Cosplay free porn video

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I knocked on the door of Amanda's apartment. "Hey, Jason," Amanda said, opening the door. She stepped to the side, her long brown hair flowing with her movement. "Please, come in." "What's up?" I asked as I stepped inside. I caught a familiar look in Amanda's brown eyes as she said, "I'll explain in a moment." I always hated that look in her eyes. It usually meant she had an idea. I was a part of enough ideas to know Amanda was never one to really plan things out. As I entered the living room, regretting my decision to come over, Amanda yelled, "Rachel, Britney! Jason's here!" Rachel and Britney were both on the couch in the living room. The television was tuned to cartoons, which was strange, considering Rachel played video games almost as much as I did. Come to think of it, Britney didn't have her latest arts and crafts fad sprawled out on the coffee table. Amanda's idea was really starting to worry me. "I glad you made it," Britney said. Rachel nodded in agreement. "Have a seat," Amanda said, acting too hospitably. "Are you thirsty? What would you like to drink?" I plopped down into a recliner and said, "I know you got a pretty little idea in that head of yours. Just spill it so I can say no already." Rachel stifled a chuckle. "Fine," Amanda said, sitting down between her roommates. "Jason, how long have we know each other?" "Since middle school," I replied, immediately not liking the conversation. "Sixth grade band class." "In all the time you've known me, this will be the craziest idea I've ever had," Amanda said. "Do you believe that?" "Crazier that the goat incident in tenth grade?" I asked. Amanda nodded. "Rachel, Britney, and I would like for you to join us for a convention, held in Jackson, in just under two months. The four of us will be cosplaying Resident Evil characters in a matching cosplay. We've paid for your ticket, and got the outfit prepared. All we need is you to say yes." It was too simple. There was a catch that I wasn't being told. I looked between the three women across from me. Each had a different look of nervousness plastered on their face. "Who are you three going as?" I asked. "I'll be Ada," Rachel said. That made sense, considering Rachel was Asian and her hair and eye color matched Ada's. "I'm Rebecca," Britney said, pointing to her short blond hair. She usually wore it longer, though she was probably getting used to having it short. Her eyes were blue, instead of green, but she probably had several different shades of green contacts. "I'm going as Claire," Amanda said. "We were hoping you could go as your favorite character." "You mean Leon, right?" I asked. He wasn't my favorite character, but the alternative didn't make sense. "I meant Jill," Amanda said carefully. "Like, a male Jill?" I asked. "No," Amanda said. "As the actual Jill Valentine." The cartoons on the television made some comical noises, bringing a strange tension to the following silence. "You want me to join you at some convention," I said, "filled with people, dressed as a woman." "Not just any woman," Britney said. "The woman. I would've killed to be Jill." "Then you can have her," I said, standing. "I'm not doing it." With a sigh, I started to leave. "Jason, wait," Amanda said. I continued to walk towards the door. Amanda followed me, grabbing my wrist as I reached for the door. "Please." "I'm not doing it," I said. "That's that." Amanda sighed before yelling, "Volume!" The television got louder, presumably to keep the conversation between us two. It also added comical sound effects to a serious conversation. "Jason, remember that conversation we had Junior year?" I sighed. "Yeah, I do." "What was it about?" Amanda asked. "Can't remember," I said. "Don't lie to me," Amanda said. "You know what the two of us talked about. I want to hear you say it. Sit down!" Her order was not directed at me, but her two roommates who were creeping around the corner, trying to catch a snippet of the conversation. The rather loud shuffling of feet meant her order was followed. I cast a glance down the hall before looking at Amanda again. "I was wondering what it was like to be a girl," I whispered, barely audible above the cartoon. "I thought I wasn't cut out to be a guy." "Despite the fact that you were wrong," Amanda whispered back, "Now's your chance. You can dress like a woman, act like a woman-for all intents and purposes, are a woman-and the three of us will praise you. You'll get to experience firsthand what being a woman is like. You should be thanking me for giving you an opportunity to do this." "You're out of your mind," I hissed. "Why would I ever thank you putting me in this position?" "Because you want to do this," Amanda said. "I know you still want to know what it's like." I sighed. My mind had too many thoughts racing through my head; I couldn't collect them all into a singular thought process. Amanda put her hand on my shoulder. "I promised I'd find you an opportunity to live a day like me. I never forget a promise." I smiled, if only slightly. "I guess I don't have a choice," I said. Amanda smiled softly. "Glad to hear it." Her hand dropped down from my shoulder to my hand. She gently guided me back to the living room. After a gesture from Amanda, Britney turned the television off. "He's in." "Yay!" Britney said, jumping up and hugging me. "Now the fun begins," Rachel said. "What fun?" I asked, sitting down. Amanda smiled. "You have an effeminate face," Amanda said as she and Britney sat down, "but that's just not going to cut it. You remember my Uncle Henry, the one in the movie industry?" I nodded. "He's going to stop by and teach me how to do your makeup, and you to touch it up. Rachel, Britney, and I will be teaching you how to walk, talk, and pose like a girl. You'll also have to wear the outfit, as well as the wig, to get used to them. The convention is on August 10th. Today's the 24th of June, so I don't know how we can teach you all of this in such a short time." Amanda looked at her two roommates. "Anything else?" "This is gonna be so much fun!" Britney squealed. "How are you feeling?" Rachel asked me. "Like I'm in over my head," I replied. "It's hard to grasp that I just agreed to be a woman." "Here's an idea," Rachel said. "You always liked to play as women in video games, so just treat this as another game. You do roleplay the games you play, right?" "That's part of the fun of gaming," I said. Sighing, I stood. "I need to let this sink in. I'll get on later tonight, and we can start working on my voice then. I'll stop by whenever I have the day off. Amanda, try to match my schedule so we can get the makeup done right away. As for you two, always expect me to stop by, as time is going to be our biggest enemy. And if any one of you make fun of me for doing this, I walk. Okay?" Amanda stood, grabbing my hand. "Jason, really, thank you." I nodded, gently slipping my hand out of hers, before leaving. * A week after Amanda convinced me to give up my manhood, and probably my dignity, for a day, I knocked on the door of the apartment. A large man opened the door, sunglasses on his face. "Hello Jason," Amanda's Uncle said, putting out his hand. "Hey Mr. Henry," I said. I grabbed Henry's hand, shaking it. "Is Amanda here?" "She had to run some errands with her buddies," Henry said. "She'll be back soon." He stepped back, gesturing me inside. I passed by the bald man, immediately sensing his intentions. "I have a feeling you sent the three of them out," I said. "You probably want to talk to me one-on-one." Henry smirked. "Now I understand why Amanda's plans always seem to work," he said. "Have a seat." I sat down in the recliner, while Henry took a seat on the couch. "Here's my question. Why are you doing this?" "Amanda hasn't told you?" I asked. Henry shook his head. Sighing, I said, "That's a relief." "What is?" Henry asked. "Amanda and had a-" I said, pausing to find the right word, "-private conversation Junior year. During that conversation, she promised me the opportunity to live a day in her shoes. She thinks this will give me that opportunity." Henry ran a hand through his biker beard. "What was the conversation about?" he asked. "I said private for a reason," I replied. Henry stared at me for a moment before shrugging. "Suit yourself," Henry said. "Look, kid, I just want to make sure you're not trying to get into Amanda's pants by, well, wearing them." I chuckled at the thought. "It seems I have nothing to worry about." Henry leaned towards me and lowered his voice. "If you ever need to talk to me about anything, I can keep a secret better than any woman. I consider you family, just like my niece and her two underlings. Besides, everyone is curious about living life like the fairer sex at least once in their life." I looked up, shocked. "Amanda-" "Amanda didn't tell me anything," Henry said with a wink. "I've worked with a lot of people who were in your shoes before. I'm a makeup artist for crying out loud! If you ask me, you're doing the right thing by exploring it. I've seen too many miserable people bottling up their feelings for their entire lives." "Doesn't make it any weirder," I said. "It's only taboo because old white farts say it is," Henry said. "You'll be just fine, trust me." * "Can you breathe?" Britney asked, wearing her Rebecca outfit. "Yeah." After Britney finished securing the corset, she pulled out some tailor's tape and took my measurements. I felt oddly exposed, standing shirtless in women's cargo pants and a corset. After a moment of silence, Rachel knocked on the door of the guest bedroom and asked, "Can we come in now?" "Not yet!" Britney replied. "You can't rush surprises." To herself, she added, "No significant change." "In?" I asked. "Your size," Britney said. "I did make a mannequin of you for class, remember? Well, I made your outfit and prosthetic around it. The pants fit you, but I wanted to make sure." "Makes sense," I said. "Wait, prosthetic?" "Yep," Britney said. She opened a box next to the bed. "Don't be alarmed, but you're about to have breasts." Britney pulled a fake torso with two large breasts out of the box. I blinked several times. She secured the prosthetic to my chest, an artist's smile on her face. After a slight adjustment, Britney asked, "Well? How do they feel?" I looked down at the fake boobs on my chest. "Uh," I said, unable to form words. Britney threw a shirt at me. "Might as well cover up," she said. I quickly put on the shirt. The two large mounds were still there, but at least I wasn't staring at them in all their naked splendor. "They're awfully big," I mumbled. "Jill has the goods," Britney said. "You have to as well. I settled for D cup. You want them bigger?" My brain was still trying to process what I had on my chest. "Guess not." While I stood there, Britney placed a hairnet on my head, followed by a wig, and topped it off with a beret. I blinked several times. "I can't believe I'm doing this," I said. "Amanda owes me big for this." Britney nodded and said, "I'll make sure to remind her. Now let's get her in here to paint your face." * Amanda, Rachel, and Britney stood across the room from me, all wearing their cosplay outfits. They looked me up and down. I brushed the fake hair out of my face. "Well?" I asked, using my female voice. Rachel stepped towards me, grabbed my "breasts," then grabbed her own. "Passable," Rachel said. "Anyone copping a feel won't be able to tell the difference." "You really think I look the part?" I asked. "You know what?" Rachel asked, stepping back. "I think you'll get some double takes, and in a good way too." Amanda nodded in agreement, and Britney said, "I should take a picture." "Don't you dare," I said. "Relax," Amanda said. "There's a mirror behind you, by the way." "Oh, right," I said, turning around. The woman in the mirror looked foreign to me. Amanda's makeup skills, not to mention Britney's clothing prowess, changed me from a thin boy with a feminine face into an actual girl. "Wow," I said. "I really do look like a girl." I smiled. "Well," Britney said, "girlish. I doubt someone will call you out as a guy though." "I ordered some compression shorts," Amanda said. "It should help with your tent problem." "Tent prob-" I froze, understanding what she said. In a panic, I clapped my hands over my erection. "Aww, you're blushing," Britney said. "What?" I asked. I felt my face get redder. Rachel put a hand on my shoulder, seductively leaning on me. "You know, I think that girl in the mirror is into you. I bet if you just asked-" "Not helping," I said, interrupting her. "I'd say this is a milestone," Amanda said. "With a month to go, we know