Hi Beautiful free porn video

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Note to the Reader: This is a romantic short story about plus sized woman and the man who thinks she is beautiful. It’s the first non-erotic story I’ve posted, and the first story I’ve posted in a long time. I hope you enjoy it.

Please send feedback.


‘Hi Beautiful,’ Bill said, watching Caroline’s shapely calves climb the steps of the bus before meeting her gaze. Her dark brown eyes peeked up at him from behind her long, thick lashes. A blush crept onto her cheeks and her lips curved into the cutest little embarrassed smile. Bill waited for this look every day. His heart lurched every time.

Today, her long dark brown hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. Bill liked it better when it hung loose, long and straight over her shoulders and down her back. But the ponytail did serve to expose more of the youthful, creamy soft skin he yearned to touch. Just once he wanted to touch her skin. Just to know – did it feel as soft as it looked?

‘Good morning, Bill.’ The blush still in her cheeks, and her eyes too embarrassed to meet his directly. She looked at the nametag on his uniform instead. She flashed him her monthly pass and proceeded to one of the nearby seats.

Bill’s eyes followed her via the rear view mirror. And what a nice rear view it was, he thought. Today she was wearing a skirt that only went a few inches below the knees. Caroline didn’t wear skirts often, so Bill wanted to drink his fill of her curvy calves, even if opaque, gray tights concealed all trace of skin.

The skirt was half of a professional business suit, covered by a navy blue spring coat. The ensemble merely whet his appetite, affording only the slightest hint of her shapely, rounded derriere.

‘Damn, she’s sexy!’ thought Bill as he eased the bus from the curb. Every day his attraction for her grew. How she could possibly be single, which he was quite sure she was, boggled his mind. If he’d wanted the answer, Caroline could have told him. It was simple — men didn’t make passes at girls with big asses. She was far too fleshy for modern beauty standards. As far as Bill was concerned, though, Caroline was a goddess. The only problem was, Bill lacked the testicular fortitude to make a move and ask her out.

Ordinarily Bill was not a poor communicator. As a bus driver, he talked to all kinds of people. But when it came to certain women – sexy, voluptuous women like Caroline — Bill was a lost cause. In the presence of a goddess like her, he could scarcely form three syllables. ‘Hi Beautiful,’ was four. It had taken him six months. And before he had recklessly uttered the words out loud, he had practiced in his head for well over a week.

In fact, when the words had slipped out, he had scarcely believed it. It had been her reaction that had confirmed that he had not merely spoken in his mind. First she had looked behind, so certain that he was talking to someone else. Upon turning back around to find his gaze focused on her, colour had crept into her cheeks, and that small, shy smile had graced her lips.

So, from that day on, whenever she boarded the bus, he greeted her that way, ‘Hi Beautiful,’ just to see her blush and smile before taking her seat. It was like a daily drug fix to an addict. To him, it seemed the best way to flirt, for now, even though he yearned for more.

How did one go about asking a beautiful woman on a date? Especially when the sole interaction Bill had with her was to greet her as she boarded the bus he drove. Oh, they did talk about all kinds of things as Bill drove the bus that took Caroline to work. About politics, current events, weather, music and movies and about Caroline’s geriatric neighbours in her apartment building who often boarded the bus with her. But to Bill, asking Caroline if she wanted to go out for a coffee sometime was like asking her to sacrifice a body organ.

Weeks passed and Bill’s need to make a move became stronger, to eliminate the status quo, to get some kind of response, even if Caroline turned him down, which he feared. But the problem remained, how? How did he ask her out when the only time he saw her was on the crowded bus in the morning? What was worse, in another week, his schedule was changing. He was being transferred to another route. How would he stand not being able to even see her! To miss his daily dose of her sweet smile!

The Friday of his last day driving Caroline’s route, as he drove up to her stop, he saw Caroline standing with Mrs. Sweeney, one of his other favourite riders. Caroline lived in an apartment building that housed several elderly dwellers. Caroline was friendly with almost all of them and they viewed her like a daughter. Now, as the bus pulled up, Caroline held on to Mrs. Sweeney’s arm and guided the woman safely up the steps.

