX movies, so the only thing they could hope to get is a playboy magazine at the corner store from the shop owner who doesn’t give a shit about what these guys are...

Reddit NSFW List
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Playboy Plus

PlayboyPlus takes a comically stereotypical approach to bring a classic brand into the new millennium, slapping a Plus on the end when they could have just as easily tacked on a 2.0, a 4K, an Ultra, or maybe even a Hub. Whatever, though, because I’m less concerned about the name than what they’ve actually got to show me. This is the porn brand your grandpa grew up with, but the younger generations are less familiar with. Playboy has lost some of its luster in this world of hardcore Internet...

Premium Porn Pictures Sites
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Roleplay with meeta

febian : Story will be like this.febian : we will meet at ur freinds marriage. U had come to attend one of my friends marriage where I saw u and got attracted towards and told ur friend(Sana) about you and send proposal thorough that friend.meeta : okayfebian : and i will proposed ur family thorugh that freindsfebian : i will be alonemeeta : kmeeta : i say yes for the propsalfebian : yes… as u have seen me at the marriage.febian : why dont make a scene of our first meet to know about...

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The Playroom

This is a simple gentle story. If you want violence, rape, incest or such stuff please look elsewhere. This story is set in the same village as another of my stories, ‘The Chair in the Corner’, but is in no way a sequel. I hope that it stands up on its own, as they say. I hope you like it. If you do, I’d like to know. If you don’t, then I’d also like to know why, so that I can do better next time. Our house is next door to the Running Fox, one of the village pubs. In fact, in the past, it...

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Hot Roleplay Online With A Slutty Delhi Model

I was staying over at my sister’s flat. She had just gotten married. My sister and her husband invited me and my cousin sister Shreya over to stay with them soon after. I was excited because my cousin was hot as fuck! Shreya was sitting on the couch wearing a tight revealing top. She ran over to hug me when she saw me and I felt her soft tits squeeze into me. Fuck, it felt good! I didn’t hesitate to grab my cousin’s waist and squeeze before I let go. She didn’t seem to mind. The four of us...

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