everything fits. Now, we all need to practice. Group cosplay just doesn't happen." She clapped her hands together. "But, that's all for another day. It's party game night, and I just put a pizza in the oven. I say we game in our outfits. Any objections?" Nobody said anything. "Good." Amanda left the guest room, with Rachel right behind her. "I hope you got pineapples," Britney said as she left the room. I moved towards the door, but caught myself in the mirror again. I paused, looking at myself again. A feeling I could only describe as comfort filled me. I cocked my head and smiled, doing my best to look coy. "Earth to Jill," Amanda said, poking her head into the room. I jumped slightly. "Coming?" "Yeah, sure," I replied. I glanced at my reflection one last time before leaving the room. * "Is everyone's suitcases packed and in the SUV?" Henry said. We all nodded. "Good. It'll take you several hours to get there, but you should arrive early enough to get a good night's sleep. Rachel, there's a speed limit, so I expect you to follow it." "It's more of a speed guideline, really," Rachel said, smirking. "It'd be best if you didn't get arrested," Henry said. "Britney, try not to get super excited. Remember when I got you backstage to that concert?" "It was the food I ate, I swear," Britney said, blushing. Her hair was now dyed brown to match her Rebecca's. "Besides, I inspired their next album cover." Henry shook his head. "Amanda, honey, be careful." Amanda hugged her uncle. "You're always looking out for me," she said. "You're the best uncle ever!" "Don't let Mark hear that," Henry said, chuckling. "Jason, I want you to remember that you can call it quits at any time. If, at any point, you can't handle it anymore, you can walk away. If these three give you any trouble because of it, let me know and I'll set them straight. You're doing something you've never done before, so don't feel bad if you can't go through with it." "I'll be fine," I said, using my girly voice. "Nothing like living a lie for a couple of days." "If you need me, just call and I'll do what I can," Henry said. "Stay safe, but have fun." "Bye!" the four of us yelled as we left the building and piled into the Rachel's SUV. "Thanks for watching the apartment while we're gone!" Amanda yelled as we started the drive. Henry waved before going back inside. I sighed, leaning back into my seat. Rachel was driving, with Amanda riding shotgun. I sat behind them, and Britney took the bench seat in the back for herself. "I can't believe Henry suggested Jason go to Jackson wearing girl clothes," Rachel said. "I'm shocked he agreed to it," Britney said. "I need all the practice in public I can get," I said. "Makes sense," Rachel said. "On that note," Amanda said, turning to face me. "Jason, you have fake breasts, sound like a girl, and are wearing skinny jeans with a pink blouse. You are a woman in almost every sense of the word, but do you have a girl name?" "I, uh," I stuttered, "hadn't thought of one." "I bet if you thought of one," Amanda said, "you'd start to think of yourself as a woman. Then, it's all roleplay." "How about Jill?" Britney asked. "They both start with J." "He's cosplaying as Jill," Rachel said. "That makes it even easier to remember!" Britney exclaimed. "No, that won't do," Amanda said. "What about Janet?" "I like Janet," I replied. "Britney can even call me Jay, since she likes my name short." "Sounds like a plan," Rachel said. "Now, onto more important matters. Amanda, could you put in my new CD?" I sighed as my three friends all started to argue over what music to listen to. Since I didn't care, I pulled out my e-reader and started working on my comic backlog. * "Wake up," Amanda said, gently shaking me awake. "Huh?" I mumbled. "Britney had to go," Amanda said, "so we are currently stopped at a gas station." "Right," I said. I stretched, feeling several pops in my neck. "Girl voice, Janet," Amanda said with a smile before she hopped out of the car. After looking at my chest, I remembered I was a girl for several days. I said a couple sentences to myself to find my voice before I slipped out of the car. When I first entered the gas station, the only person I saw was Britney, who was slowly walking through the aisles. I joined her as she looked at some candy. "Here," she said, handing me a couple of dollars and four quarters. "If you want something." "I'm fine," I said. "Just gotta pee before we hit the road." "Good idea," Britney said. She then whispered, "Just remember what bathroom to use." "Thanks for the reminder," I whispered back. I looked around for a second, unable to see a restroom sign. When I glanced at Britney for help, she pointed to the back of the building. "Thanks." I walked towards the back. Amanda was standing outside of the restrooms. She grinned as a stood next to her. I sighed, to which Amanda replied by lifting her eyebrows twice. Rachel stepped out of the restroom. Amanda whispered, "The joys of being a woman," before occupying the restroom. After a couple moments, Amanda exited, which meant it was my turn. I locked the door before taking a quick look around. The bathroom was pretty much the same as most I had been in before. The machine on the wall looked like it dispensed tampons, though one of the slots had the label tore off. Curiosity got the better of me, so after emptying my bladder, I put in a couple of quarters and turned the handle. A condom popped down. I picked up the square wrapper, surprised that it came out of the machine. "What am I going to do with this?" I mumbled to myself. As I did, my movement in the mirror caught my eye. The woman in the mirror looked attractive enough that a strange thought entered my mind. I put a corner of the wrapper in my mouth, bent over, and motioned for the mirror to come towards me. That was enough to cause an erection, though it was concealed by the compression shorts. As I stared at the mirror, a thought of the woman riding a man flashed through my mind. I gasped quietly, dropping the condom. Slightly disturbed by the intrusive thought, I threw away the condom and flushed the toilet before leaving the restroom. I glanced around the store. Britney was the only friend I saw, and she just started leaving the gas station, large plastic bag in hand. When she approached the door, two men-one wearing sunglasses and one wearing a baseball cap-opened the door for her before entering the gas station. As I hurried to catch up with my friend, the man in sunglasses saw me coming. He held open the door for me. The man in the baseball cap tipped his hat when I passed him. "Thank you," I said to the man in sunglasses as I slipped through the open doorway. "Anytime," he said. They say you can tell when someone is staring at you intently, a sixth sense honed for survival. My sixth sense was going off as I felt the man stare at my butt. I felt like giving him a show, so I focused on walking the more sexual way Rachel taught me. "Looking good," Britney said as I approached the car. She motioned towards the passenger door with her thumb before ducking into the SUV and closing the sliding door. "Shut up," I said, sitting down in the vehicle. "What?" Amanda asked from the driver seat. Britney leaned forward, placing one arm on Amanda's seat and another on mine. "Jay was giving two guys something to look at," she said, looking at me. "You looked natural showing of for the nice man." "I said shut up!" I exclaimed. My face was burning, a sure sign I was glowing red. "Relax," Amanda said. "We all get the urge to rile up the boys every once in a while. No big deal." "I don't want to repeat myself again," I said, still blushing. To change the subject, I asked. "Why isn't Rachel driving?" "Someone stayed up too late playing video games," Amanda said. She raised her voice as she said, "Even though she knew she'd be driving for eight hours today!" "I'm fine!" Rachel objected from the back. "I really don't want to crash today," Amanda said. "Get some rest back there and we'll be there before you know it." Rachel crossed her arms as she leaned back in her seat. She mumbled something, obviously pouting. "What was that?" Amanda asked. "Just don't put on some stupid music," Rachel said. Amanda and I exchanged glances. "That's probably not what she said," I said. "I know," Amanda said, "but I'll give her that one." Amanda handed me her phone before she put the SUV into gear. A map with a highlighted route was onscreen. "You're on GPS duty, so if we get lost, I'm blaming you. "Might as well start complaining now," I said. * As the sun set in the distance, Amanda closed the trunk of the SUV. We all picked up our bags before walking towards the hotel. "Who's paired with who? I asked. "Rachel, Britney, and I will be staying in a large suite on the top floor," Amanda said, glancing over her shoulder. "The best I could do for you was a room close to the stairs on the fifth floor." A concierge held open the door for us as we entered the lobby. "We'll be fine, thanks," Amanda said as another reached for her suitcase. As Amanda approached the front desk, Britney asked, "Why does Jay get her own room?" I gave her a deadpan stare. "Oh yeah. Never mind." "Rachel, you get the spare key," Amanda said, handing Rachel a small card. "And this key is Janet's." I took my card, giving Amanda a thankful nod. We started walking towards the elevator together. "We'll get settled in our room. Janet, get settled in yours. I'll stop by your room once us three are set. Okay?" "Okay," I said, pushing the elevator button. After a moment of waiting, the sliding doors opened. We let the people inside leave before we hopped inside. "Room 504," I said aloud, reading the numbers on the back of the paper. "Fifth floor?" "Correct," Amanda said, pushing both the fifth and sixth floor buttons. "We're in 607, so it's not too far. Like I said before, the stairs are practically next to your room. Easy access for tomorrow." "Right," I said. "Tomorrow." The doors opened with a ding. "See you in a minute." "Later Jay!" Britney called as I walked down the hall. As I walked through the silent hall, I suddenly felt exposed, as if everyone knew who I really was. The feeling snuck up on me, gripping my stomach tight. It spurred my feet, speeding me towards my room. When I got there, I struggled with the key card, my breath fast. I realized I was panicking over nothing. With a way out, there was no reason I had to go through with it. If I needed to, I could call it quits with no repercussions. The calming thoughts prevailed, letting me open the door to my hotel room. I stepped inside and shut the door. With a sigh, I set the bag on the lone bed. The room had a small dresser with a television on top, a small nightstand on the left side of the bed, and a small desk next to the window. I turned the television on, and some action movie started playing. Perfect for background noise. I opened my suitcase. My cosplay outfit was sealed in a bag, folded meticulously. The matching shoes and beret were also sealed in separate bags. I pulled the bagged outfit out of the suitcase and hung it in the closet. The beret's bag slipped onto the hanger's hook, while the shoes were fine sitting on the ground. Looking at the clothing reminded me of what I was going to do tomorrow. Performance anxiety started building in my gut. To distract myself from the growing discomfort, I looked at the rest of the suitcase's contents. Several sets of clothing, both male and female, were folded neatly in the main compartment, and extra pairs of compression shorts, socks, and underwear were stashed in the top mesh. What surprised me was the handbag tucked into the corner of the suitcase. I picked it up and turned it around. A biohazard symbol, made to look like it was dried blood, decorated the side of the bag. I guess Amanda really wanted me to go the whole distance with this girl thing. As I set the bag down, I felt something in it. It felt like a long pole. Figuring it was something to help the bag keep its shape, I unzipped the bag, grabbed the pole, and pulled it out. A replica of a large white penis greeted my view. I dropped the dildo, jumping back in surprise. "Damn it Rachel," I muttered, knowing this to be her sense of humor. Someone knocked on the door. "Janet, it's me," Amanda said. Thinking fast, I grabbed the dildo and tossed it into the nightstand's bottom drawer. After a second's pause to calm down, I stepped towards the door. "How's the unpacking?" Amanda asked as I opened the door. "I'm done," I said. "Great!" Amanda exclaimed. She glanced around me. "May I come in?" "Was I blocking you?" I asked, stepping to the side. "I was being polite," Amanda said, entering the room. She stepped over