‘Good morning, Mrs. Sweeney. Hi Beautiful,’ Bill greeted, watching Mrs. Sweeney lean her tiny, frail frame against Caroline’s stronger, padded one. ‘You’re out awfully early this morning. Where are you off to?’

‘Good morning, Bill dear. Another doctor’s appointment. No doubt more pills he wants me to take. As if I don’t take enough already,’ the old woman muttered in her craggily voice.

Bill waited to ensure that both women were safely seated before he eased the bus away from the curb. The smooth transition was not lost on the geriatric woman who remarked to Caroline, loud enough for Bill to hear, ‘Bill is my favourite driver. He always takes care of us, doesn’t he Caroline?’

Seeing his opportunity to convey his bad news, he replied, ‘This is my last day on this route for awhile, Mrs. Sweeney. I’ll be working the afternoon on a different route. I won’t see you.’ He gazed at Caroline in the rear view mirror.

‘Oh dear! No Bill? It just won’t be the same, will it Caroline? We’ll miss our Bill.’

‘Yes, we will miss him. No one treats us quite like he does,’ Caroline replied, catching Bill’s eyes in the mirror for a split second before he resumed focusing on the road ahead.

When they arrived at the depot, Bill gave Caroline a farewell wave as she descended the steps. ‘Bye Beautiful.’

‘Bye Bill. Hopefully we’ll see you back on this route soon,’ she replied, giving him one last lingering smile. He watched her walk away and tried to imprint every detail into his memory: the curve of her round rear in the navy pantsuit she wore, the gentle, intoxicating sway of her hips as she walked, the teasing tendrils of hair that blew in the breeze and tickled her cheek, the way she fiddled with the strap of her purse when it kept falling off her shoulder. Who knew when he would see her next? And would he be able to make a move then?

Week after torturous week passed. Finally the opportunity arose for Bill to drive Caroline’s bus again. It was a rainy, Friday afternoon and the original driver had called in sick. In all likelihood, Bill would be driving when she took the bus home after work. So, every time he pulled the bus to the curb at the depot, he watched through the rain for her to emerge. But, after several hours, the goddess he longed to see had not appeared. By seven, he had almost given up hope. It was, after all, a Friday night. Perhaps she had plans. Maybe a date who had picked her up right from the office? Just the thought of her giving that beautiful, blushing smile to someone else made him sick.

Then, like an oasis in the desert, she appeared like a rainbow in the rain. She hustled to the bus, her head down, dodging the puddles that had formed on the uneven pavement. She boarded the bus without even glancing up.

‘Hi Beautiful,’ Bill said, unable to keep the huge grin from his face, waiting for the blushing smile he coveted.

But instead of her usual blush and sweet smile, she scoffed, ‘I’m not beautiful, not even close.’ Without a smile or another word, she flashed her pass and slumped into one of the nearby seats.

Then, realizing her blunt and unnecessary rudeness, she looked up at Bil
l who seemed to be concentrating fully on the steering wheel. He looked embarrassed, as if he’d been scolded. The tips of his ears were red.

‘Bill, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. The week has been awful. I’m late getting off, I missed the last bus by five minutes, I haven’t eaten since breakfast, I’ve been surrounded by incompetent, yet ungrateful coworkers all day, and I’m whining…’ she trailed off and sighed again. ‘What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be on another route for awhile?’ She tried to read his expression but he kept his gaze fixed ahead. She could only see part of his face in the rear view mirror. She was making a royal mess of things. ‘I don’t mean to sound like I’m not glad to see you. It’s a pleasant surprise, honestly, to see a friendly face on a bad day. It’s unfair for me to take my bad day out on you. I’m going to be quiet and let you take me home now.’

Finally he turned to her and smiled. ‘Caroline, it’s okay. Gerald, the driver who was supposed to be here, called in sick. I was called and offered overtime to take his place. I’ve been deprived of all your familiar faces so it wasn’t hard to agree. I’m off in another hour. No big deal.’

For the remainder of the ride, Caroline updated Bill on the status of the regular passengers and her geriatric neighbours. The bus was almost empty by this point. The elderly riders were long home by this late in the day. She was the sole passenger when the bus arrived at her stop.