the bed before picking up the handbag. "I see you found the present I left for you." "Present?" I asked. She couldn't mean- "Yeah, the bag," Amanda said. She slipped what looked my key card into the handbag. "I figured Jill would need a zombie themed handbag, so I got one. It's not super girly, so I figured you might want to use it." "I just wish you would have given me this before the trip," I said. "These skinny jeans don't have the best pockets. Britney still has my wallet, right?" "Catch!" Amanda yelled, tossing me the bag. I caught it with both hands, surprised. Amanda used the distraction to grab my hand and drag me out of the door. "Hey!" I looked behind me, watching the door to my hotel room click shut. "What do you think you are doing?" "We are eating dinner in the hotel diner tonight," Amanda said, dragging me down the hall. "You mean, just the four of us, right?" I asked. "Sure," Amanda said. "Of course, if anyone else in the hotel wants to eat there as well, we can't exactly kick them out." I saw Rachel and Britney standing at the elevator. Amanda stopped dragging me when we joined them. I wretched my hand out of her grip soon after. "You certainly are convincing," Rachel said to Amanda. "Did you like my surprise, Janet?" Rachel asked me. "I thought Amanda got me the handbag," I said nonchalantly, slipping the bag over one arm. I was going to enjoy ruining Rachel's joke. "She did," Rachel said. "What about the present I left you inside the bag?" "There wasn't anything in the bag," I said. The elevator opened up, and the four of us stepped inside. "Why, did you get me something?" "Are you sure it's not in the bag?" Rachel asked, cocking an eyebrow. I nodded. "I guess I left it at home." The doors to the elevator doors shut, and we started moving down. "I believe this is yours," Britney said, interrupting the conversation. She handed me my wallet, as well as a black wallet with a biohazard symbol on the front. "Since you have your own bag now, I thought you'd like to hang onto it yourself. Of course, a woman's purse needs a matching wallet, so I couldn't resist." "Thanks Britney," I said, placing both wallets in my bag. "Now if only Rachel remembered her gift." Rachel sighed, disappointed, as the elevator dinged and opened its doors. A dark haired man, well over six feet tall, entered the elevator. Another man, muscular and slightly taller than the me, followed close behind. "Hello," the tall man said. "You four here for the convention?" "You know it," Amanda said as we shuffled around to make room for the duo. "You?" "Same," the tall man said. "I'm Todd." "Mitchel," the bald man said. Amanda introduced us. "I'm Amanda, that's Britney, the sulking one is Rachel, and Janet here is the shy girl." I glared at her. "We're doing a group cosplay. You?" "Elfman, the manliest Fairy!" Mitchel yelled, pointing to his white hair. "Keep it down, you big lug," Todd said, shaking his head. "I'm testing out a Master Chief cosplay tomorrow before I take it to some bigger cons. Hopefully, it isn't too exhausting to wear all day." "How complete and which version?" Britney asked, cocking her head and crossing her arms. "Mark VI," Todd said. "Whole suit, built myself. Repurposed some old overalls for the base suit. The armor bits are molded plastic, with a thin layer of metal covering them. The helmet is a repurposed motorcycle helmet that I added lights and more metal to. It's not bulletproof, but it sure looks it." "Nice," Britney said, grinning and nodding. She looked at Amanda. "We'll definitely have to check him out tomorrow." "Britney is the genius who designed our group cosplay," Amanda said. "She's serious about this kind of thing." The elevator dinged, and we all got off. "I hear you," Todd said. "What is your group cosplay, anyway?" "Resident Evil girls," Amanda said. "RE 2 Claire, REmake Rebecca, RE 4 Ada, and REmake Jill." She pointed to each person as she said their cosplay. "That's just putting on the right colored clothing, right?" Todd asked lightheartedly. "Them's fighting words," Britney said. She grinned like a cat eyeing a mouse. "Down, girl," Amanda said, placing a hand on Britney's shoulder. "Why don't you two join us for dinner?" "Maybe another time," Mitchel said. "We're going get some food to go before heading back to our rooms. Last minute preparations and all that." Todd nodded. "What time are you guys leaving tomorrow?" he asked as Mitchel walked towards the buffet. "About seven," Amanda said. "You?" "Same," Todd said. "See you guys then." He gave a short wave before jogging to catch up with Mitchel. Amanda and Britney walked towards a different end of the buffet. As I went to follow them, I noticed Rachel still watching Todd and Mitchel. "You okay?" I asked. "Target acquired," Rachel said, mostly to herself. "What?" I asked. "Nothing," Rachel said. She finally tore her gaze away from the two guys and slowly started walking towards Amanda and Britney. I watched Rachel's steps, noting how fluid and sexually she moved. Something got into her, but I wasn't sure what. The aroma of grilled meat woke up my stomach, which pushed any thought out of my head that wasn't about food. * The door lock clicked as I turned the handle. Positive nobody would bother me, I walked towards the bed. The suitcase was relocated to the floor next to the bed, with my handbag thrown on top. With a sigh, I fell back onto the bed. The clock next to me told me I would get almost six hours of sleep until I had to get up. Amanda had drilled the itinerary for tomorrow into our heads over dinner. Wake up, dressed by five, ready to go at seven, lined up at the convention center by quarter till eight, and inside by half past. Once inside, we'd walk around and see if anything was worth our attention. At ten, we'd join the group of people showing off their cosplays and stand around for photos. Lunch would follow afterwards, and the rest of the day was winging it. I yawned, forcing myself to sit up straight. With the alarm set, the shower started calling my name. After a short gathering of all the hygiene materials I would need, I reached for the knob to start the shower. I paused, realizing I was still dressed and wearing the prosthetic breasts. Wasting hot water wasn't wise, so the clothing and girl parts had to go. I took the blouse off, tossing it onto the floor. The bra Amanda gave me did wonders supporting the fake breasts. As I reached around for the bra clasps, I had a strange thought. Every time I wore this before, Britney was making sure my clothing fit or Rachel and Amanda were teaching me to be girly. This might be my only chance to play with them. I dropped the bra onto the floor. My hands explored the bare boobs, loving how realistic they felt. As I explored more of the chest piece, I had to applaud Britney. From matching my skin tone to slowly making the edges transparent to allow a seamless transition to my actual skin, it was pretty easy to assume these were real. Once I had satiated my lust over my boobs, I reached behind me to remove the prosthetics. As I did, however, I glanced in the mirror. A topless woman stared back at me, though her hair was a little lopsided. I quickly fixed the wig before going back to stare at the mirror. A smile spread across my lips. I started making faces in the mirror, going from cheery to sad to flirty. As I made the last face, I felt something stir in my pants. "Is that a banana in your pants, or are you happy to see me?" I asked myself, giggling. "Maybe I could take care of that for you." I winked at myself. An image flashed through my mind. The woman in the mirror was on her knees, blowing a faceless man. No stranger to the joy of a blowjob, I was suddenly curious to just how good she would look with a penis in her mouth. "Too bad there's nobody here to blow," I joked. "Otherwise I could put this mouth to goo-" I froze, and I did so for two reasons. The first was I referred to myself as giving a blowjob, not the woman in the mirror. The second was there was a dildo in the bottom drawer of the nightstand. I looked at myself in the mirror, wondering just how much I was willing to go down the rabbit hole. I looked down at the fake breasts on my chest, then back at the mirror. The thought from the truck stop earlier flashed through my mind, though this time I was the woman in bed with a man. I wondered just what it would feel like to be on the opposite end of a penis. Tonight could be my only chance. "Might as well give it a try," I thought aloud, regret hanging on each word. I quickly ran to the nightstand, grabbing the dildo from the drawer before rushing back into the bathroom. I looked at the fake penis for a moment, feeling rather incompetent next to it. The dildo had to be at least three times longer than my natural equipment. I took a deep breath through my nose, lifting my hand with the dildo's head facing me. I started to open my mouth. I paused, unsure of what exactly I was doing. A cascade of conflicting emotions pelted me. I eyed the dildo, want to both throw it and taste it. I looked in the mirror. Janet looked back at me, hunger and curiosity in her eyes. Slowly, I brought the dildo to my lips. My eyes shut. The head made contact with my closed mouth. In response, I kissed it. Nothing happened. I didn't die, I still had my equipment in my pants, nobody burst into the room, and the dildo didn't suddenly grow the rest of the man. Any and all fear I had of some life changing event happening were swept away in the vacuum of nothingness that followed the kiss. Feeling better, I kissed the head again before smiling and opening my eyes. "Like that?" I asked the disembodied penis. "How about this?" I lifted the dildo up until I was at the base of the shaft. I licked the entirety of the shaft, ending with a kiss on the head. I looked at the mirror like a porn star would a camera, and slowly put the head into my mouth. It felt strange. I knew I shouldn't be getting any satisfaction from sticking a fake penis into my mouth, but I did. I moaned like a woman as I ran my tongue over the head several times. I know how much I would have enjoyed this, and pleasuring someone in this way felt rewarding, like I was spreading some hidden joy. A smile crept across my lips as I pulled the dildo out of my mouth. "Time to see how far it can go," I said to the mirror. Slowly, the dildo entered my mouth. The day I discovered I had no gag reflex made me the most entertaining kid during hot dog day in middle school. Today, I was putting the skill to new use. I held my breath as I pushed the dildo further into my mouth. The fake balls touched my chin as the dildo went back into my throat. I pulled it out as I exhaled. This experience certainly gave me a new perspective on blowjobs. I did it several more times, making sure to watch the woman in the mirror. I started going faster, and my breath unsynced with the dildo. Coughing, I pulled it out. "How did you end up with this in your mouth?" I wondered aloud to the mirror. Instead of a logical answer, I imagined a scene where the faceless man had taken Janet to dinner and said all the right things, convincing her to spend the night in a hotel with him. Temptation gave in; I wanted to explore this scenario further. Considering the average person wasn't twelve feet tall-and this was no place for a blowjob after such a nice dinner-I decided to bring the penis to a more believable level. I left the bathroom. After double checking the door was locked and the curtains closed, the dildo and I moved towards the bed. I knelt down next to the bed, placing the dildo as to imagine the faceless mas sitting down on the edge. I smiled as I said, "Time for the fun to begin," before sticking the dildo back in my mouth. One hand dropped from the dildo and to my breasts. I started to play with them as I sucked the dildo. The faceless man stroked my hair, controlling my speed as he did so. I let him guide me as I pleasured him. The faceless man pulled his penis out of my mouth, intensifying my lust. I moved my hand up and down his shaft, waiting for him to offer it back to me. I wanted him back in my mouth, and I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled the penis down before shoving it in my mouth. The faceless man's balls touched my chin. I proceeded to bob my head, moving as fast and far as I could. My tongue danced over the entirety of the penis as I moaned in pleasure. Pressure started to build up inside the penis. Breathing heavily, I pulled the penis out and smiled. "Are you ready?" I asked between breaths. "Go ahead. You know you-" The faceless man shoved his penis in my mouth, interrupting me. I moaned in pleasure. My free hand stopped groping my breasts and started