‘Thanks Bill,’ she said, getting up from her seat and gathering her umbrella and purse. ‘It’s been nice to have you on our route again, even if only for a day. My mood is much better than when I boarded at the depot.’

She reached the doors, which remained closed in front of her. She swiveled at the waist to look at Bill curiously, to see what was wrong with the doors. Bill stared at her intently.

‘Uhm, Caroline, would you, ah, care to go out for a drink or something? To ease the stress of your day?’ he stammered, speaking quickly. ‘Unless you already have a date. It is late notice on a Friday night.’

Caroline blinked. Had he just asked her on a date? A date. That was a dried fruit, wasn’t it? She had never, ever, been asked on a date before. The idea thrilled and terrified her. To think, all she had wanted to do was make a frozen dinner and fall asleep in front of the television. She looked at Bill. He looked like he fully expected her to refuse. Did that mean he didn’t really want to go out with her? But if he didn’t, why had he asked? His face looked pained, as if the wait for her response was agonizing.

‘No, I don’t already have a date.’ The sheer idea was laughable. ‘I’d like that.’ She smiled. He looked relieved, yet somehow more nervous than before.

‘Great! Can I pick you up at nine-thirty?’

Two hours later, Bill nervously buzzed the number of her apartment intercom in the lobby of her building. Her sweet voice came crackling out of the speaker and she let him up.

When she opened the door, her beauty freshly overwhelmed him. Her dark hair was loose about her shoulders and it shone with vitality. Her lips, well, he wanted to kiss them. To smudge the lipstick that outlined them to such a pouty perfection. Rather than the professional business attire he was accustomed to seeing her in, now she wore dark denim jeans and a red v-neck sweater. The tip of the v just hinted at the valley of her cleavage. That demure hint of creamy flesh teased him more than seeing her in a bikini would have done. The thought of her in a bikini was too much to even contemplate.

He wished he wasn’t grinning like a fool, but he was unable to wipe the huge smile from his face. As nervous as he was to be on a date with her, he was overjoyed knowing that, yes, here he finally was.

‘Hi Beautiful,’ he said softly. He was uncertain what her reaction would be after the earlier one on the bus. But, she bestowed him the look he craved: the blushing smile, which, for weeks, he had seen only in his dreams.

Caroline had never seen Bill without the gray bus driver uniform. He looked more spectacular than she had expected. If not for his voice and face being familiar, she might not have recognized him. He was taller than she would have guessed. At least over six feet. The black shirt he wore looked soft and comfortable beneath the open leather jacket. She hadn’t observed his face closely enough earlier, but he appeared cleanly-shaven. His hair was just long enough to hit the back of his collar. Like her, he wore jeans. His friendly eyes smiled at her from behind his wire-framed glasses. She smiled back.

‘Let me get my jacket.’ Before he could offer to hold it out for her, she had shrugged into the sleeves. She wasn’t used to having a man offer to help her with her coat.

When they reached his car in the parking lot, he opened the passenger side door and held it open for her, allowing her to slip into the bucket seat of the 2-door coupe.

As he scooted around to the driver’s side, she watched him unobserved. He had a very cute butt for someone who sat on it all day. A cute guy had asked her on a date. It seemed surreal. What was even more astounding, Bill was a cute and nice.

He smiled again as he ducked his head deftly to avoid the roof as he sat. ‘I was thinking we could go to Seraphina’s if that’s okay with you?’

Caroline had only been to Seraphina’s once. From what she could recall, it would be an ideal place for a first date. Not too formal, but not too loud. ‘Sure, sounds great!’

As they drove, Caroline subtly observed her date. Bill was such a competent driver. He shifted the gears without the slightest hitch. Driving was such a natural act for him. It was something that attracted her to him. He was competent, and it put her at ease, feeling that he could handle things. She watched his hand resting on the gearshift lever. It was such a nice, masculine hand, with thick fingers and prominent knuckles. There was a light smattering of hair across the back of the palm, and the skin was smooth. She had always been especially attracted to powerful, masculine hands. Bill’s hands were absolutely dreamy.