rubbing the front of my pants in an attempt to pleasure myself. As I continue to suck the faceless man's penis, I could tell he was about to blow. All the while, I wanted to suck more and more. The faceless man pulled his penis out of my mouth again. "Don't stop," I said. The faceless man tilted his head. "I'm begging you. Let me finish. Please." The faceless man waited for several seconds before returning his penis to my mouth. I happily continued sucking. The moment was upon us. The pressure had reached a critical point. I started moving faster, glancing up at the faceless man. Out of nowhere, I felt my own orgasm rock my body. The faceless man's penis stopped my shrieks of joy from leaving the room. The waves of pleasure stopped, leaving me somewhat senseless. I felt the hard penis in my mouth and realized the faceless had not orgasmed when I did. Worried I had failed him, my efforts doubled. After several moments of attempting to give him nirvana, I pulled the penis out of my mouth, breathing hard. "I want it," I begged between breaths. I licked the shaft to the head once again, bobbing my head up and down several time. "Please." I shoved the penis into my mouth as far as it would go. Still, the faceless man resided at the edge of orgasm. I pulled the penis out of my mouth, stroking it with both hands. "I promise I'll swallow it all." My mind stopped working as the words left my mouth. The faceless man disappeared, leaving me alone in my hotel room, holding a dildo. As the reality of what just happened dawned on me, I started shaking. I tossed the dildo to the other side of the room, backing up. My compression shorts felt sticky. My thoughts were jumbled into one another, as nothing that just happened made any sense. My mind shut down completely. I took off the fake breasts, corset, jeans, shorts, and underwear. Naked, I stepped into the shower, turning it to freezing cold. The shower jolted my mind enough to clean the makeup off my face. After a short shower, I dried off. Exhausted, I dropped onto the bed and fell asleep. * An annoying buzzing woke me. My eyes opened and looked towards the sound. The clock read 4:02. Time to wake up. I turned off the alarm before sitting at the edge of the bed. A cool breeze kissed my naked skin. Standing, I walked to the bathroom. As I relieved myself, I looked in the mirror. The woman from last night looked back at me. I blinked. My male self looked back from mirror. "That was a strange dream I had last night," I mumbled to myself, flushing the toilet. I grabbed a fresh pair of boxer briefs and compression shorts, slipping them on before looking for the pair I wore yesterday. They were lying on the floor between the bed and the bathroom. I bent down to pick them up, but stopped as I noticed the cum inside. My eyes went wide as I snatched them up. "It wasn't a dream," I said aloud. "I really did-" I wanted to panic; I wanted to feel disgusted by what happened last night. But I wasn't. Last night, as a woman, I enjoyed myself. The thought was pushed to the side as I threw the soiled shorts and underwear into the empty trash can. I bagged the clothing before throwing it into my suitcase. Once the evidence had been sufficiently hidden, I put on my corset and prosthetic breasts. The next step was to shave everywhere my clothing wouldn't cover. After running a razor over my arms and face, I moved to the closet. My cosplay outfit still hung there. The practice sessions made getting into the clothing easy. I stood in the middle of the room, fully dressed except for my makeup. I still had some time to kill, so I hunted down the dildo. After washing it off, I was tempted to stick it in my mouth again. The only problem with that would be the time to change out of my compression shorts if I lost control. Instead, I kissed it once before I hid it in my suitcase. "Don't worry," I said as I zipped up the suitcase. "Jill's coming back for you later." I realized just how strange I sounded. Two months ago, I'd never even considered wearing a girl's t-shirt, let alone acting like one in front of hundreds of people. Yet here I was, excited to get back and blow a dildo for pleasure. Amanda promised me a day as a woman, and I owed her big for it. After transferring everything from my male wallet to my female wallet, and placing the wallet, my phone, my keycard, and a small makeup touchup kit in my bag, I left my hotel room and made my way towards my friends' room. Luckily, I didn't run into anyone, as that would ruin the illusion of my femininity. I knocked twice on the door. After a moment, the door opened. "Hey, Jay," Britney said, wearing her Rebecca outfit. '"How's our schedule?" I asked. Amanda poked her head out of the bathroom, Claire wig on and eyeliner in hand. "Once Rachel's dressed and you're dolled up, we are good to go." "Rachel's not dressed yet?" I asked. "As much as I like you as a friend," Rachel yelled as Amanda opened her mouth, "I will kill you if you aren't blindfolded when I get out of the shower. Also, I will steal all of your kills for a year." Amanda grinned as she shrugged before ducking back into the bathroom. I sighed, asking Britney, "Do you have a blindfold?" "No, but I have an idea," she replied, grabbing my hand and leading me further into the room. The trio was staying in an actual penthouse suite, complete with separate living room, kitchenette, and bedroom. It made my small one-bed room seem that much smaller. "Sit here and relax," Britney instructed, pointing at a recliner. I did as she said. As I relaxed, Britney reclined the chair and placed my beret over my face. "No peeking." "Like I have a death wish," I said. "All clear!" Britney yelled. I lay there silently as Amanda, Britney, and Rachel continued getting ready. After almost falling asleep again, the beret was lifted off my face. "Don't move," Amanda ordered. I complied as she applied a moisturizer to my face. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked. She had no idea just how excited I was to do this. "Might as well get it over with," I said. "Okay," Amanda said. "Here goes." In no time, I looked as girly as the other three people in the room. "Britney, Rachel, you guys good?" Amanda asked. "Yep!" Britney exclaimed. "Just a moment," Rachel said from the bathroom. "And, done." "Janet?" Amanda looked towards me, a sincere smile on her face. "Ready," I said. "Then out the door with you three," Amanda said, gesturing towards the exit. "We're ahead of schedule, and I'd like to keep it that way." Rachel, Britney, and I walked out of the hotel room. After a few seconds, Amanda followed, carrying a backpack and a duffle bag. "Somebody take this," she said, offering us the duffle bag. Britney took it before I could. "What's in there anyway?" I asked. "Our guns," Amanda said. "We can't carry them around, but we can use them for the photo shoot." She made a motion with her arm, and we started walking down the hall. "I can't wait," Britney said in an excited whisper. "I heard that a professional clothing designer will be there, potentially looking for skilled cosplayers to help design new clothing." "They say that every year," Rachel said. "What makes you think this year is different?" I reached the elevator first, so I pushed the call button. "I don't," Britney said. "Though, a girl can dream, can't she?" We piled into the elevator before descending down to the first floor. The doors opened with a familiar ding. As we exited the elevator and stepped into the lobby, a strange sight greeted us. Elfman was currently walking around Master Chief, tugging on various bits of armor. Chief stood with his arms out, and would give Elfman a thumbs up after each tug. Several onlookers watched the strange sight. "Well?" I asked, looking at Britney. "I want to touch it," she replied. The four of us walked towards Todd and Mitchel. "I want to touch it," Britney repeated, though it was directed at the man in the armor. "I figured as much," Todd said, turning his head slightly. "Is that everything?" "Unless you want a triple check," Mitchel said, standing up. "I think I'm good," Todd said, relaxing his arms. "Thanks." "Anytime," Mitchel said, patting one of Todd's shoulders. Todd turned around, and looked at the four of us. "I stand corrected," he said. "There's more to it than just matching clothes." "Told you," Britney said. "Can I touch now?" "Go ahead," Todd said. Britney rubbed her thumbs over the nicks and battle scars, eyeing the armor. "How is it?" "Well done," Britney said, standing straight. "You got a blog?" "Kinda," Todd said. "I only really share pictures that have me in them." "That'll do," Britney said. "What's the name." "That'll have to wait," Amanda said. "We better get to the convention center." "You four have a ride?" Mitchel asked. "We both have cars. You know, so you don't have to ride a bus or something." "We're fine, thanks," Amanda said. "See you there." "We appreciate the offer," Rachel said as the four of us hurried out of the hotel. * "Wow," I said, stepping into the main building of the convention center. Hundreds of people wandered past booths filled with comic merchandise, old game consoles, and signed movie props. "Stick with us and you'll be fine," Rachel said. "It's pretty easy to get lost in the crowd." "Will everyone remember where the lockers are?" Amanda asked from behind us. "In case we get separated." I turned around, looking for any directions on the walls. Finding none, I said, "Probably not." "Then don't get lost," Amanda said. "We have a little over an hour to explore before we're doing the photo shoot, so make sure to meet up here at 9:45. That's fifteen minutes to get ready." Amanda glared at Rachel. "Not for flirting, and definitely not for avoiding my calls." "I'll try to responsible," Rachel said, "but no promises." "As for you," Amanda said, looking around. "Wait, where's Britney?" The three of us spun around in a circle for several seconds. "She better get here on time," Amanda grumbled to herself. "Yeah, I'm going to head over to the gaming side of the convention," Rachel said. She shot me a look a hostage would give a cop. "Coming, Janet?" "Right behind you," I said, getting the message. "Don't get lost!" Amanda yelled as we walked away. Rachel and I weaved our way through the crowds. "Amanda takes these kinds of things way too seriously," Rachel said. "Then again, she did pay a lot for the tickets." "Did you help out at all?" I asked. "I couldn't," Rachel said. "Between insurance, phone, Wi-Fi, and my share of the rent, I really don't have the money for tickets. Britney's in college, so she's practically in the same boat I'm in." Rachel pulled me to the side, letting a large group of friends pass each other. "She pays more for rent and utilities than Britney and I combined, and she paid for all four tickets. I'm lucky to have such a great friend. It's just," Rachel let go of my hand, shoulders dropping, "I don't know how to not act like a dick to her." "You're not a dick," I said. Rachel gave me a weird look. "Well, at least to people you aren't currently trash talking. You don't have a filter between what you think and what you say. Amanda deals with it because she knows you aren't being mean. You just don't know how to talk to people." I shrugged. "Maybe, as a way to pay her back, you could try to learn?" "Not gonna happen," Rachel said. I gave Rachel a disapproving look. She winked back at me. "That's exactly what I'm talking about," I said. "Duh," Rachel said. "Can we go have some fun now? I'm done being serious." "Sure," I said. I looked over the heads of the convention goers, spying a booth filled with gaming merchandise. "Hey, that looks promising." Rachel followed my gaze. "I agree." We carefully made our way over to the booth, looking forward to the rare treasures we probably wouldn't find. * Rachel, Britney, and I stood outside the lockers at 9:47. "Guess who's late," Rachel said as Amanda stepped out of the crowd. "I was in line to buy this," Amanda said, holding up a tablet case. "Is that Princess Robot Bubble Gum?" I asked in disbelief. Amanda nodded. "I couldn't resist," she said. "You're forgiven," Rachel said. "Let's get ready for our shoot." Amanda led us into the locker rooms. We stopped in front our large locker. "May I?" Britney asked. "Go ahead," Amanda said, handing Britney the key. Britney opened the locker, pulled out the duffel bag, and looked at the three of us. She handed Rachel and me our holsters, offering quick reminders on how to put them on, before giving us our fake handguns. Amanda grabbed her shotgun, smiling as she pumped it once. Britney put on her own holster and holstered her own handgun. The four of us then started to fix our makeup. Once