He smelled terrific. That was another thing that drew her in. She had never been able to tell before, but in the close confines of the car, she detected the scent of his after-shave. It was a fresh, clean scent. Not overpowering, just subtly attractive, like she was finding all of him to be.

When he parked at Seraphina’s she got out of her door to notice him coming around to her side, holding the door she had already opened. ‘I-I’m sorry,’ she stammered. ‘I’m not very used to this whole date thing.’ Her cheeks coloured.

Bill grinned. Oh that blush! It rocked his world. ‘I don’t really date much either.’ He shrugged.

Seraphina’s had a unique atmosphere for a bar. It was dispersed with couches and chairs along with the tables. There was a jukebox along with some pool tables and games. They were lead to a booth at the back of the bar and Caroline was aware of Bill’s presence behind her as they walked to their table. She felt the barest touch of his hand against the small of her back as they weaved through the people and furniture. That feather-light touch awoke all the nerve endings of her skin. She didn’t recall being so sensitive before. Was it simply because this was a date that the touch seemed more intimate and her body reacted so?

Their table was a cozy booth near the back of the bar. The music and noise didn’t seem to penetrate as much here, so they would be able to talk without shouting. The lighting was rather dim — the only direct light in their booth came from a dim bulb in the ornate wall sconce. So there they sat, facing one another across the table, and the first signs of first-date awkwardness began.



They both began to talk at once, trying to break the moment of unsure silence. Then they both grinned.

‘You first,’ said Caroline.

‘I’m really glad you agreed to come out tonight. I was so afraid you would say no,’ he said, watching himself fidget with his hands. ‘Don’t be so nervous, you dolt!’ he scolded himself inwardly. He rested his palms on the table and looked across at her.

Caroline smiled. ‘I’m glad you invited me. I didn’t have any other plans. I was just going to watch some tv and go to bed early.’ Even as she spoke she cursed herself. ‘You moron! Make it sound like the only reason you agreed was because there was nothing good on television!’ She blushed and began to play with her napkin.

‘I’ve wanted to ask you out for a long time. I never had the opportunity. Or the courage,’ he admitted sheepishly. ‘But when I saw you tonight after not seeing you for weeks and not knowing when I’d see you again, I had to.’ He watched her face, which had looked up at him in surprise.

‘Really?’ She blushed. He’d wanted to ask her out for a while? Wow! The thought was a bit unnerving, but more so flattering. ‘I’m really glad you did, Bill.’ She gave him a warm toothy smile.

And with Bill’s confession, the awkwardness passed. Within moments they were chattering as if they had been best friends forever, rather than the relatively distant relationship of bus driver and passenger.

They talked about everything. They covered their respective personal histories, families, jobs, likes and dislikes. They laughed and joked. They debated politics and religion. They scoffed at each other’s taste in books and agreed over music. They even talked about past romantic relationships and why they hadn’t worked out. Then they talked about what each wanted for the future.

All the while they talked, Caroline’s attraction for Bill grew. She watched him as he spoke, fascinated by the simple movement of his lips. She couldn’t seem to stop smiling. While in a drab, gray uniform behind the wheel of the bus, he had seemed so ordinary. But across from her in Seraphina’s he was more and more charismatic with each passing moment.

Out of the blue she said, ‘Bill, I’m really glad you asked me. I would have never had the nerve to ask you. I’m having a great time.’ Her smile lit up her face.

Bill beamed back. Yes, she was beautiful, a goddess. And as much as he had been attracted by her curvaceous appearance before, now he had confirmed that her beauty radiated from within as well. He was fully smitten.

When the waitress came over with the bill and informed them that the bar was closing, they were both stunned. Time had passed? Hadn’t their date just begun? How could they have talked for four hours? Was it really time for their date to end?

While Bill drove her home, Caroline realized how tired she was. She tried to stifle a yawn behind her hand, but Bill noticed.

‘Tired, eh?’

‘Yes. The long week is catching up with me,’ she admitted reluctantly. ‘But despite the hellish week, I like how it is ending.’ She looked at him and smiled.

‘Me too,’ Bill agreed, looking at her and flashing a grin before focusing again on the road.

At her apartment building, Bill parked the car. ‘I’ll walk you to your door. I wouldn’t want any of those perverted old men to accost you in the hallway,’ he said with a wink.

She giggled. ‘That’s very kind of you. Mr. Anderson can move quicker than you think with that cane.’

When they reached the door, Caroline unlocked it. ‘Would you like to come in?’ The thought of their date ending was depressing.

Bill smiled. ‘I’d love to, except I know you’re. Next time?’

‘Yes, definitely next time. But I’d better give you my phone number so there can be a next time,’ Caroline said more boldly than she felt. She had never so blatantly offered her phone number before. Who was she kidding, she had never offered her phone number to anyone, ever. She reached into the kitchen for a pad of paper and a pen. She jotted down the number and nervously handed it to him. Their nervous fingers touched over the exchange, jostling them both..

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Mind Control
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What You Wish For

Things have been a bit strained at home lately. Like I said, I've had to work long, often boring, hours, while Kait's job as a substitute middle school teacher gives her much more regular hours. I leave early and get home late and often bring work home. All-too-often by the time I get ready for bed, she's already asleep. Our lovemaking's suffered as a result. Don't get me wrong -- I've never had complaints from Kait or the couple of girls I bedded before her. I'm hung a very...

2 years ago
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Sexy Drive

I am sharing my fantasy here if anyone like the story feel free to email me at I am a very attractive woman, 36-25-26 is my size and i am –years old i guess no one need to know my age or single status!! We are here on this site to enjoy our sexual desires and by reading story we want to arouse our inner sexual sense so write me whatever u think after reading my story. I am quite pretty girl. 36-24-36, tall, fair and long silky hair, brown eyes just like Rani Mukharji!! That time I was in my...

1 year ago
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African slave Queendaughters dirty games

Note : This story is completely fictional! These are the adventures of Rachel Goodbody. Once a sexy reporter for a media giant; but now believed dead, lost with her film crew in an unfortunate air accident while deep in the African jungle. However she was not that lucky! And now she is the personal toy of the evil dictator she once crossed. If you would like to know how she started on this insane journey and what it took to get this over confident TV babe to become the "African Slave Queen"...

4 years ago
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HannahChapter 14 Fear and Friends

Friday, July 5th, 1996 We stayed near the cars for some minutes after Freddie left, trying to calm down and get our shit together. Charli was still crying off and on, and my wet crotch was irritating the hell out of me. The other partygoers gradually filtered back into the area and asked a ton of questions, none of which we were able to answer. Who could say for sure why the maniac had been pestering us, except for his obsession with Charli? Evan suggested he drive back to my house, and...

3 years ago
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Dragon Knight Val and the Imps

‘I could use the easy money...’ the young nineteen-year-old woman thought to herself, feeling how empty her coin purse was getting. She pulled the contract and made her way to the indicated point of contact, the village chief, to reserve it. … “Hmmm... Not to sound offensive or anything, but pretty strong warriors and the like tried taking on this contract and failed...” the Hestle village chief, Illari Kircland, expressed his doubt to the girl standing in his doorway. Val had...

3 years ago
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My plan for a threesome Part 1

Working on a plan to try a real threesome, I decided to include my neighbor and my gardener. My gardener is a good looking, hardworking man a few years older than me. I’ve enjoyed flirting and teasing him for quite some time and we obviously have an exciting connection. I knew from the occasional touches while working on a yard projects that there was a great electricity between us. I knew it had been a long time since he had been active with his wife in the bedroom due to lack of interest on...

4 years ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 6

“Outside, Now.” … Cassie’s fingers left my pussy empty as she walked away. I gasped as I came back to my senses. A couple seniors pushed Laurie and Alex towards the door, still naked. The warmth from the steam in the locker rooms kept our bodies completely damp. My wet hair clung to my back, and my pussy was wetter still. The trio of volleyball babes continued out into the hallway. I was the last to step out, feeling the cold air bite at my already hard nipples. The moment Laurie, who was...

3 years ago
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A Saturday Outing

Let us start with a brief description of myself. I am a quite tall, married, closet crossdresser in my 30s with very young children. Well not so much in the closet, I have told my wife and even dressed for her on a few occasions, but has made it clear she doesn't want me too. So I stay hidden with it while becoming more and more daring as I can with a wife that thinks she has had the last word on it and having small children about all the time. Well enough of the explaining on with the...