our makeup was perfect again, Rachel and I handed Britney our handbags, while Amanda handed over her backpack. Britney put all of the bags, including the duffel bag and her own backpack, into the locker before locking it and tossing the key to Amanda. "I'm impressed," Todd said from behind us. I turned around, checking out the Master Chief cosplay. He held the iconic assault rifle, standing in a pose similar to one of the game's cover art. Mitchel was behind him, standing proud dressed as Elfman. "How's your mobility?" Britney asked. "Pretty good," Todd said. He gestured towards the door with his gun, and we followed as he walked away. "It's not as heavy as full metal, but looks just as good. I also trimmed the armor near the joints a little, but it's nothing costume breaking." "So I've noticed," Britney said. "It's showtime!" a convention volunteer yelled. "Doors are open! Good luck!" As the flood of cosplayers moved out the door, I asked, "So, how does this work, anyway?" "It's simple," Todd said, stepping next to me before matching my stride. "Since we aren't allowed to have our weapons during the convention, there's a time set aside for cosplayers to pose with their weapons so everyone can get some cool pictures. We'll stand in a large open area, cut off from the crowd, so they can take photos. Generally, premade groups are the first, with crowd requests coming after. After everyone had their fun, and we head back to the locker room, some convention volunteers will break up the crowd so we can get back to enjoying the convention." I nodded, understanding most of it. "Any questions?" "You said something about requests," I said. Britney bumped Todd out of the way. "If, say," she said, "someone wanted all of the female cosplayers together for one photo, he could ask. Of course, we can always say no to a request, but unless it's unfeasible or unsavory, there's not really a reason not to." "Oh," I said. Amanda reach back and grabbed my hand, dragging me next to her. "This isn't the first time we've done this here," Amanda said. "People tend to forget just how scary this is. Especially for someone like you." Amanda winked. "I'll keep an eye on you. Oh, and don't forget to smile." "Thanks," I said sincerely. Amanda, Rachel, Britney, and I walked out of the locker room. A large crowd surrounded the exit, though they were far enough away to give the cosplayers some breathing room. "This way!" Amanda shouted over the roar of the crowd. The four of us headed down towards the largest part of the crowd. Amanda cast us a glance, and we moved into action. I stood on the far left, with Amanda on my right, Rachel next to her, and Britney on the far right. We held our weapons at the ready, looking like the zombie killers we were known as. After several minutes of group posing, we broke apart as Amanda, Rachel, and Britney started posing with other cosplayers. While I looked around for someone to pose as, a Ruby Rose appeared at my side, her Crescent Rose in scythe form. Someone yelled for the two of us to pose together, so I stood on Ruby's left and improvised a duo pose. After the photographer got his pictures, several other people yelled out various names for me to partner up with. I worked through the requests, sometimes grouping up with one of my friends or Todd, and even had a photo with Mitchel. One of the convention volunteers yelled something about a last call as I posed with some characters from an anime I never heard of. Several of the cosplayers started making their way to the lockers. Before I could join them, a Zero Suit Samus stopped me and asked, "How about some photos to go? I've heard our names together a couple of times, but never got around to it." "Sure," I said. The two of us posed for several pictures, which turned into several more as we were some of the few who haven't returned to the locker room. "I think we should get going," I whispered, pointing at one of the convention volunteers as he pointed to his watch. Samus nodded. She bowed deeply as I waved goodbye. As I smiled the crowd, I felt something touch me between my legs; I looked down to immediately see Samus's hand recoil away from me. While bowing, Samus accidentally touch my penis. Fearing my cover was blown, I froze for a split second. Samus stood before started walking towards the locker. I hurried next to her, doing my best to hide the fear and embarrassment. As we walked together, Samus never once looked towards me. The two of us entered the locker room. We said nothing to each other, and I didn't know if that was worse than Samus immediately calling me out. As I contemplated my next move, Britney ran up to me and yelled, "Jay, you were amazing out there!" "You really think so?" I asked. "You were a natural," Samus said. I caught her wink out of the corner of my eye. "Trust me." Something in her voice told me not to worry. I looked at her for a second before nodding. "C'mon already!" Rachel moaned over the dull roar in the locker room. "I'm hungry and waiting on you!" Amanda gave her a quick slap on the back of the head before making a shushing motion with her finger. "Catch you later," Samus said, as she walked to a different part of the locker room. "Bye!" Britney yelled. I waved goodbye before getting yanked towards Rachel and Amanda. "You were a natural out there!" Britney chirped again. "Really, who knew you had it in you. There was absolutely nothing to worry about." "I had a lot of practice," I said. "Wait, did you say you were worried?" Britney, dodging the question, said, "Undo the strap so we can go eat." I unbuckled the upper strap for the holster as Britney reached down and undid the bottom. She yanked the holster off before tossing to Amanda. Rachel handed me my bag as she started to drag me out of the room. "What about them?" I asked, gesturing towards the other half of our group. "They'll catch up," Rachel said. "I'd rather not wait to eat." * Rachel and I munched on our overpriced hamburgers as Britney and Amanda sat down with us. Rachel sat opposite of me, Amanda on my right, and Britney across from her. "Room for two more?" Todd asked as he and Mitchel appeared next to the table. I patted the spot next to me, preferring to not speak with a mouth full of food. "Thanks." Todd plopped down next to me. He put several hamburgers down in front of him, saying, "I didn't know if you four were waiting for the line to die down, so we grabbed some extra food. Britney eyed the extra food with greedy eyes. Amanda cast her a glance. "It's so worth blowing my diet," Britney said. "Pass it over." I grabbed two of the extra burgers and held onto them. After a slight pause, Britney asked, "Please?" I handed the burgers to Amanda, who passed them to Britney. "What took you two so long?" Rachel asked as Mitchel sat down next to her. "We actually got out of the locker room first," Mitchel said, setting down a couple of hotdogs wrapped in tinfoil. "If only the line for the bathroom wasn't so dang long, then we would've probably been here before you." I glanced towards the line for concession, seeing it make at least two turns. "Conventions really do have long lines," I said. "I guess having everyone in once place before lunch doesn't help either." As I returned my gaze to my burger, I noticed a large group of people, sitting at a table on the other side of Britney, looking towards us. "Hey, are they staring at us?" I asked. Rachel looked at me, so I motioned with my eyes. She relayed the information to Amanda in a similar fashion. "Looks like it," Amanda said. She looked towards the guys at our table. "I bet those guys were wishing they were you two right now." "Probably," Todd said. "It's not easy being this awesome, that's for sure." "For someone as inexperienced as yourself, maybe," Britney said with a mouth full of food. Amanda shook her head at Britney. Rachel said, "I can feel their eyes staring into the back of my head." Mitchel grinned as he said, "I hate to break it to you, but I don't think they're looking at your head." Rachel nodded in agreement. "You know," she said, "I want to mess with them. There's always a group of them that stares at us, so I just want to put on a show for them." Rachel grinned mischievously. "Make them squirm." An idea popped into my head. I turned towards Amanda and said, "Do you remember that trick I used to do at lunch?" "What trick?" Amanda asked. I glanced at the hotdogs before looking back at Amanda. "Oh, that trick. You think it will work?" I smirked. "They probably won't stand for a couple of minutes," I said. "I think that's fair payback." "What are you two talking about?" Todd asked. I ignored him as I grabbed one of the hotdogs. "You ready?" I asked Amanda. "Standing by," she replied. I plucked the hotdog out of the bun, examining it playfully. It appeared to be about a foot long, which was perfect for showing off at this distance. After sizing it up, I shot a glance towards the table staring us down. Every single guy was watching me hold onto the hotdog. I locked eyes with each of them before slowly sticking the hotdog into my mouth. Rachel's eyes grew wide as a sinister smile appeared on her lips. Britney held her hands over her mouth in a silent gasp. I pushed the hotdog further into my mouth. With skills gain from years of performing this trick, I swallowed the hotdog whole. After the hotdog and passed into my stomach, I exhaled and said, "Tada." "Wow," Britney said. "Everyone, let's return the looks," Rachel said. All of us, including Todd and Mitchel, quickly turned to stare down the table across from us. We all burst into laughter as every single person there quickly looked away, glowing red. "That was perfect," Rachel said. "Of course, it could've been better if we had some mayo, but we can do that next time." "You're pushing it," I said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to use the restroom." "Don't tell me you going to throw it back up," Todd said, concerned. "What a way to waste a hotdog," Mitchel added. Todd shot him a nasty look. "No," I said, standing. "If you must know, I'm going to relive my bladder and fix my lipstick." I patted Todd's shoulder once, trying to convey that I appreciated the thought, before weaving my way through the crowd towards the nearest bathroom. After emptying my bladder, I looked in the mirror and started to reapply the lipstick my hotdog took away. As I put the lipstick back into my handbag, a familiar voice behind me said, "Looking good." I looked in the mirror and saw Samus standing behind me. "Hello Samus," I said. Samus stepped up to the sink next to me. "So, do you enjoy it?" Samus asked. "The dressing up, that is." "Well, yeah," I replied. "Cosplaying is pretty fun. I don't know why I didn't do it before." She placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned towards me. "I meant as a woman," she whispered. My eyes went wide as my face burned with embarrassment. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You know I felt it," Samus said. "If I wanted to ruin the illusion, I would've said something by now. So, can you please not act like either of us are stupid?" I nodded. "Good." She paused for a moment as another person passed by. "Follow me." Samus moved towards the rear of the bathroom. I followed close behind. Surprisingly, none of the other girls in the restroom looked towards us. I guess this kind of privacy was common. "So, what do you want?" I asked, assuming Samus wanted to blackmail me. "Nothing," Samus said. "I used to be in shoes similar to yours once." I looked at her for several seconds. Revelation hit my brain as I fought to control a gasp. "Exactly." "So you mean?" I asked, not daring to finish the sentence. "Yep," Samus said. "I went through that phase a while ago, decided to change my life, and never looked back. I chose a more permanent solution as well." She glanced down at her waist. "If you catch my drift." "I follow," I replied. "So, how often have you done it?" Samus asked. "I practiced several times before," I said, "but today's the first major time, aside from the car trip yesterday." Samus nodded. "I wouldn't have chosen a con as my first public outing, but you seem to fit in with your friends. Do they know?" I nodded. "The guys don't though." "Got it," Samus said. "I'm done holding you, so you go enjoy the rest of your day." "Thanks," I replied. As I turned to leave, Samus grabbed my hand, spun me around, and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "What was that for?" I asked. "You're kinda cute," Samus said, walking away. "I just couldn't resist." She gave me a short wave before walking out of the bathroom. Relieved my disguise was still intact, I left the bathroom and rejoined m

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It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

Yes it really was a dark and stormy Friday night, and I was driving home to my lonely apartment glad to have a free weekend ahead of me after a grueling week at the Bank. My mother was away on a world tour with her sister, and I was home alone, and looking after myself. I knew that the house would be warm and I the thought of a quiet evening in front of the TV after a nice hot meal was wonderful. My so called girl friend Tracy of two years was also away with her parents for a month in Ibiza....

2 years ago
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Widow Social Science Teacher

Hello everybody, I am Rudradutt Sisodiya with a original tale with my social science teacher. So first a brief intro of mine, I live in Vadodara a city in Gujarat. The best thing here is there are many hot and young girls are seen here, especially in schools and universities. I was in 12th std. when this incident happens with me and my teacher. At that time I was a tall a guy among all other students and was a little cute and I had sharp hairstyles and looks. Actually I was not good in Social...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 33 The Thieving Bastard

December 9, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “What do you think of the ‘Commonwealth of Independent States’?” Elyse asked at breakfast. “It’s about what I expected. A security, currency, and trade union with relatively open borders. Right now, it’s just Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. We’ll see what happens in the long run. I don’t know if the Muslim republics will join. If they do, it’ll work, at least for a time. But in the long run, I expect it will fizzle. The key is, no broad civil war.” “What...

3 years ago
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Seduced Mom with the Help of Stranger

This is Kumaresh from Chennai and I would like to share my true experience with you all. I lost my father when I am studying 10th standard and we were suffered very much financially but somehow managed with the help of my grandparents and my mom unable go for any job since she is very innocent and not have much exposure to outside world. This makes life very difficult and I managed to join college after my 12th standard where my lust for my mom started.My mom name is Padma and her age was 39 at...

2 years ago
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Movie Wednesday

They sat on the couch, the bowl of popcorn in her lap. Nathan reached over from some popcorn, eyes never leaving the TV. Summer swatted his hand away playfully, eyes focused on the movie, smiling as she popped another piece into her mouth. Nathan rolled his eyes, settling back against the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. This was their usual Wednesday night tradition. It’d started years ago when Summer had been dumped and she’d come crying to Nathan. Nathan had been annoyed...

3 years ago
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The Italian Job 17

The Italian Job 17A few days later Ellie came to see me at my apartment, this was truly a royal visit as she had never been before and I got the feeling that she was checking to see if I had got anyone entrenched that she might see as a threat to her private domain, she wandered around, looking at all of my stuff, “Maria came to see me” she commented whilst browsing my books, I made no comment, I reckoned if she wanted to tell me she would “wanted to know if she could have her job back” she...

2 years ago
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Sex goddess part 10

I am 5’8”, normally built and little tanned. If I didn’t shave for two days then I would look handsome enough to earn me some looks from the girls. I was dressed in a loose t-shirt and denims. I was still not completely awake. I found a tea vendor and clutched the Styrofoam cup to my cheek, my eyes closed. Winter was colder down here then it had been at home. I sat there and finished the tea and asked the tea vendor directions for the waiting rooms. I freshened up in the waiting rooms and...

4 years ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 16 Crystals

It was well after midnight when Jack felt himself stir awake. Sharley had done a magnificent job of wearing him out, and the bed was in the same wrecked condition they had left it that afternoon. She was now sleeping deeply, her nightie a thing of the past, and had collapsed finally in utter orgasmic bliss. Jack had slept soundly for a few hours but had woken shortly before two. “I seem to be sleeping less,” he commented. “Yes, Lord, that is to be expected. Your mental powers are continuing...

3 years ago
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Virgin Escort Fun In Chennai

Hello everyone here…I am an avid fan of indian sex stories dot net and started reading stories 6 years back.Housewives and girls in and around Chennai can contact for utmost satisfaction !! Privacy maintained well…Interested can contact for response and feedback from u guys….. I am Shyam,23-year-old Brahmin guy working in well reputed MNC here in Chennai.I tend to become horny easily and shag off by reading stories here.Whenever I read an escort story I doubt it is just fake until it happened...

2 years ago
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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 9 Another

(Today) Two years ago, when Ambuster retired from his chairmanship of the Computer Science Department, it was only natural that Alex Chatris moved up. Nobody even questioned the move. To the shock of his brother, Ambuster took responsibility for the ten children that he had fathered with the women who were former students – and who were now students again. In an amazing piece of fiction, he wrote in his letter of resignation that he had tried to remain a simple mentor to the girls but they...

3 years ago
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A Hidden Lesson Part Two

Simon arrived at college in plenty of time for his lesson which by sheer luck happened to be French with Miss Duval, the object of his desires.Usually Simon was incredibly focused but the events from the previous evening had proved to be quite distracting and of course, his lack of attention was not lost on Miss Duval who prided herself on knowing her students inside and out.“Simon, can you give me an example?”Simon flushed, “I’m sorry, “he stuttered. “I don’t know…”“No, you won’t know will...

College Sex
4 years ago
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The Party12

Girls danced around me in hot pants and tiny tops, barely dressed. I looked at them with my eyebrows raised as I took a sip of my drink and turned back to my friends. Corinne giggled flirtatiously as she stroked the arm of one of the dark skinned boys we were talking to. Being mixed race herself, she looked incredible, with large tits and gorgeous curling hair; almost all eyes in our group were on her. I met the gaze of a guy across the room; he was black like a lot of the others here,...

2 years ago
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Sandy and Frank Ch 12

She hung up, checked herself in the mirror one more time, and, opening the door, called down to Frank, ‘All right, you can come up now.’ She backed up until she was standing away from the bed in front of some bookcases and stood there until he came into the room. I have no idea as to what he was expecting, but his face had a stunned expression as he saw her. His mouth gaped open and he just stood there, speechless, until he was finally gasp out, ‘My god, Sandy, you’re beautiful!’ He didn’t say...