2 years ago
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The sexy women in my life

Hi, I am Kumar from Chennai. As usual, I got in to the Cycle Rickshaw which headed towards the convent where my elder sister was studying. Her school will close at 12 noon. I reached there by about 11.45. While waiting for her I took out the two books given to me stealthily by my friend Sohan that day morning. One of the book was an album containing photographs of couples fucking. The other one was a storybook. While looking at the photographs I got excited and my prick was slowly becoming...

3 years ago
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A boy in babeland chapter 15

Kim was now a few months gone in her pregnancy and Stacey was pregnant too, though it did take more then the first time that she and Lee tried. “So what do you want for Christmas?” April asked her brother as they lay in bed, their bodies a little sweat covered from the hour of wild sex they had just shared “Anything that you want to give me” he smiled as his lips moved down to her breasts, sucking the right nipple softly as she held his head in her hands and moaned softly “Hmmm I...

2 years ago
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The Good Dr Roberts

It started when my wife Kate’s very best friend Sonia came round to see us to tell us that she and her partner Alan had been to see an ‘alternative’ sex therapist. Alan is not the most dynamic of men so I wasn’t amazed at the news and I knew that Sonia would not be able to resist giving Kate all the details later and that Kate would tell me. There was much innuendo and giggling from Sonia and repeated recommendations that we should go and see this Dr Roberts. “Tony, it’s taken our sex life to a...

2 years ago
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Jane The Sequel

“Well, I don’t know about you, but after that fantastic experience, I’m ready to go all the way, lover. I ache to feel you inside me, and I’m not talking just about your fingers and tongue.” With that she kind of pulled us both over so that instead of lying across the bed, our legs dangling over the edge, we were more in the centre of the bed, lying up and down. She stayed on top and when we were comfortable, she started to kiss me again, a long sexy kiss, the tips of our tongues...

3 years ago
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Rite to Inherit

Anxiously, you paced the hallways of the manor you grew up in, waiting and watching the door to your beloved father's bedchamber. After what seemed like an eternity, the large door creaks open and your family's physician steps out to speak with you. Gently taking your hand, she speaks softly. "I'm sorry. He's comfortable for now, but there isn't much more I can do for him." Lowering her gaze a bit, she slowly let's go of your hand as she continues. "He's asked for you." As she moves past, you...

3 years ago
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This is a continuation of the 'Coming Home story Introduction In all there were four sisters. My mother and my aunt Betsy were the two oldest. When their twin sisters came along almost twenty years after Betsy the whole family was amazed. But it happened. Grandma had been fifty four when the twins were born. What I'm about to tell you isn't going to be easy for me. I've thought it over and the best way is to confess right up front. My relationship with my mother before her untimely...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Mae Milano Beautiful Mae Milano All To Yourself LIVE

Brunette hottie Mae Milano is ready to let her slut side out and can’t wait to see how you treat her by herself LIVE. She is looking beautiful in her lacy bra and panties but she knows you want her to get those off so you can see that sexy ass in all its glory while she masturbates in doggy. How do you like the view of that ass with a vibrator deep in her pussy clenching it so tight? Watch as Mae licks it clean with a smile. Now that is one tasty pussy. If only you could be here so she...

3 years ago
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mumbai ki sair2

Hello dost main fir se pesh hu apni story mumbai ki sair ka dursa part lekar asah hai aap logo ko pahale bhag me maza aayaya hoga. Hum log mousam se nikale the maine bunty se pucha aab kya bacha hai wo bola abhi puri mumbai baki hai.kuch hi duri par mousam se aage jate hue hum log EVEREST HOTAL me gaye waha hamari mulkat kittu naam ke ladke se wo mota aur nata tha us samaye karib 11.30 baj rahe the. humne us se kaha kuch hai kya wo bola aap sham ko aaiye humne kaha hume abhi wapsa jana wo bola...

4 years ago
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Tanya looked completely in shambles. She was only dressed in a shabby jacket from a uniform. Her face was tear stricken, her mouth was gagged, and on her legs were white blotches of something sticky. A lot of it. Her arms were handcuffed behind her back. Her expression was terror stricken. Tanya looked at the general with pleading eyes, desperately hoping he would help her, whimpering behind her gag. The scruffy condition of the white woman could not hide the fact, that she was very...

3 years ago
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Anjane Me Dost Ki Bahen Ki Chudai

Hi Dosto Sabko Meri Or Se Namskar………..me Rohti Gujrat se 26 saal ka hu.mene yaha pe 4 story meri likhi hai ye 5 vi hai. muje yakin hai aap sabko wo 4 story bahot hi pasand aai iss bar ye story bhi aap ko bahotpasand aayegi.agali 4 story me jin jin dosto or lady ne mail kiya hai un sab ko meri or se thanks… Mere bahot se dost hai par unmese bahot hi najdiki dost bahot kam hai.unme se 1 mera dost tha unka name hai jaypal hum dono bhai ke jese hai. mere gher wale or unke gher wale sambandhi ki...

2 years ago
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KimberlyChapter 9

For Kimberly it was a week like no other in her life. She felt like a married woman — a newlywed at that — and found she loved it. The first couple of evenings, she was dressed when Brad returned home, but that only lasted a few minutes each time. On Wednesday, she was nude when she greeted him at the door. In fact, she was now so accustomed to her nudity that she kept a terrycloth robe in the hall closet so she could slip it on when anyone — other than Brad, of course — came to the...

3 years ago
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ShawnChapter 22

I went out at dusk to hunt and plotted my course to efficiently get to any of the water holes in the vicinity. My eye had found most of the surrounding features and I took to the air to make better time. A sluggish river over twenty miles away, just over a high ridge, also gave me hope. The first oasis was certainly beautiful but didn't have that much in the line of large animals. I didn't want to deplete any particular area to feed our growing number. We had ten prisoners, 130 passengers...

4 years ago
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Love Child

Dr. Elaine Sullivan, head emergency doctor, looked at her watch. It had been a long night at Yorkview Hospital. She was relieved that she was finally off-duty. Depressed at the thought of going home to her empty apartment, she pondered her options. Quickly deciding on taking a walk, Elaine changed to her street clothes and headed for the door to exit the emergency unit. It was then that she met Corey Franklyn. Corey was rushing into emergency; his mother held onto him for support. ...

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Getting fucked when my asshole is already sore

As bottom men, often when we get fucked really good, we get a sore asshole. If the dick is big, long, rock hard and deep and the fucking goes from gentle to rough it's the price our assholes pay. If a well endowed man has a large head, it splits the asshole sphincters and opens up the rectum nice and wide which causes pain at first but immense pleasure inside the hole and against the prostate that often leads to incredible anal orgasms.If the dick isn't that big but the top has powerful...

4 years ago
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Bathtime Delight

Moira leaned back in her seat and stared at the traffic stretched out before her, the roofs of the multitude of cars glaring with the sun's blinding reflection. A pounding headache was beginning with a dull throb settled right behind her eyes, and she slumped in resignation. "Another day, another dollar, my ass," her mutter was quiet and she nearly gasped in joy as the traffic finally began to actually move in the lanes aside from the mind-numbing pace of stop-and-go. She turned the radio up...

2 years ago
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The 400 Year WarChapter 5 The English Colonies

-Chapters five and six will deal with the period of struggle between the American Indian Tribes and the European Settlers in the geographic confines of the thirteen original colonies during the period of their establishment beginning in the 1600s and up until the start of the French and Indian Wars in the mid-1700s. In the order of their establishment, the English settlements were: (1607) Virginia was the first colony established in the new American Colonies. It was founded by John Smith...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 8

Ken lay there listening to Jane's breathing. He could tell that, even in sleep, she was still feeling the effects of the sexual frustration he'd inflicted. She seemed very content in her suffering, though. Eventually, he too fell asleep. When Ken opened his eyes, he was somewhat disorientated. That only lasted until he saw Lea. "Greetings Kenneth. Are you ready to induct your High Priestess tonight?" As always, the effect she had on him was amazing. No matter how sated he was, she...