2 years ago
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Gf Ki Choot Chati Part 8211 3

Hlo everyone. Yeh meri 3rd story h jo meri or meri gf k beech me huyi chudayi ki h. Jaise k ap jante hi ho m sushant from jalandhar panjab. Age 25. Athletic body.agr kisi v lakdi aurat aunty kisi v age ki ho mujse secret sex ja kisi v tarah ka experience chahiye to btana.koi v fantasy ho poori krunga poori satisfaction milegi.. koi v age ho it’s doesn’t matter. Muje apni pichli stories ka kafi acha response mila thnxxx uske liye sabhi ka.. To jada bore na krte huye ab story pe ata hu.. Jab...

2 years ago
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Amy Awakened

( A Les Lumens Story ) Amy awakened, startled by the phone ringing, and picked it up. She smiled at the computer screen in front of her, seeing exactly the same message that Jason delivered to her when she brought the phone to her ear. “Go to bed. You’re falling asleep in that chair.” “Sorry,” Amy responded, twirling a lock of her brown hair on her finger, tingling all over from the sound of his voice. “It’s okay. Talk to you tomorrow?” “Sure. Thanks again for listening.” “Not enough...

3 years ago
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Black List V AscensionChapter 17

Agent Spencer Reeds and Agent Julie Branon hitch a ride aboard the USS Flaxfire. Grines calls in a couple of favors to get the two aboard the submarine and into the Arctic Ocean undetected. The submarine is equipped with the latest in stealth technology enabling it to get within a half mile of the oil platform. Spencer and Branon go out in a prototype wetsuit, designed to withstand extreme cold temperatures and a compact rebreather each. The swim to the oil platform goes smoothly. Other than...

3 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 9

There are a lot of things boys don't know about girls. Some of that is by design. We want to be 'mysterious'. It helps keep boys interested. They talk about us, sometimes in exasperation, but they pay attention. No girl likes being ignored or taken for granted. Some of the things boys don't know about girls is because we don't know them ourselves. Or if we do, we can't explain. Take physical sensation. Sure, I know what it feels like to have a cock slide into me, or have my nips...

2 years ago
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The DareChapter 4 Wednesday

> > : “You know, I was looking over the pictures you sent, I bet if you sit just right they won’t ever know you don’t have pants on. Kinda cool, right?” It was the next day, and Talia had quickly logged in and opened up a chat with ChuckBC. She had closed her door last night after dinner, and while rereading their roleplay and related chat, masturbated furiously to one of her best orgasms in a long time. To say she was eager to meet Chuck was a bit of an understatement, though she...

3 years ago
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The Restaurant

I received the text message. Straight to the point as always. "Dinner at Speranza's. 8pm. Dress to impress. Ms S." No 'are you free tonight?' or 'do you fancy going for a meal?' With Susie, or Miss Susie as she liked to be called, she expected you to be at her beck and call whenever she wanted you. And the truth was, I did so want her and I knew I was competing with others for her attention all the time. Susie had a list of girls and didn't care letting you know just who she'd been with the...

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Seduced by Ren Rika

Let me first introduce myself, I am Johnny James, I am in highschool and I am kind of a real nerdy kid, never had big muscles anywhere, never had many friends but the few friends I have are just like me, my newest friend had just moved in next door to our home. I first met Ren Rika at my home when she and her parents moved in next door. At first I just thought she was a beautiful teenage asain girl, she and her parents seemed really nice, we invited them over for lunch a week after they had...

2 years ago
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Worshipping at the Porcelain Alter

After an hour in the sun her tan was beginning to show. Laying on her stomach it was clear her bikini was too small: about a third of her ass cheeks had rolled deliciously from the folds of her swimsuit. And tiny beads of sweat had collected along the back of her gorgeous smooth thighs."Goddamn I wanna cum in you, wanna cum in you,” he chanted in a hush, staring at the patio where his daughter was sprawled on a lawn chair. For the past 4 years, since she turned 10, her petite curves had made...

3 years ago
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Love 8211 A New Beginning

So for the First time in the history of Indian Sex Stories two authors join together and bring you a series. Get ready to enjoy yourselves. “Ahh Rajeev sweetheart let me write please, I promise to make this up to you as soon as I finish the exam” whispered Naina to Rajeev who had finished his last semester paper and submitted it already, both Naina and Rajeev were sitting in the last seat together, the invigilator could just not see what they were doing below the desk, he was actually moving...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Melina Mason Big Tit POV Masterstroke

Blue eyed brunette Melina Mason brings her T & A riches to Manuel in this last scene from “Dirty Talk #7”. Our lucky Frenchman gets a quick verbal/visual tease from ample Miss Mason. She plops out her huge, plump melons which cause one to pause… Melina then drops down and gives Manuel a BJ. She quickly brags that her tits are perfect for a fucking and Ferrara starts a pumping. After riding Manuel and boasting about cumming, Melina says she wants to point her ass in...

3 years ago
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Kamli my best friend2

Hi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. Your comments have made me bare all my secrets. Now I am going to narrate my second encounter with kamli which I had experienced just a couple of years after college before my marriage. I was 26 years old then. Just to recall how kamli looked. Kamli, my best friend got married 7 years ago, she has two sons. Off late I became very interested in her and wanted to fuck her. I wanted to make the wildest sex with her and used to masturbate in her...

4 years ago
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Experiment with moms friend becomes more

Once I had tasted a woman for the first time, I was never the same. I haven't looked at women the same since that night. And it didn't take long for my first experience to lead to my next. My mom's friend, Margie, was only too happy to insure that my young pussy stayed wet. The first weekend after I first tasted her breast, Margie was ready to expand my horizons.Sara and I had grown accustomed to her sleeping over, though my mother and her were never overtly affectionate in front of us and...

4 years ago
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Covet Thy Neighbors Son Part 2

Co-written by Jaymal and Black Velvet “You are not going back to that woman’s house.” The statement came apropos of nothing over breakfast. Brandon paused, a forkful of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth. “Mom …” “Don’t go thinking it. I can see you are and you’re forbidden.” “Mom, I wasn’t thinking anything.” “I’m not having her open the door to me again dressed like that for all the neighbors to see …” “It was a summer’s day. So she wore a bikini.” “With my own son as good as...

3 years ago
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Dots and Dashes of ColorChapter 8

Harry snored like a buzzsaw. Maybe that's the way I sounded to Harriett. Lord knows she complains about it enough. Just a hint of sunlight plus a full bladder were enough to get me out of bed. The toilet flushed like a monsoon, but Harry was out like a light. No wonder, all of the exercise he got with our three girls the previous evening. It was too early to eat, so I decided to use the swimming pool before it got crowded or turned into an orgy. Not that I didn't want a good fuck. The...

1 year ago
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Animal Behavior

The hyenas were getting closer by the second, but being tied spreadeagled to stakes on the ground I could do nothing about it.In the near distance a roar from a lion, praying to god it’s a male lion and not a hunting female.Off in the far distance the drone of a motor hopefully coming to rescue me from my predicament. If only I had listened to Pieter and waited for the other guys to return from the big rugby match in Johannesburg before going to retrieve the drone I was using to track the...

3 years ago
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Yes Friends With Benefits Works

So when I talk about myself, it should be very open and detail at this place because I know the people who will read this, they should relate this to themselves and enjoy until they have a strong orgasm. Myself Aarush I’m 24 from Mumbai, belongs to a middle class family and that’s why I’m trustworthy and loyal in such a private things. I have had experienced a very deep romantic sex with 4 women’s and almost 13 times and believe me guys I’m still a single guy because I don’t believe in fake...

2 years ago
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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 25

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed By ElrodW A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. His life is about to change in ways that could redefine him in ways he could have never imagined. Chapter 25 - Delivery again Tommi's world is turning upside down as the semester ends. To add to her troubles, she's due again. The 'Operation Rescue' story universe...

3 years ago
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The first time Abi touched me

It was a warm sunny afternoon in July and I was feeling more happy than I had in a long time. After breaking up with Tom I hadn’t really felt like doing anything. I slipped on my bikini and strolled down to the beach. I sat on the promenade and watched the world go by. The feeling of the warm sun on my skin and cool sea breeze made me smile. ‘What a beautiful day,’ I heard a female voice saying my thoughts out loud. It was a tall blonde girl, early twenties, beautiful, around my age. I smiled...

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There She Was

There she was.As a young man she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. She was the subject of every fantasy, every naughty dream and every relieved hardon.At 26 my step fathers sister was a good 11 years older than me but that did not stop me hoping that she saw in me everything I saw in her.How I would look forward to those moments when she would stay over and I would hope for a glimpse of her in a state of undress or even better that she may decide to sneak into my room and slip of her...

4 years ago
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Fucking A Sexy Girl Neha At Metro

Hi, my name is Aditya mittal and ,i am a huge fan of ISS , ISS is a very good platform to share the sexual experiences ,sex is an divine experience , and since school days i have many memorable sex experiences .. It was last Sunday in the month of November and for the office work i was going to C.P , at AIMS metro station , a very sexy girl entered the metro , the metro was jammed packed , and the girl find the place to stand just few inches from me . at next station a pack of people enter...

3 years ago
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Gangbang Of Slutty Lavanya 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone. I am Rohan, 20M, new here. This is my first story, and the first part. I will soon publish the remaining parts and write kinkier stories on different categories, including personal experiences. I usually write in detail, so let me know if you would want me to change my style. Mail me at for anything ;) Enjoy. Lavanya woke up early that morning. She could not sleep well, knowing well what a fantastic day it was going to be. She searched around for her alarm clock, and saw there...

4 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 14 I Am From The Government

"I'll be next door if you need me," I told him. He nodded, told me, "I have things to clear up here. Go ahead." He stood there, a man deep in thought. I returned to Bobbie, not knowing what to do next. I was frightened and became more so by the minute. I was afraid something would happen to her. Of course I was frightened for me too, but her safety lay uppermost in my mind. We had to either find a fast solution, which seemed unlikely, or we had to disappear. The third alternative was...

3 years ago
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Bookstore Fun

I woke up on Thursday morning horny and going through porn withdrawal. I did some chores around the house, and then called to see if I was needed for work that day which I wasn't. I decided to head out to one of the better adult bookstores in Parkersburg. When I pulled in there were only a few cars so I grabbed some quarters and headed inside. A little about me first, I am six feet tall with a good size dick and nice tight ass. I have brown hair and green eyes and am always noticed whereever I...

3 years ago
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Morning Wakeup

This morning,my girl was really sweet.She was turned at our bedroom mirror and windows,asleep.The sun was coming through the trees outside. It was dark.Her hair was fluffy and messy on her pillow.She was hugging her pillow.Her arm underneath.Her soft little ass was touching me.Her leg was strait and the other fell off the bed.I move to her and put my arm around.I smelled her hair.Her morning breath is a little bitter but smelled like grass and milk,like always

4 years ago
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Behosh Chachi Ko Raat Me Chod Kar Ke Pregnant Kiya Aur Recording Bhi Ki

Mera naam Ishant aur mai 3rd year ka student hun.. Mai roz porn dekh kr masturbation krta hun jiske kaaran mera lund ek dum mota ur kada ho gya hai…. Koi bhi lady mere id ish pe iss kahani ka feedback bhej skti hain… Ye kahani meri mast sexy moti chachi shweta ki hai. To pehle main unka figure bata dun unki age 35 se 40 ke beech ki hai.. Unki tummy thodi bahar hai.. Unki chuchiyan thodi choti hai lekin usnki gaand hadd se badi hai.. Jab rste pe chlti hain to log zarur unhe dekhte hai… To aate...

4 years ago
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Mamaseer eto madhu 3

“Tak-Dhina-dhina-dhina, Goria re Goria re….., Sajnare re Sajnare re” —- Juhi Chawla, Jacki Srof Avinito Hindi ‘Aaina’ Film-er ai Gaan dekhchilam DVD-te. Darun sexy Naach ai gaane aachhe. Pathak-Pathika-ra ‘Aaina’ Film-ta Jogar kore ai gaan-ta dekhle bujhte parben. Juhi Chawla O taar shakhi-ra Blouse-Petticoat-er moton khub sexy dress pore paachha duliye darun nach-korech. Oh darun ekta sexy naach- aamar khub priyo, bichhanay shuye ai nach dekh-te dekh-te Lingo muthoy chepe dhore, Ling’er upore...

1 year ago
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Vintage 8mm Porn

The very first depictions of humans having sex were plastered on cave walls thousands of years ago. These crude sketches weren’t much to look at, but they were enough to light a fire under cavemen’s balls. Sure, it does nothing for us now, but we owe those ancient cave painters a debt of gratitude. Were it not for the groundbreakers; I couldn’t be watching two red-headed midget sisters scissoring on top of a taxidermied wildebeest right now.I wonder what cavemen used for lube back in the day....

Vintage Porn Sites
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Ever felt like you were in need of a website that is going to present you with all sorts of content for free while having one of the most pleasing aesthetics as possible? If so, that’s a pretty specific thing to need, but luckily ticks all of those boxes for you with ease. You won’t believe some of the amazing things that you can see on here, and it’s all free. There’s just so much to see on here that you’ll definitely fall in love with There’s just no way that you...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Becoming A Slut Wife Hetty

Hetty had been a cock teaser for as long as I had known her and that had been since the third grade. As she grew too old to play 'doctor' and as her body blossomed she took to wearing short skirts, tight sweaters, low cut blouses and whatever else it took to titillate the boys. As a teen she dated a lot and a lot of guys had some pretty hot times with Hetty, but she always stopped short and send her dates home with a case of blue balls. You would think that with that reputation the boys would...

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Jasmines Flower

The warm morning sun started to filter through the curtains of the bedroom window, the rays chased up the side of the bed and fell on Jasmine’s exposed silk slip and crept across her back. Jasmine lay there asleep with the sun warming her ever so gently, her dream had her placed in the arms of her naked lover whom held her spooned into a comfort of bliss. She began to nestle her athletic curved cheeks against her man’s slumbering member until she would feel it start to waken as well. With the...

1 year ago
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May Today Become The Day

It was a dark morning. The grey clouds were starting to gather in the sky, promising a lot more than just a normal rainy day. Perfect, I thought to myself, suits my mood absolutely. Why did everything have to go wrong? I asked myself silently. I was so happy yesterday, waiting for tonight with more enthusiasm I had had in a long time. Well that’s what you get for falling for a man so quickly, Holly, you naive little girl, I chastised myself. You should know better by now. Indeed I should, for...

1 year ago
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PornPics Interracial

If you think that there is no place for porn pictures in this day and age, well, I want to call you a fucking idiot, but I cannot really blame you for thinking that. With so many on-demand streaming services and a wealth of free tube sites that offer so much pornography that it’s fucking impossible for one person to see everything, I can see why so many people may think that porn pictures are dead. But let me tell you something, you basic son of a bitch: they’re not!It’s just as satisfying to...

Interracial Porn Sites
3 years ago
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A House DividedChapter 2

I know what I want and this ain't it! After I had dropped Jo off at the airport, I went back to my office and called the home catering service again to make sure our first meals would be delivered tonight. I'm no cook and it wasn't likely I'd have the time or inclination to learn in the next months. We couldn't eat at restaurants every night, so, at Jo's suggestion, I called a home catering service and discussed a series of menus for our evening meals. We could cope with breakfasts and...

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A Life in the ServiceChapter 3 Scout Recon

I had two days before the transport left heading out to the station where fifth regiment was based. During transit I wore my class C dress uniform which was more comfort than the other two. It consisted of soft dark blue pants with a thin sleeved dark blue turtle neck. On the plus side I did not have to wear my awards so everyone and their sister did not go to attention and salute me when they saw me. I walked off the shuttle with returning men and women. I was pulling my EQ and weapon’s bag...

4 years ago
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One of My Sluts

I have a few regular gurlfriends. I love slutty sub CDs and TVs. I love to fuck them. I also love to dress them up and to tie them up. This story was sent to me by one of my gurl friends, She is a mature submissive slut. She loves to be fucked in bondage. I have never met her wife although I have seen videos of him with a woman who was getting gang-banged.This is a True story about me, and how I became a cross dresser cuckold slutYears ago, when I got married, my sex life was amazing and a bit...

1 year ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 47 Glenda Harpers Confession

The ‘spurtin’ at Camp Starkers that Bill Snypes, the groundsman, was predicting did come but not immediately. Once all the visitors had taken the Reverend Unsworth’s lead and taken their clothes off things seemed to just proceed in an ordinary fashion like any other Summer Camp - apart from the fact that everyone was walking about in the nude. That was a very new sensation for this church group but one that they seemed to take to much more easily than anticipated. For the naked Jessie Harper...

2 years ago
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The Abhorrent Abortion

The Abhorrent AbortionPage 1.        It wasn't just a sin in the making.        It was a disgrace on the scale of a crime against humanity, against all womanhood and motherhood, of something so terrible and incomprehensible that it begged the bounds of imaginable perversions and scraped over into the unspeakable, that in that it should not have been thought nor said, let alone set down in written words to be indelibly, irrevocably recorded.        This is such an account and as such, dear...

1 year ago
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The Bosss Daughter Ch 1 The Beginning of the madness

I was fresh out of job and needed money. Collin and Alexis’s parents offered me a job with the business they all owned together. I had worked there a summer when I was 14, but like most 14 years olds fresh into the work world, you can say my work ethic was less than stellar. However now they had seen me grow up, and mature. They knew now that I was a brutally hard worker, and would do whatever, whenever and work my ass off tell it was done. The great thing was winter had just begun,...

4 years ago
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240 A Dairy conversion 10

240 A Dairy conversion (10)We now had a weekend till Ann went back to work and Sam to his home to pack up and sort out, plus doing his last few shifts, I, meanwhile, called the dog trust saying that the first two kennels were ready and that weather permitting we would be finishing the other two the next week. Timothy the local agent for the trust promised us a couple of bales of straw for bedding, some blankets bowls and the like if we could collect it and he had a dog that was causing chaos in...

3 years ago
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Like RabbitsChapter 1

Carson Vilche stands in front of the mirror of the bathroom, looking himself over. “I can’t believe this...” he says to himself. “Maybe I should have listened to the rules...” He sighs. There is no going back, not for a while. The rules she offered to explain that he refused to listen are in his brain now. He knows every one of them like he knows his name. One of those rules is a simple one: find six companions to spend your time with between Easters. He laughs at this thought. What he finds...

2 years ago
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Wedding Day

The agreement was very simple. Daddy will pay off my student loans, and provide me with all the food and shelter I ever need, but in exchange, I give up all control over my life and serve his every whim. I'd be his willing domesticated slave "girl" and earn my rent by sleeping with him and his friends as he saw fit. And in order to seal the deal. He demanded that I marry him. I took months of video chatting to make up my mind. but I eventually agreed. a fresh start with all my needs met and sex...

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An Unwanted AliasEpilogue

Hong Kong Five years later The thick, silvery-white clouds overhead seemed on the verge of giving rise to a rain shower, but I paid them no mind as I rode contentedly through a park that was an oasis of calm and quiet in this bustling, densely populated city. It was around four in the afternoon, and school was out for the day. I was enjoying one of the true luxuries of living in close proximity to my place of employment: the ability to commute by bicycle. More often than not, that's what I...

3 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 6 Pirates

The alarm in Jason’s ear began to blare loudly. He dragged himself out of bed but was quickly fully awake. “Alert pirate warning, imminent attack in seventeen minutes, report to weapons console on the bridge. This is not a simulation or an exercise.” Jason looked at his watch. It was 3 AM. Jason stood in the battle dresser, as it put him in his combat armor and helmet. Someone must have communicated where they were heading, must have accessed the navigation plan, and communicated the...

4 years ago
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Marys Eyes are Open

Mary Grives is a 38yrs. mother of two great wife church going woman. She has a body of a normal lady about 34C tits and waist I guess at maybe 30 but a grade AA ass. She works as a waitress in a local dive when her daughters aren't being driven to school are volleyball games. Her hubby is 39yrs. a hard working banker in the next town he works late and plays hard so she fends for the girls and herself most of the time. It's about 6pm the middle of the supper rush at the dive and Mary has six...

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