4 years ago
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The Art of Control

You wake up one Sunday morning, groaning to yourself as you remember that today is the day you promised you would begin cleaning out the attic for your parents.. After laying there awhile you finally get yourself motivated and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. After the shower, you look around the house and realize that everyone else must already have gone, at least for now. You shrug and make your way upstairs to begin the tedious job of cleaning out the attic. Once upstairs you...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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My Uncle Me

My parents had to leave out of the country on a business trip.  Both my parents worked together at that time.  It was May and I was still in school.  My parents didn't want to pull my out of school being that it was near the end.  My father called his sister, Sylvia, to see if they could come and stay at our house until school finished and then they would send for me.  My father had to pay her so she could stay at our house.  My aunt and uncle arrived on Sunday afternoon because my parents...

3 years ago
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Hot sexy and wild Roopam

Hi friends! I am Mrs. Roopam Aggarwal. My age is 25 years and people say that I am very beautiful. I even dreamt of becoming airhostess or to be a model. But as my family was conservative I could not go for that. That is why my marriage was planned by parents in Delhi. When my husband Anubhav saw me he at once said yes for marriage. My marriage is arranged marriage in Baniya Family. My husband is very rich businessman but not as handsome as I desired. I am a small town girl and my father is...

2 years ago
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Sweet Victory

The icy cold wind blew fiercely across the houses. Frost was already starting to appear on the windows. She stood in the kitchen looking out as she lazily put away the dishes she’d spent most of the afternoon washing. ‘Brrrrr, it’s freezing’ a voice said snapping her out of her thoughts. Gabriella turned around to see her brother wearing what looked liked his entire wardrobe. He looked comical and she couldn’t help but burst out laughing and nearly dropping a glass in the process. ‘Have you...

4 years ago
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Sugar Part 3

There were seven of us in the kitchen; Robbie and me; my brother Charlie and his wife Rose; my parents, and for some inexplicable reason, Scott. I wished he would leave. I’d been saved from talking to him by Mom’s interception but I knew Robbie could sense something was up and Scott was making me feel highly uncomfortable. He leaned against the fridge, sipping champagne and gate-crashing on what should have been a family catch-up.I say ‘catch-up’ but it was more of an interrogation. I don’t...

5 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 25

Roshan unke boobs ko apne hatho se masalne laga dhire dhire.Meri mummy apne hotho ko danto se dabaye. Roshan ne mummy ke boobs dabate hue kaha, “I want you fuck you whole night today.” Mummy ne kaha, “I have to go in some time. I just wanted to spent some quality time.” Roshan ne kaha, “No problem.” Boobs ko dabate hue usne hanste hue kaha, I will ask the same question whether you want to stay or go after some time.” Ye bat sunke meri mummy ne thodi smile ki. Bat karne ke dauran maine dekha...

2 years ago
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My first fuck

I was 18 the first time I had sex and it was with a married man twice my age. He had been giving me lifts home from work where we both worked for a few weeks. There was a long leafy road we drove down every day and that's where my sex life started.I had a couple of boyfriends from leaving school and we had kissed and I had my tits touched over my bra but nothing more, maybe that's why they never lasted. I wasn't going to give my virginity away so easily.The guy from work used to joke and flirt...

3 years ago
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bbMay and Bill request a Second Helping of Bu

Then next morning I found a text message from Bill."Thank you so much from me and May for such a wonderful experience. We would like to repeat the experience if possible as soon as you are free for an evening."I replied, "I very much enjoyed the experience too. I am free Wednesday evening, say about 7?"A quick reply, "7 Wed night same place. Bill will be late but May will be there at 7."I prepped as I did the last time, but now I knew who and what to expect. I added a few toys to my plans and...

2 years ago
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Monnies secret 2

The dream continued for Monnie, as each day passed, she thought more and more of him. She wondered what it would be like to touch him, to feel him and to taste him. He occupied her mind and her soul, she ached for him and yet she couldn’t understand why. Monnie left work and sat in her car, her hand reached for her handbag and opening it she took out the crumpled piece of paper. She held it in the palm of her hand, dare she call him? Maybe a text? Her heart raced, feeling like a schoolgirl she...

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